Grandma's House


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joyce Neal


Series Code: GH

Program Code: GH000023

00:01 Hi everybody, what you are about to see is something
00:04 unexpected that happen one Sunday afternoon while I was
00:07 in Illinois making some new Grandma's House programs.
00:10 It was the crew's day off, so we had nothing planned
00:14 for the day, but I got wind there was a Festival of Boats
00:17 and Balloons going on in a little town
00:19 about 70 miles away.
00:21 So I grabbed Brad and Valerie and Tyler and Tiara and
00:26 away we sped to get in on the action.
00:28 And in a minute you are going to see what happened next.
00:51 Right now we are over here at the pond watching
00:53 a cardboard boat race.
00:55 The kids built their boats out of cardboard and plastic
00:58 and duct tape, and it's exciting.
01:02 There they go, oh my.
01:05 Well some of them go down just right way.
01:09 Go, go. Paddle, paddle come on.
01:15 Go, go, go.
01:20 Ought oh! the kid in the green there capsized.
01:30 Go kids!
01:38 (Grandma clapping)
01:43 Come on kids, go, go!
01:49 Yeah he is way out in the lead.
01:56 Look at him he is without a paddle.
02:00 That one's second, good for him.
02:09 Whoa, yeah.
02:18 That guy has fallen behind without a paddle.
02:22 Oh, that one guy is going to make it I think.
02:24 The girl is coming up fast.
02:26 Come on sweetie, catch that boy.
02:36 Yeah, get in there.
02:50 It was really fun to watch those kids trying to float
02:53 their homemade cardboard boats.
02:56 But as soon as that was over, Valerie, the kids and
02:59 I crossed the field to watch the crew's getting their
03:01 balloons ready for the flight.
03:34 Then we found out that one balloon was selling rides to
03:37 anybody who wanted to go and boy did we ever want to go.
03:41 So we bought our tickets and climbed aboard.
03:43 Watch this.
03:45 He who could go to a balloon festival without
03:47 going up in a balloon?
03:49 Tyler and Tiara we're going, come on lets go.
04:00 Whew, here we go.
04:05 Hey, wave to daddy.
04:10 Tiara wave big.
04:32 Finally it was time for the race to begin and oh they
04:36 were all so pretty and I wanted to go so badly.
04:38 So you know me, I actually found two pilots willing to
04:43 take Brad and me up in their balloons.
04:45 Watch this.
04:47 All right, hi kids!
04:52 Oh how fun, that roaring noise you hear once in a while
04:56 is the propane, is that how you power this?
04:59 Yes the burners - that's the burners.
05:06 Oh, this is just too cool.
05:14 Oh this is a fantastic view from up here.
05:18 Whoa.
05:21 This is the view you never get to see down on the ground.
05:48 Hi, Hi down there!
06:16 We are looking at the top part of the balloon and they
06:19 opened it up and to let all the gas out and the wind is
06:23 trying to refill it as we're letting it out.
06:26 We are pulling with all our might, aren't we?
06:29 Sometimes we are making progress, sometimes we're not.
06:35 Can you smell it, can you smell the propane
06:38 when it comes out? Oh there it goes.
06:41 Whoops there comes the wind again.
06:44 We are tying it together so we can fit it back in that bag.
06:51 Back in that little tiny bag.
06:56 They have promised it will fit.
07:09 Oh boy, here it goes.
07:15 Let's put the flap on it and get all the air out of it.
07:21 Watch your hands and don't bang heads.
07:25 Squish it, squish it.
07:56 The balloons are done for the day and it has been
08:00 so much fun, I just wonder if you wouldn't like to write
08:03 to me and tell me what you think about all this?
08:05 I'd love to hear from you, you know I would.
08:08 So get out your paper and your pencil and get ready
08:10 to write down my address, I'm just dying to hear from you.
08:13 Alright, are you ready? Here it is!
08:19 Hey kids Graham Joyce would love to hear from you.
08:22 So why not sit down and write her a letter?
08:25 Like every grandma she loves to get pictures,
08:27 drawings or anything else you send her.
08:30 Just write to:
08:42 So what are you waiting for? Write her today.
08:49 You know, we have traveled around this season by lots
08:53 of different vehicles.
08:55 There were sailboats, a steam train, an antique car,
08:59 we have hiked by foot, ridden in a horse-drawn wagon,
09:02 zoomed in and out over the waves of a jet ski, but
09:06 floating along in the atmosphere, just skipping from
09:10 treetop to treetop has got to be my all-time favorite
09:13 way of getting around.
09:15 You know I don't know if you can tell it, but Brad and
09:18 I got separated during the race.
09:21 The balloon he was in caught a better gust of wind then
09:24 mine did, and off he soared.
09:26 Faster and faster, higher and higher and farther away
09:30 he sailed until we lost sight of each other.
09:33 Towards the end of the race I didn't even know where he
09:36 was, or where he might land.
09:39 Anyway as it was getting dusk, the lead balloon set
09:43 down in a field, and all the others tried to get as close
09:46 to his landing spot as they could.
09:49 Well our pilot could see that other balloons were landing
09:52 closer and sooner than we could.
09:54 So he picked out a nice little pasture for our landing
09:57 site, but when we were just a couple of feet from the
10:00 ground there was a gentle updraft that kept pushing us
10:04 up a little bit while he kept trying to set
10:06 the balloon down gently.
10:08 So, instead of hitting our mark like we planned,
10:12 our balloon bounced up and down and skidded across
10:15 and the field was coming nearer and nearer
10:19 to the end of the field and the beginning of a cemetery
10:24 full of tall headstones and monuments.
10:27 When our pilot realized that he couldn't set the balloon
10:31 down in time he quickly fired up the jets to lift us
10:34 high enough not to hit the trees at the edge of the
10:37 cemetery and to not run into any of the grave markers.
10:41 Eek, we aren't going to make it.
10:44 The ground crew were running around after us as fast as
10:48 they could, trying to grab the ropes and pull us down.
10:52 We in the basket were holding on for dear life and bumping
10:56 along the ruts in the ground.
10:57 Finally, somebody held on tight to the rope and dug in
11:02 his heals so he wouldn't be pulled along too.
11:05 Our basket tipped to one side and hit the dirt, and it
11:10 rolled over spilling out passengers as it went.
11:12 Well, all except for me, I was caught under the bars that
11:18 the fuel tanks were fastened to.
11:20 I had been knocked down to the floor of the basket
11:23 when we tipped and now I was trapped.
11:26 Ah, I thought about the fact that the burners were very
11:29 hot and that we still had lots of propane on board.
11:34 Now the whole thing was on its side and the fuel might
11:38 start leaking.
11:40 Somebody was yelling, we've killed grandma, we've killed
11:43 grandma, while others ran to help me find my way out
11:46 of the basket and through the headstones on the graves.
11:50 Well as soon as my feet were free from the ropes and
11:53 other paraphernalia, I couldn't help but burst into
11:56 laughter at how funny it was.
11:59 I think I'm probably the only grandma in the whole world
12:03 who has crash landed a hot air balloon into a cemetery.
12:07 Ha, ha, it was the best rip snorting good time I've had
12:11 in years, but it sure set me to thinking about following
12:15 Jesus I mean.
12:16 When we first get to know about Him, it's kind of like
12:19 watching the lead balloon lifting off the ground.
12:22 We know Jesus lifted up from the earth and went back to
12:25 heaven soon after He died and rose again.
12:28 He didn't need a hot air balloon to do it either.
12:31 In our imaginations we can picture Him lifting higher
12:35 and higher until He disappears from our sight.
12:38 We love Him so much we want to go where He goes.
12:42 We want to follow Him, so we hopped in our own balloons
12:45 with the best pilot we can find and off we go into the
12:49 wild blue yonder.
12:51 We do our best to keep up with Him but sometimes the winds
12:55 blow us off course, or we can't find just the right
12:58 altitude that will take us in His direction.
13:01 Pretty soon all of us, in our different balloons, are
13:04 separated from Him and each other and are spread out
13:08 all over the sky.
13:10 You know the pilot we've chosen could be a Pastor or a
13:13 teacher who loves Jesus very much and wants to follow
13:16 Him too, and they do their very best to guide us on our
13:20 journey, but they are only human and sometimes they
13:24 make mistakes and our balloons end up somewhere we didn't
13:27 plan on at all.
13:29 Like the cemetery. The only way to be absolutely,
13:34 positively sure you end up where Jesus is, is to get
13:38 into His balloon and let Him be your pilot.
13:41 Then you will win the race every time and always be
13:44 with Him. That is what I want too.
13:47 And I know you want that too, so until the next time
13:52 keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, He is the best pilot
13:57 there is, bye!


Revised 2014-12-17