Carter Report, The

God and Guns In America Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001846A

00:01 Thousands of innocent people
00:02 are shot to death in America every year.
00:06 Is the gun to blame?
00:07 And is the solution more governmental legislation
00:10 and interference?
00:11 What is the root cause of hatred
00:13 that drives individuals to commit deeds of violence?
00:16 Is the gun the problem?
00:18 What causes our culture of violence?
00:22 Find out on the Carter Report.
00:28 Welcome back.
00:29 We're talking about "Guns in America,
00:33 God and Guns in America."
00:38 It's a fact, this is in the western world,
00:41 in the so called enlightened world,
00:45 the most violent culture.
00:50 Mass killings has become...
00:52 Mass killings have become almost the norm
00:56 rather than the exception.
00:58 And the reason we're trying to explore,
01:01 why, what's the reason?
01:04 Now there's a text in the Old Testament
01:06 that gives me a clue.
01:07 A few moments ago, we talked about
01:09 the necessity of man being changed within.
01:13 My contention today is it's not so much the gun,
01:17 it's the violent culture that we have created.
01:20 Now, some of you will disagree with this,
01:23 but I want you to bear with me.
01:24 I want you to come over here to the Old Testament
01:26 to the Book of Daniel 4:33 and 34.
01:33 It talks about a man by the name of Nebuchadnezzar,
01:36 who was the great potentate
01:38 of the mighty kingdom of the Babylonians.
01:41 "That very hour the word was fulfilled
01:44 concerning Nebuchadnezzar."
01:46 He's the mighty king.
01:49 "He was driven from men and ate grass like oxen;
01:52 his body was wet with the dew of heaven
01:55 till his hair had grown like eagles' feathers,
01:59 his nails like birds' claws."
02:01 He went mad.
02:04 "And at the end of the time,
02:05 I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven,
02:08 and my understanding returned to me,
02:12 and I blessed the Most High
02:13 and praised and honored Him who lives forever,
02:18 for His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
02:21 and His kingdom is from generation
02:23 to generation."
02:24 It's an historical fact
02:27 that this man Nebuchadnezzar went crazy.
02:33 He was crazy for seven years.
02:37 And in the Bible, Nebuchadnezzar,
02:39 when he's crazy,
02:42 he's symbolic of the kingdoms of this world.
02:46 Did you know this?
02:47 He represents the kingdoms of this world who go crazy.
02:55 Now, there's a lot of craziness today in the world
02:57 and a lot of craziness in America.
03:00 And the Bible says,
03:02 "His sanity was restored when he turned to God."
03:06 He turned to God.
03:11 And I'm suggesting today
03:13 that the solution to the problem,
03:16 the real solution
03:19 is when we get our sanity back
03:22 and we turn to God.
03:25 I was running a series of meetings in Australia.
03:28 And young man, he seemed young in those days.
03:33 He must have been about 30 years of age.
03:35 I thought, he was very young man.
03:37 He came to the meetings.
03:39 He had a name in town for being just a ruffian,
03:45 used to beat up his wife, always drunk,
03:49 beating up people.
03:51 Everybody had given up on Ray, including his wife, except God.
03:57 And he came to the meetings and he gave his life to Christ.
04:01 This is absolutely true story.
04:03 People said, "What's happened to Ray?"
04:07 We talked about cleaning out the well
04:09 in the last segment of the program.
04:12 God didn't paint the pump, didn't whitewash it,
04:15 God changed his heart.
04:17 Now, my friend, when God gets inside a person,
04:22 God takes out the poison.
04:25 I'm suggesting today this.
04:28 Something has gone terribly wrong
04:31 in the heart of America,
04:34 and we need to address a real problem.
04:39 No more of pontificating, no more political solutions.
04:45 Our problem is spiritual.
04:47 We need to clean out the well and stop whitewashing the pump.
04:52 And if you miss the first segment,
04:54 you need to see it.
04:56 Most Americans, including me,
04:59 think that we are on the wrong track.
05:03 And most Americans are coming to the opinion
05:06 that I formed, many years ago,
05:08 that our solution is not to be found in politics.
05:12 We need more than political speeches.
05:16 Would you please notice these deciding factors,
05:19 these factors that are deciding our destiny?
05:26 America has had great spiritual opportunities,
05:32 great opportunities to walk in the light.
05:35 I listen to the liberals on television,
05:39 and they seem to be putting down
05:40 America's heritage all the time,
05:45 and telling the people lies.
05:51 Have you heard of this man, William Bradford?
05:54 He was one of the first governors.
05:56 He says, said this,
05:58 "They left that goodly and pleasant city
06:00 which had been their resting place
06:02 near 12 years,
06:03 but they knew that they were pilgrims
06:05 and looked not much on those things,
06:07 but lift up their eyes to heavens,
06:10 their dearest country, and quieted their spirits."
06:16 The people who founded America were a worshiping people,
06:22 a Bible reading people, a Christ loving people,
06:27 a law-abiding people.
06:29 1774,
06:33 the first act of America's first Congress.
06:37 In 1774, what was it,
06:41 it was to ask minister to open with prayer
06:44 and to lead Congress
06:45 in the reading of four chapters of the Bible.
06:48 And the liberals tell me, "No, these people back there,
06:50 all atheists, all socialists."
06:53 Oh, that's a lie.
06:57 Washington said these words.
06:59 "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation
07:03 without God and the Bible."
07:07 This is what Washington said,
07:08 he said, "You can't govern America
07:11 without God and the Bible."
07:13 Now I put it to you.
07:15 If you get rid of God,
07:16 and if you get rid of the Bible,
07:18 you're going to have anarchy,
07:20 and you're going to have lawlessness, crime.
07:27 And that's what we seem to be doing.
07:31 In 1787, Benjamin Franklin...
07:35 I've heard people on television
07:37 tell me that Franklin was an atheist.
07:41 They say this idea about America
07:43 having this great heritage of Christianity,
07:45 and all the rest are, "All lies."
07:47 No, they're the liars. They're the liars.
07:51 1787, Benjamin Franklin declared,
07:56 "God governs in the affairs of men.
07:59 And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground
08:01 without his notice,"
08:02 they are the words of Jesus,
08:05 "is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
08:11 Without His concurring aid,
08:13 we shall succeed in this political building
08:19 no better than the builders of Babel."
08:22 So kick God out of the schools and the government.
08:27 Benjamin Franklin said,
08:29 "We're going to have the tower of Babel."
08:33 And that's what's happening in America.
08:37 Now, I'm aware that
08:39 other countries have had great spiritual opportunities,
08:42 especially Great Britain,
08:44 Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany.
08:49 These are the countries
08:51 that had the great Protestant Reformation.
08:53 But no country has had more opportunities
08:58 to walk in the light,
08:59 no country more than America.
09:03 And some say
09:05 that God shed His grace upon America
09:09 because she was raised up
09:10 to defend the truths of the Bible.
09:16 You can't say that about Russia or China.
09:20 God shed His grace on thee.
09:22 America has had great light.
09:26 But many today in this God blessed nation
09:29 are rejecting the God of our fathers
09:33 and embracing a culture that is pagan to the core.
09:40 And remember the text we had at the start of this program.
09:44 Whatever a man sows that shall he also reap.
09:48 There's a great ignorance
09:49 of our Bible based American heritage.
09:54 We are not just another nation.
09:56 I believe, with all my soul,
10:03 in the belief of American exceptionalism.
10:07 I do not believe that we were raised up
10:10 to be just another nation.
10:13 I believe that we were raised up
10:16 to be a shining city on a hill.
10:19 I believe that.
10:22 I want you to think for a bit
10:24 of the influence of secular education.
10:30 Secular education where God is left out,
10:34 and where macro evolution is taught,
10:39 that we have come from the swamps,
10:42 and that man is the product,
10:45 notice it, of time plus matter plus chance.
10:50 It's taught in every secular university.
10:53 We are simply
10:57 a cosmic accident.
11:01 Man is simply the blind product
11:05 of random choices.
11:09 There's no eternal mind. There is no God.
11:17 This is called neo-Darwinism.
11:22 The Bible is a myth, and there's no personal God.
11:26 And the Bible is garbage.
11:30 The most influential philosopher
11:32 who shapes the minds
11:34 of millions of American young people and Christians
11:39 are oblivious to this.
11:43 But the philosopher who has the greatest influence
11:46 over the minds of millions of American young people
11:50 is Frederick Nietzsche.
11:53 Ever heard of him?
11:55 You should know about him.
11:57 He's the person who is training your young people today.
12:02 He said this,
12:03 "Christianity is called the religion of pity.
12:07 Pity stands opposed to the tonic emotions
12:10 which heighten our vitality.
12:12 It has a depressing effect.
12:15 We are deprived of strength when we feel pity.
12:19 That loss of strength
12:21 which suffering as such inflicts on life
12:23 is still further increased and multiplied by pity.
12:28 Pity makes suffering contagious."
12:31 Does nobody realize today in America
12:35 that Nietzsche was the philosopher
12:38 who paved the way for Hitler
12:42 and the Nazis?
12:45 People say, no way, I can't believe it.
12:47 This man, Hitler
12:48 slept with a copy of the antichrist
12:51 under his pillow.
12:54 God is dead.
12:58 And this is the stuff that is brainwashing
13:01 the minds of millions of young people today
13:05 around the world and in America.
13:09 It's the philosophy that might is right.
13:12 It is the religion of the tower of Babel.
13:16 It is the brainwashing of America's youth.
13:20 The death of hope
13:22 always leads to the hope for death.
13:25 And we need a restoration
13:27 of the face of the Pilgrim Fathers.
13:30 Unless you have that faith restored,
13:32 there is nothing ahead of us,
13:38 but hell and uncertainty.
13:42 During the World War II,
13:44 the young German soldiers
13:46 who went to the Russian front
13:53 suffered terrible traumas
13:55 to their minds and their bodies.
13:58 And they discovered this,
14:00 that the young German soldiers
14:02 that got minor wounds on the Russian front,
14:06 scratch, they recovered.
14:10 No, that's what you would think.
14:13 Those you got a scratch, they recover. No.
14:16 They died.
14:20 But the ones who got major wounds
14:22 on the Russian front,
14:23 they recovered
14:25 when those with the scratch died.
14:26 You know why?
14:29 Because if you got a major wound,
14:31 it meant you were going home.
14:35 "Hey, they're gonna put me on a plane.
14:37 I'm going to be back with mom and dad."
14:39 Those with major wounds lived,
14:42 those with scratches died,
14:46 because those with major wounds had hope.
14:50 And if you've got hope, you can face anything.
14:54 But if there's no God,
14:56 you have no rationale to have hope.
15:00 And the death of God leads to the death of hope.
15:09 And the death of hope leads to suicides.
15:13 Last year, suicides were the highest
15:15 in American history for at least 50 years.
15:19 They say, "We have a booming and a marvelous economy,"
15:23 and people are taking their lives.
15:26 And now young men are walking into places
15:29 such as in Thousand Oaks,
15:30 and they're killing people, why?
15:40 I want you to look at this text,
15:41 Jeremiah 29:11.
15:43 Jeremiah 29:11,
15:45 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
15:47 says the Lord,
15:48 thoughts of peace and not of evil,
15:50 to give you a future and a hope."
15:52 What I'm proclaiming here today is this.
15:55 Look at me. Let me tell you.
15:57 If this Word is true,
16:00 then there is a God who loves us,
16:03 and a Christ who died on the cross
16:06 to save us,
16:07 and there is a heaven, and there is life after death.
16:13 And if you have that, then you have in your soul,
16:18 a reason to live.
16:23 Our liberal culture
16:24 and the rejection of traditional American values,
16:27 let me comment on it.
16:29 Not everything that comes from Hollywood and the media
16:32 is bad,
16:34 just most of it.
16:36 Now there's an excellent program
16:37 that was put out by American media,
16:40 I believe it's called Blue Bloods.
16:43 It's about the police commissioner
16:44 in New York City
16:46 and his marvelous Roman Catholic family.
16:49 And you see them on Sunday nights,
16:51 eating together and saying grace,
16:53 and they go to church.
16:56 And they're old fashioned Americans.
16:59 So not everything that Hollywood does is bad,
17:02 but America is drowning in a sea of violence,
17:07 sex, and greed.
17:10 That's our religion now.
17:15 If you're not too easily offended,
17:16 you should go and see the movie,
17:18 The Wolf of Wall Street.
17:21 It talks about raw American capitalism,
17:26 greed, greed, greed,
17:28 and you grind the person down into the ground.
17:31 And the more you can take off people,
17:33 the better.
17:36 That, of course, is the religion of Nietzsche.
17:40 That's the religion of the antichrist.
17:42 Now, don't laugh.
17:44 Remember, Little House on the Prairie?
17:49 The Huxtable with Bill Cosby,
17:53 whatever he has done or had done
17:55 does not obliterate the fact
17:57 that his show was a good show on American values.
18:01 Leave it to Beaver,
18:03 now the liberals are falling off their seats.
18:06 It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart.
18:10 Who would believe that garbage?
18:14 So what have we got in its place?
18:16 Killing, murder, filthy language.
18:20 If you look at many modern movies,
18:22 they're full of filthy language,
18:25 especially the F word.
18:27 You know why?
18:28 Because their acting ability is so low
18:32 that they've got to shock you with something artificial.
18:36 They've got to have so many special effects,
18:38 millions and billions they spend on special effects,
18:42 because they can no longer act.
18:44 They can only swear.
18:48 Religion of Babel.
18:50 Now liberals mock.
18:53 But the old, strong, decent, God-fearing America
18:56 was the best place in the world,
18:59 a better place.
19:00 Time will not allow me to speak about the war in the Bible.
19:04 When I was growing up in Australia,
19:06 I was brought up in a culture that believed the Bible.
19:12 I remember, as a little boy,
19:13 going with my family to the Pound Family.
19:17 They had about ten children,
19:19 they sat around the big kitchen table.
19:21 Old Mr. Pound, he was on that old...
19:24 He sat up at the end of the table
19:27 and he read from the Holy Scriptures,
19:29 and they prayed together.
19:32 You think they were going out and shooting up people?
19:35 Did they have guns? Actually, they did.
19:38 Yes, they did.
19:40 Then we have the war on the Sabbath.
19:43 Look at Isaiah 58:13 and 14.
19:46 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,
19:48 from doing your pleasure on My holy day,
19:51 and call the Sabbath a delight,
19:53 the holy day of the Lord honorable,
19:55 and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways,
19:57 not finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words,
20:01 then you shall delight yourself in the Lord,
20:04 and I will cause you to ride on the high heels of the earth,
20:07 and feed you with a heritage of Jacob your father.
20:10 The mouth of the Lord has spoken."
20:15 The Sabbath,
20:17 what will I say about the Sabbath
20:19 as far as guns is concerned?
20:23 Karl Barth,
20:25 the greatest theologian of the 20th century
20:28 and the great enemy of Hitler loved these words.
20:33 You'll find this in his writings,
20:35 "When the holy day becomes the day of man,
20:38 society and humanity wither away
20:41 and the demons rule."
20:45 Hey, what's wrong with us?
20:48 Why can't we get smart?
20:50 You give up the Bible, you give up God,
20:52 and you give up the Sabbath.
20:56 And he said, "The demons rule."
20:58 They're ruling today in America.
21:01 We need to return to the Bible
21:03 and worshipping together on the Lord's Day.
21:06 We need to go to church.
21:09 People say it's boring.
21:12 Well, just sit there and read your Bible.
21:15 But you give up going to church
21:18 as a family day at your own peril.
21:22 Then we have the war on Christian marriage,
21:24 Jewish marriage, Muslim marriage,
21:28 one man and one woman.
21:31 Boy, that's a strange concept.
21:33 Matthew 19:4 and 5,
21:36 "He answered and said to them,
21:38 'Have you not read
21:39 that he who made them at the beginning
21:41 made them male and female,'
21:43 and said, 'For this reason,
21:45 a man shall leave his father and mother,
21:47 and be joined to his wife,
21:49 and the two shall become one flesh.'"
21:51 People say that, "I don't believe that."
21:53 Well, you can argue.
21:55 You're just arguing with Jesus.
21:58 The bedrock of society, mums and dads.
22:04 You have security, love, discipline, and happiness.
22:07 This one segment of American society
22:11 where more than 70 percent of the mothers are single,
22:17 and much more in the inner cities,
22:20 and the kids are killing each other.
22:24 When will we wake up to ourselves?
22:26 Where are the fathers?
22:29 They've skipped town, deadbeats,
22:34 they leave their children in poverty and insecurity.
22:37 And the gangs become their new families.
22:40 And thousands of young men are being killed every year.
22:47 Don Lemon of CNN said this,
22:50 "More than 72 percent of the children
22:54 in the African-American community
22:56 are born out of wedlock.
22:58 That means absent fathers."
23:00 And Don Lemon is an African-American,
23:06 but he's a courageous one.
23:07 I guess they'll call him a racist
23:11 because he's saying,
23:13 "We need to have mums and dads."
23:17 I don't care whether it's the black family,
23:20 or the white family, or the brown family,
23:23 or the yellow family,
23:26 we need moms and dads.
23:29 Why are we afraid of the truth?
23:32 Why do we cry racism?
23:35 And it's just the truth.
23:37 It's not racism, it's human nature.
23:40 We're all the same inside,
23:42 whether we're black or we're white.
23:44 The solution is this.
23:47 We recognize that we've been selling to the wind,
23:51 we wake up to ourselves
23:53 that we return to the values that made America great,
23:57 God, Christ, Church,
24:01 the Sabbath, the Bible, and marriage.
24:06 It's not getting rid of guns,
24:08 but getting rid of hate, anger, revenge, resentment.
24:12 That's why Jesus said, "You've got to be born again."
24:16 That's the solution.
24:18 Look at Ezekiel 36:25 and 26,
24:21 "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you,
24:24 and you shall be clean.
24:26 I will cleanse you from all your filthiness
24:28 and from all your idols.
24:30 I will give you a new heart
24:33 and put a new spirit within you.
24:35 I will take away the hardest stone
24:37 out of your flesh
24:39 and give you a heart of flesh."
24:42 That's the solution.
24:44 You know what it is?
24:48 God can change us, and God can renew us.
24:54 I've seen God do it in Russia.
24:55 I've seen Him do it with the leaders of the mafia.
24:59 This man standing here had an army of 400,
25:05 used to go around, shooting people.
25:10 And he came to Christ.
25:15 Christ didn't whitewash the pump,
25:19 He gave him a new heart.
25:22 So what's the solution to the violence in America?
25:27 More regulations from the government,
25:30 more speeches from the politicians,
25:34 more lectures?
25:37 No.
25:39 What we need is to come to Jesus,
25:45 and be born again.
25:48 When we come to Jesus,
25:51 when we are born again,
25:54 we become different people.
25:58 So remember this, God loves you.
26:01 Christ can renew you. Find a good church.
26:05 There are some.
26:07 Read your Bible every day.
26:13 And love your neighbor as yourself.
26:18 Amen.
26:19 Amen and Amen.
26:26 There's only one thing
26:28 that really counts in this lifetime,
26:30 your relationship to Christ.
26:33 And then if you have a right relationship
26:35 with Christ,
26:37 you want to tell people about Christ.
26:40 That's why Jesus said, "Go into all the world,
26:42 and preach the gospel to every creature."
26:46 By the grace of God, we're going to do that,
26:49 we are doing that.
26:51 That is why we're going back to Cuba,
26:53 to this communist land,
26:55 to preach Christ.
26:58 We're accepting an invitation to go to the vast,
27:02 huge city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines,
27:06 been there before,
27:08 but by the grace of God, we're going back.
27:11 Please support us.
27:13 Please stand with us
27:16 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:18 You say, "How do you do it? Who pays the bills?"
27:22 We do.
27:23 "Do you get any help, financial help
27:25 from the church?"
27:26 No, my friend, we don't,
27:28 but we get a lot of help from God,
27:31 and from His children.
27:32 Please support us
27:34 in the preaching of the everlasting gospel.
27:37 It's the most important work in all the world.
27:40 Everything else is almost trivia.
27:43 So would you please write to me,
27:47 John Carter, P.O. Box 1900,
27:50 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
27:55 Do your best for Jesus. Do your best for the gospel.
27:59 And in Australia, write to me at Terrigal,
28:03 and we promise you this,
28:06 every dime, every dollar
28:08 is going to be used to win souls to our Lord,
28:11 Jesus Christ.
28:13 Please write to me today.
28:18 Thank you, and God bless you.
28:29 For a copy of today's program,
28:31 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:34 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:38 Or in Australia, contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:44 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:48 This program is made possible
28:50 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:53 We thank you for your continued support.
28:56 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2019-02-04