Focus on God's Word

Noah - Will God Remember You?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: FGW

Program Code: FGW210045S

00:28 Welcome to the second message in this Noah series,
00:33 Noah, Another Storm is Coming.
00:35 It's a six part series and this is message number two.
00:40 If you missed message number one,
00:41 I'd encourage you to catch up on that.
00:44 Today's message is entitled, "Will God remember you?"
00:50 Will God remember you?
00:52 Those of you who are watching us,
00:55 wherever you may be watching from,
00:56 I want to give you a big warm welcome.
00:59 Joining the studio audience here in Morisset,
01:03 beautiful Lake Macquarie in the most blessed nation
01:07 on the planet, Australia, the land down under.
01:10 And I can say that because I'm an Australian.
01:12 It's great to be here and wherever you are watching
01:14 from or listening, whatever the fact may be,
01:16 I pray that God will bless you
01:18 as we journey through this
01:20 very important message together.
01:22 Will God remember you?
01:24 That's a bit of a strange title.
01:26 Does God forget things?
01:28 We're going to look at that in just a little bit.
01:30 But I certainly do.
01:31 I don't know if you anyone here forgotten anything?
01:33 Okay, a few of you have forgotten something.
01:35 It gets a bit annoying.
01:38 I never forget the day I forgot my wife's birthday.
01:43 Oh, my, oh, my.
01:45 We had only been married for just over 12 months.
01:49 We were coming up to our second anniversary.
01:52 And I forgot her birthday.
01:54 Now you're thinking, Danny, how on earth could you forget
01:57 your wife's birthday after being married
01:59 for not even two years?
02:00 Well, let me tell you the story.
02:03 Her birthday happens to be on December 23.
02:07 Two days before Christmas.
02:08 I mean, what was she thinking
02:10 being born two days before Christmas?
02:12 It's a crazy time of the year.
02:14 What do we call that time of the season?
02:17 The silly season.
02:18 We call it a silly season for good reason.
02:20 Anyway, what happened was my next door neighbor
02:23 we were living in Cooranbong at the time I was studying
02:25 at Avondale College,
02:27 where we're living, this is back in 1996.
02:30 I guess so many moons ago.
02:32 Were living in Cooranbong, my next door neighbor
02:35 bought a brand new jet ski.
02:38 And he says to me the day before my wife's birthday,
02:41 how would you like to go out with me
02:43 on the lake tomorrow morning, and enjoy some jet skiing?
02:48 And I'm like, of course, but of course.
02:52 Anyway, I'm just, I'm just ready and waiting.
02:55 And I can barely sleep all night.
02:58 I've never been on a jet ski.
02:59 This is my first opportunity.
03:01 We just had a brand new baby as well, by the way.
03:05 Our little bobs, Jay Melesh
03:06 was about a month and a half old.
03:09 And so I was looking forward to getting out
03:12 and being on this jet ski.
03:13 So anyway, we get up in the morning
03:15 and everything seems to be hunky dory and all good.
03:19 And I head off with my neighbor and my brother-in-law happens
03:22 to be visiting us as well.
03:24 He's from Brisbane.
03:25 Anyway we head off on the jet ski.
03:27 And before we head off,
03:29 I noticed my wife was a little bit cranky.
03:32 You know how you can just pick that up
03:34 that something's not right.
03:36 I just had the feeling.
03:37 I mean, I hadn't been married for long,
03:38 but I could pick up the vibes.
03:41 Anyway, she just didn't seem to be
03:43 in the best possible mood before Christmas.
03:45 I'm thinking what's up? Who knows?
03:47 Anyway, no time to discuss or worry about it now.
03:50 And so off I go jet skiing.
03:52 Anyway, I come home.
03:54 And when I come home, she greets me
03:57 and I've got a big smile on my face.
03:59 And I'm like, it was just amazing.
04:02 And she didn't even ask me how it was,
04:03 I was just telling her what it was like.
04:06 And the more I'm telling her how amazing this experience
04:09 was out in the lake jet skiing with my next door neighbor,
04:13 the crankier she is getting.
04:16 And I'm thinking you are just so jealous.
04:18 It's just so terrible.
04:20 Like, all you can do is think about yourself
04:23 and you're not even like thanking,
04:26 you know, you're not even thankful that he,
04:28 you know, I had a good time and like, what's up with that?
04:31 And anyway, finally she just couldn't help herself
04:34 and she said, "Well, I'm glad someone had a nice time today."
04:40 Emphasis on the today.
04:42 I can still hear those words ringing in my ears.
04:47 And all of a sudden it hit me like a bolt of lightning.
04:52 Talk about a storm.
04:56 I'm like, "Oh, happy birthday sweetie."
05:02 Let's just say, let's just say
05:06 I have never ever forgotten my wife's birthday again.
05:10 There's one sure way never ever
05:12 to forget your wife's birthday, Lionel.
05:15 And that is to forget it once, you'll never forget it again.
05:20 It's annoying.
05:21 I've got to set reminders for myself
05:24 because I forget things,
05:25 I forget when I'm supposed to take
05:28 the washing out of the washing machine
05:30 and put it up on the washing line.
05:32 And I just forget, but my wife's like,
05:35 you don't forget about your bike riding.
05:37 You don't forget about playing tennis,
05:38 but you happen to forget the washing
05:40 and putting it out on the line.
05:42 It's strange how we forget some things
05:44 and some things we don't.
05:45 Don't you think, ladies?
05:47 It's like I don't understand how it works,
05:49 but it just works.
05:50 Anyway, does God forget things?
05:53 Is God forgetful?
05:56 Does God need to set reminders?
05:59 No, He doesn't. Of course, He doesn't.
06:01 God doesn't forget anything.
06:03 So why this title?
06:05 Why this title, "Will God remember you?"
06:09 Well, before we unpack
06:11 this story from the book of Noah,
06:14 as we go to the very heart of the book of Noah
06:16 in this message, we need to do something very important
06:19 before we open up God's Scripture.
06:20 And what is that?
06:22 We need to pray. So let's do that right now.
06:24 Father in heaven, we ask and pray
06:26 that as we open Your Word together,
06:28 and we unpack a little more of this incredible,
06:34 relevant message of Noah for our day.
06:38 We pray that Your Holy Spirit will open our hearts
06:40 and our minds as we open Your Word
06:42 that we may be ready to receive what the Spirit has to say
06:46 to those who are living at the very close
06:49 of human history
06:50 awaiting the soon return of Jesus.
06:52 And we pray this in Jesus name, amen and amen.
06:56 Well, we are going to the story of Noah,
07:01 because of the significant words of Jesus
07:03 at the end of His sermon on...
07:05 At the end of His sermon, zeroing in on the signs
07:09 of His coming in Matthew Chapter 24,
07:12 Jesus shared these concluding words
07:15 that brings the signs to a climax.
07:18 And as we discovered in our last message,
07:20 apart from the gospel going to all the world,
07:23 the greatest sign I have discovered is the sign of Noah,
07:27 that will prepare people for the soon return of Jesus.
07:29 So let's go to scriptures.
07:31 If you have your Bibles, you may want to follow along
07:33 with me to Matthew Chapter 24.
07:37 Matthew Chapter 24.
07:38 And let's pick it up in verse 36.
07:41 Matthew 24:36, Jesus here is speaking regarding the days
07:47 that will proceed His coming, immediately proceed His coming.
07:50 Matthew 24:36.
07:52 "But of that day and hour no one knows,
07:54 not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
07:57 And He's speaking of what event?
07:59 Speaking of the Second Coming.
08:01 So we cannot know the exact time
08:03 when Jesus will come,
08:04 but He goes on now.
08:07 "But as the days of Noah were,
08:10 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
08:12 For as in the days before the flood,
08:14 they were eating and drinking,
08:15 marrying and giving in marriage,
08:17 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
08:19 and did not know until the flood came
08:21 and took them all away,
08:23 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."
08:26 So Jesus here says, as it was in the days of Noah,
08:28 so it will be before I return.
08:30 And He repeats this message, according to Luke,
08:34 Luke actually taps into these words of Jesus in Luke 17.
08:39 And He also attaches the days of Lot.
08:42 So the days of Noah and the days of Lot
08:44 will be just as it will be before Jesus returns.
08:49 So we've discovered three all important points
08:53 regarding the days of Noah in the story of Noah.
08:56 And that is our main focus, although we will be taking
08:58 a look at the days of Lot as well, a little.
09:02 But the first thing we discover is that the story of Noah
09:04 clearly identifies earth's final generation,
09:08 according to the words of Jesus.
09:09 Secondly, the story of Noah enables us to know
09:13 and understand how we can be ready
09:15 when the Son of Man returns,
09:17 because Jesus following this passage in Matthew 24,
09:21 on this, on the days of Noah, He says,
09:22 watch and be ready, watch and be ready.
09:25 And thirdly, the story of Noah provides instruction
09:29 on how we can prepare others for Jesus' soon return.
09:33 And that is just so critical that we understand that.
09:36 It's not just about preparing ourselves.
09:40 But let me suggest that more importantly,
09:43 it's being used by God through His Holy Spirit
09:45 to prepare others for the soon return of Jesus.
09:49 For that is the message of John the Baptist
09:52 that needs to be repeated at the end of time.
09:55 What was John the Baptist's message?
09:57 To make ready a people who are prepared for what?
10:01 For the Lord's coming, for the first coming.
10:02 And you and I have been invited by God to be God's end time
10:07 John the Baptist generation to make ready of people
10:10 who are ready for the second coming of Jesus.
10:14 We discovered in our last message
10:15 that Noah found what in the eyes of the Lord?
10:18 Grace in the eyes of the Lord.
10:20 We discovered that Noah was a righteous man.
10:22 He was a just man.
10:24 He was a man who was blameless, who was perfect,
10:26 who was filled with integrity.
10:28 And ultimately he was a man who walked with who?
10:31 He walked with God,
10:33 and He followed God in everything that God said.
10:36 He was a faithful man.
10:38 And because of his faithfulness,
10:40 God rewarded him in the salvation
10:43 of his entire family, his wife, his sons, his three sons,
10:48 and their wives, eight people in all were saved.
10:53 As I was going through the story of Noah in the Bible,
10:57 in the Bible, because there is another story of Noah
11:00 out there that sadly, the majority of people
11:05 would be more familiar with
11:06 than the biblical story of Noah,
11:08 when it comes to people living in Australia.
11:11 There was a movie back in 2014,
11:14 that was put out by Hollywood on Noah,
11:18 Noah is the title, I just watched the trailer.
11:21 And that was enough.
11:23 There was enough,
11:25 a story from Hollywood on Noah, the story of Noah
11:31 that was so horribly massacred,
11:36 from what the real truth is.
11:39 And so we want to go to what the story of Noah is
11:41 in Scripture, in Holy Scripture,
11:43 these four chapters,
11:44 chapter 6, 7, 8, and 9 are powerful.
11:49 And they encourage us with a message
11:52 that is so relevant for our time,
11:54 I cannot begin to help you understand
11:58 how relevant it is, you'll need to keep watching.
12:01 And you'll need to keep coming along
12:03 and finding that out.
12:05 But as I was going through my Bible,
12:07 and I bought a new Bible,
12:09 I bought this Andrews Study Bible,
12:11 which I have here in my hand,
12:13 as I was going through and reading my new Bible,
12:15 I was in the story of Noah there,
12:17 and I discovered something that I had never seen
12:20 before in the story of Noah.
12:22 And that is that the story of Noah
12:25 is written with a focal point.
12:27 It's written with a bull's eye, so to speak.
12:31 It's written in clastic form.
12:33 Now what is a classism or what is clastic form?
12:37 It's simply where the main message of the story,
12:42 the key point is found where?
12:45 In the middle, just as in a bull's eye.
12:47 So that's probably the best way to describe it.
12:50 So we're going to go to the very bull's eye
12:53 of the story of Noah,
12:54 the very heart of the story of Noah.
12:57 So let me share with you from the Andrews Study Bible,
13:00 what I've discovered here in the notes,
13:02 very, very powerful stuff
13:04 when it comes to will God remember you,
13:07 that's our subject for today.
13:09 Notice what we discover.
13:11 We discover God's faithfulness
13:15 is the very heart of the flood story.
13:18 Let me repeat that.
13:20 God's faithfulness to Noah
13:22 is the very heart of the flood story.
13:25 Notice how the story is composed.
13:27 We have it here from the Andrew Study Bible
13:30 here in the notes from Genesis Chapter 6,
13:35 all the way through to Genesis Chapter 8,
13:37 just the overall structure of the story of Noah
13:41 in the Book of Genesis.
13:43 Firstly, at the top of the story,
13:47 we have Noah's righteous character in a violent context.
13:50 We looked at that in our last message,
13:52 and we're going to look at it once again.
13:54 We have the book end to that in 8:20-22.
13:59 Noah sacrifices this righteous man.
14:02 Secondly, we have God instructs Noah to build an ark,
14:06 and the remnant enters the ark.
14:09 Second last, in this passage of the story,
14:11 we have God instructing Noah to leave the ark.
14:14 Thirdly, the beginning of the deluge.
14:17 Then we have the waters dry up, then we have the waters rise,
14:22 and then we have the waters received.
14:25 Now guess what's right there,
14:27 smack bang in the middle of the story?
14:30 The words in Genesis 8:1,
14:32 which read and God did what?
14:36 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing
14:40 and all that, and all the animals
14:43 that were with him in the ark.
14:45 The very heart of the story is that God remember Noah,
14:50 when it comes to,
14:51 when it comes to the time element
14:53 that we find in the Noah story.
14:55 It's also fascinating to find what's at the very heart
14:58 of the time element in the story.
15:00 Notice these words, once again, Andrew Study Bible
15:02 gives these wonderful, gives this wonderful insight.
15:06 We have seven days of waiting for the rain,
15:09 followed by seven days of waiting
15:11 to send the second bird toward the end of the story.
15:14 We have seven days of waiting for the flood,
15:16 followed by seven days of waiting to send
15:18 the first bird at the tail end.
15:20 We have 40 days of the flood,
15:23 then we have 40 days of waiting for dry land.
15:26 We have 150 days of the water rising in Genesis 7:24.
15:31 And in Genesis 8:3, we have 150 days of waters decreasing.
15:36 Guess what's at the very heart
15:38 of that particular part of the story?
15:41 And God remembered Noah, and God remembered Noah.
15:46 God's faithfulness to Noah
15:48 is the very heart of the flood story.
15:51 So I go to Google, you know about Google,
15:55 if you've been to Google.
15:56 So I go to Google,
15:58 and I googled the story of Noah,
16:01 and thee in Wikipedia,
16:03 I find an individual
16:05 by the name of
16:10 Gordon Wenham.
16:12 And he is the one who originally
16:15 put this clasm together, I discovered.
16:18 And notice what we have here.
16:20 It's a little, it's a little small,
16:22 because we needed to fit it all in on one screen.
16:25 But this is Gordon Wenham.
16:28 And this clastic structure of the Genesis flood narrative.
16:32 He's got the four chapters here lined up,
16:34 but he's missing two elements,
16:36 he's missing the first bookend and the second
16:39 and the last bookend of the story.
16:41 Now I'm going to get to that at the end.
16:43 That's going to be Danny's contribution to the clasm
16:45 So you'll get to that at the end.
16:46 But notice what he has here.
16:49 He has Noah and his sons, Genesis 6:10.
16:53 And at the back end, we have Noah and his sons once again.
16:56 We have all life on earth, all life on earth.
17:01 We have the curse on the earth,
17:03 we have the blessing on the earth.
17:05 We have the ark, the ark,
17:08 we have all living creatures mentioned,
17:10 all living creatures again, we have the flood,
17:12 the flood, animals in man's hand,
17:14 animals in man's hand.
17:16 We have entry into the ark, exit from the ark,
17:19 waters increase, waters decrease,
17:24 mountains covered, mountains visible.
17:27 Wow.
17:30 Just when you thought
17:32 it could not get any more amazing.
17:34 And what's at the very heart of the story,
17:37 no prizes for guessing this third time.
17:39 It is what?
17:40 God remembered Noah.
17:43 And you know what?
17:45 There is a little more to the story.
17:47 And I have been, I have been digging into this story like
17:51 I have never done before.
17:53 And I have discovered things
17:55 as we're going to discover in this six part series
17:57 that just blew me out of the water,
18:00 absolutely blew me out of the water.
18:04 As I was reading this story, unlike even Gordon Wenham
18:09 he begins in Genesis 6:10.
18:13 And he ends in Genesis 9:19.
18:18 But that's not the beginning
18:19 and that's not the very end of the Noah story.
18:21 Because the Noah story begins in Genesis Chapter 6
18:25 and verse what?
18:26 Verse 1, and the Noah story ends
18:29 in Genesis Chapter 9.
18:31 And let me tell you now as I look at it in my Bible,
18:35 Genesis 9:29.
18:40 So it ends in Genesis 9:29.
18:42 So what do we have at the very beginning
18:44 and what do we have at the very end?
18:46 And I just read the passages and you can do that too.
18:49 I asked my friend Joel, is it possible,
18:51 he's the one that put these graphics together.
18:53 He's done a fantastic job, a job Joel,
18:57 a fantastic job, Joel.
19:00 Not a fantastic job, job.
19:03 He's done a fantastic job.
19:05 And I'm like, Joel,
19:06 can we sneak this Danny contribution
19:10 into the clasm and he goes, no way, nobody will see it.
19:13 But if you go home
19:14 and you take a look at the first
19:16 eight verses of Genesis Chapter 6,
19:19 you'll discover that there is a distinction
19:21 between two lines.
19:23 There is the unfaithful and the faithful.
19:25 We looked at that in our last message, didn't we?
19:27 The sons of God and the daughters of men.
19:30 You have Noah who is faithful to God
19:32 who finds grace in the eyes of the Lord,
19:34 and sadly, those who refuse God's grace,
19:37 that's at the beginning.
19:38 What do we have at the end of the story?
19:40 We have Noah's three sons and Noah,
19:45 Noah sadly.
19:47 We don't know how it came to me but he planted a vineyard.
19:50 That's not a big deal, but he got drunk.
19:52 Okay, that happens from time to time, doesn't it?
19:56 We don't know how it happened.
19:58 The Bible doesn't tell us but he got drunk.
20:01 One of his sons, Ham went in
20:04 and saw his father drunk and naked.
20:08 And it appears from the text
20:09 that he made fun of his father
20:12 before his other brothers, Shem and Japheth.
20:16 Where as Shem and Japheth,
20:18 they didn't think it was funny at all.
20:20 The Bible says they went in backwards, backwards.
20:24 And they covered their naked father's body,
20:28 so that he would not be ashamed.
20:31 And so we have, we have Hem being cursed
20:37 through his son Canaan.
20:39 And we have Shem and Japheth being blessed.
20:44 Two lines at the beginning,
20:46 two lines at the end of the story.
20:48 Your choice, whose line you will be in.
20:52 Your choice and my choice whether we will receive
20:54 the blessing of God, or sadly, the opposite.
20:58 So it's right there all the way
21:00 through from the beginning of Genesis Chapter 6,
21:02 to the end of Genesis Chapter 9.
21:04 Now is that incredible? Amen.
21:06 That is absolutely incredible.
21:08 All right, we press on God's faithfulness, I repeat,
21:12 God's faithfulness to Noah is at the very heart
21:16 of the story of the flood,
21:18 very heart of the story of the flood.
21:22 Now, what's fascinating to me,
21:25 is that not only
21:28 is God's faithfulness to Noah
21:31 at the very heart of the Noah story,
21:34 but as we'll discover now, what's at the very heart
21:38 of the story of Lot is, guess what?
21:42 The faithfulness of God.
21:45 The faithfulness of God,
21:46 don't ever forget that for one moment.
21:49 Folk, those of you who are watching,
21:51 don't ever forget that God's faithfulness
21:54 always precedes your faithfulness,
21:57 my faithfulness, our faithfulness.
22:01 We can only be faithful to God because of His faithfulness.
22:05 He gives us the gift of faithfulness, it's a gift.
22:08 I don't have it.
22:09 I told you the story earlier on to begin this message
22:13 of how I'm faithful, I mean,
22:15 just remembering my wife's birthday,
22:18 little like anything else.
22:21 God's faithfulness always precedes
22:25 the faithfulness that He invites
22:27 in those that accept
22:28 His grace always.
22:32 Jesus went on in Luke,
22:34 after talking about the days of Noah,
22:37 and this is what he said, even as it was
22:41 or "Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot...
22:45 Even so will it be in the day
22:47 when the Son of Man is revealed."
22:49 So let's take a look at the story of Lot
22:51 one brief moment.
22:53 It says in Genesis 19:29,
22:58 "And it came to pass,
22:59 when God destroyed the cities of the plain,
23:01 that God did," what?
23:03 "He remembered Abraham," there's that word again,
23:06 "and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow,
23:10 when He overthrew the cities in which Lot had dwelt."
23:13 They are Sodom and Gomorrah.
23:16 So before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
23:20 and the cities of the plain, what did He do?
23:24 He remembered Lot and his family,
23:27 through the faithfulness of Abraham,
23:30 and Lot also who was faithful to God.
23:33 According to Peter...
23:35 According to Peter, 2 Peter Chapter 2,
23:37 he tells us very clearly that Lot was faithful to God,
23:41 he was a righteous man also.
23:43 Lot was someone who, who was grieved in his heart
23:48 to see the wickedness,
23:49 the immorality that was pervasive,
23:53 was pandemic in the cities of Sodom
23:56 and Gomorrah, where he lived.
23:57 He was a righteous man, the Bible says.
23:59 Let's never forget that.
24:00 He made the wrong choice, indeed,
24:03 to head toward and then into the city of Sodom,
24:06 but he was a righteous man.
24:09 He was a faithful man.
24:10 Notice what we read in Genesis 30:22,
24:13 where this term remembered appears again.
24:16 "Then God remembered Rachel,
24:18 and God listened to her and opened her womb."
24:20 Rachel, she's, she was the favorite wife of Jacob,
24:25 the favorite wife of Jake.
24:27 And God remembered her, and he opened up her womb.
24:31 So what is the key message
24:33 when God remembers His faithful people?
24:35 Here it is.
24:36 When God remembers His faithful people,
24:39 He stands up for them,
24:40 He stands by His promises and He places His arms
24:44 of protection around them.
24:45 And God does what to His people?
24:48 He delivers His people, don't forget this.
24:52 When God remembers you, He will deliver you.
24:57 So what are you experiencing right now?
25:00 Are you experiencing some very difficult
25:02 and challenging moments?
25:04 You too can call out to God, you too can cry out to God,
25:09 and He has promised that He will remember you.
25:11 And by remembering you, He will deliver you,
25:14 He will deliver you.
25:17 2 Peter Chapter 2.
25:20 Here we have Peter describing this deliverance
25:25 from God in these words.
25:26 2 Peter 2:4-6, "God did not spare the ancient world,
25:32 but saved Noah, one of eight people,
25:35 a preacher of righteousness,
25:36 turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes."
25:40 Goes on, and did what?
25:43 "And delivered righteous Lot...
25:45 the Lord knows how to do," what?
25:47 "How to deliver the godly out of temptations
25:50 and to reserve the unjust under the punishment
25:53 for the day of judgment.
25:55 Does God know how to deliver His people?
25:59 Yes, He does.
26:00 God knows how to deliver His people.
26:03 When His people are in slavery,
26:06 they are in bondage in Egypt,
26:09 God comes to them in their time of need,
26:12 in their time of suffering and sorrow.
26:14 And notice what Moses writes in the Book of Exodus.
26:18 Exodus 2:23-25 we read these words.
26:22 "Now it happened in the process of time
26:26 that the king of Egypt died.
26:28 Then the children of Israel groaned
26:30 because of the bondage,
26:31 and they cried out, and their cry came up to God
26:34 because of the bondage."
26:35 We keep reading.
26:38 "So God heard their groaning, and God," did what?
26:42 "He remembered His covenant with Abraham,
26:44 with Isaac, and with Jacob."
26:46 In verse 25, "And God looked upon the children of Israel,
26:50 and God," did what?
26:52 "He acknowledged them."
26:56 Do you find yourself in bondage?
27:00 I'm not talking about physical bondage necessarily.
27:06 There is a far greater, a far more dangerous
27:12 and deadly bondage than physical bondage.
27:16 And that is spiritual bondage.
27:19 For Paul says, "We do not wrestle
27:21 against flesh and blood, but against," what?
27:23 "Against principalities and powers,
27:25 and the rulers of darkness of this age."
27:30 God wants to set us free
27:33 from whatever slave device
27:37 or devices the enemy may have wrapped around us like
27:40 a ball and chain.
27:43 Wherever you are, my friend, whatever your experience,
27:46 I want to encourage you to cry out to Jesus.
27:51 Just like the children of Israel,
27:52 who cried out in their time of suffering,
27:56 and bondage, and God remembered
27:58 and He heard and He acknowledge and He saved them.
28:03 So too God wants to save you
28:05 from the taskmaster, the one whose aim
28:10 is only to steal, kill and destroy,
28:14 as John 10:10.
28:15 And his name is what?
28:17 Satan, the devil and Satan.
28:19 Jesus wants to offer you what?
28:21 He wants to offer us, John 10:10, the abundant life.
28:24 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life
28:27 that they may have it," what?
28:29 "More abundantly."
28:30 This story of Noah
28:32 at the very heart of the story of Noah
28:34 is freedom, its release from the bondage
28:38 from the ball and chains
28:40 that the enemy has placed around us.
28:44 That's God's plan.
28:46 That's God's will.
28:47 And Jesus, in His words, "As it was in the days of Noah,
28:53 so it will be before I come,"
28:55 gives us the promise, the unassuming promise
28:58 that if you and I put our faith and trust in Him,
29:03 He will set us free.
29:05 For Jesus came to do what?
29:07 To set the captives what?
29:09 Free, He said, "I've come to set the captives free."
29:14 The story of Noah gives us so much encouragement,
29:17 that there is hope, hope to be set free
29:20 from whatever bondage we may be in.
29:25 When it comes to...
29:26 When it comes to God remembering
29:29 and His people forgetting is probably no clearer example
29:32 than in the Book of Judges.
29:34 Notice what we read in Judges 8:33-34,
29:39 "So it was, as soon as Gideon was dead,
29:43 that the children of Israel again played the harlot
29:45 with the Baals, and made Baal-Berith their god.
29:50 Thus the children of Israel did not remember
29:53 the Lord their God, who had," done what?
29:56 "Who had delivered them from the hands
29:57 of all their enemies on every side."
30:01 It's a sad reality,
30:03 that although God remembers His people,
30:06 and He stands up for them, and He delivers them, sadly,
30:10 His people, and I count myself as part of that group,
30:14 we far often, more often than we'd like to admit
30:19 or even acknowledge.
30:22 We do not remember the Lord our God,
30:26 who has delivered us.
30:28 I don't know about your prayers,
30:30 but my prayers far too often more often than
30:35 I would want are about me, me, me,
30:40 and my focus and what my needs are,
30:43 rather than praising God,
30:46 thanking God, lifting up His wonderful name,
30:51 and acknowledging Him for all of the deliverances
30:55 that I have received in my life.
30:59 Maybe it's, maybe it's time to do more praise
31:04 than petition.
31:06 Nothing wrong with petitioning God's throne of grace,
31:08 we're invited to do that.
31:10 But maybe it's time to spend a little bit more time
31:13 in praising God for His wonderful deliverances.
31:18 I repeat, "When God remembers and delivers His people,
31:22 He pours out His grace, mercy, longsuffering and forgiveness."
31:27 And that is why the Bible says in Genesis 6:8.
31:32 Genesis 6:8,
31:37 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
31:43 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
31:48 As we pointed out earlier, Lot also found grace
31:52 in the eyes of the Lord.
31:55 And you and I today can find grace in the eyes of the Lord.
32:01 Noah and Lot, they both lived in societies
32:06 that were plagued with evil, with immorality,
32:12 with violence, with wickedness, with corruption,
32:16 and if I've missed out anything else,
32:18 you can fill in the blank.
32:22 But because of God's grace, they were able to live
32:27 a holy and a righteous life.
32:31 How is that possible?
32:33 How is that possible to be immersed,
32:36 to be marinated if I could use that word,
32:39 to be marinated in such immorality,
32:43 in such wickedness, in such evil?
32:45 How is it possible to live in such a society
32:50 and remain pure, remain holy, remain righteous,
32:55 remain true and faithful to God?
32:57 How on earth is that possible?
33:00 How?
33:01 It's impossible from a human point of view, isn't it?
33:04 There's only one way.
33:06 And it's the, it's the promise that we find
33:09 in the words of the Apostle Paul,
33:11 one of my favorite promises.
33:14 And it's in Romans 5:20.
33:17 Romans 5:20 where the Apostle Paul writes,
33:21 "Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound."
33:25 But these words are worth memorizing.
33:28 "But where sin," did what?
33:31 "Abounded, grace abounded much more."
33:34 Wow.
33:36 Where there is sin, there is more grace.
33:40 Why is that?
33:41 Because the most powerful force in the universe
33:44 is not wickedness.
33:45 It's not evil.
33:47 It's not sin in all its forms.
33:51 But the most powerful force,
33:53 the most powerful force in the universe is what?
33:56 God's love.
33:59 God's love, because God is what?
34:02 God is love.
34:04 God is love.
34:06 And that is why where sin abounds,
34:08 God's grace abounds so much more.
34:11 Noah was a man who received God's grace,
34:15 He was a man who received God's righteousness.
34:19 And the Bible says
34:20 he was a preacher of righteousness.
34:23 Back to the words of 2 Peter,
34:25 2 Peter 3:9-10.
34:30 Noah preached concerning a storm
34:32 and Peter picks up on these words and reminds us
34:35 for those of us who are living at the end of time.
34:38 2 Peter 3:9-10, and verses 17 and 18.
34:42 This is what it says,
34:44 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise,
34:46 as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us,
34:49 not willing that," what?
34:50 "Any should perish but that,"
34:52 how many should come to repentance?
34:54 "That all should come to repentance."
34:56 He goes on in verse 10,
34:57 "But the day of the Lord will," do what?
35:00 "It come as a thief in the night,
35:02 in which the heavens will pass away
35:04 with a great noise,
35:05 and the elements will melt with fervent heat,
35:08 both the earth and the works
35:10 that are in it will be burned up."
35:13 It will take place, once again,
35:15 this world will come to an end, 4,500 years ago
35:20 or so this world was destroyed by what?
35:23 A flood of water.
35:26 The Bible tells us at the end, this world will be cleansed,
35:29 sin will be cleansed forevermore
35:32 by a flood of what?
35:34 A flood, a fire, a flood of fire.
35:36 And then Peter gives an appeal, he gives an appeal
35:40 to those who are reading his epistle.
35:43 And that's us today, we are reading
35:45 this in the context of the Second Coming.
35:47 And notice his appeal verses 17 and 18.
35:51 He goes on, he says, "You therefore, beloved,
35:54 since you know this beforehand,"
35:56 we have been given a heads up, the ultimate heads up,
35:59 "since you know this beforehand,
36:01 beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness,"
36:05 or faithfulness, "being led away with the error
36:08 of the wicked, but grow in," what?
36:13 "Grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord
36:16 and Savior Jesus Christ.
36:17 To Him be the glory both now and forever.
36:20 Amen." Amen.
36:23 So what is Peter here saying?
36:25 You don't need to read between the lines
36:27 to understand what he's saying.
36:29 What Peter is saying, my dear friend?
36:31 He's saying that as sin abounds,
36:35 as wickedness abounds and grows exponentially,
36:38 and we are seeing that, we are experiencing that.
36:42 And in our fourth presentation,
36:44 when we take a look at crumbling foundations,
36:46 we will get an insight into the days of Noah.
36:50 And what is happening today,
36:52 the parallels are just out of this world, literally.
36:57 But as sin abounds, you and I are invited by God
37:02 to grow in what?
37:05 To grow in grace, grow in grace.
37:10 The truth is that the darker,
37:15 something is the darker a room,
37:18 the darker a space, the brighter is the light,
37:22 when it is shone,
37:24 when it is shone into that darkness,
37:25 isn't that right?
37:27 We are living in a dark sin filled world.
37:32 And God is looking for people who will take on board
37:37 the invitation of Jesus to be a light in the world.
37:43 If ever God needed a light, it's today.
37:46 Because you and I we are,
37:48 we are all living in the days of what?
37:51 We're living in the days of Noah, that is our day.
37:55 I repeat, if you have any doubts
37:57 that we are living in the days of Noah,
37:59 stay tuned, stay tuned.
38:03 In the next four presentations, in particular the next two,
38:07 we're going to discover how close we are indeed
38:10 to the coming of Jesus as we compare our day
38:12 to the day of Noah.
38:16 Another storm is coming, make no mistake about that
38:20 for over 200 years now since 1798,
38:23 we have been living in the time of the end,
38:25 as the Bible refers it, the time of the end.
38:29 And ever since 1844,
38:32 we have been living in earth's final judgment hour.
38:37 No time to unpack those two time prophecies
38:41 and the significance of them, maybe on another occasion.
38:46 But we are literally living at the very end of human history.
38:50 We are right there at the end.
38:53 We're right at the end, another storm is coming.
38:56 There is only safety to be found in one.
38:59 And that one is, His name is what?
39:02 Jesus.
39:04 His name is Jesus.
39:05 Because let's not forget what the angel said to Joseph,
39:10 "You will call His name Jesus."
39:13 And I'm going off the top of my head.
39:15 I think it's Matthew 1:21.
39:17 It's not up on the screen, Matthew 1:21.
39:20 You will call His name Jesus because Jesus means,
39:23 He will do what?
39:25 He will save His people from their sins.
39:29 Jesus is our only Savior.
39:32 Just like there was only one way to be saved
39:34 in the days of Noah, only one way to be saved
39:37 and that was to enter willingly into the ark
39:42 when Noah gave his final appeal and said,
39:44 "Come, come, come into the ark."
39:48 Only those who were inside the ark,
39:50 though it was smelly.
39:53 I can hardly imagine the smell,
39:56 but it was the only place of safety.
39:59 It's not going to be all that easy for those
40:02 that seek to remain faithful to God in the end,
40:05 but guess what?
40:07 I would rather be in a smelly ark with God,
40:11 than in the fresh air of those who are worshipping
40:16 at Satan's throne that will ultimately be destroyed.
40:21 We are heading very quickly to what the Bible refers
40:25 to as the final time of trouble
40:29 such as this world has never witnessed
40:31 or experienced in all of its history.
40:35 We are heading very quickly to that time.
40:38 So the question is, will God remember His people?
40:43 As He did in the days of Noah,
40:45 will He once again remember His people
40:47 during earth's final crisis,
40:50 when all hell breaks loose, literally?
40:55 Notice what God promises in the Book of Daniel,
40:58 the Book of Daniel 12:1.
41:01 We read these words, "At that time Michael,"
41:04 which is another name for Jesus Christ,
41:07 or the name means one who is like God.
41:10 "At that time, Michael, shall stand up,
41:12 the great prince who stands
41:14 watch over the sons of your people,
41:16 and there shall be a time of trouble,
41:17 such as never was since there was a nation,
41:20 even to that time.
41:22 And at that time," writes Daniel,
41:23 "your people shall be," what?
41:26 "Delivered, everyone
41:27 who is found written in the book."
41:28 Once again, God's deliverance coming through,
41:31 as God delivered Noah and his family,
41:34 as God delivered Lot and his family.
41:37 Those who chose from his family to join him.
41:40 So too God at the end of time will deliver His people,
41:43 everyone who is found written in the book.
41:46 Now in the Bible,
41:48 there are at least two different books
41:51 that I've come across.
41:53 One of the books interestingly is called, guess what?
41:57 We read it Malachi 3:16-18,
42:01 the last book of the Old Testament.
42:03 Notice these words.
42:04 Malachi 3:16-18,
42:07 "Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another,
42:10 and the Lord listened and heard them,
42:12 so a book of," what?
42:14 "A Book of Remembrance," can you believe it?
42:17 That word is there again, "A book of remembrance
42:20 was written before Him for those who," do what?
42:23 "Fear the Lord, and who meditate on His," what?
42:26 "On His name."
42:28 This is, this sounds like Noah, this sounds like Lot.
42:30 Let's keep reading, verse 17, "They shall be Mine,"
42:35 says the Lord of hosts,
42:36 "On the day that I make them My jewels.
42:38 And I will," do what?
42:40 "I will spare them as a man spares,"
42:43 or delivers, "his own son who serves him."
42:47 Will God have a book of remembrance
42:50 at the end of time?
42:52 Yes, He will.
42:54 And who will be placed in that Book of Remembrance?
42:57 All those like Noah that have chosen to follow God,
43:03 that have chosen to be loyal to God,
43:05 that have chosen to give their hearts to Jesus Christ
43:09 in full surrender, they will be remembered,
43:13 they will be remembered, and they will be delivered.
43:17 There is also another book, that is the companion book,
43:23 may I suggest to the Book of Remembrance,
43:27 and it's called the Book of Life,
43:29 the Book of Life.
43:30 Notice these words from the Apocalypse.
43:33 This time, we go from the last book
43:35 of the Old Testament
43:37 to the last book of the New Testament.
43:40 It's an interesting parallel, isn't it?
43:43 Revelation 3:5, "He who overcomes,"
43:47 these are the words of Jesus.
43:49 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments,
43:52 and I," this is Jesus speaking,
43:54 "and I will not blot out his name from the," what?
43:57 "From the Book of Life, but I will confess his name
44:01 before My Father and before His angels.
44:04 "There is a Book of Remembrance,
44:06 and there is a Book of Life.
44:08 And God's plan, my friend for you and for me,
44:11 for all of us, is that we find our names
44:15 in the Lamb's Book of Life.
44:17 And that's exactly how Revelation 13:8
44:21 refers to this Book of Life.
44:23 Notice these words,
44:25 "All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
44:28 whose names have not been written in the Book of Life
44:32 of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
44:35 There's only going to be two sides at the end of time,
44:39 just as there were two sides, two groups in the days of Noah,
44:44 two groups in the days of Lot, there will likewise
44:47 be two groups at the end of time.
44:51 One group will have their names written
44:54 in the Lamb's Book of Life.
44:57 They've accepted the grace that Jesus Christ alone
45:02 can impart, they have received that,
45:05 they have received God's Holy Spirit.
45:08 And they have chosen
45:09 through the power of the Holy Spirit
45:11 like Noah, like Lot, like all of God's faithful
45:14 men and women down through the ages,
45:15 they have chosen to be faithful to God,
45:20 no matter what the cost,
45:21 no matter what the consequences,
45:23 no matter what anyone says, or anyone does.
45:26 Their only interest has been, what does God say?
45:32 What is God's plan for my life?
45:34 What is God's will for my life and that by His grace
45:37 is all I want to do, is all I want to do.
45:42 In Luke 10:20, Jesus said,
45:47 "Rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
45:52 Rejoice because your names are written in heaven.
45:58 What a beautiful promise.
46:01 What a beautiful invitation to have your name written
46:06 in the books of heaven.
46:08 Rejoice.
46:09 So Christians, those who are faithful to Jesus,
46:14 those who choose Jesus to be their Lord and Savior,
46:17 they ought to be the most joy filled individuals
46:20 on the planet.
46:21 Amen?
46:23 And yet, many a time we walk around,
46:27 like we have swallowed
46:28 a whole bunch of lemons for breakfast.
46:31 Isn't that right?
46:32 That's how we look.
46:34 I've seen it on a Saturday morning,
46:36 as I've gone up to preach to my beautiful congregation,
46:40 and I look out and if they're not sleeping,
46:43 many of them look like they've swallowed
46:44 a bunch of lemons for breakfast.
46:47 When we're singing, hallelujah, praise the Lord,
46:49 rejoice in the Lord always.
46:51 We're not singing with joy on our countenances,
46:55 as we ought to.
46:57 And why ought do we, why are we be a joyful people?
47:02 Because our names, according to Jesus,
47:05 are written in heaven in the Lamb's Book of Life,
47:09 in the Book of Remembrance.
47:12 We can have the assurance if we have Jesus in our hearts,
47:15 and in our lives, we can have the assurance today, today...
47:23 That we have salvation,
47:26 not through anything we do, but through Jesus Christ,
47:30 and His merits.
47:35 So as we seek to land,
47:40 God gives an invitation for those
47:45 that want to be protected by Him
47:47 during this time of trouble,
47:48 such as the world has never seen.
47:51 And the parallel is striking with the days of Noah.
47:55 In Genesis 7:16 we read, "So those that entered,"
48:00 the ark, "male and female of all flesh,
48:03 went in as God had," done what?
48:06 "Commanded him, and the Lord shut him in."
48:11 The Lord shut him in. The Lord shut Noah in.
48:15 The Lord sealed him.
48:18 He was sealed, he was saved.
48:19 Guess what?
48:20 At the end of time, we don't have time to go there.
48:24 But in Revelation Chapter 7, in Revelation Chapter 14,
48:28 we discover that God once again at the end of time seals
48:32 His people, He shuts them in by His grace.
48:38 And they can never ever be snatched
48:43 out of the nail scarred hands of Jesus Christ,
48:46 sealed and saved and delivered forevermore,
48:50 no matter what they may go through,
48:52 no matter what they may go through.
48:54 And it's going to be a difficult time.
48:55 Let's not kid ourselves, let's not kid ourselves.
48:58 It's going to be the most challenging time
49:01 that God's people will ever experience that time of trouble
49:04 such as never was not so much because of what God
49:09 is bringing into their lives,
49:10 but by what the enemy is bringing into their lives,
49:14 who is determined, hell bent
49:17 on somehow taking them away
49:22 from God.
49:25 Somehow, somehow encouraging them
49:30 to step away from the association
49:35 and clinging to Jesus.
49:38 It's going to be a tough time.
49:40 But we don't need to be afraid.
49:42 Because in Psalm 27:5, David writes,
49:47 "For in the time of trouble He," that is God,
49:51 "shall hide me in His pavilion,
49:53 in the secret place of His tabernacle
49:55 He shall hide me,
49:56 He shall set me high upon a rock."
49:59 And who is that rock?
50:01 Who is the ultimate rock in Scripture?
50:03 It's Jesus Christ.
50:05 Jesus Christ is the ultimate rock.
50:09 So no matter what comes your way, my way,
50:13 by God's grace and through His strength,
50:17 He will see us through to the other side.
50:20 He will see us through to the other side.
50:22 All you and I need to do today is cling
50:25 to those nail scarred hands.
50:27 Cling to the nail scarred hands of Jesus.
50:31 And He has promised
50:32 I will never leave you nor what?
50:34 Forsake you.
50:35 I will be with you always even till when?
50:38 The end of time.
50:39 Was God with Noah all the way through to the end?
50:43 Yes.
50:44 Was God with Lot all the way through to the very end?
50:48 Yes. Did God deliver both Noah and Lot?
50:51 Yes.
50:52 Will God deliver His people at the end of time?
50:55 Yes, yes, yes, God will remember
50:59 His faithful people
51:00 who choose to be faithful to Him, because Jesus said,
51:03 "As it was in the days of Noah,
51:06 so it will be when I come again."
51:11 So it will be.
51:14 I want to share a couple more promises with you.
51:16 This one from Psalm 91:1-2, and 15-16.
51:22 This is an end time Psalm.
51:24 This is a Psalm, especially for those
51:27 that are going to live through the Great Tribulation,
51:31 or the most frightening time in human history,
51:33 the time of trouble, as Daniel described
51:35 that such as never was.
51:37 These are beautiful words worth memorizing this entire Psalm.
51:41 But let's just take a look at the two bookends of Psalm 91.
51:45 Beginning in verse 1 and 2,
51:46 "He who dwells in the secret place
51:48 of the Most High shall
51:49 abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
51:51 I will say of the Lord,
51:53 'He is my refuge and my fortress,
51:55 My God, in Him," I'll do what?
51:57 "I will trust.'"
51:59 And notice how the Psalm ends, verses 15-16.
52:04 "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him,
52:06 I will be with him in trouble,
52:08 I will deliver him and honor him.
52:10 With long life I will satisfy him,
52:13 and I will show him," my what?
52:16 "My salvation."
52:18 Beautiful words of encouragement and promise.
52:21 Amen?
52:23 God says, "I'll deliver you, I will show you My salvation,
52:28 I will give you a long life."
52:30 And that long life ultimately is how long?
52:34 It's eternal.
52:35 It's eternal.
52:36 It's eternal.
52:39 In Isaiah 54:9-10, we read these words,
52:43 "For this is like the waters of Noah to Me,
52:46 For as I have sworn that the waters of Noah
52:48 would no longer cover the earth,
52:50 so have I sworn that I would not be angry with you,
52:53 nor rebuke you.
52:55 For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed,
52:58 But My kindness shall not depart from you,
53:01 nor shall My covenant of peace,"
53:04 there it is, the covenant of peace,
53:05 the covenant of grace, "'be removed,'
53:07 says the Lord, who has mercy on you."
53:12 So the question as we seek to end is this.
53:18 What must I do to have my name written
53:23 in the Book of Life, the Book of Remembrance,
53:27 the Lamb's Book of Life?
53:29 What must I do?
53:31 What must I do?
53:34 The answer to that question, there is no better place to go
53:39 than a hill called Calvary.
53:42 A hill called Calvary.
53:44 We're on that dark day
53:48 that today we refer to as Good Friday.
53:52 We're on that dark day, the creator of the world,
53:56 the creator of the universe.
54:00 He was there on that cross, hands outstretched,
54:05 nailed hands and feet.
54:08 And there were two individuals there by His side.
54:12 They both originally rebuked Him,
54:14 they both originally mocked Him,
54:17 and scoffed Him,
54:18 but one of them had a change of heart.
54:22 And these are his words to Jesus.
54:26 "Then he said to Jesus," that is one of those two
54:30 that were on either side of Jesus,
54:31 the two thieves or two criminals.
54:35 "Lord," do what?
54:37 "Remember me when You come into Your kingdom."
54:41 And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly,
54:44 I say to you today, you will be with Me in paradise."
54:57 Is it your desire today to pray that prayer,
55:02 to call out to Jesus,
55:05 like that thief who had no hope?
55:08 You have no hope.
55:09 I have no hope, none of us have any hope without Jesus.
55:14 To cry out to Jesus, Lord,
55:18 here I am with my sin sick soul exposed before You,
55:23 You know me, remember me.
55:26 Remember me, Lord, when You come, remember me.
55:31 And the promise is to you as to that thief.
55:37 I'm promising you today.
55:39 I'm giving you the assurance today,
55:42 that I will indeed remember you when I come.
55:46 Assuredly I say to you, when I come,
55:50 no, when I might come, when I come, I will...
55:55 You will be with me in paradise.
55:57 You will be with me in paradise.
55:59 Hang on to Jesus.
56:01 Give Him your heart.
56:02 Give Him your all.
56:04 He will never let you down.
56:07 He will never let anyone down.
56:09 Today He's giving the invitation,
56:12 He's giving the invitation.
56:14 We are living in a day and age
56:16 when that final invitation is going out.
56:19 There was a final invitation
56:22 that Noah gave in His day.
56:26 There was a final invitation in the days of Lot.
56:30 And there is a final invitation today.
56:33 Jesus is inviting us.
56:35 He's inviting us to come, come into the ark,
56:38 the ark of safety that is Jesus Christ
56:41 and His salvation alone.
56:43 Won't you come?
56:44 Won't you come?
56:45 Let's pray together.
56:47 Father in heaven, we thank You for Jesus.
56:50 We thank You for the invitation that He gives to us to come.
56:54 We come as we are broken and sin sick.
56:59 And by His mighty grace,
57:01 by the power of His Holy Spirit,
57:03 He transforms us more and more day by day
57:07 into His perfect and beautiful image
57:10 from glory to glory.
57:11 O Father, we thank You for Jesus.
57:13 We thank You for His love.
57:15 We thank You for His mercy.
57:16 We thank You for His grace.
57:17 Today we come and we receive that,
57:21 not because we are worthy or deserving
57:23 but because of Jesus Christ and His worthiness
57:26 and His grace.
57:27 And we thank You in Jesus' name.
57:29 Everybody say amen.


Revised 2021-08-20