Dare To Dream Creative Cooking

Aw7d! International Travel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DDCC

Program Code: DDCC000017A

00:21 Hola! Bonjour! Lay ho ma!
00:24 And welcome back to Creative Cooking.
00:26 My name is Nicole Braxton,
00:28 and I will be your tour guide as we travel the world
00:31 one bite at a time.
00:32 Today I have the pleasure of traveling
00:35 to two awesome places.
00:37 We'll be going to the Middle East
00:38 as well as Asia.
00:40 For on the menu we'll be making grilled keftas,
00:43 kefta dressing, and hot and sour soup.
00:46 Before we go a little bit further,
00:47 I would love to introduce my friend Alex.
00:50 He can show us how he makes his keftas.
00:52 Alex, come on now.
00:54 Hey, Nicole.
00:56 Good to see you, welcome.
00:58 It's nice to be back.
00:59 All right, so for our grilled keftas
01:03 some of the ingredients include...
01:24 All right, so, Alex,
01:26 now you know I love traveling
01:29 and food is one of my favorite things.
01:31 When I go to different countries,
01:33 I really am interested in the food, the people,
01:36 and the culture.
01:37 So let's...
01:39 I'm curious to figure out,
01:40 Alex, how do you make your keftas.
01:42 Okay, I'm really excited to tell you.
01:44 All right.
01:46 You really have to have a good base for your keftas.
01:49 So I would like to use the beyond burger.
01:52 The beyond burger has got a very good texture,
01:54 is very colorful. Nice.
01:56 And it sticks together the best that I know
01:58 from other veggie meats.
01:59 Okay. So first up...
02:01 So what do you do with this beyond burgers so?
02:04 Well, you take your beyond burger
02:06 and you put it into your food processor.
02:07 Alrighty. So I'll take the top off.
02:10 So go ahead and pour that in.
02:11 Nice.
02:14 Okay, there it is.
02:16 Wow, the smell of it, it smells good on its own.
02:19 I really like the different flavors that come out.
02:21 So that's beyond burgers you said, that's really good.
02:23 Beyond burgers, yeah. Okay, all right.
02:25 So go ahead and give that a whirl.
02:27 And while we're doing that, as she puts that going...
02:29 Okay. I'm going to order...
02:32 Well, let's do that first.
02:34 All right.
02:37 Okay, tell us, what are you doing?
02:38 So now you take your onion, your favorite kind of onion,
02:40 I like red onions, red onions are my favorite,
02:42 but white onions do just well too.
02:44 You go ahead and take your cups,
02:45 and we're going to quarter the onion.
02:47 So we'll take off one top, take off the bottom.
02:51 Take that off, go ahead and cut in half.
02:56 And then we'll take the skin off of this one.
03:00 Just peel that right off. Okay.
03:03 Take the other one, peel that one right off.
03:06 So do you think onion
03:07 has a really good taste with food or...
03:09 Oh, yes. I think it's a key ingredient.
03:11 Onion has this way of providing a substance like,
03:15 it gives the need to a dish, like especially a sandwich,
03:18 it gives that kind of kick to it.
03:20 Nice. I really like onions.
03:21 Very nice. Okay, so how do you cut it?
03:23 So how you cut it? We're just cutting in quarters.
03:24 So a half one more time... Awesome.
03:27 And a half one more time. Great.
03:30 So we'll go ahead and leave these here.
03:32 We'll take our already done, kefir.
03:36 I'll give it one more swirl.
03:41 All right, so I'll take this out.
03:43 Go ahead and throw this back on the plate.
03:46 I'll take a spoon really quick and get those out.
03:53 So it's all going to be all pureed,
03:55 you know, mushy and gooey.
03:57 That's the way you can have it. It changed its texture a lot.
04:01 We can almost use it as a sandwich batter or something.
04:03 Yeah, you could actually turn them into burgers,
04:05 it's really cool.
04:06 Wow, okay.
04:08 So we're going to go ahead and get that all out.
04:12 We'll then throw our onions,
04:14 our onions into the same processor.
04:18 Also we're going to put in some paprika,
04:20 some pumpkin spice as well as some cumin.
04:23 So let's go ahead and toss those ingredients into our,
04:27 I think...
04:28 Okay.
04:31 Again, half a teaspoon of paprika.
04:34 Alrighty.
04:36 Half teaspoon of pumpkin spice.
04:38 Pumpkin spice, so does it make it sweet and savory?
04:41 Yeah, it gives it kind of a Thanksgiving flavor.
04:44 Oh, wow. Personally my taste.
04:45 Okay, so it has like a holiday flavor in essence.
04:48 A holiday flavor, yeah, yeah. The sweet flavor...
04:49 And then, little bit of cumin,
04:51 it kind of gives a strong pungent flavor.
04:54 So go ahead and pour that in there.
04:57 And then you can season to salt to your flavor,
05:00 that what you enjoy.
05:01 So I'm going to take a little bit of salt
05:02 and just a pinch of salt for me.
05:04 And I think you also said from the recipe
05:06 also if you like you could use a little bit of Himalayan salt
05:09 which is really nice, so Himalayan salt is great,
05:11 if you like to use that as well,
05:12 you can put that in there.
05:14 So we'll go ahead and put that back on.
05:15 Alrighty.
05:17 Thank you, Nicole.
05:19 Also we need to do our fresh herbs,
05:22 our parsley and cilantro.
05:24 So I believe it's four, three to four things of parsley.
05:29 So I'll go ahead and hand that to you.
05:32 Thank you. Go ahead and toss those in.
05:33 Alrighty.
05:35 And I think it was two to three cilantros.
05:38 Alrighty. Okay. So there we go.
05:41 Okay, so it's a lot of fresh herbs, I like this.
05:44 You know, one of the things
05:46 that I found is when using fresh herbs,
05:47 it really helps to replace using additional salt
05:51 and things like that.
05:53 I really like the flavor that fresh herbs put into each dish.
05:56 I agree. I like that, Alex.
05:58 So what I do now, do I put this on?
05:59 Yeah, go ahead and put it on. Okay. All right.
06:03 Go ahead and wind it up.
06:04 Okay.
06:07 Wow, look at that.
06:09 That's incredible.
06:12 It's all coming together.
06:14 So you can already see the color starting
06:16 to become one with each other, the red, the pink,
06:18 it's all just kind of becoming one beautiful color.
06:21 So when that's all been diced up really well,
06:24 it's all been kind of finished off,
06:26 we then add our beyond burger.
06:28 So we'll go ahead and throw our beyond burger in.
06:30 I just want to...
06:31 Look at this, look at the colors, this is amazing.
06:34 I love the purple coming out,
06:36 I have the fresh herbs and the green.
06:38 Wow, okay, cool.
06:40 So we put up the...
06:41 Yeah, I love the color of that, so pretty.
06:43 Yeah, okay. Okay.
06:45 So now you're going to put the beyond burger inside?
06:47 So beyond burger is going in. Okay. Awesome.
06:52 It smells so fresh, I love it.
06:54 Especially with all the herbs and the onion so...
06:56 I love that, it's a good explosion.
06:57 Okay, cool. So we'll put the...
06:59 Should I put the top back on?
07:00 Yeah. All right.
07:03 Let me turn it this way. Okay.
07:07 Now, I'll just turn it on.
07:10 So once it's all blended together,
07:12 we'll have a very colorful, very beautiful mixture.
07:15 Okay.
07:17 Wow.
07:20 This is amazing.
07:24 Okay. Wow. That's good.
07:26 Okay, so go ahead and pull it out.
07:29 So right after you're done with that,
07:30 you'll put it all of it, look at it, it's really pretty.
07:33 So pretty. I love this.
07:36 You can see all the different colors coming together.
07:39 From my angle it has a lot of difference spices coming out
07:43 and it really, you can tell it's like a nice spread.
07:46 So you'll notice when you pull it out, can I have your spoon?
07:49 Of course you can, one moment. Okay.
07:52 So we'll go ahead and pull it out.
07:57 Great.
08:00 You'll notice as we pull it out that it's kind of a flimsy,
08:03 it's really not the best for like shaping at this point
08:07 and that's because it needs to go into the fridge.
08:10 It has to go in the fridge for about two hours.
08:12 Two hours, okay. Two hours.
08:13 I like mine set overnight. Okay.
08:15 It's really, it kind of gives it the best flavor,
08:17 all the seasonings can come together
08:19 and really merge into one.
08:22 So what you're saying is basically
08:24 after you let it sit for two hours or overnight,
08:26 it becomes firmer texture, it's better for combining...
08:29 It's better for shaping.
08:30 And shaping, awesome... Okay. Yeah.
08:32 And that's what you need to be able to do
08:33 for the next part of it.
08:35 So we'll go ahead and throw that into the fridge.
08:37 We had a pre-made one that's already sat overnight
08:40 coming out of the fridge
08:42 and we'll explain how to do after that.
08:43 All right, let's...
08:44 So I'll go ahead and get some oil into our pan.
08:52 Okay.
08:54 So we have oil in our pan.
08:55 So now we have our dough, that's still a dough,
09:00 but our food that stay overnight...s
09:02 Absolutely, okay.
09:03 It's very easy for shaping now as you can see,
09:06 we've pull some out.
09:07 Wow. It's very thick. It's hardened up.
09:11 I'll show it up there. Very thick.
09:12 Really hard.
09:14 It's really nice for shaping.
09:15 I like to put them into like little cylinders,
09:18 so we make them into little cylinders.
09:20 Cylinders, okay.
09:23 Turn the heat on and you go ahead
09:28 and when it gets to heat, we'll just place them on.
09:30 So let's see here.
09:32 Let that heat up.
09:34 So again, you can make them in any shape you want to.
09:36 I like to put them into a little circle shape.
09:41 Okay.
09:42 You can make them in a little football shapes,
09:44 you can make them in a little triangles,
09:45 you can flatten it out and make them into actual burgers again,
09:48 it's entirely up to you,
09:50 but again, I enjoy the little cylinder shape.
09:53 So I'm going to go ahead and toss it on here.
09:55 It's going to start to sizzle.
09:56 Now something cool,
09:58 also cool about the beyond burger is that
09:59 it has its own kind of oil in it,
10:02 so it actually helps cook itself.
10:04 Oh, okay. That's really impressive.
10:05 Oh, okay, interesting. Okay.
10:07 So...
10:08 Nice, so it heat so that, and then it cooks in there,
10:11 very nice.
10:13 I kind of made mine into a hamburger,
10:14 I really like this.
10:15 That works too.
10:17 So that's the basis of it.
10:19 So once it starts to cooking it, that's it...
10:21 And you just go each side so.
10:22 I notice that you like to put skewers in yours,
10:25 so do you cook it with the skewers
10:27 from side to side or...
10:28 No, I prefer to cook it without the skewers first.
10:31 Okay.
10:32 Because if you do it with the skewers,
10:34 you can't turn it as well, it's going to stick to the pot,
10:37 it's going to burn your skewer too
10:39 'cause the edges of your pot get really hot.
10:41 So if you're doing that,
10:42 it will burn your skewer for one thing.
10:44 And secondly, it's just kind of clumsy in your pan.
10:48 It's really hard to work with.
10:49 So I throw it in before I put the skewer in.
10:51 Okay.
10:52 And one thing I've also found when cooking especially
10:54 since it has its own different oils,
10:57 also you can do it with water as well,
10:59 it's healthier, so, you know,
11:00 oil or water might be a good, you know,
11:02 suggestion based on what you're interested in.
11:05 So I hear the sizzling. Okay.
11:07 You can already see from this little picture here,
11:09 it's already starting to pick up its steam here.
11:13 Nice.
11:16 We'll go ahead, you want me to grab the other ones?
11:17 Absolutely. I'll toss them in here too.
11:18 Okay, thank you.
11:20 I cannot wait to try this.
11:22 I'm so excited.
11:24 Awesome. Okay.
11:29 I want to try something different,
11:30 it's Creative Cooking after all, right?
11:32 Creative Cooking. All right.
11:37 So you're going to let each one of these cooked
11:38 for about two to three minutes
11:43 depending on your heat
11:45 and it will get into this nice kind of brown color.
11:50 So you want to try it out? It's all yours.
11:52 Yeah, I like to, sounds like fun.
11:55 Oh, wow, look at that.
11:57 It has like a nice caramelized look on each side,
12:00 I like that, okay.
12:02 Something you might want to try also,
12:04 if you do the burgers you could put in the grill,
12:06 you could grill it.
12:07 You know, bring your friends over
12:09 and have them smoke it in the grill.
12:11 You could do whole sorts of things like,
12:13 you can see she has hamburgers in there too.
12:16 And you can make a hamburger, you can make...
12:18 A vegan hamburger, wow!
12:19 A vegan hamburger, it's also gluten free remember it,
12:21 gluten free hamburger.
12:22 Gluten free, non-GMO. Wow, okay.
12:25 So this is amazing.
12:27 I just want you at home to see it,
12:29 the smell is amazing.
12:31 We eat from the pumpkin,
12:33 you also have the freshness from the herbs,
12:36 and it's very flavorful.
12:39 Me personally I love flavorful food
12:41 and when it comes to having plant-based meals,
12:43 when your food is flavorful,
12:45 it really shows you that you can eat healthy
12:47 and also delicious meals at the same time
12:49 and you don't miss it.
12:51 So you don't miss, you know,
12:53 all the other things that are not necessarily healthy
12:55 if you have flavorful plant-based food.
12:58 So if you just take a look at this.
13:00 I love you to see what I'm looking at.
13:04 So if you see this right here, it's grilled on the sides.
13:10 Yeah, I'll show you mine.
13:12 Here you go.
13:14 You can see the grill on each side, okay.
13:16 And remember, you can cook this in water.
13:20 All right, this smells amazing, Alex.
13:23 Yeah.
13:24 Thank you for sharing this recipe.
13:27 Wow.
13:29 Okay.
13:30 Yeah.
13:32 I enjoy eating it, couple of friends of mine,
13:33 we like to put or make our own barbecue sauce
13:35 and throw them on there.
13:37 Oh, wow.
13:38 Speaking of which, I think you have a sauce
13:39 that you want to work on.
13:41 Yes, I do have a sauce.
13:42 So, Alex, I want to thank you again so much for helping
13:45 and thank you for showing me this recipe.
13:48 And I'll see you around, Nicole.
13:49 All right, take care.
13:51 For the next recipe we'll be making kefta dressing
13:54 and the ingredients include...
14:02 I will tell you, this kefta recipe is amazing.
14:06 The smell is just too much for me.
14:09 I'm super excited to try this.
14:11 Okay, but first let's go to our kefta dressing.
14:15 So we'll be taking some yogurt,
14:18 vegan yogurt
14:20 and we'll put it into a processor.
14:23 Put some of that in there.
14:26 You can put into a processor or a blender, okay.
14:30 And also we'll put some fresh mint in there.
14:34 It really helps to liven the sauce.
14:39 Okay.
14:42 So...
14:43 Wow, the smell is amazing.
14:45 It's just like having a really nice pack of gum,
14:48 it's amazing smell, okay.
14:50 So we're going to put this in to our blender or processor
14:54 and I will let you know
14:55 if you want to be a little creative at home
14:57 which I really encourage,
14:59 you can add other different spices in,
15:01 if you want to put a little bit of pumpkin spice
15:03 from the keftas in there, you're welcome to.
15:06 So let's say if you decide to do that,
15:07 you can put that in there.
15:10 If you want to put some salt to taste,
15:11 you can do that as well.
15:13 So we'll go ahead and make our dressing.
15:18 Okay.
15:31 Nice.
15:32 All right,
15:34 so I'm going to take this out
15:38 and smell it.
15:42 Wow, that is amazing, amazing, amazing, the smell is fresh.
15:47 Let me take this.
15:50 Well, okay.
15:53 There we go, I really like this, okay.
15:58 So I'll pour it back into its original casing here
16:01 so you can see it.
16:04 All right.
16:06 It has a really nice color to it.
16:09 If you look right there, you can see the different,
16:12 the fresh mint, we've got the yogurt,
16:15 you can put a little pumpkin spice in there,
16:17 it's right there,
16:19 and it's really great to accompany your keftas.
16:21 So let's take a try.
16:24 All right, so you can take your skewers
16:26 and put it inside of your kefta
16:30 like so, just like this.
16:33 Okay, yeah, I'm really excited.
16:36 Okay.
16:38 And then you can, if you're eating alone,
16:41 you can double dip,
16:43 but you can just take your kefta
16:46 and dip it into your sauce.
16:49 Okay.
16:53 Oh, my goodness, this is so delicious.
16:59 The fresh herbs are really jumping out at you
17:03 and then the sauce...
17:07 It really accents the kefta.
17:09 This is really good.
17:11 So that is our second recipe, we have our kefta dressing.
17:16 Now for our last recipe as I finish this,
17:20 we'll be having hot and sour soup.
17:23 The ingredients include...
17:56 All right.
17:57 Now, let's get started on our hot and sour soup.
18:01 To start us off, I'm going to take some water
18:03 and I'll pour into the pan.
18:07 Okay.
18:09 And I'm going to let that boil.
18:12 And I will add as well chicken style seasoning,
18:16 so I'll take the chicken style seasoning
18:18 and I'll just pour it in.
18:20 This flavors the soup.
18:25 Okay.
18:29 There it is, all right.
18:31 So while that is cooking,
18:33 also I am going to cube some tofu.
18:37 So get some firm tofu,
18:38 you can also get some organic kind.
18:43 All right, so I'm just going to cut down.
18:48 Four sections going down, one in the middle.
18:55 Okay, now I'll just continue to cube it.
19:02 All right, so now our tofu is ready.
19:05 Next but not least we're going to add soy curls.
19:09 It's good to soak your soy curls
19:11 before putting it into the soup,
19:12 so it's all ready to go
19:14 or you could just put it in straight,
19:15 it will also become tender after a while.
19:18 So soy curls are dehydrated
19:20 but you hydrate it with water by soaking it,
19:23 so you put that in.
19:26 And if you don't want to use a meat substitute,
19:29 you don't have to as well.
19:31 Here's, some bamboo shoots,
19:33 so you can put in there as well.
19:36 Okay.
19:41 Alrighty.
19:44 Now, we can also add mushrooms.
19:47 These are dry shiitake mushrooms
19:51 and all you do is you soak it in water
19:53 for about 30 minutes and then you'll have
19:55 a tenderize mushroom, so it looks just like this.
19:58 And you can get this at your local Asian store.
20:02 So now I'll take up our mushrooms.
20:04 I've been letting mine soak
20:07 and you can do the same at home,
20:09 just put that in.
20:16 This definitely reminds me of Asia,
20:20 beautiful, beautiful country, continent actually.
20:24 There we go.
20:26 So now we have
20:28 the shiitake mushrooms in the soup,
20:30 now it's all boiling.
20:33 Next, we will add the tofu.
20:51 Now this is a distinct soup,
20:54 it's very authentic,
20:57 and with this soup you can also add different flavors
21:00 to make it your own
21:02 if you would like a different taste.
21:05 Now we will add our Aminos Braggs,
21:07 we'll just pour this in.
21:10 Okay, and then we will put some,
21:13 if you want a little bit of kick to it,
21:15 you can add some chili garlic.
21:18 So I'll pour that in there as well.
21:23 So just stir it around.
21:28 Wow, and just let the flavor simmer,
21:30 you can definitely tell that it's hot.
21:33 If you look closely, you can see the hot peppers,
21:36 it has been hot.
21:38 You can see the hot red peppers just shining through the soup.
21:45 Okay.
21:47 Now you're going to let that cook for a little bit.
21:53 Wow, the smell is amazing, it's like fresh
21:56 but it also has the savory from the aminos
22:00 and then you have the smell from the mushrooms,
22:04 this is a very unique soup.
22:06 It is acquired taste.
22:07 I will let you know that it's an acquired taste
22:09 but I'm excited to try it.
22:11 So next, we're going to add,
22:14 as this is cooking for a period of time,
22:16 then you will take a lime or a lemon
22:20 and you'll add the juice to that.
22:23 I'll squeeze some over.
22:29 And then also you can,
22:31 if you want you can also have pre-made lemon juice
22:34 and you can just put that in there.
22:37 And now as it's boiling,
22:41 all of the flavors are combining.
22:44 You can also taste your soup in between
22:46 and see if it's to your liking, I'll try little in here.
22:55 Okay, wow, that is spicy for sure.
22:58 This will wake you up, that's for sure.
23:02 Okay, that's a hot and sour soup for sure.
23:06 Okay, and so then we'll put a little bit,
23:08 if you want to put a little more seasonings,
23:09 I'll just put a little sprinkle
23:12 of chicken style seasoning in there,
23:14 just a little bit more.
23:15 That's good for me.
23:17 And remember to just change the menu
23:21 or change the ingredients a little bit if you like to,
23:24 add different flavors,
23:26 but this is a really good recipe for me.
23:28 So for the lime we will add some zest now.
23:36 Okay.
23:37 And you want to make sure you get the outer layer.
23:40 When it starts getting to the white part,
23:43 it becomes a little bit more bitter.
23:44 So just keeps getting that outer layer.
23:49 Putting that over, that's really fresh,
23:52 I like, yeah, that's great.
23:56 Okay.
23:59 You can add a little bit more zest to it.
24:03 It brings out the different flavors
24:05 in the soup which I like it,
24:07 it accents in a really great way.
24:10 Okay.
24:13 So now all of the flavors are combining.
24:18 You know when traveling I found especially in Asia,
24:21 it's just amazing to see how
24:23 all the different people connect with each other
24:26 and what brings people together.
24:27 One common denominator I have found is food,
24:30 and that's why I really enjoy making plant-based food
24:34 'cause it brings us together in a healthy way,
24:36 and we can also try different cuisines
24:38 from different countries,
24:40 and that's why at around the World
24:41 in Seven Days
24:42 I like to cook plant-based international infused cuisine.
24:47 And right now we're also getting into more workshops
24:50 and things like that
24:51 but I really enjoy international food,
24:53 so it's such a pleasure to make the soup with you.
24:56 Wow, that smells really, really good.
25:00 So when you make it at home,
25:01 be sure to bring your friends together.
25:04 I really find that making different recipes
25:07 and sharing recipes with each other
25:09 can unite people on a common interest.
25:11 At the end of the day we all have to eat,
25:13 why not have delicious food and plant-based food?
25:17 'Cause ultimately what we eat
25:19 can directly impact the way that we think,
25:22 the way that we feel,
25:23 the way that we make decisions.
25:25 You know, have you ever been at home and you were, you know,
25:28 eating something really delicious
25:30 and it maybe had lots of butter
25:32 and all these different ingredients
25:33 and you became tired?
25:35 That's not normal or natural at all
25:38 and I've been there before
25:40 and I realize that
25:41 the more that I eat plant-based food
25:44 or lighter food, the better I feel
25:46 and the better I'm able to accomplish
25:48 the different tasks that I have for the day,
25:50 the more energy I have
25:52 which is completely critical
25:53 especially when you want to do great things
25:55 and have fun, enjoy,
25:56 and do what you're meant to do and what you're called to do.
25:59 So it's great to have and start incorporating
26:02 more plant-based foods in the diet.
26:04 At the end of the day, this is a health journey,
26:06 it's not a sprint,
26:08 it doesn't mean that you need to just drop everything,
26:10 you can if you want to,
26:12 but it doesn't mean you have to drop everything right away,
26:15 but start incorporating these things into your diet,
26:17 so having more plant-based, some leafy greens,
26:20 take it step by step,
26:21 just make sure you're stepping in the right direction.
26:24 So it's really great today to be cooking with you
26:27 and let's take a look at all the things we made today.
26:31 So we made our hot and sour soup
26:33 which is delicious.
26:35 It has a different sour and sweet zest
26:39 from the lime and the lemon
26:41 and when you try it,
26:43 it definitely is something that will wake you up,
26:45 that is for sure.
26:47 Our next dish, we have the keftas.
26:50 They're filled with fresh herbs and spices
26:53 and I really like that Alex used something new to me
26:55 which is beyond burgers,
26:57 they have a good texture to them and they hold well.
27:01 So it's key when you make these,
27:03 so let it sit overnight so it's able to better manage
27:07 the different molding that you put around it,
27:10 and you can put a skewer in there as well
27:12 and dip it in our last recipe of the day
27:16 which is our kefta dressing.
27:17 Right here if you take a look,
27:19 we have the base designed for you
27:22 and the recipe which is filled with vegan yogurt and mints
27:27 and you can put your own different spices in as well.
27:31 So after making all these delicious meals,
27:34 I hope you go to your friends and family
27:36 and bring them together on some of these meals
27:38 and just enjoy each other's company,
27:40 share stories, embrace the time.
27:42 I want to thank you so much for tuning in
27:45 and watching this amazing Creative Cooking program.
27:50 Now I would like to share with you one text
27:53 that I love so dearly,
27:54 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
27:57 and be in health just as your soul prospers."
27:59 Be sure to tune in next time
28:02 around the world at Creative Cooking.


Revised 2018-04-23