3ABN Homecoming

Marked for Death Or Sealed for Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC200016S

00:08 It's time to ignite the flames of revival
00:11 with 3ABN's first Interactive Homecoming Camp Meeting.
00:15 It's time to rise and shine...
00:18 we are the light of the world!
00:22 Turn up the light,
00:24 let it shine bright
00:26 like never before.
00:29 In a world that's dark
00:31 the only hope we have is Jesus Christ
00:36 so turn up the light,
00:38 let it shine bright...
00:40 turn up, turn up the light!
00:46 Hello and welcome to 3ABN's Interactive Fall Homecoming.
00:49 I'm Jill Morikone, and we're so glad that you have tuned in
00:52 this evening. Our very last presentation on this entire
00:56 Camp Meeting theme has been Turn Up The Light!
00:59 Our featured speaker for this Camp Meeting is
01:02 our very own Pastor John Lomacang
01:04 who happens to be my pastor, the pastor of the Thompsonville
01:07 Seventh-day Adventist church
01:08 as well as 3ABN Director of World Evangelism.
01:12 Pastor John is a student of the Word.
01:15 He loves the Word AND the Lord.
01:18 And I know that you will be blessed by his anointed message
01:21 this evening entitled Marked for Death or Sealed for Life?
01:26 I don't know about you but I know the category
01:28 of the camp I want to be in, and I know tonight's message
01:31 is a call to you at home and to all of us
01:35 that we would make a choice to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:38 Before we hear from Pastor John
01:40 Ryan Day and Tim Parton will be bringing us a wonderful
01:44 message in song to prepare our hearts for the message
01:48 in the Word. And that song is entitled In Christ Alone.
01:58 In Christ alone will I glory
02:03 though I could pride myself in battles won.
02:10 For I've been blessed beyond measure
02:14 and by His strength alone
02:17 I will overcome.
02:22 Oh, I could stop and count
02:25 successes like diamonds in my hand
02:32 but those trophies could not equal
02:36 to the grace by which I stand.
02:42 In Christ alone
02:46 I place my trust
02:50 and find my glory in
02:53 the power of the cross.
02:57 In every victory
03:01 let it be said of me
03:06 my source of strength
03:09 my source of hope
03:12 is Christ alone.
03:16 I place my trust
03:20 and find my glory in
03:23 the power of the cross.
03:27 In every victory
03:31 let it be said of me
03:36 my source of strength
03:39 my source of hope
03:42 is Christ alone...
03:47 my source of strength
03:50 my source of hope
03:58 is Christ alone!
04:11 Amen! Amen! Thank you so much, Ryan. Thank you Tim.
04:14 What a powerful song!
04:16 In Christ alone... what a way to begin
04:19 this final message, this sobering message:
04:23 Marked for Death or Sealed for Life?
04:27 Even though our theme has been Turn Up the Light!
04:29 which we have asked the Lord by His Holy Spirit
04:32 to intensify, in a loving way this challenging message,
04:36 this challenging topic, we have been standing
04:40 in every sermon on Christ alone.
04:42 So bow your head with me as I ask the Lord to guide
04:45 in the proclamation of this vitally important 3rd angel's
04:49 message. Gracious Father in heaven,
04:53 give wisdom and understanding, Lord, to Your servant
04:55 I ask. May Your Spirit come and fill my mind and my life
05:01 that what is communicated would find fertile soil,
05:05 willing hearts, people looking for something lasting,
05:10 eternal. Something righteous.
05:14 People looking for answers in this dark and dismal society.
05:18 People looking for open doors where the unemployment rate
05:22 is increasing exponentially.
05:24 People looking for something that lasts
05:27 that they can trust in this politically divisive society.
05:31 We do pray now that You will bring Your Word to life
05:34 and speak to the hearts of Your people
05:36 that Your kingdom may be fur- nished with souls for eternity.
05:41 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
05:46 Marked for Death or Sealed for Life? I always like to begin
05:50 with a story, a particular story I heard a number of years ago
05:53 about something that happened in Dundee, Scotland,
05:57 pertaining to the Tay Bridge.
05:59 The Tay Bridge was designed by an engineer and builder
06:04 by the name of Sir Thomas Bouch.
06:08 I visited the story many times
06:10 but I was re-educated about some of the details
06:13 that fit perfectly into the foundation of this message.
06:17 Sir Thomas Bouch was a person that was economic.
06:21 He tried to stretch the dollar.
06:23 And in the attempt to build a bridge that was not too
06:26 expensive he sought the advice of experts.
06:29 And the particular area was he wanted to make sure
06:32 the bridge that was spanning the bay, the Tay Bay,
06:35 was a bridge that had wind loading.
06:38 What that means is if a storm were to come up
06:41 they wanted to make sure that the bridge could handle
06:44 any kind of storm.
06:46 Well, even after getting advice from experts
06:49 he made no allowance for bridge loading in the design of the
06:54 Tay Bridge. They looked at it as time went on and they said
06:58 "The piers are narrow. " The cross bracing was less extensive
07:01 and less robust than other bridges that Sir Thomas had
07:05 built before and they wondered why.
07:07 He said: "I was just trying to save money
07:09 because the bridge was so long. "
07:12 Sadly enough on December 28, 1879,
07:16 at 7:16 PM a violent windstorm
07:21 packed with driving rains claimed the lives of
07:26 60 to 75 passengers on a train that was traveling
07:30 from Burntisland to Dundee.
07:33 It plunged off of the Tay Bridge into the Tay Harbor
07:36 sadly enough taking lives into eternity.
07:40 When you read the record they said the official count
07:43 really wasn't arrived at but one thing was for sure:
07:47 when they looked at what had happened
07:49 they discovered on the record that many warnings were issued
07:53 to Sir Thomas Bouch.
07:56 Maintenance crews had warned him.
07:57 They said the design of the bridge had flaws.
08:00 In the quality of the bridge there were issues that they
08:03 complained about. But the sad reality
08:06 they said that each warning Sir Thomas Bouch explained away.
08:11 Every time they told him of some kind of improvement
08:13 Sir Thomas Bouch dismissed it.
08:16 But less than a year after the bridge fell it is said
08:20 that Sir Thomas Bouch died with a destroyed reputation.
08:24 He died from the sadness of the great loss of life
08:28 that fateful day on the Tay Bridge.
08:30 You know, friends, that bridge collapsed
08:34 but there is another collapse the Bible talks about.
08:37 Another collapse. Not only the message "give God glory"
08:41 in the hour of judgment and "Babylon is fallen"
08:44 but an even more sinister collapse is coming.
08:47 Because as we sit here today as you listen for this message
08:51 there are those building their hopes on a faulty system
08:54 that has been camouflaged to not allow them to see
08:58 the danger under the structure
09:01 on which they base their finances, their livelihoods,
09:04 their worship, their religion, their practice.
09:07 Something that's affecting every one of us
09:10 economically, financially, socially
09:13 and ultimately religiously. There is a major collapse coming.
09:18 As we walk on the balcony of time, we're going to take
09:21 a peek, and in this message we are going to see a number
09:24 of things. We are going to see the angels
09:28 hurrying to and fro letting God know that they're
09:31 appointed work on earth is winding up.
09:34 We are going to trace the path of death and life
09:38 and lastly we are going to examine with diligence
09:41 the Savior's tear-filled appeal
09:45 to a complacent world intoxicated by sinful pleasure.
09:50 What a time we're living in!
09:52 Marked for death or sealed for life?
09:55 You know, friends, when Jesus comes
09:57 there will only be two groups.
10:00 When the last appeal is done
10:02 somebody will be marked for death
10:04 and somebody will be sealed for life.
10:07 It might as well be you... sealed for life.
10:09 Why should you be marked for death
10:11 when right now is a perfect opportunity to say: "Lord,
10:15 things are not going the way I'd hoped.
10:17 This world doesn't give me any more hope than I had hoped
10:20 to see in it. It's not the kind of world
10:22 that I imagined it to be.
10:24 But if You give me another opportunity, Father,
10:26 I will give my life to You. "
10:27 Why be marked for death when you can be sealed for life?
10:30 Everyone when the gospel is done
10:33 will be categorized in one group or the other.
10:37 On that fateful day there'll be no middle ground.
10:40 There will be no neutral places.
10:45 The third angel contains God's concluding appeal
10:50 to all of earth's humanity.
10:53 For 6,000 years God has been patient, waiting.
10:58 And now He is saying: "This is My final appeal. "
11:02 God sent Jesus to make a way of escape
11:06 from the approaching judgment.
11:08 Jesus paid the price with His life
11:10 that our forgiveness and redemption can be made possible
11:14 and the Holy Spirit has been knocking on our heart's door.
11:18 Every provision has been made by heaven
11:21 to get our attention but so many have refused.
11:25 So many have turned away.
11:28 But this message - a sobering one -
11:31 is another appeal from heaven,
11:33 another call from God, another tear from Christ
11:37 saying: "Why die before your time? "
11:40 When the message is done every case of every person
11:45 that has ever lived will be decided.
11:48 Revelation chapter 22 verse 11
11:50 gives us a glimpse into what this society
11:53 is going to look like and how these two categories
11:55 are going to shape up. The Bible says in Rev. 22:11
11:59 these following words:
12:20 Notice, friends, there's no third category.
12:22 There's holiness and righteousness;
12:25 there is filthiness and unjustness.
12:27 There is no third category.
12:29 This is not where you can sit in the stands
12:32 and watch the game of salvation being played on the field.
12:35 Everyone is a participant on one side or the other.
12:41 That's why the three angels' messages is such a powerful
12:44 group of messages. That's why this final message
12:46 is one that we cannot afford to turn our attention away from.
12:51 Because when this message is done
12:54 the only thing that's going to be left is a harvest.
12:58 A harvest on one side of those that have accepted Jesus Christ.
13:01 Those that said: "Father, I want to be out of this world. "
13:04 "I want something better... something eternal. "
13:06 That's going to be on one side.
13:08 But on the other side are going to be those filled with regret,
13:13 those begging for another opportunity.
13:17 And I say once again: "Why wait for that day? "
13:19 As I saw a sign-on a Baptist church one day:
13:22 "Repent now and avoid the rush! "
13:24 This is the hour to make your calling and election sure.
13:27 Young man, young lady: this is the time to say
13:30 "Internet is not enough... Facebook, Instagram. "
13:33 No, the only book that you're going to face one day
13:35 is the living Word of God.
13:36 This is the time to get ready for that fateful day.
13:40 John in Revelation chapter 14 verse 15
13:43 talks about this harvest.
13:44 He talks about this future time when the world and all of
13:48 its inhabitants will be gathered into the kingdom of God
13:51 or thrust out into everlasting darkness.
13:55 The Bible says in Revelation 14:15 these words:
14:19 Can you imagine? Picture with me the end of the harvesting
14:23 field. Picture with me the cotton machines
14:26 and the farming machines going to root out the corn,
14:31 to gather the barley, to gather the wheat.
14:33 And then look with me. Stand at the field looking
14:35 that the fields are bare... there's nothing left to gather.
14:39 That's the picture that John gives us in Revelation.
14:42 One day there will be no one to gather in
14:44 because everyone will be in one group or the other.
14:48 I've made up my mind and I'm praying that you also
14:51 make up your mind to be in the harvest that is about
14:55 to begin... that eternal journey with Jesus Christ
14:59 because this harvest is coming.
15:01 But Jeremiah the prophet, Jeremiah the prophet
15:04 looking down to this time
15:06 when there'll be no more opportunities,
15:09 when every case will be decided for life or for death,
15:13 when all the movie theaters, all the racing stadiums,
15:18 all the gambling casinos and all the basketball and football
15:21 arenas will be forever closed,
15:23 when there'll be no more lights in the shopping malls.
15:26 When nobody wants to hear the music, no one wants to watch
15:30 television any longer, and everyone would be drained
15:34 from their thirst for the world
15:37 looking for some- thing that they have ignored.
15:39 Jeremiah the prophet: what a sobering picture he gives
15:42 in this very short verse in Jeremiah 8 and verse 20.
15:47 Listen to what he says. He says sad words:
15:59 What a picture! When I read these passages
16:02 I say: "This is what's coming! "
16:05 This is why a loving God is saying: "This is coming. "
16:08 Like the meteorologist saying "There's a category 5
16:11 growing in the Gulf. "
16:13 Like the seismologist saying "This hurricane is about to
16:16 blow its top. " Like those who are working in the forestry
16:19 that are saying "The forest fire is out of control. "
16:22 God is saying with a loving voice
16:24 "It's coming... and you cannot stop it.
16:27 The only thing that you can do is get ready for it. "
16:30 There's no reason for you to be a part of those who say:
16:33 "The harvest is past; the summer is ended
16:36 and we are not saved. "
16:38 But the sad reality is
16:40 there were those who listened to Noah preach
16:42 in his day for 120 years
16:45 and they belittled his message.
16:47 They made light of it as he appealed, and he said:
16:50 "There's a flood coming! " But because it never rained
16:52 in their day they said: "It's not possible. "
16:55 Well friends, it never rained fire on the entire earth
16:58 either, but the Bible said that's also coming.
17:01 And I believe God's Word. Why?
17:03 Because we have confirmation that what happened in Noah's day
17:06 is confirmed in Scripture and archaeologists that have done
17:11 discoveries have seen that there are evidences
17:14 of a world-wide deluge.
17:16 Evidence enough, but even if they didn't find any evidence
17:19 I still believe the Word of God.
17:22 God can be trusted.
17:23 Amos the prophet also adds his portion
17:26 to the sad developing picture of a world that right now
17:30 was eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,
17:34 buying and selling - working in the stock market -
17:37 trading shares, buying mansions,
17:41 storing up goods for many many years
17:43 of which they had no guarantee that tomorrow would come.
17:46 Amos the prophet takes us down to the precipice of time
17:50 and He says: "Look over... that's how it's going to be. "
17:53 Listen to his words in Amos chapter 8 verses 11-12.
17:56 Sobering words, but he says:
18:36 A sad picture: harvest is coming,
18:39 people are going to turn their backs
18:42 like they did in Noah's day.
18:43 It really doesn't make sense.
18:45 There are some individuals that say: "Well,
18:47 who is God that I should obey His voice? "
18:49 I saw a commercial one day of a man who said
18:51 he was happy to be an atheist.
18:53 "I'm an atheist and I'm proud of it. "
18:56 I don't believe that he will say that again
18:59 if he lives to see this day coming.
19:01 I don't believe that when the earth is rocking
19:04 and fire is being rained down from God's judgment bar
19:08 I don't believe that there are going to be people on earth
19:11 saying: "Bring it on. "
19:13 The Bible says they're going to be running to the rocks
19:15 and the mountains crying: "Hide us from the face of
19:17 Him that sits on the throne
19:19 and from the wrath of the Lamb
19:21 for the great day of His wrath has come
19:24 and who shall be able to stand? "
19:26 That's why this message brings into focus
19:29 a candid description of a coalition with your destruction
19:35 and my destruction in mind.
19:37 And friends, whether you know it or not
19:39 this coalition is farther along than anyone would imagine.
19:44 It's designed to limit your freedom of worship.
19:47 It is designed to limit your ability one day to buy
19:51 or sell. It is designed to remove
19:55 and reverse every basic human right.
19:59 This coalition is economic;
20:02 it's religious; it's political; and it is social.
20:06 And Revelation says to us it's coming.
20:09 The day is coming that no matter how much you have,
20:12 no matter your credit rating or your credit limit,
20:15 if you don't stand with this coalition
20:17 Revelation 13:17 tells us what is going to happen.
20:22 Listen to these words from the prophet. The Bible says:
20:40 An elusive topic. Many people wonder: "What is the mark
20:43 of the beast? " "What is his name? "
20:46 "What is his image? " "What is the number of his name? "
20:50 Many people thought it was the barcode years ago
20:52 or the tattoo on Gorbachev's forehead years ago.
20:58 Many people thought it was President Reagan because he had
21:00 three names with six letters in each name.
21:03 And somebody foolishly thought it was the picture of stars
21:07 on the side of a Proctor & Gamble soap box.
21:09 None of those things are true.
21:11 But Revelation issues a startling warning
21:15 in Revelation chapter 14 verses 9 to 11
21:19 about this beast and its sad impact on the world
21:24 and society. The third angel's message
21:28 issues a solemn warning. Listen as God speaks
21:32 in this final message to those who inhabit earth.
21:35 He says through John the Revelator,
21:38 Revelation chapter 14 verses 9 to 11. The Bible says:
22:35 If I've ever read a sobering passage
22:37 that is a SOBERING passage.
22:42 John the Revelator picks up a picture
22:45 that was first introduced to Daniel the prophet
22:49 in the book of Daniel.
22:50 In Daniel chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 7
22:53 Daniel the prophet was given a faithful overview
22:57 of the world - the four great kingdoms of the world -
23:00 these great kingdoms that would inhabit the landscape
23:03 of humanity.
23:04 But John was given a picture of how the United States
23:07 would come into being in that picture.
23:09 We'll talk about that in just a moment.
23:11 But this beast that John introduces
23:13 has been around for some time.
23:16 This is the fourth beast of Daniel chapter 7.
23:20 Let me give you some overview.
23:22 See, Daniel looked forward. When Daniel is given the prophecy
23:26 Daniel is looking forward to the kingdoms. The lion,
23:29 the bear, the leopard, the beast with seven heads and ten horns.
23:33 But when John is speaking John is looking backward.
23:35 The beast with seven heads and ten horns,
23:38 the leopard, the bear, the lion.
23:40 In other words, John is looking back
23:43 from Rome going back.
23:45 Daniel is looking forward from Babylon going forward.
23:48 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
23:51 Look at this slide that illustrates that.
23:52 These are the four world empires as they appeared on
23:56 the landscape of humanity.
23:58 These four great empires:
24:15 Four major empires, and the last one
24:19 had seven heads and ten horns.
24:23 Now why ten horns?
24:25 When you trace the pages of history you find
24:29 that... There's a saying that you may have heard before
24:31 but let me put it in context:
24:33 During history - and I love studying world history -
24:37 there was a phrase that went this way:
24:39 "All roads lead to Rome. "
24:41 When Rome overthrew the Grecian Empire,
24:45 when Greece overthrew the Medo-Persian Empire,
24:47 when the Medo-Persians overthrew the Babylonian Empire,
24:50 when you look at Daniel 2 you find the gold gave way
24:54 to silver, the silver gave way to bronze,
24:57 the bronze gave way to iron.
24:59 Notice something: the metals got less valuable
25:03 but a lot stronger.
25:05 Gold is softer than silver;
25:09 silver is softer than bronze;
25:11 and bronze is definitely softer than iron.
25:14 Rome became that iron kingdom.
25:16 And then we find the lion: Babylon.
25:20 The bear: Medo-Persia.
25:21 The leopard with 4 heads and 4 wings: the Grecian Empire.
25:25 But then you find a beast with seven heads and ten horns
25:29 and I can tell you: you've never seen a beast
25:31 with seven heads and ten horns.
25:32 You've never seen a beast that has that kind of description
25:36 because there is none... which means
25:38 this beast has no earthly origin.
25:42 It's a demonic beast.
25:44 And when you study the pages of history you begin to discover
25:47 that this beast describes the kingdom of Rome
25:50 when it rose into prominence.
25:52 When Rome rose it dominated ten nations.
25:57 Let me share with you those nations.
25:59 The ten nations were: Alemanni. Later became Germany.
26:02 The Visigoths that later became Spain.
26:06 The Franks that later became France.
26:09 The Suevi that became Portugal.
26:11 The Burgundians that became Switzerland.
26:14 The Anglo-Saxons that became England.
26:17 The Lombards that became Italy.
26:20 But there are 3 powers that did not survive the power of Rome.
26:24 These three powers were known as Arian Nations.
26:28 They resisted the rise of Rome.
26:30 And from 476 AD to 538 AD
26:34 Rome fought valiantly to eliminate one nation
26:39 after the other.
26:40 And they finally succeeded in the year 538 AD
26:44 to bring down the last power that opposed its rise.
26:48 The reason why you don't hear about these three powers
26:51 is because the Bible tells us exactly what happened.
26:53 Look at Daniel chapter 7 verse 24. The Bible says:
27:15 Wow! Ten horns that were narrowed down to seven!
27:20 And when you study the Bible when those three nations fell
27:24 one little horn came up in the midst of those other horns
27:29 that were remaining. A little horn that had eyes
27:32 like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things
27:35 and blasphemies.
27:37 What was that little horn?
27:38 That was the transition from papal Rome to pagan...
27:43 from pagan Rome to papal Rome.
27:46 Pagan Rome was passing off the scene.
27:49 The power was being passed from the caesars to the popes.
27:52 And in 538 AD the popes established an ever-growing
27:57 authority over the people of the earth.
27:59 Those three nations that they brought down were the Vandals,
28:03 the Heruli, and the Ostrogoths.
28:06 I know you never heard about them.
28:08 And my point is clear because they don't exist any longer.
28:12 They came down when Rome came up.
28:16 The power that replaced those three nations was papal Rome.
28:22 And what a power it was! When you study...
28:25 when you study the Dark Ages you begin to see
28:27 the ruthless power of Rome. No power that stood against it
28:31 was successful. Rome caused kingdoms to fall.
28:36 Rome caused leaders to come to the steps of Rome.
28:40 You read some of the stories there. King Henry VIII
28:43 to seek the approval and the forgiveness of Rome
28:47 walked in the snow, the cold snow, and when he got
28:50 to the city of Rome he was made to stand in the snow
28:53 for three days before he was being allowed to come in.
28:56 Rome punished those who stood against them.
28:59 When you read the records more than 50 million Christians
29:02 lost their lives under the brutal, persecuting,
29:06 ruthless hand of Rome.
29:08 What a power it was!
29:09 And the Bible said it would be.
29:11 A non-descript beast: seven heads and ten horns.
29:15 And Daniel further says it had "great iron teeth"
29:18 and it "trampled with its feet the residue
29:22 and it trampled the entire earth. "
29:25 This beast even more particular- ly was said in the Bible
29:29 it was going to last until the end of time.
29:32 That's why in this next picture you see there is no other
29:35 nation that fits that description other than
29:38 the power of papal Rome.
29:40 That's why when I was in Washington, D.C. in 2015-
29:43 this picture shows that - I was there when
29:45 Pope Francis outlined a message to America.
29:49 But if you think about it somebody might say:
29:51 "Well, what's strange about that? "
29:53 Well, what government do you know
29:56 that gives that kind of platform
29:58 to the leader of the Baptist Church?
30:00 Or the Pentecostal Church or the Methodist Church
30:03 or the Presbyterian Church? No other earthly power
30:06 shares the kind of power that Rome has.
30:09 And the Bible said that that would take place.
30:12 The Bible also revealed that Rome would dominate the world
30:15 for 1,260 years.
30:18 Listen to Daniel 7:25
30:20 and then we're going to walk through three slides
30:23 that outline how these powers ruled the world.
30:27 Listen to Daniel 7:25. The Bible says, speaking of Rome:
30:53 I'm going to walk you through three slides
30:55 that show you the rise of Rome.
30:57 You'll see #1, #2, and #3.
31:00 I'll walk you through that. Look at this first graphic.
31:02 When Rome rose as a papal power from 538 AD to 1798 AD
31:08 Rome dominated the Dark Ages.
31:11 No power was able to resist it.
31:14 No power successfully stood against it.
31:16 Let's go to the next slide.
31:18 But you find something happened.
31:20 During the Dark Ages America came into existence
31:22 in the year 1776 AD
31:24 just a few years - about 22 years short -
31:28 short of the reign of papal Rome.
31:30 God had a plan. God was bringing a new power
31:33 into existence because the Bible made it clear
31:36 that this nation, this power of Rome,
31:38 would only be able to reign for 1,260 years
31:44 as a ruthless power and something would happen to it.
31:48 We'll read that in just a moment.
31:49 But while God was dealing with Rome's issues
31:53 God was creating a place called America
31:55 where the church can come and find freedom,
31:58 where people can come and find a place to worship.
32:00 That's why we established what's called a Declaration
32:03 of Independence, the Constitution, where we can worship God
32:08 according to our own dictates
32:10 and according to our own conscience.
32:13 But look at the third slide.
32:14 It's very powerful. You'll find when America rose
32:17 into prominence in 1776 AD
32:19 the pope was taken captive in 1798 AD.
32:23 And from 1798 AD to 1929 AD
32:27 there was no political or religious influence
32:31 from Rome. The Lord shut it down to give the church time
32:34 to come to fruition and grow in America
32:36 if you notice that. But something happened in 1929 AD.
32:40 I'll read Revelation 13:1
32:43 and we'll begin to see what happened in 1929 AD.
32:47 The Bible says... This beast now comes back into play
32:50 in the book of Revelation.
32:52 Read the words. John the Revelator says:
33:16 But now let's look to verse 3 because something happened.
33:20 That power of Rome is what's pictured there in verse 1.
33:22 But what would happen to that power?
33:24 Let's look at it. The Bible says:
33:43 Now we saw the picture of the Pope standing there
33:45 in Washington. How do you think that was possible?
33:48 Because all the world after Rome rose to prominence...
33:52 I'll tell you in just a moment how they rose to prominence.
33:55 The Bible says Rome "would receive a deadly wound"
33:59 but that deadly wound would be healed.
34:01 Well, you saw the date. What happened in 1929 AD?
34:04 In 1929 AD the leader of Italy
34:09 Benito Mussolini signed a pact
34:13 with Rome called the Lateran Treaty
34:15 at which time they gifted the Vatican City
34:19 to the powers of Rome.
34:20 Here's a picture looking at that commemoration.
34:23 You see there Benito Mussolini and you see to his right
34:27 the papacy... the representative of the papacy...
34:30 looking at that signature. And that's why today
34:33 the Vatican City that you see today
34:35 is the Vatican City that was gifted to Rome
34:37 in the year 1929 AD.
34:39 What a powerful exchange!
34:42 And from that day to this
34:44 the Bible made it very clear that Rome...
34:46 It says when that wound was healed all the world
34:51 would wonder after the beast.
34:54 All the world would wonder after the beast.
34:58 Now you might ask yourself the question
35:00 "How is it possible that the world could be so enamored
35:03 by a political power
35:05 that is under the auspices of Rome? "
35:08 "How could the world be so swayed
35:10 by a single individual? " But when you think about it
35:14 more than 1.5 billion adherents
35:17 to this monolith called the church of Rome.
35:20 It's not just religious... it's also political.
35:23 So where did the power come from?
35:25 How could such a system wield and sway the political leaders
35:30 of nations? How could a single power
35:34 make economic decisions and financial decisions
35:37 and social decisions? How could such a power
35:40 speak and everybody listens?
35:43 The Bible tells us in Revelation 13:2 how and where
35:49 Rome received its power.
35:51 Listen to the inspired words of John the Revelator.
35:55 The Bible says:
36:16 Did you get that?
36:17 The dragon gave Rome its power, its throne,
36:21 and great authority.
36:23 Now I must say at this point
36:24 this is an abridged version of what will be covered
36:27 in detail in the booklet The Three Angels' Messages
36:31 in Summary and you'll hear about that.
36:34 But Rome was given a power that caused kings
36:38 and prime ministers and leaders of all the nations of the earth
36:43 to look at that single power right there in Vatican City
36:45 and say: "That's the man that we listen when he speaks. "
36:48 And I will tell you today all you've gotta do is
36:52 look at the pages of not only ancient history
36:55 but modern history to see that when Rome speaks
36:59 everyone turns an ear.
37:02 The question you might ask yourself:
37:04 why is Rome so silent at a time when the world is
37:08 fighting this tragic disease?
37:11 Who is this dragon that gave Rome its power,
37:14 its seat, and great authority?
37:16 Let the Bible answer the question.
37:19 we read these words from John
37:22 once again in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
37:25 John says in Revelation 12:9:
37:48 How did they get cast out? Let me tell you why.
37:51 Satan challenged God's government in the beginning
37:55 and he lost the battle against God and His government.
37:58 To God be the glory!
38:00 God won! In the beginning the devil lost.
38:03 He tried to overthrow the government of God
38:06 and he failed, but he was cast to the earth.
38:09 He did not lose his desire, he just enforced his desire
38:14 on humanity. He led Adam and Eve into sin.
38:17 Eve was deceived; Adam opened the door.
38:20 And from the day that sin entered the world
38:22 Satan has been working his art behind his curtain of deception,
38:26 behind his curtain of lies,
38:28 using humanity to perpetrate the most
38:33 hideous evil - unimaginable - to the person whose heart
38:37 is touched by God. That's the power of Rome.
38:40 But the devil said something that he was not able to
38:43 accomplish. But listen to his words. This is a picture
38:47 of Satan's desire. And since he was not able to
38:51 enforce that desire in God's kingdom
38:54 he's now perpetrating that desire on earth
38:57 through the system of Rome that he has established
39:00 to trample the world... to break it down,
39:03 to deceive it, and to lead it away from worshiping
39:06 the true God. Listen to Satan's desires
39:09 in Isaiah 14:13-14.
39:12 Hear the words of the prophet. "For Satan said... "
39:42 Those were the words of a boastful, rebellious
39:46 angel. Cut loose... boasting to the face of God
39:50 but God said: "Not on MY territory!
39:52 Not on MY time... not in MY kingdom! "
39:55 When God took a stand Satan had to bow to the
39:59 authority and power of God.
40:00 And the angels that took his side Revelation tells us that
40:04 1/3 of the angels of heaven that took his side
40:07 were cast to the earth as we just read:
40:11 "And his angels were cast out with him. "
40:14 And Satan has been perpetrating for 6,000 years
40:19 his plan that he put in place
40:21 when he boasted in the face of God.
40:24 But the apostle Paul tells us
40:26 what kind of power this system would have
40:28 and how it would sway those on this earth
40:32 in these last days.
40:34 Listen to the words of the apostle Paul
40:36 in II Thessalonians 2:3-4.
40:39 He says to us today... listen to these sobering words. He says:
41:17 The apostle Paul paints a vivid picture.
41:19 A power that would appear after the falling away comes.
41:24 The falling away from what?
41:27 From truth.
41:29 The falling away from God's Word.
41:31 The falling away from a "Thus saith the Lord. "
41:34 Let me explain.
41:36 If you lived for 1,260 years during the Dark Ages
41:41 and you were living in the dark during the Dark Ages
41:44 and your house had no light for 1,260 years,
41:48 and someone came by and moved your furniture around
41:51 and they moved it again and you never saw it,
41:54 but as the lights came back on 1,260 years later
41:59 you would think to yourself: "The furniture has always
42:02 been there. " But the reality was
42:04 the devil has been moving that furniture around for 1,260 yrs.
42:09 but you didn't even know it because it was the Dark Ages.
42:14 Satan established a system
42:17 to do what he could not do.
42:19 And that system was a ruthless system!
42:22 This religious and political power of Rome
42:25 did some damage to the earth that many of you may be
42:29 completely unaware of.
42:30 This beast described in the second angel's message,
42:33 this beast now described in the third angel's message
42:38 did damage to the political and religious world.
42:41 Read the records. But since you haven't read it
42:45 let me give you an understanding.
42:47 What did Rome do
42:48 that has caused so much confusion in Christianity today?
42:52 About 30,000 denominations. So many teachings...
42:56 different conflicting views.
42:57 Yet it's hard for any minister to say
43:01 that: "I'm not getting it from God's Word. "
43:03 How could such confusion exist today?
43:06 How could there be such a diabolical approach
43:10 to the Word of God? People believing that somehow
43:13 what they believe is in God's Word.
43:15 What did Rome do? Here are some examples.
43:17 Rome altered the commandments of God.
43:20 The Bible said that Rome would seek to change times and laws.
43:24 And it did that... it altered the commandments of God.
43:26 What did Rome do?
43:28 Rome deleted the 2nd commandment that forbids image worship.
43:31 Why? Because they venerate images.
43:34 You've seen bowing before statues that have no life.
43:38 Statues made of plastic and concrete and metal.
43:41 They have eyes but they cannot see,
43:43 hands but they cannot touch, ears but they cannot hear.
43:45 They venerate these idols.
43:47 They sell you idols and say: "Bow to it. "
43:50 And you bow before Mary and do the sign of the cross.
43:52 THIS is what Rome has done.
43:53 Rather than bowing before the true God
43:56 Rome said: "Let's delete that commandment
43:58 so people won't know about it and they'll therefore willingly
44:02 bow before the idols that we erect. "
44:04 But Rome also moved the fourth commandment
44:09 to the third when they got rid of the second.
44:11 The fourth commandment is about the Sabbath
44:13 but when you read the command- ment as it is in the Douay
44:15 version of the Bible - the Roman translation of the Bible -
44:19 you'll find that the third commandment says:
44:21 "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy"
44:22 but it doesn't tell you what day it is.
44:25 Do you know why? Because Rome leads us to believe
44:27 that Sunday is the day to worship.
44:29 What else did Rome do? Rome split the 10th commandment
44:32 in two to take up all the slack.
44:35 The 10th commandment was simply the 10th commandment
44:38 but Rome split that commandment
44:40 so they could take up the slack making it the 9th and the 10th.
44:43 And they move all the commandments up
44:45 to take the space of all the changes that they made.
44:48 But that's just the tip of the iceberg.
44:50 Can I keep going?
44:52 Rome also substituted Sunday worship
44:56 for the Bible Sabbath.
44:57 The details are in that booklet The Three Angels' Messages
45:00 in Summary. Rome also formulated the false doctrine
45:04 of eternally burning hell during the Dark Ages.
45:07 That's how they raised the money to build their cathedrals.
45:10 They taught that people will die and burn forever
45:12 and ever and ever in hell
45:14 if they were not baptized before they died.
45:16 And that's where infant baptism came from.
45:18 That's where purgatory and limbo came from.
45:21 These deceptive lies came from the mouth of that little horn
45:25 that spoke great things and blasphemies against
45:29 the government of God.
45:30 Today millions believe that there is an
45:32 eternally burning hell, but it cannot be found in Scripture.
45:35 When you read the Bible the Bible says they will be
45:37 burned up. They will be ashes under the soles of our feet.
45:41 But let me keep going.
45:42 Rome also formulated in the 1500's
45:45 something that millions of Christians believe today:
45:48 the secret rapture.
45:50 They believe that somehow when you're driving your car
45:52 one day you're going to disappear.
45:54 When you study history Francisco Ribera
45:57 and Luis del Alcázar were two commissioned Jesuits by Rome
46:01 to turn the eyes of the Reformers away from
46:04 the Bible. They knew that Rome fit the description of the beast
46:08 of Daniel chapter 7. They knew that Rome fit
46:11 the antichrist system so they formulated the secret rapture.
46:15 And today millions of those books are being sold...
46:18 the Left Behind theory.
46:20 Well, the only thing left behind is the truth as it is in
46:24 Jesus. Rome also taught that humans possess an immortal soul.
46:28 That the soul never dies but goes to heaven when they die.
46:32 What does the Bible say about the soul?
46:34 There is no immortal soul hiding in my body.
46:36 Listen to God's Word. Ezekiel 18:4 the Bible says:
46:48 The Bible also makes it clear about what happens when we die.
46:51 Listen to the wise man: Ecclesiastes 9:5-6.
46:56 Listen to God's Word. The Bible says:
47:18 THAT's what the Bible says. But it doesn't stop there.
47:21 What else did Rome do? Rome teaches to this very day...
47:25 Rome teaches to this very day that Mary, the mother of Jesus,
47:29 is alive in heaven and is one of the intercessors.
47:34 This delusion was created by placing tradition
47:38 above the Bible. Mary, who gave birth to the earthly Jesus,
47:43 is not alive in heaven. She is not our intercessor.
47:46 Can we allow the Bible to speak for us?
47:49 You see, the Bible makes it very very clear
47:51 that Mary is not the intercessor; Mary is not...
47:54 Mary is not a part of the godhead.
47:56 So when people that know no better say:
47:59 "Hail Mary, full of grace"
48:01 oh friends, THIS is a diabolical lie from Rome...
48:06 from Satan who wants to take the glory that belongs to Christ
48:11 and give it to someone else.
48:13 Let the Bible speak. In I Timothy 2:5 the Bible
48:16 makes it clear. The Bible says:
48:25 There's only one Mediator and His name is Jesus.
48:29 John 14:6 also says... listen to the Bible:
48:43 I can't go to the Father through any earthly person.
48:46 I can't go to God through any earthly priest.
48:49 I've gotta go to God through Jesus.
48:52 He's the only Mediator.
48:54 He's the only One that died for my sins.
48:57 He is that Man Christ Jesus and that God Christ Jesus.
49:01 He is linking heaven to earth.
49:03 The divine side linking man to divinity.
49:06 The human side linking divinity to humanity.
49:09 He is the only One standing between me and heaven.
49:12 When I pray I pray in Jesus' name...
49:16 not in the name of anybody else.
49:17 That's what the Bible says in Hebrews 7:25.
49:35 As I'm preaching as you're listening
49:38 Jesus is our High Priest.
49:40 Not some earthly priesthood. Not some priesthood where I go
49:44 into a booth and I begin to confess to a man
49:46 who has to confess his own sins.
49:49 Not someone who puts on his pants one leg at a time
49:52 like you and I do.
49:53 Not someone whose life is temporary and one day ends up
49:55 in the grave. The only One that can forgive sin is Christ Jesus.
49:59 The only One that can save me and remove the stain of sin
50:03 upon my life is the Man Christ Jesus.
50:05 But what Satan claimed to want to do
50:08 he has established a system on earth to deceive millions
50:12 and millions and billions into believing that somehow
50:16 this system of Rome is the answer for humanity.
50:20 Why is this message so vitally important?
50:23 Why am I preaching with such passion?
50:26 Because God has Christians in every walk of life.
50:31 God has sincere Christians
50:35 in every denomination littering this planet
50:38 from north to south, east to west.
50:40 God is saying to those Christians
50:43 "It is time to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. "
50:47 "It is time to turn away from false doctrines;
50:49 turn away from false teachings about death and hell
50:53 and heaven and intercessory work. "
50:56 "It is time to say Christ is the ONLY way. "
50:58 But Satan, knowing that if he can direct our attention
51:04 away from Christ, how could we find salvation
51:07 when we're looking to somebody other than Christ.
51:10 There's only salvation found in the person of Christ.
51:14 But now, why is this message important?
51:18 The third angel is warning against worshiping the beast,
51:21 his image, and receiving his mark.
51:25 Now let me make something very very clear.
51:28 The beast system is presently alive and well
51:33 as I'm preaching right now.
51:34 That monolithic system of Rome
51:37 with daughters that have embraced what she teaches...
51:40 The Bible says Babylon is not by itself... it has daughters.
51:44 How can you recognize the daughters of that system?
51:47 When they believe the same thing. The Bible says
51:49 these have one mind. If you believe that you die
51:53 and go to heaven, that came out of Rome's teachings.
51:55 That's the daughter of Rome.
51:57 If you believe in an eternally burning hell, that's a gift...
52:00 that's the daughter of Rome.
52:01 God is saying: "Don't look away to the false
52:04 woman; look to the true woman:
52:06 that woman in Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17. "
52:09 The Bible makes it clear: the beast system is alive
52:13 and well today. The image of the beast
52:16 is alive and well today. The image of the beast
52:19 is the exaltation of Sunday worship.
52:23 But let me make a third vitally important point:
52:25 right now... let me say that word again...
52:28 as I stand here: no one has the mark of the beast
52:34 yet. No one.
52:37 Somebody just took a breath.
52:39 "Whoo! After all that I'm glad to know no one has it! "
52:42 But I ended with the word yet.
52:44 Why? Because until Sunday is made a day of legal
52:50 legislation... You might say: "Well that will never
52:53 happen. " Well, you never thought there would be
52:55 legislation for homosexual marriage either
52:57 but that happened.
52:58 The Bible says: "As it was in the days of Lot. "
53:00 It's just like the days of Lot.
53:02 It's just like the days of Noah.
53:04 Things that are being legalized that threaten the marriage
53:07 institution we will never think that that would ever happen.
53:10 Who would ever think that we would live in a nation
53:12 where it's now legal that a man can marry a man
53:15 and a woman can marry a woman?
53:16 And it's legalized.. regardless of what God's Word says.
53:21 We never thought it would happen.
53:22 But let me tell you why it happened.
53:23 God only blessed two things in the Garden of Eden
53:26 before sin: He blessed the marriage
53:28 and He blessed the Sabbath.
53:30 Satan has already removed the sanctity of the Sabbath.
53:32 For centuries, for millennia people have been worshiping
53:36 on Sunday. So Satan just finished
53:39 the second part of his attack
53:41 and he's going to take it to the next level
53:43 in the not-too-distant future.
53:45 That's why there is same-sex marriage.
53:47 He has removed an institution that people and Christians
53:51 never thought would ever be altered.
53:53 Is there something wrong with the marriage? No!
53:56 Is there something wrong with the Sabbath? No!
53:59 The problem is not in what God blessed;
54:02 the problem is in the human vessel.
54:05 But the Bible says that the next move in forming
54:07 an alliance and embracing the institution of Sunday
54:11 is going to happen here in the United States.
54:14 I add the last component
54:16 to marked for death or sealed for life.
54:19 You see, when Rome was going down - I showed you
54:21 the graphic - the United States was coming up.
54:24 But now there was a time when Rome could never come
54:26 to the United States. There was a time that the Vatican was
54:29 never welcomed here, but that's no longer the case.
54:31 We have an ambassador to Vatican City.
54:34 Since our former president Ronald Reagan, ambassadorship.
54:37 An open dialogue with Rome has been kept open
54:41 ever since then Rome and has influenced so many things
54:44 in our politics here in America.
54:46 The Bible says in Revelation 13 verse 11
54:49 look at the not-too-distant future...
54:51 Speaking about America the Bible says:
55:00 Those two horn represented the United States.
55:03 When the United States came into existence
55:05 they offered two things to us:
55:08 a Protestant form of religion protesting Rome
55:13 and a republic form of government...
55:16 simply meaning not Republican vs. Democrat.
55:19 It's a democracy based on the system
55:21 of a republic by the people, for the people.
55:24 It was not that way in Europe.
55:26 They did what the people at the top said.
55:28 In America we vote... we are a ground up
55:31 grass roots movement. Thank the Lord for that!
55:34 Your vote and my vote DOES still count.
55:36 But that's not how it was in Europe.
55:38 That's why when we established the Constitution
55:41 it was for "a more perfect union"
55:44 because it was not a perfect union in Europe.
55:46 But listen to Revelation 13:12 because this country, America,
55:50 who has open dialogue with Rome will one day
55:54 follow in the footsteps of Rome
55:57 and build an alliance bringing Sunday to the forefront.
56:00 Listen carefully, verse 12:
56:13 And now I end with a very solemn quotation
56:16 from the book Testimonies for the Church
56:18 volume 5 page 451. Listen:
57:00 What a sobering message!
57:02 Don't worship the beast or his image or receive his mark
57:05 in your right hand or in your forehead.
57:07 Don't support it; don't accept its teachings.
57:10 Friends, Sunday legislation is not yet enforced.
57:14 Today you can make a decision to follow Christ.
57:17 Because when Sunday becomes a law in America
57:20 it'll quickly become a law around the entire world
57:23 and an image to Rome will be formed
57:27 and the mark will be imposed upon humanity.
57:30 Everyone will be legislatively compelled
57:33 to honor Sunday or honor the Bible Sabbath.
57:38 But here's my closing question:
57:40 marked for death or sealed for life?
57:42 That's the question that you must answer for yourself.
57:45 When that day comes
57:48 when the final call to humanity is over
57:51 where will you stand?
57:53 Will you be on Christ's side or on the devil's side?
57:56 And the question is simple:
57:58 will you be marked for death
58:00 or sealed for life?
58:03 May God bless you as you make that eternal decision.


Revised 2021-03-01