Daniel All Access

A Personal Problem

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DAA

Program Code: DAA000008A

00:02 Music...
00:25 Hello, and welcome once again to Daniel All Access...
00:28 our walk through the book of Daniel
00:31 as we seek to answer the question "what"
00:34 but also the question "why"
00:36 as we seek to dig a little deeper in the book of Daniel
00:40 and to see what truths it has for the modern-day Church.
00:44 Daniel is indeed a book of prophecy
00:46 but there is much that it has to say to God's people
00:50 in their walk to the kingdom of God
00:53 so we welcome you, those here in our house
00:55 and those of you watching and listening
00:57 from around the world,
00:59 we welcome you to Daniel All Access
01:01 as today we take a look at Daniel chapter 8
01:05 and so, I'd ask you to open your Bibles to Daniel chapter 8
01:08 as we speak on the subject: A Personal Problem...
01:13 A Personal Problem.
01:16 Daniel chapter 8...
01:18 we will not take time to read the entire book
01:22 or rather the entire chapter...
01:24 that would take too much of our time
01:26 so we ask you to...
01:28 when you're home and in your sanguine moments
01:31 to go over the book of Daniel... and particularly Daniel 8
01:35 for it has much to say to us today.
01:38 Going to ask you now to bow your heads with me
01:41 in a word of prayer
01:42 just before we launch out in this most fascinating
01:45 portion of the book of Daniel.
01:48 "Father God, again we thank you and praise you
01:52 because you are such a good God.
01:54 We thank you and praise you that you have given us your Word
01:58 and that you honor and exalt that Word.
02:03 We ask you now Father to give us your Holy Spirit
02:06 that we may know and understand
02:09 because spiritual things are spiritually discerned
02:13 so give us the discernment
02:15 that comes from the presence and power of the Holy Spirit,
02:18 help us to see... to know...
02:21 to understand your will for our lives
02:23 and then by that same Spirit,
02:26 give us the strength to do that which we know is right,
02:31 aid us in our study we do pray,
02:34 in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:36 Daniel chapter 8...
02:38 two years after the vision of Daniel chapter 7,
02:43 Daniel now is in a city somewhat north... northeast
02:48 of the capital of Babylon.
02:50 It is the provincial capital of Shushan.
02:55 Pause.
02:57 Here God gives Daniel another vision.
03:01 Again, it fills in additional information
03:06 in the prophetic landscape.
03:11 You might rightly say... this is the same material
03:16 covered in Daniels chapter 2 and 7
03:19 and you would be right,
03:20 but remember the secret of understanding Daniel
03:24 is that every time he re-traces his footsteps
03:28 and goes over the same prophetic material,
03:31 you will find that Daniel repeats and enlarges,
03:37 he repeats and enlarges
03:39 and if you learn nothing else about the book of Daniel,
03:42 you'll hear this just about every night...
03:45 repeat and enlarge... repeat and enlarge
03:48 so, whenever you see the same material covered,
03:51 know that you're going to get more information
03:54 than you got...
03:55 when last time you went over that same material,
03:57 he repeats and he enlarges...
03:59 that's the secret... repeat and enlarge.
04:02 When he recaps his information, he always recaps the explanation
04:10 not necessarily... the prophecy
04:12 so, this "repeat and enlarge" motif means
04:15 you're going to get a deeper explanation...
04:18 you're going to get more valuable information
04:21 that you can use to unravel the original prophecy.
04:25 Now, when we get to chapter 8,
04:27 two things jump out at you right away.
04:30 They are immediately apparent,
04:32 two things at least and actually there are a couple more
04:34 but there are a couple of things we want to highlight,
04:37 number one, in Daniel chapter 7,
04:41 the succession of Empires is symbolized...
04:45 and we talked about this when we met previously
04:47 by what I call, "The Alpha Predators. "
04:50 In other words, the lion, the bear, the leopard
04:54 and the incomparable iron-teeth beast...
04:57 these are all carnivores,
05:00 these are all meat eaters, so,
05:02 the Empires in Daniel chapter 7 are symbolized by meat eaters
05:08 alpha predators...
05:10 in fact, I was teasing my wife,
05:12 we were talking on the phone last night
05:13 and I was saying that... that bear actually likes ribs,
05:17 he's got three of them still in his mouth
05:19 so he really is an alpha predator.
05:22 But when we get to Daniel chapter 8,
05:25 we see some different things,
05:26 number one... there's no Babylon...
05:28 the vision in Daniel chapter 8 begins with Medo-Persia
05:32 and there is a reason for that, I believe.
05:36 You'll recall that the vision was given in the second year,
05:42 the Bible says, of Belshazzar.
05:44 You've got to remember,
05:45 Belshazzar didn't reign very, very long.
05:49 We suspect about ten to twelve years maximum
05:54 but here's what's interesting and really quite fascinating.
05:56 Pause.
05:58 Any history book you look at... you can google it...
06:03 You will find that no history books say that Belshazzar
06:07 was the final king of Babylon.
06:09 You will not find it... turn on your computer...
06:12 google it... do what you want...
06:14 go to your history books...
06:15 they all say that the last king of Babylon was Nabonidus
06:20 or Naboneedus
06:21 potato... potaata... however you want to pronounce it,
06:23 the only place you find Belshazzar
06:28 as the last king of Babylon, is in the Bible
06:31 and one or two other minor references
06:33 but all of the major references say
06:36 that the last king of Babylon was Nabonidus
06:40 so, history says, "Nabonidus"
06:43 the Bible says, "Belshazzar"
06:47 who is right?
06:48 Pause.
06:49 They both are...
06:51 they both are.
06:53 They were co-rulers...
06:56 and the Bible gives some inkling of that
07:00 during the last night of the kingdom
07:03 when Belshazzar promises to make Daniel third in the Kingdom
07:07 but here's what is very, very interesting,
07:09 the actual king of Babylon was indeed Nabonidus.
07:14 Belshazzar was the co-ruler
07:17 but there's something very interesting
07:20 about "Naboneedus" or Nabonidus...
07:23 though he was the king, he never lived in Babylon.
07:28 This is quite interesting, once he became king,
07:34 he left the city of Babylon and he never returned...
07:40 never went back.
07:41 Now, you may think,
07:43 maybe he doesn't like the big city,
07:45 maybe he likes country life
07:46 but it's a little deeper than that
07:48 because Nabonidus found himself on the Anatolian Peninsula
07:53 when we talk about the Anatolian Peninsula
07:54 or the Anatolian Plateau,
07:56 we're talking about modern-day Turkey.
07:58 He took up residence in a small town called Tema
08:03 and he lived there... the rest of his life,
08:06 he never went back to Babylon.
08:09 Why?
08:12 Now, here's what's very, very interesting.
08:14 Evidently, history tells us that Nabonidus had found himself
08:24 a new god.
08:26 Now, the god of Babylon... the principal god...
08:32 the head of the pantheon of gods
08:34 was a god they called Marduk.
08:36 Marduk was the chief god of Babylon for hundreds of years.
08:41 Nabonidus evidently found a new god
08:45 that made him uncomfortable in the city of Babylon
08:49 and here's why.
08:51 Every year... once a year...
08:53 the god, Marduk, had to be worshipped by the people,
08:59 the festival took one or two weeks.
09:01 Several specific things had to happen
09:04 that I feel made it uncomfortable
09:06 for Nabonidus to be there.
09:08 Here's one.
09:09 On the fifth day of the festival this is interesting
09:14 the high priest of Marduk went before the king...
09:20 before all of the people...
09:23 he stripped the king of his crown
09:27 and his outer garment
09:30 and then he, in the name of Marduk,
09:34 slapped the king as hard as he could...
09:36 I mean, he knocked him to the ground.
09:39 It's part of the festival
09:40 and it was a sign of humility before the god, Marduk.
09:47 On day eight of that festival,
09:50 the king was responsible to lead the nation in prayers
09:56 that every other god had to be subject to Marduk.
10:01 Pause.
10:02 So, if indeed, Nabonidus had found a new god,
10:08 there was no way he could participate
10:10 in those kinds of ceremonies.
10:12 Pause.
10:13 Here is my conjecture and it is just my conjecture.
10:16 Could it be that this new god that Nabonidus found
10:24 was the same god
10:27 that his father, Nebuchadnezzar, found?
10:30 The Bible does not say it, Ellen White is silent on it
10:34 but history does say that once he became king,
10:37 he left the city of Babylon
10:39 and he never went back...
10:42 never went back...
10:43 he residented himself on the Anatolian Peninsula
10:49 west if Babylon in a little town called Tema
10:53 and he stayed there till he died.
10:56 If indeed, he had found Jehovah God,
10:59 he could not participate in good conscience
11:02 in those services for the God, Marduk.
11:05 He certainly could not bow down to him...
11:08 he certainly could not have other gods pray to him
11:12 and lead the people... we don't know...
11:14 but it is an interesting little wrinkle...
11:17 there are books called,
11:18 "The Disappearing Years of Nabonidus"
11:21 for ten years plus he never went back to Babylon
11:27 and we never hear anything about him...
11:30 he went off by himself to worship His new god.
11:35 Now, some people say
11:37 the name of the new god was Sîn...
11:39 and there are pictures of him worshipping this god
11:44 who is depicted as the moon
11:46 but not all pictures.
11:48 Some of the pictures
11:50 show him worshipping a God that he cannot see.
11:55 Wouldn't it be interesting
11:58 if, when we are walking down the streets of gold
12:01 and we see Nebuchadnezzar...
12:04 then we see a good-looking young man walking next to him
12:07 that was Nabonidus.
12:09 Maybe that God that he found that kept him out of the city
12:12 and out of that wickedness
12:14 was the same God that Nebuchadnezzar found.
12:16 It's a fascinating thought.
12:18 Now, here's the last thing
12:20 that sort of brings this all together.
12:23 When the city of Babylon was taken,
12:26 Belshazzar... as we discussed the other night,
12:30 was killed when the Medo-Persians came in
12:33 but history tells us that Nabonidus was left alone.
12:40 He died peacefully of old age in his bed.
12:44 He was left free.
12:46 Now, isn't that interesting?
12:49 Why is Belshazzar killed
12:51 the night the Babylonians are defeated by the Medo-Persians
12:55 and the real king, Nabonidus,
12:57 is left alone to live out his days in relative peace?
13:01 Could it be that God was looking out for him
13:04 like He looked out for his dad?
13:07 It's a tantalizing thought, it is all speculation
13:10 but it is true that he left the city
13:13 and he never went back and history tells us
13:16 he had found a new God.
13:18 Maybe the new God was the God
13:20 and when I get to heaven
13:23 that's one of the questions I want to ask.
13:24 What happened during those ten years
13:26 when he was away by himself on the Anatolian Peninsula.
13:31 Kind of exciting stuff and it fills in
13:35 a little part of this prophetic scenario.
13:39 Pause.
13:40 So, the Medo-Persians took over the Empire...
13:43 Belshazzar is slain... the real king is left alive
13:48 and so the Bible deals with
13:51 the person who was actually in the chair
13:54 making the day-to-day decisions.
13:56 Nabonidus is off in the desert,
13:57 so the Bible doesn't deal with him,
13:59 he wasn't making the decisions,
14:00 the decision that brought the kingdom to its knees
14:04 was the decisions made by Belshazzar
14:07 and that's why the Bible deals with Belshazzar as king
14:10 and not Nabonidus.
14:12 Doesn't matter who has the title,
14:13 the Bible wants to deal with the person
14:14 who is actually making the decisions, you follow me...
14:16 and that's why the Bible says, Belshazzar.
14:18 So, they're both right,
14:19 history is correct and the Bible certainly is correct too
14:22 because it points the finger at Belshazzar.
14:24 Now, Babylon was history
14:29 and that's why you don't see Babylon in this new vision.
14:34 Babylon was only a few years away from destruction
14:37 so, rather than deal with Babylon,
14:39 this new vision starts with Medo-Persia.
14:43 We read about that and we talked about that
14:46 they were found wanting
14:48 and so, Babylon was history Medo-Persia is now the future.
14:52 Now, there's one more thing that is rather interesting,
14:55 which sort of leaps out at you.
14:59 In our discussion of chapter 7,
15:02 we saw the alpha predators
15:06 lions, leopards, bears and iron-teeth beast...
15:13 in chapter 8, the beast now or the kingdoms now
15:18 are represented by beasts that are herbivores,
15:23 they're grass-eating vegetarians
15:27 carnivores in seven... herbivores in eight...
15:32 the beasts that we see in chapter 8
15:34 are the kinds of animals that the beasts in chapter 7
15:38 snack on...
15:39 so why this change?
15:43 Why carnivores in seven... herbivores in eight...
15:49 why that change?
15:52 Now, let me put another little wrinkle here that may help us.
15:56 You remember I told you the first day
15:58 we talked about chiasms and sandwiches.
16:01 Well, we move into the last part of the sandwich
16:04 because in Daniel chapter 8,
16:07 the language switches
16:10 from Aramaic back to Hebrew.
16:14 Remember we told you the first part was in Hebrew
16:16 then it switches to Aramaic then back to Hebrew.
16:20 Well, in Daniel chapter 8, he goes back to Hebrew.
16:24 So, obviously, what he is talking about now,
16:27 he wants the Jewish community to know and understand.
16:31 He wants them to have
16:33 some understanding of what's going on.
16:36 So, the first two visions are in Aramaic
16:38 when he comes to this third vision,
16:40 he goes back to Hebrew
16:41 so that his people have the same comfort
16:44 of knowing that God is with them and they are not alone.
16:48 Now, it also might indicate
16:52 that since he's talking in Hebrew
16:55 and he knows Hebrews are going to read this,
16:58 he goes from non-kosher animals
17:02 to kosher animals.
17:03 Maybe the ram and the goat
17:07 are little more acceptable to a Hebrew audience
17:10 because they... they're kosher...
17:11 and the lion... the bear...
17:12 and the leopard certainly are not
17:14 that again is speculation but he did...
17:17 he does change from Aramaic to Hebrew
17:20 and he finishes the book of Daniel in his native tongue
17:24 and that is Hebrew.
17:25 So, from here to the end we're in the Hebrew language.
17:28 Daniel sees some interesting things.
17:31 I'll pick up the scenario...
17:35 he sees a ram with two horns
17:38 now, we know by now when you see something with two
17:42 just like we saw the image in Daniel chapter 2,
17:46 the chest with two arms...
17:48 we know we're dealing with Medo-Persia.
17:52 So, we got a ram with two horns
17:54 and he is there by the side of the sea.
17:58 The horns are of unequal size.
18:01 You remember we said
18:03 that the Median half of the Empire was older
18:06 but the Persian half of the Empire was stronger
18:10 and the Persian half came up later
18:13 but it was stronger than the Median half.
18:16 So, now you got a ram... he's got two horns...
18:19 one horn is bigger than the other,
18:21 indicating Persia being bigger and stronger
18:23 than the Median half of the Empire.
18:26 So, we've got a ram.
18:28 We've got the Medo-Persian Empire
18:31 and in chapter 8 verse 4,
18:33 the text concludes
18:36 that the higher horn
18:39 is the later horn and comes up last
18:42 so, that buttresses our statement that Persia
18:47 though younger than the Median half
18:50 was stronger and ultimately exerted more influence
18:55 and more power.
18:57 Verse 4 is a rather lengthy verse
19:01 that indicates that no animal or kingdom could withstand them.
19:08 No animal... no kingdom
19:11 could withstand this particular beast.
19:15 Now,
19:17 let me give you a little side bar
19:18 because I think this is interesting.
19:19 When we think of Persia and the Persian Empire,
19:24 historians will tell you
19:27 that the Persian Empire grew
19:30 by overwhelming people.
19:32 In other words, when the Persian army went out to fight,
19:35 they went out to fight
19:37 in the tens and tens and tens of thousands of warriors.
19:41 No army, except maybe the Roman Army
19:45 and they did their work more through efficiency than numbers
19:49 overwhelmed people like the Persian Army.
19:52 When the Persian kings went out to fight,
19:55 they went out to fight with a 100,000...
19:57 200,000... 300,000...
20:00 400,000... so they... they...
20:02 they conquered by sheer numbers.
20:04 Now, look at this, this is a Persian Warrior.
20:08 he doesn't look much like a warrior does he?
20:11 Kind of looks like he's going to a cotillion
20:14 he's got a long skirt on...
20:16 and no armour...
20:18 a shield that is thatched and a javelin.
20:23 This is how the Persian Army went to war.
20:27 That's it.
20:31 Shield... javelin... you notice, no sword...
20:34 that's how they fought.
20:36 They came from a hot country,
20:38 they didn't use a lot of body armour,
20:40 they tended to fight in loose clothing,
20:42 and sometimes, they wore a nice knitted cap.
20:45 This is an "Immortal"
20:46 the Immortals were the Praetorian Guards,
20:49 they guarded the king.
20:51 Now, you know he does have a sword
20:52 but he's got the same sort of army dress...
20:56 he's got on trousers and he's got a thatched shield...
21:00 that's just... like a basket material...
21:02 he's got thatched shield...
21:03 that vest he's wearing is strips of linen glued together,
21:09 he's got a cloth cap...
21:11 he's got what we call a compound bow
21:15 which is that... the bow faces in and out
21:19 to give more speed to the arrows,
21:20 and he's got a javelin.
21:22 You will always see Persian warriors with a javelin
21:25 but he doesn't really look like somebody
21:27 who's going to war does he?
21:28 Nice pair of pants... nice vest...
21:31 if you take off that shield and whatnot
21:33 he really could go to a party
21:36 and nothing to protect his head.
21:39 That's a knitted cap... sometimes wool... sometimes silk
21:42 and that's how the Immortals fought
21:44 now the Immortals were there more for window dressing.
21:47 They didn't really do the heavy-duty fighting,
21:49 the heavy-duty fighting was fought by these guys.
21:51 The immortals just surrounded the king
21:54 and made sure he didn't get hurt.
21:56 Now, there's a third type.
21:58 Again, knitted cap... nothing to protect him...
22:01 loose tunic... javelin which is standard...
22:05 he doesn't have a sword...
22:06 and he's got this rounded shield.
22:09 Now, I put that there... I put those pictures there
22:12 for a couple of reasons.
22:13 The Persians were gentlemen fighters.
22:18 The Persians fought with spears, arrows, javelins
22:24 chariots and they put those rotating knives
22:28 on the sides of the chariots
22:29 that they got from the Assyrians,
22:31 so that, when the chariot was going through the enemy ranks,
22:34 the knife would spin and would sort of cut you down like a...
22:37 like a lawnmower cutting grass
22:39 they got that from the Assyrians
22:42 and they borrowed the compound bow from some other people.
22:45 They were gentlemen fighters who fought at a distance.
22:48 You see that? That javelin...
22:50 that spear is about twice the length of a man.
22:54 The Persians didn't like to get in close contact
22:57 with the people that they fought.
22:59 I want you to keep that in your mind
23:01 because we're going somewhere with this.
23:03 Even the Immortals... the elite fighters
23:06 from the 6th century used wicker leather and some bronze
23:11 and a soft-knit cap for their fighting.
23:15 We'll go back to this guy... that's... that's an Immortal.
23:18 That's the elite troops... those are the select guys...
23:22 Those are your marines... your... your Navy Seals.
23:25 Those are... those are the immortals.
23:27 They dressed almost like they were going to a cotillion.
23:34 Most of the armies that they fought
23:38 dressed pretty much like that.
23:40 The Bible says in Daniel that the ram pushed north,
23:48 south and west
23:51 and they did all right until they went to Greece in 490 B.C.
23:58 and they ran into the Athenians.
24:03 The Athenians were little more heavily armoured.
24:07 This is an Athenian war helmet.
24:10 Now, you got a guy with a knitted cap
24:14 fighting a guy with this...
24:17 who do you think is going to win?
24:19 The Greeks... and this is Greek...
24:22 you can tell it is Greek
24:23 because of the facial cut-out.
24:25 This is very distinctly a Greek helmet.
24:28 This nose piece... the eyes cut out...
24:31 this metal that comes all the way around the chin
24:33 this is an Athenian or Spartan or Trojan or Corinthian helmet
24:39 typical of the Greeks.
24:42 So, when the Persian Army went west in 490 B.C.,
24:48 they met the Greeks... the Athenians at Marathon
24:53 and the massive Trojan Army
24:57 or rather... the massive army of the Medo-Persians
25:01 was turned back by men who they had never seen before
25:05 who were covered from head to toe in metal.
25:09 They'd never seen that before
25:11 and so, they went home defeated.
25:14 Ten years later...
25:16 ten years later... a king by the name of Xerxes
25:21 you know that name...
25:22 Xerxes in history is Ahasuerus in the Bible
25:27 the husband of Esther
25:28 from the book of Esther.
25:30 Ten years later in 480 B.C.
25:32 Xerxes returns with an army of 400,000 men
25:42 pause
25:44 in knitted caps and wicker shields
25:48 and javelins.
25:50 They run into a small Greek forest
25:53 at a place called Thermopylae.
25:56 How many have heard of 300 Spartans?
25:59 Heard of 300 Spartans?
26:01 Yeah... 400,000 soldiers met 300 Greeks
26:09 at Thermophylae.
26:10 Now, it wasn't just 300...
26:12 there were another 1,100 Bythnians with them
26:14 but together only about 1,400 people
26:18 fighting an army of 400,000.
26:21 Now, I'd like to say that they won... they didn't...
26:25 there's no way that 1,400 can beat 400,000... they lost...
26:31 but the Medo-Persian army still failed to conquer Greece.
26:37 Now, I want you to hold on to that
26:39 because I'm going somewhere with it.
26:41 Pause.
26:42 Xerxes went back home in disgrace.
26:46 He did not win.
26:49 Now, the Bible says that when this goat comes along
26:56 he moves so fast
27:00 that he moves without touching the ground.
27:05 Pause.
27:09 Alexander's troops were so well coordinated
27:14 and so well armoured
27:17 that when they went east through Persia,
27:20 they simply could not be stopped.
27:23 You've got men who were covered in bronze
27:26 from head to toe,
27:27 head protected... chest protected by metal...
27:31 legs protected by metal greaves
27:33 against guys who were wearing knitted caps
27:36 and linen clothes.
27:39 So, Alexander moved so far and so fast
27:42 the Bible says...
27:44 he literally moved without touching the ground.
27:49 Now the... the historians tell you
27:52 that Alexander had a new way of fighting.
27:55 Well, he did have some strategies and some tactics
27:58 that the Persians did not have,
27:59 but mostly... his men were better equipped
28:03 and better armed than the Persians
28:05 plus the Greeks used swords.
28:10 Persians were not accustomed to using swords.
28:13 The Persians rarely saw the face
28:16 of the person that they were fighting...
28:17 where the Greeks wanted to get in close
28:19 and so they just slashed and hacked and cut
28:21 and the Persians weren't accustomed to that.
28:24 They weren't accustomed to that kind of fighting
28:26 so, when Alexander and his men came in
28:28 covered from head to toe with metal
28:30 and expert at sword play
28:33 and the Persians never even used swords,
28:35 they went through the Persian Empire,
28:38 just like a knife through butter
28:39 and at the age of 30,
28:41 everything that was once Persian belonged to Alexander.
28:45 Notice in Daniel 8:5, the Bible says,
28:52 the goat came from the west
28:54 and moved across without touching the ground
28:58 and then in 8:6 it gives us a little more information.
29:04 Let's look at that.
29:06 "... he ran at him with furious power...
29:10 Pause.
29:13 In 331 A.D. at the Battle of Arbela,
29:19 this is the beginning of the Grecian Empire.
29:23 Babylon 605 to 539...
29:26 Medo-Persia 539 to 331...
29:28 so, in 331 A.D. at the Battle of Arbela
29:33 Alexander with an army of 40,000 men,
29:39 dressed like this, met the Persian Empire
29:45 Darius the 3rd, with an army of one million men
29:54 40,000 against 1,000,000
30:00 and Alexander's troops 40,000 in number...
30:05 decimated that Persian Army.
30:08 Tactics... and armour...
30:13 tactics... and armour
30:17 and you know, Ladies and Gentlemen,
30:19 the secret of successful Christian warfare today
30:24 guess what?
30:25 Tactics... and armour...
30:29 yeah...
30:31 tactics and armour.
30:34 You can defeat all of the host of the enemy
30:38 if you got the right armour.
30:40 Amen.
30:41 Tactics and armour.
30:43 You surrender to God...
30:46 God fights for you... with you... and through you...
30:49 You put on the shield of faith,
30:51 amen...
30:53 breastplate of righteousness... tactics... and armour...
31:00 and so, with the right tactics
31:03 and the right armour...
31:04 40,000 men defeated an army of 1,000,000 men
31:10 and so, in that year,
31:13 the Medo-Persian Empire came to its end
31:18 and the Grecian Empire under Alexander had its beginning
31:25 but if you read the interplay between this ram and this goat,
31:33 it seems as though there's something personal going on.
31:38 If you read what it has to say...
31:40 let's look at Daniel chapter 8 verse 7,
31:44 New King James...
31:45 the Bible says, "And I saw him confronting the ram;
31:50 he was moved with rage against him,
31:55 he attacked the ram, and broke his two horns.
32:00 There was no power in the ram to withstand him,
32:04 but he cast him down to the ground and trampled him;
32:09 and there was no one that could deliver the ram
32:12 from his hand. "
32:14 Don't you get the feel that this is kind of a
32:15 personal kind of a thing, there's a little anger there...
32:18 a little rage going on there...
32:19 this... this goat is...
32:22 is trying to totally destroy this Ram
32:26 and I think the reason there was such animosity
32:29 between Alexander and the Medo-Persian Empire
32:33 was what we just talked about in 590 B.C. and 580 B.C.
32:38 when... when the Medo-Persian Empire came west
32:42 and tried to attack Greece.
32:45 Now, in the 400s... Herodotus
32:47 who was a Greek Historian living in Turkey
32:50 published what he called his Magnum Opus
32:52 which was a history of the wars of the Medo-Persians
32:58 against the Greeks.
32:59 So, when Alexander got strong enough,
33:01 he knew... he knew the history of how Medo-Persia
33:07 had tried to come in and take Greece
33:09 and how Greece rebuffed them two times.
33:12 So, now that he is strong enough,
33:15 when he goes into the east to attack the Medo-Persian Empire,
33:20 Alexander goes with full fury and full intent...
33:24 he grinds Medo-Persia into the ground
33:28 because he remembers what's happening
33:30 and that's what you're seeing here,
33:32 there's this... there's this personal thing going on
33:35 between Alexander and the Medo-Persian Empire
33:39 and I think it is retribution for Medo-Persia
33:42 trying to come into Greece so many years before
33:45 so at age 30 now
33:47 everything that was Persia... now belongs to him
33:51 and when we look at verse 7 there,
33:54 we get this kind of feeling that it's a personal problem
33:58 between Greece and Medo-Persia...
34:01 between the ram and the goat
34:05 but soon afterward, the Bible says,
34:08 the horn is broken.
34:11 Alexander dies of Malaria and drunkenness
34:14 and as we've said before,
34:16 the single horn is replaced by four notable horns
34:20 and I want you to stay with this because
34:22 when next we meet
34:24 we're going to talk about those four horns
34:26 when we get to Daniel chapter 11
34:29 and they're going to play a very important part
34:33 because Daniel chapter 11 is that chapter
34:35 that has occasioned some
34:37 dare I say, effervescence amongst scholars
34:41 some believe A... some believe B...
34:43 some believe A and B... some believe C...
34:45 we're going to try to walk you through that
34:47 the title of the message is: "Keep the Train on the Tracks"
34:51 pause
34:53 so Alexander's four Generals... he took the strongest four...
34:56 they took the reins... and as we said before
35:00 Seleucus gets Syria and the east.
35:03 All of the Seleucid kings took the name "Antiochus"
35:08 there were eight of them...
35:09 Antiochus the 1st, Antiochus the 2nd,
35:11 Antiochus the 3rd
35:12 Antiochus the 4th called Epipmanes...
35:15 I'm sorry... Epiphanes...
35:17 Epimanes means mad man... that's what they called him...
35:20 he called himself "Epiphanes" god-like...
35:23 Ptolemy takes the south and Egypt
35:25 as we mentioned, Cleopatra is a Ptolemy
35:28 and she actually comes back to us in Daniel chapter 11.
35:34 Lysimachus takes Asia Minor also called Pergamum.
35:38 Cassander takes Macedonia, Greece and the west,
35:42 so what they did was take the Grecian Empire,
35:47 divide it among themselves
35:48 but we'll find a little bit later
35:50 they weren't happy with the divisions
35:52 there was some in-fighting and we'll talk about that
35:55 when we look at Daniel chapter 11
35:57 but it's very, very interesting.
35:59 So, now, we come to a Little Horn that pops up
36:08 in Daniel chapter 8 verses 9 through 12.
36:11 Now, the reason I'm... I'm taking time with this
36:13 is the fact that there are some people
36:18 who believe the... the little horn here
36:23 is one of those Seleucid kings... Antiochus.
36:27 It is not...
36:29 he is not...
36:30 Antiochus was a famous hater of Jews... true...
36:36 he did profane the Temple... true...
36:39 he did try to Hellenize or turn the Jews into Greeks
36:44 true...
36:46 but he is not the Little Horn Power
36:48 and there are those who believe that
36:51 but the Bible does not support that.
36:56 The key is in Daniel 8 verse 9...
37:00 the Bible says, "Out of them... "
37:03 and the key is: Who is the "them" referring to?
37:07 It is not referring to the Seleucid Kingdom,
37:11 it is referring to the next series of...
37:15 or rather the next beast and his time on earth
37:19 and so, Antiochus is not the Little Horn
37:24 and could not be the Little Horn.
37:26 There's not enough Biblical evidence to support that.
37:30 So the "them" is out of the four directions...
37:36 one of the four directions
37:37 and, of course, the direction is north.
37:39 This Little Horn comes... we see this Little Horn...
37:43 he grows up to be strong
37:46 and exceedingly great,
37:49 he pushes towards the south and the east
37:54 and the glorious land
37:55 which, of course, is the Bible Land,
37:57 he casts down some of the hosts and some of the stars,
38:01 he tramples on them,
38:02 he exalts himself against the Prince of Heaven
38:05 and the only... the only Empire
38:08 that exalted itself against the Prince is the Roman Empire.
38:11 So, Antiochus did do some bad things
38:15 but it is the Roman Empire that is pre-figured here.
38:19 The word "sacrifice" in verse 13
38:23 in its original
38:25 is later translated "Tamid" which means "the daily"
38:30 here's what I found out about the "Daily"
38:33 when we're looking at an explanation of the "Daily"
38:36 and I wish we had time to just read the whole text
38:39 but we don't have time to do that.
38:41 The "Daily" does not only mean the daily sacrifice...
38:44 that is the morning and evening services,
38:46 the word "Tamid" means
38:48 anything that is done on a continual basis...
38:52 that's important
38:54 because when we're talking about destroying the "daily"
38:58 and replacing the "daily"
39:00 it not only means the Sacrificial System
39:03 it can also mean weekly services like Sabbath Services.
39:10 So, the "daily" is a little more comprehensive
39:15 than we may have thought.
39:17 It does mean the morning and the evening sacrifices
39:21 but it also means "Old Testament Worship Services"
39:25 like the weekly Sabbath Service
39:27 and anything that is done
39:29 on a continual or "regularly occurring" basis
39:33 including the morning and evening services.
39:37 So, then, this new power
39:41 not only disrupts the morning and evening sacrificial system
39:48 he also destroys the keeping of the Sabbath
39:53 and the only Empire or the only entity
39:59 that did that is Rome.
40:02 Pagan Rome destroyed the Sanctuary Service
40:07 and the daily sacrificial system
40:10 and Papal Rome destroyed or at least attempted to destroy
40:16 the keeping of the Sabbath.
40:18 Verse 12 says, "For a while everything prospered. "
40:26 For a while, everything went well
40:30 and so now, Gabriel is commissioned
40:34 to make all of this plain to Daniel.
40:38 I've got to move fast,
40:41 in 70 A.D., Rome destroyed Jerusalem
40:45 and the Temple
40:46 no stone left one upon the other.
40:50 I've been there...
40:51 and this Western Wall which they call the Temple
40:54 actually is not the Temple.
40:56 The Western Wall or the Wailing Wall
40:58 is the basement...
41:00 it is the substrate or the foundation of the Temple.
41:04 The Temple from ground level up has been totally destroyed.
41:08 The stones are down...
41:09 what the Jews are praying to
41:11 is the foundation of the Temple, the old Temple...
41:15 that is the Wailing Wall or the Western Wall of the Temple.
41:19 So, in 70 A.D. city is destroyed
41:24 the temple is destroyed...
41:27 Rome ends now the Sacrificial System.
41:31 The "Daily" is destroyed.
41:34 The "Horn" has yet to reach its full potency,
41:39 it is not speaking its pompous words yet
41:43 that is to come...
41:44 so, Daniel overhears now
41:47 a conversation between two heavenly beings
41:51 and the discussion is, "How long is this going to be?"
41:56 How long will this scenario be played out?
42:02 And the answer is: 2,300 evenings and mornings.
42:08 2,300 days... 2,300 evenings and mornings.
42:14 Then after 1798... the end of that time
42:19 something very spectacular is going to happen.
42:23 We find this in Daniel chapter 8 verse 14,
42:27 I've got to remember that, I will never forget that.
42:29 When I was taking Daniel and Revelation in school
42:32 I was carrying a perfect "A" throughout the entire Semester
42:38 and on my final exam... I got one question wrong out of 50
42:44 and I assumed since I had an "A" going in
42:51 and I only got one question wrong,
42:53 that I should get an "A"
42:56 one out of 50 is not bad...
42:58 49 right... one wrong...
43:01 My teacher is the late Dr. was the late Dr. J.J. Beale
43:07 and he said, "I'm going to give you a 'B'"
43:13 and I was kind of upset.
43:16 Pause.
43:18 "One wrong answer in a whole semester
43:21 and you drop me a whole letter grade?
43:24 You're giving me a 'B'?"
43:26 Pause.
43:29 The question was, "Where is the 2,300 days found?"
43:33 And I put Daniel 8:16.
43:38 He said, "You're going to be a preacher,
43:42 no preacher should get that wrong,
43:46 I'm giving you a 'B'."
43:49 Audience: Responding.
43:51 And that's been many, many years ago
43:53 and it's still right here.
43:54 Laughter...
43:57 He gave me a "B" one question on a final exam!
44:01 Straight "A" student.
44:03 I said, "You know what that's going to do to my grade?"
44:06 A "B" in Daniel and Revelation...
44:09 He said, "Yup, you get a 'B'."
44:12 And to this day, there is on my transcript a "B"
44:18 in Daniel and Revelation.
44:21 Pause.
44:23 So, Daniel chapter 8 verse 14
44:26 is the answer to "How long...?"
44:29 Unto 2,300 mornings and evenings...
44:35 2,300 days...
44:37 and then the Sanctuary will be cleansed
44:41 and Daniel was much disturbed and perplexed
44:45 as to what he saw and how it would play out.
44:49 Pause.
44:51 And Gabriel is summoned and commissioned, in chapter 8,
44:54 to give a full explanation of what is happening
44:59 and what the... what begins in chapter 8,
45:02 actually crosses over into chapter 9
45:05 and the explanation becomes full.
45:09 We get an exact detailed explanation from Gabriel
45:16 and it follows in verses 18 through 22... and really beyond.
45:21 The key, of course, is Daniel 8:14.
45:25 The Sanctuary will be cleansed.
45:29 God is going to do something very, very important
45:35 at the end of this time.
45:36 He's going to do something of cosmic importance.
45:40 Before the "Daily" is referenced,
45:45 there is a cleaning that is alluded to.
45:48 You see, in prophecy, we have the year/day principle.
45:53 Let me establish that now.
45:54 Here are two texts that you can use.
45:56 Numbers chapter 14 verse 34, Ezekiel chapter 4 verse 6.
46:00 "I have laid on you a day for a year... "
46:03 so in prophetic parlance,
46:07 you can always have a day equal a year
46:12 and only in prophetic and apocalyptic literature.
46:16 In regular Bible parlance, a day is a day,
46:19 but when you go to Daniel
46:21 and Pastor Lomacang will show us again
46:23 when we do Revelation... a day can equal a year
46:26 and the prophecies only make sense
46:29 when a day equals a year.
46:31 So, you got those texts to back you up.
46:34 "I've laid on you a day for each year. "
46:37 And when you put the year/day prophecy together,
46:41 these things work...
46:42 and so, all of the time prophecies
46:46 and this is important... this is important...
46:49 this is an exegetical principle.
46:50 All of the time prophecies in the Bible,
46:54 fit into this 2,300-day prophecy.
46:58 All of the time prophecies
47:01 fit in there
47:03 and the reason I'm suggesting that...
47:04 and emphasizing that
47:05 is because when we come to Daniel 11,
47:08 there are some who say that there's one time prophecy
47:11 that extends beyond.
47:13 I don't accept that.
47:14 Now there are those who might... I do not.
47:17 I believe, all of the time prophecies
47:20 fit into the 2,300 days
47:22 because at the end of the 2,300 days
47:26 we reach what we call "the end of time"
47:30 "the end of time" simply means
47:33 that there are no more time prophecies
47:36 between the end of the 2,300 days
47:39 and the second coming of Jesus Christ.
47:42 1798 is the time of the end.
47:46 The end of the 2,300 days is the "end of time"
47:52 in other words,
47:54 we're not looking for any more time prophecies to expire
47:58 before Jesus comes.
48:00 Audience: Amen.
48:01 Technically, Christ could come at any time.
48:05 Amen, no more 1,260... no more 1,290...
48:10 no more 1,335...
48:12 Christ could come any time He wishes
48:17 he's just waiting on us now.
48:20 Amen.
48:21 So, that is my belief.
48:24 Pause.
48:27 We understand that the 2,300 days leads us
48:32 to what we call the typical Day of Atonement.
48:36 During the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur...
48:40 God's people were to afflict their souls
48:44 and cleanse themselves because the Day of Atonement
48:49 was a day of cleansing and judgment
48:53 and you should write that down if you're taking notes
48:56 because whenever God judges,
48:59 He always cleanses.
49:01 Whenever God cleanses, He always judges.
49:06 In fact, the word for "cleanse" and "judge"
49:11 are the same word.
49:13 God cleanses... He judges...
49:17 the priest did special things on the Day of Atonement
49:20 he went from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place
49:24 to minister directly before God
49:27 and we believe in 1844 at the end of the 2,300 days
49:30 we gave you the starting point, two sermons ago
49:34 Christ moved from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place
49:40 to begin the work of cleansing and judging
49:45 and when Christ comes from that Most Holy Place,
49:50 He's coming back here
49:51 to get His saints and take them home.
49:53 Can you say, "Amen. " Audience: Amen.
49:56 When God cleanses He also judges.
49:58 "The cleansing of the sanctuary is a determinative work
50:03 as such, a work of judgment. "
50:07 When Christ comes back, it will already be determined
50:10 who is going back home with Him, amen.
50:12 That's why we call it "The Pre-Advent Judgment"
50:15 because you see Christ again,
50:17 those... you'll forgive my pejorative English,
50:21 "Those who is... will be and those who ain't won't be"
50:26 amen.
50:28 In other words, the decision will already have been made
50:32 during the typical Day of Atonement, amen.
50:36 Christ is deciding now, names are being looked at now,
50:39 cases are being decided now
50:40 and when Christ comes back,
50:42 He that is righteous will be...
50:44 Audience: Righteous still.
50:45 He that will be holy will be...
50:47 Audience: Holy still...
50:48 He that is unrighteous will be...
50:49 Audience: Unrighteous still...
50:51 He that is unholy will be...
50:52 Audience: Unholy still...
50:53 Yeah, now is the time of cleansing,
50:55 now is the time to get right with God
50:58 because when Christ comes back,
50:59 the decision will already have been made.
51:02 Amen.
51:03 Your house will be built...
51:05 as I say, "Your key is already in the door"
51:07 but in heaven, there won't be any keys
51:09 because there won't be any locks, amen...
51:10 Audience: Amen.
51:12 So, it will already be determined
51:13 when Christ comes back
51:15 because judging and cleansing
51:18 are the same thing when it comes to the Lord.
51:21 When He judges... He cleanses, when He cleanses... He judges,
51:24 Here's the word, "Tsadaq" the "T" is silent
51:29 Tsadaq... it means to justify is to cleanse.
51:33 Amen.
51:35 When Christ justifies, He'll also cleanse you
51:38 so when He forgives you of your sins,
51:40 He also cleanses you from them sins.
51:42 From "them" sins...
51:44 For those sins... I forget, I'm in an academic community...
51:46 from those sins... amen.
51:48 Audience: Amen... laughter...
51:49 Yeah, it will be kind of...
51:51 it will be sad to just forgive you and not cleanse you
51:53 because if He forgives you and not cleanses you,
51:57 then you... you have to do it again.
51:58 Yeah.
52:01 But if He forgives you and cleanses you,
52:04 then you're free from it, amen.
52:07 So, when Christ justifies... He also cleanses.
52:11 "... his power shall be magnified
52:13 but not by his own power... "
52:14 Now, what are we talking about?
52:16 We're talking about that beast
52:17 who's going to get a lot of power
52:19 but it won't come from him, it comes from another authority.
52:23 and that, of course, we know
52:26 is the anti-God or anti-Christ-like Authority.
52:31 So, shortly after this time, judgment is going to begin.
52:36 It parallels the ancient Day of Atonement.
52:41 Leviticus chapter 23 verse 29 gives us,
52:45 not only our marching orders
52:47 but it gives us the pattern
52:49 that this modern Day of Atonement is to follow.
52:52 "... for any person who is not afflicted in soul on that day
52:57 shall be cut off from his people... "
53:02 the word "cut off" simply means
53:05 "if on that day you do not humble yourself"
53:08 and let's take a look at this Access Point.
53:12 "Judgment becomes good news
53:16 if our sins have gone before us into the sanctuary... "
53:19 can you say, "Amen. "
53:21 Judgment is nothing to fear.
53:23 If judgment means getting what you deserve,
53:26 and you surrendered your life to Christ,
53:30 then you get what you deserve.
53:32 Amen.
53:33 If you got a million dollars waiting for you
53:35 and that million dollars would be given to you next Friday,
53:40 you can't wait for next Friday to come
53:42 amen
53:44 because you know something good is coming.
53:46 Well, if you are in Jesus, something good is coming
53:51 and you get it on Judgment Day.
53:53 Amen.
53:54 So, for the child of God, judgment is nothing to fear.
53:58 It simply means you get what you worked for.
54:02 Amen.
54:03 Be not deceived... God is not mocked...
54:07 you get what you worked for
54:09 and if you surrender to Jesus,
54:12 you know what you get on Judgment Day?
54:14 Jesus.
54:17 Amen.
54:20 That's what you get.
54:21 Judgment becomes good news
54:24 if our sins have gone before us into the Sanctuary.
54:29 So, we now find ourselves in the typical Day of Atonement
54:34 and that is what the 2,300 days is all about,
54:41 it marks the time
54:42 when God's people need to afflict their souls
54:45 and the word "Anav" simply means to humble yourself.
54:49 We used to sing a song, "Humble me... humble me of Lord"
54:53 I stopped singing that, I don't sing that song anymore
54:56 because I don't want the Lord to humble me.
54:59 Pause.
55:00 I want to humble myself.
55:02 Laughter.
55:03 Amen.
55:05 See, if God has to humble you, He may do a "Job" job on you
55:09 So, I don't sing, "Humble me O Lord"
55:12 I want to humble myself under the hand of God
55:16 so I don't end up like Job, amen.
55:18 Yeah.
55:19 This is the time to humble ourselves before the Lord
55:23 and that is why it is so very, very important
55:26 that we understand the message of Daniel chapter 8
55:32 particularly verse 14
55:33 because it places us at a point in history
55:36 where we know and understand that Christ is coming soon
55:41 and very soon
55:43 and it also tells us that we have no time to play,
55:47 no time to waste,
55:49 no time to play games with ourselves
55:52 or with the Lord
55:53 there is just time enough to get right with God.
55:58 Every day ought to be lived in the light of the second coming
56:02 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
56:04 Every day ought to be lived
56:06 in the light of the sacrifice that Christ made for you and me.
56:11 Every day ought to be lived in the light
56:15 that soon and very soon Jesus is coming
56:19 and when we passed the 2,300-day mark,
56:24 when we came to this side of 1844
56:28 pause
56:30 we stepped into a zone that forces us to the realization
56:37 that one day Christ is coming very, very soon.
56:42 I don't know when and you don't know when
56:46 and I think the Lord did it that way purposely
56:50 because He knew that if we knew
56:53 it was next Friday...
56:55 we'd wait till next Thursday to try to get right.
57:00 So, since we don't know when it will be
57:03 the call is to live every day like tomorrow is the day.
57:10 Amen.
57:12 That is the value of Daniel chapter 8.
57:16 It's personal... it's very personal.
57:20 Judgment becomes good news for those whose sins are gone.
57:25 Last text, Hebrews chapter 3 and verse 7.
57:32 This too is personal.
57:35 "Today if you hear... " whose voice?
57:40 "His voice harden not your hearts. "
57:45 That's the call of Christ to every one of us...
57:49 the hour is late...
57:51 there's time enough only to accept Jesus
57:55 and do it today.


Revised 2018-08-27