Carter Report, The

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001844A

00:01 Martin Luther, the Catholic priest,
00:03 kindled a firestorm
00:05 when he told people
00:06 there was a higher authority than the pope.
00:08 They wanted to burn him at the stake,
00:10 so dangerous were his teachings.
00:12 But his ideas were too powerful to suppress,
00:15 and the church was forced to retreat.
00:18 The result was a tsunami of freedom and prosperity.
00:22 This battle for personal freedom
00:24 still continues.
00:26 Who talks for God today?
00:28 Find out on the Carter Report.
00:37 Welcome back.
00:38 We're talking about who speaks for God?
00:41 Is it the pope?
00:42 Is it the pastor?
00:44 Is it the church?
00:46 Is it the hierarchy?
00:48 Now here's a little booklet that I've written,
00:51 and it's crammed full of important information,
00:54 "A Christian's Authority."
00:57 It talks about the Dark Ages,
00:59 and it talks about
01:01 what is happening today in the Christian church,
01:04 and in the world.
01:06 It talks about kingly power.
01:10 And the hierarchy says, "You've got to do it
01:12 because we tell you, and we speak for God."
01:16 If you want this little booklet with a big message,
01:19 write to me at the address on the screen.
01:22 I want to read you a statement out of the famous magazine
01:26 called the Review and Herald.
01:29 We publish in that magazine two pages every month,
01:33 but here's a statement from 1861 by J. N.
01:37 Loughborough.
01:39 He said this, "The first step of apostasy..."
01:42 You hear that, apostasy?
01:43 You're lost if you go into apostasy.
01:46 "The first step of apostasy is to get up a creed,
01:51 telling us what we shall believe."
01:53 We tell you this, you see?
01:55 "The second is to make that creed
01:57 a test of fellowship
02:00 The third is to try members by that creed.
02:04 The fourth is to denounce as heretics
02:09 those who do not believe that creed.
02:14 And fifth, to commence persecution against such."
02:19 But we believe this, "No creed about the Bible."
02:27 And we agree
02:28 with the courageous Loughborough
02:30 when we say, "No creed, but the infallible Word of God,
02:33 the Holy Bible."
02:36 And that controversy, okay, she wasn't in our own day,
02:40 and prolific author of the 19th and 20th century,
02:44 Ellen White said this, "The words of the Bible,
02:47 and the Bible alone,
02:49 should be heard from the pulpit."
02:51 Pretty plainness about it.
02:53 Why don't people do this?
02:55 Why do we say, "Oh, we're going to do this,
02:57 but we're not going to do this."
02:59 Now, there's a strong reason why we do not believe in creeds
03:04 because truth is progressive.
03:08 Come in the Bible to Proverbs 4:18 and 19.
03:12 Proverbs 4:18 and 19,
03:15 "But the path of the just is as the shining sun,
03:19 that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
03:23 The way of the wicked is like darkness,
03:26 they do not know what makes them stumble."
03:29 The Bible says, "Truth is like the sun."
03:33 And when the sun gets up in the morning,
03:35 it starts at just a little way, just a little bit of light.
03:39 But as the sun gets stronger and stronger,
03:43 the rays shine around the world.
03:46 And the Bible says,
03:47 that's how it is with the truth.
03:49 God gives us a little bit.
03:51 All that we can have the capacity to understand,
03:56 but the truth becomes clearer and clearer.
04:00 Truth is progressive.
04:04 Now, you know
04:06 how the Pilgrims came across to this great land.
04:08 The Pilgrims were Puritans that had broken away
04:13 from the Church of England
04:14 because the Church of England
04:15 wasn't following the truths of the Bible.
04:18 The Church of England had broken away
04:19 from the Church of Rome,
04:21 but then the Church of England had settled down.
04:23 They came from England via Holland.
04:27 And I'm going to quote Great Controversy,
04:29 page 291, 292,
04:31 and I'm going to quote their pastor
04:33 that preached to them before they left,
04:35 his name was John Robinson.
04:39 "Brethren, we are now erelong to part asunder,
04:45 and the Lord knoweth whether I shall live ever
04:47 to see your faces more.
04:50 But whether the Lord has appointed it or no,
04:55 I charge you before God
04:56 on His blessed angels
04:59 to follow me, no farther than I have followed Christ.
05:03 If God should reveal anything to you
05:05 by any other instrument of His,
05:08 be as ready to receive it as ever
05:11 you were to receive any truth from my ministry.
05:16 For I'm very confident Lord has more truth
05:19 and light yet to break forth out of His Holy Word."
05:23 So, my friend, if truth is progressive,
05:26 we cannot have creeds.
05:29 Then he went on to say, "For my part,
05:31 I cannot sufficiently bewail
05:34 the condition of the reformed churches,
05:39 who are come to a period in religion,
05:41 and will go at present no farther
05:43 than the instruments of their reformation.
05:47 The Lutherans cannot be drawn to go beyond what Luther saw,
05:51 and the Calvinists, you see,
05:53 stick fast where they were left by that great man of God,
05:57 who yet saw not all things.
06:01 This is a misery much to be lamented,
06:04 for though they were burning
06:05 and shining lights in their time,
06:07 yet they penetrated
06:08 not into the whole counsel of God,
06:11 but were they now living,
06:13 would be as willing to embrace further light
06:17 as that which they first received."
06:19 And that's what he said to the Puritans,
06:21 Pilgrim Fathers,
06:22 that God raised up the Lutherans,
06:25 God raised up the Calvinists,
06:27 but after the deaths of Luther and Calvin,
06:30 their followers, you know what they did?
06:32 They drew up creeds, and would not advance,
06:36 and so it has been with the Protestant churches
06:38 that follow them.
06:40 We believe what the founding fathers believed,
06:44 and we will go no farther, we have a creed.
06:49 But we must continue to walk in the light
06:52 because truth is progressive.
06:54 1 John 1:6 and 7,
06:58 "If we say that we have fellowship with Him,
07:01 and walk in darkness,
07:02 we lie and do not practice the truth.
07:05 But if we walk in the light," walk in the light,
07:08 "As He is in the light,
07:10 we have fellowship with one another,
07:12 and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son,
07:15 cleanses us from all sin."
07:16 You gonna only be cleansed from your sins
07:19 if you walk in the light.
07:21 And that's why we don't have a creed.
07:25 Therefore our only creed
07:29 is the Holy Bible.
07:33 That is our authority in all matters
07:36 pertaining to our salvation.
07:38 This, my friend, is how God speaks.
07:42 This is the final authority, it is written.
07:46 Man shall not live by bread alone,
07:48 but by every word that proceeds
07:52 out of the mouth of God.
07:55 Now, let me remind you of this,
08:00 the Holy Bible is totally unique.
08:04 It is God's infallible source of great spiritual truth,
08:09 infallible source of truth.
08:11 It is written to save my soul and get me home to glory.
08:17 And you won't get home to glory
08:19 unless you understand the Word of God.
08:22 Now John 20:31 says this,
08:27 John 20:31,
08:34 "But these are written that
08:35 you may believe that Jesus Christ...
08:38 Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
08:42 and that believing you may have life in His name."
08:46 The reason God gave us the Holy Scriptures
08:49 was so that
08:51 we would believe in Jesus Christ,
08:56 and that's when we have faith in His holy name,
08:59 we will be saved.
09:03 So the Bible was written to lead us to Christ, the Son,
09:07 because many people don't understand
09:10 what I'm going to say now.
09:13 The Bible was not written to make me an astronomer.
09:18 I love astronomy.
09:20 It wasn't written to make me an astronomer.
09:24 It was not written to make me a surgeon.
09:27 If I want my...
09:29 This side, isn't it?
09:31 If I want my cold blood,
09:32 if I wanted my appendix or my gall bladder out,
09:37 I do not go to a theologian.
09:44 I go to a doctor, you see that?
09:50 The Bible was not written to make me a paleontologist.
09:53 They are the people of who mess around
09:55 with old bones.
09:56 It was not written to make me a zoologist.
10:00 If I want to know how many teeth a horse has,
10:05 I look in the mouth of the horse.
10:07 I don't go to the Bible and say, "Now Holy Bible,
10:11 how many teeth has a horse got?"
10:14 It's not written to make me as zoologist,
10:16 not written to make me an archaeologist,
10:18 and I'm tremendously interested in archaeology.
10:21 It might touch on those things, but the focus is God,
10:25 truth, and salvation, you get this?
10:28 And if people understood this,
10:30 they wouldn't get so mixed up on some things.
10:32 The Holy Bible is not written to make me worldly wise,
10:38 it is written to save my soul, transform my life,
10:41 and prepare me for eternity.
10:43 Some people read the Bible
10:47 for argumentation.
10:49 Haven't you met them?
10:51 They like to bash you over the head with the Bible.
10:55 The Bible was not written for argumentation,
10:58 it was meant to lead me to repent of my sins.
11:04 It's a lot easier to argue over something in the Bible
11:08 than to come to Christ and repent.
11:13 The Bible is not a book about science
11:15 because science changes from year to year.
11:18 When people say, "It's a book about science.
11:20 I said, "Which science, today or next year?"
11:25 Because the science next year
11:26 will be different to the science today.
11:30 It is God's special revelation
11:32 about Christ and His gospel.
11:37 Now look at Hebrews 4:12,
11:39 that's why you got to read the Bible.
11:41 Don't be lazy.
11:43 This country is full of lazy churchgoers.
11:46 They're lazy, they don't read the scriptures.
11:50 Hebrews 4:12 says,
11:52 "For the Word of God is living and powerful,
11:56 sharper than any two-edged sword,"
11:58 cuts,
12:00 "piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,
12:03 and of joints and marrows,
12:05 and is a discerner of the thoughts
12:08 and intents of the heart."
12:10 The Word of God is powerful.
12:14 When did you read it last?
12:15 You read it every day?
12:17 You say, "Well, look, I'm just such a weak person.
12:20 I've got so many problems.
12:21 I have this spirit."
12:23 The reason is
12:24 because you don't let God's Word get inside you.
12:28 Word of God is powerful.
12:31 The Word of God is true.
12:33 It's not fake news,
12:35 it's not a lot of phony baloney,
12:37 it is the truth.
12:39 The word is creative.
12:42 If you read the word,
12:43 and let the word get inside you,
12:46 you'll be recreated in the image of God.
12:48 It is life giving, it is convicting.
12:51 When you read the Word of God,
12:53 you will start to feel how great a sinner you are.
12:57 People who get around proud as peacocks,
13:00 the self righteous people
13:01 who often go to church
13:04 have never, never read the Word of God,
13:06 as God gave it.
13:09 Word of God is not written to make me feel righteous,
13:14 it's convicting.
13:16 It is comforting.
13:17 It is renewing.
13:19 It is disturbing.
13:21 If you sit in church week after week, year after year,
13:24 and you've never been disturbed by what you've heard,
13:28 it's because you're dead
13:31 because it disturbs the conscience.
13:35 When the Bible says,
13:36 "Love your neighbor as yourself."
13:42 And I can hate people, I can call them names,
13:47 it's disturbing.
13:48 It's encouraging.
13:50 It is warning. It is saving.
13:52 Will save your soul.
13:55 And that's why I say to people, read your Bible every day.
13:57 Read it every day.
13:59 Oh, it's so hard. Don't be lazy.
14:05 I have to...
14:06 Do you think I always find it hard to read the Bible?
14:08 No.
14:10 My mind wants to run everywhere.
14:12 What am I going to do in Manila?
14:13 What am I going to do?
14:15 No, I need to read the Word
14:17 and let the Word convict my soul.
14:21 And don't just read books about the Word.
14:25 This country is full of a billion books
14:28 about the Word.
14:29 I wish we got rid of 99% of them.
14:32 And people read the Word.
14:36 It is written,
14:37 "Man shall not live by bread alone."
14:42 Now listen to this,
14:44 as I'm starting to get warmed up.
14:47 In spite of persecution,
14:49 indifference in the church,
14:53 opposition, lying, and cheating, politicking.
14:59 Some people are all the time tied up with politicking.
15:05 If you're tied up just with politics,
15:09 you're on the road to perdition
15:12 because politics cannot save your soul.
15:15 Are you listening to me?
15:18 And some people who are sitting here today,
15:19 and you're saying, "Oh, my life is politics."
15:23 I say God have mercy on you,
15:25 because unless you're converted,
15:27 you won't see the kingdom of God.
15:31 And in spite of politicking, calling people's name,
15:36 people names, what an abomination that is.
15:42 And every other sin,
15:45 God has always had His preachers
15:47 of the Holy Word.
15:50 Let me tell you some of my favorites.
15:52 John Wesley, a scholar
15:56 from Oxford University,
15:59 came over here to America to convert the Indians,
16:03 but he said, "Who's going to convert me?"
16:05 He was a Church of England minister,
16:08 Oxford scholar, sophisticated.
16:12 He came back to London, went along to a little church,
16:17 heard a layman read Martin Luther's
16:19 preface to the Book of Romans.
16:22 And as this layman,
16:24 who'd never been to college was reading Luther,
16:29 he got up and he said,
16:31 "I felt my heart strangely warmed.
16:35 I felt I did trust in Christ."
16:38 Have you ever had your heart strangely warmed?
16:40 I want to tell you this, too much religion,
16:42 man-made religion.
16:44 Heart was strangely warmed by God.
16:48 Then he was up at 4 o'clock in the morning
16:50 preaching to the miners as they went to work.
16:53 They told him,
16:54 "Oh, Mr. Wesley,
16:56 evangelism doesn't work anymore."
17:00 People will say that are lazy.
17:05 Preaching at 4 o'clock in the morning to the miners,
17:10 he saved England
17:11 from the equivalent of a French Revolution.
17:16 Sometimes they would get him, and throw him in the river,
17:19 stone him with stones.
17:21 As he is preaching,
17:23 throw rotten eggs with him, at him.
17:28 He was a man sent from God whose name was John.
17:35 A mighty man of God.
17:38 He traveled 360,000 miles on the back of a horse,
17:42 sometimes walking through blizzard,
17:45 and the snow pulling the horse.
17:48 Why? Because of Christ.
17:53 Where are his preachers today?
17:56 George Whitfield,
17:58 another man who came from Oxford,
18:01 a close friend of John Wesley.
18:03 I love these men.
18:06 He came over to America, just a young guy preaching.
18:10 On one occasion, there was a farmer,
18:11 he saw this tremendous cloud of smoke.
18:15 It wasn't smoke, it was dust.
18:18 Thousands of people running, riding horses,
18:21 ladies and gents, and carriages.
18:24 He said to his wife,
18:26 "Get on the horse," and they galloped.
18:29 They came to this town, they were putting out a table.
18:32 They helped a young boy get up on the table.
18:35 Just a boy in his 20s.
18:38 Preached the Word.
18:40 Preached with so much power
18:42 that people were slain in the spirit,
18:45 thousands, thousands.
18:49 That's because the Word has got power.
18:55 And there was H. M. S. Richards.
18:59 Perhaps the greatest preacher we've ever had in our church.
19:02 He came to Avondale College when I was a boy,
19:05 I heard him preach on the sermon,
19:07 the unsparing God.
19:09 Anything, basically, I remember from Avondale.
19:13 God spared not the angels.
19:16 If God didn't spare the antediluvians,
19:18 if God didn't spare Sodom and Gomorrah,
19:20 He's not going to spare you either.
19:24 He's an unsparing God.
19:26 Then He came to Romans 8,
19:27 "He who spared not His own Son."
19:30 The sin of the world was weighed on Him.
19:31 That sermon changed my life.
19:33 H. M. S. Richards.
19:35 He was a preacher of the Word.
19:39 Then when we were young people at college,
19:43 Beverley and I went down with Pastor Heffron to Sydney,
19:47 joined the crowd of well over 100,000, probably 150,000,
19:51 6,000 in the choir,
19:54 and we heard a man,
19:56 look just like that, a young man,
19:58 walking around saying,
19:59 "The Bible says, the Bible says, "
20:02 preaching the cynical tough Aussies.
20:05 We don't believe in him.
20:06 The Bible says.
20:08 On altar call, thousands coming forward.
20:12 Tell Billy Graham it doesn't work.
20:15 It doesn't work for people who don't let it work,
20:17 who don't have the Spirit of God.
20:21 Then he told the story.
20:26 He told the story that one red spot
20:28 spoke about Napoleon
20:31 after Waterloo.
20:32 He pointed out to England and said,
20:34 "Apart for that one red spot,
20:35 I would have conquered the whole world."
20:37 Then he said after Calvary,
20:39 Satan and his generals got around and said,
20:42 pointing to Calvary,
20:44 "But for that one red spot,
20:45 I would have conquered the whole world."
20:47 That sermon goes back a long time
20:49 when I was just a boy.
20:51 I've never forgotten it, the Bible says.
20:54 Then early in our ministry,
20:57 we went to a town on Australia by the name of Wagga Wagga
21:01 W-A-G-G-A, Wagga Wagga, great town.
21:05 There was a preacher there who was preaching.
21:08 We were there to help him, but properly hindered him.
21:11 His name was George Burnside,
21:15 great Bible preacher.
21:19 One young man,
21:20 rebellious young man in his teens,
21:22 after Pastor Burnside had preached for 60 minutes,
21:26 he said to me, "Why does he have to stop?"
21:30 That's the power of God.
21:31 Romans 1:14-16 please,
21:34 Romans 1:14-16,
21:37 "I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians,
21:39 both to wise and to unwise.
21:41 So, as much as in me,
21:43 I'm ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.
21:47 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
21:49 for it is the power of the dunamis of God
21:51 to salvation for everyone who believes,
21:53 for the Jew first, and then also for the Greek."
21:57 It's the power of God.
21:58 When God made the universe,
22:02 He poured out tremendous power.
22:05 Now that God, who made the universe,
22:07 takes that power and pours it into the preaching of His Word.
22:14 What power!
22:16 What power!
22:20 God's mighty power is directed to save lost men and women
22:23 through the Word of God.
22:24 1 Peter 1:23-25,
22:27 1 Peter 1,
22:28 "Having been born again," made new,
22:32 "not of corruptible seed but incorruptible,
22:34 through the word of God which lives and abides forever.
22:38 All flesh is as grass,
22:40 and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass.
22:42 The grass withers, and its flower falls away.
22:47 But the word of the Lord endures forever.
22:51 Now this is a word
22:52 which by the gospel was preached unto you."
22:57 Goodness me.
23:01 I make a promise to you, and listen very carefully.
23:04 Let it sink down into your minds.
23:07 Shun triviality, and foolishness,
23:10 stupidity.
23:13 If you follow the truths of the Holy Bible,
23:15 not the false teachings of men, but the words of God,
23:19 you will be saved for all eternity
23:22 in the kingdom of God.
23:24 That is God's promise to you, but you've got to read it.
23:29 Do not be lazy. Read the Word.
23:32 Start with the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke,
23:35 and John,
23:37 especially the Gospel of John.
23:38 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God.
23:41 Read it.
23:44 So we come back to Luther, we started with Luther,
23:48 we'll end with Luther.
23:49 If you fill up your soul on the Word,
23:53 you'll be able to sing with Luther these words.
23:57 What a hymn.
23:58 A mighty fortress is our God,
24:02 a bulwark never failing, Our helper He,
24:05 amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing,
24:08 For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe,
24:12 His craft and pow'r are great, and, armed with cruel hate,
24:16 On earth is not his equal.
24:18 Did we in our own strength confide,
24:20 our striving would be losing,
24:22 Were not the right Man on our side,
24:24 the Man of God's own choosing.
24:27 Dost ask who that may be?
24:29 Christ Jesus, it is He,
24:31 Lord Sabaoth, His Name, from age to age the same,
24:34 And He must win the battle.
24:37 And though the world, with devils filled,
24:40 should threaten to undo us, We will not fear,
24:43 for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us,
24:46 The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him,
24:51 His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure,
24:56 One little word shall fell him.
25:01 That word,
25:03 that word above all earthly pow'rs,
25:08 no thanks to them, abideth...
25:12 That was the Dark Age's church.
25:15 No thanks to them, abideth,
25:19 The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him
25:23 Who with us sideth,
25:25 Let goods and kindred go,
25:28 this mortal life also, The body they may kill,
25:33 God's truth abideth still,
25:37 His kingdom is forever.
25:42 Now...
25:45 that's what changed the world.
25:47 That's what gave us the reformation.
25:50 That's what raised up and enlightened people.
25:55 It is that word
25:57 received into the heart on a daily basis
26:02 that will change and save your soul
26:06 because Jesus said,
26:07 "It is written,
26:09 Man shall not live by bread alone,
26:13 but by every word that preceded out of the mouth of God.
26:18 And all the people said,
26:21 'Amen, and amen.'"
26:26 There's only one thing
26:27 that really counts in this lifetime,
26:30 your relationship to Christ.
26:33 And then if you have
26:34 a right relationship with Christ,
26:37 you want to tell people about Christ.
26:39 That's why Jesus said, "Go into all the world,
26:42 and preach the gospel to every creature."
26:46 By the grace of God, we're going to do that,
26:49 we are doing that.
26:51 That is why we're going back to Cuba,
26:53 to this communist land, to preach Christ.
26:58 We're accepting an invitation to go to the vast,
27:02 huge city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines,
27:06 been there before,
27:08 but by the grace of God, we're going back.
27:11 Please support us.
27:13 Please stand with us
27:15 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:18 You say, "How do you do it?
27:20 Who pays the bills?"
27:21 We do.
27:23 "Do you get any help,
27:24 financial help from the church?"
27:25 No, my friend, we don't,
27:27 but we get a lot of help from God,
27:30 and from His children.
27:32 Please support us
27:34 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:37 It's the most important work in all the world.
27:39 Everything else is almost trivia.
27:43 So would you please write to me,
27:46 John Carter, P.O. Box 1900,
27:50 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
27:55 Do your best for Jesus.
27:57 Do your best for the gospel.
27:59 And in Australia, write to me at Terrigal,
28:03 and we promise you this, every dime, every dollar
28:08 is going to be used to win souls to our Lord,
28:11 Jesus Christ.
28:13 Please write to me today.
28:17 Thank you, and God bless you.
28:28 For a copy of today's program, please contact us
28:32 at P. O. Box 1900,
28:34 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:38 Or in Australia, contact us
28:41 at P. O. Box 861,
28:43 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:48 This program is made possible
28:49 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:52 We thank you for your continued support.
28:55 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2019-01-28