3ABN Homecoming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC180010A

00:25 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting,
00:28 Homecoming 2018.
00:33 Featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN family
00:37 and uplifting Christian music, all to prepare your heart
00:42 for the coming of the Lord.
00:46 Hello and welcome to our Fall Homecoming 2018.
00:51 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.
00:53 Happy Sabbath, panel. Happy Sabbath.
00:55 Happy Sabbath to you at home.
00:59 What an incredible privilege and blessing to be able
01:02 to open up God's Word on His holy day
01:06 and to study together.
01:08 This is our Sabbath School panel,
01:10 and normally, when we do the Sabbath School panel,
01:12 we're just looking into a camera lens,
01:14 into a camera screen, but today is Camp Meeting,
01:18 and we have our 3ABN family with us now,
01:21 and we're so excited.
01:22 We are on lesson number 13.
01:24 It's the very last lesson of our journey
01:28 through the Book of Acts.
01:30 Before we get into that,
01:32 I want to introduce our panel at this time.
01:34 To my left is Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:37 Pastor John Dinzey, Miss Mollie Steenson,
01:41 and Pastor Ryan Day who is a newbie,
01:44 you could say, on the 3ABN Sabbath School panel.
01:48 We already actually recorded quarter number four,
01:51 we already did it, and Ryan was on that panel.
01:54 So you get to see him. And he did an incredible job.
01:57 Each one of these men and women are anointed,
02:00 and the Lord uses them in a powerful way.
02:02 And I'm so blessed to share and serve with each one of you.
02:06 Before we go any further,
02:08 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:10 And, Pastor Kenny, would you pray
02:12 for us this morning?
02:14 Let's pray, shall we?
02:15 Our kind loving Heavenly Father,
02:17 as we approach Your throne on this special Sabbath day,
02:21 we come to give You praise, give You honor, give You glory.
02:23 Thank You for who You are.
02:25 Thank You that You love us with an everlasting love.
02:27 Thank You for second chances.
02:29 Thank You for the opportunity and privilege to come together
02:32 to study Your Word today.
02:34 We're promised from the Word of God,
02:36 where two or three are gathered together,
02:37 there You will be in our midst.
02:39 We invite the Holy Spirit now, again,
02:41 to take possession of each and every one of us,
02:43 not just those who are here on the panel
02:45 but each and every one that sits here together
02:48 and, of course, the invitation comes from all of heaven,
02:51 come down and dwell among us, give us wisdom,
02:53 give us strength, give us courage,
02:55 give us the message that needs to be brought forth
02:57 from our lesson today.
02:59 We give You praise and we thank You again.
03:01 Bless us now and may we...
03:03 As we turn ourselves over to the power of thy Holy Spirit,
03:07 may we realize that it is You living in us
03:09 and that You'll bring forth those things
03:11 that someone needs to hear today
03:13 and will bring us closer to Jesus Christ.
03:15 We thank You and praise You. In Jesus' name.
03:17 Amen. Amen.
03:18 This quarter, we're studying the Book of Acts.
03:20 And when I think of Acts, I think of the outpouring
03:23 of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and, as it were,
03:26 the birth of the new church.
03:29 Then the expansion of that church
03:31 and the persecution that began with Stephen
03:34 and the spread of the Gospel.
03:36 I think of the conversion of Paul and the Gospel
03:40 going to the Gentile world and then becoming Christians.
03:44 I think of the issues, Pastor Kenny,
03:46 and the challenges that arose in the early church,
03:50 whether Gentiles could become Christians.
03:53 And the entire issue they discussed
03:54 at the Jerusalem Council over circumcision
03:57 and if Gentiles had to be circumcised
04:00 in order to become a Christian.
04:02 I think of Paul's three missionary journeys
04:05 and his arrest in Jerusalem
04:07 and then his final journey to Rome.
04:10 The whole book of Acts, the 30 years it spans
04:14 from the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ
04:16 to Paul's imprisonment there, it's really about evangelism.
04:21 The entire Book of Acts is about the spread of the Gospel.
04:27 What is the hindrance to the spread of the Gospel?
04:30 I would submit to you today that the only limitation
04:33 to sharing the Gospel is two things.
04:36 There's two variables in that.
04:38 First is my own willingness to share.
04:41 Second is another person's willingness to hear.
04:45 Those are the two variables.
04:48 My willingness or unwillingness to share.
04:52 You know, sometimes, I'm unwilling to share
04:54 because I'm unworthy.
04:56 I think I'm not good enough to share
04:59 or maybe it's my inability, "I'm not qualified to share."
05:03 Maybe it's my fear, "I'm afraid to speak for Jesus,
05:08 I'm afraid to share."
05:09 Maybe it's my failure, "I've messed up
05:13 before trying to evangelize.
05:14 I surely can't do it again."
05:18 Maybe it's my apathy and indifference.
05:20 Have you ever been there?
05:22 I don't even love other people enough to want
05:26 to share the Gospel with them.
05:27 Sometimes, I'm even ashamed to admit this,
05:31 it has been my disobedience and my rebellion,
05:35 I refuse to share when the Lord Jesus
05:38 has asked me to.
05:40 So no matter what state you find yourself in today,
05:43 God can forgive, and change, and cleanse,
05:47 and give us a passion to share the Gospel.
05:51 That's the first variable, my willingness to share.
05:54 The second variable is another person's
05:57 willingness to receive.
06:00 That too is dependent on the work of the Holy Spirit.
06:04 My God says, "A new heart also I will give you,
06:07 and a new spirit I will put within you,
06:09 I will take away the stony heart,
06:11 I will give you a heart of flesh."
06:13 My God says, "Whoever comes to Me,
06:16 I will never cast aside."
06:18 My God says, "I am the Lord, the God of all flesh,
06:22 is there anything too hard for Me?"
06:25 My God says, "I will make rivers
06:27 and streams of water in the desert."
06:30 My God says, "I will write My law in your heart
06:33 and in your mind."
06:35 My God says, "If anyone is in Christ,
06:38 he or she is a new creation, old things have passed away.
06:44 Behold, all things have become new."
06:48 God can work on people's hearts anytime, anywhere.
06:52 Stephen was stoned to death.
06:54 Now he was willing to share, but it appeared like
06:57 the other people were not willing to receive
07:01 because they killed him.
07:02 But yet, Paul was convicted and converted.
07:06 Paul was stoned when he was in Lystra
07:08 on his first missionary journey.
07:10 He was willing to share, but it seemed like
07:12 the other people didn't want to receive.
07:14 But yet, when he came
07:16 on the second missionary journey,
07:17 Timothy joined the work at that time.
07:21 I think of the Lord Jesus Christ,
07:22 He was willing to share and yet, at the cross,
07:27 everybody forsook Him and fled.
07:30 It seemed like they were not willing to receive.
07:34 And what happened?
07:36 In a matter of a few years, the entire world
07:38 was turned upside down
07:41 'cause people were willing to receive.
07:43 Now the last couple weeks, we looked at Paul,
07:46 remember he returned from the third missionary journey,
07:49 he was arrested in Jerusalem, he spent two years in prison
07:52 in Caesarea, he appeared before Festus, and Felix,
07:56 and King Agrippa.
07:58 And Agrippa said, "You almost persuade me
08:01 to become a Christian."
08:03 And then Agrippa said to Festus,
08:05 remember at the end of Acts 26, "This man might have been
08:08 set free but yet he appealed to Caesar."
08:11 So lesson 13 has to do with Paul as a prisoner,
08:15 making the journey to Rome.
08:18 This took place in the fall of AD 60.
08:21 There's a little differentiation maybe,
08:23 but for the purposes we're using today,
08:25 we're going to say it was the fall of AD 60
08:27 and he arrived in Rome in the spring of AD 60.
08:30 It was a journey of 2,300 miles.
08:34 Mercy. And a long journey.
08:36 And a lot of things occurred during that journey.
08:39 So let's turn to Acts 27.
08:41 I have the first portion before we get to the shipwreck.
08:44 Acts 27.
08:47 And I want to look at four snapshots of the journey.
08:51 We're going to look at the prologue,
08:53 the beginning of the journey, the perplexity,
08:57 the problem and decision that arose,
09:00 the problem and then the promise.
09:02 So the four snapshots are the prologue,
09:05 the perplexity, the problem, and the promise.
09:10 So let's look at the prologue.
09:11 This is a journey from Caesarea to Crete.
09:14 Acts 27:1.
09:16 "And when it was decided that we should sail to Italy,
09:18 they delivered Paul and some other prisoners
09:20 to one named Julius,
09:22 a centurion of the Augustan regiment."
09:25 Now a centurion commanded probably 100 soldiers.
09:28 Some references say 80, but maybe 80 to 100 soldiers.
09:31 And the centurions always led their men from the front.
09:35 So you can imagine, there was a high turnover rate
09:39 because a great deal of them gave their lives,
09:42 they led their men from the front.
09:43 So Julius was a centurion.
09:46 He was a Roman, and he was a kind...
09:48 as we're going to discover in the story,
09:50 a kind and fair centurion.
09:54 We believe Luke went on this journey,
09:56 it's written we, and Luke traveled
09:59 with Paul as a prisoner.
10:00 Let's look at verse 2.
10:02 "So entering into ship, we put to sea,
10:04 meaning to sail along the coast of Asia, Aristarchus,
10:07 a Macedonian of Thessalonica, was with us."
10:10 Now who is Aristarchus?
10:13 In Greek, it comes from two words, aristos and arcos.
10:19 Aristos meeting best, arcos meaning leader.
10:21 So literally, that means he was the best leader.
10:24 Paul had first met him on his third missionary journey.
10:29 And he's mentioned there in the Book of Acts
10:31 as traveling with Paul.
10:33 Then we see the second mention here.
10:35 And the next mention of him is as a fellow prisoner
10:39 in the Book of Colossians and the Book of Philemon.
10:41 He's mentioned as a fellow prisoner of Paul.
10:44 So I don't know for sure, but maybe he was actually
10:47 traveling as a prisoner at this time with Paul.
10:50 Verse 3.
10:52 "And the next day we landed at Sidon,"
10:54 Sidon's probably 70 miles north of
10:57 where they were in Caesarea,
10:58 "and Julius treated Paul kindly,
11:00 and gave him liberty to go to his friends and receive care."
11:03 There again, we see the fairness
11:05 and the kindness of this centurion.
11:08 "When we had put to sea from there,
11:10 we sailed under the shelter of Cyprus,"
11:14 we sailed under in Greek, literally means,
11:16 we sailed close by.
11:18 So they sailed close by the Island of Cyprus.
11:21 And why did they do that?
11:23 Because the winds were contrary,
11:26 which means hostile.
11:28 So the winds were not so good. Now I'm terrible on a boat.
11:35 I just want you all to know that.
11:36 I am... I get seasick.
11:38 I mean, I get seasick really bad.
11:41 So if I were on that and the winds were hostile,
11:45 I can't even imagine.
11:46 I get sick on a calm river.
11:48 I mean, I just could not handle that.
11:50 So the winds were contrary.
11:52 They sailed close to the island.
11:55 "And when we sailed over the sea
11:56 which is of Cilicia and Pamphylia,
11:58 we came to Myra, a city of Lycia."
12:01 Myra is the southwest part of Asia Minor or Turkey.
12:05 Then they boarded an Alexandrian ship.
12:08 Now Alexandria was an important city
12:10 that supplied Rome with grain.
12:12 This is a large ship.
12:13 There were 276 passengers onboard the ship.
12:17 And they had a great deal of cargo
12:20 'cause they lightened the ship several times
12:22 and they even tossed the grain overboard.
12:25 Well, that's the prologue, the beginning to the story.
12:27 Now we have the perplexity. What happens next, verse 9.
12:31 "When much time had been spent and sailing was now dangerous
12:35 because the fast was already over,
12:37 Paul advised them saying,
12:38 'Men, I perceive that this voyage
12:40 will end with disaster and much loss,
12:42 not only of the cargo in ship but also our lives."'
12:45 Now the fast that he's referring to
12:47 is the Day of Atonement that took place from, what,
12:50 mid-September to mid-October.
12:51 So we're talking late fall by this time.
12:54 Not that the Day of Atonement
12:56 took a whole month to take place,
12:57 I just mean every year
12:58 it was a slightly different day.
13:00 So they said...
13:01 And travel in the Mediterranean summer
13:03 is the best time to travel, once you hit September 14
13:07 to November 11, travel is risky.
13:11 You get to November 11 and travel is life-threatening.
13:14 And Paul's saying, "Wait a minute, guys,
13:16 maybe we should hold up here
13:18 and stay here and spend the winter."
13:21 That is the perplexity. Then we have the problem.
13:26 The centurion listened to the officers of the ship,
13:29 Pastor Kenny, and they decided to pursue, and what happened?
13:33 We know the story, a violent storm arose.
13:36 Yes.
13:38 And they feared for their lives.
13:39 It says in verse 20, "When neither sun
13:41 nor stars appeared for many days,
13:43 no small tempest beat on us,
13:44 all hope that we would be saved was given up."
13:48 They were completely discouraged
13:49 and thought they were going to die.
13:51 And then the Lord gave the promise.
13:55 Acts 27:23.
13:57 Paul says, "There stood by me this night
13:59 an angel of the God to whom I belong
14:02 and whom I serve, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Paul,
14:05 you must be brought before Caesar
14:08 and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you."'
14:13 So in my remaining time before Pastor Kenny picks up,
14:16 what are the takeaways from this lesson?
14:19 I came up with three.
14:21 Number one, everyone has an influence.
14:24 Yes.
14:25 Paul wasn't a leader on the ship.
14:27 He was not even a paying passenger.
14:29 He was a prisoner.
14:30 Yet, his influence was powerfully felt.
14:34 Yes.
14:35 You have an influence over other people.
14:37 It doesn't matter your money. It doesn't matter your status.
14:40 It doesn't matter your position.
14:43 It doesn't even matter who you are.
14:45 It matters who you know.
14:48 Paul had influence because he was connected
14:51 to the Lord Jesus Christ.
14:53 Number two, anyone can witness anytime, anywhere.
14:58 Amen.
14:59 We already discussed Paul was a prisoner.
15:01 I don't know if he was seasick.
15:03 And the leadership, remember, he had counseled to winter
15:05 in this one place, the leadership
15:07 had overruled his counsel,
15:09 that's not the perfect conditions
15:11 to be a witness when people are against you,
15:13 and maybe you're not feeling so good,
15:15 and life isn't treating you well, and yet,
15:17 in spite of that, he lived a Christian life
15:21 and he witnessed.
15:22 Number three, nothing can keep God
15:25 from fulfilling His purpose or His promise,
15:29 not the winds or the waves,
15:31 nor the fear and hopelessness, nor even shipwreck.
15:35 God had called Paul.
15:37 Remember He said, "You're going to go witness
15:39 for Me in Rome"?
15:41 Nothing.
15:43 Satan tried, couldn't prevent God's purposes
15:45 from being fulfilled in his life.
15:47 So what is God's purpose in your life?
15:49 God's purpose in your life is to save you.
15:51 He's not willing that any should perish
15:53 but that all should come to repentance.
15:55 God's purpose in your life is to forgive you.
15:58 If we confess our sins, He's faithful
16:00 and just to forgive us and to cleanse us
16:02 from all unrighteousness.
16:04 God's purpose in your life is to transform you.
16:07 "Be not conformed to this world,
16:09 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
16:12 God's purpose is to make you entirely new.
16:16 If anyone's in Christ, he or she is a new creation.
16:20 And why does God do that? Why does He forgive us?
16:22 Why does He save us? Why does He transform us?
16:25 Why does He make us new?
16:28 To enable you and I to be His witness.
16:32 We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
16:36 His own special people, why?
16:39 So that we can proclaim the praises of Him
16:41 who called us out of darkness into this marvelous light.
16:46 Pastor Kenny, you have the shipwreck.
16:49 Thank you. I think she covered it well.
16:51 Praise God.
16:53 That now gives us a lot to think about,
16:55 and it's certainly a good solid foundation.
16:57 Thank you for that.
16:59 You know, again, the privilege just having Monday's lesson
17:01 is the shipwreck.
17:03 And what's the first thing I think about, shipwreck,
17:05 I keep thinking about disaster, I keep thinking about deaths,
17:08 and destruction, and so on first comes
17:10 in your mind when you think about a shipwreck.
17:12 But this lesson, at least to me,
17:14 brings out several points and maybe a couple.
17:16 I'll just mention here.
17:17 I think one of them is that, you know,
17:19 that God always has a plan.
17:23 God always has a plan.
17:24 And it's always interesting for us,
17:26 and He's never caught off-guard.
17:29 He's always prepared. He has a plan.
17:31 He wants to see us participate in that plan.
17:34 But, you know, we find out that sometimes we have plans.
17:39 But our plans need tweaking.
17:42 You know, we need adjustments.
17:44 God's plan never needs adjustments
17:46 'cause His plan is always correct
17:48 and it's always true.
17:49 But with us, sometimes we have to make some changes.
17:51 So again, shipwreck here is just an interesting thing
17:54 to me, at least in my mind, 'cause I like boats,
17:57 but I get easily seasick too.
17:59 But I try to fight it sometimes, you know,
18:01 to get on them, put little patches on here
18:04 and little patches back here and try to get
18:06 through without getting sick.
18:08 But I like boats.
18:10 And this boat here seemed to me, that it must be,
18:13 you mentioned a big boat.
18:15 It seemed that it could be at least over 200 feet long.
18:18 You studied a little bit about 200...
18:21 Weighed probably over 1,200 tons.
18:24 So it wasn't just a little bitty boat out there
18:27 being tossed around.
18:28 This was a big boat.
18:29 And there was...
18:31 Naturally, we had the prisoners that were on there.
18:34 You know, we had the sailors that were on there.
18:37 Certainly, Paul and his men were on there.
18:39 And it was loaded, I think you might have mentioned wheat,
18:42 things that were, you know, of necessity,
18:45 and this was brought about sometimes us making bad choices
18:48 and decisions, it's when we get into the point
18:50 to where there's money involved.
18:53 If you don't mind, I'll just bring that in this lesson.
18:55 There was money involved because the ship was loaded
18:58 not only with prisoners and so on and so forth,
19:00 but it was loaded with valuable stuff
19:01 that was being shipped, which was wheat.
19:04 Egyptian wheat, I believe that it was there.
19:06 So anyway, we know this in, what,
19:08 276 people that were aboard this ship, and we also...
19:13 And I think it'd be a good time to bring out a point here
19:16 is we know that the ship was going down.
19:18 That was the prophecy. The ship was going down.
19:21 But also, the soldiers also knew this,
19:24 they were accountable for the prisoners.
19:27 So they thought before they would abandon ship,
19:30 that was the necessity for them to go ahead
19:32 and kill all of the prisoners.
19:34 And I'm sure that was talked around,
19:36 I'm sure everyone knew that.
19:38 And so there was a little bit of a fright going on, saying,
19:40 "Oh, we're going to be...
19:42 You know, some of us may be killed here."
19:43 But naturally because of the relationship,
19:46 centurion and certainly Paul, everyone was spared.
19:49 I thought that was just beautiful.
19:51 Now the soldiers thought, you know, before,
19:54 "We have to swim for it."
19:56 I don't know if you've ever been on a boat
19:57 and you thought "Man, the only way
19:58 I get out of this thing is to swim for it."
20:01 That's kind of an awesome thing to think about.
20:03 And notice this boat, I thought was interesting.
20:08 The boat, during this storm, was coming absolutely apart.
20:14 And they certainly had plans for that, and certainly,
20:16 a ship this size would be scary.
20:19 There's no doubt about it.
20:20 But they had the promise that, you know,
20:22 the ship would go down but all would be saved.
20:25 But look who was bringing the prophecy.
20:28 You know, Paul was bringing a prophecy,
20:29 they didn't really trust him, they didn't really believe him.
20:32 During these two weeks, we find out the centurion,
20:35 he had respect for Paul.
20:37 Because he had respect for Paul,
20:38 then he was going to spare Paul's life
20:40 and all the other prisoners.
20:41 That was a blessing.
20:42 If anyone ever had close contact with Paul,
20:47 not just saying we knew Paul and...
20:49 Close contact with Paul,
20:51 you knew that he was a man of God,
20:53 you absolutely knew.
20:55 He changed your life, he changed this man's life
20:58 he was chained to in just a matter
20:59 of a few short days.
21:01 And I'm sure if Paul would say something like this,
21:04 if someone said, boy, you know, see God working here,
21:07 what do you think Paul would say?
21:08 Galatians 2:20, what would he say?
21:11 "Not I, but Christ."
21:13 He would give the credit where the credit is due.
21:15 A lot of times we don't do that.
21:16 We like to push the credit toward ourselves.
21:18 And we need to do when things like this happen,
21:20 give God the praise, the honor, and the glory.
21:23 Paul warned...
21:25 He warned us of the approach of this storm,
21:28 going to be a bad storm, things were going to happen.
21:30 You mentioned winter, winter was approaching,
21:32 it was not a good time to sail.
21:34 But we realize here, remember,
21:35 that there was valuables on that ship.
21:39 And with this wheat, it needed to be delivered
21:41 and the captain, you know, didn't know what to do.
21:43 And so even the owner of the ship was called in.
21:47 Think about this, the owner of the ship called in,
21:48 the owner of the ship's saying,
21:50 "Look, I've got all this wheat on here,
21:51 I've got all these supplies on here,"
21:53 and the Egyptian wheat and it had to go to Rome,
21:57 "and we can't let it sit here, and spoil and rot,
21:59 we need to sail."
22:01 Well, he said, "It's not a good time to sail."
22:04 What are we going to do?
22:05 And so for several days, they just sat around,
22:08 they talked about it, and they just wondered
22:10 what was going on, winds were bad,
22:12 seems like it was stormy.
22:13 But all of a sudden, it calmed down.
22:15 Now I'm not sure who did the calming down.
22:18 The winds were calmed down, the waves calmed down because,
22:21 you know, I think the enemy knew the plan,
22:23 the things that were going on here.
22:25 And so it calmed down enough that the owner said,
22:28 "Look, let's sail, captain.
22:30 We've got to get this merchandise there
22:32 because there's a lot of money and so on and so forth.
22:34 I think we can make it."
22:36 But, you know, just a little bit
22:38 out all of a sudden,
22:39 the south wind turned to the north wind,
22:40 then all of a sudden, it was a horrible nightmare.
22:44 Well, we find out that as these winds blew
22:46 and so on and so forth that the boat had to be...
22:50 I want to call it wrapped. It was absolutely coming apart.
22:53 I can imagine, and I think you can too,
22:55 these great timbers of this boat, you know,
22:59 it was put together properly, no doubt about it.
23:03 But when you think about this thing, it was a...
23:05 We could call the storm something like a cyclone,
23:08 a cyclonic storm.
23:11 That means you think about the hurricanes,
23:13 if you're familiar with that, you think about tornadoes,
23:17 you think about these winds, winds that rotated around
23:21 and around which would have an eye in it
23:23 that we view all the time as the storm's coming.
23:26 This was a horrible storm, tore everything up.
23:30 They couldn't even steer the ship anymore.
23:32 They couldn't guide it. Absolutely could not guide it.
23:35 It was completely out of their control,
23:37 and they wanted to give up.
23:38 "If we can't guide this thing, what's going to happen?
23:40 We're all going to perish."
23:41 And so they began to take, they said,
23:43 "Look, here's our only chance, it's starting to come apart."
23:45 I assume, just let me assume for a minute,
23:48 if you don't mind.
23:51 Hello, we just want to assume, don't we?
23:53 We want to assume that...
23:55 'Cause it did say the ropes, but I assume the ropes were
23:58 like maybe as big as your arm, not just some little scrawny,
24:02 you know, ropes.
24:04 These were heavy-duty big ropes that they wrapped completely
24:09 around this ship from the bottom
24:11 all the way up,
24:12 and they brought them together,
24:13 and I want to say come along them.
24:15 They cranked and tightened those things
24:17 so that it was in...
24:18 So it would be impossible almost for the ship to go down
24:22 even though God said that it would go down.
24:25 But they did their best.
24:26 So I want you to think about that for a moment,
24:28 and we'll talk about it in a few minutes we have left
24:30 'cause it's very, very important.
24:31 A lot of people say, "Well, I just want to follow Jesus
24:33 and I want to...
24:34 All I have to do is just kind of sit back
24:36 because He's paved the way for me."
24:37 I believe in humanity and divinity working together.
24:40 I believe we have to do our part.
24:42 These men were doing their part to be saved.
24:45 They didn't want to be drowned.
24:46 And so they were doing all they knew
24:48 how to do in order to keep
24:49 the boat together from shipwreck.
24:51 Well, we find that these strong ropes
24:53 were put on there that didn't hold it together either
24:55 'cause God had already said what was going to be happening.
24:59 At a time like this, what was it,
25:01 14 days or something like this?
25:04 And they were... Weren't they fasting?
25:06 They were fasting, they didn't eat,
25:08 they didn't drink.
25:09 And so they were just fighting for their very life.
25:11 A lot of us would last an hour or two and say,
25:13 "That's it, I want go to McDonald's."
25:18 Think, just think.
25:19 I mean, that makes 14 days with no food.
25:21 You know, all of a sudden, you know,
25:23 Paul was quiet for a while, but he arrived on the scene.
25:26 And I don't know
25:28 if it's something you like to hear it,
25:29 but I know when I make a big boo-boo, you know,
25:31 I don't like somebody coming at me and saying, "I told you."
25:35 No one does.
25:37 And really, it almost seems like Paul did it,
25:38 but it wasn't with that attitude at all.
25:40 He said, remember
25:41 when they were getting ready to go down,
25:42 "I told you this was going to happen,
25:44 we didn't have to sail."
25:46 But then he said, be what? Be of good cheer.
25:49 Yeah.
25:51 "Be not afraid, the boat's going to go down
25:53 but not a life will be lost."
25:55 You know, at that point in time,
25:56 that'd be good news to me.
25:58 Even if I kind of doubted, I didn't even know the guy
26:00 who said it, I'm thinking, "Boy, this guy's courageous,
26:04 this guy has faith, he's encouraged me,
26:06 he's strengthened me."
26:07 And, of course, they had seen his fruits before
26:10 and some of them.
26:12 So they understood that.
26:13 So he had this way about him, which was the winning of souls.
26:17 He was winning souls.
26:19 He was witnessing, and as our lesson brings out,
26:21 during all of this time of commotion.
26:23 So he told the man, "You know what we need to do?
26:25 We need to stop right now and get some food.
26:28 Let's all take some food.
26:30 Let's all eat because, basically,
26:31 you're going to have to swim for it.
26:33 And if you're going to have to swim for it,
26:34 you're going to need a little bit of strength."
26:36 Isn't that right?
26:37 Some of those may bring that out.
26:38 Quickly, three things come alive to me in this lesson,
26:41 at least my part of it, for me.
26:43 Number one, God has a plan,
26:46 and the importance of following it exactly.
26:50 God has a plan. Does He not have a plan?
26:52 You see Him working it out here.
26:54 He's going to take Paul to Rome regardless.
26:57 The weather wasn't going to stop
26:58 and the enemy thought he could, you know,
26:59 man is not going to stop him, being imprisoned,
27:02 prisoner didn't stop him, the boat was going on through.
27:04 So God has a plan. Quickly.
27:06 Desire of Ages 208 says this, "He, Jesus," oh, I love this,
27:09 "accepted God's plan for him.
27:12 Day by day, the Father unfolded His plan.
27:15 So should we depend upon God that our lives
27:18 may be the simple outworking of His will."
27:23 That's beautiful, day by day.
27:24 This is the way...
27:26 Number two, I found in here divine intervention
27:28 or we call it providence.
27:30 This is what we're... This is it.
27:32 Our lesson brings this out clear.
27:34 Again, Desire of Ages page 313 says,
27:38 "In the book of God's providence,"
27:39 interesting wording,
27:41 "in the book of God's providence,
27:43 the volume of life, we are on each page,"
27:47 notice this, "the page contains every particular," of what,
27:52 "of our history, even the hairs of our head are numbered,"
27:56 notice that, "God's children are never," notice this,
27:59 "never absent from His thought."
28:02 I just got excited when I read that part.
28:04 We're never absent from His thought.
28:05 Regardless, if you're going down in the ship maybe,
28:08 going through the storms of life,
28:10 you're never absent from God's thought.
28:13 You're always there with Him.
28:14 Number three, divinity and humanity working together.
28:20 This is what it's all about, we think about here.
28:22 This lesson, each person first of all had the assurance
28:25 of what, they had the assurance of...
28:27 what, they're going to make it through.
28:28 That's divinity working.
28:30 You're going to make it, you're not going to die.
28:32 But also you notice this right here, for humanity,
28:35 man had to do his part, man had to put forth an effort,
28:39 we have to do, as the Bible says, a strive to what,
28:44 a couple Bible passages, strive to enter into what,
28:47 into the gate.
28:49 Strive here in the Greek means to agonize.
28:51 That means there's an effort that has to be put forward
28:53 on our part rather than sit back and say,
28:55 "God is going to do it all,
28:56 I'll just live the way I want to do."
28:58 You know, we got to work out our own salvation
29:00 with fear and trembling.
29:01 Bible is very clear in Revelation
29:03 that we have to be overcomers,
29:05 "will I grant to sit with me on the throne."
29:08 First Timothy 6:12 says,
29:09 "We have to fight the good fight of," what?
29:12 "The good fight of faith."
29:14 I love that one right there.
29:16 And again, work out your own salvation,
29:17 in Philippians 2:12.
29:19 Last paragraph right here, last thought,
29:21 Desire of Ages, 123,
29:24 "Christ humanity was united with divinity,
29:27 He was fitted for the conflict by the indwelling of divine
29:31 of the Holy Spirit, He came to make us partakers
29:34 of divine nature that we may attain
29:37 to perfection of character."
29:40 That's always brought in. That's always good what?
29:42 Divinity, humanity, working together
29:45 that we may be victorious Christians
29:47 and gain victory over sin in our life.
29:49 My brother. Praise the Lord.
29:52 Thank you very much.
29:54 Well, we switch now to Paul, not in the water,
29:58 not on a ship but on land.
30:00 And so we now move to Paul in Malta.
30:05 This takes us to Acts 28.
30:08 If you'll follow me, Acts 28,
30:09 we're going to read several verses.
30:11 In Acts 28, we have verse 1, "Now when they had escaped,
30:17 they then found out that the island was called Malta."
30:21 Now if you have the King James,
30:22 I'm reading from the New King James this time,
30:25 you may notice that it says Melita.
30:28 And this was the name it is believed
30:31 before it was changed to the name Malta.
30:35 Melita is the word they believe comes from the Greek word,
30:38 which means honey.
30:40 And it is believed that on this island,
30:42 they produced large quantities of honey.
30:45 And so I just want to say this in passing, you know,
30:49 the description that Paul gives here concerning the sailing
30:56 and everything, he used about 16 nautical terms.
30:59 And the accuracy of where they were going, the storms,
31:05 it confirms the historical accuracy of the Book of Acts.
31:11 And research has been done on this,
31:13 there's an expert sailor and scholar
31:16 by the name of James Smith that researched all this
31:21 and said, "This is irrefutable,
31:24 this is historically accurate."
31:27 And as a matter of fact, when you look
31:31 at Greek literature and Roman literature,
31:34 this book gives you more information
31:37 about navigation and the seas as it was in that time
31:40 than any other source outside of the Bible.
31:44 So this book, this description here in chapter 27
31:48 is historically accurate.
31:52 So let's move on.
31:53 So here, it says in verse 2,
31:55 "And the natives showed us unusual kindness."
31:58 Boy, that's really nice to get shown unusual kindness,
32:01 I like that, "For they kindled a fire and made us all welcome
32:06 because of the rain that was falling
32:08 and because of the cold."
32:10 Isn't it nice that when you're cold,
32:12 you're shivering, and it seems like
32:15 when you're cold and wet, it's even worse.
32:20 Man, it just brings that, even more cold you feel,
32:25 and then you come to this nice warmth, it's wonderful.
32:29 And this is nice.
32:31 Apparently, they saw what was going on
32:33 and they said, "If anybody survives,
32:34 they're going to need this nice warm fire."
32:38 But, you know, I have to say this.
32:40 God promised Paul that not one person would be lost.
32:45 I have to say that's a miracle. Yeah.
32:47 God performs a miracle to save each and every one
32:50 of those people that were on that ship.
32:54 And I think when all is said and done,
32:58 God is going to reveal things that are going to surprise us,
33:02 shock us, "You mean all those people on that bus,
33:06 on that train, on that plane were saved
33:08 because there was a Christian in there?"
33:10 Praise the Lord. Amen.
33:12 You know, God makes a difference
33:14 when you're a praying Christian and you put yourselves
33:18 in the hands of the Lord.
33:20 Paul had a mission.
33:21 He had to go to Rome, not to defend himself
33:24 but to preach the Gospel.
33:27 So let's continue.
33:29 It says here, "But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks
33:33 and laid them on the fire, a viper came out
33:37 because of the heat and fastened on his hand."
33:40 Wow.
33:41 Some people say, "Well, man, we just got out of that mess
33:44 and now here's another one."
33:47 So here's this thing that comes out, a viper,
33:50 fastened on his hand.
33:52 Now Paul was not a guy to sit around
33:53 and have other people work while he just watched.
33:56 "Good work, guys. Keep up the good work.
33:59 Let me know when you're done." No, he was busy.
34:01 He was trying to help out.
34:03 Now something happens.
34:05 See...
34:06 So when the natives saw the creature hanging
34:08 from his hand, they said one to another,
34:11 "No doubt this man is a murderer,
34:13 whom though he had escaped the sea,
34:16 yet justice does not allow to live."
34:20 They had a sense of justice on this island,
34:22 and it is believed that the, I think they pronounce it Dike,
34:27 the some kind of justice, God of justice,
34:30 now claims his life because he was a murderer
34:33 and he deserved to die.
34:35 He didn't die on the sea,
34:37 so now he has to die on the land.
34:40 But God has a purpose for everything
34:44 that happens to God's children.
34:47 And notice what happens here.
34:49 "So when the natives saw the creature..."
34:52 Well, verse 5, I already read that one.
34:56 "But he shook off the creature into the fire
34:58 and suffered no harm.
35:00 However, they were expecting that he would swell up
35:03 or suddenly fall down dead, but after they had looked
35:07 for a long time and saw no harm come to him,
35:10 they changed their minds and said he was a god."
35:15 Wow.
35:16 "Wait a minute, this guy is not a murderer,
35:17 he's a God."
35:19 Now I have to say something to you
35:21 because the Bible can give you a lot more information
35:24 than it already does.
35:27 We are given highlights here.
35:29 When Paul knew that they looked at him that way,
35:33 Paul took this opportunity to preach them Jesus.
35:37 Amen. He took this opportunity.
35:41 Lest they start worshipping and he took...
35:43 You see this in other places already,
35:45 I think it's Acts 17,
35:48 when they wanted to worship him
35:49 and what was the name of the other guy
35:51 that was with him, he said, wait a minute,
35:52 one is Apollos and one is...
35:54 No, Paul took this opportunity to preach the Gospel.
35:58 See, this tells you, this was people
36:01 that worshipped false idols,
36:03 idols, all idols are false anyway.
36:07 They worshipped pagan gods.
36:11 And so Paul was bringing light
36:13 to the people that had darkness.
36:15 And so God blessed, took this opportunity
36:17 to bring light to these people.
36:19 "However, they were expecting him that he would swell up
36:21 or suddenly fall dead but after that he had looked
36:23 for a long time saw no harm come to him,
36:25 they changed their minds and said that he was a god."
36:28 Now he leaves it right there.
36:29 It says, "In that region there was an estate of the leading
36:32 citizen of the island whose name was Publius
36:35 who received us and entertained us
36:37 courteously for three days."
36:39 Isn't that wonderful?
36:41 God had everything set up for Paul and the people.
36:44 It must have been a large estate
36:46 because there were a lot of people on that ship.
36:49 Now it continues, "And it happened
36:51 that the father of Publius lay sick
36:53 of a fever and dysentery," or dysentery,
36:57 "Paul went into him, and prayed,
36:59 and laid his hands on him and healed him."
37:02 Now when Paul prays, what does he say?
37:07 He prays and he says in the name of Jesus.
37:11 So opportunities were coming to Paul
37:15 to present the name of Jesus.
37:18 And the message was left in Malta.
37:23 Now if I have time, I want to share
37:25 a modern-day story about Malta.
37:27 It's going to be very interesting.
37:29 So let's continue.
37:30 So here...
37:33 "And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick
37:35 of a fever and dysentery," apparently,
37:38 he had tried medical means, nothing could happen,
37:41 "Paul laid his hands on him and healed him."
37:45 Glory goes to God.
37:46 "So when this was done, the rest of those on the island
37:50 who had diseases also came and were healed.
37:54 They also honored us in many ways
37:56 and when we were departed,
37:57 they provided such things as were necessary."
38:01 You see, God provides for the needs of His children.
38:04 Doesn't He?
38:05 Can anybody testify that God provides
38:06 for your needs here?
38:08 Let's see.
38:09 Praise the Lord, practically every hand went up.
38:10 And if your hand didn't go up,
38:12 it's because you're missing something.
38:15 God provides for His children.
38:18 And so opportunity after opportunity
38:20 was given to preach the Gospel.
38:23 Now you might say, "Wait a minute,
38:25 isn't Paul one of God's children?
38:28 Why would God allow him to be shipwrecked
38:31 and suffer through all this situation?"
38:35 You know, I said that God miraculously saved
38:38 every one of them.
38:39 I don't know how many wild animals
38:41 that were in the water.
38:43 I don't know anybody hear about sharks,
38:45 sometimes they are not friendly.
38:48 I don't know if anybody here had a situation with a shark,
38:51 but sometimes they're hungry and they don't want to play
38:55 with you, they want to eat you.
38:57 So they were miraculously saved.
39:01 So we praise the Lord for that.
39:03 Paul was used by God to bring light to this island of Malta.
39:08 It is about 17 long by 9 miles wide,
39:14 not very big but the Gospel needs to go
39:16 to every kindred tongue and people.
39:19 And God brought Paul there to preach the Gospel.
39:22 You know, if you look at a map of Malta,
39:25 you'll see that there's a place,
39:26 an area called St. Paul's Bay.
39:31 Now it's interesting, I told you a modern-day story,
39:33 I think I can work it in.
39:35 I was working in pastoral ministries at 3ABN
39:37 and a phone call came in.
39:40 And after I said the usual thank you for calling
39:44 Three Angels Broadcasting Network prayer line,
39:46 guy said, "Who is this?
39:47 Who am I talking to?"
39:49 I said, "You're talking to John Dinzey."
39:51 "John, John, I need your help, John.
39:54 This is Tony."
39:55 I don't remember his name, but I'm calling him Tony.
39:57 "This is Tony.
39:59 I'm calling you from the island of Malta.
40:02 Have you ever heard of Malta?
40:03 Paul was here, the Apostle Paul was here."
40:06 And I said, "Yes, I know, I know."
40:08 He goes, "I need your help.
40:09 I need to find a Seventh-day Adventist Church."
40:13 "Oh, I can help you with that."
40:14 He says, "I've been watching 3ABN,
40:18 and I know I have to go
40:20 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
40:21 because I have learned the truth of the Bible there,
40:24 and I need to go to a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
40:26 Help me, John. Help me, John." He was talking just like this.
40:30 And I said, "Well, let me help you."
40:32 And, you know, it's not so easy to find
40:36 Seventh-day Adventist churches on the Internet
40:39 in other countries.
40:41 So I said, "I'm going to have to ask you to give me
40:43 a little bit of time to call you back
40:46 because I don't have that in my records.
40:48 Can I have your number?" He gave me his number.
40:51 And I asked him, "How are you watching 3ABN?"
40:55 He says, "I'm watching with a satellite dish."
40:59 Praise the Lord.
41:00 You know, it's amazing, this is a miracle.
41:02 Anybody can watch 3ABN with a satellite dish
41:05 all over the world.
41:06 You see, God...
41:08 I'm going to say it again, Mollie,
41:09 this is a channel of divine origin.
41:11 Amen.
41:13 That God is using to reach people all over the world.
41:14 I have a minute and 35 seconds. Let me finish.
41:17 I called him back. I called the conference.
41:19 I said, "Where is
41:21 the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
41:22 I've got a person that wants to go
41:23 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malta."
41:25 And they say, "Yes, yes, we have one, we have one."
41:27 Gave me the address, and I called Tony back and said,
41:32 "Tony, I've got the address for you."
41:35 And I gave him the address.
41:37 And he was so happy that he called back
41:42 and he said, "John, thank you so much.
41:44 I found them, what a blessing.
41:47 Keep on preaching God's Word."
41:49 And so God is using Three Angels Broadcasting Network
41:53 to reach the people of Malta, to reach people all over this
41:57 wonderful world that needs Jesus Christ.
42:00 And I want to encourage you to continue to pray for 3ABN
42:04 that we will not only reach the people of Malta
42:06 but every kindred tongue and people.
42:09 Amen.
42:10 And I believe that God had a purpose for Paul
42:13 even though the devil tried to stop the purposed,
42:16 he was going to go to Rome, and the devil was trying
42:18 to stop this but God made it possible for Paul
42:23 to reach Rome.
42:24 And we're going to hear about that through Sister Mollie.
42:27 Thank you, Pastor Dinzey.
42:29 I'm always encouraged when I hear
42:33 the other people share about our Sabbath School lesson,
42:36 the different days.
42:38 I am always so encouraged. Thank you so much.
42:41 You know, in Malta, after Paul left,
42:45 there was a group of believers.
42:46 Of course, there was.
42:48 If Paul is going to be there,
42:49 is he going to share about the Lord Jesus Christ?
42:53 And there was a group of believers formed there.
42:56 Well, I'm going to do the same thing
42:58 that Jill, Pastor Kenny, and Pastor Dinzey did,
43:01 lay the foundation of Paul going to Rome.
43:05 What I have is Wednesday and it's Paul in Rome.
43:10 Finally.
43:11 Do you know? I'm in Acts 19:21.
43:15 That's when Paul first says
43:20 that he purposes in his spirit
43:23 when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia,
43:26 to go to Jerusalem, saying, 'After I have been there,
43:30 I must see Rome."'
43:32 Now five years later, isn't that about what it was?
43:36 Five years later is when this comes to pass.
43:40 But we want to see if this was Paul's will
43:44 for his life,
43:46 Paul's desire or God's desire.
43:51 And while he was, he went to Jerusalem,
43:57 what happened in Jerusalem?
43:58 He got arrested, did he not?
44:00 And, you know, we talk about him going
44:04 before the different leaders there of the Romans
44:08 and they couldn't find anything to charge him for.
44:13 And they could have released him.
44:15 But had they released him,
44:16 what would have happened to Paul?
44:19 The Jewish people, they weren't
44:21 just going to give him a few stripes.
44:23 What did they want to do? They wanted to kill him.
44:26 He had to be in the hands of the Romans,
44:30 and he appealed to go to Rome,
44:32 and that actually saved his life.
44:35 Now while he was in the barracks, in the prison,
44:41 they're still in the Jerusalem area.
44:44 It says, Acts 23:11,
44:50 "But the following night,"
44:51 now he's in the barracks, "the Lord stood by him,
44:55 and said, 'Be of good cheer."'
44:57 Now he's a prisoner, he's in the barracks,
44:59 he's going to Rome.
45:01 "Paul, for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem,
45:06 so you must also bear witness at," where?
45:10 "At Rome."
45:12 So do we know this was God's will for Paul,
45:15 not just Paul's will for Paul?
45:18 And again, from the time he made this determination
45:23 until nearly five years.
45:25 Let me read our scripture text, our memory text today.
45:29 It's Acts 27:24.
45:31 "Do not be afraid, Paul, you must stand before Caesar."
45:36 Do you know when the angel of the Lord told Paul that?
45:40 It's in the midst of the driving of this...
45:43 in the midst of the storm, at the height of the storm.
45:46 And he says to Paul, "Paul, don't be afraid,
45:50 you've got to stand before Caesar."
45:53 So we see God's beckoning hand all along.
45:56 And, you know, I just wanted to speak to each one of us,
46:00 have any of you ever had what you felt was a directive
46:06 from God and it hasn't come to pass?
46:11 I see hands going up.
46:12 Don't be discouraged. Don't be discouraged.
46:17 If God has given you that desire
46:20 and you stay faithful to God...
46:23 Now what is the prerequisite there, stay true to God,
46:27 leave your heart and life open to God.
46:30 He will bring it to pass.
46:31 I want to read this quote out of the Desire of Ages
46:35 from Ellen White.
46:36 She says, "Like the stars in the vast circuit
46:41 of their appointed paths, God's purpose knows no haste."
46:48 We get in a hurry, do we not?
46:50 "Oh, God says it and I want it to happen just like that."
46:53 "God says He's going to provide a husband for me,
46:57 okay, where is he?"
46:59 But it might be five years from now
47:02 when you get that perfect man.
47:04 God knows no haste, but He also knows no delay.
47:10 How many of you would rather have God's perfect timing
47:14 than to miss God's perfect timing?
47:16 Amen. That's what we need.
47:18 Okay, that is something I wanted to encourage us
47:21 with from this story of Paul, from seeing all of the delays.
47:26 Paul's confidence remained in his mighty God,
47:30 and God brought it to pass.
47:33 Now let's continue our story.
47:37 Paul and his companions are finally able
47:41 to continue their journey.
47:43 Now how long did they stay at Malta?
47:44 I think it was about three months.
47:47 Then they caught a ship, and they sailed,
47:50 and they docked at a couple of ports before they got to,
47:53 and I underlined this in my Bible, if I can find it,
47:56 it was...
47:58 Shelley pronounces this...
48:00 CA can do this, but I think it's Puteoli.
48:03 And if that's not right,
48:05 you just give it your best shot.
48:06 But where it is, it's in the boot of the Italy.
48:11 How many of you know what I'm talking about,
48:14 the boot of Italy?
48:15 So that's down on the coast.
48:17 Do you know how...
48:19 Now Jill looked up for me because that's in
48:22 the Bay of Naples, it's in that area.
48:25 Jill looked up for me just a few minutes ago
48:28 how far it is from there to Rome.
48:32 Now we're assuming everything is in the same region
48:37 as it was at that time.
48:39 That's a 150 miles.
48:41 Not only did Paul have to go through all of these storms,
48:47 and tempest, and all that he had to go through
48:51 to get to Italy, to finally go up to Rome,
48:54 but then he had to walk a 150 miles.
48:58 But when he got to his final place of landing
49:02 before they started their trip,
49:04 do you know what he found in that town?
49:07 A group of believers.
49:08 They were so excited that Paul was there.
49:12 And they were so excited that they even sent word to Rome,
49:18 "Paul is here."
49:19 Now think about this.
49:21 Paul, he wanted to go to Rome,
49:23 but do you think he wanted to go to Rome in chains?
49:27 Do you think that was his desire for his life?
49:31 "Oh, I'm going to go to Rome in chains."
49:34 He could have been a bit discouraged about that.
49:37 But it says that when this group from Rome met him,
49:42 and that's Acts 28:15, the scripture says,
49:48 "He thanked God and received new courage."
49:54 He was so encouraged.
49:56 Oh, we don't know how we can encourage those around us,
50:01 when that group...
50:02 They didn't seem to mind one bit
50:04 that he was in chains.
50:06 All right.
50:07 So now evidently, now he has to walk 150 miles.
50:13 Would that carry out if he had to walk 150 miles?
50:16 Okay. Well, he gets to Rome.
50:20 So evidently, Festus, in his report,
50:24 must have written that according to Roman law,
50:29 Paul wasn't guilty of any crime.
50:32 And Paul wasn't guilty of any crime.
50:35 Therefore, the most...
50:36 Now in my opinion, the most amazing thing happened.
50:42 Was Paul a prisoner? Yes.
50:45 What happens to prisoners?
50:47 Do they get their own dwelling?
50:50 Where do prisoners go? Prison.
50:53 They go to prison.
50:55 The most amazing thing, Pastor Kenny,
50:57 and my thinking on this, he wasn't put in prison.
51:01 Where was...
51:03 He was allowed to rent his own house.
51:08 Think of the liberty of that.
51:10 Now I kind of wanted to make a little analogy here
51:15 with God.
51:17 When you're submitted to God and you're saying, "Oh, God,
51:21 not my will for my life but Your will for my life,"
51:24 He won't allow you to be buried in prison.
51:27 That's right.
51:28 Paul could have been buried in prison but he wasn't.
51:32 What happened to him?
51:33 He got planted in his own house.
51:38 Any of you had to make a move?
51:40 I've recently had to make a move.
51:43 I had to leave Three Angels Broadcasting Network
51:46 and move to Alabama, which is another area
51:51 of God's great creation.
51:53 I've got a lovely church in Alabama.
51:58 But here at 3ABN, this ministry is on the cutting edge
52:03 of what God is doing in the world today.
52:05 In my opinion, Three Angels Broadcasting Network
52:08 is the greatest evangelistic tool
52:11 in the hand of God today.
52:13 Now this is where the action is.
52:17 And so I could allow myself...
52:20 And I'm speaking to you who are retirees,
52:23 all you ladies who have children
52:25 and you're taking care of your children at home
52:28 or whatever your circumstance,
52:30 you can allow yourself to be buried
52:34 or you can allow yourself to be planted.
52:37 Amen. Paul got planted.
52:39 Now was he fruitful and did he produce bountifully
52:44 for the kingdom of God?
52:45 Right there in Rome, he was planted
52:48 but it takes a little while because
52:51 when you're planted, now, with Paul,
52:53 but I'm looking at myself, when you're planted,
52:57 that seed has to go through a thing called gestation,
53:01 it has to take root, it has to grow,
53:04 and it has to prosper.
53:06 So I'm looking at this with Paul, I'm not discouraged,
53:11 I am encouraged, God can take us.
53:14 And there is again, the same prerequisite.
53:17 If you submit and commit yourself,
53:19 your life to the Lord Jesus Christ,
53:21 if you don't get discouraged, and if you say, "Oh, Father,
53:26 for my life, not my will but Thine be done."
53:29 And I've got to get back to the lesson.
53:32 Okay.
53:34 Paul, the first thing Paul did every time he went to a city
53:38 was he went to the synagogue.
53:41 And he talked with the Jewish leaders
53:44 in the synagogue.
53:45 Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles,
53:47 but he loved his Jewish brothers and sisters.
53:51 And so in this case, he was in his own house
53:55 but he was chained to a guard
53:56 so he couldn't go to the synagogue.
53:58 So he invited the synagogue to come to him.
54:02 And so the Jewish leaders came to his house
54:06 and he explained to them all that had happened to him.
54:11 And I just want to pick up in verse...
54:15 What verse do I want to pick up in?
54:17 I guess I'll pick up in verse 21.
54:21 Well, no, I'm going to pick up in verse 20.
54:23 Because he's telling them, "The reason I'm here,
54:26 the reason I'm telling you this is because
54:29 for the hope of Israel, I am bound in chains."
54:32 Paul's heart desire is to share that the Messiah
54:38 that we have been looking for all of these years has come.
54:43 And here is what the Jewish leaders
54:47 said back to him, "Then they said to him,
54:50 'We neither received letters from Judea concerning you
54:54 nor have any of the brethren
54:56 who have reported spoken evil of you.
54:59 But we desire to hear from you
55:03 what you think concerning this sect,
55:05 we know that it is spoken against everywhere."
55:07 "Do you know what they said to Paul?
55:09 "Hey, Paul..."
55:10 And Paul is full of the Holy Ghost
55:12 and you know what the word is burning in his bones
55:16 and they say, "We want to hear."
55:18 Do you think Paul was quiet?
55:20 Oh, that's like...
55:22 I don't know if I can say this or not,
55:24 that's like saying succumb to a dog.
55:26 Paul went after...
55:28 He had this golden opportunity...
55:31 I'm past my time. No, you can go ahead.
55:33 You go right ahead, Pastor Day. Amen.
55:41 You know, listening to the panel,
55:43 listening to this study is...
55:45 It just really reminds us of
55:46 how incredibly faithful Paul was.
55:50 Now Jesus is no doubt my favorite Bible character.
55:54 But we all have that person other than Christ that really,
55:57 you know, that we can relate to.
55:58 And when I think of the message of scripture,
56:01 the faithful people that followed God
56:04 and put forth that example,
56:06 one of my favorite Bible characters
56:08 in the scripture is Paul.
56:10 And I mean, this guy went through everything.
56:13 I mean, he experienced being beaten several times,
56:16 even to the point... I mean, he survived stoning.
56:19 You know, having watched Stephen being stoned,
56:20 I'm sure he never knew that he would end up, you know,
56:22 being stoned himself in prison several different times.
56:26 I mean, most of us would probably look at this guy
56:28 and kind of in a little bit of a Job situation and say,
56:31 "Man, you know, you must be cursed,
56:32 you must not be doing what God wants you to do."
56:34 But Paul kept the faith.
56:36 He fought the good fight, as we're about to read
56:38 in just a few moments.
56:40 But this guy was an incredible man of faith.
56:43 And I think there are some lessons
56:44 to be learned from that.
56:45 Even though he went through all of these trials
56:47 and tribulations, Christ was able to win
56:51 the victory through him.
56:53 And through Paul, He was able to reach thousands of people
56:57 and completely transformed
57:00 the Christian communities at that time.
57:03 My particular lesson is entitled
57:05 The Victory of the Gospel.
57:08 And if you've never been exposed
57:10 to the true biblical Gospel,
57:14 then you probably have not gained that victory.
57:16 But the true biblical Gospel brings victory,
57:19 and it will have victory.
57:22 I'm finding myself in the latter part of Acts 20.
57:26 These are the latter verses of Acts.
57:29 And, of course, there's an interesting scenario
57:31 taking place because Paul is actually under house-arrest.
57:35 He's imprisoned but maybe not in the traditional prison sense
57:39 that you might think,
57:41 but nonetheless he is imprisoned,
57:42 he is under house-arrest.
57:43 And so he's limited what he can do,
57:45 who he can preach to, who he can see.
57:47 The government is controlling that.
57:49 But nonetheless,
57:50 while this brother is in prison,
57:52 while he is under house-arrest, he still is able to reach
57:54 people with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
57:56 If you have your Bibles and you want to follow along,
57:59 I'm going to start reading here in verse 23 of Acts 28.
58:03 Notice what the Bible says here.
58:05 I'm going to begin reading in the New King James Version,
58:07 but then I'm going to read the last couple of verses
58:09 from the King James Version.
58:11 Notice what it says here.
58:12 "So when they had appointed him a day."
58:14 So obviously, he couldn't just see anyone
58:16 just whenever he wanted to.
58:17 They had appointed days that he could speak
58:19 or interact with people.
58:21 It says, "Many came to him at his lodging,"
58:23 so this guy must have been a powerful man of God
58:26 because the people are coming to him, right?
58:27 They want to hear the words of Paul.
58:30 So then, "Many came to him at his lodging,
58:32 to whom he explained and sodomly testified
58:36 of the kingdom of God,
58:37 persuading them concerning Jesus,"
58:40 notice this, "persuading them concerning Jesus from," notice,
58:45 "both the law of Moses and the prophets."
58:47 So many people want to, you know,
58:49 say that the Jesus is not found in the books of the law,
58:51 perhaps in the Torah or in the Law of Moses.
58:53 Is Jesus found there?
58:55 Absolutely.
58:56 There are biblical examples right here.
58:57 He preached to them about Jesus concerning the Law of Moses
58:59 and the prophets, and it goes on to say,
59:01 "From morning till evening."
59:03 What a church service.
59:06 We have a couple accounts in scripture
59:07 where Paul would have these lengthy sermons,
59:10 one of which, one guy fell asleep and,
59:12 of course, Paul resurrected him.
59:14 It's a good lesson for us, not to fall asleep
59:16 when the preacher is preaching, right?
59:17 Right. Absolutely.
59:18 But nonetheless, from morning till evening,
59:21 and then verse 24, notice what it says,
59:23 "And some were persuaded by the things
59:25 which were spoken, and then some disbelieved."
59:29 Verse 25, "So when they did not agree among themselves,
59:34 they departed after..."
59:35 Excuse me, yes, "they departed, after Paul had said one word."
59:39 Now notice this next part,
59:41 "the Holy Spirit spoke rightfully
59:43 through Isaiah the prophet to our fathers saying,
59:48 'Go to this people, and say, 'Hearing you will hear,
59:53 and shall not understand, and seeing you will see,
59:57 and not perceive.'
01:00:00 For the hearts of this people have grown dull,
01:00:02 their ears are hard of hearing,
01:00:04 and their eyes they have closed,
01:00:08 lest they should see with their eyes
01:00:10 and hear with their ears,
01:00:12 lest they should understand with their hearts and turn
01:00:15 so that I should heal them."
01:00:18 I just want to pause there for a moment.
01:00:19 There's another part of scripture
01:00:21 where we find this particular text
01:00:23 from Isaiah being quoted.
01:00:25 Paul is not the only one
01:00:26 that brings out this particular passage.
01:00:29 There were three different times that
01:00:30 three of the Gospel writers
01:00:32 bring this out when Christ Himself
01:00:34 was communicating the Parable of the Sower.
01:00:37 Jesus had just delivered the Parable of the Sower,
01:00:38 I believe you can find this in Matthew 13, also in Mark 4,
01:00:44 and also in Luke 8.
01:00:45 And we found out that Luke is with Paul,
01:00:47 so Luke also records this in his Gospel as well.
01:00:50 Jesus tells the Parable of the Sower,
01:00:52 but then as the people are just kind of perceiving,
01:00:55 you know, what is he saying?
01:00:56 Even the disciples come to him say,
01:00:57 "Why do you teach us in parables?"
01:00:59 He said, "Look, some of these people,
01:01:00 even though they have ears to hear,
01:01:01 they can't hear.
01:01:03 Even though they have eyes to see,
01:01:04 they can't see the things that you see.
01:01:06 They can't hear the things that you hear.
01:01:07 I have to speak to them in a special way."
01:01:09 But nonetheless, there's a group of people out there,
01:01:11 there are people that Christ wants to reach.
01:01:14 There are people that Paul wanted to reach
01:01:16 with the Gospel.
01:01:17 But yet, they come, they hear, they listen,
01:01:20 they close their ears,
01:01:21 they close their eyes to the truth.
01:01:24 Now I just...
01:01:26 Before we go on any further, I just want to...
01:01:27 I just made a note here.
01:01:29 When we do not heed the message of scripture
01:01:33 or respond with disbelief,
01:01:36 we risk losing the influential power
01:01:38 of the Holy Spirit.
01:01:40 Amen.
01:01:41 You see, even though Paul was delivering the message...
01:01:43 I just want to remind you of the latter part of verse 25,
01:01:46 it says, "Paul had said one word,"
01:01:48 notice, and what was that word?
01:01:50 Notice what he starts this message with,
01:01:52 "the Holy Spirit spoke rightfully."
01:01:55 So even though they might have rejected the words of Isaiah,
01:01:57 even though they might have rejected the words of Paul,
01:02:00 whose word were they really rejecting?
01:02:02 They were rejecting God's word.
01:02:04 Absolutely.
01:02:06 I made a note here, "To reject truth," very simple,
01:02:08 but very profound,
01:02:10 "To reject truth is to reject the author of it."
01:02:12 Amen.
01:02:14 When the truth comes to us, my friends, it is our duty,
01:02:17 it is our responsibility.
01:02:18 And even though it may not seem right at the moment...
01:02:21 What's that scripture in Proverbs that says,
01:02:23 "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man,
01:02:25 but the end thereof are the ways of death"?
01:02:27 It may not seem right to us at first
01:02:29 but, you know what, it is that message from God.
01:02:30 We need to consider that.
01:02:32 And say, "Lord, is there something here
01:02:34 that I need to hear?"
01:02:35 You know, while it seems that
01:02:38 there's a little bit of a sad note here
01:02:39 that some walked away in disbelief,
01:02:42 the Gospel was still victorious in others' lives.
01:02:45 There's going to be two groups of people in the last days,
01:02:47 my friends.
01:02:49 And this is kind of a Ryan Day special,
01:02:51 but there will be true Christians
01:02:54 in the last days,
01:02:55 and then there's a second group I like to refer to them
01:02:57 as selftians, selftians.
01:03:02 It's kind of a play on words here, Christian,
01:03:05 what's the root word of Christian?
01:03:06 Christ.
01:03:08 And then you have a second group, selftian.
01:03:10 Okay?
01:03:12 You're going to get this in a little bit, I promise.
01:03:16 A Christian is someone, root word, Christ,
01:03:19 who follows Christ
01:03:21 and, of course, adheres to His Word.
01:03:23 A selftian is someone who's going to follow self.
01:03:27 They might, you know, they might allow
01:03:29 certain parts of scripture to speak to them,
01:03:30 but at a certain point, they put that wall up
01:03:32 and they say, "Yeah, you know what,
01:03:34 that's where the buck stops right there,
01:03:35 I'm going to follow to a certain extent,
01:03:37 but from here on,
01:03:38 I'm going to go on by my own ideas,
01:03:41 my own thoughts, my own theories."
01:03:42 My friends, we have to be fully submissive
01:03:44 to the Word of God.
01:03:46 This particular passage brought to my mind,
01:03:48 the scripture found in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
01:03:52 Notice what it says here.
01:03:54 And then again, this is Paul speaking,
01:03:55 and he's writing under the influence
01:03:57 of the Holy Spirit.
01:03:58 It says, "And when all unrighteous deception
01:04:00 among those who perish,
01:04:02 because they did not receive,"
01:04:03 notice, "the love of the truth,
01:04:06 that they might be saved.
01:04:08 And for this reason,
01:04:10 God will send them strong delusion
01:04:11 that they should believe a lie.
01:04:13 That they all may be condemned who do not believe,"
01:04:16 there's that word, "believe the truth
01:04:17 but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
01:04:20 This is a serious issue.
01:04:21 This is life or death, my friends.
01:04:23 Paul's preaching.
01:04:25 They came to him, but some walked away in disbelief,
01:04:27 but God would have His victory.
01:04:30 You know, it's interesting how this passage ends.
01:04:32 I'm going to read the latter verses of Acts 28:30, 31.
01:04:36 It says, "And Paul dwelt two whole years
01:04:39 in his own hired house
01:04:41 and received all that came to him,
01:04:44 preaching the kingdom of God and teaching those things
01:04:46 which concerning the Lord Jesus Christ,
01:04:48 with all confidence,
01:04:50 no man forbidding him."
01:04:52 You know, that's powerful.
01:04:53 That when you read the account...
01:04:55 if you read the account of Acts alone,
01:04:56 you didn't have any other...
01:04:58 perhaps any other portion of scripture,
01:05:00 it ends on a very happy note.
01:05:02 And it kind of throws some people off
01:05:03 because they think to themselves,
01:05:04 "Why did Luke end the story this way?"
01:05:07 He ends it on a happy note, as if Paul,
01:05:09 you know, got out of prison, preached the Gospel,
01:05:11 and it was a happy ending.
01:05:12 But we know that's not the case when you continue on reading.
01:05:15 Perhaps some people believe the last book that Paul wrote
01:05:17 perhaps was 2 Timothy.
01:05:20 And we find these words in 2 Timothy 4.
01:05:22 I'm going to read verses 1-8,
01:05:24 but the portion I want to focus on is verses 6-8.
01:05:26 But he says here in verses 1-5 here,
01:05:29 he says,
01:05:31 "I charge you therefore before God,
01:05:32 and the Lord Jesus Christ,
01:05:34 who will judge the living and the dead
01:05:36 at His appearing and His kingdom.
01:05:38 Preach the word," every time I read that text,
01:05:41 I hear CD Brooks, there's a famous sermon
01:05:44 where he is... "Preach the Word!"
01:05:45 He'd say, "Preach the Word."
01:05:47 And so we're preaching the Word.
01:05:48 He says, "Be ready in season and out of season,
01:05:51 convince, rebuke,
01:05:53 exhort with all longsuffering and teaching.
01:05:55 For the time will come,"
01:05:57 so this wasn't just an issue in Paul's day,
01:05:59 this is going to be an issue in the last days,
01:06:01 "for the time will come
01:06:02 when they will not endure sound doctrine,
01:06:04 but according to their own desires
01:06:06 because they have itching ears,
01:06:08 will they heap up for themselves
01:06:10 teachers,
01:06:12 and they will turn away their ears from the truth
01:06:13 and be turned aside to fables.
01:06:15 But you be watchful in all things,
01:06:18 endure afflictions,
01:06:19 do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
01:06:21 And here's the verses I want to come to
01:06:23 because he charges Timothy and us,
01:06:25 "Preach the Word, lift up the truth,
01:06:28 scream it from the mountaintops."
01:06:30 But then he says this because he knows his time is short.
01:06:33 He says, "For I am already being poured out
01:06:35 as a drink offering
01:06:38 and the time of my departure is at hand.
01:06:41 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
01:06:47 I have kept the faith.
01:06:49 Finally, there is laid up for me
01:06:51 the crown of righteousness,
01:06:53 which the Lord the righteous judge
01:06:55 will give to me on that day, and not to me only
01:06:58 but also to all who have loved His appearing."
01:07:03 My friends, do we love Jesus?
01:07:05 Amen.
01:07:06 If we love Jesus, the Bible says,
01:07:08 "We will be obedient to Him, we will follow in His example."
01:07:11 You know, we may endure afflictions,
01:07:12 we may endure trials and tribulations and hardships.
01:07:16 But when we keep the faith and we fight the good fight,
01:07:19 we are promised the power of the Holy Spirit.
01:07:22 Acts 1:8, it says,
01:07:23 "When the when the Holy Spirit shall come upon you,
01:07:25 you shall receive power
01:07:26 to be witnesses to me in Jerusalem,
01:07:28 in all Judaea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
01:07:32 When we have the Holy Spirit,
01:07:34 we can indeed do the work of that evangelist.
01:07:37 We can indeed do the work of a minister
01:07:40 and be exactly who God has called us to be.
01:07:42 Amen.
01:07:44 I just have one more 'cause my time is running out.
01:07:46 Boy, 13 minutes, goes by quick.
01:07:52 This comes from Counsels to the Church, page 240.
01:07:55 "God has a distinct people.
01:07:59 A church on earth second to none,
01:08:03 but superior to all the facilities
01:08:05 to teach the truth,
01:08:06 to vindicate the law of God,
01:08:08 God has divinely appointed agencies,
01:08:10 men whom He is leading,
01:08:12 who unborn the heat and burden of the day,
01:08:14 who are cooperating with heavenly instrumentalities
01:08:17 to advance the kingdom of Christ in our world."
01:08:19 And it says this, I love this,
01:08:20 "Let all unite with these chosen agents
01:08:23 and be found at last among those
01:08:24 who have the patience of the saints,
01:08:26 who keep the commandments of God
01:08:27 and have the faith of Jesus."
01:08:29 My friends, as Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
01:08:32 we are destined to finish God's work.
01:08:35 Amen.
01:08:36 May we pray for the Holy Spirit
01:08:38 and may we allow God to transform us now
01:08:40 and finish His work.
01:08:41 Amen. Amen.
01:08:43 Thank you so much, each one of you on the panel.
01:08:47 I'm thankful this morning
01:08:48 to be a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
01:08:51 Amen. Aren't you thankful?
01:08:52 Aren't you thankful for the truth
01:08:54 in the Word of God?
01:08:55 Amen.
01:08:56 I can't think of anything more I desire at the end of my life,
01:09:00 and we never know when that's going to be.
01:09:01 But at the end, to hear those words,
01:09:04 "Well done,
01:09:05 thou good and faithful servant."
01:09:07 In the meantime, God calls us to witness for Him
01:09:10 under the anointing, and unction,
01:09:13 and power of the Holy Spirit.
01:09:16 We just have a few moments left to this program,
01:09:18 and I want to give each one of you an opportunity
01:09:20 for a closing thought,
01:09:22 either on your day or something else.
01:09:23 We'll start with you, Pastor Kenny.
01:09:25 Oh, thank you.
01:09:26 We forget we need a mike.
01:09:28 Yeah, I didn't wear mine out like Sister Mollie did,
01:09:30 but I do have it here.
01:09:34 This comes from Acts of the Apostles
01:09:36 on Friday's lesson.
01:09:38 Just a line I thought was so good.
01:09:40 It just really touches your heart when you see it.
01:09:42 Page 600.
01:09:43 It says, "All of heaven,"
01:09:44 think about heaven waiting on us to move,
01:09:47 "all of heaven is waiting for men and women
01:09:50 through whom God can reveal the power of Christianity."
01:09:54 May God help each and every one of us
01:09:56 to be that witness
01:09:58 that others will see Jesus in us.
01:10:00 "Not I, but Christ."
01:10:02 And I think, this is the goal,
01:10:04 that's what we should be striving for day by day,
01:10:06 to be ready for Jesus to come,
01:10:08 show the world, just like Paul was, Jesus,
01:10:10 every opportunity, give Jesus.
01:10:13 It's my prayer for each one and for myself today.
01:10:17 I would like to say that it seems as if the Book of Acts
01:10:21 kind of ends with...
01:10:23 not really an ending,
01:10:26 and we are to continue the Book of Acts.
01:10:30 The Lord wants to pour out His Holy Spirit.
01:10:34 And He will pour out His Holy Spirit
01:10:35 upon those praying, waiting ones.
01:10:39 So I want to encourage you to put yourselves
01:10:41 in the hands of the Lord
01:10:43 that He may continue to do those great works
01:10:45 that He wants to do in these last days.
01:10:48 Amen.
01:10:49 And if God has placed His plan for your life and your heart,
01:10:53 don't give up.
01:10:54 It will come to pass, as you stay faithful to Him.
01:10:58 And no matter where you are,
01:11:00 allow yourself to be planted and not buried.
01:11:04 Produce for the kingdom of God.
01:11:06 Amen.
01:11:07 Seventh-day Adventist, in our very name,
01:11:11 our purpose as a people is right there,
01:11:15 Seventh-day Adventists.
01:11:16 On the Seventh day, God ended His work,
01:11:19 He ceased His work,
01:11:20 He finished His work.
01:11:22 And as we are awaiting the second coming of Jesus,
01:11:24 we are too, in these last days,
01:11:26 commissioned to co-labor with Him in finishing His work.
01:11:28 I just want to read this
01:11:30 from the sixth volume of the Testimonies page 295.
01:11:32 Very short.
01:11:33 It says, "Someone must fulfill the commission of Christ.
01:11:36 Someone must carry on the work which He began to do on earth
01:11:39 and the church has been given this privilege.
01:11:42 For this purpose, it has been organized."
01:11:45 Amen.
01:11:46 Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan, Miss Mollie, Pastor Johnny,
01:11:48 and Pastor Kenny.
01:11:50 I want to close with a quote
01:11:51 I wrote it in the flyleaf of my Bible.
01:11:53 Maranatha, April 5.
01:11:55 "There is no limit to the usefulness of one
01:11:58 who put himself aside,
01:12:01 makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit."
01:12:05 Make sure you stay tuned.
01:12:06 Divine Worship Hour will be here in 15 minutes.


Revised 2018-12-17