House Calls

To Tell The Truth -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL090007

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:02 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Friends, welcome to the most exciting
00:24 program in the world, "House Calls."
00:26 And you know why, because we are living in a world
00:29 where the Bible needs to be talked about
00:31 and it's happening here, so welcome.
00:33 My name is John Lomacang, and I have my buddy
00:35 in the studio with me, Pastor John Stanton.
00:37 Good to have you here stretch.
00:38 John, it's good to be here again for another exciting program.
00:41 I'm excited about this program,
00:42 some hot button issues coming up.
00:44 That's right, that's right.
00:45 You know, we like to talk about things
00:46 that are interesting to you
00:48 and many have fed us emails
00:50 about how important it is to get back to the truth and so.
00:53 One of the topics we're gonna be talking about today
00:55 is entitled "To tell the truth."
00:57 What does it mean to tell the truth?
01:00 But before we do any of that,
01:02 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
01:03 So, John, let's have a prayer together.
01:05 Our Father in heaven, we're so thankful again
01:07 to be able to come before Your throne
01:09 and seek wisdom and strength and knowledge.
01:11 And we just pray that You will send us Your Holy Spirit
01:14 to lead and guide us through our study,
01:15 bless everyone who joins us for this program as well.
01:18 May we draw closer to You because we know more about You
01:21 and Your plan for our lives, in Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
01:25 And friends, as you know
01:26 you Bible questions are big part of this program.
01:29 And many of you are very faithful.
01:31 Some of you are just like clockwork,
01:33 we can count on your emails coming through
01:34 and all the Bible questions.
01:36 Some of you send us snail mail
01:38 that is by the post office that stamped.
01:41 And some of you really enjoy doing that
01:43 and there are those of you who don't have typewriters
01:45 and we appreciate that too.
01:46 So today we're gonna begin our program
01:48 by entertaining your questions and if you have any of them,
01:51 you can send those to,
01:55 that's
01:58 We download those questions and try our best
02:01 to go to God's word and answer them for you.
02:03 And if it's our opinion,
02:05 we're going to say it's our opinion.
02:06 But we'd like to stick to the word of God.
02:08 Today let's start with our first question.
02:11 John, what do you have for us?
02:12 I've got a question with regard to the Old Testament and--
02:18 yeah, it's a New Testament word actually,
02:19 but with regard to Abraham and his ancestry. Okay.
02:25 And not only where is he from, but who he was
02:29 and it says here, the question specifically says,
02:31 "On the show you mentioned that Abraham was not a Jew
02:34 and that he was a Chaldean.
02:36 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist
02:37 and I'm confused about what you said
02:40 so would you please explain it further.
02:43 And if this is true where did the first Jew
02:45 come on the scene from, was it Jacob?"
02:49 And there is actually good guess. Okay.
02:51 But let's talk about here Abraham first.
02:54 We find that in Genesis 11:31, it says this in regard
03:00 to Abraham and his father and his--
03:05 I believe his-- yeah, his father here.
03:07 It says, "And Terah took his son Abram and his grandson Lot,
03:11 the son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarah,
03:15 or actually Sarai at the time.
03:17 his son Abram's wife, and they went out with them
03:21 from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan."
03:25 So here we find that his family was from Ur, John,
03:31 which was part of the land of the Chaldeans.
03:33 So he was Chaldean so to speak.
03:35 Now that's why we said that Abraham was not a Jew.
03:40 Now specifically with regard to the word Jew,
03:43 that wasn't really applied to God's people
03:46 until after the divided kingdom following Solomon's reign
03:50 we had Solomon's son and then of course
03:53 he rebelled against the Lord
03:54 and that's where Jeroboam came into play
03:56 to take Israel, the northern kingdom
03:59 which had 10 of the 12 tribes
04:02 and as that divided eventually over time.
04:05 We know that the northern kingdom
04:06 was besieged and taken over by Assyria.
04:09 They were scattered and then the southern kingdom of Judah
04:13 which had grown was taken captive and brought to Babylon.
04:17 After seven years plus they return to Jerusalem
04:20 to rebuild the city, to rebuild the temple.
04:22 And then from that point on, we get into the segment between
04:25 kind of the Old Testament and New Testament
04:28 and by the time we get to the New Testament
04:30 writings of Jesus' first advent,
04:32 they were referred to as Jews which was short for Judah.
04:37 So that's where the word Jews comes from.
04:39 Now if you go back far enough
04:40 although the word Jew wasn't part of Israel at the time.
04:45 The word Israel itself was applied to Jacob the first time.
04:50 And so that was a good guess
04:52 as far as where these names go back,
04:54 how far they go back to.
04:55 But Jacob who was the son of Isaac
04:59 was first known with his new name
05:03 after wrestling with God that night where he wrestle with Him
05:06 and he didn't concur but he struggled,
05:10 he wrestle with God and he overcame or at least he--
05:13 what's the word I'm looking for it talks about,
05:15 he was an overcomer. He prevailed.
05:17 He prevailed to receive the blessing from the Lord
05:20 and from that point on, God called him Israel,
05:23 your name should be called Israel.
05:25 And so that's where Israel which apply to both kingdoms,
05:28 both the north and the south
05:29 even though they were divided came from.
05:32 So that little history
05:33 into where these names come from in the Bible.
05:36 That was good, that was good that you walked us through that.
05:39 Glad that you hit the record button to follow that.
05:41 You could rewind that later on
05:42 and look at the history that John just laid out for us.
05:45 It's important to know why we are where we are today
05:49 and what we believe and how God led
05:51 in the choosing of a special people.
05:55 They were special not because they had a different blood type
05:58 or because their DNA-- let me not use that phrase
06:01 or that word but because their nationality.
06:04 They were not special because of nationality.
06:06 They were special because
06:07 they were chosen by God for a particular purpose.
06:11 And so you find in and believe its Romans 9:6 where it says,
06:17 "They that are of Israel are not all Israel."
06:22 And so you clearly see that
06:24 it is not so much our physical birth
06:27 but it's our spiritual birth that makes the difference
06:29 and that was very important.
06:30 But something aside to add about where Abraham is from.
06:33 And by the way the name Abram, you know,
06:36 when the promise that God had made with him was covenanted,
06:39 He called him Abraham now which is a beautiful thing
06:42 and changed Sarah's name from Sarai to Sarah
06:45 showing that the covenant that He had made with them
06:47 had now have been enforce.
06:49 And what a beautiful covenant to say
06:51 to a couple that don't have any children at all.
06:54 He said one day your seed would be like the stars of the sky.
06:59 That's an amazing thing and God did fulfill that promise.
07:02 But in Genesis 15:7 the Lord even confirms
07:06 what you just read
07:09 "Then He said to him" that is the Lord said to Abraham.
07:13 "I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans,
07:17 to give you this land to inherit it."
07:20 And if you look at where Ur was, Ur was in southern Babylon.
07:24 So years ago I've said that Abraham was Babylonian
07:27 and by birth and nationality, yes he was
07:30 because Ur was the southern providence
07:32 of the Babylonian empire.
07:35 So here's the beautiful thing about that.
07:37 The Lord can take somebody from Babylon
07:39 and give him the inheritance of the kingdom of God.
07:42 Amazing, and look at this, look at the parallel.
07:44 In the last days, the Lord is gonna call people out of Babylon
07:48 and then give them the designation of His chosen people
07:53 come out of her my people.
07:54 He did that to Abraham and his wife.
07:57 And He's gonna do that in the last days also again.
07:58 You know, the interesting thing to you that we talked about here
08:02 how Israel is about prevailing, it's about, you know,
08:05 wrestling with God and staying and clinging
08:07 and staying close overcoming.
08:09 You know, we talk about faith being the victory
08:12 that we have 'cause it's all by faith.
08:14 By faith we cling to God, by faith we overcome,
08:17 by faith we prevailed because it's His strength.
08:19 And so when it says there
08:22 that all Israel or Israel is not all Israel.
08:27 Really what we're talking about that word Israel
08:29 is an issue of faith when you get to the New Testament.
08:32 So those Paul says, "Who are by faith are Israel."
08:36 Right. And so the real issue is not
08:38 whether or not you're descendants as a race of Abraham
08:42 which was a big issue for the Pharisees,
08:44 Sadducees at that time.
08:46 The issue was whether you are not gonna--
08:47 you put your faith in Jesus Christ
08:49 and you're gonna becoming overcomer through Him.
08:52 And so that's why we have said several times
08:54 that we do not believe in some kind of a dual covenant here
08:57 where Israel as a nation has a covenant with God still
09:01 and now Israel, the church has a covenant with God.
09:04 But there is only been one everlasting covenant.
09:07 It was first came through Abraham and then came through--
09:10 it was reiterated actually through Abraham
09:11 'cause he had a covenant with Noah too.
09:14 But then he came down through them until the time of Christ
09:18 which was a probationary period for the nation of Israel
09:22 and then afterwards was given to the church.
09:24 So that's why we say several times,
09:26 you will hear us say that church,
09:28 the church of Christ today is Israel, spiritual Israel.
09:33 But in the sense it's always been
09:34 a spiritual application that word, hasn't it? Right.
09:37 Those who are of Christ's are Abraham's seed
09:41 and heir according to the promise.
09:43 So it's always been spiritual designation.
09:45 We know that a salvation is not a first birth,
09:48 it's always the second birth, it's a new birth.
09:50 And anyone whose is the part
09:51 of the new birth is in fact spiritual Israel
09:54 that's what the Lord makes it very, very clear.
09:56 So when you get down to Revelation, John,
09:58 and this is something that
09:59 you and I both really enjoy studying.
10:02 Revelation is a spiritual book for a spiritual people.
10:05 It's not a book designated for just one particular race
10:10 but in fact a book for a spiritual people,
10:12 calling them out of darkness into this marvelous life.
10:15 And you know the Apostle Paul does a wonderful job about that.
10:18 He says, at one time we were not a people
10:22 but now we are a people.
10:24 And so that's the beautiful thing.
10:26 The Lord can extend an invitation
10:28 to somebody who is not His
10:30 but then by accepting the invitation, they become His.
10:35 But thank you very much.
10:36 And our last text to that Nehemiah 9:7
10:41 once again the Bible says
10:43 confirming what you just pointed out about Abraham.
10:46 "You are the Lord God, who chose Abram,
10:51 and brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans,
10:54 and gave him the name Abraham."
10:57 You see, so that's showing the transition
10:59 and then it says "You found his heart faithful before you,
11:03 and made a covenant with him
11:05 to give him the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites,
11:07 the Amorites, the Perizzites,
11:08 the Jebusites, and the Girgashites
11:11 and to give it to his descendants."
11:13 And so you clearly see that
11:14 the promise that God made to Abraham
11:16 at that point was when his name changed
11:18 and it wasn't the same thing with his son Jacob.
11:21 He went from Jacob to Israel. Yeah, that's right.
11:25 When God makes a covenant
11:26 and friends, look at that whole thing,
11:28 when we get to heaven we're gonna have a new name.
11:31 There's another topic all together.
11:33 It's not gonna be our name,
11:34 His name is gonna be on our foreheads,
11:37 that's the new name since God is above.
11:39 And we thank you for that question.
11:41 Here's another one.
11:44 Dear John, it could be anyone of us.
11:47 Thank you so much.
11:48 Please help me out with Revelation 14:4.
11:52 Go with us to Revelation 14:4
11:54 and by the way that is the second place in Revelation
11:57 or the second place in the Bible
11:59 you find that 144,000 talked about.
12:01 The first place in Revelation 7
12:03 the choosing and the sealing of the 144,000.
12:06 And then Revelation 14, the message of the 144,000.
12:11 A lot of times we take them out of the equation,
12:14 but before you find the first, second,
12:16 and third Angel's message you find the 144,000.
12:20 Those who are going to proclaim this message,
12:23 very exclusive message.
12:25 The message is exclusive for the carriers,
12:28 but it's inclusive for the world.
12:31 Revelation 14:4 describes who the 144,000 are.
12:36 "These are the ones who were not defiled with women,
12:42 for they are virgins.
12:44 These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
12:51 These were redeemed from among men,
12:54 being first fruits to God and to the Lamb."
12:58 Now that's a big passage and there are a lot of points
13:01 that were brought on that passage.
13:02 One of the first one it says,
13:03 "These are the ones who were not defiled with women."
13:07 Well, we know in prophecy
13:08 that when the Bible uses the phrase woman
13:11 or the word woman it designates to church.
13:14 And so clearly if I would begin with the beginning
13:18 it says for they are virgins meaning pure.
13:21 They were not defiled by the teachings of other churches.
13:27 Matter of fact go with us to Revelation 17.
13:29 I want you to see something here because in Revelation 17,
13:34 you find a condition but you find another woman
13:38 that's not described as pure.
13:41 As a matter of fact, she is anything but pure.
13:44 Revelation 17:1.
13:46 Why don't you read that for us, John?
13:48 Revelation 17:1.
13:51 "One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls
13:54 came and talked with me,
13:55 saying, 'Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot
13:58 who sits on many waters.'"
14:00 And look at verse 4.
14:03 "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
14:06 and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
14:09 having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
14:13 and the filthiness of her fornication."
14:15 And just add verse 5 there.
14:16 "And on her forehead a name was written,
14:20 Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots
14:23 and the abominations of the earth."
14:25 Okay, now notice something.
14:27 In Revelation 14, it says,
14:28 these were not defiled with women, for they are virgins.
14:32 But you go to Revelation 17 you clearly see a different
14:35 system altogether talked about,
14:37 a system of complete defilement.
14:40 She is referred to as a great harlot,
14:43 not just a harlot, a great harlot.
14:45 She is referred to as the mother of harlots
14:50 and abominations of the earth,
14:52 so if you partake of what she is selling,
14:55 you will definitely be defiled.
14:56 As a matter of fact, verse 6 talks about--
15:00 matter of fact, verse 2. Sorry before verse 6.
15:03 Verse 2 says, "With whom
15:05 the kings of the earth were made drunk
15:09 with the wine of her fornication.
15:12 The kings of the earth committed fornication,
15:15 and the inhabitants of the earth
15:16 were made drunk with the wine of her fornication."
15:19 So you clearly see
15:20 the inhabitance of the earth may drunk,
15:22 the kings committed fornication, they were not clean,
15:26 they were defiled, so the contrast is
15:29 Revelation is talking about a people that are not defiled,
15:32 a people that are not polluted,
15:35 a people that are true to the Lord God
15:38 as the woman described in Revelation 12.
15:41 Look at that with us.
15:43 That woman was not decked with gold
15:47 and precious stones and pearls.
15:48 And by the way, John, I want to add this.
15:52 The woman of Revelation 17 had on purple and red.
15:57 It's nothing wrong with the color purple and red.
15:59 The question is what didn't she have on.
16:02 She didn't have on the color of blue.
16:05 And the color blue is the color that's symbolic
16:07 with the commandments of God.
16:09 So you see that in this system of worship
16:12 the commandments of God were omitted
16:14 or most specifically were changed,
16:19 were diverted, were broken down
16:22 as the word I used just a moment ago
16:25 polluted or diluted,
16:27 that's the word I'm looking for.
16:29 But look at Revelation 12:1. The contrast is amazing.
16:34 "Now a great sign appeared in heaven,
16:37 a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,
16:42 and on her head a garland or crown of twelve stars."
16:47 And when you look at that whole parallel,
16:50 you begin to see that the reason why this woman
16:52 is the one that's designated is pure,
16:54 is this is the one that Satan is upset with.
16:56 And by the way you can guarantee that
16:58 if the devil is upset with you, you're doing something right.
17:01 Read for us, John, Revelation 12:17.
17:04 Notice how angry the devil is
17:06 and what his attitude toward this woman is.
17:09 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
17:12 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring."
17:16 King James Version says, remnant there which is a key word.
17:20 "Who keep the commandments of God
17:21 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
17:24 So you see there, that woman
17:26 is a woman that's associated with
17:28 keeping the commandments of God and the devil is upset.
17:32 She also has the testimony of Jesus Christ
17:34 which Revelation 19:10 says,
17:36 "The gift of the Spirit of Prophecy."
17:39 But let's look at the rest of the aspects of that
17:41 and you could chime in anytime you'd like in that verse.
17:43 Well, you know, I was focusing on that word remnant.
17:46 It's interesting that Babylon has a remnant. Very good point.
17:50 Because she is the mother of harlots
17:52 which means she has children. That's right.
17:54 And those children play a big part in the end times,
17:57 in last days as the Book of Revelation tells us.
18:00 The woman of Revelation 12 has a remnant. That's right.
18:03 And this is the one
18:04 that the dragon is very angry with at the end of time.
18:07 But specifically that remnant, the 144, 000
18:10 he is very angry with because they are doing the work
18:14 that God has called them to do.
18:16 And it says there in the passage we already ready in Chapter 14,
18:19 "They are firstfruits to God and to the Lamb."
18:23 Now that word firstfruits
18:25 tells us a little bit about the remnant or the 144,000
18:29 because firstfruits that were part of the culture
18:34 and part of the life of the nation of Israel
18:39 were the very firstfruit that came from the harvest
18:41 and that firstfruit was brought
18:44 and dedicated to God as an offering.
18:46 And so we see here in the remnant or the 144, 000
18:51 that they are the first ones
18:52 that are redeemed from the earth by God.
18:56 And they're redeemed for a specific purpose, all right.
19:00 That's why Revelation 7 says that they were sealed
19:03 prior to the four winds being released to blow upon the earth
19:08 which is the coming of the time of trouble.
19:10 So they were sealed, they were firstfruits,
19:12 they were prepared for a message to give to the world
19:17 during the time the four winds were released.
19:20 And for that message you just have to
19:22 read on little further in Revelation 14,
19:25 the Three Angels' messages from verse 6-11.
19:31 So anyway just to give you
19:32 a little picture of the last days.
19:34 Now if you want to see those who were not firstfruits,
19:37 who were redeemed at the end of time,
19:39 then look at the second part of Revelation 7
19:41 which is the great multitude, all right.
19:44 So all these things play a part,
19:46 they come in together here as you read the Book of Revelation.
19:48 Just want to give you those pieces to fit everything in here
19:51 as we talked about the firstfruit or the 144,000.
19:55 I'm glad you brought that up because in 1 Corinthians 15,
19:59 Paul the Apostle described Jesus
20:01 as the firstfruits of those that slept.
20:04 Meaning, He is the first one to conquer the grave,
20:09 but He is not the only one
20:10 that's going to conquer the grave.
20:12 Those of us who are laid to rest before Jesus comes,
20:16 1 Corinthians 15 is going to say when they are resurrected.
20:19 "O death, where is thy sting?
20:21 O grave, where is thy victory?"
20:22 At the resurrection they will be conquerors of death
20:25 but not on their own but through Christ.
20:27 But the harvest-- let's get back to that
20:29 because that's a very good point.
20:30 I'm glad you brought that out.
20:33 In Exodus 23:16 the Bible talks about the harvest.
20:37 And when the time of the harvest came,
20:39 the firstfruits always represented the best.
20:43 I'm going to give you the first.
20:45 When a person--that's why when we return tithes to the Lord,
20:49 it should be our firstfruits not what's left. Right, right.
20:52 You know, a lot of people
20:53 that don't give a return tithe to the Lord, they don't think
20:57 if it is the firstfruits, the first obligation.
21:00 The Lord wants our first,
21:01 because the first always represents the best.
21:03 Let me go ahead and read the text
21:04 that I was referring to in Exodus 23:16.
21:07 "And the Feast of Harvest, the firstfruits of your labors
21:12 which you have sown in the field,
21:14 and the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year,
21:18 when you have gathered in
21:20 the fruit of your labors from the field."
21:24 And so notice the firstfruits are the fruit of the labors.
21:28 Fruit of whose labor though will be the firstfruits?
21:31 The fruits of the Lord's labor.
21:33 He says the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few.
21:38 Pray that the Lord of the harvest
21:39 will sent forth laborers into the field.
21:42 And so those who come in are the firstfruits,
21:45 those who are chosen to bringing
21:47 the rest of the harvest are the firstfruits.
21:51 Follow me carefully.
21:52 Those chosen are the firstfruits from the Lord's harvest.
21:56 But the firstfruits bring in the rest of the harvest.
22:00 You're getting my point?
22:01 The multitude that you point out
22:02 that no one could number.
22:03 Yeah, and that's why in Revelation 14
22:05 you see the structure of the 144,000
22:08 which is the first half of that chapter
22:10 and the next half of the chapter
22:11 is all about the rest of the harvest.
22:13 It says, "The grapes are now fully ripe."
22:16 Why are they ripe because the Three Angels' Messages
22:19 smacked out in the middle of it,
22:20 have already been given,
22:21 they had been accepted and they now go forward.
22:24 Now there is something that I saw several years ago,
22:28 that was really key to help me understand this little better
22:30 and that's Revelation 15.
22:34 And I'll just mention this here
22:35 just to finish up our question here, John,
22:37 that we're getting the aspects
22:38 that aren't really asked there but.
22:40 If you look here-- Revelation 15 what verse?
22:43 Revelation 15 and I'm reading from--
22:48 let's see verse 2. All right.
22:51 It says, "I saw something
22:53 like a sea of glass mingled with fire,
22:56 and those who have had victory over the beast,
22:59 over his image and over his mark,
23:00 and over the number of his name,
23:02 standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God."
23:04 Now first of all, what does a sea represent?
23:07 Water. Right.
23:08 The great number of people, right.
23:10 And so those who have had victorious standing on the sea.
23:13 So there is a great number of people here.
23:15 and I would refer to this
23:16 as the great multitude speaking of here.
23:18 And it says, "They sing the song of Moses,
23:21 the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,
23:22 saying, "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty!
23:27 Just and true are Your ways, O King of saints!"
23:29 Now look at this verse 4, it's really key.
23:32 If you know anything about the Three Angels' Messages,
23:35 this should ring loud and clear.
23:37 So the 144,000 have given this message,
23:39 they've declared this message.
23:41 And the great multitude have been redeemed
23:44 because of their receiving of that truth.
23:47 Now listen to what they say.
23:49 "Who shall not fear You, O Lord God,
23:55 and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy.
23:59 For all nations shall come and worship before You,
24:03 for Your judgments have been manifested."
24:07 Now what do you think of when you see those words.
24:10 John, fear, glorify, worship, judgments?
24:15 First angel's message. The First angel's message.
24:17 Fear God, give glory to Him
24:19 for the hour of His judgment has come, worship Him.
24:22 So I would say the great multitude have got the message.
24:26 Right, they got the message.
24:27 They receive the message
24:28 and they have become part of the redeem
24:32 or they have been joined with the firstfruit of God
24:34 as the total redeemed at the end of time.
24:36 Matter of fact, Revelation 15:4 is a statement of preparation.
24:40 Now we're prepared, now we are ready.
24:43 The Lord has call those out that are going to respond to Him.
24:46 Now we are ready, go ahead and send the judgments of God.
24:49 That is go ahead and send the judgments of God
24:51 that are not mixed with God's mercy.
24:54 That's the key because there are judgments
24:56 talked about in Revelation that are mixed with God's mercy,
24:58 but when you get to the seven last plagues.
25:00 The reason why it's called seven last
25:03 is because they are unmixed with the mercy of God
25:06 and a lot of people have a hard time thinking of that
25:09 as the time where God's mercy is withdrawn.
25:12 God is never, not a merciful God
25:14 but He withdraws His mercy from the finally impenitent,
25:18 those who refuse to repent.
25:21 But God is always a merciful God.
25:23 Just that in those last judgments,
25:25 it's the consuming judgments rather than
25:27 judgments to lead men's heart to repentance.
25:31 What else is left in here in verse 4?
25:33 There is so much in just that one verse.
25:35 Thank you for the question. It's a rich question.
25:38 Of the last part it says in verse 4,
25:41 well, we've talked about redeemed,
25:42 the firstfruits and it says
25:44 they follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
25:47 You will find one of the most important things
25:50 is when they follow the Lamb wherever He goes,
25:53 the commission is, go ye therefore
25:56 and preach the gospel to every nation.
25:59 And this is the time
26:00 how wonderful it is on Revelation 14:4
26:03 that the very people that are waiting
26:05 for the message are the ones that are sent
26:08 and the Lamb is the one that sends them
26:10 and wherever the Lamb is gonna go,
26:12 they are going to go now.
26:14 I want to lean back to something here, John,
26:15 as I wrap up this question.
26:17 Many years ago there was a poem about Mary had a little Lamb.
26:21 And it says wherever Mary went, the Lamb was sure to go.
26:25 But that was a fable, that was teaching
26:27 the old adage that, you know, Mary was supreme to Christ.
26:32 But this is the proper context.
26:34 Wherever the Lamb goes, people follow Him.
26:37 Not wherever Mary goes, the Lamb follows her.
26:40 We are followers of Christ.
26:42 Christ is not the follower of Mary.
26:44 And so that's the beautiful context there.
26:46 So the point of it, winding it up.
26:48 They were not defiled pure gospel,
26:50 they follow the Lamb
26:51 wherever He sends them, wherever He leads.
26:54 And lastly, they are the firstfruits
26:57 but not the only fruits.
26:59 And in their mouths,
27:00 last part verse 5, was found no deceit."
27:03 In other words their message is true,
27:06 unadulterated and pure.
27:08 They are preaching the true and everlasting gospel
27:10 that will lead people to a knowledge of the truth.
27:13 Amen. Okay.
27:14 You know, I think that's probably all we have time for
27:16 as far as our questions today.
27:18 That's right, so if you have anymore questions.
27:20 If we've opened the door to something
27:21 that has triggered a thought or question,
27:24 send your questions to 3ABN
27:26 that is to House Calls program at,
27:30 that's
27:34 And we would tremendously appreciate
27:36 getting a chance to respond to it.
27:38 We have some more about wine and other things
27:40 that we will entertain on a future program.
27:43 But let's dive into the topic for today.
27:45 You know, friends, this is a topic that really excites me
27:49 and I believe that, you know, John and I share,
27:51 there is a similar excitement because we are--
27:54 what I would refer to as sentinels,
27:57 I'm gonna use that word, champions of the truth.
28:01 People who love the Lord and love even more,
28:04 proclaiming His message and His truth.
28:07 And, John, there is a growing tendency in our world today
28:11 to shy away from the word truth in Christian circles.
28:18 Some people think that the word truth is divisive,
28:22 suggesting exclusivity and leaning toward elitism.
28:27 And so nowadays when people say or when we say,
28:31 well, this is the truth about that particular topic
28:33 or this is the truth about that topic.
28:36 Sometimes people say, well, are you saying that
28:39 because we don't agree with what you teach,
28:41 that somehow we are lost
28:43 or we are wrong or we're not really Christians?
28:46 But I think that where we're headed
28:48 with this particular program is
28:50 in a world where pluralism and diversity
28:54 has taken over the landscape
28:57 and what I mean by that is some people say that
28:59 well, in the pluralistic postmodern society,
29:03 you can hear the phrases like, there's got to be
29:06 more than one interpretation of that Bible text.
29:09 And one of the ones, John, that people really fight against
29:11 is if you love me, keep my commandments.
29:15 And people say, well, there's got to be
29:17 more than one interpretation to that text.
29:19 And so in a society where pluralism has taken over
29:23 the landscape even in Christianity,
29:26 many that are highly educated
29:28 used the Bible now as a book of suggestions
29:31 rather than a book of as a guidepost
29:35 to teachings that are affirm and sure.
29:39 And so in a pluralistic society, people say,
29:42 how do you know that I'm wrong and you are right
29:44 or how do you know that I'm right and you are wrong.
29:47 See, so what makes you so different than us.
29:50 And so nowadays instead of going straight to the Bible
29:53 and say this is what it means and nothing else,
29:56 we're now living in a pluralistic society
29:59 and straight forward Bible truths
30:01 have been replaced with shades of gray.
30:03 You know, I think the other thing too is that
30:07 there is truth and then there is the way that people look at it.
30:12 And when we say that there is truth,
30:15 I think we're talking about something
30:17 that maybe is a little different than others talk about,
30:20 when they talk about truth.
30:21 And I'm not saying just John and I,
30:23 I'm just saying that those who read the word
30:27 understand truth or see the truth in a different light
30:30 because when you follow the word of God,
30:34 that is the truth, okay. That's right.
30:37 But if you're not following the word of God,
30:39 then truth is gonna be something else to you.
30:43 And the Bible says very clear
30:45 and we read this in the Gospel of John 17:17
30:48 "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth."
30:54 Okay, pretty clear. Very straight forward.
30:56 So if John or I'm talking about truth today in this program,
31:01 what we are depending upon,
31:02 where we're standing on is not what we believe.
31:05 We're saying, this is what the word of God says.
31:10 And the word of God is truth.
31:12 So there are those out in the world say,
31:14 well, you-- that's the way that you see it
31:15 or that's the way that--
31:16 Will, I would suggest that if someone
31:20 has another foundation of truth,
31:23 then they would come up with a different conclusion.
31:26 But what we're saying is
31:27 we're standing on the word of God
31:29 and this is what the word of God says is truth.
31:32 So, you know, we don't want to offend.
31:35 No one is looking to offend somebody by saying,
31:37 well, I'm sharing the truth with you,
31:38 I'm gonna give you what the truth is
31:40 because we're not saying it's my truth,
31:42 this isn't John's truth, this isn't my truth,
31:45 this is what God's word says is truth.
31:48 And truth also comes by a preponderance
31:51 of the evidence of all of God's word,
31:53 it's not just one text taken
31:56 the way that someone wants to read it
31:58 because if you compare that one text with just the text itself
32:03 or even yourself, it's gonna be your world view.
32:06 It's gonna be your thoughts and your truth
32:09 which where it's what the Bible calls a private interpretation.
32:12 Right, very good point.
32:13 But the truth that this is talking about
32:15 as the truth of God's word
32:16 that is more than just single text here,
32:18 it is the Bible put together in its entirety
32:21 and that's what we seek to share with you each and every week.
32:24 So I just want to qualify truth there
32:26 as we begin to talk about it today.
32:28 The other thing that, you know,
32:30 I'm using this word postmodernism and diversity
32:36 and I'll also add another word ecumenical.
32:40 There is this pushed to correlates together
32:42 into a particular thought pattern
32:45 and if you don't correlates into that thought pattern,
32:46 you are seen as an outsider-- there is even a new definition.
32:51 A few years ago the pope clearly defined,
32:56 gave a new definition for what a Christian is.
32:59 And unless you fell onto that definition,
33:03 then you are outside of the realm
33:05 of what a "Christian is."
33:08 But another word that has come to the forefront
33:11 that has been used to water down
33:13 the truth of God's word is a word relevance.
33:17 Is it relevant to our society, is it relevant to the church.
33:21 And what so deceptive about relevance is
33:25 it doesn't deny the truth, it just argues
33:28 whether or not it's relevant,
33:30 whether or not it matters anymore.
33:32 And so, you know, we have to look at that
33:35 and so you look at the two categories.
33:37 One is the attack, Satan seeks to attack something to kill it
33:40 and if he can't kill it he seeks to modify it or water it down.
33:45 And so one would be getting rid of the word truth altogether
33:49 and the other one would be,
33:51 does it really matter, is it really relevant.
33:54 And John, remember in the Book of Daniel,
33:56 one of the things that the Bible says the antichrist had done
34:00 was he cast truth to the ground, you see.
34:04 And we're living in that day and age
34:05 where truth has been cast to the ground.
34:08 And how strange it is at a time
34:10 where there seems to be more Christians
34:11 and more Bibles than ever before,
34:14 we're looking for the truth.
34:15 And so that's why the program is entitled "To tell the truth."
34:18 And lies are never--are rarely completely manufactured.
34:24 Lies are usually variance of the truth
34:26 to be a successful lie.
34:29 You know, if someone hit you with the direct question.
34:32 You know, where were you on such and such a time.
34:35 You know, the truth is you were gone.
34:39 So you can't say, I was here right under your nose.
34:45 The truth is it has to be a--
34:46 the lie has to be adopted off of some element of truth.
34:49 I was gone but here's where I was, okay.
34:53 So when devil manufactures or puts together a lie,
34:56 he doesn't do it entirely apart from some truth.
35:01 He takes elements of truth
35:03 and then mingles the lie, his lie with it
35:06 and he distorts what is called truth to fit his pattern.
35:10 I want to read a text here just briefly
35:12 from 2 Thessalonians 2. Okay.
35:15 And some strong words about the truth
35:18 but I think it's a good one to springboard off of
35:20 because we do need to understand I believe,
35:22 the God's word tells us we need to search for
35:25 and understand the truth
35:26 because it is an issue of being saved or lost.
35:30 It can be that important. And I believe is that important.
35:35 And it says here in 2 Thessalonians 2:9.
35:38 "The coming of the lawless one
35:40 is according to the working of Satan,
35:41 with all power, signs, and--" what kind of wonders?
35:44 Lying. "Lying wonders.
35:47 And with all unrighteous deception."
35:50 Notice he's gonna deceive not only live but deceive.
35:53 "Among those who perish,
35:55 because they did not receive the love of a truth."
35:58 The truth. What?
36:01 Love of the truth. I thought it was a truth.
36:05 No, it does say the love of the truth
36:07 and so there is one truth not a truth,
36:10 but the truth that they might be what?
36:13 Saved. "Saved.
36:15 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion."
36:19 In other words they are confused about it.
36:20 "That they should believe the lie."
36:23 Notice the comparison the truth, the lie.
36:25 The lie, there is the truth and the lie,
36:28 not a truth and a lie.
36:30 This is the ultimate truth,
36:31 the ultimate lie that opposes it.
36:33 That they all maybe condemned who did not believe--
36:37 not a truth again but the truth again.
36:40 But had pleasured in unrighteousness.
36:44 So you see, they were saved, John,
36:46 or lost because of the fact
36:48 they did not receive the truth, not a truth.
36:52 It doesn't matter that you believe something.
36:55 It matters that you believe the truth
36:58 or the right thing and that is what God's word says.
37:02 So if you say, well, no it's not how I see it.
37:06 And you oppose or have a different view of something
37:09 than someone else does, one of you is wrong.
37:12 That's right. Or maybe both.
37:15 But there is always a right and a wrong.
37:18 And I understand there is a gray area when it comes to ethics.
37:21 Okay, the application of ethics here
37:24 but we're talking about God's word does,
37:26 it is black and white, it does have truth,
37:28 it does have error and that's what I believe
37:30 Paul is talking about in his letter
37:32 to the Thessalonica Church. Right.
37:35 The other way that Satan is fighting
37:37 against truth today is couple of questions.
37:41 Does it really matter, you know,
37:43 people get down to that, "Well, does it really matter?"
37:45 And we're gonna intersperse throughout our discussion here,
37:48 some of the topics that have fallen
37:50 into the category of does it really matter.
37:53 One of those that really
37:56 is a hot button is the Sabbath truth.
38:00 Does it really matter?
38:02 I mean, you find-- if you look at the world
38:05 and the way the world has been established
38:07 in observance of a particular day,
38:09 then Sunday has risen to the forefront
38:11 kind of like somebody taken a brand new toothpaste tube
38:14 and just squeezing that whole thing,
38:16 it just, you know, it's full.
38:18 As compare to the Sabbath
38:20 is almost like a toothpaste tube with nothing left in it.
38:23 And you're trying to squeeze out and say I have toothpaste
38:25 and somebody says well, it's so little,
38:27 why even pay attention to it you got a full tube here.
38:31 And so the world is full when it comes to its adherence
38:34 and allegiance to the first day of the week.
38:37 I mean, that's the dictionary
38:39 called Sunday the first day of the week.
38:41 But a lot of people that honor the first of the week
38:44 and do so in lieu of the Sabbath
38:47 they say, "Well, does it really matter
38:49 more than a relationship with Jesus.
38:52 And so John, I mean, how do you answer that?
38:54 Somebody says, "Okay, you are keeping the Sabbath,
38:56 but is it more important than a relationship with Jesus?"
39:01 This is tough, that's a tough question
39:03 but I mean, you know, we know the answer
39:04 but does the Sabbath really matter,
39:07 as you compare with the relationship with Jesus,
39:09 you know, I had relationship with Him
39:11 and you got the Sabbath, does it really matter?
39:12 I mean, let's look at that.
39:14 You know, and we could apply this to anything,
39:15 I mean, we're talking about the Sabbath
39:16 and we'll talk a little bit more about it here.
39:18 But, you know, with any truth in God's word
39:20 does it really matter more than the relationship with Jesus.
39:23 Well, you know, the question we got to ask ourselves is
39:25 what does the relationship with Jesus mean, right.
39:29 I mean, what is the relationship with Jesus mean?
39:31 Does my relationship with John
39:34 mean that I can do anything I want
39:37 or believe anything I want about him
39:39 and our relationship is still maintain
39:42 at the same level or degree.
39:45 Could I believe the worst about him?
39:47 Can I believe things that are untrue about him
39:49 and operate off of that foundation,
39:52 that foundation of error about him
39:53 and still call him my good friend?
39:57 I would say that he would suggest
39:59 or tell me if I were to do that, come on, John,
40:03 you know what I mean, I didn't do that.
40:06 Well, how could you believe that about me?
40:08 Or I mean, a relationship is built on truth. That's right.
40:16 It's built on trust and if it's not built on that,
40:19 if I don't know where you are coming from
40:21 and you don't where I'm coming from in our relationship,
40:23 it's not a strong relationship. That's right.
40:25 So you know, is the relationship more important?
40:28 Both are important. It's not one or the other.
40:32 Truth is important to our relationship with Jesus.
40:35 And anyway weighing on that
40:37 'cause I have some other things I'd like to--
40:39 You know, and I'm gonna just go ahead and make the point
40:41 based on what we just talked about
40:42 in the context of the Sabbath.
40:45 If the Sabbath were not important
40:49 or if the relationship with Jesus was more important,
40:54 then you have a really difficult time
40:57 saying that all that is based on the Bible.
40:59 Let me put those two together.
41:01 When Jesus says in Ezekiel 20:12.
41:05 "Moreover or furthermore I also gave them My Sabbaths
41:08 to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know
41:12 that I am the Lord who sanctifies them."
41:15 The Sabbath is a sign of a relationship.
41:18 Let me use the comparison now.
41:20 It's like my wife saying to me,
41:21 "Honey, you forgot our anniversary."
41:24 And I say to her, "Honey, what's more important,
41:27 our anniversary or our relationship.
41:29 And she says to me,
41:30 our anniversary is a sign of our relationship.
41:34 If you love me, our anniversary
41:36 would be something you would remember.
41:38 And so to separate the two is to say that
41:40 we don't understand really what the relationship with Christ is.
41:43 A relationship with Christ does not omit truth.
41:47 Our relationship with Christ includes truth.
41:51 So the Sabbath being the truth cannot be omitted
41:54 and then all of the sudden we say
41:55 our relationship with Christ is as relevant as yours
41:58 because we forget and you remember
42:01 or because we remember and you forget.
42:04 You cannot say the Lord asks us
42:06 to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
42:09 And you say Lord, I am not gonna remember that,
42:12 I'm just gonna have a relationship with you.
42:14 It doesn't make sense.
42:15 But that's what happening in our world today.
42:18 In a pluralistic, postmodern, ecumenical society
42:22 where everybody is pushing us all
42:23 to get back into same tube of toothpaste.
42:26 People are saying, well, now what do we unload
42:29 to get into this toothpaste tube.
42:31 And a number of years ago, John,
42:32 I heard that it was at a Promise Keepers Convention
42:36 where I'm not gonna mention the person's name but he says,
42:39 "Okay at the count of three everybody,
42:41 you know, mentioned their denomination
42:43 and all the men, thousands of men
42:46 mentioned their denominations and you can imagine
42:48 all the names flying through the air.
42:50 It sound like battle of Armageddon,
42:52 it sound like just confusion.
42:54 And then he says, okay, okay, now let's do that over again.
42:57 At the count of three let's all just say
42:58 mention the name Jesus and, you know--
43:01 To whom you put your faith
43:02 and I think is what you're saying. Yeah.
43:04 Let's mention who you trust for your salvation or, yeah.
43:07 And so he mentioned Jesus.
43:09 And so but the inference was
43:11 get rid of all your beliefs and just look to Jesus.
43:15 And but Jesus doesn't, He is not an advocate of that.
43:20 He is saying, look to Me first
43:23 and those things that you believe about Me
43:26 will strengthen our relationship.
43:28 But we're in the society nowadays that says,
43:31 does it apply to this generation
43:33 like it applied to the generations in the past.
43:35 Well, the question would be, does the Lord change.
43:37 Now the Bible even says,
43:38 "He holds His word above His name."
43:41 Oh, that's right.
43:43 So, you know, this guy is saying,
43:45 let's just all say Jesus, O Jesus, see.
43:48 You know, He says, My word is even above My name,
43:51 that's how valuable His word is when Jesus comes again.
43:54 This is interesting, John.
43:55 When Jesus comes again, if you look at Revelation 19.
43:59 It says that "He is called the word."
44:03 The word, not a word, but the word.
44:08 Why is Jesus come as the judge of the world
44:11 and His name is the word
44:13 because the word is what judges the people.
44:18 So for you to say,
44:19 well, the word isn't so important or truth.
44:21 The truth we've already talked about the truth
44:23 is the word of God that the word is not so important,
44:27 you're actually taking away from God Himself
44:31 because He holds His word even above His name.
44:34 That's right. He--
44:35 And forbid that we would do that, you know--
44:38 Matter of fact, if we go to the next verse.
44:40 Think of the word, David says in the text
44:42 that John is refereing to is Psalms 138:2.
44:45 Notice the Lord says,
44:46 "For you have magnified your word above all you name."
44:52 Notice, He didn't minimize His word,
44:55 He magnified His word.
44:56 The word of God Jesus magnified the word, His written word.
45:02 Yeah, Paul talks about the word that sanctifies
45:05 and purifies is able to save your soul. That's right.
45:08 So I mean, the word can save. That's right.
45:11 And anyway we're gonna go
45:14 a lot of directions in this topic I know.
45:16 But I wanted to go one direction here that
45:18 last Sabbath I preached a sermon
45:20 and I come out of from an approach
45:22 that I'd not seen before.
45:24 You know, you got those uh-huh moments.
45:25 I got to preach about that. Well, this was it.
45:28 And I'm going to Romans 6. All right, go to Romans 6.
45:31 You know, we all, if you believe in Jesus
45:33 one of the things he asked you to do
45:34 is your profession of faith, John, is to be baptized. Right.
45:39 And so we declare our faith, our belief in Jesus,
45:42 we're baptized and ecumenism would tell you
45:45 well, you know, the truth isn't the important part,
45:47 just get baptized or just put your faith and trust in Jesus
45:51 and you will be just fine.
45:52 Right, that's the one time deal.
45:54 We're on the heels of Paul's discussion
45:57 about baptism in Romans 6.
46:01 Are these words as he continues on
46:03 to talk about the importance of baptism.
46:07 And so verse 15 is where I'll begin here.
46:10 He says, "What then?
46:14 Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace?"
46:18 And he answers the question for himself, certainly not.
46:22 "Do you not know that
46:25 to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey,
46:28 you are that one's slaves whom you obey,
46:31 whether of sin leading to death,
46:33 or of obedience leading to righteousness?"
46:35 And you know, sometimes we ask or we talk about
46:38 well, you have to do this to be saved,
46:41 you have to do this to be saved.
46:42 And well, you know,
46:43 we're not saved by works, we're saved by grace.
46:46 But come on, we in common sense know that as a murderer
46:51 one going around murdering people,
46:52 you're not gonna go to heaven. Right.
46:54 You're running around stealing from people all the time,
46:55 you're not gonna go to heaven,
46:56 you're running on lying constantly,
46:58 you're not gonna go to heaven.
46:59 I mean, these commandments are there to tell us
47:02 not only that we're sinners but we're in a saving relationship
47:06 or lost relationship depending upon
47:07 whether we're committing those or not.
47:09 So sin is an issue to God, that's why Jesus died.
47:12 But as we go on look at what the Bible says,
47:16 look what Paul says after talking about baptism here,
47:19 our obligation to Christ. What verse now?
47:21 I'm in verse 17 now of Romans 6. Okay.
47:24 "But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin,
47:28 yet you obeyed from the heart
47:29 that form of doctrine which you were delivered."
47:32 Okay, so you did what, you went on to do what?
47:35 Obey. You obey.
47:37 Obey, so obedience is an issue here.
47:39 "And having been set free from sin."
47:41 And here's the key thing.
47:43 "You became slaves of righteousness."
47:48 And I had to think about that one, John,
47:50 you know, because I've always been taught that when I'm free,
47:53 I'm not a slave anymore.
47:55 I'm right? Well, that's true.
47:58 Well, typically people think if you're set free,
48:00 you're no longer a slave but this says
48:03 that I'm set free from sin but I'm a slave to righteousness.
48:07 Now I had to grabble with that a bit.
48:08 Okay. So I read on verse 19.
48:12 "I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh.
48:15 For just as you presented your members
48:16 as slaves of uncleanness,
48:18 and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness,
48:21 so now you present your members
48:22 as slaves of righteousness for holiness."
48:28 So now wait a minute.
48:30 I have been set free by Jesus, free from the power of sin
48:35 and I'm not--this is saying, I'm not free to do as I please.
48:40 I become a slave to righteousness, to holiness.
48:45 Elsewhere Paul says, "I became a slave to Christ."
48:49 So this is telling me, I'm not free to do as I please,
48:53 I became obliged or obligated to not commit sin
48:58 but to do or to perform acts of holiness.
49:03 So and let me break this down in the practical aspect.
49:06 And I don't know we've shared this before.
49:08 If you get pulled over as a citizen of the United States
49:12 and as a citizen of the State of Illinois
49:14 both of us are right now.
49:15 If I'm driving my car 80 miles an hour--
49:19 let's make this a little more personal--
49:21 let me tell you a story
49:22 this is fictitious by the way so I didn't do this.
49:24 I'm driving 90 one day, John,
49:26 and a State police pulled me over.
49:30 And he said, I caught you doing 90 in a 65 zone.
49:34 I'm gonna give you a ticket. Where you doing 90?
49:38 Oh, yeah, I was doing 90.
49:39 You know, I'm a pastor, I need to tell the truth.
49:42 So he comes back and he writes me the ticket, 90 in a 65 zone.
49:46 And then he says to me, John, this is amazing.
49:48 He says, "Here's your ticket for doing 90
49:52 and remember from now on,
49:55 now that you've have this ticket once
49:57 you don't have to keep the speeding laws anymore,
50:00 you can speed as much as you want.
50:02 So you peel out.
50:03 So I peel out in front of them and I get back up to--
50:06 I go up to 120 miles an hour, screaming
50:09 and he passes me and waves. No way.
50:12 No way it could happen. Right.
50:14 You know what, we teach this lie.
50:17 Christendom teaches this lie that because we are in Christ,
50:23 we don't have to keep the law anymore.
50:25 Because I'm a citizen of the State
50:29 and I committed sin against it but now I've been set free,
50:32 I don't have to obey the speeding laws anymore
50:34 or other laws whatever that is.
50:36 The Ten Commandments have become
50:39 as I put my will on the side of Christ
50:42 as I put my trust in Him,
50:43 it has become an obligation to me.
50:46 That's why Paul says, I became a slave
50:49 through righteousness, a slave to Christ.
50:51 I become obligated to serve Him in that way now.
50:55 So I'm not free to do as I please,
50:58 I've now became a slave to Him.
51:00 But praise God this Master that I serve now
51:03 loves me more than my own father loves me,
51:06 so I will serve Him out of love, but I will serve Him
51:10 in a way He's called me to serve Him
51:11 in the truth of keeping His commandments.
51:14 He says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
51:19 But in the pluralistic world like we've have nowadays
51:21 that has found a home in Christianity and the phrase,
51:25 the argument against that would be.
51:27 Well, I mean, look at all the good
51:29 that's been done by Christians.
51:31 How can we allow our believes to divide us from them.
51:35 And look at how the good that's been done.
51:37 This pluralistic society uses the argument of doing good
51:40 to fight against whether or not
51:42 keeping the commandments of God are relevant anymore.
51:45 The other word is tolerance.
51:47 We're gonna be tolerant of those
51:49 who believe something different than us.
51:51 But let's just entertain that and what would the response be
51:54 to those who say, well, look at all the good work,
51:58 we're feeding the hungry,
51:59 where we have all these societies
52:01 are helping underprivileged kids get a good education.
52:05 We are making sure that the cities
52:06 that are broken down are being built up.
52:08 All these things are good and relevant.
52:10 But Matthew 7:21-23 is put there
52:17 so that we don't think that the things that we do
52:20 now free us from living by the will of God,
52:24 you see, and so when you look at Matthew 7.
52:26 Look at that with me for those of you--
52:28 some people know it right off back,
52:30 but let me go and read it, Matthew 7:21-23.
52:37 Here it is. Okay, listen to this.
52:43 And this is in the context of the doing all the stuff.
52:47 It's important and everything I've mentioned so far
52:49 that I profess the statement by a good things.
52:52 Yes, it's important to feed the hungry.
52:54 It's important to clothe the naked.
52:56 It's important to make sure
52:57 that underprivileged kids get good education,
53:00 but the church and the government now
53:02 has fought the correlation somewhat
53:04 to better the community very, very relevant.
53:07 But the question I'm leading to is,
53:09 does it all of the sudden now omit us
53:12 from standing firmly on the truths
53:14 that God has taught in His word
53:16 and listen to what Jesus says?
53:18 Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'
53:24 shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
53:26 but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
53:31 But here's the text.
53:33 "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord,
53:36 have we not prophesied or preached in Your name,
53:40 cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonderful works
53:46 or many wonders in Your name?'
53:49 And then I will declare to them, or profess to them,
53:53 I never knew you, depart from Me,
53:56 you who practice lawlessness or you who work inequity."
54:01 Now why was that so important?
54:03 Notice He says, I never knew you.
54:04 And here's the context, John, 1 John 2:3-4.
54:08 "And hereby we do know that we know him,
54:11 if we keep His commandments."
54:13 1 John 2:4, "He that saith, I know Him,
54:16 and does not keep His commandments, is a liar,
54:19 and the truth is not in him."
54:23 So, John, it doesn't take
54:24 a Christian organization to better communities
54:26 but Christian organizations that are better in communities
54:29 have an extra obligation outside of the--
54:31 you know, the Red Cross or the--
54:34 you know, the foundation for the betterment of our community.
54:37 They have an obligation to also teach the truth
54:41 in the context of reaching out and changing peoples lives.
54:44 The group here has put the name of Christ
54:48 as an utterance, just a mere speaking
54:51 of the name above the word of God
54:56 as we already read from Psalms, what was it 123? Yeah.
55:02 That He says, "I magnified My word above My name."
55:06 Psalms 33:2. 138, Psalms 138.
55:10 138, okay, there we go.
55:11 So you have that reference
55:13 but so while God is elevating His word to the highest standard
55:18 these people just speaking the name of Jesus
55:20 have just used that as a way of believing
55:26 or something that has given them enough power
55:28 or given them all that they need for their salvation.
55:34 And what is Jesus' response to that?
55:36 He doesn't even know them. Right.
55:38 So the issue is here
55:39 that there could be people that exist in this world.
55:42 And in fact I think He says many, not some.
55:45 Right, many, that's right. Many, that's more than half.
55:48 Many will say in that day, "Lord, Lord," okay.
55:53 So there are lots of people today,
55:55 who are saying that they are Christian,
55:56 they're taking on the name of Christ
55:57 but they take it on in vain
55:59 because they don't keep His commandments
56:02 or they don't follow His word and what He says in it.
56:05 And even using the phrase, they keep His commandments.
56:08 People say, there you go again with those commandment keeping.
56:11 They're just the commandments this, the commandments that.
56:14 Why do you guys make
56:15 such a big deal about the commandments?
56:17 Well, you know, Jesus made a huge deal.
56:19 He says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
56:24 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
56:26 You notice the word, keep is being
56:28 coming to the surface over and over again.
56:30 And why would Jesus say, remember, keep,
56:34 if He didn't want us to remember and keep.
56:36 And that what's happening nowadays,
56:38 all these good work organizations,
56:39 all these, you know, get a better portfolio,
56:43 here's how did the seven habits of highly effective Christians
56:45 were following all the secular mindset,
56:47 it's just watering down the truth.
56:50 And we're gonna talk about some other topics
56:51 that are just had been shut off the pavement
56:55 by this whole pluralistic society.
56:56 Yeah, and so you want to stay tune here for this next program
57:00 'cause, John, we're gonna talk about some hot button issues
57:03 just that generally come up
57:04 in topics of conversation between Christians today.
57:07 That's right. And so stay tune for those.
57:10 That's right, because the truth really does matter
57:13 and as you know here at House Calls,
57:14 the reason why we tell it like it is in a loving ways
57:17 because we serve a loving Savior
57:19 who tells like it is in a loving way.
57:22 It's not just about knowing Jesus,
57:23 it's about knowing the truth of His word
57:26 which in fact when you know the truth,
57:27 it will make you free.
57:28 So begin that free relationship in Christ
57:31 by having a good day with Him today.
57:34 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17