The Carter Report

The Aims of the Papacy Part 4 of 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002150S

00:01 God desires a personal relationship with us.
00:04 We have the innate freedom to worship God as we choose,
00:08 or not to worship Him at all.
00:12 Only with His wisdom and power can we strengthen our heart,
00:16 mind and soul.
00:18 He listens when we speak to Him
00:20 about the challenges in our lives.
00:22 We have a direct line to God,
00:24 and He is only a whisper away.
00:27 Today, Pastor John Carter invites you
00:31 to discover more about The Aims of the Papacy.
00:44 Hello, friend, I'm John Carter.
00:47 Welcome to part four
00:49 of this most important talk,
00:53 The Aims of the Papacy.
00:57 This, of course, is an explosive subject.
01:01 And I'm dealing with it because of this letter
01:04 that came from a person
01:06 by the name of Bob in California.
01:10 We call this the Bob Letter.
01:13 Let me read it to you.
01:15 For those especially just picking up the telecast
01:18 for the first time.
01:19 "Hi John, I hope all is well with you and Beverley.
01:23 I am not sure if you've noticed what is going on in Scotland
01:26 and Europe right now."
01:27 Well, I say, Bob, I sometimes watch television
01:31 and I'm not altogether living under a rock.
01:36 "As I write there is a conference forming
01:38 in Scotland with all the world leaders
01:40 to discuss the climate.
01:41 The pope has stated that he will attend the conference
01:44 and present his answers for the climate.
01:47 His proposal is the establishment
01:50 of a worldwide day of rest
01:53 to lower the carbon emissions,
01:56 and of course this day would be Sunday."
01:59 Now, this is Bob's letter, they're not my letter.
02:03 "Although this may help the environment somewhat,
02:05 its real purpose is to get the world leaders to conform
02:08 with the Catholic Church and the pope.
02:12 America currently has a leader that has no backbone,
02:15 and is Catholic."
02:20 This is a letter from one of our viewers.
02:24 We invite your letters
02:26 but just because I'm reading this out doesn't mean
02:29 that I necessarily agree with all the sentiments
02:32 that are being expressed here.
02:36 We pray for the President of the United States.
02:42 I don't belong to any political party,
02:45 but I pray for the President of the United States
02:49 because the Bible tells us to pray for our leaders
02:53 and our rulers.
02:54 So Bob goes on.
02:56 "So, he will certainly bow, President Biden,
03:01 to the pope and is obligated
03:03 to do so because he is Catholic.
03:08 John, could this be the beginning
03:10 of the mark of the beast?
03:12 How clever would this be for the pope
03:15 to take this opportunity to advance his agenda?
03:19 What are your thoughts about this?
03:22 Best regards, Bob, in California."
03:30 My friends, let me tell you something right from my heart.
03:34 Here it is.
03:36 I'm opposed to religious bigotry.
03:42 I personally don't really like bigots.
03:47 Now, Jesus tells us we got to love everybody.
03:49 I guess we got to love the bigots also.
03:54 I believe that we should love Roman Catholics.
03:57 I believe that we should love Protestants.
04:01 I believe that we should love Muslims
04:05 and Hindus.
04:07 While we run a ministry in India,
04:10 we try to help people.
04:12 We love the Hindus.
04:16 Jesus said by this you're going to know
04:17 that you are My disciples
04:19 if you have love in your hearts
04:22 for one another.
04:26 So I believe in loving people.
04:30 But, Bob, by the grace of God,
04:31 I'm going to try to answer your question.
04:33 I'm going to by the grace of God be honest.
04:37 I'm not going to give you a politically correct answer,
04:41 necessarily.
04:43 I'm going to give you an answer from the scriptures.
04:48 Now, can we all get on the same wavelength here
04:51 is what I'm trying to say.
04:54 I'm standing here today on the scriptures.
04:57 My faith is in Christ.
05:00 And my belief structure comes from the Bible.
05:03 Jesus said,
05:05 "It is written,
05:07 man shall not live by bread alone,
05:10 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
05:14 And so, Bob in California,
05:17 I will answer your letter as we go through with a series
05:21 of other questions.
05:22 And at the end of this program, I will give a summary.
05:27 So, Bob, thanks for your letter and, my friends,
05:32 thank you for joining me today.
05:37 "Do you see a 'Latter' Day scenario
05:39 revealed in the prophecies?"
05:45 I see a Latter Day scenario
05:48 plainly revealed in the prophecies.
05:51 Yes, I do.
05:54 If I didn't have faith in Christ,
05:56 if I didn't believe in the Lordship of Christ,
05:59 I could be scared, but I'm not scared,
06:03 because I believe that Jesus Christ is the King.
06:07 I believe that Jesus is in charge.
06:10 I believe that Jesus is Lord.
06:13 Now, let me read you a text here out of my Bible.
06:17 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says,
06:22 "Let no one deceive you by any means."
06:26 Don't be deceived.
06:28 Millions of people today are getting deceived.
06:32 Maybe you, my friend,
06:34 maybe you're getting deceived.
06:36 Maybe you're following fake news
06:38 or something else but the Bible says,
06:42 don't let people deceive you.
06:45 And most people today,
06:46 even though they call themselves Christians,
06:48 haven't got a clue
06:49 what is taught here in the Bible.
06:52 They don't read their Bibles.
06:54 They get their news source from television
06:57 and everywhere else.
07:00 But we need to return to Scripture.
07:02 It says here,
07:03 "Let no one deceive you by any means,
07:06 for that Day, Day of Christ coming,
07:09 will not come unless the falling away comes first,
07:12 and the man of sin is revealed,
07:15 the son of perdition,
07:19 who opposes and exalts himself
07:21 above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
07:24 so that he sits as God in the temple of God,
07:27 showing himself that he is God."
07:34 Now how strong are you today to listen to truth
07:38 because you need to be strong to hear this.
07:41 The Bible says in the last days,
07:43 there comes a tremendous falling away
07:46 from the truth of God.
07:49 This happened in the early days of Christianity,
07:53 is going to happen again.
07:55 There's going to come a falling away from the truth.
07:58 People are going to give up believing in the truth
08:03 and they're going to believe in lies.
08:07 And then the Bible says this super human personality
08:12 is going to be revealed in the church.
08:18 He sits in the temple of God.
08:22 Where would you expect to find the Antichrist?
08:24 I guess you'd say,
08:25 "I'd expect to find the Antichrist in hell."
08:27 No.
08:28 The Bible says that the Antichrist
08:34 is in the church
08:37 and he deceives the whole wide world.
08:42 So I'm saying to you today in the name of Jesus,
08:45 we've got to get back to the scriptures.
08:48 We've got to follow the scriptures.
08:51 We've got to read our Bibles every day
08:53 because it is written,
08:55 man shall not live by bread alone,
08:57 but by every word that proceeds
09:00 out of the mouth of God.
09:03 And the Bible teaches as is alluded to,
09:06 in Bob's letter,
09:08 that the mark of the beast is going
09:10 to become an issue in the last days.
09:15 This man of sin, this great superb personality,
09:20 this person who dazzles
09:23 and mesmerizes the masses
09:27 of humanity,
09:28 this man of sin
09:30 is going to enforce the mark of the beast.
09:34 It says in Revelation 13,
09:36 he's going to set up the image to the beast.
09:41 Now the beast is a union of church and state.
09:44 I don't have time to go into this
09:45 but most theologians have seen this.
09:48 That's why we are opposed to theocracies,
09:51 but this power is going to set up a theocracy,
09:54 a union of church and state,
09:57 and is going to enforce
09:59 religious laws.
10:02 We're going to have a time of dreadful intolerance,
10:05 which is going to breed
10:09 on a dreadful ignorance.
10:12 So I'm saying to you today,
10:14 I'm saying to Bob and everybody,
10:15 whether you're Roman Catholic,
10:17 or Protestant, whether you're a Jew,
10:19 I don't care who you are.
10:21 We need to stop being bigoted and close-minded.
10:25 We've got to stop being sectarian
10:28 and we've got to stop hating people.
10:32 All this terrible hate is got to stop.
10:35 America today is filled with hate.
10:38 You see all of this hate speech,
10:40 we got to stop this hate
10:45 and we've got to come back to God,
10:48 and we've got to read the scriptures,
10:50 and we've got to stop following the teachings
10:54 of big church leaders
10:58 and start following Christ,
11:01 who is our High Priest
11:02 and who is our coming King.
11:05 How does that sound to you?
11:09 "Is the papacy becoming the great Savior
11:12 of the human race?"
11:17 Let me say this over again
11:19 because I don't want people to misunderstand me.
11:26 This program is not slightly against Roman Catholics
11:30 or against the pope.
11:33 Can't we be rational and think about ideas?
11:38 People say, "No, no, no, we got to fight it."
11:40 No, we don't have to fight each other.
11:44 I'm glad that I hope the day is passed when Protestants
11:48 and Catholics are fighting each other.
11:51 And fighting Jews and fighting Muslims.
11:55 Jesus told us that we would,
11:58 the world would know that we were His disciples
12:01 if we loved one another.
12:05 And today in the United States of America
12:07 and around the world, including here in Australia,
12:11 there's a lot of hate.
12:15 People hate each other.
12:17 And they hate other people,
12:18 because they have different ideas.
12:23 So we're not talking here about people we're saying,
12:28 we are called to love Roman Catholics.
12:30 We are called to love Buddhists.
12:32 We are called to love Muslims.
12:35 We are called to love the Jews.
12:38 I've got many wonderful Jewish friends.
12:40 We are called to love people but having said all of this,
12:46 and I say amen to this.
12:49 We are called to study the scriptures.
12:54 We are called to get back to the old-fashioned reading
12:57 of the Bible.
12:58 You know what America needs more than anything else?
13:01 A revival of biblical preaching.
13:03 We need some prophets. We need some preachers.
13:07 We don't need people
13:09 who are preaching this marshmallow religion,
13:14 this weak stuff.
13:17 You see sermonettes make questionettes.
13:21 We don't need any more of this mamby pamby stuff,
13:24 we need some meat from the Word.
13:28 Can you hear what I'm saying?
13:33 Now, having said this,
13:34 I believe the Bible prophecies paint a great scenario
13:37 of the last days
13:39 and I believe that the Bible prophecies teach
13:41 that in the last days,
13:43 the Roman Catholic Church
13:45 is going to become the great controlling force
13:50 in the world.
13:52 I believe this,
13:54 I think I should take your text over here
13:56 in Revelation Chapter 13.
13:58 Now, I know some people tell me,
14:01 you shouldn't just talk about any of these things.
14:03 Just talk about the birds singing in the trees
14:07 and talk about the sun shining and say weak
14:10 and offensive things.
14:12 Where's that got to us?
14:15 Where is that got us?
14:18 Is turning us into a nation
14:20 of weak-minded people.
14:26 We need to turn to Christ
14:28 and to think the words of God
14:30 as we love one another.
14:31 Revelation 13:14,
14:38 "He deceives those who dwell on the earth
14:42 by those signs which he was granted
14:43 to do in the sight of the beast,
14:47 telling those who dwell on the earth
14:49 to make an image to the beast
14:52 who was wounded by the sword and lived.
14:56 He was granted power to give breath to the image
14:59 of the beast,
15:00 that the image of the beast should both speak
15:03 and causes many as would not worship the image
15:06 of the beast to be killed.
15:09 "Revelation 13:16 says,
15:11 "He causes all, both small and great,
15:14 rich and poor, free and slave,
15:17 to receive a mark on their right hand
15:20 or on their foreheads,
15:22 and that no one may buy or sell
15:27 except one who has the mark,
15:29 or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
15:32 That's pretty potent stuff.
15:36 This is going to involve people everywhere.
15:39 It's going to involve the pope.
15:43 It's going to involve the Catholic Church.
15:46 It's going to involve the Protestant Churches.
15:50 It's going to involve people everywhere,
15:54 people who get away from the scriptures,
15:57 who get away from God,
16:00 and who become intolerant
16:02 and who try to force their way of thinking
16:06 upon others.
16:09 And please listen to me.
16:12 The Bible teaches religious freedom.
16:17 Paul says Christ has called us to freedom.
16:22 We're called to be free.
16:24 God has given us freedom.
16:28 He's given us freedom of the will.
16:32 I choose to be free.
16:36 I choose to serve whom I want to serve.
16:42 If I want to be an atheist, I have the freedom.
16:44 If I want to be a Catholic, I have the freedom.
16:47 If I want to be a Protestant,
16:49 I have that freedom,
16:52 but in the last days we're going to see
16:54 a tremendous movement of intolerance.
16:57 We saw it in the Dark Ages,
16:58 we're going to see it again,
17:01 a terrible spirit of intolerance.
17:05 And the Bible teaches that the church
17:08 is going to join forces with the power of the state.
17:12 Millions of Protestants want to see
17:13 this happen today in America.
17:15 Millions of Protestants now believe in,
17:17 in the concept of theocracy.
17:18 Can you believe in this?
17:21 And in the last days,
17:23 the churches are going to get together
17:25 with the Roman Catholic Church,
17:27 and they're going to join with the power of the state.
17:31 And then they're going to do away with freedom,
17:34 and they're going to enforce religious laws.
17:42 I can see the writing on the wall.
17:46 I can hear
17:47 the sound of the thunder.
17:52 Can't you?
17:57 "What has happened to Protestantism?"
18:02 I'm a Protestant.
18:05 I know many, many, many Protestants,
18:07 who believe in Scripture,
18:09 who worship Christ and Christ alone,
18:12 who confess their sins to Christ,
18:14 Christ is their High Priest.
18:18 But it is true,
18:21 especially in the United States of America
18:25 that millions of Protestants have lost their protest.
18:29 Millions of Protestants no longer understand Scripture.
18:34 Large numbers of Protestant pastors
18:36 no longer believe in the Bible.
18:40 Now the course is not completely lost.
18:42 There are still some mighty Bible preachers.
18:45 And there are still many, many people
18:47 who call themselves Protestants and Catholics,
18:50 who believe in Christ,
18:51 and who believe in the sacredness
18:53 of Holy Scripture.
18:57 However, today,
19:01 we are going into a new Dark Age,
19:06 the lights
19:09 are going out.
19:13 What is needed?
19:16 Preachers of the Gospel of Christ,
19:18 preachers with fire in their bellies.
19:27 "What experiences have you had with the Catholic Church?"
19:35 While sometime back,
19:36 I was in the great city of Sydney,
19:38 one of my favorite cities in the world.
19:41 I went along to the great Roman Catholic Church.
19:45 What a beautiful church,
19:47 looks like a great Protestant cathedral
19:50 because it's in a Protestant country
19:54 and there was a great Roman Catholic choir,
19:57 and the choir was singing Amazing Grace.
20:02 Singing a great Protestant hymn in an almost a Protestant
20:07 Roman Catholic Church.
20:10 My father was a Roman Catholic.
20:13 One of my favorite memories is with my aunt Maj,
20:19 an earnest Roman Catholic,
20:21 my grandparents,
20:22 strong Roman Catholics.
20:27 I love Roman Catholics
20:31 because God loves
20:34 Roman Catholics.
20:39 "How important is it to have a personal relationship
20:43 with Jesus Christ?"
20:48 To have a personal experience with Christ
20:50 is the most important thing in the world.
20:53 We're not saved by churches.
20:55 We're not saved by religious hierarchies.
20:58 We're not saved by popes.
21:00 We are saved by Christ
21:03 and Christ alone.
21:08 "Do you have any more comments on Bob's letter?"
21:14 My comments on Bob's letter,
21:15 well, I think you should have worked it out by now.
21:18 But let me read to you Bob's letter again
21:21 and let me comment as we go along.
21:25 Hope all is well with you and Beverley.
21:26 Yeah, look, how do I look?
21:28 Want to see Beverley, she looks better than me.
21:31 I'm not sure if you've noticed what is going on in Scotland
21:33 and Europe right now?
21:34 Yes, Bob, I sometimes watch TV, you know,
21:37 not living under a rock here.
21:39 As I write to you,
21:40 there's a conference forming in Scotland
21:41 with all the world leaders to discuss climate.
21:45 The pope has stated that he will attend the conference.
21:47 I didn't know ever so,
21:50 but you might know some things that I don't know,
21:51 Bob, I'm sure you do.
21:53 And he's going to present his answers for the climate.
21:56 Well, I'm sure he's got many good ideas.
22:01 His proposal is to establish a worldwide day of rest
22:06 to lower the carbon emissions,
22:08 and of course this day,
22:12 would be Sunday.
22:16 Quite likely, Bob.
22:20 Quite likely,
22:23 because the pope wants to bring us all together.
22:28 The pope sees the Roman Catholic Church
22:33 as bringing the world together
22:36 under the papacy.
22:41 The papacy is seeking
22:43 for world dominion.
22:47 And the pope wants all of the churches,
22:51 even your church
22:53 to be somehow involved
22:57 and will Sunday keeping
22:59 become obligatory one day, Bob?
23:03 I think so, from my study of the prophecies.
23:07 Although this may help the environment
23:09 somewhat Bob says,
23:10 its real purpose is to get the world leaders to conform
23:13 with the Catholic Church and the pope.
23:16 America currently has a president,
23:19 and he's a Catholic.
23:22 He will certainly bow to the pope
23:24 and is also obligated to do so because he is Catholic.
23:30 John, could this be the beginning
23:32 of the mark of the beast?
23:34 How clever this would be for the pope
23:36 to take this opportunity to advance his agenda?
23:41 What are your thoughts about this?
23:45 Bob,
23:47 I think you may be right.
23:51 I know, Bob, that you're not against
23:53 the Catholic Church, not against the pope.
23:57 But I think you understand the situation.
24:02 I think the pope has an agenda.
24:06 I think Sunday keeping
24:09 is a part of his agenda.
24:14 I think you may be right, Bob.
24:17 Remember,
24:19 the final scenes
24:21 on the stage are set.
24:25 The time, the task
24:29 and the men have met.
24:32 The world at its worst
24:35 needs the church at its best.
24:40 We are called for this hour.
24:44 We must stand the test.
24:50 In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
24:54 Amen.
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26:54 Welcome to the inspirational world of John Carter.
27:02 The PC Police patrol the government,
27:05 the schools, our workplace,
27:08 our very lives.
27:10 Christian prayer
27:11 and the pledge of allegiance to our country
27:14 are vanishing from the landscape.
27:16 Merry Christmas is replaced with Happy Holidays.
27:20 The state is gaining ground,
27:22 free speech is now silenced and censored.
27:26 Pastor John Carter is making available his four-part series,
27:30 Aims of the Papacy on DVD.
27:33 This series reminds all of us
27:36 that the government cannot tell us
27:38 how to worship
27:39 and a church cannot tell us how to pray.
27:42 Only Jesus is the truth.
27:45 You shall know the truth,
27:46 and the truth shall set you free.
27:49 For a gift of any amount,
27:51 receive your copy of Aims of the Papacy.
27:54 Call or write to the address on the screen.
28:04 For a copy of today's program,
28:06 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:09 Thousand Oaks, California 91358
28:14 or in Australia, contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:19 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:23 This program is made possible
28:25 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:28 We thank you for your continued support.
28:31 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2022-02-21