The Carter Report

Stability and Sanity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002108S

00:01 Welcome to the Carter Report.
00:03 With the world becoming crazier every day,
00:06 a sane person would ask, what can we really believe?
00:10 Is there something solid and stable we can hold on to?
00:13 Is there anything we can teach our children
00:16 and grandchildren with certainty?
00:18 What is the greatest threat
00:20 facing the survival of our home,
00:22 our nation and our civilization?
00:25 Here's John Carter with the ultimate guide
00:28 to stability and sanity.
00:34 Why do you believe our society
00:37 and our entire civilization
00:39 is in jeopardy?
00:42 Wayne Hackett,
00:44 thank you for asking that question.
00:47 Wayne is part of the Carter Report team.
00:50 What a wonderful team member
00:52 and his beautiful wife, Marilyn.
00:55 And so thank you for being a part of our team
00:57 and thank you, my friends,
00:58 for being a part of our team around the world.
01:03 Welcome, my friends, to our home.
01:06 We're celebrating this week. Beverley's birthday.
01:09 We're just a tiny little crew here.
01:10 I've got our son, David here, he's on the camera.
01:14 Beverley's there taking care of me.
01:18 And you are our family, so welcome today.
01:20 And the question is,
01:22 why do I think society is in jeopardy?
01:24 Do I really think this? I absolutely do.
01:28 I think society is facing a tremendous crisis
01:32 because it's a crisis over what is truth.
01:37 A lot of people say,
01:39 you got your truth, I got my truth.
01:40 Who cares?
01:42 Everybody can have his own truth.
01:43 I don't believe this.
01:44 Remember Jesus said,
01:46 "You will know the truth
01:47 and the truth will make you free."
01:50 There is such a thing as truth.
01:55 You need to answer these questions.
01:57 This is terribly important. Where did I come from?
02:00 Why am I here? Where am I going?
02:02 A lot of people say, well, everybody,
02:04 well, we just, we don't know.
02:08 But there is a book that tells us
02:09 where we came from.
02:10 It tells us why we are here.
02:12 And it tells us where we are going.
02:14 There's another tremendously important question.
02:16 Who am I?
02:19 Am I simply just the product of time
02:22 plus matter plus chance?
02:25 Am I second cousin to a monkey?
02:30 Or am I a soul made in the image of God?
02:34 So, Wayne, your question is tremendously important
02:38 and pertinent.
02:40 Do I think society today is in chaos and in jeopardy?
02:45 I suggest,
02:47 I don't want to offend any person.
02:50 I'm not trying to offend anybody.
02:51 I'm simply trying to be an obedient
02:54 to my calling to tell the truth.
02:57 I believe in the truth.
03:01 But look at how the world regards human sexuality.
03:05 Well, not the whole world,
03:07 but many people in the world regard human sexuality,
03:11 which gets to the very core of a person's being.
03:16 Today we've got pansexual.
03:19 I'm not criticizing any of these people.
03:21 We have omnisexuals,
03:25 and lesbians,
03:27 and asexuals,
03:30 and aromantics,
03:34 and bisexuals,
03:37 and transsexuals,
03:41 and polysexuals,
03:43 and heterosexuals,
03:45 and homosexuals,
03:48 and LGBTIQ.
03:53 I want to say this before we go any further today,
03:56 because some people are going to get mad with me,
04:01 but I believe that God loves everybody.
04:06 I believe the God loves everybody,
04:09 whoever you are, whatever the color of your skin
04:14 and whatever your sexuality.
04:17 I believe in John 3:16 says,
04:19 that tells us that "God so loved the world
04:22 that He gave His only Son.
04:24 So that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
04:26 but have everlasting life."
04:28 I believe in a God of love,
04:32 but I also believe in truth
04:35 because God is the great originator of truth.
04:40 And I would say that the people who disagree with me
04:43 on these questions of morality, I would say this to them.
04:47 You can disagree with me.
04:49 You can dislike me,
04:50 but I will love you
04:52 because God loves you.
04:56 And I want to say
04:57 something else to you, my friend,
04:59 if you will consider me your friend.
05:02 I will say this to you.
05:04 I believe in freedom of speech.
05:08 You certainly have it.
05:10 I noticed particularly today with the extremes in America,
05:14 with the extreme left wing and the extreme right wing,
05:18 all of those people believe very much
05:20 in freedom of speech,
05:21 very strong in freedom of speech
05:24 for themselves,
05:27 but not for you,
05:29 not for me.
05:31 I believe in freedom of religion.
05:32 I believe that I have the right...
05:38 You listening?
05:39 I believe that I have the right
05:41 to publicly preach the Word of God
05:45 even if it offends some people,
05:49 because Jesus said, "You will know the truth
05:53 and the truth will set you free."
05:55 And the world is in a mess
05:56 because people have gotten away from the truth.
05:58 That's it.
06:01 Is there a different viewpoint that you believe is valid?
06:06 I noticed that people who have extreme viewpoints,
06:10 in my opinion, from the left and the right,
06:15 who believe they have the right to teach those ideas,
06:18 even to my grandchildren
06:22 and your children,
06:24 they're pushing all the time to get these views
06:27 into our public schools in Australia
06:30 and other places around the world.
06:35 They believe they've got the right
06:38 to dominate the ideas
06:42 that are taught to our children.
06:44 I believe that I have the right to teach
06:49 what I believe is the truth
06:51 even though I will offend some of them
06:55 whom I am determined to love
06:57 in spite of the fact that they may not love me.
07:02 Then what alternative worldview do I offer to you?
07:05 Here it is.
07:07 The worldview that has worked very well
07:09 for thousands of years.
07:14 The worldview that this book
07:15 that we call the scriptures is true.
07:21 It worked very well for thousands of years
07:23 when people believed in right and wrong.
07:26 And we believed that we were children of God,
07:29 not children of some creature
07:33 that came down from the trees.
07:36 You see, I don't believe my ancestors
07:39 came down from the trees.
07:40 I believe I came from the hand of God.
07:46 Now I'm not asking you to believe this
07:48 without evidence,
07:50 but today I am proposing to give you some evidence
07:54 why I believe that the alternative viewpoint
07:57 that comes from this book,
07:59 the ancient Hebrew Christian scriptures,
08:01 the Bible, is true, valid.
08:06 These viewpoints are certainly worth
08:09 our most serious contemplation and consideration.
08:13 Will you simply give me a hearing?
08:14 That's all I'm saying today.
08:16 Can we not simply talk about these things?
08:19 Can we stop shouting each other down?
08:22 And can we simply consider
08:24 that there may be an alternative,
08:28 there could be a different viewpoint
08:30 to the one that you and I
08:31 may be holding at this moment.
08:35 Can you give us some real reasons to believe
08:39 some evidence that the Bible is not a fairy tale?
08:45 You may be surprised, but there are many reasons.
08:50 I was talking to a young man the other day
08:52 who's going off to university.
08:53 And, we were working together in my yard.
08:57 I said, "Do you believe in God?"
08:59 No.
09:00 He said, "I don't believe in God.
09:01 He doesn't exist." Oh, He doesn't exist.
09:03 So I said, "Who made all this around us here?"
09:04 Oh, he said, "Well, it made itself."
09:06 No. He said, "Science made it."
09:12 I said to him, calling him by his name,
09:15 because he's a fine young man.
09:17 I said, "Science tells us how things work.
09:22 It may even tell us
09:25 how old things are, you know?
09:27 It may even tell us
09:29 some of those things on occasions,
09:31 but science doesn't tell us why."
09:34 He said, "No, it doesn't, does it?"
09:36 No, I said, "It doesn't tell us why."
09:40 But there is a book that tells us why.
09:42 There's a book that tells us where we came from,
09:45 why we're here, where we're going.
09:46 And most importantly, it tells us who we are.
09:50 Now, I can give you
09:53 if you will listen to me, if you will be patient with me,
09:57 if together we can be intellectually
09:58 and morally honest,
10:01 I can give you tremendous reasons
10:03 why this book is the real deal and authentic.
10:07 I can give you real reasons.
10:09 I can give you historical reasons.
10:10 I can give you heaps of arguments that,
10:12 no, not arguments.
10:14 I can give you the facts from archeology.
10:15 Don't have time to do that now,
10:19 but today I am going to give you some facts
10:22 from an unusual source
10:25 that you'll find intriguing and interesting.
10:30 The prophecies make the Bible different
10:33 from other so-called holy books.
10:36 What can you tell us about the prophecies
10:38 of the Bible?
10:41 Well, this may surprise you,
10:44 but this book, the Bible,
10:46 which has been the foundation of Western civilization.
10:52 People say, "Is that so?" Yes, it is so.
10:55 Today, we're dealing with a tremendous amount
10:58 of ignorance in the world,
11:00 especially in the universities.
11:05 This book claims to have the capacity
11:09 to tell the future.
11:11 It claims to be a book of genuine prophecy.
11:15 And as one great philosopher said,
11:18 if genuine prophecy exists,
11:21 then the main issues of our age are met.
11:24 I can show you prophecies
11:26 as I've shown to millions of people
11:28 in Russia and Ukraine.
11:29 In those days, they still had a brain left.
11:32 They studied and they read,
11:34 they were not superficial people,
11:36 they'd gone through terrible persecution.
11:38 Persecution makes people strong.
11:41 Western society on the whole has made us
11:43 a race of weaklings,
11:45 but I can show you prophecies, amazing prophecies
11:48 that at least to those people and millions of other people
11:51 around the world are absolute evidence
11:54 that the Bible is true.
11:56 Let me give you a few examples,
12:01 if I may.
12:03 Daniel 9:25,
12:06 this was written
12:08 about 2,500 years ago.
12:12 It was written in the city of Babylon
12:15 by a young prisoner of war.
12:18 Daniel 9:25 says,
12:23 here it is.
12:25 "Know and understand this:
12:26 From the issuing of the decree to restore
12:29 and rebuild Jerusalem
12:32 until the Anointed One,
12:33 the ruler comes there will be
12:36 seven sevens and sixty-two sevens."
12:41 Well, you say, that's gobbly goop.
12:43 No, it's not. Come on.
12:45 Let's use the stuff up here.
12:47 Let's use the little...
12:49 Let's use the little gray cells,
12:52 shall we?
12:56 Here it talks about the coming of the Messiah.
12:58 That is the Christ.
13:00 It says, from the decree to restore
13:03 and to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah,
13:07 the Anointed One comes,
13:10 there will be 69 sevens.
13:13 You can read it yourself. Go, get a Bible.
13:17 Sixty-nine sevens or 483 years.
13:23 Now, Jerusalem had been overthrown
13:25 by the Babylonians, you know that.
13:28 Then there came this Persian king
13:31 by the name of Artaxerxes Longimanus.
13:34 How would you like to have a name like that?
13:36 Sure it beats John Carter.
13:38 Artaxerxes Longimanus,
13:41 and in the year 457 BC,
13:43 he made a decree that Jerusalem should be completely restored.
13:47 If you add 483 years onto those 400
13:51 and back to 457 BC,
13:53 it brings you through to 27 AD.
13:55 You say, "No, it doesn't." Yes, it does.
13:58 You say, "Well, can you prove?"
14:00 Yes. I can prove it to you.
14:04 It's a fact from 483 years added on to 457 BC
14:09 brings us through to 27 AD,
14:11 and you've got to recognize there's no year zero in the BC,
14:16 you go from one BC to one AD.
14:18 So it brings you through to 27AD.
14:20 So what happened in 27 AD, you ask me?
14:23 Luke, who was a doctor in his book in Chapter 3,
14:26 he says that Jesus appeared
14:29 in his public role in the land of Israel in 27 AD.
14:35 He writes down the dates.
14:36 He says,
14:37 the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,
14:41 27 AD,
14:43 that's when Jesus started His preaching, got baptized.
14:46 Went out preaching, He said,
14:48 "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,
14:51 and the time is fulfilled."
14:54 Think of it.
14:56 Five hundred years previous, it had been predicted
14:59 that the Messiah would appear in 27 AD.
15:03 Jesus appeared in 27 AD.
15:07 The prophecy came to pass.
15:09 Hey, there must be a God.
15:12 The Bible must be true. What do you think?
15:17 That was a long, long time ago.
15:20 Is this truth stable?
15:22 Something that won't change over time?
15:27 Of course, it was very long ago,
15:29 but we've got history.
15:34 We know ancient history.
15:35 We know about the Caesars.
15:37 We know about the Babylonians.
15:39 We know about the Assyrians.
15:41 We've got the cuneiform tablets.
15:43 We've got the scrolls.
15:45 I bless my soul.
15:49 These facts can be proven
15:51 according to the ancient writings.
15:55 Jesus was a real person.
15:57 Even Richard Dawkins,
15:59 the most famous atheist in the world
16:02 has made a confession.
16:05 Richard Dawkins, who has written the book,
16:08 The God Delusion, which is a delusion.
16:13 Richard Dawkins has come out and said,
16:15 "Yes, I confess Jesus was a real person of history."
16:20 Thank you, Richard.
16:23 There was a Jesus.
16:25 He started His preaching in 27 AD
16:28 according to the Word of God,
16:30 and according to the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 9.
16:35 When the atheists heard these things
16:37 in Russia and Ukraine,
16:38 they said, "Thank God there is a God.
16:42 I know where I came from. I know why I'm here.
16:44 I know where we're going."
16:46 Today, we are talking about the facts,
16:50 not fairy tales.
16:54 Are there other prophecies in Daniel 9
16:57 that go beyond human explanation?
17:02 Yes, there are.
17:04 When I first read these prophecies,
17:05 I was completely blown away.
17:09 It talks about the city of Jerusalem being destroyed
17:12 because the people back there had murdered the Messiah.
17:15 It actually talks about it right here
17:17 in Daniel Chapter 9.
17:19 It talks about the destruction of the city
17:21 and the destruction of the temple,
17:23 which was in Jerusalem.
17:25 It also says that
17:28 there'd be a certain type of person
17:30 who would destroy the temple.
17:32 It says the people of the prince who will come,
17:35 will destroy the city and the sanctuary.
17:39 It says the people of the prince.
17:41 The prince was Titus.
17:43 Titus was in charge of the destruction of Jerusalem
17:47 and the temple,
17:48 but he wanted to save the temple
17:49 because he said,
17:51 it's the temple of Almighty God.
17:54 And he rushed down to the temple site
17:56 where the Roman soldiers were filled with rage
17:59 against the Jews
18:00 and wanted to destroy the temple.
18:02 And he said, "I forbid you to destroy the temple,"
18:06 but they wouldn't listen.
18:08 Wouldn't listen.
18:09 Wouldn't listen to their prince.
18:11 They wouldn't listen to the man
18:12 who was eventually to become the Caesar.
18:15 And they burnt the temple down exactly as the prophecy said.
18:19 The people of the prince who shall come
18:22 shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
18:28 All of this was written hundreds of years
18:30 before it came to pass.
18:33 I don't want you to believe it, my friend,
18:35 because I'm telling it to you.
18:36 I want you to believe it because I'm giving you facts.
18:39 Jesus said,
18:40 "You will know the truth
18:42 and the truth will make you free."
18:45 And when you have the truth and when you are free,
18:48 you will be happy
18:49 because you will know who you are.
18:52 You want to know who you are.
18:54 You're not second cousin to a monkey.
18:57 You didn't come down from the trees.
18:59 You're a child of God and Jesus,
19:03 the created God came to this earth
19:05 because He loves you.
19:08 You are precious, you are important.
19:13 It would help
19:14 if there were more prophecies about Christ,
19:18 then we'd have more confidence in what you are saying?
19:23 The Bible is full of prophecies
19:25 about the coming of the Messiah.
19:28 It was predicted a thousand years
19:30 before Christ was born,
19:32 that the Messiah would be crucified.
19:37 And in those days, crucifixion had not been invented.
19:41 In the days of the Book of Psalms,
19:43 it says here, I'm going to read it to you.
19:46 Here we go.
19:48 Psalm 22:16 says,
19:51 "Dogs have surrounded me,
19:53 band of evil man has encircled me.
19:56 They've pierced my hands
19:59 and my feet."
20:03 This is talking about crucifixion.
20:05 When these words were written, they didn't crucify people.
20:08 Christ was crucified.
20:11 Then the prophecies tell us other things,
20:13 he'd be betrayed by a friend.
20:17 They would gamble over his cloak.
20:20 It was predicted
20:21 that he would be raised from the dead.
20:24 And He was raised from the dead.
20:25 Hundreds of people saw Jesus.
20:29 These are facts.
20:31 We're talking here about prophecy
20:34 and we're talking about the facts of history.
20:39 I believe not because of blind faith.
20:42 I believe, my friend, because
20:46 of overwhelming evidence.
20:51 You've been to Russia and Ukraine 49 times.
20:55 What impressed you the most?
20:59 Yeah, I've been to Russia 49 times,
21:01 Russia and Ukraine.
21:03 I was working in there the other day.
21:04 I think actually it's 50 times.
21:09 I've been blessed to go to those places.
21:12 What impressed me the most?
21:13 I went there during the heyday of communism and atheism.
21:18 Life without God is very bleak
21:22 and dreary and lonely.
21:25 A man came up to me once in Moscow,
21:27 when communism was falling
21:30 and he raised his hands, he could speak English.
21:33 He said, "This is a hell that we have created."
21:37 Terrible depression, terrible alcoholism.
21:41 Why do we have so many suicides today
21:43 in the Western world?
21:45 Why are so many young people taking their lives?
21:48 Life without God.
21:50 Why so much violence?
21:52 Life without God.
21:54 Why so much domestic violence?
21:56 Life without God.
21:58 Why so many mental problems?
22:01 Life without God.
22:05 As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said,
22:08 the great Russian patriot of the 20th century.
22:11 He said, "We have rejected God,
22:15 and all these things have come upon us."
22:18 Seventy million people murdered
22:24 in Russia and Ukraine.
22:27 We turned a beautiful place into a hell.
22:31 Life without God.
22:33 Is there an alternative to the view
22:37 that says that there's nothing,
22:41 that there is no God and every man is his own law.
22:45 Yes, there is.
22:46 Belief in God.
22:48 Belief in Jesus.
22:49 Belief in Scripture.
22:53 Belief in marriage.
22:55 Belief in the Ten Commandments.
22:58 Belief in the holy laws of God.
23:00 Belief in the teachings of the Bible.
23:02 Belief in the beatitudes.
23:05 Belief in the golden rule.
23:09 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
23:13 I say to you, my friend, there is a better way
23:16 than the way of the chaos
23:18 that we find in the world today.
23:22 It is the way of God.
23:24 It is the way of Christ.
23:26 It is the way of the commandments.
23:28 I say to you,
23:30 believe in the God who believes in you.
23:33 Amen. And God bless you.
23:37 If we base our faith on this evidence,
23:40 will it help us to live a saner
23:43 more stable life?
23:46 Truth is important.
23:49 We don't want to be like the blind man
23:51 who says there's no sun.
23:56 Truth is important because truths gives us
23:59 the ability to see beyond the present.
24:04 Truth gives us the ability
24:06 to see ultimate reality.
24:11 You see the great theologian,
24:14 the Roman Catholic theologian who lived many years ago,
24:17 Saint Augustine was absolutely correct
24:19 when he said, "Our souls were made for God,
24:23 and they cannot rest until they rest in Him."
24:27 Inside us there is a vacuum.
24:30 There is this loneliness.
24:35 You see it everywhere in the world today.
24:36 That's why people are trying this
24:39 and trying this, trying this sexual development,
24:42 trying this development, trying this philosophy.
24:46 People are on a crazy search
24:50 trying to find ultimate reality.
24:53 But ultimate reality is found in the truth of God.
24:59 Our souls were made for God.
25:02 They cannot rest until they rest in Him.
25:04 My friend, I can give you my own personal testimony.
25:08 I was a young teenager, lost and lonely
25:11 until I found that there was a God
25:14 and He came in
25:16 and He filled the hole in my heart.
25:20 I've seen it happen in the lives
25:21 of hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands of atheists,
25:24 unbelievers, communists, Marxists around the world.
25:28 But particularly in Russia and Ukraine
25:30 where the communists were in charge.
25:34 I've seen the depression, the loneliness,
25:39 the hopelessness, the despair.
25:45 But when you find God, you find everything,
25:49 everyone that you need.
25:52 Jesus said, "You'll know the truth.
25:55 My peace I give unto you.
25:57 Not as the world gives do I give it to you,
25:59 I give you a special kind of peace."
26:03 I invite you to have this peace
26:06 by believing in the God who made you.
26:10 You are special.
26:12 You are important.
26:14 You are loved.
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Revised 2021-07-23