Carter Report, The

The Man Who Wrote His Own Story Before He Was Born Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002014S

00:01 COVID-19 delayed the teaching of this message
00:04 for the Manila programs.
00:05 However, a pandemic cannot stop God's truth
00:09 from marching forward.
00:10 John Carter brings us
00:11 the incredible teaching of the man
00:13 who wrote His own life story before He was born.
00:16 From his studio in Los Angeles, California,
00:19 here is John Carter.
00:23 Hello, friend. I'm John Carter.
00:25 Welcome today to the Carter Report.
00:27 Today we're talking about the man
00:30 who wrote His own life story before He was born.
00:34 That's a bit amazing, isn't it?
00:37 That a man could write the details of His life
00:40 not after, but before He was born.
00:45 Was there such a person?
00:47 Absolutely.
00:49 And listen to what I'm going to say,
00:50 this is pretty important.
00:52 Here in America,
00:54 we read a great deal and hear a great deal
00:57 about faith-based organizations
01:01 in contrast to scientific organizations,
01:06 they say you belong to a church.
01:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:09 Well, you belong to a faith-based organization.
01:13 And people think that faith is not based upon truth,
01:16 but it's based upon what you want it to be.
01:20 Now with many people, that's true.
01:25 But it's not what Jesus taught.
01:27 Jesus, our Lord said,
01:30 "You shall know the truth,
01:34 and the truth shall make you free."
01:38 Faith, my friend,
01:39 is simply another word for belief
01:43 but there is no efficacy in faith,
01:47 unless it is based upon the truth,
01:52 unless it is based upon the great facts of history.
01:57 Now today,
01:58 we're not just talking about an airy fairy faith.
02:02 We are talking about the great facts of history.
02:05 I've got a statement here that I like very much,
02:07 I put it up now and then because it,
02:10 it sort of fits in with the theme of my talk today
02:14 and other talks.
02:15 I've used this with my Russian friends
02:17 and my communist friends many times.
02:19 If genuine prophecy exists,
02:22 then the big issues of our times are solved.
02:27 If a man could write his own life story before he was born,
02:31 that would have to be a genuine prophecy,
02:33 don't you think, brother, sister?
02:36 If genuine prophecy exists,
02:38 that's the big question
02:40 and we're going to prove that it does today.
02:42 Not from faith, but from the facts of history.
02:48 And what are the big issues of the aid?
02:50 Well, most folks who've got these big issues today,
02:55 who am I?
02:57 What am I?
02:58 Am I an animal?
02:59 Am I a cosmic accident?
03:03 Am I a machine?
03:05 Where did I come from?
03:07 Why am I, what is the purpose, is there any meaning in life?
03:10 What is the purpose of existence?
03:13 And of course, where are you going?
03:18 Now if genuine prophecy exists,
03:20 then the main issues of life
03:22 and the main issues of our age are met.
03:26 Because of this genuine prophecy,
03:27 I can know who I am,
03:29 why I am here,
03:31 where I came from and where I am going.
03:35 Jesus said, "You shall know the truth,
03:40 and the truth shall make you free."
03:43 He didn't say you're gonna know about faith,
03:45 and that faith is going,
03:47 that belief is going to make you free.
03:48 Jesus said, "You'll know the truth,
03:51 you'll know the facts,
03:52 you will have the evidence
03:54 and the truth will make you free."
03:57 Now this is a continuation of the talk I started
04:00 a little while ago on the man who wrote His own life story
04:04 before He was born.
04:05 And the great premise of this talk is this
04:08 that Jesus existed before He was born.
04:13 And through the Old Testament prophets,
04:15 He predicted the great events of His life.
04:18 Did you hear this?
04:20 Through the prophets, the Old Testament prophets,
04:22 He predicted the great events of His life.
04:26 And now we're going to come to prophecy number five,
04:32 because we dealt with one, two, three, four
04:34 in the first part of the talk.
04:37 It was predicted in the Old Testament,
04:39 it was predicted by the Spirit of Christ
04:42 that the Messiah would be, here it is,
04:45 amazing predictions number five,
04:48 He would be betrayed by a friend.
04:53 And there is a text I'm going to turn in the,
04:57 in the Bible to a text that is about 3,000 years old,
05:02 how old did I say, 3,000 years old.
05:05 And I'm going to come to Psalm 41.
05:08 And let me see verse, verse 9.
05:12 Here it is.
05:13 Here is the messianic prophecy,
05:16 Psalms 41:9.
05:20 "Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted,
05:26 who ate my bread,
05:28 has lifted up his heel against me."
05:32 It was predicted 1,000 years before Christ was born
05:38 that His confidant, His familiar friend,
05:42 the person that He shared so many aspects of His life,
05:47 the person with whom He broke bread,
05:49 this person would betray Him.
05:54 History tells me that Jesus had a special friend.
05:58 They trusted him so much,
06:00 they made him the treasurer of the organization.
06:03 He was in charge of the money.
06:06 And his name was,
06:09 and has today a note of infamy about it.
06:12 His name was Judas Iscariot.
06:17 And the Bible tells me the New Testament,
06:21 which is an independent book to the Old Testament.
06:25 The record of the New Testament says
06:27 that this special friend of Jesus
06:30 went and betrayed his Lord.
06:34 The prophecy came to pass in the act of treachery
06:39 by the disciple of Christ, whose name was Judas,
06:43 the prophecy was fulfilled.
06:46 Look at prophecy number six
06:48 because it's very similar to this prophecy.
06:50 Number six, prophecy given long before Christ was born.
06:56 Prophecy number six,
06:58 He would be sold for not 20 pieces
07:00 but for 30 pieces of silver.
07:05 And I'm going to show you the prophecy.
07:06 We're gonna go to the prophecies
07:08 out of the Old Testament,
07:10 and it goes back hundreds and hundreds of years
07:12 before Christ was born.
07:14 It is a prophecy found in Zechariah 11:13.
07:18 Would you kindly look at this text
07:20 and think about it, brother, sister.
07:23 "The Lord said to me, 'Throw it to the potter'
07:28 that princely price they set on me.
07:30 So I took the thirty pieces of silver
07:34 and throw them into the house of the Lord for the potter."
07:38 What an amazing, amazing text, what happened?
07:43 Well, Judas went along to the Jewish priests,
07:46 and they were hungry for the blood of Christ,
07:48 because he was a national threat to their security.
07:53 And he said, "I'm, I want to do a deal with you.
07:58 I'm prepared to sell this man to you,
08:02 and what will you give me?"
08:03 And they said, "What about thirty pieces?"
08:05 Judas said, "Done."
08:08 And then later on when Christ was captured
08:10 and when he was being tortured,
08:13 Judas became filled with remorse.
08:17 Judas took the 30 pieces of silver,
08:20 and he ran into the temple
08:22 and he flung down the 30 pieces of silver,
08:27 as was predicted by the ancient prophet.
08:31 Amazing.
08:32 Here's evidence that there's a God.
08:34 And prophecy came to pass.
08:36 And the priest said,
08:37 "What are we gonna do with this money
08:39 because we can't put this into the treasury
08:41 because this is, this is blood money."
08:45 And somebody said, "We know what we'll do,
08:47 we'll buy that potter's field with it,
08:49 and we'll use it as a burial place
08:52 for strangers."
08:54 You couldn't make this stuff up, my friend,
08:56 you couldn't make it up.
08:58 Every word of the prophecy came to pass, here is proof,
09:01 here is absolute evidence
09:03 that Jesus Christ is the Messiah,
09:06 and that He is the Savior of the world.
09:10 Every word of the ancient prediction
09:14 came to pass.
09:16 Prophesy number seven, the most amazing prophecy,
09:21 I think, in the Bible,
09:24 given about 1,000 years
09:27 before Christ was born in Bethlehem.
09:30 And the prophecy says
09:32 that the Messiah would be crucified.
09:35 Can you believe this?
09:37 It was predicted
09:38 that the Messiah would be crucified.
09:40 And in those days prophecy was unknown.
09:44 They didn't crucify people back there, 1000 BC.
09:50 Let me show you the text.
09:52 Text is found Psalm 22:16.
09:57 These words were written, don't forget this place.
10:01 These words were written
10:02 1,000 years before Christ was born,
10:04 but Christ inspired this prophecy.
10:07 He's a man who wrote His own life story
10:09 before He was born.
10:11 Notice it.
10:12 "For dogs have surrounded Me.
10:15 The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me.
10:18 They pierced My hands and My feet."
10:23 I say to the skeptic,
10:25 what are you gonna do with that?
10:28 When these words were written, crucifixion was unknown.
10:34 But the Bible says
10:35 that they would get the Messiah,
10:37 and they would pierce His hands and His feet.
10:41 This is an amazingly apt description
10:46 of the barbaric practice of crucifying a person.
10:51 It was predicted
10:53 that the Jewish leaders would betray Christ,
10:56 that they would pass Him over to the Gentiles
10:59 and that He would be crucified.
11:03 If I had nothing else but that text
11:06 and the history of Christ,
11:08 I would be forced to believe there's a God in heaven
11:11 and that the Bible is true, and that Jesus is the Messiah.
11:15 And let me tell you
11:16 just a little bit of personal history.
11:19 Many years ago when I was a boy,
11:21 and my hair wasn't this color or this long,
11:27 I studied under the great German archaeologist,
11:31 Dr. Siegfried Horn.
11:34 One of the greatest archaeologists in the history
11:37 of, of archaeology,
11:40 an absolute scholar
11:42 and in his own way, a great scientist
11:45 because he was interested
11:46 not just in talking airy fairy nonsense,
11:50 he was interested in the facts.
11:52 I'm interested in the facts, my friend,
11:55 and we don't have alternative facts.
11:57 You can't say I've got my facts
11:59 and you've got your facts, no, no, no.
12:01 You can have your opinion.
12:02 It may be right, it may be wrong,
12:04 but you can't have your facts.
12:06 There's only one set of facts.
12:08 And that's why Jesus said you will know the truth,
12:10 you'll know the facts,
12:12 and the facts will set you free.
12:14 That is why I believe in a faith
12:16 that is based upon not just what I want to believe,
12:21 not make-believe religion,
12:22 I want a faith that is based upon the facts of history.
12:27 And here's a statement from my great old teacher,
12:32 Dr. Siegfried Horn, the great German archaeologist.
12:38 "Crucifixion, crucifixion as a mode of execution
12:43 was inflicted throughout the Roman Empire
12:45 on the lowest classes of people, slaves,
12:48 who were considered chattels anyway,
12:51 common criminals, and unruly foreign subjects.
12:56 It was considered an effective deterrent
12:59 for which reason
13:00 crucifixions were usually carried out in public squares,
13:05 in order that the greatest number of people
13:09 could witness them and be scared to death.
13:13 The victims were usually first flogged
13:16 in such a cruel way that some were half dead
13:21 when the actual crucifixion began.
13:25 They were nailed to the crosses stark naked,
13:28 and the legs were bent sideways,
13:30 as shown by the skeleton of a crucified man
13:34 that was found in a tomb near Jerusalem in 1968.
13:38 Now remember, remember this is from Dr. Siegfried Horn.
13:42 Often the rough and heartless legionnaires
13:45 even drove a big nail
13:47 through the private parts of the victims,
13:52 as Seneca tells us.
13:54 Affixed to the cross for hours, yes,
13:58 sometimes for days, before they died,
14:02 they could not care for their bodily needs,
14:04 and were the objects of mockery and indignities
14:09 from passersby.
14:11 Crucifixion in the Roman world was the most shameful,
14:16 and the most dishonorable death any person could experience.
14:21 Now let this sink down into your minds,
14:24 and in the name of God, think about it.
14:30 Christ through the Old Testament prophets
14:33 predicted the details of His life and His death.
14:36 He predicted in the book of Psalms,
14:41 that His hands would be pierced
14:44 and His feet would be pierced.
14:48 It was predicted 1,000 years before it happened,
14:52 that the Messiah would be crucified.
14:57 Horror of horrors
15:00 because who was this man hanging on the cross?
15:04 That is the question you've got to think of.
15:08 Do you have the courage to think about it?
15:11 I ask you, my friend, do you have the courage?
15:15 Shall we think about the identity of this man
15:19 who is being crucified?
15:21 The Bible tells me that He was the Messiah,
15:24 who had, wait for it, He had created the universe.
15:29 Say, I can't believe this.
15:30 Whether you believe it or not, it doesn't alter the truth.
15:34 You can't have your facts
15:36 and I have a different set of facts.
15:38 We need to have the facts.
15:39 And the facts, as proven by Bible prophecy,
15:43 tell us that this Man who was nailed to the cross
15:48 was more than just a human being.
15:53 The Bible says that He was the one
15:55 who created the universe out of nothing.
15:58 He is the great I am, the Lord God Almighty,
16:03 the Promised Messiah, the Savior of the world,
16:07 and He was hung to a cross.
16:13 Incomprehensible, why was He hung on a cross?
16:17 He was hung on the cross, my friend,
16:21 because He was bearing
16:23 the sin of the world.
16:27 As I would say to the communists
16:29 and the atheists
16:30 by the hundreds of thousands, in the former Soviet Union,
16:34 behold your God, what a God He is,
16:38 how much He loves you,
16:40 how much He loves you.
16:44 Amazing predictions.
16:46 Here we go, number eight.
16:48 It was predicted
16:50 that the Messiah would become the substitute
16:54 for the sins of the human race.
16:58 And this was predicted
16:59 in the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah,
17:04 and I'm going to turn to this prophet.
17:06 There's no writing quite like the writings of, of Isaiah.
17:12 They're absolutely splendid and magnificent.
17:16 Isaiah 53:5, 6.
17:20 "But He was wounded for our transgressions,
17:23 He was bruised for our iniquities.
17:26 The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
17:29 by His stripes we are healed.
17:32 All we like sheep have gone astray,
17:34 we've turned every wonder His own way.
17:36 And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."
17:39 The Bible teaches that the sin of the human race
17:45 would be laid upon Christ, your sin and mine.
17:49 How much does He love you?
17:51 With His own blood.
17:53 With His own suffering.
17:54 With His own pain.
17:56 What is God like?
17:59 God is like this man hanging on the cross
18:01 because Christ was a revelation of God.
18:06 Over in London, many, many years ago,
18:11 18th century I think, or the 19th century,
18:16 they had a sludge vessel,
18:17 they would take all the sewage of that great,
18:20 magnificent city of London
18:23 and every day they'd bring the sewage
18:25 and they'd put it on this boat.
18:29 Pretty filthy.
18:31 The sludge of London.
18:34 The boat would go out into the British channel,
18:36 the North Sea,
18:38 and there it would drop its cargo
18:41 down into the blackness of the, of the ocean,
18:46 taken away.
18:48 And the Bible tells me that on the cross,
18:50 the sludge of the world was placed upon Christ,
18:54 your sin and mine.
18:55 Our problem is we have no comprehension,
18:58 no understanding of the depth of human depravity
19:02 that Christ did because Christ had,
19:04 He was sinless and innocent
19:06 and yet the sin of the world
19:08 was laid upon Christ.
19:12 So what is this God like?
19:14 Infinitely better than you can believe
19:17 or comprehend or realize,
19:21 and He loves you.
19:23 Christ is the man who wrote His own life story
19:26 before He was born.
19:27 Therefore, believe in Him.
19:29 Prophecy number nine, here we come.
19:32 Prediction number nine,
19:35 it was predicted not one of his bones would be broken.
19:38 Amazing.
19:39 Here is the text, I want to show it to you.
19:42 I'm gonna put it here, prediction, Psalms 34:20,
19:46 "He guards all his bones.
19:48 Not one of them is broken."
19:50 It is predicted that not one of the bones of Christ
19:53 would be broken.
19:55 But late in the day on the Friday,
19:57 the Romans came to break the legs of the criminals,
20:02 crucified on either side of Christ.
20:07 They came and they broke their legs,
20:09 but when they came to Christ,
20:10 they discovered He was dead already.
20:14 So, they got a sword and pierced His side,
20:17 blood and water came out.
20:20 But they didn't break His bones,
20:23 because it is written
20:25 that none of His bones would be broken.
20:28 Here is undeniable evidence that Christ is the Messiah,
20:31 the Savior of the world, your Savior.
20:35 And here is undeniable evidence this God,
20:38 He made you, and He loves you.
20:40 Therefore, believe in this God
20:42 who believes in you and do it today.
20:45 It was predicted, prophecy number 10,
20:49 that He would be raised from the dead.
20:52 Prophesy number 10, His resurrection.
20:57 And here is the ancient prophecy.
21:00 Psalms 16:10, 11.
21:04 Psalms 16:10, 11.
21:09 "For You will not leave my Sheol," the grave.
21:14 "Nor will You allow Your Holy One
21:17 to see corruption.
21:19 You will show me the path of life.
21:23 In Your presence is fullness of joy,
21:26 at your right hand
21:28 are pleasures forevermore."
21:32 So, it is predicted
21:34 that His body would not see decay
21:37 and that He would not be left in the grave.
21:43 Listen very carefully.
21:48 The Romans seal the tomb, going to keep Him in there.
21:55 You're going to keep Him in there?
21:57 Who are you kidding?
21:59 So they seal up the tomb.
22:01 But on the Sunday morning,
22:04 a mighty angel comes down from heaven,
22:07 and just throws away the stone.
22:12 And Jesus, the Son of God,
22:17 the human divine Son of God walks out of the tomb
22:21 and He says, "I am the resurrection
22:24 and the life."
22:25 So much for the Roman soldiers.
22:28 So much for the Jewish high priests.
22:32 Death could not keep Him in the tomb.
22:37 He's the man who wrote His own life story
22:39 before He was born.
22:41 In the Old Testament,
22:43 the Spirit of Christ inspired the prophets,
22:45 and they wrote down all these prophecies.
22:48 I've shown 10 of these prophecies to you.
22:51 I could have shown 100 prophecies to you,
22:53 and these prophecies are undeniable evidence
22:57 that the Bible is true, that there is a God in heaven.
23:00 Are you listening to me?
23:02 There's a God in heaven, and that Jesus is the Messiah.
23:10 There was a great battle many years ago
23:11 between the French and the English,
23:14 Wellington and Napoleon.
23:18 Well, at the end of the day,
23:19 the British defeated the French.
23:23 And they had to send a message back to England
23:25 because England was waiting, what's happened?
23:29 And so, they sent out this message,
23:31 spelt it out,
23:32 "Wellington defeated"
23:37 and then the fog came down.
23:40 And the British in Great Britain
23:42 were in despair.
23:44 Wellington defeated but then the fog lifted
23:48 and the message went out,
23:50 "Wellington defeated Napoleon."
23:55 Made a big difference.
23:57 On the Friday when Jesus died,
24:00 I imagine the message went out around the universe,
24:04 "Jesus, Jesus,
24:09 Jesus defeated."
24:12 But on the Sunday morning,
24:14 Christ walked out of the tomb, it's a fact.
24:18 And the message was fresh from universe to universe.
24:23 "Jesus defeated
24:28 Satan and death."
24:31 So I want you to know this.
24:32 He's alive, He's well, He's all powerful.
24:38 And the Bible tells me He's coming back in power
24:41 and great glory, though this world
24:44 that most people don't believe in Him,
24:46 but they can't get rid of Him.
24:49 He is alive,
24:51 He is King of kings and Lord of lords,
24:55 and He's coming back in power and great glory.
25:00 Judgment, there's a judgment day?
25:03 Yes, there is.
25:05 Is there salvation for God's people?
25:07 Absolutely.
25:08 He's coming back to raise the dead and to capture,
25:13 to lift up His people.
25:15 He's going to lift them up.
25:16 He's going to take the ransoms, the captives from the graves,
25:21 and He's going to take the living saints,
25:23 and they're going to be taken home to glory.
25:27 Is that good news?
25:29 It's great news and this world has got so many problems.
25:32 Jesus said, "I will come again."
25:36 Christ.
25:39 Christ is the man who wrote His own life story
25:43 before He was born
25:45 because He inspired the prophets
25:47 of the Old Testament.
25:49 He is the Son of God,
25:52 He is King of kings and Lord of lords,
25:55 He is your Savior,
25:57 He is my Savior
26:02 and He loves you.
26:04 I ask you today,
26:06 believe in Him, believe in Jesus.
26:09 Do it now, by the act of faith,
26:12 believe in the God who believes in you.
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Revised 2020-07-23