3ABN Homecoming


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC210016S

00:01 Three Angels Broadcasting Network
00:02 is pleased to bring you something better,
00:06 a faith inspiring picture of a loving God
00:09 from the Book of Hebrews.
00:11 Welcome to 3ABN's Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting.
00:15 Okay.
00:16 We want to first of all say thank you
00:18 for and Rise for being here, and part of the 3ABN team
00:22 and for the encouraging messages
00:25 that you have given us have been incredible.
00:26 Amen.
00:28 And it's our hope and prayer and all the other folk too
00:30 in the meetings...
00:31 Thanks for having us. The other speakers.
00:33 Well, you're part of the family, you know,
00:34 you're part of the family so...
00:35 We feel like that. Very glad that you all are here.
00:37 And so those of you at home, thank you for allowing us
00:40 to come into your home as you do each and every day.
00:42 And also thank you for, we always like to say this,
00:45 thank you for your love,
00:46 your prayers and financial support at 3ABN.
00:48 Here's some of our team.
00:50 This is not all of us,
00:51 but is some of our team, and leadership.
00:53 So we'd like to come out we call this an afterglow.
00:55 And so we just kind of come out
00:57 and a few people can just whatever is on their hearts
01:00 and Tim's usually I hope he's at piano,
01:02 Oh, there, he's over there, we may end up singing
01:04 a little chorus or something together.
01:06 But Greg and Jill, thank you so much
01:09 for what you do for the cause of God
01:11 and leading out in this ministry
01:13 that God has ordained and He ordained you guys
01:15 to be here for such an hour as this.
01:17 And thank you so much and we're praying for you.
01:19 And I'd like for all of our folk
01:21 to really put Greg
01:22 and Jill way up there on your prayer list
01:24 because tremendous responsibilities.
01:26 I noticed I feel a lot less responsibility in my shoulders,
01:30 a lot less weight in the last few years.
01:32 So Mr. Danny, you said you've never lost
01:34 any sleep thinking about 3ABN right being worried about it.
01:36 Well, I don't know if this makes,
01:38 any way I woke up this morning at 1:58 AM.
01:41 Yes, thinking about 3ABN.
01:44 Maybe well, good ideas come sometimes, you know, but...
01:47 I have a prayer.
01:49 Yeah, during those times, you know,
01:50 just lift up the Ministry of 3ABN
01:52 and I was thinking about the times
01:53 that we live in.
01:54 We're not guaranteed tomorrow.
01:56 We have today and what an incredible
01:57 privilege all of us had, have.
01:58 I'm thinking about the team that we have here.
02:00 You at home are just a part of the team,
02:02 part of the family.
02:04 What an incredible opportunity we have.
02:05 And it's a privilege to be here,
02:06 in this time in earth's history.
02:08 Thank you, Rise.
02:09 We don't want to put you on the spot, but I guess we will.
02:10 You are going to do it anyway.
02:12 Yeah, we're going to do it anyway.
02:13 And maybe just tell us what you're feeling right now
02:15 and maybe give a word of encouragement
02:17 to the folk at home.
02:18 I honestly have been so blessed by this camp meeting.
02:22 I resonate so much with the music,
02:23 prone to wander, Lord, I feel it.
02:25 And yet God is my refuge.
02:27 And underneath there His everlasting arms.
02:29 And this is my reason to live.
02:31 And it's such a good reason.
02:32 And I have these songs and these words,
02:34 just floating through my brain, and I'm just on a high.
02:37 Just really blessed I've been here.
02:38 All right. Praise the Lord.
02:40 Francine and Jason, you got your mikes.
02:42 We haven't seen you up front much this time.
02:44 But we got, of course, Kids Time, Francine
02:46 and Jason, the CFO.
02:47 What's on your guy's heart?
02:49 And give us a little encouragement here?
02:50 Well, you know, I always think of the kids
02:52 and they always excited about wanting
02:54 to come to camp meeting.
02:55 And, of course, you know, that didn't happen.
02:57 But you know, it reminds me
02:58 of something in 2 Chronicles 29:30 as well.
03:03 But it talks about how Hezekiah first had people
03:07 dedicate the priests, dedicate their lives first,
03:09 consecrate themselves, and then to clean the temple
03:14 and focus on that.
03:16 And then they provided offerings for Christ.
03:19 And you know, that is another some
03:22 of those love languages that we were talking about,
03:24 you know, some of those things and how God is out there
03:28 reaching each one of us,
03:29 and that is something special for us.
03:32 And then they had a big celebration.
03:34 All right. Praise the Lord.
03:35 You know they had the Passover.
03:37 And you know, and that's about singing,
03:38 again, that we were talking about those love languages.
03:41 So, you know, that's something
03:42 that we all want to share in the excitement for Jesus.
03:46 Thank you.
03:47 You know, I just praise the Lord
03:49 that we have an opportunity to be aware of the truth,
03:53 the truth that is in Jesus, and to be a part of this,
03:57 and to be a responsible party to share that good news
04:02 with others is really important.
04:04 And I think of everything that was said,
04:05 and all the singing.
04:07 I'm truly blessed.
04:08 And I kind of look, thought about it.
04:11 And you know, when I was younger,
04:13 about five or six,
04:14 and we would go to the ice cream store
04:18 and we would get the scoops on our ice cream.
04:22 And we were just looking and we're like,
04:23 "Oh, I hope we get more.
04:25 I hope we get more."
04:27 You're talking soy ice cream, right, Jason? That's right.
04:30 Soy... Did that happen?
04:33 Anyway, you know, it's a privilege
04:36 that we have the truth that is in Jesus.
04:39 And to be a part of that, however,
04:41 we need your help in order to carry this word out.
04:44 Because if we just share it amongst ourselves,
04:47 that will only get so far, but we need your help.
04:50 All right. Thank you so much.
04:53 Jay?
04:56 Danny, I've been here for 22 years.
04:58 All right. Wow.
05:00 And each year, I've been here for all the camp meetings.
05:03 And each year after the first one,
05:07 I've thought, "They can't beat last year's,
05:10 just can't be done. It was so good."
05:12 At the end of the second camp meeting
05:15 and each succeeding camp meeting,
05:17 I've said the same thing.
05:18 I think maybe after all this time
05:21 I can learn to expect
05:22 the next one will be better than this one.
05:25 But I can tell you that it was tremendous.
05:28 It was wonderful learning about the seven love languages.
05:32 And now that I know that it's in the Bible,
05:35 I'm going to study it even more in depth.
05:38 And in realizing that
05:40 we need to be a little more forward speaking.
05:44 It's easy, you would think,
05:47 to just talk to somebody.
05:49 But, James, you were talking about how people react to you.
05:53 And I think a lot of us pull back a little bit
05:57 and are concerned about saying something, not anymore.
06:02 Not for me anyway.
06:03 Thank you very much. All right. Praise the Lord.
06:05 Thank you for what you've been doing
06:06 you and your family all of these years.
06:08 And hopefully, each and every one of us have been touched.
06:12 So that's Tim Parton's cue to do He touched me.
06:16 But... And to mute the mike.
06:18 I'll start out and then you all join the chorus.
06:20 We'll do He touched me.
06:27 All the words are up here so you all can join with me.
06:30 Let's do it.
06:31 Shackled by a heavy burden
06:38 'Neath a load of guilt
06:41 And shame
06:46 Then the hand of Jesus
06:50 Touched me
06:53 And now
06:56 I am no longer the same
07:02 He touched me
07:05 Oh, He touched me
07:10 And oh, the joy
07:14 That floods my soul
07:20 Something happened and now
07:26 I know
07:29 He touched me
07:31 And made me whole
07:37 Yvonne?
07:39 There are so many people right now
07:41 who are dealing with overwhelming circumstances.
07:45 And this camp meeting has been so encouraging
07:49 because we look at the love of God.
07:52 I think that that's the kind of the overarching theme here,
07:56 that God is love and that He loves us so much.
08:00 And so there's a verse in Psalms that says,
08:04 from the ends of the earth, I will cry unto you,
08:07 when my heart is overwhelmed,
08:10 lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
08:14 And I know that right now many of you need to be led
08:17 to that rock the truth, God is the rock.
08:22 And He will do for you what no one else can do.
08:25 So hold on and be assured that Jesus has got you,
08:30 He's got your back and He'll never let you go.
08:33 Oh, we got to do the second verse then.
08:35 And then we'll have Mo and Adjma.
08:38 Since I've met.
08:39 Since I've met this
08:42 Blessed Savior
08:47 Since He's cleansed
08:49 And made me whole
08:55 I will never cease
08:59 To praise Him
09:03 I'll shout it while eternity rolls
09:08 Sing with us at home now.
09:11 He touched me
09:14 Oh, He touched me
09:19 And oh, the joy
09:23 That floods my soul
09:28 Something happened and now
09:34 I know
09:36 He touched me
09:39 And made me whole
09:44 Moses, Adjma?
09:46 Hi, Danny.
09:47 This is my 30th anniversary here.
09:51 Wow, 30 years. Thirty years.
09:53 Praise the Lord.
09:54 And I can't even think of the first one.
09:58 But I know this is not going to be the last one.
10:01 This is a beautiful camp meeting,
10:03 and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit here.
10:07 And I was thinking sitting back there,
10:10 I was thinking,
10:12 there are other people that are all over the world,
10:17 and that they can feel the Holy Spirit
10:19 and the Holy Spirit can preach to them in their language.
10:22 But it would be so much better
10:25 if we could have more languages.
10:27 So I was thinking when I was sitting back there,
10:29 and I said, English, Spanish, Russian
10:34 and French is not enough.
10:36 That's right. All right.
10:37 I was thinking my commitment is to this year
10:40 to advance to more language
10:43 so we can share these blessings with the other language people.
10:46 All right. Praise the Lord.
10:48 Thank you. How about Jeff?
10:50 Bring your lovely bride right up by Jill
10:54 and Greg there and maybe introduce yourself
10:56 for those that don't know.
10:58 Well, this is my wife, Charletta, and I'm Jeff Doerr,
11:00 I'm the director of Planned Giving
11:02 and Trust Services here for 3ABN
11:04 and Moses talking about 30 years
11:06 and Jay 20 plus years.
11:08 This is our first year.
11:10 All right. That deserves a clap.
11:12 All right.
11:13 You know, we've enjoyed camp meeting
11:15 as a visitor for many years.
11:18 And the virtual camp meeting is great.
11:21 But I miss all our extended family.
11:24 Yeah.
11:25 Not to be able to take and visit, hug their necks,
11:27 shake their hands.
11:29 And this has been a revival in more than just a camp meeting.
11:32 Yeah. Reviving the Lord in my heart.
11:34 Yeah. Amen.
11:36 You know, when somebody like Ben Carson,
11:38 speaking this morning, someone as intelligent
11:42 and gifted as that man.
11:44 And for him to acknowledge that it's not him,
11:46 it was the Lord Jesus Christ,
11:48 that was touching him and guiding him,
11:51 getting surgeries and everything.
11:53 And then for James, to divide the Word
11:56 and bring it to life,
11:57 to bring the Word to our present day life...
12:00 Amen.
12:02 It's amazing that a gift that God has given that man.
12:04 If I remember rightly,
12:06 that you all were members of another denomination
12:10 but used to listen to 3ABN radio
12:12 and then watch television,
12:13 Charletta, and then you started coming to church.
12:15 That's very true.
12:17 I'm so thankful for people who have donated
12:21 to 3ABN over the years
12:22 'cause that's how I discovered the truth.
12:25 Well, praise Lord.
12:27 John, in the Book of John, it says,
12:30 "You shall know the truth
12:32 and the truth shall set you free."
12:34 And that, you know, that has happened for us.
12:39 Absolutely.
12:40 And there's so many people that are in churches,
12:45 they're good people,
12:48 and it's very difficult
12:50 to step out of a comfort zone.
12:54 It is very difficult.
12:57 And they're good people.
12:58 They just do not realize perhaps
13:01 that there's a truth that they have not witnessed.
13:06 Maybe something better, right? Yes.
13:09 James, Brother James?
13:10 So if the Holy Spirit speaks to you,
13:13 even though it can be very difficult sometimes,
13:16 please obey, please listen,
13:20 and you will be set free in a way
13:22 that you have never experienced Brian?
13:26 Brian's been here some time, few years,
13:29 but you're kind of mostly behind scenes.
13:31 Tell us, just give us what's on you,
13:33 you and your beautiful wife.
13:35 We've seen her before. Yes.
13:37 As many of you know,
13:39 this is my beautiful wife Celestine.
13:41 In December of 2017,
13:44 we were baptized together before we got married.
13:46 Praise the Lord.
13:48 And then I got, we got married in 2018 then I started at 3ABN.
13:53 Yeah, what do you do at 3ABN?
13:55 I started in the programming department in February.
13:58 And then by this time in camp meeting in September,
14:03 starting October of 2018,
14:04 I became the programming manager.
14:06 All right. So praise the Lord.
14:08 And it was definitely a gift to be able to do the work
14:13 that I do for the Lord
14:14 and especially for the ministry.
14:16 You're fairly new Adventist?
14:17 Fairly new Adventist. All right.
14:19 You know, I fell away from the Lord for many years,
14:22 and then He patiently brought me back.
14:24 And when He did... That's what He does.
14:26 And He brought me through the truth,
14:28 through Bible studies with Pastor John
14:30 and Pastor C.A. Murray.
14:32 Amen. Praise the Lord.
14:33 That sounds like we're just going to have to sing something
14:35 about that name.
14:37 Amen.
14:38 That's your that's your cue, Brother Tim.
14:43 Let's see, we're cueing.
14:49 Jesus, Jesus,
14:54 Jesus
14:58 There's just something about
15:03 That name
15:08 Master, Savior,
15:12 Jesus
15:16 Like the fragrance
15:20 After the rain
15:26 Jesus, Jesus,
15:31 Jesus
15:35 Let all Heaven
15:38 And earth proclaim
15:45 Kings and kingdoms
15:50 will all pass away
15:54 But there's something about
15:59 That name Jason?
16:03 Jason Bradley, what's on your heart?
16:06 All right.
16:07 Well, you know, camp meeting is always
16:08 such an exciting time of year,
16:13 two times out of the year,
16:14 and there's a lot of planning and preparation
16:17 that goes into camp meeting
16:19 and I think about our lives and recognize
16:22 that there's a lot of planning and preparation
16:25 that needs to take place,
16:27 and that people don't plan to fail,
16:29 but they tend to fail to plan
16:31 and we've been given the Bible...
16:33 We got a sermon now.
16:34 Come on. Come on Jay.
16:35 We've been given the Bible which is like
16:37 basic instructions before leaving earth.
16:41 And so contained within the pages of Scripture
16:45 is a plan and a purpose and a calling on your life.
16:49 Do not fail to plan for eternity.
16:54 God has something in store for you
16:56 and He wants to reveal it to you
16:58 but you have to open His Word, He loves you.
17:02 Give your heart to Him. Thank you.
17:03 Hey Jay, before you leave, now this is our son Jason.
17:08 And a lot of people get us confused.
17:10 They say we look alike, for about same height and same,
17:13 you know, but actually I'm older than him.
17:15 I may not look like it, no I'm just kidding.
17:17 Just a tad.
17:18 It's okay to have a little bit of fun right,
17:20 once in a while just don't stretch it
17:21 too far then.
17:23 But we're so privileged
17:24 and I'm so privileged to be a part of your life
17:26 and set in for a pop I'm not,
17:28 you know, you got to father and that's great,
17:29 but I'm the pop and you make me so proud as a Christian,
17:33 as a person to see the growth in your life.
17:36 It's been amazing since we,
17:38 you know, many years ago, when we first met,
17:40 we told you to go home
17:41 and you came here right for a program.
17:44 What was it New Years?
17:46 It was the day of prayer. Day of prayer.
17:47 And you were up here speaking and you said,
17:49 if you leave this place,
17:50 and you can't get it out of your mind,
17:52 then perhaps this is where God would have you to be.
17:54 And... Trap.
17:56 That was a trap.
17:57 And seven and a half plus years later,
18:00 here I am.
18:01 Praise God. Amen.
18:03 All right. J.D?
18:07 I guess we all have a testimony.
18:10 All I know is that God is mighty, mighty good.
18:13 And, you know, camp meeting is always a favorite time
18:16 because we're people persons.
18:19 If you're a people person, you love hugging necks,
18:22 you love getting names, and you love sharing Jesus.
18:27 And what I've learned in pastoral is that
18:29 there are so many hurting people out there,
18:32 that they're, they need prayer,
18:34 they need attention, they want to be heard.
18:38 And I just encourage anyone here
18:41 that's listening,
18:43 first of all, that we do miss you.
18:46 Second of all, don't hesitate to call.
18:49 You know, we got an 800 number.
18:51 But today, the way the technology is set up,
18:53 it doesn't cost anything, use your own phone.
18:57 Be a good steward,
18:59 allow 3ABN to use those funds
19:01 that would go out on an 800 number,
19:03 to go for magazines, books,
19:06 and et cetera to bless other people.
19:08 But anyway, don't hesitate to give us a call.
19:11 Once again, I just want to make it perfectly clear
19:14 that we do love you.
19:15 In fact, we adore you.
19:17 You are part of our family.
19:18 All right. Sister Shelley?
19:21 Well, I know my heart was touched.
19:24 I want to thank you, James.
19:26 Hebrews has always been my favorite book.
19:28 But I think what impressed me
19:31 the most about this camp meeting
19:34 is how intimate it was.
19:36 We saw a God of intimate love of relational love.
19:41 And he touched my heart.
19:43 I feel changed.
19:44 And I feel blessed.
19:46 Thank you so much.
19:48 Amen. Thank you so much.
19:49 Greg and Jill, we have a few minutes.
19:51 Why don't you give us a little bit,
19:52 maybe your vision for the coming months,
19:56 the coming years,
19:58 and both of you are doing incredible,
20:00 credible work.
20:01 And I don't say that lightly,
20:02 everybody here will agree with us.
20:05 We're not uplifting you, but we uplift the Jesus in you.
20:08 I've never seen more people more committed
20:11 to anything in my life
20:12 than I have these two as a couple.
20:13 So, but you're great visionaries,
20:16 and I love it.
20:17 And I've kind of handed that over now.
20:19 I love you waking up at 1:30 in the morning
20:21 thinking about what 3ABN needs to happen here.
20:24 That's so good.
20:26 Yvonne and I are sound asleep, and Greg is awake,
20:28 but, no, give us a little bit of your heart
20:31 both of you please?
20:33 I was just standing here this evening, on the stage
20:37 and 19 years ago,
20:42 I came here to 3ABN.
20:45 I was a young bride, had just married Greg,
20:48 in my 20s, knew nothing, wanted to serve Jesus,
20:54 wanted to give my life
20:56 to share the gospel with others.
20:59 And as I stood here on the stage tonight,
21:02 I was reminded of all the people
21:05 who have poured into my life.
21:08 And you all are standing right here.
21:09 Oh, praise the Lord.
21:11 Reminded that they have prayed for Greg and I,
21:14 that you all have loved us, that you all have mentored us,
21:19 that you all have showed us a picture of Jesus.
21:23 And I'm so very grateful for that.
21:25 Grateful that no matter who you are,
21:28 no matter where you've been,
21:30 no matter what you don't know
21:33 or what you think you don't know,
21:35 the Lord Jesus loves you.
21:37 The Lord Jesus made you.
21:39 The Lord Jesus redeemed you for a purpose.
21:42 He called you to be His witness.
21:46 No matter what you feel you can or can't do,
21:49 He wants to use you, empower you,
21:52 equip you, stand you up to be His witness.
21:57 If anyone is in Christ, He or she is a new creature,
22:01 the old is past, the old life of sin,
22:03 the old man or woman of sin,
22:05 those old addictions,
22:07 those things that hold us hostage,
22:10 Jesus came to set you free.
22:13 And if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
22:18 So we go forth from this camp meeting
22:20 knowing that there is something better.
22:23 We have a better hope, we have a better Savior,
22:26 we have a better future.
22:29 And right now, in this world that we have today,
22:32 we can look around, and we can share Jesus.
22:36 To me, that's my goal.
22:37 That's my vision for 3ABN, new avenues, new methods,
22:43 new ways to proclaim the gospel,
22:45 whether it's through other languages,
22:47 whether it's through different avenues
22:49 that the gospel can go forward.
22:51 But that is our objective, and that is our purpose,
22:53 to share the undiluted three angels' messages
22:57 with a lost and dying world.
22:59 Amen.
23:00 You know, I found at 3ABN that, you know, we have plans,
23:03 and it's good to have plans.
23:04 But I've found that my plans today
23:06 may be totally different tomorrow,
23:07 because God's opened another window,
23:09 and we've got to go this way, and then also,
23:11 it seems like we're going this way.
23:12 So our plan and our vision
23:14 is to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
23:16 And that's our plan and our vision.
23:18 I want to just say thank you also to the crew.
23:20 Even though you've not been here,
23:22 the production crew have worked tirelessly,
23:24 like they always do,
23:25 to bring camp meeting to you.
23:27 And so I want to say thank you to the production team
23:29 and everyone else.
23:32 Jesus is coming very soon. Amen.
23:35 We're on a journey.
23:36 And I want to encourage you, don't give up.
23:39 I was in the woods not long ago,
23:41 and I heard a little rustling in the leaves
23:43 and I looked down and I saw
23:44 a little Eastern box turtle.
23:47 It was on a journey heading somewhere.
23:49 As I look closer, its right eye was gone.
23:53 It was just sealed shut.
23:54 Its eye was gone.
23:56 Turtle was still moving forward.
23:58 I looked a little closer,
24:00 its shell had a massive gash.
24:02 It was old, it healed over.
24:04 But this turtle was on a journey.
24:06 All right.
24:07 In front of this turtle was a log.
24:09 I said, "This is going to be interesting."
24:11 I sat back and I looked and that turtle with one eye,
24:14 battle scars on his back, I looked at that log.
24:17 And as turtles go kind of slow,
24:19 up and over and he stood on top.
24:21 It just bounced in the middle of his shell.
24:23 And then he went over the other side on his journey.
24:25 I want to encourage you, many of you are battle scarred,
24:28 you're weary, maybe you've lost sight of something
24:31 but you still got one eye,
24:32 you've got a scar somewhere here but go for it.
24:35 I want to encourage you don't give up.
24:36 You know, we're almost there. We're almost home.
24:39 Don't give up. We're oppressed.
24:40 It seems like things are coming on.
24:42 Pressure past, you mentioned last year
24:44 you said, "Do you feel the pressure?"
24:46 I raise my hand, I feel the pressure.
24:48 And I think you feel the pressure
24:49 too at home but don't give up.
24:51 Jesus Christ is coming very, very soon.
24:54 Amen.
24:55 Oh, I have to tell you, I can identify with the turtle.
24:58 I'm blind to my right eye.
25:00 But you didn't give up.
25:01 I'm 70 years old and I'm a little slower
25:02 than I used to be.
25:04 But I'm not giving up yet. Amen.
25:05 That's right. That's right.
25:07 I'm still going up breezy.
25:08 I'm still going forward.
25:09 Praise the Lord. All right.
25:11 I'm still going forward here.
25:12 We're still going forward.
25:14 These young ones, they don't know
25:15 what we're talking about.
25:17 Some of you at home do for sure.
25:19 Thank you so much, and for your leadership
25:22 and for what you do for the calling
25:24 that God has placed on your life.
25:25 And I just want to say something to the viewers.
25:28 This doesn't happen by itself.
25:31 3ABN, you heard Brother Mo continuing to grow.
25:34 You heard their vision,
25:35 continue to reach more and more people.
25:38 While the avenues, communication highways
25:42 or new ones coming out all the time.
25:44 But it's also open for secular vision
25:48 for folks that have the vision to take,
25:51 I'm just going to say bad stuff, anti-God,
25:54 anti-Bible, anti-themes to the world.
25:58 We have to work now.
25:59 That's right. Right?
26:01 The fields are wide under harvest
26:02 but the reapers, where are they?
26:06 We cannot do what we do without you.
26:09 You're as much a part of the team
26:11 of 3ABN as we are.
26:14 Honestly, I'm going to say it again,
26:15 without you, we just all be standing there
26:17 having a good time all right but all by ourselves.
26:20 Probably couldn't afford all the lights on.
26:22 So we maybe been in the dark,
26:24 but we'd still be talking to each other.
26:26 But I want to thank you for what you do.
26:28 And so I know many of you are sacrificing.
26:30 Thank you for that.
26:32 Many of you, maybe you haven't, maybe you say,
26:34 well, they tell me that after 25 years,
26:37 people look at an organization as an institution
26:40 and an institution while they just go on.
26:43 But honestly, this would not go on
26:45 without what you do
26:47 as the Holy Spirit impresses you
26:49 what you should do for this ministry, us too,
26:52 each and every one of us here we make that decision,
26:55 what can we do to support 3ABN?
26:57 It's not enough just to get up front,
26:58 talk or travel and do whatever.
27:00 But we want to personally give,
27:02 we personally want to be a part
27:04 of getting this great gospel of the kingdom
27:06 unto all the world.
27:08 So I'm going to ask you to think about it.
27:09 And I'm going to ask Greg to say a prayer
27:11 that we want to pray for each and every one of you.
27:13 And right now, we don't normally do this.
27:15 It's not a big begathon or anything,
27:17 but I just felt impressed by the Holy Spirit.
27:19 There are many watching this program,
27:21 maybe you've never given, you've never supported.
27:24 But maybe the Holy Spirit right now
27:25 is wanting to speak to you
27:27 and tell you what He would have you to do.
27:29 Maybe you volunteer your time.
27:31 Thank you for your prayers.
27:32 We appreciate all that.
27:34 God has something in store for you.
27:36 And we can get this gospel of the kingdom
27:38 into all the world only when we unite together,
27:41 church, people, all of us in unity, no division.
27:45 Can't a house divided against itself can't stand,
27:48 it will fall, right?
27:49 But we want to be united and we are with our viewers
27:52 and our listeners
27:53 and for those of you round the world.
27:54 Thank you so much.
27:56 And then you as Greg prays, you ask the Holy Spirit,
27:58 what He would have you to do.
27:59 We're all part of the family of God.
28:01 Amen.
28:02 Father in heaven, Lord, we're thankful
28:04 for the privilege each one of us
28:06 have been a part of spreading Your gospel around the world.
28:09 Thank You for the sacrifice that so many have done
28:12 and given Lord to make 3ABN what it is today.
28:15 And, Lord, thank you for taking the funds
28:17 multiplying them.
28:18 And, Father, thank You so much for protecting 3ABN,
28:21 we pray for special hedge of protection
28:23 around the donors.
28:24 We thank You for Your Holy Spirit
28:25 that impresses and in Jesus' name
28:27 we pray, amen.
28:28 Amen.
28:30 So I think we should probably go out sing
28:31 and don't you, Brother Tim, Family of God?
28:34 All right.
28:38 I'm a part of the Family of God
28:43 I've been washed in the fountain
28:47 Cleansed by His blood
28:50 Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod
28:57 For I'm part of the family
29:00 The Family of God
29:02 Again...
29:05 I'm a part of the Family of God
29:10 I've been washed in the fountain
29:14 Cleansed by His blood
29:18 Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod
29:24 For I'm part of the family
29:28 The Family of God
29:31 Our time is all gone.
29:33 Until we see you next time, may the Lord richly bless you,
29:36 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think.
29:38 Amen.


Revised 2022-01-24