Daniel All Access

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DAA

Program Code: DAA017007A

00:25 Hello.
00:26 Once again, we welcome you to Daniel All Access,
00:28 our behind the scenes look at the Book of Daniel.
00:32 We've been seeking to ask not only the question what
00:35 but also the question why and sometimes,
00:38 who and how, as we look, behinds the scenes,
00:40 at this powerful book of prophecy
00:43 that has so much to say in these last days.
00:47 We've looked at Daniel,
00:48 and we've seen how God has blessed his life.
00:50 And we've taken out lessons for ourselves.
00:53 And tonight will be no different
00:55 as we take a look at Daniel 7.
00:58 We've entitled our message "Alpha Predators
01:02 and the Protestant Inconsistency."
01:05 "Alpha Predators
01:06 and the Protestant Inconsistency."
01:08 Join with me now in a word of prayer
01:10 as we open God's Word.
01:12 Father God, we do praise You
01:14 and thank You for the power of Your Word
01:17 and how this ancient book
01:21 has so much to say to us
01:24 in the latter stages of this earth's history.
01:29 There is so much that You want us to know
01:32 and so much that You want us to do
01:36 and so much that You want us to be.
01:40 Help us, Lord, to know and to do
01:44 and to be the kind of children that You can use.
01:49 Oh, Father, teach us this night.
01:51 Show us Your will for our lives,
01:53 fortify us for the trials which are sure to come
01:58 that we may be overcomers, that we may stand victorious
02:04 on the day we see You face to face.
02:07 We thank You, dear Father, in Jesus' name.
02:10 Amen.
02:12 Daniel 7 pivots
02:16 into full prophetic apocalyptic mode.
02:21 And although it appears that he is covering some
02:25 of the same material as Daniel 2,
02:27 and indeed he is, you will find
02:31 that a feature of Daniel is this particular idea
02:34 of what we call repeat and enlarge,
02:38 repeat and enlarge.
02:42 Whenever Daniel goes over
02:45 previously spoken of prophetic material,
02:48 he repeats it, but he also enlarges it.
02:53 I was telling someone just today,
02:55 I look at it much as Google Earth.
02:58 You know, when you have Google Earth
03:00 and you see a picture of a continent,
03:04 and you push in a little closer and you see cities
03:07 and you go a little closer and you see streets
03:10 and you push a little closer and you see houses
03:13 and you push a little closer
03:14 and you can actually see people on the lawn
03:16 and near those houses.
03:18 Well, that's what Daniel does.
03:20 Each time he goes over the material,
03:22 he gives you a little better view,
03:24 he gives you a little better view.
03:26 And we will see this in Daniel 11
03:28 in a very, very marked and dramatic way.
03:31 So it's called repeat and enlarge.
03:33 He does cover the same material,
03:36 but he gives you a little more depth.
03:38 He magnifies it a little more.
03:40 He gives you a little more information.
03:42 He shines the light a little brighter
03:45 every time he goes over material.
03:48 So Daniel 2 is the world viewed through naked eyes.
03:53 Daniel 7 now is that same world with reading glasses on.
03:59 And Daniel 11, actually, is that same material
04:02 under a microscope, and we'll see that coming up
04:06 in our lectures that come in just a little bit.
04:09 So he repeats and he enlarges.
04:13 Daniel 11 is going to be a fun chapter
04:17 that we will get to in just a little bit.
04:20 It's entitled the train is on the tracks.
04:22 So we want you to look out for that.
04:25 So we will see the same history that we saw on Daniel 2,
04:29 but we see it with greater clarity.
04:32 We'll see it again in Daniel 8.
04:34 We'll see it again in Daniel 9.
04:35 We'll see it again in Daniel 11.
04:39 So we see the same material,
04:43 but this time,
04:45 we actually get the help of an angelic tutor.
04:49 So we're gonna get homeschooled by an angel.
04:52 Notice, we are going back in time.
04:57 We are going back to the first year
04:59 of Belshazzar's reign.
05:01 So, we're going back, previous to Daniel 5 and 6.
05:06 Nebuchadnezzar's reign, of course, was 40 years.
05:10 And we ended that in Daniel 4.
05:14 Daniel 2 took place at the second year
05:18 of Nebuchadnezzar's reign.
05:19 So now we are dealing with events
05:21 that precede Daniel 5 and 6.
05:25 And we are at the behest of an angel instructor.
05:31 So we've got to go to school with Daniel,
05:33 and we've got to home school with Daniel.
05:36 Daniel now has a dream.
05:40 He states he had a dream.
05:41 And he wrote down the main points of that dream.
05:46 So when we interpret scripture, we do so literally
05:52 until we move into apocalyptic mode
05:55 and then things equal other things.
05:58 So we're moving into that mode now,
06:01 from the historical, the interpersonal,
06:04 to full apocalyptic mode.
06:06 Let's go to Daniel 7:2 because the Bible talks about
06:10 wars and strife, and school is now in session.
06:13 "Wars and strife mean political,
06:17 social, societal upheaval."
06:19 And I've given you some reference texts,
06:22 Jeremiah 49, Revelation, and Zachariah.
06:27 So when the Bible talks about wins and strife,
06:30 you know you're dealing with a situation of war,
06:33 of strife, of upheaval,
06:35 political war, sometimes spiritual conflict,
06:39 but a scene of turmoil and chaos.
06:42 And so what is happening here
06:45 in the early portions of Daniel 7,
06:48 war, strife, political chaos,
06:53 and we've given you the texts for that.
06:55 "The winds are striving upon the Great Sea."
06:58 And of course, the Great Sea is the Mediterranean.
07:01 And we've given you some background material
07:03 for that also.
07:04 Joshua 1:4, Numbers 34:6-7.
07:09 Don't have time to read all of those,
07:11 but this is your homework assignment.
07:13 You can look at those yourself.
07:15 They will assure you that we're talking about
07:17 the Mediterranean Sea.
07:18 So in short, Daniel is viewing war and strife,
07:24 conflict among nations that border the Mediterranean.
07:29 So we know the what
07:32 and we know the where.
07:36 Daniel sees four great carnivorous beasts.
07:40 I call them alpha predators.
07:41 These are top of the food chain beasts,
07:45 these are big cats, and a big bear,
07:49 and a beast that I call the iron teeth beast.
07:53 These are alpha predators.
07:56 They're on the sea.
07:59 So not only do we see political strife,
08:02 we also see military strife and military power.
08:07 Daniel 7:4, that first beast
08:12 in this particular scenario is a lion.
08:16 These empires super imposed their cultures over each other.
08:21 When one country captured another country,
08:24 they impose their culture on that second country.
08:27 And so Daniel 7:4
08:32 introduces us to the lion
08:34 which we know is analogous
08:36 to the golden head of the image in Daniel 2.
08:39 So we're talking about the empire of Babylon.
08:42 But here again, Daniel gives us more information
08:45 because Daniel says this lion undergoes a change
08:50 because it's a winged lion.
08:52 It undergoes what we call an anthropomorphic change,
08:56 which is a long 25-cent word, simply means
08:59 it gets human characteristics,
09:01 what was once a beast now becomes a man,
09:06 literally and figuratively.
09:08 It's talking about Nebuchadnezzar
09:10 because Nebuchadnezzar live seven years as a beast
09:13 and then came back to be a man.
09:15 But more than that, Daniel is giving us some clues
09:20 to the conversion and ultimate redemption
09:24 of Nebuchadnezzar.
09:25 He started out as an idol worshipper.
09:28 He started out as one who worshiped the gods of wood
09:31 and stone and gold and silver.
09:33 But before it was all over, he stood up like a man,
09:37 gave his heart to the Lord, and is a person.
09:41 Isn't it nice to know when you get to heaven,
09:43 one of the people
09:45 who will be in your neighborhood
09:46 will be King Nebuchadnezzar?
09:50 You can get to talk to him and ask him
09:51 what it was like to live and eat grass for seven years
09:54 and then come back to his kingdom
09:56 and have his kingdom there waiting for him.
09:59 So the Bible is saying here that this beast worshipper
10:04 becomes a man.
10:05 He gets eyes, he gets...
10:07 He gets saved.
10:11 And when did that happen?
10:13 When Nebuchadnezzar
10:14 surrendered himself to the Lord.
10:17 So in the first four verses of Daniel 7,
10:21 we actually get a summary of the first four chapters
10:26 of the Book of Daniel,
10:30 highlighted by the conversion of its greatest king,
10:34 Nebuchadnezzar.
10:37 Now we come to Daniel 7:5,
10:40 we go from the lion to the Medo Persian bear.
10:45 Now what is interesting,
10:46 again, we get a little more information.
10:48 The Median half is older,
10:51 but the Persian half is stronger,
10:53 which is why the bear has got
10:55 sort of a scoliosis kind of condition.
10:56 It's kind of up on one side, the Median half,
11:00 Media was an older country,
11:03 but the Persian half was stronger.
11:06 So he's on one side, and he, of course,
11:10 has three ribs in his mouth.
11:14 The three principal nations
11:15 conquered by the Medo Persian Empire
11:18 were Lydia, Egypt,
11:23 and Babylon itself.
11:25 Lydia, Egypt, and Babylon,
11:30 those are the three ribs.
11:32 Daniel 7:6, we see another big cat.
11:38 Daniel 7:6 Greece comes, which is a leopard.
11:43 Another big cat, an alpha predator.
11:46 A leopard with four wings and four heads.
11:50 Again, more information, the four wings
11:53 indicate the speed at which Alexander the Great
11:58 and the Grecian Empire was formed.
12:01 By the time he was 30 plus years of age,
12:04 he had conquered the then known world,
12:05 he had crossed the Indus River,
12:07 he had gone into India, he had gone
12:09 as far west as Greece, and Central Europe,
12:13 he had gone south into North Africa,
12:16 he had covered pretty much all he wanted to cover,
12:20 and all he could cover,
12:22 and then in a drunken stupor, suffering from malaria,
12:25 he died, four wings, but also four heads.
12:31 Alexander was a son of Philip of Macedon,
12:35 and he conquered the then known world at age 30.
12:41 It's an amazing feat, that at 30 years of age,
12:44 you've conquered just about everything
12:46 that you wanted to conquer.
12:48 You've done just about everything you've wanted to do.
12:53 So let's note
12:55 that each Empire increases in size.
12:59 The Babylonian Empire was fairly compact.
13:03 The Medo Persian Empire was fairly broad,
13:07 and the Grecian Empire was broader still.
13:11 But before his death,
13:12 Alexander summoned his four principal generals.
13:18 Cassander, who was given Macedonia,
13:22 Greece and the west,
13:25 Lysimachus, who was given Thrace, Bithynia, also called
13:29 Pergamum in the north,
13:32 Seleucus, who took Syria and the east
13:35 and all of us Seleucus kings
13:37 took the name Antiochus,
13:39 all of them were called Antiochus I, Antiochus II,
13:43 Antiochus III, Antiochus IV, or Antiochus Epiphanes.
13:47 They all took the name Antiochus,
13:48 they were eight Seleucus kings, all taking the name Antiochus.
13:54 And then of course, Ptolemy.
13:57 He took Egypt and the south.
13:58 Cleopatra was a Ptolemy.
14:01 And of course, there were several Cleopatras.
14:03 The Cleopatra that we all know of is Cleopatra number seven.
14:06 And when we get to Daniel 11,
14:09 we're gonna see a lot of interplay
14:12 between these four generals.
14:15 Daniel 11 really shines the light
14:18 on these four generals
14:19 and gives us much history.
14:21 And there's some interesting stuff
14:23 that went on between these four fellows.
14:26 So this leopard has four wings
14:31 and now four heads.
14:35 Then I suspect Daniel saw the beast
14:38 that caused him the most distress.
14:44 I call this beast the iron teeth beast
14:49 because it has no analogy in fiction
14:53 or in the real world.
14:55 Now I've seen it portrayed as a dragon.
15:01 Usually, some sort of cobbled together beast.
15:05 We don't know what he saw.
15:07 We know it had iron teeth and it had claws
15:11 and it ground down and stamped into powder
15:15 everything that opposed it.
15:18 It is an incredibly strong, vicious, unmerciful,
15:23 devouring beast that breaks into pieces
15:26 everything that opposes it and then stamps on the residue.
15:32 When the Roman armies attack a nation,
15:35 they either enslaved it or destroyed it.
15:38 And so this picture of this beast
15:40 is very, very accurate.
15:43 Rome's legacy 168 BC
15:47 to 476 AD,
15:51 just over 600 years.
15:53 By far the longest of the world kingdoms.
15:56 By far the largest of the world kingdoms.
16:00 And we saw the other day that the Roman Empire
16:03 went from east to west, north to south,
16:06 and even crossed over the English Channel
16:09 into Great Britain.
16:13 Then Daniel sees the Germanic tribes
16:17 that begin to encroach and invade on Roman territory,
16:22 breaking it into pieces.
16:25 Here they are, the Alamani, the Ostrogoths, the Visigoths,
16:30 the Franks, the Vandals, the Suevi, the Burgundians,
16:36 the Heruli, the Anglo Saxons, and the Lombards,
16:41 these Germanic tribes
16:44 began to encroach on the territory
16:47 of the Roman Empire.
16:50 And for a while, for a time,
16:52 Rome was able to withstand their forays,
16:54 but soon, the internal decay of the Roman Empire
17:00 began to show
17:01 and these dramatic tribes began to take large sections
17:05 of territory once ruled by Rome.
17:10 Daniel 7:8.
17:15 There comes from the head of this beast a small horn,
17:21 which displaces three of those horns.
17:24 Let's read it, "I was considering the horns,
17:27 and there was another horn, a little one,
17:30 coming up from among them,
17:32 before whom of the first horn...
17:36 before whom three rather of the first horns
17:39 were plucked out by the roots.
17:42 And there, in this horn,
17:45 were eyes like the eyes of a man
17:48 and a mouth speaking pompous words."
17:53 Now when you try to identify who and what this horn is,
17:58 there are some parameters
17:59 that you need to be governed by.
18:01 One, when you're trying to find out who this horn is,
18:05 there is no need to look in Asia,
18:09 Africa, or North America.
18:12 Amen.
18:14 That's because, the text says, the horn came up
18:19 out of the head of the first beast
18:23 and among the 10 horns.
18:26 So if the first beast is the Roman Empire,
18:31 then if you're trying to identify
18:34 who this horn is,
18:36 there's no need to look in China.
18:39 Amen.
18:40 There's no need to look in Africa,
18:43 there's no need to conjecture about North and South America
18:47 because the horn comes
18:49 from the head of the Roman Empire.
18:52 So whatever that horn is, it's got to be Roman.
18:56 Amen.
18:58 'Cause it's coming up out of the head,
18:59 it's coming up out of the seat of authority.
19:02 So if you're trying to identify who this beast is,
19:05 all you've got to do is go to your history book
19:08 and find out what came up
19:11 out of the seat of the Roman Empire.
19:14 Not that tough.
19:16 Out of the Roman Empire came the Roman Church.
19:20 Amen.
19:22 Now the Bible also says that it plucks up
19:25 three of those kingdoms.
19:27 Well, we know who those three kingdoms are,
19:29 the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths
19:33 were completely destroyed by the Roman armies
19:36 and never really got a chance to settle in.
19:39 What's interesting is that those three kingdoms
19:42 the Heruli, Vandals, Ostrogoths
19:45 embraced a theological concept called Arianism.
19:49 They all believed and taught
19:51 that Christ was a created being.
19:54 And somehow they developed this belief
19:59 and they were destroyed by the Roman armies
20:04 before they ever got a chance to take root.
20:06 And so today, there are no Ostrogoths,
20:09 there are no Vandals, there are no Heruli,
20:11 these other ten tribes are now the ten kingdoms of Europe.
20:15 You've got the Lombards, you've got the Italians,
20:20 you've got the French, you've got the Anglo Saxons,
20:22 you've got the Germans, you've got the Swiss.
20:25 They're all here today, but they are no Heruli,
20:28 there are no Vandals, there are...
20:34 No Heruli, that's it, no Heruli, no Vandals,
20:36 and no Ostrogoths.
20:38 So this horn get eyes and a mouth,
20:44 this is code for a new power
20:47 that will not be ruled by committee
20:50 but that will be ruled by a single person.
20:53 This is not a parliamentary system.
20:55 This is not a system
20:56 where people are voted in and out.
20:58 The Bible is telling us that this new entity
21:02 that comes from the head of the old Roman Empire
21:07 is gonna have one person sitting at the top.
21:11 And that one person will speak for this entity,
21:15 will be the power in this entity,
21:18 and will speak great words,
21:22 one man atop a system
21:25 that is going to speak pompous words.
21:31 Comes up from among the others, so we are talking about Europe,
21:35 it comes from the head of Pagan Rome,
21:38 and it uproots the Heruli,
21:40 the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths.
21:43 So when we take our time with prophecy,
21:45 it tends to make sense, it tends to fall apart
21:48 or build itself up on its own.
21:51 So the Bible is identifying not a person per se
21:56 but a position and a system,
22:00 a position and a system.
22:02 The position is head of the church,
22:06 the system is the ecclesiastical body
22:09 that came up after Pagan Rome fell to ashes.
22:15 So we're talking about an entity
22:19 that speaks pompous words.
22:22 Now the word for pompous in the Bible is "rabrab."
22:28 Interesting word.
22:29 It means huge in size and domineering
22:35 or dominating in character.
22:38 Very interesting.
22:39 The Bible is saying that this new entity
22:42 is going to be huge as far as its size is concerned,
22:47 as far as its control is concerned.
22:49 But it will also be dominating in character.
22:55 It's gonna be a bossy kind of a system.
22:59 It's gonna try to take control not only of what man does
23:04 but what man thinks.
23:07 History tells us that the entity that came up
23:11 out of the Pagan Roman Empire
23:15 was called the Holy Roman Empire.
23:20 The Pagan Roman Empire fell to be replaced
23:25 by the Holy Roman Empire,
23:28 in short, the Roman Universal Church
23:32 or the Roman Chthonic Church.
23:34 The Holy Roman Empire was an amalgamation of kings,
23:38 emperors, electors, and popes
23:42 that dominated the history of Europe
23:45 form the 6th century all the way down
23:48 to the 18th century, just after the 1,260 years,
23:53 which we'll talk about in just a minute.
23:56 So kings, emperors, electors, and popes
23:59 were in charge of the Holy Roman Empire.
24:02 For short periods of time,
24:04 the emperors and the electors took the lead.
24:08 But make no mistake about it, the power behind the church
24:13 from 538 to 1798,
24:16 that 1,260 year period was the man
24:19 who sat on the cathedral in Rome,
24:23 and that was the pope,
24:25 the head of the Catholic Church.
24:27 The Church insinuated itself
24:32 into every aspect of the medieval life.
24:36 The Church controlled how you ate,
24:39 the Church controlled what you drank,
24:42 the Church controlled how you lived,
24:45 the Church controlled your employment,
24:48 and they even tried to control what you thought.
24:54 European culture had one master,
24:57 it was ran from Rome,
25:00 and Rome insinuated itself into every aspect
25:05 of medieval Church life.
25:09 That's one of the things
25:11 that becomes very, very apparent
25:13 as we study Daniel 7.
25:18 So Daniel now gives us increased focus
25:21 on beast number four.
25:25 Daniel uses that term pompous words a number of time.
25:30 Daniel 7:8, Daniel 7:11,
25:35 Daniel 7:25.
25:38 He is begging the point, insisting on the fact
25:43 that this new entity
25:47 stands not necessarily for God
25:51 but off times in opposition to God.
25:55 And by the words that it speaks
25:57 and the way that it conducts itself,
26:01 it assumes many of the prerogatives of God.
26:06 Daniel 7:21, Daniel says,
26:09 "This same horn was making war
26:13 against the saints."
26:16 So make no mistake about it.
26:18 This is not a civil army.
26:20 This issue is a spiritual battle.
26:25 When we look at this new beast,
26:28 we are moving from physical conquest
26:32 to spiritual warfare.
26:34 The issue in Daniel 7 is not just physical conquest,
26:40 it is spiritual warfare.
26:43 And this horn is not fighting a nation or a kingdom
26:47 or even an ideology,
26:49 it's fighting against the saints of God.
26:52 And when you fight against the saints of God,
26:55 you are in effect fighting
26:57 against God himself.
27:01 So we are speaking about pompous words
27:04 and an entity that is wearing out
27:06 the saints of the Most High.
27:09 The Bible explains how this little horn power
27:12 virtually reigns unfretted and unchallenged
27:16 for a period of 1,260 years.
27:19 That's an awful long time.
27:21 Paul talk about him in 2 Thessalonians 2:4,
27:26 the Bible says,
27:27 "This power exalts himself above God,
27:30 sits in the place of God, in the temple of God,
27:34 claiming that he is God."
27:37 Now how do you do that?
27:39 You do that when you try to say that the things that God says
27:43 are important are not important.
27:46 You do that when you say the laws of God
27:48 are no longer
27:51 able to be kept
27:53 or even should be kept.
27:54 You do that when you try to take the prerogatives of God
27:59 and the power of God and apply it to yourself.
28:02 So this new exposition is telling us
28:06 what happens down in the ankles and toes
28:09 and feet of that image of Daniel 2.
28:12 It's explaining in greater detail
28:15 what we saw in Daniel 2 just prior to the second coming
28:20 of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
28:22 So the picture we get is one of...
28:25 is one of aggressive,
28:29 grinding persecution,
28:32 years of persecution, years of privation,
28:37 we get a picture of a power
28:40 that insinuates itself
28:44 into every aspect of life and controls that life
28:48 and grinds against the people of God,
28:51 even to the extent of coming to America.
28:55 The inquisition went as far as Goa, India,
29:01 and also came to America.
29:03 If you want to read interesting history,
29:06 look how the people see
29:10 ordered Spain and Portugal
29:14 to divide South America.
29:16 Why some countries are Portuguese,
29:18 some countries speak in Spanish,
29:20 that was done at the insistence of Rome.
29:25 You get this piece, you get that piece.
29:28 Very, very interesting history how the Church
29:31 even insinuated itself into South America.
29:35 I remember speaking with Malachi Martin.
29:37 That name may not be familiar to some of you.
29:39 He was a famous Jesuit scholar,
29:43 lived in New York, died in 1999.
29:47 We had a chance to meet at a local radio station
29:50 and had many, many talks.
29:53 He's written a number of book,
29:55 "Decline and Fall of the Roman Church,"
29:57 "Keys of this Blood,"
29:59 just a number of books, an outspoken Jesuit scholar.
30:02 And after having read his
30:04 "Decline and Fall of the Roman Church"
30:05 about 650 pages, Dr. Martin admitted to me
30:11 in private discussion how he felt his church
30:15 had done many, many wrong things
30:17 down through the middle ages.
30:19 I was meeting with him.
30:22 And we were gonna have a debate
30:24 on one of the local radio stations
30:27 in the New York City area.
30:28 And I came armed with all of this material
30:31 as to how the Catholic Church had done some of these things
30:34 in the Middle Ages, and I had facts and figures
30:38 from the Lutheran Church and other churches
30:40 how they say the Catholic Church,
30:42 during the Inquisition, was responsible for the death
30:45 of about 50 million people.
30:47 I came armed with my material and we sat down for the debate
30:51 and I hit him with my hardest salvo.
30:53 I said, "Well, my figures show that the Catholic Church,
30:58 through the Inquisition, was responsible
30:59 for the death about 50 million Protestants."
31:01 He said, "Oh, it's way more than that.
31:04 It's way more than that."
31:05 And he disarmed me right away.
31:07 He said, "Yeah. Everything is true."
31:08 He said, "We did."
31:10 But this is what he said, and we're gonna come back
31:12 to this in just a little bit.
31:13 This is what Malachi Martin famous Jesuit scholar,
31:16 said to me.
31:17 He said, "Sometimes mothers are little over zealous
31:22 in correcting their wayward children."
31:26 That was his statement,
31:27 statement of a famed Jesuit scholar.
31:30 He said, "Sometimes mothers can be a little over zealous
31:35 in correcting their wayward children."
31:39 Some scholars estimate 50 million.
31:42 Malachi Martin said, "Much more than that."
31:45 So he wasn't making an excuse.
31:47 He said, "Sometimes when you spank your children,
31:50 you spank them a little hard,
31:51 you spank them a little too hard."
31:54 But given all of the torture
31:57 and the millions of death
32:01 as sad as that was and as bad as that was,
32:07 perhaps the most audacious
32:10 aspect of papal intention
32:14 was to change times and laws.
32:18 And that's what Daniel 7 tries to stress in
32:24 its portrayal of this new beast.
32:28 What does that mean?
32:32 What does it mean to try to change
32:35 times and laws?
32:38 There is a wonderful book that is no longer in print
32:41 that I have in my library called,
32:42 "How the Pope became infallible."
32:46 And it deals with the changing of times and laws.
32:50 But in verse 25 of Daniel 7,
32:53 we see that statement made.
32:58 This new power, this horn will seek to change
33:04 times and laws.
33:07 This little horn
33:09 claims the prerogatives of God.
33:14 The question we need to ask,
33:17 what times and whose laws
33:20 is the Bible speaking off?
33:24 Well first we can discount man's laws.
33:26 Can you say amen?
33:28 Because man's laws change
33:33 like the wind.
33:35 Think of the number of times
33:36 that England as a country
33:38 went from catholic to protestant,
33:40 catholic to protestant,
33:41 depending on the king or the queen on the throne,
33:43 it went from catholic to protestant.
33:45 We now have, in the United States here,
33:48 the president can sign executive orders.
33:51 One president can sign an executive order that says,
33:54 "Yea."
33:56 And then the next president comes right behind them
33:57 and signs an executive order that says, "Nay."
34:00 So we're not talking about man's times and laws
34:03 because man's laws change with the whim of the person
34:06 who gets elected.
34:08 They are not permanent.
34:09 They are as ropes of sand. They're like the wind.
34:11 So when we talk about changing time and laws,
34:14 we've got about the church trying,
34:16 we've got to be speaking about the church
34:18 attempting to change God's times and God's laws
34:23 because it's only God's time and God's law
34:26 that really matter.
34:28 Amen?
34:33 Every time we amend the constitution,
34:35 it occurs to me, we change our own laws.
34:37 So we're talking about God's time, God's law.
34:41 Here's a text for you, Malachi 3:6.
34:44 The Bible says, "I am the Lord, I change not."
34:48 So God is not fickle.
34:50 God doesn't say one thing today
34:52 and then sign an executive order
34:54 and make it another thing tomorrow.
34:56 And the battle really is between earth and heaven.
35:02 So let's put that in context,
35:04 God's law is the Ten Commandments, amen?
35:07 We're talking about the law of God,
35:09 we're talking about the eternal law of God,
35:11 the law that is part of His character,
35:13 that's the Ten Commandments.
35:15 The only commandment that deals with time
35:18 is the fourth commandment.
35:21 The rest of the commandments are sort of do
35:23 and don't commandments that really deal
35:25 with interpersonal relationships
35:26 between humans and interpersonal relationships
35:28 between man and God.
35:30 The only one that deals with time
35:33 is commandment number four.
35:35 Now this is very, very important.
35:37 I'm gonna show you something in just a little bit.
35:39 So God's law, Ten Commandments, God's time,
35:43 the fourth commandment.
35:44 So then Daniel 7:25 identifies a power
35:49 that will attempt to change the Lord's Sabbath.
35:54 That's what Daniel 7:25 is saying.
35:57 This power is going to attempt to change God's holy Sabbath
36:03 because the Sabbath is the only part
36:06 of the Ten Commandments that deals with time.
36:12 The first change or the first attempt to change
36:15 began with the Edict of Constantine in 321 AD.
36:19 Now we're not gonna go through that
36:21 because many people have talked about that.
36:23 What the Edict of Constantine 321 AD did,
36:27 it decriminalised work on Sunday.
36:33 Prior to 321 AD,
36:35 Christianity was still a Religio Illicitus,
36:39 in other words, an illegal religion.
36:42 And the reason we know that it was an illegal religion
36:44 is because just 10 years before or less,
36:49 the Christian church went through
36:51 one of the worst times of persecution in its history
36:54 called the Diocletian Persecution.
36:57 Ten years of persecution under the Emperor Diocletian,
37:00 303 to 313, when Christians where
37:03 slaughtered by the tens of thousands.
37:07 So now after 313, in 321,
37:11 Constantine makes an edict
37:15 that decriminalizes work on Sunday.
37:19 It de facto recognizes Christianity,
37:23 turns it from a Religio Illicita
37:26 to a legitimate religion.
37:30 Most people know about 321.
37:33 I want to take you to the next big attack
37:37 on Christianity at the council of Laodicea
37:41 in 364 AD.
37:44 364 AD.
37:47 And I want to give you the language that was voted
37:50 by the church at the council of Laodicea 364 AD,
37:56 "Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday,
38:01 that is the Sabbath."
38:02 Judaizing meant just acting like a Jew
38:05 and doing nothing on Sabbath.
38:07 So they wanted you working on Sabbath.
38:11 A little bit later, something very interesting,
38:14 the Catholic Church actually instituted something
38:16 they called the Sabbath fast.
38:18 They made you fast on Sabbath to make it a day of drudgery,
38:22 and then they allowed you to feast on Sunday.
38:27 So you can't Judaize on Sabbath "but shall work on that day."
38:31 So they want you in the field work
38:32 and they want you working on that day,
38:34 "But the Lord's day
38:37 they shall especially honor and as being Christians shall,
38:42 if possible, do no work on that day.
38:47 If however they are found Judaizing,
38:50 they shall be cut off from Christ."
38:55 That's the Council of Laodicea, 364 AD.
38:59 In other words,
39:00 if they caught you not working on Saturday,
39:06 you were anathema, you were cut off from the Lord.
39:10 So this now is the first fully functioning edict
39:16 not only in favor of Sunday
39:19 but specifically against Sabbath.
39:23 Then in the 16th century,
39:26 the church found its philosophical mother load.
39:34 In the 16th century,
39:36 the Church convened an 18-year convocation called
39:41 the Council of Trent, T-R-E-N-T,
39:45 after the city in Northern Italy.
39:50 The Council of Trent took up
39:52 many, many doctorates.
39:56 But one of the things that it did
40:01 towards the end of the council
40:03 was address itself to the Sabbath.
40:08 Let me give you some of the words
40:11 of the hero of the Council of Trent,
40:14 his name was Archbishop Reggio
40:18 or the Archbishop of Reggio.
40:21 Here is what a Catholic Church discovered in 1551
40:28 right near the close of the Council of Trent.
40:32 "The written word explicitly enjoins
40:36 the observance of the seventh day."
40:39 Now that's the Catholic Church telling the truth
40:43 about the Sabbath.
40:45 "The written word explicitly enjoins
40:49 the observance of the seventh..."
40:50 In other words the Bible says, "Keep the Sabbath."
40:54 "As the Sabbath,
40:56 we do not observe the seventh day.
41:00 If they," that is protestants,
41:04 "do truly hold the scripture alone
41:07 as their standard, they would be observing
41:12 the seventh day as enjoined in the scripture throughout."
41:17 You see what he is saying?
41:18 He's saying if you really were Bible keepers,
41:22 you would be keeping the seventh day.
41:24 Now hold onto your hats,
41:26 here's how he uses that argument,
41:28 "Yet they only...
41:32 "Yet they not only reject the observance of the Sabbath
41:36 enjoined in the written word..."
41:38 So he's saying it again.
41:39 "Not only do you reject the Sabbath in the Bible,
41:42 but they have adopted and do practice
41:46 the observance of Sunday
41:49 for which they have only the tradition of the church."
41:52 Now look what he is saying.
41:55 He is saying,
41:57 "You say that you're Bible keepers,
42:00 but the day you're keeping..."
42:03 You will forgive my pejorative English,
42:05 eight in the Bible.
42:09 So you're keeping a day, and the only reason you have
42:15 for keeping that day is because we're telling you
42:18 to keep that day.
42:20 So you cannot really say you're Bible keepers.
42:24 Now this, this is very, very important,
42:26 this is very crucial, "Consequently,"
42:29 he goes on, "the claim of scripture alone
42:33 as their standard falls and the doctrine of scripture
42:38 and tradition as essential is fully established."
42:43 He's weaving a pretty tight case here,
42:46 "The Protestants themselves being judges."
42:50 This was voted at the Council of Trent in spring of 1551.
42:55 It's a powerful, powerful argument.
43:00 Now the Augsburg Confession,
43:03 the Augsburg Confession was voted as the Catholic...
43:09 Sorry, the Protestant doctrine in 1530.
43:15 It was presented
43:17 to the Holy Roman Empire
43:23 elector in Germany,
43:26 Lutheran scholars put it together,
43:29 and before long,
43:31 all protestant denominations
43:33 accepted the Augsburg Confession.
43:36 I've read the Augsburg Confession,
43:38 the book in which it is written is 878 pages long.
43:42 It's got 28 different parts and each of the different parts
43:46 has about 20 different subtexts.
43:48 It's a long, long thing.
43:51 The Council of Trent calls
43:55 it the Protestant Inconsistency.
44:01 Here's their reason, the Augsburg Confession
44:06 states that Protestants
44:11 would accept and revere Sunday.
44:15 And all protestant churches
44:17 signed on to the Augsburg Confession.
44:22 It admits the observance of Sunday as the Lord's day.
44:28 So now Archbishop Reggio come along 21 years later
44:33 at the Council of Trent and says,
44:36 "Because of this one issue,
44:40 because of this one issue," he says,
44:44 "the entire Protestant reformation is nothing
44:48 more than an unwarranted revolt
44:53 against the mother church."
44:55 And that was voted at the Council of Trent.
44:58 And from that day to this, that shows
45:02 what the Catholic Church thinks of Protestantism.
45:08 It is an unwarranted revolt.
45:12 Why is it a revolt?
45:14 He says,
45:15 "Because you don't believe yourself
45:18 what you're teaching."
45:20 And it's a powerful argument.
45:22 He says, "You cannot believe what you're teaching
45:25 because the main argument of the Protestant reformation
45:31 was sola scriptura."
45:36 The Bible and the Bible only.
45:40 The main argument coming out of the Council of Trent
45:44 is that scripture and tradition are equal.
45:51 So how can you be sola scriptura
45:55 and keep a day which is not scriptura?
46:01 You understand that argument?
46:03 It is so powerful that every Catholic scholar
46:07 from that day to this has used that same argument.
46:11 Every one, you name them, Cardinal Gibbons, Albert Smith,
46:16 John Newman, Louis Gaston Segur,
46:20 Nathan Keenan.
46:22 All of the great theologians
46:27 have used that same argument
46:30 that you cannot be solo scriptura
46:33 because you're keeping a day that has no place in scripture.
46:39 We changed the day.
46:41 You're keeling our day
46:43 so you're not really Protestant.
46:47 And many Catholic theologies call it, to this day,
46:51 the Protestant inconsistency.
46:54 They say, "You cannot be sola scriptura
47:00 because you're keeping a day that is not in scripture."
47:02 I brought this up to Malachi Martin.
47:05 This Protestant inconsistency,
47:08 this idea that you cannot be sola scriptura and keep Sunday.
47:12 And here is what Malachi Martin told me face to face.
47:16 He said, "If you worship the day..."
47:20 "If you worship the Lord on the day designated
47:24 by the Catholic Church..."
47:27 "If you worship the Lord on the day
47:31 designated by the Catholic Church,
47:34 regardless of what
47:36 you call yourself, you are Catholic."
47:41 That's Malachi Martin.
47:43 It doesn't matter what your name is,
47:45 Baptist, Protestant, Presbyterian.
47:47 Doesn't matter.
47:48 If you're worshiping on the day that we designate,
47:51 you're Catholic.
47:53 And that is the mindset of the church to this day.
47:56 And that's why your hearing terms like erring brethren,
47:59 you know brethren that have departed.
48:01 You're still Catholic
48:02 because you're worshiping on our day.
48:04 Now that's not the Protestant argument,
48:06 it's not the Seventh-day Adventist argument.
48:08 It is the Catholic Church's theological context
48:12 form 1551 in the Council of Trent.
48:15 You're accepting our day, you are de facto Catholic.
48:22 And of all the dogma
48:24 coming from the Council of Trent
48:26 and they ratified many things, arguably,
48:29 the one that has the most far reaching effect
48:35 on how Catholic theologians view
48:37 and treat all Sunday-keeping Protestants is this idea
48:43 of the Protestant inconsistency.
48:47 They're saying, "You don't believe yourself
48:49 what you're teaching, you cannot
48:52 because you're keeping our day."
48:53 It's a very, very powerful argument,
48:55 and it is buttressed
48:57 by what the Bible says in Daniel 7,
49:00 "They will seek to change times and laws."
49:03 And then we find out in Revelation
49:05 that the whole world is moving in that direction.
49:09 That is why, ladies and gentleman,
49:11 the Counter Reformation was so vicious
49:15 and why the fires of the inquisition rage
49:18 for the next 400 years
49:21 because from the Catholic standpoint,
49:23 said Malachi Martin to me, "They were crushing
49:27 an illegitimate religion whose adherence not only
49:34 didn't believe what they taught,
49:36 they couldn't believe what they taught."
49:39 According to Malachi Martin, "They couldn't believe it
49:42 because their basic worship premise
49:47 did not come from the Word of God.
49:53 Many of the popes and leaders of the church
49:57 saw their persecution of Protestants
50:01 not as persecution but rather fumigation,
50:07 sterilization, ratification of a disease
50:13 that infected the holy mother church.
50:18 Protestantism in the middle ages
50:21 was for many not a rival religion
50:26 but a virus that needed to be cleansed.
50:31 That is why they took such extreme measures,
50:34 such ungodly measures, such horrific measures
50:38 in stamping out what they saw...
50:41 what they thought was an unnecessary revolt
50:46 that should have never taken place.
50:50 So groups like the Huguenots, the Albigenses, the Waldenses,
50:56 the Cathary, the Lombards,
51:02 the Anabaptists, the Jews...
51:05 I'm sorry, the Lollards, the new Christians
51:09 which were Sabbath keeping Christians
51:12 by the way were hunted down and destroyed
51:17 because the church thought
51:19 they were doing the work of God.
51:22 As far as India and in the east and Spain
51:29 and its colonies in the west,
51:32 the church thought its duty
51:37 to execute offenders.
51:40 The move to change God's Sabbath,
51:44 to change the times and laws of God
51:47 did not happen overnight.
51:50 It took centuries of force, coercion,
51:55 edicts, papal bulls
51:58 and disciplines to try
52:01 to get the Sabbath to go away.
52:06 But praise God after 100,000 Albigenses
52:10 were destroyed in a day and 70,000 Huguenots
52:15 destroyed in France,
52:17 and tens of thousands of Christians destroyed,
52:21 God's truth still marched on.
52:25 Amen.
52:27 Now let's look quickly before our time gets away
52:28 at the time period as spoken of in Daniel 7.
52:33 The Bible says that this persecuting power
52:36 would be in the ascendency times,
52:39 time, times and dividing or half a time.
52:43 So let's look at the numbers, looking at the day, year,
52:47 day principle, time, time, 360 day/years.
52:51 The Jewish year was 360 days, not 365.
52:56 Times is a multiplication of that,
52:58 times 2 or 720 day/years,
53:02 and half a time is 180 day/years.
53:06 We mark that from the year that Pope Leo crowned
53:12 Charlemagne head of the Holy Roman Empire
53:17 the same year that the Ostrogoths
53:19 were eradicated from Italy, the same year
53:24 that the Catholic Church began to function on its own,
53:29 the year 538 AD.
53:33 You add to that 1,260 years,
53:37 and you'll come up to 1798.
53:42 It was in that year that...
53:47 Alexander birth year, Napoleon's general went to Rome
53:52 and took the pope off his throne,
53:56 and a 1,260-year reign
54:00 of terror came to an end.
54:05 During that time, God's people stood up for Him
54:11 in marked and wonderful ways.
54:14 God's people were burned and hounded
54:19 and chased and weren't allowed to read the Bible.
54:24 They were persecuted
54:28 almost beyond reason.
54:31 And yet the truth of God stood strong.
54:36 Amen.
54:38 I'll say it again.
54:40 I said before rather and will say again.
54:43 God has always had His witnesses, always.
54:46 There have always been people
54:49 who were able to risk life and limb
54:55 and even liberty for the cause of Christ.
54:59 We don't know how many millions died
55:04 at the hand of persecution but God does.
55:09 Every name has been written down,
55:12 every face is marked in the mind of God.
55:17 And not one tear was shed
55:20 that wasn't written down in heaven.
55:23 That's why I am so thankful that at the end of that
55:28 wonderful faith chapter in the Book of Hebrews,
55:33 there is this text that says,
55:35 "They without us should not be made perfect."
55:40 Even those who suffered, when they get their reward,
55:46 you'll get your reward at the same time.
55:49 We'll all go in together.
55:52 My prayer is that we all stand for the Lord.
55:57 Our faith will be tested.
55:58 Oh, yes, it will be.
56:01 But the same God who was with those
56:04 wonderful saints of old is with us here today.
56:08 Amen.
56:09 He has not left us, He has not forsaken us,
56:13 and He guarantees that the children of God
56:18 will be victorious.
56:22 This is like the seal, the...
56:27 I'm trying to think of that person you go to the...
56:29 notary republic who gives you
56:31 that seal and makes it official?
56:33 That's what this last line is.
56:35 "For the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
56:41 That's a notary republic seal.
56:43 God say, "What I have told you,
56:46 I myself guarantee."
56:50 They will seek the changed times and laws,
56:53 they will seek to tell you what you can do
56:55 or even what you can think.
56:59 But have no fear, fear not.
57:03 God will bring forth our people.
57:07 And I wanna be in that number.
57:08 What about you?
57:11 And then He says,
57:12 "I'm guaranteeing you your deliverance.
57:17 You will make it through."
57:20 Why?
57:21 Because the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
57:27 Amen?
57:28 Amen. And amen.


Revised 2019-09-10