Divine Design

New Age Practices

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Patti Barnes


Series Code: DIV

Program Code: DIV000009A

00:01 The contents of the following program
00:03 are not intended to substitute
00:04 for the advice of your healthcare provider,
00:07 and the producers of this series
00:09 assume no liability
00:10 for the use or misuse of the material presented.
00:21 Creation or evolution,
00:24 design or random chance,
00:27 they say it all began with a big bang,
00:31 but when we look at the amazing human body,
00:34 the answer is obvious.
00:36 The complexity of the design
00:37 exceeds anything man has ever made.
00:41 The body, it only have been designed
00:43 by the Master Designer we read about in the Bible.
00:47 Join us,
00:48 as we explore the miraculous development of the human baby.
01:08 Divine Design.
01:25 Hello I am Patti Barnes,
01:28 director of the Midwifery program
01:29 at Hartland College.
01:31 Today we're going to discuss
01:33 a few new age practices
01:36 that have found their way in the arena of child birth.
01:40 The term new age is difficult to define,
01:43 but perhaps a simple way to look at it
01:46 is a repackaging of many aspects of spiritualism
01:51 that trace back through eastern religions
01:53 to ancient Babylon in Egypt,
01:56 but originating with Satan's first lie to Eve.
01:59 "Thou shalt not surely die, thou shall be of God."
02:06 Spiritualism is one of the three unclean spirits
02:09 mentioned in Revelation 16
02:11 that go out and deceive the whole world
02:14 in these last days.
02:16 In volume five of the Testimonies
02:18 for the Church page 443, we find this counsel.
02:23 "There are many ways of practicing the healing art,
02:26 but there is only one way that Heaven approves.
02:30 God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature
02:33 that will not tax or debilitate the system
02:36 through their powerful properties.
02:38 Pure air and water,
02:40 cleanliness, a proper diet,
02:42 purity of life,
02:44 and a firm trust in God are remedies
02:47 for the want of which thousands are dying."
02:50 Indeed, there are many ways of practicing the healing art,
02:55 and new age techniques are among them.
02:58 First, let's look at the subject of Hypno-Birthing.
03:03 Hypnosis have been gaining in popularity
03:05 over the past few decades
03:07 across a wide variety of fields.
03:10 We find it in business, athletics, psychology,
03:14 medicine, dentistry,
03:16 religious worship, and now child birth.
03:20 Some assume that
03:21 there is nothing more than a placebo effect
03:23 when hypnosis is used in the field of medicine.
03:26 Other seem convinced
03:28 that healing and pain relief can be greatly aided
03:31 by the use of hypnosis.
03:34 Just what is behind these claims,
03:36 and is there any truth to them.
03:38 More importantly,
03:40 is there any danger in the use of hypnosis.
03:44 To answer these questions,
03:45 we must consider its history and who has promoted it.
03:50 We find that many eastern religions
03:52 have practiced it for centuries
03:54 including Hindus, Buddhists, witchdoctors, yogis,
03:58 spirit mediums, and so on.
04:01 That should immediately raise some red flags for Christians.
04:06 Whether the practice of self hypnosis
04:09 or one person hypnotizing another,
04:12 the result is nearly the same.
04:14 A trancelike state in which the subject is left vulnerable
04:19 to the impressions of another person
04:21 or even demonic spirits.
04:25 First, the mind is emptied often by the use of the mantra
04:29 or repetition of a word or phrase over and over
04:33 until the mind drips off
04:35 into a somewhat altered state of consciousness.
04:38 Eastern religious practices
04:40 use this method to come
04:42 in contact with their inner voice
04:44 or the God residing within.
04:47 This is based on pantheism
04:50 and it's foreign to biblical meditation
04:53 which fills the mind as opposed to emptying it.
04:58 The Bible way is to meditate on verses of scriptures
05:02 not in vain repetition,
05:04 but in searching out its meaning
05:06 or claiming its promise.
05:09 Jesus warned against the occult and apostate method
05:12 when he said in Matthew 6:7...
05:16 "But when ye pray, us not vain repetitions,
05:20 as the heathen do."
05:22 There is a definite difference between trusting God
05:25 to help you through labor by prayer and praise,
05:28 claiming His promises over
05:31 against the hypnotic method of altering your state of mind
05:35 and convincing yourself
05:37 that you can do great things including escaping labor pains.
05:42 I once had a client who was convinced
05:45 that she did not have to suffer contractions
05:47 believing that it was not God's will
05:49 for Christians to suffer pain.
05:52 The result was she was delaying
05:54 the natural process of contractions
05:56 that would push the baby down to the birth canal.
06:00 There is power in the mind,
06:03 but in this case it was only providing an obstacle
06:06 when she finally consented
06:08 to work in harmony with her body,
06:10 the contractions did their appointed work
06:13 and the baby was delivered.
06:15 While it is true that believers in Christ are redeem
06:18 from the curse of the law,
06:20 that doesn't exempt us
06:21 from all of the consequences of sins,
06:24 which includes pain.
06:26 When Jesus rescues us
06:27 and places us on that safe glass,
06:30 He will wipe away all tears
06:32 and there will be no more pain and sorrow.
06:35 In the mean time we must endure suffering and hardship
06:39 through His grace including labor pains.
06:42 The argument is often raised that if we use
06:45 Christian based hypnosis, there is no problem.
06:49 That's an oxymoron
06:50 as hypnosis is not Christian but pagan.
06:54 The only trances recorded in scripture
06:57 for believers were those induced directly
07:01 by the Holy Spirit,
07:03 not by self-hypnosis or another person.
07:06 An empty mind is a vacuum
07:08 that demonic forces are more than ready to occupy,
07:12 while there are some that would scoff at this idea,
07:16 it is nevertheless a real threat.
07:19 Consider this passage from the book,
07:22 The Great Controversy, page 556.
07:25 "The claim that men can hold intercourse with evil spirits
07:28 is regarded as a fable of the Dark Ages.
07:32 But spiritualism,
07:33 which numbers its converts by hundreds of thousands,
07:37 yea, by millions,
07:39 which has made its way into scientific circles,
07:42 which has invaded churches,
07:44 and has found favor in legislative bodies,
07:47 and even in the courts of kings-
07:49 this mammoth deception is but a revival,
07:52 in a new disguise,
07:54 of the witchcraft condemned and prohibited of old."
07:58 Those who argue that hypnosis work should consider this.
08:02 It is the masterpiece of Satanic deception.
08:05 It wouldn't be much of the deception
08:07 if it didn't work.
08:08 It is actually because it does seem to work
08:12 that it makes it appealing and therefore more dangerous.
08:17 In Leviticus 19:26,
08:19 God prohibit the use of enchantment.
08:22 "The Hebrew word translated enchantment is Nachash.
08:27 And it means to hiss, whisper a spell.
08:32 This spell could very well be the same
08:34 as the trance of hypnosis
08:37 and may also be what Paul warned about
08:39 in 2 Timothy 3:13.
08:42 "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
08:46 deceiving, and being deceived."
08:50 The Greek word for seducers is go'-ace,
08:54 meaning a wizard has muttering spells.
08:57 Sister White support this interpretation
09:00 in volume two of Mind, Character
09:02 and Personality, page 714.
09:06 "Innocent though it may appear,
09:08 this mind cure,
09:10 if exercised upon the patients,
09:11 will in its development be for their destruction,
09:14 not their restoration.
09:16 Second Timothy 3
09:18 describes persons who accept error,
09:20 such as one mind exercising
09:22 complete control over another mind.
09:25 God forbids any such thing.
09:27 The mind cure is one of Satan's greatest sciences,
09:31 and it is important that our physicians see clearly
09:34 the real character of this science,
09:37 for through it
09:38 great temptations will come to them.
09:40 This science must not be allowed
09:43 a particle of standing room in our sanitariums."
09:46 Another new age practice that has really gain popularity
09:50 in recent years is called placentophagy,
09:53 consuming of the placenta.
09:56 We would readily admit
09:57 that there are vitamins and minerals
09:59 in abundance in the placenta,
10:00 but to eat human tissue
10:02 is nothing less than cannibalism.
10:05 The placenta has served the purpose of several organs
10:10 for growing fetus, including the lungs,
10:12 the kidneys, and the liver.
10:14 We shouldn't be eating such tissue
10:16 from any animal much less from a human body.
10:20 For a time, mothers were being encouraged
10:23 to cook the placenta
10:24 but now the practice of encapsulating
10:26 the placenta has become popular.
10:29 Let it not be forgotten that while there may be
10:32 some nutritional value,
10:34 there may also be great dangers in this practice.
10:37 The placenta acted as a filter
10:40 and a barrier between the mother and the baby
10:43 blocking many harmful substances.
10:45 It also contains blood and waste products
10:47 that should not be ingested.
10:50 It is time that Christians exercise
10:52 our God given sense
10:53 just because some animals
10:55 might the placenta is not any reason
10:58 for us to do that.
10:59 Many animals eat almost anything, included feces.
11:03 A dog will consume his own vomit
11:05 and contrary to the theory of revolution
11:08 we are not mere animals,
11:10 but created in the image of God.
11:13 There is one instance in the Bible
11:15 where it speaks of woman eating their placentas.
11:18 It is found in the famous chapter
11:20 of Blessings and Cursings Deuteronomy 28,
11:23 we find the following curses
11:25 for the rebellious people of God
11:27 in verse 56 and 57,
11:31 while their city is under siege and they're starving to death.
11:35 "The tender and delicate woman among you,
11:38 which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot
11:41 upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness,
11:44 her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom,
11:47 and toward her son, and toward her daughter,
11:50 and toward her young one
11:52 that cometh out between her feet,
11:54 and toward her children which she shall bear:
11:57 for she shall eat them for want of all things secretly
12:00 in the siege and straitness,
12:02 where with thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates."
12:07 The Hebrew word for young one is translated afterbirth
12:10 in the margin.
12:11 The New King James translates it placenta.
12:16 The delicate woman is reduced to cannibalism.
12:21 The last new age practice
12:22 we will consider is that of touch therapy
12:25 based on ancient eastern practices.
12:28 Actually there is usually no touching at all.
12:31 The practitioner holds his or her hands
12:33 inches away from the body of a patient,
12:36 moving them around to detect the energy fields,
12:40 sometimes called the key or the vital force,
12:42 where energy start to be out of balance,
12:45 the hands are moved to redistribute the energies.
12:49 Where there is excess energy or bad energy,
12:52 the practitioner may place one hand,
12:55 palm down toward the ground
12:57 to channel it away from the patient's body.
13:00 Some believe they can transfer
13:02 some of their own energy into the patients.
13:05 Some spiritualistic physicians and midwives
13:08 use similar techniques on women in labor.
13:11 Ellen White often spoke of vital force
13:14 but never in a spiritualistic way.
13:17 She simply was referring to vitality
13:19 and strength of a person,
13:21 not the mystical ki or yin
13:23 or yang of ancient Chinese culture.
13:26 Let us stand strong in God's word
13:28 like Daniel and his three friends,
13:31 who were found healthier
13:32 and ten times wiser than all the magicians,
13:35 astrologers, and sorcerers
13:37 in all of Babylon.
13:39 We read in Daniel 12:3.
13:43 And they that be wise shall shine
13:45 as the brightness of the firmament,
13:47 and they that turn many to righteousness
13:49 as the stars for ever and ever.
13:54 Join us next time for more of Divine Design.


Revised 2016-10-17