Carter Report, The

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001947S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:30 John Carter finds a solution to insanity.
00:36 Topic today is "A Solution to Insanity."
00:42 It's about a year since we had this tremendous shootout
00:46 here in one of the safest cities
00:48 in the United States.
00:49 That's where we live,
00:51 in Thousand Oaks just down the road.
00:54 So we're commemorating
00:55 with sorrow of those young people
00:57 being shot to death a year ago.
01:00 At the same time we discovered
01:02 there was a shootout up the road at Santa Clarita.
01:06 A young guy, just a young boy of 15 or 16 goes in
01:10 and starts to shoot people.
01:14 People say to me,
01:17 something gone wrong in America.
01:20 Something gone wrong in the world.
01:24 The place seems to be going crazy.
01:26 Is there any solution?
01:28 Today, this program like all of our programs
01:32 is dedicated to the truth.
01:36 It's not meant to be politically
01:39 or religiously correct.
01:41 It is dedicated by the grace of God
01:45 to the truth of God, "A Solution to Insanity."
01:49 I don't often quote The New York Times.
01:54 The Liberal New York Times came out recently
01:57 with this article calling,
01:59 can you believe it for a Digital Sabbath?
02:06 New York Times said, "People are going crazy.
02:10 They can't get away from, you know, on their cell phones,
02:14 can't get away from them.
02:16 They're addicted and it's driving people crazy."
02:21 And The Liberal New York Times
02:24 which is not always charitable towards religious
02:28 viewpoints said this,
02:30 "We need to have a Digital Sabbath
02:33 from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday."
02:37 Isn't that amazing?
02:39 Said, "We need to turn these things off."
02:42 And you know, there are people
02:44 who come to meetings like this and go to church,
02:45 and they can't leave their little things in the car!
02:50 You know why?
02:52 They're addicted and these things
02:56 are driving people crazy.
03:02 Then I noticed an article in Newsweek magazine,
03:04 this was astounding.
03:06 It was called "1984" which, of course,
03:11 is the great book by George Orwell,
03:14 on the control of the masses.
03:16 And it said this,
03:17 "The people in America are being brainwashed,
03:22 and they can no longer think for themselves.
03:27 And it's not the government that's doing it.
03:31 It's the big companies like Amazon and Apple,
03:35 the big companies they are controlling them
03:41 because they are brain...
03:43 They're sending signals to the people.
03:47 And it's a part of the growing insanity.
03:52 Would you please turn in your Bibles
03:54 to the first book in the Bible,
03:57 Genesis 2:1-3.
04:03 The Bible says,
04:05 I'm going to come and stand over here.
04:07 Look at this camera.
04:09 "Thus the heavens and the earth
04:10 and all the host of them were finished.
04:14 And on the seventh day
04:15 God ended His work which He had done,
04:19 and He rested on the seventh day
04:21 from all his work which he had done.
04:24 Then God blessed the seventh day,
04:27 and sanctified it, made it holy, because in it,
04:32 He rested from all his work
04:34 which God had created and made."
04:38 Right in the very beginning
04:42 before sin entered the world,
04:45 God gave to the human race a Sabbath
04:49 because people need the Sabbath.
04:52 Even people in paradise
04:55 apparently needed the Sabbath
04:59 and hence the world gone crazy.
05:03 I think the freeways have become more aggressive,
05:05 maybe it's just me.
05:08 Somebody will go roaring past you,
05:10 cut you off and you'll say,
05:12 "That's one of those crazy young people."
05:14 And there's a little old granny who's 90.
05:19 And she's texting us, she's driving down 101.
05:24 Completely crazy.
05:26 She's crazy.
05:29 Young women tailgating and young men,
05:33 all are agreed, of course,
05:35 that Washington has gone crazy.
05:40 Shall we explore that any further?
05:42 I think not.
05:45 The world has gone crazy.
05:48 Our enemies, the people that
05:50 we were taught to be suspicious of and even to hate,
05:54 they are now our friends
05:58 and our friends are our enemies.
06:01 We have a new phrase, we talk about our frenemies.
06:07 It's crazy.
06:08 And if you get your information from the media,
06:13 it's because you're crazy.
06:17 It's true.
06:20 Don't get your information just from the media.
06:23 Where drugs, alcohol,
06:26 legalized pot now in California,
06:29 other places.
06:31 Jerry Brown, the former governor said,
06:35 "Who needs more potheads,
06:37 especially in California?"
06:42 And so we're proud of being potheads.
06:45 Human sexuality, when you turn on the media,
06:49 it's often no longer he or she.
06:53 I don't know what you call it, but I think it's crazy.
06:56 In Mexico, listen to this.
06:59 There are 30,000 murders a year
07:03 to supply our crazy addiction for drugs!
07:08 We're to blame for 30,000 murders
07:11 a year in Mexico.
07:13 We don't like to talk about this, do we?
07:15 You know why? Because we're too crazy.
07:18 We're so crazy that we've got to feed
07:22 our insane addiction, heroin, cocaine
07:26 and The Liberal New York Times says,
07:28 "We need the Sabbath."
07:31 And that's not crazy.
07:34 Why the Sabbath?
07:37 Because the word Sabbath means rest.
07:40 It is divine rest from human restlessness,
07:46 rest from worry, rest from care,
07:51 rest from our cell phones and rest from craziness.
07:57 When we have a meeting like this,
08:00 we have to announce it two or three time
08:03 turn off your cell phone
08:04 because people can't...
08:07 can't get away from it.
08:10 It's craziness.
08:14 The word Sabbath is the Hebrew word Shabbat,
08:17 very beautiful word.
08:20 Shabbat is the Hebrew word.
08:22 It's just one of those beautiful Shabbat
08:26 and it means rest.
08:29 The Jews have some very wonderful traditions
08:32 and one is the Friday night tradition.
08:35 When the Sabbath commences,
08:37 they light a candle and they say,
08:39 Shabbat Shalom,
08:42 light a candle to bring in the Sabbath.
08:46 Not like so many of the Gentiles
08:48 who are too crazy to understand that
08:52 God knew some things that we don't know.
08:57 I like calling my Jewish doctor on who's been sick
09:01 on Friday night since saying to him,
09:03 Dr. Shabbat Shalom, and I pray with him.
09:07 We need the divine rest of the Sabbath
09:10 in our hearts 24/7.
09:15 It is a divine solution to human insanity.
09:21 Let me give you now a brief history of the Sabbath.
09:28 It was given to the human race before sin in paradise.
09:34 A moment ago, we read Genesis 2:1-3.
09:39 And so, God gave to the human race
09:42 the Sabbath before sin.
09:46 And people who are sinless need a Sabbath,
09:51 we sinners need it a million times
09:54 more to save us from our insanity.
10:01 And people have said to me over the years,
10:03 "But don't you know that
10:05 the Sabbath is simply for the Jews?"
10:08 No, I'm sorry, because there were no Jews
10:12 in the Garden of Eden, and Jesus said,
10:15 the Sabbath was made for man and M-A-N doesn't spell J-E-W.
10:21 So, of course, the Sabbath is for our brothers and sisters
10:25 who are Jewish also.
10:31 It was restored to the Israelites
10:33 at the time of Moses, they had been in slavery.
10:38 And when you read,
10:40 we're not going to take time today
10:41 but if you read, put this in your mind,
10:44 Exodus Chapter 16.
10:46 It talks about the giving of the manna.
10:51 Manna is a Hebrew word that means, what is it?
10:57 No, it doesn't mean bread, it means, what is it?
11:00 People came out and they saw this stuff on the ground.
11:04 And it tasted like wafers made with honey.
11:07 And they said, "What is it?"
11:10 God said, "It is the bread that God has given you to eat."
11:16 And this manna fell on the ground on the first,
11:19 the second, the third, and the fourth,
11:21 and the fifth days.
11:23 And if you kept it overnight, it went bad and it stank.
11:30 But on the sixth day, there was a double portion.
11:34 And so if the people kept it to the next day,
11:36 the Sabbath, it did not go bad,
11:40 because on the seventh day,
11:42 there was no manna
11:43 that was poured out upon the ground,
11:45 because God was trying to teach those people
11:48 the need for spiritual rest, and that man shall not live
11:52 by bread alone, but by every word
11:54 that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
11:57 These miracles went on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
12:01 Thursday, Friday, Saturday for 40 years.
12:06 And you would have to be tremendously slow,
12:08 if you could not work out the importance of the Sabbath
12:12 and the identity of the Sabbath.
12:15 And then at the same time period,
12:18 God came down in fire on Mount Sinai,
12:21 and gave the people the Ten Commandments.
12:24 And right in the very heart of the Ten Commandments,
12:28 God placed the Sabbath.
12:30 Look at your Bibles and turn to Exodus 20:10,
12:37 "And Yahweh, Elohim, Almighty God said these words,
12:40 not just to the Jews but to the world.
12:43 Remember, he didn't say remember,
12:48 thou salt not kill,
12:50 or thou shalt not commit adultery.
12:52 Most of us have got enough sense to remember
12:55 not to do those things.
12:56 But he said, "Remember the Sabbath day
12:58 to keep it holy.
13:00 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
13:03 but the seventh day
13:04 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
13:06 In it you shall do no work, you, your son, your daughter,
13:11 your male servant, nor your female servant,
13:14 nor your cattle, nor your stranger
13:16 who is within your gates."
13:18 God came down and gave to His people
13:21 and to the world the Sabbath.
13:24 Now let me mention this to you.
13:28 Liberal governments in America
13:33 have done somersaults,
13:34 they've turned themselves inside out to abolish the Bible
13:39 from the homes
13:41 and the hearts of the American people.
13:45 They've abolished the Bibles from the schools
13:48 and even at Christmas time they are saying,
13:51 it is politically incorrect
13:55 to say Merry Christmas.
14:02 And so there is a continual assault
14:06 in the schools,
14:07 in the universities almost everywhere
14:11 against all American values
14:14 which are based on the Christian Judeo ethic.
14:19 That is a fact.
14:25 And we face today a situation
14:28 where the God is being kicked out of the schools.
14:32 And the commandments have been kicked out of the schools
14:35 and we look like owls, so dumb and we say,
14:40 "What's going on?"
14:42 I'll tell you what's going on.
14:44 It's our craziness in getting rid of God,
14:48 and the commandments of God.
14:52 Washington said,
14:53 "It's impossible to govern a nation
14:56 without God and the Bible."
15:00 I guess soon we'll get rid
15:01 of Washington and Abraham Lincoln,
15:05 because they believed in God.
15:10 There is a tremendous need
15:14 for our return to God.
15:18 And then if you study Scripture,
15:19 you'll find that all the people of God
15:21 for around 1400 years kept the Sabbath.
15:25 All the great prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
15:30 all of them were Sabbath keepers.
15:33 People say, "I can't."
15:36 One of the greatest challenges a decent man of God has today
15:41 is to deal with people
15:43 who are increasingly ignorant
15:46 of the fundamentals of the faith.
15:49 But for thousands of years,
15:51 all the people of God kept the Sabbath,
15:53 and they kept the Sabbath
15:55 because the Sabbath reminded them
15:57 that God was God.
15:59 And that He was the one
16:01 who created the heavens in the earth, and therefore,
16:04 they were unique and glorious.
16:07 They were made in the very image of God.
16:11 The Sabbath is faithfully observed
16:14 by Jesus Christ our Lord,
16:18 and all the holy apostles.
16:20 Now take your Bibles and turn with me
16:22 to Luke 23:53-56.
16:28 Please turn with me to Luke 23:53-56.
16:33 This talks about the day when Jesus died.
16:38 If you got it, verse 53.
16:40 "Then he took it down..."
16:42 What's it talking about?
16:43 It's talking about the body of Christ.
16:46 "Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen,
16:49 laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock,
16:52 where no one had ever lain before.
16:55 That day was the Preparation or Friday."
16:58 Jesus died on the Friday.
17:00 That's why they call it Good Friday.
17:02 "And the Sabbath drew near."
17:04 The day after Friday is the Sabbath.
17:07 "And the women who had come with him
17:09 from Galilee followed after,
17:10 and they observed the tomb and how his body was laid.
17:15 Then they returned and prepared spices
17:17 and fragrant oils,
17:18 and they rested on the Sabbath
17:20 according to the commandment."
17:24 These people obviously had been taught
17:27 true Sabbath keeping by the Lord Jesus Christ,
17:32 because even in His death, they the holy disciples,
17:38 including the holy women were Sabbath keepers
17:42 because of the commandments of God.
17:45 Now look at Luke 24:1 and 2.
17:48 Now on the first day of the week,"
17:50 that is the Sunday,
17:52 the day when Jesus rose from the dead,
17:55 "very early in the morning,
17:57 they and certain other women with them came to the tomb,
18:00 bringing the spices which they had prepared.
18:03 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb."
18:06 Now, here we have three days.
18:09 And I'm going to put up these three days on the screen.
18:13 Here they are,
18:14 three tremendously important days.
18:19 The Preparation Day when Jesus died,
18:22 the Sabbath, according to the commandment,
18:25 and Sunday, the first day of the week,
18:28 notice it here, the sixth day,
18:30 it is called the preparation day.
18:34 People say, "Time has been lost."
18:35 Now that's silly. That's silly.
18:38 If you want to know which is the right seventh day,
18:41 simply go and ask any Jewish person.
18:45 Ask any person in Rome,
18:47 who keeps the first day for instance,
18:49 the Roman Catholic scholars, the first day is Sunday.
18:52 So the sixth day is a Preparation Day
18:55 and the day in between,
18:57 the Bible says
18:59 is the Sabbath of the commandment,
19:02 which is called in the New Testament,
19:04 the Lord's Day.
19:05 And then the day of the resurrection
19:08 when Jesus our blessed Lord rose in glory
19:12 from the tomb, that is the first day.
19:18 Now my point is this. Here it is.
19:22 Jesus was the Sabbath keeper.
19:26 And all the holy apostles were Sabbath keepers.
19:31 Finally, many years after Christ
19:35 and His disciples,
19:38 the Sabbath was changed by the church,
19:42 as admitted by hundreds and hundreds
19:46 of church historians.
19:51 Now some years ago, there was a craze
19:54 and people were wearing t-shirts
19:57 that had the words, "What would Jesus do?"
20:03 And that is a very, very valid question
20:05 and it demands a valid answer.
20:08 What would Jesus do?
20:12 I want to say to every person here today,
20:14 my first allegiance is not to the government.
20:19 My first allegiance is not to my church.
20:25 My first allegiance is to Christ.
20:30 My first allegiance is to Christ.
20:34 And therefore, it is a valid question,
20:38 what would Jesus do?
20:42 Listen carefully to the argument
20:46 that I shall present humbly to you for your consideration,
20:52 dear hearts and gentle people.
20:56 Christ's biggest enemies were not the Romans.
21:01 Christ's biggest enemies
21:04 were the religious leaders of His day.
21:09 The hierarchy, especially the Pharisees
21:14 who had invented thousands
21:17 of legalistic rules and regulations.
21:22 Christ's biggest enemies were not the Romans,
21:29 but the religious hierarchy
21:32 who made up their own religion
21:36 in the name of God.
21:37 Come with me to Mark 7:6-7.
21:42 Matthew, Mark, come with me
21:45 to Mark 7:6-7,
21:52 dear hearts and gentle people.
21:56 "He answered and said to them,
21:57 'Well, did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites,
22:03 goodness, as it is written:
22:05 'This people honors Me with their lips,
22:07 but their heart is far from Me,"
22:10 all talk, all mouth.
22:13 "And in vain they worship Me,
22:15 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
22:20 And so the Pharisees made up their own rules.
22:24 Let me say this,
22:25 so you won't mistake what I think.
22:28 Manmade religion is the curse of humanity.
22:33 What we need is Jesus and His gospel.
22:38 Let me say it again.
22:41 In case there's somebody
22:42 who wasn't offended the first time.
22:46 Manmade religion is the curse of humanity.
22:52 And what we need is Jesus and His gospel.
22:54 Now what is the gospel?
22:58 Here's the gospel.
23:00 God sent His Son
23:01 who was the creator on a rescue mission.
23:06 And He did this because He loves us.
23:09 The greatest truth in the Bible
23:11 is the truth, I love you.
23:13 God loves you.
23:16 On the cross, he paid for our sins.
23:21 No one is unimportant.
23:24 He has a solution to the curse of sin
23:27 that breeds insanity.
23:30 He has a solution.
23:32 And until the world accepts God's solutions,
23:37 they're going to be more school shootings
23:43 and other terrible things.
23:45 The greatest text in the Bible is John 3:16.
23:48 Would you please notice it, John 3:16,
23:52 you know it by heart,
23:54 "For God so loved the world," everybody...
24:00 Yeah, "that He gave His one and only Son,
24:03 that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
24:05 but have everlasting life or eternal life."
24:11 That's the heart of the gospel that God loves us.
24:19 And we need His rest in our hearts.
24:24 People do crazy things.
24:25 The world is going crazy everywhere in Washington,
24:28 around the world the world is going crazy.
24:33 Because we don't have Christ in our hearts,
24:35 we have a bunch of religious junk,
24:38 but not Christ.
24:40 We need His rest in our hearts.
24:42 Listen carefully to this.
24:45 Then in the next segment, I'm going to give you
24:47 some amazing stories
24:48 from the life of Christ and from Russia,
24:53 and from Siberia, and from Magadan.
24:57 Christ had a conflict
24:59 with the Pharisees over the Sabbath,
25:02 not whether it should be kept,
25:06 but how it should be kept,
25:10 because the Sabbath
25:12 is the symbol of the gospel.
25:17 And so when Jesus came and started to keep Sabbath,
25:21 they tried to kill Him, and they did kill Him.
25:25 And the Bible tells me this
25:27 and most people haven't seen this.
25:29 The reason they wanted to kill Him
25:32 was over the issue of the Sabbath.
25:38 No, no, no.
25:40 Somebody says, "Jesus broke the Sabbath."
25:42 Hey, you're joining forces with the Pharisees,
25:46 that's what they said.
25:48 When we come back,
25:49 I'm going to talk about stories from Russia,
25:51 Ukraine, Eastern Siberia,
25:55 and we're going to talk about
25:56 the solution to the insanity in the world today.
26:00 Our topic is, "A Solution to Insanity."
26:05 And we will be back.
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27:23 The reviews for the John Carter biography are in.
27:26 and this is what they say.
27:28 "Anyone who reads this fascinating book
27:30 and is not moved should check to see
27:32 if they still have a pulse."
27:36 "I believe this book about
27:37 God's miracles in Russia and Ukraine
27:39 will burn the flame in your heart."
27:43 "This could prove to be one of the most important books
27:45 ever written about public evangelism.
27:47 Make sure you get a copy."
27:51 "I believe this book about John Carter's life
27:53 will help readers grasp a vision for their lives."
28:02 For a donation of $100 or more,
28:05 a signed copy of the John Carter biography
28:07 can be yours by writing to us at the address
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28:26 For a copy of today's program,
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28:45 This program is made possible
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28:49 We thank you for your continued support.
28:52 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-03-16