Carter Report, The

The Gentle Revolutionary Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001841A

00:04 Many revolutionaries have changed nations
00:06 with guns, tanks, bombs, and execution squads,
00:12 but amazingly there was a gentle revolutionary
00:15 who changed the world with words of peace and love.
00:19 While the bloody revolutionaries are dead
00:22 and for the most part forgotten,
00:24 this man lives on and His revolution continues.
00:30 There's a better way
00:33 than guns and bombs.
00:38 We're going to talk about that today.
00:40 We're going to talk about the gentle revolutionary.
00:46 Now, as you know, most revolutions,
00:50 most revolutionaries
00:52 are not very, very gentle.
00:56 Most revolutionaries and revolutions
00:59 are very, very violent and bloody.
01:04 But today, we're going to talk about a person
01:06 who was completely different.
01:07 We call Him the gentle revolutionary,
01:10 because He was a revolutionary.
01:13 Would you take your Bible today
01:14 and come with me to Matthew 5:44,
01:20 dear hearts and gentle people?
01:23 Matthew 5:44.
01:31 Jesus said, "But I say to you,
01:35 love your enemies,
01:37 bless those who curse you,
01:41 do good to those who hate you,
01:44 and pray for those who spitefully use you
01:48 and persecute you."
01:54 Some folks would say,
01:56 "That's a craziest statement that was ever made."
02:01 Absolutely preposterous, just doesn't work.
02:05 Jesus said, "Love your enemies.
02:09 Do good to those people who are bad to you."
02:13 An amazing statement from the gentle revolutionary.
02:18 We should not just distain it though or caste it aside
02:21 because God said it,
02:23 and who we're say it's not going to work
02:26 and it's impossible.
02:28 You see, God said it.
02:30 I want you to notice for a start today
02:32 some of the bloody revolutionaries.
02:36 I know a little bit about this first one personally,
02:39 Lenin
02:41 who led the Great Russian Revolution.
02:46 He was a great revolutionary.
02:50 And the communist revolution took place, my friends,
02:53 because listen to this,
02:55 "A corrupt church and a corrupt government."
02:58 Revolutions don't just happen by themselves,
03:03 but the Russian Church had ground the Russian presence
03:08 into the frozen mud.
03:11 Lenin was inspired by Karl Marx who was a German Jew,
03:17 and he set up the communist state.
03:19 You know, it sounds tremendous, socialism, communism,
03:23 everybody is going to be equal.
03:27 Do you remember the book,
03:29 Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell.
03:34 There are some of these statements
03:35 that still come into our minds.
03:37 Big Brother is watching you.
03:40 No freedom, Communist Russia.
03:43 Big Brother is watching you.
03:45 Then there was doublespeak
03:46 where the president or the chairman of the board,
03:49 whenever he spoke,
03:50 even though he was telling lies,
03:52 hey, that's fine, because what he said
03:54 it was the truth because he said it.
03:57 Orwell also wrote the book Animal Farm.
04:02 There's a great quote.
04:03 "All animals are equal,
04:05 but some animals are more equal."
04:09 That's how it was under communism.
04:11 All animals are equal,
04:13 but some animals are more equal.
04:15 And, I think he also said,
04:18 "And the pigs are the most equal."
04:22 So if you went to Russia as I did
04:24 during the days of the Soviets, all animals were equal.
04:29 The Soviet Union was atheistic.
04:31 Imagine if, if we had it here in America,
04:34 God forbid,
04:36 it caused the brutal deaths of millions of people,
04:39 I said millions, yeah,
04:41 tens of millions torturing them to death.
04:44 I've spoken in Kiev in a great, great auditorium,
04:48 and they took me into the basement
04:50 of that great auditorium
04:52 where the blood oozed
04:54 out of the stones and the rocks,
04:57 murdered thousands of people in those rooms
05:00 under that auditorium.
05:03 It was communism and atheism.
05:05 I've been there.
05:07 I've been to the cemeteries in Siberia.
05:11 Then there's Magadan that you ought to go online
05:14 and look up Magadan,
05:16 an atheistic city run by the communists.
05:19 The roads of the city, look at me,
05:23 were paved with human bones.
05:28 Human bones, that's how they made the roads.
05:31 All animals are equal.
05:34 Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a great martyr,
05:38 and a great Christian, great patriot.
05:42 And he was being tortured by a communist
05:44 because of his faith.
05:48 A woman was torturing him,
05:50 and he cried out and he finally said,
05:52 "Don't you know I'm a human soul."
05:54 And she said the words of Stalin,
05:56 "You can't help breaking eggs
05:58 when you're making an omelet."
06:02 So human beings don't count when there is no God,
06:06 because the death of God
06:08 always leads to the death of man.
06:11 Most people don't realize that, it is true.
06:14 But look at the gentle revolution
06:16 and the gentle revolutionary.
06:19 Come with me to Matthew 5:38 and 39.
06:22 Matthew 5:38 and 39.
06:26 You've heard that it was said,
06:27 "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth."
06:30 Some people still say the same.
06:33 But I tell you not to resist an evil person,
06:37 but whoever slaps you on the right cheek,
06:40 turn the other to him also.
06:45 Now you say, "It doesn't work, it's absolutely impossible."
06:49 What would happen
06:50 if we Americans were to follow these rules in America?
06:57 Well, it just might be a far better place
07:00 because many people think today,
07:02 there's lots of hate and poison circulating in America,
07:08 and the politicians have shown us the way.
07:11 I want you to look at some of these people on the screen.
07:15 There is Gandhi.
07:16 He was not a Christian.
07:18 He led a bloodless revolution.
07:23 And he did it on the basis of the teachings of Christ.
07:27 He said, "I believe in the teachings of Christ
07:29 as far as how you treat people," Gandhi.
07:33 One of my heroes,
07:34 Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa,
07:39 Nelson Mandela, all of these people,
07:42 Martin Luther King
07:44 named after the great Martin Luther,
07:46 all Christians.
07:49 And they believed that grace was greater than guns.
07:53 What a heresy.
07:56 Grace is greater than guns.
07:58 Who said that? Well, Jesus said it.
08:03 Let me mention some other bloody revolutionaries.
08:07 Maximilien Robespierre, the French Revolution, why?
08:13 Because of a corrupt church
08:16 and a corrupt government.
08:19 Whenever you have a corrupt church
08:22 and a corrupt government,
08:24 you're going to have a revolution.
08:27 And so they had the French Revolution
08:29 which became atheistic.
08:33 And during the reign of terror they used, of course,
08:37 the guillotine.
08:38 You remember the stories of the knitting ladies.
08:41 The ladies who would sit and knit
08:44 as they watched their heads being chopped off.
08:48 Atheism.
08:51 Then not very far
08:52 from the United States of America,
08:54 Cuba, was Fidel Castro.
08:58 You know why you had the Cuban Revolution.
09:01 You know why this?
09:02 You'll say, "Oh, it was just something
09:04 that happened out of the blue."
09:05 No, because of a corrupt government,
09:09 the Batista regime.
09:13 Bad, bad, bad.
09:17 And so, he overthrew them in 1959.
09:23 In 1962 we had the missile crisis
09:26 when the world came this close to oblivion.
09:32 Remember it? I do.
09:35 But after he got into power,
09:39 he took away the freedoms from the Cuban people,
09:42 that's why they had a mass exodus.
09:47 He was an abuser of human rights.
09:51 One dictator took the place of another dictator
09:56 like Mao Zedong.
09:59 He overthrew a corrupt government.
10:02 He was a communist, an atheist.
10:04 The atheist need to answer to these crimes
10:07 because I've heard the atheist say,
10:09 "If we were in charge
10:11 and we got rid of the Christians,
10:13 we would have a better world.
10:15 We would have hell on earth.
10:19 Look where the atheists have been in charge.
10:23 They've been as bad as the corrupt Christians.
10:28 And those who claim the name of Christ
10:31 are not necessarily Christians, remember this.
10:34 More sins have been perpetrated in the name of Jesus
10:38 than perhaps any other individual.
10:42 But Mao Zedong, the great atheist,
10:46 he caused the deaths of 45 million Chinese.
10:50 Is anybody listening to this?
10:53 More than the whole state of California
10:55 even with the illegals,
10:58 45 million Chinese between 1958 and '62.
11:07 He caused the deadliest famine in history.
11:13 The communist Chinese government is built on blood.
11:18 He said this,
11:19 "Revolution is not a dinner party,
11:21 not an essay, not a painting,
11:25 nor a piece of embroidery,
11:26 it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle,
11:29 so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous.
11:35 A revolution is an insurrection,
11:37 an act of violence
11:38 by which one class overthrows another."
11:41 Violence comes from the pit of hell.
11:48 I have met with some of the victims
11:50 of the Cultural Revolution one-on-one.
11:54 They told me
11:55 because they were Christians,
11:57 they were beaten, starved, imprisoned.
12:01 The communists' revolutions around the world
12:03 have been bloody and dreadful.
12:07 Look at some of the states even today, in Latin America,
12:12 corrupt government, corrupt church.
12:18 Revolutions are generally not gentle,
12:21 but today we're talking about
12:23 the greatest revolutionary of them all,
12:26 the gentle revolutionary.
12:28 Listen to this statement,
12:29 my atheistic friend, if you dare.
12:35 Jesus' life and teachings have overthrown evil empires,
12:41 without guns.
12:43 Freed millions of slaves,
12:45 uplifted oppressed women,
12:50 and positively changed millions of lives,
12:54 without a single shot being fired.
12:57 No violence, no armies,
13:00 no guns.
13:03 Now listen to this.
13:04 Don't confuse Jesus with many people
13:10 who profess His name.
13:12 Atheists will say to me,
13:13 "What about the great crusades?"
13:17 Hey, they had nothing to do with Jesus.
13:21 That was a show that was put on by a corrupt church.
13:27 But Jesus was a gentle revolutionary.
13:32 I want you to notice his quite gentle revolutionary teachings.
13:38 Most professing Christians like us
13:41 have never read them.
13:45 A few years ago during a presidential debate,
13:49 one of the presidential contenders
13:52 who is a good man and a doctor.
13:56 When he made his speech and they were talking,
13:59 "How are we going to deal with this problem here?
14:01 How are we going to deal with this problem?"
14:02 He said,
14:04 "I wonder if we should show our enemies love."
14:11 You know what happened?
14:13 And the people sitting in the audience
14:15 were all probably, all professing Christians.
14:20 They laughed, and they laughed, and then they booed him.
14:28 So I tell you, most folks know nothing
14:32 about what He taught, do you?
14:36 I want you to notice
14:38 the greatest revolutionary of them all.
14:40 Matthew 5:1.
14:43 Matthew 5:1,
14:46 "Seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain,"
14:49 which represents the kingdom,
14:51 "when He was seated His disciples came to Him."
14:56 The teachings of His gentle kingdom
14:59 are established on the rules of heaven,
15:03 not the rules of earth,
15:06 and are quite contrary to what happens in Washington,
15:11 or Moscow, or Canberra, or London.
15:16 I want you to notice the greatest sermon
15:19 ever preached and the least known.
15:22 The greatest and the least known.
15:26 Matthew 5:2 and 3,
15:28 "Then he opened His mouth
15:31 and taught them saying,
15:35 'Blessed are the poor in spirit,
15:41 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
15:45 This word blessed
15:49 is aptly translated happy.
15:53 If you want to be happy,
15:56 this is the way to true happiness.
15:59 Blessed are the poor in spirit.
16:02 What on earth does it mean?
16:06 It means happiness through spiritual poverty.
16:09 What does it mean?
16:11 It is not condemning riches.
16:14 In of themselves riches are a blessing
16:19 if those riches are used for the glory of God
16:23 and the up-building of the human race.
16:26 If you use riches just for your own soul,
16:29 they will get inside your soul and your soul will rot.
16:34 But blessed, Jesus said,
16:36 are the poor in spirit.
16:41 The world, of course, is full of very proud people.
16:45 The words that most people
16:46 use more than any other words are I, me, mine.
16:52 Jesus told the story of two worshipers.
16:55 One of them was a Pharisee
16:57 and the other one was a publican,
17:00 not to be confused with a Republican.
17:06 There was a Pharisee, he was a really churchy guy.
17:10 He was a super, super churchy guy.
17:13 He knew the Old Testament out by heart.
17:16 He was great on paying tithes,
17:17 and keeping all of the commandments,
17:19 and lots of other stuff as well.
17:22 Now, the publican was pretty bad guy.
17:27 He was a sinner.
17:30 Most of us would not invite
17:32 a publican to come into our homes.
17:34 And so, both of these guys go off to the temple,
17:37 and the Pharisee,
17:39 the Bible says, prays like this,
17:40 "Lord, I thank you, but I'm not as other men are,
17:46 or even like this publican.
17:49 I fast so many times a week.
17:51 I give tithes of all I've got.
17:53 I keep the commandments."
17:56 And then you got this other guy,
17:58 he comes in,
18:02 publican.
18:04 He doesn't even lift up his eyes to God.
18:06 He puts his head down, and he says,
18:08 "Lord, be merciful.
18:11 Be merciful to me, a sinner."
18:17 He hit a home run.
18:19 You know why?
18:21 He had a sense of his spiritual poverty.
18:25 He saw himself
18:27 as a sinner.
18:32 Now Jesus said, "If you want to be saved,
18:35 you've got to realize your spiritual need."
18:39 It's not easy to understand
18:42 that you and I are sinners.
18:48 And we're standing in need of the mercy
18:51 and the grace of God.
18:56 So Jesus said,
18:57 "Happiness doesn't come through money.
19:00 It comes through spiritual poverty.
19:03 Verse 4.
19:05 Look at verse 4, "Blessed..."
19:07 And look at the text.
19:09 "Blessed are those who mourn,
19:13 for they shall be comforted."
19:15 He's not talking here about crybabies.
19:19 We say happy are the wealthy, the partygoers,
19:23 the world connected,
19:25 the rich, the famous and the powerful.
19:30 There's a prominent politician,
19:32 well-known in the United States of America.
19:34 He's famous for this statement.
19:38 He said, "I never confessed my sins."
19:43 I guess he believes, he doesn't have any sins.
19:46 How far can you get from God?
19:51 Blessed are those who mourn.
19:53 He's talking about mourning for your sins
19:56 and knowing that you're standing
19:58 in need of the grace of God.
20:01 Verse 5 says.
20:04 Verse 5, look at it.
20:07 "Blessed are the meek,
20:10 for they shall inherit the earth."
20:12 Jesus didn't say, "Blessed are the weak."
20:17 He said, "Blessed are the meek."
20:23 Now Jesus was not a namby-pamby.
20:30 Jesus could get mad.
20:34 Jesus could get angry, not like our anger.
20:42 Jesus, because He was God, had righteous indignation.
20:45 You and I haven't had it for one second in our lives.
20:49 But He went into the temple and He saw people there
20:54 doing things in the temple,
20:56 prostituting the temple worship.
20:59 And Jesus was a sun tanned strong young man.
21:03 He wasn't an old man with white hair.
21:06 And Jesus got a whip, and He took out the whip,
21:09 and He drove them out of the temple.
21:15 So you need to realize this.
21:18 Meekness
21:20 is not weakness.
21:25 We are not called to be crybabies.
21:30 We're not called to be namby-pambies.
21:36 One young man said to me,
21:37 "Well, I was brought up in a home
21:39 with my mother just...
21:41 She just didn't let me have any problems at all.
21:44 I was sort of covered all the time in cotton wool."
21:49 I said to him, "It's about time you grew up young fellow"
21:52 because he used to be...
21:54 He cries so easily.
21:55 Anything that happened, huh-uh, he's crying.
22:00 Soldiers don't go into battle
22:02 and win battles by crying.
22:09 Where do we get that from?
22:13 Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek."
22:15 Moses was the meekest man on earth,
22:18 but he was no pushover.
22:20 Moses was a humble person.
22:22 He'd seen the greatness of God
22:25 and the passing glory of the Pharaohs.
22:27 He had a sense of his own inadequacy.
22:31 You and I have got to have a sense
22:33 of our own inadequacies.
22:35 I'm not good enough.
22:37 I'm not strong enough.
22:39 I can't do this in my own strength.
22:42 I'm not worthy to go to heaven.
22:47 So Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek."
22:51 A proud person cannot be saved or go to heaven
22:55 because there are no proud people in heaven.
22:57 God is not proud.
23:00 Jesus was the strongest of men,
23:02 but Jesus was also the meekest of men.
23:07 Look at verse 6, the revolutionary teachings.
23:12 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
23:16 for they will be filled."
23:17 Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
23:23 Have you ever been thirsty?
23:26 Have you really been hungry?
23:28 Bit hard here in this great country
23:29 where we live.
23:31 Now I'm told,
23:32 there's lots of people in America
23:34 or other places who are hungry.
23:38 But I spent two days in the desert
23:41 in the south of Iraq.
23:47 I've never felt so lonely
23:50 because I ran out of water and I ran out of food.
23:54 I was just drying up.
23:58 When I finally got to Basra, south of Iraq,
24:01 it's a terrible place to go today.
24:03 I went there when there was no fighting.
24:05 I just crossed over from Iran,
24:08 crossed over the River Euphrates,
24:10 and I was travelling for two days in the desert.
24:13 I saw the caravans of camels going through in the desert.
24:18 When I got to that place, Basra,
24:21 I was hungry and I was thirsty.
24:23 My mouth was dry.
24:24 Jesus said,
24:26 "When you get that hungry and thirsty for God,
24:30 then you're going to be happy.
24:32 Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty
24:36 to be better, and to do better,
24:42 and to have the righteousness of God.
24:45 That means, the thing about this,
24:49 this is why these teachings are so different.
24:52 No lying.
24:55 No cheating.
24:57 No slandering.
25:00 No boasting.
25:02 This is the very, very opposite
25:05 of our Washington politics,
25:12 Hollywood.
25:16 Not blessed are the well connected.
25:20 Not blessed are the people with political power.
25:23 Not blessed are the people who are sitting on thrones
25:28 and lording it over the American people.
25:33 The blessed are those
25:34 who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.
25:40 You say, "Hey, oh, just a lot of talk.
25:45 Just a lot of talk."
25:46 So what? Let me tell you.
25:49 When earthly kingdoms pass way,
25:53 the kingdom of God
25:55 that is based on these gentle teachings
25:58 will endure for ever.
26:01 And we'll be back in a moment with the gentle revolutionary.
26:08 Stay with us.
26:23 There's only one thing
26:24 that really counts in this lifetime,
26:27 your relationship to Christ.
26:30 And then if you have a right relationship with Christ,
26:33 you want to tell people about Christ.
26:36 That's why Jesus said,
26:38 "Go into all the world
26:39 and preach the gospel to every creature."
26:43 By the grace of God, we're going to do that,
26:46 we are doing that.
26:47 That is why we're going back to Cuba
26:50 to this communist land to preach Christ.
26:55 We're accepting an invitation to go to the vast,
26:59 huge city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines,
27:03 been there before,
27:04 but by the grace of God, we're going back.
27:08 Please support us.
27:09 And please stand with us
27:12 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:15 You say, "How do you do it?
27:16 Who pays the bills?"
27:18 We do.
27:19 "Do you get any help,
27:21 financial help from the church?"
27:22 No, my friend, we don't.
27:24 But we get a lot of help from God and from His children.
27:29 Please support us
27:30 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:33 It's the most important work in all the world.
27:36 Everything else is almost trivia.
27:40 So would you please write to me?
27:43 John Carter, P.O. Box
27:46 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
27:51 Do your best for Jesus.
27:53 Do your best for the gospel.
27:56 And in Australia, write to me at Terrigal.
28:00 And we promise you this,
28:03 every dime, every dollar
28:05 is going to be used to win souls
28:07 to our Lord Jesus Christ.
28:10 Please write to me today.
28:14 Thank you and God bless you.
28:25 For a copy of today's program, please contact us
28:29 at P.O. Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:35 Or in Australia, contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:40 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:44 This program is made possible
28:46 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:49 We thank you for your continued support.
28:52 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2019-01-21