Grandma's House

Life At Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joyce Neal


Series Code: GH

Program Code: GH000018

00:01 Hi there! You know I bet you think that it is all fun and
00:04 games here at grandma's house, don't you?
00:07 Well the truth is we do have a lot of fun.
00:09 And we do, do a lot of games but sometimes there is a lot
00:13 of hard work involved too.
00:14 I've gotten a lot of letters from you, and you ask things
00:18 like where do I live? What do I do on an ordinary day?
00:22 So I thought maybe today I would take you into my private
00:26 life a little bit and let you see what
00:28 I do on an ordinary day.
00:30 Where I am right now is just outside of my house, it's the
00:35 place we call the summer house.
00:37 Just because we like to put on air sometimes.
00:39 This is a fun place in the summer.
00:42 Over my head, up here there's a robins nest that they built
00:47 earlier this spring out of some of the moss and leaves
00:51 and twigs and things that are around our place.
00:53 They have already raised one family of babies, but in this
00:58 box, let me show you some really special things that
01:02 I have found when I have been working out this spring.
01:05 One of them, look at this, it's a robins egg.
01:11 Some bird just dropped it when they were on their way
01:15 to their nest, didn't quite make it home to put the baby
01:18 to bed so I picked it up off the grass and saved it.
01:22 It is just perfect.
01:23 I like these kind of things to take inside and I decorate
01:26 my house with them.
01:28 Then I have, oh, I like bird feathers too.
01:33 This one is from an orange and brown bird that flies around.
01:38 I don't know if you can see the back of this feather how
01:43 nice and orange that is, I love the color.
01:45 And this one is from, we have lots of stellar jays around
01:50 here, they are very bright blue and they have a topknot
01:54 on the top of their head.
01:55 They are so noisy and they like to scold kids and adults
01:59 who get in their way.
02:00 Then, I bet you know I love go to the creek, well this is
02:05 one of the agates that has formed in a pocket inside
02:09 of a rock and it makes a perfect teardrop.
02:12 So some day I thought I should put a little chain on it
02:15 and hang it in my window.
02:16 Then I have another treasure, and this is a different
02:20 kind of one, some people are kind of grossed out by this
02:23 but I know you will love it.
02:25 I found this little skull out there when I was working
02:28 on under the rhododendron plants.
02:29 I think it is from a possum, but I'm not really sure so
02:34 if somebody knows for sure you could write in and tell me
02:39 what you think it is.
02:40 It even has its little teeth in here, they're kind of
02:44 sharp but I was very thrilled when I found this out there.
02:48 The last thing I have in here is the very best of all.
02:52 You saw me and Michael down at the creek one time
02:55 collecting rocks and agates.
02:58 Well once when I was doing that I saw something shiny and
03:02 red and when I picked it up, it's this perfect Indian
03:06 arrowhead, I was so thrilled you should have heard me
03:10 screaming and jumping up and down.
03:14 So those are some of the rewards I get for doing my hard
03:16 work, but right now wouldn't you like to come up on the
03:19 ladder with me and look down into the nest and see if the
03:21 babies have hatched?
03:22 Like I said this is their second family this year.
03:26 Oh I love surprises so come on up here and let's see
03:30 what's in the nest with me.
03:31 I want to go really carefully and quietly and you too,
03:36 climb right up the ladder with me.
03:37 This is a wonderful nest all made out of moss and oh,
03:43 there is one, two, three baby birds in here.
03:46 They are just getting their feathers and they are fuzzy
03:52 and some of them are half-naked too.
03:54 But look, come up closer and look right in there.
03:59 Oh what wonderful things God makes.
04:03 But they are napping too hard, I don't think they're going
04:05 to wake up for us, and that it's probably a good thing.
04:08 We don't want to scare them.
04:10 You know the mother is around, not too far away, so I think
04:13 I will get down now. We'll let her feed the babies.
04:40 Well here I am out in my garden.
04:42 One of the things I have to do a lot is get the weeds
04:44 out of here, down in these pansy plants, boy they smell good.
04:47 I wish you could smell them, one thing I wanted to show you is
04:51 what I have to do is after they bloom and they are
04:54 droopy, I come along and pick all these dead ones off.
04:58 That makes them bloom even more.
05:02 But if I don't pick those dead blooms off it becomes
05:06 like this, this is a seed pod.
05:09 If I leave that alone for a few days then, we end up
05:15 with something that looks like this.
05:18 When the seed pod opens up these are all the little
05:22 seeds to make new plants in here.
05:25 Actually that is where all these plants came from because
05:28 grandpa and I were so busy this year we didn't have
05:31 time to plant a garden, so most of the things in our
05:34 garden are what we call volunteers.
05:36 Come on I want to show you some more over here.
05:40 If you don't get every bit of potato out of the ground,
05:41 then it will grow a whole new plant.
05:46 Grandpa is going to come and help me now,
05:48 aren't you grandpa? - I certainly am.
05:50 He does most of the digging and I do most of the grabbing
05:52 when we do potatoes.
05:54 It is a lot of fun, get a little closer.
05:57 Oh, I think there's one in the mud here.
06:00 You know this is just like hidden treasure in the field
06:03 like in Bible times, you shake off the dirt and look
06:07 at all of those potatoes.
06:09 I want to tell you, if you have one of these for lunch
06:12 right out of the ground, oh Yum, Yum, Yum.
06:15 So good, have you seen this before?
06:18 Some of you, I am sure, knows what this is.
06:22 We fertilized last year when we put potatoes in we put
06:25 straw around the plants so they would grow more potatoes.
06:28 Well the straw was made out of oat straw, and there
06:31 happened to be a few oats attached.
06:33 So this year they just grew up like this, and if you have
06:37 oatmeal for breakfast this is the sort of plant that your
06:42 oatmeal comes from, then if you're going to have oatmeal
06:46 you must have strawberries right?
06:49 Heh grandpa can you help me find one or two?
06:51 I think there is a few in here, they are blooming
06:54 really well, um, um, um.
06:56 Oh, Yum, Yum, Yum. Ah, here is one, here's one for you.
07:07 Yeah good, huh? Oh yummy.
07:13 I hope you guys like strawberries as much as I do.
07:15 Anyway that is a lot of what I do in the garden.
07:17 I'm down in the dirt lot, and I get pretty dirty as you
07:21 can tell from my clothes.
07:23 But there is a lot of other things I have to do too, like
07:25 mow the lawn, would you like to see me drive the lawn tractor?
07:28 Come on, it is over this way.
08:04 Ah, some of you know that I have a new puppy.
08:07 She doesn't look much like a puppy now, does she?
08:10 Well she is seven months old, this is Sophie.
08:12 She is a wonderful puppy but I want to tell you, she makes an
08:17 old woman out of your grandma, I have to work really hard to
08:21 keep up with her.
08:22 But this is one of the things I do every day is to play
08:25 with Sophie, and since she likes to do some of the things
08:29 I do, I like to come down here in the creek.
08:31 Every year when the rain comes up it washes bigger rocks
08:34 down into the creek like this and I like to take them and
08:38 put them on the side, now Sophie likes to do that too.
08:41 And she also likes to snorkel for rocks.
08:44 Sophie, find a rock down here. Get that rock, get it.
08:47 Get it, find one, oh, good girl, good girl.
08:51 Wee, come here, come here, come on girl.
08:54 Come on let's go down into the water, look here Sophie.
08:59 Whew, get it, get it.
09:02 Needless to say Sophie is a water dog, she loves the
09:06 water, you can hardly keep her out of it.
09:08 She takes after her grandma that way.
09:10 I love being down here in the creek.
09:12 Let's see if she will catch this one is a little bigger
09:15 one, hey Sophie, Woo! Get it!
09:19 Get it girl, anyway that is a lot of the things we do
09:22 around here, but you know grandpa has work to do too.
09:25 Let's go see were grandpa is, huh, come on.
09:31 Sometimes our trees fall down when the wind blows in the
09:33 winter time, well here is one of them that came down
09:35 last winter, we had some real windstorms.
09:38 In fact we probably lost seven or eight trees.
09:41 What we do with them once they are down is grandpa,
09:44 in all his radiant glory, is the mighty woodsman.
09:48 He didn't fall the tree, but he cuts it up for us to have
09:50 firewood, so let's go and get some firewood grandpa.
10:00 Having fun yet grandpa?
10:29 Well you know as you can see there is a lot of work to
10:31 this place, we did show you the half of it.
10:33 You will have to come back another day, and I just can't
10:36 wait to see you again.
10:38 Anyway you have a view of what it is that happens
10:41 when you are not here.
10:43 Anyway come back soon, will ya?
10:46 In the meantime, get out your paper and your pencil
10:49 because I would love to hear from you and what goes on
10:52 at your house when I'm not there, can you tell me that?
10:55 I love getting the mail. All right are you ready?
10:58 Here is the address:
11:02 Hey kids Graham Joyce would love to hear from you.
11:05 So why not sit down and write her a letter?
11:08 Like every grandma she loves to get pictures,
11:10 drawings or anything else you send her.
11:13 Just write to:
11:25 So what are you waiting for? Write her today.
11:31 An ordinary day becomes a holiday when I'm with you.
11:36 I just remembered that song from a long time ago.
11:40 I haven't thought about it for a while, but I was just
11:43 noticing that I called my days at home ordinary.
11:47 Well why did I say that?
11:49 Not one of my days is actually ordinary, or plain Jane.
11:52 I guess I've gotten used to the blessing and the beauty
11:56 of each one, and maybe I am not as grateful as I should
11:59 be, what do you think?
12:01 I am thankful to God that He gives me wonderful
12:04 healing work to do all around the yard, and the
12:08 gardens, and the woods.
12:09 Sometimes when I get stressed out with something in my
12:12 life that isn't going the way I want it to, well I just go
12:16 outside and I start puttering.
12:17 Before very long I have found something to do that is
12:21 a real effort for me, and soon my mind is soothed and
12:24 calm again, He restores my soul.
12:29 Do you think your days are ordinary?
12:31 Maybe you have gotten used to the routine and you don't
12:34 think about it much, if you don't think about it much
12:36 your days will become ordinary.
12:39 But each one is unique and a rare gift from God and
12:43 He wants us to cherish each one.
12:45 It's kind of sad how we humans let miraculous things
12:49 become ordinary just because they are always there.
12:53 It's like our eyes get tired and we don't really see
12:56 the faithfulness in God in providing us with things
13:00 we take for granted, like even breathing.
13:03 You never think about it unless you can't do it.
13:05 So I'll tell you what, let's be more grateful for the
13:09 ordinary things that fill our days like chores, school,
13:14 homework, maybe even broccoli.
13:17 What if you didn't have chores to do?
13:19 That might mean you didn't have anything to take care of
13:22 like clothes, your room, your pets, your house.
13:26 Some people don't have those things you know, and if you
13:30 have them to take care of, you are very blessed.
13:34 What about Robin's eggs? They may be ordinary on this
13:37 planet, but what if they live somewhere else in the
13:41 universe, how precious would a Robin's egg appear on Mars,
13:45 or floating around in some other galaxies?
13:47 Let's open our eyes wide to the beauty of the ordinary.
13:52 Till next time, an ordinary day becomes a holiday.


Revised 2014-12-17