Carter Report, The

Discovering God's Will Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001935A

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:29 John Carter will help you today in discovering God's will.
00:37 I've had lots of people
00:39 over my lifetime come to me and say,
00:42 "How can I really know
00:46 that I'm doing what God wants me to do?"
00:50 We're gonna talk today
00:51 about a really important question
00:53 in the lives of millions of people.
00:55 And that is
00:57 discovering God's will for your life.
01:04 Most people,
01:06 deep down inside,
01:08 really want to do what God wants them to do.
01:11 It's a very, very good question and wise people ask it
01:15 because it's not safe outside His will.
01:20 You know what I'm talking about.
01:23 If you get outside the will of God,
01:27 it's not safe at all.
01:28 Now there're some good stories in the Bible about this.
01:31 One is the story of Abraham and Sarah.
01:34 You all know the story of Abraham and Sarah.
01:38 Apparently even when she was getting old,
01:40 she was still a very beautiful woman.
01:44 And God told them to go down to the land of Egypt.
01:47 And so Abraham said,
01:51 and he got his wife in on this act,
01:53 "She's my sister."
01:55 When you think about it,
01:56 it's pretty dangerous thing to do.
01:59 And Sarah said, "Hey, that's right.
02:02 He's my brother."
02:04 And then you know the story in the Book of Genesis
02:07 how Sarah is seen by the Pharaoh,
02:12 she must have been a...
02:16 Well, I better not say, you know,
02:18 but she must have been
02:20 extraordinarily beautiful.
02:23 And she was not a girl
02:27 because Pharaoh got her and put her in the harem.
02:32 And then,
02:33 God sent along a message to Pharaoh.
02:35 And it turned out all right
02:38 but it could've turned out very bad.
02:41 Abraham could've been killed
02:44 and Sarah could've been violated.
02:48 It's not safe outside the will of God.
02:50 Some people say,
02:51 "They're not bothered by lying."
02:55 Abraham was a good man,
02:57 but he was not a perfect man.
03:01 And it doesn't matter who you are,
03:02 when you lie,
03:04 you go down the path of perdition.
03:09 God took a lifetime to teach Abraham
03:12 that lying is bad,
03:14 is bad, is bad.
03:18 And so if you're a person who lies,
03:21 then, my friend, you are in a very dangerous situation.
03:25 God never condones lying.
03:28 But Abraham was a slow learner.
03:31 You think he would've learned his lesson.
03:33 "She is my sister. He is my brother."
03:36 When you come to Genesis 20:2 and 3,
03:43 you read a sequel.
03:44 Genesis 20:2 and 3.
03:51 Genesis 20:2 and 3 in the scriptures.
03:56 "Now Abraham said of Sarah, his wife,
03:58 'She is my sister.'"
04:01 This is few years later.
04:03 "And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.
04:06 And God came to Abimelech in a dream by night,
04:09 and said to him, 'Indeed you are a dead man
04:13 because of the woman whom you have taken
04:16 for she is a man's wife.'"
04:19 Therefore, apparently, it seems to me
04:23 that the Almighty God has a healthy respect
04:29 for the institution of marriage.
04:32 And God is dead opposed
04:35 to the dreadful sin of lying
04:39 which is such a dangerous thing.
04:43 Sarah could've been harmed.
04:45 Abraham could've been killed.
04:47 So we need to discover God's will for our lives.
04:53 It's never safe to walk outside the will of God
04:56 and it's good to ask,
04:59 "Lord, what do You want me to do?"
05:03 So today, we're here to ponder
05:05 and answer this profoundly important question,
05:09 which is, how does a person...
05:11 How does God show me His will?
05:14 And many have asked this question.
05:16 "Should I take this job?
05:18 But does God want me to have this job.
05:20 Should I get another job?
05:23 Should I sell my house?"
05:25 Beverley and I are thinking right now
05:28 selling our house in the Thousand Oak.
05:30 So we got some people coming
05:33 to spiffy it up a bit next week.
05:36 "Should I marry this person?"
05:39 That's a question I've ever been asked ever.
05:43 Because people, when you come to marriage,
05:46 know what the will of God is.
05:48 They know exactly what they're going to do
05:51 because how they feel is the will of God.
05:57 "Should I send my children to such and such a school?"
06:00 It is never safe outside the will of God.
06:04 It is always safe and secure, and secure inside His will.
06:08 Now come with me in the Bible
06:10 to Ephesians 5:15 down to 17.
06:14 Ephesians 5:15 and onwards.
06:18 "See then that you walk circumspectly,
06:22 not as fools but as wise,
06:25 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
06:29 Therefore do not be unwise,
06:32 but understand what the will of the Lord is,"
06:36 so the Bible says.
06:37 And these are rather strong words,
06:40 the Bible doesn't pull it, it punches.
06:42 The Bible says, "Don't be a fool."
06:45 And the Bible says,
06:46 "Understand what the will of God is."
06:49 Now here is a great statement.
06:51 I wish you could just get this down
06:52 inside the molecules of your mind.
06:54 Here it is.
06:56 "The will of God will never take you
06:59 where the grace of God cannot keep you."
07:03 Want you to think of this.
07:04 "The will of God will never take you
07:06 where the grace of God cannot keep you."
07:09 And so, if you are in the will of God,
07:13 then the grace of God will keep you safe.
07:18 The will of God will never take you
07:19 where the grace of God cannot keep you.
07:21 But if you get outside the will of God,
07:24 my friend, you are not safe.
07:27 I had an old theology teacher. His name was Nelson Burns.
07:31 He taught us this.
07:32 "You are immortal until your work on earth is done."
07:38 This has been a great comfort to me down through the years.
07:41 You are immortal until your work on earth is done
07:46 because my work has taken me
07:48 into many, many dangerous places.
07:51 I remember when we were running a big evangelistic campaign
07:55 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
07:58 It used to be called Rhodesia.
08:01 But then, of course,
08:02 with independence it got changed,
08:04 Harare, Zimbabwe.
08:06 And I was invited up to the television station
08:09 out in the jungle.
08:10 And I went out there, innocence abroad,
08:14 only to walk into a trap
08:16 where my life was placed in danger.
08:20 And I was marched off in the jungle,
08:22 down a jungle road as the sun was going down
08:27 with these soldiers with their guns in my back.
08:31 It's a comfort to know that the will of God
08:33 is not going to take you
08:35 where the grace of God cannot keep you.
08:36 And you are immortal
08:38 until your work on earth is done.
08:40 So nothing can touch you.
08:43 Nothing can harm one hair of your head
08:49 until God says so.
08:52 And I could tell you the story about it.
08:55 As they marched me off down the jungle road,
08:59 and as this terrorist
09:00 who was escorting them in his Peugeot car
09:04 was saying, "Get rid of this man.
09:06 Get rid of this white man."
09:11 As he turned around
09:13 leaving it to the soldiers to kill me,
09:17 they cried out one by one,
09:18 "Pastor Carter, we come to your meetings.
09:22 We come to your meetings. You're safe with us."
09:25 They got me to the meetings on time.
09:30 So you are immortal
09:31 until your work on earth is done.
09:35 The thing we have to fear
09:37 more than anything else is fear.
09:41 You hear this?
09:44 You're safe in His will.
09:45 So how can I know God's will for my life?
09:47 I'm going to give you a number of points.
09:48 If you're taking notes,
09:50 this is the time to start taking notes.
09:51 Number one.
09:52 God never leads me to break His commandments.
09:56 And so you don't need to pray and say,
09:58 "Well, should I break the commandments of God?"
10:01 God never leads me contrary to His commandments.
10:04 Isaiah 48:17 and 18.
10:07 Isaiah 48:17,
10:09 "Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer,
10:11 the Holy One of Israel, I am the Lord your God,
10:13 I'm Yahweh Elohim,
10:15 who teaches you to profit,
10:17 who leads you by the way you should go.
10:19 Oh, that you had heeded My commandments!
10:22 Then your peace would have been like a river,
10:25 and your righteousness like the waves of the sea."
10:29 If you walk in God's commandments,
10:31 you are going to be in the will of God.
10:36 Let me read you this statement
10:37 from a famous German theologian.
10:42 "The moral laws are just as stable
10:45 as the law of gravitation.
10:47 Every fuzzy human chicken
10:52 that is hatched into this world
10:54 tries to fool with those laws.
10:56 Some grow wiser in the process and some do not.
10:59 We talk about breaking God's laws.
11:01 But after those laws have been broken several billion times
11:04 since Adam first tried to play with them,
11:07 those laws are still intact
11:10 and no seam or fracture is visible in them,
11:14 not even a scratch on the enamel.
11:18 But the lawbreakers, that is another story.
11:21 If you want to find their fragments,
11:23 go to the ruins of Egypt,
11:25 of Babylon, of Jerusalem,
11:28 study statistics, read faces,
11:31 keep your eyes open, visit Blackwell's Island,
11:37 walk through the graveyard
11:38 and read the invisible inscriptions
11:42 left by the Angel of Judgment, for instance,
11:45 'Here lie the fragments of John Smith,
11:49 who contradicted his Maker,
11:51 played football with the Ten Commandments,
11:54 and departed this life at the age of thirty-five.
11:58 His mother and wife, they weep for him.
12:01 Nobody else does.
12:03 May he rest in peace!'
12:05 "Professor Walter Rauschenbusch.
12:09 So God never leads you to violate
12:13 the commandments of God.
12:16 If you are thinking of leaving your wife
12:20 for another woman,
12:22 you don't need to pray about it.
12:30 You know the story of David with Bathsheba?
12:33 Huh?
12:35 A beautiful, voluptuous woman,
12:40 and the king who had tremendous power.
12:44 And she was taking a bask on the top of her house
12:50 just below the king's window.
12:52 Don't tell me she was innocence abroad.
12:57 Have you thought of the consequences
12:58 of what happened here?
13:01 Amnon
13:03 who raped his sister Tamar
13:08 and Absalom who killed him in response,
13:13 and then, there was a general mutiny and rebellion.
13:18 And the end was two dead,
13:21 Amnon, Absolom.
13:23 One woman raped and left a desolate woman
13:28 and thousands and thousands,
13:30 tens of thousands of dead soldiers.
13:35 Why?
13:39 Because the king didn't keep the commandments of God.
13:43 He gave into his lust.
13:49 He got outside the will of God.
13:51 He got outside the safety zone.
13:53 As soon as he got outside the Ten Commandments.
13:57 Look at 2 Corinthians 6:14 and 15.
14:01 Here's another why people get outside the commandments
14:05 and outside the will of God.
14:06 2 Corinthians 6:14 and 15.
14:09 Now I'm almost scared to read it to you
14:12 because not many people here believe this anymore.
14:15 "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
14:20 For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?
14:24 And what communion has light with darkness?
14:27 And what accord has Christ with Belial?"
14:30 Now look at this.
14:32 "Or what part has a believer
14:34 with an unbeliever?"
14:39 The Bible says, who believe it says...
14:42 The Bible says,
14:44 "Believers should not get connected
14:46 and tied up with unbelievers."
14:49 There was one person I greatly respected
14:53 even though we would not agree on every bit of theology.
14:57 And that was Dr. Billy Graham.
15:00 And I heard him preach with a Bible in his hand.
15:04 A preacher of God,
15:06 not a whispering hope,
15:08 not a wimp,
15:10 not a coward.
15:12 Not a compromising, ecclesiastical politician.
15:19 The church today is full of those individuals.
15:22 Billy preaching said,
15:24 "If you're going with an unbeliever,
15:28 young lady, drop him and drop him quick."
15:33 And, of course, Billy was right.
15:37 But we don't preach these things today
15:39 because these things will offend the congregation.
15:43 I say, "Offend them."
15:46 Where are the preachers today?
15:47 We don't need to pray about
15:49 what God has already revealed in His Word.
15:51 A man came to me, a businessman.
15:53 He said, "Pastor Carter, pray for me."
15:55 I thought he's going to give a big donation.
15:57 I said, "Certainly.
15:59 How long do you want the prayer to be?"
16:03 Now let me be serious.
16:05 He said to me, "My business partner..."
16:08 He said, "I shouldn't have joined up with this man
16:11 because he is a complete unbeliever
16:14 and he's robbed me of $60,000."
16:19 I said, "I will certainly pray for you.
16:21 Of course, I will that you'll get the money back.
16:25 But you violated the law of God.
16:27 How can you expect God to bless you?"
16:29 God says, "Don't be unequally
16:31 yoked together with unbelievers."
16:33 You don't need to pray about a situation
16:36 that will involve us in lying, cheating, stealing,
16:40 committing adultery, et cetera, et cetera.
16:45 So the first point is this.
16:47 God never leads me in a situation
16:49 where I will be breaking His commandments.
16:55 Number one. Number two.
16:57 God reveals His will to us by opening and closing doors.
17:03 This is something that is very precious
17:04 to the early Americans.
17:06 It is called the providence of God.
17:09 I believe in the providence of God.
17:11 I believe God leads us by opening and closing doors.
17:16 Let me give you a story.
17:18 You know the story of Abraham.
17:21 And he had a son by the name of Isaac.
17:24 He said, "I do not want my son to marry a daughter
17:29 of an unbeliever."
17:32 Because marriage between believers and unbelievers
17:36 is forbidden in the Word of God.
17:38 If you don't believe this,
17:39 it's because you don't believe the Bible.
17:43 So Abraham said to his servant,
17:45 "I want you to go back to my father's house
17:48 and find a girl
17:51 who'll be suitable for my son, Isaac."
17:56 And you know the story.
18:01 The man who would be Isaac's servant one day,
18:05 or Abraham's present servant
18:08 sets out for the land of Mesopotamia.
18:13 It's a great story.
18:14 If you look at Genesis 24:27,
18:19 dear hearts and gentle people,
18:21 Genesis 24:27.
18:24 "And he said,
18:25 'Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham,
18:29 who has not forsaken His mercy
18:31 and His truth towards my master.
18:34 As for me, being on the way,
18:37 the Lord led me to the house of my master's brethren.'"
18:41 So he sets out and he says,
18:43 "God, I don't know what to do.
18:46 But I just pray that You're going to lead me.
18:49 I pray that you're going to guide me."
18:51 And he gets there at the time of the day.
18:53 He gets to the village well and all the women,
18:57 and all of the young women
18:58 are coming there to draw water.
19:02 You know the story.
19:04 He says, "God, what am I going to do?
19:07 What am I going to do?"
19:09 He says, "God, could You lead me,
19:11 could You open a door, could You close a door."
19:13 Could it be that the maiden who says,
19:16 "Would you like a drink?"
19:18 And I'll pour some water for your camels?
19:22 Might it be that this is a sign?
19:24 This will be an opening providence.
19:28 You read about this in Genesis 24:12 to 14.
19:34 It is a great and wonderful story.
19:38 Genesis 24:12 to 14.
19:43 "Then he said,
19:44 'O Lord God, Yahweh Elohim of my master Abraham,
19:49 please give me success this day,
19:51 show kindness to my master Abraham.
19:54 Behold, here I stand by the well of water,
19:59 and the daughters of the men of the city
20:01 are coming out to draw water.
20:04 Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say,
20:06 'Please let down your pitcher
20:09 that I may drink, and she says,
20:10 'Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink,'
20:14 let her be the one
20:16 You have appointed for Your servant Isaac.
20:19 And by this I will know
20:21 that You have shown kindness to my master.'"
20:25 And you know exactly what happens.
20:29 The girl comes out. Her name is Rebecca.
20:33 Listen carefully to this
20:35 because those of you who are spiritually minded
20:39 will understand this.
20:42 The servant of Abraham,
20:46 a believer in Yahweh Elohim,
20:49 was in the right place
20:53 at the right time
20:56 for the right person.
20:59 So God was opening doors,
21:02 and God was closing doors.
21:05 Therefore, I say to you,
21:06 "Watch for the providences of God."
21:09 Let me tell you some stories.
21:12 We're shortly going to the great city of Manila.
21:14 By the grace of God,
21:16 it has been tremendously difficult
21:18 working in the Philippines.
21:20 Why are we going to Manila?
21:21 Let me tell my Australian friends,
21:24 let me tell my American friends.
21:26 We are going to Manila because I still believe.
21:31 I'm a pastor who still believes that Jesus said,
21:36 "Go into all the world and preach the gospel."
21:38 I believe this.
21:41 I can't see in my conscience.
21:43 I can't compromise my conscience.
21:46 I believe this.
21:48 David, my son, and I went there in January.
21:52 We went there for a week.
21:54 We were butting our heads up.
21:56 It seemed against every war, it was difficult.
21:59 We couldn't get a place.
22:01 And then later on,
22:02 we decided that we would try to get
22:04 this great and famous place not as big as we wanted.
22:06 It is called
22:08 the Philippine International Convention Center.
22:10 I've run meetings there before.
22:12 It is magnificent, and it is the premium theater
22:15 in that part of the world.
22:17 But we couldn't get the bookings made.
22:20 Blocked every way.
22:22 Is it available? Well, may be.
22:24 Can we get it? Well, may be.
22:26 So I sent Pastor Harker
22:28 and even though he was recovering
22:30 from a serious operation,
22:31 he got on a plane and flew from Sydney
22:34 eight hours up to Manila
22:35 even though he was suffering.
22:37 And he spent a week there.
22:39 And he made some progress
22:40 and we saw doors start to open a little bit more.
22:44 And then I sent
22:46 Dr. John Hammond from Australia.
22:49 These are my great friends.
22:50 This is a providence of God that I have these friends.
22:53 And he met up there in Manila with a pastor,
22:56 whose name is Pastor June
22:58 and they worked together.
22:59 And after months and months of frustration,
23:03 we finally signed a contract and we got it.
23:07 This is not for the faint of heart.
23:10 You've gotta believe
23:12 that God is with you and God is opening doors.
23:19 Now, this is true in our lives.
23:21 In Moscow, 1991, we ran a very successful campaign
23:25 in the city of Moscow.
23:27 The first ever public evangelistic campaign
23:31 by a foreigner in the history of Russia,
23:35 the Soviet Union.
23:37 And after that campaign, the Russian people came to me
23:40 and they said, "Would you have enough faith to rent
23:45 the whole of congresses in the Kremlin?"
23:49 These were heady high days. Revolution was going on.
23:54 So we put a booking on it.
23:56 And we secured the Kremlin Auditorium
24:01 for a great evangelistic series.
24:06 But it never happened.
24:11 I'm not gonna tell you the story,
24:14 but was taken from us.
24:19 This was a bit of disappointment for me,
24:22 but was good for me
24:24 because it taught me not to trust in people
24:27 but to trust in God.
24:30 Because people even those who profess godliness
24:36 will let you down.
24:37 In 1992,
24:38 because we were not allowed to go to the Kremlin
24:40 after we paid all this money,
24:42 we were sent to Nizhny Novgorod.
24:45 And that was a close city.
24:47 We went from the whole of congresses to this place.
24:51 But there we saw as never before
24:55 in the history of Russia,
24:57 the power of God.
24:59 Thousands, thousands,
25:01 tens of thousands coming to God.
25:03 Russia had never seen anything like it before.
25:07 And because of these meetings,
25:12 Danny Shelton came with me to support me
25:15 and to stand with me.
25:16 It's good to have a friend.
25:19 These are pictures of the baptisms.
25:21 Thousands are being baptized.
25:24 History. And then Danny got the vision.
25:28 And the Spirit of God came upon him.
25:30 And he established this 3ABN center
25:36 in Nizhny Novgorod,
25:38 which is the largest Protestant building in all of Russia.
25:43 You say, "Never heard of it." You will.
25:49 And I'll be back soon
25:52 with more amazing stories.
25:55 Finding the providence of God,
25:58 walking in the will of God,
25:59 and knowing that you are safe.
26:21 Hello, friend.
26:23 I'm John Carter.
26:24 Behind me is the great city of Manila,
26:28 the capital of the Philippines.
26:30 Did you know, this is quite amazing.
26:32 There are more people living in this area
26:34 than in New York City.
26:36 And Christ died for these people.
26:39 We came here, oh, long time ago back in 1984.
26:45 What's that, 34, 35 years ago,
26:48 and we came here with a team of young people
26:50 and we came to the PICC.
26:53 It is our intent to come here,
26:56 hire the biggest hall that's available,
26:58 the greatest outdoor stadium, whatever it takes.
27:02 You've got more than 20 million souls out here.
27:07 And I say it again.
27:09 These are people for whom Christ died.
27:11 I'm asking you to pray
27:13 for the people of the Philippines.
27:15 Please pray for the people here in Metro Manila.
27:19 And please write to me, John Carter, P.O. Box 1900,
27:23 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
27:27 In Australia,
27:28 write to me at Terrigal, at the address
27:30 that is now showing on the screen.
27:35 We're back in Manila,
27:37 and we're back with a message from God,
27:40 that message is,
27:41 Christ died for you.
27:45 And Christ is coming again soon.
27:50 Please support us.
27:52 Write to me today, P.O. Box 1900,
27:55 Thousand Oaks, California.
27:56 And also write to me at Terrigal in Australia.
28:00 Thank you for your support.
28:03 And God bless you.
28:19 For a copy of today's program,
28:21 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:25 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:29 Or in Australia, contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:34 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:38 This program is made possible
28:40 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:43 We thank you for your continued support.
28:46 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2019-12-12