Grace Pipeline, The

The Reality Of Relationship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host)


Series Code: GPL

Program Code: GPL000004

00:01 Hello, I am Shelley Quinn.
00:02 Today on "The Grace Pipeline,"
00:04 we will examine the reality of relationship
00:07 between God and His born again children.
00:10 And we're gonna spend some time together contemplating
00:13 what the Bible says about the immeasurable love of God.
00:18 Please join us now.
00:40 Welcome to "The Grace Pipeline."
00:42 On our last program,
00:44 we discussed the process of being born again
00:47 by the transforming power of God's gifts of grace.
00:52 And today we will reflect on the reality of relationship
00:57 that exist between our loving Heavenly Father
01:00 and His born again children.
01:02 And we're going to get a glimpse of the wonders
01:06 of His redeeming and unutterable love.
01:09 You know, the Bible says that God is love,
01:12 but I don't think that we really understand it.
01:15 This series follows a Bible study
01:19 that I was privilege to write
01:20 also titled 'The Grace Pipeline."
01:23 And if you are following along in the series companion book,
01:27 today we're beginning on chapter 3.
01:30 In Romans 5:8, scripture tells us that
01:33 "God demonstrates His own love for us
01:36 in that while we were still sinners,
01:38 Christ died for us." Now let me ask you this.
01:42 Can you think of the more dramatic way
01:44 for God to prove His love for humanity?
01:47 Now, just for a minute,
01:49 try to wrap your mind around the privilege of the promise
01:53 that John tells us in John 1:12,
01:58 where he says that "As many as received Him,
02:02 whoever has received Christ,
02:04 to them He gave the right to become children of God
02:09 to those believe in His name."
02:12 So we see that God loved us
02:15 while we were still habitual sinners,
02:17 before we accepted Christ as our Savior and became His children.
02:21 And all who believe by faith in Christ merits,
02:25 to save them, accepting Him as Lord and Savior.
02:29 To them that are given the right to become children of God.
02:34 Of course, that means whoever rejects Him
02:37 is not a child of God.
02:39 People often will say that,
02:41 all of humanity are God's children.
02:44 That's only true in regard to the fact
02:48 that we are a product of His creation.
02:52 Sin severed humanity's relationship
02:54 to God as our Father,
02:56 when Adam and Eve disobeyed and suffered spiritual death.
02:59 Their spiritual nature was passed on to us.
03:03 Let's think about the Genesis account of creation
03:05 and the fall of mankind for just a moment.
03:08 First we must consider
03:10 what the Bible teaches us though about immortality.
03:14 And we find this scripture that Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 6:16
03:19 where he speaks of God as "the blessed and only Potentate,
03:24 the King of kings, and Lord of lords,
03:26 who alone has immortality,"
03:29 Paul says, "dwelling in unapproachable light,
03:33 whom no man has seen or can see,
03:36 to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen."
03:40 So it's clear from scripture that God alone is immortal.
03:44 The Bible tells us in the Genesis 3:22-24 account,
03:49 that through an act of divine mercy,
03:51 God denied Adam and Eve
03:53 the right to the tree of life after they sinned. Why?
03:57 He didn't want them to become immortal sinners
04:01 if they were to eat and live forever.
04:03 So when do Christians actually receive immortality?
04:08 Is it at the moment of our rebirth?
04:11 Let me read what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.
04:18 And listen carefully.
04:19 Paul writes and he says, "Behold, I tell you a mystery.
04:23 We shall not all sleep,
04:25 but we shall all be changed, in a moment,
04:29 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
04:32 So when is this happening?
04:34 It's happening at the last trump.
04:36 He says "For the trumpet will sound,
04:38 and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
04:42 and we shall be changed.
04:45 For this corruptible" speaking of our natural bodies
04:49 "must put on incorruption,
04:51 this mortal must put on immortality."
04:55 So when we see,
04:57 "When this corruption has put on incorruption,
05:00 and this mortal has put on immortality,
05:03 then shall be brought to pass, when at the last trump,
05:08 then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
05:12 "Death is swallowed up in victory."'
05:16 And you know Paul also clearly teaches
05:18 in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
05:22 That it is when the last trumpet shall sound and Christ returns,
05:27 that those who sleep in their graves will rise
05:31 and together with the saints
05:33 who remain alive at His second coming,
05:35 they will put on immortality
05:37 and be caught up together in the air to meet Jesus Christ.
05:41 Now, let's consider the presence of God.
05:43 Psalm 104:2 it says,
05:46 "That God covers himself with light as with a garment."
05:51 The Jewish writer described
05:53 this brilliant presence of the Lord
05:55 as His Shekinah Glory.
05:57 Now, when God created Adam and Eve in His image,
06:01 He clothed them with His radiance.
06:04 They were representatives of all humanity,
06:07 with whom God sought a relationship of trust,
06:11 but sin shattered this trust,
06:13 when the first couple disobeyed God,
06:15 and they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
06:18 And He removed the Shekinah covering
06:22 and when this was withdrawn,
06:24 the two recognized their guilt and their nakedness,
06:27 and they hid from their Heavenly Father in fear and shame.
06:31 To restore the relationship
06:35 between the creator and His created,
06:38 God instituted the sacrificial system.
06:41 Divine justice demanded death for their sin.
06:45 But divine mercy provided an innocent substitute
06:50 that was slain and that pointed to the Calvary praying
06:53 and the promised Lamb of God
06:56 who would take away the sins of the world.
06:58 So to cover their shame of sin,
07:01 the merciful Heavenly Father again clothed His children,
07:05 this time with tunics of the skin
07:08 from the sacrificed animal.
07:10 And Adam and Eve obviously coached their children
07:13 in the significance of the sacrifice
07:15 of innocent substitute as God's grace
07:19 giving plan of reconciliation for remission of sin.
07:23 We know from the Genesis 4 account
07:26 that the sacrifices offered by Cain and Abel,
07:31 it is evident that both men were familiar
07:33 with the sacrificial system,
07:35 but the hardy and self will Cain
07:39 rebelled against following defined regulations.
07:43 In fact, in defiance he offered God
07:46 a sacrifice of his own works.
07:49 Hebrews 11:4 says, "By faith Abel offered to God
07:55 a more excellent sacrifice than Cain,
07:58 through which he obtained witness that he was righteous,
08:01 God testifying of his gifts."
08:04 Now that Cain knew better
08:06 and to offer the fruits of his own labor is obvious,
08:10 because he did not accused the Lord of unfair preference
08:14 in accepting Abel's sacrifice and rejecting his,
08:18 but in an outrage of jealousy, Cain murdered his noble brother.
08:23 If he had only repented and confessed his sin,
08:28 if he had felt sorrow for his sin,
08:30 the Lord would have forgiven him.
08:32 Nevertheless Cain did not and God expelled him
08:36 from the land of his birth
08:37 to lead a life of exile on the earth.
08:41 Through Adam, the representative of humanity,
08:45 sin gained entrance into the world and death
08:48 both spiritual and physical was a result of it.
08:52 Romans 5:12 confirms that,
08:54 "Through Adam sin entered the world,
08:58 and death through sin."
09:00 Now most of us are familiar with this idea,
09:03 but surprisingly many people don't realize
09:07 that the children of Adam and Eve
09:09 were born in their likeness, rather than the image of God.
09:13 Genesis 5:3 clearly states that
09:19 "Adam begat a son in his own likeness,
09:22 after his own image,
09:24 and that the fallen state of human nature
09:28 was passed on to all of humanity."
09:32 Now it is only by the sacred blood
09:35 and our sacred bond with Christ
09:38 that we become God's recreated spiritual children.
09:42 It's the result of accepting His sacrificial death
09:45 and being born again.
09:47 Most Christians find it relatively easy
09:50 to say we are God's children,
09:52 however it requires a serious stretch
09:56 of our finite minds to understand
09:59 and accept the overwhelming multitude of blessings
10:04 that flow to us through this privileged relationship.
10:08 Divine love has no equal, I can't explain it.
10:14 But today, we will share
10:16 some of what our Heavenly Father does for His children.
10:20 We'll briefly consider a number of the many scriptures
10:23 from both the Old and New Testament
10:26 that revealed the manner in which
10:29 God relates to anyone who is His.
10:33 It's important to recognize
10:36 that God shows no partiality among people.
10:39 You know, both the Old Testament
10:42 and the New Testament makes this fact very clear
10:45 and actually specifically it is stated in Acts 10:34,
10:51 Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9,
10:58 that "God is not a respecter of people."
11:01 He shows no partiality.
11:03 So the manner in which He demonstrated His love
11:07 for any other person in history is in manner in which
11:11 He will demonstrate His love for you and for me.
11:15 So let's take a little time to consider our perfect Father,
11:20 our Heavenly Father, whose very nature is love.
11:25 More than anything you need to recognize,
11:28 how the Lord loves you.
11:30 You can only love Him in the measure
11:35 that He wants you to when you first recognize
11:38 how much He loves you.
11:40 And it may require a paradigm shift,
11:43 but if you ever accept these truths by faith,
11:47 it will be life changing.
11:50 Our presentation will be saturated with scripture,
11:53 but it is not only possible today
11:56 to look at every reference
11:59 that the Bible uses or even every reference that I will use,
12:03 because nearly every thought presented
12:06 from this point on will come directly from scripture
12:10 and what we can share in this short time
12:13 is just a glimpse of His love.
12:16 But I hope it will be sufficient to open your mind
12:21 and your heart to understanding
12:23 and accepting all that God has for you.
12:28 Let's read first in Zachariah 3:1-5.
12:34 I'm gonna read that to you.
12:36 This is a wonderful story, and it says in the Bible.
12:41 "Then he showed me Joshua the high priest
12:44 before the angel of the Lord,
12:45 and Satan standing at his right side to oppose him.
12:49 And the Lord said to Satan, 'The Lord rebuke you.'"
12:52 Interesting, The Lord said, "the Lord rebuke you Satan.
12:56 The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you!
12:59 Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?"
13:03 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments
13:07 and was standing before the angel.
13:10 Then he answered and spoke to those
13:12 who stood before him saying, and this is the angel speaking.
13:16 "Take away the filthy garments from him."
13:20 And to him, to Joshua, the angel said,
13:23 "See, I have removed your iniquity from you,
13:28 and I will clothe you with rich robes."
13:32 And I said, "Let them put a clean turban on his head."
13:37 So they put a clean turban on his head,
13:40 and they put the clothes on him.
13:42 And the Angel of the Lord stood by.
13:45 In vision Zachariah sees how the Lord restores Joshua
13:50 and what He has done for Joshua, He will do for us.
13:54 We see in these verses that God removes our disgrace.
13:59 He restores our dignity, taking away our filthy garments
14:04 that are stained with sin and clothing us
14:07 with His robe of righteousness in salvation.
14:10 And silencing most importantly Satan, our accuser,
14:15 because of His grace we have reason to rejoice.
14:19 When we accept this by faith,
14:22 our joy will be that of Isaiah 61:10,
14:27 that's where Isaiah says,
14:29 "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,
14:32 My soul shall be joyful in my God,
14:35 for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation.
14:40 He has covered me
14:42 with the robe of righteousness." Halleluiah.
14:49 But that's not all, God confers upon us the privileges
14:53 and powers of His kingdom.
14:55 Making us His heirs,
14:57 He gives us a share in the inheritance of Christ,
15:02 this imperishable inheritance,
15:04 reserved for us in heaven will not vanish before we obtain it.
15:09 It is a sure thing for those who are in Christ.
15:12 Listen to two supporting scriptures
15:15 of these marvelous truths.
15:17 First I will read Romans 8:16-17 and it says,
15:23 "The spirit himself bears witness with our spirit
15:27 that we are children of God and if children then heirs.
15:33 Heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ,
15:37 if indeed we suffer with Him
15:40 that we may also be glorified together."
15:44 Are you a Christian?
15:45 If so you are a joint heir with Christ
15:49 and you're inheritance is reserved for you in heaven.
15:53 As 1 Peter 1:3, 4 say to us, listen.
15:59 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
16:04 who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us
16:07 again to our living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
16:11 from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled
16:17 that does not fade away reserved in heaven for you."
16:23 You know, God also declared in 2 Corinthians 6:18.
16:28 He says, "I will be a Father to you
16:31 and you shall be my sons and daughters" says the Lord.
16:35 When we open our hearts to salvation,
16:38 the God who once seemed so distant
16:41 and unreachable becomes touchable.
16:45 Hebrews 4:16 tells us
16:50 that God invites us to come boldly
16:54 into His presence through prayer,
16:56 to obtain mercy and grace in our time of need.
17:02 And let's just take a moment
17:03 and recall our definition of grace.
17:05 Grace is the unearned, undeserved gifts,
17:09 bestowed by God of infinite love
17:12 which provide His divine assistance
17:16 and supernatural power unto salvation.
17:18 Now here's God inviting us
17:20 before His throne to obtain grace
17:24 and mercy in our time of need that means
17:29 that He will give us divine power
17:31 and supernatural assistance.
17:34 Jesus is God's greatest gift of grace
17:38 and receiving Him as savior
17:41 gives us the right to become God's children.
17:44 Our Lord Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:9,
17:48 with the precious words "Our Father who art in heaven."
17:53 Do you realize the relationship
17:55 of Father and child changes everything?
17:59 In the natural realm, the life of a child is simple.
18:04 He depends upon his good father for everything
18:07 and he has faith that his father will deliver.
18:11 God means for his spiritual children
18:14 to apply this same principle.
18:17 If only we could grasp the reality of it.
18:21 Our soul would not be downcast
18:23 and our spiritual struggle would end.
18:26 Our Heavenly Father loves us perfectly.
18:29 We're the apple of His eye.
18:31 He is the perfect Father whom--
18:34 whose love is absolutely unfailing.
18:38 Now hear the word of the Lord from Jeremiah 31:3
18:44 where He says, "Yes, I have loved you
18:47 with an everlasting love,
18:49 therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you."
18:53 There is an abundance of scriptural evidence
18:56 that proves our God of love,
18:59 our Heavenly Father is our provider,
19:02 our protector, and our peace.
19:05 In Psalm 32:8 it says
19:11 that "He instructs us and teaches us
19:15 His divine will, showing us the way
19:17 and guiding us with His eye."
19:21 Now here's another one, Hebrews 12:5-11.
19:27 This explains that our good Father
19:29 as any good father would do.
19:32 God disciplines us in His lovingkindness
19:34 to train us for righteousness.
19:36 In other words His right way of living and being.
19:40 You know, I actually pray for God's discipline
19:44 asking Him to make me sensitive to it
19:48 and I want to always be sensitive to His leading.
19:51 Now, don't gasp at the thought of it.
19:54 Sometimes people say, you must be crazy
19:56 if you are praying for God's discipline
19:58 but I know He is going to discipline me anyway.
20:02 So if He's going to discipline us,
20:05 we might as well learn to yield
20:07 to the gentle but firm tone of His voice at once,
20:12 otherwise like any other parent,
20:14 He has to take stronger measures to gain our attention.
20:17 So when trials and tribulations come our way,
20:22 we need to remember that God is not always--
20:26 it's not always God that's disciplining us,
20:29 but that He is there to comfort us,
20:32 to walk us through,
20:34 to deliver us from times of trouble.
20:37 Let me share some wonderful words.
20:40 These are some of my favorite
20:41 and this comes from Isaiah 43:2.
20:45 And this is the Lord speaking and He says,
20:48 "When you pass through the waters,
20:50 I will be with you and through the rivers,
20:54 they shall not overflow you.
20:56 When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
21:00 nor shall the flame scorch you."
21:04 What is God saying there?
21:05 He is saying that He will never leave us or forsake us.
21:11 He is saying that I am there to carry you through.
21:15 The Bible tells us when we are afflicted, He is afflicted.
21:19 And Psalm 56:8 says that,
21:22 "He sees our tears and compassionately
21:26 collects them in His bottle."
21:29 The Bible also says, "That quieting us with His love,
21:33 he rejoices over us with singing."
21:36 Let me ask, do you think of God that way?
21:40 Do you think of the Creator of the universe
21:44 rejoicing over you with singing?
21:47 If not, let me share this verse from Zephaniah
21:51 and this is Zephaniah 3:17.
21:54 I hope this will change your perspective.
21:58 It says, "The Lord your God in your midst,
22:00 the Mighty One, will save.
22:03 He will rejoice over you with gladness,
22:07 He will quiet you with His love,
22:10 He will rejoice over you with singing."
22:16 Can't we see, the Bible tells us
22:19 so many things about God's watch care?
22:22 Our Father God calls us by our name,
22:25 knowing our thoughts before we speak them.
22:27 He is watchful of our comings and our goings
22:30 and aware of the smallest detail of our lives.
22:33 He can even number the very hairs on our head.
22:37 You know, Deuteronomy 33:27 is one of my favorite verses
22:42 and it reveals the same thing that Hebrew 13:5 reveals.
22:47 That God is constantly embracing us
22:51 in His everlasting arms of love, promising to never leave us.
22:56 He will not forget us.
22:58 We are indelibly inscribed on the palms
23:02 of His hands the Bible says.
23:04 No wonder the Apostle John wrote in 1 John 3:1.
23:09 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
23:15 that we should be called children of God!"
23:20 You know, it is difficult for us to comprehend,
23:25 but we are children of the King of Kings
23:28 and the blessings of His love are immeasurable. God is love.
23:34 The very essence of His nature is love.
23:38 By the grace of our relationship with Christ,
23:41 the gift of God's love is magnified and manifested to us.
23:47 Ephesians 1:3 explains that God has already blessed us
23:52 with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
23:55 He who was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us,
24:00 is also willing to freely grant us
24:03 authorings in Christ through His grace.
24:07 Paul emphatically states this fact in Romans 8:32
24:14 and here he says, "He who did not spare His own Son,
24:19 but delivered Him up for us all,
24:22 how shall He not with him also freely give us all things?"
24:28 It's amazing to consider isn't it?
24:31 Perhaps you can believe these beautiful synonyms
24:34 because scripture records them,
24:36 but the question is, are you walking in appreciation
24:40 of this all inspiring perfect love?
24:43 I must admit, when I was first writing the chapter
24:46 on the reality of relationship
24:48 for the book "The Grace Pipeline."
24:50 I had to ask myself the same question.
24:53 Do I believe these things by mere mental assent
24:58 or am I--I actually acquainted with the width,
25:02 the length, the depth, and the height of this love
25:05 that surpasses human understanding.
25:08 I'm actually thunderstruck at the thought of it.
25:14 Children often little understand the parents love.
25:18 They simply take it for granted,
25:20 yet the ignorants of immaturity does not cause
25:23 them to miss their experience of it.
25:26 Appreciation for the sacrifices and blessings
25:29 that are the product of parental love is magnified
25:33 only as a child begins to mature and increases in the ability
25:38 to reciprocate love through respect and honor of the parent.
25:42 As it is in the natural realm so it is in the spiritual realm.
25:46 The more we grow in grace,
25:48 the more we understand God's love
25:50 and appreciate His amazing love for us.
25:53 Galatians 4:6 tells us that because we're His children,
25:58 God has sent forth His Son,
26:00 sent forth His spirit of His Son into our hearts crying out Abba,
26:06 Father, now, you know, the word Abba is an Aramaic word
26:10 and it's an intimate name for Father.
26:13 It's an expression like papa or daddy.
26:16 How difficult it is for the human heart
26:20 to conceive the intimacy of relationship
26:23 God longs to share with us.
26:25 The mystery of God's love is far too marvelous for me to unravel.
26:31 Perhaps the most amazing idea of all is that
26:35 when we are in Christ, we become one spirit with God.
26:40 Paul tells us this in 1 Corinthians 6:17 saying that,
26:44 "He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."
26:49 I vividly recall the day that I was praying the scripture
26:53 as an affirmation of my faith,
26:55 thanking the Lord for making me one with Him.
26:59 You know what, I didn't feel one with Him.
27:02 I couldn't comprehend
27:04 what it meant to be united in this way
27:06 and suddenly I was just seized with morning
27:09 for the mediocrity of my relationship with Him.
27:13 So I cried out to God for better understanding,
27:16 to latch on to oneness,
27:19 the Lord wanted me to share with Him,
27:21 I had to unravel the mysterious oneness
27:24 of what man calls the trinity
27:27 "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
27:30 The Lord led me in a fascinating study of His oneness
27:33 and we're going to share a small portion of that
27:36 with you in our next program.
27:39 We must understand God's divine oneness
27:42 to understand the promise that we are one with Him.
27:47 We thank you so much for joining us today.
27:50 I hope you'll take time to study these scriptures
27:53 and more contemplate God's love.
27:55 And until the next time grow in grace
27:57 and in the knowledge of our Lord.


Revised 2014-12-17