3ABN Homecoming

Coming Together Under The New-World Order

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC190005A

00:49 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Homecoming Fall Camp Meeting
00:54 2019! We have a rather large crowd today
00:59 and we are happy that you could be here.
01:02 The theme is Living Above The Crowd
01:05 and so these messages are geared towards showing us how to
01:11 do that. Today we are going to be blessed
01:16 in the Word by Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:20 Pastor Kenny Shelton has been in ministry since 1985
01:25 and is the president of Behold the Lamb Ministries.
01:28 And early in ministry Pastor Kenny worked together
01:31 with his brother Danny in raising up the first
01:34 Adventist satellite television network: 3ABN.
01:38 He has a weekly program entitled Behold the Lamb Presents.
01:43 We are also going to be blessed today in song
01:46 by Bro. Tim Parton, who will be singing Great Is The Lord.
01:53 Now I shared a little bit about Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:57 Now that I've read a little bit of his bio
02:00 I want to share my personal experience with him.
02:03 Pastor Kenny Shelton is a very hard-working man.
02:09 He works extremely hard and he loves the Lord.
02:12 He serves the Lord and you will see the passion
02:16 and the zeal that he has for Christ
02:18 when he shares that message with us today.
02:21 So I pray that the Lord will prepare our hearts
02:25 and also speak through Pastor Kenny Shelton
02:29 as he preaches the Word.
02:42 His voice is thunder
02:46 His face is shining like the sun
02:50 and there is fire in His eyes.
02:58 Enthroned in glory
03:02 the marks of healing in His hands
03:06 all of creation testifies:
03:13 Great is the Lord... He is worthy of honor
03:17 and worthy of all that we are.
03:20 He is righteous and holy,
03:22 deserving of glory,
03:25 Redeemer of every heart.
03:28 Great
03:32 is the Lord!
03:37 Great
03:40 is the Lord!
03:49 His words are healing;
03:53 His ways are higher than mine.
03:57 His steadfast love is better than life!
04:04 Joy everlasting,
04:08 a peace this world can't comprehend.
04:12 My lips will sing it over
04:15 again and again and again!
04:21 Oh, great is the Lord...
04:23 He is worthy of honor
04:25 and worthy of all that we are.
04:28 He is righteous and holy,
04:31 deserving of glory,
04:33 Redeemer of every heart.
04:36 Great
04:40 is the Lord!
04:45 Great
04:48 is the Lord!
04:52 Great is the Lord!
04:54 He is worthy of honor
04:57 and worthy of all that we are.
05:01 He is righteous and holy,
05:03 deserving of glory,
05:05 Redeemer of every heart.
05:10 Great
05:13 is the Lord!
05:17 Great
05:21 is the Lord...
05:25 great
05:28 is the Lord!
05:36 Amen... Amen.
05:38 Praise Him! Praise the Lord! Have mercy!
05:40 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
05:42 and honored! Yeah. I hope you feel like you've
05:45 been in His presence
05:47 and you have been blessed. What a Camp Meeting!
05:49 We love Camp Meeting!
05:51 And there's no greater place on earth than where God wants
05:54 you to be... and He wants you to be here.
05:56 Amen? I'm so glad that each and every one of you
05:59 are here. My name is Chris Shelton by the way.
06:02 I know you already know this is Pastor Kenny.
06:04 And we are excited about this hour. Absolutely!
06:08 I truly believe it is a message for the time
06:12 in which we are living in. And we're going to see how
06:15 living above the crowd pertains to coming together -
06:18 yeah - under the New World Order.
06:20 So we're going to have prayer. If you like, you can kneel
06:23 with us. If not, just bow your heads. OK?
06:29 Our most gracious heavenly Father,
06:31 as we bow before You here on holy ground
06:35 we pray that You will just take Pastor Kenny's heart,
06:38 take his mind... his whole vessel, and make it
06:42 a vessel of honor for You. Amen.
06:44 Once he begins to speak may we no longer see him
06:47 but hear and see the words of Jesus
06:50 that You have prepared through him.
06:52 We thank You for everyone that is here.
06:55 We thank You for the love. You ARE a God that is worthy
06:59 of our praise. And I pray that every heart
07:02 is drawn heavenward now... Amen!
07:04 and will continue to be drawn heavenward as we listen
07:07 to this message from heaven. Amen.
07:09 We give all the praise the honor and glory
07:11 in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen!
07:15 Thank you.
07:18 It's good to see everyone. Camp Meeting's a wonderful time
07:21 is it not? Oh... to come together!
07:23 God's people study the Word of God. How wonderful it is!
07:26 And we are thrilled to be a part of it
07:29 and we are thrilled that you are here.
07:32 We cannot have a Camp Meeting without you!
07:34 So remember that: next time there's a Camp Meeting
07:36 you're going to come, right?
07:38 We can't have it without you.
07:40 Today, praise the Lord, we're going to be talking about
07:42 coming together under the New World Order.
07:44 You might wonder how it's going to fit into the message,
07:47 our theme here at this Camp Meeting.
07:49 I think maybe you'll see as we go along.
07:51 We think we're living in that hour now.
07:54 I want to share just a little kind of a one-liner
07:56 if you don't mind. I find that in the
08:00 Letter 40, 1901. It just made this statement;
08:03 I thought it was good. "The closer we get to God...
08:06 the closer we get to God the safer we are
08:10 for Satan fears and hates God. "
08:14 That's pretty heavy, isn't it?
08:17 Let's stay close to Him...
08:19 everything's going to work out wonderful.
08:21 If there ever was a time...
08:23 ever was a time in the history of this world -
08:25 I think it's right now - that we need to live
08:28 as the theme "above the crowd."
08:31 If there ever was a time this is it because
08:33 it's going short right now. Jesus is soon to come.
08:36 We know that. It's very very important
08:39 right now, and this message pertains to that
08:43 coming together under the New World Order.
08:46 Which... it's not a new concept.
08:49 Most of you have read it. For years you've heard people
08:51 talk about it, and yet many are in denial.
08:54 And after today we want no one to be in denial.
08:57 We want all of us to believe that we're on the last little
09:02 streams of earth's history. Prophecy's being fulfilled
09:05 before our very eyes.
09:06 And so we need to be aware of it and not hide from it.
09:09 And we need to respond by the grace of God
09:12 to His Word. Coming together... not a new concept.
09:15 In fact, it's been agitated over the years
09:19 by international politics. Conspiracy theories
09:23 running rampant on it for decades.
09:26 A global government. What would be the need of
09:29 a global government? They've been talking about it
09:30 for a long time because they're thinking: "Well maybe there'll
09:32 be a nation or a country or a state
09:35 that a problem arises that they just can't handle it
09:39 on their own and they're going to need some outside help
09:42 or a lot of different help to solve the issues.
09:45 Many leaders in our century
09:47 in case you're a doubting Thomas
09:49 many leaders in this century - this past century -
09:52 have used the term to unite and give the message
09:57 for peace and safety. Woodrow Wilson.
10:00 We'll go back just a little bit; give you a few examples here.
10:03 He talked about League of Nations to prevent -
10:07 notice this - conflict and aggression.
10:09 So he's seen the need.
10:11 He thought about all the stuff that's being developed,
10:13 you know, in the countries of the world
10:15 that could annihilate millions of people
10:19 with maybe just one blast or bomb or whatever it might be
10:22 and he said: "We may need some worldwide help.
10:24 We need to work together, band together. "
10:26 And so he was concerned about it.
10:28 How about President Roosevelt in 1933?
10:32 His death was in 1945.
10:35 But those few short years
10:36 was very fearful about you say the U.N. or at that time
10:40 the League of Nations. He was very concerned about it
10:43 that existed before even 1919.
10:46 So it goes way back... it's not just something new.
10:49 George H. W. Bush: you know him as our past president.
10:54 He spoke of the New World Order and didn't hold back on it.
10:58 He spoke in terms of global all the time:
11:01 global unity... global getting together.
11:04 And so his stance was very very clear that he wanted
11:08 a one-world government.
11:10 Our country, you know - and I just heard this yesterday
11:14 on Fox News - they used this term "a rule of law. "
11:19 You heard that one? Rule of law.
11:21 And so the government's going to be holding people
11:24 in the rule of law. You say: "What is the rule of law? "
11:26 That means that every person - every individual -
11:29 every lawmaker... the ones who make these laws
11:33 and every official and every judge
11:37 will all be held accountable under the same law.
11:40 And so we see that going. In 1950 Paul Warburg said
11:44 this. He's the author... If any ever had the book
11:47 and you read it... of The Federal Reserve Act.
11:50 Here's what he said. Now this is 1950, so we're going
11:52 to just build it up here a little bit here
11:54 so that there's no doubt when we get done that you know
11:57 that we are on the brink. In fact, we've been on it
11:59 for a long time and we've already entered in it
12:01 and it's soon to pass. It's soon to pass!
12:05 Now notice what he said.
12:07 He said: "We shall have world government
12:09 whether we like it or not. "
12:11 Very interesting, isn't it? "Whether you like it or not.
12:13 The only question will be on a world government
12:16 is whether it is achieved by consent or by conquest. "
12:22 Isn't it interesting? By what? Yeah: "Consent or conquest. "
12:26 Henry Kissinger... most of you know who he is...
12:30 in 1991 notice what he said.
12:32 He said: "Today... " He's talking about if there was
12:35 a disaster in America somewhere
12:37 so he's referring to this: "America would be outraged
12:40 if the United Nations troops en- tered... " He used Los Angeles.
12:44 Do you remember? Maybe you've read that.
12:45 "to restore some order there. "
12:47 But he said: "When they come in tomorrow you'll be grateful
12:51 that they did. And when pre- sented with this scenario... "
12:55 notice this: "individual rights will be willingly relinquished
13:00 for the guarantee of their wellbeing granted to them
13:04 by the world government. "
13:06 Are you seeing any rules? Are you seeing anything...
13:09 liberties and all being taken away today?
13:11 Absolutely they are. Don't bank on those.
13:14 Bank on the Word of God.
13:16 We are living, right? We need to live above the crowd.
13:18 We understand that. Notice April in 1992:
13:22 you'll know this article by then Senator Joe Biden.
13:26 He wrote this in 1992.
13:28 This appeared in the Wall Street Journal. He said:
13:31 "How I've learned to love the New World Order! "
13:34 How I've learned to what? "to love the New World Order. "
13:38 Oh wow! You say: "Man, that's quite a big statement! "
13:41 He said: "And when we do the world community
13:45 will have sent an everlasting or enduring warning.
13:48 The world can therefore see the long-held promise of
13:54 a New World Order. " So he's talking about it,
13:56 you see, about it in 1992.
13:59 Now let's skip up to April 5, 2013.
14:04 Vice President - then - Joe Biden said this:
14:07 "Our affirmative task is this... " notice:
14:12 "before us is to create a New World Order. "
14:16 Hmm. He did that in a speech on import and export
14:21 their banking system. Notice this:
14:23 Richard Haus... Anyone heard of Richard Haus?
14:25 Anyway, he is the president of the Council
14:28 on Foreign Relations. He spoke on NBC.
14:31 Now we're doing some background here so that we get together on
14:34 it so we can move forward.
14:35 But notice: he spoke on NBC.
14:37 Now we're just talking just not too long ago.
14:40 A couple of days. Notice what he said.
14:41 He said: "President Trump gave a 19th century... " notice this:
14:46 "19th century speech to the world in a 21st century world. "
14:51 So he's saying he's way back... he's way back behind times
14:55 because this is what President Trump said.
14:57 He said: "Other nations need to care for and properly
15:02 provide for their own people. "
15:04 And then he said... Of course, you know Pres. Trump.
15:07 He's gonna push it a little bit.
15:09 And he said: "And we're going to keep an eye on everyone. "
15:13 Well, it'll make you think... won't it.
15:16 And then Haus continued... he said this:
15:19 "Basically we live... We have global challenges
15:25 and like it or not what happens to the world... "
15:27 notice this... " is going to affect the welfare of every
15:32 American and the well- being of the United States. "
15:36 So we're all involved here, you know. Whether we maybe like it
15:39 or not, this is an in- volvement that we need to know
15:41 that is coming from Scripture being fulfilled as we read it.
15:45 I think maybe it'll be clearer to you as we go along.
15:49 I see in this that the nations are closely
15:52 linked together. How about you?
15:54 Nations are very... economically.
15:56 So they're linked together like this and they can't seem to
15:59 pull away from each other.
16:01 But it's interesting: the agency and the power
16:04 is that which is a concept of just a few.
16:09 Interesting! Just a few.
16:13 The information that I think now that we're facing
16:17 that many are calling a global crisis.
16:21 You see it on the news all the time.
16:22 It's been going rampant for months now.
16:24 Now true or not, we're not trying to say: "OK,
16:27 it's true or it's not true" here.
16:30 But the government - people in high positions
16:33 and different ones - are saying that there is a global crisis
16:36 and something must be done.
16:38 Remember when something is done on these issues
16:41 it will affect you... it will affect me...
16:44 as those who want to keep the Bible Sabbath
16:46 so our ears and eyes I think need to be open
16:48 to this and not just say: "Well, it's not going to take place. "
16:52 Whether God allows it or not or whether it's time for
16:54 God to do it I'm not going to try to say that.
16:56 I'm simply saying I believe it's at the door.
16:58 There's a knocking going on.
17:00 A door is being opened and we need to pay special attention
17:04 about this global warming thing. In fact,
17:06 the loudest and the most power- ful voice against global warming
17:11 is Pope Francis.
17:13 You know I'm right. This just builds our case
17:16 you see, our groundwork as we look and put it together
17:19 the way God would have us.
17:21 Now we know who Nancy Pelosi is, do we not?
17:23 Yeah, secretary of... Speaker of the House.
17:26 Is that right? Speaker of the House.
17:27 She made this clear - even emotional - statement
17:32 in reference to President Trump's remarks.
17:35 It was very interesting what she said
17:37 to whether or not he believed in global warming.
17:39 So he was presented: "Do you believe in global warming? "
17:42 And she said... hmm. Here's what she said about it.
17:46 She was... really it was... Listen, this global warming
17:50 pact is signed by how many countries?
17:53 All of them. 195 countries have already come in agreement.
17:58 You know, the Bible said all the world will do what?
18:01 "Will wonder after the beast" so we need to be careful.
18:03 So there's going to be some kind of a common... something
18:05 that the world is going to come in agreement on
18:08 and can nod their heads and say "this is good. "
18:10 And a little bit of agenda there that deals with
18:13 climate change and deals with the economy
18:15 and deals with Sunday observance.
18:18 There's a plan. We'll prove that a little later on
18:22 as we go. If you have not been studying on that lately
18:25 it's there. Paris Treaty. It's a global treaty.
18:29 It's currently signed, I said, by 195 countries.
18:33 Each country wants to end global warming.
18:37 The things that you read - if they are true -
18:39 they're scary. They are scary!
18:44 It warrants us looking at a little bit closer.
18:47 Now... back to Nancy Pelosi's statement.
18:50 She made the statement to reporters in 2017.
18:54 Notice where this comes from.
18:56 Not necessarily from a political aspect
18:58 but from a moral aspect.
19:01 She said because President Trump
19:03 said: "Well, we're not goin to sign" or we did
19:06 and we're backing out for just a little bit.
19:08 There's still 195 that are still in agreement.
19:10 Whether we are or not... still gonna go.
19:14 She said: "We have a moral responsibility. "
19:18 All of a sudden it becomes something... a moral issue.
19:21 "We have a moral responsibility... " Notice this:
19:24 "to be good stewards of God's creation. "
19:28 You see, there's always good things mixed in there,
19:30 and I believe we should take care of what God has given
19:32 to us. Absolutely.
19:34 Remember: it's going to be some- thing that's going to be good,
19:37 see... Good for the what?
19:39 Good for the common relations.
19:41 It's going to be good for the family.
19:43 It's going to be good spiritually they say.
19:45 And it's going to be for justice; it's going to be
19:47 for equality. It's going to be good for our jobs.
19:50 It's going to be good for our country.
19:52 It's going to be good for EVERYBODY
19:54 under this common coming together.
19:58 That's what they say.
20:02 Now remember... Let's go back just a little bit.
20:04 You remember when the Pope went to the White House?
20:07 It's not that long ago.
20:08 You remember what he did?
20:10 He gave the president a personal copy
20:14 of the Laudato Si... you know, his encyclical.
20:18 2015. So he personally handed to the president
20:22 because he's wanting the president to see what he's up to
20:26 and he wants us to support him and the world to support him.
20:29 And so far the world - the WHOLE WORLD - has supported him.
20:34 Interesting.
20:39 And he said: "The climate is a common good. "
20:45 "It belongs to all and it's meant for all. "
20:50 Interesting!
20:52 Before the Pope... you remember this: before the Pope
20:55 addressed Congress... As you know the Congress had him there.
20:58 It was September 24, 2015.
21:02 Nancy Pelosi let the cat out of the bag
21:05 even before he made his speech when she said... notice this:
21:09 "The Pope's agenda is to correct global warming. "
21:14 These are things we have to watch. He has an agenda.
21:16 Here's what he plans on doing.
21:18 All of a sudden after the Pope gave his little speech
21:23 Repub... you don't see this very often...
21:24 Republicans and Democrats...
21:26 I'm not taking sides one way or the other,
21:28 I'm telling the way it is.
21:29 Republicans and the Democrats as it were as a standing ovation
21:33 they all praised the Pope.
21:37 And then as they praised the Pope he encouraged them...
21:39 Before that the Pope encouraged the Congress
21:42 to act on climate change and on immigration and poverty.
21:48 So he asked what? Congress to act
21:51 on those things that he has written in his encyclical.
21:54 Very interesting! And you know what?
21:55 The bottom line President Trump said a little later on,
21:57 he said: "We will stand beside of the papacy...
22:01 the Pope, the Catholic church. "
22:03 "Which direction they go that's the way
22:04 that we're going to go. "
22:06 We need to be reading these things and these quotes,
22:07 you know, out of the newspapers and so on
22:09 that's being said because it will help us to realize
22:12 where we're at in the stream of history.
22:14 I mean it's pretty heavy-duty stuff.
22:16 But we need to be aware because the time of trouble
22:19 things are coming on this world is big stuff.
22:22 And we need to have a relationship with Jesus Christ,
22:24 don't we, that maybe many of us do not have right now.
22:27 And if not, we need to get that relationship by the grace of God
22:30 and you've been hearing the good sermons on how to do that.
22:33 Again, when you hear this it all sounds good.
22:37 It's all good for the family, good for the country,
22:39 good for the world, for our common home and all this kind of
22:42 talk that you hear from the Pope.
22:45 But you know... they're just words.
22:48 They're just words because we know as Bible students.
22:52 I know we have a lot to learn and no one's learned it all.
22:54 We don't have all the infor- mation, but we know a time
22:57 is coming... trouble is coming on this world
23:00 that we've never seen before.
23:01 We know the end is near.
23:03 We know there's going to be Sunday laws that's going to be
23:05 passed. We know there's going to be
23:06 trumpets that's going to be sounding.
23:08 What are we going to do with it?
23:09 Are we going to continue to remain like we are?
23:12 Or are we going to kind of move forward, realizing
23:14 we have a short time to do the work that God has commissioned
23:17 us to do. And we don't need to back down right now.
23:20 We don't need to shut it off.
23:21 We need to move forward like we never have before.
23:23 And more than jot hot air but doing it.
23:26 Putting it into action! Amen!
23:28 This is what God wants.
23:30 He's calling people to action!
23:33 He's calling us and we MUST respond.
23:36 We dare not respond. We dare not continue
23:39 to go in our Laodicean many times and lazy state.
23:43 I spent too much time in that and by the grace of God
23:45 I'm not going to spend any time there sleeping it off.
23:47 You know what I'm talking about.
23:50 Time of trouble... climate change. Man, you hear it
23:53 all the time. They're blaming climate change on all the fires
23:55 that's going on. All the floods and the hurricanes,
23:58 the tornadoes, the sea level rising up, etc.
24:04 And then they're focusing on the three... I call this
24:07 the three-point plan of the Pope which he stated
24:11 in his encyclical in 2015.
24:14 Now notice: he's stated these 3 things that he wants to push
24:17 and he's going to be pushing, and he's pushing hard right now.
24:20 He's pushing hard, and many of us, even those who claim to be
24:23 Bible students, we don't see it or we don't want to
24:26 talk about it or we're afraid we're going to hurt
24:28 somebody's feelings.
24:31 It's going to be one or the other before it boils down.
24:35 Am I telling you the truth?
24:36 One or the other. Man's feelings may get hurt
24:39 or... I'll just put it this way... or God's feelings.
24:41 You know what I'm talking about.
24:43 We either stand for God or we're going to stand for man
24:46 and we can't do both.
24:48 And these kind of things that we're talking about here
24:51 how beautiful it is in this sense: that it's
24:53 going to encourage God's people. The true ones, not just
24:57 everybody that's professed to be.
24:58 "Oh, I'm a Sabbath keeper; I'm going to make it. "
25:00 Well, not so... maybe not so.
25:03 We need to follow God's plan.
25:05 The Pope was stating his plan here - three-fold plan -
25:08 and he's pushing it right now. And he's pushing it because
25:11 they're going to be holding this in May the... What is, the 14th?
25:15 May 14, 2020, the Pope has invited what?
25:19 Practically the whole world as it were. All... Whoo!
25:22 All the "high ups" - all the people in authority -
25:25 and he's going to re-educate them.
25:29 That's what Jesuits do.
25:32 I'm thinking... This is some thinking now.
25:36 Going to re-educate us on such issues as the economy
25:40 and certainly Sunday.
25:45 And he'll talk about some other things like family
25:48 and a lot of different things he's going to be talking about
25:50 here... but the economy.
25:52 I'm going to read a little bit later on something about that.
25:53 But three-fold plan. What is it? Number one:
25:55 come on, church, we're going to get it...
25:57 is climate change he's going to be talking about
25:59 absolutely. He's going to be talking about the economy
26:01 number two. And the third thing is Sunday rest or Sunday
26:05 laws which means a common day of rest.
26:09 You've heard about it; you know about it.
26:11 I'm telling you: it's here.
26:13 If this thing all passes and we see it...
26:16 And remember, what he's getting ready to do in May
26:19 he's putting into effect now and pushing
26:22 to get it started right now.
26:25 He pushed and he pushed, and there's a lot of things that's
26:27 happened I know over time, but this is something
26:30 we must keep an eye on and prayers ascending to God
26:34 because we can't get past this unless we have God on our side.
26:37 We need to have God on our side.
26:40 When these things happen...
26:41 You know, they're calling about here... we're going to have
26:44 because as he's pushing these things he's pushing for
26:47 a global - notice this - community.
26:50 He's pushing for a "common home" for everyone.
26:54 Did you get it? A common home for everyone.
26:57 Those are words that we're not used to hearing.
26:59 And you read the book Laudato Si... I've got one...
27:01 and look at it and read it and study it and different things
27:04 there's a lot of masking going on. There's a lot of cover-up
27:07 going on. But the Holy Spirit will unravel those things
27:11 if you take time to see what he's up to.
27:14 He may not even realize what he's up to.
27:16 I'm not trying to judge him as a man.
27:18 But we realize what Bible prophecy says about this power.
27:21 And I'll just be bold enough to say right now
27:23 if I can't say anything else. If I drop over dead...
27:25 Somebody with me? right now, the Bible says
27:29 the man of sin... It says that "the dragon" - the devil -
27:32 "gave him his power, his seat, and his great authority. "
27:38 People don't want... "Shh... shh... "
27:42 It's either what it says or it's not.
27:44 Somebody can say: "Well, it's not what it says. "
27:46 Then hey, I can back away from it... it's OK.
27:48 I'm not trying to make it say like someone has said
27:50 "You're trying to make it say something. "
27:52 I'm not trying to make it say anything other than what God
27:54 is saying about it. Amen! This is so important.
27:59 Pope says: "We've found something that we can come...
28:02 the whole world can come in agreement on. "
28:05 Something that is common.
28:07 Interesting! "The common good of all:
28:08 let's keep Sunday as the day of rest. "
28:11 Well my Bible says the seventh-day is the Sabbath
28:13 and by the grace of God that's the way it's going to be.
28:15 AMEN! Not trying to be ugly or trying to be smart about it
28:17 but it's time we come down to the point
28:19 you're going to keep one day or the other
28:21 because the law is going to demand that you keep Sunday.
28:23 You're going to have to either stand for God or you stand for
28:25 the enemy. That's your choice... gonna be my choice.
28:28 The Bible says in Exodus 20:10 it's the Sabbath of whom?
28:31 "The Lord thy God. " That's God's day. Absolutely!
28:36 And by observing by the grace of God
28:39 this will keep us from receiving the mark of the beast
28:42 in Revelation 14:9-12. I wish we had more time
28:45 we would read of that, but you should know the 3rd angel's
28:48 message. I should know the third angel's message
28:50 which is a warning against what?
28:53 Yeah. Receiving the mark of the papacy.
28:56 It's pretty simply put right there.
28:58 Because if we do we're going to what? We're going to receive
29:00 of the wrath of God.
29:02 No one wants the wrath of God! You know that.
29:05 But it's something now that we see that's bringing the whole
29:08 world. You say: "Well, when it brings it on
29:10 I'm going to get with the program. "
29:11 195 countries already signed it.
29:14 How many more do you want?
29:15 I think Palestine and the Papacy's the only one,
29:18 right? that hasn't
29:19 and they're still pushing. What more do we need?
29:26 Signs of the Times 5-6-1897. Listen to this...
29:31 just see if we're here.
29:33 "History will be repeated. "
29:35 Yeah. "False religions will be exalted.
29:39 First day of the week, a common working day
29:43 possessing no sanctity whatsoever will be set up
29:48 as was the image... " you remember... "in Babylon. "
29:53 All nations and tongues and people the Bible said.
29:57 We're going to be commanded to worship on the spurious Sabbath
30:01 as they were commanded to worship the image.
30:04 Same thing here. Well you say: "This can't be
30:06 in this country. " Don't fool yourself.
30:09 "This is Satan's plan: to make of no account
30:13 the day instituted by God. "
30:17 God's day.
30:19 "This decree enforcing worship on this day
30:23 goes back... notice this: "covers the whole world. "
30:27 Notice what it says here:
30:30 "The whole world wondered after... " What? "the beast. "
30:34 "the beast. They are those whose names are not written in the
30:38 Lamb's Book of Life. "
30:40 This article in Signs of the Times says this:
30:44 "In a limited degree it has already gone forth
30:49 in several places. The civil power is speaking
30:53 with the voice of a dragon
30:54 just as the heathen king spoke to the Hebrew captives. "
31:02 "We're going to need the same spirit that was manifested by
31:06 God's servants then in this conflict against paganism. "
31:10 And that's what it is. Are you still there?
31:13 Against paganism.
31:15 We need that same kind of Spirit
31:18 that God promised to put upon His people
31:20 here in these last days in a very special way
31:23 to sound an alarm in His holy mountain.
31:27 As we look a little bit closer at the Paris Treaty
31:31 and the Pope's call for Sunday
31:34 notice this closing: "To save our planet" he says...
31:38 "and to save... " what? "and to save our families. "
31:40 Notice this, he starts again: "For the common good of all"
31:43 he says. How about like Poland?
31:47 Poland. In their effort to curb or end global warming
31:52 they've already banned almost all trade
31:55 and closing retailers on Sunday.
31:57 Now we realize blue laws are everywhere.
32:00 People say: "Oh, it's all impossible! "
32:01 No it's all there. Everything's written up that needs to be.
32:04 It just needs to be put in force.
32:05 And then what are we going to do?
32:06 "Well, we're not ready. We didn't hear about it. "
32:08 A SDA should never say: "I didn't know. "
32:11 Does that make sense? A Seventh-day Adventist
32:13 should never say: "I didn't know"
32:17 because it should be in the pulpit more than it is
32:19 in my opinion. Amen!
32:22 God's people WANT to wake up.
32:24 They WANT to hear it.
32:26 These little sugar-coated things... come on.
32:32 It won't do me any good 'cause I have to stay off of sugar.
32:38 But there's many others. We realize that
32:40 with the blue laws. Switzerland and Austria
32:42 and Germany and Norway
32:45 and Canada and the United States.
32:47 So it's going all over, it's just a matter...
32:50 When God tells those angels "Loosen up... "
32:54 "When we see these things... " Notice this quote:
32:59 "when it comes to pass... " This is Review and Herald.
33:01 This is extra: 12-11-1888 this was written.
33:06 It says: "The Sunday movement is now making its way
33:09 in darkness. " Come on, you've read it:
33:10 "The leaders are concealing true issues. "
33:14 "They do not see that if a Protestant government
33:18 sacrifices the principles... " Notice here:
33:21 "that have made them a free, independent nation... "
33:25 Huh, did you get it? Free and what?
33:27 "free and independent nation and through legislation
33:30 brings in the constitution principles that will propagate
33:35 or to spread papal falsehoods and papal delusions
33:40 they are plunging into the Roman horrors of the Dark Ages. "
33:45 No one wants to go back there!
33:47 We don't want to see that again but I think the time is coming
33:50 it's going to get worse because we didn't stand up and shout.
33:53 We didn't stand up for what is right.
33:55 We didn't stand up and do what God asked us to do.
33:57 We didn't stand up and give the three angels' messages.
34:00 You're talking about the three angels' messages?
34:01 It's more than talk now.
34:03 That's right! Time for not only giving it out
34:06 but living that message is what God would have us to do.
34:08 We need to live above the crowd.
34:10 It's very important that we do that in this hour
34:12 that we are living in.
34:16 It's just around the corner:
34:20 the new world agenda as it were
34:22 which we're basically under. You know that already.
34:25 But just a few more laws passed and we're in big deep trouble!
34:30 But God's going to prove who's His and who's the talkers.
34:33 Amen!
34:36 And when the proving comes I want to be found faithful
34:39 by the grace of God. Don't you? Amen!
34:41 I want to be faithful by the grace of God
34:44 and not just say: "Oh, he's a talker over here. "
34:46 You know, little puff of air and they're gone.
34:50 The New World Order will continue to pass laws.
34:56 We realize that.
34:57 They're going to be called the laws of the land,
34:59 the laws of the world.
35:01 Hmm.
35:03 Now notice this statement, Great Controversy 592.
35:06 Notice this. This is heavy-duty. Notice this:
35:09 "Those who honor the Sabbath will be denounced as... " What?
35:13 "enemies of law and order. "
35:16 If you keep it... See, it's coming down to either
35:18 you believe it or you don't.
35:20 You believe in the Word of God and prophecy -
35:22 the Spirit of Prophecy - or you don't believe in it.
35:25 We need to get to the bottom of it.
35:26 If you don't, why not?
35:28 Put some more time and study in and prayer
35:29 and see what God would reveal to you.
35:31 He doesn't want to catch us unaware, does He?
35:34 No... He wants us certainly to be ready.
35:38 "Those who honor the Bible Sabbath will be denounced as
35:40 enemies of law and order, as breaking down... "
35:44 notice this... "the moral restraint of society. "
35:47 We're having moral issues in this country.
35:50 We're having moral issues in the church!
35:53 There's a few of you. We're having moral issues
35:57 everywhere including the church.
35:59 Amen! And it's not time to make special meetings
36:02 for that kind of stuff or building special buildings
36:07 or calling somebody a special person when God says
36:09 it's an abomination. Amen!
36:12 This is the hour that we are living in. Yes!
36:17 Notice you're going to be break- ing down "the moral restraints
36:19 of society causing anarchy and corruption
36:24 and calling down the judgments of... " What?
36:26 "the judgments of God upon us and on this earth. "
36:29 "They will be accused... " God's people. Either it's true
36:32 or it's not: "will be accused
36:34 of disaffection toward the government. "
36:36 Why? Because the laws of the land will be passed
36:39 and if you don't go along with that, you're a troublemaker
36:41 in Israel. Well we say: "Well I don't want to be
36:45 a troublemaker. I'm afraid some- body's going to say something,
36:47 somebody's going to do something. "
36:49 Well we need to get over that by the grace of God.
36:51 Amen! Right? He's our Leader or He's not.
36:54 He's standing in front of us; He's standing behind us;
36:55 He's standing on both sides.
36:57 And He's already told plainly what we need to be doing
37:00 and no one dare back up!
37:02 If it's not time to give it, then when is the time?
37:06 When is the time?
37:07 It's NOW! It's now... it's no doubt.
37:11 See, it's GOD who has given this warning.
37:14 You say: "He's up there dah, dah, dah, dah. "
37:16 GOD has given us this warning, has He not?
37:20 He's warning against the beast power that we talked about.
37:24 Revelation chapter 14 verse 9:
37:26 "If any man worship the beast and his image... "
37:30 we know what he's going to receive, don't we?
37:32 Huh? He's going to receive the mark of the beast.
37:35 And the next verse goes on to say, verse 10
37:38 he said: "God's wrath is going to be poured out on them. "
37:42 I don't want God's wrath.
37:43 He's been so good and kind and wonderful
37:45 right now but some things have hurt.
37:48 "Mingled with mercy. " You follow me.
37:51 Receive of God's wrath. We don't want that!
37:55 It's God who's called us to be a separate people, isn't it?
37:59 We didn't ask: "Now we're going to be separate. We're better
38:02 than anybody. " God said to be His people...
38:04 separate people. God has called us to be a peculiar people.
38:07 God has called us to rise, live above this world.
38:11 Breathe the air of heaven
38:14 not the old air we've got around here to breathe.
38:18 It's God who has warned us in Revelation 17
38:22 verse 12 and 13 God has warned us.
38:24 He said: "The ten horns... " notice... "which you saw,
38:28 thou sawest are ten... " What?
38:30 "kings... " Good! "which receive no kingdom
38:33 as yet but receive power as kings... " notice:
38:36 "one hour with... " What? "with the beast. "
38:39 And notice it says: "And these have one mind. "
38:43 So it says there's going to be a temporary coming
38:47 together of the world.
38:50 And remember right now there's something out there
38:53 in the world that will draw the world together
38:55 on one common ground and purpose.
38:57 But there'll be other things that will be attached to it
39:00 that you'll say: "Oh, my! " We need to be aware of that.
39:06 It's God that's showing us the dangers of coming together
39:11 under this New World Order.
39:13 It's just not me!
39:17 It's other people of the world. You know, Adventists...
39:21 many of them are saying: "We're just now getting awake
39:24 to what's going on on this planet. "
39:29 And as we learn more about it we'll know what God
39:32 would have us to do.
39:37 We had something I was going to insert in right now
39:39 but some problem we couldn't do it
39:42 but I'm going to refer you to it.
39:44 It's one of the most, in my opinion,
39:47 it's... almost used a word I shouldn't use...
39:57 I'm wiping the sweat now.
40:02 It's one of the most telling -
40:05 that's a better word -
40:06 one of the most telling articles or video clips
40:11 that I've ever seen
40:14 of what's happening in the world.
40:15 It's about a 4-minute deal.
40:17 I'll give you something. You write it down here
40:20 'cause I want you to see it.
40:22 I want you to see it. You've got to see it!
40:26 It's an excerpt, I'll go ahead and say it, from Mother Miriam.
40:35 And she also explains
40:39 that she doesn't write and say anything that's not
40:42 already written down. Someone has said in writing.
40:50 Reports on the call the Pope has made
40:54 for all... Notice this: I'm going to call this the leaders
40:57 of the world to come together.
41:00 And I call them... if you'll allow me to do it,
41:02 I'm going to call it the great men and women
41:03 that he's calling today -
41:06 the leaders of the world - to meet with him in Rome
41:07 on what? May the 14th, 2020.
41:09 That's just around the corner. Yes!
41:12 That's just around the corner. There's a big plan
41:14 and that is going to put into effect what?
41:17 His encyclical that he's talking about
41:19 about climate change, the economy, and day of rest.
41:24 Plans are laid and being opened right now.
41:27 Now what they're going to do when they come here for this
41:29 meeting he's going to get them to sign a pact
41:32 he's calling it. Did you get it? Yeah.
41:34 Sign a pact so that all can be of one accord.
41:40 In agreement to educate our youth as it were
41:44 as he's saying - or it really is everyone that shows up.
41:49 And he's encouraging everyone to show up -
41:52 every high-position individual -
41:54 in this New World Order agenda.
41:57 And he's going to talk about the economy
41:59 and he's going to talk about "humanism. "
42:01 Now humanism is something very very big
42:04 and on this video you need to just hear what...
42:07 where this comes from.
42:12 That means simply what? He's talking about humanism.
42:15 Means man in the center rather than Jesus Christ,
42:17 doesn't it? Christ is to be the center
42:19 and then, you know, the Pope is calling for humanism.
42:22 Let's get back to the man, and I wonder who that might be.
42:29 In Revelation 18 verse 23 the Bible says,
42:33 this hits it right on the head right here,
42:35 it says: "And the light of a candle shall shine no more
42:38 at all in thee. Thy merchants
42:42 were the great men of the earth
42:44 for by... " notice... "thy sorceries
42:47 were all nations deceived. "
42:49 You see how that fits?
42:50 He's calling all of what? All the great men and women
42:53 of the world together and all the minds
42:55 and to re-educate them.
43:04 Yeah, we're going to have that posted so that you can get it.
43:07 I see some of you take out your pencil.
43:09 I still see good enough I see you taking out pencils!
43:11 I see you moving around and that's good.
43:14 We'll post this on our BTLM Facebook page.
43:20 Behold the Lamb Ministries: BTLM.
43:22 Good thing I have my wife on the front row.
43:24 I don't know what I'd do.
43:28 Behold the Lamb Ministries' Facebook page: BTLM.
43:31 And then you can go to Kenny and Chris Shelton -
43:35 that's a Facebook page: Kenny and Chris Shelton
43:37 Facebook page to get that.
43:40 Yeah. Then you can go to beholdthelambministries.com
43:43 website. beholdthelambministries.com
43:47 website and you can see this.
43:50 You will be as shocked... I'd buckle myself up
43:55 is all I can tell you... just buckle it up.
43:57 It's not there she's reminding, but it's going to be there
44:00 really quickly. So just write all that down.
44:03 Anybody need that? OK, you've all got that. OK, good.
44:07 Oh, "What is it? " somebody said.
44:08 One person said: "What is it? "
44:13 Now who's guilty?
44:16 You had the courage to do it. I want to know who it is.
44:22 Thank you, sister. It's all good.
44:24 Because you know why? Somebody may have missed it.
44:26 You may have missed it. Behold the Lamb Ministries'
44:28 Facebook page: Kenny and Chris Shelton
44:31 Facebook page you can get it.
44:33 Then we'll have it at beholdthelambministries.com
44:37 website.
44:38 beholdthelambministries.com website you can get that.
44:43 And you can always call Behold the Lamb if you can't...
44:45 if you get confused. If I confused you,
44:47 you can ask her later.
44:52 Said they're going to sign a pact. Did you notice that?
44:56 The great men of the earth are coming together.
45:01 Things are going to change rather quickly or they could.
45:05 Letter 112 written in 1890 says this:
45:10 Letter 112, 1890 says this:
45:12 "Solemn events... " anybody believe this? "Solemn events
45:16 are yet to transpire. "
45:18 What kind of events? Solemn.
45:21 "Solemn events are yet to transpire. "
45:23 Notice this: "Trumpet after trumpet will be sounded.
45:26 We need not to be caught off guard. "
45:28 Just keep that... we're condensing it down.
45:30 We need not be caught off guard because we realize
45:32 7 Testimonies 14 says this:
45:35 "Those who place themselves under God's control... "
45:38 Is anybody here placing himself under God's control?
45:40 OK... We've got 1, 2. It'll be 4... will there be 5?
45:43 Will there be 6? This is very very important!
45:46 Listen: THIS IS THE KEY!
45:48 Anyone who will place them- self under the control of God
45:52 to be led and guided by Him
45:55 will what? "Will catch the steady stream of events
46:00 ordained by Him to take place. "
46:02 We need not be in the dark!
46:03 Amen! There's no reason to be in the dark.
46:06 "If we commit ourself to Him we will catch the steady
46:10 stream of things ordained by God. "
46:13 God knew these things were going to take place.
46:16 He's warning somebody to talk about it.
46:18 He's warning somebody to read about it.
46:20 He's warning somebody to take a stand on these issues.
46:23 To WARN! Isn't that part of our Commission?
46:28 What God has asked us to do is to warn the world.
46:30 Absolutely! I believe...
46:34 I believe that John saw the people of God
46:41 united together.
46:44 John saw a lot of things in the book of Revelation.
46:48 But John also saw... I believe he saw
46:51 the world uniting together for a common purpose
46:55 or common good.
46:57 Huh. Under the New World Order.
47:01 Under the leadership of the enemy.
47:04 He saw everything else.
47:05 Do you know some of these things that he saw?
47:08 When you read the book of Revelation, you study prophecy,
47:10 John saw. John saw Revelation 16:14.
47:15 John saw nations preparing for battle.
47:18 John saw us going to the kings of the earth.
47:23 John saw in Luke chapter 21 verse 26
47:27 he saw men's hearts failing them for fear
47:30 for what was coming upon this earth.
47:32 And some of us are not so concerned.
47:34 Some of us are so concerned today that we're taking a nap.
47:41 Now I can either be honest with you and love you,
47:43 you know, and you love me and I love you or
47:45 right? I'm just saying we're not sleepy any more.
47:49 We're ready to go, aren't we? Because of what God
47:51 is calling us to do. John saw men's hearts
47:53 failing them for fear.
47:56 It's a fearful thing what's coming upon this earth.
47:58 Amen! And we can't handle it on our own.
48:01 We need to live above the crowd. Amen!
48:05 By the grace of God.
48:07 Pull strength from heaven that we don't have on our own.
48:10 We'll certainly go down without God.
48:12 John saw the earth moved out of its place.
48:16 He saw the mountains going down into the seas.
48:20 Psalm 46 verses 1 through 3.
48:23 He saw all these things! John saw pestilence;
48:26 John saw famines and he saw death come
48:30 to the inhabitants of the earth.
48:33 Matthew 24:7. Who would you say would be the principal
48:38 players in this New World Order theme?
48:43 Could we broadly speak, and maybe we're hitting it
48:46 right on the head.
48:48 And certainly in other words that's what we need to do
48:49 right now. Amen! I heard Pastor's sermon here last night
48:53 when he said mama hit son in the head with a skillet.
49:01 I don't think mama ever did that to me.
49:03 She knew better. That wasn't going to hurt me.
49:11 But the principal players we say, broadly speaking,
49:17 are all nations that's going to be involved
49:21 including the United States of America.
49:24 Including apostate Protestantism.
49:27 Including paganism, spiritism, and certainly the papacy.
49:31 A coming together.
49:33 You've never seen it in the history of this world
49:38 of all nations coming together like they have on this.
49:41 And they're saying if we don't do something in 10 years
49:43 this world's going to come to an end.
49:46 And many legislators believe that.
49:48 Whether it is or not that's still not...
49:50 My point is they're declaring that there is a national
49:54 emergency and that the people are going to be taken care of.
49:58 We take care of our family and friends we've got to make some
50:00 drastic changes!
50:02 It'll be a world that we don't recognize any more.
50:08 Pope Francis in his encyclical
50:11 Laudato Si page 116 says this.
50:15 He says... he's quoting Pope Benedict XVI.
50:19 Here's what he says:
50:21 "Affirm the sacred teachings of the Catholic church.
50:24 Affirm the social teachings of what the church
50:28 will try to accomplish. "
50:30 Notice 5 things. A lot more than that but I'm going to name 5.
50:34 He says: "The Roman church, the Catholic church
50:35 whose head is the Pope, wants to manage the global economy. "
50:40 Why is he bringing everybody together?
50:42 One of the points is what? The economy.
50:44 Hmm.
50:48 He wants to bring about disarmament.
50:51 He wants to make sure he's the head of what?
50:54 Food, security, and peace.
50:58 He wants to protect the environment.
51:01 He's wanting to regulate migration.
51:06 The Pope goes on to say: "And for this... " notice this:
51:09 "there is an urgent need. " Now notice: you list these things
51:12 as an emergency and then you go ahead and you list them.
51:14 He said: "Now, with all of these listed there needs to be
51:17 a one world true authority. "
51:20 I wonder who he was thinking about.
51:24 Is that judging?
51:27 Well, there's things down here so predict that says:
51:30 It needs an authority here -
51:35 certainly meaning himself - because he claims to be
51:38 a religious and a political power does he not?
51:41 The little horn, Daniel 7:8. We know that.
51:45 And then he goes on. He says this:
51:47 "In order to solve these issues that are facing us today
51:50 we must think of ourselves as one world
51:53 and with a common plan. "
51:55 And I wonder whose plan it would be?
51:59 Oh, there I go again, right?
52:03 Review and Herald, 11-1892, says this:
52:08 "The judgments of God are falling on the world
52:10 that men might awaken to the fact that Christ will come
52:13 speedily. " Have any judg- ments been falling in the world?
52:17 Absolutely they're falling. God's allowing it to happen
52:21 in order to do what? Put us to sleep?
52:23 No... to wake us up! Notice this:
52:25 to the fact that Christ is coming.
52:28 We can hear about it a lot, but there needs to be some proof
52:30 in the pudding. There's plenty of proof
52:33 in the pudding what we're talking about here.
52:35 So if we know... if we believe that Christ is coming...
52:37 If I asked you to raise your hand, everybody here would
52:39 raise your hand. There's some that's serious;
52:41 there's some may not be serious.
52:42 But I think it's time to be serious.
52:45 Notice this: because if we do we will follow what the Bible
52:48 says, we will follow Isaiah 58 verse 1.
52:51 It says: "Cry aloud and... " Do what?
52:54 "lift up your voice like a... " What?
52:55 "lift your voice up like a trumpet and show My people... "
52:59 What? "their transgression, the house of Jacob their sins. "
53:03 We're going to lift up our voice!
53:06 There may be those who try to silence it
53:08 but you know what? Go ahead and lift up your voice.
53:11 There may be a price to pay, but you know what?
53:13 God will say: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. "
53:16 Amen! 3 Testimonies 327 says:
53:18 "Never was there a greater need of faithful warnings
53:21 and reproofs. "
53:23 Never was there what?
53:25 "Greater need for faithful warnings and reproofs. "
53:30 3 Testimonies 324 also says:
53:32 "The straight testimony must be revived. "
53:37 Well, if that means it needs to be revived
53:38 it must have died. Is that true?
53:41 If you're going to revive it, it must have been dead!
53:44 Gotta revive it right now.
53:45 "Wrongs must be called... " What? "wrongs. " Good!
53:49 "Grievous sins must be called by their right name. "
53:53 Now remember: some of us are going to have a little peace
53:55 and safety and sweetness going on here.
53:57 But the Word of God says that we need to and we realize it
54:00 in the Word of scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy
54:02 that we need to be crying aloud. There's grievous sins
54:05 that are going on. They need to be called by their right name.
54:08 They need to be dealt with. We need to stop dilly-dallying
54:11 around with what God calls sin. Notice this:
54:15 We must call sin what God calls sin
54:18 and we don't support it in and among us.
54:20 Amen! We've got to do it. We've come to that point.
54:23 I want you to believe that with your whole heart today.
54:26 If you've heard nothing else
54:28 believe it. We are here! Amen! Here it is!
54:32 Regardless if somebody's leading out wherever you're going to
54:35 church and they're content doing what they're doing
54:38 lulling you to sleep and you're content with that
54:40 so be it. You'll sleep right on; you'll miss heaven.
54:45 And I think we have that soul- stirring message here in these
54:48 last days that get us up. Equip us by the Holy Spirit
54:53 of the Living God. We need to RISE above the crowd
54:56 right now. Stand as a peculiar people like God said.
55:00 God said "a royal priesthood. "
55:02 Notice that: "a chosen generation. "
55:06 Stand unmoved!
55:11 Things are happening in the world right now.
55:14 Lord, have mercy on our sinful souls!
55:18 Amen! God have mercy on us; there's no hope without Him.
55:23 I'll quickly relate this... about two minutes left.
55:26 A friend of mine was talking 'cause he said the New World
55:29 Order... oh, people blah, blah, blah, blah. "
55:30 When did the New World Order?
55:32 When was it really first tried out?
55:35 Somebody say "in heaven" I'll get tickled.
55:39 In heaven. Bro. Terry... he and I were talking
55:41 about this and he asked me the question.
55:43 He asked this: "Who was the first to use this principle
55:46 of the New World Order? "
55:48 And then he said: "Was it not the enemy in heaven
55:52 because he was dissatisfied with God's government? "
55:55 He wanted to institute a New World Order
55:57 or a new order of things up there? Absolutely.
56:00 And what? To replace what God has said;
56:02 put his pride into place.
56:04 That's what the enemy and the papacy's trying to do right now.
56:06 You know that.
56:11 Trying to change what God has set up.
56:16 World leaders, religious leaders: New World Order.
56:19 They're opposing everything that is good.
56:23 Freedom of religion; freedom of conscience; freedom of speech;
56:26 freedom of the press; consti- tution. Attacking everything!
56:30 These all may be standing in print still yet
56:32 but you know what? Man has found a way to go around
56:35 every one of them. And then say: "I'm going to give you this
56:39 because this is for the common good of all. "
56:41 The time is coming that God has said
56:43 as a people, He said: "It's time to stand up.
56:45 Don't bow. " He said: "It's time right now to be
56:48 firm and don't bend. Stand right now! "
56:52 "Don't hide but stand in plain sight. " Amen!
56:56 Firm as steel, as the needle is to the pole.
56:59 By God's grace and strength can we not live -
57:02 by God's grace and strength - above the crowd?
57:05 Amen! Jesus is coming! Short prayer as we close.
57:07 Would you pray with me, please? I'm going to kneel.
57:10 Kind, loving heavenly Father,
57:12 thank you for Your precious Son Jesus who gave His life
57:15 in our behalf. Thank you for telling us and warning us
57:18 that Jesus is soon to come. Events are right here
57:20 before our very eyes and sometimes we're sleepy,
57:22 we don't see them. Lord, waken your people.
57:24 Help us to be ready. Help us to be able to look to Jesus,
57:26 the Author and Finisher of our faith,
57:28 and rise above the crowd. And we thank you in Jesus' name.


Revised 2020-01-14