House Calls

Spiritualism Pt. 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang, Pr. John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL080026

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word
00:04 together on this addition of House Calls.
00:21 Well, friends welcome to another House Calls
00:23 program, it's so good to have tune in,
00:25 so good to have you join us for this excursion
00:27 in the Bible. And as you know my name
00:29 is John Lomacang and I'm Pastor John Stanton.
00:32 And it's great to have you here with us again
00:33 today on House Calls. That's right,
00:36 John its always good to be able to get into
00:37 homes of the people that are watching
00:38 and to walk with them through the Bible
00:41 and friends as you know today is no exception,
00:43 because the Lord is always ready to bless us,
00:46 always ready to give us something new.
00:48 So, get your Bibles, get your pens you may
00:51 want to hit the record button if you wanna
00:52 share this program. And continue to pray
00:55 for the leading of the Holy Spirit as John
00:57 right now leads us before the Lord in prayer
00:59 for this program. Amen. Dear Father in heaven,
01:02 we're so thankful to be able as we've sat here
01:05 to come together and study your word
01:06 and we pray that your Holy Spirit will lead
01:08 and guide, and touch each heart and touch
01:11 our minds in a way that maybe we aren't
01:13 anticipating here today. And may your presence
01:16 be with us as we study the topic of the day
01:18 in Jesus name Amen, amen.
01:21 And friends as you know this program has a lot
01:23 to do with your Bible questions we have some
01:26 questions today, but I know that
01:27 you may have some questions as you see
01:29 the program right now and you say,
01:30 well now how do I get those questions to House
01:32 Calls here's the address you need,
01:34 it's
01:37 That's
01:40 just send them to us and we'll try our best to
01:43 answer them according to the scriptures but
01:45 I know that John has a Bible question
01:47 and so I'll let you lead in today.
01:49 What do you have? I've got a question here
01:51 from Geneva. Switzerland? Well, no she is not
01:54 from Switzerland she seems to be from the
01:57 states although I don't know which state here,
01:59 but she's asking a question that is a very
02:02 good one, it's about Abraham and his mission,
02:05 why God called him, okay. And she says here
02:09 please specify why God called Abraham
02:12 and why God expected Abraham descendants,
02:14 what he expected them to accomplish.
02:16 When so many things about God's word
02:18 are "folksy" that was just for the Jews.
02:23 God's blessings for Abraham is suppose to
02:25 include the whole world isn't it? Please explain.
02:28 Lets go to a few texts here 'cause I think
02:30 we're gonna see that in fact God did call Abraham
02:33 to bestow blessings through him upon the
02:36 whole world. And we'll start with Genesis
02:38 chapter 22, okay. In Genesis 22, I want to
02:41 just read a few texts here and there from
02:43 three different passages of scripture showing
02:45 that this commission of this mission that God
02:48 had given to Abraham carried right on through
02:51 to his descendants and then into the church,
02:53 the church area today. Verse 18 it says
02:56 in Genesis 22 that, in your seed all the nations
03:01 of the earth shall be blessed, because
03:03 you have obeyed my voice. So, clearly part
03:06 of the covenant that God made with Abraham
03:09 was not just to bring him a blessing,
03:11 but all his descendants and through them
03:14 the entire world would be blessed, that's right.
03:17 If you read just a couple of chapters over,
03:19 few chapters Genesis 26 beginning with
03:23 verse 5, now lets see, no verse 4,
03:29 this is the covenant restated to now
03:32 Abraham's son Isaac. And it says
03:35 and I will make your descendants multiply
03:37 as the stars of the heaven, and I will give
03:40 to your descendants all these lands;
03:42 and in your seed all the nations of the earth
03:44 shall be blessed. Again, referring to all the
03:47 nations of the earth. Now God, you know I said
03:52 this several times and I will say it again,
03:53 God's people, the children of the Israel,
03:56 the nation of Israel was given a commission
03:58 and it came, it began with Abraham of course
04:00 we know the ever lasting covenant,
04:02 the overarching covenant began way back with
04:04 Adam and Eve, right. But, this specific
04:06 covenant to Abraham and his descendants
04:08 came on down through the people,
04:10 until Christ day and when Christ came
04:13 he came to, to give them up, or to get them
04:16 excited about that covenant to reach the
04:18 entire world. Now the world had become quite
04:21 popular by then. So, the work was even a greater
04:25 work to do with that time. Just pure,
04:26 you know purely by how many people were
04:28 existing that day. And we find that God's people
04:33 had been given this but to a great degree
04:35 that had become reluctant, because
04:37 it become very sectarian, it was well
04:40 they're clean, everybody else is unclean, even
04:42 the Samaritans, which worshiped as they did
04:44 were connected with them in the worshiping
04:46 of the true God were considered the dogs
04:49 of the earth. So, you can see their mentality
04:51 back then was very much you know we're it,
04:53 you know we're the people of God. Others
04:55 the gentiles, they don't have that blessing.
04:58 But that wasn't God's purpose, and we'll find
05:00 here in the great commission now given
05:02 to Jews, okay. We forget this given to the Jews
05:06 which of course we as the church know that
05:08 we as his disciples carry on to the world as well.
05:11 But, look at this great commission given to the
05:13 Jews found in Matthew chapter 28,
05:17 Matthew chapter 28, Matthew 28 verse 19.
05:24 Jesus is speaking to his disciples here
05:26 and he says go therefore, and make
05:28 disciples of Jerusalem. Of all nations,
05:34 it's all nations. Baptizing them in the name
05:37 of the father and the son and of the Holy Spirit.
05:40 So, all nations are included again Jesus
05:43 is saying in the blessing that he sort initially
05:46 to extend through the nation of Israel.
05:49 And keep in mind, for those of you who have
05:51 understand the prophecy here, the prophecy
05:53 of the 490 years that had not yet ended,
05:56 there was still three and half years until the
06:00 probation were to close for the Jews as a people
06:02 to engage in their mission to reach
06:05 the world. And to you know bring in
06:09 righteousness and usher in the Messiah
06:11 and present the Messiah to the rest of the world
06:13 so that nations could be blessed.
06:15 So, John here we have part of the original
06:17 commission given to Abraham, given to Isaac,
06:21 but way down in Christ day given to the people
06:25 and the nation of Israel. Now we know what
06:28 happened to that commission, after the
06:30 three and half years had happened.
06:31 After that preaching had gone forth,
06:33 we see that in Acts. We finally see that Stephen
06:37 was martyred, he's one of the head deacons
06:40 of the church. Stephen was martyred by
06:44 or at least ordered to be martyred by the leaders
06:47 of Israel. Thus sealing Israel's fate or closing
06:51 their probation with a no Lord, we're not
06:53 wanting to do, to accept the commission
06:56 you've given to us. So, from then on
06:57 we've seen that this commission extents to
06:59 the church, right. And this church is still
07:01 taking to all the world. The same commission
07:04 given to Abraham way back, when.
07:06 You know I think one of the reasons we get
07:08 confused these days is because, what is
07:11 being taught today is this dual covenant
07:14 theory and that is that the nation of Israel,
07:17 the people of the Israel down now through
07:19 the Jews are God's chosen people and he has
07:23 a covenant that remains with them to provide
07:26 a special blessing to them. But, that doesn't
07:29 follow scripture, and that the blessing we find
07:31 in scripture is suppose to be extended through
07:33 them to all people, right. And there
07:35 isn't this separate covenant that exists
07:37 with the church. That well the church is to
07:39 reach the gentiles, the Jews are to reach
07:41 the Jews and then we all kind of come together
07:44 at the end with you know culminating in one
07:47 nation, living a millennium on earth here with
07:50 Christ as it's leader. That's not really
07:52 what is happening and nor was it God's plan.
07:54 God had one everlasting covenant given to Adam
07:58 and Eve, given again or restated again to
08:01 Abraham and his son Isaac. You see this thing
08:04 is being passed on down through time
08:05 and then we find the great commission give
08:07 to the disciples, Jews at the time to reach
08:11 the world with. And so John I think there's a lot
08:15 of misconceptions about this because
08:16 there is so much attention on the
08:18 Middle East. You know what's happening with
08:19 God's people? You know we know the church
08:21 is over here in America doing it's work around
08:23 the world, but you know God's people are still
08:25 the chosen people like it's a
08:26 separate covenant but it's not.
08:28 No, it's a matter of fact what you said is right
08:32 on because there is no separate between,
08:35 this people and that people.
08:38 The Lord has there's the righteous
08:41 and there is the unrighteous,
08:43 that's right. Those who accept Christ and those
08:46 who don't accept Christ, so God is not
08:49 into smorgasbord salvation, there is
08:51 no other name given among men where
08:53 by we must be saved, that name is
08:55 Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can
08:57 save us. He is the only one through which
08:59 everyone must pass in order to get to
09:01 the father. Now, that's very, very clear.
09:03 But, whether the Jews fit in, the Lord chose
09:06 them and John when you use the phrase
09:08 seed in my mind I go all the way back to
09:12 Genesis 3, yeah. When Eve and Adam had fallen
09:17 into transgression obviously Eve was
09:19 deceived, Adam went to it with his eyes
09:21 wide open, the Lord said to Eve I will put
09:24 enmity between you and woman, he is saying,
09:27 the Lord said that to the serpent,
09:29 between you and the woman, between your
09:31 seed and her seed, that's right. See so now
09:34 you have a woman with this seed that
09:36 was to come. And from Eve's time to Abraham's
09:41 time to the time of Mary when Jesus was born
09:45 in the New Testament time that
09:46 we refer to now, women looked to their male
09:51 children being that promised seed.
09:54 And so even in the sense of Abraham and Isaac,
09:58 the blessing was not an earthly seed only that
10:02 is through the nation of Israel but they were
10:05 to carry on the blessing by doing the Lord's work.
10:08 And I want to make this very, very clear.
10:10 I think it's, I think its Roman's 9 verse 6,
10:13 check that out for me. Do you just turn to that?
10:16 Yes, that's exactly where I'm going.
10:18 You are so funny this happens to often.
10:21 He borrows my name, his name is John,
10:23 mine's John he's thinking my thoughts.
10:25 Read the text for me real quickly,
10:27 so I can preach off of that while John
10:29 is looking at that. It's amazing we think alike,
10:32 most people think we're the same just except
10:34 you know I have different hair styles,
10:36 three to four weeks, little differentiated
10:37 color, skin too but we're the same, that's why.
10:41 Here's verse 6 of Romans 9 starting with
10:44 verse 6, But it's not that the word of God
10:47 has taking to effect. For they are not
10:48 all Israel who are of Israel.
10:50 Okay, there you go, the text that I was just
10:52 going to read he was thinking about it,
10:55 that's why we do this program together.
10:57 They that are of Israel naturally are not only
11:01 Israel spiritually. That's the difference
11:03 and when Jesus came the problem in his day
11:06 was all those who are naturally Jews thought
11:10 they had an advantage over those who are not
11:12 naturally Jews. It was a continual processes,
11:15 even in John chapter 8 when the Jews said
11:18 we've never been slaves, how could you say
11:21 we've been slaves. We have our father
11:23 Abraham we have never, you know they go,
11:25 they boast on their lineage and Jesus
11:28 said whoever, whoever has sinned
11:30 is a slave to sin. They both said about the
11:33 woman at the well. She said this well was given
11:36 to us by our father, and Jesus says well
11:39 I'm the water of life. See so whoever,
11:41 whoever drinks of the water I give
11:43 who will never thirst again.
11:44 You continue to see that they kept pointing
11:46 to the lineage, right, rather than to the
11:49 spiritual application and even the word Israel
11:54 was the spiritual term that the Lord give to
11:56 Jacob that when he overcame, right.
11:59 When he prevailed in that night of wrestling,
12:01 when he was running from his brother Esau,
12:03 your name will no longer be called Jacob
12:05 but Israel. So, the word Israel it's a spiritual
12:08 term meaning the over comers, that's right.
12:11 So, but here is, well lets finish this,
12:13 I wanna read two more verses, go ahead.
12:15 Romans 9 and now verse 7, nor are they all
12:18 children because they are the seed of Abraham,
12:20 but in Isaac your seed shall be called.
12:23 So, he's extending his covenant down on
12:24 through to the descendants. Verse 8,
12:27 That is, those who are the children of the flesh
12:29 these are not the children of God, okay,
12:31 but the children of the promise are counted as
12:35 the seed. So, anyone that has received the promise
12:38 including the church, that's right.
12:39 Are candidates the seed of the woman that
12:41 started way back when, that's right.
12:43 And came down through Abraham and
12:45 his descendants as well. So, clearly that,
12:47 I mean this text doesn't work if you define it,
12:51 interrupt it the other way. So, clearly
12:54 we find that this covenant goes through,
12:56 passes right along through Israel as a
12:58 nation to Israel as the church and lets mention
13:01 that here. The church today is spiritual Israel,
13:04 it is still Israel. But, in the spiritual sense
13:07 it's Israel and that name carries down again
13:10 from Jacob right on down to the church today,
13:12 those who have persevered and those also
13:15 include those who have been faithful,
13:18 those who remain faithful to God are
13:19 counted as Israel. And in fact we find
13:24 and I know you have a question coming up
13:26 here on this, but we find that those who are
13:28 obedient to God, who follow God are children
13:31 of God and they're given the Holy Spirit.
13:34 And that comes down through and has ties
13:37 into this you know understanding the
13:38 covenant correctly too because God makes
13:40 this promise, but part of the promise
13:42 has been to send the Holy Spirit too.
13:44 So, anyway that's our next question, but.
13:47 You know that's a good segue but as
13:50 I wind up on Galatians 3 verse 29,
13:52 Galatians 3 talks about the seed in two
13:55 particulars. Galatians 3:19 talks about
13:57 the seed should come, but then
14:00 Galatians 3:29 says and if you are Christ,
14:04 if you belong to him then you are Abraham's
14:07 seed and heirs according to the promise.
14:10 So, that extends to you John and to me,
14:14 so we are not naturally Jews, but we are
14:17 spiritually Israel. And that's where the
14:21 difference comes in, in Acts chapter 13
14:22 you could follow that also where the Jews
14:24 were so determined that they were the only
14:27 ones chosen in Acts 13 verse 46,
14:31 then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said,
14:33 it was necessary that the word of God
14:35 should be spoken to you first.
14:38 That was the key. But, since you reject it,
14:43 and judgey ourselves unworthy
14:44 of everlasting life, behold we turn to
14:46 the Gentiles. And so that's exactly what
14:49 they did, and here is the reason why God
14:50 chose them, I think the initial question was
14:52 why did God choose Abraham?
14:54 Here's the answer. For so the Lord has
14:56 commanded us, and this what the Lord had
14:58 chosen for Israel. For I have set you as a
15:01 light to the gentiles that you should be
15:03 for salvation to the ends of the earth.
15:05 So, the purpose that God chose Israel
15:07 was to carry the message forward.
15:09 The post office, well what if the post office
15:12 hasn't delivered my package,
15:13 well I could chose UPS, I could chose DHL,
15:16 I could chose Federal Express.
15:17 I won't have one option, and the Lord never
15:20 leaves himself without options.
15:21 The people that chose not to do it,
15:23 The people that chose not to do it,
15:24 he turned to the Gentiles to carry the message.
15:26 And the Bible says they were excited,
15:27 they were rejoiced and they were glad.
15:29 You know God doesn't say, oh and God creates
15:31 a new covenant with the gentiles.
15:32 There is no new covenant there although
15:34 there is new covenant in the transaction
15:36 of ministry, right from the old system
15:39 of sacrifices and ceremonies to the new
15:40 system of Christ as our high priest
15:42 in the heavenly sanctuary.
15:43 That's more about what the new covenants about,
15:45 right. But still God's people it's one ever
15:48 lasting covenant right on down through time,
15:50 through the God's people, the nation of
15:52 the Israel, to God's people to church.
15:54 And I like that John but when you use the
15:56 word covenant, the covenant is a promise
15:59 that the Lord makes to us. And because
16:02 we couldn't keep the covenant, that we made
16:04 with him because of the fatality of human flesh.
16:07 So, because of that the covenant that
16:10 the Lord made with us, even from the beginning.
16:11 He's able to carry that through,
16:13 and then when Jesus shed His blood,
16:15 that was the stamp that ratified,
16:18 that guaranteed. That now that covenant
16:20 has been fulfilled, so if anyone is in Christ
16:24 we are Abraham seed and we are heirs
16:26 according to the promise. It's a wonderful
16:29 study by the way, you shouldn't introduce
16:30 yourself to that. Here is another question
16:32 we have from Summerland, sorry from
16:35 Wayne in Summerland, British Columbia.
16:39 I'm assuming he's not the only Wayne
16:41 there but, here is the question. Hello John
16:43 and John, quite enjoy your show,
16:45 thank you for the insightfulness this truly
16:47 inspiring, a couple of weeks ago you made
16:49 a comment about the wise men visiting
16:52 Jesus in the manger. And then I change it
16:53 by the way. And Matthew 2:11 indicates
16:56 that it was a house that they visited Jesus.
16:58 We know that Jesus was born in the manger
17:00 and tradition has the wise men visiting Jesus
17:03 in the manger however, our question is,
17:06 is this the wise men visiting Jesus in the
17:09 manger biblical. Will you answer the question,
17:14 I like when people do that, they give the
17:17 whole answer and say it is biblical.
17:19 I wouldn't by the way even change that
17:22 at all, you ask the question, you answer
17:24 the question. It is not biblical,
17:26 that the wise men were at the manger,
17:28 the shepherds. And this is Luke 2:8 to 12,
17:32 the shepherds were the ones to whom
17:35 the angels appeared, in the field they were
17:38 keeping watch over their flock by night,
17:40 when the shepherds, the shepherds were told
17:42 that Jesus will be found in a manger,
17:44 lying in swaddling cloth. Then you find the
17:48 wise men were following the star that
17:50 announced the birth of Jesus,
17:52 but when they got to Jerusalem first
17:55 the Jews and the leader said what we heard
17:57 it was suppose to be Bethlehem
17:59 and then angel led them to Bethlehem.
18:01 And what happened when they went to
18:03 Jerusalem, Herod was nervous because
18:07 he says he thought to himself a king,
18:10 to take my place and then he said to the
18:12 wise men when he find them let me know
18:16 where he so that I will come and worship him,
18:18 by the John that's why I noticed that Satan
18:21 used worship for the purpose of killing Christ.
18:24 So, worship was not always, always
18:27 cracked up to be when is the wrong motive
18:28 behind it, that's right. Anyway the wise men
18:31 went to find Jesus and they found him
18:34 in a house with his mother and Joseph.
18:36 And the Bible says he was a young child,
18:39 that's right. A young child, Matthew 2
18:42 in verse 10, but they didn't go back
18:47 to Herod and tell him about finding the young
18:50 child in house. And to show you that the
18:52 time span between the wise men and
18:55 shepherds, Herod put out a decree to kill all
18:59 those who are two years old and younger.
19:01 So, it must have been about two years
19:03 between the time the shepherds saw Jesus
19:06 in the manger and the wise men saw him
19:08 in a house, a young child in house.
19:11 So, no the shepherds but people do that
19:14 and you'll notice during the Christmas season,
19:18 people are going to have the whole thing because
19:19 you know the shepherds and the wise men
19:21 had a part to fulfill in the Bible and because,
19:24 because they couldn't put the you know that
19:27 the nativity scene, that's what they call it
19:29 because they couldn't put this up,
19:30 little pieces at a time based on the time frame.
19:33 If they did that'll be two years apart.
19:36 They just put that there for the sake of the story.
19:38 Well, we can learn from that too, I mean
19:40 traditions don't necessarily mean that
19:42 something is absolutely true right.
19:43 And that's why it is so important that even
19:45 though you follow a tradition of your church
19:47 maybe or the church of large, it doesn't mean
19:49 it's actually true, let's go to Bible.
19:51 And that will tell us what is really true,
19:53 that's right. I have a question here John it's,
19:57 I have a question that we've gotten many
19:59 times in the past and it's probably I would
20:01 say in our top 10 question list you know
20:03 if we had top 10 questions that are most
20:05 commonly asked this is one of them,
20:07 and we haven't answered it for a while,
20:10 but here it says dear John L and John S.
20:13 I have been studying with this certain
20:16 denomination and she says the trainee
20:18 doctrine has pagan roots that should not be
20:20 followed, the doctrine doesn't even come
20:22 into being until after the third or fourth century.
20:25 And neither Jesus nor the disciples ever spoke
20:27 anything about it. If we are to come out
20:30 of pagan Babylon, why should be following
20:34 this doctrine. Jesus always referred to his
20:37 fathers commands praying to his father and
20:39 told Satan in Matthew 4:10 to worship
20:42 the Lord your God and serve him only.
20:44 He never wanted the glory for himself,
20:46 even for, even though his disciples sometimes
20:49 fell at his feet in worship or respect
20:52 and she's talking about here you know
20:54 shouldn't we actually be worshiping God
20:56 does he say that we can worship Jesus as God.
20:58 So, clearly she has an issue with,
21:00 she doesn't have an issue with Jesus
21:02 being God, that's not a problem. It's seems
21:04 to be the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of the
21:06 trinity, the tradition of the Holy Spirit as a
21:08 being is a separate person or being of the
21:10 God head, and probably also the word
21:12 itself trinity and so. Before you answer
21:15 that even the suggestion that well they were
21:18 times when the disciples wanted to fall
21:20 at the feet of Jesus and worship him.
21:22 And he said you know worship my father,
21:24 worship my father, not worship me,
21:27 yeah, but you know I just want to make sure
21:30 that in answering that question I know that
21:35 they are so many views about trinity
21:37 and the Trinitarians, Trinitarianism.
21:39 There are so many views the manifestations
21:42 of the father so, I let you answer that
21:43 and I'll kind of segue off.
21:45 Well we have, there are views,
21:46 and it does go back to the word was used
21:48 initially as they're saying back in the early
21:50 centuries where the council had come together
21:52 they found the Triune God and assigned
21:56 a name the trinity and it's actually with that
22:00 name I think it's had a little bit of deviation
22:02 from scripture and how they applied that
22:04 sometimes too, which is why a lot of us have
22:06 issues with the word trinity. So, we most
22:09 often use the God head, which we find actually
22:11 appearing in scripture so as a
22:14 Seventh-Day Adventist church we frequently
22:16 talk about the God head, three in one.
22:18 And those three of course being Father,
22:20 Son and Holy Spirit, right. And we see
22:23 couple of instances that they all appear
22:24 and it seems to appear very clearly as separate
22:28 beings of God. The first time at Jesus baptism
22:32 we find that in Matthew 3 I also believe John 3
22:35 where it says, that Jesus came up out of the
22:37 water that he heard his father saying
22:40 this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased
22:42 and then of course the dove ascending
22:44 in this presence of the Holy Spirit upon him,
22:47 to anoint him for his official ministry
22:50 on this earth, right. You know was still
22:52 last three and half years. And so we see
22:54 all three playing a part, in his anointing
22:57 and bringing him up for a ministry.
22:59 And so that's the first one.
23:02 Then we also find in 1 John 5:7 reference
23:07 to 2 through 3. And it says here,
23:10 For there are three that bear witness
23:12 in heaven, the Father, the Word,
23:14 and the Holy Spirit and these three are one.
23:17 So, when we say these three being we're not
23:19 saying it's more than one God,
23:21 no. We're saying that God is manifested,
23:24 by three actual beings, separate beings
23:28 as part of the God head, now this issue most
23:32 of time it boils down to the Holy Spirit,
23:33 that's the biggest question.
23:34 And they are questions clearly about you know
23:37 was Jesus God you know was he with God,
23:41 his father from the very beginning.
23:42 The Bible is actually very explicit about that,
23:45 it's actually no denying the fact that Jesus
23:47 in fact is God, right. I always use a term
23:51 there is no deity without eternity.
23:53 And Jesus was deity, he was eternal.
23:55 We can't separate those two from each other.
23:58 But, when it comes to the Holy Spirit
23:59 John sometimes you know we kind of break
24:04 his influence down to the presence of the
24:09 power of God. It's the presence or the power
24:12 eliminating from God, and that's his spirit,
24:14 but it doesn't have its own character
24:16 it doesn't have its own work as a separate
24:18 being of the God head. But, we find that
24:20 that's not actually true. That in the Bible
24:23 refers to several times, that the Holy Spirit
24:26 is something that can be clenched
24:28 we can hurt his feelings, we can push him away,
24:30 we can drive him away. Frequently its referred
24:33 to as him in the Bible. And another helper
24:38 as Jesus was a helper the Holy Spirit is another
24:41 helper so it's not just power coming down.
24:44 So, several times we find that the Holy Spirit
24:47 clearly. John is a being of the God head just
24:51 as surely as the Father and the Son
24:53 Jesus Christ are beings of the God head.
24:55 Yes, this is the subject that is deep
24:59 and broad at the same time.
25:02 To try to think in human terms of the God had.
25:06 Couple of quandaries we find ourselves in one,
25:09 is we cannot think of anything that did not
25:12 have a beginning that's the first thing,
25:14 right. We always think in terms of beginning
25:16 well where did God the Father come from,
25:18 where did his Son come from, where did the
25:22 Holy Spirit come from. You find a number
25:24 of books in the Bible that will give you some
25:26 glimpses into that, but the Bible only
25:28 encapsulates some, the Bible is the book
25:31 that contains all the knowledge necessary
25:32 for salvation, it doesn't contain the full mind
25:35 and the broad expands of God.
25:38 The Bible does not unequivocally explain
25:41 how God came here. Oh! Can you imagine
25:43 dissertation in actually reading how long that
25:45 dissertation would be on the true, yeah.
25:48 As a matter of fact John even said just
25:50 pertaining to Jesus' life he says,
25:52 and I suppose that they would be other books
25:55 written about what Jesus did and the world
25:58 itself couldn't contain the books,
26:00 if it were written and that was in John
26:01 chapter 21, so that's just a three-and-half year
26:03 life span, yeah as people say well what did
26:05 Jesus do, the Bible contained what was
26:07 necessary for salvation. However John, I look
26:12 at the example of that and just follow me
26:14 for a moment here. See, see for example
26:17 you said to me you have a map of Springfield
26:20 that's where you live, now for me to say.
26:23 John would you please get me an atlas,
26:25 I want an atlas. I'm coming to your house
26:27 I need an atlas. John says you need a map
26:33 of Springfield that's where I live, why would
26:35 you need an atlas? Right, I said John
26:38 I need a topographical atlas. I would like one
26:42 with elevations, I like one with you know
26:45 incline, decline. I want literally a
26:48 topographical statistical map of the entire world.
26:52 But, I'm just going to your house, right.
26:54 And John would say to me, this map contains
26:56 all the knowledge necessary to get you to
26:59 my house. To get to where you are.
27:00 That's what the Bible is, it contains all the
27:03 knowledge necessary to get to where the father
27:06 is leading us, and to also get us into the
27:08 relationship and the knowledge that he wants
27:09 for us to obtain in this life. So, to try to figure
27:14 God out, even the Bible writers says can
27:17 we by searching find out God yet,
27:19 men wrote this book under the inspiration
27:22 of the Holy Spirit. But, to wind this up John
27:24 it's very, it's very simple. The burden approve
27:29 is on the person who says, that there is no
27:33 eternal aspect to the God head or the
27:36 Holy Spirit wasn't there. Genesis 1 makes it very,
27:39 very clear. What I was suggesting is,
27:41 Genesis 1 doesn't go far back as John chapter 1,
27:45 and Hebrews chapter 1. Those books go further
27:49 back and when you look at Hebrews 1
27:51 and I will just wind up on this, well you know
27:54 John chapter 1 it says in the beginning
27:55 was the word and the word was with God
27:57 in the word was God. And he became flesh,
28:00 and dwelt among us. No tickle there,
28:03 that's okay. He became flesh and dwelt among us,
28:06 John chapter 1 verse 14 so the word
28:08 who was also God became flesh and dwelt
28:12 among us. No dispute, God, alright.
28:16 Then later on you find in Hebrews chapter 1
28:19 and the Bible says to whom to which of the
28:22 angels did God the Father ever say,
28:24 your thrown oh God is forever, referring
28:28 to Jesus once again as God. But, there,
28:31 there is a sect out there, there's a religion
28:32 out there that says, where he is the
28:34 mighty God, and then the father in heaven
28:36 is all mighty God. But, that's in correct.
28:39 And also they say that you know if there are
28:42 lot of them would kind of compromise,
28:43 they say if there is any Godness in Christ
28:45 it was given to him, yeah, right he wasn't with
28:48 the Father from the very beginning,
28:49 it was just one. But, did you know one of the
28:53 big aspects in the issues that they have with this
28:55 and I know you were gonna read something
28:56 from Hebrews 1 but one of the big aspects
28:58 here is something we've been studying recently
29:00 here in our Sabbath school lessons
29:01 which is the atonement, the atonement fall short
29:05 if Jesus is not God and humanity, right,
29:09 why is that? Well, because we can't save ourselves
29:12 in our humanity, if Jesus was just human
29:14 how could he link with God to bring us up into
29:18 a redemptive or a relationship with God to
29:20 reconcile us back to God. He had to be God,
29:22 and had to be one of us. Right, in order,
29:25 so the uniqueness of his person and who he was
29:28 and that he was the son of God, deity
29:31 and the son the man humanity linked those both
29:34 together and we're reconciled and saved
29:35 by him, right reconciled. Through that,
29:38 through his person, who he is.
29:40 Making the two one breaking down that
29:42 middle wall of partition. That's right.
29:44 The Holy Spirit, oh lets wind up on this thought
29:46 here, my mind was going somewhere else
29:49 I turned the Bible, oh yeah here it is.
29:51 Jesus is not mighty God I had a conversation
29:54 with a person once who says well.
29:56 I know the Father is almighty God but Jesus
29:58 is mighty God. Says all mighty then there
30:00 is mighty try to put them on different levels.
30:03 Friends, bad, bad mistake not a very good
30:06 application of scripture. Revelation 1,
30:09 the Revelation of Jesus Christ okay that's
30:12 what it says the Revelation of Jesus
30:13 Christ who was he described as Revelation 1
30:16 that was Revelation 1:1 his Revelation 1:8
30:19 and this what is said of Jesus, I am the Alpha
30:23 and the Omega, the beginning and the end,
30:25 that what he says he's the beginning,
30:27 he is the beginning, he is the beginning,
30:30 he was not just there in the beginning
30:32 he is the beginning, get that differences
30:35 all together who he is present,
30:38 who was and who is to come The Almighty okay.
30:44 So, clearly you see that Jesus is the beginning
30:47 not was in the beginning only.
30:50 I have to say something we're done with that
30:52 subject. Yes. But, I have to say one thing
30:54 about studying God's word and that is some
30:56 times when you get down to these things
30:57 and you start studying, this group and some other
31:00 groups will say well the Bible really
31:02 wasn't translated correctly and there are
31:04 some problem, as soon as you hear someone
31:07 starting to break down God's word as not
31:09 being exactly you know accurate or carried down
31:11 through and has lost somehow, it's wording
31:14 and some other things it doesn't really mean
31:15 exactly what it says you're in trouble. Yeah,.
31:18 I would say don't even study there,
31:19 in fact I myself if I'm doing a Bible study,
31:22 one of the first thing I cover is making sure
31:25 that we are in harmony with how
31:26 we see and view the word of God.
31:28 Could I be blatant, let me be blatant,
31:31 let me not have you meander in the maze
31:34 and mediocrity, I wonder what we're talking about.
31:36 The new world translation which was
31:38 put up by the Jehovah's witnesses,
31:40 the claim is as long as that, the claim
31:44 is the Bible that you own, the King James
31:48 Version new King James Version is only
31:50 accurate as it agrees with the new world
31:51 translation, that's the claim. Also in the same
31:54 sense The Book of Mormon it's another testament
31:57 that's added, they call it another testament
31:59 but the Bible is excepted as it is interpreted
32:05 and in agreement with The Book of Mormon
32:07 so don't let those fractions fool you,
32:10 there's only one word when somebody
32:14 has to put there own Bible out to make
32:16 this Bible true, or to say that this Bible only
32:19 is true as it agrees with theses others books
32:21 that's, that's dangerous. Yeah. And that's the
32:24 thing you have to be careful of.
32:25 Right, anyway I said a lot to say this,
32:27 thank you for your Bible questions we had
32:30 about 3 or 4 more question but this was so
32:32 widely important we didn't want to cut
32:33 it short. If you have any questions you want
32:35 to send to us send those questions to
32:37 that's
32:42 and we will try our best to answer those
32:44 questions hopefully we have done justice.
32:45 But if you are more confused than ever before
32:48 there is email that you need and if you don't
32:50 have email sent to PO Box 220,
32:53 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
32:56 And we can do that sometimes,
32:57 we can actually make these more confusing.
32:58 Yeah, we can make them, we can say to you
33:01 the burden improve is in your lap.
33:03 We have been talking about a dynamic
33:05 topic John. Amen. Spiritualism, right?
33:09 And spiritualism is alive and well today
33:14 and we are gonna continue in that topic
33:15 today to begin to open up the chest draw
33:19 so to speak to show you what's on the inside
33:21 of that and we will segueing out of Babylon,
33:26 the three unclean spirits, we talked about
33:29 what happen in the Garden of Eden where Satan
33:31 planted the very seed that has carried
33:34 throughout generations to bring men to the
33:37 point of darkness. But, I'll go ahead
33:38 and let you segued. We've talked about
33:40 deception that was his main, his main MO.
33:43 I would say if Satan had an MO. Method
33:46 of Operation it's deception, he's a liar
33:49 and he's been a liar from the very beginning
33:51 and so he is using you know when we talk
33:53 about Spiritualism and sorcery.
33:56 We're talking about some of the things he uses
33:58 to deceive but John I would say if there
34:01 is an avenue a grand avenue you know
34:03 you go down through a city and this is one
34:05 big thorough fair. If Satan has a grand avenue
34:09 of Spiritualism it's this, it's communication
34:13 with the dead, that's the communication with
34:18 the dead. Those who have gone from life to
34:20 death and our living in some spirit realm
34:23 and going beyond in and it's just not in paganism.
34:27 It's in the Church too. And that's,
34:31 that's what we wanna spent sometime maybe
34:32 in the next time two programs wrapping up
34:34 spiritualism with because I don't think the church
34:37 Christian them at large has an understanding
34:40 or fully comprehends spiritualism in this grand
34:44 avenue theme of communication with the
34:47 death. From the very beginning God told
34:50 his people never speak with the dead,
34:53 it's an abomination when you talk
34:55 to the dead and do not do it.
34:58 I have to say this because it's gonna be
35:01 a one way conservation your not gonna
35:02 get any response. Well, because it's not the
35:05 dead you're talking to. Right. It's Satan
35:08 and his angels, so, when we talk about demons
35:11 too what we really saying when we say Demon
35:13 we're saying fallen angel, okay demon
35:16 isn't some I know that people have all kinds
35:18 of ways and interpreted the demons. Not some
35:20 new conjured up kind of entity.
35:23 Demons are simply the beings Satan working
35:26 to manifest all manner of deception.
35:29 Yeah and they get together with Satan,
35:31 Satan has a master plan but he use this grand
35:33 avenue of communicating with people and they
35:37 bridge this gaps by there communicating
35:39 as the dead and that's the most comfortable way,
35:42 that's why we call him familiar spirits where
35:44 we get by the way the same root word
35:45 we get family from, but they do that to be able
35:50 to deceive and do what they can now,
35:52 John you mentioned I think one time here
35:54 previously now some will say, but I went to
35:59 this gal and she, you know she read my palms
36:02 or she looked into her crystal ball
36:04 and she told me all the things about me that
36:07 I've never told anyone. How could anybody
36:11 except my best friend or my mom who is the
36:15 only person I told, no one else I've told how
36:19 would they know unless they really talk to them.
36:23 You know there is a very simple answer for
36:24 that why don't you give me the answer.
36:25 very simple answer for that.
36:27 Well, Satan and his evil angels were there
36:29 when that conservation was held they are not
36:32 omnipresent like God is. They can't be in every
36:35 place at the same time but evil angels manifest
36:39 themselves in various ways and in various
36:41 setting so it's not some mystery that they
36:44 overheard the conservation or
36:46 preview to the conversation and one
36:47 of the methods of deception, that's why
36:49 I like the story of Nebuchadnezzar when
36:51 he had a dream, he had a dream and he had
36:54 soothsayers in Babylon, he had fortunetellers,
36:58 he had people that were working with spiritists
37:01 he had spiritists, he had mediums he had all
37:03 of that and they came to him and said we could
37:06 tell you the interpretation but you
37:08 tell us what you dreamt, now don't miss this
37:10 very important point. The reason why he said
37:13 to them I won't tell you what I dreamt
37:15 you tell me what I dreamt. If you are the
37:18 one that are so smart you tell me what
37:20 I dreamt and then you tell me the interpretation
37:22 and the point is this Satan cannot read your
37:26 mind, he doesn't know what's in here,
37:28 he doesn't know like for example if I am thinking
37:31 of a thought right now he doesn't know
37:32 what that thought is, he doesn't know
37:34 if I'm communicating in my mind to the Lord,
37:37 he doesn't know that he cannot read our minds,
37:39 he can only go on based on what we said
37:41 or what we have done and build on that,
37:45 he didn't know what was in the Eve's mind
37:47 but he knew that when she was at the tree
37:49 she was not there by God's direction, because
37:52 the Lord said don't mess with it, don't go there.
37:54 So Satan being very clear on what the Lord
37:56 said was the reason why he says,
38:00 has God said he wasn't reading her mind
38:03 but he knew that for a fact that she was there.
38:06 She was questioning what God had said,
38:08 so our actions are a greater indicator of what
38:11 we're thinking rather than Satan being able
38:14 to read our mind and so we have all these people
38:15 nowadays that would say I know what's on your
38:18 mind you know they say well does the letter
38:21 W mean anything to you John.
38:24 I see a person with a blue sweater
38:25 in your background, you know
38:27 it's coming, give me a break.
38:29 But, I would say when those that do that,
38:31 I believe they are open to receiving
38:34 communication from the spirit world and
38:37 that is Satan and his angels, and people talk
38:38 about that, and even if you talk to them
38:41 they'll say this is real stuff because they do
38:43 communicate with Satan's angels.
38:44 Now I would give them the benefit of the
38:46 doubt on this, I don't believe they know that
38:49 it's Satan and his angels and the evil intent that
38:53 they have in them for them,
38:55 in other words I don't believe that.
38:57 You know the person using that. Person using
38:58 vthat channeling or hearing these messages
39:00 not all of them are really aware that
39:02 it's Satan, their angels and they really,
39:05 what they have in their heart is to destroy
39:07 and kill. I think that's what we see this white
39:10 magic and the white you know Wicca in the
39:14 white realm and so forth where it's like this
39:17 good magic or good witchcraft and so
39:20 people really aren't understanding the intent
39:22 of Satan and his angels and what they really
39:24 mean for harm. But, I do know that they
39:26 know it's real that they are hearing messages
39:29 and so that's why it's so convincing it can be
39:33 so convincing for some who are dabbling
39:35 in this and so we say first of all never go to
39:40 a medium or channeler or someone who is gonna
39:43 read your palm or anything like that because
39:45 it's opens the door for communication not only
39:47 with the dead but who you're talking to is not
39:50 really the dead it's Satan and his angels,
39:52 that's right. And they mean only harm,
39:54 so that's why from the very beginning John,
39:56 God said do not communicate or even
39:59 attempt to communicate with the dead why?
40:01 Because it's not really the dead you will be
40:02 talking with Satan and his host of demons.
40:06 Yeah and that's so, so on the nut shell
40:08 of what John segued with, what we began with
40:10 is the foundation of spiritualism is in fact a
40:14 thought or the teaching that man is naturally
40:17 immoral and that you could communicate with him
40:19 any time and that's why you get all these.
40:22 I mean our society today John is just we plead
40:24 with all the movies and the books about embraced
40:30 the light even Christians and this is something
40:33 else you said and I want to go this direction because
40:35 John suggested that not only in the world we know
40:38 it's in the world, I mean that's not even an issue.
40:41 But, how is Satan's claims being affected in the
40:47 Christian church? How is it, how does it find it's place
40:50 in the Christian church, how has he gotten ahold
40:53 of the Christian church and I think that's one of
40:55 the things we wanna talk about today and
40:57 it's based on that very teaching that man really
41:00 does not die and I think it's Genesis chapter 3
41:03 and verse 4, Genesis chapter 3 verse 4,
41:08 I think that's it, let me look at it,
41:09 where Satan says you will not surely died, I
41:11 believe that. Verse 4. It is correct okay Genesis
41:14 chapter 3 verse 4, Satan planted the thought
41:17 by saving to Eve you will not die and what the
41:20 Hebrews in essence saying there he wasn't saying
41:22 to her well I'm not sure you're gonna die, he was
41:23 saying to her I'm sure you are not gong to die.
41:26 You will not surely die. Say in other words you
41:29 surely will not die that's the real application of it.
41:33 Because if she knew she was going to die
41:35 if he said to her, now Eve I am sure you're going
41:37 to die, she just there's no way I'm gonna touch
41:39 that because the word of God would have come back
41:41 to her mind you will die. But, he said to her I am
41:45 sure you'll not die and that opened the door so now
41:48 today when a person dies and you go to a funeral
41:50 and you hear about well they're in heaven looking
41:52 down, their body is there you know you open
41:55 the door for Satan to do work in the Christian
41:57 church that's just expensive and phenomenal.
42:00 And this become so confusing to people
42:02 I can't tell you John and you've obviously
42:05 as a pastor have seen this as well some people
42:06 come and they will, they're so confused about this
42:08 issue of dead, of the death of their loved once
42:12 and then beyond that. Second coming and the
42:14 resurrection all the other things and how this is
42:16 gonna happen. You know so what happens do,
42:19 okay when they die are my loved ones in heaven
42:23 when Jesus comes back do they put him back
42:25 in the body then he raises him and takes them back
42:26 to heaven. So, they been there before now wait
42:29 a minute but he says that you know that you
42:31 can't enter the kingdom until you're righteous
42:33 but you don't receive righteousness before that
42:34 so does that work out it gets so confusing.
42:37 Right, just that one, if you think that,
42:39 if you think that one lie doesn't make every thing
42:42 very complicated you're mistaken because
42:45 what happens is once you accept that lie,
42:48 now that's why Second Thessalonians says loveth
42:51 and believeth a lie, loveth and maketh a lie.
42:54 Once you accept that first lie you can die
42:57 and go to heaven. Well then wait a minute what
42:59 about resurrection? Well actually this how it
43:02 happens. What about the body then will this how
43:03 see you go down that dark-dark tube,
43:06 like following the rabbit down a deep deep hole,
43:08 and it's all based on that first lie.
43:12 You know so, you can't explain it, you know,
43:14 you can't explain the other verses.
43:16 So, 'cause what we believe is when you find
43:18 any topic in the Bible you wanna study,
43:20 you go verse by verse with that topic.
43:23 And you study putting them all together and
43:25 see how things fall out, you don't say,
43:27 here's what I believe and I'm gonna approve it.
43:30 Because then you get yourself trouble, right.
43:32 And we find that many times that happens,
43:34 there are a couple of verses that are difficult
43:37 to understand unless you look at them very clearly
43:40 in scripture with regard to death.
43:43 We acknowledge that, right. They're difficult
43:44 understand, but think about this,
43:47 even the disciples knew that Paul was difficult
43:50 to understand, right. So, they had trouble with
43:53 what Paul wrote often and had struggle with what
43:56 does he mean by this? So, that's means if scripture
43:59 can be complicated you need as much of it as you
44:02 can to put the whole picture together.
44:04 And so what we wanna find is Old Testament,
44:06 New Testament would like to talk you know look
44:09 at the some of these scriptures to really put
44:10 a good foundation of basis on what does happen
44:14 when you die? Because without a proper
44:16 understanding this, you'll become open to deception
44:22 from that spiritual realm which usually involves
44:25 contact from the dead as spirits beyond the grave
44:29 either in heaven or wherever they are back
44:32 to you. And there's nothing more than,
44:37 if there's one thing you need in the last days,
44:39 it is clarity of truths. Because that is going
44:42 to guide you through to the second coming
44:45 to resist be able to avoid and resist temptation
44:49 and deception of the enemy that he's gonna
44:50 be bring about with blinding force.
44:53 And just I mean some of the scriptures there
44:55 that we find in the word, you got to know the truth,
44:57 the truth will save you, you know being delivered
44:59 from deception in the last days,
45:01 this is one way sorcery and spiritualism that the
45:06 devil uses to deceive so many so that's why
45:09 we've got to hit it. And hit it strong
45:11 for couple of programs here.
45:13 You know a couple of things that we want to
45:15 also point out is whenever you're developing the
45:19 truth and coming to the conclusion about what you
45:20 studied, keep these two principles in mind.
45:24 One Bible verse cannot, cannot adequately remove
45:30 the evidences found in 60 Bible verses.
45:33 Oh! Yeah I like the way you said that. You
45:35 can find 60 Bible verses that all say the same
45:37 thing and you find that says something seemingly
45:40 opposite and say see I've got my proof,
45:42 throw all 60 of those out in favor of this one,
45:45 but people have done that, let me give an example,
45:49 people read that living know that they will die,
45:51 but the dead know not nothing; right.
45:55 People will read in Psalms 115 verse 17
45:59 the dead praise, do not praise the LORD,
46:01 or any that go down into silence.
46:04 Clearly the dead do not praise the LORD neither
46:07 any that go down into silence.
46:08 You clearly see that, the Bible says
46:11 in Job chapter 14, in the grave who shall give
46:14 thee thanks? That in Ecclesiastes chapter 9.
46:17 In the grave who shall give thee thanks?
46:20 Ecclesiastes 9 verse 5, 6 and 10.
46:23 Whatever your hands find do with all your might,
46:25 for there is no work, no knowledge,
46:27 no wisdom in the grave where you are going?
46:31 And then Job of course, back to Job 14 says
46:33 that he's gonna rest in that grave,
46:36 right until his change comes.
46:37 That's right he says hide me in the grave until
46:39 your wrath is past, keep me until the point
46:42 of time and I will wait till my change comes,
46:45 that's right. He says I'll be in the grave,
46:46 so but then you read one text like to be absent
46:48 from the body is to be present with the Lord,
46:50 can you read it, read it for us. And then
46:52 what you'll not find in that entire passage.
46:54 Is the word death or dying. Read it for us,
46:59 read the whole thing. From verse 1, yeah exactly.
47:02 For this we know that if our earthly house,
47:05 this tent, is destroyed, we have building from God,
47:08 right, a house not made with hands, eternal
47:10 in the heavens. Right, For in this we groan,
47:12 earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation
47:15 which is from heaven, if indeed, having been
47:17 clothed we shall not be found naked. So,
47:19 first of all we're talking about two different kinds
47:21 of bodies, one our mortality and the other
47:24 one which is our spiritual body,
47:26 which is our immortal body okay.
47:28 So, that's what he's talking about,
47:30 no dead hear yet, no. Verse 4, For we
47:32 are in this tent that's our immortal body, being
47:35 burdened, not because we want to be unclothed,
47:37 but further clothed, that mortality may be
47:40 swallowed up by life. Okay, our immortal body. Don't
47:43 run pass that, I want you to say that again
47:45 John because that is the crux of this entire focus
47:48 that what will be swallowed up by what?
47:52 This is mortality maybe swallowed up by life.
47:55 Okay, okay I want you to hear that, he just said,
47:59 now read that entire passage with that phrase
48:02 that mortality, that verse, okay read that.
48:04 For we who are in this tent groan,
48:07 that's gotta be our mortal body,
48:08 because we're groaning, okay here in our mortality.
48:11 In other words we're going through all these
48:12 struggles and trials and tribulations in this
48:16 particular body. We suffer, we go through pains,
48:18 we suffer with pains, heartaches disease.
48:20 Being burdened not because we want to be unclothed,
48:24 in other words, we don't want to die, right.
48:27 Although it not mentioning death we don't want to die,
48:28 we don't want to just not be existing anymore.
48:31 In other words if we had a chose,
48:35 my choice wouldn't be Lord only can take my life,
48:37 well that's not what I want, but it's tough being
48:39 in this body, but I don't want to kill myself.
48:40 I don't want to die, that's what he's saying.
48:42 He says but, you want to be further clothed,
48:44 that mortality may be swallowed by life, exactly.
48:48 So, life when we receive our immortal bodies,
48:52 our celestial bodies. Now he who has prepared
48:56 us for this very thing is God. Who also is given us
49:00 the spirit as a guarantee. So, everything John he's
49:04 saying, everything that God has done to redeem
49:07 us is pointing to what? The resurrection, that's right.
49:11 Everything is pointing to the resurrection,
49:13 the resurrection is everything in fact
49:14 John spend so much time, I mean not John,
49:17 Paul does, so much time on the resurrection
49:21 and it's connection with Christ resurrection
49:23 is the first fruit of that, that we almost John,
49:27 we almost completely eliminate the punch line.
49:32 Now, if you're telling a joke and someone gives
49:34 you the punch line ahead of time,
49:35 you're like you ruin my joke, right.
49:37 Well I mean it's kind of a anticlimactic yeah. We
49:41 almost take away Christ, God's greatest event.
49:46 But, putting everybody in heaven ahead of time
49:48 and giving them life, we take away the resurrection
49:50 which is the greatest thing that he's looking forward
49:52 to giving us to doing for us, when we do that.
49:55 This big huge change, and what I want to point
49:58 out John this is so powerful that, text
49:59 mention is this because one thing you must
50:02 also keep in mind because the Bible is written
50:04 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
50:06 It's not a book that contradicts itself.
50:08 You may think that because you start
50:10 in one place and don't go to the rest of the
50:12 evidence that's found in scripture.
50:13 One the points that Paul just made which he
50:16 clarifies even further he says what he desires
50:19 is that mortality will be swallowed up by life okay.
50:25 I want you to listen to this, this is in First
50:27 Corinthians 15, he's gonna make that very clear,
50:30 how mortality will be swallowed up by life. If
50:34 you look at this entire passage First Corinthians,
50:37 the entire chapter of First Corinthians 15
50:39 it deals with the body, it deals with the first Adam,
50:43 the last Adam. It deals with the resurrection
50:46 and it deals with transaction,
50:48 the change that's gonna come from mortal to
50:50 immortal. This entire passage, that's the last
50:52 trumpet, okay here we go listen to this.
50:57 Just talking about two bodies here,
51:01 for okay down to First Corinthians 15 verse 39,
51:09 All flesh is not the same, is not the same flesh,
51:14 let me put my glasses on here.
51:15 Not that I need them, this is a fashion statement
51:21 but there is one kind of flesh of men,
51:22 another flesh of animals, another of fish,
51:26 and another of birds. They are also verse 40
51:29 of First Corinthians 15. There are also celestial,
51:32 that's heavenly bodies and terrestrial earthly
51:34 bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one,
51:37 and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
51:41 There is one glory of the sun, another glory
51:43 of the moon, and another glory of the stars;
51:46 for one star differs from another star in glory,
51:49 watch this. So also in the resurrection of the dead.
51:56 The body is sown in corruption, and it's raised
51:58 in incorruption. Notice the change is happening there,
52:02 raised too, raised resurrection not at death.
52:08 I want you to get this, the change doesn't come
52:10 when you die, the change comes in the resurrection.
52:13 We're gonna make this very, very clear.
52:15 Notice this, verse 43, It is sown in dishonor,
52:19 and it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness,
52:23 that's how you go to the grave,
52:25 it is raised in power. The same way when Jesus
52:28 came forth from the tomb he says all power
52:30 is given on to me, he came forth gloriously
52:32 and then that's why Paul says he will transform
52:35 our lowly bodies that they maybe fashioned like
52:39 his body at his appearing.
52:41 That's when he's gonna do that, when he returns,
52:43 not when we die lets continue.
52:46 Make this very clear, 44, verse 44.
52:49 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual
52:52 body. Not a spirit body, that's right, that's key.
52:56 There is a natural body, and there
52:58 is a spiritual body. The natural body is the
53:00 carnal body, the body we have now this corruptible
53:03 flesh that is decaying, all kinds of problems,
53:07 and the reason why I'm reading you this is because
53:09 we want to hit that spiritual idea that you die
53:12 and go to heaven and have this other body
53:13 waiting for you up there. Oh I just killed that
53:15 thought today, it's ridiculous,
53:16 it's not spiritual, excuse me for getting off track,
53:19 here we go. And so it is written,
53:23 "The first man Adam became a living being.
53:26 The last Adam became a life-giving spirit."
53:29 Okay Jesus was an spirit in the sense but
53:34 he brought to, he brought to life
53:35 the life giving spirit. In another words we
53:38 could never have life if we did not receive that
53:40 from the power that resides only in Christ.
53:43 He says in him who life and that life was
53:45 the light of men, let's go and finish it here.
53:48 The first man was of the earth,
53:49 that's Adam made of dust, the second man is the
53:52 Lord from heaven. As was the man of dust.
53:55 You just skipped 46, okay. However,
53:57 the spiritual is not first, but the natural,
53:59 and afterward the spiritual. So, we're in
54:02 natural body now, that's right, but after death
54:05 and after the resurrection we'll be in the
54:07 spiritual body, but not before that,
54:09 not before that. Everything hinges on the resurrection,
54:11 read First Corinthians 15 it's all about being
54:14 raised at the resurrection.
54:15 And I must put a PS here that's why many people
54:17 had misunderstood what Paul when he says, that
54:20 flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom
54:24 of heaven. He wasn't saying we have to be
54:25 in spirit form, he was in essence saying the
54:28 corruptible man can't make it there, that's right,
54:30 that's right. This corruptible flesh,
54:31 this sinful flesh won't make it there,
54:32 lets finish it up here, our time is going fast,
54:35 in verse 48. As was the man of dust,
54:38 so also are those who are made of dust;
54:39 and as, as is the heavenly man, Christ,
54:43 so also are those who are heavenly.
54:46 As we have borne the image of the man of dust,
54:49 we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man.
54:53 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood
54:55 cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
54:56 nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
54:58 And here's what happens, Behold,
55:00 I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep,
55:03 but we shall all be changed that is we will
55:05 not all die. When is this change gonna come,
55:09 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
55:11 at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound,
55:14 and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
55:16 the resurrection and we shall be changed.
55:19 Not at death but at the resurrection.
55:21 For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
55:23 and this mortal must put on immortality.
55:27 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption,
55:29 and this mortal has put on immortality,
55:33 then shall be brought to pass the saying that
55:35 is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory."
55:39 What did Paul say he wanted,
55:40 he wanted mortality to be swallowed up by life,
55:44 that's right. Death, mortality,
55:46 is swallowed up in victory that is life.
55:49 Yes, and this prior passage that we looked
55:51 at the Second Corinthians chapter
55:52 5 where it talks about to be absent from the
55:55 body is to be present with the Lord.
55:57 He's not giving an element of immediacy there,
55:59 no he is not. He seemed to be absent from this
56:01 natural body that we're that sown in incorruption
56:04 that we would like to finally get rid of some day
56:07 that we, when we finally get rid of it guess what?
56:11 We're present with God in our spiritual body,
56:13 that's right. But, he's not saying that in the
56:15 immediate sense, there is no time element there,
56:16 that is instantaneous. Because you don't know
56:18 how long you've been in the grave?
56:19 You've got to look at the rest of scripture
56:21 and what Paul says to put the time factor in
56:23 this. Notice this, dealing with the time factor, last
56:26 verse, let's go for it. Hebrews chapter 11:39
56:29 and 40, okay. And all these having obtained
56:32 good testimony through faith. This is the faith,
56:34 hall of faith chapter, did not receive the promise,
56:36 they didn't get it yet, that's right.
56:38 They're still waiting, why? God having provided
56:42 something better for us that is in united way
56:44 that they should not be made perfect apart from us,
56:50 do you mean John all of us get me perfect together.
56:52 That's exactly right, that's exactly
56:55 right they all died in faith.
56:56 The resurrection is about a reunion,
56:59 where all of us get our bodies,
57:01 our incorruptible bodies where we change
57:02 at the same time, and get to go to heaven to
57:05 live with God eternally with our new immortal
57:08 bodies or incorruptible bodies forever.
57:11 We're not gonna go up there and Paul's not gonna
57:13 say where have you been it's been 26 hundred years
57:17 since I've seen you last that's not gonna be
57:19 the case friends and that's why here at
57:21 House Calls we say continue studying the word.
57:24 We're gonna hit this more on the next program,
57:25 but until we see you friends may the Lord's
57:28 word be your guide may you trust him so that
57:30 you'll never be deceived have a great day in Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17