House Calls

Spiritualism Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang, Pr. John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL080025

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word
00:04 together on this edition of House Calls.
00:22 Well, friends, welcome to another House Calls
00:23 program where we start on our excursion
00:25 again in the word of God studying what he
00:28 wants us to study and believing by his
00:30 spirit that we're sharing with you what he
00:32 wants us to share with you. My name
00:33 is John Lomacang and I'm John Stanton,
00:35 Pastors. Both pastors, that's right,
00:38 it's great to be with you here on this program.
00:40 Another exciting program John that we are
00:42 doing on Spiritualism. That's right, it's a very,
00:45 it's amazing topic because it goes so deep
00:47 and so rooted in what's happening today,
00:49 that people are sometimes are unaware of
00:52 the victimization that's happening in their church.
00:54 In their own lives and in their homes on this
00:56 very foundational topic Spiritualism.
00:58 Very, very true and especially with regard
01:00 to what we're talking about here the importance
01:03 of God's word and knowing the truth in these
01:05 days in which we live. I believe we're living in
01:08 the last days. That's right and so for us
01:10 to be able to strengthen you today,
01:12 we're gonna ask that you would, you keep
01:13 your mind set, hit that record button and
01:16 press play, invite your friends and families
01:19 to sit down and we're gonna walk through
01:21 this together, but John, let's begin
01:23 with prayer. Let's do that.
01:24 Our Father in Heaven, we're so thankful
01:26 again to have an opportunity to come before
01:29 your throne and to seek you face and
01:31 to ask for the Holy Spirit to fill us and
01:34 to guide and lead us through your word
01:36 or be with each one not only both of us who
01:38 are presenting the topic of the day,
01:41 but Lord we pray that you should be with
01:42 each here of your word today as well,
01:44 in Jesus name, amen, amen.
01:47 You know you always send Bible questions
01:49 to us, some of you have sent questions
01:51 before and some of you are thinking
01:53 I have a Bible question. I wanna ask that
01:55 question, if you do have one. Here's the
01:57 address you need to send it to us.
01:58 Send it to
02:01 That's and if you have
02:04 snail mail that means you still lick that
02:07 stamp and send that letter through the mail.
02:10 The address is PO Box 220, West Frankfort,
02:13 Illinois 62896 and address that oblivious to
02:16 3ABN, but sub address that to the House
02:19 Calls program or Bible questions.
02:22 John, this is a, this is a day and age where
02:26 the Bible is so relevant that we have to
02:28 bring its relevancy back and so that's why
02:30 this program is based on the foundation
02:32 and when people send question in,
02:34 I think they send legitimate questions.
02:36 Some are repeated questions, but all I
02:39 think are concerns of the people that's in
02:40 the mail. What do you have for us today?
02:42 Well I've got a question here from Scarlet
02:46 and she's got a question that I know are
02:50 on a lot of people's minds here especially
02:52 when we see the economy really feeling and
02:56 you know it's a real challenge to our families.
02:58 We've seen the national disasters,
02:59 more and more frequently in the world today.
03:02 And so many are sensing that we are
03:03 living in the last days and so this question
03:05 comes from this Scarlet who is asking some
03:08 serious questions here. She says, she was
03:12 listening to a recent DVD sermon and I
03:14 won't mention who this sermon was presented
03:16 by. But this speaker said that the U.S.
03:22 was in for an economic fall. An economic crash
03:26 here, this fall which is of 2008 and that
03:31 money will become non void, Sunday laws
03:33 would be passed, drop whatever you're doing,
03:36 got to head to the mountains, if you miss out
03:37 on the short window of time. You'll be stuck
03:39 in the cities and you'll go through persecution
03:42 and other things. Anyway this is the gist
03:44 of what he said on his DVD. Okay.
03:46 Really causing a lot of angst and anxiety,
03:49 you know from anyone who would view that
03:52 program. And she says here that she's a
03:55 believer in Bible Prophesy. She knows that
03:57 the end is coming, but that for the sake of
04:01 practicality, how do we handle these issues
04:06 and these things coming upon the world
04:07 in the last days. And here are some of
04:08 the things she said? Where do we go,
04:11 do we jump on our cars, do we walk,
04:14 if we can't use money and you know how
04:16 do we get gas even to fill our car,
04:18 and if we have underage children that
04:20 are in school, I mean do we, do we pick
04:22 them up or do we leave, so there's issues
04:25 with the family there. Advise for those as
04:29 far as our savings now, what should we do
04:30 with our savings. Shall we be getting rid
04:32 of that now and putting it into God's work.
04:36 And then, any way there are lot of things
04:37 here talked about a quote that we're all
04:39 very familiar with about being without an
04:41 intercessor. In these last days for a
04:44 period of time how can we do that,
04:46 you know is God gonna leave us to ourselves.
04:49 So Scarlet, lets get, lets put this into a
04:54 better context. Right. Okay lets put the
04:56 time of trouble into a better context.
04:58 I'm gonna read for you a couple of things
05:00 from books that you may, many of you maybe
05:02 familiar with before you'll probably recognize
05:04 the title. The first one is from Early Writings.
05:06 There's a couple of pages that I'll read
05:07 some statements from, the first one is from
05:09 page 33. It says, I saw that God had
05:14 children who do not see and keep the Sabbath.
05:18 They don't know the truth about the Sabbath
05:19 at this point. They have not rejected the
05:21 light upon it and at the commencement of the
05:24 time of trouble, we were filled with a holy
05:27 ghost and we went forth and proclaimed
05:29 the Sabbath more fully. So we didn't run to
05:32 the hills or we don't run to the hills,
05:34 we go actually toward those who need the
05:36 message. That's right. And the book goes
05:39 on to say here, the commencement of that
05:41 time of trouble, I'm reading from page 85 now,
05:44 here mentioned does not refer to the time
05:46 when the plague shall begin to be poured out,
05:48 but to a short period of time before they're
05:51 poured out. Well, Christ is in the sanctuary
05:54 speaking of the early time of trouble.
05:55 Well, the time of trouble John where God's
05:57 mercy is still open to save and to reach the
06:00 lost. Now, as I think about that, when the
06:04 time of trouble comes prior to any Sunday Law
06:07 or any laws passed against the true worship
06:11 of God, there will be some calamity,
06:13 some devastation that's happening or things
06:15 are failing all around us. We won that to
06:18 ramp up our preaching and our testimony
06:20 to the world. And that means going into
06:22 the cities, not living the cities, but going to
06:25 reach the people. And I think sometimes we
06:27 have this incorrect prospective where as
06:30 when the trouble comes hey let's bail.
06:33 Exactly, where I think what God is calling us
06:35 to do as his people is get to the people,
06:39 you know reach the people. This early time
06:41 of trouble or this time of trouble where
06:43 probation is still open, is a time for hearts
06:46 to change. For God to reach people who,
06:49 who feel like everything is just fine and
06:51 don't have a desire for Godly things or God
06:53 himself and we're to reach them, because
06:57 they're facing death and maybe it's a time
07:00 where they would listen where other times
07:02 or times before the calamity comes they're
07:04 just closed out to that gospel. So it's not
07:08 a time to run, it's a time to preach and
07:10 to share the message. That's good,
07:11 you know how will people hear unless there's
07:13 a preacher. The Bible says whosoever shall
07:17 call upon the name of the Lord shall be
07:19 saved, but how will they hear without a
07:21 preacher. And how will one preach unless
07:24 he is sent and so at that time it's truly
07:27 gonna be said blessed is he who comes in
07:29 the name of the Lord, because people are
07:31 gonna be looking for an answer to the
07:33 perplexities in our world and they're gonna
07:35 say somebody has the answer, somebody
07:37 has the message. So as John pointed out,
07:40 the time of trouble is a gradual time,
07:43 I would like it similar to a hurricane.
07:46 You know, you get the forecast,
07:47 they're following it, they're tracking it,
07:49 it's building up stream, it's going over warm
07:51 waters and then everybody's either deciding
07:55 what role am I going to playing during this
07:57 time, so there is gonna be a time to stand
08:00 firmly and secure the things that you have
08:03 and make sure that when the storm hits in
08:05 it's intensity that you have made the
08:07 decisions to act at that particular time.
08:10 We're not saying that time has hit even yet.
08:12 No not yet. We're still seeing just the early,
08:13 the early parts of this, but there is
08:15 gonna be such major calamity, I mean
08:18 thousands of cities she says wiped out.
08:20 Right. During this early time prior to
08:22 probation close, so we'll know when that
08:26 early time of trouble that beginning of the
08:28 time of trouble happens. And it's time to
08:30 preach the word. Now this is an interesting
08:32 part too. I'm just gonna read you from
08:34 another quote here, it's from Manuscript
08:37 Releases number 19, page 282.
08:41 It says in the last days and this is an
08:44 amazing thing. You really got to write this
08:45 quote down. In the last days Satan will
08:48 appear as an angel of light, with great
08:50 power and heavenly glory, and claim to
08:53 be the Lord of the whole earth.
08:54 If you wanna read about that go to 2nd
08:56 Thessalonians chapter 2 which talks about
08:59 the combination of Satan's first plan from Isaiah
09:01 14 and 12 to 14 we see the reality of that
09:04 happening in 2nd Thessalonians 2.
09:08 It says here, he will declare that the Sabbath
09:10 has been changed from the seventh to the
09:13 first day of the week, and as Lord of the
09:15 first day of the week he will present this
09:18 spurious Sabbath as a test of loyalty to him.
09:22 Then will take place the final fulfillment of the
09:25 Revelator's Prophesy. So what we find
09:27 there is an amazing thing John that Satan
09:30 himself personating Christ calls for the
09:33 passing of the Sunday Law. Now I'm
09:36 not saying that we aren't steer stepping up
09:39 to that point. You brought up a very good
09:40 thing. Where we're seeing it ushered in.
09:42 Right. You know things are happening
09:43 behind the doors and I'm sure that ground
09:45 work is being laid, but when the time of,
09:48 when the time comes for that law to be
09:50 passed and by the way when it's passed
09:52 then we flee to the mountains not before.
09:55 But when that is passed then at that time
10:01 Satan is already here. He's already involved
10:03 and so some amazing things we can learn
10:05 there that here the time of trouble comes,
10:07 we're preaching the word that preaching
10:09 gets stronger and stronger, Satan appears
10:12 to personate Christ, his push gets stronger
10:15 and stronger culminating in a law that's
10:18 passed to persecute and to kill those who are
10:21 obeying that commandment and then
10:24 we get into a situation where we're fleeing
10:25 to the mountains. So sometimes we have
10:27 a little, a little backwards there. And I just
10:30 wanted to clarify that because there is
10:32 no reason for anxiety, there's no reason
10:35 for figuring this all at the beginning of time
10:37 and you know what, John I mean you
10:38 and I have said this before, we've,
10:39 we've shared this truth for sometime now.
10:42 We maybe wrong. You know there maybe
10:44 little things that we've shared that the
10:46 prospective that we have is not right that's
10:48 okay, but I think to a great degree generally
10:52 we're gonna see a time of trouble where
10:54 God's hand of mercy is open to save,
10:56 but he has his people in place to do that
10:59 last final preaching, the 144,000 to give
11:01 that message of salvation to the world.
11:03 And we're told that we ought to do what we
11:06 can be a part of that number. To be a part
11:08 of God's last day workers to bring the
11:10 gospel and that last message to the world.
11:14 This, the hour, the hour in which we live
11:17 as a climate of change. A climate of folks,
11:21 things are not staying the same. One week
11:24 the stock market is very high,
11:26 oh sorry one week, one day, yeah.
11:28 The stock markets are next day very,
11:30 very low. You know we're seeing extremes
11:32 in our day. We're seeing extreme weather,
11:36 we're seeing extreme crime and violence.
11:41 So the world is no longer in that the eye
11:44 of the storm. We're on the, I think we are
11:46 living somewhere on the out of bands,
11:48 so where ever that band touches there is
11:50 something fierce that's following right on
11:52 the hills of that. When this person has
11:55 put all the things that we should do together
11:57 in one sentence or one paragraph,
12:01 it almost goes from nothing happening to
12:04 mass hysteria. Yeah, almost like boom,
12:07 speakers turned on and. Yeah, let's
12:08 get out of here everything is coming apart,
12:09 because the stock market is unstable and
12:11 you know I can go down a list of a whole
12:14 lot of things that can really make that
12:15 unstable. But we have a world where the
12:18 number one focus of the Lord is not so
12:19 much to get us ready for the time of trouble,
12:22 but to prepare us for the preaching of
12:23 the gospel. Yes. Matthew 24:14,
12:27 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be
12:29 preached in all the world for a witness unto
12:31 all nations; and then shall the end come.
12:33 So the Lord ultimately has that last string,
12:36 he can just pull the bag and okay let's
12:37 just let it all happen now, because my plan
12:40 for getting the message to all humanity has
12:43 been accomplished. Now, we know John that
12:45 people are more willing to listen in times of
12:49 tragedy than they are in times of prosperity.
12:53 September 11th is one of the examples and
12:55 a number of other things that have happened
12:56 after that. People are poised to listen when
12:59 they are at other times their ears are turned
13:02 away from it, even wanting to hear it.
13:04 So, so the calamities will play a part not on
13:07 the basis of destruction, but on the basis
13:10 of getting man's attention. The Lord is speaking,
13:13 we need to hear what he's saying,
13:15 these things have come, we have no one
13:16 to turn to. Let's listen to God's answers
13:19 and find a way out of this. But those things
13:22 that were mentioned will eventually happen.
13:25 That's right. It just don't put the timing
13:26 to it, because we don't want to rush those
13:28 things, but we do want to be faithful and
13:31 proclaiming the gospel, getting ready for
13:32 that time. You know you have to ask yourself
13:33 this question, how self it would,
13:35 how selfish would it be for us to want to go
13:38 heaven and to get out of here and not take
13:40 somebody with us. I mean it's almost
13:43 like you know we're saying, Lord just get
13:45 me out of here, so I can be saved when
13:47 God maybe saying to us you know what I
13:49 send you in the world to save some others.
13:50 I got to do that. Let's fulfill that purpose
13:52 first before in take you out. And, so
13:56 sometimes I think even out prayers Lord
13:58 come soon can be selfish, because when
14:02 Jesus himself we find this in Peter specifically
14:07 says that there's time goes on because
14:09 God is patient, long suffering not willing
14:12 that anybody would perish. That's right.
14:14 So our prayers should be lo wait a little
14:15 longer, so we can reach some that are not
14:19 saved today. That's why this idea of the
14:21 secret rapture is just so, I'm looking for
14:26 the word here. Perfunctory to me.
14:29 That's a word to look up, whether the
14:32 context was appropriate or not you decide,
14:35 but it's almost like get me out of here before
14:38 the bottom drops out and whatever happens
14:41 after I'm gone is not my concern. The concern
14:44 of the Christian is not to be, not to be
14:48 extracted or taken out of here, but the
14:52 Lord is going to keep us to accomplish the
14:54 design that he has established. Now this is
14:57 a text that's encouraging here in Revelation 3
14:58 and verse 10: Jesus says, because you have
15:02 kept My command to persevere, I will also
15:06 keep you from the hour of trial which shall
15:09 come upon the whole world, to test those
15:12 who dwell on the earth. So there's an hour
15:15 of trial that's coming on the whole world,
15:17 but you notice what it says, the Lord didn't
15:19 say I'll take out before the hour of trial,
15:22 he says I will keep you from the hour of trial
15:25 that shall come upon the whole world and
15:27 then Jesus later on says Father, I do not
15:30 pray that you'll take them out of the world,
15:32 but that you will keep them. I do not pray
15:34 that You take them out, but that you keep
15:36 them. When the Lord takes us out of the
15:38 world he's gonna take us all out together
15:40 and that's at his second coming visible,
15:42 literal, audible, transforming the world
15:45 all at one time. Well thank you for the
15:47 question John. I have one here that let
15:49 me see which one I'm gonna answer first.
15:52 The person begins with the word sorry.
15:55 Well I think it's a good question. I don't think
15:56 you will be sorry for, but sorry for asking
16:00 for such question, but this is what,
16:03 what's bothering me lately, from Genesis 3
16:06 verse 16 and John if you could turn in the
16:09 Bible to First Timothy 2 and verse 11 and 12.
16:13 I'm gonna turn to Genesis chapter 3 verse 16.
16:17 1st Timothy chapter 2, verse 11 and 12.
16:21 Okay, where is Genesis they hide it from me,
16:24 okay there it is in the very beginning of the Bible.
16:26 The book is somewhere else. They moved it,
16:29 here it is. You wanna read that first?
16:30 I'm gonna read that first. Okay. And let me
16:32 read the question so we can get the context.
16:35 It is clear to me from Genesis 3:16 and
16:37 1st Timothy 2, verse 11 and 12, that women
16:39 are not equal with men in teaching the gospel.
16:43 Why then in our churches as well as online
16:46 or on TV women are preaching and even
16:49 some are called pastors in my church for
16:52 instance. Paul also says that women should cover
16:55 their head, why we don't follow these
16:58 recommendations, why don't we follow this
16:59 recommendation as well? I'm far from suppressing
17:03 or abusing women, I adore women in respect
17:06 of their wisdom and knowledge, but how
17:08 about what the word of God says.
17:11 Alexander in Toronto. Alexander, let me
17:15 encourage you, its not, the problem is not
17:16 the women. That made me cough there,
17:23 don't go there. But this is the first text that
17:26 he sited. Genesis 3 verse 16, To the woman
17:31 he said, I will greatly multiply your sorrow and
17:34 your conception; in pain you shalt bring
17:37 forth children; your desire shall be for
17:39 your husband, and he shall rule over you.
17:42 Yes, clearly the Bible is in essence saying
17:45 here the husband is the head of the wife as
17:49 Christ is the head of the church.
17:50 I'm putting this in the context that Jesus intends.
17:54 The husband is the head of the wife,
17:56 as Christ is the head of the church.
17:58 Now, let's put that together. If the husband
18:01 is the head of the wife, he's ruling over her
18:04 does it say that only the husband has the
18:07 call to proclaim the gospel? No, not anymore
18:10 than only God has the voice to proclaim the
18:12 gospel when he calls his wife to do the preaching
18:17 which is the church. The woman, the bride
18:21 as we talked about on one of the past
18:22 programs. The woman who is described as
18:25 the church in the scripture is the one that's
18:27 called to proclaim the message forth.
18:31 When Paul talked about women covering
18:33 their head and that's 1st Corinthians chapter 11,
18:36 it was a custom he was addressing,
18:38 but if you read that very carefully he says
18:40 there is no such custom in the churches of God.
18:44 It was an issue of contention. Now there
18:47 is some countries where people will go
18:49 including men and we would have to follow
18:51 the customs of that country to be respectful,
18:54 not so much to be, to recognize that we are
18:57 subservient or we're less or we're less
18:59 significant or we have no voice,
19:02 but now what do you think so far and
19:04 register that text and let's go to the next
19:06 part of this question. Yes. Well yeah,
19:08 I mean its very true and I think there were
19:10 a lot of customs and you have to put
19:11 yourself in the culture of the day whenever
19:14 you read this, because one of the things
19:17 that we often air in that we, we bring
19:20 the old customs or old culture into modern
19:22 day society, when that issue wasn't here
19:25 and so I think it's a very important,
19:27 good point that you bring up, one of the
19:28 things that jumps out at me immediately
19:30 when you know he was talking about in this
19:33 question the first part of it. And when we
19:35 speaking in the church and so forth.
19:38 The first thing I think about is the role of
19:41 women in The New Testament and how God
19:43 called some to be prophetesses and those
19:46 who are prophetesses you know what
19:49 they do, what would be the word that
19:50 they do. They Prophesy, they Prophesy
19:52 and prophesying is speaking a word from God
19:56 before the church. Please remember
19:58 Prophesy itself is to edify the church.
20:02 So she can't be a prophetess and just
20:05 think those things to your self or write them
20:06 down I mean she is prophesying, edifying the
20:10 church. It doesn't go through, doesn't have to
20:12 be channeled through a man and all these
20:13 things. She actually is called as a prophetess
20:16 to be a prophet of God, to Prophesy his word
20:20 before the church to edify the church.
20:23 So clearly, if she's speaking words from the
20:25 Lord and edifying the church she has a role
20:28 of preaching. So that's the first thing that
20:31 comes to mind. John, when we're dealing
20:33 with this part of this question of why are
20:35 woman preaching or speaking in front of the
20:37 church. I don't, I don't see any and it will
20:39 be contradictory for us to say that women
20:42 have keep silent, yet God calls them to be
20:44 prophetesses. And I think they are keeping
20:47 silent there it deals with another issue which
20:48 you're probably gonna touch on.
20:49 Well do you know its amazing and I'm not
20:52 saying this to be condescending and all
20:54 because we all, you are married, I'm married
20:57 and our wives. Women are anything but
21:01 silent and God did not call them to gag them.
21:05 No gag order on women. That's right.
21:09 He has, Jesus has enabled in The New Testament.
21:12 He has enabled all to be involved in the work
21:16 of being a priest. Now let's put this in the
21:19 context. 1st Peter 2:9 but you, speaking of
21:24 the church, but you are a chosen generation,
21:28 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
21:30 his own special people, that you may proclaim
21:34 the praises of him who called you out of
21:36 darkness into his marvelous life. Now one
21:39 of the ways of proclaiming, you just touch
21:40 on this and I will read the text in Acts 2:17,
21:43 And it shall come to pass in the last days
21:45 says God that I will pour out of my Spirit
21:49 on how much flesh? All flesh. Okay, didn't
21:51 say male flesh, didn't say female it says on
21:54 all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall
22:01 prophesy. That's right, but according to some
22:03 people say well only the son shall prophesy.
22:05 You sons and daughters shall prophesy,
22:08 your young men shall see visions,
22:10 your old men shall dream dreams.
22:12 The word, prophesy there means proclaim
22:15 and also preach the message, but why is
22:17 that so widely important. Once again
22:21 understand the culture and this is the
22:23 most important thing when Jesus came to
22:25 breakdown that middle wall of partition.
22:29 I did a topic and it's gonna come to me
22:31 here in just a moment, but in many of the
22:33 Jewish temples even still today and you
22:35 can look this up, the way that the temples
22:37 are sometimes build. There is a separating
22:39 wall between the men and the women and
22:43 when Paul says if a woman wants to,
22:44 if a woman wants to learn something better
22:47 ask her husband when he goes home.
22:49 There was a middle wall between them.
22:50 The word right now I'm missing that thought
22:52 right now, but there was a middle wall
22:54 sometimes a curtain, sometimes women were
22:57 called to sit in the balcony, while the men
22:58 sat on the main floor and in some Jewish
23:01 temples today its still established that way.
23:03 The Lord wasn't saying to them that you
23:05 haven an voice but it was necessary in the
23:07 temple of worship as they had established
23:09 in their own, in their own economy that
23:13 don't shout down to the husband if he's
23:16 in the balcony or on the other side of
23:18 the curtain, on this dividing partition.
23:20 But when Jesus came Paul recognized that
23:24 this dividing partition was no longer a part
23:26 of God's economy. You were not less or more.
23:31 Galatians 3 verse 28. There is neither Jew
23:34 nor Greek. The Jews had a problem with that.
23:39 They had a problem with that in the book
23:40 of Acts chapter 13 verse 40 to 46.
23:44 When the Greeks and the Converts came
23:47 together that were not Jews. The Jews
23:49 had a hard time with that, because they
23:52 came and accepted the message that Paul
23:53 and Barnabas were preaching. So Paul says,
23:56 this in Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek.
24:01 There is neither bond nor free, there is
24:04 neither male nor female, for you are all
24:08 one in Christ Jesus. Breaking down that
24:11 separation. We are called together all of
24:14 us are needed to proclaim this gospel.
24:16 The Lord is not putting a gag order and
24:18 you indicated in comma there or in brackets
24:20 in my church for example. I guess in the person's
24:23 church that wrote this message.
24:25 The pastor is a woman and he may,
24:28 he's having an hard time with that.
24:29 Also keep in mind the culture in that day.
24:31 The Greeks would coming together in the
24:33 center and talk philosophy. Right.
24:36 They would debate, they get into some heated
24:38 discussions. They talk about what you know
24:41 the writings were of the common day
24:42 and what people thought and their opinions.
24:45 This was part of the church. These men
24:47 were in there beyond, you know beyond
24:48 that separation wall and they were at sometimes
24:52 at discussions at great lengths talking about
24:53 the word, talking about this and that.
24:55 What you should, what you shouldn't do.
24:56 Can you imagine all of a sudden women
24:57 jumping and wait a minute. Paul was saying
25:01 no, keep silent, let them do what they're doing.
25:04 Don't be yelling into the midst of them,
25:05 don't be interrupting them, but when they're
25:07 done doing their thing, they're debating,
25:09 their discussion, their issues when you get
25:10 home had you, talk to them about it.
25:12 You know, and your common sense and the
25:15 things that God has impressed upon your
25:17 heart with them and he was trying to keep
25:19 it from being mass confusion within the church.
25:23 Although Paul at the same time said it
25:24 should not be this way. This isn't the way the
25:27 church should be conducted, so he was on
25:30 two fronts. He was dealing with the current
25:31 culture, the current issues of the day,
25:33 but at the other side he was trying to
25:35 change, change the culture a little bit to
25:37 recognize that the church isn't to be like this.
25:40 Not, not to be broken up into separate items
25:42 and we need all hands on deck in these
25:45 last days. I think that the deeper issue
25:47 here is not so much that it's between male
25:50 or female. A woman on television preaching,
25:53 women teaching, that is not the issue.
25:56 The issue is what was applicable to the
25:58 culture of the day and in some societies
26:00 even still today. It's not acceptable,
26:04 but when it comes to what Jesus established.
26:07 He says male or female, bond or free,
26:10 Jew or Greek, all are one in Christ Jesus.
26:13 So but some people have the mentality that
26:16 they're gonna just keep women silent,
26:18 if you do tell me how you did it.
26:20 Where would our church be without women?
26:24 Yeah. I mean we have a significant one that's
26:26 in the history of our church. Where would
26:27 we be without the work that God has called
26:30 women to perform? That's right. And so,
26:32 but if you, if you finally answer to keeping
26:35 the women quiet let me know. The Lord hasn't
26:41 called them to be silent. He's called them
26:42 to proclaim the praises of him, who called
26:45 all of us out of darkness into this marvelous life.
26:48 Anything else we have John. I got one
26:51 question that shouldn't be too long.
26:53 It says here an idea it can leads us into our
26:55 topic for the day anyway. It says I have
26:59 a question for you. If we sleep or are
27:02 unconscious after we die and until the
27:05 resurrection, why does God bother waking up
27:08 the wicked? What purpose does he have
27:13 in doing this? Just to awake them up long
27:16 enough to through them into the lake of
27:17 fire to be annihilated. Why doesn't he just
27:20 annihilate them when they die? It seems
27:23 to me that waking them up just to annihilate
27:24 them doesn't serve much of a purpose.
27:27 It actually may seem a little cruel.
27:30 So a good, good question there. One thing
27:32 we find in the word of God is that he is a
27:34 just God. That's right. God is a God of mercy,
27:38 but he's also a God of justice. And he is merciful,
27:41 very merciful to us and he has been.
27:42 I know he has been in my life. Hope for a long
27:45 period of time and so I praise the Lord
27:47 for that, but also I praise the Lord for him
27:49 being a just God, which means that when
27:52 he says if you, if you commit or you've given
27:55 your way to, if you've given yourself to
27:58 sinful ways that you will obey, pay the price
28:01 for that or you pay the consequences for
28:03 that ultimately which will be to perish forever.
28:08 But part of those consequences John is
28:11 a punishment. Okay, you know who have,
28:15 has ever heard of raising a child without
28:18 some kind of punishment or consequence for
28:20 the actions they take when they're wrong.
28:22 Wow! And so God has a consequence and
28:26 there are many people that are wicked to
28:27 the core who died with good lives,
28:29 thinking that everything's just fine.
28:31 The reason for raising the wicked in the last
28:33 days is so, it's two fold. First of all,
28:36 so they can pay the consequences for their
28:38 sins and I believe that each one of them
28:40 according to what they've done, according
28:41 to their works will suffer in the fire for a
28:45 specific length of time. Whatever that they
28:47 deserve as a result of what they did when they
28:49 were alive. But second reason is, so that
28:52 they can see that God does that he is in fact
28:56 good. That he did love them. That he did
28:59 everything he could to pull them or to move
29:01 them into a relationship with him so that
29:03 they could be saved. Many, most do
29:06 not know that. Don't know a God like this,
29:08 but they need to see the great controversy
29:11 in its true light. That God is a God of love.
29:14 Satan is the author of evil and pain and suffering.
29:18 They choose the enemy and they're paying
29:22 the price for that. And I believe the
29:25 Bible is pretty clear on this, that every knee
29:27 will bow to a God that reveals the truth
29:30 about his character, his love and the
29:33 truth about Satan and his deceptions which
29:35 we're talking about here on the topic
29:37 of spiritualism. And that is the reason that
29:39 we must raise everyone and at one point
29:42 in the future everyone who's alive,
29:43 whether you're wicked or whether you're
29:46 righteous. You're gonna be alive at that
29:47 point to see God for who he truly is.
29:51 That's right. Thank you for that answer John.
29:53 I don't want to add anything to that
29:55 because it was very completely done.
29:57 So I'll leave it there, but we do serve a
29:59 just God. But it segues right into our topics.
30:01 So I want you to start that for today,
30:03 because that's important. And by the
30:04 way if you have any further questions or
30:06 any questions that may not have been
30:08 even addressed today. You can send those
30:10 questions to that's
30:12 and we'll do our
30:17 best to get to those. We've been talking
30:19 about Spiritualism. It's a terrible thing.
30:22 You wanna look at the route of that Spirit.
30:26 Now, Spiritual, notice that Spirit then Spiritual
30:30 then Spiritualism. Usually it's not the very thing,
30:35 nothing wrong with the spirit, nothing wrong
30:38 with being spiritual, but ism it tends to
30:41 take it in a totally different direction and
30:43 that's what we're talking about today.
30:44 The very foundational by the way and
30:46 we know that Lucifer, that Fallen Angel is
30:49 the one that got that started in his own
30:51 heart hoping to take the place of God I
30:53 will be like the most high. But what I'd like
30:58 to do John today is reiterate again that the
31:04 premises of spiritualism is the idea that man
31:07 are created with an immortal soul,
31:10 that we really don't die. That we will go
31:14 on living, even after the body has died.
31:18 And that's what Satan said to Eve in the garden.
31:21 You will not surely die, Genesis 3 and verse 4.
31:25 That wasn't the first lie he told, but it was
31:27 the one that stuck the longest. You will not
31:30 really die. And what he in essence was saying
31:32 in Hebrew there I know what God said,
31:35 but I'm sure you won't die and now we have
31:38 teachings that people die and they continue
31:43 living on. They go to heaven, their soul is
31:48 roaming the earth and it opens the doors
31:51 for all kinds of ridiculous things. You know and
31:53 it all goes back to actually a Greek,
31:55 the Greek teaching and even further before
31:57 that when the Greeks got it. But they
31:58 really made it to put corner of the market
32:01 you can say on that subject back then
32:02 which is where we are really get it today.
32:04 Yeah Neoplatonism. Yes, and the teaching that,
32:08 you know the soul is immortal, it never dies,
32:11 it exists in a state of consciousness etc, etc.,
32:14 that's in the church we have that
32:16 predominantly in the church and that's one
32:18 of the avenues and you said it very well that
32:20 it's kind of the foundation of the baseline
32:23 for the ability for Satan to work his deception.
32:27 Oh! Man. Because we said in last program
32:29 that Satan, Spiritualism is about Satan through
32:33 his either himself or his cohorts, his angels,
32:39 how he is trying to communicate.
32:43 You know the spiritualism is the act of
32:44 communicating with the world his deceptive
32:47 ideas and ushering them into an area
32:51 where there is so much confusion about
32:53 what to believe that when he does finally
32:56 appear in the very last days to give his
32:59 greatest deception that this world has
33:00 ever seen that where he will have success
33:02 with that. So deception is a foundation
33:06 just like leaving the door open to communicate
33:09 with the dead is a foundation and
33:11 channeling that we see even in the secular
33:14 world that we find among those.
33:15 That's a foundation for spiritualism.
33:18 You know that gives channel surfing quite
33:20 a different approach. They're not surfing
33:23 through the television, but channeling
33:26 which is something that's done by mediums
33:28 and spiritist. And John they even have a
33:31 bigger word now a days for that.
33:33 They are, it's called a parapsychology's one
33:39 and another one it'll come to me a just
33:41 a moment, but parapsychology it is very
33:45 much as foundation is in spiritualism.
33:48 There is another one, it will come to me in
33:49 a moment, but when you think about
33:52 whether or not man is naturally immortal
33:55 then the answer is yes, but when you think
33:57 about whether or not man has immortality
34:00 from the time that God created him.
34:02 The answer is no. If man was naturally
34:05 immortal then everybody that was ever alive
34:09 will still be alive today. This idea that
34:12 man has an immortal nature or an immortal
34:16 soul , you can't find that anywhere in the Bible.
34:20 There is no such connection, there is no
34:22 phrase in the Bible immortal soul.
34:24 The concept continues to go on and on.
34:27 But if you look at the Bible you'll find
34:28 over and over again. You read in the
34:30 Old Testament it says. And he died and
34:34 he rested with his fathers, and he died
34:37 and he rested with his fathers. The Bible continues
34:39 to point out that when a person does die,
34:42 they really are dead. They're not somewhere
34:45 else having a picnic in heaven or dancing on
34:50 the streets of gold or doing any subversive
34:55 activity in someone's homes or haunting
34:58 People or ghostly and all these things that are
35:02 talked about nowadays are not relevant to the
35:05 scriptures. But it does exist out there.
35:07 But I wanna share something here in
35:08 Deuteronomy as to what God feels and about
35:13 spiritualism in the sense of witchcraft,
35:16 mediums, soothsayers, fortune tellers and if
35:19 you remember the story of Babylon in the
35:21 kingdom of Babylon, those were the kind
35:24 of men that were under the leadership of
35:27 Nebuchadnezzar, which means if they were
35:30 in literal Babylon they're also connected to
35:33 spiritual Babylon. But let me share with you
35:37 what the Bible feels about this deceptive art
35:40 of witchcraft and medium, spiritists and all
35:43 these dark, dark arts that are founded in
35:48 the kingdom of Satan. Deuteronomy chapter
35:51 18 verse 10 to verse 11. It says There
35:54 shall not be found among you any one who
35:58 makes his sons or daughters to pass through
36:00 the fire. I will tell you about that in a
36:02 moment or one who practices witchcraft or
36:07 a soothsayer or one who interprets omens
36:12 or a sorcerer or one who congers spells
36:18 or a medium or a spiritist or one who calls
36:22 up the dead. And when you read the very
36:25 next verse 12 you will discover that the
36:27 punishment was death, stoning to death.
36:30 Absolutely death, the Lord said the people
36:32 of God should never tolerate that kind of
36:35 practice or that kind of activity in their midst.
36:38 But you'll find that today it's been,
36:41 it's been amped up and given a new face.
36:43 In very few places that you go there you
36:45 still find these dark little hovels and howls
36:48 where people saying I wanna read your palm
36:51 and tell your fortune, although they still exists.
36:54 However you'll find that this is not something
36:57 that the Lord has part of it all. John,
36:59 you're diligently searching there, are you looking
37:01 for the story of Saul? Well no I found that story,
37:03 but no its, its clearly God, that God made it
37:08 very clear to his people they will not
37:10 communicate with the dead. That's right.
37:12 They would have nothing to do with spirits
37:13 and there was a reason for that is because
37:16 in doing so they were communicating with
37:17 Satan and his angels. That's right.
37:19 And that's one of the reasons why I believe
37:20 God does it, the way he does it that when
37:21 you die there is no immortal soul, you're at
37:24 rest. And, say I was looking at this story
37:28 here talking about Saul and after God had left
37:31 Saul that he consulted a medium because God
37:35 would not communicate with him and
37:37 so he consulted this medium. This witch or
37:41 medium from Endor. Do you know we have,
37:45 Endora, Endora from the Bewitched,
37:47 and can you think of that. Where do you
37:48 think they got the Witch of Endora from.
37:51 The Witch of Endor. Right. But anyway if
37:54 you go through this story you see clearly
37:56 how deceptive this practice is, because in
37:59 every way the writer clearly communicates
38:02 that Saul believes in Samuel. You know and
38:06 he knows in principle that it's not Samuel,
38:10 but yeah he's doing this and so he believes
38:13 he's talking to Samuel and the writer is very
38:15 effectively communicating this because it
38:16 even says Samuel is talking to him. Right.
38:18 So in the mind of Saul he's thinking I'm talking
38:20 to Samuel and but he's not. What do you
38:23 think he's talking to? He's talking to Satan
38:26 or one of his angels there and so we find
38:29 this story in First Samuel chapter 28 and
38:33 it really has a good lesson about those who
38:37 consult, those are mediums, or channelers
38:40 that we should stay away from them,
38:42 because they're doing nothing but opening
38:43 up a an avenue for us to communicate with
38:47 evil spirits and demons. Here's another one
38:50 Leviticus 19, verse 31 and the reason why
38:54 I'm using this text is because when John talked
38:56 about Saul believing he was talking to the
38:59 prophet Samuel. I want you to get the context,
39:01 because you believe that righteous people
39:03 at least in the mindset of many today that
39:05 believe that you die and go to heaven.
39:08 If this were in fact Samuel the prophet he
39:11 would have been in heaven. But he came up.
39:14 Okay, but when you look at the story there
39:17 in Samuel and this witch who knew that it
39:21 was just so against God, there was a command
39:25 out that she would be stoned and killed only
39:29 Saul said don't worry about it. It got your back
39:31 covered nothing is gonna happen to you.
39:33 And she rashly said this is not acceptable,
39:37 there's a law against this and you could put
39:39 me in danger. Well, when this witch by the way
39:45 and you have to, you have to get this picture
39:46 in order to understand this because sometime
39:47 you run through it so quickly. Would God give
39:51 an ambassador of Satan divine access?
39:57 And the answer is obviously no. He would
40:00 never give access to divine things from an
40:04 ambassador of Satan. And not only that,
40:09 even for the sake of argument, right,
40:12 Samuel was alive beyond the grave and
40:14 could communicate with Saul. If God wasn't
40:18 communicating with him, nor would God
40:20 allow Satan to willingly break a law he gave
40:25 to them to not communicate with the dead.
40:28 Right. So that right there tells you if
40:30 Samuel who is righteous were able to do it,
40:33 he'd never do that, because God did not
40:35 permitted anybody like that to do it.
40:36 He was under God. That was for the sake
40:38 of argument, because we know that Samuel
40:39 was not alive, he was resting in the grave.
40:42 So Saul was saying God, I know you're
40:44 not talking about Saul could you talk I mean
40:46 with Samuel can you talk to me instead. Yeah.
40:48 You know, Saul was saying I know that God
40:50 has shut off the voice. He's not speaking
40:53 to me, but what you have to keep in mind
40:55 is the way that God did speak to Saul.
40:57 He spoke to Saul through the prophets.
40:59 That's right. So now if he spoke to Saul
41:02 through the prophets but he no longer is
41:04 talking to Saul. How you gonna bypass God
41:07 and go to a prophet that's gonna ignore God.
41:11 If he was still alive, yeah no way, it's not
41:12 gonna happen. So, you can clearly see that
41:13 this is not something that has any divine
41:15 origin at all. And then when this evil spirit,
41:18 when this spirit comes up that is a familiar
41:21 spirit, listen to this in Leviticus 19, verse 31.
41:25 It says, give no regard to mediums and
41:29 familiar spirits; do not seek after them,
41:32 to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.
41:36 And that's exactly what happened,
41:38 Saul sought a familiar spirit and the reason
41:42 why it's familiar is because they have the
41:44 ability to create what you think is familiar,
41:48 mom, dad, aunty, uncle, friend, cousin you
41:53 name it. You will always have to see an
41:54 operation and say oh, like some of these
41:58 shows on television. There was a young guy
42:00 that looks so sharp and so clean. Satan would
42:02 take any type of direction he needs to
42:04 in order to make you feel that what is being
42:06 said is legitimate. And people will sit in the
42:09 audience and they will say I forgot what the
42:11 name of the program. Do you remember that?
42:13 It was some program where the guy,
42:16 I heard about, he would look very sharp and
42:20 yuppy buppy contemporary and he say right now
42:22 I'm getting a message from. Oh! There is a
42:24 force in the room I now that's communicating
42:27 and the force has on a blue top and a red flower,
42:32 does anybody recognize that and I'm thinking.
42:36 Come on guys its not a state fair, but for us
42:39 who take that lightly, for us who, for those
42:42 of us who think that's not real. That spiritualism
42:46 in the dark arts and demons do exist they
42:49 can perform miracles and signs. If we think it's
42:51 just a hoax then we are sitting ducks and
42:55 we could be drawn in by it. It's very true.
42:59 Well there's several other instances in the
43:02 Old Testament stories with regard to
43:06 witchcraft and Soothsayers and other things,
43:09 we know that during Ahab's time.
43:14 He had a beautiful wife, didn't he. Jezebel.
43:17 Jezebel of course she was probably was
43:18 beautiful which is why he married her.
43:20 But beauty on the outside doesn't mean
43:22 it's beautiful on the inside. But she had
43:26 conducted or led out the false prophets of
43:30 the day which are the prophets of Baal.
43:33 And as a leader I believe of those prophets
43:35 she identified very closely with them if
43:37 you read those stories. They were really
43:39 something that she, you know felt close to.
43:43 It identifies where the Bible does as performing
43:46 witchcraft. So she herself is identified in that
43:52 realm of witchcraft and sorcery and other
43:54 things by the works and the acts she actually
43:56 did. It says in 2nd Kings 9:22 Now what
44:02 happened when Joram saw Jehu, that he said,
44:07 Is it peace, Jehu? So he answered,
44:10 what peace so long as the harlotries of
44:12 your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are
44:16 so many? So what's going on that day and
44:18 Jezebel you know she was married to Ahab
44:20 the King of Israel? Witchcraft was going on
44:23 in Israel, that's an amazing thing to me.
44:28 You know it, it is symbolic of the fact that
44:32 the devil has made such inroads into God's
44:34 church even today as well, that's right,
44:37 and we need to be careful and aware of
44:38 those things. I think it's 1st John 4:1 where
44:41 there is a passage you read on one of our
44:43 prior program this says test the spirits for
44:46 many spirits have gone out into the world.
44:49 You will find in the Bible. In a New Testament
44:50 Jesus dealt quite often with evil spirits.
44:53 He dealt quite often with demons who had,
44:56 who had been involved in subversive activity.
44:59 The only kind of activity they're involved
45:00 anyway and you will discover that one
45:02 whenever they came face to face with Jesus.
45:07 He always had the upper hand Jesus did,
45:10 divinity always has the upper hand against
45:12 spiritualism and demons. But as you just
45:15 eluted to that John about spiritualism making
45:17 its way into the churches today,
45:19 Revelation chapter 2 and verse 20 makes this
45:21 point very, very clear listen to this.
45:25 The Lord is speaking to one of the seven
45:27 churches. He says, nevertheless I have a
45:30 few things against you because you allow
45:32 that woman Jezebel who calls herself a
45:37 prophetess to teach and seduce my servants,
45:41 notice that. So when you look at Revelation
45:44 and you see in Revelation chapter 17 this Harlot
45:48 woman. He is, that's a spin off from Jezebel,
45:52 the role that she occupied in the Old Testament.
45:56 Many of the prophets were seduced by her,
45:59 but also when the Bible talks about that
46:02 seduction it says she calls herself a prophetess.
46:06 So not everyone who says that they're
46:08 prophet or prophetess is of such.
46:10 How do you, how can you tell the difference?
46:13 Well. But I thought. Well, we read the
46:16 scripture last time I believe it was 1st
46:18 John 4:1 testing the spirits to see whether
46:21 they're of God. We read Isaiah 8 verse 20
46:26 which talks about to the law and the testimony
46:28 and they're speaking the word of God,
46:29 following the word of God. So there are those
46:31 things that we can do know whether or not
46:32 they are truly God's prophets or have a
46:34 word from God. The reason why you caught
46:37 me off guard there was because it hit me,
46:40 I have never seen this clearly before.
46:42 How closely spiritualism is connected with
46:48 or you can say spiritualism, sorcery, witchcraft.
46:50 Witchcraft is connected with idolatry.
46:55 Oh! You know it never hit me so much as
46:58 I'm thinking it about now, you know they
47:00 Set up these high places you know next
47:02 to the alters. i think we talked about this in
47:04 the last program. They set up the high places
47:06 to worship the baal or astarot or moloch
47:08 or these other gods. And how the worship of
47:11 those gods opened the spirit realm,
47:14 because in fact they were worshiping Satan
47:16 and his angels. That's right. When they were
47:17 doing that, how it opens the spiritual realm.
47:20 And if you look up the word abomination in
47:22 the bible, most of the time abomination is
47:25 connected to worship in the high places.
47:27 that's right. And abomination is the highest
47:29 form of rebellion. We know that, that's,
47:33 when god says that's an abomination to me.
47:35 That's like the worst. Right. And if you
47:37 don't wanna be do anything that's an
47:38 abomination to god well, worshiping idols.
47:40 The idol worships at high places, idolatry.
47:43 The highest form of spiritualism and witchcraft,
47:46 but you know when I think about it today,
47:47 you know we're not, we're not worshiping
47:50 astarot and moloch and baal. Right.
47:53 But there is another kind of worship is
47:54 going on today. That I also believe it is
47:56 connected to not only idolatry, but spiritualism
48:00 and you got to see this John. Let me see.
48:03 Let's go. Revelation 18. Alright I'm on my way.
48:07 Revelation 18, the first of verses 1 to 8
48:12 talks about Babylon and the judgment against
48:15 Babylon. Okay. Revelation 18. And it talks
48:18 about the fact that you know in Babylon
48:21 which is by the way this harlot right,
48:23 we just talked about the harlot you know
48:25 and how she performed sorcery and other
48:27 things, but here 1 to 8 talking about how
48:31 Babylon caused people to live luxuriously
48:34 by her merchandising and other things she
48:36 does and then all of a sudden it connects
48:39 verses 9 to 19 talks about how this happens.
48:44 There was such strong merchandising going on.
48:48 That she pulled the world in through luxury,
48:53 through gold, through it's silver, through
48:55 what she made available materialistic wise
48:57 to cause people to worship those things
49:00 before God, because they put them before him.
49:03 We don't have to worship that in the high
49:05 places, Baals to worship idols. We can worship
49:09 that through materialism and through merchandising.
49:12 And then look at this verse 23 of Revelation 18,
49:15 the light of a lamp shall not shine in you
49:17 anymore and the voice of the bridegroom
49:20 and the bride shall not be heard in you anymore,
49:22 speaking of Babylon for your merchants
49:25 were the great man of the earth, for by your
49:28 sorcery all the nations were deceived.
49:31 Merchandizing, idol worship connected to sorcery,
49:35 spiritualism it's hand and hand. Wow.
49:38 And it's amazing to see how today we can,
49:43 can we I should ask the question.
49:45 Can we get caught up in spiritualism?
49:50 When we put materialistic things and other
49:52 things ahead of God, because we begin to
49:54 in fact worship those things before we
49:57 worship God, can that be a form of spiritualism.
50:00 I believe honestly it can be. Because what
50:03 happens here the core that connects the
50:05 two together is the core of thou shall have no
50:08 other Gods before me. Which was one of the
50:12 premise there of the foundational spiritualism.
50:15 Satan wanted to take the place of God,
50:16 but he takes the place of God in many ways
50:18 not just in the sense of bowing down and
50:20 worship. A person, a treasurer once said this
50:23 he says everybody worships, but to know
50:26 what just look at their check book.
50:28 Since the check book is the teller of the
50:30 heart and the Lord said that where your
50:32 treasure is there will your heart be also,
50:34 so not everybody is worshiping at alters,
50:37 but there are people that are worshiping at
50:38 the alters of fame and fortune.
50:40 There are people that worship at the alter of
50:43 merchandize and materialism and extravagance
50:47 and luxury. And that's what was pointed out here
50:49 in this entire chapter of Revelation 18 by their
50:54 luxuries and so when you talk about that,
50:56 that's exactly what's happening here.
50:57 Yeah, so spiritually, as we get further away from
51:00 God. We know that our minds and our hearts
51:02 are drawn further close to materialism and
51:07 worship of self. You know in gratification of self.
51:10 And it may not be that, you know we're
51:12 communicating with Satan directly through
51:15 channeling or something, but what you find
51:17 within the realm of, that realm of the luxuries
51:20 and the, you know just our worship of stars,
51:26 you know the walk of fame. Okay, and all
51:28 those things. You know often you find in that
51:31 realm a very strong acceptance. We see
51:34 this in the movies today. A strong acceptance
51:36 of the spirits worship. Right. You know you
51:39 have the new age movement. We got Shirley
51:42 MacLaine you know who is very popular with
51:43 this. You've got what is the big popular religion
51:46 right now. Wow yeah. That's within Hollywood.
51:52 It's like, it's almost like scientology, scientology.
51:55 There you go and see you have all these
51:57 things and if you look at the core of those
51:59 things there is, there is a level of wanting
52:02 to communicate spirit, to be more spiritual.
52:04 To communicate more spiritual. Higher level.
52:06 At a higher level and I think the devil
52:09 resides there and that's the source we're talking
52:12 about, how it's connected with materialism.
52:14 Well John you hit a nail right there that it
52:18 really opened another door, because where
52:20 Satan met Eve to deceive her was at the tree
52:24 of knowledge. See he offered her a higher
52:28 knowledge than God had there before given
52:30 to her. And so, knowledge without God is
52:34 dangerous. Knowledge under the control of
52:38 the Lord interprets itself to be more wisdom
52:42 rather than just intellect. And we have a
52:44 world that has made a God out of intellectuality.
52:47 Intellectuality, where the mind is idolized and
52:53 we could become esoteric and flamboyant.
52:55 And, and just design our own world almost
52:58 to the point where people idolize us for
53:00 our great accomplishments. So when you think
53:03 about spiritualism. We're gonna go into the
53:05 depth part of it, I think in another program.
53:07 But when you think about spiritualism,
53:09 you think about the exalted mind,
53:11 because Satan is not dumb, some people
53:13 you know they fall for this idea that he,
53:15 you know in Halloween. They dress him up
53:18 in a Red Cape and a Pitchfork and years ago
53:21 they had Red devil pepper you know that.
53:23 On the bottle he has a red cape on it and a
53:25 Pitchfork. I think he likes it when people think
53:27 of him like that. Yeah they think of him as some
53:29 kind of freak. Yeah. When in fact he is
53:31 being of high intellect that brings with him
53:34 the ability, how smart would be if were around
53:38 for as long as he has been. And, and have
53:41 been able to study the minds of scientists
53:44 and the minds of intellectuals throughout
53:46 the eons that are now behind us. How smart
53:49 would you be? Very smart. So, so when we
53:52 think about all that, we think of a platform
53:55 of intellectuality, so intellectuality is in,
53:59 in of itself not a replacement for God.
54:02 And connecting with that evolution,
54:04 okay go ahead. You know I mean just
54:07 you can connect easily with that evolution,
54:09 the higher sciences. You know read and you
54:12 hear stories of those who are very careful
54:15 to when they're in that scientific form to openly
54:22 acknowledge that they're creationist,
54:23 because of the fact that they're looked
54:24 down upon immediately as being,
54:26 oh much lower minded. So the higher mind
54:28 is the one that believes in the revolutionary
54:30 theories of Darwin and other things and
54:33 you can see that right on in with what
54:35 you're talking about here. You know that
54:36 higher mindedness. It takes more faith to
54:39 me honestly. You've got a really have a
54:41 whole lot of faith to believe that this great
54:43 intellect that we have now came as a
54:45 result of amoeba and an Paramecium.
54:49 The splitting and the continued multiplication
54:51 then divisions of cells. Oh! Then into a fish
54:55 and then that called upon the land and after
54:57 millions of years sprouted lakes and began
55:00 to evolve and evolve and evolve and evolve
55:02 in this one particular organism evolved into
55:04 so many different things that we don't know
55:07 exactly how it started. Now, if you think about
55:10 this whole process. The amoeba and the
55:11 Paramecium remember that the single cell,
55:14 the duel cell, the continue splitting of that or
55:16 complete reproduction then it becomes a fish,
55:19 then it becomes a land animal, a lizard then
55:22 as time goes on, it eventually becomes monkey
55:24 and it goes, I mean John you got to have a
55:25 lot of faith to believe that or you could simply
55:29 say you know what the intellectual part of
55:32 it is, I don't believe that I was,
55:35 I was educated by some evolutionary process,
55:38 but I look at the Bible and the Bible says
55:41 in the beginning God created the heavens and
55:44 the earth and you see evidences are clear
55:48 design rather than evolutionary process.
55:52 The making of man in the image of God
55:54 which is his ability to think and to, to be,
56:00 to enjoy life and the other things that we have.
56:03 So spiritualism seems to replace all that and
56:05 say God is not in the equation. You want
56:06 to think about God. God is not in the equation.
56:09 Listen to what Darwin says, listen to what
56:12 Kaiser Wilhelm says, listen to the great minds,
56:15 the Einsteins. And not a lot of these men,
56:17 and I'm not saying the Einstein was a father
56:19 of any of this false theology. But a lot of
56:23 these men whenever their minds were
56:25 infected by rational thought rather than
56:29 the divine acceptance of the existence of God.
56:33 It went into deep, deep dark sellers that
56:37 now found them down on the platform of
56:39 Spiritualism. yeah. and that's where it's today.
56:41 yeah. and i think the big thing there too
56:43 is that when you believe in the bible,
56:47 that god doesn't just ask you to believe
56:49 blindly. he provides evidence and there's lots
56:53 of evidence of creation. There's lots of evidence
56:57 and that just is all around us of the goodness
56:59 of God who he is and that only a designer can,
57:05 can create a world like this. You know what
57:07 the devil did. Second Corinthians 11 verse 3
57:09 the Lord says the same thing that Satan
57:12 did to Eve, he took her mind away from the
57:14 simplicity that is in Christ and led her down
57:19 a path of complicated thought there by
57:21 deceiving her friends. Let the word of God
57:24 bring it down to the basic fact that Jesus is
57:26 Lord of all and may you accept that Lord
57:29 of all in your life today and have
57:31 a great day in Christ. Amen.
57:34 nd away from the
57:35 simplicity that is in Christ and led her down
57:36 a path of complicated thought there by
57:37 deceiving her friends. Let the word of God
57:38 bring it down to the basic fact that Jesus is
57:39 Lord of all and may you accept that Lord


Revised 2014-12-17