
Creating For The Creator

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick & Shanda Ban (Host), Chad & Fadia Kreuzer


Series Code: E

Program Code: E000008

00:20 Hello welcome to Engage, my name is Shandra Ban and my
00:23 co-host David Asscherick and today we are going to be
00:25 talking about creating for the Creator.
00:28 The very first verse in the Bible tells us who that
00:30 Creator is and that He is creative.
00:33 It says, "in the beginning God created the heaven and
00:36 "the earth." And Shandra in John Chapter 1 our viewers know
00:38 that the Bible says "in the beginning was the Word and
00:41 "the Word was with God and the Word was God."
00:43 It goes on to say, "all things were made by Him and
00:46 "without Him with nothing made that was made."
00:48 In our program today we are going to be talking about
00:50 creativity for the Creator.
00:53 And Shandra introduce us to our two guests, friends of
00:56 ours and soon friends of our viewers.
00:58 Absolutely this is Chad and Fadia Kreuzer and they are
01:01 here from Chicago, Illinois.
01:03 We are so glad to have you with us today.
01:05 Thank you - thank you for having us.
01:06 You live in Chicago? - we live west of Chicago about
01:09 and hour period. - I guess I knew that but I don't think
01:11 of you as being urban people so forgive me.
01:15 Okay, it is great to have you guys on the program today.
01:19 We are talking about creativity and we are going to head
01:23 in that direction in the context of your ministry.
01:25 But first let's introduce our viewers to you.
01:28 Who are Chad and Fadia Kreuzer, let's start with you Chad?
01:32 Who is Chad Kreuzer?
01:34 Well basically I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan.
01:39 I was born and raised here the first 19 years of my life
01:42 was spent there, and my family is still all there.
01:45 I was raised Christian, I've believed in God my whole
01:48 life, but I really didn't follow God.
01:50 I never doubted that He was there, but I didn't live for
01:54 Him and I remember as a young boy slowly thinking less
01:57 and less about spiritual things.
01:59 - like in your teen years kind of thing?
02:02 I would say even a little bit younger I started forgetting
02:06 God. - really? - yeah.
02:07 In a strong Christian home or home like I was raised in, just
02:11 church on Sunday morning?
02:12 Pretty much we went to church every Sunday morning, I mean
02:15 every Sunday morning, we hardly ever missed church during
02:18 my whole life. But we were not real spiritual it wasn't
02:21 a real spiritual home.
02:23 So where do we go from there? Basically as I was falling
02:27 away from the idea of God, I always believed in Him but
02:31 I remember my friends starting to getting into drinking,
02:35 drugs and my dad drank quite a bit so there was always
02:38 alcohol in the house, always cigarettes in the house.
02:41 So I started drinking, I'm the kind of person that
02:43 whatever I like doing I almost immediately become addicted
02:47 to it, so I was. - how old were you thin Chad?
02:49 I was probably about 15 when I started, and after a while
02:53 I was drinking almost every day, smoking every day and not
02:57 even happy with it but I would drink myself to sleep
03:00 watching the Discovery Channel at night.
03:01 - really! Just to clarify, maybe I have heard two things
03:05 here, you did or you did not believe in God?
03:08 It did believe in God, but I wasn't living for God.
03:11 It wasn't a personal belief in God?
03:13 No I knew He was there.
03:14 - okay so you weren't an atheist? - no not an atheist.
03:17 Okay now I have got it. So you are in the teenage
03:19 lifestyle but were you taking it too like an extreme
03:21 maybe? Were you really drinking hard?
03:23 Yeah I was drinking myself to sleep, I wouldn't remember
03:27 going to bed at night and I'm all alone so it wasn't like
03:30 I was doing it for the crowd.
03:31 I would sit and watch TV tell I could remember and would
03:33 wake up in bed and remember my mom shaking me awake in the
03:36 morning. - did your parents know you are drinking
03:38 like this? They had figured it out a little bit because
03:41 my dad's alcohol was going away but yeah, they knew
03:45 something was going on.
03:46 So is that all wait for your teen years, even into your
03:50 early 20s? Most of my teen years but a friend of mine was
03:53 an atheist and I went to school with him all my life.
03:56 We met some girls and the girl invited him to church and
04:00 so like every good atheist he goes to church with the
04:03 girl. It's not like he had any interest in spirituality
04:07 but he went for the girls sake.
04:08 Bet you he actually doesn't obviously always happen but he
04:11 gave his life to God and he ditched the girl right after
04:14 that so it obviously wasn't for her.
04:16 So what do you do with you?
04:18 So after he gave his life to God he told us I can't be
04:21 doing drugs anymore, I can't be drinking anymore, nobody
04:24 told him that he just sensed when he gave his life to God
04:26 that he could do this stuff anymore.
04:28 So when I saw that I thought, man he has what I need.
04:31 I wasn't happy doing what I was doing, I knew this is not
04:35 what I wanted in life but I was doing it anyway.
04:37 So yeah, at that point I began to give
04:41 my life to the Lord.
04:42 So this spurred you on, your friend who is an atheist so
04:45 to speak is now telling you now hey you need to be on
04:47 fire, maybe he is not saying those words but you are like
04:50 man, I should be better doing than I am doing.
04:52 Exactly, exactly and then I later on got into college and
04:56 it was that same friend became a Christian, who invited
04:59 me to a set of Bible prophecy meetings
05:02 in Grand Rapids Michigan.
05:04 There was a young guy there preaching and his name was
05:06 David Asscherick. - I know him.
05:08 I have heard of him, I have heard of him, he is not quite
05:11 as young as he used to be but I have heard of him.
05:13 So you come to the meetings Chad in Grand Rapids, what
05:16 here was that remind me. - 2000. - the year 2000.
05:18 And it is your former atheist friend who gave his life to
05:22 Jesus and is now inviting you to the meetings. - exactly.
05:24 He invited me, I had no desire to go.
05:27 It wasn't like oh that would be great I want to go to
05:29 Bible seminar. - really? So why did you go?
05:32 I had nothing to do that night. - Ho, ho, yes.
05:36 When I saw the first meeting was a prophecy where
05:38 basically God foretold the future of the world and
05:41 basically it was powerful to me. - Daniel Chapter 2?
05:44 Daniel Chapter 2 really it blew my mind and I was set on
05:48 going after that.
05:49 As I recall you came if not every single my most of the
05:52 nights? - Every single night a couple nights I had to work
05:54 late I could not make it but I was there and
05:56 it totally changed my life.
05:58 I was baptized and I learned about the Sabbath at that
06:01 meeting and for me a young lady came up to me before the
06:03 meeting and she said he is going to tell you that Sunday
06:07 is Saturday. I did know what she's met and I said well
06:11 is it in the Bible? - She said yeah and I said I don't
06:14 care if it is in the Bible.
06:16 It's okay because I didn't know what it meant, but when
06:18 I saw the truth about the Sabbath it was so clear to me.
06:21 To me there was no way around it and a want
06:23 to follow the Bible.
06:26 So the meetings lasted about five weeks?
06:27 - Yeah about five weeks.
06:28 You can to all of them and by the end of those meetings
06:31 you made a decision to give your life to Jesus and you
06:33 were baptized? - I was baptized there yeah.
06:34 So that gets us up there and we are going to pause
06:37 if that is okay?
06:39 We want to hear about your lovely wife now Fadia why don't
06:41 you tell us how you met the Lord?
06:43 Well I was actually born in Bagdad Iraq and raised in a
06:47 Christian home but we left there when I was about
06:49 two going on three.
06:51 We moved to Athens Greece to another big city.
06:56 We left there when I was about four years old came to
07:00 Chicago, Illinois and was raised there at four going on
07:04 five. - and that is where you stayed?
07:06 - that's where I stayed for a while.
07:08 Pretty much that is where my family raised me in a city.
07:11 Like I said I was raised in a Christian home, went to
07:15 a Christian school and the whole thing, but living in
07:18 this city is kind of tough.
07:19 We would walk to school and everything but you have a lot
07:24 of things challenging you for spiritual walk.
07:28 You walk to school and see all these kinds of things,
07:31 you go to church you loved it.
07:33 What kind of things? The advertisements, you know guys
07:38 walking by whistling at you.
07:40 external pressures and secular things.
07:45 But when I want to church I loved it and I wanted it.
07:48 I loved God in everything but then I felt like I had
07:51 a split personality and was never happy because of its.
07:55 I was depressed because of it.
07:58 Because I'm not fully God's, and I'm not fully the worlds.
08:00 So because of that I had this turmoil all the time.
08:04 All the way up into your teens, the whole way through?
08:08 Then in my first year of college I went away from home
08:16 and it went well and everything and then the next year I went
08:20 back to college again and that year was the year my older
08:25 brother died. - passed away in a car accident?
08:28 He passed away in a car wreck exactly, he was killed by a
08:30 drunk driver actually and it was just devastating for the
08:33 family. - can I quickly interject a question?
08:35 How many of you were there Fadia? Brothers and sisters?
08:40 I was between two boys. - arose between two thorns.
08:45 - yes. - and the brother that passed away was the
08:46 older? He was a older yes.
08:48 So I loved him, we were close all three of us siblings
08:55 we would stay up late talking all the time and
08:57 we had a really good connection.
08:59 - and what did they do to your spiritual?
09:01 In that aspect it was actually a blessing because prior
09:05 to that the whole struggle, but then I started thinking
09:08 about life and I started to think about death
09:10 and started to think if I would die tomorrow whose life
09:15 had I made a difference in.
09:16 Who could say I know Jesus now because of Fadia's
09:20 influence and I caught myself a Christian. - that's
09:23 heavy? That's very heavy and I thank the Lord for those
09:26 thoughts, so what I think to myself whose life have
09:29 I made a difference in, I started thinking, nobody.
09:33 I can't think of one person that I can say I know Jesus
09:35 because the Fadia. - and there is probably a lot of
09:38 people out there that can say that same thing but
09:40 aren't necessarily thinking that.
09:42 So how did that affect your Christian walk
09:43 from there on out?
09:45 So then my prayer changed, Lord make me a Christian,
09:48 do what ever You have to do I want to follow You.
09:52 I want to minister to others, I want to change.
09:55 I want to be real so from then on the Lord just started
10:00 doing things in my life.
10:02 One of them, like Chad's, I went to a prophecy meeting.
10:07 And as I listened, it wasn't so much the prophecy but it
10:10 was more about the character of God that really touched
10:14 my heart and it was like wow God really cares about us.
10:18 He is not the one that is causing all these things and
10:21 He loves us and those are the things that really changed
10:25 my heart and I wanted to serve Him more because of it.
10:28 It was powerful. - and this lead you to the schools of
10:32 evangelism correct? - yes. - and that is where the two
10:36 of you met. - yes we met at a Mission College and it was
10:41 actually in South Dakota.
10:42 It is really interesting because as a kid I went out to
10:46 South Dakota on a trip and I always loved that area.
10:50 Remember I came from a concrete jungle of Chicago and to
10:53 go to South Dakota, it was just a whole different world,
10:56 a totally different world and it was so beautiful so there
10:59 was a seed in my heart for South Dakota.
11:02 So when the option can to choose a school to go to and
11:05 South Dakota came in, and a few things came into play,
11:09 but when I went to look on the map I said Lord it's either
11:12 right smack in the Black Hills or it's on the
11:14 other side of the state.
11:16 So when I went to see Hermosa I said wow Lord You give us
11:18 the desires of our heart and Lord put that desire
11:22 I believe as a child in my heart because I was going
11:25 to serve Him there, but I didn't realize that's where
11:29 I'd meet my husband.
11:30 Okay great, so we've got both of you up just following the
11:35 Lord Jesus, you have a new passion and fire in your hearts
11:39 and you are at this school, this mission college, this
11:43 Bible College and that's where you meet,
11:45 talk to us about that?
11:46 Well I first met her brother and later on I came back to
11:51 the school and we met then.
11:52 There was really nothing between us in the beginning.
11:55 It wasn't until we moved, we were working together on
11:58 a team of young people who were going out and sharing
12:00 the Gospel door-to-door and putting on a Bible seminar.
12:03 While we were there in Ohio, is were really got to know
12:05 each other and there turned out to be some interest here
12:07 and there, and off and on we had an interest
12:09 she ended up joining a small team of people who traveled
12:12 around putting on Bible seminars.
12:14 Well in the course of time we worked for literally years.
12:18 - look at those eyes are still love there.
12:20 Over the course of the years our interest grew more and
12:25 more, we knew each other so well after working full time,
12:30 every day. - how many years did she work together?
12:32 6 years we worked together before we got married, and we
12:35 got married on the seventh year, so it's like every day
12:39 all day you get to know the good, the bad, and the ugly.
12:43 You go through so many things together and our ministries
12:46 were just coming together more and more and so we started
12:51 to pray, Lord of this is what you want you make it happen.
12:55 We do not want to fool ourselves, we don't want to make
12:59 this happen and the Lord answered our prayers
13:02 and brought it together.
13:03 And one of our prayers was, Lord if You bring us together
13:06 we want our ministry to flourish and we want others to
13:10 come to You more.
13:12 We want our families to come to You and all of that.
13:14 That was our prayer, if You want us to come together
13:16 this is what we want.
13:17 Now you keep talking about your ministry, so in the
13:20 beginning, and even before you were married, your ministry
13:23 was largely a teaching preaching ministry?
13:25 You ended up doing seminars not unlike the seminar you had
13:29 come to that I had conducted.
13:30 Exactly we went around throughout the United States and
13:33 Europe putting on seminars about the Bible, giving reasons
13:37 to believe in the Bible and all right through the Bible.
13:41 Prophecy meetings by in large and we also did some
13:43 seminars in overcoming habits and addictions.
13:45 Okay we are great to have you back for program on that so
13:47 we are looking forward to that.
13:48 But at some point you end up in the Pacific Northwest,
13:52 You end up sort of Oregon way is that right?
13:54 Yep. - it is a very secular area, at least where
13:56 you were it is very secular, not a particularly
13:59 a very churched area and you consistently are hearing
14:02 something and that lights a spark for you.
14:06 So what was it that you were hearing?
14:07 Well we were meeting a lot atheist and Gnostics who didn't
14:10 believe in the Bible by in large and while we would talk
14:13 to them, they were open to talking.
14:14 Actually they were more open to talking about spiritual
14:17 matters than Christians are.
14:19 I honestly found that to be the case, we really love
14:21 talking to them, nevertheless as we were talking with them
14:23 and we would speak about the Bible and they would say
14:25 I saw something about that on the Discovery Channel.
14:28 So after hearing that a number of times I knew, like
14:31 I said I used to drink myself to sleep watching it.
14:34 I knew seeing everything you would see on
14:36 spiritual matters would be skeptical and so we thought man
14:38 what if someone will go around to archaeologist,
14:41 theologians, scholars that believe in the Bible and instead
14:44 of giving the skeptical slant given reasons to believe
14:47 in the Bible, to believe in prophecy and the things
14:50 of the Word of God.
14:51 Sort of that medium, the Discovery Channel, the history
14:54 Channel type documentary is an incredible medium but not
14:57 coming from the skeptical perspective but from the
15:00 believing perspective. - exactly.
15:02 So you get this vision in your heart and what were do
15:05 we go from there?
15:06 Well what happened is we thought somebody should do this,
15:09 is what we thought.
15:10 We thought somebody out there. - we had this idea lets
15:12 tell somebody else about it. - exactly.
15:13 We knew someone who worked in video and thought
15:15 they should do this you know.
15:16 Actually David, he called you because he wanted you to
15:20 be in a portion of it and when Chad pitched you the idea
15:24 you were like, why couldn't you do it?
15:27 What would it cost to get your own stuff?
15:30 And we were like oh, yeah so that is where that started.
15:34 We started calling up people we knew to fund raise for
15:37 equipment, Chad had started looking into equipment and
15:40 we started a fund raising for that so
15:41 thank you for doing that for us.
15:44 So your thinking rather than bringing in outside help
15:48 and bringing in the expertise, let's just make a go of
15:52 this ourselves? - yeah exactly.
15:54 - let's create for the Creator lets do something?
15:56 Honestly, if I had known how much it would entail at the
16:00 beginning I would have never had done it.
16:01 Had either of you had any training in this area,
16:03 learning how to make documentaries, filming, editing?
16:06 I really had quite a bit of experience, I had about 19
16:11 years of watching them all the time. - okay, but here's
16:15 the reality though, that is how God leads you.
16:18 I mean the disciples said to Jesus tell us everything,
16:20 there is many things I would like to tell you but you
16:22 could not bear them right now.
16:24 God very often He doesn't say we are going to be going this
16:26 way and go through the Red Sea and then we are going, no,
16:29 you just follow Him step by step and often if we could
16:32 see where we are going to have to go we would say that
16:35 journey is not for me.
16:37 But He takes us incrementally.
16:38 For sure, and that is how it was exactly.
16:40 It has taken so much work, it takes so much of our time,
16:44 it takes so much money and we had no idea that it would
16:47 be all of this but it has been an awesome
16:49 experience and the Lord has totally blest it.
16:51 And you bring your 19 years of experience along,
16:53 I love that, I love that.
16:56 And so you know it that it looks good.
16:58 Yeah I guess that's about it.
16:59 And now you can have the benefit of watching it sober.
17:01 Yeah, exactly so I know it even better now.
17:04 So we are going to go to a clip here in a second of one
17:07 of the documentaries, now the documentaries have an over
17:11 arching name and what is that?
17:12 They're called the Scripture Mysteries Documentary Series.
17:16 Basically we have the first four done and there will be
17:19 20 in the series in the Scripture mysteries where
17:22 basically going through some of the main teaching us to
17:24 give reason to believe in the Bible, to believe in Jesus,
17:27 and the message of Scripture.
17:29 So these are covering a lot of the topics that you would
17:31 have both heard in those initial meetings that you went
17:33 into and you also went on to share with others later.
17:35 Now you're putting it into the documentary form.
17:37 Exactly, laying the foundation for belief, the first one the
17:40 purpose is called the forgotten dream and the purpose is to
17:43 give a reason to believe in the Bible.
17:45 So same message, but what we are doing is literally
17:49 repackaging and putting it in a format, not just the
17:53 teaching preaching format.
17:55 I have two brothers and two sisters neither of whom
17:57 are religious or Christian, though as there are with all
18:00 people a spiritual interest sometimes.
18:02 But if I say will come and listen to this guy preach an
18:05 hour-long sermon, yeah right, it would be like saying come
18:08 with me to an insurance seminar. They will be like no
18:11 thank you. But to watch something, and I have sent these
18:14 to my family, I have sent them to my parents and have
18:17 given them away to many people because they are very
18:20 nonthreatening, the format itself is nonthreatening.
18:24 Chad were going to go to about a minute and a half clip of
18:27 one of them so just walk us through what we are going to
18:29 be seeing here.
18:30 We are going to be watching a clip from the third episode,
18:33 which is called the, Theodyssey, Theodyssey has to do
18:35 with the question if God is good why is there so much pain and
18:38 suffering, trying to tackle some of the difficult issues
18:41 people have, because it is a legitimate question because
18:44 if God is good, why go to great things instead
18:46 of bad things happening.
18:48 You probably could ask question when your brother was
18:50 killed in a car accident? Yes and that was one of the
18:53 things that really touched my heart is knowing that in the
18:56 grand scheme of things God is watching over everything.
18:59 He cares and love and in the end it will
19:02 be taking care of.
19:04 Okay let's go to that clip and for viewers take
19:09 a look at this.
19:11 If God is all loving and all-powerful and all-knowing
19:14 why is their pain and suffering? How can God be a good
19:17 God and a loving God in a world of pain and suffering?
19:20 And the very fact that there is a world in which suffering
19:23 occurs, isn't that evidence that this God can't be
19:27 ultimately good? That somehow He has the world He wanted?
19:31 I mean if He is almighty and this is His world, He made
19:35 it, He created it, ultimately He is the one responsible
19:39 for all the suffering and pain that continue plummets
19:42 our world or else He would have done it a different way.
19:45 He would have created it differently.
19:46 And dare I say it that if there were button here that we
19:49 could push to stop evil button and all you had to do was
19:52 go to the front of the classroom and push that stop evil button,
19:55 Dare I say it most of us would push that button.
19:57 but isn't it interesting that the only being in the universe
20:02 that could potentially push that button, namely God, doesn't.
20:49 That looks so good. - absolutely that looks just as good
20:51 as I remember it looking.
20:53 As I am remembering back to that call that Fadia gave her,
20:56 I think it was Fadia and your like yeah we are going to
21:00 be doing a documentary project and you called me as well
21:03 Chad, we want you to be interviewed for it and
21:05 I remember the mental picture that came into my mind.
21:07 It didn't look that nice I had this picture of you with your
21:12 little video camera walking around, you're point-and-
21:16 shoot and then it came to think alright he's got a real
21:20 camera and he is telling me where to stand and then when
21:24 I actually saw the product for the first time
21:28 I was totally blown away.
21:29 You guys have really created some thing that didn't exist
21:34 and it must be a satisfaction with that.
21:36 Talk to us a little bit about the project.
21:38 I really didn't know a lot about, I really actually was
21:42 afraid of technology honestly before I got into this and
21:46 I think it's the whole thing that God calls you to do
21:50 some thing He is going to somehow enable you to do it.
21:53 I look at it and I'm amazed because
21:54 I knew nothing about these things.
21:56 Once again if God tells you this is what you got to do
22:00 I could ask like I did at times how can I do this and God
22:04 enabled me to every single time He always came through.
22:08 I saw a sign on a church one time that says God's
22:11 providence will never lead you were His grace
22:13 will not sustain you.
22:15 That's good, so if He's telling you to go here He's got
22:17 the resources available to Him.
22:19 When you look at it to you sort of have perfection like oh
22:24 or do you have a level of the praise the Lord
22:29 satisfaction with it?
22:30 when I finally finished it, I'm very critical.
22:34 I still go oh Man I wish I could have gotten the sound
22:37 a little better there, I wish I could've done this
22:39 a little bit differently, but what I see it a few
22:41 months later than I can step back little bit and then
22:44 I'm happy with it.
22:45 It is a blessing to see how Lord can work.
22:49 Chad you just said there when you felt that God was
22:52 asking you to do this you asked Him how could I do it?
22:55 There might be others that may have an interest
22:58 in doing some sort of ministry, but they are saying how
23:00 can I do this, do you have any advice that you can give?
23:03 Well one thing I would say be faithful where you are at.
23:06 All though those years that we were ministry to people and
23:09 sharing, and studying the Bible with folks, that was
23:12 preparing us for what we are doing now.
23:14 We had that knowledge of the Word of God so that when the
23:19 time came to put that on film we had it up there and it
23:23 made it easier to know what questions to ask the
23:26 professors, to know what direction to go with the whole
23:29 project and I think because we were faithful to God in the
23:33 small things He was able to give us more.
23:36 I think just to go along with that sometimes you want
23:39 to do something big, ah I need $50,000 to make a video,
23:43 a documentary or what ever.
23:44 The reality is just stick with what God is giving you to
23:48 do right now and if you do it faithfully what He
23:50 asked you to do He will give you something else and
23:52 something more after that and you will
23:54 just continue to grow.
23:55 It is incremental, He is leading you in a step-by-step
23:59 process, it reminds me of a hymn, a hymn that we sing
24:02 that says I stand idle waiting for some life work
24:06 grand, when the field of Jesus waits your reaping hand.
24:10 Of course the book of Ecclesiastes, whatever your hand
24:14 finds to do, do it with all of your might.
24:17 So I like what you say there where it prepared you.
24:21 You had a foundation, you had a substance that you were
24:25 able to transition over to into the video medium.
24:28 What has been the reaction, has it been received as you
24:32 hoped? Yeah surprisingly, you know we were a little
24:35 intimidated because we thought I do not know how people
24:38 are going to like this.
24:39 We were just doing this because we needed this product to
24:41 give to people and share it with them.
24:45 But we thought, oh Man what are other people going to think.
24:48 We are so surprised, we had one professor who had the
24:51 same sentiments that you did, I don't know these kids are
24:55 going to do but I'll help them out.
24:57 A little pat on the back.
24:59 Then we sent him the finished product and he called back
25:02 and was on the phone with Chad for life 40 minutes and he
25:06 told them I was really nervous about doing this and wow I love
25:13 it and I showed it to my 15 members of my family.
25:16 The more secular minded they were the more they like it.
25:19 Well that's the point, that's what you are after
25:21 exactly. - wow that is just great because that is the
25:24 people that were saying the Discovery Channel, because
25:27 like it or not that's the world we live in.
25:29 We live in a world in which you put it on video it
25:32 instantaneously legitimizes it and then if a professor
25:35 an archeologist or whatever now you have more credibility,
25:39 more legitimacy, why should we be using this part of the
25:43 human psyche in modern times for the glory of God?
25:46 That's what we have been finding in one of the issues
25:48 a lot of times people struggle to reach
25:50 some of the younger people.
25:52 I mean we found people and my grandfather is in his 80s
25:54 and he liked it. He said I want to watch it again but we
25:58 found that young people, college age, high school, people
26:00 that are generally kind of difficult to share something
26:03 with, or wouldn't be even necessarily open.
26:06 We found we had testimonies of mothers whose kids have
26:10 fallen away and they share how the Lord has
26:13 changed their sons life.
26:14 He came home and saw the documentary and said what is
26:17 this and can I watch it?
26:19 He says after that He's back in the Bible.
26:22 You know Fadia you just said something earlier,
26:25 we felt a need for it and we were just making a product
26:30 that we knew we needed and now it is being used
26:32 in such a wide capacity.
26:34 But as an encouragement to others that is beautiful,
26:37 if you see a need in your sphere of influence,
26:40 do something about it, you're the one that sees it and
26:44 God is obviously laying that on your heart and
26:46 you can do something about it.
26:47 That is where the whole thing of God didn't let us
26:51 see everything in the beginning.
26:52 We just saw what we did and went forward with it.
26:55 Now we hear from people all over the world, literally all
26:58 over the world they call us up and write to us online and
27:01 it has just been beautiful and we love it.
27:04 So bring in the program full circle here the Lord has not
27:09 only created us in terms of our beginnings but He's
27:12 re-created Chad and your heart for passion for Himself
27:15 and He is created in you a new heart.
27:16 He's done the same for you Fadia, sort of born out of
27:19 that difficult experience with the loss of your brother.
27:22 Then He created a beautiful marriage and there is really
27:25 a lot of creativity here Shandra.
27:27 The creation of new heart, the creation of a beautiful
27:30 marriage, and then now you guys are going out and
27:33 ministering to people and you have created this thing that
27:37 didn't exist, when you think about it this product doesn't
27:41 exist, this tool does not exist in the hands of ministers
27:45 until you created it.
27:47 So praise the Lord and we thank you for what you have done.
27:49 Thank you so much for being on the show today and we just
27:51 like to thank you for being here with us too.
27:53 please contact us at:
27:57 or search for us on face book and please let God create
28:00 a new heart in you.


Revised 2014-12-17