Carter Report, The

Genesis: All You Need to Know Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002033S

00:01 God created His people
00:02 in different cultures, countries
00:04 and in cities around the world.
00:08 He made the human race.
00:10 He made us one people under God.
00:17 At first, when you see someone that looks
00:20 and acts differently than you, you may turn away.
00:25 But take your time, look closer.
00:29 You will see that we share the same dreams...
00:34 the same troubles...
00:39 the same world.
00:44 Open your minds and hearts to one another.
00:47 Love each other as He loves us.
00:49 Do this for God, honor His creation,
00:53 and let His love shine through each one of us.
01:03 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
01:05 In Havana, Cuba.
01:08 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
01:11 I'm John Carter in Petra.
01:14 Right here in Communist China.
01:17 Reporting from India.
01:19 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
01:22 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
01:25 From El Salvador.
01:27 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
01:30 Genesis, All You Need To Know.
01:34 Now here is John Carter with today's message.
01:40 Hi, friend, I'm John Carter in Los Angeles,
01:43 where it has been 121 degrees,
01:48 the highest temperature in recorded history.
01:52 And then we have these great fires
01:54 that are blazing across the Golden State.
01:59 That today is not looking so golden
02:03 because we're surrounded
02:04 by a pool of thick, black smoke,
02:09 121 degrees just a day or two ago.
02:14 These events are asking,
02:16 are leading people to ask some very pertinent questions.
02:19 What's going on in the world?
02:22 What's going wrong?
02:26 Many people
02:27 who are serious thinkers are saying,
02:30 what does it mean?
02:32 Where did we come from?
02:34 What? What is the meaning to life?
02:37 What is the origin of the human race?
02:41 And what's going to happen?
02:42 Are their answers to the human dilemma?
02:47 Now today, ladies and gentlemen,
02:49 I'm going to talk about a tremendous subject.
02:52 I want you to stay with me and listen to it
02:55 from beginning to end if you don't mind.
02:58 Today, we're talking about Genesis.
03:03 All you need to know,
03:05 all you need to know about everything.
03:07 Genesis, all you need to know
03:11 everything that is important in life.
03:15 Now the Book of Genesis is without doubt
03:18 the most controversial book in the world today,
03:22 because it deals
03:23 with the most controversial subjects.
03:27 Who am I?
03:29 Where did I come from?
03:31 Why am I here?
03:33 And where am I going?
03:35 Would you like to have the answer to those questions?
03:39 I'm going to take my old Bible,
03:42 and I'm going to turn to the Book of Genesis,
03:46 or the Book of Beginnings.
03:49 Genesis 1:1.
03:54 Would you please notice it?
03:55 Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning,
04:00 God created the heavens and the earth."
04:04 "In the beginning,
04:06 God created the heavens and the earth."
04:10 Everything you need to know.
04:14 Everything you need to know
04:15 is found in this amazing book of antiquity,
04:20 the Book of Genesis.
04:21 And this is the most important statement ever recorded
04:26 in the history of the human race.
04:30 In the beginning,
04:32 God created the heavens and the earth.
04:36 Very recently,
04:38 the world's most famous atheist,
04:42 one of the world's greatest scientists,
04:46 Professor Richard Dawkins of Oxford University,
04:52 was having a debate
04:54 on the BBC in Great Britain.
04:59 He was debating a pastor, a clergyman
05:05 and then Richard Dawkins quoted the great book
05:08 by Charles Darwin
05:11 that gave rise to the theory of evolution,
05:17 that man is simply the product of time
05:21 plus matter plus chance.
05:23 And this minister had the temerity
05:27 to ask the great professor for the full title of the book.
05:34 Richard Dawkins says well, well, well,
05:36 the book is called On The Origin of Species,
05:42 but the pastor wouldn't let him off the hook.
05:44 He said, I want the full title,
05:47 and the world's greatest authority
05:49 on Darwinism didn't have an answer.
05:54 And then he's...
05:56 Should I say despair?
05:58 In his confusion, he cried out,
06:01 "Oh, my god, oh my god."
06:07 That's why the English publication
06:09 said it was a bad week,
06:12 a bad week for atheism in Great Britain,
06:16 where atheism is growing like crazy.
06:20 Now, the title of the book it's an amazing title.
06:23 I want you to notice it,
06:26 "The Origin of Species
06:27 by Means of Natural Selection,
06:33 or the Preservation of Favored Races
06:37 in the Struggle for Life" by Charles Darwin.
06:43 It's about the most racist title
06:46 that you could imagine.
06:49 The preservation of certain races favored races
06:54 in the struggle for life.
06:56 Listen to me, my atheistic friend.
07:00 It was this book that gave rise to the massacre of black people
07:06 in the Belgian Congo.
07:09 They quoted Darwin
07:10 as they chopped off their heads.
07:13 And led to the rise of the Nazis
07:16 who got their information from Nietzsche,
07:19 who got his information from Charles Darwin,
07:23 and carried out the genocide against the Jews
07:26 because they weren't favored races.
07:32 So much for atheism,
07:34 the fastest growing religion today
07:37 in Great Britain.
07:38 Now look at Great Britain, if you don't mind.
07:42 I could never, never be an atheist
07:45 and I will tell you why, quite honestly,
07:48 I will tell you why I could never be
07:51 an atheist like Richard Dawkins
07:55 because I don't have enough faith.
07:58 I don't have enough faith to believe this stuff.
08:01 The man is the product of blind and personal forces.
08:06 I don't believe it.
08:07 But Richard Dawkins has got more faith
08:09 than all the rest of us put together.
08:11 And so I choose to call him
08:14 the Reverend Richard Dawkins,
08:20 high priest of the great cult of atheism.
08:26 Think about it.
08:29 Now, as I start on the Book of Genesis,
08:31 I want to make these observations
08:33 and I want you to hear me loud and clear,
08:35 because some of you may not like
08:36 what I'm going to say.
08:40 Number one, the Bible
08:42 was not written to make me a critic.
08:46 No, lots of critics in the world.
08:50 Lots of critics in the scientific world,
08:53 lots of critics in the church.
08:56 The Bible was not written to make me a critic,
09:00 but to make me a Christian.
09:02 Did you hear this?
09:04 It was not written to make me a scientist.
09:09 It was not written to make me a smart scientist,
09:13 but was written to make me a humble saint,
09:18 not a scientist but a saint.
09:21 It was not written to make me smart,
09:24 but to make me sorry for my sins.
09:29 Have you met so many people
09:32 who are so proud of being smart.
09:37 It'd be good if they became humble, penitent,
09:41 and were sorry for their sins
09:43 because we've all got enough sins.
09:46 The Bible was not written to make me a biologist,
09:50 but to make me a born again believer.
09:54 John Chapter 3.
09:56 It was not written to make me a paleontologist.
10:00 That's a person who plays around with old bones
10:05 and rocks and other thing.
10:06 It was not written to make me a paleontologist,
10:09 but to make me a penitent, a penitent.
10:14 That's why the Bible was written.
10:15 I wish we could all get this into our skulls.
10:20 And everything that is true of the Bible
10:22 is equally true of the Book of Genesis,
10:28 all you need to know.
10:31 All you need to know.
10:32 Here is the first great truth
10:35 in all you need to know.
10:40 Number one, God made the universe,
10:43 He made planet earth,
10:46 and He made you and me.
10:48 Do you think we can ever conjure up
10:51 in our little peanut brains
10:54 how Almighty God made the cosmos?
10:58 Oh, please, come on now.
11:03 But the Bible tells me all I need to know.
11:07 And I'm going to turn to Genesis 1:27,
11:11 dear hearts and gentle people.
11:15 Genesis
11:17 1:27.
11:23 Listen to the words.
11:25 Genesis 1:27,
11:29 "So God created man,"
11:31 now, I'm not a cosmic accident.
11:36 "So God created man in His own image,
11:40 in the image of God He created him,
11:43 male and female He created them."
11:48 This is the first great truth
11:51 in all you need to know.
11:55 God made you.
11:58 Hey, are you listening to me.
11:59 God made you, brother, sister,
12:02 therefore you are special, you are important.
12:06 Every person is important,
12:09 whether he is white, brown,
12:14 black, yellow,
12:17 who cares.
12:21 God has got a very, very big family.
12:23 And by the grace of God, you and I
12:26 are a part of the family of God.
12:29 And every person is important.
12:32 Never, never forget it.
12:34 You are important in the sight of God.
12:38 And God loves you, brother and sister.
12:41 God made you in His own image, you are a part of His family.
12:45 So you are important and you are loved.
12:50 Here's the second great truth.
12:51 You ready for the second great truth?
12:53 Everything you need to know
12:55 from the Book of Genesis, here it comes.
12:57 Second great truth, marriage matters.
13:00 All marriage matters.
13:02 I'm going to turn to Genesis 2:23-24.
13:09 Genesis 2:23-24.
13:11 I give it to you out of the Book of Genesis,
13:14 all you need to know about marriage.
13:18 Adam said, or the word Adam means the man.
13:22 "Adam said, 'This is now bone of my bones,
13:25 flesh of my flesh, she shall be called a Woman,
13:29 because she was taken out of man.
13:32 Therefore a man
13:34 shall leave his father and mother
13:36 and be joined to his wife,
13:38 and they shall become one flesh."
13:41 All you need to know about marriage.
13:43 I don't care
13:44 what the politically correct people say,
13:46 I don't really care.
13:48 I want to see what God says about it.
13:50 God's original plan, my friend, was this.
13:54 It's as plain as the nose on your face.
13:58 God's original plan was marriage
14:00 and marriage matters.
14:01 And marriage consisted of one man and one woman.
14:06 Oh, you say, "No,
14:07 but that's not what we are told."
14:08 I don't really care.
14:11 I want to know what God says.
14:13 All I need to know about marriage
14:15 is found in God's book,
14:18 the Book of Genesis,
14:19 that isn't written to make me a scientist, or smart,
14:23 or sophisticated, or shrewd,
14:26 or cunning, or any of those things,
14:27 but it is to make me into a person
14:30 who is called a believing Christian.
14:34 So God's original plan, one man, one woman.
14:38 Thus it was universally accepted
14:40 by everybody in the world for thousands of years.
14:44 Egyptians believed in one man, one woman.
14:48 The Babylonians believed in marriage
14:51 between a man and a woman.
14:53 The Persians, the Greeks,
14:54 the Romans, all of the Christians,
14:57 every Christian, all the atheists.
15:00 I've been to Russia 49 times, went there
15:02 when the Soviet Union was in control.
15:04 They all believed in marriage.
15:06 One man, one woman, the atheists believed it,
15:09 that the communists believed it.
15:11 The Muslims still believe it today.
15:14 The Hindus believed it.
15:16 The Americans believed it.
15:18 The British, the French, the Germans,
15:19 the Italians, the Russians,
15:21 the Chinese, and the Australians.
15:25 Everybody for thousands and thousands
15:28 and thousands of years believed
15:31 that what I'm telling you is the truth.
15:35 And if I'm out of harmony with some people,
15:37 it's because they're out of harmony
15:40 with what the Bible teaches.
15:42 They're out of harmony
15:43 with what God says in His Holy Word.
15:47 I'm going to come to the words of the greatest person
15:49 who ever lived,
15:50 the greatest person of all time, Jesus Christ.
15:53 And I'm going to come over here
15:54 to Matthew 19:4-5,
15:59 you folks still listening?
16:00 You folks still with me?
16:02 Matthew 19:4-5.
16:06 Are you ready for this?
16:08 Jesus said, "He answered and said to them,
16:12 'Have you not read that
16:13 He who made them at the beginning,
16:16 made them male and female,' and said,
16:19 'For this reason, a man shall leave
16:23 his father and mother and be joined to his wife,
16:28 and the two shall become one flesh.'"
16:32 Listen carefully to me.
16:35 Jesus spoke about marriage.
16:38 Who is this Jesus?
16:41 Jesus is the creator living on this earth as a human being.
16:47 Jesus is God in human flesh.
16:52 Jesus is the person who made the universe.
16:56 Jesus is the person
16:57 who gave us the Book of Genesis.
16:59 Jesus is the person
17:01 who inspired the Holy Scriptures.
17:03 And Jesus is the person who gave us marriage.
17:06 And Jesus said that a marriage is between one man
17:11 and one woman.
17:14 So God's ideal, the father, the mother,
17:19 and the children.
17:21 Now, I've been living here in this great United States
17:25 for about 35 years.
17:27 So I know this nation, I love this nation.
17:30 And all the presidents of the United States of America
17:34 believed in the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
17:39 All the great presidents of the United States of America
17:42 believed that marriage was a relationship between
17:46 one man and one woman.
17:49 For instance, this man here,
17:53 President Clinton,
17:55 who gave us the Defense of Marriage Act.
18:00 When he was the president of the United States,
18:02 he came out and he said ever so plainly,
18:04 a marriage is the relationship
18:07 between one man and one woman.
18:13 Every president believed it,
18:17 except one
18:20 who came more recently.
18:24 But Genesis said, one man, one woman,
18:28 that's all you need to know.
18:30 So I want to say this to you today.
18:32 And I say this to you out of my heart,
18:34 fathers are needed, mothers are needed.
18:40 Not just mothers, but fathers are needed.
18:45 I had a blessed childhood.
18:46 I was brought up in Australia
18:48 and my parents were the salt of the earth.
18:52 They had come through the Great Depression,
18:55 which was a time of hell.
18:58 My father was a crane driver,
19:01 who worked out there on the ships
19:03 during the Second World War at the Cairncross Dry Dock.
19:09 More recently, my family received a plaque
19:12 after the death of my father,
19:15 to honor him for his work,
19:16 fighting the Japanese and fighting the Nazis.
19:21 So I was brought up in a home
19:23 where marriages were sanctified.
19:27 I just can't get these great truths
19:29 out of my mind because they were taught to me,
19:32 and I want to say something else.
19:34 And I want you to hear this.
19:35 Are you listening to me, my friend?
19:36 I want to say it to you.
19:39 I believe in freedom of religion.
19:42 I believe in freedom of speech.
19:45 I was talking to a friend recently
19:47 and I was talking about the sanctity of marriage.
19:50 And the person said to me,
19:52 "You don't really have the right to those views.
19:55 You don't have the right to expressionism."
19:57 I said, "I believe I believe with all my heart
20:03 in the great Constitution
20:04 of the United States of America.
20:06 And I believe in freedom of religion,
20:09 and I believe in freedom of speech."
20:14 And that is why, by the grace of God,
20:16 I'm going to talk on about these things.
20:19 I'm going to keep on preaching.
20:20 And I'm going to keep telling people that
20:23 marriage is between one man and one woman.
20:29 Book of Genesis is the topic today,
20:31 all you need to know.
20:34 Here's the third great truth from the Book of Genesis.
20:38 The Sabbath is a part of God's plan for your life.
20:41 Now, this is going to be new to some of you.
20:43 Genesis 2:1-3,
20:47 and I want you to hear this,
20:50 all you need to know,
20:52 goes back thousands of years,
20:54 it goes back to the days of Adam and Eve,
20:57 and the creation of the human race.
21:00 Genesis 2:1-3,
21:05 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
21:06 and all the hosts of them were finished."
21:08 So God made it all.
21:11 "And on the seventh day,
21:12 God ended His work which He had done.
21:15 And He rested on the seventh day
21:16 from all His work which He had done.
21:19 Then God blessed the seventh day
21:22 and sanctified it
21:24 because in it He rested from all His work
21:27 which God had created and made."
21:30 Now listen to me.
21:33 The Sabbath doesn't belong just to one race.
21:37 It doesn't belong to just some church.
21:40 The Sabbath came from the hand of Almighty God.
21:45 And the Bible says that
21:46 God made the earth by His massive power.
21:50 It doesn't tell us how God made the earth.
21:55 Because these tiny little minds
21:57 just could not comprehend the tremendous power
22:01 and the might of Almighty God.
22:04 But it tells us that after God
22:06 had created the heavens and the earth,
22:09 the Bible tells us that God made the Sabbath.
22:14 And God blessed the seventh day.
22:18 Let me tell you this, my dear friend,
22:21 the Sabbath is needed more than ever
22:24 to renew our starving souls and our battered bodies.
22:30 I want to tell all of my friends
22:32 across this great land of the United States
22:34 and across Australia, around the world,
22:37 I want them to know today
22:38 that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath.
22:42 He made the Sabbath and when He came to this earth,
22:45 He kept the Sabbath.
22:46 I'm going to turn over here to Luke Chapter 4.
22:50 I'm going to turn over here to the New Testament.
22:52 And I want you to notice
22:54 what I'm going to read to you today.
22:55 Luke 4:16
23:01 down to 19.
23:03 Luke Chapter 4, and verse,
23:06 let me see, verse 16, it says,
23:11 "He came to Nazareth," that's Jesus,
23:14 "where He had been brought up.
23:16 And as His custom was,
23:18 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day,
23:21 stood up to read."
23:23 Jesus was a Sabbath keeper.
23:26 "And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah.
23:30 And when He had opened the book,
23:31 He found the place where it was written:
23:35 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
23:37 because He has anointed Me
23:39 to preach the gospel to the poor,
23:41 He sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
23:44 to proclaim liberty to the captives,
23:47 and recovery of sight to the blind,
23:50 to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
23:54 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.'"
23:58 When Jesus Christ commenced His messianic mission,
24:03 He started it on the Sabbath day,
24:06 and He turned to the Prophet Isaiah,
24:10 and He's telling the people there,
24:11 "I have come to give you good news."
24:14 And He announces this on the Sabbath day,
24:17 because the holy Sabbath day is the rest day.
24:22 It is the blessed day.
24:24 It is the best day
24:26 because it represents the Gospel of Christ.
24:30 The Gospel of Christ is about spiritual rest
24:34 and salvation from sin,
24:37 rest for our sad, broken down bodies,
24:42 and to stressed souls.
24:46 So Jesus starts His mission on the Sabbath day.
24:50 The Sabbath is the rest day,
24:53 the blessed day and the best day.
24:57 The Sabbath was given to us by God.
25:00 It is the Lord's Day.
25:02 It is the Christian's day.
25:04 It doesn't belong to any sect.
25:07 It comes to us from the Garden of Eden.
25:10 It is given to us by the hand of Christ.
25:15 It is given to us because we need it.
25:18 We're talking today about the Book of Genesis.
25:21 All you need to know, all you need to know,
25:24 so that you can be the person that God wants you to be.
25:28 Stay tuned with me, friend.
25:30 I've got so much to talk about today,
25:33 the Book of Genesis, all you need to know.
25:37 And we'll be back in just a moment.
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28:21 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-11-09