God: Fact Or Fiction? - Weighing The Evidence

Founders Compared #1: Highest Claim (Session 9)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GFF

Program Code: GFF000010S

00:01 ♪ ♪ Subodh K. Pandit, M.D.
00:55 Welcome again, this time to Session Nine. We're going to do
01:01 a little shift now. We have been talking about the literature of
01:05 these different religions. Now we're going to shift to the
01:08 founders of them and compare the founders. All of them are
01:13 powerful, wonderful messages brought through them, but we
01:16 want to compare them. So the next four sessions will be a
01:20 comparison of the founders. Here's the first question I
01:24 asked the founder: What is the highest claim you make for
01:28 yourself? Now why did I ask that It's because they brought such
01:34 an amazing, an amazing message and a message that allows us or
01:40 rather pushes us to shift from this world to the next. Now such
01:46 a powerful claim; how do I know that you are really authentic?
01:51 And how do I know that you are able to do that. So I was asking
01:56 for their credentials. In other words, like a CV, a resume. What
02:00 is the highest claim you make for yourself? So here's what we
02:05 got when I asked that question. In Hinduism, the founder is not
02:10 Visvamitra. He's just one of the authors and there are many
02:15 authors in Hinduism who brought to us the actual message. But
02:20 the highest claim all the authors made was that of a sage.
02:23 Who is a sage? A sage is a revered individual in the
02:27 society, in the community, in which they live. Good poise,
02:31 personality, deep piety and a good grasp of the literature
02:36 their sacred literature of that community. That's a sage.
02:40 How about Buddhism? Gautama Buddha claimed to be the
02:44 Enlightened One, the one who had all the light in the world. He
02:49 says that one night in the eastern part of India he was
02:52 given that light in four stages. So he got up in the morning and
02:56 he said, Now I am the Enlightened One.
02:58 Islam: Muhammad said he was the Seal of the Prophets. Islamic
03:04 tradition says that Allah sent down 124,000 prophets. About
03:09 20 or 25 of them are by name in the Quran beginning from Adam
03:15 and then Enoch, maybe Noah, Abraham, the 12 patriarchs of
03:20 the Jews, Jesus, John the Baptist. All of them are
03:24 mentioned by name, but among all of them Muhammad is considered
03:27 the Seal of the Prophets. That was his highest claim. Judaism:
03:32 Let's say Moses was their founder. Abraham also could be
03:37 a part of that. But Moses declared himself to be a
03:40 Prophet of God and the people described him as the lawgiver
03:45 of Israel. He went up on a mountain, Mt. Sinai, and got the
03:49 law from God's own hand and came down. Lawgiver of Israel. Then
03:54 you come to Jesus, this is what he said: He claimed to be the
03:58 Son of God. Now some differentiate between Son of God
04:02 and God, but really the Son of God is God. He came to be God.
04:08 Wow! Look at those five and consider all of them. And I am
04:16 asking the question, which is the highest claim you make for
04:19 yourself? So which is the highest claim? You will have to
04:22 agree that the line has to be drawn between the first four and
04:25 the last, the fifth. Because the first four are all human. Jesus
04:31 came to be God, to belong to that realm, which is a
04:35 supernatural realm. Wow! Hard to believe but that's what he said.
04:42 Now you and I cannot controvert any of their claims. None of us
04:48 can say Gautama Buddha you're not the Enlightened One, or
04:51 Muhammad you are not the Seal of the Prophets. Similarly we
04:55 can't say to Jesus you are not the Son of God. We may
04:59 disbelieve but we can't really make a claim on that point.
05:02 So we are going to look at them at face value and if you take
05:05 the face value then here's the obvious claim that Jesus made
05:10 of being the Son of God. NO other founder claimed to be at
05:15 the level of God. But still our faith and belief still struggles
05:20 So here's what I did. I looked to see if they were humans
05:24 who called themselves God. And here the claim is to the title
05:29 of God. Mad or deluded. Number two: A liar or impostor. Number
05:35 three: An egomaniac or a megalomaniac. Number four: Just
05:39 honestly mistaken. And number five: May be truly God. Was he
05:43 mad or deluded? What do some great thinkers say? I'm going to
05:47 describe and quote the words of a person who was not considered
05:52 always a great thinker. He was more considered a world emperor.
05:56 His name: Napoleon Bonaparte. In his exile years they asked him
06:01 to check out those teachings of Jesus and he had time so when
06:05 he did it these are his words: Everything in Christ astonishes
06:09 me... the nearer I approach, the more carefully I examine,
06:13 everything is above me - everything remains grand,
06:16 of a grandeur which overpowers ...neither history, nor humanity
06:19 nor the ages, nor nature, offer me anything with which I am able
06:24 to compare it or [even to] explain it. Here everything is
06:27 extraordinary." That was said because he compared the kingdom
06:34 that Jesus built to his. He had made his kingdom with force,
06:38 deceit and bloodshed and military genius. Jesus without
06:43 a sword just spoke words, and his kingdom was set. And
06:48 Napoleon came 1800 years after Jesus and this was his
06:53 confession. People are willing to die for Jesus. Nobody's
06:57 willing to die for me. He must have created an extraordinary
07:02 empire. That's why he said those words. And how about Bernard
07:05 Ramm who spoke about the words of Jesus: "They are read more,
07:08 quoted more, loved more, believed more, and translated
07:10 more because they are the greatest words ever spoken.
07:13 And where is their greatness? Their greatness lies in the pure
07:16 lucid spirituality in dealing clearly, definitively and
07:19 authoritatively with the greatest problems that throb in
07:22 the human breast." So I did not find any serious scholar who
07:28 ever called Jesus mad. Was he a liar or an impostor? Not likely
07:33 because of the Sanhedrin trial. During that trial they asked him
07:36 the same question we are asking today: "Tell us if you are...the
07:40 Son of God." Jesus was a thoroughbred Jew. He knew that
07:45 if he claimed to be the Son of God, they would charge him with
07:50 blasphemy and he would go to his death. Now you tell me; if you
07:54 are on trial for your life would you not bring truthful evidence
07:58 to escape the death sentence. Would you not also be severely
08:03 tempted, maybe you would bring untruthful, false testimony to
08:08 escape the death sentence. Yeah, people in their right mind don't
08:11 want to die. Nobody in their right mind will ever bring false
08:16 testimony to bring on the death sentence. And in this case Jesus
08:22 answered in the affirmative. He agreed to being the Son of God.
08:26 And he went to his death. So it's difficult for us to say he
08:31 was a liar. Who is a liar? A person who knows the truth and
08:34 purposefully states something else. Difficult. Now pin that on
08:41 Jesus. He died for what he said. Therefore, I don't know if he is
08:45 the Son of God, but this much I know. He fully, completely,
08:48 totally believed that he was the Son of God because he confessed
08:52 it. So I could not call him a liar. How about egomaniac?
08:57 Now we do have humans who have called themselves God because
09:02 they're egomaniacal, megalomaniacs we call them.
09:07 The Pharaohs of Egypt called themselves god. The Caesars of
09:10 Rome called themselves god on pain of death. They had the
09:15 position and authority to enforce that, you have to call
09:17 me god. This man had no authority. He washed the dirty
09:23 feet of his disciples like a common servant at one time. That
09:27 is not being puffed up with an polluted sense of self
09:30 importance. No. And he turned to his disciples and he said you
09:34 also must wash one another's feet. This is a picture of self
09:38 abnegation, not of being a megalomaniac. How about being
09:43 honestly mistaken. This is what Richard Dawkins said: "A fourth
09:49 possibility, almost too obvious to need mentioning is that Jesus
09:54 was honestly mistaken. Plenty of people are." Tell me, really?
10:01 Would be "honestly mistaken" that you are the king or the
10:07 queen of England? Would you be honestly mistaken that you
10:11 landed just here from Mars on a space ship? No friend. You
10:15 cannot be honestly mistaken about major things. Yes, you can
10:19 be honestly mistaken a face in a crowd or where you left your
10:24 keys. But you cannot be mistaken about huge big things. "Is such
10:29 an intellect, clear as the sky, bracing as the mountain air,
10:32 sharp and penetrating as a sword thoroughly healthy and vigorous,
10:36 always ready and always self- possessed, liable to a radical
10:40 and most serious delusion concerning his own character
10:43 and mission? Preposterous suggestion!" He was clear in his
10:47 mind and yet he made the claim. And therefore it doesn't seem
10:53 that he was honestly mistaken. Because we cannot be honestly
10:58 mistaken about major factors. So, truly God? I don't know, you
11:03 don't know. We're just inquirers right now. And when we look at
11:08 the claim, well he looks just like anybody else, he behaves
11:12 like anybody else, he dresses like anybody else, he eats like
11:15 and he works like anybody else. How can he be called God?
11:19 So we will give him the highest we can give, the highest
11:25 position, but not God. We'll say he's a great moral teacher, a
11:28 wonderful, powerful prophet but not God. And then I read these
11:33 words by C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis was one time an avowed atheist,
11:37 professor of literature at Cambridge University who looked
11:42 at it in a logical way and so here are his words: "I am trying
11:48 here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that
11:50 people often say about him: [And that is] 'I'm ready to accept
11:54 Jesus as a great moral teacher but, I don't accept his claim to
11:57 be God'. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was
12:02 merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not
12:05 be a great moral teacher. He would be either a lunatic-on
12:09 a level with the man who says he is a poached egg or else he
12:13 would be a devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either
12:17 this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a mad man or
12:20 something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit
12:24 at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and
12:27 call Him Lord and God. But let us not come up with any
12:31 patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He
12:35 has not left that open to us. He did not intend to." Now whether
12:41 we agree to that or not, when we look at all the claims that have
12:46 been made it is very clear that Jesus made the highest claim of
12:50 all, that of being God. We can't get away from that because it
12:54 was there in the writings. The next one: How were the words
13:01 given to us regarding the message and mission? Now the
13:05 message and mission is huge and broad, but my question was
13:09 would we be able to put it in a nutshell just a sentence or two?
13:14 How do you describe your mission? And here is what we
13:20 find. Hinduism: The whole message and mission of the Hindu
13:26 writers and authors were: To show the way to ultimate truth
13:30 of the matter, which is, the merging of the human Atma or
13:34 soul with the Super soul or Brahman. And that is the way you
13:39 escape this world and get to the abode of Brahma. So we will
13:44 teach you the way to the truth of the matter. That is the
13:50 message and the mission of the Hindu authors.
13:53 How about Buddhism?
13:55 Here are the words of Gautama Buddha: "For Enlightenment I was
13:59 born, for the good of all that lives." So what was the message
14:04 and mission of Gautama Buddha? His message was to bring light
14:11 to the world. This is what he claimed. I was enlightened and
14:15 so because I was enlightened I've got the information that I
14:19 can enlighten you also. And the basis of it would be what is
14:24 called the Four Golden Rules and the Eight Right Circumstances. I
14:28 was enlightened. So that's my claim. The highest claim of
14:32 Gautama Buddha was that of being an enlightened individual. How
14:37 about Islam? For Muslims the Quran is the infallible Word of
14:43 God...revealed to the prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel.
14:47 So what was the message and mission of Mohammad? To bring
14:52 the word of Allah to the human race. The word of god to the
14:56 human race. Now when you look at the writings we will have to
15:02 agree to something. When you use the word Word of God then in one
15:08 sense only the Quran can actually fit that description.
15:12 Here's what I mean. When you look at say the Hindu writings
15:17 you will find so and so, and so and so, and so and so, also
15:22 speaking, writing. When you look at the Buddhist literature the
15:27 disciples also write in the writings. Amamabo Gautama Buddha
15:33 himself writes. He never called himself god. But he writes there
15:38 When you look at the Judaic scriptures well Moses spoke and
15:43 Samuel spoke and David spoke, Isaiah spoke. When you look at
15:48 the Christian literature, well Matthew spoke and Paul spoke
15:52 Peter spoke. So in most all of these writings people other than
15:59 god speak in the writings. The Quran is the only writing in
16:05 which are written the words of Allah and nobody else. Therefore
16:11 in a technical sense that can be called the Word of God. So fair
16:18 enough. Did you saw wow to that? It is amazing. That can be
16:23 called the words of Allah, the words of god. And so the
16:27 message and mission of Muhammad: Bring the word of Allah, of god,
16:32 to the human race. How about Judaism? "You shall therefore
16:37 keep My statutes [these are the words of God] You shall
16:42 therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man
16:46 does, he shall live..." This is the mouth of Yahweh God speaking
16:52 to Moses, giving him the commands, the statutes, the
17:00 rules that must govern the people. And if you keep to those
17:04 rules, oh well then, you're on the right side.
17:08 You will have life.
17:09 If you break the rules then you don't have life, you'll die. So
17:13 what was the message and mission of Moses? To bring the rules and
17:20 the commands of God so that you can keep it and have life.
17:24 So he will bring life via the commands of God. How about Jesus
17:30 now? Here we've come to a big difference because he stated
17:36 words which are quite different from anyone else. He used the
17:40 words I Am. Look at the way he writes. "I am the way, the truth
17:46 and the life." "I am the light of the world." I am "the Word
17:52 [that] became flesh." "I am the resurrection and the life." The
17:59 words I Am are absolutely unique No other founder ever used the
18:04 words I Am. So let's compare now what the other founders and
18:09 writers wrote and look at how he used the words I Am. The
18:14 Hindu writers said we will show you the way to the truth of the
18:22 matter. He said, I Am the way, the truth. When Gautama Buddha
18:28 said I was enlightened and because of the light that I got
18:33 I will make others also enlightened. Jesus said, I Am
18:38 the light that enlightens. Now which would you prefer? If you
18:43 were going out in a stormy night would you prefer just the light,
18:47 say a candle or even a lantern or would you prefer the source
18:51 of the light which can always be beside you to light your candle
18:55 in case the wind blows it out? Which would you prefer? The
18:59 light as an entity in your hand or the source of the light which
19:06 can always light up in case your light goes out. When Jesus said
19:12 I am the light he was describing himself as the source of that
19:17 light. An amazing difference. How about what Muhammad said?
19:23 We agreed that the Quran was what Allah would send through
19:28 Muhammad to the race. And therefore Muhammad's message
19:32 and mission was to bring the world the words of Allah to the
19:34 human race. Jesus described himself as being the Word. If
19:40 Muhammad said I'm bringing you the word, Jesus said I Am the
19:43 Word in the flesh. When it comes to Moses, Moses said I will
19:49 bring you the commands so that you can have life. Jesus said I
19:54 Am the life and the resurrection The words I Am set him apart.
19:59 For example, really, if you remove Buddha
20:03 one can still reach
20:05 Buddhahood by following the writings that he has left behind
20:09 and the other writers and authors have expanded on.
20:14 If you remove Moses, you can still be an Israelite by
20:18 following the writings of Moses, the Old Testament, the Talmud
20:22 and all the rest. If you remove the authors in Hinduism, one can
20:28 still reach the abode of Brahma by following those writings.
20:32 And if you remove Muhammad, the perfect man who really brought
20:36 the word of Allah to us one can still pass judgment on the
20:40 judgment day by following the words that were in the book.
20:45 We did not really need him although he was a good example.
20:48 But we did not need him for us to pass judgment. But here's the
20:53 difference. When it comes to Christianity, if you remove
20:58 Jesus the Christianity statement claims that there is actually
21:04 nothing left because he was the message. In other words, all
21:11 the founders of the various religions and belief systems
21:14 claimed to bring a message to the world. None ever claimed
21:19 to be the message except Jesus. So the declaration of I Am sets
21:25 him apart as truly unique. Now we need to go back a little bit
21:31 to find out what we have done so far. Remember, we are asking the
21:36 question to the founders. And the question I asked was what's
21:42 the highest claim you make for yourself? We are asking for
21:46 credentials. We want to be sure because I wanted to be sure
21:50 about where to hang my eternal destiny. That's what they were
21:55 claiming. Come, we will give you an eternal destiny. And here, if
21:58 we want to hang it there we must know their credentials. Think.
22:02 Would you follow just a human who is living on this earth?
22:06 Who is surrounded by what surrounds us? And is subject to
22:11 all the limitations that we are subject to? Is that a person
22:16 whose words I will really follow or should it be a person who
22:23 really came from there, who claimed to have a connection
22:26 with the top, with the realm and the dimension of God? That he
22:32 can tell us how to get from this dimension to the next. How to
22:37 get away from this realm and with so much of pain and
22:41 suffering and death to a place where all of these are gone.
22:45 That is what we were trying to do. And if you look at the
22:50 question and the answer it seems to be very clear that Jesus made
22:55 the highest claim. His claim written down for anyone to read.
23:00 Puts him above. And then we ask well what is your message? Now
23:05 think of the consistency of the answers. He claimed to come
23:12 from the realm of God. If he really came from there then he
23:19 would bring it within himself the message. You see the other
23:24 founders had to say I am bringing you a message because
23:29 they got the message from another source so they could
23:34 bring it. Jesus was able to say I am the message because he was
23:40 the source of the message. He came from where the message
23:43 actually dwells and lives. Let's look at one other comparison.
23:50 Let's compare Jesus to Gautama Buddha. He said I look for light
23:57 For six years he looked for light, beating himself, starving
24:01 himself, going through penance. Jesus didn't have to do any of
24:06 that. He just simply stated I Am the light. Isn't that a
24:12 difference? How about the other difference between Jesus and
24:16 Muhammad? You know one of the reasons they say Muhammad and
24:20 agree that Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets is because of an
24:23 experience he had. It's called issurah mirej. Issurah means
24:29 night journey, mirej means the accent and this is the story.
24:34 One night he was sleeping in Mecca when the angel Gabriel
24:38 came to him and said, Come with me. And beside them was the
24:42 heavenly horse Buraq. So they both climbed onto Buraq and
24:47 Buraq flew them from Mecca to the temple mount in Jerusalem.
24:52 There was a ladder that was going upwards. You see Allah had
24:57 created seven heavens and so this ladder was going up to the
25:01 first, second, third, fourth, up to the seventh heaven. Now the
25:05 seventh heaven is where Allah dwells. So Angel Gabriel told
25:11 Muhammad, Come with me. And they climbed to the first heaven.
25:14 It was presided over by one of the prophets, John the Baptist
25:20 maybe. And then to the next one and then to the next one. Jesus
25:26 and Moses, ah Enoch, these names Abraham, Moses, each one
25:33 presiding over a heaven. And then they came finally to the
25:37 seventh heaven and there Allah had a conversation with God
25:41 and then he came down that same night to this earth. So in the
25:45 morning when he told the people I've been to the seventh heaven
25:48 Wow! That was amazing. You see in Islamic tradition you cannot
25:53 get anywhere near God. Allah is transcendent. So if a
25:58 prophet went from here to the seventh heaven to be with God
26:02 and he came back, that was amazing. And that is why he is
26:05 called the Seal of the Prophets. Now in that story is a
26:09 confession that he belongs here and he went there for a visit.
26:14 Contrast that with Jesus. He said where Muhammad went to
26:19 heaven, that is my home. I live there and I came here for a
26:25 visit. And so the origins and the direction of travel are
26:30 exactly the opposite. Not the same. Now you tell me who knows
26:35 more about the town where you live? The person who has lived
26:38 there all his life or me who might come there for a visit
26:42 for about three or four hours. Think. The one who lives there
26:47 can tell about that place. The one who lives in that other
26:52 realm where absolute truth resides is the one who can come
26:57 down to us and tell us that this is the truth of the matter. The
27:02 credibility of those words are amazing. He said I came from
27:08 there. I bring the message not only in my hands, but I Am the
27:14 message. These words, I Am, set Jesus completely apart from
27:20 every other claim of every other founder. Could it still be a
27:25 red marble?
27:28 If you have enjoyed this presentation with Dr. Subodh
27:32 Pandit and wish to watch more of this unique 13 part series for
27:36 free online visit the website GodFactOrFiction.com. That's
27:42 GodFactOrFiction.com. If you would like to order this
27:45 fascinating series on DVD it is now available from White Horse
27:49 Media...
27:57 Dr. Subodh Pandit has written two eye-opening books entitled
28:01 Come Search With Me: Does God Really Exist? and Come Search
28:05 With Me: The Weight of Evidence which further explore the topics
28:09 of evolution, theism, atheism, and religion.
28:13 ♪ ♪


Revised 2021-08-31