From Sickness to Health

The Constitution of Constipation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Rico Hill (Host), Jim Said, Vera Onkoba


Series Code: FSH

Program Code: FSH000003

00:01 II Chronicles chapter 29 and verse 16
00:03 states: "And the priest went into the inner part
00:06 of the house of the Lord to cleanse it
00:09 and brought out all uncleanness in the temple of the Lord. "
00:14 The parallels of God's temple and our bodies
00:18 being the temple of God are astounding. Imagine!
00:21 The priest would go into the inner part of the temple
00:24 and they would cleanse it and they would bring out all
00:28 the things that were unclean.
00:30 Hi. I'm Rico Hill and I'm the host of
00:33 From Sickness to Health and I'm joined by
00:36 the enemy of health, the blue guy... Sickness himself.
00:41 That's me. Today we're going to be talking about
00:43 something nobody wants to talk about.
00:46 Isn't that right Sickness? Look, I don't want to talk about it.
00:49 Yes, yes... I know you don't want to talk about it.
00:51 But it's something that affects so many people
00:54 and they don't even know it. Ignorance is bliss!
00:57 In fact, it is estimated that 63 million people
01:02 in North America will experience it at some point
01:06 in their lifetime. Now this is a small problem
01:09 that leads to... leads to embarrassment.
01:11 Socially awkward moments like right now.
01:14 Discussing other people's business...
01:17 That's why they call it "doing YOUR business"
01:20 because it's not other people's business.
01:23 So the topic today is that... is people should have the right
01:27 to choose to go to the bathroom or not.
01:31 Actually is the constitution of constipation.
01:36 I can't believe we're talking about constipation! Why not?
01:38 Because it's none of their business.
01:41 If people want to do #2 it's a private matter.
01:44 Look, some of us want to use the bathroom 1 time a week.
01:48 That's OUR business. Wait a minute.
01:50 Number 2's are private. Wait a minute... wait a minute.
01:54 I think you're talking about yourself, aren't you?
01:56 You're talking about yourself.
01:58 No habla espaƱol...
02:02 Ah yes! That's it... you're constipated.
02:04 That's why you're so grumpy. That's it!
02:05 No entiendo senor.
02:07 All right, I'll tell you what: we're going to talk today
02:10 about this touchy subject and hopefully we're going to
02:14 get him some help and get you some information.
02:16 Stay tuned. Roll it.
02:59 Well thank you for joining us here in the studio.
03:02 I know by now you know that we have a very
03:05 fascinating topic today.
03:08 Well, joining me here in the studio is our good friend
03:11 Dr. Jim Said who is a board-certified
03:15 chiropractor - if I could just get that out of my mouth -
03:18 and a naturopathic doctor. And he is a friend to
03:22 this program. But today we have someone else joining us.
03:25 We also have a friend of mine: Vera Onkoba. She is a
03:29 registered nurse. She's one who is on the front lines
03:32 as it were seeing all the things that are happening in the ICU
03:37 where she works. So I know that she has some things that
03:40 she can share with us regarding this topic
03:43 that will be riveting. So with that said
03:46 I welcome both of you to From Sickness to Health
03:49 as we talk about constipation.
03:52 Thank you! Now before we get into this topic
03:57 we know that millions of people are affected by it
03:59 and it's that sensitive topic that no one wants to talk about,
04:04 right? Right. But today we must talk about it
04:06 because I think there's a lot of help for people out there
04:08 and we're going to get into the topic. But before we do
04:12 we want to give our friend Sickness an opportunity.
04:17 We gave him a camera. He's out and he's talking -
04:20 not with people, we'll see that later on -
04:22 but he is out there and he has something that he wants us
04:25 to see on this. So let's take a look at the monitor here.
04:30 THIS is a normal toilet.
04:32 When the plumbing gets backed up the toilet overflows
04:35 and the elimination system stops working...
04:38 much like the human body.
04:40 It's quite amazing. When people eat their meats and their
04:42 cheeses and not a lot of fiber it all gets backed up
04:45 and makes them much more prone to sickness.
04:49 Take this guy for instance.
04:51 Look at him... he's all in pain.
04:54 He decided to enjoy some delicious food
04:57 and let it marinate for a few weeks in his bowels.
05:01 Oh man! Now he's all clogged up.
05:05 That's the beauty of constipation.
05:08 I bet you wish you didn't eat all that cheese now,
05:12 don't you? Back to you Rico.
05:18 Well well well... I tell you, you know.
05:21 Imagine that! Many diseases begin in the gut.
05:28 Doctor, what do we have to say about this?
05:30 Oh boy. A lot, right? A lot.
05:33 What people don't realize is the significance of the gut.
05:36 It is hardwired to the brain,
05:40 to the immune system, to the glandular or endocrine system,
05:44 and to the psyche. So what happens in our gut
05:48 affects how we think and how we feel.
05:51 That in some circles this is pretty much who we are.
05:57 That's who you are as the character. Yes.
06:00 So if you're thinking lousy and feeling lousy
06:03 then you are... dare I say? lousy.
06:08 Well we want to help people change that for their situation,
06:11 right? Amen. So go ahead. Let me give a concept. OK.
06:15 When we eat, our body has to digest that food -
06:19 that is, break it down into small foodstuffs,
06:22 small molecules - that can go across the gut wall
06:26 and be put back together as components of our body
06:29 and build our tissues, our cells,
06:32 our glands, our hormones, etc.
06:37 Getting it into the body and across the gut wall
06:41 is a major task. In fact I call it a violent action
06:45 in the body. Because if you could see the cauldron of what's
06:48 going on in the small intestines especially
06:50 and the stomach, there's a major churning going on
06:53 to break down that food into small constituents
06:57 that we can take into the body.
06:59 Now, our food has in it fiber,
07:04 vitamins, minerals, proteins,
07:08 carbohydrates, fats... these are all parts of food.
07:13 If we take those out of the food,
07:15 the food doesn't have in it what the body requires
07:20 to digest and assimilate and use that food.
07:23 Which leads then to constipation. Yes.
07:26 But I think what we need to do for our audience is
07:29 define what is constipation because you know why?
07:34 Vera, not that we turn to you on this particular point,
07:39 but I'm turning to you on this particular point.
07:42 People don't understand what constipation is.
07:45 They figure if I go to the bathroom at least a couple times
07:48 a week I'm not constipated.
07:51 I go to the bathroom. Or even if I go once a day
07:55 I'm not constipated. Is that true?
07:58 That's not true. Why is it not true?
08:01 Well because the body is created in a way that it's
08:04 supposed to eliminate as it takes in as well.
08:08 So as you take in food that food should be leaving.
08:11 Right. So is that a fair assessment that with every meal
08:15 there should be a corresponding movement?
08:18 Elimination is called the gastrocolic reflex
08:21 from the stomach to the colon.
08:23 So as we take food in we have to make room for it
08:26 and now we eliminate what we no longer need.
08:29 And by the time the food hits the stomach
08:31 to the time it's eliminated is on average about 36 hours.
08:35 OK. So after every meal the body is designed to have
08:40 a normal evacuation. Ask any baby how they work.
08:45 That's right! A baby has a meal they have a corresponding
08:48 bowel movement. Exactly. So if we're not having
08:52 bowel movements as we saw from what Sickness just showed us
08:58 then a person is clogged up or as he put it "backed up"
09:02 clogged up like a toilet - yes -
09:04 and you become a little septic? A little toxic?
09:07 What happens? You become auto-intoxicated.
09:10 Auto-intoxicated? When I hear intoxicated that sounds like
09:13 drunk. Like from? People are thinking
09:16 intoxication? Auto-intoxication?
09:19 What is that exactly? The body in eliminating
09:22 has bacteria that are designed to digest out what we can't use
09:28 in the body... we can't assimilate.
09:30 For example: fiber which is also called cellulose.
09:34 So our bacteria have enzymes
09:37 cellulase - um-hmm - that breaks down the fiber.
09:40 That's... the fiber's their food.
09:42 If we're not giving fiber to those bacteria,
09:45 they're not fed. And if they're not fed,
09:48 they're not colonizing the gut.
09:52 And a great part of the stool is made up of dead bacteria.
09:56 Of dead bacteria? Yes.
09:58 Hold that thought right there. Vera, you're working in
10:02 intensive care, are you seeing people come who are constipated?
10:05 I think you have some stories about some real-life issues
10:08 with constipation... people who have ended up in the ER.
10:11 Is that right? Absolutely. I want you both to hold that
10:14 thought. We're going to hear what you have to say, but let's
10:16 take a listen from this video and see what some people
10:22 who are on the news are saying. Let's take a look.
10:27 You know what I hear on my website and I know you do too.
10:30 I'm just going to get like down with it:
10:33 women can't poop and that's all I hear. Right.
10:36 "How can I go to the bathroom? "
10:38 Why is everybody so constipated?
10:41 I think it's from the onslaught of what you talk about.
10:44 We talk about this issue a lot and all bloating.
10:48 I feel like we're on the phone. I know.
10:50 But the issue is it's the onslaught of what you talk about
10:54 in the book Sexy Forever. It's the toxins in the food
10:57 that we're eating. It's too many prescribed antibiotics
11:01 that kill all the friendly bac- teria in our digestive tracts.
11:04 I read a study recently... It kills everything.
11:07 So when it kills the friendly bacteria then does the
11:11 bad bacteria take over? And what does it do?
11:14 What happens is imagine this much bacteria
11:18 in that digestive tube. It's about the size of a brick.
11:21 So just saying you have two rounds of antibiotics.
11:23 It kills all the friendly bacteria.
11:25 So the bad guys are there, too, and the yeast
11:28 and they proliferate in the digestive tract too and they
11:31 create fermentation. And what do people feel? Bloating.
11:36 And they also produce alcohol which gives people brain fog
11:40 and they don't even drink!
11:42 Whoa! Well, we see here that this is a big problem. Right.
11:47 And according to this news clip or this little clip we just saw
11:52 it's affecting women quite a bit to the point where there's
11:55 bloating and there's all types of issues.
11:58 Is this something you're seeing in your practice?
11:59 Is this what you're seeing in the hospital?
12:01 First you, Dr. Said. Yes. Especially women
12:04 around menopause. What happens around that time of life
12:08 is what's called the intrinsic factor, and the stomach starts
12:12 to go down... meaning they can't digest proteins efficiently.
12:16 When they can't digest proteins efficiently
12:19 they will sit longer in the gut and ferment.
12:22 Actually they rot... they putrify.
12:24 And sugars stay too long and ferment -
12:26 ferment, yes - turning into gas and bloating.
12:29 Constipation is a necessary result of that process
12:32 because those proteins are not going all the way through.
12:37 Also if a person is taking antibiotics as we well know
12:40 their gut flora is wiped out.
12:44 It's destroyed. That's what we just heard in the clip. Yes.
12:46 OK. So it interferes with the process of the flora
12:49 the microbes digesting fiber
12:53 to turn into eliminative waste.
12:57 So constipation is a necessary result of that.
13:01 And I see that consistently in practice.
13:04 Also, if people are eating foods that are not only low
13:08 in fiber but also allergic or hyper sensitive to their bodies.
13:12 Like for example eggs and dairy and soybeans and wheat.
13:18 These are common allergens or hyper sensitive food.
13:21 And let's break down dairy 'cause we're talking about
13:23 ice cream - dairy, cheese on our pizza.
13:28 Dairy, yes? Yes. So these are the things. Milk, right?
13:32 These are our dairy products. Dairy products.
13:34 Wheat like in the pizza dough and bread.
13:38 A lot of times they're putting cheese inside the dough now.
13:40 Yes. OK. Sadly.
13:42 So we start taking in these foods to which we respond by
13:46 inflammation. Now the gut inflames,
13:48 and when the gut inflames we can't digest foods efficiently.
13:52 So wait a minute here.
13:55 Most people think that if I just have some fiber -
13:58 you know, over-the-counter fiber... whatever -
14:01 I can actually have good elimination.
14:05 But you're saying that's not the case.
14:07 No. That's not the whole story at all.
14:09 OK... all right. Well the story, I'm sure,
14:13 plays out often in your work because you have people who are
14:18 showing up. And I think you have a story that you were telling me
14:20 about. What was this? Yeah, I think one of the most
14:23 recent experiences that I had was a patient who came in
14:27 who was completely backed up
14:31 and came in with constipation. And as a result of how
14:35 toxic her environment was she actually went into complete
14:39 failure of all her different organs.
14:43 Did she live? The sad thing is she passed on
14:47 but after so many different measures that we had to
14:50 try and do to save her life.
14:51 But her entire colon system was completely clogged up.
14:55 And I think it was for me something that really helped me
15:00 understand the seriousness of how constipation is really
15:03 an issue. We want to hear what people are saying
15:06 and thinking on the street. But before we do that
15:10 let's get a sense from you both. What's causing constipation?
15:15 What is causing people to not be able to eliminate
15:18 properly? Is it food? Is it diet? Is it exercise?
15:21 Not enough water? What?
15:23 Yes. Just yes? A simple answer.
15:26 We need water. 75% of the stool is water.
15:29 75% of the stool is water. We need exercise.
15:32 Exercise is essential for movement of the gut,
15:36 for movement of the liver, for digestion efficiency.
15:40 We need food high in fiber that is plant-based diet.
15:45 Does meat have fiber? No.
15:47 No meat has fiber? No.
15:49 So plant-based... we're talking about things from the garden
15:52 again. Yes. OK.
15:54 And things from the garden that we can digest without
15:57 a reaction allergically or hyper sensitively.
16:00 So nothing that triggers inflammation
16:02 otherwise inflammation will slow things down.
16:05 Narcotics slow down the gut. Morphine for example.
16:08 Some of these strong pain killers will paralyze the gut.
16:12 So these are very serious issues.
16:14 As I mentioned, if a woman is perimenopausal it's an issue.
16:18 So we need to deal with also enzymes from the pancreas,
16:21 B12, these kinds of needs nutritionally for some people
16:25 to support their digestive efficiency.
16:29 Oh boy. Now some people are going to be a little hot about
16:32 this one: snacking. Ooh!
16:34 Snacking. I'm glad you asked.
16:36 The body requires four hours between meals
16:41 to complete the digestive sequence of the meal we ate.
16:45 Now, if we snack or chew gum
16:49 or do anything that has to be digested
16:53 or swallowed that is a food or the body perceives it as a food
16:56 we now interrupt the digestive process
17:00 so food that's trying to get digested never finishes.
17:04 Now many people out there are thinking:
17:06 "Well I don't usually snack" because they think snacks are
17:10 some cookies or cakes and things like that.
17:12 But snacking... that's not what we mean, do we Vera?
17:16 Right. Snacking can be what? Chewing gum like he mentioned.
17:20 Or, you know, drinking juice.
17:23 Between a major meal anything that you take in
17:27 is actually considered snacking.
17:30 Because you should have one full meal and you wait
17:32 until the next one. Correct. But a lot of times people think
17:35 "It's a couple of hours later... I'll have something light
17:39 as a snack. " There's a fallacy to that
17:42 because we never finish digesting the last meal.
17:45 So now we set ourselves up for allergy or hyper sensitive
17:49 reactions to foods, incomplete digestion,
17:52 incomplete protein assimilation. Wow!
17:54 And we now set ourselves up for even auto immune conditions
17:57 that attack the body. It's very serious.
18:01 You know, I always like to say when I share health talks
18:05 with people I say: "You know, never invite
18:09 a guest into your house
18:12 that doesn't want to leave or doesn't know when to leave
18:16 because this body is a house, isn't it? Right.
18:20 We're going to look at that from the scriptures
18:23 to see just how this body is a temple.
18:26 But why don't we turn to the monitor, and let's see
18:29 what people are saying on the streets.
18:34 Mark, I want to ask you about... how do we say this?
18:36 Constipation. Umm... not a good thing.
18:41 Backed up... can't release.
18:43 But you have all that goodness in you, just get to enjoy it
18:45 for a few hours longer. Don't want to hold all that in.
18:48 Why wouldn't you want to hold it in?
18:50 Hold in all the extra goodness? Not a good thing.
18:53 How often do you think we should have to go to the bathroom?
18:55 Oh twice a day at least. Twice a day? That's disgusting!
18:58 What about once a week? Unh-um.
19:01 I'm trying to get people to go on the once a week plan.
19:03 Mark, will you sign up for the once a week go to the bathroom
19:05 plan? Ooh... Just gonna hold it in. No.
19:07 Ah man, I need you to do this for me.
19:09 A few days? There's no way. Ah, man!
19:11 How often do you go to the bathroom? Let's get a little
19:13 personal. Maybe like three or four times a day?
19:16 She's disgusting. Can you give me a real answer?
19:19 I mean it depends on how much coffee I drink.
19:21 I might be on there ten times a day!
19:23 I don't really want to know about your business - OK -
19:27 except right now. Um-hmm. What do you think about goin'
19:30 you know #2? Once a week?
19:33 Oh no! Oh no... that's right.
19:36 Once every two weeks? Oh no.
19:38 Well what are we talking? Just be honest.
19:41 Daily... daily! Daily?
19:43 Twice a day. You are getting more disgusting by the moment!
19:48 OK... I'm in good company.
19:50 Oh, you mean I'm disgusting too, huh?
19:52 Well that's just wonderful. Um-hmm.
19:55 Yep, it's the blues. People were not "moved" by this topic!
19:59 They wanted to eliminate the conversation.
20:03 The business of doing your business
20:06 was not interesting. Back to you, Rico.
20:12 Well, we've heard it from the street.
20:14 I don't know if it's credible, though.
20:16 So let's take this more down the spiritual path
20:19 because as I mentioned just before we went to the...
20:24 the man on the street and Sickness
20:26 they're sharing with us what people are saying there.
20:29 I mentioned that this body is like a house,
20:33 and we don't want things to come in that don't know when
20:37 to leave... like cheese. Like different types of meat
20:40 that don't have fiber. Let's turn to the scriptures
20:43 because it talks about this body being a temple
20:46 or a building... but not just any kind of building - right -
20:50 but a building where who wants to live? God wants to live.
20:54 So let's take a look. Amen. Let's turn to II Corinthians.
20:56 II Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 16.
21:01 And I'm going to read from the King James version
21:03 of the Bible. And it says:
21:21 Now early on in the program you said that we're hardwired.
21:27 That we are more than just a body.
21:31 There are other dynamics at work here, right?
21:35 Absolutely. Talk about that and I'm going to want to go
21:37 to you, Vera. I'll give you an example.
21:39 We know full well that the gut is hardwired to the brain.
21:44 We see this in autistic children for example.
21:46 When we change their diets we start seeing their
21:49 temperaments change. We see it in ADD kids routinely.
21:54 But it's deeper than that. If our gut is toxic,
21:59 then that toxic material must process through the liver.
22:04 The liver gets overwhelmed.
22:06 It has to process through the kidneys. They get overwhelmed.
22:09 It processes the lymphatics in the skin.
22:12 All the while the brain is also having to contend with this.
22:16 They don't get enough sleep: the brain can't detoxify.
22:20 This is known science. When this happens
22:23 then we become so clouded in our thinking -
22:27 foggy headed... we can't think clearly -
22:30 that even when we hear the Word of God we can't discern
22:34 its meaning. We can't hear that still small voice
22:37 and respond.
22:39 Whoa. Nor can we appreciate the atoning sacrifice of Christ
22:42 and the value of His blood. What a thought!
22:46 Now Vera, I think what we're hearing here:
22:49 if you're backed up physically then you may be backed up
22:52 in these other two areas of man's make up.
22:56 Yes. And I believe it's because when God made man
23:00 He made him mind and body and spirit.
23:03 And when God talks about healing
23:06 He wants a whole man... not just physical
23:09 but He also wants spiritual healing and mental healing.
23:13 And this is what's so valuable about health
23:17 and even the principles found in the scriptures is
23:20 to help tie the whole man. And one of my favorite verses
23:24 in the book of Ephesians chapter 2 verses 19-22
23:28 if we can turn there is
23:30 the promise of why the body is made the way it is
23:34 and what God seeks to do as a result of us being
23:38 cleansed spiritually, physically, mentally.
23:42 Ephesians 2:19-22:
23:47 "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens
23:51 but you are fellow citizens with the saints and the members
23:54 of the household of God. Built on the foundation of
23:57 the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself
24:00 being the Cornerstone. In whom the whole structure
24:03 being joined together grows into a holy temple
24:06 in the Lord. In Him you also are being built
24:10 together into a dwelling place for God
24:13 by the Spirit. " That is a powerful text and concept!
24:18 Can you believe it? We're built up as a house.
24:20 Ah, we could go on all day but our time is done.
24:24 You're going to have to just join us the next time here on
24:27 From Sickness to Health. We look forward to the next time
24:30 when we bring the physical and the spiritual together.
24:35 You know, I remember the first time that my doctor
24:38 asked me how often I did my business.
24:40 I have to admit I thought it was a little inappropriate.
24:43 At the same time I realized that talking openly
24:47 about your bathroom habits is very important.
24:51 We don't want you to be constipated.
24:53 There... I've said it. Yep, you've said it.
24:56 That's right. Sharing your business has brought this
25:00 program to rock bottom.
25:02 It had to be discussed. Hey... nonetheless
25:05 people don't care. We love our cheese.
25:07 We love our pizza... our hamburgers, our french fries.
25:10 We hate veggies, and you know what?
25:11 When it is a problem take a laxative
25:14 or an enema or leave it in there.
25:16 Or leave it in there? Not if you believe that your
25:20 body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
25:22 and that God wants to dwell in you.
25:25 Well, that's our time for today.
25:27 I'm Rico Hill... I'm cramping up here...
25:30 and this has been our show. We'll see you next time.
25:33 You're cramping up?


Revised 2016-02-29