Focus on God's Word

Noah - God's End-time Convenant of Love

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: FGW

Program Code: FGW210048S

00:27 Greetings and welcome to another episode
00:31 on Focus on God's Word.
00:33 My name is Danny Milenkov and I'm blessed
00:36 to be moving into this series on the story of Noah,
00:42 this incredible story that we find in the Book of Genesis,
00:45 that unpacks what the Bible has to say,
00:49 not only about the time of Noah,
00:51 but more importantly, as Jesus said,
00:54 as it was in the days of Noah,
00:56 so it will be in the days before I come.
00:58 So from wherever you are watching,
01:00 I wanna give you a big warm welcome,
01:03 and I thank God that you have chosen to join with me
01:06 as we journey through this incredible story
01:08 in the Book of Genesis.
01:09 Those who are here in our 3ABN studio
01:13 here in beautiful Lake Macquarie,
01:15 New South Wales, Australia.
01:17 I wanna give you a big warm welcome.
01:19 And this is the fifth part in this series.
01:23 And today's message follows on from the previous message
01:27 that is part four.
01:29 The title of that was Crumbling Foundation.
01:31 So this is really part two.
01:33 So I wanna encourage you
01:34 to ensure that you've watched part four
01:37 in order to have a good grasp and a good foundation
01:40 of what we'll be looking at in this particular message
01:43 and this message I've entitled
01:46 God's End Time Covenant of Love.
01:50 As I pointed out, Jesus said that the story of Noah
01:54 was especially significant for those that would be living
01:58 just before He returns, for He said in Matthew 24
02:01 and Luke 17,
02:02 as it was in the days of Noah.
02:04 And He also added Lot in Luke Chapter 17.
02:07 So it will be before the Son of Man returns.
02:11 And as I have been watching and viewing
02:14 the things that have been taking place in the world,
02:16 especially in the last couple of decades,
02:19 I am coming to the conclusion more and more
02:22 with each passing day that we are indeed living
02:25 on the verge of a stupendous crisis.
02:28 I really do believe
02:29 that the coming of Jesus is very, very near.
02:33 And this message is especially relevant and important
02:37 to those who are living
02:38 at the very close of earth's history.
02:41 So let's remind ourselves of the three key points
02:44 that come out of the story of Noah.
02:46 Firstly, we discover that the story of Noah
02:50 clearly identifies earth's final generation,
02:53 and we have discovered that we are that final generation.
02:57 Secondly, the story of Noah enables us to know
03:00 and understand how we can be ready
03:02 when the Son of Man returns.
03:04 And third and most important of all,
03:07 I would suggest is this,
03:09 that the story of Noah provides instruction
03:12 on how we can prepare others for Jesus' soon return.
03:16 Noah was a man of righteousness.
03:18 Noah was a man who not only prepared himself
03:22 and his family,
03:23 but he was also a man who was focused
03:26 on preparing the world at his time
03:30 for safety in the ark
03:33 when the flood would come.
03:34 So Noah was a man
03:36 who aimed to save the people of his day.
03:40 And so God too wants to use us in that very same way.
03:44 Now, before we plunge into this all important message,
03:46 we need to do something extremely important
03:48 before we open up God's Word and what's that?
03:51 We need to pray.
03:52 So let's pause and pray one more time.
03:54 Father in heaven, we ask and pray
03:56 that You will bless our time together in Your Word
03:59 as we open Your Holy Word Father
04:01 and unpack a little more from the story of Noah,
04:05 this incredible story that You have given us
04:07 in Holy Scripture.
04:09 We pray that Your Holy Spirit will illuminate our minds
04:11 and our hearts, in Jesus' name we pray.
04:15 Amen.
04:16 Amen.
04:17 In our last message we discovered
04:19 that at the beginning of time,
04:21 when God created this world in six 24 hour days.
04:26 The Bible uses a word in those last three days
04:30 of the seven day week, the first seven day week
04:33 that we don't find
04:34 in the first four days of creation.
04:37 And that word begins with B.
04:39 Did someone remember from our last message?
04:42 It's the word blessed, blessed.
04:44 The Bible says that God poured out His blessing
04:50 on the animals and all of nature.
04:53 He also poured out His blessing on marriage and the family.
04:58 And the Bible also says
05:00 that God poured out His blessing
05:02 on the seventh day Sabbath.
05:04 Now we took a look at the first two blessings,
05:08 the animals, marriage, and the family.
05:12 We discovered that God created a beautiful environment
05:17 where the animals could flourish.
05:19 And He created a beautiful environment
05:21 where humanity could flourish.
05:24 And we discovered that
05:26 as we drew near to the time of the flood,
05:29 the enemy came in and he destroyed
05:32 or was destroying in a process of destroying God's creation.
05:37 And people were destroying themselves.
05:38 There was no value in human life.
05:41 There was no value in animal life.
05:44 And then we also discovered in our last message,
05:47 that from the time of the flood, after the flood,
05:51 all the way to our day in particular,
05:54 sadly, the enemy has been at work.
05:57 And today we find ourselves living in a world that is,
06:01 that is being ravaged by abuse
06:04 when it comes to the environment.
06:06 Now, you know, instead of taking care
06:08 of the environment,
06:09 we find ourselves in a world where we are exploiting
06:12 the environment more and more,
06:14 and the animals and there's extinction
06:16 on a scale that we have not seen before.
06:18 A marriage and the family, let's not even go there.
06:22 Marriage and the family is being destroyed by the enemy
06:26 because he knows that is the very foundation
06:29 for a healthy and a prosperous society.
06:33 Now, when it comes to the seventh day Sabbath,
06:36 this is the third and final blessing.
06:38 And let me suggest, this is the climax
06:42 of all three of the blessings
06:44 that bring the other two together in a beautiful way.
06:48 Now, when it comes to the seventh day Sabbath,
06:52 I discovered as I read the creation account,
06:55 that this indeed is the climax of God's work
06:59 of the seventh day week.
07:01 And it has special significance for us today.
07:04 And in fact, in Genesis, notice what we have here
07:09 when it comes to how God forms and then how God feels.
07:13 I'm gonna give you this little graph,
07:17 I guess you could call it,
07:19 this information graph that I picked up
07:21 out of my Andrews Study Bible.
07:23 And you can see there on your screen that on day one,
07:27 God creates light.
07:29 And on day four, God fills that light with the sun,
07:33 the moon and the stars.
07:34 On day two, God forms the firmament.
07:37 That is the sky and the seas.
07:40 And on day five, God fills the sky with the birds
07:45 and God fills the sea with the fish.
07:48 On day six, God creates dry land and vegetation.
07:53 And on day three, did I say, I'm not sure
07:56 if I said day three, on day three,
07:57 He created dry land and vegetation and on day six
08:00 He filled that with land animals and human beings.
08:05 But we know that in a week we have how many days?
08:08 We have seven days.
08:10 So what did God create on the seventh day?
08:14 He actually didn't create anything.
08:15 The Bible says He rested.
08:17 He blessed the day, He rested and He sanctified it.
08:21 So what did God fill
08:23 that seventh day that He formed?
08:26 He filled it with His blessing.
08:29 He filled it with His presence.
08:31 He filled it with His joy.
08:33 He filled it with His delight.
08:34 And so the seventh day,
08:37 according to the Genesis creation account
08:40 is the very climax.
08:41 It's the bullseye if you like.
08:43 The bullseye of creation.
08:45 And we looked at that in a previous presentation
08:47 where we discovered there is a bullseye
08:49 in the story of Noah that God remembered Noah
08:53 and that's in Genesis 8:1.
08:55 And so the Sabbath is God's bullseye.
08:59 So as I have been reading through the story of Noah,
09:04 I was asking myself this question,
09:06 Lord, at the beginning of time,
09:10 You created blessings
09:13 for the animals and all of nature.
09:15 You created a blessing for marriage and the family.
09:19 You also created a blessing for those that would enter
09:22 into your rest each and every Sabbath day.
09:26 And we discovered that after the flood,
09:28 God blessed all of the animals and He blessed all of nature.
09:34 After the flood, God blessed marriage and the family
09:38 and in both situations with the animals
09:40 and with marriage and the family God said,
09:41 be fruitful and multiply using the same language
09:44 that we find in the Genesis creation account,
09:47 be fruitful and multiply.
09:48 And so I was asking myself,
09:50 Lord, what about the seventh day Sabbath?
09:53 Where is the seventh day Sabbath?
09:54 Did you after the flood
09:58 reestablish and reinstate the seventh day Sabbath
10:03 that You gave at creation
10:05 that would continue all the way through to the end of time?
10:08 Is it there in the story?
10:10 And I couldn't find it to begin with.
10:12 And so I'm looking and I'm praying,
10:14 and I'm looking and I'm praying,
10:15 and I'm reading and I'm reading,
10:17 and all of a sudden God in His mercy and in His grace
10:22 showed me the seventh day Sabbath
10:28 post flood, after the flood.
10:31 Wow!
10:32 And I was just so blessed.
10:35 And so what I'm gonna share with you in this message.
10:38 I have not read in any book
10:40 or have not heard in any sermon,
10:43 but it is simply through the inspiration
10:45 that God has given me.
10:46 So I give God all the credit,
10:48 all the glory and all the thanks
10:49 for what He has shared with me,
10:52 that I today have the privilege of sharing with you.
10:56 So wherever you are watching, you are going to be blessed
11:00 in what we're going to unpack,
11:01 because we are going to discover together
11:05 that the Sabbath blessing is embedded
11:10 in the story of Noah and it's especially relevant
11:14 for those who will be living at the end of time.
11:19 Where is the Sabbath blessing embedded?
11:21 In one word?
11:22 And that word is beginning with C,
11:25 that word is the word covenant, covenant.
11:28 We discover in the Book of Genesis
11:31 that the word covenant is first used.
11:34 Once God uses the word before the flood,
11:38 and seven times after the flood.
11:41 Seven being God's number,
11:43 seven being the number of perfection,
11:45 seven being the day of the Sabbath.
11:48 And that's very significant in and of itself.
11:51 But before we take a look at where this word appears,
11:54 and we're gonna take a look at all eight references
11:57 to the covenant in the story of Noah.
12:00 Before we do that, let's just take a look at
12:03 what the word covenant means.
12:06 Now the word covenant, it means alliance,
12:10 solemn pledge or a binding agreement.
12:14 That's what the word covenant means according to Scripture.
12:17 Now, covenants in Scripture were made
12:21 between God and human beings,
12:22 as well as between human beings.
12:27 So when it comes to the covenant
12:29 that is made between individuals,
12:32 okay, covenant between men.
12:35 And I mean that in a generic sense.
12:38 According to Scripture, it's a friendship alliance,
12:41 an agreement, a pledge, a treaty, a marriage alliance,
12:45 and we call it, you know, the marital covenant,
12:48 monarch with subjects
12:50 through a constitution or ordinance.
12:53 So that's the covenant between individuals.
12:56 Now what about the covenant between God and man?
13:00 Well, the covenant between God and man
13:03 signifies a divine alliance of friendship with ordinances,
13:08 signs or pledges.
13:10 Notice those words, signs or pledges.
13:13 So that's what we have in Scripture.
13:16 And that's what we have in ancient time's covenants.
13:20 They have come down to us from the beginning of time.
13:24 Now in the Andrews Study Bible that I have,
13:27 there is an interesting summary of the covenant
13:32 that God makes with individuals.
13:34 And I think this is a beautiful summary
13:35 that really captures the very heart of the covenant
13:39 that God initiates and makes with human beings.
13:43 Notice these words from the Andrew Study Bible.
13:46 "God's covenant with humanity is unilateral.
13:50 That is He's taking the initiative.
13:53 There are conditions and requirements,
13:55 but it is God's grace.
13:57 Notice, it is God's grace
13:58 that is foundational to the covenant,
14:01 with humanity responding by what?
14:04 Faith and obedience.
14:07 So that is the covenant in a nutshell.
14:10 God pours out His grace
14:13 upon an individual or upon the world.
14:17 That's the Sabbath, that's all of God's blessings.
14:21 They come in a covenant form
14:24 and then He invites us to respond to His covenant
14:29 through faith and through obedience.
14:33 So let's take a look at this word, covenant.
14:37 We're gonna go to the first time that is used.
14:40 And immediately prior to the flood,
14:44 this is what God says to Noah.
14:46 If you have your Bibles, feel free to turn with me
14:49 as we take a look at these words.
14:52 In Genesis 6:17-19.
14:57 Genesis 6:17-19, here the first time
15:03 we have that term covenant mentioned in all of Scripture.
15:07 Verse 17, God speaking to Noah, He says, "And behold,
15:12 I Myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth,
15:16 to destroy from under heaven all flesh
15:18 in which is the breath of life,
15:20 everything that is on the earth shall die."
15:23 But God goes on,
15:25 "I will establish My covenant with you,
15:28 and you shall go into the ark,
15:30 you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you.
15:34 And of every living thing of all flesh
15:36 you shall bring two of every sort into the ark,
15:38 to keep them alive with you,
15:40 they shall be male and female."
15:43 So here we have
15:45 the first mention of the word covenant.
15:48 God says to Noah, I'm making a covenant with you
15:53 and with all of the animals.
15:55 With you and your family and all of the animals,
15:58 and I am going to spare you.
16:00 I am going to save you and all those,
16:03 all those that want to join you.
16:04 This was an open invitation.
16:06 God wasn't only concerned about Noah and his family,
16:11 that is Noah and his wife
16:12 and his three sons and their wives,
16:14 eight individuals in total.
16:16 God wanted to save the entire world.
16:18 Now you may be thinking, Danny, timeout, timeout, timeout.
16:23 How many years of history have gone by
16:25 since the days of Adam and Eve?
16:28 Over 1500 years,
16:31 how on earth can God fit
16:35 that many people over 1500 years
16:38 when people are living almost a thousand years,
16:41 how on earth can God fit them all in one boat
16:45 that is 450 feet wide,
16:48 70, sorry, 450 feet long I should say,
16:52 75 feet wide and 45 feet high,
16:57 three story boat.
16:59 How on earth is He gonna fit the entire world population
17:03 in a boat that size?
17:05 And that's a good question.
17:06 And thank you for asking that if you were thinking that.
17:09 How on earth is God gonna do it?
17:12 Well, the truth is, God did not need to send a flood.
17:17 You're thinking what?
17:18 What do you mean God did not need to send a flood?
17:20 He said, I'm gonna send a flood.
17:23 God's didn't want to send a flood.
17:27 There was no other choice that God had.
17:30 God's plan was to save human beings.
17:34 God's plan was to spare the human race from a flood.
17:38 God's plan was to avert the flood.
17:43 And you may thinking, what do you mean?
17:45 Well, let's remind ourselves of the story of Jonah,
17:49 the story of Jonah many years beyond the time of the flood.
17:53 Where God said to Jonah, go
17:55 and tell the people of Nineveh in 40 days,
17:58 I'm going to wipe off this city from the face of the earth.
18:01 I'm gonna bring down fire and it's gonna be gone.
18:04 And what did the people of Nineveh do
18:06 during the time of Jonah?
18:08 They repented, they repented
18:11 and did God spare that city with 120,000 people
18:16 with 120,000 adults, I should say,
18:19 plus children, plus cattle, plus everything the Bible says.
18:22 Yes, God spared that city.
18:25 God is in the business of saving and sparing,
18:29 not destroying.
18:32 And so God would have averted the flood
18:35 if the people would have repented,
18:37 He would have had another plan in place.
18:41 So how does Noah respond
18:47 to God's covenant promise?
18:49 How does Noah respond to God's covenant promise?
18:53 We continue reading.
18:54 In Genesis 6:22, we read these words,
18:59 in Genesis 6:22, "Thus Noah did,
19:03 according to all that God commanded him, so he did."
19:08 Notice, Noah here expresses, you know, genuine faith
19:13 and obedience and trust.
19:17 And the Bible says in Genesis 7:16,
19:21 "So those that entered male and female of all flesh,
19:24 went in as God had commanded him,
19:26 and the Lord shut him in."
19:29 The Lord sealed, Noah.
19:32 The Lord preserved his life.
19:34 The Lord kept him safe.
19:38 In Genesis 8:1, we discovered in a previous message
19:43 that this is the very heart of the Noah story.
19:46 This story that's in the form of a chiasm,
19:49 okay, with a bullseye is right at the very center.
19:53 And we read these words, "Then God remembered Noah,
19:56 and every living thing,
19:58 and all the animals that were with him in the ark.
20:02 God remembered Noah,
20:05 who, with whom He established His covenant.
20:08 The two go hand together, a hand in hand together.
20:12 Throughout Scripture,
20:14 when God establishes His covenant,
20:18 He remembers His people and He blesses them.
20:22 Can you say amen?
20:24 When God establishes His covenant,
20:28 He remembers His people
20:30 and He blesses them and He preserves them
20:32 and He shuts them in to His presence.
20:37 He shuts them in and He protects them
20:42 and He places them in His loving care.
20:44 So how does Noah respond to God's covenant
20:49 of grace and deliverance?
20:52 After the flood, the flood has come and gone.
20:57 And now Noah responds in this way.
21:02 Genesis 8:20, we read,
21:06 "Then Noah built an altar to the Lord,
21:08 and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird,
21:11 and offered burnt offerings on the altar."
21:15 This is what Noah does.
21:16 The very first thing that he does
21:18 after he exits the ark,
21:20 after God has preserved his life
21:22 and the life of his family and all the animals.
21:25 And by the way, they were in lockdown
21:26 for over a year.
21:28 And I say, you and I,
21:29 we complain about lockdown today,
21:32 but they were in lockdown,
21:33 serious lockdown for over one year
21:35 they were in the ark
21:37 according to the biblical record.
21:40 Now, Noah recognized
21:42 that it wasn't his engineering skills
21:45 that saved the day,
21:47 because this storm that was beyond
21:49 what you and I can comprehend could only be averted.
21:54 Death could only be averted
21:56 if God's angels protected this ark,
22:01 this boat.
22:03 And that's exactly what God did.
22:05 Through His angels, He protected this ark.
22:09 There's a beautiful insight that we're reading Patriarchs
22:12 and Prophets of what Noah has done after the flood,
22:17 how he has expressed his love, his faithfulness,
22:20 his thankfulness to God.
22:21 Notice these words from Patriarchs and Prophets
22:24 written by Ellen White.
22:26 And she writes these words,
22:28 "In the joy of their release
22:30 Noah did not forget Him by whose gracious care
22:33 they had been preserved.
22:35 His first act, notice,
22:37 his very first act after leaving the ark
22:41 was to build an altar and offer
22:43 from every kind of clean beast and fowl a sacrifice,
22:47 thus manifesting his gratitude to God
22:49 for deliverance and his faith in Christ,
22:52 the great sacrifice.
22:55 Here was a lesson for all succeeding generations.
22:58 Noah had come forth upon a desolate earth,
23:01 but before preparing a house for himself,
23:04 he built an altar to God.
23:07 His stock of cattle was small,
23:09 and had been preserved at great expense,
23:11 yet he cheerfully gave a part to the Lord
23:15 as an acknowledgement that all was His."
23:19 Notice, as far as Noah was concerned,
23:23 his first act was to show forth his devotion,
23:27 his love toward God.
23:29 And although he only had a small flock,
23:33 he only had seven pairs of all the clean animals.
23:37 And they were the only animals
23:39 that were appropriate for being,
23:41 for sacrifice to God.
23:44 And even though he only had a little,
23:47 he still gave of his very best,
23:51 and he gave to God first.
23:54 That reminds me of the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:33,
23:58 where Jesus said, seek ye first what?
24:01 The kingdom of God and his what?
24:04 Righteousness,
24:05 and all these other things shall be added unto you.
24:07 And Noah was a man of righteousness
24:10 who preached a message of righteousness,
24:13 who sought first God's kingdom,
24:15 the things of God's kingdom and his righteousness.
24:18 And that's a lesson for all of us
24:20 to put God first in all things.
24:22 And if we put God first in all things,
24:24 He has promised to do what?
24:27 To bless us, to bless us. God will never let you down.
24:31 And so how does God respond to Noah's act
24:34 of sacrifice and devotion?
24:36 Notice what we continue to read in Genesis verse,
24:40 in Genesis 8:21-22.
24:43 We read these words,
24:45 "And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma.
24:49 Then the Lord said in His heart,
24:51 'I will never again curse the ground for man's sake,
24:53 although the imagination of man's heart
24:57 is evil from his youth,
24:59 nor will I again destroy
25:01 every living thing as I have done."
25:03 Instead God makes a promise,
25:05 "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest,
25:08 cold and heat, winter and summer,
25:11 and day and night shall not cease."
25:17 God makes a promise to Noah, to his family
25:20 and to the entire world
25:23 that for the rest of human history,
25:26 until the coming of Jesus, they will never,
25:29 ever again be a worldwide flood,
25:34 never again, a worldwide flood.
25:37 So now you may be thinking, Danny,
25:40 that's very interesting and that's insightful.
25:45 But, Danny, where is this link?
25:48 Where is this link between the covenant
25:54 that God made with Noah and all creation
25:58 and the seventh day?
26:00 Where is this link?
26:02 Where is this link?
26:06 And now we're going to unpack
26:10 and explore this beautiful insight
26:15 that God gave to me that,
26:18 that brings together God's covenant
26:22 of love with Noah after the flood.
26:26 And God's Sabbath from creation to all of humanity
26:31 for the rest of human history
26:32 and into eternity as we will discover.
26:36 So now we're gonna continue reading.
26:39 We're gonna continue reading
26:42 the answer to this question,
26:45 and we're gonna discover the next seven times
26:48 the word covenant is used and what seven once again?
26:53 It's God's number.
26:55 It's God's number of perfection.
26:57 All the way through Scripture,
26:59 seven is God's number of perfection.
27:01 And this seven,
27:03 I believe also is another indicator
27:05 that God here is trying to send us a message,
27:08 trying to send us back to creation,
27:10 back to the Sabbath of creation.
27:12 Notice these words.
27:15 Verse 8.
27:16 We'll begin in verse 8 of Chapter 9, Genesis 9:8,
27:20 "Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons
27:22 and with him saying.
27:24 'And as for Me, behold,
27:26 I establish My covenant with you
27:28 and with your descendants after you,
27:30 and with every living creature that is with you: the birds,
27:33 the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you,
27:36 all that go out of the ark, every beast of the earth.
27:40 Thus, I establish My covenant with you:
27:43 Never again shall all flesh be cut off
27:46 by the waters of the flood,
27:48 never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth."
27:52 Now, before we continue,
27:54 I wanna encourage you to take note of the words
27:57 that I have highlighted in the following verses
28:00 from verses 12 to 17,
28:02 we're gonna come back to those
28:03 because they are very significant.
28:05 We continue reading, verse 12, "And God said:
28:09 'This is the sign of the covenant
28:11 which I make between Me and you,
28:13 and every living creature that is with you,
28:16 for perpetual generations.'"
28:18 That word perpetual means everlasting, without end.
28:22 So this is continuous.
28:24 That's what perpetual means.
28:26 "I set My rainbow in the cloud,
28:28 and it shall be for the sign of the covenant
28:31 between Me and the earth.
28:33 It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth,
28:36 that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud,
28:39 and I will remember my covenant,
28:41 which is between Me and you,
28:43 and every living creature of all flesh,
28:46 the waters shall never again
28:48 become a flood to destroy all flesh.
28:50 The rainbow shall be in the cloud,
28:52 and I will look on it to remember
28:55 the everlasting covenant
28:57 between God and every living creature
28:59 of all flesh that is on the earth."
29:01 In verse 17, "And God said to Noah, '
29:04 This is the sign of the covenant,
29:07 which I have established between Me and all flesh
29:10 that is on the earth."
29:12 Wow.
29:15 So what do we have here?
29:17 We have here the rainbow,
29:22 the rainbow that God placed in the heavens as a sign,
29:28 a continual sign until the end of time.
29:32 And we have a picture of the rainbow somewhere.
29:33 There we go.
29:34 There's a beautiful picture of the rainbow.
29:37 This rainbow is a sign
29:40 that there will never again be a worldwide flood.
29:43 Is this rainbow clear?
29:46 Is it visible?
29:48 Yes. Is it an outward sign?
29:50 Yes.
29:52 You remember earlier, we discovered
29:53 that when God makes a covenant with human beings
29:57 or with all of humanity,
30:00 He will often place a sign or a symbol, an outward sign,
30:05 or a symbol to help individuals
30:08 know that this is the covenant that God has initiated
30:11 and made out of His grace.
30:13 Now, when we take a look at God's rainbow,
30:15 notice some of the words that come out of the text.
30:19 I've got them up there on the screen for you.
30:21 God's rainbow. It's a sign.
30:25 It's God's covenant.
30:28 It's an everlasting covenant
30:30 to perpetual generations, to all generations.
30:35 And finally God remembers and blesses the whole world.
30:39 So that is what we have here in the Noah story.
30:42 So now let's take a look at the Sabbath.
30:44 All right, the Sabbath.
30:45 I was asking myself, can we find the same elements
30:50 from the Noah story concerning the rainbow sign?
30:55 Can we find them in the Sabbath?
30:57 So I decided to do a little bit of investigation,
31:02 a little bit of biblical investigation.
31:05 And so I looked at putting some pieces together
31:08 and now we are going to take a look at God's masterpiece,
31:12 how He brings all these pieces together.
31:14 Notice these two key passages, the one in Exodus 20
31:18 and the other one in Exodus 31.
31:20 And we're gonna begin with Exodus Chapter 20,
31:23 where God gives the Ten Commandments
31:26 and there in the heart of the Ten Commandments
31:28 and we find the fourth commandment,
31:30 the one concerning the Sabbath.
31:31 Exodus 20:8.
31:34 God says, "Remember the Sabbath day
31:37 to keep it holy,
31:39 six days you shall labor and do all your work,
31:42 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord.
31:44 Your God.
31:46 In it you shall do no work, you, nor your son,
31:48 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
31:50 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
31:53 nor your stranger who is within your gates.
31:55 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
31:58 the sea, and all that is in them
32:01 and rested the seventh day.
32:02 Therefore, the Lord did what?
32:04 He blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
32:09 Now, before we go any further,
32:11 I'd love to just park myself and spend a whole bunch of time
32:15 on this commandment.
32:16 But if you would have noticed the word and the language,
32:18 I wanna encourage you to read
32:20 and reread this commandment again,
32:22 for you discover that the Sabbath is a blessing,
32:25 not only to mankind, but the Sabbath is a blessing
32:28 to all the animals that God has created.
32:31 And it's a blessing to all of nature.
32:34 The land is to rest.
32:36 The environment is to rest, animals, humans,
32:40 we are all to rest with God.
32:42 So God said the Sabbath day,
32:44 the Sabbath day in a beautiful way
32:47 is what God intended at the very beginning of time
32:50 when there was no sin in this world.
32:52 When there was complete harmony between animals and nature,
32:57 and humans and God, when there was perfect harmony.
33:01 The Sabbath is a taste each week
33:04 of how we can enjoy that beautiful harmony
33:06 and that perfect harmony with God.
33:08 Now let's continue reading
33:11 the second passage in Exodus 31.
33:15 We read these words,
33:17 "Speak also to the children of Israel saying:
33:19 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep,
33:21 for it is a sign between Me and you
33:24 throughout your generations,
33:26 that you may know that I'm the Lord who sanctifies you.
33:30 You shall keep the Sabbath,
33:32 therefore, for it is holy to you.
33:33 Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death,
33:36 for whoever does any work on it,
33:38 that person shall be cut off from among His people.
33:42 Work shall be done for six days,
33:43 but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest,
33:46 holy to the Lord.
33:47 Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day,
33:49 he shall surely be put to death.
33:52 Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath,
33:55 to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations
33:57 as a perpetual covenant or an everlasting covenant."
34:00 And verse 17,
34:01 "It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever,
34:05 for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
34:08 and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed."
34:11 So what do we have here in these two Sabbath passages?
34:14 Notice this list, and we have it up there on the screen.
34:17 God's Sabbath is a sign.
34:19 God's Sabbath is God's covenant to all of humanity.
34:23 God's Sabbath is the everlasting covenant.
34:26 God's Sabbath is for perpetual
34:28 generations for all generations.
34:30 And God's Sabbath
34:33 is God remembering and blessing the whole world.
34:36 So let's put these two together.
34:39 Here we have God's rainbow and God's Sabbath.
34:42 And when you go down the list,
34:43 guess what you have?
34:45 You have identical blessings
34:50 from God associated with the rainbow,
34:53 as well as with the Sabbath.
34:56 So to put it simply and purely
34:59 God's Sabbath at the end of time is indeed
35:04 a symbol of the rainbow in the days of Noah
35:07 and all the way to today.
35:09 And it's interesting that the Sabbath is embedded
35:13 in the story of Noah in Noah's actual name.
35:17 Noah, his name means rest.
35:21 It means rest.
35:23 And so we've got the Sabbath embedded in Noah's very name.
35:27 Jesus comes along in Mark 2:27,
35:30 and this is what He says,
35:31 "And He said to them,
35:33 'The Sabbath was made for,'" who?
35:35 "For man and not man for the Sabbath.'"
35:37 The word man there is the word anthropos.
35:40 It's where we get our word anthropology,
35:44 which is a study of humanity.
35:46 The Sabbath was made for man,
35:48 just like the rainbow is a sign to all of humanity,
35:52 to all generations until Jesus comes
35:54 that there will never ever be a flood again.
35:56 The Sabbath is a sign
35:59 all the way through from creation to the end of time.
36:02 And beyond that God's covenant
36:05 of love remains with His people.
36:07 His blessing is to be poured out on the entire world.
36:11 It's an outward sign.
36:13 God's end time rainbow is the Sabbath.
36:17 It absolutely is.
36:18 There is no other way to bypass that,
36:21 it's in the story of Noah.
36:22 After the flood,
36:24 we have that third blessing that He showcased.
36:27 In Deuteronomy 4:13,
36:29 we read these words and they are fascinating
36:31 concerning God's commandments.
36:34 It says, "So He declared to you
36:37 His covenant which He commanded you to perform,
36:40 the Ten Commandments,
36:41 and He wrote them on two tablets of stone."
36:45 God's Ten Commandments are described as His covenant.
36:50 And it's interesting
36:52 when we take a look at where the Ten Commandments
36:54 were stored, they were stored in a box called the what?
36:57 The Ark of the Covenant.
37:00 The Ark of the Covenant.
37:03 And inside the Ark of the Covenant, of course,
37:06 are the Ten Commandments that God wrote
37:08 with His own finger on two tablets of stone.
37:12 So the question is,
37:13 will God have faithful people at the end of time
37:19 that respond to His grace
37:21 and enter into a covenant of love with Him?
37:24 Will God have such a people at the end of time?
37:27 The answer is yes,
37:29 yes.
37:30 Revelation 12:17 tells us,
37:32 "And the dragon," and that's the symbol of Satan,
37:35 "was enraged with the woman,"
37:36 that is God's end time people,
37:38 God's end time church,
37:39 "and he went to make war with the rest or the remnant
37:42 of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God
37:44 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
37:48 Will there be a people on planet earth
37:49 at the end of time like Noah who are faithful to God,
37:54 who keep His commandments not to be saved,
37:56 but because they have been saved
37:57 because of a love relationship they have with God?
38:00 Yes, there will be.
38:01 For Jesus said, as it was in the days of who?
38:05 Noah, so it will be when I come.
38:08 And why does...
38:10 Why does the enemy,
38:12 the dragon hate God's people who keep His commandments?
38:15 The answer is simple
38:17 because Jesus said in John 14:15,
38:20 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
38:23 And the enemy does not want anyone
38:26 showing genuine love
38:28 to God their Creator.
38:32 Noah walked with God. He was a righteous man.
38:34 God will have such a people on planet earth
38:37 that will share God's final message of love to the world.
38:41 The three angels' messages are God's final message
38:45 of love to the world.
38:47 This is it.
38:48 These three messages of love that God shares with the world
38:53 one final time before He sends His Son Jesus
38:57 will prepare the world for the coming of Jesus.
38:59 They found in Revelation Chapter 14
39:02 and in Revelation 14, before we take a look
39:05 at that first angel's message.
39:06 In Revelation 14,
39:08 we have the first part verses 1 to 5
39:10 that describes the character
39:12 of God's end time people, the character.
39:15 They walk with God,
39:16 they follow the Lamb wherever He goes, just like Noah.
39:19 The message that they share, the three angels' messages,
39:23 and then the reward that God has for them.
39:26 The same as in the days of Noah,
39:29 a righteous man who preached a message for his time
39:32 to prepare a people for the coming storm.
39:35 And then there was the reward
39:36 that God had for Noah and his family.
39:39 Have a look at how the first angel's message begins.
39:43 In verses 6 and 7, we read these words of Revelation 14.
39:47 John writes, "Then I saw another angel flying
39:50 in the midst of heaven, having the,"
39:51 what kind of gospel?
39:53 "The everlasting gospel to preach
39:54 to those who dwell on the earth,
39:56 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people."
39:57 And before we go any further,
39:59 we are reminded of the words of Jesus
40:02 who said in Matthew 24:14,
40:04 "And this gospel of the kingdom will go," how far?
40:08 "To all the world as a witness to all the nations,
40:11 and then the end will come."
40:12 This is the gospel that Jesus said
40:15 must go to the whole world before He returns.
40:18 This is the gospel in an end time context.
40:21 And it's called the everlasting gospel,
40:25 just like the covenant that God made
40:28 between Noah and his family.
40:31 And the world is called the everlasting covenant.
40:35 And the Sabbath is referred to as the everlasting covenant
40:39 for all generations.
40:40 So to the gospel which means good news.
40:42 That's what the word gospel means,
40:43 good news, is for all generations,
40:46 for all time.
40:47 We continue reading this first angel's message,
40:50 saying with a loud voice, that word there loud
40:53 and voice are the Greek words megaphone.
40:55 Megaphone.
40:56 This is a megaphone voice
40:58 that needs to go to the whole world.
40:59 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
41:01 for the hour of His judgment has come,"
41:04 and notice these next words from the angel,
41:06 "and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
41:09 the sea and the springs of water."
41:11 Notice here is a call to the world to worship.
41:17 He who made heaven and earth,
41:19 the sea and the springs of water
41:20 to worship the Creator.
41:22 These words are taken out of the Ten Commandments.
41:25 These words are taken out of the fourth commandment.
41:28 It's almost a direct quote
41:31 of the fourth commandment that God gave.
41:34 And so here we have God's final appeal to the world.
41:39 And in fact, in this very commandment,
41:42 we have God's seal.
41:44 God's seal is to be found in the Sabbath commandment
41:48 at the end of time, just like Noah
41:50 was sealed or as the scripture say he was shut in by God.
41:54 So to God's end time people who are sealed by God's love,
41:59 by God's covenant of grace that we find in the Sabbath
42:03 at the end of time, will also be sealed.
42:06 Now notice before we take a look at that a little more,
42:10 we discover the seal, the seal,
42:15 a typical seal in ancient times as well as today.
42:19 And I'll illustrate that for you in a moment
42:21 contain three key elements.
42:23 And here they are, the name of the person
42:25 giving the seal, their title,
42:27 and then finally their authority.
42:29 We have that all in the Sabbath.
42:32 God's name, His title, He's the Creator
42:35 and His authority is over heaven and earth,
42:38 the sea and the springs of water.
42:40 Amen?
42:41 Now we find these three elements of a seal
42:44 on our coins.
42:46 Here I have a $1 coin,
42:49 kindly donated to me by my good friend Lindy.
42:54 I'm not sure if she wants it back,
42:55 but I think she might.
42:57 But here on this $1 coin, we have a seal.
43:00 This authenticates this $1 coin as genuine
43:05 and as authentic Australian currency.
43:08 Now you might not be able to see it
43:09 from where you are,
43:11 but just take a look at an Australian coin
43:13 and you'll discover on the Australian coin,
43:15 we have the queen and her,
43:17 we have the queen's image on that coin
43:20 and we have her name Elizabeth II,
43:24 there's her name.
43:25 We have a title, signifying a crown.
43:28 She's wearing a crown on her head.
43:29 She's the queen.
43:31 And then we have her authority
43:32 and her authority is over Australia,
43:35 which is part of the Commonwealth.
43:36 So here we have a seal.
43:38 I have a seal when I sign off and you might be thinking,
43:41 Danny, you're not the queen.
43:43 The last time I checked, you are not the queen.
43:46 How can you have a seal?
43:47 You're not really all that important.
43:49 That's true. I'm not that important.
43:50 But I have a seal.
43:51 When I signed my letters,
43:53 I sign Danny Milenkov, minister, that's my title.
43:59 Name first, title minister
44:01 Hillview Seventh-day Adventist Church.
44:03 That's the authority that I have as the pastor
44:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
44:07 those three elements, I have that.
44:10 The prime minister has that, the president has that
44:12 many of you have that, that are watching.
44:14 So that is God's seal.
44:17 God's seal.
44:18 Now we find God's seal in the Book of Revelation.
44:21 Notice what it says in Revelation 7:3-4.
44:26 Just before God pours out the seven last plagues.
44:30 After the close of probation,
44:32 these words are spoken by God to the angel.
44:35 "Do not harm the earth,
44:36 the sea or the trees till we have," what?
44:39 "Sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads."
44:42 In verse 4,
44:43 "And I heard the number of those who were sealed.
44:45 One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes
44:48 of the children of Israel were sealed."
44:51 Now in Revelation 14:1,
44:54 we have these words.
44:57 John writes, "Then I looked,
44:58 and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion,
45:00 and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand,"
45:02 so this is that same group that we read of in Revelation 7
45:05 that are sealed, "having his Father's name
45:08 written on their foreheads."
45:09 Now God's end time people will have God's seal
45:14 that will have the Father's name.
45:15 God's seal and the Father's name are synonymous.
45:18 They appear in these two scriptures.
45:21 Now what's a name represent in scripture?
45:24 Character, character.
45:26 God's people at the end of time
45:29 are sealed by God because they have chosen
45:33 His character like Noah who chose the character of God.
45:38 The Bible says He walked with God.
45:40 He was a righteous man.
45:41 He was a just man.
45:43 He was a man filled with integrity.
45:45 He was blameless.
45:47 He was a man who followed the commandments of God,
45:50 a man who preached a message of righteousness by faith.
45:54 A man who loved God with all His heart,
45:57 soul, strength and mind, and God will have such a people
46:00 on planet earth, just like Noah.
46:03 Individuals who have chosen by the grace of God
46:08 to give their hearts and lives completely over to Him.
46:12 So at the end of time, God's Sabbath
46:15 is the outward symbol.
46:17 Just like the rainbow
46:19 was the outward symbol after the flood,
46:21 God's Sabbath at the end of time is the outward symbol
46:25 that you and I have chosen to walk with God,
46:29 that we have given our hearts and lives to God.
46:31 We have entered into that final end time covenant with Him.
46:35 Now, what is so significant
46:38 regarding a seal,
46:41 having the seal of God
46:43 or the Father's name on your forehead?
46:45 2 Timothy 2:19.
46:47 Notice these words,
46:49 the Apostle Paul writes, "Nevertheless,
46:51 the solid foundation of God stands having this seal:
46:54 The Lord knows those who are His
46:56 and let everyone who names the name of Christ
46:59 depart from iniquity."
47:02 The seal is significant in that those who are sealed
47:07 are known by God.
47:09 God knows those who are His
47:12 and let everyone who has been sealed by God depart from what?
47:17 Iniquity.
47:18 And iniquity is sin,
47:20 and sin is lawlessness
47:22 according to 1 John 3:4.
47:26 Dwight Nelson, Pastor Dwight Nelson in his devotional,
47:30 the chosen, he unpacks
47:33 the significance of a seal
47:35 by giving these five all important points
47:38 that I'd love for you to see.
47:42 First the seal, it's proof of ownership.
47:46 Secondly, it's proof of authenticity,
47:50 proof of approval, proof of irreversibility,
47:53 such as king Darius' seal placed on the tomb,
47:59 sorry, on the, yeah, on Daniel's,
48:03 where he was placed in den, the den of lions
48:06 and Jesus turned that was sealed.
48:08 And I love this last one, proof of likeness
48:10 that is ancient kings used cylindrical seals
48:13 to roll their likeness on to the soft wax,
48:15 so that all who would later see the seal would recognize
48:19 the likeness of the king.
48:24 God's seal.
48:26 God's seal is His likeness,
48:31 His character imprinted on the character
48:36 of His children that have chosen
48:38 to enter into His covenant of love.
48:41 Does that make sense? Yes or no?
48:43 And we find that at the end of time
48:46 in God's blessed Sabbath day.
48:50 That is why Satan is hell bent
48:53 on destroying the Sabbath.
48:56 That is why the Sabbath issue will be the final issue
49:00 at the end of time,
49:01 because it's an issue of worship.
49:03 It's an issue of allegiance.
49:04 It's who you give your heart and life to.
49:07 Is it the Creator?
49:09 Is it your Redeemer?
49:10 Is it the One who sustains you day by day?
49:13 Or is it the one whose
49:17 name is evil with a capital D,
49:19 the devil who only seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.
49:22 There are only two options at the end of time.
49:24 In fact, Revelation very clearly says
49:27 that we will either have the seal of God
49:29 and be saved and be spared from the seven last plagues
49:33 that will come upon this earth, or sadly,
49:36 we will experience those seven last plagues.
49:38 And we will have the mark of the beast.
49:40 There's only two seals at the end of time,
49:43 the seal of God, the saved,
49:45 or the mark of the beast and the loss.
49:47 Now you may be thinking
49:48 what's the mark of the beast, Danny?
49:50 Well, we don't have time to unpack that today,
49:52 but in a previous message, in a previous series
49:55 entitled End Time Apocalypse,
49:57 I looked at that subject of the seal of God
50:00 and the mark of the beast and we unpack that.
50:01 So you'll need to talk to 3ABN,
50:03 and I'm sure they will be able to assist you
50:05 and help you with that.
50:09 God's seal at the end of time
50:13 is His Sabbath.
50:16 God's seal at the end of time
50:18 brings all of God's Edenic blessings
50:23 together in the Sabbath,
50:27 all of them, every single one of them.
50:32 Now, the rainbow and the Sabbath.
50:36 I wanna share with you, as we seek to land
50:40 our eternal signs of God's everlasting grace.
50:44 Let me repeat that.
50:45 The rainbow and the Sabbath
50:48 are eternal signs of God's everlasting,
50:52 covenant of grace.
50:53 We started in Genesis.
50:55 We're gonna conclude in the Book of Revelation,
50:59 and in the Book of Isaiah
51:01 to see how these two outward signs
51:04 of God's everlasting covenant to the human race,
51:08 the Sabbath,
51:12 as well as the rainbow
51:14 come together in a beautiful way.
51:17 The word rainbow appears six times in all of Scripture,
51:22 three times in the story of Noah,
51:24 once in the Book of Ezekiel Chapter 1
51:28 and the other two times are in the Book of Revelation,
51:30 in Revelation Chapter 4 and Revelation Chapter 10.
51:33 Let's go to Revelation Chapter 4.
51:36 Revelation 4:2-3. We read these words.
51:39 John writes, "Immediately
51:41 I was in the Spirit and behold,
51:43 a throne set in heaven, and One set on the throne.
51:47 And he who sat there was like a jasper
51:50 and a sardius stone in appearance,"
51:53 speaking of God.
51:54 And there was a what around the throne?
51:57 "A rainbow around the throne in the appearance
52:01 like an emerald."
52:02 So what do we have in heaven that John sees?
52:05 He sees God's throne and he sees a rainbow
52:11 that surrounds God's throne.
52:13 Have we got that together?
52:15 We're together on that,
52:16 'cause let's now go to Revelation Chapter 10,
52:19 Revelation 10:1.
52:21 Notice these words, John, once again, writing,
52:23 "I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven,
52:27 clothed with a cloud."
52:29 And a rainbow was where?
52:32 "On his head, his face was like the sun
52:34 and his feet like pillars of fire."
52:37 Now this mighty angel. Who is this mighty angel?
52:39 Is this a normal angel that God has created?
52:42 Even one of his most glorious angels
52:44 that He has created? No.
52:45 The description here that John gives
52:47 is of none other than the Lord, Jesus Christ.
52:50 This is Jesus Christ who is being described here.
52:54 So in Revelation Chapter 4,
52:56 we have God's throne surrounded by a rainbow.
53:00 And here we have Jesus Christ Himself.
53:05 He has a rainbow over his head.
53:10 Have we got that?
53:12 Now have a look
53:16 at what Isaiah has to say
53:19 about what we will be doing
53:22 from one Sabbath to another after sin has been eradicated
53:26 from this world, from this universe,
53:28 when the sin virus is gone.
53:31 Notice these words from Isaiah 66:22-23.
53:36 He writes, "For as the new heavens and the new earth,
53:40 which I will make shall remain before Me, says the Lord."
53:43 So God is speaking here to Isaiah.
53:46 "So shall your descendants and your name remain.
53:49 We continue reading,
53:50 "And it shall come to pass
53:52 that from one new moon to another,
53:54 and from one," what?
53:57 "Sabbath to another,
53:58 all flesh shall come to worship before Me says the Lord."
54:02 Wow! Did you get that?
54:05 Did you get that? Did that sink in?
54:08 My dear friends that are watching,
54:09 I hope and pray that sunk in.
54:11 Let me just repeat what we just read
54:13 from the Book of Revelation and the Book of Isaiah.
54:16 In Revelation, we have a description
54:18 of God's throne and the Lord Jesus Christ,
54:21 who sits at the right hand of the Father on His throne.
54:25 And we have a rainbow that encircles the throne
54:29 of God, and we have a rainbow that encircles Jesus Christ,
54:34 and then God's people at the end of time
54:38 after the sin virus has been eradicated from this world,
54:43 and God creates a new heaven and a new earth
54:45 according to what He tells us in the Book of Isaiah,
54:47 we as redeemed as those
54:50 that have been sealed by God's love,
54:52 as those that have entered into God's love.
54:54 We will come from one Sabbath to another for all eternity,
54:59 and we will worship before God
55:01 and His throne that is surrounded by a what?
55:05 By a rainbow.
55:07 The rainbow will be an outward symbol forever more.
55:11 Every time we come to worship
55:13 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
55:15 from one Sabbath to another.
55:18 So the rainbow and the Sabbath,
55:21 they come together each and every week
55:24 as the people of God come to worship and praise Him
55:28 and thank Him for not only creating them,
55:31 but also for redeeming them from sin
55:35 through the sacrifice of Jesus and ultimately by saving them
55:40 on an earth made new.
55:42 So my question is,
55:45 are you willing to be part of God's
55:47 everlasting kingdom of love?
55:49 Are you willing to be part of that group
55:51 that will come from one Sabbath to another to worship
55:53 the Creator God?
55:55 Today, Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart
55:58 and my heart.
55:59 Wherever you are,
56:01 Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart and Jesus,
56:04 these are His words in Revelation,
56:07 where He says, "Behold,
56:09 I stand at the door and knock.
56:12 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door
56:14 will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me."
56:18 Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart and my heart
56:23 and your heart, our collective hearts, Jesus wants to come in.
56:28 He wants us to be part of His everlasting kingdom,
56:32 where there'll only be love, joy, peace,
56:36 and happiness forever more.
56:39 Don't you wanna be part of that kingdom?
56:41 In Noah's day, the invitation was come in to the ark.
56:45 At the end of time, Jesus has His hands outstretched,
56:48 those nail scarred hands, and He says, come, come, come.
56:52 Why don't you come? Why don't you come?
56:54 Is that your desire to come?
56:56 Let's pray.
56:57 Father in heaven, we thank You for the invitation to come.
57:00 We thank You that You stand at the door of our hearts
57:03 and knock, and you want to come in.
57:05 Thank You that You have promised a new world
57:08 where there'll be no more sin suffering and sorrow,
57:10 where from one Sabbath to another
57:12 we will gather together as Your children
57:14 around Your throne of eternal grace,
57:17 surrounded by the rainbow,
57:19 the covenant of promise
57:21 to worship You forever, Lord.
57:23 We can't wait for that day.
57:24 Bless us, we pray in Jesus' name.
57:27 And everybody said amen and amen.
57:30 God bless.


Revised 2021-06-27