Focus on God's Word

The Two Covenants

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Geoff Youlden


Series Code: FGW

Program Code: FGW000009

00:27 Well our subject tonight is entitled The Two Covenants.
00:32 A very, very important subject because like everything else
00:37 the devil has perverted this wonderful truth.
00:41 And we have noticed as we have gone through
00:44 and we are going to continue to notice as we study the Bible
00:46 for every truth the devil has a counterfeit
00:51 and he has a trap.
00:53 And tonight in our study we're going to have a look
00:56 very carefully at this subject because it's very important.
00:59 And you're going to see how many Christians, unfortunately
01:02 today, have got the wrong story.
01:05 All right, come over to the book of Ephesians.
01:07 At the back of the Bible the book of Ephesians
01:10 the second chapter and verse 11.
01:14 Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 11
01:17 where Paul writes here:
01:47 Now you couldn't imagine a more hopeless position than that.
01:50 A person who was estranged from the covenants
01:54 has no hope and without Christ.
01:58 That's the most hopeless of all situations.
02:02 You know I meet people who say: "I don't want anything
02:05 to do with the Jews, I'm a Gentile... "
02:07 Well actually the word Gentile simply means heathen.
02:12 And the covenants were made with the Jews...
02:16 whether it's the old covenant or the new covenant.
02:20 And if you don't want to have anything to do with the Jews,
02:24 then you are without hope because the covenants
02:27 were given to the Jews...
02:30 both old and the new.
02:34 And so as we study this it's a very, very important subject.
02:39 Well you say: "What are the covenants? "
02:41 Let me illustrate it like this:
02:43 let's say I'm in business,
02:46 and my business gets into a very bad way and I'm really
02:50 going down the tube.
02:52 And you come along to me and you tell me about
02:56 a wonderful property... that if I was to be able to buy this
02:59 property then that would set me right...
03:02 I'd be right in my business.
03:04 Trouble is I haven't got any money to buy it.
03:08 But you say to me: "Look, if you go bankrupt,
03:13 then what I'll do is I'll give you the property. "
03:18 Well now, that's not likely to happen in real life, is it?
03:21 Not too likely at all.
03:23 But that's exactly what Christ has done for us
03:26 because His grace is given to us when we are bankrupt.
03:33 And it's very likely that as we study this subject tonight
03:38 it's going to help us to understand the grace of Christ
03:41 in a much broader understanding and in a wonderful way.
03:45 But as we said, the devil has perverted this truth
03:49 like he's perverted every other truth.
03:51 Well, let's have a look at the subject of the two covenants.
03:54 Come back to the book of Exodus at the beginning of the Bible.
03:57 Genesis and then Exodus the 19th chapter.
04:00 Exodus chapter 19 and we'll notice verse 3.
04:09 Exodus chapter 19 and verse 3:
04:23 So you'll notice it's addressed to the children of Israel.
04:25 Verse 4:
05:11 So you'll notice that the people responded very positively
05:16 and very eagerly, isn't that right?
05:17 They said: "All that the Lord has said we will do
05:22 and we are going to be obedient. "
05:26 You see, a covenant is simply an agreement...
05:31 an agreement between two people.
05:33 We enter into covenants ourselves.
05:36 You may enter into a covenant with a builder.
05:39 You pay him so much and he's going to build you a house
05:43 to those specifications. That's an agreement.
05:47 We have lots of agreements. Webster in his dictionary says:
05:50 "a covenant is an agreement entered into by two or more
05:54 parties. " So here we have two parties in this covenant.
05:59 We have God on the one hand and we have the people.
06:04 So that's the basis of a covenant.
06:08 And we have a covenant here in Australia between
06:11 the government and ourselves.
06:13 The government agrees to protect us and to care for us
06:16 and provide us with certain facilities - basic facilities -
06:20 and we agree to live in harmony with the laws of the land.
06:27 And that's how a covenant is entered into
06:30 in a day-by-day relationship.
06:32 Now this old covenant was not God's covenant.
06:38 Let me read that to you.
06:39 Come back to Deuteronomy chapter 4.
06:41 Now this may sound just a little bit complicated
06:44 for a moment, but it's not.
06:45 Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 13.
06:51 Deuteronomy 4 and verse 13. Now this is what it says:
07:05 Now I meet many Christians who think that the old covenant
07:09 was the Ten Commandments.
07:12 Now that's not what Deuteronomy is saying
07:15 nor does the Bible teach that anywhere.
07:17 The old covenant was not the Ten Commandments.
07:23 The covenant involves an agreement...
07:25 agreement between God and the people.
07:29 And the Ten Commandments were the basis
07:32 of that agreement between God and the people.
07:36 And the old covenant was an agreement that the people
07:40 entered into voluntarily.
07:42 God didn't make them agree to that.
07:45 They entered into that relationship in a positive
07:50 but in a free-will way.
07:53 In fact, if you have a look at verse 13
07:56 notice again what God says about the Ten Commandments.
07:59 It says:
08:09 Now the people had a choice as to whether they entered into
08:13 the old covenant, but there was no choice
08:18 as far as the Ten Commandments were concerned
08:20 because God commanded the Ten Commandments.
08:23 God has never made that a matter of whether the whims and fancies
08:28 of individuals wanted to obey the commandments
08:31 or to keep the commandments.
08:33 Never! God commanded the Ten Commandments.
08:36 There was no compromise on that.
08:38 But as far as the old covenant was concerned -
08:41 that is, the agreement to keep those Ten Commandments -
08:45 that was voluntary.
08:47 God never forced the people to enter into any relationship
08:53 with Him. That was purely voluntary.
08:55 So we must not confuse the covenant
09:00 with the Ten Commandments.
09:01 The Ten Commandments were the basis of the covenant.
09:04 Get the idea?
09:05 That was what God said. He said: "You obey My commandments
09:08 and then My part will be that I will bless you
09:12 and make you a wonderful people. "
09:15 That's the basis of the covenant.
09:19 And the people said: "Well, we go along with that Lord.
09:21 All that You've said we will do
09:23 and we are going to be obedient. "
09:26 And the trouble with the old covenant was the fact that
09:32 the old covenant... the people never asked God to help them
09:36 to keep it. " That was the tragedy with the old covenant.
09:41 You see, the people had just come out of Egypt.
09:43 They were self-willed.
09:45 They had learned to forget about God for the last 400 years.
09:49 And when God said: "Well look, I want you to keep
09:52 My commandments" they said "Lord, you just tell us
09:54 what You want us to do. We'll do it, no trouble at all. "
10:01 And that was the problem.
10:02 They never asked God to help them
10:04 because they didn't think they needed God's help.
10:06 They were quite sufficient in and of themselves.
10:11 Just come back to Exodus chapter 23
10:15 and we'll notice something else here that's very interesting.
10:17 Exodus chapter 23 and verse 20
10:20 about this old covenant.
10:22 Exodus 23 and we'll pick up verse 20
10:27 where God says:
10:58 So God clearly points out
11:02 that there was no forgiveness in the old covenant.
11:08 That's what we just read, isn't it?
11:10 God says: "You make sure you obey
11:13 because if you disobey He'll not pardon your transgressions. "
11:20 So God expected them to have perfect obedience.
11:24 That's always been the plan of God:
11:27 to obey God perfectly.
11:32 Because a perfect God could never be expected to have
11:36 any standard less than that.
11:38 And that was certainly the standard back here.
11:41 But there is no Savior in the old covenant.
11:44 There's no salvation in the old covenant
11:47 because the people never asked God for salvation.
11:50 They thought they were self- sufficient... they could do it
11:53 in their own strength. "You just tell us, Lord,
11:55 what You want us to do and we'll be very happy to do it. "
12:02 In fact, if you come to chapter 24 now
12:06 of Exodus and verse 3
12:10 it tells you why it's impossible for people to keep
12:13 the old covenant. Chapter 24 verse 3:
13:13 However,
13:15 that old covenant was broken very, very soon after.
13:19 Because you remember the story of the golden calf?
13:23 Hardly had Moses turned his back on the people
13:28 and they were down worshiping naked a golden calf.
13:34 Well you say: "Why did God give the old covenant
13:37 if He knew that it was impossible
13:40 for the people to keep it? " Well let me illustrate.
13:43 Here's mother walking along the road and she has a big parcel
13:47 in her hand. And she's walking along
13:49 and suddenly her little son of five years of age
13:54 says: "Mommy, I want to carry the parcel. "
14:00 Mother explains to him: "Sonny, it's too heavy for you.
14:04 You could never lift this. "
14:06 And he puts on a bit of a performance because
14:09 he wants to carry it. And mother explains again:
14:12 "No, Sonny, it's too heavy for you. "
14:15 But he's still not satisfied and more performance.
14:18 What's the best way for mother to demonstrate that he can't
14:21 carry it? "All right, " she said...
14:24 She gives it to him.
14:26 He can't even get it off the... the path.
14:30 And that's why God gave the old covenant to the people:
14:35 because they were so self-willed,
14:38 they were so determined that they could do everything
14:41 that the Lord wanted them to do,
14:43 that they never asked God for any help.
14:46 They never asked God... expected any forgiveness
14:49 because they didn't think they would fail anyway.
14:52 Just like that little boy. And until God could demonstrate
14:56 to them that they couldn't do it
14:59 then they recognized their need of God.
15:04 But at this particular stage - just coming out of Egypt -
15:07 they were so stiff necked and self-willed
15:10 that nothing - even God Himself - couldn't help them
15:14 to realize their inadequacies.
15:16 That's why in the old covenant it always starts off by
15:19 saying: "If, if, if, if... "
15:22 That's what God continues to say to the people
15:25 because He knew very well that they wouldn't be able to do it.
15:28 The same as mother knew that that little tot couldn't
15:31 carry that heavy parcel.
15:33 But he never learned until mother gave him the opportunity
15:37 to try. Then he became very convinced
15:40 that what she was saying was correct.
15:42 And that's the way the Lord worked with the children
15:45 of Israel.
15:46 Now you remember the background to the giving of the
15:49 old covenant. Just have a look at chapter 24 again and verse 7.
15:52 Chapter 24 and verse 7.
15:56 Unfortunately, the people never realized their complete
16:00 lack of spiritual understanding and their lack of
16:05 a relationship with God.
16:06 Notice chapter 24 and verse 7:
16:23 You see, that's why the old covenant was always linked
16:27 with the sacrificial system.
16:29 Because God was trying to teach those people
16:33 through the sacrificial system that their sufficiency
16:36 wasn't in themselves but it was in the Savior to come.
16:40 Get the thought?
16:41 And all through the Old Testament God was continually
16:45 teaching them through this enactment... day after day
16:49 after day that they needed a Savior.
16:52 They WERE NOT sufficient in and of themselves.
16:56 But it was very hard for God to let them see the poverty
17:00 of their relationship
17:03 and their lack of spiritual understanding.
17:07 And that was the reason for the giving of the old covenant.
17:11 But it doesn't mean because the people failed up
17:16 in their relationship to God
17:18 that that meant the Ten Command- ments were done away with.
17:22 There wasn't anything wrong with the Ten Commandments.
17:24 That wasn't the problem.
17:27 The problem was with the people. Get the thought?
17:30 And we must never ever forget that.
17:32 Nowhere does the Bible ever suggest that the problem
17:35 is with the Ten Commandments.
17:38 Let me illustrate.
17:40 Let's say that I decide to buy a house, and you sell me
17:43 your house. And I NEED a house.
17:48 And well the price is fairly steep
17:52 and the payments that we set out pretty high, but
17:56 I need the house. So I decide that I'm going to
17:59 put the hefty deposit down
18:02 and I have to make these weekly payments.
18:05 So I start off.
18:07 But it's not long unfortunately before I get hopelessly behind
18:12 with my payments.
18:17 And you come to me.
18:19 And so you decide because I'm so far now behind
18:23 with my payments, you decide that the way to fix this up
18:27 is to burn the house down.
18:30 Would that solve the problem?
18:32 Getting rid of the house. Is the house the problem?
18:34 No! Nothing wrong with the house.
18:37 That's not the problem.
18:39 The problem is my inability to repay it.
18:43 Isn't that right?
18:45 That's the problem.
18:47 So you come along and we work out and we say
18:51 "Well look, instead of paying $500 a week
18:55 in repayments we'll make it $250 a week. "
19:01 So we re-negotiate the repayments.
19:08 And friends, that's exactly what God has done
19:12 with the new covenant.
19:14 There is nothing wrong with the Ten Commandments.
19:17 That's not the problem.
19:18 The problem is with us and God had to re-negotiate.
19:24 In fact, let me read it to you. Come over to the book of Hebrews
19:27 in the New Testament... the back of the Bible.
19:30 Hebrews chapter 8
19:33 and we'll read how God re-negotiated
19:37 His relationship with the people. Hebrews chapter 8
19:41 and verse 7.
19:45 Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 7.
19:59 Now many people only read that verse
20:02 and they think: "There you are... the covenant
20:05 was at fault. " Let's just read the next verse.
20:08 Where does God say the problem was? Verse 8:
20:10 "Because finding fault with... " Whom?
20:14 "with them. " It was... That's where the problem was.
20:18 It was with the people!
20:20 To say burning the house down doesn't solve the problem.
20:26 We have to re-negotiate how I repay the money,
20:30 isn't that right? And we work out a system
20:33 whereby I can repay if the payments that I'm making
20:37 are beyond me. And that's exactly what happened here
20:41 because it says in verse 8:
21:04 Once again, see? The problem is with the people.
21:20 So you see the problem was not with the Ten Commandments.
21:24 The problem is not with the house.
21:27 The problem is with ME and how I am repaying the debt.
21:33 Now when it comes to the new covenant and the old covenant
21:37 the problem was with the people.
21:39 That had to be changed.
21:42 But you'll notice that in both covenants - whether
21:46 it's old or new - the basis is exactly the same.
21:50 That is: obedience to God's Ten Commandments.
21:53 That never changed.
21:55 But what DID change is the people's relationship
22:00 to obedience and to keeping those commandments.
22:04 God changed that.
22:05 Because remember... in the old covenant the people didn't sense
22:09 any need? They thought that they could do everything
22:11 that God wanted them to do.
22:12 "Lord, you just tell me what You want me to do
22:15 and I'll do it. "
22:17 That self-willed and that self-confident attitude
22:23 which is so prevalent with humanity even today.
22:27 We saw it in the apostle Peter.
22:29 He was confident that he would never deny God... Christ.
22:33 But his self-confidence tripped him up.
22:36 Now as we read on here in verse 8
22:40 of Hebrews chapter 8 again,
22:42 well... maybe we'll read down here in verse 10.
22:46 Just pick up Hebrews 8 and verse 10. It says:
23:11 Did you notice the pronoun that's mentioned there 3 times:
23:15 I. Who was going to do the work
23:19 in the new covenant?
23:20 God or the people?
23:23 God. God says: "I will write My laws in your heart. "
23:29 "I will put obedience in your heart. " Tell me this:
23:33 if God puts His laws in my heart
23:36 and God writes the spirit of obedience into my heart,
23:40 tell me... is it going to be very hard to be obedient?
23:44 Do you think it would be?
23:46 Do you?
23:48 No! Not if God puts that spirit of obedience in my heart.
23:53 Because as we've noticed so far
23:55 by nature we don't have that spirit, do we?
23:58 We have the spirit of rebellion.
24:00 But in the new covenant God wants to put His laws
24:05 in our hearts. Not just on tables of stone...
24:09 now He wants to write them in our hearts
24:11 so that I want to do what God wants me to do.
24:14 That's why as far as being a Christian is concerned
24:17 it's such an exciting experience.
24:20 Because God doesn't expect me to do all that He asks me to do
24:24 in my strength. That's the trouble with the old covenant.
24:28 And that's why the story has been recorded in such detail:
24:31 to show that no man, no woman,
24:33 ever, ever, ever could be saved
24:36 in the attitude of the old covenant.
24:38 Because nobody can keep the commandments,
24:40 nobody can do anything that God wants them to do,
24:43 without having Christ write His laws in our hearts.
24:50 And in the old covenant, the people never sensed that.
24:54 They never felt that there was any need of Christ.
24:58 We can do it.
25:01 And that attitude unfortunately is still the attitude
25:05 today of many people.
25:08 "Look, I don't need to go to church.
25:09 Don't talk to me about these things. I live a good life.
25:12 I pay 20 cents or 100 cents on the dollar.
25:15 I am as good as anyone else. "
25:18 That's exactly the same attitude.
25:24 And it's interesting as we look at Hebrews chapter 8
25:27 if you remember as we read those verses,
25:29 who did God make the new covenant with?
25:32 Was it with the Gentiles or was it with Israel?
25:35 It was with Israel!
25:38 Yes, the house of Judah. Says that very clearly
25:42 there in Hebrews chapter 8.
25:45 So you see, unless we understand the relationship
25:50 that God has with Israel, we've got to become
25:52 true Israelites.
25:55 And they're the only people that God has ever dealt with
25:58 whether it's the Old or New Testament.
26:02 Because a person who accepts Jesus becomes
26:05 the true Israel in the New Testament.
26:10 God wants to write His laws in our hearts.
26:14 And as I said, I meet many Christians who want to have
26:16 nothing to do with anything Jewish.
26:18 Well friends, you are outside the covenants
26:20 if that's the case.
26:21 You're without Christ, without hope.
26:23 You couldn't imagine a more hopeless situation.
26:27 Look, just come back to Jeremiah the 31st chapter
26:30 in the Old Testament.
26:31 Jeremiah 31, and we'll notice that actually Hebrews
26:35 Paul is quoting from Jeremiah.
26:38 Jeremiah 31 and verse 31.
26:42 Jeremiah 31 verse 31:
26:54 Notice? "With the house of Israel... "
27:29 Can you see where Paul is quoting from?
27:34 From Jeremiah.
27:37 In fact, the only way a person has ever been saved
27:42 whether it's Old Testament or New Testament
27:46 is under the new covenant.
27:48 Nobody has ever been saved under the old covenant.
27:54 Because the new covenant was taught in the Old Testament
27:58 as well as re-emphasized again in the New Testament.
28:04 We've just read it there in the book of Jeremiah.
28:07 You can see on the screen there
28:11 the chart which helps you to see
28:15 that the new covenant is really what the Bible calls
28:20 the everlasting covenant.
28:22 That covenant was made with Adam and Eve
28:25 back in the beginning. It was made with Noah
28:27 when God put the rainbow in the sky.
28:32 That is known as the everlasting covenant
28:35 or the new covenant
28:38 whereas the old covenant applied from Mt. Sinai
28:44 until Jesus died on the cross.
28:46 That still was in.
28:48 But nobody's ever been saved under the old covenant.
28:51 Now you say: "Well why's it called the old and the new?
28:54 Doesn't the new suggest that it supersedes the old? "
28:58 Well I must admit that sometimes people draw that conclusion.
29:03 But that is not the correct conclusion because
29:06 it is called the old covenant because that was ratified
29:11 first by blood.
29:14 Get the thought?
29:15 Because it was the blood of bulls and goats
29:18 which ratified or sealed the old covenant...
29:22 and that was done first.
29:24 Whereas the new or everlasting covenant wasn't sealed
29:27 until when? Jesus died on the cross.
29:31 That's why it's called the new covenant.
29:34 But we must understand that every person that's ever been
29:37 saved has always and only ever been saved
29:41 under the new, everlasting covenant.
29:43 In the Old Testament it pointed forward to Jesus.
29:46 In the New Testament it points back to Jesus.
29:52 But it's the basis of everyone's salvation.
29:56 The new and the old covenants were made to the same people.
30:01 It had the same object:
30:03 obedience to God's Ten Commandments.
30:05 And it rested on the promises of God
30:08 whereas the old covenant rested on the promises of the people.
30:13 The old covenant was ratified by the blood of animals.
30:18 The new covenant was ratified or sealed by the blood of Jesus.
30:24 And so you can see very clearly the distinction between
30:27 those two great covenants.
30:30 And I want to emphasize and thank God today
30:33 for the fact that we are saved because Jesus writes His law
30:38 in our hearts.
30:40 And all of those people that were saved in the Old Testament
30:43 who had a wonderful relationship with Jesus -
30:45 and thank God many of them did -
30:47 they were saved under the new covenant.
30:51 Nobody has ever been saved under the old covenant.
30:53 It's impossible!
30:55 You can't do it in your own strength
30:57 no matter how good you are.
31:00 The only way we can do it is when God writes His law
31:03 and His will in my heart.
31:07 And then it becomes a joy and a privilege
31:10 to do what God wants us to do.
31:14 Now people try and tell us
31:17 that Sunday is to be kept today.
31:22 But you know, Sunday is not in the new covenant.
31:28 Now that will come as a surprise perhaps to some viewers.
31:33 If Sunday keeping was in the new covenant,
31:37 it had to be in before Jesus died.
31:43 Let me illustrate. I'll show it to you from the Bible.
31:45 Come over the Matthew chapter 26.
31:47 And the Bible uses an illustration that we're all
31:50 very, very familiar with
31:52 because all of us know about wills.
31:55 Matthew 26 and verse 26.
31:58 And we'll read here what Jesus said to the disciples,
32:04 and they were representatives of the Christian church.
32:07 Matthew 26 and verse 26:
32:38 So here Jesus was instituting and about to seal
32:43 the new covenant.
32:45 Because the word covenant simply means testament or will
32:50 or covenant.
32:53 And that's why Jesus had to bring in the Lord's Supper...
32:57 the communion service had to be brought in before
33:02 He died. Because after a person dies
33:07 can you change a person's will?
33:10 Can you?
33:12 You try and see what happens.
33:14 Serious, isn't it?
33:16 You can never alter a will
33:18 after the person who wrote the will - the testator -
33:23 after that person dies.
33:27 Now listen. I want you to follow me very carefully
33:29 on these points because this a point which is so
33:33 wonderfully simple and clear.
33:38 If Sunday was going to be in the new covenant,
33:42 when did it have to be kept?
33:46 Before Jesus died or after Jesus died?
33:49 Before!
33:51 Because everything that was going to be part of
33:54 the new covenant had to be in
33:57 as part of His will and testament -
34:00 as part of the covenant -
34:01 before it was sealed. Because once the death
34:05 of the testator takes place you cannot alter a will.
34:09 That's why Jesus brought baptism in.
34:12 That's why He brought the Lord's Supper.
34:14 All the teachings that Jesus wanted us to follow in the
34:17 New Testament were all brought in before Jesus died.
34:26 Let me read you Hebrews chapter 9
34:29 because Paul now explains in more detail about this matter
34:33 of a will. Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 16 and 17.
34:40 Hebrews 9:16-17.
34:57 Is that true for us today?
35:02 In real life is that true?
35:06 Yes it is! Everybody understands that.
35:17 You could have the richest parents
35:21 and they may want to leave you a million dollars.
35:26 But that million dollars if it's written into their will
35:29 does not become yours until when?
35:32 Until they die.
35:35 We all understand that, and that's exactly what Hebrews
35:38 is saying. Before there is a will or a testament
35:41 or a covenant there has to be the death of the testator.
35:46 All right. Paul again explains this in more detail
35:50 back in Galatians.
35:51 Just come back to Galatians chapter 3 and verse 15.
35:55 Galatians 3 and verse 15
36:01 where Paul writes:
36:18 No one can add anything to a covenant, a will, or a testament
36:23 after the person has died.
36:27 Many people would like to be able to do that, wouldn't they?
36:31 Many wills that are disputed in the courts.
36:34 But once the person dies and that's been written
36:39 it cannot be changed.
36:42 In the Bible Paul is using this human illustration
36:45 that we can all understand. Now listen:
36:49 when did Sunday come in?
36:53 Well you know, the earliest that I have ever heard
36:57 a person want to suggest that Sunday came
37:01 was resurrection Sunday, isn't that right?
37:05 I don't think I've ever heard anybody suggest that
37:09 before Jesus died on the cross
37:11 Sunday was kept by anybody.
37:13 Is that true? Have you ever heard anyone?
37:16 I've never heard anybody.
37:18 I don't think there is anybody who would ever suggest
37:21 such a thing. The earliest that they say that Sunday
37:25 came in is resurrection Sunday.
37:30 Now listen: Jesus' will or testament
37:36 or His covenant was sealed when?
37:42 When He died on the cross.
37:47 After Jesus died on the cross can you add anything
37:51 or subtract anything from His will, testament, or covenant?
37:56 Absolutely not!
37:59 So can you see that Sunday is just three days too late?
38:06 It can never be part of the new covenant.
38:10 Because if Sunday was going to be part of the new covenant
38:13 it had to be in before Jesus died.
38:18 Like He brought in the communion service. Even before He died
38:21 He brought the communion service which illustrated
38:24 His death on the cross, isn't that right?
38:28 But that was brought in before: Thursday night, remember?
38:32 Before He died.
38:33 Baptism that symbolizes the death and the resurrection
38:37 of Jesus was brought in before Jesus died.
38:40 And if Sunday's going to be part of the new covenant
38:43 it also has to be brought in before Jesus died.
38:46 But it wasn't. And nobody
38:50 I've ever heard of would suggest that it was.
38:53 In other words, Sunday is just three days too late.
38:59 That's why Jesus made the statement
39:01 "Till heaven and earth pass away one jot or one tittle
39:09 will not pass from the law
39:12 while heaven is above and earth beneath. "
39:14 And remember when were discussing that jot and tittle
39:17 it's like the dotting of an i and the crossing of a t.
39:20 The smallest mark on the page will not be removed
39:25 while heaven is above and earth beneath.
39:30 Sabbath keeping was binding before Jesus died.
39:36 It was part of the new covenant.
39:39 It's part of the everlasting covenant,
39:42 and that's why the Sabbath is still binding for us today.
39:46 It's part of the new covenant.
39:48 Sunday can never be part of the new covenant.
39:50 Never has been and never will be.
39:55 Perhaps a simple illustration.
39:58 I'm lecturing here in this wonderful place
40:02 and a man comes to me after the meeting one day
40:05 and he says: "Geoff, look,
40:07 I understand that you do a bit of building. "
40:11 He said: "What about if you build a house for me? "
40:16 Wow. And He said: "Look, you build it and I'll pay you
40:18 for it. " Well I'm rather delighted about that because
40:23 I could get the money for my next campaign that I'm running,
40:26 you see? For advertising and so forth.
40:28 So I say: "Well that appeals to me. Tell me more. "
40:33 "Well, " he says, "you know I... these are the
40:37 specifications that I want. And the first specification
40:40 described the length of the house and the breadth of the
40:43 house. The height of the house; the cladding, the type of roof
40:47 and the guttering. And I noticed on the 5th or 6th specification
40:53 it says it was to be painted with cream paint
40:55 with chocolate facings.
40:56 It was to have a basement 4 metres by 4 metres underneath.
41:00 It was to have a shower and a bathroom and a fireplace.
41:03 And the specifications mentioned the type of bricks.
41:07 And... it was all there.
41:12 And so I... he says: "Look, I'll give you $250,000 for it
41:18 if you'll build that house for me. "
41:21 Well I look over it and I think "Oh well, there's a bit of
41:23 profit in that. " And so after the campaign, the meetings
41:27 finish I can't get started quickly enough.
41:31 So he takes me round to the block
41:34 and then he shows me the block it's to be built on.
41:37 Wow. As I said I'm so excited I can't get started
41:40 quickly enough. And I get one or two helpers to help me a bit
41:43 and we start off.
41:45 And we dig down, and it's suddenly as we are starting
41:50 to put the foundations in suddenly we run into rock.
41:55 Bother! Didn't plan on that.
41:58 And I realize that we'll have to get the jackhammer.
42:02 And the more we dig the bigger the rock is.
42:07 Huh... bother!
42:11 Well I think to myself: "Well that rock will make a pretty
42:12 good foundation for just a nice flat pad. "
42:17 So I forget about the basement that had to go underneath
42:21 and I just put the pad down and we start building.
42:25 Well it's not long before I've got to get the plumber
42:27 to come round. So I get the plumber to come round.
42:31 And he looks over the specifications and so forth.
42:35 He said: "Hey Goeff, there's a bit of a problem here. "
42:38 I say: "What's the problem? "
42:40 He said: "The specifications say that the pipes have to go
42:45 underneath the basement but there is no basement. "
42:49 "Oh, " I said... "bother the jolly basement. "
42:52 "Look, " I say to him, "plumber, you do what I tell you.
42:55 Just put the plumbing... put the shower in the living room. "
43:01 "Well, " he said, "that's not the place for the shower. "
43:05 "Well, " I said, "you can watch the television while you have
43:08 a shower. " It's a rather unique house.
43:12 Well he said: "All right, well you're paying me so I'll
43:17 do what you tell me to do. " And then I get the brickie along.
43:22 And the brickie looks over the specifications and the plans.
43:24 He said: "Geoff, there's a problem here. "
43:27 He said: "The specifications show that the chimney
43:32 is supposed to go in the living room
43:33 but there's a shower there. "
43:36 "Ah, " I said, "no problem...
43:37 put the chimney in the bathroom. "
43:43 I can see you'll be getting me to build your house.
43:45 Um, and so we go on and on and finally I then go down
43:50 and everything's looking fine and it's coming up together.
43:53 The house looks fine.
43:54 And then I've got to go down to the hardware store to get
43:58 the paint. And when I get down there
44:01 and I say: "Look, I need some cream paint. "
44:04 And the hardware man tells me: "Look, " he says, "unfortunately
44:07 cream paint has just skyrocketed through the roof
44:10 and we haven't got very much
44:12 and there's a real scarcity of it. " But he said: "Look,
44:16 I'll give you a special on yellow paint.
44:18 We've had this in the shop for years and we want to
44:21 get rid of it. We'll give it to you at half price. "
44:24 Well... that appeals to me - my Jewish nature.
44:27 Half price... OK!
44:29 So I get... I buy all this yellow paint.
44:32 And we get started and we paint the house.
44:34 And finally the thing is finished.
44:36 Chocolate facings and so forth; everything's fine.
44:39 And I go around to the owner and I say: "Now listen,
44:44 I'm finished. " "Oh, " he said, "you're finished
44:47 in good time. " "No problem with us, " I said.
44:50 "When you give me a job it's done. "
44:52 "Well, " he said... And I said: "I'm looking forward to
44:55 that check now. "
44:56 "Well, " he said, "let me come out and have a look at it. "
44:58 So he drives round in his car
45:02 and when he comes round the corner and he sees this yellow
45:05 paint... "Hey, " he said, "I asked for cream paint. "
45:09 I said: "Look... " I told him the story
45:12 of how we got this paint cheaply.
45:14 He said: "It looks like it's got yellow jaundice. "
45:18 Wow! That was only the beginning of his problems.
45:21 Then we went inside the house.
45:23 You can just imagine what he said when I tried to explain
45:26 that he could watch the tele- vision while he had a shower.
45:28 But that didn't appeal to him. And when he saw the chimney
45:30 in the bathroom that just about was the last straw.
45:35 And he said: "Geoff, I should have realized that you're a
45:38 hopeless builder. You're not a bad speaker but ahhh.
45:41 Dear oh dear. I should have realized. I should have never
45:43 have given you the job.
45:45 But look, I'll tell you what I'll do. "
45:46 He said: "Not only am I a farmer
45:48 but I'm also a master builder myself. "
45:53 And he said: "I'll tell you what I'm going to do:
45:55 we're going to knock this thing down
45:57 and we're going to start again. "
45:58 And he said: "I'm going to work with you.
46:01 And as you cut the timber I'll be there
46:05 to make sure it's cut correctly.
46:07 I'll be there to guide you when the brickie comes
46:10 and the plumber comes and all of these tradesmen come.
46:13 I'll be there to guide it through. "
46:15 And he said: "When the house is finished
46:18 I'll give you the check. "
46:20 Friends, that's exactly the way it is in the new covenant.
46:25 We try to do it all on our own
46:27 and we get a house like I was describing before...
46:30 hopeless.
46:32 Because none of us can do what God wants us to do
46:35 in our own way. We run into problems all the time.
46:37 But then Jesus - the great master builder - comes along
46:43 and He says: "Listen, I'll do it.
46:45 I'll work with you.
46:47 I'll supply the expertise.
46:49 I'll supply the tools.
46:51 I'll supply everything that you need
46:54 and I'll work with you and at the end
46:58 I'll give you the gift. "
47:02 You know, friend, if I had argued
47:05 like many people argue today to that man,
47:09 "Look, those specifications... they've been a problem
47:11 from the day one when I was building the house. "
47:14 Tell me: is there anything wrong with the specifications?
47:18 No. Nothing wrong with the specifications.
47:23 The problem was with the way I went about it.
47:27 The problem was with me.
47:29 And I have people argue... Just as, you know, I say to him
47:33 "Well paint is paint. What does it matter?
47:35 Yellow paint... cream paint. Paint is paint.
47:38 What does it matter? "
47:39 You know, like people argue: "What does it matter?
47:41 A day's a day. What does it matter which day you keep? "
47:44 Well I want to tell you, friend, as far as the builder is
47:47 concerned and the owner of that house
47:49 when they specify cream paint that's exactly what they want,
47:51 isn't that right?
47:53 And when God specifies He wants us to keep the seventh day
47:56 that doesn't mean the first day.
47:58 Doesn't mean the day that we choose.
48:00 It's the day that He chooses.
48:03 He's the master builder.
48:05 He's the One that tells us what is right and what is wrong.
48:08 Our job is to be willing to be obedient
48:11 and to do what God has asked us to do.
48:14 And that's the whole basis of the new covenant.
48:16 And getting rid of the Ten Commandments, friends,
48:18 is not going to help us.
48:20 Now I can't believe that people want to get rid of the
48:22 Ten Commandments. Tell me: if you're having a problem
48:26 with honesty, getting rid of the Ten Commandments...
48:31 is that going to make you an honest person?
48:34 Will it?
48:36 If we do away with the Ten Commandments here,
48:39 is that going to make everybody live a good life?
48:42 Of course not.
48:44 That's not the problem. The problem is not with the
48:46 Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are
48:49 the most perfect demonstration
48:50 of what is right and what is wrong.
48:52 The problem is with the individual.
48:54 That's what has to be changed... the person's attitude.
48:58 And that's exactly what Jesus promises to do in the
49:01 new covenant. Just come over to Psalm in the middle of the
49:03 Bible, would you? Psalm chapter 40.
49:07 Let me read you this wonderful statement.
49:09 Psalm chapter 40 and verses 7 and 8.
49:29 And when Christ comes into our hearts
49:33 He brings us the power to be able to do what He wants us
49:37 to do. That's why, as I said, it's an exciting experience
49:41 to be a Christian. Because God has a standard that's higher
49:46 than the highest human thought.
49:47 It's way way up here beyond which I could ever meet.
49:52 But when Christ comes along and works along side me
49:55 and changes my heart and gives me a desire to be obedient
49:59 and to do what He wants me to do
50:00 then it becomes a delight and a pleasure
50:03 to do what God wants us to do.
50:06 And that's why the Psalmist could write:
50:14 Come over to Revelation chapter 14,
50:17 the last book in the Bible, now in verse 12.
50:19 The climax to the great three messages that we've been
50:22 studying about. Revelation chapter 14 and verse 12.
50:36 You see, God points out His people in these last days
50:39 as those who keep the commandments.
50:42 You know, everywhere I go I meet people who try to say
50:46 to me: "Nobody can keep the commandments. "
50:48 You know, friend, that's a half truth.
50:53 And usually people get the wrong half
50:55 when they have a half truth.
50:57 It is true that nobody can keep the Ten Commandments
51:02 in their own strength.
51:04 But I want to tell you the Bible teaches me that
51:07 everybody that has Jesus in their hearts
51:10 can live a life of obedience.
51:12 That's why Paul could say: "I can do most things
51:16 through Christ who strengthens me. "
51:17 "ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me. "
51:20 And God points out His people in the last days
51:23 as those who are faithful to Jesus
51:26 and faithful to His commandments.
51:29 Because when Christ comes into our heart
51:31 and we have the faith of Jesus
51:33 don't tell me that we can't keep the commandments.
51:36 Of course we can!
51:38 And then it becomes a delight and a pleasure.
51:43 "I delight to do Thy will oh my God.
51:46 Yes, Your law is written within my heart. "
51:53 That's what Christ does when He comes into our hearts.
51:56 And I want you just to think for a moment tonight
52:00 of what Jesus did when He left the gloryland and came down
52:03 here to die for us.
52:05 People spat upon him.
52:08 People ridiculed Him and finally hung Him there
52:12 on that cruel cross.
52:14 And He died there for you and for me.
52:17 Because looking down here to this very place
52:21 to this very year, Christ saw that there would be
52:26 human beings like you and like me
52:28 who want to be faithful to Jesus
52:30 and who want to hang on to Jesus and who want to have
52:34 Christ in their hearts.
52:35 And that's why He gripped those nails and hung on and died
52:40 when he prayed "It is finished. "
52:42 Because He knew that there would be faithful men and women.
52:46 And in these last days God is calling us
52:49 to be faithful. Faithful to His commandments
52:53 and faithful to Jesus.
52:55 Just come over to Hebrews chapter 10.
52:57 Hebrews the 10th chapter
53:01 and we'll notice again just quickly verse 26.
53:05 Hebrews 10 and verse 26:
53:47 If people spurn the blood of the covenant,
53:51 they reject Christ. And when we reject the commandments
53:55 we are rejecting Jesus.
53:57 Because the commandments are the embodiment of Jesus' life.
54:02 They summarize all that God wants us to do.
54:07 Nobody is saved by keeping the commandments.
54:10 God forbid! That's not what ever we have said here
54:13 because the Bible never teaches that.
54:17 We can never be saved by keeping the commandments.
54:19 But we are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
54:23 And when that power comes into my life
54:25 it leads me to want to do what God wants me to do
54:29 and it gives me the power, furthermore,
54:32 to be able to do it.
54:34 Let's come back to Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 10.
54:40 Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 10:
55:03 Revelation says: "Blessed are they that do His commandments
55:08 that they may have the right to the Tree of Life
55:11 and may enter in through the gates into the city. "
55:15 Sunday was never part of the new covenant
55:19 and Sunday will die eternally.
55:22 And God is in deadly earnest about this matter.
55:25 Let me remind you: God is in deadly earnest
55:29 about this because Sunday is an imposter.
55:34 Sunday has been brought in by an apostate power
55:38 which power claims it as the sign of her power
55:46 whereas the Sabbath is given to us a sign of our relationship
55:50 with God. It's like the flag.
55:55 If we were to take the Australian flag and treat it
55:58 as a light thing, every true- blooded Australian would rise up
56:03 in holy horror. Why?
56:06 Not because it's a bit of blue and red and white cloth.
56:11 No. It's not the cloth that's important.
56:14 It's what that stands for that's important, isn't that right?
56:17 Many millions died over the years
56:23 for that flag.
56:25 And it represents something.
56:26 It represents all the good things that we as Australians
56:30 believe in.
56:32 And that's exactly why God is very upset
56:35 when people disregard His day: it's His flag.
56:39 And when the devil has brought an apostate day in -
56:43 a day that is against the commandments -
56:46 and people want to claim that they're followers of Christ
56:49 when they want to observe that day which is not found anywhere
56:54 in the Bible, no wonder God feels upset about it.
56:57 And in these last days God is calling for men to be faithful
57:01 to Jesus and faithful to His commandments.
57:04 Like the martyrs of old who stood for truth.
57:08 You know, I've often thought when I get home to heaven
57:10 and I meet some of those millions of martyrs
57:12 that died for Christ, I want to be able to say
57:17 that I stood for something when I was down on that earth.
57:19 Because otherwise I'll feel very embarrassed along side
57:23 those great men and women who have given up everything
57:26 to stand for truth. You know, it's so easy for us today
57:29 to serve God. It's almost an embarrassment as we think about
57:32 those in the past. May God give us strength
57:34 and help and power to live as God wants us to live
57:39 even though it may include difficulties
57:42 and problems along the way, but God will be with us.
57:46 Let's just bow our heads together in prayer.
57:48 Our wonderful Father in heaven, I just want to
57:50 thank you again. I want to thank you for Your grace
57:53 and Your power. Help us, Lord, to understand
57:56 this great truth in these last days.
57:58 Not a fight over days but a fight over allegiance.
58:01 We want to be in our allegiance with Jesus.
58:04 To this end bless us now
58:05 and as we further study continue to guide us.
58:08 I pray for Christ's sake, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17