House Calls

The Shadow Of What's To Come, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang (Host), Pr. John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL090001

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word
00:04 together on this edition of House Calls.
00:22 Welcome friends to another House Calls
00:23 program my name is John Lomacang
00:25 and I have with me in the studio John Stanton,
00:27 good to have you here John. It's great
00:29 to be here John. It seems like its been
00:31 a little while since we have actually
00:32 come to sit in these seats and open the word
00:35 of God, but you know what from week to week
00:37 we know that these programs continue on
00:39 and people are enjoying them and we just
00:41 thank you for your feedback. That's right
00:43 we're back in the saddle enjoying what the Lord
00:45 has called us together to do. And so friends
00:47 we wanna encourage you to sit back,
00:49 hit record, this is a program you absolutely
00:52 don't wanna miss. We haven't talked about
00:53 this before. If you ever had problems
00:55 with the shadows of things to come
00:57 and expressing the ceremonial verses
01:00 the more or lot. This is the program that
01:02 you definitely want to record. But before we do
01:04 anything more we need to have some prayer
01:06 John. Let's do that, lets do that.
01:08 Father in Heaven, we just ask that
01:09 you would bless us with your presence.
01:11 Send the Holy Spirit Lord, to lead
01:14 and guide us through this study today
01:15 and we just pray that you'll open our hearts
01:18 and we may understand the words that
01:19 you bring to our, our eyes here,
01:23 but Lord even more than that,
01:24 that we will obey and follow these things
01:27 that you reveal to us. In Jesus
01:29 name we pray amen, amen.
01:31 Well friends, as you know this program
01:33 is made of your questions and your
01:35 comments and I know you would like to
01:36 send them to us, if you like to do so send
01:38 those to
01:41 that's
01:43 and we'll download those Bible questions
01:45 and try our best to answer them.
01:48 Today we're gonna begin with John,
01:49 the guy over there. What do you have today John?
01:52 John, I have some couple of real good questions
01:55 in fact just a comment on the questions.
01:57 Okay. We get lot of them and so it is tough
02:00 to get to all of them. That's true.
02:01 And one of the things we try to do is group
02:03 similar questions together, yeah,
02:05 that are often repeated and then answer
02:08 those on the program so some of these have
02:11 come several times and now we're getting
02:12 to those. So this first one is from Damia
02:17 and she is from Jamaica. And she's got a great
02:22 question here. She says that we need
02:24 the statement at one point that leaves her
02:27 to wonder and we said there is never a point
02:30 to where you cannot be saved.
02:32 Isn't that a contradiction to what
02:35 the investigative judgment is about,
02:37 bearing in mind probation.
02:38 My understanding is that once,
02:41 one cannot be saved after his or her
02:43 probation closes. And also isn't the
02:46 Holy Spirit slowly being withdrawn from
02:48 the earth. Let's answer the last question
02:51 that slow, but sure we know the Holy Spirit
02:53 will be withdrawn from those who don't follow
02:57 the Lord. Who have pushed him off,
02:59 who have rejected his moving to him,
03:01 so that, that is happening though
03:03 and has been happening for quite sometime.
03:05 But let's talk about in the context
03:06 of the first question there. Is there a point,
03:09 ever a point where we're past whether or not
03:12 we can be saved and as far as the time
03:15 is concerned, there is coming a time John
03:17 where probation for salvation
03:20 will be closed. Right. In fact if you go back
03:24 to Daniel chapter 9 you will see
03:26 at the beginning of that chapter there is a
03:27 probation period given to the Jewish nation,
03:30 right, for probation and that was to bring
03:32 in the ministry of the Messiah, Jesus Christ
03:37 to usher in righteousness,
03:39 to make sure they put away their sins
03:40 all those things that were very important
03:42 to do, right, as part of their receiving of
03:44 Christ into their overall ministry
03:46 to the world. And we know that,
03:48 that probation passed for them as a nation
03:50 of God's people proclaiming the gospel
03:52 which is the only reason why we have a church.
03:54 There would have been no church had Israel
03:58 as a nation fulfilled their mission.
03:59 The probation closed with them.
04:01 As will probation will close for the church
04:04 in the last days, which is that people
04:06 will have a time where salvation will,
04:10 that opportunity to be saved will be closed
04:12 because Jesus is coming very, very soon.
04:15 But in terms of an individual. I don't
04:21 personally; I don't see what the Bible says
04:24 that any of us is beyond the reach of salvation
04:27 from God. Some will say well you know
04:30 what about the unpardonable sin.
04:32 Well its not God's problem when we commit
04:35 the unpardonable sin. It's our issue,
04:37 so anybody that wants to be saved I believe
04:40 God will never in anywise cast out,
04:43 so He offers salvation will continue to that
04:45 until probation does close to anyone
04:48 who wants to be saved. And so several things
04:52 that we talked about here to answer
04:53 this question, but I think hopefully we have
04:55 covered the context of what we were saying
04:57 that originally in it. Right. And then
04:59 of course acknowledging that they will come
05:01 in time in the future where probation
05:02 will close as it did once, it will close
05:05 for the church and for all the people
05:06 on the earth. Well you know probation closes
05:08 two ways. It closes corporately
05:12 and that's what you're talking about
05:14 for all humanity. But then also, when I said
05:17 corporately I'm specifying
05:20 for the church, because the Bible says in Acts,
05:22 First Peter 4:17, for the time has come
05:26 for judgment to begin at the house of God.
05:29 And if it begin at us first what shall be
05:32 the end of those who obey not the gospel
05:34 of God, if the righteous fiercely be saved.
05:36 Right. Where shall the sinner and ungodly
05:38 appear, so it starts with the church,
05:41 Ezekiel 9, brings that out began at Jerusalem.
05:45 Right. The sealing takes place among those who
05:49 have known the message of Revelation chapter 7.
05:52 So that's the corporate aspect of it
05:54 and then after that it then it goes on
05:56 to the world. Right. But then the individual
06:00 aspects of what we talked about here
06:01 there is never time if you, if you're alive.
06:04 And, and you haven't grieved
06:07 to the Holy Spirit. There is no point
06:09 at which you cannot be saved. Right.
06:11 As long as you are alive,
06:12 but when you die your probation individually
06:15 closes, so this individual probation,
06:17 corporate probation for the church
06:18 and then probation for mankind in general,
06:21 that's where Revelation 22 verse 11 and 12 says.
06:24 Verse 11 says, He that is unjust,
06:27 let him be unjust still; and he that is filthy,
06:29 let him be filthy still. Beyond that point
06:31 there is no chance for anyone to be saved,
06:32 because the mediation of Christ has ended.
06:35 The work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary
06:38 is done. He is no longer our mediator.
06:41 Now we live in this presence of God
06:43 without a mediator, that is without the
06:46 word of Christ. So there is no more
06:48 mediation work and that's where the
06:50 probation closes. And this is,
06:51 I don't want to jump ahead, but this is where
06:54 the shadow and the type verses the anti-type
06:58 the real comes into play here,
07:00 because what we see in the old service.
07:02 The sanctuary service on the earth was that
07:05 there was a time where the mediation
07:07 of the high priest did cease, it did end.
07:09 And that was the day that it was a very
07:12 solemn day where the people afflicted
07:15 their souls or what they did was they searched
07:17 their souls to see whether or not there was
07:18 a sin between them and their God. That's right.
07:20 They needed to be confessed.
07:21 And so that is typified then to the reality
07:25 of now which is we're living in a time where
07:28 we need to search our own souls to see
07:30 those sins or find those sins that are between us
07:33 and our God, to put them away, to confess them
07:36 allow him to cleanse those sins from us,
07:38 so when probation or that mediation from the
07:41 high priest Jesus Christ ceases
07:43 we will be cleaned. That's right.
07:44 The atonement is referred to as at
07:47 one moment, go to remember that.
07:48 When the atonement work was done.
07:50 If the sins of the people were confessed
07:52 they were forgiven and blotted out,
07:54 if they were not confessed,
07:55 there was no more sacrifice for them.
07:58 Right. Very good point though,
08:00 thank you for that John. Here is another one,
08:02 I think the person's name is Tasha.
08:06 Thank you Tasha. John, John,
08:10 I guess that's you and me.
08:11 I'm a Baptized Christian and I know that
08:14 Jesus has paid for my sins, but there is
08:18 one sin that I committed against someone
08:21 a while before my Baptism that
08:23 consistently haunts me. Could you please
08:26 tell me, what do I have do to put my past
08:31 behind me? How am I sure that
08:33 this sin is covered and forgotten?
08:36 Tasha, here is the answer of the question
08:39 first of all. First John 1:9 here is the
08:43 first promise that the Lord makes to us.
08:44 If we confess our sins, He is faithful
08:48 and just to forgive us our sins,
08:50 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
08:51 That's the promise He makes. So whatever sin
08:53 we confess Jesus is faithful to forgive us
08:57 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
09:00 That's a promise, that's not gonna change.
09:01 But sometimes we sin against another person
09:04 and that's why the Bible tells us also to confess
09:07 our faults one to another.
09:10 If I were to a sin of a public nature
09:14 or a sin of a, that has injured someone
09:17 and I said Lord forgive me for injuring that
09:21 individual. Well they'll never know that I've
09:24 asked for that sin to be forgiven.
09:26 But if I go to them and said okay I've asked
09:30 the Lord to forgive me of what
09:31 I've done to you. Will you also forgive me,
09:34 that's the ministry of reconciliation.
09:36 And so the Lord has not only given us
09:38 the word of reconciliation his word,
09:40 his promise, but also the ministry
09:43 of reconciliation that we go and reconcile
09:46 that we become one with each other.
09:49 Let me read that text for you here now.
09:51 Second Corinthians 5 verse 18 and 19
09:55 and the Bible reads as follows. Now all things
09:58 are of God, who has reconciled us to himself
10:02 through Jesus Christ. That's the forgiveness
10:05 of our sin. Jesus is the one that brings us
10:08 back to the Father. And has given us
10:11 look at the counterpart to that.
10:13 The ministry of reconciliation.
10:16 When you reconcile with someone
10:18 when their hearts are open to it
10:20 and I'll share in a moment about
10:23 a situation where people's hearts are not
10:24 necessarily at the moment open to it.
10:26 But the Lord has given us the ministry of
10:29 reconciliation and He has committed to us
10:31 the word of reconciliation.
10:33 So, when you pray and ask God to work through
10:36 you to mend a break or an infraction in a
10:40 relationship between you and someone else.
10:41 He will give you the words of reconciliation
10:43 to make the ministry of reconciliation
10:46 an affective mending of that broken
10:48 relationship. But sometimes we have
10:51 to say, lets flip that around, if somebody
10:54 has done you something wrong,
10:56 not everybody is willing to put that
10:59 behind them and so maybe like Jesus
11:02 did on the cross, you will say Father
11:03 forgive them for they not what they do
11:05 and give the Lord the time to soften
11:08 their hearts to comeback and apologize
11:11 to you for what has been done.
11:12 The apology sometimes is not necessary to go
11:16 overall the details, but to say you know
11:18 I have, I have, I'm broken before the Lord.
11:20 I want to simply say all that I've put you
11:23 through. Matter of fact John once I received
11:25 an e-mail from someone and it was
11:29 really, really interesting.
11:31 Matter of fact it was not an e-mail,
11:34 it was an actual visit from someone
11:36 and they said I wanted to apologize to you
11:39 for all the trouble that we put you
11:41 and your family through. I know that
11:42 there has been some things done in the past
11:45 that have really hurt you and injured you
11:48 and I just want to apologize,
11:49 because I wanna go to the kingdom.
11:50 And I don't want this to be against me
11:53 when the Lord comes. And so if there is
11:55 something that's bothering you,
11:57 I will suggest that you can get in touch
11:59 with the person. You would say to them,
12:01 well I'm a Christian now what I did when
12:02 I was not a Christian, I now see that
12:05 it was wrong. And I want to ask your forgiveness
12:08 of that, will you please forgive me?
12:09 And you know what, give them time to think
12:11 about that and to come to the point where
12:13 they could honestly let that thing go.
12:15 Don't say that I've asked for your
12:17 forgiveness, now give it to me.
12:18 Right 'cause if they don't, you still
12:20 need to accept that. Right, you got to accept
12:22 the fact that well. This is one of those things
12:24 that gonna have to be give at the time
12:26 and to God's grace. Right, I agree. Okay.
12:30 In fact, I think Jesus even talked about
12:33 how if you're to bring offerings,
12:35 if you're bringing an offering to the alter.
12:36 And you remember at that point something
12:39 you've against your brother.
12:41 It says leave your offerings. That's not
12:44 the most important part, the most important part
12:46 is that you reconcile to your brother.
12:47 And then comeback. And then comeback
12:49 and you can give your offerings.
12:50 Now I now that, that's talking in the context
12:52 of brother and sister in Christ,
12:54 but still I think if the Lord is bringing this
12:57 to your memory where you're convicted of it.
12:59 You know I think your e-mail there,
13:01 it talks about how they, they're not at peace
13:04 that means the Holy Spirit is working
13:05 on them somehow to go back
13:07 and reconcile the situation that's
13:09 you need to engage in that ministry of
13:11 reconciliation to go back to him or her
13:13 to help to turn that situation around.
13:15 Yeah, I remember the situation John.
13:17 And this, this is before I was converted.
13:22 I remember a young man who was just kind
13:25 of a hoodlum mentality, that's a New York word,
13:28 a hoodlum, meaning he was just kind of like
13:30 a rebel. And visited my house when we were
13:35 teenagers and I had a new guitar
13:37 and I told him don't sit on my guitar,
13:39 don't touch it. And he picked it up
13:41 and threw it on the ground. My new guitar
13:44 and I punched him in the mouth
13:46 and knocked his teeth out.
13:47 Broke one of his teeth. And I've apologized,
13:52 I want you to know that that's not hanging over
13:54 my head. And I even asked him
13:56 I said see what, and I said see what you've
13:58 made me do. Well, he didn't make me do that,
14:01 but we reconciled the situation,
14:05 fortunately I did knock it out, loosened it up.
14:08 Right. And he kind of straightened it back up
14:10 and the Lord was gracious, he forgave me
14:14 for that terrible infraction.
14:16 That terrible transgression.
14:18 And he still has his tooth, and never it
14:20 had to taken out and it, however it works.
14:23 The roots were strong enough to keep it
14:25 in there. Good. But you know if you have
14:28 those kinds of experiences in your life
14:30 and you use the word of haunts you
14:31 and this is a very strong phrase
14:33 haunts you. That means the Spirit of God
14:36 is convicting your heart to deal
14:38 with that situation. Right, right.
14:40 Very good, here is another question
14:43 I have from Wayne. And he says hello
14:46 John and John and all others,
14:47 I have a question can you tell me
14:50 what the seven spirits of God mentioned
14:52 in Revelation 3:1, 4:5 and 5:6 are. Okay.
14:56 And so thank you for in advance for, for that
15:00 and may you continue to be a blessing
15:02 in the ministry. Thank you very much,
15:04 we appreciate that Wayne. Let's go to two
15:07 texts here I think if we connect these it will
15:09 help a little bit for us to understand. Alright.
15:10 The first one is Revelation 3 verse,
15:13 excuse me 4 verse 5. Okay.
15:16 Revelation 4 verse 5. That's the last book
15:20 of the Bible right John? It is the
15:21 last book of the Bible. Revelation 4
15:23 verse 5 okay. And the seven spirits of God
15:25 are only mentioned specifically
15:27 John in Revelation. You can't go another place
15:29 in the Bible where it says seven
15:30 spirits of God. Right. Okay, so we're going
15:34 to the book of Revelation, three places
15:36 it's mentioned here as Wayne gives here
15:39 Revelation 3:1, 4:5 and 5, chapter 5 verse 6.
15:43 Okay so Revelation 4 verse 5 we will go ahead
15:47 and read that here. It says, And from
15:50 the throne proceeded lightnings, thundering
15:52 and voices, seven lamps of fire were burning
15:56 before the throne, which are the
15:58 seven spirits of God. And you can see
16:00 in the other couple of verses what the
16:01 spirits of God are also doing.
16:03 But it never really gives a definitive
16:05 answer there, but if we connect the dots
16:07 I think we can come up with a good conclusion,
16:11 okay, what these seven spirits of God are.
16:13 Now lets turn to Revelation 1 verse 20,
16:19 now remember the seven spirits of God
16:21 are the fire that's coming okay
16:24 from the lamps, now look at this.
16:25 Revelation 1 verse 20 it says,
16:31 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw
16:34 in my right hand and the seven golden lamp
16:36 stands, so now we are talking about the lamp
16:39 stands not the actual burning fire
16:41 on the lamp. Right. And it says then,
16:44 The seven stars are the seven angels
16:46 of the seven churches and the seven lamp
16:48 stands which you saw are the seven churches.
16:51 So as the lamp stands themselves
16:54 which hold the fire are the seven churches.
16:58 Now the fire is burning above are from those
17:01 lamp stands and the seven spirits of God
17:03 are the fire that's coming, then that is
17:07 God's work within the seven churches.
17:10 And we know that Revelation 2 and 3
17:14 talking about the seven different churches
17:15 and we believe that, it was a historicist
17:18 approach to Revelation that is showing
17:20 not only things are going on in the
17:22 seven churches at the time John wrote it,
17:24 but it means to point us down through time
17:27 to the history of God's church.
17:29 The end being the church of Laodicea.
17:32 So throughout history God has had his spirit
17:36 working in the church at that time
17:38 and He's worked mightily and we find in fact
17:40 in this the context of Revelation 1
17:43 that Jesus himself is walking in the midst of
17:46 the lamp stands. That's right.
17:47 So Jesus is working through the power
17:49 of the Holy Spirit in a united way to bring
17:52 about strength and vigor and energy
17:55 and success for the ministry of the churches
17:58 and that power comes from the Holy Spirit
18:00 itself. So I think that's what the
18:03 seven spirits of God are working in the churches.
18:06 Right, the Holy Spirit of God working
18:07 throughout the generation of the
18:09 New Testament churches and the number 7
18:12 as you know denotes completeness. Yes.
18:15 The complete work of God's Holy Spirit
18:18 working throughout the churches,
18:19 seven being the affect and the application
18:22 of that, thank you very much for that question.
18:24 Here is another one. It says I enjoy
18:27 your program. Thank you very much.
18:29 We like questions and comments like that.
18:31 This is from Beverly, sometimes people ask
18:35 questions that I've also wondered about,
18:38 forgive me if someone has already asked,
18:40 asked this question. Now this was based
18:44 on the Sabbath school lesson and I won't tell
18:46 which one it is, because I don't want to date
18:47 the program. But the quotation
18:50 read as follows, there is no question
18:52 that there will be people in heaven
18:54 who have never heard the gospel.
18:57 How can that be? God commands us to go
19:00 unto all the world and preach the gospel,
19:04 then he will come. I've always been under
19:06 the assumption that everyone on earth,
19:08 everybody on earth must have been told about
19:12 the gospel truth before God can come again.
19:17 This statement from the Sabbath School lesson
19:20 sounds like we don't have to wait until
19:21 everyone knows the truth before God,
19:25 Jesus comes again. Well let me encourage you.
19:29 There will be the gospel being preached
19:33 in the New Testament is not the only gospel.
19:38 The knowledge of Christ, the gospel was
19:41 preached in the Old Testament,
19:42 the gospel was preached in all the ages not
19:45 necessarily is mentioning the name
19:48 Jesus in the Old Testament
19:49 or not necessarily even mentioning the name
19:51 Jesus among heathens. But the Bible
19:54 makes it clear in Romans 1 and I'm gonna read
19:57 from verse 16 to 21 that there is gonna be
20:00 no one that has an excuse to say
20:02 what we haven't heard in the gospel.
20:04 Because even David's Psalms talks about
20:06 creation in and of itself, there is no
20:10 place where their voice is not heard.
20:13 And if the heaven is declared the
20:14 glory of God and their voice is heard
20:17 everywhere and the glory of God has been seen
20:20 and heard everywhere. Acknowledging
20:22 the fact and this is amazing how some
20:24 scientists nowadays John are, are pushing hard
20:27 to keep the word intelligence out of the
20:30 science community, because of it,
20:32 this is a strangest thing. If you see that
20:34 science shows that we are surrounded by
20:37 intelligent design then you have to
20:40 conclude that, that intelligent design came
20:42 from an intelligent being. Nothing
20:45 intelligent just showed up. You know
20:47 there is a new vehicle that came out now,
20:49 I don't mention which one it is, but
20:50 a new very hi-tech foreign vehicle.
20:52 And then what's so unique about it is
20:55 not only does it, that you know,
20:57 like you know you are the reverse sign
21:00 when you're getting close to a car
21:01 how that sonar it beep ups, beep, beep, beep
21:05 as you're get closer and closer,
21:06 but there are some vehicles that have it
21:07 for the front letting you know you're getting
21:09 too closer to the vehicle in front of you,
21:10 but this new vehicle now has a device built
21:13 into it where if you, if you, for whatever
21:16 reason don't stop soon enough it'll stop
21:18 the vehicle for you. In the same way the Lord
21:21 has built into his word, means where by
21:23 we will know that just as a vehicle
21:26 we'll have no excuse for hitting another one.
21:28 We will have no excuse for saying
21:30 we haven't heard the gospel.
21:31 And so I wanna expand that,
21:33 because there was a time in the history
21:34 where the gospel wasn't being preached
21:36 as it is now. You know that commission
21:39 to go into all the world and preach the gospel
21:40 was given to the disciples.
21:42 So is that to say that prior to that there was
21:44 no gospel being preached? No the gospel
21:47 was being preached. Matter of fact today
21:48 we're gonna talk about that how it was
21:50 being preached in type and then later on
21:53 in anti-type. Let me read the text for you.
21:55 Romans 1 verse 16 to verse 21,
21:59 Paul begins by saying, For I'm not ashamed
22:03 of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power
22:06 of God to salvation, for everyone who believes,
22:12 for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
22:16 For in it the righteousness of God
22:19 is revealed from faith to faith as it is
22:22 written the just shall live by his faith.
22:25 Now follow carefully, For the wrath of God
22:28 is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
22:31 and unrighteousness of men, who suppress
22:34 the truth in unrighteousness.
22:36 Because what maybe known of God is manifest
22:40 in them for God has shown it to them.
22:46 Watch this, verse 20. For since the creation
22:50 of the world, now notice how far back we go.
22:53 For since the creation of the world
22:55 his invisible attributes are clearly seen.
23:00 Being understood by the things that are made,
23:03 even notice what else was revealed.
23:06 Even his eternal power and God had
23:08 and watch this, so that they are without excuse.
23:13 So there is no time that somebody can say
23:17 well I have an excuse. No. If you've been
23:19 here since the creation of this world,
23:21 you have no excuse. So in that sense
23:24 there is not a generation who hasn't
23:26 heard our presentation to let them know
23:29 that God is God. Whether they called on the name
23:33 of God in the Old Testament.
23:34 Whether they called on the name of Jesus
23:37 in the New Testament, same person.
23:38 Only one way to be saved and clearly
23:42 here is the reason why many probably
23:45 won't be saved. Well let me just rephrase that,
23:48 many won't be saved, because although
23:50 they knew God, verse 21, although
23:52 they knew God they did not glorify him as God.
23:54 And so clearly when this passage says
23:57 there is no question that there will be
23:59 people heaven who never heard the gospel.
24:01 It maybe talking about the gospel
24:05 presentation of today. Yeah I mean this are
24:07 the simple ways of presenting the gospel.
24:09 Yeah. Whether they have the preaching
24:10 of Christ in this ministry and where
24:12 he's done, right, and that appeal draws hearts
24:14 to them. But you know the gospel is being
24:16 preached through nature as well,
24:19 so there are those who have received the gospel
24:21 through, through what they see in creation,
24:24 a loving God who, who's created them
24:27 and wants a relationship with them.
24:28 And they see to draw that into that
24:30 relationship, we draw close to the God.
24:32 The creator God who established that
24:35 relationship with them and so they're,
24:36 there is that gospel being preached as well,
24:39 not just the preaching of the ministry of
24:41 Jesus Christ and what he's done.
24:44 Now, you know some would take to the nth degree
24:48 and I say nth degree, but I mean its,
24:51 you know this, you have heard this where only
24:55 through Christ and accepting Christ
24:56 can you be saved. You know and that's the
24:58 statement that we know was accurate,
25:00 but the meaning of that statement isn't always
25:02 clear, because we're clear with
25:04 what we're saying here, that some may not have
25:05 heard the name of Jesus Christ
25:07 and still be saved. That's right.
25:09 I think what, what that text is saying
25:10 more is that if it wasn't for Christ
25:14 and what he did, no one could be saved.
25:17 Exactly. More than just accepting
25:20 the name as you hear it and then by mentally
25:23 sensing, I'm following Jesus.
25:25 And by faith is well. So what it's really saying
25:28 is without what Christ did for us,
25:30 we, no one will be saved. Whether they've
25:33 heard of Jesus Christ or not. Now I'm gonna,
25:36 I'm gonna, I'm gonna piggy back on what
25:37 you said. I'm gonna tell you something else from
25:39 Romans 2 verse 14. Okay. Romans 2:14.
25:42 For when Gentiles who do not have the law,
25:45 by nature do the things in the law.
25:49 These although not having the law are a law
25:52 to themselves. Who show the work of the law
25:55 written in their hearts. Their conscience
25:58 also bearing witness and between themselves
26:01 their thoughts accusing or else excusing
26:03 them in the day when God will judge
26:06 the secretes of men by Jesus Christ
26:08 according to my gospel. So there are those
26:11 who don't have the law, who don't have
26:14 all the things that the Jews have,
26:16 the oracles of God, the ceremonial laws,
26:18 the things that drove them to Christ.
26:20 Yet they obey the things of the Lord,
26:23 because it's in their hearts. And you see
26:25 they are lost because they didn't hear
26:27 about the law, but they're obeying it.
26:29 No, no. Yeah that's where the text to whom
26:33 much is given, much is required. Yeah.
26:36 And you also find in First Peter 3
26:38 and I don't want to, I may open another
26:41 can of worms here, but the gospel
26:43 was also preached in Old Testament times.
26:45 Those who perished in the flood,
26:48 the gospel was preached to them.
26:51 And the gospel was before the Cross,
26:54 notice that the gospel, the good news
26:56 that simple word gospel means the good news.
26:59 There was good news before the Cross,
27:01 but that good news was, was pertinent,
27:04 was subject to the Cross, you see
27:07 they look to the coming Messiah,
27:08 now we look back to the Messiah who came.
27:12 So the Cross is the central focus of it all.
27:14 And First Peter 3 and verse 18 talks about
27:18 it this way, For Christ also suffered
27:20 once for sins, the just for the unjust
27:23 that he might bring us to God.
27:25 Being put to death in the flesh,
27:28 but made alive by the Spirit.
27:30 By whom he also went and preached to spirits
27:33 in prison, who formally were disobedient
27:37 when once the divine long suffering waited
27:40 in the days of Noah, while the Ark was being
27:42 prepared. So what happen is those spirits,
27:45 those who are once in prison in the past,
27:48 in the prison house of sin that's what
27:51 the reference is being made to.
27:52 The Lord through the same Holy Spirit
27:54 preached to them. That's right.
27:56 So the spirit of God has never been inactive,
27:59 but we can go down many, many more roads,
28:02 but I don't, when it comes to this.
28:05 I think that's, that's a particular application
28:07 rather than a broad statement saying that
28:09 people will never have heard the gospel
28:11 in any age. But not heard the gospel
28:14 as it pertains the way that the apostles
28:16 preached in the New Testament times.
28:18 Right, right. Anyway we have.
28:20 Actually a good transition
28:21 to our topic too. Matter of fact its good.
28:24 Because you're talking about the shadows,
28:25 you know back then being preached to,
28:27 they were being preached the gospel,
28:29 but Jesus had not come. That's right.
28:31 But there was something in place back
28:33 then that pointed them to Jesus who would come.
28:36 And that's what we really wanna talk about
28:38 today are the shadows of the past,
28:42 of the Old Testament that pointed to Jesus,
28:45 the Messiah who would come and fulfill
28:47 all those things being the reality,
28:49 not the shadow, but the reality.
28:51 John, you and I, we're both looking forward to,
28:55 I'm sure the Sun. The warmth of the Sun.
28:57 There is no, nothing like a warm nice
28:59 sunny day. We're coming off the hills of some
29:01 cold winter weather and I can't wait for that.
29:04 But one of the things that Sun brings
29:05 are shadows. Yeah. So you're walking down
29:08 the street and you look and you see your shadow.
29:10 Now if you're a young kid remember you used
29:11 to like to try and step on shadows
29:13 and having fun with those shadows.
29:14 But when you step on and you don't feel
29:16 anything different. Right. Okay,
29:18 it's just an image or a little picture of what
29:21 the real is. And so the Bible does talk about
29:25 shadows and the reality. And the Old Testament
29:29 has a lot to do with shadows and pointing
29:31 to Jesus who was the reality.
29:32 And I think today and many of you out there
29:36 may have heard this from your Pastors
29:38 or from your churches that you attend,
29:40 this teaching that somehow the shadows
29:43 of the past not only are removed or obsolete,
29:49 they're in the past only, but you've heard
29:51 that they are so done away with,
29:52 that they have no application
29:54 for the future. And this we would like to debunk
29:57 today that shadows were there to teach us
30:01 something. They teach them something,
30:03 but also they still teach us something
30:05 today about the ministry of Jesus.
30:07 What he's doing now and also all the other
30:10 doctrines and truths we find in his word,
30:13 how those apply and how they were shadows
30:15 of the past. Many of them pointing
30:16 to the reality of the future as well.
30:18 So John it's an exciting topic, I know that
30:20 you and I really have never talked about
30:22 this in detail on this program, shadows
30:24 and the reality. But I think it's time
30:26 that we do, because this is a very deceptive
30:29 twist on the scripture that if we don't,
30:33 if one doesn't get the difference between
30:36 the shadows and the reality
30:37 and how that all works. I think they can be
30:39 led down a path that is error, filled with error
30:43 and see that there are things that apply today,
30:45 that are very important in our spiritual life
30:47 as Christians that we can completely eliminate
30:50 and just, and get rid off just
30:52 by the mere fact that we think well they're
30:54 Old Testament teachings and they don't apply
30:56 to today, but in fact they do.
30:57 They do apply to today and as we transition
31:00 to that very important part, don't forget
31:02 if you have any Bible questions
31:03 and we have talked about a lot today.
31:04 If you have any Bible questions that
31:06 you like to submit to us send them
31:08 to that's
31:10 and once again
31:14 we will make our best attempt by God's leading
31:16 Holy Spirit to answer those questions.
31:18 The text I wanna begin with today John
31:20 is a text that people have sighted,
31:22 you know there are, there are darling texts,
31:26 there are, there are favorite texts
31:30 in various denominations that people use to
31:35 buttress their beliefs or to prove their point.
31:39 This one verse has, has been so unjustly
31:43 accused of getting rid of what it never got rid
31:46 of that we want to begin with this today.
31:49 Yeah. Now let I'm gonna say that again.
31:51 This text has been so unjustly accused
31:54 and misused and pointed to as the culprit
32:00 as the one who had in these words.
32:03 These are the words often used to make it
32:06 appear though the thing that we're gonna refer
32:08 to is none void and done away with it never
32:11 to rise again. And I'm gonna go ahead,
32:13 have you read that John. We're gonna turn
32:16 to Colossians 2 and we are gonna go from
32:20 verse 14 down to verse 17, but if you want
32:24 to get the context of it. If you read
32:26 the earlier verses and maybe we should do
32:28 this John because. I think we should start
32:32 with 13, you pick up a good bit of the context
32:34 there anyway. Yeah right, that
32:35 matter of fact I was gonna go to 11, but
32:37 13 will be fine because we know.
32:40 13 I think pulls the whole picture together
32:42 very well. Pointing out what the content
32:46 and the context of this whole passage is about.
32:50 So John start with us, start by
32:53 reading verse 13. Colossians 2 beginning
32:55 with verse 13, verse 13 yeah.
32:57 And you, being dead in your trespasses
33:00 and this uncircumcision of your flesh.
33:03 He has made alive together with him,
33:06 having forgiven you all trespasses.
33:08 That's good news. Right. We were once dead
33:11 and our trespass is down, He's forgiven us
33:12 and made us alive and having forgiven us.
33:15 Having also, verse 14, having wiped out
33:19 the handwriting of requirements that was
33:21 against us, which was contrary to us.
33:24 And he has taken it out of the way having
33:27 nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed
33:31 principalities and the powers,
33:33 He made a public spectacle of them
33:35 triumphing over them in it.
33:37 So let no one judge you in food,
33:39 or in drink, or in regarding a festival,
33:41 or a new moon or a Sabbath,
33:43 which are a shadow of the things to come;
33:45 but the substance is of Christ.
33:49 Now what I want to do also, because the verse
33:52 that we just read I'm gonna go and turn
33:54 to it here in my, I gonna use my computer.
33:57 I don't want you guys to think I'm sneaking up
34:00 on you, but I wanna go ahead and look at verse
34:03 the same thing again in the King James Version.
34:07 This is the one often used.
34:08 The New King James Version is very clear,
34:12 but the version that is often used is used
34:15 to give strength to the argument,
34:18 so let me read that again. Just verse 14
34:20 and there is a particular word
34:23 in verse 14 that if you, if you exclude
34:26 this word it begins to loose the context,
34:30 but listen how it reads in the
34:32 King James Version. Blotting out
34:34 the handwriting of ordinances that was
34:38 against us, which was contrary to us,
34:41 and took it out of the way,
34:43 nailing it to the cross. And I'm gonna just go
34:48 to verse 16, because it uses the two verses.
34:50 Let no man therefore judge you in meat,
34:53 or in drink, or in respect of a Holy day,
34:57 or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days.
35:01 Now you notice, it's referred to as Sabbaths
35:05 in the New King James Version and Sabbath days
35:09 the word days was added by the translators
35:12 to show that it was more than one. Right.
35:15 Sabbaths, and so let me go ahead
35:18 and give you my thesis right here or my,
35:20 my yeah I'll use the word thesis that's gonna
35:22 sounds good. People often use this verse
35:25 to say that the Sabbath of creation the
35:29 Seventh-day Sabbath is no longer in affect,
35:33 because it was a shadow. Now lets go ahead
35:37 and for a brief moment and John we could
35:39 jump back and forth on this,
35:40 I want us both to register on this before
35:42 we get into the Bible texts. And then
35:44 after this we gonna go to Ephesians 2
35:46 and look at this very same application,
35:49 Paul said to the Colossians as well as
35:52 to the Ephesians the very same passage.
35:54 We emphasize at both times. And the word I
35:56 want you to catch is the phrase or the word
36:01 ordinances. We're gonna look at ordinances
36:04 and we're gonna look at how they applied to,
36:06 how they were against us, how they became
36:10 contrary to us. Now here is my spiel.
36:13 The Sabbath that was created at the end
36:18 of creation it was created before the sin.
36:20 Just like the marriage institution was created
36:23 before the sin. Two things God established
36:26 in the very beginning was the Sabbath,
36:28 husband and wife and the, sorry the
36:33 marriage institution, husband and wife
36:35 and the Sabbath. Husband in heaven and wife
36:39 on earth okay. So you need to look at both
36:42 of those as husband and wife institutions
36:44 and both of them the marriage on earth
36:47 is a sign between man and woman that God
36:49 has sanctified them. Follow me carefully.
36:51 And the Seventh-day Sabbath is a sign
36:55 between God in heaven and man on earth
36:58 that we are sanctified. I don't know
37:00 if you ever caught that before,
37:01 both are symbols of sanctification and both,
37:04 the man and the woman were sanctified before
37:09 sin by the marriage institution and humanity
37:13 is continually sanctified by its
37:15 observance of the Seventh-day Sabbath.
37:18 Both of those things established before
37:21 the sin. Right. Let me let you register on that
37:22 before we go any further. No, I think,
37:24 I think you've said it very clear.
37:25 There's nothing, there is no problem
37:27 with the Seventh-day Sabbath or with
37:30 marriage, because there was no problem
37:32 at the time anyway, there was no sin.
37:34 Okay, so now has marriage been done
37:36 away with? No. Has they be an attempt
37:39 to redefine marriage? Absolutely, okay.
37:41 Has the Seventh-day Sabbath be done
37:43 away with? No. Has they been in an attempt
37:45 to redefine it? Yes, okay. Somewhat
37:47 successfully. Very, very successfully in both
37:50 cases there is a pushing for many laws
37:53 and props this and prop that to redefine
37:58 marriage and they say well as long you love
38:00 somebody that's all that matters.
38:01 That's not God's economy. God established
38:03 and I say this unapologetically,
38:05 but scripturally God established marriage
38:07 should be between a man and a woman.
38:09 And just because I love somebody
38:12 of the same sex does not negate
38:14 God's requirements. That's right.
38:16 You can't modify that and say it's based
38:19 on love. It's based on the image of God
38:21 and the human race. Not based on the word
38:23 love which is in fact love is God
38:25 and God is love. But it's based on
38:26 completing the image of God and the human race.
38:29 Any attack on the marriage institution
38:31 the way that God established
38:32 it is an attack on God's image. That's right.
38:35 In the human race, in the same way
38:37 the marriage being a sign of God's divinity
38:40 the Seventh-day Sabbath is a sign
38:43 of his divinity also. Once again saying
38:45 the text to the divinity of Christ through
38:47 both of those institutions.
38:48 And so John, let me you register
38:51 because I could keep going on here
38:52 and I wanna, I wanna regroup by going
38:54 to the Ephesians 2 here and then
38:56 talking about ordinance. Okay, to back up
38:59 and give context to all of Paul's writing.
39:01 Right. Because I think we need to do that.
39:04 Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles he's spoken of
39:07 sometimes. Was dealing with the early church
39:11 that was made up of Jews and Gentiles.
39:14 Both completely different backgrounds
39:16 and there was this constant debate,
39:19 this is constant struggle for control
39:22 or superiority or whatever it maybe
39:25 between the Jews and Gentiles,
39:27 because the Jews thought that,
39:28 many of those things that they have always
39:30 done as shadows. Were still applicable
39:35 in the church. And those are the things
39:36 that we mentioned here in verse 16, foods
39:41 and you've eaten, drinks, drink, food
39:43 and drink offering and you have got
39:44 the festivals that you observe
39:46 and the new moons and Sabbath,
39:47 those things they continually try to bring
39:50 into the church and keep their established.
39:53 And Paul, in writing this was saying is not
39:56 about that anymore. It's not about that
39:59 and he has really writing to many of the
40:01 Jews in the church that were being very
40:02 dogmatic about this. You ever met somebody
40:04 dogmatic, I used to be dogmatic.
40:07 Win the argument, it doesn't matter
40:10 if you win the friendship, win the
40:12 argument you know and hammer it as well as
40:15 you can and you're good. And I think many
40:18 to a great degree the teachers of the law
40:21 and those that were now part of the early church
40:23 were trying to keep these things going
40:26 forward in the new covenant era
40:28 of the early church. And so Paul here is writing
40:31 on that. He is saying no, no, no,
40:34 those pointing to Christ and we're gonna get
40:37 to Colossians. Colossians talks a lot
40:38 about this. Right. Those pointing to Christ
40:41 leading us to Christ and his ministry
40:43 and once Christ is here those aren't important
40:46 anymore. Right. But what we will find
40:49 as we do a little further digging
40:50 in this passage here is that we're not talking
40:53 about the moral law of God.
40:55 The Ten Commandment law of God,
40:57 because that was never called a shadow.
40:58 But we are talking about the ceremonial law
41:02 that was given through the written
41:04 law of Moses. And so I will bring one thing
41:08 as we transition one text. Okay.
41:10 I will bring here to the plate,
41:11 to the table. Many more but just go ahead.
41:13 Many more but here is one that we can kind
41:14 of spring board from and I'm reading from
41:16 Deuteronomy chapter 31. Okay
41:18 Deuteronomy chapter 31. And this is beginning
41:19 with verse 24. So it was when Moses had
41:25 completed writing the words of this law
41:28 in a book, when they were finished that
41:31 Moses commanded the Levites,
41:33 who bore the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord
41:35 saying: Take this Book of the Law,
41:38 put it beside the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord
41:42 your God, that it maybe there as a witness
41:44 against you. Okay. So now remember in the
41:49 ark of the covenant, the law of God written
41:53 by God's own finger on tablets of stone was
41:56 put inside. On the inside. Inside
41:59 of the ark and the mercy seat was close over it.
42:02 This law, notice it says, this law.
42:06 It's a different law John. It's a different
42:08 law Moses was instructed by God
42:11 and he is instructing the Levites
42:12 to put it beside the Ark of the covenant.
42:15 That was Deuteronomy what? Deuteronomy
42:17 31, 24 to 26. It wasn't to go inside.
42:21 It was a law yes, but it was to go beside the Ark
42:24 of the covenant. Not in the inside,
42:26 because it did not have the place that
42:28 the Decalogue. The moral law God had.
42:31 And dec means how many. Ten, ten
42:33 that's what we call the Decalogue.
42:35 So it did not have that kind of place
42:38 in position, because why? Because
42:41 it was a witness against them. That's right.
42:44 Because of their sins. That's right.
42:46 And not only it was a witness,
42:48 that word witness there is a very interesting
42:50 word. It means it was a testimony against them.
42:54 It told them that they needed a savior.
42:58 It told them, they needed redemption
43:00 and that the redemption could only come outside
43:03 of their own works. But no matter
43:06 what they can do. And this image is just
43:09 coming to mind I'm getting excited
43:10 now John. Okay you go ahead.
43:12 No matter what they can do,
43:14 they couldn't take the observation of this law
43:16 on the outside and get themselves on the inside
43:19 of the ark. In harmony with the
43:22 Ten Commandment law of God. Right.
43:24 There was always gonna be an outside
43:25 observance, but still it pointed them
43:28 to what God wanted ultimately
43:30 for their lives on the inside the Ark of,
43:34 or the Ark containing the Decalogue,
43:36 the Ten Commandments of God. Right.
43:38 And so here we are finding I think
43:40 in this text John clearly diminution
43:42 between two laws one on the inside
43:45 the Ten Commandments which God wrote
43:46 with his own finger and one on the outside
43:48 that was placed the only temporary as a witness
43:50 against them by Moses himself
43:53 not to be placed inside the Ark.
43:55 And do you know what I also like to add to that
43:57 John and that's a very powerful point friends
43:59 don't miss that, the ceremonial laws
44:01 which were written in a book and they were
44:05 referred to as the Torah the Pentateuch,
44:08 first five books of the Bible, the Torah
44:10 and these were about 640 laws
44:13 and you'll find them in Exodus, Leviticus,
44:17 Numbers and Deuteronomy. You will find them
44:20 in those books all the specifics
44:22 and we're gonna make some, we're gonna make
44:23 some references to that and not just
44:25 this program, but we're gonna work on another
44:26 program with this, helping you understand
44:28 the shadows, because a lot of times people say,
44:29 well the Sabbath of the fourth commandment
44:33 it was a shadow, we don't keep that anymore
44:36 although we keep the Ten Commandments,
44:38 but we don't keep the Sabbath.
44:40 You know the funny thing about that John
44:42 and let me use this illustration.
44:43 And by the way before I even use
44:45 the illustration, I'm gonna go
44:46 and read a text that shows the difference
44:48 between what John read in Deuteronomy 31
44:51 verse 24 to 26. And what the Bible says
44:54 about the Ten Commandments.
44:55 The other writing of them in the book of
44:58 Deuteronomy chapter 5 and listen to what
45:00 the Lord says in verse 22. After the
45:03 Ten Commandments are written all ten of them.
45:05 It's in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy chapter 5
45:08 listen to it what it said in verse 22.
45:11 These words the Lord spoke to all
45:14 your assembly in the mountain from the midst
45:18 of the fire, the cloud and the thick darkness
45:21 with a loud voice: and follow these next
45:24 five words and He added no more.
45:28 Ten Commandments and he added no more.
45:33 Do you mean all those inquiry things
45:35 I go through line at the grocery store
45:37 that says they found another three or five
45:39 or eight commandments that can't be true.
45:40 And not only, terrible. But listen
45:43 what it goes on to, it only says and he added
45:47 no more in verse 22. But it goes on to say,
45:49 and he wrote them on two tablets of stone
45:54 and gave them to me. That is to Moses. Yes.
45:57 He wrote them on two tablets of stone.
45:59 Stone tablets, not in a book. That's right.
46:03 Only ten, he added no more.
46:05 So you clearly see two, two different laws
46:08 here. But I wanna also show that the
46:11 ceremonial law was added, because the
46:15 moral law was violated. Galatians 3:19
46:20 John read that for us. Galatians 3:19,
46:23 now we have to define something here,
46:26 First John chapter 3 verse 4 and 5.
46:30 The Bible makes it very clear that sin is
46:32 the transgression of the law.
46:33 Sin is the transgression of violation of the law.
46:36 When the law of God the Ten Commandments
46:38 were violated, that was from the very beginning
46:41 when Adam and Eve sinned, the commandments
46:43 of God were violated. When Cain killed Abel
46:46 the commandments were violated,
46:48 so he added now another system of types,
46:52 of washings, of ordinances,
46:55 of ceremonies of, ceremonial Sabbaths,
46:58 many Sabbaths to lead them back to Christ.
47:03 But going to read Galatians.
47:05 And lead them into harmony with the law
47:07 that was broken that's thing. Harmony with it.
47:09 Right, right. And so I'm reading from
47:11 Galatians 3 verse 19, what purpose then does
47:14 the law serve. It was added because of
47:17 transgressions. Till the Seed that is capital
47:22 Seed Jesus should come to whom the promise
47:27 was made. Okay. And it was appointed
47:29 through angels by the hand of the mediator.
47:31 Okay, it was appointed to angels by the hand
47:34 of the, the mediator is Christ, but get this,
47:36 it was added and follow this till the seed.
47:40 Added came inn, till the seed go out.
47:44 It had a time flame, it had a time period.
47:46 It was a time line. It was added.
47:48 But when something is added, it comes out
47:50 a particular time. It comes in after until,
47:53 it has an ending point. I'll be coming
47:57 to your house, added to the company
47:59 until 5 O'clock tomorrow evening,
48:01 then I'm gonna leave. Have a time flame.
48:03 And so clearly this law had a time flame
48:05 and to show you when John read Colossians 2
48:08 he began with verse 13 that brought in the word
48:11 circumcision, uncircumcision,
48:14 but lets see what Paul says here in
48:16 First Corinthian 7:19 then I'm gonna use
48:19 the illustration that was so clearly
48:21 pointed out, blotting it out,
48:25 taking it out of the way, nailing it
48:27 to the cross, I'm gonna point that out here.
48:29 But listen to what Paul says in
48:30 First Corinthian 7:19 circumcision is nothing,
48:35 that was the part of the ceremonial law.
48:37 You will read the Ten Commandments
48:38 and you will not find anything about
48:40 circumcision. Circumcision is nothing,
48:43 and uncircumcision is nothing,
48:45 but keeping of the commandments of God
48:47 is what matters. Here we go.
48:50 Notice circumcision, ceremonial law,
48:52 uncircumcision doesn't really matter.
48:54 Wait now, Paul wrote that? Paul wrote that.
48:56 So he will be contradicting himself.
48:58 Right. If he did in fact mean that the
49:01 Ten Commandments were done away with in
49:02 Colossians 2 Right. So it can't mean
49:04 that the Ten Commandments were
49:06 done away it. No, he couldn't mean that.
49:07 Not at all. He referred to it as a handwriting
49:11 of ordinances. And we gonna talk about
49:12 those ordinances in just a moment,
49:13 but now how many commandments
49:14 are there John? There are ten.
49:16 Okay now watch this. I'm gonna use my
49:19 phone as an illustration here for just a
49:20 brief moment. Really what kind,
49:22 it doesn't really matter, but each phone
49:23 has 10 digits from one all the way down
49:26 to zero alright. Now I'm gonna use this phone
49:29 in the illustration of the Ten Commandments.
49:30 Ten digits on this phone, but I'm also
49:33 gonna begin by the illustration of this
49:36 being the ceremonial law. That means
49:39 we are by God is communicating with men.
49:42 In Exodus chapter 25 verse 8 and 9 he says,
49:45 let them make a sanctuary that
49:47 I may dwell among them. And the one he made,
49:49 he made it from a pattern shown
49:52 to Moses when he was in the mount.
49:53 The pattern was from an original that exists
49:55 in heaven and we even hear that when Jesus
49:59 sat down on the right hand of his Father
50:01 and the true tabernacle not made with hands,
50:05 that is not of this building. So, you had
50:08 a system put in place and let's refer to this
50:11 phone as a ceremonial system
50:12 and the Lord communicated.
50:14 Now, if John was in Europe and I'm here
50:16 in America and I didn't see him
50:18 the only way I could communicate him,
50:20 with him is through this phone.
50:21 I dial the number John, are you there?
50:24 Yes and everything on this phone enables me
50:27 to communicate to him and him to communicate
50:29 with me, but now while John is sitting right
50:31 in front of me can you imagine the ridiculous
50:34 stupidity of picking up his phone
50:37 and saying John, are you there
50:38 and I'm looking right at him, the phone then
50:41 becomes something that's contrary.
50:44 So, what do I have to do with this thing
50:46 that's contrary is there anything wrong
50:47 with the phone no. But it's contrary,
50:50 so how am I gonna make this broken
50:53 communication an unbroken communication,
50:55 I've got to take this out of the way.
50:57 And so when the Lord came there was no more
51:00 need for the ceremonial system that kept us
51:03 connected with Christ with what he was going
51:05 to eventually do. There was no need for it
51:08 to be in the middle of us any longer
51:10 so the Lord took that out of the way
51:14 and I could have open communication
51:16 with Christ, that middle wall was removed,
51:18 it was taken out of the way, it was a partition
51:21 until Jesus came, that's why John when he died
51:25 you may notice in Matthew that the curtain
51:27 of the temple, what happened to the curtain
51:29 of the temple, tell us. It was torn
51:30 from top to bottom and why? Because it showed
51:35 revealed complete access now to the presence
51:38 of God through Christ sacrifice.
51:40 There was no more avail it was torn into
51:42 and making the two one now, the lamb
51:47 that was on the altar to be sacrifice
51:49 that day was no longer needed to be sacrifice
51:52 because the lamb of God, John 1:29,
51:56 was the one that was sacrifice.
51:58 Which is why Galatians 3 goes on to say
51:59 in verse 23: But before faith came,
52:02 that is speaking of faith through Christ
52:04 in person that's right, we were kept
52:08 under guard by the law, kept for the faith
52:10 which would afterward be revealed.
52:12 Now revealing is, Jesus revealing himself,
52:15 that's right. Therefore the law was our tutor
52:18 to bring us to Christ, that we might be
52:21 justified by faith. But after faith has come,
52:24 we are no longer under a tutor.
52:26 In other words after Jesus came
52:28 we don't need the sacrifice
52:30 of other things, we have the sacrifice
52:31 of Christ we can depend upon by faith,
52:33 there you go. After I show up back
52:36 from Europe you had me on a trip to Europe
52:38 where did I go by the way? I don't know,
52:39 you went to France, that's why
52:41 I came back from France you don't need
52:43 the phone anymore because I could talk
52:44 to you directly as we're talking together
52:46 and that's what this is saying that law
52:48 that ceremonial law was done away with,
52:51 it was done away with. Now, John, I know
52:54 we're gonna continue on with the analogy
52:56 I have here but in Daniel 9
52:58 also has a similar verse where he is pleading
53:02 to God in behalf of his people that's right.
53:05 And he says: "Yes, all Israel has transgressed
53:09 Your law." What verse you reading,
53:10 I'm reading from Daniel 9 verse 11 okay?
53:12 All Israel has transgressed Your law,
53:15 and has departed so as not to obey Your voice;
53:19 therefore the curse and the oath written
53:23 in the Law of Moses, the servant of God,
53:26 have been poured out on us,
53:27 because we have sinned against him.
53:29 See, before it was just the law of God
53:32 but when they transgressed it
53:34 the Law of Moses was added to draw them
53:38 back because of that transgression,
53:40 because of that curse to draw them back to God.
53:42 So, see repeatedly throughout the Bible
53:44 we have many verses it's not one
53:46 we're reading but over and over again
53:47 we see two laws, one bring them to Christ
53:50 and one which they transgressed that God
53:55 wants to bring them back into harmony with,
53:57 in other words bring them back into keeping
53:59 because by faith through Christ we have a
54:02 perfect life that he offers us
54:05 by his own life. And you know what happened
54:08 and I wanna and the reason why this verse
54:09 came up and we're gonna talk about
54:11 some of the types here and some antitypes
54:13 if we get to at this program that be find
54:15 but if we don't get it in this program
54:17 look for the next program and we will
54:19 cover some of these shadows that existed
54:22 to point us to Christ. Now, what I wanna
54:24 also do John now because there is also another
54:28 segment of Christianity that says
54:29 the Ten Commandments are in effect
54:31 but they only observe 9 and then
54:34 there is a battle to get rid of one of them.
54:36 So, now let's go ahead and say I wanna show
54:40 you friends how Satan has sold you phone
54:42 that doesn't function but he's convinced you
54:44 that it works. I wanna show you how Satan
54:48 has sold you a phone that doesn't function,
54:51 it's broken but he's telling you it works.
54:53 Now, let me go ahead and use the illustration
54:55 make it very obvious, this phone has
54:58 ten digits, Ten Commandments.
55:01 Now, you're transitioning,
55:02 this is not a ceremonial,
55:03 not ceremonial any longer. This is a
55:05 Ten Commandment example, Ten
55:06 Commandment phone. Two sides of the phone,
55:08 ten digits, one all the way down to zero which
55:13 is ten digits. Let's say I get rid of
55:16 digit number four or in this case
55:19 commandment number four, right.
55:21 Digit number four doesn't work John comes
55:24 to my store to buy a phone and I say
55:26 I have a phone I would like to sell you John
55:28 and I'm not telling him that digit number four
55:31 doesn't work. He buys the phone,
55:33 he goes to home and tries to make a phone
55:34 call and discovers that he can't get through
55:36 to most of the people because
55:38 one of the digits don't work.
55:40 He comes back to me and says you know,
55:42 you told me this was a brand new phone
55:44 and there's no scratches on it,
55:47 it will look perfectly intact. And I say,
55:49 John well, okay it's a, the phone is working
55:53 mostly. The only problem is digit number four
55:57 doesn't work, but don't worry about
55:58 that it's still a phone. Digit number four
56:00 is there, but it doesn't work to impressive,
56:03 it doesn't, it doesn't work, you could see it,
56:05 but it doesn't function when you press it,
56:07 right. Now, in Christianity today
56:10 commandment number four doesn't work
56:12 for them because Satan has broken it.
56:16 He has violated it, giving you a phone
56:20 and said to you, it has ten digits don't worry
56:23 about it. It has ten digits; you can see
56:25 ten digits, when you press the fourth one
56:27 it doesn't work. The commandments of God,
56:30 the fourth commandment is not at work in many
56:32 Christian churches because it has been
56:34 violated, broken by the enemy of truth.
56:38 And he is giving everybody else a phone
56:40 Christianity has a phone they think works,
56:43 but that digit is not functioning.
56:45 And we will point out what that digit
56:47 has been replaced with in our
56:50 upcoming programs. You know,
56:52 the we're talking about the shadows here,
56:56 right, kind of keeping the context of what
56:57 our program is here. We're talking about
56:59 the shadows; it is so I can't say
57:01 how important it is to understand
57:03 the difference between the law of God
57:04 and the law of Moses, right, and ceremonial
57:06 laws. And that's why we're gonna spend
57:08 another hope program on this very topic
57:11 because it is so important.
57:12 And I think, if you do get it,
57:14 if you catch it from that point on,
57:16 you'll be able to read scripture much more
57:18 clearly and understand what God
57:19 is trying to tell us. That's right, friends
57:21 so stay tuned for the next
57:22 House Calls program. We're gonna make it
57:24 very clear that the shadow has passed;
57:26 the real has come until we see you again study
57:29 God's word trust Him because Christ is
57:32 waiting to be in your life.
57:33 Have a great day in Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17