Chew's Challenge

Day 13

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chef G.W. Chew, Chef Tim Lawson, Tina Chew


Series Code: CWC

Program Code: CWC000013

00:30 Hey, friends, my name is Chef Chew
00:32 and as I always say,
00:33 "Gonna give you something to chew on."
00:36 Well, friends, we have come to day number 13.
00:39 And oh, it's gonna be a glorious day.
00:42 Today we're making glorious oatmeal
00:45 and it's gonna be so, so delicious.
00:48 What's going on, Chef Chew?
00:49 Not much.
00:51 Come on now. I'm ready to cook.
00:52 Nothing much?
00:53 There ought to be something going on.
00:55 I'm ready to cook. Hey, listen, listen.
00:56 We're making glorious oatmeal and isn't God glorious?
01:00 He is glorious.
01:01 And, you know, God made the fruits, and the grains,
01:04 and the nuts, and the vegetables
01:05 and He gave us all of these fruits
01:07 so that we can also feel glorious.
01:10 Come on now, doesn't that sound glorious?
01:12 Are you ready to sing your song?
01:13 Which song, about the fruits and grains song?
01:14 Yeah. Come on now, let's do it.
01:16 One more time.
01:17 Fruits and grains and vegetables,
01:20 nuts and seeds is all I need.
01:24 It tastes so good, so good to me,
01:28 let's not live to eat but let's eat to live.
01:33 That's right, friends, God wants us to eat and live,
01:37 live as one person says, "Live like fresh."
01:41 So we're gonna go ahead and read our ingredients
01:43 and let's see what this is all about.
01:45 All right.
02:03 Ooh! Ooh! Cool! Yummy!
02:06 Glorious, glorious,
02:08 oh, this is gonna be some kind of good.
02:12 Oh, man.
02:14 All right. The jingle man.
02:15 Hey, come on now, you got to sing in a kitchen you know
02:17 because God is good, right?
02:18 So we got to be glorious, so what we have here,
02:20 we're making again some,
02:22 I like to call it our gourmet oatmeal, you know,
02:25 because again, we want oatmeal to be delicious, right?
02:27 Yes, we do.
02:28 So what we wanna do again,
02:29 we're gonna share a little trick.
02:31 Again what we'd like to do,
02:32 we would like to do put the water right into the pot,
02:33 just like that.
02:35 Ooh, it's already sizzling.
02:37 Kind of had it on just a little bit.
02:38 Okay. All is right in the pot.
02:40 Now what we want to do, we want to let that boil, okay.
02:42 And it's already gonna start sizzling pretty quickly
02:44 because again I already had the pan hot and ready to go.
02:46 We're gonna put on, again, our oats right into this.
02:49 All right.
02:50 Just like that. Right.
02:52 And again, all you want to do
02:53 is let it go for like a minute or two, okay.
02:55 So I'm gonna let that go for about a minute or two.
02:57 What we're gonna do now,
02:59 we're gonna take our strawberries here
03:00 and we're gonna slice them up, just like that.
03:02 Slice the tops off, okay.
03:04 And what I want you to do is slice these up for me, okay.
03:05 Okay.
03:07 I'm gonna put them right into the blender, okay.
03:08 So go ahead and slice the heads of those
03:10 and we're gonna put these right into the blender.
03:12 What we are doing, friends, again,
03:13 we are making a glorious oatmeal.
03:15 And again, when I was a child,
03:16 I could never say oatmeal correctly,
03:18 I used to always say, "hakkameal".
03:20 So that's what I used to say when I was a child.
03:21 I used to say, "I want some hakkameal, Mommy,
03:23 some hakkameal, all right.
03:24 So here's our hakkameal, all right.
03:26 Let's go ahead and make some glorious hakkameal,
03:28 is that okay? Sounds good to me.
03:29 All right. Sounds good to me too.
03:31 You go ahead and give me the banana right there
03:32 if you don't mind.
03:33 We are gonna peel it, we are gonna break it in half
03:35 and put right in the blender.
03:36 So we kind of making like
03:37 almost like a smoothie kind of concept in essence.
03:39 And we're gonna throw some fruit juice in here,
03:40 some flavorings,
03:42 and it's gonna be really, really delicious.
03:43 Give me that fruit juice right there please.
03:44 All right. There you go.
03:46 Just like that. What's next?
03:47 All right, go ahead and pass me the vanilla,
03:49 the salt, and the maple syrup if you can please, okay.
03:50 Here we go.
03:52 The vanilla, the salt, and the maple syrup.
03:54 Got a little vanilla right there, all right,
03:57 the salt, okay, and the maple syrup.
04:01 Ooh. Oh, yeah. That looks good.
04:02 Oh, come on, friends, look at that.
04:04 This is gonna be glorious.
04:06 Now I want y'all to pay attention
04:07 before I blend it,
04:08 I want you all to look at the oats if you can.
04:10 Look at the oats.
04:11 You're gonna find the oats is starting to cook.
04:13 Again, it's gonna take about a minute or two.
04:14 And what you do after this
04:15 is just simply turn it on low heat like that,
04:20 turn it down, and let it sit.
04:22 And again, the key to this,
04:23 the reason why I want to let it sit on low heat is that,
04:25 when you cook it too long or too high,
04:27 the oatmeal gets about really, really mushy.
04:30 Yes, it does.
04:31 You want your flakes to be nice and chewy and whole.
04:34 If you cook them too long, again they get very mushy
04:37 and the oatmeal is not as good as I would like it to be.
04:39 Somebody may like mushy oatmeal but I like mine to be chewy.
04:43 Chewy.
04:44 Chew. You got it right.
04:46 Chewy, chewy, Chew's challenge, chewy anyway.
04:47 This has some fun.
04:48 Let's go ahead and blend this up.
04:51 Like that.
04:53 Move all of these out of the way.
04:54 Okay.
05:02 All right, so...
05:03 All right, the oatmeal is done over here,
05:05 but we got some oatmeal already ready to go.
05:06 And so we have pot right of oatmeal,
05:08 a little container here with oatmeal inside of it
05:10 and we have our delicious,
05:12 glorious dressing to go right into the oatmeal
05:15 and this is gonna be really delicious.
05:16 All right. Let's pour the glory in that.
05:18 All you do, friends is this.
05:19 You just pour right inside of it like that.
05:20 Go ahead and mix it in there. Okay.
05:22 Mix it in there very nicely.
05:23 Mix it right in there.
05:24 Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
05:26 Really simple to do.
05:27 And again, we had a station a few programs back
05:31 and we were talking about the...
05:32 What we called the breakfast cereal station.
05:33 Yes.
05:35 And again, we're using the items
05:36 from this breakfast cereal station.
05:38 We're talking about the fruits.
05:39 We're talking about some of the raisins
05:41 that we are gonna throw on top of this.
05:42 And, again, you can be as creative as you wanna be.
05:45 And so what we did, we mixed the fruit together,
05:47 blended them up, put them all inside of the oatmeal,
05:50 and now we're gonna throw some old fashioned raisins.
05:53 Oh, come on, come on, come on.
05:56 Isn't this gonna be good?
05:58 Come on now. Wow!
05:59 That looks nice. That looks good, doesn't it.
06:01 So again, this is really simple to make, friends.
06:03 It can be made in minutes.
06:05 It's really that easy.
06:06 Again, wake up in the morning
06:08 and just say glory, glory hallelujah,
06:11 and go ahead and get a bite of this,
06:13 Chef Chew...
06:15 creamy...
06:17 sorry.
06:18 Argh! Come on.
06:20 Can you believe that?
06:22 You got to be ashamed of yourself.
06:23 Here you go, baby. Ooh! Um, um, um.
06:26 That's glorious. That's good.
06:27 Got nice chewy taste and it's delicious.
06:36 So, friends, we're moving right along to the "F"
06:38 of the FORK system and the "F" stands for faith.
06:42 You all got it, the "F" stands for faith.
06:45 You have to understand this
06:46 that God wants us to increase our faith
06:48 but the way that we increase our faith things
06:50 is by guess what?
06:52 By looking and learning about the Word of God.
06:54 So today we're talking about
06:55 something that's dear to my heart.
06:57 I understand that God always can make a way
07:00 when it seems to be no way.
07:02 And today, we're talking about a highway
07:04 that God has for His people.
07:06 What's up, Brother Chef Law.
07:07 How are you doing, Chef Chew.
07:08 Come on now. Let's go down there.
07:10 Man, you know, what we're talking about today, Chef Law?
07:11 We're about to get in to it today.
07:12 Come on.
07:14 Go ahead and get it started, man.
07:15 What are we talking about?
07:16 Let me read the scripture and let jump into it
07:18 and see some concepts
07:19 that I want us to grab a hold on and never let go.
07:21 Amen.
07:22 So the Bible says in Isaiah, 11:16,
07:25 "And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people,
07:29 which shall be left from Assyria,
07:32 like as it was to Israel in the day
07:35 that he came up out of the land of Egypt."
07:40 That's heavy,
07:41 some heavy scriptures right now.
07:42 That's some heavy stuff.
07:44 Let's just go on to the concept, Chef Law.
07:45 What are we talking about?
07:46 Let's first talk about, the Bible says
07:48 that the highway is like when Israel came out of Egypt.
07:52 And so the Bible tells us in the Book of Corinthians...
07:55 Yes sir.
07:56 And in the 10th chapter that they went with the rock.
07:59 Come on, the rock now.
08:00 All right, there was a rock they followed,
08:02 and that rock was Christ.
08:03 So get this now, one of the most important
08:05 principles of Bible was saying every step
08:07 that the children of Israel took in the wilderness,
08:10 the step had already been taken by Christ.
08:13 Come on now. Come on.
08:14 Jesus is called the forerunner. The forerunner, oh.
08:17 It's actually the same name as the show
08:19 that's on Dare to Dream called Forerunner.
08:21 That's right. That's right.
08:22 You should watch that show, there's a lot of information
08:23 but right now we want to talk about Christ
08:25 being the forerunner on paving the way to our path.
08:29 Come on now.
08:30 So you're saying to me that
08:31 Christ can pave this way for us, Chef Law?
08:34 Not only can He pave the way, He has paved the way.
08:38 The way you need to walk is already paved,
08:40 is already made,
08:42 is already laid out and laid down for you.
08:43 Now, friends, I tell you,
08:45 as we look at this 28-day challenge,
08:46 Guy, he is telling us that listen,
08:48 God has this way for us,
08:50 and obviously each day is like on that journey
08:52 coming out of the slavery of sin
08:55 as the children of Israel were in Egypt,
08:57 and God wants us to just move right along with Him,
09:00 and remember that Christ is at the head
09:02 of our journey on these 28 days.
09:04 What else do we have, Chef Law?
09:06 Well, let's talk about this highway.
09:07 Nowadays, in modern highways,
09:09 they are made of cement or asphalt.
09:11 Exactly, exactly. And those need ingredients.
09:13 You've got to mix certain ingredients together
09:15 and you got to lay the cement.
09:16 It's like recipes, ah? It's like a little recipe.
09:17 I heard that. I heard that. Okay.
09:19 It's like a little recipe that we're doing...
09:20 That's right. That's right. Come on now.
09:21 On the 28-day challenge. So listen to this.
09:23 One of the things that God mixes in the recipe
09:25 that paves our way to heaven is our health.
09:28 So another highway
09:29 that God has made is our health.
09:31 The health highway. The health highway.
09:32 Come on, I like it. The health highway.
09:34 And one of the ingredients
09:35 we're bringing out in these 28 days,
09:37 one of the ingredients that we're using
09:38 to pave the way to a better you,
09:41 to a healthier you,
09:42 to a happy you is through the FORK system.
09:44 The F, the O, the R, and the K. That's right.
09:48 The FORK system. That's right.
09:49 And I tell you,
09:50 so, you're saying to us that, listen,
09:52 God has this recipe that He has given us.
09:54 This recipe that believe it or not,
09:55 is found right here in the Bible.
09:57 We're learning that God's plan,
09:59 we can never improve upon because God, guess what?
10:01 He created us in His image.
10:03 And since Chef Law got created us in His image,
10:06 He's given us what? A way on how to what?
10:08 Take care of our bodies, amen. Amen.
10:10 He's given us a way. Come on now.
10:11 Any other last points you want to share on this highway
10:14 for God's people in these last days?
10:16 One of the main last points I want to share with people
10:18 is encouragement.
10:21 It's almost like that story of a child trying to walk
10:25 through the snow
10:26 and they keeps falling and they keep stumbling,
10:28 and so, when he looks on
10:30 and he sees his father's footprints
10:32 and he sees that he can walk through the snow a lot easier
10:34 if he just takes one step, by step, by step
10:38 in the father's footprints.
10:40 Well, my friends, Christ has already
10:42 left His footprints in this earth.
10:44 And He wants you to take your walk,
10:46 your journey step by step in the footprints
10:48 that He has left.
10:50 He doesn't want you to walk to the left,
10:51 He doesn't want you to walk to the right.
10:52 He wants your way to be a smooth as possible.
10:55 And when the roads gets rough,
10:57 He wants you to look down and see that every step
10:59 He has already taken before you
11:01 and like the children of Israel,
11:03 He is gonna walk through it with you even again.
11:05 Amen. That is good news.
11:08 And I tell you, friends,
11:09 as we realize, now listen, it's not about us walking.
11:13 Again, we walk in the footsteps of Christ.
11:15 He is our all. He is our everything.
11:18 There is nothing that we cannot do without Christ
11:21 because the Bible lets us know, friends,
11:23 that He will strengthen us,
11:25 so remember, we've cometh out of Egypt.
11:27 We're coming out of our slavery of our habits of bad health,
11:30 and whatever they might be,
11:31 remember, God has given us a highway
11:34 that we might obtain that victory
11:36 and God is great.
11:44 Hello, friends.
11:45 We're moving right along in the FORK system
11:48 and we come again to the "O" for the organization.
11:51 Again, we love talking about organization
11:54 because we believe that kitchen automation
11:56 equals kitchen organization.
11:59 And today, friends,
12:00 we're gonna be talking about a crock pot.
12:02 And a crock pot is a powerful.
12:05 When I say powerful, I mean a loaded.
12:08 When I say loaded,
12:09 I mean like blow you up kind of thing here.
12:11 It's gonna blow you up
12:13 and help you to be able to save time
12:15 and also save what, Chef Law?
12:17 Money. Save the money.
12:19 Come on now. Save the money.
12:20 Come on now, we're talking about beans
12:21 and you was telling me about blowing up some things now.
12:23 You know, when we talk about beans,
12:25 beans can blow you up,
12:26 do you understand when I'm coming from, right?
12:28 You don't pick your bean wisely,
12:29 your bean will pick you.
12:30 Come on now, the bean would pick...
12:32 Nah, nah, bean would pick,
12:33 what do you mean by the bean picking you, brother?
12:34 Well, we can't talk about it today,
12:36 we will talk about it later.
12:37 You're talking about themselves and things,
12:39 I hope not because you know beans is actually excellent
12:42 because it's high in fiber and also high in protein.
12:46 Now that's a good thing that you just said...
12:49 Come on now.
12:50 'Cause when you stop eating meat away,
12:51 you go to this vegan lifestyle, you're wondering where,
12:53 what place you can get your protein from.
12:54 Beans are high in proteins.
12:57 If you eat a lot beans, you'll be getting your protein.
12:59 Come on now, we're talking about these beans right here?
13:01 What kind of beans? Tell us what we have here?
13:02 What kind of beans do we have here?
13:04 What kind of beans are we talking about here?
13:05 These here are kidney beans. Okay.
13:07 And these here are red lentil beans.
13:08 Okay.
13:10 These here are... What kind of beans is it?
13:11 Yellow split peas. Yellow split peas.
13:13 And these beans are special.
13:15 These are actually soy beans. Soy beans, yes.
13:17 So when we make the soy burger
13:18 and you are wondering
13:20 where we got those soy beans from.
13:21 You can actually go buy soy beans
13:23 and have them in your house.
13:24 Exactly.
13:25 And you get them in most health food stores,
13:27 you can get them in the bulk food section
13:28 and that's where you can get your soy beans at and again,
13:30 these are simple beans
13:32 as you can cook inside the rice cooker,
13:33 I mean, not the rice cooker,
13:35 excuse me, inside the crock pot, okay.
13:37 Yesterday we talked about the rice cooker,
13:39 but today we're talking about the crock pot.
13:41 They look kind of the same, don't they?
13:42 A little bit. A little bit, ah?
13:44 They look kind of the same. Exactly, exactly.
13:45 How does this thing work here?
13:46 So what happens, it's very simple.
13:48 In the nighttime, it doesn't have to be the night,
13:49 it can be even when you go to work
13:51 in the morning time.
13:52 The key is this: It takes about normally eight hours,
13:54 six to eight hours for the product to get cooked
13:56 whatever you are cooking, whether they be beans,
13:58 or it might be a stew or chilly,
14:00 whatever it might be, it can even be potatoes,
14:02 some type of liquid type soup or something of that type.
14:05 So it's kind of like a slow cooker.
14:06 A slow cooker okay...
14:07 Let it marinate.
14:09 Exactly, it let it marinate, so.
14:10 Sometimes you can even cook
14:11 meat inside of it and stuff like that
14:13 but anything you want to let it cook
14:14 for a long time but it has to have what?
14:16 Liquid inside of it
14:17 in order for it to marinate and cook
14:18 because otherwise put something dry,
14:20 now what's gonna happen in eight hours?
14:22 It's gonna be hot in the town.
14:24 There's gonna be a fire.
14:25 Come on, will be fires, will be fires if we dried up,
14:27 and you don't want to do that,
14:28 so again, here we have our beans,
14:30 and again, I'd like to say,
14:31 we're gonna go ahead and throw some beans in here
14:32 right inside our crock pot
14:34 and we're gonna go ahead, we have a little insert here.
14:36 And what happens is this, you throw beans out of here.
14:38 And I'm just gonna you guys a simple idea.
14:41 Normally when you use beans, normally what you can do
14:43 is you normally rinse them first
14:45 because sometimes you might find little grains
14:47 or like little dirt pieces inside of this
14:49 so you can wash them first, and what I like to do,
14:52 I like to pour the water inside of here
14:53 and we'd like to use the finger method.
14:55 If you are noticing your finger,
14:56 you have a little line over here,
14:58 the first little line over here on your index finger
15:00 and then you have the second line,
15:01 you pour the water till it reaches above the bean,
15:04 till it gets to that point above the bean.
15:05 And that's enough water. That's enough water.
15:07 Okay. Okay.
15:08 So you poured water in there,
15:10 certainly put it on top of your crock pot.
15:11 The crock pot normally has a few settings,
15:13 it normally has a low temperature,
15:14 it has a high temperature,
15:16 and then it has a warm setting or whole setting.
15:18 Okay.
15:19 Okay, so we'll just go ahead and put it on just like that,
15:21 and again, if you're gonna to bed at night,
15:23 you're gonna turn that thing on,
15:24 I like to turn it on depending on,
15:25 some beans are really hard,
15:27 you put it on high and just let it marinate.
15:30 And so, as we talk about
15:31 this simple kitchen organizational tips,
15:34 we want you again, friends, to save time and money,
15:36 so we'd like to say
15:37 kitchen automation equals kitchen organization.
15:46 Hey, friends, we're moving right along,
15:48 and right now we're down to the "R"
15:51 and you know what the R means.
15:52 The R means recipe.
15:54 And we're making some delicious recipes today.
15:57 And I tell you,
15:58 we've have been having some fun.
15:59 We've been talking about some faith today.
16:01 We've been talking about some organization.
16:03 We're talking about now some recipes.
16:05 And this recipe,
16:07 I had to bring my buddy here, Chef Law.
16:08 What's going on, Law? How are doing, Chef?
16:09 How are doing?
16:11 Now, in the last show we talked about the crock pot.
16:12 Yes. Right?
16:13 And so what we've done,
16:15 we kind of have some beans already made
16:16 in our crock pot, all ready to go.
16:18 Okay. And we have cooked beans.
16:19 What are we gonna do,
16:20 we're gonna actually sauce it up
16:22 some more, is that okay?
16:23 That's good.
16:24 We're gonna sauce it up some more.
16:26 I'd like to call it chili chew beans.
16:27 Chili chew beans. Come on now, chili chew beans.
16:28 You know, what I'm talking about?
16:30 You know, I've give you something to chew on,
16:31 you know, what I'm saying.
16:33 That's not what we're talking, that's now we're talking about,
16:34 what we're gonna do, we're gonna make,
16:35 I'd like say layer the flavors.
16:37 We got some squash here, we got some zucchini,
16:38 I'm sorry, not zucchini, we have some kale here,
16:40 we have some onions
16:42 and we gonna get that on to the pan soon,
16:43 but I want to let you guys know
16:45 what the recipe is before we get there, okay.
16:47 So let's go ahead and read the recipe.
17:14 Come on now, sounds pretty good.
17:15 It sounds good.
17:17 Now the key to this recipe is those flavors, okay.
17:19 Remember, we want to flavor it up,
17:20 make it taste good.
17:22 Let it marinate. Let it marinate.
17:23 And what we have, I want to focus on
17:25 some of the flavors really quickly.
17:26 We got some oregano, cumin, and chipotle pepper, okay,
17:29 and also the onion powder.
17:30 These are the key to making that nice chili flavor, okay.
17:34 That chili taste. That chili taste, okay.
17:36 So we're gonna put that in dressing a little bit.
17:37 But remember that, again,
17:38 what is it again, we have oregano...
17:40 Oregano.
17:41 The cumin. Cumin.
17:42 The chipotle pepper. Chipotle pepper.
17:44 And one more. And you have garlic.
17:45 Not garlic, but the onion powder.
17:46 Onion powder. There you go, onion powder.
17:48 So let's go ahead and get some little bit
17:50 of some sizzle going on here, some oil here.
17:52 Hey, go and start chopping up if you don't mind, Law.
17:54 Let me start chopping up these onions.
17:56 So we're gonna chop those onions up,
17:57 and we're gonna slice them, we're gonna dice them up,
17:59 we're gonna make them look good
18:01 because we gonna layer the what?
18:02 Flavors. Layer the flavors.
18:04 Come on now, layer the flavor.
18:05 I'm gonna go and throw in some there for you.
18:06 Throw them in there. Oh, yes sir.
18:08 Come on now. Ooh, friends.
18:10 Ooh, that's what I'm talking about, Chef Law.
18:12 Come on, work out on it now.
18:13 Come on now. All right.
18:14 Go ahead and put in it.
18:16 Go head and do another cut on that please if you don't mind.
18:17 Go and cut them. You want them half way?
18:18 Yeah, doing half way on them if you don't mind.
18:20 We'll cut them halfway, that's what I'm talking about.
18:21 So right now we're quartering the squash.
18:23 He halved it at first, I actually sliced it.
18:25 Now, we're gonna go ahead and quarter it.
18:27 We're gonna quarter them all.
18:28 Quarter them all, that's what I'm talking about.
18:29 So now we're gonna throw this all in there.
18:32 All right so I'll get this for you.
18:35 Throw this right inside of it.
18:36 The reason why we're going to quarter them
18:37 is 'cause you want all your vegetables
18:39 about the same size.
18:40 It gives it all the same,
18:42 you can get them all in the same bite when you eat.
18:43 That's it, the same bit. That's what I'm talking about.
18:45 That looks good. Come on now.
18:46 Go ahead and slice up the kale if you don't mind, please.
18:48 Okay.
18:50 Slice it and dice it up, please.
18:51 Come on now, come on now.
18:53 That's it. That's it. Layer the flavors.
18:59 Oh, yes, sir. Looking good.
19:01 Looking really good, so lay up.
19:03 Put this inside here.
19:04 Now, go and throw me those beans if you don't mind.
19:06 Throw me those beans. Here you go.
19:07 I told you to throw 'em at me.
19:09 You don't want to throw them, huh?
19:10 No, I won't, not today. Come on now, all right now.
19:13 So I put the beans inside of the pot.
19:15 I'm gonna put a little water in the pot.
19:16 So the beans are already cooked.
19:17 All we're trying to do right now is get them warm.
19:19 And so we gonna put those. Just a little water.
19:21 That's all we want is a little water. All right.
19:23 So let's go ahead and start layering some of these flavors.
19:25 We'll put the flavors right inside the beans.
19:26 Okay.
19:28 All right, inside the beans, the oregano, the cumin,
19:30 the chipotle pepper and that pepper kind of gives
19:32 a nice little what?
19:33 Gives a little nice, that fire.
19:35 Little, little, little fire kind of.
19:36 Come on now. Nice and hot.
19:38 Come on now, Law. Ooh! Um, um, um.
19:40 That onions on, now I'm gonna stir it up.
19:42 All right, stir it up.
19:43 Go ahead and saute it up for me if you don't mind.
19:45 Little bit of salt.
19:46 Go ahead and saute it for me if you can.
19:47 Oh, that sound...
19:49 Man, look at that sizzle. Did you hear sizzle on it?
19:50 Come on now. Ooh!
19:52 That's cooking right there. That's cooking right there.
19:54 We have a little salt here.
19:55 I'm gonna use the salt, the grinded today.
19:57 Go ahead and grind that salt, just like that. Come on now.
19:59 You got to get the all natural ingredients.
20:01 Little bit of salt beside of that.
20:03 Come on now, just like that.
20:05 And again simple tool, really nippy,
20:08 I love using this, there's a lot of fun using that,
20:10 the salt grinder.
20:11 Shake it a little bit more.
20:12 Now what we're gonna do,
20:14 add the tomato paste right in here.
20:15 Okay.
20:17 Just like that.
20:18 And remember, we're using the saute pan.
20:19 And again, a saute pan is excellent for these
20:21 because if you have the skillet,
20:23 the liquid can what? Fall out of the pan.
20:25 All right, so go ahead and give me
20:27 that water right there if you don't mind,
20:28 and we're gonna start
20:29 getting all this flavor right there.
20:31 Go ahead and throw it in there if you don't mind, please.
20:32 Tell me when to stop. Go ahead.
20:33 Keep on going. Go ahead.
20:35 Keep on going. Keep on going.
20:36 Go all of it, give me all of it.
20:37 This is gonna go right inside the beans.
20:39 All we want to do is layer those flavors first
20:42 and we're getting that nice...
20:44 Come on now, this is gonna be chili chew beans.
20:47 It's gonna be delicious, right. Ooh! Ooh!
20:49 I like what's going on right here.
20:51 Come on now.
20:52 We'll let that simmer down. It's got a nice smell.
20:53 Just the flavors themselves. Come on now.
20:55 Let that simmer down. That's going on really good.
20:57 And what happens now again,
20:58 I'd like to let this cook
20:59 for probably about maybe 10-15 minutes.
21:01 Okay.
21:02 Let the flavors just kind of ooze.
21:03 Now, we don't time to do all of the day,
21:05 but it's okay.
21:06 And now the beans are going over here
21:08 and we're going let this cook now.
21:09 What we're gonna do, this is setting us so,
21:10 we're gonna mix all this together
21:12 and get it right into our nice little bowl
21:13 and we're gonna enjoy some chili chew beans.
21:15 So let's go ahead and move these
21:16 out of the way if we can, please.
21:17 Okay. Let's moves these things as well.
21:19 All right. Just move this out of the way.
21:20 All right. Just move this out of the way.
21:22 I'm gonna get a nice little bowl for us here,
21:23 a nice little bowl.
21:27 All right.
21:29 Got a nice bowl right here.
21:31 And now we got, see how it's sautéing down.
21:33 And again, we couldn't do this with the skillet
21:34 but the saute pan is perfect for this, okay.
21:36 Perfect. Perfect, okay.
21:37 So I'm gonna go ahead now, get the beans,
21:39 the beans are nice and warm.
21:40 The beans are nice and warm here.
21:41 I'll put this right inside of here.
21:43 Actually I'll put the beans right inside the pot first.
21:44 Okay, go ahead.
21:46 Then we're gonna go ahead
21:47 and have all inside of it just like that.
21:48 Mix it together. Mix it together.
21:50 All right.
21:51 Oh, it looks good, doesn't it? Um. Smells good.
21:53 Come on now, look at that.
21:54 Looks good and it smells...
21:56 Whooey! Oh, yes, sir. Chili chew beans.
21:59 Chili chew. Um, um, um, um.
22:02 That is beautiful, I like all the colors in there.
22:04 Exactly. Exactly.
22:05 The green, and the yellow and the red.
22:07 It looks healthy and vibrant and alive.
22:09 It looks healthy. Exactly. Exactly.
22:10 And that's what we want, man.
22:11 We want to be able to have
22:13 a little different than we normally.
22:14 We're gonna turn this heat off quick,
22:16 we're almost on fires in here.
22:17 No, no, we want it hot in here but not right there.
22:18 Exactly, all right.
22:20 So we're gonna put that all in this like that.
22:21 Okay. Come on now, you see that right there?
22:23 Lovely. Look at that.
22:24 Let's move this out of the way so we can get
22:26 a nice shot here, okay.
22:27 Okay. Look at that.
22:28 Wow, look at that.
22:30 Look at that, just like that. That's beautiful.
22:31 Isn't that delicious? It is delicious.
22:32 Chili chew beans, it's great, it's tasty, it's delicious,
22:37 it's wonderful.
22:38 You don't want to miss it, friends.
22:40 You can make this right at home.
22:42 And I tell you, friends, it is easy to do.
22:44 Just follow these simple steps that we're teaching you, guys,
22:46 and you're gonna find that
22:47 you can learn how to be healthy
22:49 and look healthy.
22:56 Well, friends,
22:57 this is the end of day number 13.
23:00 I tell you, we're almost halfway
23:02 through the entire 28-day process.
23:04 But I tell you, we have to now right now get some "K".
23:08 You know what the "K" stand for in the FORK system.
23:10 The "K" stands for knowledge.
23:13 And I tell you, it is important, friends,
23:14 to learn these principles, because when we're finished,
23:18 we want you to have lessons
23:19 that's gonna last for a lifetime.
23:21 We don't want you to start this
23:23 and kind of go on in this great journey
23:24 and then all of a sudden you stop.
23:26 We need this to last again
23:28 until Jesus Christ comes back again.
23:30 And my friend, Chef Law, what's happening, Chef Law.
23:32 How you doing, Chef?
23:33 I tell you, man,
23:34 we're gonna now just go ahead
23:36 and recap what we've learned, and you know how we do.
23:37 What are we gonna do right now, Chef Law?
23:39 We'll ask some questions go over the day
23:40 and see how much we remember.
23:42 That's right.
23:43 Because there's no point to watch the show
23:44 to just feel good.
23:46 We want to know what we believe.
23:47 Come on now, so go ahead and get it started, Chef Law.
23:48 All right, so let's read the first question.
23:50 What kind of highway has God created for us?
23:53 Is it A, a highway to heaven.
23:55 B, a highway to hell or C, both.
23:59 Come on now.
24:01 Now, you know, a lot of people in this world
24:02 who might not know who God is might feel
24:05 that if they can just exercise,
24:07 they can just eat the best foods,
24:09 that they might can just in a sense just live forever.
24:12 But we know that
24:14 there's a higher purpose in there, friends.
24:16 We can't just eat good and exercise
24:17 and do all of the things.
24:19 God has a greater thing but I tell you, Chef Law,
24:21 it's important that we eat good, isn't it?
24:23 It's important.
24:24 But we have a place that God has prepared for us,
24:26 what is that called?
24:27 That place is heaven.
24:28 So what's the answer to this question?
24:30 Well, the answer is that
24:31 the eating is only a piece of the highway,
24:35 so the ultimate highway that God has paved
24:37 is that He has paved the way for heaven.
24:39 In this way that He has paved, He wants us to eat healthy,
24:41 so the answer is actually both.
24:43 There you go, it's both.
24:44 So God has given us a highway of health on this earth,
24:47 but He's also given us a way
24:48 to get also to the kingdom of heaven.
24:50 Yeah, kingdom of heaven, that's the main goal.
24:51 Come on now. That's it. That's it.
24:53 So what's question number two, Chef Law as well?
24:54 All right.
24:55 Question number two is crock pots specialize
24:57 in cooking fast?
24:59 True or false. Oh, wow.
25:01 Okay, come on now, crock pot, did they cook food fast?
25:04 Is it a slow cook or a fast cook?
25:05 Come on now.
25:06 You know,
25:08 sometimes we like stuff to be slow cooked, right?
25:09 Yes. Sometimes we actually likes to be what?
25:11 Cook fast.
25:13 Cook fast, but I tell you there's a secret here.
25:14 Now listen. I'd like to say the answer.
25:16 We know the answer obviously, a crock pot cooks things what?
25:19 Cooks things what? Nice and slow.
25:21 But what happens even though
25:23 it cooks things nice and slow, friends,
25:24 believe it or not, it actually speeds up our day.
25:27 When you actually at nighttime
25:29 put that food on at night in that crock pot, guess what?
25:31 You have a meal that's gonna be what?
25:33 Fast, isn't it?
25:34 It's gonna be real fast, man,
25:36 'cause you don't have to worry about
25:37 cooking anything in the morning time.
25:38 It's already done.
25:40 So remember, get that crock pot,
25:41 put those beans on,
25:42 put that rice or whatever it might be,
25:44 put those foods on and believe it or not,
25:45 you're going to wake up to a nice healthy food
25:48 that's gonna be right ready to go
25:50 and done fast.
25:51 So what's question number three, Chef Law?
25:53 All right. Let's talk about it.
25:54 Question number three is which spice is key
25:56 in making good chili beans?
25:58 Now here are your choices. Thyme, rosemary, or cumin.
26:02 So we're talking about spicing it up, little seasoning it up.
26:05 Which one is best?
26:06 We made a few days ago,
26:07 we made the rosemary corn muffins.
26:09 Wasn't that delicious? Those were delicious.
26:11 Now again, you know, everybody has a right
26:13 to how they're going to do their recipe, right?
26:15 But we made the chili chew beans, amen?
26:17 That's what we made. The chili chew beans, right?
26:20 We talked about some of the ingredients
26:22 in the chili chew beans, friends,
26:23 and then the thyme was good, the rosemary is good,
26:26 but I'd like to say that last ingredient,
26:27 what's the last ingredient, Chef Law?
26:29 The last ingredient was just a little bit of cumin.
26:30 That cumin, come on now.
26:32 That cumin, you know, my other wife,
26:34 not my other wife but my wife, come on, don't get it wrong.
26:37 Hope you don't got another wife.
26:39 We got to do a whole another show for you.
26:41 I mean, my wife Chew,
26:42 you know what I'm talking about, right.
26:44 Yeah. All right. She is a Mexicana lady, right?
26:46 You know what I'm talking about, right?
26:47 She's Spanish.
26:48 And, friends, you got to understand
26:50 that the cumin gives a nice little kick,
26:51 a little bit of zest to it, right?
26:53 Little fire to it, so.
26:54 That cumin again is a nice special ingredient
26:56 that gives a little special touch.
26:58 And we want you to remember that so, Chef Law,
27:00 we've learned a lot today haven't we?
27:01 We learned a lot. Learned a lot of information.
27:03 We started out today talking about this highway
27:05 that God has given us, amen?
27:06 Beautiful highway.
27:08 And we talked about some of the delicious,
27:09 the crock pot and some of what it can do.
27:12 We also talked about, friends,
27:13 about that simple way of how we can learn
27:17 how to eat some good old fashioned glorious oatmeal.
27:20 You know God wants us to have a glorious day, amen?
27:22 Glorious. Come on now.
27:23 And so we learned all of these things.
27:25 And remember,
27:26 the reason why these things are so important
27:27 because these are simply steps or I'd like to say lessons
27:31 that we're hoping for you is gonna last a lifetime.
27:34 Isn't that important, Chef Law? That's important.
27:37 It's important for you to get things
27:38 that will not only change your day
27:40 but change your whole life.
27:42 That's it. Exactly.
27:43 And that will last
27:45 'cause we want your health to last
27:46 for as long as you last down here
27:47 upon this earth.
27:49 Amen. Amen.
27:50 And remember these, friends, that God has given us the "F".
27:51 What does "F" stand for, Chef Law.
27:53 "F" stands for faith.
27:54 What does the "O" stand for?
27:55 The "O" stands for organization.
27:57 And the "R" stands for, friends?
27:58 Recipe.
28:00 And the "K" stands for what?
28:01 Know.
28:02 Know, not just know but it's knowledge.
28:04 That's right, that's knowledge.
28:05 And so, friends,
28:06 God wants us to have all of this,
28:08 this ultimate recipe for us to experience
28:09 His plan of health.
28:11 So remember, my name is Chef Chew...
28:12 My name is Chef Law.
28:13 And as we always say,
28:15 "Gonna give something to chew on."


Revised 2017-05-04