3ABN Homecoming

Sabbath School Panel Q&A Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC200011S

00:01 So turn up the light; let it shine bright...
00:04 Turn up, turn up the light!
00:11 Oh welcome, welcome. We've got Jason and Jill joining us
00:14 breathlessly. We're so excited to be with you
00:18 and that you are with us on this Interactive Camp Meeting.
00:22 We've got 30 minutes to answer some questions,
00:24 and we've got a lot of questions coming in.
00:26 But if you still want to get a question in,
00:29 we may not get to it in this 30 minutes but
00:32 we may get to it tonight.
00:34 Just text
00:41 OK, these are going to be kind of rapid-fire
00:43 so we can get as many questions in as possible.
00:46 And let me just start. Ryan, you're at the top of
00:50 the list. First question of the day
00:54 for the Sabbath School panel: could you please
00:58 have Ryan Day further elaborate on his illustration
01:02 involving the Pope.
01:06 OK. All right. So, yes... so I was referencing
01:09 Acts chapter 9 there where Paul was experiencing
01:12 conversion. Jesus had blinded him.
01:14 He's not seeing but he's hearing Jesus speak to him.
01:16 But at first you can see that Paul... he doesn't know
01:19 that he's speaking to Jesus so that's why he says...
01:22 you can sense that he knows he's talking to God
01:25 because he says: "Who are you, Lord? "
01:27 And obviously he was not prepared for the answer
01:31 that he was going to get, right?
01:33 Because he obviously... he hears the response:
01:35 "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. "
01:37 So in that particular chapter I was simply giving...
01:40 in relation to that chapter and that incident...
01:42 was giving an illustration.
01:43 And I would liken it unto kind of a SDA experience.
01:46 We as SDA's believe and teach
01:48 very clearly as we are convicted and convinced
01:50 according to the truths of the Bible
01:52 that the antichrist of Bible prophecy is none other than
01:55 the Roman papal church/state.
01:56 And at the head of that of course is the leadership
01:58 of the office of the pope.
01:59 And so I was using an example that naturally SDA's can relate
02:03 to. I recognize that not all of our viewers are SDA's.
02:06 Glad this question came up.
02:08 So I'm using this as saying that that would be very strange
02:11 to a SDA. Likened to us if we found ourselves
02:14 in that situation where we were blinded
02:16 and on the side of the road and we were having this amazing
02:18 experience and we said: "Who are You, Lord? "
02:20 to identify who we're speaking to and the response came back
02:24 "It's the pope whom you're persecuting"
02:27 that would be very shocking to us, right?
02:30 Our whole theological world would be turned upside down.
02:33 That was my point in using that illustration.
02:35 Not to give honor to the pope; no to say that the pope was
02:37 even on the same field of play as God
02:40 but to illustrate that the strangeness, the awkwardness
02:43 of that situation. Paul's whole theological world,
02:46 his whole spiritual experience was turned upside down
02:49 in that one day because he was fully convinced
02:51 that Jesus was his enemy. But to hear God from heaven
02:55 say: "It's Me, Jesus, whom you are persecuting"
02:57 his life was forever changed. So that was the point
03:00 of the illustration... not to create confusion
03:01 but just to illustrate how strange of a reaction
03:05 or strange of an incident that must have been for Paul.
03:07 It was a jarring experience for sure!
03:11 Jill, this one is from a caller in Pennsylvania.
03:14 In the midst of this pandemic many churches are struggling
03:18 with precaution versus presumption.
03:22 Please help by explaining the difference.
03:25 That's a great question. You know, I think in the midst
03:27 of the pandemic things come up that we don't necessarily...
03:30 we haven't experienced before
03:32 and then all of a sudden you're faced with a decision:
03:34 what do I do now in the midst of this?
03:36 What I'm reminded of is the temptation of Jesus.
03:39 This is in Matthew chapter 4.
03:41 And remember, Satan brought Jesus up to the pinnacle
03:44 of the temple and said - I'm in Matthew 4 verse 6-
03:47 "If you are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. "
03:51 When I look at precaution
03:53 I see it as Christians being careful.
03:57 We are called to exercise common sense.
04:00 We are called to do everything we can
04:02 to protect our brothers and sisters in the midst of this
04:05 pandemic but yet not walk in fear.
04:08 To me that's precaution. Taking necessary precautions
04:11 but yet not living in a state of fear.
04:14 Some people say: "I'm not even going outside my house. "
04:16 We talked to one person had never been outside their house
04:19 since March because they were afraid.
04:22 "God has not given us the spirit of fear
04:24 but of power and love and of a sound mind. "
04:26 So we are called to exercise that precaution
04:28 and to be careful yet not walk in fear.
04:31 And do not be presumptive.
04:33 Do not tempt as it were the Lord God.
04:37 That's VERY good. OK!
04:40 I'm trying to read through some of these that keep coming in
04:42 here. Jason... yes? How do we get the courage
04:46 to witness in this day and age when it seems like
04:49 everyone doesn't want to hear about God?
04:54 Ah... that's an excellent question.
04:56 You know, I think we should go to Acts chapter 1 verse 8.
04:59 This is a verse that I've heard my brother Pr. Ryan Day use
05:03 quite a bit.
05:04 In Acts chapter 1 verse 8 it says: "But you shall receive
05:07 power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
05:10 And you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem
05:13 and in all Judea and Samaria
05:15 and to the end of the earth. "
05:17 How do we witness?
05:19 Well, basically we get the power from the Holy Spirit.
05:24 But you have to think about what God has done in your life.
05:27 I would pose the question: how could we NOT witness
05:31 with all of the good things that God has done for us?
05:35 You woke up with air in your lungs.
05:37 You can breathe. You are able to listen to this program
05:42 or watch this program. There are so many wonderful blessings
05:46 that God has bestowed upon us
05:49 that how could we not share the good news?
05:51 We share good news about food.
05:53 We share good news about something we saw on television.
05:57 We share good news about so many different things.
06:01 But when you know that you have...
06:04 you serve a God that can grant someone eternal life
06:10 how do you not share that?
06:13 You know, I've heard my mother say that
06:15 if you see that a house is on fire
06:17 you're going to tell that person that their house is on fire.
06:21 That's right! If you know that this world is perishing
06:24 and it's coming to an end, you're going to tell
06:27 your neighbors, your brothers, your sisters
06:29 everybody that Jesus is coming soon and that this world
06:32 is perishing and they can have eternal life through Him.
06:36 Amen! Easiest thing always is to begin with your own
06:38 testimony. Just tell them what God has done for you, right?
06:42 Johnny, how do we go and do what our Savior calls us
06:48 to be doing in the Laodicean- laden sleepy church
06:54 as we find ourselves?
06:57 Well, this is a great question
07:00 because we all have a need of following Jesus.
07:04 Jesus said: "If any man will come after Me, let him
07:07 take up his cross daily and follow Me. "
07:10 The only way to avoid the sleepy Laodicean state
07:15 is to daily surrender your heart to the Lord
07:18 and take up your cross and follow Jesus.
07:21 This idea that
07:25 you don't know your condition is because you're not keeping
07:28 your eyes on Je... you're not keeping your eyes on Jesus.
07:31 When we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ we will see
07:34 our great need of Him and we will not think of ourselves
07:37 as somebody that: "I am rich and increased with goods
07:41 and have need of nothing. " When you're keeping your eyes on
07:43 Jesus you know that He is your Savior and that He
07:46 is the One that can only give you salvation.
07:49 So daily following Jesus,
07:52 surrendering your heart to Him the first thing in the morning
07:56 you will avoid getting deceived.
07:58 Reading the Bible daily; spending time with Jesus:
08:01 this is how you avoid that Laodicean state.
08:03 Amen! Amen! All right! This is also from Pennsylvania.
08:07 Got quite a few in Pennsylvania here.
08:09 Says: "Can you explain Romans 8:29-30?
08:14 Does this mean that everyone's faith in Jesus
08:17 and calling by God is already predestined? "
08:20 I'm going to take that one. Romans 8:29 says:
08:23 "For whom He foreknew He also predestined... "
08:27 Well let's begin with verse 28.
08:29 "We know all things work together for good
08:31 to those who love God to those who are called
08:34 according to His purpose.
08:36 For whom He foreknew He also predestined
08:41 to be conformed to the image of His Son. "
08:44 What is that saying?
08:45 God's going to work out every- thing. Even when bad things
08:48 happen in your life to help you become a little more
08:53 like Jesus. Yes, anyone who is in Christ Jesus,
08:58 anyone who has been born again
09:01 and accepted Christ as their Savior
09:03 and filled with the Holy Spirit
09:05 your destiny is to become like Jesus. Amen! Amen!
09:11 Amen and Amen. OK... umm... let's see here.
09:15 Ryan: Is reincarnation a Christian belief?
09:19 My sister believes in it and she's writing a book about
09:23 reincarnation. I'm a Christian and do not believe in it.
09:26 From a viewer in Washington, D.C.
09:28 Actually OK, that's a great question.
09:30 First of all, if you're a true Christian
09:32 then you are a Bible Christian.
09:34 And to answer that question very easily and quickly: No,
09:37 it is not a Christian belief be- cause it's not a Bible belief.
09:40 First of all, there may be some- one watching that doesn't even
09:42 know what reincarnation is. It's basically
09:44 a belief that many paganistic faiths share.
09:48 A couple that really come to mind that are world religions
09:50 such as Buddhism or Hinduism
09:52 believe in reincarnation which is basically
09:55 a spiritualistic belief that the soul or the spirit -
09:59 I'm using that interchangeably from a worldly perspective
10:01 because we believe in the Bible that the soul and the
10:03 spirit are two separate things - but from a worldly kind of
10:07 religious perspective many people believe that the soul
10:09 and the spirit are kind of interchangeable.
10:11 They believe that that's immortal.
10:13 That the soul/the spirit lives on. It just goes you know on
10:16 and just lives. And in the case of reincarnation
10:18 or what many people might call transmigration of the soul
10:22 or the spirit, people who believe in reincarnation
10:24 believe that for instance if a person dies
10:27 then that soul or that spirit can then travel on or migrate
10:31 to another body source of some kind...
10:34 whether it be a person or an animal.
10:36 And it even kind of goes along with the idea of karma... which
10:39 is, you know, if you've done... your actions and your behavior
10:42 in this life is good then more than likely you'll go on
10:45 to be in another body or form that is good.
10:49 If you haven't, then you'll get what is paid to you
10:52 according to your behavior and actions.
10:54 The Bible makes it very clear
10:56 that we DO NOT have an immortal soul.
10:57 The Bible says that "only God is immortal. "
11:00 That soul or spirit... Of course, we know the soul
11:03 to be a person, a living being.
11:05 When a person dies the Bible makes it clear
11:07 my friend. Ecclesiastes 9 verse 5 and 6:
11:09 "For the living know that they shall die but the dead know not
11:12 anything. Neither have they any more reward
11:15 for the memory of them is forgotten.
11:17 Also their love, their hatred, their envy... "
11:19 All of those feelings, all of those things that
11:21 an aware person, a person of intelligence might have
11:25 that ceases to exist because they're sleeping in the grave.
11:30 Another text that comes to mind I think is found over
11:32 in Psalms. Let's see if I can find it here.
11:34 Psalm chapter 115 and we're looking at verse 17.
11:38 It says: "The dead do not praise the Lord
11:40 nor any that go down into silence. "
11:42 What the Bible teaches is that the soul/person
11:46 once they cease to live they go back to the earth
11:49 and they sleep in the grave until the resurrection
11:52 of Jesus Christ at the second coming. Amen.
11:54 So to make it clear: reincarnation IS NOT
11:57 a Christian belief. It's not a Biblical belief.
11:58 It's a spiritualistic belief
12:02 that is not foundationed on Scripture.
12:04 So believe what the Bible says.
12:06 And let me give you two Scripture references on that
12:09 because I Timothy 6:16
12:12 Paul says: "God alone has immortality" at this time.
12:17 And in I Corinthians 15 verse 54
12:23 it says that we will "put on immortality
12:28 at the last trumpet when Jesus returns. "
12:31 So those who have everlasting life
12:34 will be given that from Jesus.
12:36 All right. Jill: When Jesus called... This is from Florida.
12:40 When Jesus called His disciples was there any significance
12:44 in the positions each of them were in when He called them?
12:47 For example, Matthew was sitting at the receipt of custom
12:52 as a tax collector. Was there any meaning behind
12:56 why He called these people in those situations?
12:58 That's a great question. I don't know who... who
13:00 sent it in, but thank you for that question
13:02 from Florida... it's a great question.
13:04 I think when Jesus called the disciples they were fishing.
13:07 They were doing their everyday occupations.
13:09 Peter and James and John and Andrew.
13:11 I think about... Of course Matthew was sitting
13:13 at the receipt of customs.
13:15 You know what it tells me is that it doesn't matter
13:18 where you are, it doesn't matter what your occupation is,
13:22 it doesn't matter where you live...
13:23 the Lord Jesus can find you.
13:26 And the Lord Jesus wants to call you.
13:28 To me that's an incredible thing that He can search
13:32 the entire world over. David tells us in Psalms
13:35 "Where can I flee from Your Spirit?
13:37 Where can I go from You? "
13:38 We CANNOT hide from God... Jonah taught us that.
13:41 But know that wherever you are that God will
13:44 reach you and He will find you
13:46 and He will call you in His service.
13:48 One other thing that just popped in my mind
13:50 is that Elisha was... What was he doing?
13:52 Plowing in his father's field.
13:55 So one of the things - I think one of the qualifications
13:57 for being called in service
13:59 is that you do the thing that your hand finds to do.
14:03 Do whatever is right in front of you
14:06 and then God might just give you something else to do too.
14:09 Amen and Amen!
14:11 All right. Jason: this is from South Africa
14:15 near Cape Town. Um-hmm.
14:17 Let's see... it says:
14:19 What is your motivation for following Jesus
14:22 and telling the world about His good news?
14:24 I love that! That's an excellent question.
14:26 My motivation? Well, one, it started with my training
14:30 as a child. My mother trained me up in the way that I
14:32 should go. Now I left the church for about 14 years
14:36 and I made horrible decisions.
14:38 And as a result... that comes as a result of not
14:41 following God... So I've seen the decisions that
14:44 I make on my own when I'm serving myself
14:47 or serving the enemy
14:49 and then I've seen the decisions that I make
14:52 when I'm serving God because its' God working
14:55 on me, in me, and through me to bring about those decisions.
14:58 And so why do I serve God?
15:02 Because, one: He first loved me.
15:04 He loved me with an everlasting love
15:06 and He loved me so much that He sent His only begotten Son
15:10 to die on the cross for my sins.
15:12 Even while I was walking in darkness
15:15 Christ had sacrificed His life
15:18 so that I could have a "shot" at eternal life
15:21 if I would turn towards Him, accept Him as my personal Lord
15:24 and Savior. And so I'm motivated to share
15:27 Him with everybody because of the love and the protection
15:30 and the wonderful things that He's bestowed upon me.
15:34 He has shown His love in so many ways
15:37 and I've seen His hand of protection in my life
15:39 in so many ways and He's delivered me
15:42 from a life of darkness. Amen!
15:45 Amen and Amen!
15:48 We've got so many questions coming in.
15:49 Someone asked for me to break down begotten again,
15:54 so let me just do that very briefly.
15:56 In covenant language... In the Bible begotten can mean
16:01 that you were the biological father.
16:04 But in covenant language begotten means
16:07 to be set aside for God's special purpose
16:11 as His covenant son.
16:13 So for example when it talks about
16:16 Isaac being the only begotten son of Abraham...
16:21 Isaac... Ishmael was the oldest of Abraham's sons.
16:24 He had eight sons, but Isaac was the only begotten -
16:29 the unique son - through whom the covenant promises
16:32 would be passed. The same for Israel in Exodus 4:20...
16:37 excuse me... Deuteronomy 32 and verse 18.
16:41 God says: "Hey! I'm the Rock who begot you, Israel. "
16:47 They were the new covenant sons of God,
16:51 and He said: "I am the One who fathered you. "
16:54 They weren't the first nation but they were chosen
17:00 for a covenant purpose. The same with Jesus.
17:03 All right. Johnny, this is from Jamaica.
17:08 When did Jesus ask Peter those three questions?
17:12 I guess that would be: "Do you love Me? Do you love Me?
17:14 Do you love Me" that caused Peter to become
17:17 annoyed? Before Christ was crucified? Or after?
17:22 Well, the simple answer is after.
17:24 This is after Peter denied Jesus
17:27 and Jesus was resurrected. You can go to
17:31 the book of John chapter 21... I don't know if you may have
17:33 some words you may want to add...
17:36 This is after the crucifixion; after Jesus was resurrected.
17:41 And I think you've heard some good explanation of that
17:45 experience and so blessed be the name of the Lord.
17:49 Amen.
17:51 Ryan, this is from Virginia.
17:53 How did the wonderful book of Revelation
17:56 get off the island of Patmos where John wrote it?
18:00 OK, yeah... so we know that John was on the island of Patmos.
18:04 The Bible tells us that in Revelation 1:9.
18:06 And you have to kind of dig a little bit in history here.
18:10 I'm certainly not a scholar in this by any means.
18:12 I have not studied specifics as to how this would have gotten
18:16 off the island. The Bible does not tell us
18:18 how the book of Revelation got off the island, but we know
18:21 it did because we have it!
18:23 And so that being said there are some historical
18:27 suggestions as to how that could have happened.
18:29 You've got to keep in mind that church tradition,
18:32 church history and tradition tells us
18:34 that John was persecuted by Rome prior to even going
18:37 to the island of Patmos. And they were doing it
18:40 for the purpose just like they did all the other apostles.
18:42 They wanted to kill him but that didn't work.
18:44 And so they decided: "You know what? We're just going to exile
18:47 this guy. We're going to exile him to the island of Patmos. "
18:49 Now back in those days that would have kind of been like
18:51 an ancient old version of Alcatraz.
18:54 An island of its own. It didn't have all the bars
18:57 and all the things that they would put them in in cells
18:59 but they would exile them to these islands by themselves.
19:02 And by the way, even though the Bible doesn't specifically
19:05 say, history suggests that maybe John wasn't the only
19:08 one on this island. They would have perhaps
19:11 put other prisoners that they exiled on this island.
19:13 And there could have been some organization to this.
19:16 There probably were people there to make sure there was
19:18 order, and of course history suggests that
19:21 there ships that would come to and fro
19:23 from the mainland to the island to give food
19:26 and other provisions and things for the "inmates"
19:30 the prisoners until they served their time.
19:32 So there's a couple of suggestions. Perhaps maybe
19:35 John passed these letters on to someone who was
19:38 on one of those ships and that's how it got to
19:40 one of the churches. Again, these were originally written
19:43 to go to the seven churches, right?
19:44 This letter of Revelation was written to the seven churches.
19:47 And so that being said, it could have been by ship.
19:50 It could have been by some type of mail carrier.
19:51 Perhaps maybe they allowed them, maybe, we don't know.
19:54 But nonetheless, we know that John did get off that island.
19:58 He would have served his time. He would have gotten off
20:01 the island, and his first trip probably would have been
20:03 to Ephesus because in prox- imitry to the island of Patmos
20:07 Ephesus was the closest from the island
20:10 to the land. It was the closest city.
20:12 So whether it was by other hands or whether it was by
20:15 John's hand, that was what history suggests could possibly
20:18 be the way in which the book of Revelation got to us.
20:20 Amen and Amen! I love it!
20:23 Jilly: somebody is asking for your six points.
20:27 I just lost that.
20:28 If you can share - I do - those six points again.
20:32 The 6 points: this is our com- mitment, love's commitment
20:34 to follow Christ. Point #1: Decide to follow him.
20:38 Make a choice to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
20:41 Point #2: Commit your plans, your ways, your life
20:46 to Him. Number 3: Be willing to follow Him
20:50 come what may.
20:52 Number 4: Love others.
20:56 Number 5: Intercede for others.
20:59 And number 6: Never be ashamed of Christ,
21:02 His Word, or His people.
21:05 Now you're probably saying: "I could not write
21:07 that fast, Jill" so I encourage you
21:09 Sabbath School Panel is on YouTube.
21:11 Go to YouTube and you can stop it and write down
21:13 each one of those points. Amen, amen.
21:16 Those are excellent points.
21:17 All right. This one's for me from New York.
21:21 Why wasn't Jesus concerned with being successful
21:27 in the way the world views success?
21:30 Boy, that's interesting.
21:32 Because the world is upside down. There's 2 dynamics
21:35 of power. There is the love of power
21:38 which originated with Satan.
21:41 It's a controlling, demanding, me first,
21:47 I'm going to protect my interest type power.
21:50 That's the kind of power that the world gives.
21:53 But then there is the power of love. Amen!
21:59 And God operates by the power of love.
22:03 He gave us free will. He does not demand
22:07 that we follow Him. But He woo's us
22:11 by His everlasting love.
22:13 I'm going to tag another one on here that someone sent.
22:17 So why does God need our praise?
22:21 I'm just going to say this:
22:23 God prescribes praise for us.
22:27 Not because it changes Him
22:29 but because it changes us. That's right.
22:32 When we begin to praise the Lord
22:35 I cannot tell you how many times
22:37 I have started off to go to prayer
22:40 and I'm down in the dumps. Something bad is happening.
22:44 But I always begin my prayer with praise.
22:48 And as I begin to acknowledge who He is
22:52 and I'm praising Him and I enter His courts with
22:55 thanksgiving in my heart thank- ing Him for all of my blessings
23:00 remembering how powerful He is
23:02 it is amazing how God changes my attitude.
23:08 The Bible says God inhabits, He dwells
23:12 in the praises of His people. So I personally think
23:16 praise draws us closer to Him.
23:19 All right. Johnny, in Acts 9:5
23:24 it says: "It's hard for you to kick against the goads. "
23:27 What does this mean? This is from Jamaica.
23:31 Hello to Jamaica.
23:33 This phrase: "It's hard for you to kick against the goads"
23:37 in the King James "the pricks"
23:40 this is in reference to the way animals were farmed then
23:44 and still is done in some places
23:47 where there is... In those days there was a piece of iron
23:50 attached to a stick, and it was to drive the animal
23:53 in the direction he should go.
23:55 And if this animal resisted then he's hurting himself
23:59 because it's driven further into his flesh.
24:03 So the Holy Spirit had been working upon Paul
24:06 to become a Christian, to stop persecuting the Christians
24:10 and become one... and he was resisting.
24:12 Because Jesus said in John 16
24:16 that the time is coming when they that persecute you
24:20 and kill you... they think they're doing God's service.
24:22 This is what Paul was thinking: "I'm doing the service of
24:25 the Lord by killing these Christians. "
24:27 And so he was resisting the Holy Spirit
24:30 and when that bright light surrounded him and Jesus
24:33 spoke to him he realized: "Wait a minute!
24:35 This is not something common; this is something divine. "
24:38 Um-hmm. And when Jesus said: "Why do you persecute Me?
24:42 It's hard for you to kick against the pricks. "
24:44 Now some commentators say that this "kick against the pricks"
24:49 was inserted from Acts chapter 26 into verse 9.
24:54 It's in the Bible so...
24:57 this is the meaning: that he was resisting the Holy Spirit.
25:00 Amen and Amen. Jill: How can a God
25:04 so loving be so demanding?
25:07 That's a great question.
25:08 You know, I do not believe God is demanding.
25:11 I believe God is holy.
25:13 Amen! If you look at I Peter chapter 1
25:15 I Peter 1 verses 15 and 16
25:18 it says: "As He who called you is holy
25:20 be you also holy in all your conversation
25:23 because it is written: 'Be holy for I am holy. ' "
25:27 From eternity God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
25:30 were holy. When God created this world
25:34 Genesis 1, Genesis 2... Adam and Eve:
25:37 perfect holiness, unity, harmony.
25:39 Sin brought disconnection from God and disunity.
25:43 God is not demanding... His law has never changed.
25:47 His law is holy. It's just; it's good.
25:50 At the same time He wants to work His character,
25:54 His love, His law in your heart and in mine so that
25:59 we can be holy. We can't be holy of ourselves.
26:03 It is God who works in us both too will and to do
26:06 of His good pleasure. He's the One who changes us.
26:09 Amen and Amen!
26:12 OK... I'll tell you: this is wonderful. I think we have time
26:15 for a very short question or a short answer
26:18 to a question from Indonesia.
26:20 What can we do to have a revival in the church?
26:23 Just give us some quick thoughts.
26:26 Well we need to seek Jesus.
26:29 We need to put away the unimportant things
26:31 of the world and we need to focus our attention
26:34 on the uplifted Savior. As it says in John chapter 3
26:36 He said: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
26:40 so shall the Son of Man be lifted up. "
26:42 When we focus on Jesus then the work of the Holy Spirit
26:45 comes and blows through our heart for transformation.
26:47 Amen. And you know I just think about Romans 5:5
26:49 where it says: "God pours His love into our hearts
26:52 by the power of the Holy Spirit. "
26:54 We need to open our hearts and let God pour His love
26:57 for other people. Because when you begin to love the world
27:01 like God loves the world
27:03 you WILL be out witnessing.
27:05 You know, we are coming to the end of our time here.
27:09 I can't believe how rapidly. Thank you panel - all -
27:13 for your answers. If we did not get to your question,
27:16 tonight... this morning... perhaps we will tonight.
27:21 We have another 30 minutes coming up.
27:23 You can still text questions: 618-228-3975.
27:29 Stay tuned. Danny Shelton will be bringing us divine worship.
27:33 Are We God's True Remnant Church?


Revised 2020-11-09