Carter Report, The

John Carter: Fighting The Good Fight Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001946S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:30 Now, with John Carter, Fighting the Good Fight.
00:37 Welcome back to The Carter Report,
00:38 I'm Alan De Leon, and thank you so much for joining us.
00:41 With me today we have world famous evangelist,
00:44 Pastor John Carter.
00:45 Thank you so much for joining us
00:47 at here at The Carter Report.
00:52 Greater Manila is more than 20 million souls.
00:55 Almost all these beautiful people are ignorant
00:58 of the true Gospel of Christ.
01:00 Manila needs Jesus.
01:02 Thirty five years ago, John Carter came to Manila.
01:06 Pastor Carter is returning to Manila
01:08 with an urgent assignment,
01:09 preach the Gospel of Christ
01:11 and the great truths of the Bible.
01:13 Don't water down the message.
01:15 Make it plain, make it clear, make it Christ centered.
01:20 The Carter Report needs your help now
01:23 to light a fire in the Philippines.
01:25 Your gift will help open the doors of bondage,
01:28 smash the chains of sin,
01:30 and open the gates of paradise to thousands of lost souls.
01:34 The churches have sent out an urgent plea
01:36 for The Carter Report to return.
01:38 Help us proclaim the true Gospel of Christ
01:41 to the beautiful Filipino people.
01:43 Please send your support to the address on the screen.
01:46 Visit our website or call The Carter Report.
01:53 Welcome back to The Carter Report.
01:55 I'm Alan De Leon, and with me today
01:57 is world famous evangelist, Pastor John Carter.
02:01 Now you brought up a very interesting point that,
02:03 in the last program, that I wanted to make sure
02:05 that we touched on.
02:06 You were mentioning something
02:08 along the lines of cultural wars
02:09 that we're experiencing
02:11 in the United States at the moment.
02:12 And I wanted you to elaborate a little bit on that.
02:17 United States of America
02:18 and other great western countries
02:20 like Australia, and Canada, and Britain
02:23 have experienced a tremendous,
02:26 a seismic shift in the way people think.
02:30 This is a part of the culture wars.
02:32 As we know, an active warfare
02:36 against biblical Christianity.
02:39 And is this part of a modern sense
02:41 of thinking that has spread?
02:43 You can say, Alan, it started with Charles Darwin.
02:47 When Darwin basically taught
02:49 that the man was the product of time
02:51 plus matter plus chance.
02:53 That everything was simply
02:55 the happenchance event.
02:59 There was no personal Creator God.
03:02 Then it went into the teachings of Nietzsche
03:05 and Marx grabbed hold of it
03:07 because of his belief in the great war
03:10 between capital and labor,
03:12 and it spread into the old Soviet Union.
03:15 It destroyed millions,
03:17 tens of millions of people there.
03:20 The same basic idea of Neo-Darwinism
03:24 and the teachings of Nietzsche is right here now today
03:27 in the United States of America and in Australia.
03:30 And so do you think that this
03:31 is garnering more influence as the time goes on?
03:34 Yes, yes absolutely.
03:35 It is the major doctrine
03:37 that is taught in every American university.
03:40 In the science department,
03:41 in the departments of philosophy.
03:44 I asked my son David who attended Sydney University
03:47 and who did a course there
03:49 when he was studying in philosophy.
03:52 There's no personal God and there's no meaning to life.
03:56 And so you've got millions,
03:58 hundreds of millions of people today
04:01 who do not believe in a personal God
04:04 and they have no basis for their morality.
04:07 So there seems to be a pretty sharp line between
04:10 Christianity and science,
04:11 but do you think that there is a possibility for them both
04:14 to have some kind of mix?
04:15 Oh, absolutely.
04:17 I believe that God has given us two books.
04:19 One is the Holy Scriptures, this is His book.
04:22 I believe this is His inspired word.
04:25 I have total confidence in the Bible
04:27 as the Word of God.
04:29 We're also told that He's given us another book
04:31 and that is the book of nature.
04:34 Nature rightly understood and interpreted
04:38 is in complete harmony with the Holy Scriptures.
04:41 Can you give an example
04:42 of some type of harmony that exists?
04:45 Well, in Genesis 1:1,
04:49 you have the most important words,
04:52 some would say that have ever been spoken,
04:55 "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
04:58 The Bible teaches a point of time
05:01 when everything came into being.
05:03 A number of years ago, not so many years ago,
05:06 but scientists started to think
05:08 that the universe had a beginning.
05:12 Scientists had, almost every scientist
05:14 had believed in the steady-state theory,
05:18 the eternity of matter.
05:19 Einstein used to believe in the steady-state theory
05:24 that there had never been a beginning.
05:26 He said, "Thinking that there is a beginning to the universe
05:30 is something that disturbs me a great deal."
05:33 But then he received the scientific proof
05:37 that the universe had a beginning.
05:40 What proof is that?
05:42 Alan, almost every,
05:43 almost virtually every scientist I would say,
05:46 virtually every astronomer believes in Genesis 1:1.
05:51 They wouldn't call it Genesis 1:1,
05:53 they call it The Big Bang.
05:55 It simply means that there was a point in time
05:57 when there was nothing
05:59 and then there was a very big bang,
06:01 the point of creation and then there was everything.
06:04 So you're saying the form of creation
06:06 that is presented in Genesis 1:1
06:08 is connected to or related to The Big Bang?
06:11 Yeah, absolutely.
06:13 Now some people and this is not their fault,
06:16 they just haven't studied it.
06:18 They think that The Big Bang
06:19 somehow is tied in with evolution.
06:22 It's the biggest argument against evolution
06:24 because it shows a very finite amount of time.
06:30 There's not enough time in the universe
06:32 for everything to start by itself.
06:34 It shows that evolution is an absolute fraud.
06:40 You see, what they discovered was this
06:42 and I don't want to go too much into this.
06:45 They discovered that the universe was expanding.
06:48 They can prove this,
06:49 they can see it with the telescopes.
06:51 We live in the midst of an expanding universe.
06:55 If it is expanding out like this,
06:58 it shows that it started somewhere.
07:01 And it started with a tiny, tiny,
07:05 tiny little thing like a seed
07:09 and out it went.
07:13 And it became the universe.
07:14 This is why the person who doesn't believe in God
07:17 would leave it there and he'd say,
07:19 well, you know, there was a beginning
07:21 and we don't understand it and it's expanding.
07:26 But we who are Christians see in this
07:28 and many scientists see in this the proof of a creator.
07:33 You see, a beginning demands a beginner.
07:37 And so here you have a classical illustration
07:40 with science and the Bible come together in Genesis 1:1,
07:45 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
07:47 I teach these things in my lectures.
07:50 I've taught these things to the KGB,
07:52 vast crowds of atheists and communists.
07:54 I've seen thousands and thousands of atheists
07:58 come to Christ because of the discoveries of science
08:02 in the light of the Word of God, the Bible.
08:05 And I know that you started off
08:08 not being an evangelist however,
08:10 and I'm curious to know
08:12 what is it exactly that you started,
08:14 or where you started beginning this entire journey?
08:17 In some small way I have a very small reputation
08:21 for being an evangelist.
08:23 But first and foremost, Alan, I'm a pastor.
08:27 I've pastored many churches,
08:30 big churches and little churches.
08:32 Happy churches,
08:33 churches that are not quite so happy.
08:35 So I've been a pastor.
08:37 I do evangelism in my spare time,
08:40 when I have the money to do it.
08:44 I'm going to Manila
08:45 only because I expect that I can by the grace of God
08:49 and with the help of God's people
08:50 to raise the money to run a big campaign in Manila.
08:54 But I can't run many campaigns
08:56 because I don't have the money to do it.
08:59 So I am first and foremost a minister, and a pastor,
09:04 and a humble follower of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
09:08 Now I know that you have a team
09:10 that helps you put all of this together.
09:12 A team that goes with you on your campaigns.
09:15 How do they influence the work that you do as well?
09:18 Well, if I didn't have a team, nothing would happen.
09:22 Here at The Carter Report,
09:24 we've got a fantastic team and you're a part of that team.
09:26 You're a very important part of that team.
09:28 Thank you.
09:29 We have a television crew which we think is a super crew.
09:33 They're just great people,
09:35 some of them work in Hollywood industry
09:37 and some of them are on the camera seat today.
09:39 They're just tremendous people.
09:42 And then we've got a department that designs the handbills
09:47 and we've got a department that sends out newsletters.
09:50 All of this is done by faith and people send money
09:53 to make this great work possible.
09:56 And so,
09:58 I don't have the backing of some big super organization,
10:01 but I do have the backing of a big super God.
10:06 Well, it's always a pleasure to hear that.
10:08 I do also want to know a little bit behind the team
10:12 and going into that a little bit more.
10:13 I know that your wife Beverley also plays a big role.
10:16 Yes.
10:17 What is it that she does in the campaigns as well?
10:19 Beverley has done a marvelous work.
10:21 You know, we've been married for well over 50 years.
10:24 She doesn't want me to tell you exactly.
10:25 Well, congratulations.
10:27 We've been married far longer
10:30 than you have existed on planet earth, Alan.
10:33 And she has a heart for God, she is a super pastor's wife,
10:38 she's got a great heart for the people of God,
10:41 and she's got a heart for evangelism.
10:44 It was her idea that we run campaigns overseas.
10:48 I never got this idea,
10:49 this was her idea to go into all the world
10:53 and she said to me, you know, "Don't you believe the Bible?"
10:55 "Yeah, of course I believe it."
10:57 She said, "Well, why aren't you running campaigns overseas?
11:00 Why are you sticking with some local church?
11:02 Why aren't you going to all the world
11:04 and preach the gospel?"
11:05 So she challenged you to branch out?
11:07 She did more than challenge me, she sort of nagged me to do it.
11:12 But, but, no, no, no, what she did was God given.
11:15 But when she's gone with me
11:17 to places like Russia or Ukraine,
11:19 she has visited orphanages
11:21 and she has raised money for the children in Chernobyl
11:25 and other places.
11:27 And so she has done a work which is a superlative work
11:30 because she believes that God called her to do it.
11:33 God has anointed her to do this work
11:36 just as much as he has anointed me.
11:39 And now with all of this big preparation
11:41 for the Manila campaign coming up.
11:44 What are the steps that you're taking to ensure
11:47 that this goes through?
11:48 Alan, we have so many challenges.
11:50 I went to Manila back in January
11:54 and I met with the church leaders
11:56 to get them on side, to get them enthused.
11:59 Then I met with all the pastors in Manila to get them enthused
12:03 and then we looked for auditoriums
12:05 because we've gotta find the auditoriums.
12:08 We've got to find everything.
12:10 My son David came with me and was of great help.
12:14 And then my friend in Australia,
12:16 the old union president,
12:18 Pastor Harrell Harker
12:19 went there to try to help get the hall,
12:22 because getting the hall was extremely difficult.
12:25 We couldn't get the hall and when we got a hall,
12:27 we couldn't get a contract signed.
12:30 You know, we don't go into these details.
12:32 And then I sent another friend of mine, Dr. John Hammond.
12:37 So we had been on this work
12:39 for months trying to get a hall.
12:41 So you got to,
12:43 you got to negotiate to get the hall,
12:45 it's terribly hard to get the hall.
12:47 We are getting the Philippine
12:49 International Convention Center.
12:53 It's one of the best halls in the world.
12:56 So that must cost a lot of money?
12:58 Yes, it does.
12:59 It costs tens and tens and tens of thousands.
13:01 So we know that there is a lot of work behind,
13:04 behind the scenes that your team does to ensure
13:06 that these preparations are set?
13:07 Yes, the team is in charge of setting up the video walls
13:09 and David will be in charge of the videoing.
13:14 It's like, Alan, going into battle.
13:16 People who've come with us on this trip say,
13:19 we're dumbfounded.
13:20 They say, "We had no idea so much has to be done."
13:24 Then we shoot the television commercials
13:26 that go on television to bring the audience.
13:29 And we... This all sounds very expensive.
13:33 Yes, it is.
13:34 And just out of curiosity,
13:36 how do you raise the money to pay for all the stuff?
13:37 Well, actually, it's not expensive.
13:39 If I talk about a campaign, a big campaign say in India
13:43 and it costs a million dollars, I don't think it's expensive.
13:47 It's all based on what you believe.
13:49 Do you believe in the Bible? Yes, of course.
13:52 Do you believe that Jesus was right and we should believe
13:55 what Jesus said when He said,
13:56 "Go into all the world
13:57 and make disciples of all nations."
14:00 Lot of people say, "Oh, we're past that."
14:03 Well, when people get past that,
14:05 the church starts to die.
14:08 And in some parts of the world,
14:10 the church is dying
14:12 because the church has given up
14:14 on the Gospel of Christ and aggressive evangelism.
14:19 Now a million dollars for me,
14:23 that's an extraordinary amount of money to raise.
14:26 It certainly is.
14:27 And when we produce television programs
14:29 and when we go to Manila.
14:32 We've got to raise every, as they say in Australia,
14:35 every brass razoo, it means every cent.
14:39 And people say why do you do it?
14:40 I do it because it is taught in the Bible.
14:43 I believe that Jesus is coming soon.
14:46 And I believe, and I pardon my saying this,
14:48 I believe we're living in the days of Matthew 25,
14:51 when all the churches fallen asleep,
14:53 it says they all fell asleep.
14:56 And so do you believe
14:58 that by going out on these campaigns,
15:01 are you trying to shake the church awake in some way?
15:04 No, I believe that it's up to God to wake up the church,
15:09 but I believe it is my responsibility
15:12 as a preacher of the gospel
15:14 to go and preach Christ and the great prophecies.
15:17 And we go for one great purpose,
15:19 to win souls to Christ.
15:21 So after so many years of experience,
15:24 I'm talking 50 plus years of experience doing evangelism.
15:28 What is a message that you believe rings true
15:31 or that is consistent
15:33 throughout all your years of ministry?
15:35 In the human heart, there's a tremendous need,
15:37 because people are not,
15:40 they're not saved automatically.
15:42 People have got this crazy idea
15:44 which is so unbiblical
15:46 that if people are sitting in darkness,
15:48 they're automatically saved.
15:50 If that were true then we shouldn't tell them
15:52 because let's just keep them in darkness
15:55 because while they're in darkness, they say.
15:57 This is not taught in the Bible,
15:59 this is a terrible aberration from the truth.
16:02 The Bible teaches that people are lost without Christ,
16:04 there's no other name under heaven
16:07 whereby people must be saved.
16:10 There's no other name except Jesus.
16:12 Jesus said, "You gotta be born again."
16:15 All right, how are people gonna get past that, Alan.
16:17 John Chapter 3, Jesus said, "You gotta be born again.
16:20 Unless a person is born again,
16:22 he can't see the Kingdom of God."
16:24 So we go to preach the red blood of Jesus,
16:29 we go to preach the Gospel of Christ,
16:32 and to call people to come to Christ.
16:34 And in the human heart, there is this desperate need.
16:38 The leader of the KGB in Russia said to me,
16:40 he said, General Vladimir, he said to me,
16:45 please he said, "Don't forget us."
16:48 He said, "We have a reputation but don't forget us."
16:51 And he put his hand over his heart and he said
16:52 "We too have a need."
16:55 He said, "We too are empty inside."
16:58 And so people outside of Christ in their quiet moments
17:04 recognize that they are empty inside.
17:07 And we go and we preach the prophecies of the Bible,
17:09 we teach the truths of the Bible,
17:12 and we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
17:15 which is the power of God unto salvation.
17:17 And we have seen in our meetings
17:19 by the grace of God,
17:21 hundreds of thousands of souls come to Christ.
17:24 Hundreds of thousands of souls come to Christ.
17:26 Atheists, Hindus, Muslims.
17:30 People say, "No, no, no, no."
17:33 When we came back from India and we told the people,
17:35 they told us in Australia.
17:36 "No, that's not true."
17:37 Told the people, a lot of people in America,
17:39 "No, that's not true."
17:40 That's because they don't understand
17:41 the power of God.
17:43 I know that India must have been
17:44 a unique experience,
17:45 and especially a difficult location
17:47 to put a ministry out.
17:49 What was the experience there in India
17:51 and what is the work that you're currently doing?
17:52 Before we start with the meetings in India,
17:54 we hired a big outdoor arena like a cricket stadium.
17:58 Where people play cricket, that's the game of the,
18:01 you know, the English and other people,
18:04 the Australians, New Zealanders.
18:05 We started with a small crowd.
18:07 They said to me, no one's gonna come,
18:10 many of the people, the locals said,
18:11 "Hey, no one's gonna come."
18:13 That certainly doesn't look like no one.
18:14 And we started with 10,000, but soon we had 25,000.
18:18 Then we had 30,000, then we had 40,000.
18:21 Glory be to God, we lasted the longest
18:24 in a big public evangelistic campaign
18:27 than any organization in the history of India.
18:31 That's a tremendous accomplishment.
18:32 Now in the end, we had tremendous opposition,
18:34 but when I was preaching there
18:36 to these tremendous crowds of Christians,
18:40 Hindus and Muslims,
18:43 we had a second Pentecost.
18:46 Incredible.
18:47 We saw the Spirit of God come down upon people.
18:50 Now, I've told people this
18:52 and they just look at me like owls, you know.
18:55 They've never seen it.
18:56 Well, I've seen it.
18:57 I've seen the power of God,
18:59 that is why I encourage people
19:00 from America and Australia to come with us.
19:04 Come with us to Manila and see something that
19:06 you're not going to see here in America,
19:09 and you're not going to see in Australia,
19:11 and you're not going to see in your...
19:13 You're going to see
19:15 the mighty work of the power of God.
19:17 You will see people
19:18 who are murderers
19:22 and robbers converted.
19:25 I remember one night here in India,
19:28 when we had the altar call.
19:29 I'd never seen anything like it.
19:31 I mean 10,000, 20,000 people coming forward,
19:35 raising their hands, praying to God.
19:37 Muslims, Hindus, Christians giving their lives to Christ.
19:43 So I believe in this,
19:44 and this is what Jesus told us to do.
19:49 I want a methodology
19:51 which is based upon good Bible theology.
19:55 I do this because the Bible teaches it.
19:58 I am constrained by the Word of God.
20:01 I wish that more would do it.
20:04 And I wish that people would catch the vision
20:08 because Christ is coming soon
20:10 and judgment day is coming upon the world.
20:14 And now as you press forward and you're getting ready
20:17 to tackle this campaign in Manila.
20:21 Yes.
20:22 What message would you want to send out to those
20:25 who may be watching the program,
20:27 to get a better sense of the overall goal
20:30 for this campaign?
20:31 Very simple.
20:32 I would say to my friends,
20:35 believe in the God who believes in you.
20:37 Believe, believe in the scriptures.
20:40 Don't just say, I believe the scriptures.
20:43 Believe the scriptures in reality,
20:47 trust the scriptures.
20:49 Believe Acts where it says,
20:51 "There is no other name under heaven
20:53 whereby we must be saved."
20:55 Believe in Revelation 14,
20:58 where it talks about the three angels
21:01 flying in the midst of heaven.
21:03 I was talking to a young pastor, Alan,
21:05 some time back and he said, "Why do you do this work?"
21:09 I turned to Revelation 14,
21:11 "The everlasting gospel flying in the midst of heaven."
21:14 He said "Then, what does that mean?"
21:16 He said, "What do you mean?"
21:18 I said, "What does it mean?
21:19 They're flying in the midst of heaven, what does it mean?"
21:20 He said, "I have no idea."
21:23 I said, "It is a public, worldwide proclamation,
21:27 it is big, it is noisy."
21:31 It says they're crying with a loud voice,
21:34 that's what it says.
21:35 It repeats it over and over again,
21:37 crying with a loud voice,
21:38 flying in the midst of heaven.
21:40 Now some people try to keep the angels down on the ground.
21:43 They try to keep them down with the turnips
21:45 and with the Kangaroos and everything else.
21:49 They try to keep them down but in the scriptures,
21:52 the angels are flying in the midst of heaven.
21:55 Let me tell everybody this, Alan, if we don't do it,
21:58 God's gonna get somebody else to do it.
22:00 So what if somebody's watching
22:02 and they feel like they wanna contribute,
22:04 they wanna help but they're unsure how to do that.
22:07 What would you recommend for them to do?
22:08 We're not here primarily to talk about money,
22:11 but let's talk about it.
22:13 I would say,
22:14 there's some things that people can do,
22:16 they can come with us.
22:17 People say, "Oh, it may be dangerous."
22:18 "Hey, don't you believe in God?"
22:21 "It's going to get me out of my rut."
22:23 "Yes, it will get you out of your rut."
22:25 It'll light a fire in your soul
22:27 and when you get back to your own little church,
22:29 it'll light a fire in your church,
22:31 and most of our churches need a fire lit
22:34 because in many churches, they're so cold.
22:37 The fire's gone out and we talk about
22:39 the frozen chosen.
22:40 We know what we're talking about,
22:42 don't we, the frozen chosen, the chosen frozen.
22:44 Now listen, people can come with us.
22:48 They can come with us. What else can they do?
22:50 And number two, they can give money.
22:52 Now they can give for the preaching
22:57 of the gospel, not for me, doesn't help me.
23:01 It'll save souls.
23:04 It'll save in the Philippines,
23:07 it'll save drug lords.
23:10 People are like, "You're serious?"
23:11 "Yeah, absolutely."
23:13 It'll save murderers.
23:15 Last time I went there,
23:16 I baptized a bunch of murderers, assassins.
23:21 Actually baptized them
23:22 with my dear friend Dr. Graham Bradford.
23:24 Put people under,
23:26 put these people under the water.
23:27 As they went under the water, I said,
23:29 "Why you here on death row?"
23:31 "Because I'm a murderer, sir."
23:35 So we say to people, give to save souls
23:39 and to change the status quo.
23:44 Now as you are saying you wanna try and adjust
23:47 or change the status quo in Manila, as people...
23:50 And also, I'd like to see it changed in the western world
23:53 like America and Australia
23:56 where for the church it seems to be business
23:59 as normal and please don't wake me up,
24:03 thank you very much.
24:04 So do you think that the impact from a campaign,
24:07 say in Manila can translate
24:09 to impact churches here in America?
24:11 Yes, yes.
24:12 If people come, if pastors come,
24:15 they'll come back with a fire in their bellies.
24:20 They will get in touch with God.
24:22 They'll get away from the pseudo sophist...
24:27 sophistication of our secular,
24:31 sad society.
24:34 And they will see the glory of God.
24:37 This was Beverley's idea, it was a great idea,
24:39 when I was the pastor
24:40 of The Great Wahroonga Church in Australia.
24:43 We had lots of problems
24:44 with young people worldliness bad theology.
24:47 Everything else, she said,
24:48 "We're not gonna help them here because they're in such a rut.
24:51 They're in such a whirly environment,
24:54 let's take them to another place."
24:56 We took them overseas.
24:58 Where did you take them?
25:00 We took them to Manila.
25:02 And I'm coming back
25:04 after so many, many years.
25:09 I say to people, get involved
25:11 in something bigger than yourself.
25:14 Most of us are living very small,
25:18 a little narrow lives.
25:20 We need to expand our horizons,
25:24 but most importantly we need to feel
25:26 the mantel of the power of God fall upon us.
25:29 I've taken hundreds of people from America and Australia.
25:32 And young people into Africa, and Russia,
25:35 and Ukraine, and India,
25:38 and the Caribbean and other places.
25:42 And they have been greatly benefited spiritually.
25:47 And they have gone back to their churches
25:50 and they have set a fire under those churches.
25:55 That's one reason I do it.
25:56 What's the last reason, say, the final takeaway
25:59 that you want our audience to know,
26:01 as to why you do what you do?
26:03 Well, Alan, I can't say much more than what I've said.
26:05 I do it because I'm a Bible believing Christian.
26:09 I do it because Jesus did it.
26:11 Jesus came preaching.
26:12 John the Baptist came preaching.
26:16 Then we go on into the writings of the Apostle Paul.
26:20 I love his theology, I love his book of Romans
26:23 and most people
26:25 who have any knowledge at all will love this stuff.
26:28 But Paul was not the typical pastor.
26:32 He was an itinerant evangelist.
26:34 People never tell you that.
26:37 So I do it because it's taught in the Bible.
26:39 And then I come to the great reformation,
26:44 the great preachers,
26:46 then I come to my favorite preacher,
26:48 John Wesley.
26:49 And I come down to great preachers in our time
26:52 and in our own age who have preached
26:56 the Gospel of Christ out of doors, in the rain.
26:59 I've preached in the rain plenty of times.
27:02 And we go for this great purpose,
27:04 to win souls to Christ
27:07 so they will be saved in the Kingdom of God.
27:11 Glory be to God.
27:12 Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us today,
27:15 Pastor Carter.
27:17 Thank you so much for joining us
27:18 as well on The Carter Report.
27:19 I'm Alan De Leon, thank you so much.
27:22 This is The Carter Report.
27:28 The word began in a village,
27:32 churches and schools sprang up and multiplied
27:36 reaching into the city.
27:40 Great truths revealed
27:41 to the people of Papa New Guinea,
27:44 changing thousands of lives.
27:47 Our eyes are going to be opened
27:50 to the discovery of amazing truths.
27:54 The greatest truth in the Bible,
27:56 it is the truth that God loves you.
28:00 It has completely changed my life,
28:02 and I'm going to be baptized this Sabbath.
28:04 Pastor Carter has put something in my heart
28:06 that I will never forget.
28:08 Thank you, Pastor Carter, for your program.
28:10 It has changed my life completely.
28:12 John Carter's Great Truths Revealed was recorded live
28:15 from Papua New Guinea.
28:16 Experience the miracles in this 21 DVD series
28:20 for a gift of $150 US or $210 Australian.
28:24 To order, visit our website or call.
28:30 For a copy of today's program, please contact us
28:33 at P.O. Box 1900,
28:36 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:40 Or in Australia, contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:45 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:49 This program is made possible
28:51 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:54 We thank you for your continued support.
28:57 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-03-06