Divine Design

Common Complaints of Pregnancy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Patti Barnes


Series Code: DIV

Program Code: DIV000007A

00:01 The contents of the following program are not intended
00:04 to substitute for the advice of your healthcare provider,
00:07 and the producers of this series
00:09 assume no liability
00:10 for the use or misuse of the material presented.
00:20 Creation or evolution, design or random chance,
00:27 they say it all began with a big bang,
00:31 but when we look at the amazing human body,
00:33 the answer is obvious.
00:36 The complexity of the design exceeds anything
00:38 man has ever made.
00:41 The body, it only have been designed
00:43 by the Master Designer we read about in the Bible.
00:47 Join us,
00:49 as we explore the miraculous development
00:51 of the human baby.
01:07 Divine Design.
01:26 Hello, I'm Patti Barnes,
01:28 the director of the Midwifery Program
01:30 at Hartland College.
01:32 I like to share with you a few of the common complaints
01:35 expected mothers have during pregnancy.
01:38 By the way,
01:39 when we use the word complaints here,
01:41 we should understand that
01:43 we are talking about murmuring and complaining.
01:45 We're just using the medical sense of the word.
01:48 In other words, physical discomforts.
01:51 In the devotional book Reflecting Christ,
01:53 page 165 we read,
01:56 "Man is God's workmanship, His masterpiece,
01:59 created for a high and holy purpose
02:01 and on every part of the human tabernacle
02:04 God desires to write his law."
02:06 What a wonderful thought,
02:08 the human tabernacle is the body of the flesh
02:11 we inhabit and Jesus wants to inhabit it with us.
02:16 And write his law on every part
02:19 as the great Apostle Paul said,
02:22 "Christ in you, the hope of glory."
02:26 Pain can be a tool in the hand of God
02:29 to bring us closer to Christ and make us stronger.
02:33 In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul wrote,
02:38 "And he said unto me,
02:39 My grace is sufficient for thee:
02:41 for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
02:44 Most gladly therefore
02:45 will I rather glory in my infirmities,
02:47 that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
02:51 As you know God's original plan for bearing children
02:54 didn't include the pain and sorrow
02:56 that resulted from the fall.
02:58 But be of the courage,
03:00 our creator is all wise
03:02 and knows that even though we might not recognize it,
03:05 our pains and discomforts have a divine purpose.
03:09 You know, designed to work for us,
03:11 not against us.
03:13 In our weakness,
03:14 we are directed to look up to Him
03:17 who is able to help us.
03:19 Let us look at a few other complaints of pregnant women.
03:24 Nausea at the beginning of pregnancy
03:26 is often referred to as morning sickness.
03:30 This is one of the first signs of pregnancy.
03:34 And usually occurs during the first trimester.
03:37 Usually occurring right round the seventh week,
03:40 the good news is that in the vast majority of cases
03:45 there is no threat or danger
03:47 to either the mother or the baby.
03:50 There are some rare cases however,
03:52 when continuous vomiting may require hospitalization.
03:56 This extreme condition is called Hyperemesis Gravidarum.
04:01 In such cases,
04:03 it is essential to have the electrolytes restored
04:06 and the vomiting brought under control.
04:08 Morning sickness is really a misnomer.
04:11 For it's neither a sickness
04:13 nor is it restricted to the morning.
04:15 Although it maybe experienced more in the morning.
04:19 It's brought on by rapid hormonal changes
04:21 that take place in the mother
04:23 during the early stages of pregnancy.
04:25 It's normal and the silver lining around this
04:29 is it generally speaking miscarriages are less likely
04:33 if the mother is experiencing nausea.
04:37 By the way, if you're carrying twins,
04:39 the nausea probably would be a little worse.
04:42 But take heart,
04:43 nausea usually subsides around the 13th week,
04:47 which is the end of the first trimester.
04:50 There is some comfort measures that can be taken
04:52 to alleviate the symptoms of nausea.
04:55 A good well round of diet of wholesome foods will help.
04:59 Avoid fatty foods, and especially fried foods.
05:02 Foods that are easily digested should be the diet of choice.
05:06 It's also important to stay well hydrated,
05:09 drink copious amounts of water.
05:11 You're going to need extra while you're pregnant
05:14 and if you're vomiting,
05:15 you'll need to replace those lost fluids.
05:19 Ginger is often helpful in alleviating nausea.
05:23 But don't over do it,
05:24 ginger can have a tendency to thin your blood.
05:27 Peppermint tea may also be effective in reducing nausea.
05:30 Open the windows to fresh air and finally avoid fumes
05:35 and disagreeable odors,
05:37 because during pregnancy you'll find,
05:40 you're more sensitive to smells.
05:42 But look at the bright side, this heightened sense of smell
05:46 will cause you to avoid smoke and fumes
05:48 that could be harmful to both you and your baby.
05:52 Now next,
05:53 let's talk about heartburn or indigestion.
05:56 There is an old wise tale that says that
05:59 heartburn is the indication
06:01 that the baby will have a lot of hair.
06:04 Of course, this isn't true.
06:06 There is actually a burning sensation in esophagus
06:10 that may be cause
06:11 by the relaxing effect of progesterone
06:13 in the cardiac's being through the stomach,
06:16 which allows for stomach acid to back up into the esophagus.
06:20 As the uterus grows,
06:22 it pushes up against the stomach
06:24 which may also contribute to this acid backup.
06:28 So what are some things you can do
06:31 to help relieve the situation?
06:33 Not drinking with your meals will help,
06:35 so that you can more easily digest your food
06:37 and prevent some of that acid reflux.
06:40 Avoid fried and spicy foods
06:42 and stick with those easily digested and nutritious items.
06:47 It is also recommended
06:49 that you not lie down right after eating.
06:51 But take a walk instead.
06:53 While in bed, lie on your left side
06:56 because laying on the right side
06:58 places the esophagus below the stomach.
07:01 You may find it helpful to pop yourself up a little
07:04 when you go to bed.
07:06 Don't eat late in the evening,
07:07 allow time for digestion before retiring.
07:11 Now, let's talk about frequent urination.
07:14 The need to urinate often occurs
07:16 during the first trimester
07:18 due to pressure on the bladder because the uterus is below.
07:22 As a uterus grows,
07:24 it also rises taking pressure off the bladder.
07:27 Near the end of pregnancy,
07:29 as the baby descends into the pelvis,
07:31 direct pressure is once again exerted on the bladder
07:35 and frequent urination occurs again.
07:39 The problem is that
07:40 you need to drink lots of water,
07:41 so please don't dehydrate yourself
07:44 in attempt to ward off the surge to urinate.
07:47 But what you can do is stop drinking a couple of hours
07:50 before bedtime to help prevent nocturia.
07:53 You should also avoid beverages
07:55 that have a diuretic effect like coffee and tea,
07:58 and of course alcohol.
08:00 All right, let's talk about back pain in pregnancy.
08:05 Now back pain is common and understandably so.
08:10 You're gaining weight
08:11 and your posture is naturally changing,
08:13 putting a little more strain on your back muscles.
08:16 Try to keep your posture straight
08:18 and avoid standing for prolong periods.
08:21 It will also be helpful
08:23 if you remember to bend at the knees
08:25 when you need to bend over
08:27 rather than bending at the waist.
08:29 Comfortable low heeled shoes rather than high heels
08:32 will also help take the strain of the back.
08:36 When in bed, tacking a pillow under your abdomen,
08:39 behind your back and between your knees,
08:41 they offer some support and comfort.
08:45 Hydrotherapy is also an excellent way to bring relief.
08:49 This can be done with warm towels applied to the back
08:52 or a more convenient way
08:54 is simply using a hot water bottle.
08:57 The heat will relax the back muscles
08:59 but just remember,
09:00 do not get it too hot which might burn the skin.
09:05 Another common discomfort
09:07 that shows up mainly in a second trimester
09:09 as the uterus is growing
09:11 is what is called round ligament pain.
09:14 These are the ligaments that hold up the uterus in place.
09:19 And say you're being stretched,
09:20 you may feel a sharp pain in the lower abdomen
09:24 on either side and down the legs.
09:27 Some things you might try to alleviate
09:29 these pains are rising from a sitting position slowly,
09:33 bending toward the pain
09:35 which will ease the strain on the ligaments,
09:38 avoid twisting motions, try walking.
09:43 And if the ligaments feel like they are in a spasm,
09:46 massaging may bring relief by relaxing that area.
09:51 If the pain is intense,
09:52 you may want to check with your healthcare provider
09:55 to rule out appendicitis or any other serious condition.
10:00 Next, let's talk about varicose veins.
10:03 These are swollen knotted veins mostly appearing in the legs,
10:08 but may occur elsewhere.
10:10 This is caused by increased pressure in the veins
10:13 due to the growing weight of the abdomen.
10:15 In addition, hormones are softening the vein walls.
10:19 As the vein swell,
10:21 they can lead to aching and throbbing.
10:23 Here are a few recommendations to relief their causatives.
10:28 Avoid standing for long periods.
10:31 Pop your legs up when sitting.
10:33 Avoid crossing your legs
10:35 which will only hinder circulation.
10:38 Walking regular will encourage
10:40 better blood flow and relieve pressure.
10:43 Avoid constriction caused by tight bands.
10:47 Some doctors recommend support hose
10:50 as long as they're not too tight.
10:52 Wear comfortable shoes and avoid excess weight gain.
10:58 The last one we have time to discuss is that of fatigue.
11:01 Fatigue is caused by several factors.
11:04 First of all,
11:05 much of your body's energy is being invested
11:08 in the development of the baby support system.
11:12 The placenta is under construction
11:14 and will attacks your nutrient supply.
11:17 You have hormonal fluctuations taking place
11:20 that will affect your motions and cause mood swings
11:23 which also contribute to the fatigue.
11:26 You also having to bear more and more weight
11:29 as the baby grows.
11:31 Discomforts may be to some irregular sleep
11:34 and we all knew that pain can be tiring.
11:37 One thing you want to be
11:39 should have checked is your iron level.
11:42 Low iron can lead to fatigue
11:44 and your body is naturally going to require more iron
11:47 as your baby grows.
11:49 Other things you can do include
11:51 maintaining a regular schedule,
11:54 taking a nap during the day if necessary, exercising,
11:59 although you might think
12:00 that leads to more fatigue will actually build you up,
12:04 so to have more stamina.
12:07 We are talking about simple exercise
12:09 like walking outdoors in the sunshine.
12:12 Again, drink plenty of water
12:15 as Dr. Trash used to say,
12:17 it can perk you up like a wilting flower.
12:21 Avoid stimulants like coffee and tea.
12:23 They will only pick you up to let you down even more.
12:27 And the same goes for sugary snacks.
12:30 Give yourself daily to Jesus and claim the promise.
12:34 "He giveth power to the faint,
12:37 and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
12:41 But they that wait upon the Lord
12:42 shall renew their strength,
12:44 they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
12:47 they shall run, and not be weary,
12:49 and they shall walk and not faint."
12:52 Walk with God
12:55 A calm
12:58 And heavenly frame
13:06 A light to shine
13:11 Upon the road
13:17 That leads me to the Lamb!
13:27 Return, O holy Dove
13:35 Return
13:38 Sweet messenger of rest!
13:48 I hate the sins that made
13:55 Thee mourn
13:57 And drove Thee from my breast
14:05 Join me next time for more of Divine Design.
14:07 What peaceful hours
14:12 I once enjoyed!
14:17 How sweet their memory still!
14:26 But they have...


Revised 2016-10-10