
To Him Who Overcomes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick & Shanda Ban (Host), Chad & Fadia Kreuzer


Series Code: E

Program Code: E000013

00:20 In the book of Revelation Jesus in speaking to the
00:23 seven churches says repeatedly to him that overcomes,
00:27 to him that overcomes, to him that overcomes and in
00:29 and in each of those instances He gives a promise
00:32 associated with that overcoming.
00:33 That's exactly what we are going to be talking about
00:36 on our program today, my name is David Asscherick and
00:38 I am here with my co-host Shandra Ban.
00:40 Welcome to Engage and we are going
00:42 to be talking about Overcoming.
00:43 So Shandra if you would introduce us to our guests today
00:47 that would be a great thing.
00:48 Sure David thank you, we are so excited to have Chad
00:50 and Fadia Kreuzer back with us.
00:52 They were here with us once before sharing their testimony
00:54 about how the Lord has worked in their lives and has
00:58 help them to create a ministry of creativity, making
01:01 documentaries, so would you guys just both recap
01:04 a bit of your story from last time?
01:05 Yeah sure, I was raised once again in a Christian home.
01:09 I believed in God but kind of fell away and
01:13 didn't really follow God.
01:14 Through a series of events I was struggling with
01:18 alcohol, smoking, drugs and these kinds of things.
01:21 Through a series of events my friend Andy who was an
01:24 atheist ended up giving his life to the Lord and it was
01:28 a rebuke to me because he didn't believe and I did
01:30 believe but wasn't living for it.
01:32 So his own personal experience on just the fact that
01:36 he said listen I can't be doing any of these things anymore,
01:37 I can't be living this way.
01:39 You know you are that way when an atheist is witnessing
01:41 to you about God? - exactly.
01:43 So you get convicted and then what happens?
01:45 Then sometime after that the Lord finally gave me
01:49 victory over the drinking, over the drugs and
01:53 the smoking was the hardest one.
01:55 I chewed, I smoked, basically I chewed till my gums hurt
02:00 and it was always easy for me to quit because
02:03 - when you said chew your talking about chewing tobacco
02:06 - yeah the stick in and dip in - so that's like common.
02:10 Exactly so I went from that and I can always quit because
02:14 I can always switch back to smoking and so I went back and
02:17 forth till my lungs hurt and that I would go back to the
02:19 chewing and just back and forth and back and forth.
02:21 Finally the Lord slowly gave me victory over those things
02:24 and I went to a Bible prophecy seminar in Grand Rapids
02:27 Michigan with David Asscherick, yours truly.
02:30 That was great, that was awesome, I remember that
02:33 experience, it went very well.
02:34 It was a large meeting and there is tons of people there
02:36 from young to old, there were all kinds of different people.
02:38 - you would have been young when you came?
02:39 - yeah I was 19 years old.
02:41 And Fadia what about you?
02:43 Well I was born in Baghdad Iraq to a Christian family.
02:47 We moved to the states when I was four going on five.
02:51 Brought up in Chicago and brought up in a Christian home,
02:55 went to a Christian school and everything but didn't
02:59 have the Christian experience, it wasn't my own until
03:02 my older brother past away in a car accident.
03:07 He was killed by a drunk driver and then a series of
03:10 events happened and I gave my heart to the Lord and
03:15 then wanted to be totally His, committed to Jesus and
03:19 He opened the doors and I went through them and here
03:23 we are today doing a ministry.
03:24 So you say there was a series of events that happened
03:27 but the pivotal event was the death of your brother?
03:31 It caused me to think about life, I started to think to
03:35 myself if I were to die tomorrow what would life be like
03:39 for others that I have influenced and I couldn't think
03:42 of one person that had been influenced positively towards
03:46 Christ because of my life.
03:48 I remember you saying that in the last program and
03:50 that's convicting, that is so convicting.
03:52 So your not only thinking about life but it brought you
03:54 face to face with death as well.
03:55 - yeah! - so you guys mentioned a few things here in
03:57 your stories, Chad you mentioned the alcohol,
03:59 the smoking and Fadia you mentioned just not having
04:03 knowledge and not knowing so you saw these needs and
04:06 that has led you into a ministry can you tell us
04:09 a little more about that?
04:10 Yeah, when we were over the years ministering to people
04:14 you realize that as you're giving the Gospel,
04:16 as you are giving the truth from the Bible to people
04:20 they have issues in their lives that are unresolved and
04:23 tearing up their life today.
04:25 Practical things, you know whether it be drugs or alcohol
04:30 or a lack of forgiveness.
04:32 With me I hadn't realized that I hadn't forgive the
04:36 person that had killed my brother.
04:37 I thought I did, and just said all forgive and forget
04:41 that it's what good Christians do, but I hadn't dealt
04:44 with it and not until something major happened and then it
04:49 came to life, well I haven't forgiven this man.
04:52 I love what you are saying there that we sometimes just
04:56 pretend like everything is fine spiritually,
04:57 then everything is fine when in the reality is that
05:00 people may have an intellectual, or sort of a cerebral
05:02 acceptance of spiritual things but then people still
05:05 have lives they have issues.
05:06 They have physical things, they have emotional things, people
05:10 people I guess is really the way to say it and that is one of
05:13 things we are going to talk about today, is how do
05:15 we make that transition to help people make more mature
05:19 and biblically grounded decisions in their lives and
05:23 overcoming, that is our program, some of these practical
05:26 things, these real-life issues and we are going to get
05:30 in the dirt today so to speak and talk about some of that.
05:33 One of the things I appreciate about Chad and Fadia's
05:37 ministry is that when you see a need you just do it.
05:40 You needed these documentary programs as we talked about
05:44 last time and you just created it.
05:45 You are out ministering to people and say hey we need
05:49 to create a resource, we need to be studying and giving
05:52 a resource to people in these practical areas of life
05:54 so we want to talk about that today.
05:56 This Overcoming Seminar, so maybe you could tell us
05:59 a little bit about how that came to be, sort of the
06:02 birth of the Overcoming Seminar you do?
06:05 Yeah you know for years we put on Bible prophecies
06:09 seminars and we would go around and we meet all kinds
06:12 of different people from different backgrounds.
06:14 People would come and you would find at the end of the
06:16 seminar people were struggling with maybe with addiction,
06:19 they're struggling with like Fadia mentioned forgiveness,
06:23 what ever it is they have something that they want to be
06:26 closer to God but there is something holding them back.
06:29 As we saw that we would use to work with stop smoking
06:32 programs, but you realize that's one and only one of
06:35 many, many issues that people have.
06:37 And actually we were over in Iceland, we worked in
06:41 Iceland for a year actually and while we were over there
06:44 we were studying with a spiritualist and a really nice
06:47 guy and we had a great time.
06:48 We were actually studying the Bible together and he was
06:51 very open and finally he had an addiction and his wife
06:53 was a Buddhist from Thailand.
06:55 So you had this Icelander with a Buddhist wife.
06:58 We have an Icelandic spiritualist and okay.
07:01 It was a very interesting situation because she knew
07:03 nothing about the Bible but finally he had heard
07:06 we had done stop smoking programs and he said, he said
07:10 I have an addiction to chocolate and maybe you can help
07:14 me to get over that.
07:15 And we chuckled thinking he was being, - but he wasn't
07:18 kidding, - he wasn't kidding it was chocolate and his
07:21 wife said no, no, no he has a serious problem with this.
07:24 - with chocolate? With chocolate so we.
07:25 - was he a great big guy? - no he was in good shape,
07:28 he was healthy guy generally but the fact that this thing
07:31 he was really struggling with, so we thought he was kidding.
07:34 He was getting real bad migraines
07:36 - he was getting migraines from it and so they finally
07:39 asked can you work with, use some of the principles for
07:42 this? That kind of got us an idea off on okay, I would have
07:45 thought initially it was a big deal, but it was for him.
07:48 One of the things about addic- tions sometimes what doesn't
07:51 look like an addiction may be to the rest of us
07:54 actually is a serious trouble for an individual.
07:56 So then slowly over time we brought into the seminar
08:00 because the principles for overcoming habits or finding
08:02 victory in your spiritual life are pretty much general
08:05 principles and if you use those principles you can
08:07 pretty much overcome in any area of life.
08:09 So now we've used this term overcoming several times here,
08:12 can either of you speak to what is overcoming?
08:15 - good question. - yeah overcoming is basically
08:19 finding spiritual victory, progress in your own life.
08:22 Finding out that you realize you have something, what
08:25 ever it may be whether it be an addiction to drugs,
08:28 alcohol, tobacco or whatever it may be for some kind of
08:30 a personal habit, it may not be a drug or a substance.
08:33 It could be pornography that is one of the things
08:35 we talk about it our seminar.
08:37 We have all these different things and then also that
08:41 area for forgiveness in finding victory over the habit
08:44 or over the negative repetitive thoughts.
08:46 If it's lack of forgiveness, you repeat the story over
08:49 and over in your head, or you play it out and
08:52 it is getting to the point where God gives you a freedom
08:55 from those things, helps you to be able to back off and
08:58 not have love for those things in the past or just
09:01 a constant negative repetitive action.
09:02 So when we use the term overcoming in a biblical sense,
09:05 in the sense of overcoming seminar we are talking about
09:08 better lifestyle choices and getting to the place where
09:11 those things can be behind us. And you are seeing this?
09:15 Absolutely, absolutely we, it's basically a five or six
09:18 days seminar, generally we do five days.
09:21 In that seminar we go over health principles,
09:25 lifestyle habits, because one of the things if you just
09:29 avoid a bad habit what ends up happening is you fill it with
09:32 something so it's how to implement good habits in the
09:35 place of something that is bad, you get the biblical
09:38 example of! - I say it's on the tip of my tongue
09:40 but go ahead please.
09:41 There is a guy who is demon possessed of the demon is
09:45 cast forth out of him so now the house is swept clean
09:49 and how many others come in? - 7- 7 other demons come.
09:53 Because he is clean he's open and they can fill him
09:57 up and he is worse off in the end than he was.
09:59 Sometimes that happens in our spiritual lives, we come
10:02 to Christ, we accept Him, our lives are changed for the
10:06 better but we are not filling our lives with the things
10:09 of God so what ends up happening is our life ends up being
10:11 worse than before and we think man, I might as well
10:13 give up this whole spiritual life thing, there's no point.
10:16 Something that I really appreciate that you guys have
10:18 mentioned several times, I've actually personally been
10:20 through your Overcoming Seminar and it was a blessing to me
10:23 and I have been able to share a lot of the principles
10:25 but one thing that you are saying here is that if
10:27 I see the title of overcoming I think oh,
10:29 I don't need to overcome drugs.
10:30 I don't smoke, but I really resonate with the fact that
10:34 you say there are other things, I mean pride, being
10:37 judgmental even mental habits and sugar that's a huge
10:41 thing that people need to overcome. - food is a major
10:45 issue that a lot of people eat too little or eat too
10:48 much or they just eat unhealthy food, all these issues
10:51 they may seem small to other people but someone who is
10:54 stuck in this realizes it can be a bondage.
10:57 I love what you were saying earlier and that is this
11:00 idea that true overcoming is not just the absence of
11:03 the bad but if the presence of the good.
11:04 I love that language and I appreciate that so you have
11:09 given us some practical hints here.
11:11 We kind of have a definition of overcoming, it just
11:14 sounds like its moral growth, growing to be the person
11:17 that God has created us to be in overcoming those
11:20 baggage that we had in the past so maybe we can just
11:23 talk a little bit about some of the specific things
11:25 that you cover in your Overcoming Seminar.
11:28 Okay let's just say I just showed up here today what
11:31 is the first thing you say?
11:32 The first point that we lay down and go over each and
11:36 every day is a quote that says never forget that
11:39 thoughts workout actions, repeated actions form habits,
11:43 and habits form character.
11:45 So basically it works like this, never forget that your
11:47 thoughts, if you think something enough will become an
11:51 action, and once you act upon something enough times it
11:54 becomes a habit, and your habits altogether, all the habits that
11:57 you have in conglomeration or who you are, it's your character
12:01 What happens is generally we want to change our character
12:04 or we want to change our habits.
12:05 I'm a smoker and I don't like this so what do we do?
12:08 We try to quit the habit, or we have a bad character flaw.
12:11 Like I'm angry all the time, or I struggle with pornography
12:15 or something I lost. - could be laziness?
12:18 - yes it could be laziness so what you do is try
12:20 to change the habit or change the characteristic
12:23 the habit consists of.
12:24 The point is it's been want to change it you don't just
12:27 change the habit, you don't just change that action, it has
12:29 to go back to the thoughts.
12:30 If the thoughts are not changed the life is not going to
12:33 be changed, so never forget that thoughts workout
12:34 actions, repeated actions form habits and habits form
12:37 character so that is what happens basically.
12:39 It's like the snowball rolling down the hill and it starts
12:42 small up here you say I want to stop this great big ball
12:45 down here, well how do you do that?
12:46 You have to intercept up there okay so then I guess the
12:50 question is how does someone start forming correct thought
12:55 patterns? Because that sounds like that's the key to the
12:59 beginning this process of moral growth overcoming.
13:01 How does someone begin to rewire themselves for better thoughts?
13:04 Well we start looking into the brain and explain what
13:08 the brain does and how it works.
13:10 We talk a lot about the frontal lobe and the effects of
13:14 things that we do on the frontal lobe.
13:16 We talk about the importance of keeping the frontal lobe
13:19 healthy and strong and working.
13:22 In Revelation it talks about that God wants to put
13:27 His seal, His name in our forehead in Revelation and
13:33 He wants to put His seal in our foreheads.
13:34 what is behind your forehead is your frontal lobe right?
13:37 What's the name in the Bible? - character
13:41 character right so He wants to put the Father's name in
13:44 our forehead's and you can see the character thing in
13:47 the Bible like whenever somebody's character
13:50 changes their name changes.
13:51 Abram became Abraham, Sarai became Sarah, Jacob - Israel,
13:58 Saul became Paul and one that is really neat is Jacob.
14:03 I speak Aramaic and in our language the heel means Jacob
14:09 and so it is like you're grabbing the heel,
14:12 you're tripping somebody up, your a deceiver.
14:14 That was Jacob's character right but then what was his name
14:18 changed to? Israel right. What does Israel mean?
14:21 One who's wrestled with God, one who is an overcomer.
14:25 Right, exactly isn't that powerful an overcomer.
14:28 God says I want to change your character therefore
14:32 your name so we realize name and character are
14:36 synonymous in the Bible.
14:37 The significance here is that God puts His seal on our
14:41 forehead it doesn't literally mean your walking around with
14:45 some people think I've got the bar code on my head, but it's
14:49 that God has put His law, His character, who He is into us.
14:53 Specifically who, Jesus. The way Jesus walked and talked
14:56 on this earth, the way He felt, the way He dealt with
15:00 people, the way He dealt with the Pharisees and everybody.
15:03 He wants to put that same character into our minds.
15:06 Into our forehead's so that when we walk and talk and
15:09 interact with people we have that character in us and
15:13 we would make the same decisions He would.
15:14 I want to tease out something you said
15:16 a little bit more Fadia you talked about
15:18 keeping the frontal lobe, which is the fore part
15:20 of the brain healthy and strong.
15:22 Well if I'm going to keep my arms healthy and strong I do
15:25 push-ups, if I keep my legs healthy and strong I will run.
15:29 I'll do cycling. How do I, you see weren't going with
15:33 this, how do I keep my brain healthy and strong?
15:35 Do I try to wiggle my ears?
15:37 There are actually several things that need to take place.
15:41 We talk about we give the science behind how they
15:44 discovered that the frontal lobe is the seed of
15:47 spirituality and morality in the will that's what scientific
15:49 discoveries have shown.
15:51 The answer to this basically is there are several answers
15:53 on how to strengthen the frontal lobe.
15:55 One of them is good nutrition, having the right foods.
15:58 - you are what you eat? - exactly you are what you eat.
16:00 You want to make sure because there are certain foods
16:02 that are actually strengthening for the brain and
16:05 therefore if you strengthen the brain you're
16:07 strengthening your frontal lobe and you will make better
16:10 decisions and will have a better spiritual life.
16:12 So nutrition is one, there are many other things that
16:15 are simple like getting enough exercise.
16:17 Getting enough sunshine, getting fresh air, these
16:19 things all seen quite simple but sometimes, many times
16:23 we will discover people who are in depression that come to the
16:26 seminar, they do not get enough sunshine, they don't get
16:29 enough they are eating just refined foods all the time.
16:32 Foods not the way they were originally designed by the
16:35 Creator right? So getting closer to the way we were
16:38 designed to live is something that will literally
16:41 strengthen of the frontal lobe.
16:43 There's several different things from eating habits, exercise.
16:45 So what next say for myself, if I'm struggling with something
16:48 I eat pretty healthy, get lots of water, I get good sleep,
16:51 what's the next step?
16:53 Well one of the things we do to through the week is
16:57 we meet together every day of the program, consecutive
17:01 days, five consecutive days.
17:02 We make people go through a modified cleanse fast.
17:07 We find that biblical the fast and everything and it
17:11 actually cleanses the body -Can you tell us specifically what?
17:16 And what you do is the first day we just have you eat whole
17:21 fruits and you can have 100% juices and water, that's it.
17:25 So fruit, Juice, and water day number 1, - day number 1
17:29 Sounds like paradise to me.
17:31 So that is what we do and it is so cool because the next
17:33 day people are like oh man I don't know if I want to do
17:36 this. Next day the people come back, how do you feel?
17:39 Oh, I am surprised that I was able to do this.
17:42 So even that decision of them doing that is strengthening
17:45 the frontal lobe, you are making a decision and in a
17:48 group it is easier because everybody else is doing it.
17:50 So you're strengthening the will by doing that.
17:53 - positive reinforcement. - exactly.
17:55 So is the French fries and the cheeseburgers are the second
17:58 day? - no the second day we do veggies and greens.
18:04 You add them to the fruit and fruit juice.
18:07 Each day you are adding you are not just doing one thing.
18:11 So you add to it the veggies and those are good, in Eden
18:15 God gave Adam and Eve fruits, nuts and grains right?
18:19 But right when sin comes in what does He add to their
18:23 diet? -Vegetables! - vegetables right?
18:25 We realize that veggies have a lot of cleansing affects
18:29 on the blood, so God needed it to do that.
18:32 Sin came in and starting having its affects and God gave
18:35 us the cleansing agent so that is why it is good to have
18:37 the veggies, we could go into a lot of it but.
18:39 People are, many of the people that are coming to your
18:42 seminars I mean they are probably not eating well?
18:44 - no! - I heard as a statistic just the other day.
18:47 I was watching this amazing documentary, speaking of
18:51 documentaries, in which if you are under the age of 20.
18:54 If you were born after the year 2000 and you are a
18:58 minority, after the year 2000 you are a minority the
19:01 chances that you will end up with adult onset diabetes,
19:04 type 2 diabetes, one in two. - wow!
19:06 50 percent and for the whole population, in North America,
19:10 one in three. I mean the food that people are eating,
19:13 I'm just going to come right out and say it, some of the
19:16 food that maybe you are eating and certainly much of the
19:19 American and the industrialized nations is not even food.
19:22 We call it food and putting in packages
19:24 but it is not food.
19:27 Someone said to me one time if you have to open a
19:29 package to get to something, that is not as good as
19:31 something you don't have to open the package.
19:34 - that's good, that's good.
19:35 God packaged it for us. - yeah the bananas are
19:37 prepackaged and the oranges are prepackaged.
19:40 One thing I want to touch on very quickly just because in
19:43 our seminar we go a little deeper into the eating thing
19:46 with the cleanse and the fast because people who are
19:49 diabetic, it's good that you said diabetics and severe
19:52 drug addicts we have a different cleanse for them.
19:56 The other issue is that people who are diabetic if they
19:59 are just eating fruit and fruit juice they can have some
20:02 serious sugar issues and same severe alcoholic or drug
20:06 addicts, that is why in our seminar we go through
20:09 specifically what these people should be doing for that
20:12 particular week because he could be a shock to the system
20:15 of a severe alcoholic to all of a sudden.
20:17 - counterproductive. - that's right they need that
20:20 cleanse and detox but not too heavy on the body so there
20:24 is more to it than that but that is a simple beginnings
20:27 here. - so what else? We understand food we understand
20:31 the cleanse what else?
20:32 One of the things, the most important is that you can try
20:36 to just live a healthy life style by your actions, by the
20:39 things that you eat, exercise, sunlight, fresh air but
20:43 the reality is if you don't have the spiritual dimension
20:47 you really can't truly overcome on every aspect that
20:50 God is calling you to.
20:51 God him that overcomes, God wants us to make us ultimate
20:55 overcomers and we look at different verses, God gives
20:59 different promises throughout Scripture.
21:01 There is one that is found in 1 Corinthians 15:57, 58
21:05 and it says, "but thanks be to God which gives us the
21:08 victory." - so we don't have to do it on our own?
21:11 Exactly because sometimes we feel like that.
21:12 I'll get myself a little bit better and then I'll come
21:15 to the Lord, then I will give my life to Jesus I don't
21:17 want the church roof to cave in on me so I'll make myself
21:20 better and then I'll come to church. Right!
21:21 The reality is that it says there in 1 contains 15:57
21:25 that God is the one who actually gives us the victory.
21:28 We can't just do it, sure sometimes our own willpower
21:31 can help us overcome one area, but every single person
21:34 has something in their life that they cannot overcome on
21:37 their own. Take in the spiritual dimension promises and
21:41 on this subject many times people in Christianity
21:43 especially, they think this is terrible that I always
21:46 hear these testimonies of the guys in church who said I was
21:48 a crake addict and sleeping with whores and doing this and that
21:50 and I just said Jesus take it away and boom
21:52 I never had a struggle again.
21:55 It wasn't even an issue for me.
21:57 But that same person doesn't share with you that there
21:59 are some aspects of their life that they didn't find
22:02 victory the first time they prayed, we all have issues
22:05 that are deeper than just one single prayer.
22:07 So it is implementing all of these things through the
22:10 claiming promises that God gives and implementing the
22:13 health aspects, putting it together as a whole because
22:16 we are a whole being we're not just spiritual, not just
22:19 physical, we are multidimensional.
22:21 Putting all those things together gives us a clearer mind
22:24 to be able to make the right decisions to follow God.
22:27 So what I'm hearing you say Chad and is not to be
22:30 discouraged by the fact that it might not happen just
22:33 like that, that it is a work in progress and along with
22:36 Christ help we can be overcomers.
22:38 Well even going back to when you were telling your story
22:42 just briefly you were saying you were smoking, you were
22:45 chewing, you were smoking, you were chewing and if I
22:48 remember right the language used was God slowly gave me
22:50 the victory over that. It sounded like it was process.
22:53 Actually it was a process, I've tried Nicorette gum,
22:56 I tried cold turkey, I would drive down the road and would
22:59 crush my package of cigarettes and throw it out the
23:02 window, you shouldn't do that obviously
23:03 - you were littering.
23:05 I was trying to quit so I'd do that and then I would go
23:08 by another pack that very evening, or the next morning
23:10 or whatever it was.
23:11 But it wasn't until actually I was going to your seminar
23:15 in Grand Rapids in the year 2000 and you read a verse
23:18 from 1-Corinthians and what it says in 1 Corinthians 3 is
23:23 that our body is the temple of God, our body is to be the
23:26 temple of the Holy Spirit and He wants to live in us.
23:29 But he goes on to say, if you destroy your temple,
23:32 His temple, He's going to destroy you.
23:35 When I heard that - very serious verse - very serious.
23:37 And we think that sounds old testament almost, but no
23:40 that is a New Testament verse where God is saying listen
23:42 you better take this seriously because your body is to be
23:45 My home, My church is to be My home and I want to dwell
23:48 in you, so once I heard that the Lord actually gave
23:51 me victory that night.
23:53 I never chewed, I had chew with me at the time.
23:54 The Lord gave me victory at that point but I struggled for
23:57 a long time until that day.
23:58 So spiritual component, it reminds me of 1 John 5: 4, 5
24:03 you probably use this passage in your seminar but I love
24:07 it, the word overcome comes up three times.
24:10 "He says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world."
24:13 So there's the born-again experience, "and this is the
24:17 "victory that overcomes the world our faith. Who is he
24:19 "that overcomes the world but he that believes that
24:22 "Jesus is the son of God." So in each of these passages
24:25 in each of these verses here overcoming is linked to
24:29 believing in Jesus Christ's and having faith in Him.
24:32 It's our faith that overcomes the world.
24:34 So you have the physical component and we have the
24:37 emotional component, you want to change, but at some point
24:40 Jesus is the one that gives us the power and I love the
24:43 language you use there about how everybody has something
24:46 that they cannot get the victory over. - that's right!
24:50 And on that specific subject Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:9
24:54 through 11 I think there is some of the scariest verses in
24:57 the Bible and at the same time the most hopeful verses in
25:00 the Bible because what Paul does to make it simple is he
25:03 lists a bunch of sins from adultery, fortification,
25:06 adultery, homosexuality, and he lists a bunch of sins and
25:10 he basically says those who are living in this lifestyle
25:13 cannot enter into the kingdom of God which is scary.
25:16 Probably every one of us could find some area of our
25:19 lives that we have been in those categories, but then
25:22 it's says right after that Paul looks at the Church of
25:25 Corinth back then and says this is the way you used to be.
25:28 He says and such some of you were, he was looking at the
25:31 church and said you used to be homosexuals, you'd used to be an
25:35 alcoholic, you used to be an idolater, or an adulterer.
25:37 But he says God has s giving you victory and no matter
25:41 what we have, we have had the opportunity of talking with
25:44 homosexuals in our ministry. - we have had some on this
25:48 very show and we quoted that verse 1 Corinthians 6:9.
25:52 I mean this was the verse that was the cornerstone of the
25:55 whole thing, such were some of you.
25:57 And just very quickly she actually, one of them went
26:01 back to tell her formally gay friends I no longer
26:05 identify as gay and that was after 20 years in the
26:09 homosexual community and lifestyle, so Paul is writing to
26:11 those kinds of people. It's a miracle.
26:12 It is not that you are, but that's where you're going,
26:14 it's not what you are but it's what you were.
26:16 - exactly. - so continue on there.
26:20 That passage to me and the reason I say it is one of the
26:23 scariest verses is because of the fact that each of us
26:27 can find things there and you are living in this
26:29 lifestyle now and I want to clarify that there is a
26:31 difference between stumbling into sin and living in sin.
26:35 In a living in sin is like somebody every once in while
26:39 stumbles into anger, they get angry and they realize they
26:42 blew up and should have and they repent.
26:44 It's another thing to just live angry all the time.
26:47 On the issue of forgiveness, when we do a whole day in
26:49 the Overcoming Seminar, I just want to throw out the
26:52 website just in case anybody wants to know about it.
26:54 Its anchorpointfilms.com, anchorpointfilms.com
26:57 - so they can learn more about your ministries.
27:00 A perfect verse to go with that stumbling in the repeated
27:04 stumbling we go through is Proverbs 24:16 and it says,
27:08 "a righteous man falls seven times but rises up again."
27:12 A beautiful verse for overcoming and looking to Jesus.
27:15 - I tell you I love that verse Fadia, I use that verse
27:18 all the time in my own personal ministry and in my
27:20 preaching that a righteous man falls seven times
27:23 but rises up again.
27:24 Thank you so much Chad and Fadia for having been with us today
27:28 and thank you our viewers at home for tuning in.
27:32 This is a very inspirational and instructive program
27:35 as well, a lot of practical things so please send us an
27:38 e- mail so that you can get in contact will Shandra or
27:41 myself here or with Chad and Fadia or any of our guests
27:45 and send us an e-mail at Engage@3ABN.org or you can find
27:49 us on Face Book just do a search for Engage.
27:51 Just one final promise to leave our viewers with today
27:54 David is the words of Jesus where it says "in the world
27:56 "you will have tribulations but be of good cheer
27:59 "I have overcome the world."


Revised 2014-12-17