From Sickness to Health

Here Comes the Sun

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Rico Hill (Host), Schubert Palmer, Nwamiko Madden


Series Code: FSH

Program Code: FSH000007S

00:03 In John chapter 8 and verse 12 the Bible reads:
00:06 "Then spake Jesus unto them saying:
00:08 'I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me
00:12 shall not walk in darkness
00:14 but shall have the light of life. ' "
00:18 Praise the Lord everyone and welcome to From Sickness
00:21 To Health. I'm your host Rico Hill
00:23 and this is my co-host, the blue guy, also known as
00:27 Sickness. Not time for all those.
00:29 Here... take these... quick. What is this?
00:31 It's sunglasses, sun block, and a hat.
00:33 Hurry... it's coming. Put them on.
00:35 Ah, it's coming, it's coming! What... what is coming?
00:38 The S-U-N. The sun is coming
00:41 and you're going to die of skin cancer.
00:44 So you're concerned that I'm going to get skin cancer.
00:46 You? No, not really. Look: I am scaring these people
00:49 to death. Play along please.
00:50 I'm not playing along because if you're trying to conceal
00:52 the fact that there are healing and health properties
00:55 in the sun then you know what? You've got the wrong guy.
00:58 Oh no! Rico, your brain is already fried!
01:01 You're not even making sense. I'M not making sense?
01:04 You're telling people that they need to be afraid of the sun
01:07 and not go outside and experience it
01:10 then guess what? I think something has happened
01:12 to YOUR brain. But we're going to tell you that there is
01:14 absolutely healing and health benefits
01:17 to the sun and you need not be afraid of it.
01:20 You don't have to be afraid of the sun.
01:24 Or do you? Roll it!
02:00 Hello and welcome to the program today.
02:03 This is From Sickness To Health and I am your host Rico Hill.
02:06 I thank you for joining us here in the studio.
02:09 Today we have a riveting program to share with you.
02:13 We're going to be talking about sunshine or sunlight.
02:16 A lot of misconceptions about this, a lot of myths.
02:19 And joining me here in the studio to talk about it
02:21 I have Dr. Schubert Palmer who is chair of the cardiology
02:25 department there at White Memorial Medical Center
02:30 in Los Angeles, California.
02:32 He is also an author. He is a minister of the gospel
02:36 so we're going to perfectly blend these things together
02:38 as we talk about health as it relates to sunshine.
02:41 But also joining us we have with us
02:44 a good friend, Namiko Madden, who is a health evangelist.
02:48 And he has some really insightful things
02:51 from scripture to share with us as well.
02:53 So... welcome to the program, gentlemen.
02:55 Thank you. Thank you very much.
02:56 Let's jump right in, shall we? All right, let's talk about
02:59 this: sunshine. People are afraid of the sun, yes?
03:04 Um-hmm. It's recommended by a lot of dermatologists.
03:07 Some doctors put on copious amounts of SPF something or
03:13 another to cover the skin. Yes? Yes... right.
03:16 Before we get into all the things that we can share -
03:19 the health benefits and some other facts about the sun -
03:21 let's give... we want to be fair and balanced...
03:24 let's give our friend Sickness an opportunity
03:27 to share some things... what he's found out.
03:30 Let's hear from him.
03:32 Thank you Rico. Aah... look at her.
03:37 Nice and cozy in the daytime because she worked all night.
03:40 I love people that work all night.
03:42 You know, those who work at night...
03:45 They call it the graveyard shift and there's a reason for that:
03:49 because it gets you to the grave that much quicker.
03:53 Those working all night and sleeping all day... they don't
03:56 experience the healing benefits of the sunshine.
03:59 And then when they do try and go into the sunshine
04:01 they take their sunglasses and their sunscreen
04:05 to, get this: block out the sun.
04:08 Sleep on, night owl! Sleep the day away.
04:12 Back to you Rico.
04:14 Well, so according to Sickness
04:17 I mean people are... you know... they're working at night
04:21 and they're sleeping during the day. They're not getting
04:23 the benefits that you were just starting to talk about.
04:25 So we want to... I think we should let those people know
04:29 that there are some things that they could really benefit from
04:32 by actually getting out in the sun. You were starting with
04:35 some of the things that have to do with the heart.
04:36 Can you continue that? Yes, some interesting research that's
04:39 just mind boggling - they're still trying to sort out -
04:42 is looking at some of the effects between say vitamin D
04:46 which we have talked how it ties in with the sun
04:49 and what it has to do with heart disease.
04:51 They have found that in the non-Hispanic white
04:54 and the Chinese population
04:57 if your vitamin D levels - which they generally have a
04:59 higher level... baseline - if their levels are very low,
05:04 their chances of getting heart disease or heart attacks
05:07 are off the chart. Interestingly, it's not the same
05:10 with blacks and Hispanics whose levels are typically low
05:14 to begin with. Um-hmm. So there is a lot of information
05:17 that's coming out now about vitamin D and it's relationship
05:21 to heart disease and a host of other things.
05:23 Congestive heart failure. Again, on my street.
05:27 There is a direct link, and we're not quite sure
05:30 how the link all works... but there is a very definite link.
05:33 A link. Those who spend more time in the sun
05:36 have better heart health. Is that what you're saying?
05:39 That's what would be you would translate to, yes.
05:41 Excellent... continue. Now whenever you talk about
05:45 sunlight you have to talk about vitamin D.
05:48 It's like one of the most important elements.
05:51 And vitamin D, it's kind of interesting how you can make it.
05:55 It is... The body makes it.
05:57 It needs cholesterol. Oh wait a minute. So it doesn't
06:00 come from the sun? Because you always hear people
06:01 if we had an in-studio audience if I were to have them raise
06:06 their hand and say "How many of you believe
06:08 vitamin D comes directly from the sun? "
06:10 I believe more than half would say: "Yes, it comes from
06:14 the sun. " But it doesn't actually come from the sun.
06:17 There is a process that takes place by being
06:19 exposed to the sun. Talk about that as you go on.
06:21 Right under your skin as the sunlight hits the cholesterol
06:25 that is there, it gets converted to - by a process -
06:29 ultimately to vitamin D.
06:31 Vitamin D is a hormone essential for a host of things.
06:36 It slows down the growth of tumor cells for example. Oh wow!
06:41 And we will talk about the interesting correlation
06:44 between countries, or even here in the US where we are filming,
06:48 where there is the winter belt season
06:52 you can see colon cancer is off the chart.
06:55 Winter belt season? What is that exactly?
06:57 Well maybe I made up the word winter belt... but coming from
07:01 California, you know, the rest of the country is winter.
07:06 Amen, brother. So anyway when you look at
07:10 Michigan and going across where you have long winters - yes -
07:14 you can find a direct correlation with the rate of
07:17 colon cancer and a host of other cancers.
07:19 So researchers started to figure out: "Well,
07:22 what could be happening? " And it was obvious
07:24 you know. As they traced the path
07:29 they found that the vitamin D itself...
07:31 This kind of led to this research that has now
07:34 tied vitamin D to cancer prevention if you will.
07:39 Wow! And you know what? It's interesting that you should
07:42 say that because in just a few moments
07:44 we're actually going to show a newsclip that shows
07:48 the value of sunlight and vitamin D in fighting cancer.
07:52 But before that, we want to continue the discussion
07:55 and I want to bring Nwamiko into the conversation.
07:58 There are some facts about sunlight and sunshine.
08:03 Can you share some of those with us?
08:05 Right. I did some research on sunlight because I was preparing
08:08 a presentation. And one of the most amazing things
08:11 that we in science... or I shouldn't say we 'cause
08:14 I'm not really a scientist... but science doesn't completely
08:16 understand what light is. I mean, when you think about it
08:19 it's like it can make plants grow
08:21 and it can kill bacteria. Wow!
08:24 It can blind you but it's also what allows us to see.
08:27 And recently one of the things that they discovered
08:29 is that the wavelengths of light are actually -
08:32 and this is not the heat... the actual light -
08:34 will energize your mitochondria.
08:36 So your mitochondria are the cells, excuse me,
08:39 the battery... the powering engine for your cells, you know.
08:42 So light energizes your mitochondria.
08:44 Which helps us to do what?
08:46 Well it helps your body cells to operate. OK.
08:49 Your body is made up of the cells that it has
08:51 and the cells are all doing different things.
08:53 And when you have more energy when the cells have more energy
08:56 it gets better function. So I was preparing a presentation
09:00 because I wanted to know where the cancer rates were the lowest
09:04 across the board in the United States.
09:07 And you might be interested to know because this is your
09:10 home state - oh, OK - but the state of Arizona
09:14 across the board actually has the lowest rate of cancer.
09:17 Wait a minute; wait a minute; wait a minute.
09:19 This is confusing everybody because everyone's been
09:21 told that if you're getting too much sunlight
09:24 or sunshine and if you're in a state where there's a lot
09:27 of it, there's gotta be a higher incidence of skin cancer, right?
09:32 But hold on... hold that thought. OK.
09:33 Let's see what the news is saying, and then we'll come back
09:36 and we'll pick it up there, all right? OK.
09:37 So let's take a look.
09:40 We've known for many years that a lack of vitamins
09:42 can lead to sickness, but now an eye-opening study
09:46 is linking vitamin D and cancer in a way
09:48 we've never seen before. Morning anchor Anita Bland
09:51 explains why the common nutrient has never had so much
09:53 potential. It's NEW AT 6.
09:55 The studies just keep coming; the evidence mounting.
09:59 Low levels of vitamin D are now linked to so many
10:02 illnesses from breast, colon, and prostate cancer,
10:06 type I diabetes and asthma,
10:09 to multiple sclerosis and heart disease.
10:11 I even think of vitamin D as the fountain of youth
10:15 if you will in that it allows us to age well.
10:19 That's the hope, and nowhere is the evidence more compelling
10:22 than here in this laboratory completely devoted
10:25 to research on vitamin D.
10:27 Take a look at this flask. These are human breast cancer cells
10:31 taken from a woman who had breast cancer.
10:33 Now watch what happens when you add a potent form of vitamin D.
10:37 They appear to just shrivel up and die.
10:40 The longer they are treated with vitamin D the more of an
10:42 affect we see. What happens is that vitamin D enters the cells
10:45 and it triggers the cell death process.
10:49 It's similar to what we see when we treat cells with
10:51 tamoxifen: a drug used to treat breast cancer now.
10:54 And when researchers took human breast cancer cells
10:57 and injected them into mice, well the tumors in those mice
11:00 given vitamin D drastically decreased or disappeared.
11:04 Whoa... I am blown away!
11:09 You mean to tell me? Did you hear that?
11:11 The longer someone is treated with vitamin D
11:15 the less chance the cancer has to stand against it.
11:19 Um-hmm. That's amazing! Yes it is!
11:21 So why are we so afraid of the sun?
11:24 And even more spectacular in my mind is 20 min. of sunshine
11:30 talking about the vitamin D that an average person would get
11:33 that would be the... to get that amount from eggs
11:36 you'd have to eat 100 eggs.
11:38 Hmm. Sounded like you said 100 eggs.
11:40 Oh yes. Well you know it's interesting. They measure
11:43 the amount of sunlight or vitamin D in international
11:46 units, is that right? Um-hmm. And I've seen that
11:50 when you just get that 15 to 20 minutes
11:53 of sunlight it's like 10,000 international units. Right.
11:57 And I think with supplementation you can really only kind of get
12:01 about 2,000 to 5,000 in a dosage. Is that right?
12:05 Well they can sometimes make mega-doses...
12:08 You can make mega doses? But then again, you have
12:09 to be careful.
12:11 Oh, what's the... What's the cautionary tale there?
12:14 You can have too much of a good thing.
12:17 Better to get is from the source and get it in the time that
12:20 you need to get it. And I would say also: get it for free
12:23 because sunlight is free and you don't have to pay for it.
12:27 You know what? Whereas when you contrast with the vitamin
12:30 that you have to pay for you understand you just
12:33 definitely want to be easy on the wallet.
12:35 But what's really interesting, tying it with what we were
12:37 saying before, is that your home state of Arizona
12:40 is the state which has the lowest rates of cancer
12:42 according to the CDC, right? Uh-huh.
12:44 But I thought about that and I was like: "That's interesting.
12:46 I wonder why. " And I did some more research
12:48 and I found out that Arizona is actually the state
12:50 which has the most amount of sunlight hours in the year
12:53 out of all states. Well, you know, I can attest
12:56 to that because it is the hottest place I've ever seen.
12:59 I never have understood why a place that gets so hot
13:02 can also then get so cold. But whether hot or cold
13:05 you've got sunlight - yes - and that's a beautiful thing.
13:07 But I was going to say earlier that the sunlight IS FREE!
13:11 It's absolutely free. And I was looking at the cost
13:14 of just buying the vitamin D supplementation...
13:17 you know, supplements. It's expensive! Um-hmm.
13:21 And you can only get some for a little bit of a time.
13:24 So we want to do what God has already prepared for us...
13:28 and it is free. I think what we... I just need to interject.
13:32 As a physician here, having said all that
13:34 you know, there are cases where the supplementation
13:39 is appropriate... it's indicated.
13:41 You know, sometimes just thinking where the weather
13:46 does not permit to have the sunshine.
13:48 You need to do what you have to do.
13:51 But you can't be free.
13:55 Now, doc, you just brought up a good point. Now sometimes
14:00 there is a need for supplementation
14:01 but better to get the free.
14:04 What would be an indicator? Now can you check your vitamin D?
14:08 Could you just know it? Or what do you have to do to find out?
14:10 Remove the guesswork. You can have your physician
14:14 or your care provider do a vitamin D level.
14:17 And that's through blood work? And that's a blood test.
14:20 OK? Yes. Simple blood test. And there are numbers, right?
14:23 If you are somewhere between 25 and 50 that's a good number?
14:27 The numbers are supposed to be like 30 to 100
14:29 or some folk might might say 40 to 100.
14:32 And if you know you've not been... For example,
14:37 I work in the hospital so a lot of the nurses,
14:40 you know, graveyard shift. And in the graveyard shift
14:45 most of the time you go home you never see any sunlight.
14:47 I have some friends that have been near death
14:50 because their vitamin D levels were down to zero.
14:54 And yes, they had to be in the sunshine and they had
14:58 to get supplements in that case.
15:01 Wow! Wow! The point is it happens, and it is one of the
15:04 most frequently underdiagnosed conditions.
15:08 Hmm! 'Cause most people don't know their levels.
15:10 Absolutely. Unless you ask your doctor to actually test for that
15:14 you wouldn't know. That is correct. Is that right?
15:15 That is correct. So how much sunshine
15:18 should someone get? Because we want to be balanced
15:20 and we want to be correct in what we're talking about here.
15:23 But we don't want to tell people: "just go out there and
15:25 spend all day on their yacht" - right?
15:28 Um, so... Hold on a second. We want to make sure that people
15:31 are getting a healthy balanced amount of time
15:35 for sun exposure and not something that's going to be
15:37 unhealthy. So what is the right amount of time that?
15:41 You mentioned 20 minutes. Is that for everybody?
15:44 No it's not. Sunshine or sunlight has...
15:50 The process, you know... Some folks come endowed with
15:53 more melanin than others... the skin coloring. OK.
15:57 So the more melanin the darker skinned you are.
15:59 the longer it takes for the sunlight to penetrate,
16:02 to get through, to do its work with the cholesterol
16:05 under your skin. So, doc, I need a little more
16:08 than say Mwamiko, is that right? Actually it's the other way
16:11 around. He looks a little darker than you.
16:14 So he needs more - yes, yes - he needs more than I need.
16:17 Right. OK... OK. So... And if you are fair skinned
16:21 15-20 minutes is considered adequate.
16:24 If you are darker skinned then that might need to be pushed up
16:28 over half an hour or more... to an hour.
16:31 Aah... OK. Now I want to continue this, but let's...
16:35 We've heard what we are talking about here
16:37 and we've gotten some understanding, but then
16:40 we looked at the newsclip. Got some understanding from that.
16:43 We should revisit that as it relates to cancer.
16:46 But let's see what people are saying on the streets.
16:51 Sickness is out there. Let's see what they have to say.
16:55 Now I've got blue skin. You've got a little darker skin
16:59 than I do. Maybe I need some more sunshine
17:01 so I can get some skin cancer. What do you think of the sun?
17:03 Spending time in the sun? Umm...
17:07 Overrated, huh? Dangerous? Could be, yes... could be.
17:11 Do you know some people who have had too much sun exposure?
17:14 Not really. But people can overdo it.
17:17 People can overdo the sun. Yeah.
17:19 So maybe we could tell them to stay in their office
17:21 buildings all day long... stay safe.
17:24 You're looking at me like I'm crazy again, aren't you?
17:26 No, you need a certain amount of sun.
17:27 You need a certain amount? Do you know what you sound like?
17:29 You sound like my friend Rico. OK.
17:31 He likes to talk about sunshine - oh really? -
17:33 and how much we need. I think he's crazy and all these people
17:35 around here? Probably got skin cancer with advice like that.
17:38 You need to be careful. It's like practicing medicine
17:40 without a license. Um-hmm. Be careful of that.
17:43 What about this sunshine though? All you guys have got way too
17:45 much sunshine around here. What's that about?
17:46 Umm. The stuff will kill people.
17:49 Skin cancer... look at that!
17:51 That guy is suffering from severe skin cancer!
17:54 That's the sun's fault.
17:56 All right, what about the sunshine?
17:57 Umm. You ever get in the sunshine? Unh-um.
18:00 Unh-um. Why don't you like the sunshine?
18:02 I don't want to get any darker than this. You're tan enough.
18:04 You know what? Maybe I need a little more sunshine.
18:06 Naah... who needs the sunshine? It causes skin cancer.
18:09 Doesn't it cause skin cancer? Yep.
18:11 Too much "bathing" in it. Crystal clear:
18:13 the sun is bad for you!
18:17 Well... I think our understanding is correct.
18:20 People don't really spend much time in the sun, do they?
18:23 Hmm. They're afraid and, you know, they're just...
18:27 A lot of people just aren't getting recreation,
18:29 getting exercise. And if they do, even are
18:32 exercising in gymnasiums so they're not getting sunlight
18:35 there. I always say you get the triple threat when you
18:37 go out: you get some fresh air, you get some exercise
18:40 and some sunshine... all at the same time. Um-hmm. Right?
18:42 OK, let's get back to what we were talking about though
18:45 'cause sun exposure, the amount of time and all that
18:47 and different hues also play a part.
18:49 But then we saw in the news- clip and you mentioned that
18:52 vitamin D has an effect on the fighting of cancer
18:56 because it's actually shoring up the immune system, isn't it?
19:00 It's doing that and it's slowing the rate of growth.
19:03 Actually shrinking the rate of growth for certain cells...
19:08 the tumor cells. Wow! So this really is a clear point
19:12 that people need to get sunshine.
19:16 But should they go out there all day long and to the point
19:19 of almost like worshiping the sun?
19:22 'Cause some people do that, you know.
19:24 Some people go out there and they spend the whole day
19:26 and they just don't... you know... so what about that?
19:30 Or they just need a tanning salon just to have
19:32 the same effect. Right. Dangerous.
19:36 Why? Too much of a good thing.
19:38 Melanoma is tied directly to sunburn.
19:42 Um-hmm. A deadly cancer. Basal and squamous cell cancers.
19:47 They're the ones that are connected to over exposure
19:51 to the sunlight. So... like so many other things in life
19:55 there is benefit.
19:58 You could drown from drinking too much water
20:00 or you could have problems from taking too much
20:04 of something that is a good thing. Um-hmm.
20:07 So we want to always make sure that we are being...
20:10 doing things in moderation and we're being temperate.
20:13 And I might add one more thing, too, because sometimes
20:16 folks say: "I'm going to go out in the sunlight, enjoy this..."
20:19 and so you put on your skin blockers. Yes.
20:21 Well, if you're putting on your skin blockers
20:24 OK if you're going to be in the sun for 3 hours.
20:26 But that means that your body has not gotten any benefit
20:30 from being in the sun as far as vitamin D goes.
20:32 So if you want to get the benefit, you have to allow
20:36 some time for the natural sunlight to fall on your skin
20:39 and the skin only happens - unblocked - for a short time...
20:44 at least for your 20 to 30 minutes. Um-hmm.
20:46 So someone who's really really dark... they'd probably need to
20:49 be exposed to the sun without any kind of block
20:52 up to maybe 45 minutes to an hour maybe?
20:54 Maybe. Really dark complexioned?
20:57 Because I notice that sometimes you'll find
20:59 that in the African-American community that there is
21:02 very very low rates or levels of vitamin D.
21:06 And it's typically because we don't like to go out in the sun.
21:09 Some people have theories about that.
21:11 We don't like to hang out in the sun too much.
21:12 But... Yeah, the average level is around 19
21:15 in the African-American community. It's around 30
21:18 or so in that neighborhood for white
21:21 and Asian is around 35.
21:24 Hmm... 19? Um-hmm. Normal level being 30 to 100.
21:28 So that would require some supplements, wouldn't it?
21:31 It would require supplementing it with being out in the sun
21:34 to begin with - uh-huh - and you take it from there.
21:36 So you never want to go straight to the supplement.
21:38 You want to go to the source first.
21:40 That's how I like to do it.
21:42 I write for pills, but I... you know I have a heavy heart
21:46 every time I write a prescription.
21:48 Well, not so heavy... because I need the work.
21:52 Well, let's go to the source
21:54 because the Bible actually shows that the sun was important.
21:57 God created the sun. He spoke and it stood up in the sky
22:01 and it's been there ever since, hasn't it? Um-hmm.
22:03 And when we consider that when God took Adam
22:07 and He placed him in the garden
22:10 I always like to say He put him
22:11 in the eastern part of the garden.
22:14 Is there a reason why He put him in the
22:15 eastern part of the garden?
22:17 Catch the sunrise. The sun rises in the east, doesn't it?
22:20 Um-hmm. So this is a little indicator there in Genesis
22:23 that God had... He knew something that a lot of us
22:26 don't know: that Adam was going to need that burst of sunlight
22:31 to actually keep him in a healthy state.
22:34 And the studies show that the earlier part of the day
22:37 is when you get the best benefit for the sunlight.
22:40 I think they call it blue light. Um-hmm. Blue light...
22:43 where there is the ultra-violet rays - um-hmm -
22:45 entering into the eye and all that it does in terms of...
22:48 of setting the clocks of the body.
22:52 It's serotonin... stored in the eye. Yes, yes, yes.
22:55 And not to mention... Oh, I should mention it;
22:58 this is a program, I need to talk about...
23:00 But we need to talk about the fact that there is something
23:02 called liquid sunshine. Liquid sunshine.
23:05 Chlorophyll... Um-hmm... chlorophyll.
23:08 Again, going to the spiritual aspect of this
23:10 the sun actually is... this process called photosynthesis:
23:15 this is how our plants grow.
23:16 And they store up the energy from the sun
23:19 and then they transfer it to us.
23:22 So again, in the diet that God gave in the Bible -
23:27 the first one being fruits, nuts, grains, and seeds
23:29 in Genesis chapter 1 and verse 29
23:32 we see that He adds the leafy herbs or the greens
23:37 to the diet, and chlorophyll was a big part of that.
23:40 So again, God is doing something with sunshine
23:44 and sunlight for our health. Um-hmm. The Bible says
23:47 that He shall be like "the Sun of righteousness
23:50 rising with healing in His wings. "
23:53 So we see that there are some spiritual applications that can
23:56 be made. What do you all think about this?
23:58 Yeah. One of my favorite texts is I Peter 2:9
24:02 which is a message directly for this generation which says:
24:16 And as we were just discussing, that's physical light
24:19 but I believe it's also spiritual light.
24:22 Because an unenlightened person definitely won't make the right
24:25 choices as pertains to their spiritual
24:27 and their physical life.
24:28 So God wants us to experience both:
24:31 not only the sun
24:34 but also the Son.
24:38 Mmmm.
24:41 Getting from sun worship - S- U-N worship -
24:45 to worship... I like that. S- O-N worship.
24:49 Well I think we can conclude that
24:52 we don't have to be afraid of the S-U-N
24:56 nor do we have to be afraid of the S-O-N.
25:00 You kind of have to have your spelling right on this,
25:03 know what I mean? But nonetheless,
25:04 we're talking about two entities that give us warmth,
25:09 give us heat. It gives us life, yes?
25:13 And healing. And healing. Healing in the Son.
25:16 There's healing in the Son. In fact, we quoted - um-hmm -
25:20 Malachi 4:2 which says that the Sun of righteousness
25:24 shall come with healing in His wings. "
25:26 And it spells it S-U-N, but we know it's also the S-O-N.
25:30 So until next time, we invite you to tune in
25:34 for another program where we will be talking about
25:36 how you can live a healthy life according to God's Word
25:40 and good science. Thank you so much for being with us.
25:43 We'll see you next time.
25:48 In Malachi chapter 4 and verse 2
25:50 the Bible states: "But unto you that fear My name shall
25:54 the Sun of righteousness rise with healing in His wings. "
25:58 Friends, we need not fear the sun.
26:01 Neither should we revere it or even worship it
26:05 as the ancients did. However,
26:08 a healthy, balanced respect for the sun is necessary.
26:12 Now when God says: "He that fears My name... "
26:15 well He doesn't mean that we're supposed to be afraid of Him
26:18 in the traditional sense of fear.
26:20 No! He's talking about reverencing and standing in
26:23 awe of His power and majesty, His name.
26:27 Why? Because when you consider that big ball of fire
26:31 that's in the sky, it is just a faint representation
26:35 of His power and glory. Not to burn you or burn you up
26:40 but to heal you... to warm you.
26:43 Even sustain life as we know it.
26:47 So we should reverence and appreciate His name
26:51 because He created that great big ball of fire
26:56 for our benefit. In fact, you can go out
27:00 and you can experience the sun. Not only the S-U-N
27:04 but the S-O-N Son.
27:08 Both of them have healing powers.
27:12 Well there you have it.
27:14 Do you have anything else to say?
27:16 Nothing else to say as long as people are using
27:19 sun block, sunglasses, and hats like this
27:22 I think people will be just fine. No, no, no, no.
27:24 Please, keep your stuff. I've had enough of that.
27:26 The thing is is that your whole scare tactic
27:29 it's not working. Oh, it's working very nicely.
27:33 People in their cars on the way to work,
27:36 in the house all day... they're never out in the sun.
27:39 I think I'm winning.
27:41 Well, regardless of what he just said
27:43 our bodies were designed by God
27:47 to sleep when it's night
27:50 but during the day we are to be awake, outside
27:53 enjoying and experiencing the wonderful benefits
27:57 of sunlight. Well that's our show for today.
28:00 And I'd like to leave you with this as always:
28:03 III John 2 says: "Beloved, I wish above all things
28:06 that thou mayest prosper and be in health. "
28:10 Go out and experience the sun... both of them.
28:14 I'm Rico Hill, and I'm the blue guy.
28:17 Maranatha.


Revised 2023-05-11