The Carter Report

The Aims of the Papacy Part 3 of 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002149S

00:01 God watches over us.
00:03 He looks into the hearts of people.
00:05 He helps us to find the very best in ourselves.
00:08 He is not interested in what church we go to,
00:11 or what denomination we choose.
00:14 He doesn't care how much money and power we have,
00:17 or our political agenda,
00:19 he looks to find a servant's heart.
00:22 This is biblical truth.
00:25 Pastor Carter continues to explore this truth
00:28 in Aims of the Papacy.
00:39 Hello, friend, I'm John Carter.
00:42 Welcome today to the Carter Report.
00:44 This is part three
00:47 of The Aims of the Papacy.
00:51 Now, I received many, many letters
00:54 and we try to treat each letter
00:57 with dignity and respect.
01:00 This letter
01:01 we call the Bob Letter.
01:07 It's written by Bob in California.
01:10 It's a very controversial letter.
01:13 But because it's controversial, we're not going to toss it out.
01:16 We are going to answer it.
01:20 This is part three.
01:21 Here it goes, I'll read the letter again
01:24 to refresh your pure minds.
01:28 "Hi, John, I hope all is well with you and Beverley.
01:32 I'm not sure if you've noticed what is going on
01:34 in Scotland and Europe right now.
01:37 As I write there is a conference forming
01:39 in Scotland with all the world leaders
01:42 to discuss the climate.
01:44 The pope has stated that he will attend the conference
01:47 and present his answer for the climate.
01:50 His proposal is to establish
01:54 a worldwide day of rest
01:57 to lower carbon emissions,
01:59 and of course, this day would be Sunday.
02:02 Although this may help the environment somewhat,
02:05 its real purpose is to get the world leaders
02:08 to conform with the Catholic Church
02:11 and the pope.
02:14 America currently has a leader
02:15 that has no backbone,
02:17 and he is Catholic."
02:19 Bob, I've got to pause here a little bit.
02:25 We pray for President Joe Biden,
02:28 and we respect his Roman Catholic faith.
02:32 In this program, we do not criticize people.
02:35 We don't criticize political leaders.
02:39 We don't criticize religious leaders.
02:42 We are here to defend the truths of the Bible.
02:47 So Bob goes on to say,
02:49 "So, he will certainly bow to the pope
02:53 and is obligated to do so because he is Catholic.
02:59 John, could this be the beginning
03:01 of the mark of the beast?
03:04 How clever would this be for the pope
03:06 to take this opportunity to advance his agenda?
03:11 What are your thoughts about this?"
03:12 Well, Bob, I'm trying to answer your question
03:17 in the most intelligent way I can.
03:21 By exploring all of these issues
03:24 but, Bob, I wanna tell you something.
03:26 Bob in California, we love Roman Catholic people.
03:31 We love the pope.
03:33 Jesus died for people.
03:36 And so, Bob, when I'm answering your questions here today,
03:40 I'm doing so from the viewpoint of truth.
03:44 We're not talking about people,
03:47 but we're talking about the truth of God
03:49 and a great system of deception
03:54 that has deceived almost the whole wide world.
04:01 "What Catholic ideas are contrary
04:04 to biblical teachings?"
04:09 We should remember this, Wayne, what Jesus said.
04:12 Jesus said, "You will know the truth,
04:15 the truth will make you free."
04:18 Now I understand today,
04:19 the concept of truth is anathema
04:22 to millions and millions of people.
04:25 Even to millions of Protestants
04:26 and I am a Protestant Christian.
04:28 I'm an Adventist,
04:31 but I believe in the concept of truth.
04:33 I believe in the purity of truth.
04:37 I believe in the possibility
04:40 of being able to discuss ideas and truths
04:45 without becoming personal.
04:49 Let me make this ever so plain today.
04:53 We are not against Roman Catholics
04:55 never, never, never.
04:58 In fact, we believe
04:59 that the vast majority of God's true children
05:02 are found in the Roman Catholic Church
05:04 and another churches like the Roman Catholic Church,
05:06 not in my little church.
05:09 God looks upon the heart
05:11 and God loves Roman Catholic people.
05:15 But you've asked me a question.
05:17 Let me repeat it to you.
05:20 What are Catholic ideas
05:22 that are contrary to biblical teachings?
05:26 Well, let me give you some.
05:28 We're not talking personalities.
05:31 We are talking ideas
05:33 that are not found in the Word of God
05:36 and therefore I feel obligated to talk about these things.
05:42 Take for instance, purgatory.
05:45 I was asked to take a funeral some time back
05:48 in a little Australian country town.
05:51 This was many years ago.
05:54 This dear old man was a devout Roman Catholic
05:58 and the family came to me with wads,
06:00 big bundles of dollar bills.
06:04 And they said, "We want you to pray for Parr."
06:09 I said, "But I don't pray for the dead."
06:12 They said, "No, you got to pray for Parr,
06:14 because Parr is in purgatory and he's suffering."
06:19 Well, I told him this look,
06:20 my beloved Roman Catholic friends,
06:23 whom I love in Christ.
06:26 I don't believe in purgatory
06:30 because purgatory
06:32 is not taught in the Bible.
06:37 I said, "Parr died with his faith
06:40 in the Lord Jesus Christ and by the grace of God,
06:43 dear old Parr is going to be with Christ
06:47 in paradise."
06:49 There is no such place as purgatory.
06:54 Let me tell you some other ideas
06:55 that I don't accept that is taught
06:58 by the great Roman Catholic Church,
07:00 the idea of eternal hellfire.
07:05 You know what this idea is?
07:06 That God is going to burn people
07:09 for millions and millions
07:11 and billions and trillions of years.
07:19 Do you believe this idea?
07:21 How can you believe in a God of love,
07:24 I asked you and believe in this terrible idea?
07:29 This makes God into a terrorist.
07:32 Now I'm going to read Jude.
07:35 It's only one chapter, verse 7, it says, "Sodom and Gomorrah,
07:38 and the cities around them in similar manner
07:41 to these having given themselves
07:43 over to sexual immorality
07:46 and gone after strange flesh,
07:50 are set forth as an example,
07:53 suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
07:58 Now, I've been to that vicinity.
08:01 I've been to the vicinity of old Sodom and Gomorrah.
08:05 Those cities today
08:06 are under the murky waters of the Dead Sea.
08:12 They're not burning, my friend, the fire went out.
08:16 I don't believe in the Catholic idea
08:20 of an eternally burning hell
08:23 because I believe it turns God
08:27 into a monster.
08:30 Forgive me for defending God.
08:34 If I need your forgiveness, you ask me this question.
08:38 Here's the question.
08:40 What are Catholic ideas
08:41 that are contrary to biblical teachings?
08:45 I don't believe in the Catholic idea
08:49 of the priesthood offering up a sacrifice.
08:54 I don't believe I need an earthly priest.
08:57 I can give you many, many texts out of the Bible,
09:00 particularly the Book of Hebrews
09:02 that teaches that Jesus Christ
09:05 is my High Priest
09:08 and I can go into the Most Holy Place,
09:11 and I can confess my sins to Christ,
09:15 and He is my Priest,
09:17 and He forgives my sins.
09:20 So I don't believe in the Roman Catholic idea
09:24 of the priesthood
09:25 or the sacrifice or all of this great power.
09:30 I don't believe in the Roman Catholic idea
09:33 of Sunday keeping.
09:35 Now, one of the reasons I don't believe in it,
09:37 my friend, is because
09:38 of what the Roman Catholic churches has said.
09:41 The Roman Catholic churches taught in its great confessions
09:45 that they by the power of God
09:47 changed the Sabbath from the Sabbath,
09:51 from the seventh day to the first day of the week,
09:53 from Saturday to Sunday.
09:55 You can read this in Keenan's Catechism.
09:57 I've got most of these catechisms.
10:00 I believe in the Ten Commandments.
10:02 I don't believe that any church has got the power
10:06 to change the commandments of God.
10:08 And the Catholic Church says it has that power.
10:13 I don't believe in the immortality of the soul.
10:16 Well, now you say, but everybody believes,
10:18 well, I don't believe it.
10:20 I know the Greeks used to believe it
10:22 and the Romans used to believe it,
10:23 and the Egyptians used to believe it,
10:25 and the Persians used to believe it,
10:26 and the Babylonians and Norsean.
10:31 But I believe the text in the Bible
10:33 Ezekiel Chapter 18,
10:34 that says the soul that sins will die.
10:39 I believe that the soul has the capacity to die.
10:43 I don't believe in praying for the souls of the dead.
10:48 That's why I didn't pray for the soul of this old man
10:51 that I told you about before
10:54 because he was safe and he was secure.
10:57 I don't believe in eternally burning hell.
11:01 And I don't believe in the immortality of the soul.
11:05 I don't believe in confessing my sins to a priest,
11:09 because my priest is Jesus.
11:12 When I say I don't believe
11:13 in confessing my sins to a priest.
11:15 I'm talking about an earthly priest.
11:17 I believe that is a terrible idea
11:22 because it's so against the Bible.
11:25 Now, let me read you from Hebrews 4:14-16.
11:29 Please listen up, Bob.
11:33 "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest
11:36 who has passed through the heavens,
11:38 Jesus the Son of God."
11:40 Our high priest is not the pope.
11:44 Forgive me, my Catholic friends.
11:47 I'm not trying to insult you.
11:48 I'm not trying to be rude.
11:50 I love Roman Catholics, I love the pope.
11:53 We're not talking about people, we're talking about ideas.
11:57 Can we lay aside the emotion
12:00 and talk about biblical truths?
12:04 Now, the Bible tells me, I have a High Priest.
12:08 That's not the pope, it's Jesus.
12:11 "Great High Priest
12:12 who has passed through the heavens,
12:13 Jesus the Son of God,
12:16 let us hold fast our confession."
12:17 This is Hebrews 4,
12:19 "For we do not have a High Priest
12:21 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
12:24 but was in all points tempted as we are,
12:27 yet without sin.
12:28 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
12:32 that we may obtain mercy
12:34 and find grace to help in time of need."
12:38 This is great news.
12:41 This is the gospel, you're a sinner, I'm a sinner.
12:46 I don't need to go to the confessional
12:48 on Sunday or on Wednesday.
12:51 I go to Christ,
12:53 and I go to Jesus Christ
12:57 direct.
13:00 You see, I can't believe these Roman Catholic ideas
13:04 because I don't believe they're taught in the Bible.
13:07 I don't believe in the mass.
13:10 I don't believe that the priest has got the authority
13:13 to turn the bread into the body of Christ,
13:16 or the wine into the blood of Christ.
13:18 I don't believe
13:20 in the doctrine of Transubstantiation.
13:25 Now don't get mad with me
13:27 because I don't believe in these ideas.
13:29 Can't we be rational?
13:31 Can't we discuss the Bible
13:33 without getting mad with each other?
13:37 Can't we lay aside religious bigotry?
13:41 Let me give you some of my other ideas.
13:43 I don't believe in the baptism of babies.
13:47 Jesus was baptized
13:49 when He was about 30 years of age.
13:52 They didn't baptize babies in the Bible.
13:55 Oh, I know
13:57 I'm going to make lots of people very mad with me
14:01 but you see, I'm a Christian who believes the Bible.
14:05 Can you forgive me for that?
14:09 I don't believe in the baptism of babies.
14:12 I believe in Sola Scripture, Sola Scriptura,
14:18 I don't believe in the Bible and tradition.
14:20 Now I know there are some Protestants
14:22 who are very Roman Catholic in their thinking.
14:25 They believe in the Bible
14:27 as interpreted by tradition.
14:31 I don't believe that.
14:32 I'm a Protestant.
14:35 I believe what Jesus said, "It is written,
14:38 man shall not live by bread alone,
14:40 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
14:43 That's where I stand.
14:44 You might be mad with me, but sorry about that.
14:46 I don't believe in the celibacy of the clergy
14:52 because St. Peter had a mother-in-law
14:55 and my Catholic friends say
14:57 that St. Peter was the first pope.
14:58 Now I don't believe that, I don't believe it's true
15:02 but, you know, I appreciate your wanting to believe it,
15:05 but I don't believe in celibacy.
15:06 I don't believe in the veneration of relics.
15:11 I don't believe in the Roman Catholic
15:12 stand on contraception.
15:17 I don't believe that a group of priests
15:21 have got the right to tell women
15:22 what they ought to do.
15:26 I don't believe in the Roman Catholic teaching
15:28 on contraception.
15:29 Most Roman Catholics agree with me,
15:32 at least in America.
15:35 Why can't you open your minds up a little bit,
15:37 I say to you and Christian charity,
15:40 and think that maybe we can talk
15:42 about some other things, too.
15:45 I don't believe in the idea of a theocracy,
15:48 which was originally devised by St. Augustine
15:52 many, many years ago,
15:54 one of the first great Roman Catholic theologians.
15:58 He taught about the union of church and state.
16:01 While the Catholic Church for about
16:03 1000 years practiced a theocracy,
16:07 ruled the world, the then known world,
16:09 and persecuted heretics like me.
16:15 I don't believe in theocracy,
16:17 I believe in the separation of church and state.
16:21 Now, I realized today
16:22 that in the United States of America,
16:24 there are millions of Protestants
16:26 who sort of lost their way completely.
16:28 They're totally ignorant of the scriptures.
16:31 Hey, are you listening here?
16:32 Totally ignorant of the scriptures
16:35 and now they want the church
16:37 to join with the state
16:39 and they want to make Jesus
16:40 the King of America,
16:42 and they want to persecute people
16:44 who don't fit in with their way of thinking.
16:50 That's the very essence to me of Antichrist.
16:52 I don't believe in this.
16:54 Jesus is a Christ of love.
16:57 He doesn't compel us.
17:00 He says choose.
17:03 I don't believe that the pope is the successor
17:06 of St. Peter.
17:08 I don't believe he should be called
17:11 the Holy Father
17:15 because in John Chapter,
17:17 let me give you the verse, 17:11.
17:23 He talks to God.
17:26 And He calls God Holy Father.
17:32 The pope shouldn't accept the title,
17:34 Holy Father, sorry, Francis,
17:40 my apologies
17:41 but people shouldn't call you,
17:44 Holy Father because you know you're not the Holy Father.
17:48 You know, God is the Holy Father.
17:53 So I'm not trying to make everybody mad with me.
17:55 I'm simply just saying, can't we be reasonable
17:59 and consider some truths.
18:01 I don't believe in praise for the dead,
18:04 such as they celebrate in Mexico
18:07 and other parts around the world.
18:13 So what I'm saying here today is this.
18:15 Can't we all love each other?
18:17 We love Roman Catholics.
18:19 We love the pope.
18:23 But can't we believe the truths of the Bible
18:26 and can't we have the courage
18:30 to follow the truths of the Bible?
18:31 Not all countries have religious
18:33 freedom and freedom of speech.
18:38 We have freedom of speech so far
18:39 and freedom of religion
18:41 in the United States of America.
18:44 But in many, many other countries,
18:46 we do not have full freedom of speech
18:48 and we do not have full freedom of religion
18:51 in many, many other countries.
18:56 "Do you have a Roman Catholic background?"
19:02 Hey, didn't you guess?
19:06 Yes, I have somewhat of a Roman Catholic background.
19:08 My father was a very strong Roman Catholic.
19:14 He was an altar boy when he was a kid.
19:17 He learned Mass off by heart,
19:20 and he used to say it to me
19:22 and to the rest of the family members.
19:25 Yes, I do have a Roman Catholic background.
19:29 I could have become a Roman Catholic priest.
19:34 But I discovered the truth of the Bible
19:38 and finished the Roman Catholic Church with me.
19:43 Now, of course, I've been
19:44 to many Roman Catholic countries.
19:48 I love the Roman Catholic people.
19:51 I've been to El Salvador.
19:54 After one of the meetings in El Salvador,
19:58 in this great outdoor stadium
20:01 that seated 60,000 people
20:03 packed to the doors.
20:06 After one of those meetings,
20:07 the Vice President of the nation stayed behind.
20:11 And she was a Roman Catholic.
20:13 She loved what I was preaching.
20:17 If you listen to what I'm preaching,
20:19 you'll agree with what I'm saying,
20:21 my friend.
20:22 I'm opposed to bigotry.
20:25 I want people to expand their minds
20:28 and to think God's thoughts after him.
20:31 The Vice President of El Salvador said to me,
20:33 Pastor Carter, please keep the meetings going.
20:38 Please come back
20:40 because we've got so many problems
20:41 here in this country of El Salvador,
20:43 so many gangs, so much violence,
20:45 so much crime, so many drugs.
20:48 She said we need you to come and preach here.
20:53 She was a Roman Catholic talking to me saying,
20:55 "We need you to come and preach here."
20:58 So I love Roman Catholic people
21:02 and that's why I'm talking these things
21:04 because I want my Roman Catholic friends
21:07 and my Protestant friends to get back
21:10 to Christ in the Bible.
21:15 "Why is there so much pedophilia
21:18 among Roman Catholic Church leaders?"
21:25 Well, I think I could add to the question,
21:27 say, why is there so much pedophilia
21:29 in the world generally?
21:32 Because Protestant churches
21:33 had their problems too with pedophiles.
21:37 We see pedophilia all the way through society today
21:40 is because people have gotten away from God
21:43 and they've gotten away from the Word of God.
21:46 But you ask me about the Roman Catholic Church.
21:48 Yes, it's had its fair share
21:51 of pedophiles among the priests.
21:53 We all know this.
21:56 This has been true
21:57 in the United States of America.
21:59 It's been true in Australia.
22:01 It's been true in Europe.
22:03 It's been true in Ireland.
22:07 Thousands of pedophiles abusing children.
22:15 And this is not a criticism of Roman Catholics.
22:17 It is a criticism of the sinful human heart.
22:25 Man without God
22:27 is a very sinful person.
22:31 The human soul is very black and dark without God.
22:36 Whether you are Protestant,
22:37 or whether you are Roman Catholic,
22:40 whether you are Hindu, whether you are Muslim.
22:45 Having said this about pedophiles,
22:49 I would hasten to say the Roman Catholic Church
22:52 has had some wonderful Roman Catholic priests
22:56 and I respect them.
22:58 I've met some of them.
23:01 Some of them, I believe, being the saints of God.
23:05 The problem, my friend, with the pedophile
23:09 and all of these other deviances
23:12 is the problem of sin.
23:16 There's only one person who's got the solution to sin.
23:20 It's not the pope.
23:22 It's not the leader of my church.
23:24 It's not some minister.
23:29 Any person who's got the solution
23:31 to the problem of sin
23:33 is Jesus Christ our Lord,
23:37 who died for our sins with His own blood
23:41 has suffered for us on the cross
23:45 and who right now is our High Priest.
23:48 Therefore, my message is, come to Him,
23:53 believe in Christ.
23:57 He believes in you.
23:59 More to come.
24:16 Jesus said, "All authority has been given to Me
24:20 in heaven and on earth.
24:22 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
24:26 baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son,
24:30 and of the Holy Spirit."
24:34 John Carter reports,
24:36 "We have seen God's power as the Gospel of Christ
24:39 has been proclaimed in Africa,
24:43 India, Russia,
24:48 Ukraine, Cuba,
24:54 El Salvador, and many other places.
24:58 We invite you to partner with us
25:01 in proclaiming Jesus Christ."
25:06 To God be the glory,
25:09 great things He has done.
25:14 Write today to the Carter Report,
25:17 P.O. Box 1900,
25:19 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
25:24 That's the Carter Report, P.O. Box 1900,
25:29 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
25:34 In Australia, write to the Carter Report,
25:37 P.O. Box 861,
25:40 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
25:44 That's the Carter Report, P.O. Box 861,
25:49 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
25:54 Thank you for your generous support.
25:56 We look forward to hearing from you soon.
25:58 May God richly bless you.
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Revised 2022-02-21