Carter Report, The

George Knight with John Carter Pt 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001830A

00:01 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:02 I'm now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:04 I'm John Carter in Petra...
00:06 Reporting from India...
00:08 In Columbia...
00:09 I'm John Carter.
00:11 Today, on The Carter Report, we have the man
00:13 who is called the Adventist maverick.
00:16 He's a historian, a philosopher,
00:18 a university professor, and a theologian.
00:21 His 50 books have influenced millions.
00:24 His name is George Knight.
00:32 Welcome back to The Carter Report.
00:34 Our special guest today is Dr George Knight.
00:38 George, we are honored and delighted
00:40 to have you with us here today.
00:41 Well, I'm really glad to be here, John.
00:43 We just enjoyed what you said in the last segment
00:46 and we're looking forward to this segment.
00:49 You wrote a book called...
00:51 I read it, I thought it was great.
00:54 You're a prolific writer.
00:55 Somebody told me, you are the best-read author
00:59 in the Adventist Church after Ellen White.
01:02 That is saying something.
01:04 I'm not sure it's true, but it sounds good.
01:06 I think it is true.
01:08 You wrote a book called
01:09 The Pharisee's Guide to Complete Holiness.
01:14 What was all that about?
01:16 Who were these Pharisees?
01:18 Well, actually, John...
01:19 And why do the Pharisees...
01:21 Why do we resonate a bit with the Pharisees?
01:23 I was coming out of my own past experience,
01:26 a lot of my writing is to help me figure out...
01:31 Where you've been. Where I've been.
01:33 And where you're going?
01:34 And where I need to go. And why you're here.
01:36 And help guys like you figure it out too.
01:38 Oh, thank you.
01:41 You know, because there's a Pharisee
01:43 within the skin of each one of us.
01:44 Oh, we're born Pharisees.
01:46 Yeah.
01:47 You don't have to go to the seminary
01:48 to be trained to be a Pharisee.
01:50 It's true, isn't it? That's true.
01:52 We come at it naturally.
01:53 Yeah, it's born within us.
01:55 Yes, of course.
01:57 And really, you know, John, naturally,
02:01 we don't want to go to heaven if we didn't help God out.
02:04 This is right. Yeah.
02:06 I mean we got to do
02:08 something good for God, don't we?
02:09 Of course, yes. Yeah.
02:11 And that's how come,
02:13 and I start off with the problem of sin
02:15 because the Pharisee has to break sin down
02:18 into little steps.
02:19 And so when you get a little step on,
02:22 you know, you're closer, and closer, and closer.
02:23 Yeah, a name for every sin. Yeah.
02:25 And if you overcome all of those,
02:27 then you're perfect.
02:29 Yeah. Is that right?
02:30 How'd you guess?
02:31 Well, I've tried it.
02:33 Yeah, it's got a long history to it.
02:35 Yes.
02:37 So anyway, I wanted to start out
02:40 'cause Paul starts out with the problem of sin
02:42 in the Book of Romans.
02:43 Of course.
02:45 And you know, Romans is really the greatest book in the Bible,
02:47 well, except for some of the other ones,
02:48 but it's one of my favorite.
02:50 Good, glad, and merry tidings that makes a man's heart
02:53 to sing for joy and his feet to dance.
02:56 Who said that? It's me.
02:59 Glad I got you on something.
03:01 That was Tyndale.
03:02 Tyndale said, "Good, glad,
03:04 and merry tidings that makes a man's heart
03:05 to sing for joy and his feet to dance."
03:08 So I figured out, you know,
03:10 we got a whole lot of Pharisees,
03:12 they're not just Jews,
03:14 they're all different varieties.
03:15 We're born Pharisees.
03:17 You don't even have to be a Christian to be a Pharisee.
03:18 No.
03:19 I mean a church member.
03:21 Yeah.
03:22 So I came across
03:24 the radical concept that sin is love.
03:28 Well, that one gets just for a little bit, doesn't that?
03:30 Sin is love.
03:32 Now just think about it for a minute.
03:34 Did Eve sin when she took the apple
03:38 or whatever the fruit was or before?
03:40 Before.
03:41 Yes, she had to.
03:43 Something happened in her heart and head,
03:45 and after her heart went wrong,
03:48 she reached out and took the fruit.
03:50 What happened in there?
03:52 "I'm more important than God, I can rule my own life.
03:55 My authority is more important than His life...
03:58 His authority.
03:59 So I'm going to do what I want,"
04:02 is just self centeredness making...
04:06 Well, loving yourself
04:08 at the very center of our universe
04:11 and all other problems come out of that.
04:14 And, you know, some people call this the new theology.
04:17 I call it the new theology, the Sermon on the Mount.
04:21 What did Jesus say in Matthew 15:18?
04:25 "That out of the heart..."
04:26 Proceeds.
04:28 So in the New Testament,
04:30 Jesus never talks about salvation
04:34 is becoming better and better and better.
04:38 He talks about it as a death
04:40 and the resurrection to a new way of life,
04:42 getting a new heart, and getting a new mind,
04:49 and getting a new record in heaven.
04:51 You're justified, declared righteous.
04:55 And with this new heart,
04:58 out of it comes a new way of life.
05:03 And that's the second great revelation
05:07 that sin and law are the same thing.
05:10 Say it again, George.
05:13 That sin...
05:14 See, we don't want any heresy at The Carter Report.
05:18 Sin and what?
05:19 Sin and law are the same thing.
05:22 Now, remember now.
05:23 Sin is loving myself more than God,
05:26 loving myself more than other people
05:29 so I can abuse God, I can abuse you
05:32 because I'm the most important thing in the world,
05:34 egocentricity.
05:36 And I'm proud of it.
05:39 Some people think that the law
05:43 is the Ten Commandments.
05:45 I hate to tell people,
05:47 but the Ten Commandments are not eternal,
05:50 they're not universal.
05:52 They were created for this earth.
05:54 The Sabbath for example, it was created for this earth.
05:57 Yeah, to us.
05:58 Yeah, and then you think God didn't tell the angels,
06:02 "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
06:03 Probably not.
06:05 I don't think they were even equipped for what Jesus said.
06:08 "And honor thy Father," no, no, no.
06:11 There's a little book in my library, two of them.
06:13 One is called the Spiritual Gifts.
06:14 And one is called Selected Messages
06:16 that the principles of the law existed
06:18 throughout the whole eternity,
06:20 but when people fell, when Adam and Eve felled,
06:22 they had to be negativized,
06:25 they had to be reworded for fallen humanity.
06:29 And when Jesus was asked, "What's the law all about?
06:32 What's the great commandment?"
06:33 Love.
06:35 Love your God with all your heart,
06:37 all your mind, and all your soul.
06:38 And your neighbor as yourself.
06:40 And love your neighbor as yourself.
06:41 And Paul in Galatians 5:14 says,
06:44 "The law can be summed up in one word, love."
06:47 And then the real clincher is Romans 13:8-10.
06:53 "The law can be summed up in one word,"
06:55 and then he ties it to the Ten Commandments.
06:58 And He ties it that, you know,
07:00 "Thou shall, you know, treat your neighbor right."
07:02 He lists five of the commandments
07:04 right there.
07:05 And so what we have
07:07 is we have, sin is love.
07:11 It's loving yourself more than God,
07:14 more than your neighbor.
07:15 The law is love.
07:19 Loving God supremely, and loving your neighbor.
07:23 And what the Ten Commandments do
07:25 is tell us four ways how we can love God better,
07:29 and eight ways...
07:31 Excuse me, six ways
07:32 how we can love our neighbor better.
07:34 And so getting converted
07:38 is actually getting your love refocused.
07:41 And love is the very heart
07:44 of what Christianity is all about.
07:45 So this is really what God would have us to understand.
07:51 Yes.
07:53 It's not just joining a church.
07:54 It's not just joining a church.
07:56 It's not lifestyle issues.
07:57 And it's not checking off the list.
08:00 I've done all these things, so I'm almost there.
08:04 Now doctrine is important. Yes, it is.
08:06 But if you can have all the doctrines...
08:08 And go to hell.
08:09 And still will be lost.
08:11 You can be a vegan.
08:13 You know, I once met a vegan that was meaner than the devil.
08:16 I mean, you can do all this lifestyle stuff,
08:19 you can have all the doctrine and still be lost.
08:22 At the heart of Christianity is the love of God.
08:26 And after that,
08:30 then everything else has meaning.
08:33 And when it seemed within that...
08:35 I used to teach young preachers
08:36 'cause I discovered my own evangelism.
08:39 If you can preach a sermon
08:42 based upon the cross of Christ and the love of God,
08:46 you don't have a Christian sermon.
08:48 Absolutely.
08:49 And I don't care what it is.
08:51 Tell me about the church, the nature of the church.
08:55 What is the church, George?
08:57 Well, there are several views.
08:59 Tell me your view?
09:01 Well, I'm going to tell you,
09:02 I want to tell you one or two views first.
09:04 Some people see the church as a structure, you know.
09:09 Some structures are built from the top down
09:12 and the guy at the top using control of everything.
09:15 But the Greek...
09:17 It sounds a little bit like us, doesn't it?
09:19 I mean sometimes.
09:21 Not in our best moments.
09:22 No, we don't understand the nature of the church.
09:26 The Greek word is ecclesia.
09:29 Hebrew word is qahal,
09:31 and it means those that are called out.
09:34 It's those that had been called
09:36 from what the Bible calls the world
09:39 from secularism to find Jesus.
09:42 And it's the fellowship of the saints.
09:45 Now, you know, the saints really need to be organized
09:50 and so they form a local congregation.
09:53 But you can see it reading already in Paul,
09:55 and Timothy, and Titus in there that,
09:58 you know, they had supervising pastors.
10:00 And so they created some organizations.
10:03 And so like in our denomination,
10:06 the local churches get together,
10:08 they elect officers,
10:10 and then the various churches elect somebody for, let's say,
10:14 a conference like an Oregon Conference,
10:17 and then they can get regional and stuff like that.
10:20 But authority is always in Christianity.
10:24 It's always from the fellowship of the saints.
10:29 And the people at the top are not masters,
10:32 they're servants.
10:33 Well, that's how it ought to be.
10:35 Well, that's how, yeah, definitely.
10:37 Now, that's the biblical picture.
10:38 Yes, of course.
10:40 I can see, you got a hook out there.
10:41 That's how it ought to be. No, no. Never, George. Never.
10:44 Well, I'm going to be very frank with you.
10:47 Lord Acton had a great saying,
10:50 "Power corrupts, absolute power tends
10:53 to corrupt the absolute one."
10:55 And, you know, when you have authority,
10:57 when you have responsibility, it's easy to think that,
11:00 "Well, I'm more important because I have a position,"
11:03 not from the biblical perspective.
11:07 "The greatest," Jesus said, "shall be your servant."
11:11 And so you know,
11:13 we have a hard time with these things.
11:14 And even I personally, I rescued an institution,
11:18 and after five years of being the chief administrator,
11:20 I felt I owned the place.
11:22 It's human nature.
11:24 It's human nature.
11:25 But you know what?
11:26 That's what God's trying to work out of us.
11:28 Of course. Yeah.
11:30 So the church is not really
11:34 an institution, is it?
11:36 Not from the biblical perspective.
11:38 We're talking about from the biblical perspective.
11:40 From a sociological perspective,
11:42 it is an institution.
11:44 From religious perspective,
11:45 it's the fellowship of the saints,
11:47 those who have been called out from the world.
11:49 It's the ecclesia.
11:50 Yes.
11:52 And that's what really counts.
11:53 And what holds the church together is mutual trust...
11:57 And love. And love.
11:59 And based upon biblical truth.
12:03 And not too much dictatorship.
12:08 I don't think that Jesus would have gone
12:12 for too much dictatorship.
12:14 No, I don't think so,
12:15 seems to be the very opposite of the Kingdom of God.
12:17 No, you do not have a church if you don't have mutual trust,
12:23 the love of God,
12:25 and based upon clear scriptural principles.
12:29 So you can't coerce people to do something which is...
12:34 anything.
12:35 And certainly, you can't coerce people
12:37 to do things that are unbiblical.
12:39 Well, you can force people to be compliant...
12:42 And conformist.
12:44 But you can't force them to have Christian unity.
12:48 Now one little old lady said at one time that
12:50 that only comes from Christ like forbearance.
12:54 She said in that same passage that you can pass resolution,
12:59 after resolution, after resolution,
13:02 and you will never get unity,
13:05 only with Christ like forbearance
13:08 and care for one another.
13:11 Then all of us including church leaders
13:15 ought to think about these things very carefully,
13:18 the very nature of the church.
13:20 That's right.
13:21 The basis of the Kingdom of God.
13:23 And what it means to be...
13:26 You know, some churches call him president,
13:28 some people call him bishops.
13:30 What it means to hold office?
13:33 And that is to serve the body.
13:34 Yeah.
13:39 We comfort ourselves by a statement
13:41 from a very important person in the Adventist Church,
13:46 Ellen White that when it appears
13:50 as though the church is going to fall,
13:52 it doesn't fall, and the church goes through to glory.
13:56 And so some people say
13:58 with great enthusiasm and confidence,
14:03 "Whatever really happens,
14:05 it's predestined to go through to glory.
14:08 The whole caboodle everything,
14:10 everything's going to go through to glory.
14:12 This is biblical.
14:14 Well, I think it's a misconception of the church.
14:17 I think it must be.
14:19 I think if you really...
14:20 John, you and I have studied these things our entire life.
14:24 Which is not that long.
14:26 Well, it's been a long time for you, brother.
14:30 When it comes right down to it,
14:33 what the Bible calls the latter rain
14:37 and the pouring out of the spirit at the last days,
14:41 things are going to happen that we haven't seen happen
14:44 since Pentecost.
14:46 My guess is that when the final events come true
14:51 and they really get to be fulfilled,
14:54 there's going to be millions of people
14:56 trying to rush into the church.
14:58 "Those people are right after all."
15:00 And there's going to be millions
15:02 trying to escape.
15:03 And there's going to be so much action
15:06 that the administrators on the bean counters
15:08 won't be able to count it.
15:12 It's going to implode and explode at the same time.
15:15 What's going to go through is the church of God...
15:18 The people of God.
15:19 The people of God in the biblical experience.
15:22 There's not going to be anybody that can sit
15:24 on top of this thing and say, "Wow, look it.
15:27 Now we've got 200 million, we only had 20 million."
15:30 So we're not talking about the church as a...
15:34 We're talking about the biblical church.
15:36 Well, not the sociological church.
15:38 I've read where you've said the church is the visible
15:42 and the invisible church.
15:43 That's right.
15:45 So we're basically talking about the invisible church.
15:48 And you know what the problem with the invisible church is?
15:52 Nobody can count them.
15:53 Yes. Yeah.
15:55 And their names are written in heaven, aren't they?
15:58 Yeah. Yeah.
16:00 You know what I used to say?
16:02 Trouble with Adventism all started when they learned
16:04 how to count.
16:06 They count everything.
16:07 But you know what?
16:09 You can't count the most important thing.
16:11 I can't quantify your spirituality.
16:13 I can't quantify how you love Jesus.
16:15 You can't quantify love.
16:17 Yeah, I can't quantify love.
16:19 I can't tell you who belongs
16:21 to the heavenly invisible church.
16:23 But I probably can tell you
16:25 who belongs as a member of the local congregation
16:30 of this or that denomination.
16:33 Is it not true and we know this is true...
16:36 By the way, John, the invisible church
16:40 has members in every what we call the denomination.
16:44 Of course, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
16:46 Ellen White said that, didn't she?
16:47 She said the most were in the Catholic Church.
16:50 Yeah.
16:52 You know, we have to remember this.
16:54 You know, we may have what we call a remnant message.
16:58 You know, Revelation 14, the Three Angels' Messages,
17:02 that's a message to be given
17:03 right before the coming of Jesus.
17:05 I wished 1000 denominations were preaching it.
17:07 Absolutely.
17:08 I happen to be where I am
17:09 because I only know one denomination that is.
17:11 Me too.
17:12 Is it not true that the children of Israel,
17:15 the Jewish people,
17:17 they were the remnant people in their day.
17:18 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
17:20 And they were proud of it.
17:21 And they thought that God couldn't bring
17:23 about the Messiah without them.
17:27 Without their keeping the law.
17:29 But not only keeping the law,
17:32 but He couldn't do without them.
17:33 Yes, of course.
17:35 They were important.
17:36 Yeah, and they were perfectionists.
17:37 Yeah.
17:39 And they believe that the prophecies taught
17:42 that they had to go through to glory.
17:45 That's right.
17:46 Could there be a parallel
17:49 between those people and some of us today?
17:52 I believe that the parallel is frightening.
17:56 And just get me a couple of illustrations here.
18:01 Well, I'll just give you one.
18:03 Yeah.
18:05 Well, I'll give you two. All right.
18:07 John the Baptist looked at those Jews and he said,
18:11 "God can make rocks out of Jews."
18:15 I mean...
18:17 He said it. He said it.
18:18 Yeah, yeah.
18:19 I mean, He can take Jews, you know...
18:21 Anyway, my guess is that God had to bypass them,
18:25 He could bypass us
18:26 if we do not stay faithful to Him.
18:29 So you don't believe in predestination, do you?
18:33 I believe in predestination that God chose Israel,
18:38 and God has predestined those
18:39 who accepted Jesus Christ by faith.
18:42 That is Roman's predestination.
18:45 What I'm trying to say is, some have the idea that,
18:48 "Here is the church and the church is predestined
18:53 to go through to glory,
18:55 this is talking about the institutions
18:57 and everything that belongs to it.
19:00 That's a million miles from the truth.
19:02 Yeah.
19:03 Well, you know, what got me off
19:05 on this and I was a seminary student.
19:07 I read in little book called "The Selected Messages."
19:10 You know, we've always talked about the final days,
19:12 it'll go like fire through the stubble,
19:15 just go like a plague...
19:17 And the stubble too. Yeah, yeah.
19:18 You know what?
19:20 Nobody reads the context.
19:22 He says, "The angels will be finishing the work
19:26 and we're going to be wondering what's happening."
19:29 God has a million ways to finish
19:33 the work of the gospel on this earth.
19:35 Okay.
19:37 What is the mission of the church?
19:39 I'm talking especially about the Adventist church.
19:44 Okay.
19:45 And we could make it broader to include other religions.
19:48 But what is the mission of the church
19:51 as portrayed in the Bible?
19:54 To help people know Jesus.
19:58 That's the primary mission of the church.
20:01 I would like to suggest that the church has
20:03 an eschatological mission.
20:05 Tell me about that.
20:06 Well, that's spelled out in Revelation.
20:08 I'll be more comfortable I think with that.
20:11 Tell me about
20:13 the eschatological mission of Revelation.
20:16 Is that Revelation 14:6-12?
20:20 Yes, and then verse 14,
20:21 you got Jesus coming in the cloud of heaven.
20:22 Yes, indeed.
20:24 So we are looking at the last message
20:26 to be preached on the earth.
20:27 And it starts out with the everlasting gospel.
20:31 That's the first part.
20:34 Revelation 14:6. Yeah.
20:36 Every other teaching of Revelation 14 is in there.
20:41 I'm just going to open it up, John.
20:42 Are you going to read it to us? I'm going to read it, yeah.
20:44 What's the translation?
20:45 This is the Revised Standard.
20:48 "Then I saw another angel flying
20:50 in mid-heaven with an eternal gospel,"
20:53 that's how come, because the gospel is foundational.
20:56 And it's eternal. And it's eternal.
20:58 It's not a new gospel.
20:59 It never changes, never changes.
21:00 Some people think, in the last days.
21:02 It's not dispensational.
21:03 Some people think, in the last days,
21:05 it's a different sort of gospel.
21:06 And it's going to be
21:07 a different sort of last generation.
21:09 And some people think that of the Old Testament too.
21:11 They were saved by work.
21:12 No, they weren't saved by works.
21:13 Abraham says, "Father,
21:15 He will save by grace through faith."
21:16 It's the everlasting gospel.
21:18 "So to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth
21:20 to every nation, and tongue, and tribe, and people,"
21:23 I mean this is going to be a worldwide mission,
21:26 "and he said with a loud voice,
21:27 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
21:29 for the hour of His judgment has come.'"
21:31 Now some people have really got it messed up here.
21:34 The judgment is not against us.
21:36 No, it's for us. The judgment is for us.
21:38 There's nothing to fear in the judgment.
21:41 One of these days, I want to write a book
21:43 called "Judgment is Gospel."
21:44 How many books have you written?
21:46 Fifty and I've edited another 48.
21:49 So about 100.
21:50 So you're going to write another book?
21:51 Yes, why not.
21:53 Until I croak.
21:55 But listen to this, John.
21:57 It gets better.
21:58 "For the hour of His judgment is coming."
22:00 Remember, unless you're knocking off banks
22:03 and abusing people,
22:04 you're going to love the judgment.
22:05 I mean, all the way through it, the judgment...
22:08 The judge... It's a vindication.
22:09 "So loved the world that He gave His only Son."
22:11 Yeah.
22:13 "And worship Him who made heaven, and earth, and the sea,
22:14 and the fountains of waters."
22:16 Wait a minute, where did that come from?
22:17 Oh, that's the fourth commandment.
22:19 Fourth commandment, but that's good enough
22:20 for Jews to keep the Sabbath, right?
22:21 Yes, it is.
22:23 Yeah, but where did the fourth commandment come from?
22:25 Genesis 2.
22:27 God gave the Sabbath to all mankind,
22:32 and that's what Jesus says in Mark 2: 27 and 28,
22:37 that the Sabbath was made for the Jews.
22:40 Now made for man, human beings.
22:44 Anyway, at the end of time, the Sabbath would be important.
22:47 And then you come to a second danger of falling,
22:49 falling as Babylon, Babylon is confusion.
22:52 And, you know, what the confusion is?
22:53 Tell me.
22:55 Confusing the words of men and women
22:59 with the words of God.
23:00 Of course.
23:02 Every teaching, everything that I believe...
23:04 That's the essence of Babylon.
23:06 Must come out of scripture.
23:07 And if it's not taught clearly in scripture,
23:09 it is not a doctrine.
23:11 And I've got to ask you this
23:12 before you go further into this exegesis
23:15 because I can feel an exegesis coming.
23:17 Oh, yeah.
23:18 I could go for about two hours on this, John.
23:20 I'm sure you could, just for one verse.
23:22 What are you most grateful for?
23:25 I'm grateful for Jesus
23:29 who came and thought enough of somebody like me and you
23:35 to give His life that I might have life eternal.
23:39 That's it.
23:41 What about your wife?
23:43 Are you grateful for her?
23:44 Oh, yeah.
23:46 But she's included in the package.
23:49 When God's love gets in our heart,
23:52 it overflows to other people.
23:54 And you've had a great ministry.
23:55 You've had a great life.
23:56 You have a great life.
23:58 Yeah.
23:59 John McCain said,
24:01 when he looked back over his life,
24:02 he had no regrets.
24:03 You know what, John?
24:05 I can look back and say the same thing.
24:06 But I have one thing, plants grow best in manure.
24:11 And I've been up to my armpits in it for 77 years.
24:14 That's telling you something.
24:15 Yeah and I'm tired of growing,
24:17 I'm looking forward to getting home.
24:21 Okay. Okay.
24:22 I wouldn't want to live another life,
24:25 but I wouldn't want to live...
24:26 But you've been blessed and you blessed
24:28 so many people, George.
24:29 But only because of what we go through, John.
24:31 Yeah, we support your ministry 1000 percent,
24:34 and we have a great empathy with you,
24:38 this ministry, we believe in you.
24:39 Thank you. We believe in what you teach.
24:42 We believe in your books.
24:43 We believe even in your philosophy.
24:48 Are you hopeful? I am very hopeful.
24:52 You know, I preach funeral sermons in a red shirt.
24:57 That seems to be slightly inappropriate.
25:00 Because a funeral for a Christian
25:03 ought to be a time of rejoicing.
25:05 The next thing they know,
25:07 they're going to see Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven.
25:09 Yeah, I can understand that.
25:10 You see, before I met Jesus, you know what I had?
25:13 Beer.
25:15 And the problem was, I always had to wake up.
25:19 Now I've got this hope and I love 1 Thessalonians 4,
25:23 "We have this hope that Jesus is coming."
25:26 So you've got the hope of glory that the Lord is going to come.
25:30 Amen.
25:31 George, I want to say to you today.
25:34 It hasn't been a privilege, it's been a super privilege.
25:38 Then good to be here, John.
25:39 And a pleasure to have you with us.
25:40 What you say resonates in my heart.
25:45 I'm going to fuel my team member
25:47 sitting back there in the studio.
25:48 They're all saying amen, and they're laughing,
25:50 and they're having a good time
25:52 because not only do our folks
25:56 love you, they like you.
25:59 Oh, that's good.
26:02 And may I say to the audience,
26:04 it's been a privilege today to have you with us.
26:06 Thank you, George. You're welcome.
26:07 Thank you.
26:09 Write to me at the Carter Report.
26:10 Till next time, God bless you and thank you.
26:18 There is only one thing
26:20 that really counts in this lifetime,
26:22 your relationship to Christ.
26:25 And then if you have a right relationship with Christ,
26:29 you want to tell people about Christ.
26:32 That's why Jesus said, "Go into all the world
26:34 and preach the gospel to every creature."
26:38 By the grace of God, we're going to do that,
26:41 we are doing that.
26:43 That is why we're going back to Cuba,
26:45 to this communist land to preach Christ.
26:50 We're accepting an invitation to go to the vast,
26:54 huge city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines.
26:58 Been there before,
27:00 but by the grace of God, we're going back.
27:03 Please support us.
27:05 Please stand with us
27:07 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:10 You say, "How do you do it?
27:12 Who pays the bills?"
27:13 We do.
27:15 "Do you get any help,
27:16 financial help from the church?"
27:18 No, my friend, we don't.
27:20 But we get a lot of help from God and from His children.
27:24 Please support us
27:26 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:29 It's the most important work in all the world.
27:32 Everything else is almost trivia.
27:35 So would you please write to me?
27:39 John Carter, P.O. Box 1900,
27:42 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
27:47 Do your best for Jesus.
27:49 Do your best for the gospel.
27:51 And in Australia, write to me at Terrigal.
27:55 And we promise you this.
27:58 Every dime, every dollar is going to be used
28:02 to win souls to our Lord Jesus Christ.
28:05 Please write to me today.
28:10 Thank you and God bless you.
28:20 For a copy of today's program,
28:22 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:26 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:30 Or in Australia, contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:35 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:39 This program is made possible through the generous support
28:43 of viewers like you.
28:44 We thank you for your continued support.
28:47 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-11-12