Eternal Truths Matter

The Irrefutable Arguments Jesus Is Divine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ETM

Program Code: ETM220002S

00:20 My topic is the Irrefutable Arguments that Jesus is Divine
00:25 I'm going to share with you some amazing revelations
00:30 from history, from Archeology, from the Bible itself,
00:36 that Christ is all he claimed to be and because He is
00:41 Divine, He can change your life.
00:44 Now you already may be a Christian and recognize
00:48 that Christ is the Divine Son of God.
00:51 You might say, what value will this program has for me?
00:55 I'm going to present to you such clear, powerful arguments for
01:01 His Divinity that you'll by able to share with your friends
01:05 who may be questioning who Jesus is.
01:09 This question of who Christ is has intrigued men and women
01:11 down through the centuries. Was He a good man?
01:15 Was he simply a moral-ethical teacher?
01:17 Was He really the Divine Son of God?
01:21 Let's pray and then we'll launch right into our presentation.
01:25 Father in Heaven, How we thank you that the
01:28 evidence is clear on who Jesus is, that there need be no doubt
01:33 in our mind. And I pray that as we look at that evidence
01:36 from History, from archaeology, from the Bible itself
01:41 that our hearts will be warmed and that we will sense
01:45 the reality that Jesus is the Divine Son of God
01:48 and that His offer of Eternal Life is real.
01:52 Thank you for that evidence, we pray in Jesus' name.
01:55 Amen!
01:56 Men and women down through the centuries asked the question
02:00 was Jesus really Divine?
02:02 Was Christ everything He claimed to be?
02:04 Now the problem you have is this, Jesus claimed to be
02:07 Divine, He claimed to be the Son of God, He claimed to have
02:12 no beginning and no ending, He claimed to be eternal.
02:16 If Christ is not the Divine Son of God, then you only have
02:21 really one of two choices, either He was openly lying
02:24 because He said He was and He was simply an imposter
02:30 simply one spouting falsehoods or the other option is that
02:34 He is diluted, if somebody says something that they are not...
02:38 You know we are a people, street preaching who is saying
02:42 I am Jesus, you know and so forth and what do you say
02:45 about those people who are claiming to be Christ and
02:48 who are kind of a little bit off...Where I come from
02:53 "off their rocker", they're really crackpots.
02:57 So is Jesus, what kind of evidence do you have there?
03:01 Is He lying? Is He a crackpot? Is He diluted?
03:05 Certainly not, the evidence doesn't bear that up.
03:08 Now first I want to go to history and we want to
03:12 raise the question, what does the historical evidence say
03:17 about Christ? Now when I talk about historical evidence
03:20 of course, the Bible is a historical book but I am
03:23 using the term in this sway this frame of reference that
03:27 what kind of extra-Biblical sources, what kind of
03:33 historical sources do we have outside the accurate history
03:36 of the Bible?
03:38 Professor Carnegie Simson once said this...
03:41 A very famed professor, he said...
03:43 If the being of God is beyond your understanding,
03:46 in other words, if you can't understand God,
03:48 the fact of Christ is not, He is a fact of history.
03:53 So even people like Professor Simpson say Jesus Christ
03:59 is a fact of history. If you are going to be honest
04:02 with the facts of history, you have to say that Christ existed.
04:06 Sir J.G Frazier was the Scottish Social Anthropologist,
04:12 many believe he was an atheist, he certainly was not a believer
04:16 and he said this.
04:17 My theory assumes the historical reality of Jesus as the great
04:22 religious and moral teacher who founded Christianity
04:25 and at Jerusalem under the government ship of Pontus Pilate.
04:29 So here you have a person who is an unbeliever who has a
04:35 social theory that he says my theory assumes that Christ
04:41 was the historical figure.
04:42 So you have professors who are unbelievers that are
04:47 talking about the reality of Christ.
04:50 Now what documents existed in the Roman Empire during the
04:55 days of Rome that spoke about Jesus?
04:58 I mean really, if you have... If Christ actually existed
05:02 which He did, if He existed there must be some evidence
05:06 outside of the Bible for that existence and there is.
05:10 Tacitus was one of the most famous Roman Historians
05:15 he wrote from A.D. 55 to A.D. 120, so just shortly after
05:22 25 years after the death of Christ, Tacitus was writing.
05:27 And Tacitus describes for example, The Existence of Early
05:33 Christians. He talks about Jesus' execution by Pontius Pilate.
05:38 Now how could someone so close to these events talk about them
05:45 if they were not real?
05:47 He talks about the six-day fire of Rome, that is Tacitus does
05:54 and it was burned of course by Nero and he then talks about the
05:58 origin of Christianity and the execution of Christ.
06:02 Tacitus actually talks about that.
06:04 Now you go even further than Tacitus, there was a
06:08 Governor of Bithynia, his name was Pliny,
06:12 there were two Pliny's, this is Pliny the younger,
06:14 the governor of Bithynia and he writes in fact
06:20 to the emperor and as he is writing to the emperor
06:24 he's talking about the growth of Christianity and how
06:28 Christians are in every place throughout his province.
06:32 And he says this is what they affirmed, I'm quoting,
06:35 that the whole of their guilt or error was that they were
06:39 in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before
06:42 it was light. They sang an alternative verse,
06:45 a hymn to Christ as to God, they bound themselves to a
06:49 solemn oath not to do any wicked deeds, never to commit any fraud,
06:53 theft, adultery, never to falsify their word, not to deny a trust
06:58 when they should be called upon to deliver it up.
07:00 So Pliny is saying, these Christians are followers of
07:04 Christ. And he's writing here from 62 A.D. to 113 A.D.
07:10 he's writing in the 1st century and he's talking about
07:16 Christians who were an eye witness of Christ and they are
07:20 meeting for worship and praising God.
07:22 Now Josephus was a Jewish Historian, now you recognize
07:28 that Josephus is not going to have any motives to talk about
07:31 Christ and Josephus says: He's again a 1st Century.
07:37 Now there was about this time a wise man if it be lawful
07:40 to call him a man for he was as doer of wonderful works
07:43 a teacher of man who received the truth with pleasure.
07:46 He drew over to him many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles.
07:50 So here you have a Jewish Historian speaking about Christ
07:55 who wins many Jews and who wins many Gentiles,
08:00 there is historical evidence outside of the Bible
08:06 you can read it in Tacitus, you can read it in Pliny,
08:10 you can read it in Josephus, you can read it in Suetonius.
08:14 Here are men who have no motive to write about the Divine Christ
08:19 but they write that he did exist.
08:23 Throughout the Bible we have clear evidence that Christ
08:27 claims to be divine, you look In John chapter one verse
08:32 one to three, John verse 1:1-3.
08:36 The gospels were written in for different audiences,
08:42 if you want to know about the sermons of Christ, you'll read
08:45 the gospels of Matthew. You want to know about the parables
08:48 of Christ, you read the gospel of Luke.
08:51 You want to know about the humanity of Christ,
08:53 you read the gospel of Mark, but if you want to know about
08:56 the divinity of Christ, you read the gospel of John.
08:59 John starts in John chapter one and we are going to
09:04 read verses one to three.
09:24 So here you have very clearly outlined in the gospel of John
09:30 what John says is the word was with God and the word was God.
09:38 The word became flesh John says and dwelt among us.
09:43 The word became flesh so Christ left the glory
09:49 and splendor of heaven, tabernacled in human flesh,
09:53 and became a human being the Divine-human Christ.
09:59 Christ was Divine and he was a human, it was this combination
10:04 of this Divine-human Christ but He came and walked among us.
10:08 He walked the dusty streets of Galilee, the cobblestone
10:12 streets of Jerusalem, He touched the eyes of the blind and they
10:16 were opened and the ears of the deaf and they were unstopped.
10:18 He healed the withered man's arm and caused the lame to
10:22 jump and run again and this Christ opened His heart
10:28 to forgive sins, to deliver men and women from the guilt
10:32 and shame and condemnation of sin.
10:34 He delivered them from the power and the grip and the chains
10:38 of evil. This Jesus revealed what God was like,
10:43 He revealed the character of God here John chapter one says.
10:49 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us
10:52 so when we look at Jesus we see what God is like.
10:56 We see God's character of love but Jesus claimed to be Divine
11:00 He claimed to be equal with the Father,
11:02 you find this in the gospel of John 8:58, John:8 and we are
11:09 looking there at verses 58, and here in John 8: verse 58
11:14 the scripture puts it this way.
11:36 Now I don't want to go over this text too fast,
11:38 He said before Abraham was, I am.
11:40 Now the New Testament is written in the Greek language,
11:42 which is the expression for I am there is Ego eimi.
11:46 Can you say that?
11:48 I know you can. Ego ami. It's a Greek expression and
11:51 this is what it means.
11:52 It means the self-existed one, it means the one who has existed
11:56 from all eternity.
11:57 Remember the time that I was used Moses comes to the bush
12:02 the bush, the bush does not burn and as he's coming to
12:06 the bush he sees the fire, it's burning but it is not
12:09 consumed and the I Am speaks to him from the bush.
12:14 God and So this term I Am the self-existent one,
12:19 the one who never had a beginning or will have an
12:21 ending, this I Am is the one who Jesus claims to be.
12:28 He claims to be equal with the Father existing with Him
12:31 for all eternity. The Jews understood what Jesus meant
12:33 and as a result of that, they went to stone him.
12:37 Why? Because he claimed to be God.
12:38 So either Jesus is what He says He is or He's the liar and
12:43 imposter, the evidence certainly doesn't bear that, does it?
12:46 You know Charles Lamb, the great writer said this,
12:49 he said if Shakespeare came into the room, we would rise up
12:55 to meet him, but if Jesus walked into the room,
12:59 we would bow at His feet and cry Holy, Holy, Holy
13:02 in adoration and worship.
13:05 Now let's consider some of the prophecies in the Old Testament
13:08 that really confirms the divinity of Christ.
13:12 Prophecies that were centuries old fulfilled in Christ.
13:16 The first prophecy we're going to go to is Isaiah,
13:19 if you want to know something about somebody you look at
13:23 their birth. Where were they born, when were they born,
13:27 what was the family of their birth?
13:29 Isaiah chapter seven and we're looking here at verse 14.
13:34 Isaiah 7:14, Eternal Truths Matter, the eternal truth
13:40 that the Bible is the Word of God matters. the eternal truth
13:43 that Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of God eternal, that matters.
13:47 Isaiah 7:14, the first prophecy
13:59 What does Immanuel mean? It means God with us.
14:02 God with us. So here it says a virgin is going to bear a son
14:09 and call his name Emmanuel, God with us.
14:12 Now when you go to the New Testament and you look for
14:15 example at the gospel Luke 1: 26 and 27.
14:18 The angel comes to Mary and the angel declares to Mary
14:26 that this prophecy was fulfilled.
14:29 Luke Chapter 1 verses 26, 27,
14:47 And so the angel comes to her and He says, Mary
14:50 you are highly favored above all women, you are going to
14:53 bear a son and she's perplexed as a virgin, how am I ever
14:57 going to bear a son, I've known no man?
14:59 And, the angel says what's conceived in you is done of
15:03 the Holy Spirit, so you have Isaiah predicted that Jesus had
15:07 be born of a virgin, you have both the gospel of Luke
15:11 and the gospel of Matthew applying this prophecy.
15:14 Now also, if you are studying somebody's lineage,
15:20 you want to know where they were born.
15:22 Did you know that hundreds of years in advance,
15:25 centuries in advance the prophecies in Micah predict
15:31 that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
15:34 I mean really, it's quite remarkable.
15:36 Micah, the fifth chapter and the second verse.
15:40 And you'll notice how scripture puts it there
15:43 Micah chapter 5:2.
16:03 Here is the one who's going forth should have been from all
16:07 eternity, that one would be born in Bethlehem.
16:11 How did Micah know that Christ would be born in Bethlehem,
16:15 how did he know that hundreds of years in advance?
16:18 And if you want to see the fulfillment of that you go to
16:21 Luke chapter two, see Jesus is more than a good man
16:24 philosopher, He is the divine Son of God.
16:30 You have irrefutable arguments of Christ being Divine both
16:34 in History and Prophecy in His life that He lived,
16:38 Luke Chapter Two Verse four shows the fulfillment of that.
16:59 Notice what scripture says?
17:02 Being great with child. So they come to this town of
17:06 Bethlehem and Christ is born in Bethlehem.
17:09 They travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem is some 90 miles
17:13 so Mary doesn't have the baby on the way,
17:15 she's nine months pregnant, she has it the very night
17:18 that she is coming into Bethlehem.
17:20 Jesus is more than a good man.
17:23 More than an ethical philosopher, more than a moral teacher,
17:28 prophecy after prophecy reveals He is the divine Son of God.
17:33 And you know the amazing thing? Prophecy talks about His life,
17:38 that He would heal the sick, raise the dead,
17:43 deliver the demoniacs, set free the captives.
17:48 You find that throughout the book of Isiah.
17:53 but most of the prophecies that are so remarkable
17:58 so precise, so accurate come to fulfillment right around
18:03 the time of Christ's death.
18:06 Did you know that it was actually predicted hundreds
18:09 of years in advance that Jesus would be sold for 30 pieces
18:12 of silver? Isn't that the money that He was sold for,
18:16 betrayed for by Judas would be used to buy a Potter's
18:18 Field? You say, is that prophecy in the Bible?
18:22 Indeed it is.
18:23 Take your Bible and turn to Luke, rather Zachariah 11
18:30 verse 13 and 14 and we're going to pick up verse 12 as well
18:36 You're looking at Zachariah, you find that little tiny book
18:40 in the Old Testament written hundreds before the birth
18:44 of Christ and here's what Zachariah says,
18:46 get ready for this because what he says is really amazing.
18:49 Are you ready? Here we go. Zachariah 11: verse 12 and 13.
19:12 How in the world would Zachariah knows the exact
19:20 price of a slave would be 30 pieces of silver when
19:25 Christ came? And how would he know that money would be cast
19:29 in for the temple and the priest wouldn't know what to do
19:34 with is so they would take it and buy a Potter's Field?
19:37 How does Zachariah know that hundreds of years in advance?
19:41 because the Bible is divinely inspired book and Jesus is
19:44 the divine Son of God.
19:46 Now, you look at the fulfillment of that prophecy in Matthew 26
19:51 verse 15. So you can take these Old Testament Prophecies
19:54 and you can compare them to what the New Testament says
19:57 and you find that they are fulfilled exactly, minutely,
20:01 specifically. Matthew 26, we're looking there at verse 15
20:06 and you see the fulfillment of this prophecy.
20:08 The gospel of Matthew is very detailed in its records.
20:13 Why are these so accurate?
20:15 Because God wants us to know the Word of God is accurate
20:27 So here you have mentioned the thirty pieces of silver
20:29 and other gospels talk about the fact that Jesus came
20:32 that Judas came with the betrayal money that he had
20:36 from Jesus and he threw it on the floor of the temple
20:38 and the priest didn't know what to do with it, what'd they do?
20:40 they went out and bought a Potter's Field.
20:41 Prophecy is so incredibly accurate, Jesus is born
20:46 of a virgin exactly like the Bible teaches.
20:48 Jesus is born in Bethlehem exactly as the Bible teaches.
20:52 He performed the works of a Messiah, exactly like it said in
20:56 Isaiah 61 and Luke chapter 4.
20:59 Jesus Christ the Divine Son of God sold for thirty pieces
21:05 of silver, when he was taken used the Potter's Field.
21:09 Jesus indeed was crucified like Psalms predicted.
21:14 Psalm 22, Psalm 22 predicts that Jesus Christ Himself
21:21 would be crucified. You know the story and you know it well.
21:26 Psalm 22 verses 16, 17, and 18.
21:49 Here it says they pierced Christ's hands and feet
21:53 crucifixion was not introduced in the days of David.
21:59 David wrote the Psalms 1,000 years before Christ,
22:02 crucifixion was not introduced until the time of the Romans
22:05 150 years before Christ.
22:07 But yet, over 850 years in advance before crucifixion
22:13 existed...See the Jewish method of capital punishment was stoning
22:17 or hanging, you stoned them or you hung them.
22:20 But here, the Bible said they pierced my hands,
22:23 they pierced my feet and obviously, it's crucifixion
22:27 and as they parted garment they played dice
22:31 they parted my garments among them.
22:33 Such a small detail, why do we have these details
22:39 given to us? The reason we have them given to us is because
22:46 God wants us to know the Bible is not some common book
22:50 or some ordinary book... That Jesus is much more than
22:54 a good man, that there are irrefutable arguments that
22:58 Jesus Christ is divine. Here in Matthew 27 we read the
23:05 confirmation story of the crucifixion, Matthew chapter 27
23:11 and we read the confirmation story of the crucifixion
23:15 verse 5, verse 6, prophecies centuries-old for fulfilled
23:22 in the life of Christ.
23:23 That's Judas.
23:43 Confirmation of the events that took place right at
23:48 the crucifixion, you go on and you read how the nails were
23:52 driven through Christ's hands exactly as the Bible said.
23:56 Christ is different than any philosopher, certainly different
24:00 then Socrates, certainly different than Plato,
24:02 certainly different from Aristotle.
24:05 You know Socrates taught for 50 years, for 40 years,
24:10 Plato taught for 50 years, and Aristotle for 40 years.
24:14 So that's 130 years if you take Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle
24:19 but yet Christ only taught for three and a half years
24:23 yet His teachings have been more impactful in the 130 years
24:30 than the 130 years. Jesus never painted a picture...
24:34 But when you think about it the paintings of Raphael
24:38 and Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci all received their
24:42 inspiration from Him and you think about the fact that
24:45 Jesus wrote no poetry but you have Daunte and Milton,
24:49 and scores of the world's greatest poets who
24:51 are inspired by Christ.
24:55 Jesus composed no music, but you have Hayden, and Hendo,
25:01 and Beethoven, and Bach, and Mendelssohn reach their
25:04 highest perfection of melodies, and hymns, and symphonies,
25:07 and oratories in His praise.
25:09 See, every sphere of human existence has been impacted
25:14 by the living Christ and He can impact your life too.
25:20 If Jesus is divine and He is, if He is the Son of God, and He is
25:26 then His offer of eternal life is real.
25:30 And Jesus says to you and me today, if we confess our sins,
25:36 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and
25:40 cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
25:42 Are you burdened with guilt this day?
25:46 Does condemnation for your past weigh you down?
25:50 Is it like a great weight upon your shoulder that you can't
25:55 seem to get off?
25:57 Jesus speaks to you today you did not watch this telecast
26:03 by accident, you didn't tune in to Three Angels Broadcasting
26:09 just by chance. God designed that you hear this program today
26:15 and it is this within Christ, this Christ of scripture
26:20 this Christ who is divine that wants to speak to
26:25 your heart right now. Do you long for forgiveness?
26:29 Do you long for freedom of guilt?
26:31 Although it may be that you are struggling
26:34 you're struggling with some sin in your life.
26:37 You're struggling with some habit and it just appears
26:42 that you cannot in any way overcome,
26:45 you've failed on this thing again and again and again.
26:50 Jesus is there for you, He faced temptation by Satan
26:56 full force and as He did, He came off victorious.
27:02 Scripture says in all things He was tempted like we are
27:06 yet without sin.
27:10 May I pray for you right now then you will sense
27:13 His forgiveness, that you'll sense His grace?
27:17 that you'll sense His strength, that you'll sense His power,
27:21 right now, let's pray.
27:22 Father in Heaven, I thank you for those who have
27:26 turned into the broadcast today that are looking for
27:29 meaning and purpose in their life, they are looking for
27:32 only the peace that Jesus Christ can give, that are looking for
27:35 forgiveness and freedom from condemnation and new power
27:38 I just pray right now that you touch somebody
27:41 May the peace of Christ flood into their heart,
27:44 may they sense that your open arms are forgiveness
27:46 and for those struggling with habits may the power of Christ
27:50 touch them and change them now.
27:52 We pray, in the precious, wonderful name of Jesus. Amen!


Revised 2024-06-06