Focus on God's Word

Stand Fast

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Graham Weir


Series Code: FGW

Program Code: FGW000030A

00:25 Hello, everyone. I'm Graham Weir.
00:28 Welcome to part five of The Reformation Revisited.
00:32 This is the six part series dealing with the implications
00:35 of a great Protestant Reformation
00:38 for Christianity today.
00:40 And in the program today,
00:41 we're going to take a look at the battle plain,
00:45 an insider's view,
00:48 an incredible insider's view of the battle plains
00:52 of the antichrist
00:53 to destroy God's faithful remnant
00:55 just before the close of probation.
00:58 We're also going to reveal the secret weapons
01:02 that God has made available to enable these people
01:05 to build an impregnable fortress of spiritual safety
01:09 in the time of crisis.
01:10 This is an important message.
01:13 Before we do that, let's begin with prayer.
01:19 Loving Father in heaven, we pray Thee and thank Thee
01:22 that we can come together, and consider the great heritage
01:26 that You've given us in the Protestant Reformation.
01:31 We hear voices saying
01:32 that the Protestant Reformation is over,
01:35 has been over for 15 years.
01:38 But, Lord, we don't believe that.
01:40 We believe that Protestant Reformation
01:42 is even just now beginning and coming soon,
01:46 coming to its close.
01:49 Lord, we want to pray that You'll bless us this morning.
01:53 Give us ears to hear, eyes to see.
01:58 Especially, a heart inclined to do Your will
02:02 as we get an insider's view,
02:04 an incredible insider's view
02:07 of the battle plains of the antichrist.
02:10 Thank You, Lord, for showing us these things
02:12 that we might be forewarned and forearmed
02:16 because we ask these things in Jesus' name, amen.
02:23 Out text today for this episode is 2 Thessalonians 2:15,
02:29 and it says this,
02:31 "Therefore, brethren, stand fast,
02:36 and hold the traditions which ye have been taught,
02:40 whether by word,
02:42 or the epistles" of God disciples.
02:49 Well, ever since the ascension of Christ,
02:52 His true followers have had to stand fast
02:54 in the face of terrible persecution.
02:57 And here we see, the Apostle Peter,
03:01 who saw it too great an honor to be crucified like His Lord,
03:05 and requested his executioners to crucify him upside down.
03:10 It has always been a conflict
03:12 between tradition and God's truth.
03:17 Well, during the early years of Roman persecution,
03:19 watching Christians being put to death
03:22 with the weekly entertainment, the sport of the lost.
03:25 I can't imagine that, can you?
03:28 But that's what happened.
03:30 A much of it happened in a Coliseum in Rome.
03:34 Some of them had to stand fast in mountain strongholds.
03:38 And some like Martin Luther had to stand fast
03:41 in front of the rich and the powerful.
03:44 And more than 100 million,
03:47 more than four times the population of Australia
03:50 stood fast at the cost of their lives.
03:55 Their crime, is that they dare to possess a copy of the Bible.
03:59 A privilege that we take for granted today.
04:02 You know, we must never forget the price
04:04 that they paid for our religious freedom.
04:06 What do you say?
04:08 And we must guard this privilege diligently
04:12 because there are forces out there
04:14 he want to take that privilege of us.
04:15 Do you realize that?
04:19 Some of them escaped European persecution
04:21 to forge a new beginning in a new land,
04:24 a land of religious liberty,
04:27 of separation of church and state.
04:31 And as I said in a previous episode,
04:33 we can thank the good old Baptist for that one.
04:36 They were strong supporters
04:37 of the separation of church and state.
04:41 The Protestant refugees from Europe
04:43 eventually write a constitution
04:45 that ensured that new American states
04:47 would never make religious laws.
04:50 That's a very important determination, do you know?
04:54 Never make religious laws
04:56 because they'd learn from the persecution in Europe
04:59 that you cannot do that.
05:00 If you do that, it just results in great persecution.
05:04 And in this new environment, people could study,
05:06 and proclaim the Bible without fear of persecution.
05:12 And in this new land, God raised up another prophet
05:17 who would proclaim his last warning messages to the world,
05:20 and prepare His people for His soon return.
05:26 And one of the identifying signs of the remnant church
05:28 which according to prophecy
05:30 would exist after the 1260 day period,
05:33 or after 1798 is the testimony of Jesus.
05:38 And we understand that statement
05:40 to mean the Spirit of Prophecy,
05:43 or the prophetic gift, do you agree with that?
05:46 Yes.
05:48 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
05:49 from its very beginning had believed
05:51 that in fulfillment of Revelation 12:17,
05:55 the Spirit of Prophecy was manifested
05:57 in the life and work of Ellen G. White,
06:00 a very humble woman who didn't ask to be called,
06:03 but God called her.
06:05 We'll talk more about that shortly.
06:08 Now, church in their book, 28 Fundamental Beliefs
06:11 made this statement about Ellen White.
06:15 It says, "One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy.
06:19 And this gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church
06:23 and was manifested
06:24 in the ministry of Ellen G. White.
06:27 As the Lord's messenger,
06:29 her writings are a continuing
06:31 and authoritative source of truth
06:33 which provide for the church
06:35 comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction.
06:41 And they also make clear that the Bible is the standard
06:45 by which all teaching and experience
06:48 must be tested."
06:51 We do not put Ellen White's writings above the Bible.
06:56 We do not say they're even equal with the Bible.
06:59 Wouldn't say they're complementary to
07:01 or they like a microscope in the Bible.
07:04 When I first read Ellen White's book,
07:05 you know, what happened to me,
07:07 it drove me into the Bible
07:09 like nothing else that I ever read.
07:11 And it helped me understand
07:12 what the Bible was really saying.
07:19 They point us to the Bible, and the Bible only,
07:22 and that great Protestant Reformation slogan,
07:25 "Sola scriptura", the Bible and the Bible only.
07:29 This is our rule of faith in practice.
07:32 Just as the prophets of old would think
07:34 to continually remind of frequently backsliding people
07:38 to remain faithful to the Word of God.
07:42 Now, how do we know that a prophetic gift
07:44 in Ellen White's case was genuine
07:45 and not a counterfeit?
07:47 How do we know that?
07:49 Well, a Bible provides several guidelines
07:51 for testing the prophetic gift, it's important.
07:55 And those of you who are watching this program
07:56 around the world, you might want to get out your pen
08:00 and write this down,
08:01 or you might want to get out your phone
08:03 and take a picture of the screen
08:05 so you have a recording
08:07 of what we're going to be talking about
08:08 because we're going to be going through a lot of information.
08:14 The first one is Dreams and Visions
08:17 which is in Numbers 12:6,
08:20 and it says there,
08:22 "And he said, Hear now my words:
08:24 if there be a prophet among you,
08:26 I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision
08:32 and will speak unto him in a dream."
08:38 So in Scripture, genuine prophets
08:39 would see prophetic dreams and visions.
08:42 And during her 70 year ministry from 1844 to 1915,
08:47 Ellen G. White received approximately,
08:50 you know, how many visions and dreams?
08:52 No.
08:53 Two thousand, around about 2000, phenomenal.
08:58 The second point is agreement with the Bible.
09:02 We get that from Isaiah 8:20 would says this,
09:06 "To the law and to the testimony:
09:10 if they speak not according to this word,"
09:14 there is how much light in them?
09:16 None. None.
09:19 So what a prophet claims to have received
09:20 from God must be in harmony with the rest of God's word.
09:25 Because God who said in Malachi 3:6
09:28 that He never changes, does not contradict Himself.
09:33 Although Ellen White was not a triune theologian,
09:36 her messages were in harmony with scriptures.
09:38 Have you found that?
09:40 If you read a book then you found that,
09:42 that's what makes it so wonderfully, isn't it?
09:45 And the third one is the witness to Jesus
09:47 and we get this in I John 4:1 and 2
09:51 which says this, "Beloved, believe not every spirit,
09:55 but try the spirits
09:57 whether they are of God: because" why?
10:01 "Many false prophets are gone out into the world.
10:06 Hereby know ye the spirit of God..."
10:08 It says in 4:2,
10:11 "Every spirit that confesseth
10:13 that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God."
10:16 That's a very important point
10:19 because you may have heard some people speaking,
10:22 saying that Jesus Christ isn't really God.
10:26 I've heard that from plenty of people.
10:28 But we know from this
10:31 that such a statement is not from God, isn't it?
10:36 Anyone familiar with the writings of Ellen White,
10:38 such as the books, The Desire of Ages,
10:40 or the Steps to Christ
10:42 will be able to see for themselves
10:44 that she not only accepted
10:45 the role that Bible teaches about Jesus,
10:48 but continually pointed people to Him
10:51 as their Lord and Savior.
10:54 Friends, there're people out there watching.
10:57 Don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.
11:02 And you get an opportunity
11:03 as we go through this program to do just that.
11:07 The first one is fulfilled prophecy.
11:09 We get that from Jeremiah 28:9, which says that,
11:13 "The Prophet which prophesieth of peace,
11:16 when the word of the prophet shall come to pass,
11:19 then shall the prophet be known,
11:21 that the Lord has truly sent him."
11:25 A proof of a true prophet lies in part,
11:28 in the fulfillment of his or her prediction.
11:31 Although Ellen White's work
11:33 did not primarily consist of predicting the future,
11:36 she did make a number of predictions
11:38 that have all been fulfilled in a remarkable way.
11:43 And the fifth one is The "Orchard" test.
11:48 We get this from Matthew 7:20, and that says,
11:52 "Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them."
11:57 And the orchard test takes time.
11:59 Ellen White lived and worked for 70 years
12:02 under the critical eyes of millions of people.
12:05 Now were largely skeptical, doubtful, and suspicious,
12:09 and in some cases they're openly hostile.
12:12 Any perceived fault or inconsistency
12:14 was and still is investigated
12:18 and exposed with great satisfaction
12:20 by her opponents.
12:22 But nevertheless, the fruit of her life
12:24 and labor attests her sincerity,
12:26 her zeal in a Christian party.
12:28 Would you agree with that? Yes.
12:29 You have to read it to understand it.
12:31 We don't expect people to expect it
12:33 just because we say it.
12:35 You know, you need to investigate for yourself
12:37 as I did.
12:38 It took me 18 months.
12:40 And you know, I was an atheist,
12:41 and I had written a paper
12:43 at university condemning Christianity
12:44 as a mental crutch.
12:47 And my psychology lecturer challenged me,
12:50 and told me to do more research.
12:52 As a commentary, he gave me one of Ellen White's book
12:54 called The Great Controversy.
12:56 And then he gave me another one on Patriarchs and Prophets.
12:58 And as I read those books, they drove me into the Bible,
13:02 and by after 18 months, I had to say, well,
13:04 if I'm not going to be a hypocrite
13:06 like all of the other Christians I've written about.
13:08 I better become a Seventh-day Adventist,
13:10 and the Lord blessed.
13:13 While counterfeit prophets
13:15 may pass one or two of these tests,
13:16 a true prophet will pass them all.
13:19 We believe that Ellen White certainly did.
13:22 God's gracious guidance
13:23 through the prophetic gift of Ellen White
13:25 should make us more aware of the responsibility
13:28 that we as the remnant church have,
13:30 and it should inspire us on to finish the work
13:33 God given us to do.
13:34 What do you say?
13:36 Amen. You know what?
13:37 I feel bad for our Seventh-day Adventists
13:39 who haven't read Ellen White's writings.
13:41 I think they're missing half the message, don't you?
13:43 Yes.
13:44 Now I haven't really understood it.
13:48 Now how did Ellen White herself
13:50 describe her prophetic experiences?
13:53 Very interesting, I want you to read what she has to say.
13:56 She said, "Early in my youth, I was asked several times,
14:00 are you a prophet?"
14:02 She said, "I have ever responded
14:04 I am the Lord's messenger.
14:06 I know that many have called me a prophet,
14:09 but I have made no claim to this title.
14:12 My Savior declared me to be His messenger.
14:16 'Your work', He instructed me is to bear My word.
14:20 Strange things will arise and in your youth,
14:23 I have set you apart
14:25 to bear the message to the erring ones,
14:27 to carry the word before unbelievers,
14:30 and with pen and voice to reprove from the word,
14:33 actions that are not right.
14:35 Exhort from the Word.
14:37 I will make My word open before you.
14:40 It shall not be as a strange language.
14:43 In the true eloquence of simplicity,
14:45 with voice and pen,
14:46 the messages that I give shall be heard from one
14:49 who has never learned in the schools.
14:52 My Spirit and My power shall be with you."
14:54 That's an interesting statement
14:56 because she never learned in the school
14:57 because as the young girl
14:59 she was hit in her face with the rock
15:01 which debilitated her and wrecked her education.
15:04 And yet, the Lord chose her
15:06 because she hadn't learned in the school,
15:08 he was able to teach her in his school.
15:12 What a blessing that was.
15:15 He said, "Be not afraid of man, for My shield will protect you.
15:20 It is not you that speaketh:
15:22 it is the Lord that giveth the messages
15:24 of warning and reproof."
15:26 Now here, look at this,
15:27 "Never deviate from the truth
15:31 under any circumstances."
15:35 Doesn't that encourage you?
15:36 "Never deviate from the truth under any circumstances.
15:45 Give the light that I shall give you."
15:48 Sell books that give light.
15:50 "The Lord has sent his people much instruction,"
15:52 she said, "line upon line, precept upon precept,
15:56 here a little, and there a little."
15:58 But he said, "Little heed is given to the Bible,
16:01 and the Lord has given a lesser light."
16:03 She calls her writings a lesser light.
16:08 "To lead men and women to the greater light.
16:12 O, how much good would be accomplished..."
16:14 She says, "If the book containing this light
16:17 were read with a determination to carry out the principles
16:20 that contain."
16:21 She says, "There would be a thousandfold greater vigilance,
16:24 a thousandfold more self-denial and resolute effort.
16:28 And many more would now be rejoicing
16:30 in the light of present truth."
16:31 So I think it's important to appreciate that book.
16:35 You know, friend, every good university student
16:37 learns not to just accept
16:39 what is being taught without proof.
16:44 He learns how to do research, how do we investigate evidence,
16:48 and how important it is to keep an open mind
16:51 to not make any conclusion
16:53 until thorough investigations have been done.
16:55 Isn't that supposed to be the basis for our court?
16:59 It's a basis for all kinds of learning.
17:01 You can't just make assumptions,
17:03 and make opinions unless you've done genuine research.
17:05 Otherwise, you haven't done justice to the subject.
17:09 And this process is just what God has recommended,
17:12 you know, Isaiah 1:18, where he says,
17:18 "Come now..."
17:20 What he said?
17:21 "Let us reason together, said the Lord.
17:25 Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be as white as snow,
17:29 they would be red like crimson, they shall be his wool."
17:32 So he says, "Come on, let's study.
17:34 I've got a promise for you.
17:36 If you study, you will discover
17:39 that though your sins be a scarlet
17:40 that can be as white as snow."
17:42 That's a great promise, isn't it?
17:43 That's an encouragement to study, isn't it?
17:45 It sure is.
17:47 God made us with wonderful brain
17:49 so we can think and reason.
17:51 So we can examine evidence, and make conclusions.
17:54 He doesn't expect us to accept anything without thinking,
17:56 and reasoning, and listening.
18:00 And, friend, with this understanding,
18:02 and before we continue, I'd like to offer you,
18:05 and the people out there who are watching this program,
18:10 I would like to offer you a chance to examine
18:11 some of Ellen White's writings for yourself.
18:14 And see if these books do indeed
18:18 make the biblical test of a true prophet.
18:21 Grab your pen, or get out your phone,
18:23 and get ready to take a picture of the screen
18:25 and write down this important information.
18:28 Now here is the information you need.
18:35 Inspired by the Reformation,
18:36 The Great Controversy DVD production
18:39 is a musical and historical journey
18:41 through Europe.
18:42 It Is Written's John Bradshaw joins Fountainview Academy
18:46 to host this production
18:47 filmed in five different countries of Europe
18:50 at historically meaningful sites.
18:53 These young musicians share not only music
18:55 but personal testimonies
18:57 and powerful reformation stories
18:59 still relevant to our lives today.
19:04 To order your own set of
19:05 The Great Controversy DVD and book
19:07 by Fountainview Academy Orchestra and Singers,
19:09 visit their online web store at
19:15 That's,
19:19 or you may call them in North America
19:21 on 1-877-490-4141.
19:31 In one of her books called "The Great Controversy"
19:33 Ellen White made an amazing prophetic statement.
19:37 I'm going to quote from this book,
19:39 and read to you
19:40 because this is profound information.
19:42 She said, "The great controversy
19:44 between Christ and Satan,
19:46 that had been carried forward for nearly 6000 years,
19:50 is soon to close,
19:55 and the wicked one redoubles his efforts
19:56 to defeat the work of Christ in man's behalf
19:59 and to fasten souls in his snares.
20:03 To hold the people in darkness and impenitence
20:06 until the Savior's mediation is ended,
20:12 and there is no longer a sacrifice for sin,
20:15 is the object which he seeks to accomplish.
20:19 And, friends, the Bible tells us clearly
20:22 that it is certain that Christ mediation
20:25 in the most holy place,
20:27 in the heavenly sanctuary is going to end.
20:30 Evil will not be allowed to continue unchecked forever.
20:33 Isn't that good news?
20:36 Listen to this statement in the Book of Revelation 22:11
20:40 and 12, we're going to read it, this one,
20:43 Revelation 22:11 an 12,
20:50 and it says, "He that is unjust,
20:53 let him be unjust still:
20:55 and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still.
20:59 And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still.
21:03 And he that is holy, let him be holy still.
21:08 And, behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me,
21:12 to give every man according as his work shall be."
21:17 So doesn't this text imply into the Great Controversy,
21:21 it's pretty clear, isn't it?
21:23 Why would Jesus come back if it's not going to begin?
21:26 Now, we're going to continue reading
21:28 from the Great Controversy.
21:30 "When there is no special effort
21:32 made to resist his power, that Satan's power,
21:35 when indifference prevailed in the church, in the world,
21:41 Satan's not concerned
21:44 for he's in no danger of losing those
21:46 whom he is leading captive at his work.
21:51 But when the attention is called to eternal thing,
21:54 and souls that are inquiring, what must I do to be saved,
21:59 he's on the ground
22:00 seeking to match his power against the power of Christ,
22:04 and to counteract the influences
22:06 of the Holy Spirit.
22:08 Now the information I'm about to share with you
22:12 is nothing short of astounding news.
22:16 You imagine being able to become invisible,
22:19 and secretly enter into a meeting
22:21 between Satan and his angels,
22:24 and listen to his plan and instructions
22:27 for the final battle.
22:29 Don't you think that will make the headline news?
22:35 If the world, and particularly God's people
22:37 could be forewarned,
22:39 don't you think this news
22:41 would enable them to prepare their defenses
22:43 with great urgency, and great gratitude
22:46 for God for making this information known?
22:52 Wouldn't it be important,
22:53 if we knew the plans of an enemy
22:55 to attack our country before,
22:58 those planes were made evident?
23:00 When we get ready with our defenses,
23:02 when we do everything possible, we could to stop it.
23:08 Well, this is exactly what happened to Ellen White
23:11 in one of her most astounding visions
23:14 that God ever gave her.
23:16 And she faithfully wrote it all down afterwards.
23:18 I reckon that would have been a scary experience.
23:22 A humbling experience and any satisfaction
23:24 will be that you had the Lord beside you in this vision.
23:29 But whatever experience it must have been,
23:32 just so anyone could walk up to,
23:34 could read this headline news.
23:35 I want you to please stay tuned out there,
23:38 and even the audience and listen very carefully
23:41 as we read through this vital information
23:43 about the enemy's battle plains.
23:46 And I'm going to comment as we go to help ensure
23:48 that the meaning of these statements is not lost.
23:51 Now here's the first statement.
23:54 As the people of God approached the perils of the last days,
23:57 Satan holds during this consultation
23:59 with these angels,
24:00 asked to their most successful plan
24:02 of overthrowing their faith.
24:05 He sees that the popular churches
24:08 are already lull to sleep by his deceptive power.
24:14 Already lull to sleep by his deceptive power.
24:17 What?
24:18 Satan sees that the popular mainstream churches
24:21 are already lull to sleep.
24:24 How could they possibly be in that state?
24:27 Well, remember in our previous episode,
24:29 we revealed that the spirit of iniquity
24:32 was the attitude in practice of compromise and conformity,
24:37 and would lead to believing
24:38 and teaching unscriptural doctrine,
24:41 and believing lies.
24:43 Remember, the Bible said, "If you believe a lie,
24:45 I'll send you strong illusion."
24:47 You believe one lie, and you get led to another lie,
24:49 and another lie, and another lie,
24:51 until they end up calling evil good, and good evil.
24:56 They are terrible.
25:00 Satan knew that he could lead these churches
25:02 into this condition with fault doctrines.
25:04 Now what are some of those false doctrines?
25:07 We're going to go through a short list of them.
25:10 The first false doctrine is the state of the dead.
25:14 This is the "immortality of the soul" doctrine.
25:18 The idea that when you die, you don't really die,
25:20 but you take another life form called the soul.
25:24 And what's wrong with that?
25:26 Isn't that what most ministers say,
25:28 when you go to funeral, ever heard him say that?
25:30 "Oh, Mrs. John is happy now.
25:32 She's in heaven. She's looking down.
25:34 She's watching you. She's happy.
25:37 Don't worry about it."
25:39 I've heard that plenty of time.
25:43 Well, there's two things wrong with it.
25:46 Number one, the Bible says plainly,
25:48 in Ecclesiastes 9:5 that the dead know nothing,
25:54 and I quote it,
25:56 "For the living know that they shall die.
25:59 But the dead know not anything,
26:01 neither have they any more a reward
26:04 for the memory of them is forgotten."
26:07 It's not the end of the story, of course,
26:09 when Jesus comes all is going to change.
26:12 But for now, the memory of them is forgotten.
26:14 They know nothing.
26:16 And number two,
26:17 the second thing is wrong with that idea,
26:19 if the dead really only take another life form,
26:23 then Satan must have told Eve the truth
26:25 in the Garden of Eden
26:27 when he said that they shall not surely die.
26:30 What do you think, he told the truth?
26:32 Hardly, the Bible calls him the father of lies,
26:36 and that was the first one.
26:40 Another typical false doctrine
26:42 is that Christ's atonement ministry
26:44 was completely finished at the cross.
26:46 And therefore, the Ten Commandments
26:48 were done away with are not necessary anymore.
26:51 Heard that done?
26:53 See that often.
26:54 But what's wrong with this popular teaching?
26:57 Well, Satan knew it was a great lie to teach
27:00 because it completely ignores the Book of Hebrews,
27:03 and the symbolic sanctuary picture of Christ mediation
27:07 in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.
27:12 He knew that the cross was symbolized
27:14 in the earthly sanctuary by the altar of sacrifice,
27:17 the holy place and the most holy place.
27:20 There are other elements.
27:22 And both of these pointed to phases of Christ Ministry
27:25 beyond the cross.
27:26 Doesn't it?
27:27 The picture didn't end at the across.
27:31 He already knew that with this lie
27:33 he could keep people ignorant of the rest of the story
27:35 after the cross, diabolical.
27:40 Another false doctrine that Satan has successfully taught
27:43 is probably the very biggest of his list of fraud and lie.
27:48 And this one
27:50 is where Sunday is called the New Testament Sabbath.
27:55 Astoundingly, and this totally devastated me
27:58 when I first I heard this.
28:00 When I was investigating
28:01 this issue of Sabbath versus Sunday,
28:04 are they standard by what other denominations
28:06 had decided about it.
28:08 When I read the writings of the ladies
28:10 of these other denominations, it blew me away.
28:13 I'm going to show you some of them.
28:15 This first one is from the Catholic Church,
28:18 "So basically..."
28:19 it says, "Saturday is the Sabbath day.
28:23 It's the last day of the week, the seventh day,
28:26 the day on which God rested after six days of creation.
28:29 Even modern calendars have Saturday
28:31 as the last day of the week,
28:33 and Sunday as the first day of the new week."
28:35 Well, that pretty astounding, isn't it?
28:39 If you're a Catholic, wouldn't you say,
28:41 "Well, wait a minute,
28:42 what are we doing going to church on Sunday?"
28:47 And the second one is from the Anglican Church.
28:50 "Is there any command in the New Testament
28:52 to change the day of weekly rest
28:54 from Saturday to Sunday?
28:56 What's their own answer.
28:58 None.
29:00 And this one from the Baptist,
29:03 "There was and is a commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day."
29:06 "Hey, these are the people
29:07 who brought in the separation of church and state"
29:10 He was a great founder of religious liberty.
29:14 "But the Sabbath day was not Sunday as I said.
29:17 And it will be said, however and with some show of triumph,
29:20 that the Sabbath was transferred
29:22 from the seventh to the first day of the week.
29:25 But where can the record of such a transaction be found?
29:28 Not in the New Testament, absolutely not.
29:31 There is no Scriptural evidence
29:33 of the change of the Sabbath institution
29:36 from the seventh to the first day of the week."
29:41 Then in that case, why are they keeping Sunday?
29:44 Because they're following tradition, isn't that so?
29:48 Tradition, not the Bible.
29:52 I just pray that my friends in the Baptist Church
29:54 and these other denominations that are doing this
29:56 which is break up.
29:58 And we want unity, don't we?
30:00 We want unity on the basis of truth
30:03 on God's day of rest.
30:05 We don't want unity on the basis of throw
30:07 the doctrine out and come together
30:08 for the sake of unity.
30:11 That's foolish.
30:12 Another one is the doctrine of the rapture.
30:15 And this is one I think that Satan regards
30:18 as his most successful lie.
30:20 Remember in our third episode,
30:22 we showed how this doctrine
30:24 was an invention of the Jesuit could be a key strategy
30:27 if you counter reformation.
30:29 If you get the focus off the papacy,
30:31 of the antichrist
30:32 of the Books of Daniel and Revelation,
30:36 and replace it with this chart of unbiblical theories
30:39 about prophetic events and timeline,
30:42 including the rapture theory is where it all come from.
30:45 Satan knew that this deliberately engineered lie
30:48 would be so successful.
30:50 It would've eventually have a profound influence
30:54 on American foreign policy.
30:57 So he knew that this doctrine will be a powerful tool
31:02 to quiten the fears of sleeping millions.
31:05 He would begin to wake up at the loud cry of those
31:08 who were not deceived
31:10 and were trying to sound the alarm
31:12 about the signs foretold in prophecy.
31:14 And that's what we're trying to do, isn't it?
31:16 We're trying to sound an alarm with this program to wake up.
31:21 They say, "There is no cause for alarm,
31:23 Satan's agents would cry before Christ shall come,
31:26 all the world is to be converted,
31:28 and righteousness is to reign for a thousand years."
31:33 Where did it come from?
31:34 Jesuit theory.
31:37 Peace, peace, they say.
31:38 Old thing continue as they were from the beginning.
31:41 Let none be disturbed by the exciting messages
31:45 of these alarmists.
31:47 I would rather be an exciting alarmist,
31:49 wouldn't you?
31:50 An excited alarmist.
31:51 Friends, if you have a bomb under your house,
31:54 and someone tried to say,
31:55 "Hey, you got a bomb unto your heads.
31:56 Get out quick."
31:58 And you say, "I've read already.
32:01 I don't believe it."
32:02 Worst can happen to you.
32:06 The alarmist is not going to be killed.
32:09 Satan's coming since Ellen White recorded them
32:12 makes you identify identification marks
32:14 of this false doctrine extremely clear.
32:16 Listen to this.
32:19 We're back to Ellen White's commentary
32:21 in that meeting with Satan.
32:23 She says, 'Says the great deceiver,
32:24 "We must watch those
32:26 who are calling the attention of the people
32:28 to the Sabbath of Jehovah."'
32:29 Who's that?
32:31 That's you and me.
32:33 "They will lead many people
32:34 to see the claims of the law of God.
32:37 And the same light which reveals the true Sabbath
32:40 reveals also the ministration of Christ
32:43 in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary."
32:46 Satan doesn't want people to know.
32:48 That's where Christ is.
32:49 He doesn't want people to know that he's finishing his work.
32:54 "Hold the minds of the people in darkness
32:56 till that work is ended, and we shall secure the world,
32:59 and the church also."
33:02 He says, "The Sabbath is the great question
33:03 which is to decide the destiny of souls."
33:06 What decides the destiny of souls?
33:09 The Sabbath.
33:11 "We must exalt the Sabbath of our creating, Sunday.
33:15 We have caused it to be accepted
33:16 by both worldlings and church members,
33:19 and now the church must be led to unite
33:21 with the world in its support.
33:23 That's a church/state relationship too.
33:26 We must work by signs and wonders
33:28 to blind their eyes to the truth,
33:29 and lead them to lay aside reason
33:31 and the fear of God and follow custom and tradition.
33:37 I will influence popular ministers
33:39 to turn the attention of their hearers
33:41 from the commandments of God.
33:43 That which the scriptures
33:44 declare to be a perfect law of liberty
33:46 shall be represented as a yoke of bondage or legalism."
33:52 Then Ellen White's comments get even more specific.
33:56 We continue reading about this amazing conference.
33:59 She says, "But our principle concern..."
34:01 This is, she's listening to Satan,
34:03 writing down what Satan says.
34:05 Satan says, "But our principle concern
34:07 is to silence this sect of Sabbath keepers.
34:12 We must excite popular indignation against them."
34:16 And look how he does it.
34:17 "We will enlist great men
34:19 and worldly-wise men upon our side,
34:21 and induce those in authority to carry out our purposes.
34:25 And then the Sabbath
34:26 which we have created or set up,
34:28 Sunday shall be enforced
34:30 by laws the most severe and exacting."
34:33 I'll continue quoting,
34:35 but you won't see these words on the screen.
34:37 "Those who disregard them shall be driven out
34:40 from the cities and villages
34:42 and made to suffer hunger and privation.
34:45 When once we have the power
34:46 we will show what we can do with those
34:48 who will not swerve from their allegiance to God.
34:53 We led the Roman's churches to inflict imprisonment,
34:56 torture and death upon those
34:57 who refused to yield to her decrees."
34:59 He's bragging.
35:01 "And now that we are bringing the Protestant churches
35:03 and the world into harmony
35:05 with the right arm of our strength,
35:07 we will finally have a law to exterminate all
35:10 who will not submit to our authority.
35:13 When death shall be made
35:14 the penalty of violating our Sabbath, Sunday,
35:17 then many who are now ranked with commandment keepers
35:20 will come over to our side."
35:22 But what he doesn't know is he's on the losing side.
35:25 Isn't he?
35:28 Ellen White has something very meaningful
35:30 to say about these statements commented herself.
35:33 And she wrote this down.
35:36 This is not good, you know,
35:37 this is not a pretty picture but we need to know about it.
35:40 She said, "Satan's policy in this final conflict
35:42 with God's people is the same that he employed
35:45 in the opening of the great controversy in heaven.
35:48 He professed to be seeking to promote
35:50 the stability of the divine government,
35:53 while secretly bending every effort
35:56 to secure its overthrow."
35:58 And the very work
36:00 which he was about endeavoring to accomplish,
36:01 he charged upon the loyal angels.
36:04 The same policy of deception
36:07 has marked the history of the Roman Church.
36:10 It has professed to act as the vicegerent of heaven,
36:13 while seeking to exalt itself above God
36:16 and to change His law.
36:22 Under the rule of Rome,
36:24 those who suffered death for their fidelity
36:26 to the gospel were denounced as evildoers,
36:29 they were declared to be in league with Satan,
36:32 and every possible means was employed
36:34 to cover them with reproach,
36:37 to cause them to appear in the eyes of the people
36:39 and even to themselves as the vilest of criminals.
36:44 So it will be now.
36:47 While Satan seeks to destroy those who honor God's law,
36:50 he will cause them to be accused as lawbreakers,
36:54 as men who are dishonoring God
36:56 and bringing judgments upon the world."
36:58 End quote.
37:01 And then Ellen White heard more alarming news
37:03 for Sabbath keeper as if that wasn't enough.
37:06 Listen there all, what else she heard.
37:10 "But before proceeding to these extreme measures,
37:12 we must exert all our wisdom and subtlety
37:15 to deceive and ensnare
37:17 those who honor the true Sabbath.
37:19 We can separate many from Christ by worldliness,
37:25 lust and pride.
37:28 They may think themselves safe because they believe the truth,
37:31 but indulgence of appetite or the lower passions,
37:34 which will confuse judgment and destroy discrimination..."
37:39 What will indulgence of appetite
37:40 and law of passions do?
37:43 Confuse judgment and destroy discrimination.
37:48 He said, that's what caused their fall?
37:53 Ellen White's vision has shown us
37:54 that our knowledge of the truth isn't enough
37:56 to prevent Satan's deceptions from turning away from God.
38:01 And believe it or not,
38:02 we are told very clearly
38:04 that one of its key strategies to call us to follow
38:06 is indulgence of appetite and or lust and pride.
38:12 Really?
38:14 Is what we eat really all that important?
38:19 Does the Bible supports such statements?
38:23 Well, let's take a look at the first temptation of Christ
38:25 in Matthew 4:1 to 4, we're going to read that.
38:30 Matthew 4:1-4,
38:36 "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit
38:39 into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
38:43 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights,
38:49 he was afterward an hungered.
38:51 And when the tempter came to him,
38:53 he said, if thou be the Son of God,
38:56 command that these stones be made bread.
38:59 But he answered and he said, It is written,
39:02 Man shall not live by bread alone,
39:04 but by every word
39:07 that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
39:11 So what can we learn from these things.
39:13 Well, if a power of appetite
39:15 is so strong upon the human family
39:17 and its indulgence so feeble
39:19 that the Son of God subjected Himself
39:21 to a fast of nearly six weeks.
39:24 And how important is it
39:26 that we feel a necessity of having appetite
39:28 under the control of reason.
39:30 What do you say?
39:31 Appetite has to be controlled by reason.
39:35 And thousands of people today has destroyed it.
39:38 Self made indulgence
39:41 because of their disregard of the laws of health.
39:43 Isn't that so?
39:45 What a pity.
39:47 Any violation of the laws of nature
39:48 is a violation of the law of God.
39:50 I don't think many people realize that.
39:53 Unfortunately, many people say
39:55 the commandment is just listed do's and don'ts.
39:58 When the reality is
40:00 that the Lord has given His commandments
40:01 as the wall of protection.
40:03 Do you believe that?
40:04 A wall of protection around His created being.
40:08 And those who would keep themselves
40:10 from the reformative appetite and passion
40:13 may become partakers of the divine nature.
40:16 Do you believe that? Yes.
40:17 You can inherit, you can accept
40:21 the supernatural power of God to overcome these things
40:24 and move forward in faith and practice.
40:28 So perception should be clear.
40:30 Thy will know how to preserve every faculty in health,
40:34 and the Lord can use them
40:36 because they understand
40:38 the words of the great Apostle Paul
40:40 in Romans 1: 2.
40:42 Romans 1:2, we're going to read that one.
40:46 He says, "I beseech you therefore,
40:47 brethren, by the mercies of God,
40:50 that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
40:54 holy, acceptable unto God,
40:56 which is your reasonable service.
40:59 And be not conformed to this world,
41:01 but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
41:07 that ye may prove what is that good,
41:09 and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
41:13 Unfortunately, Ellen White saw that
41:15 there was a lot more to the enemy's battle plain
41:18 than corrupting people's mind
41:20 with indulgence of appetite and passion.
41:23 And you can discover more vital information
41:25 in the chapter called the snare of Satan
41:28 in the great book, The Great Controversy.
41:32 But now I want to encourage you
41:34 by turning your attention to the secret weapons
41:37 that God has made available to enable His people
41:40 to build an impregnable fortress of spiritual safety
41:44 during the time of final crisis.
41:46 Do we need that?
41:48 We need an impregnable fort, don't we?
41:51 The Satan well knows
41:52 that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer
41:54 and the searching of scriptures will be overcome by his attack.
42:00 So we must go into the storehouse
42:01 of God's weaponry, the Bibles.
42:06 The Apostle Paul tells us exactly
42:08 what God's weapons are in Ephesians 6:10-18,
42:12 we're going to read through some of it,
42:13 and we're going to comment on it.
42:16 Ephesians 6:10 that says, "Finally my brethren,
42:19 be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
42:23 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
42:26 against the wiles of the devil."
42:27 That was verse 11.
42:30 Verse 12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
42:33 but against principalities, against powers,
42:36 against the rulers of a darkness of this world,
42:39 against spiritual wickedness in high places.
42:43 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God,
42:46 that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,
42:50 and having done all, to stand."
42:53 And verse 14, "Stand therefore,
42:55 having your loins girt about with truth."
42:58 We'll talk about that in a minute.
43:00 "And having on the breastplate of righteousness.
43:04 And your feet shod
43:05 with the preparation of the gospel of peace."
43:07 That was verse 15.
43:09 Verse 16, "Above all, taking the shield of faith
43:13 where with you shall be able to quench
43:15 all of fiery darts of the wicked."
43:18 And verse 17, "And take the helmet of salvation,
43:21 and the sword of spirit which is the Word of God."
43:28 Verse 18, "Praying always with all prayer
43:31 and supplications in the Spirit.
43:34 And watching thereunto with all perseverance
43:37 and supplications for all saints."
43:40 Now let's review some of these weapons
43:42 in the light of the Spirit of Prophecy.
43:45 Regarding the breastplate of righteousness,
43:47 we'll read these comments from the Great Controversy.
43:51 "As you strive for victory,
43:52 he will help you by His Holy Spirit
43:54 to be circumspect in every action
43:58 that you may give no occasion
43:59 for the enemy to speak evil of the truth.
44:02 Put on as your breastplate
44:04 that divinely protected righteousness
44:06 which it is the privilege of all to wear.
44:09 This will protect your spiritual life.
44:12 Regarding the weapon of prayer,
44:14 we read these encouraging comments.
44:17 Prayer is the weapon by which we resist the enemy.
44:22 Pray much.
44:23 Prayer is the life of the soul. You believe that?
44:26 Prayer is the life of the soul.
44:29 The prayer of faith is the weapon
44:31 by which we may successfully resist
44:34 every assault of the enemy.
44:37 The earnest prayer of faith
44:39 will baffle his strongest efforts of Satan.
44:43 Then take the shield of faith, brethren,
44:46 where with you shall be able to quench
44:48 all of the fiery darts of the wicked.
44:52 And we are told in Ephesians 6:14,
44:54 "To stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth."
44:59 This is critical protection
45:01 against the deceptions of the enemy.
45:04 He who utters untruths sells his soul in a cheap market.
45:07 Do you believe that?
45:10 His falsehoods may seem to serve a purpose
45:12 in emergencies,
45:15 but he finally reaches the place
45:16 where he can trust nobody.
45:18 Do you believe that?
45:19 You keep telling lies all the time
45:20 and eventually you find yourself
45:22 trapped in a corner of lies.
45:24 Himself a falsifier,
45:26 he has no confidence in the word of others.
45:28 You don't believe anybody else either.
45:31 And regarding watchfulness,
45:33 there are in the world today many who close their eyes
45:36 to the evidences that Christ has given
45:38 to warn men of His coming.
45:39 There's lot of people like that, isn't they?
45:41 No, they don't want to know.
45:43 You talk about Christ's second coming?
45:44 They don't want to know.
45:47 They seek to quiet all apprehension,
45:50 while at the same time
45:52 the signs of the end are rapidly fulfilling.
45:56 And Paul teaches that it is sinful
45:59 to be indifferent to the signs
46:01 which are to precede the second coming of Christ.
46:04 Thus, guilty of this neglect he called
46:06 "Children of the night and of darkness."
46:10 He encourages vigilant and watch for these words.
46:14 But he says, "Ye, brethren, are not in darkness,
46:17 that that day should overtake you as a thief.
46:20 Ye are all the children of light,
46:22 and children of the day.
46:24 We are not of the night, nor of darkness.
46:26 Therefore let us not sleep,
46:28 meaning spiritually as do others,
46:31 but let us watch and be sober."
46:33 What do you say?
46:34 Anything we take into our body that dulls our senses
46:37 and our perceptions makes us drunk, doesn't it?
46:43 Makes us blind.
46:46 We're the children of the day, we are not of the night,
46:48 nor of darkness.
46:49 Therefore, let us not sleep as do others,
46:51 but let us watch and be sober.
46:53 "If we accept Christ as our Guide,
46:55 He will lead us safely along the narrow way.
46:58 The road maybe rough and thorny,
47:00 and the ascent steep and dangerous.
47:03 There may be pitfalls on the right hand
47:05 and on the left.
47:07 When weary and longing for rest,
47:09 we may have to toil on,
47:11 when faint, we may have to fight,
47:14 but with Christ as our guide,
47:15 we shall not fail of reaching heaven."
47:17 What do you say?
47:19 We shall not fear if Christ is on our side.
47:24 "He will supply the needs of all
47:26 who will come to Him in faith.
47:28 And there will always be a few
47:31 who will preserve the knowledge of God
47:33 and will remain faithful
47:35 even when surrounded by people who ignore God."
47:38 Is that going to be you?
47:40 Will you remain faithful
47:42 even if you're surrounded with people
47:44 who just ignore God?
47:47 These are His peculiar people,
47:50 strange people according to the world's view,
47:53 but they're zealous of good works
47:56 not in order to get saved
47:58 but because they so much appreciate
48:00 what God has done for them,
48:01 they want to demonstrate that in hopefulness and good works.
48:03 Isn't that so?
48:05 This is what we believe.
48:08 So the question is asked,
48:09 will you stand fast with Christ?
48:12 As we listen to this inspiring story
48:14 by Dr. John Bradshaw, Pastor John Bradshaw,
48:18 and music by the Fountainview Choir,
48:20 and over to Shaw.
48:23 One of Martin Luther's contemporaries
48:25 was a man named Ulrich Zwingli, a Swiss reformer.
48:29 He started humbly in this world,
48:31 but he used the gifts and the talents
48:33 God had given to him for God's glory.
48:36 Above the reformers wall in Geneva, Switzerland
48:40 is an inscription that reads
48:42 "Post tenebrous looks after darkness light.
48:47 And after the darkness of the Middle Ages,
48:50 God used Zwingli and others to bring light to the world.
49:23 Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking
49:25 Lo, the powers of heaven are shaking
49:28 Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning
49:31 Ready for your Lord's returning
49:33 Lo, He comes, lo, Jesus comes
49:40 Lo, He come, He comes all glorious
49:42 Jesus comes to reign victorious
49:45 Lo, He comes, yes, Jesus comes
49:55 Lo, the promise of your Savior
49:58 Pardoned sin and purchased favor
50:01 Blood-washed robes and crowns of glory
50:03 Haste to tell redemption's story
50:06 Lo, He comes, lo, Jesus comes
50:12 Lo, He come, He comes all glorious
50:15 Jesus comes to reign victorious
50:17 Lo, He comes, yes, Jesus comes
50:31 Kingdoms at their base are crumbling
50:34 Hark, His chariot wheels are rumbling
50:39 Tell, O tell of grace abounding
50:42 While the seventh trump is sounding
50:46 Lo, Jesus comes
50:51 Nations wane, though proud and stately
50:54 Christ His kingdom hasteneth greatly
50:56 Earth her latest pangs is summing Shout,
50:59 ye saints, your Lord is coming
51:01 Lo, He comes, yes, Jesus comes
51:08 Lo, He come, He comes all glorious
51:11 Jesus comes to reign victorious
51:13 Lo, He comes, yes, Jesus comes
51:24 Sinners, come,
51:28 While Christ is pleading
51:35 Now for you
51:38 He's interceding
51:45 Haste, ere grace and time diminished
51:51 Shall proclaim
51:54 The mystery finished
52:00 Lo, He comes,
52:05 Lo, Jesus comes
52:12 Lo, He come, He comes all glorious
52:16 Jesus comes to reign victorious
52:19 Lo, He comes
52:24 Yes, Jesus comes
52:38 That's what I call zealous music.
52:41 What do you say?
52:42 Beautiful.
52:44 Let us pray.
52:49 Loving Father in heaven,
52:51 we praise Thee and thank Thee so much
52:53 for giving so much like your people
52:55 and all those who desire to hear the truth.
52:59 That You want to call out of darkness into light.
53:02 We pray Lord that Your Holy Spirit
53:03 will go forward with this program,
53:06 and in compelling invite those in their highways
53:09 and in their byways to come and join us Lord
53:12 as we prepare for Your coming, for You are the winning side.
53:17 You have shown us beforehand what is to come to pass,
53:20 and You have prepared a place for Your people
53:23 such as mind can hardly comprehend it.
53:26 Eternity in heaven with Thee and unfallen world.
53:29 We don't want to miss it, Lord.
53:31 Please bless us, give us ears to hear and eyes to see You
53:34 and inclined our heart to do Your will,
53:36 as we move forward in faith and practice
53:39 and prepare for Your coming
53:40 because we ask in Jesus' precious name,
53:43 even so, come Lord Jesus, amen.


Revised 2017-12-31