Carter Report, The

Romans Pt 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001827A

00:03 It has been called the greatest document
00:05 in the history of humanity.
00:06 Whenever and wherever people have studied
00:09 and accepted its teachings,
00:10 they have discovered hope,
00:13 life, peace,
00:19 prosperity, and deliverance from tyranny.
00:25 Welcome to Romans.
00:31 We give you a great welcome today.
00:34 We welcome you here in our studio
00:36 in Southern California.
00:37 And also our terrific audience
00:40 across the United States of America,
00:42 across North America, Canada,
00:46 down into the Caribbean, in Australia,
00:49 and right around the world.
00:51 Now, we have been studying the Book of Romans.
00:57 And Romans has been called the greatest masterpiece
01:03 that the human mind has ever conceived or realized.
01:08 The greatest book ever written in the history of the world.
01:12 Today, this is Romans, part 2.
01:15 Now, I want you to put yourself in my shoes.
01:19 Number of years ago, quite a few years ago...
01:24 A young man in the great city of Melbourne,
01:30 earnest young man,
01:33 came under the influence of some religious teachers.
01:38 This is young man in the prime of his life in university,
01:45 a very sensitive young man and he's told,
01:49 unless you become totally and absolutely sinless,
01:54 you can't be saved.
01:58 And this is drummed into him.
02:00 You've got to be perfect and you've got to be saved
02:04 through coming to God and becoming so surrendered
02:09 that you are absolutely sinless
02:12 as Christ was sinless.
02:16 And this young man went into his garage,
02:21 in the family house, and got in the family car,
02:25 and turned on the car,
02:29 closed up the garage and killed himself.
02:35 Now I was the pastor of a great church in Sydney.
02:40 It was called the Wahroonga Church.
02:43 Wahroonga is northern suburbs, Sydney.
02:46 Beautiful place. Just gorgeous place.
02:50 And I had hundreds, and hundreds,
02:52 and hundreds of young people in that church,
02:55 most of them from the Sydney Adventist Hospital,
02:58 a great institution.
03:00 And they had come
03:02 under the influence of strong religious teachers
03:06 who were telling them,
03:08 they had to be sinless before they could be saved.
03:14 Now I put it to you, what would you do?
03:20 What on earth would you do?
03:22 Would you give in to pressure and go with the crowd?
03:27 What would you do?
03:29 I will tell you, my friends, what I did.
03:32 I preached the Gospel of Christ,
03:36 because the Gospel of Christ
03:41 is good news.
03:44 I want you to know this
03:45 because most folks don't get it.
03:47 But you're going to get it.
03:51 The gospel is good news and it's not good advice.
03:57 Advice is what you ought to do.
04:00 Advice is doo, doo, doo, cock a doodle doo.
04:05 And there's a million preachers who are preaching good advice.
04:09 The gospel is not good advice, it is good news.
04:13 Now news is about something that someone has done.
04:20 And the gospel is the good news
04:23 about what God in Christ has done for us.
04:28 Now this is the great difference.
04:32 It's not about me.
04:34 Look at Romans 1:1 and 3.
04:38 And if you and I can get this today,
04:40 it's going to be a great relief.
04:43 And some are you sitting here today,
04:45 all of a sudden you're going to get a revelation,
04:48 and you're going to say, I've never seen that before,
04:51 I've been terribly burdened, I've been terribly worried.
04:54 Romans 1:1 and 3,
04:56 "Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ,
04:59 called to be an apostle,
05:01 separated to the gospel of God."
05:03 The good news of God.
05:04 And verse 3 says,
05:06 "Concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
05:10 who was born of the seed of David
05:13 according to the flesh."
05:16 Therefore, let this get down into our minds that gospel
05:22 is not about me, it is not about my performance.
05:28 Now people go, "That's what I heard."
05:29 No, the gospel is not about me,
05:32 the gospel is about God.
05:37 And it's good news.
05:40 Now last time I spoke,
05:41 I dealt with Romans chapter 1, 2 and 3.
05:46 If you missed that,
05:47 you can see it on Roku, go to our website,
05:52 watch it on Apple TV, see it on YouTube,
05:55 or Amazon Fire, and we have other stations too.
05:59 Today, Romans, this is going to be hard.
06:03 Romans 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 so help me.
06:09 Romans chapter 3 says
06:11 that we are justified by the grace of God.
06:15 Look at Romans 3:23,
06:20 dear hearts and gentle people.
06:23 The Bible says,
06:24 "For all have sinned and fall short
06:27 of the glory of God."
06:28 This is a text most people don't understand.
06:31 It says all have sinned.
06:33 The Greek say and the English says.
06:35 This is continuous.
06:37 This is perfect continuous, not past tense, all have sin,
06:41 that's past.
06:43 But this fall short is what is happening now.
06:47 The Bible teaches
06:48 that every person except Christ,
06:50 every person is falling short of the glory of God.
06:55 Now you said, no, no, that's,
06:57 not if I've been a Christian for 50 years,
07:00 I've finally attained...
07:03 No, that's not true.
07:07 You can argue with me,
07:08 but don't argue with the scriptures.
07:10 The Bible says,
07:12 we continue to fall short of the glory of God.
07:17 Now the Bible tells us this,
07:18 that in Adam we have all fallen.
07:24 This goes against the pride of the human heart,
07:29 especially the people who are super religious,
07:32 some of the most dangerous people
07:34 on the face of the earth,
07:35 the super religious, the Pharisees.
07:37 The Bible says,
07:39 "We are falling short of the glory of God."
07:42 This graph tells you,
07:45 here we are humanity is falling into the flames of hell.
07:51 And there is only one person
07:54 who's gone across this great chasm
07:57 and that is Jesus Christ.
08:00 And so the first truth is this,
08:03 there are no people in the world
08:06 who are good enough.
08:08 Look at verse 24.
08:10 And if I can get no other truth preach today,
08:13 I'll be glad.
08:14 Verse 24, "Being justified freely
08:18 by His grace through the redemption
08:22 that is in Christ Jesus."
08:23 Now you got to see this.
08:27 The word justify here
08:28 is very much akin to the word righteousness
08:32 in the Hebrew and in the Greek.
08:36 But when the Bible says, justify,
08:38 it means not to make righteous, but to declare righteous.
08:44 People say, "Oh, there's no difference."
08:45 There's difference between heaven and hell.
08:51 I want you to see this.
08:52 The word justify does not mean in spite
08:56 of a thousand sermons to the country.
08:59 It doesn't mean to make me righteous.
09:04 It means that God declares
09:07 that John Carter a penitent sinner
09:10 because of Christ is righteous.
09:16 Now you've all heard
09:17 of Mother Teresa whom we all love.
09:21 This great Roman Catholic nun
09:27 loved around the world.
09:28 After she died, they discovered her letters.
09:32 Mother Teresa was taught by the Jesuits.
09:38 You say, "So what? They're great people."
09:43 Mother Teresa was taught
09:45 that justification means to make righteous.
09:50 And Mother Teresa was continually depressed,
09:53 and in despair, and suicidal.
09:56 And she said, "She never saw once in her life
09:59 the loving face of God."
10:02 Have you heard of the Council of Trent?
10:06 After the Reformation,
10:08 the Jesuits were in charge of the Council of Trent
10:12 and they taught
10:13 that justification, listen carefully,
10:15 because maybe you believe this.
10:19 I've met many, many so called Protestants
10:23 who believe Jesuit theology.
10:27 The Jesuits taught that justification
10:30 was the work of the Holy Spirit in the soul
10:35 to make me sinless, so I could see the face of God.
10:41 But the awful thing is this.
10:43 When does a person in this lifetime
10:45 ever come to the state of sinless perfection?
10:50 Because you never know when you're good enough.
10:54 That's why so many people
10:55 I've met are depressed and unhappy
10:59 because they never know
11:02 they've been fed a lot of bad theology.
11:05 Now people get mad at me when I preach this sermon.
11:08 I say, "Don't get mad at me, get mad with Paul,
11:11 get mad with Christ."
11:13 Romans 3:25.
11:15 If you want to get angry,
11:18 get angry with your own thinking.
11:20 "Whom God set forth as a propitiation
11:24 and atoning sacrifice by His blood through faith,
11:30 to demonstrate His righteousness,
11:33 because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins
11:36 that were previously committed."
11:38 Now I don't have time to go into this.
11:41 It says that, "God might be righteous."
11:43 This is not a shrewdy. This is not a con job.
11:48 God cannot just forgive sin.
11:50 God cannot say,
11:51 "Well, look, you've all sinned."
11:53 Hey, forget about it. God's got to be righteous.
11:57 You know how God is righteous?
11:59 On the cross
12:02 He tastes His own wrath
12:06 against sin.
12:09 He pays the price.
12:12 He's a propitiation.
12:14 This word should not be translated expiation
12:16 as it is in some translation.
12:18 Propitiation.
12:21 So that He can be righteous
12:25 and I can be declared righteous.
12:31 It's almost too hard to believe.
12:33 That's why many people won't believe it.
12:36 Romans 4 says, "This is true. But it is not new."
12:42 Back in his day the Jewish people said,
12:44 "This is a big heresy.
12:46 This is the new theology. This is a new idea."
12:50 Remember, if it's new, it's seldom true.
12:53 And if it's true, it's seldom new.
12:56 And so now Paul says,
12:57 "Okay, I'm going to prove it to you
12:59 from the Old Testament."
13:00 Romans 4:2 and 3.
13:03 The first example, Abraham.
13:07 "If Abraham was justified by works,
13:10 he has something to boast about,
13:11 but not before God.
13:13 For what does the scriptures say,
13:15 'Abraham believed God,
13:16 and it was accounted to him for righteousness.'"
13:23 So this is not a poor lame doctrine in itself.
13:28 This is the very basis of the Old Testament
13:31 that we cannot be saved by law.
13:35 Romans 4:5,
13:37 the most radical text in the Bible.
13:40 I've had people get almost filled with rage
13:43 when I've quoted this text.
13:44 "But to him who does not work,"
13:47 as far as salvation is concerned,
13:48 "but believes on Him who justifies..."
13:51 What does it say?
13:52 Tell me what it says?
13:54 It says, "Justifies the ungodly."
13:56 People who said,
13:58 "God cannot justify the ungodly if He justifies you."
14:02 That's what He's doing, because we are ungodly.
14:07 Unlike God, He justifies the ungodly,
14:09 his faith is accounted, accounted, accounted.
14:14 It's like God puts it to your account.
14:18 You're a pauper, got no money,
14:20 and God puts a billion dollars in your account.
14:24 You don't deserve it.
14:27 Ellen White said this,
14:28 "The prayers of true believers ascend,
14:31 go off the heaven, but passing
14:34 through the corrupt channels of humanity,
14:38 they are so defiled."
14:42 The prayers of true believers so defiled.
14:45 Then unless covered by the blood of Christ,
14:48 they worth nothing.
14:52 So the first truth that ought to sink down into our minds
14:55 is that we are ungodly, needing the grace of God.
15:01 Unlike God, then it brings us to David.
15:05 It's another case. Romans 4:6, 7 and 8.
15:09 Romans, "For just as David also describes
15:14 the blessedness of the man
15:15 to whom God imputes righteousness
15:18 apart from works.
15:20 Blessed are those
15:21 whose lawless deeds are forgiven,
15:23 and whose sins are covered.
15:25 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord
15:27 shall not impute sin."
15:29 We're talking here about a murderer
15:33 and a adulterer.
15:37 You say it, "It's not right."
15:40 It is the righteousness of God
15:42 because God took upon Himself in Christ,
15:45 the adulteries and the murders of King David.
15:51 What is it called? Grace.
15:55 This tells me, there's hope for the sinner.
15:58 If you feel that you're a sinner,
16:00 there's hope for you.
16:01 If you feel that you're better
16:03 than other people at this time in your life,
16:05 there's no hope for you
16:08 unless you become enlightened.
16:11 Jesus is the friend of sinners.
16:15 Glory, glory.
16:18 That's why Tyndale called the Book of Romans good,
16:21 glad, and merry tidings
16:23 that makes a man's heart to sing for joy
16:26 and his feet to dance.
16:28 Let me tell you,
16:29 there are two great mountains in the Bible, Mount Sinai.
16:34 You'll never get to heaven climbing up
16:36 the quaking sides of Mount Sinai.
16:39 You can't do it.
16:42 There's another mountain on which Christ hangs?
16:48 That's grace.
16:51 The Romans 5 is a controversial chapter
16:54 because it says we are lost in Adam and people say,
16:59 "It isn't fair."
17:01 You think Christ dying for you is fair?
17:03 We're not talking about fairness.
17:06 Romans 5, "We're lost in Adam, but we're saved in Christ."
17:11 Now I've done a whole series,
17:13 verse by verse exposition on this.
17:17 But today, we're doing a summary.
17:20 We're trying to compress the ocean into a thimble.
17:25 So look at Romans 5:12,
17:30 "Therefore, just as through one man
17:34 sin entered the world, and death through sin,
17:38 and thus death spread to all men,
17:41 because all sinned."
17:45 I have people in the church in Sydney,
17:48 they would come to me and they'd say,
17:50 "No, we don't believe this.
17:51 Don't believe what you're teaching."
17:52 But will you believe?
17:54 I don't want to believe that either.
17:56 Through one man sin entered the world.
18:03 Adam was driving the vehicle. He was driving.
18:10 We were in the back seat.
18:13 And when the car went off the road with Adam driving,
18:17 we went off the road with him.
18:19 You say to me as some people have said,
18:21 but I wasn't in the back seat.
18:23 I was not in Adam, I am me.
18:28 I am me, here.
18:31 If you weren't in Adam, let me ask you this.
18:36 Did you come from another planet?
18:40 Where did you come from?
18:45 Now the Bible tells us
18:49 that our Lord
18:51 was in the loins of King David.
18:54 Wasn't He? King David was his father.
18:59 When Adam sinned,
19:01 we spiritually and generically were in Adam.
19:08 Adam was the head of the human race.
19:13 He was the spiritual head.
19:15 He was the genetic head of the human race.
19:20 When Adam sinned, we were in the back seat.
19:26 I was there.
19:30 And when he went off the road,
19:32 the human race went off with Him.
19:35 The Bible says, "For all sinned."
19:39 If you wish to go and read a good commentary
19:42 like our own SDA commentary,
19:46 it says, this is not talking about individual sins.
19:52 Oh, not?
19:54 No, it's talking about the fact that when Adam sinned,
19:59 we sinned in him.
20:02 People say, "Well, no, no, I'm not a sinner
20:07 until I do this and that
20:11 and do something bad like King David."
20:13 No, we are born
20:16 with the black blood of Adam coursing
20:20 in our veins.
20:22 We are born in need of a Savior.
20:28 That is why we ought to train our little children
20:32 when they're tiny to say their prayers.
20:38 I ask the mothers and the fathers,
20:40 "Do you see a little children propensities
20:43 or tendencies to sin?"
20:47 "Oh no, I've never seen."
20:50 You ever see a baby show signs of bad temper?
20:55 Where does it come from mothers?
20:57 The fathers, yes.
20:59 No, we know where it comes from.
21:01 It is born in them.
21:05 That's why Spurgeon referred to it
21:07 as the black blood of Adam coursing in our veins,
21:11 that's why Jesus said, "You must be born again."
21:17 What does this mean?
21:18 Well, we're born with this fallen nature
21:24 and we need to be born again.
21:27 That's what Jesus said.
21:32 Read those verses in Romans 5.
21:36 "Don't disregard them, but think about it."
21:40 What I'm telling you is solid theology.
21:45 Verse 19.
21:48 This is what the greatest scholars
21:49 have ever taught, and our greatest scholars,
21:53 "For as by one man's disobedience,"
21:55 what does it say?
21:57 "Many were made sinner." Who is it talking about?
22:00 Adam.
22:02 "For by one man's disobedience,
22:04 by Adam's disobedience many were made sinners...
22:12 So also by one man's obedience
22:15 many will be made righteous."
22:19 Listen carefully.
22:22 We are born in a state of sin and rebellion.
22:27 You don't need to go to the theological seminary
22:32 to learn how to be a Pharisee.
22:37 We are born rebels.
22:39 We are born Pharisees. That's what we are.
22:45 And the greatest sin of all is a failure
22:49 to recognize Christ and who we are.
22:54 And it's the greatest of all sins.
23:00 We're born in the state of sin and rebellion,
23:03 but Jesus has redeemed Adam's failure.
23:08 Therefore, believe in Jesus now,
23:12 and become complete, and saved in Him now.
23:17 A person can pass from death to life now.
23:22 People say, "No, no, it's a process."
23:25 Thank you for the Jesuit contribution.
23:29 We're not talking here about a process.
23:32 We are talking about believing
23:35 with all our hearts as penitents in Christ.
23:42 Romans 5:20, dear hearts and gentle people.
23:49 "Moreover the law entered that the offence might abound.
23:55 But where sin abounded,
23:58 grace abounded much more."
24:03 You see. So in Adam, all is lost.
24:09 In Christ, all is saved.
24:13 The law came in...
24:14 You think the law came in and made us look good.
24:18 You think when God gave the commandments,
24:20 it made us look good.
24:22 Where sin did abound,
24:24 we see ourselves lepers.
24:29 Now if you haven't had that experience,
24:32 you haven't become yet a Christian.
24:35 You may be super religious and super pious.
24:39 The people you've got to be suspicious of are the people
24:43 who are over religious
24:45 because they're probably using religion
24:48 as a cloak to cover their sins.
24:52 So sin comes in like a mighty plague,
24:55 like a mighty flood.
24:58 But when sin comes in like a flood,
25:04 God sends the creator of the universe.
25:09 Almost too hard to believe this.
25:11 The Creator of the cosmos comes
25:16 and He becomes the propitiation
25:19 for my guilt, and my sins, and all of my infidelities,
25:24 and everything else.
25:26 And therefore, what can I do? Amazing.
25:32 Nothing in my hand I bring,
25:35 simply to your cross, I cling.
25:39 And we will continue this in just a moment.
25:43 More amazing truths to come
25:46 about the Redeemer just moments away.
26:08 The antichrist is in the temple of God.
26:14 I will read you the actual words
26:16 of the great Roman Catholic Church.
26:20 More than a billion people pray to the dead.
26:26 But the Bible talks very plainly
26:27 about good angels and bad angels.
26:34 Why on earth were you
26:37 and I born?
26:42 This DVD series from John Carter will be yours
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27:09 1.3 billion people live in India.
27:20 Two hundred million of these are Dalits.
27:24 Dalits formerly called untouchables
27:27 are the lowest members of the caste system.
27:31 One hundred percent of your gift will go
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28:12 For a copy of today's program,
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28:39 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-11-05