Grace Pipeline, The

Justification Brings Peace With The Past

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: GPL

Program Code: GPL000009

00:01 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:02 Coming up next on "The Grace Pipeline,"
00:04 learn how to be at peace with your past.
00:08 Please join us now.
00:30 Welcome to "The Grace Pipeline."
00:32 For the last several programs,
00:33 we've been talking about justification,
00:36 and today we're going to learn
00:38 how justification can bring you peace.
00:41 Forgive me for meddling, but I must ask
00:44 is there a sin from your past that haunts you?
00:47 Have you ever confessed to God, received His forgiveness,
00:52 but you just cannot forgive yourself?
00:55 Well, this program is for you.
00:57 Today, we will summarize
00:58 God's legal transaction of justification
01:02 which can bring you peace with the past.
01:05 This series follows the Bible study book
01:07 God privileged me to write,
01:09 which is also titled "The Grace Pipeline."
01:11 If you're using your companion book
01:13 to follow along, today we begin on page 75 of chapter 5.
01:18 Now to better grasp the idea of justification,
01:23 let's first look back to the scriptures
01:26 that were used by the early Christian church
01:29 which was nothing less than the writings
01:31 of the Old Testament and that supplied
01:34 the foundation for understanding
01:36 the teachings of the New Testament.
01:40 Deuteronomy 25:1 provides us with an insight
01:43 to the legal action of justification.
01:46 The scripture says if there is a dispute,
01:49 come to court that the judges may judge them
01:53 and justify the righteous and condemn the wicked.
01:57 In this setting, a judge heard
01:59 the case against an accused and made a judgment.
02:02 If there was insufficient evidence to prove guilt,
02:06 he cleared them and declared them innocent or justified.
02:12 Of course, if evidence existed, he condemned the guilty.
02:17 In the Old Testament, God warns He will not justify the wicked.
02:22 His anger is aroused where judges
02:24 who accept bribes to acquit the guilty
02:27 or condemn the innocent.
02:29 Anyone who perverts justice is an abomination to the Lord.
02:34 So weighing the Hebrew understanding,
02:37 we see that justification is a legal action.
02:42 It is performed by a judge.
02:45 Condemnation and justification are forensic terms.
02:49 They have to do with examining the evidence to decide questions
02:54 that arise from a crime.
02:56 They are polar opposites.
02:58 "To condemn means to declare an accused party guilty
03:04 and worthy of punishment.
03:06 To justify means to pronounce an acquittal of the charges,
03:10 making an official declaration that the accused is innocent."
03:17 We all know we are guilty of sin.
03:20 Romans 3:23 tells us, "All have sinned
03:23 and fallen short of the glory of God,"
03:25 If we are guilty of sin, we are worthy of punishment.
03:29 Oh, but thank God that the verse ends with a comma
03:35 and the rest of the story is told in the following verse.
03:38 Listen with amazement to the love and redemption
03:41 God provides us through His grace pipeline
03:44 as I read Romans 3:23 and 24 together.
03:48 And it says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory
03:53 of God, being justified freely by His grace
03:59 through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
04:03 Justification is the sovereign legal act
04:07 of a holy and just God.
04:09 It results from the atoning sacrifice
04:12 of Christ on the cross.
04:15 Let's summarize this legal process.
04:18 Roman 5:8 and 9 tells us that God loved us
04:21 while we were still sinners and sent Christ to die for us
04:25 that we might be justified by His blood.
04:29 Through repentance, we receive
04:32 the remission of our past offenses.
04:34 The blood of Christ covers the forensic evidence
04:38 that stood against us and redemption
04:40 and forgiveness are the pardon.
04:43 As we considered in the past program,
04:46 Romans 4:25 tells us that Christ was raised
04:49 to secure our justification.
04:52 The resurrected savior serves as our high priest
04:56 who is blotting out our sins in the heavenly sanctuary
05:00 and He is continually interceding as our advocate.
05:05 Roman 5:17 and 18 clearly states that
05:08 Christ's righteous act becomes our gift of righteousness.
05:13 His righteousness, His perfect character
05:17 stands in place of our character.
05:19 And robed in His righteousness,
05:22 His credit is given to our heavenly record
05:25 and that puts us in right legal standing with God.
05:29 What is the result of Christ standing in as our substitute?
05:33 Living the perfect life,
05:35 we never lived and dying the death we deserved,
05:38 the demands of diving justice are satisfied.
05:42 There are no longer legal grounds
05:46 to justly inflict the penalty of sin.
05:49 God declares us free of guilt and He grants us an acquittal
05:55 by His grace justification is ours.
05:59 And once justified, you can declare
06:02 I'm just as if I had never sinned.
06:06 This is the good news of the gospel of grace.
06:10 When we understand God's plan for us,
06:13 we can celebrate His goodness as Paul did in Romans 8:31-33.
06:20 And here he says, "What then shall we say to these things?
06:25 If God is for us, who can be against us?
06:29 He who did not spare His own Son,
06:31 but delivered Him up for us all,
06:33 how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
06:39 Who shall bear a charge against God's elect?
06:43 It is God who justifies."
06:46 Quite an exciting promise, isn't it?
06:49 Now let's turn our focus to Zachariah Chapter 3.
06:52 This is an important Old Testament passage
06:55 that demonstrates justification has always been by grace
07:00 through faith and the promised Messiah.
07:04 Let me set this up for you before we read.
07:07 In Zachariah Chapter 3, the prophet records a vision
07:10 that graphically portrays God's gracious plan
07:13 of both imputed righteousness or righteousness that has been
07:17 credited to our account and of justification.
07:21 In the first verse, he speaks of scene that angel of the Lord
07:25 who bible scholars agree and have identified
07:29 as Jesus Christ before His incarnation.
07:32 So there in Zachariah 3 Joshua is standing before him
07:37 and the accuser of the brethren satan
07:41 stands to oppose Joshua.
07:43 Zachariah receives this vision
07:46 following the release of a remnant group
07:48 of Israel's nation from Babylonian bondage.
07:51 God's justice had sanctioned the fiery trial of their exile.
07:57 The people have rebelled against him in action
07:59 and attitude and had warranted the sufferings of condemnation
08:05 which finally brought them to repentance.
08:08 Once again the Merciful Maker secured their release
08:11 from captivity and returned them to Jerusalem.
08:15 Joshua was the first appointed
08:17 high priest of the returning remnant.
08:20 Now in vision, the prophet sees Joshua standing
08:24 as a representative of the people before Jesus.
08:27 He was clothed in filthy garments.
08:30 He is defiled with sin and satan points
08:33 an accusing finger of blame at Joshua.
08:36 With violent opposition he lists the transgressions
08:40 of the covenant people arguing
08:42 that God should not restore them to divine favor.
08:45 Did satan have grounds for his allegations?
08:49 He knew that God has a perfect standard
08:52 of right doing and right being.
08:54 He knew the Lord's Ten Commandments of love
08:57 are a reflection of His righteous character
08:59 and that God requires created beings to observe His divine law
09:04 as an expression of their love, respect and covenant faith.
09:09 Certainly, this nation had all sinned
09:12 and fallen short of God's glory.
09:14 The Bible is clear in both the Old and the New Testaments
09:18 that the wages of sin is death.
09:21 Satan reasoned, they deserve to die
09:24 and questioned how the great God of justice
09:27 could ignore their transgressions.
09:30 So the arch accuser standing there underestimated
09:35 the love, mercy, and grace of the Lord.
09:40 Joshua's knees must have been trembling.
09:43 But then in Zachariah 3, let me read to you what happens.
09:48 Verses 2 through 5.
09:50 "The Lord said to Satan, 'The Lord rebuke you, satan.
09:55 Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?'
09:58 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments,
10:01 and was standing before the Angel.
10:04 Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before him,
10:07 saying, 'Take away the filthy garments from him.'
10:11 This is remission of sin and to him He said,
10:14 'See, I have removed your iniquity from you,
10:17 and I will clothe you with rich robes.'
10:20 There is imputed righteousness.
10:22 And I said, 'Let them put on a clean turban on his head.'
10:27 That's justification.
10:29 So they put a clean turban on his head,
10:32 and they put the clothes on him.
10:34 And the Angel of the Lord stood by."
10:39 The vision revealed God's continued plan of remission
10:43 of sin and imputed righteousness by grace.
10:47 The special turban that was placed
10:49 on the high priest had a golden plate
10:52 with the inscription "Holiness to the Lord.----
10:55 In vision, this represented
10:58 the restoration of the priesthood.
11:00 God declared Joshua and His people justified
11:04 by grace and reconciled to Him.
11:08 Let me tell you something.
11:10 You may not have thought about this
11:12 but satan is not omnipresent.
11:15 He is a created being with limited presence
11:19 to only place at a time.
11:21 He assigns his unholy alliance of demons, those fallen angels,
11:26 to lure his into temptation and then to work his CSI agents,
11:31 the crime scene investigators, who go around
11:34 collecting forensic evidence to present against us.
11:38 The enemy wags an accusatory finger at us
11:41 declaring our guilt and trying to hand off a baton
11:45 of condemnation that we may use it on ourselves
11:48 to beat our heads and bash our hopes.
11:51 Don't accept it.
11:53 Don't be the devil's fool
11:55 or else you will never experience peace with God.
11:59 Many years ago, a precious friend of mine
12:02 lived in the darkness of a drug and alcohol addiction
12:05 that lead to a promiscuous lifestyle.
12:08 Hearing her testimony for the first time,
12:11 totally caught me off guard.
12:13 I could not believe this innocent Christ like woman
12:17 filled with love and heavenly wisdom
12:19 had ever dwelled anywhere but in the light of the Lord.
12:24 She is a brand plucked from the fire
12:27 and the living memorial to God's grace of salvation.
12:31 Although she received divine deliverance from sin,
12:36 sordid memories of the past haunted her
12:39 for sometime afterward and she could not forgive herself
12:42 for the damage that she had done.
12:45 So approaching her one day after church,
12:48 her pastor put his finger on the problem asking her,
12:52 "Do you believe God has forgiven you?"
12:55 "Well, of course," she replied.
12:57 And he said, "Then don't you think
12:59 it's a little arrogant of you not to forgive yourself.
13:03 Aren't you putting yourself above God?"
13:06 "Well, that's ridiculous," she steamed,
13:08 "I'm doing no such thing." And she stormed off.
13:12 His comments infuriated her.
13:15 But later that day as the Lord helped her
13:18 to reflect on the wisdom of the pastor's counsel,
13:22 she slowly began to accept it as truth.
13:26 The life changing breakthrough
13:28 she so desperately needed occurred.
13:32 And she dropped that baton of self condemnation.
13:36 She forgave herself at last.
13:38 God cleansed her conscience of guilt silencing
13:41 the torment of self accusation and giving her confidence
13:46 to draw ever closer to His throne of grace.
13:50 She lives at peace with her past now and with her Lord.
13:55 The Apostle John wrote in 1 John 3:20 and 21.
14:01 "For if our heart condemns us,
14:05 God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.
14:09 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us,
14:12 we have confidence toward God."
14:16 Feelings of condemnation cause a guilty conscience before God.
14:21 Guilt keeps us at an arms distance from His embrace.
14:25 Our sympathetic Savior wants to give us peace of mind
14:29 so that we will feel confident in His presence.
14:33 If we repent and depend on Christ as our propitiation--
14:38 which we've studied in an earlier program,
14:40 means to cover sin.
14:42 When we accept Christ as our covering for sin,
14:45 our propitiation, He makes atonement for our sin,
14:49 covering them over.
14:50 And Paul tells us in Romans 8:1.
14:54 "There is therefore now no condemnation
14:58 to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk
15:02 according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
15:06 To be in Christ is to have a personal relationship with Him.
15:12 Have you confessed your sins
15:15 and asked God for the gift of repentance?
15:17 Are you in Christ?
15:19 If so, because of your relationship with Christ,
15:22 God has pronounced you justified.
15:24 There is no longer any basis for His condemnation
15:28 or for your self condemnation where you once felt alienated
15:33 from Him, you can now draw close with confidence.
15:38 Isaiah 43:18 and 19 is one of my favorite verses.
15:43 Let me read this to you from the amplified.
15:45 "Do not earnestly remember the former things,
15:50 neither consider the things of old.
15:53 Behold, I am doing a new thing.
15:57 Now it springs forth, do you not perceive and know it
16:01 and will you not give heed to it?
16:03 I will even make a way in the wilderness
16:07 and rivers in the desert."
16:09 God does not want you to dwell on the past.
16:12 He does not want you to dwell on former mistakes
16:16 from which you have been justified.
16:18 What He's saying here is release the past and press forward.
16:23 You know Paul makes that clear also in Colossians 1:20-23,
16:32 that when God forgives you, He provides the blessing
16:35 of peace and the power of His promise linked with love
16:39 is to present you holy blameless and above reproach,
16:44 if you steadfastly continue in the faith.
16:48 It is through Christ that we have access by faith
16:53 to God's grace pipeline as Paul noted in Romans 5:1 and 2.
17:00 He says, "Therefore, having been justified by faith,
17:05 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
17:09 through whom also we have access by faith
17:13 into this grace in which we stand,
17:16 and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."
17:22 Stand firm in Christ and you will continue
17:26 to have access by faith
17:29 into the bountiful blessings of God's grace.
17:33 This is our fourth program on justification by faith.
17:36 We have examined how God can be a just judge
17:42 and at the same time, the one who justifies us.
17:45 We have considered the mercy seat covering,
17:48 the seat of God's judgment throne,
17:51 and how Christ is symbolically our mercy seat covering.
17:55 We've proven from scripture that
17:58 it is the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ,
18:02 His righteousness credited to our account
18:04 by virtue of our relationship with Him that justifies us
18:09 freely by God's grace and through our faith.
18:12 We've also proven that there is no other way,
18:15 no other process by which we may be justified.
18:19 We have examined Paul's teaching
18:22 which proves, particularly in Galatians 5:4,
18:26 that if we attempt to be justified by works,
18:31 we have fallen from grace.
18:34 But if we stop here, there will be someone out there
18:38 who still wants to argue that the Apostles Paul
18:42 and James were at odds in their teaching,
18:45 one saying that we are justified by grace
18:48 and the other claiming that we are justified by works.
18:52 I don't want to leave any stone unturned that might hinder
18:56 your understanding of this vital topic.
18:59 So let's briefly consider what these two Apostles taught.
19:04 Paul makes a glorious defense of the gospel
19:08 of grace in his letter to the Romans.
19:11 In Chapters 3-5, he presents the picture of man's condition
19:17 before justification and sets forth the gift
19:21 of God's grace that freely justifies the human race.
19:26 Let's look at what he says in Romans 3:24-31.
19:33 "Being justified freely," he writes,
19:35 "by His grace through the redemption
19:39 that is in Christ Jesus that God might be just
19:43 and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
19:47 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith
19:52 apart from the deeds of the law.
19:55 Do we then make void the law through faith?
19:58 Certainly not.
19:59 On the contrary, we establish the law."
20:04 Paul argues good works are not the cause of justification.
20:10 No one can be justified by conformity to the law
20:14 or dependence upon religious rights and ceremonies.
20:18 Justification is a gift from God received by faith
20:24 and Christ atoning sacrifice and His imputed righteousness.
20:30 Now you'll notice that concern someone might misapply
20:33 this teaching, Paul quickly added
20:35 that faith establishes the principle of the law.
20:39 The Lord did not give the law in vain.
20:42 It pointed man to Christ who perfectly fulfilled
20:47 God's requirements and as we recognize
20:50 all that He has done for us, we will be eager to please Him.
20:55 Anyone in relationship with Christ will uphold
20:59 His eternal principles and morality.
21:02 While good works are not the cause of our justification.
21:06 They certainly come as the consequence.
21:10 In Romans 4, and I believe it's 1-25,
21:14 Paul uses the Old Testament and the patriarch Abraham
21:19 as a witness to God's unchanging plan of salvation.
21:24 Through faith and in spite
21:26 of seemingly hopeless circumstances,
21:30 the childless Abraham believed God's promise
21:34 that he will become the father of a great nation
21:38 and God accounted it to him as righteousness.
21:41 Paul argues that the uncircumcised
21:44 patriarch Abraham was justified by grace
21:49 through the righteousness of faith.
21:52 And then Paul makes it clear in Romans 4:11
21:57 that it was only afterward that the law was added
22:01 and Abraham received the sign of circumcision
22:05 as a seal of the righteousness, of the faith which he had,
22:09 well, he was still uncircumcised.
22:13 Circumcision was merely the outward evidence
22:16 of an inward working that God had accomplished in Abraham.
22:20 A sign to the patriarch and his descendents
22:23 that the righteousness granted him was by faith.
22:27 In the same fashion, Christians today,
22:30 our baptism is a sign of the faith and justification,
22:33 we have already experienced.
22:36 So throughout his letter to the Romans,
22:38 Paul's focus was from the standpoint
22:41 of man's condition before justification.
22:46 Let me repeat this because I don't want you to miss it.
22:49 Throughout his entire letter to the Romans,
22:52 Paul's focus was from the standpoint
22:56 of man's condition before justification.
23:00 Now in contrast, the Apostle James
23:04 uses the example of faithful Abraham
23:07 as he sets forth a different aspect
23:10 of justification focusing from the standpoint
23:14 of man's condition after being justified.
23:18 In James 2:20-24, James writes, "But do you want to know,
23:26 O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?
23:31 Was not Abraham our father justified by works
23:35 when he offered Isaac his son on the altar?
23:38 Do you see that faith was working together
23:41 with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?
23:45 And the Scripture was fulfilled
23:47 which says, Abraham believed God,
23:50 and it was accounted to him for righteousness.'
23:53 And he was called the friend of God.
23:56 You see then that a man is justified
23:59 by works, and not by faith only."
24:04 You see what James is pointing out
24:07 is that God's faithful friend Abraham maintained
24:12 his right standing with God through actions
24:15 of obedience prompted by faith.
24:18 James argues that after justification
24:22 we will confirm to the Lord's commandments
24:24 as evidence that our faith is sincere.
24:28 Genuine faith seeks to be obedient to God's will.
24:33 We cannot expect to remain justified by faith
24:36 while living in sin.
24:39 Justification by grace leads to sanctification by grace
24:45 resulting in a life that separated from evil
24:49 and set apart for God and leading to personal holiness
24:53 as we develop the character of Christ.
24:56 Our Lord Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13
25:03 and I've added some notes here.
25:05 He taught us, "Our Father in heaven,
25:07 Hallowed be you name, Your kingdom come.
25:10 Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
25:14 Give us this day our daily bread.
25:17 Forgive us our debts, there's justification,
25:21 as we forgive our debtors.
25:24 And do not lead us into temptation, but
25:27 deliver us from the evil one, that's sanctification.
25:31 For yours is the kingdom and the power
25:35 and the glory forever. Amen."
25:39 By the blood of Christ and the grace of God,
25:43 our sin, debt is forgiven and we are anxious
25:47 not to offend our Heavenly Father again.
25:50 We desire sanctification.
25:54 Personal holiness is not the cause for our justification
26:01 but comes as the consequence of justification.
26:06 Justification is only by grace.
26:08 It takes but a moment as we receive
26:11 the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior and on the basis
26:15 of Christ imputed righteousness, God declares us justified
26:20 which entitles us to all the advantages
26:24 and rewards of His perfect record of obedience.
26:28 The Apostle Peter states this perfectly
26:32 in 1 Peter 2:24 where he says, "Who Himself, speaking of Jesus,
26:39 bore our sins is His own body on the tree, that we,
26:45 having died to sins, might live for righteousness."
26:50 Justification leads to sanctification.
26:55 Sanctification is also a work of grace,
26:59 the progressive work of a lifetime.
27:03 God sanctifies us by Christ imparted righteousness
27:08 which remarkable gift we will focus on in our next program.
27:12 But first I want to ask, I hope you've noticed that
27:16 difference between what Paul and James did.
27:20 Remember, Paul's argument in Romans is justification
27:25 before--he's talking about a man before his justification
27:30 where as James talks about it afterwards.
27:33 So what we want is to find sanctification
27:36 and yoked with Christ,
27:37 he empowers us to walk in harmony with His will.
27:41 Faith is the only method by which we can cease
27:44 hold of Christ and His righteousness.
27:46 From start to finish, it is from faith to faith
27:51 that just shall live by faith.
27:55 So please remember grow in grace
27:59 and in the knowledge of our Lord.


Revised 2014-12-17