Carter Report, The

My Hiding Place Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002008S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:30 Now, here's John Carter with today's message.
00:37 Hello, friend. I'm John Carter, welcome back.
00:40 We're talking today about our hiding place.
00:43 Some people would say these are scary times.
00:45 They are right, the economy,
00:48 we don't know what's going to happen.
00:49 We do know that
00:51 there are tens of millions of people
00:53 who've lost their jobs
00:55 here in the United States of America.
00:57 I want to tell you today, you don't need to be afraid
01:00 because God is our hiding place.
01:04 Have you ever had a gun stuck in your back?
01:09 I have.
01:10 I was in Africa,
01:12 and I had a gun stuck in my back.
01:14 It's a rather scary experience.
01:17 We've been running this great campaign
01:19 in the city of Harare, Zimbabwe.
01:23 That's the new name for Salisbury, Rhodesia,
01:27 very beautiful city.
01:29 At least it used to be a very beautiful city.
01:32 And we had thousands and thousands
01:34 of people coming to our meetings
01:35 as we were preaching
01:37 the blessed gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
01:41 I had to go back to the television station.
01:44 It was out in the bush, out in the jungle.
01:47 I had to go there for an interview
01:50 but when I got there, I discovered it was a set up.
01:53 And soon I was surrounded
01:55 by a bunch of soldiers with guns,
01:57 protruding me with their guns.
02:00 And they were lead by a man
02:01 who was a terrorist and he was cursing at me
02:05 and railing at me
02:07 because I was there preaching the Gospel of Christ
02:11 and that was something they didn't want to understand.
02:14 At least, he didn't want to understand it.
02:16 He hated Christians.
02:18 And soon I was marched down this road in the jungle,
02:23 and I had this guns sticking in my back.
02:29 Now that can be a rather scary experience
02:31 when you seem to be a million miles from home,
02:35 and you got a gun out sticking in your back.
02:37 You know what I did?
02:39 I recalled Psalm 23.
02:43 "Even though I walked through
02:44 the valley of the shadow of death,
02:46 I will fear no evil."
02:49 I got a tremendous peace.
02:51 I knew that I was in the hands of God.
02:54 And I knew that nothing could touch me
02:56 while I was in the hands of the God who made the stars.
03:01 And then I thought of another tremendous text.
03:04 That's Hebrews 13:5, 6.
03:09 And I want to share that text with you right now.
03:12 If you're feeling afraid, if you're feeling anxious,
03:17 if you're scared of the circumstances,
03:19 I want this text to sink down
03:22 into the molecules of your mind,
03:24 here is the text.
03:26 "Let your conduct be without covetousness,
03:29 be content with such things as you have."
03:32 Now here it is, "For He Himself has said,
03:37 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'
03:43 So we may boldly say, 'The Lord is my helper,
03:47 I will not fear, what can men do to me?'"
03:52 I tell you what, my friend.
03:54 When you're in Africa, and you seem to be forsaken
04:00 by every person on the face of the earth
04:03 and you're there by yourself.
04:05 And you've got a gun sticking in your back
04:07 and a terrorist is cursing at you
04:10 and saying that he's going to have you killed.
04:14 You need to find a hiding place.
04:16 And deep down inside God spoke to me,
04:20 God said, John, you don't have to be afraid
04:25 because I'm going to take care of you.
04:30 I want to say this today from my heart to your heart,
04:34 my beloved brother and sister,
04:36 don't be afraid because God has said,
04:40 I will never, never, never leave you
04:43 and I'll never forsake you.
04:46 As soon as we walk down this jungle path,
04:51 the terrorist was driving car,
04:53 he was cursing me out of the window of the car,
04:56 and all these soldiers were walking with me,
05:00 some pushing me along with guns.
05:03 Then the terrorist said,
05:05 "I'm gonna leave you to these men."
05:06 They turn the car around
05:08 and he went back to the television station.
05:10 And as soon as he was out of sight,
05:13 the soldiers got around me
05:15 and they put down their guns,
05:17 and they started to hug me and they said,
05:19 "Pastor Carter, we know you,
05:22 we come to your meetings,
05:24 we've come to your meetings, and we've accepted Christ."
05:30 I said, "Thank God,
05:33 He's my hiding place and He has preserved me."
05:37 And soon they rushed me off in a car
05:40 and got me back to the meeting,
05:41 the people were waiting for me at the meeting.
05:43 They wondered why I was so late.
05:45 I want you to know this.
05:48 No circumstance is too bad for the God who loves you
05:54 and the God who died on the cross to redeem you.
05:59 Now, it's quite likely that we're going to go
06:04 into a great recession, maybe a great depression.
06:10 You can't keep printing billions
06:12 and trillions of dollars
06:14 and think you can just keep doing this.
06:16 A day is coming when it's going to be a day
06:18 of judgment and somebody's going to say,
06:20 I've come for the money.
06:24 And so, a lot of people are saying,
06:26 what are we going to do if we have a depression
06:29 or even a recession?
06:33 I want you to look again at Isaiah 32:2,
06:37 and I'm going to read it in this translation.
06:40 Isaiah 32:1 and onwards now,
06:45 "Look, a righteous King is coming!"
06:47 This is Christ.
06:49 "Honest princes will rule under him.
06:51 He will shelter Israel from the storm and the wind."
06:57 Wow, "He's gonna be a shelter from the storm and the wind."
07:02 I need that shelter.
07:04 "He will refresh her as a river in the desert
07:09 and as the cool shadow
07:12 of a large rock in a hot
07:16 and a weary land."
07:18 Just think about this.
07:20 In other words, my brother and my sister,
07:25 God is going to be our hiding place,
07:28 He's going to be our shelter from the storm,
07:32 He's going to be our refreshing stream in the desert.
07:37 He's going to be our shadow
07:40 of a mighty rock in a weary land.
07:45 Praise God.
07:48 Did you notice this?
07:51 On Monday, the 20th of April, 2020,
07:56 oil dropped to minus 37 dollars,
08:01 the biggest drop in the history of oil.
08:05 I've long been predicting
08:07 a collapse of the world economy.
08:11 I do this on the basis of Bible prophecy.
08:15 I do not believe in sensationalism,
08:18 but I do believe in following
08:22 the truths of the word of God.
08:25 I say this to everybody who is watching the telecast,
08:28 listen to me, you can't keep printing money
08:32 as we are doing here
08:33 in the United States of America.
08:37 The treasury can't keep saying,
08:39 hey, let the printing presses run for another week
08:43 and we'll print another 2 or 3 trillion dollars
08:47 and we'll just give it out.
08:48 There is coming a day of accounting.
08:54 But I want you to know if we have a depression
08:58 that God is going to be our hiding place.
09:03 The recent collapse of oil has sent
09:06 a cease big shock around the world,
09:09 especially Russia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Canada
09:15 and the United States of America
09:18 where we are simply saying,
09:19 let the printing presses run
09:22 and print the trillions of dollars
09:25 because we do not believe in balancing the budget.
09:29 Right now, we have 30 million decent,
09:34 honest, good Americans unemployed.
09:39 Now, I know a little bit about the great depression
09:41 because my parents went through
09:43 the great depression in Australia.
09:45 And this I can tell you is a terrible time
09:47 for my parents, they lost everything they had,
09:51 they lost their shop, they lost their home,
09:55 but my mother discovered Christ during the great depression
09:58 and she discovered that Christ was her hiding place.
10:03 Going to turn to a text over here
10:04 in Luke 21:25 and on.
10:09 Luke 21:25 and onwards.
10:15 Luke 21:25 and onwards.
10:20 And I want you to listen
10:22 now to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ,
10:26 doesn't matter whether you believe me or not,
10:28 but matters a great deal
10:29 if you believe the words of Christ.
10:32 "There will be signs in the sun,
10:34 in the moon, and in the stars,
10:36 and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity,
10:39 the sea and the waves roaring."
10:42 The literal sea, literal waves roaring,
10:44 but the sea also represents the nations of the world.
10:47 They'll be roaring.
10:49 "Men's hearts failing them from fear
10:51 and the expectation of those things
10:53 which are coming on the earth,
10:55 for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
10:57 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud
11:00 with power and great glory."
11:04 The Bible tells us great things
11:06 are going to happen to the earth, great calamities,
11:08 and the nations are going to be terrified.
11:11 But during that time,
11:13 the people of God will not be frightened
11:15 because they will have peace and security in Christ
11:19 because He is their hiding place.
11:24 So, I want you to know this,
11:26 we have peace in the midst of the storm,
11:29 we have a hiding place.
11:31 And for the Christian, the bad news is the good news
11:34 because Christ is coming.
11:36 Do you hear this?
11:37 The bad news is the good news, brother.
11:39 The bad news is the good news, sister, why?
11:42 Christ is coming.
11:44 And Christ right now is our hiding place,
11:47 this is the word of God.
11:49 But until He comes,
11:50 He will supply our physical needs.
11:54 Did you hear this?
11:56 Until He comes,
11:57 He will supply our physical needs.
12:00 I want to give you one of those precious promises
12:02 that we spoke about in the first session,
12:04 Philippians 4:19 says, "And my God..."
12:09 Are you listening to me, please, are you listening?
12:11 "And my God shall supply,"
12:13 He needs to be your personal God, my God.
12:16 "And my God shall supply all your need,"
12:19 not all your wants.
12:21 "My God shall supply all your needs
12:23 according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus."
12:26 The Bible tells me
12:27 and this is a promise from Almighty God,
12:30 the God who made the stars that He will supply
12:33 all of our needs
12:35 even in the midst of a great recession
12:37 and depression.
12:39 He is my hiding place and I run to Him and I'm safe.
12:43 When I was a boy preacher out of Avondale College,
12:47 I was sent to a little town,
12:49 beautiful little town in New South Wales,
12:52 biggest state in Australia.
12:55 Sent to a town by the name of Parks,
12:58 New South Wales, Australia.
13:00 I met there an old man, his name was Mr. Draper,
13:04 he told me the story
13:05 when he was a young man living in the Parks area.
13:09 He was so poor, he was living in a tent.
13:14 And then he'd put in some wheat,
13:16 trying to get the wheat to grow,
13:17 nothing seemed to work.
13:20 Then he went along to some meetings in Parks,
13:22 and he heard an evangelist preach about Christ.
13:26 And he gave his life to Christ.
13:29 He became a true Christian.
13:31 And he started to keep the commandments of God,
13:34 I met this great man, Mr. Draper.
13:38 Used to hear him pray, the most wonderful prayers
13:40 I've ever heard,
13:41 filled with all the promises of God.
13:43 He knew God and God knew him.
13:46 Then Mr. Draper started to pay his tithe.
13:49 Do I believe in tithing?
13:51 Of course, I believe in tithing.
13:52 The Bible teaches that
13:53 one tenth of everything we have belongs to God.
13:56 So I believe in returning a tithe to God and since,
14:00 listen to me, since I have been paying tithe
14:03 and maybe sometimes two tithes and three tithes,
14:05 I don't know how to cope with all the blessings
14:08 that Almighty God gives me.
14:10 So I say to you, if you're not a tither
14:13 and if God is not your partner,
14:15 my friend, you're missing out on a tremendous blessing.
14:19 So Mr. Draper said he started to pay his tithe
14:21 and keep God's commandments.
14:22 And he said, wow,
14:25 you should have seen the wheat, the bumper crops.
14:29 He said, I eat that, I couldn't have believed it.
14:31 But the blessings came down from God
14:34 and the blessings came up from God.
14:37 There was so much wheat,
14:39 I was able to get out of the tent.
14:41 I was able to build myself a house.
14:43 He said, I have been marvelously blessed.
14:48 And then he quoted to me Luke 6:38,
14:52 the words of Jesus, look at this.
14:55 This is terrific.
14:56 "Give, it will be given to you."
15:00 The people who are the richest people in the world
15:03 spiritually in every other way
15:05 are the people who give, not the stingy people.
15:09 "Give, it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down,
15:14 shaken together,
15:17 and running over will be put into your bosom.
15:22 For with the same measure that you use,
15:24 it will be measured back to you."
15:26 He said, I got so many blessings.
15:31 God gave me the blessings,
15:33 shaken, press down, running over.
15:37 He said, I just couldn't handle all the blessings.
15:41 God is good.
15:43 He discovered that
15:44 God was good and God was his refuge.
15:48 God was his hiding place.
15:50 God was his refuge from the storm.
15:52 God was his running river of abundance in the desert.
15:57 God was his shadow of a mighty rock
16:01 in a weary land.
16:03 God was everything he needed.
16:06 Mr. Draper found his hiding place.
16:09 I want to say this to you, my friend, my brother,
16:11 my sister, listen to me.
16:13 He is my refuge.
16:15 He is my shelter from the storm.
16:18 He is your river in the desert.
16:20 He is your mighty rock in a weary land.
16:25 He is our refuge when money is in short supply.
16:30 And when the treasury can no longer keep
16:32 printing trillions of dollars,
16:35 when they go broke, God doesn't go broke.
16:38 When money is in short supply
16:40 and times are tough, God is our hiding place.
16:46 When I was a boy in college, didn't have much money,
16:49 was there for six years.
16:52 And one vacation I went selling books
16:55 in Western New South Wales,
16:57 beautiful country and beautiful people.
17:00 And I rode my Harley Davidson, I'm sorry to tell you this,
17:05 but this is inappropriate
17:06 but I love Harley Davidsons and I used to love riding
17:11 my motorbike out meeting all the farmers,
17:16 selling books, but it can be tough
17:20 because where do you stay at night,
17:22 I had nowhere, nowhere to stay.
17:25 But about 7 o'clock at night
17:26 I'd start praying to God, God, look here I am.
17:30 No hotels here, no motels, no tents.
17:35 A lot of wheat country, a lot of country roads.
17:40 And I'd say, God, You're my hiding place.
17:44 And every night, week after week,
17:47 month after month, I was given a place to stay.
17:53 I started out so skinny, I weighed 130 pounds,
17:58 the ministerial students at Avondale had a club
18:00 we called it the Bones Club,
18:03 we were so skinny, didn't get enough food.
18:08 Been there for years trying to get through college,
18:11 get a degree in theology.
18:14 But when I was there,
18:16 I put on 14 pounds riding the motorbike,
18:20 not in college, 14 pounds,
18:22 because people were so generous to me.
18:25 God blessed me.
18:27 I want you to know God is our hiding place,
18:29 He is a hiding place even for poor students.
18:32 Look at Psalm 32:7, 8.
18:35 Psalm 32:7, 8, "You are my hiding place,
18:40 You shall preserve me from trouble,
18:42 You shall surround me with songs of deliverance."
18:45 God did it for me on one occasion.
18:47 Now I'm no good at mechanical things.
18:51 Riding my bike down the road,
18:52 I heard a noise, I went back looked at the back
18:55 wheel which is very hard to take off
18:58 when you've got no tools.
19:00 Even with tools it would be very hard for me,
19:02 there I found huge big nail sticking in the tire
19:06 and that tire had a rubber tube inside.
19:10 So I said, "What can I do?"
19:12 I can get the nail out
19:14 but I can't get the tire off and I can't fix it.
19:17 I got down there in the dust.
19:19 Are you still listening to me?
19:20 You better hear this.
19:22 I got down there in the dust in New South Wales
19:25 beside the Harley Davidson.
19:26 I said, God, "I've got no tools.
19:30 I don't know what to do.
19:32 I'm trying to earn my fees to go back to college.
19:36 I'm going to take this nail out,
19:38 please keep it up,
19:41 pull the nail out."
19:44 I'm expecting to hear
19:46 the noise of the air blowing out,
19:47 not a lot of faith, you see.
19:51 But it doesn't depend just upon our faith,
19:53 it depends all upon God, He's our hiding place.
19:56 I pulled the nail out, I got on the bike
19:59 and I had enough faith to get on the bike.
20:01 And I rode it down the road
20:03 and I rode it for the next three months
20:07 selling books,
20:08 children's books on the Gospel of Christ.
20:12 The tire never went flat, God kept the tire up.
20:16 You say, "It's impossible."
20:17 Nothing is impossible to the God who made the stars.
20:21 I want you to know, my friend, that God is our hiding place.
20:26 God is our refuge.
20:29 H.M.S. Richards is one of the great preachers
20:32 of the United States of America,
20:34 had a quartet, they used to sing the song,
20:37 there is a place of quiet rest,
20:41 near to the heart of God.
20:43 When you get near to the heart of God
20:45 you will find that it is a wonderful place.
20:49 It is a place without fear,
20:52 it is a place of quiet rest for you.
20:54 So we will not fear a recession or a depression
20:58 because we have a hiding place and we are safe.
21:02 We shall not be fearful or anxious.
21:06 Now let me tell you this, I'm gonna run out of time
21:08 before I run out of stories.
21:10 I was in a war zone
21:12 and alone in a broken-down taxi.
21:17 I flew from Amman in Jordan to Damascus in Syria,
21:21 it was a time of fear and tension.
21:24 In Damascus, I hired a car
21:25 and drove hundreds of miles north
21:29 going to an archaeological site
21:30 called Tell Mardikh
21:33 where they discovered the ancient city of Ebla.
21:35 Then I had to come back to Damascus,
21:38 a long, long day full of tension
21:42 because this is a dangerous part of the world.
21:44 When I got back to Damascus,
21:46 I discovered that my flight back to Amman
21:49 had been canceled, so I had to get a taxi,
21:53 a service taxi and drive down the road
21:56 at the middle of night down to Amman
22:00 and had to go over the Golan Heights.
22:03 And in the middle of the night the taxi
22:05 broke down on the Golan Heights.
22:09 There were soldiers going everywhere.
22:11 My taxi driver got out, went to try to get help.
22:15 He was away for a couple of hours.
22:17 I could see tanks moving around the car.
22:21 God was my hiding place.
22:23 I thought of Psalm 23.
22:25 I thought of Psalm 91.
22:27 And I said, "You are my hiding place."
22:31 We got the car going, we got back to Amman
22:35 after one of the most dangerous experiences of my life,
22:39 but I had peace because God was with me.
22:44 I've read in my mind Psalm 91, not gonna go through it now.
22:50 But where God says,
22:51 "I will be with you in trouble."
22:56 We shall not fear.
22:58 God is my hiding place when sorrow strikes.
23:04 Got to move on a little bit, I'll run out of time,
23:06 but I'm going to tell you a wonderful story.
23:09 Death is the ultimate threat,
23:10 but there is a hiding place from death.
23:15 Folks, I'm not an armchair theologian,
23:17 what I'm telling you I know it's true
23:20 because I've seen the power of God.
23:23 This is the story of Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Spafford,
23:26 who lived in Chicago during the 19th century.
23:29 He was a very successful businessman,
23:32 but he lost everything in the Great Chicago Fire.
23:34 He decided to take his wife and four daughters to England
23:37 to assist the great evangelist Dwight Moody.
23:41 At the last moment, he was forced to stay behind
23:44 to attend urgent business matters.
23:46 So he sent his family ahead on the ship,
23:49 Ville du Havre, he planned them to join them
23:53 in two weeks,
23:54 but it was not to be the ship carrying his family,
23:58 his wife and four daughters was struck and sunk
24:01 by the English vessel Loch Earn in just 12 minutes.
24:05 The survivors finally landed at Cardiff in Wales.
24:09 Mrs. Spafford cabled her husband,
24:13 "Saved alone."
24:19 Although stricken by grief, Horatio found comfort,
24:21 peace and hope in Christ, his hiding place.
24:24 He penned these words, we sing them.
24:27 When peace like a river, attendenth my way,
24:29 when sorrows like see billows roll.
24:32 Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
24:35 it is well, it is well with my soul.
24:39 Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come.
24:41 Let this blest assurance control,
24:44 that Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
24:48 and hath shed His own blood for my soul.
24:52 And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
24:56 the clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
24:59 the trumpet shall resound,
25:01 and the Lord shall descend,
25:04 even so, it is well as my soul.
25:08 Listen to me, brother, sister,
25:12 faith sees beyond the present
25:15 and sees our glorious future.
25:18 It sees beyond death
25:20 and sees life in God's precious promises,
25:24 it finds a hiding place.
25:29 It finds security, it finds hope,
25:33 it finds assurance, it finds rest.
25:37 Whatever happens, my friend,
25:39 you and I are never,
25:43 never alone.
25:46 Never forsaken.
25:48 I invite you today,
25:50 take Christ into your heart.
25:54 Believe in Christ, trust in His promises.
26:00 And the Almighty God who loves you
26:06 will be your hiding place.
26:10 Amen and Amen.
26:13 And God bless you.
26:19 Time, it takes only a minute to have eternal life.
26:22 How can you get saved in a minute?
26:24 It's simple.
26:25 First believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
26:28 Second, accept His free gift of eternal life,
26:31 and then you're saved.
26:33 It's not hard. It doesn't take any time.
26:36 You can be saved in a minute right now.
26:39 Pray with me, Lord God, I realized that I am a sinner.
26:43 My sin has separated me from You.
26:45 I accept that Your Son Jesus Christ died for me.
26:48 I ask Jesus into my heart.
26:51 If you prayed this prayer, you are saved.
26:53 The next thing to do is tell someone,
26:56 fellowship with other followers of Jesus.
26:59 Get baptized.
27:00 Read your Bible and pray.
27:02 Choices, we make them every day all day.
27:06 The most important choice you will make in your life
27:09 is whether to choose eternal life
27:11 or let it pass you by.
27:13 If you'd like more information about your new life,
27:15 call the number and visit our website.
27:21 You can now find the Carter Report anywhere,
27:24 anytime on any Android or Apple device.
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27:38 from Pastor Carter 24x7.
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27:51 The Carter Report also has an official YouTube
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28:13 Reach out to the Carter Report and experience the hope,
28:16 faith and love of Jesus Christ.
28:23 For a copy of today's program,
28:25 please contact us at
28:26 P.O. Box 1900, Thousand Oaks,
28:29 California 91358 or in Australia,
28:34 contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:38 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:42 This program is made possible through the generous support
28:45 of viewers like you.
28:47 We thank you for your continued support.
28:50 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-05-21