House Calls

The End Of Sin, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang, Pr. John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL090014

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:02 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Well, friends, welcome to the most exciting program
00:24 anywhere in the world.
00:26 That's why it's everywhere in the world.
00:29 This is "House Calls" and we're going to begin
00:30 another excursion today
00:32 through the most wonderful book ever written,
00:35 the Word of God, and I'm not by myself.
00:37 I have my good friend with me, John Stanton.
00:39 Good to have you here, John.
00:40 It's good to be here, John, doing another program.
00:42 You know, it's amazing,
00:43 we've been doing this program for over five years.
00:45 That is amazing.
00:46 You know when I think about when we started
00:47 the idea in California, we sat down in Fairfield
00:51 in our living room and said, wouldn't it be nice one day,
00:54 if we could be sitting down, sharing this message
00:57 with people around the world and that was a dream.
00:59 And one day it hit us
01:01 that the Lord had worked it out, so praise God.
01:03 You know, one of the neat things that I get asked once in a while
01:06 and you probably get the same question,
01:08 how do you guys plan the program, you know?
01:11 What script--how do you put all this stuff together?
01:13 And, you know, the answer is we don't.
01:16 We pick a topic and we just come with our Bibles
01:19 and maybe a few notes
01:20 with regard to some things to remember,
01:22 certain texts on the topic, but really the Lord is one that
01:25 planned this and He did way back when we talked about it,
01:28 when He put it in our hearts. That's right.
01:29 That one day we could do a program
01:31 and feed off each other as we have been doing for many years
01:34 and it's just a blessing to do it.
01:36 But what we always rely on is the Holy Spirit and prayers.
01:39 So have pray for us. Let's do that.
01:41 Bow your heads with us.
01:42 Dear Father, we thank you so much again
01:44 for being able to come before Your presence.
01:46 Lord, give us the opportunity to share from Your Word
01:50 those truths that are so important for us today.
01:52 And we just pray that You'll send us Your spirit,
01:54 open our hearts and minds so that we may hear
01:56 and discern Your voice and that those that are watching
01:59 or listening or that they will be impressed
02:02 also by Your Spirit as to the truth
02:04 that You are giving us for today.
02:06 Well, most of all we need Jesus here with us.
02:08 And so we just pray that His presence would be felt.
02:11 In Jesus' name amen. Amen.
02:14 Well, friends, as you know our program is very important,
02:17 that's why your questions are always accepted and appreciated.
02:22 Some of you write wonderful comments,
02:25 some of you write books,
02:26 some of you just have those two lined questions.
02:28 And we appreciate any form, but continue sending them.
02:31 And if you have any today to send to us,
02:32 send them to
02:36 That's
02:39 That's where we go to the website
02:41 and we download those questions
02:42 and we try our best to give you an answer
02:45 from the Word of the God.
02:46 If it's going to be our opinion, we are going to state that,
02:49 but in most cases, it's from God's Word
02:51 and if we open the door to anything else
02:53 during that time that's the email address
02:56 you need to send your question back to us.
02:58 Well, John, what do we have for today?
02:59 Well, you know, I wanted to mention
03:00 before we get into our question as well,
03:02 that we have a Facebook fan page now.
03:05 And, you know, I mean, the fan--
03:07 I guess it's just called the fan page.
03:08 They are not only just fans but, you know, they are friends.
03:11 And as you know on Facebook when you have a page set up,
03:15 people get to know that they haven't seen in a while,
03:18 they're your friends, they friend you.
03:19 And so we want to make sure that you know
03:21 that you are our friends
03:23 and we have a fan page that we set up
03:25 under 'House Calls.'
03:26 You can get to it, I believe, with a Facebook search.
03:30 And just go ahead and click, become a fan.
03:32 And what we're gonna do there on that page, John,
03:34 is let them know what the topics that are coming.
03:38 Maybe, if they have some additional questions
03:40 based upon what we've already covered,
03:41 they may want to weigh in on that.
03:43 There's a discussion page on there.
03:44 That's good too.
03:45 If they have a suggestion maybe for a topic
03:47 that we haven't done yet, they can throw that out there.
03:50 It's not to send your questions in necessarily,
03:52 but it's more of just a discussion,
03:54 an ongoing discussion about things, not for books,
03:56 but for quick comments here and there
03:58 and so I just think it will be a blessing for us
04:00 and for our friends, those who watch
04:03 and listen to the program.
04:04 You know, sometimes we could chime into the page
04:07 and when they see us online,
04:09 we could just go ahead and discuss
04:10 some questions with them right online.
04:12 And we can also do video clips.
04:13 What I like to do is get some
04:14 short video clips of maybe past programs
04:16 where there's a question-answer to something,
04:18 put it on there. That's a good idea.
04:19 Kind of some neat things we can do.
04:20 So anyway search for us there on Facebook under 'House Calls.'
04:24 It's a fan page. Good idea.
04:26 John, we've got a question here from Ernest and he says--
04:30 An earnest question.
04:31 An earnest question from Ernest, there you go.
04:33 Could you please tell me whether or not God created
04:36 unclean animals from the beginning?
04:39 I'm thinking that there was no need for them
04:41 in the Garden of Eden because nothing died then.
04:45 You know a good question.
04:46 And some--and a good thought, you know, as to--you know,
04:51 we think so much of today, what's clean,
04:54 what's unclean in terms of food.
04:56 This question I'm surprised we hadn't gotten it before,
04:58 but it's the first time I've seen this question come up.
05:00 But it poses another interesting issue
05:02 that we got to think of first,
05:03 because I don't think there's so much finding
05:06 the answer to this question in the Bible.
05:07 But what is the reason,
05:09 why would there be a reason for this question?
05:12 And so the answer really to the question
05:14 would be in the form of the question
05:16 and that is God never designed animals for food
05:20 from the beginning anyway.
05:22 So there was no such thing as clean and unclean
05:26 in the beginning in the Garden of Eden.
05:28 So did God create animals, you know,
05:31 in the very beginning as then He created the earth
05:34 and then the Garden of Eden.
05:35 And the answer to that would be clearly, yes.
05:36 He created all animals at that time,
05:39 but as sin entered the world and then as man began to,
05:46 especially after the flood, began to crave
05:49 and ask the Lord again for food,
05:51 he had already made provision ahead of time by bringing--
05:54 distinguishing the clean from the unclean as Noah
05:57 called the animals on the ark.
05:58 But he brought in more of the clean animals.
06:00 We believe one of those reasons
06:01 is because he was providing for their request for food
06:05 from the animals after that time, not to suggest
06:08 that there wasn't any eating of meat before either.
06:12 But clearly there was no discussion of eating meat
06:14 in the Garden of Eden in the earth made, you know,
06:17 for at the first time by God.
06:20 So there really was not thought to clean or unclean, John.
06:24 So the question really isn't--
06:26 there's no way to answer the question because it's just--
06:28 the issues there didn't exist back then.
06:31 You know, I like that, John, when you think about the fact
06:34 that people concerned with issues that are relevant today
06:38 or more pertinent to today than it was in the time
06:40 before sin entered the world.
06:42 Another example would be
06:44 and I'm going to just throw this ridiculous statement out there,
06:48 would Adam and Eve have needed to be involved in sacrifices
06:55 and what animals would they have chosen.
06:58 You would never have known the answer to that,
07:00 outside of sin entering the world
07:02 because there was even no need for that.
07:05 The beauty of it is that the Lord made provision
07:08 in the event that sin entered the world He made provision.
07:11 And He knew before the fall of man
07:14 what man would need and what he would not need.
07:17 As a matter of fact,
07:19 when Paul addresses in the letter to Timothy,
07:22 you'll find in 1 Timothy Chapter 4, this short paragraph
07:28 when it comes to the creation of the animals that God made,
07:32 it says for every creature of God is good.
07:35 Good for what He created it for,
07:37 but you find that when sin entered the world
07:39 a number of things changed.
07:42 One of the things that we think of in the context
07:45 of what changed, we surely know
07:47 that there was a change in the serpent.
07:50 Because the Bible says from this day on,
07:53 you're going to eat dust,
07:55 you're going to crawl on your belly.
07:56 So why would there need to be a change
08:01 to crawling on your belly
08:03 if he was not in a former condition prior to sin
08:07 which suggests that He was able to fly,
08:10 you know, the Leviathan the winged serpent,
08:13 is what's referred to there in the Book of Job.
08:16 So it suggests that up until the entrance of sin,
08:21 that the serpent was able to do something
08:23 other than just crawl on his belly
08:24 and eat dust as Genesis talks about.
08:27 And so you see there were definitely changes,
08:30 it suggests to me and this is--and by the way,
08:32 this is the section where I talk about my opinion.
08:34 It suggests to us on that note that there were some changes
08:38 that came in and after the fall of man,
08:40 after sin entered the world.
08:42 A prime example, another one,
08:45 we know that not only did death pass upon all men,
08:49 but death infected all of creation
08:53 as we see plants die, animals die,
08:58 anything that lives or has life in it
09:02 comes to a point where it dies.
09:03 If you sever a plant, it dies.
09:05 Even over the course of time, some plants just wither and die.
09:08 And so we find that death has affected a lot of things.
09:11 And it's possible, John, this is just a possibility,
09:13 I have to look up the information
09:15 to see if it is there.
09:16 It's a possibility then that there were also
09:18 some changes in the animals,
09:20 those who were originally given the vegetables of the field,
09:25 now that is the bitter herbs of the field, as their food.
09:28 Later on, after sin entered the world,
09:30 even their diet was changed because man's diet was changed.
09:34 So I don't know what you could do with that
09:36 but, in fact, after sin entered the world
09:39 many changes came upon creation, man and animal.
09:43 The other aspect too is
09:45 and this isn't necessarily what was asked in this question,
09:47 but when it comes to what to eat
09:50 and what not to eat, a lot of people think
09:52 well, you can eat clean-- the Bible says you can eat
09:54 clean foods, but you can't eat unclean foods.
09:57 The issue with the unclean foods wasn't so much
10:00 that you should not eat them
10:01 as that they were never designed for food.
10:04 God never said that they were food from the very beginning.
10:07 So as we--you know, as many contemplate
10:09 eating unclean foods today,
10:12 it's really kind of an oxymoron, unclean food,
10:15 because the unclean is not food.
10:18 So unclean foods, I have a difficulty with that phrase.
10:22 It's like saying--well, I think you said it better.
10:25 I was going to try to find a parallel to that,
10:26 but it's like unclean garbage. It's just not food.
10:33 So that's why God said it's unclean,
10:34 don't touch it, it's not food.
10:36 Well, the other aspect too,
10:37 I was reading in my devotional this morning
10:39 before I came here to do our programs.
10:42 And, you know, I'd seen this and read this many times before
10:46 but the issue came up recently
10:47 so I specifically took note in Acts 15: 28, 29.
10:53 There are other little things, you know, people will say,
10:55 well, you know those old laws that were given to Moses,
10:57 they're not applicable anymore, right.
11:00 Well, here we find Paul and we find Barnabas
11:05 who are teaching the people in the early church
11:08 how to observe the commandments
11:11 and the statute and the judgments of the Lord.
11:13 And here they say in verse 28 of Acts 15,
11:17 because there was an issue over circumcision
11:20 and so they were going to come back to them
11:22 and they were going to say-- and they did say
11:24 "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit
11:26 and to us to lay upon you no greater burden
11:30 than these necessary things."
11:32 So we don't believe and the Holy Spirit
11:34 is not leading us to lay upon you the burden
11:37 of circumcising everyone as far as the Gentiles.
11:40 But then it says, "except these things."
11:43 And listen to the examples
11:44 of what things they should observe as Christians.
11:47 "That you should abstain from things offered to idols,
11:51 from blood." Think about it.
11:55 Today, most of the time,
11:57 the church doesn't even concern itself
11:59 with how they order their steaks.
12:02 But what seems to be indicative here
12:06 is that we still should not eat the blood in the meat.
12:10 So whether, you know, while, you know,
12:12 meat itself--eating meat that is clean is not a sin,
12:17 the blood is not permissible even under the new covenant.
12:21 That's right. Interesting thing.
12:22 So if you're ordering a steak, medium rare,
12:25 really the Bible's pretty clear, cook the meat thoroughly.
12:30 Almost kosher as it were. Yeah.
12:33 And that's why they have the rules of kosher, you know,
12:36 that still are part of the Jewish dietary laws.
12:41 But here then it goes on "from things strangled,"
12:44 you know, how are we-- what meats are we eating,
12:46 how are they killing their animals,
12:50 "and from sexual immorality."
12:51 Well, we always say, well, that's a given, we know that.
12:54 "If you keep yourselves from these you will do well."
12:57 So there are dietary laws that were given to the early church
13:03 in the new covenant after Christ resurrected
13:06 and went back and ascended back to His throne that,
13:09 you know, many teachers just throw out.
13:13 Paul and Barnabas did not throw those things out.
13:15 So, you know, you got to be careful when you say,
13:19 well, all of it doesn't mean anything.
13:21 It's not applicable anymore.
13:22 So there are still dietary laws
13:25 that were given in the Old Testament
13:27 that still carry forward to today
13:29 as to how to live healthily
13:31 and to live in accordance with God's design
13:34 for us in taking care of our bodies.
13:37 You know, John, how amazing it is
13:38 and some of you may see it in this direction,
13:41 how amazing it is that when the Lord established
13:44 a ceremonial system that pointed to all the work
13:47 that He would do, you know, the table of Showbread,
13:50 Jesus is the bread of life, the candelabra, Jesus,
13:53 the light of the world, the laver, the water,
13:56 Jesus, the water of life.
13:58 Everything aspect-- everything in there
14:00 pointing to one aspect or another.
14:03 The author of incense, which, in fact,
14:04 is where the prayers of the saints ascended,
14:07 the Ark of the Covenant, which inside has the commandments.
14:11 And Aaron's rod that budes
14:13 and on the side of it has the Book of the Law
14:16 and over the mercy seat
14:17 which you'll also find in the outer court
14:19 where Jesus was crucified outside of Jerusalem.
14:23 You find in the outer court the altar of sacrifice
14:26 where the lamb was killed and he was roasted.
14:29 And now we have today when Jesus talked about--
14:32 when the Bible talks about the Passover in the Old Testament,
14:35 they were to take a lamb and they would eat all of it
14:38 symbolizing when Jesus says to Peter in the New Testament
14:42 that he that has no part with Me,
14:45 He's talking about the cleanliness
14:47 of the acceptance of the sacrifice of Christ.
14:50 But the thing that I point out here is that
14:53 all of the animals used in the ceremonial system
14:56 had to be clean, in the sense of not only for consumption
15:02 but for ceremonial purposes,
15:04 because nothing that was a scavenger
15:08 would represent Jesus.
15:10 Nothing that took into its body dead things
15:14 or things that were putrefying or as it were,
15:18 anything that became a part of the sanitation
15:21 department of God could not represent Jesus,
15:25 because He's that pure Lamb
15:27 without spot and without blemish.
15:29 And so today, when you think of now the temple services of old,
15:32 you must make the connection
15:33 that your body is the temple of God.
15:37 And the Bible says if any man defiles the temple,
15:39 him will God destroy.
15:41 For the temple of God is holy which temple we are.
15:43 So that's where the clean and the unclean comes in.
15:46 We must be before the Lord as clean as His earthly temple was.
15:51 So that earthly temple in the Old Testament,
15:54 we are the temple now in the New Testament.
15:58 We abide in Christ and it makes a difference.
16:02 Good point. I think we got another question too.
16:05 We need to keep going with our questions
16:06 because this next one is one that we've had--
16:10 initially we talked about it before
16:12 and we've had some follow-up questions to it.
16:13 So, John, why don't you lead us into that one?
16:15 As a matter of fact, I received an email from a gentleman
16:17 and I believe that all the emails
16:19 that we get are very sincere,
16:22 but I want to read a little bit of it and what I'd like to do,
16:25 John, is not just on this program,
16:27 but maybe in another program to follow, address the question.
16:31 As I mentioned some of you like to send really long questions
16:34 and in some cases, some of you don't really send questions
16:39 as much as you try to straighten us out.
16:42 And we welcome those too,
16:43 because I think that this is a two-way program.
16:46 You are very much a part of it
16:48 and we do appreciate anything you send.
16:50 Gentleman sent us a question here
16:53 and I think his name is Fermon,
16:57 a very unique name, I don't know
16:59 where that originates from but sounds foreign.
17:02 However, he was concerned about something
17:05 we taught about the 144,000 and the great multitudes,
17:09 a feeling that it didn't measure up
17:11 with what the beliefs of the pioneers were
17:14 and in specifics, the issue that I'm gonna talk about right now
17:18 is Revelation Chapter 7.
17:20 It's quite a long chapter,
17:22 but what I'm going to hope to do is condense it
17:25 in the context of his question.
17:28 Let me go ahead and read what he pointed out here
17:31 and then we'll go right to that and we'll see this together.
17:35 I pointed out that he mentioned he was concerned
17:38 that what we said was unscriptural
17:40 and didn't line up with the pioneers.
17:42 And thank you so much for that view, appreciate that.
17:44 Speaking of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
17:46 Pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist church
17:48 and the 'Great Controversy,' 'Desire of Ages,'
17:51 Ellen White's writings, and this is what he said
17:53 and this is the question I want to address first.
17:56 And by the way, if you have your Bibles
17:57 go with us to Revelation Chapter 7.
18:00 If you have the King James, New King James,
18:02 whatever translation you have, that's just fine,
18:04 because primarily we're going to condense it
18:06 and, John, you know, feel free to
18:09 banter back and forth here with me
18:11 as we address the issue
18:13 that was brought up in this question.
18:15 He says first--first in Revelation Chapter7
18:17 by just reading this 17 verses, 3 sections are brought to view.
18:24 That's the first thing that I don't agree with.
18:28 But he said there are three sections, not two.
18:32 And I do agree that they are positions pointed out here,
18:35 but the thing I want to emphasize
18:37 more than anything else is there are two groups
18:39 brought to view in chapter 7,
18:41 not three groups, not three sections.
18:45 Let's go ahead and continue reading the question.
18:47 I'll continue reading the question.
18:49 It says verse 1 to 8 deals with the 144,000,
18:54 verse 9 to 12 deals with the great multitude,
18:57 but then verses 13 to 17, this is what he says,
19:02 deals with another group which are radiant and white robes
19:08 and on this point is the key that opens up the truth.
19:12 When the question was asked in verse 13,
19:14 "Who are these radiant white robes and whence came they?"
19:18 The answer in verse 14 and 15, this is what he says,
19:22 clearly shows that it is not the great multitude
19:26 that the elder was referring to,
19:30 who were sealed from the earth mentioned in verses 1 to 8.
19:35 Why? Here's his reasoning.
19:38 Because by reading verses 14 and 15,
19:40 they are said to be serving God in His temple
19:43 which only the 144,000 would do, not the great multitude.
19:47 And also that they shall come out of the great tribulation
19:50 which refers to the time of Jacob's trouble
19:53 that the 144,000 must pass through
19:56 before the second coming of Christ.
19:58 And verse 16 refers to their experience
20:01 during the seven last plagues
20:03 that they had to pass through which corresponding
20:06 reward mentioned in verse 17
20:10 or with corresponding reward mentioned in verse 17.
20:13 Okay, let me break it down.
20:15 Here's the thing thant I don't agree with him
20:17 and this is the reason I'm sharing this with you.
20:20 What I'm going to do now is read the very division,
20:22 John, that he pointed out happens.
20:24 He says that up to verse 12, 9 to 12,
20:28 he says is referring just to the great multitude.
20:31 Now we did not disagree that verse 1 to 8
20:33 is referring to the 144,000. That's very clear.
20:37 But you'll find these two words,
20:39 let's begin with verse 9 of Revelation Chapter 7.
20:42 It starts with these two words,
20:45 "After these things," that's in the King James version,
20:49 in the New King James version you find the word or the phrase
20:52 "after this," all right.
20:55 It says--or the other way around,
20:57 "After these things I looked and behold,
20:59 a great multitude which no one could number."
21:02 First observation, one group could be numbered,
21:06 the other one cannot be numbered.
21:08 And by the way that's consistent and the person that's addressing
21:11 this is a Seventh-day Adventist,
21:12 that's consistent with the Bible commentary.
21:16 A group that can be numbered,
21:17 another group that cannot be numbered.
21:20 All right, let's continue.
21:22 And where is this group coming from?
21:23 Notice another point, "Of all nations,"
21:28 middle of verse 9, "tribes, peoples and tongues
21:31 standing before the throne and before the Lamb."
21:35 That's where they are.
21:36 First of all, they're made up of all the nations,
21:38 all the tribes, all the tongues,
21:39 all the people as compared to the 144,000
21:43 made up of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel,
21:46 clearly once again showing that they are separate.
21:49 But this is the part that, he pointed out this,
21:51 he says the group that's talked
21:53 about in verse 13 has white robes,
21:55 that's why they cannot represent the great multitude.
21:58 Well, that point is refuted right away in verse 9.
22:02 It's there as I'll read verse 9 altogether again.
22:05 "After these things I looked and behold a great multitude
22:07 which no one could number of all nations, tribes,
22:10 peoples and tongues standing before the throne
22:13 and before the Lamb clothed with white robes
22:17 and palm branches in their hands."
22:20 So when you say in verse 13 that the great multitude
22:24 doesn't have on white robes, that's how they are dressed.
22:27 That's how they are introduced, as having on white robes.
22:31 You know, the other way to see this too
22:32 and I know you're probably getting there
22:34 is verses 9 through 12 picture the great multitude in heaven.
22:40 Verses 13 and 17 is the question about where they came from
22:44 which is really what's being dealt with in chapter 7.
22:48 So in 13 to 17, John is giving the answers to where this group
22:53 that was pictured in heaven comes from and puts them,
22:57 that great multitude, it puts them back on the earth
23:00 during the great tribulation,
23:03 okay, which is such a time as never was,
23:05 which is still to come.
23:07 So these are right in harmony with Adventist basic teaching
23:10 on the 144,000 and the great multitude.
23:13 Thank you, John, but now let's go on
23:15 because verse 10 down to verse 12,
23:18 to the end of verse 12, verse 9 describes
23:23 this multitude that no one could remember
23:26 having on white robes, but then now verse 10 to verse12
23:30 describes what they are doing, okay, showing clearly,
23:34 "And crying with a loud voice saying,
23:36 'Salvation belongs to our God,
23:38 who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.'
23:41 And all the angels stood around the throne
23:42 and the elders and the four living creatures
23:44 and fell on their faces before the throne
23:46 and worshipped God saying,
23:48 'Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom,
23:53 thanksgiving and honor and power and might
23:56 be to our God forever and ever, amen.'"
23:59 Okay, so verse 10 down to verse 12 describes this scene
24:04 that the great multitude are part of.
24:06 They're praising God, the 24 elders are praising God,
24:09 the four living creatures are praising God in heaven.
24:13 But now here's the question
24:14 and the question I suggest you
24:16 is not about the four living creatures
24:18 and not about the 24 elders because they're already there.
24:21 It can't be about them.
24:22 Nobody else is introduced into the scenario
24:24 except the next group,
24:26 the multitude that no one could remember.
24:28 And look what it says--
24:29 and to make sure that it's referring to that group,
24:31 it also brings in the fact that they have on white robes.
24:34 Referring to that group he already saw.
24:37 Notice this and it says,
24:40 "Then one of the elders answered saying to me,
24:42 'Who are these arrayed in white robes
24:46 and where did they come from?'"
24:50 Well, how do we make the connection?
24:51 Verse 13 and verse 9, both mention white robes
24:57 and verse 9 introduces the multitude
24:58 that no one could number in white robes.
25:02 And by the way if you were to read down
25:04 from verse 1 down to verse 4,
25:07 you will not see the 144,000
25:10 referred to as having on white robes.
25:16 Okay, I just did a pause there, just to double check,
25:19 not having on white robes.
25:20 So the only group mentioned in chapter 7
25:22 with white robes, not saying the 144,000 don't have it
25:26 but they are not mentioned here with it on, all right.
25:29 So now let's go again.
25:31 Look at the answer, verse 14
25:33 "And I said to him, 'Sir, you know.'
25:35 So he said to me 'These are the ones
25:37 who come out of the great tribulation
25:39 and wash their robes and made them white
25:42 in the blood of the Lamb.'"
25:43 Therefore again, once again, this group talked about
25:46 in verse 9 having on white robes,
25:49 how did their robes get white?
25:51 It says they made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
25:54 Now here's the thing that really must be addressed,
25:57 because it says the 144,000 pass through the great tribulation
26:03 and when let me add this, the great multitude
26:05 come out of the great tribulation.
26:08 That's where you find the separation.
26:09 I think that he didn't make that connection there,
26:12 because he pointed out here, and verse 17 or verse 16
26:15 refers to their experience during the seven last plagues
26:18 that they had to pass through
26:19 with the corresponding reward mentioned in verse 17.
26:23 And also he said that the 144,000 must pass through,
26:27 that is, the great tribulation.
26:28 I fully agree with the fact that they must pass through,
26:31 they pass through the great tribulation
26:33 but who comes out of the great tribulation is the question.
26:37 And that's the group that comes out of the great tribulation,
26:40 the multitude that no one could number.
26:43 Good, I like the way you put that together.
26:44 I think it's very clear, but that's good,
26:47 the word we often don't use
26:50 that is so important is exegesis.
26:55 And we were talking about this even before the program,
26:57 how you've got to take the text and pull out of it
27:01 what the text is actually saying
27:03 rather than trying to read a view into the text.
27:06 So when they do that they arrive at a conclusion
27:09 and they try to read that into the text, eisegesis.
27:12 So a good exegetical look at this passage,
27:16 I think you've covered that.
27:18 Another point to add to this just to help understand
27:21 that these two groups are clearly evident, not three,
27:24 and we gloss right over this.
27:26 I have a sermon actually I did fairly recently on this
27:29 and I did some good study on it.
27:30 Look at the firth seal.
27:32 Okay, let's go to the fifth seal.
27:34 Tell our listeners and viewers where we are.
27:36 The fifth seal which is Revelation Chapter 6
27:39 beginning with verse 9. Okay, verse 9.
27:40 Now the sixth seal, before we read the fifth seal,
27:43 the sixth seal is the great tribulation.
27:46 You can't mistake that when you read it,
27:47 because it talks about how the great earthquake begins.
27:50 It's the beginning of it.
27:51 The sun becomes black, the moon becomes like blood,
27:53 the stars of heaven fall to the earth,
27:56 the sky recedes as a scroll and all the things
27:58 we know historically that are leading up
28:00 to the second coming of Christ.
28:01 But look at this, verse 9 talking about the fifth seal.
28:05 "He opened the fifth seal
28:06 and I saw under the altar the souls
28:08 of those who had been slain for the word of God
28:10 and for the testimony which they held."
28:11 Now most of the time we spend on the fifth seal
28:14 is usually answering that part of it.
28:16 Because these souls are under the altar
28:19 and they are slain for the word of God
28:22 and for the testimony which they held.
28:24 And, you know, we know that these souls aren't literal
28:27 people confined underneath the altar,
28:30 but this is their martyred blood that still cries out to God,
28:33 their prayers that ascended to God at the time
28:35 they were going through this terrible persecution
28:37 and the tribulation they went through still appear before God
28:41 at the altar of incense and he wants to avenge them
28:45 and that's what the rest of it says.
28:46 Look at this, verse 10,
28:48 "And they cried with a loud voice, saying,
28:49 'How long, O Lord, holy and true,
28:52 until you judge and avenge our blood
28:54 on those who dwell on the earth?'"
28:57 Now look at this verse 11, "When the white robe"--
29:02 Read that again.
29:03 "When a white robe," white robe, now notice that
29:07 "was given to each of them
29:11 and it was said to them that they should rest
29:15 a little while longer until both,"
29:19 there are two things that are going to happen,
29:21 before this white robe
29:23 or the white robe is given to them
29:25 so they could have that white robe guaranteed
29:27 of what will happen so these-- before these two things happen.
29:31 So there's two things that are gonna happen.
29:33 "Both the number of their fellow servants
29:37 and their brethren who would be killed as they were,
29:41 was completed," two things.
29:44 Do you know that that verse also can be translated
29:46 as their fellow servants in number?
29:50 That's a very good point. That's--until the--yeah--
29:53 What are the only servants that are identified
29:55 in the Book of Revelation that are numbered?
29:58 The 144,000. 144,000.
30:00 So there's fellow servants in number and their brethren
30:04 who would be killed as they were, was completed.
30:07 Two groups identified that they had to wait for
30:11 before the blood would be avenged that was shed
30:15 because of their faithfulness to God.
30:18 Then the very next-- come on, the very next chapter
30:21 we're seeing a number identified, the 144,000
30:25 and we're seeing a group who go through great tribulation
30:28 who'd be killed as they were as this verse says,
30:30 both of them identified in this.
30:33 That's right because the word both.
30:35 Both.
30:36 There are two groups.
30:37 You've got to pay attention to the comma.
30:38 I think the comma is placed in the right,
30:40 in the accurate spot here.
30:42 "Both the number of their fellow servants
30:45 and their brethren who will be killed as they were,
30:48 was completed."
30:51 Key. Very key.
30:53 And this is found in the fifth seal
30:54 before the sixth seal actually unfolds
30:58 before the great tribulation occurs.
31:01 So I would suggest to you
31:03 that if the number of the fellow servants was completed,
31:06 that they had been sealed
31:07 by the time you finally see the sixth seal opened,
31:12 that's what that tells me.
31:13 So and look at this.
31:14 The first four seals are definitely four horsemen.
31:19 The sixth seal is definitely the great tribulation.
31:22 The sixth seal seems to be a pause to tell us
31:25 that something important is going to happen
31:27 or needs to happen before the great tribulation.
31:31 No argument there.
31:32 And then when you have the sixth seal unfold
31:34 and then you get to this chapter 7,
31:36 you see in more detail what happened in the pause
31:40 before the great tribulation.
31:41 Boom.
31:42 Okay, I can't argue with that.
31:44 I mean, I get excited about this
31:47 because the more we read the Book of Revelation
31:51 and I think you are about to cover this too,
31:53 the more truth, the more stuff we begin to see
31:57 that God is revealing to us
31:59 and to those who are diligent and faithful studying,
32:02 the studiers of this book,
32:06 that the reward and the blessing comes.
32:08 Anyway, I just think it's so consistent and so powerful
32:11 as you read this that actually occurs.
32:13 So in many respects those who hold the view
32:17 that this man-- and I know probably with good intentions.
32:19 We're not talking about his intentions at all,
32:21 but those that hold the view,
32:23 we find that there's a bit of a breakdown in that
32:25 if you read in this context the entirety of the scriptures
32:29 that read up to or lead up to chapter 7.
32:31 That's right.
32:32 Coming up to the point, that's why it's important
32:34 when you look at the larger picture,
32:37 and this what we're talking about here
32:38 and not just the dissected portion of it,
32:41 each component is a part of the larger picture.
32:43 We understand that and know that,
32:44 but when you start taking into consideration what's there
32:49 and then adding what is not there
32:51 is where the challenge comes in.
32:53 Another question I'd like to throw out
32:54 and maybe somebody could respond to this question,
32:57 does the sealing take place before the shaking
33:00 or does the sealing take place after the shaking?
33:03 I'd like to look forward to your response to that question.
33:05 Another one, the great tribulation
33:07 talked about in Revelation Chapter 7,
33:11 is that ahead of us or has it already happened?
33:14 Third question, is the worst behind us
33:16 or is the worst ahead of us?
33:18 And so those are some of the things
33:20 that I'd like you to--
33:21 and the reason I throw that out there is
33:22 because in your study you'll discover that some of the things
33:26 that you may have taken for granted
33:28 are spoken of in Scripture as well as for those of you
33:32 who read the writings of Ellen White
33:34 are expounded clearly there
33:36 and the further understanding or as she would say,
33:39 "greater light" is being shed on these topics
33:42 than many head up to this particular point,
33:45 even held on to.
33:46 Let me just throw this one out there, John,
33:47 for those who are diligent Bible students
33:49 or those who study the writings of Ellen White
33:53 because I've studied for many, many years,
33:56 even long before I was a pastor I studied that,
33:58 but I also like to throw this question out
34:01 and you send this back to me, Revelation Chapter 13,
34:04 there are two beasts mentioned there in Revelation Chapter 13.
34:07 If you have the time to do that send me what you've concluded.
34:11 This is the second beast of Revelation Chapter 13.
34:14 I'd like to find out what you've come up with.
34:15 If I leave that there to hang out, I'll do little bit.
34:17 You know, I would suggest too,
34:19 this is a great place to go to Facebook fan page
34:21 and under discussion to throw out your comments on that.
34:24 Yeah, but don't forget our 'House calls' page.
34:27 No, no, no, I'm not suggesting that at all,
34:29 because that's where we deal with our questions and stuff,
34:31 but in ongoing dialogue,
34:32 we will be in that fan page doing some dialogues.
34:35 We are doing the J-best thing,
34:36 we are expanding our borders.
34:38 Appreciate you very much.
34:39 So if you have any questions,
34:40 I think we are going to wind up here today,
34:42 so we could dive into our topic.
34:43 If you have any questions,
34:44 I know we have agitated some things today here
34:46 in your mind and in your thinking,
34:48 send your questions to,
34:51 that's
34:53 And we will try our best to do justice to it
34:57 as we answer from the word of God.
34:58 And for those of you
34:59 who are students of extra biblical writings
35:02 we will be glad to address that also.
35:04 Thank you so much.
35:05 Now, John, we are going to divide-- not divide,
35:08 but dive into our topic
35:10 and so go ahead and lead us into that
35:12 since I did a lot of talking already.
35:13 Well, this is part two of our study on hell.
35:18 And, you know, there's different misconceptions
35:20 that we find out there in the world
35:22 taught by many Christian groups.
35:25 And so we're trying to clarify what the Bible says about hell
35:29 and also some of those common misconceptions
35:31 and I think the last time we talked a bit about how hell is--
35:38 hell is something that is
35:40 frequently spoken of in the scriptures,
35:42 but we don't find anywhere in those verses
35:48 or at least in the study so far
35:50 where it indicates that hell is burning now,
35:53 that it is a place that is deep in the bowels of the earth
35:58 or that Satan is in charge of,
36:01 that is burning right now or it's hot right now.
36:04 So we did not find any verse at least leading up to that--
36:07 to that kind of conclusion.
36:10 But there are some questions that we haven't answered yet
36:13 and we are going to try and cover some of these things
36:15 and I believe we left also in--
36:17 we covered briefly Revelation Chapter 20
36:20 and we're going to go back there,
36:22 pick up kind of where we left off,
36:25 kind of recap some of what we talked about
36:27 and then I think that will take us then
36:29 to the next step of where we want to go.
36:30 Sounds good to me.
36:31 So let's go to Revelation Chapter 20.
36:33 And since we're already in Revelation,
36:35 just turn over with us to a few--
36:37 Yes, just a few verses to your right.
36:41 All right, so if you take a look at Revelation Chapter 20--
36:44 first of all, Chapter 19 talks about the return of Christ.
36:48 Then we get to Revelation Chapter 20
36:51 and the first three verses there
36:53 talking about how Satan has then grabbed a hold of,
36:57 how he's bound by this chain
36:59 and we talked about the bottomless pit
37:02 and here bottomless pit is referring to the abyss
37:05 which is really the condition,
37:07 also discussed as the condition of the world
37:10 that was at the very beginning
37:12 as God began to create it when nothing quite was on it yet,
37:15 but He began to create.
37:16 It was kind of in an abyss state.
37:18 God's Spirit hovered over the deep,
37:20 the deep referring to this nothingness.
37:24 And then, of course, Isaiah talks about how the earth he saw
37:27 was without form and void on the face of the earth
37:31 which we did touch on last time,
37:32 but here the devil then is bound to this bottomless pit,
37:35 this abyss state of the earth.
37:38 But then go on to verse 4 where it says that,
37:42 "I saw thrones and they sat on them
37:45 and judgment was committed to them
37:46 and I saw the souls of those
37:47 who had been beheaded for the witness to Jesus--
37:50 their witness to Jesus and for the word of God,
37:54 who had not worshipped the beast or his image
37:57 and had not received his mark on their forehead or on their hands
38:00 and they lived and reigned
38:01 with the Christ for a thousand years."
38:03 Clearly a thousand years of them being with Christ,
38:06 not Christ coming down to be with them.
38:09 You know, we may have touched on this point,
38:11 but it's worth saying again
38:12 that the thousand years of peace have,
38:15 John, they have not begun yet.
38:18 We are not in a period right now
38:20 where there is a thousand years of peace.
38:21 I don't think anybody would argue with that.
38:23 That's amazing.
38:24 Yeah, and more than that,
38:26 this doesn't seem to indicate that the thousand years of peace
38:28 will even be on this earth, right.
38:31 I mean it seems to me that Jesus comes down,
38:34 John 14:1-3, "I will come to receive you to Myself
38:38 and where I am there you will be also."
38:41 Not where you are there I will be also.
38:43 So He's not coming to join us, we are going to join Him.
38:45 He's coming down to pick us up to join Him.
38:47 And that's what this is talking about,
38:49 how the saints will reign with Christ for a thousand years.
38:52 And that's where we pick this story up here.
38:56 What's wonderful about that exposition is this
38:59 and I want to just reiterate that
39:01 so the point doesn't get sailed over your head
39:03 is there is a post-tribulation, pre-millennialism.
39:10 Big words, don't choke on those.
39:12 Then there's pre-tribulation,
39:14 pre-millennialism, which simply means,
39:17 post-tribulation, pre-millennialists believe
39:21 that after the tribulation and before the millennium starts,
39:25 Jesus is going to come.
39:27 We are post-tribulation, pre-millennialists.
39:30 We believe that after the tribulation
39:32 and before the millennium,
39:35 Jesus is going to return.
39:38 Well, there are pre-tribulations,
39:40 pre-millennialists that believe the rapture,
39:42 the secret rapture is going to take place
39:45 before the tribulation
39:47 and before the actual visible coming of Christ.
39:52 So they believe in this secret snatching away
39:54 which is a proponent that is espoused by many
39:57 who read books like 'Left Behind.'
40:01 And I've always said, tongue-in-cheek,
40:03 the truth has been left behind.
40:05 But in this same thing,
40:09 you find that they also have an unusual view of what hell is,
40:14 in the same sense, that same group believes that hell,
40:18 and I'm not making this a blanket statement,
40:21 but many evangelicals believe
40:23 that hell is a place of never ending torment,
40:27 never ending torture.
40:29 A fire is burning the wicked and they're writhing in pain,
40:33 and as the Bible says, in anguish,
40:37 men gnashing their teeth
40:40 forever and ever and ever and ever.
40:43 And they often put it in this context,
40:51 oh, let's go--
40:52 well, I'll get to that eventually,
40:55 but let's go ahead and look at the very next verse, verse 5.
40:58 Because you find that there's another group introduced here
41:00 which would take us to the topic of hell,
41:02 which is asking us the question,
41:04 where did the first group
41:06 that is talked about as being in heaven,
41:08 reigning with Christ a thousand years,
41:09 where did they come from
41:11 and where is the second group going to come from,
41:14 that's talked about it in verse 5.
41:15 Why don't you take us to verse 5, John?
41:17 Verse 5 says "The rest of the dead did not live again
41:22 until the thousand years were finished.
41:24 This is the first resurrection."
41:26 So speaking of verses 4 and 5
41:29 is in the context of the first resurrection,
41:31 that is, that the saints that are sleeping in Jesus,
41:35 that they were resurrected to live and reign with Him
41:38 for a thousand years in heaven,
41:40 but the rest of the dead,
41:41 the wicked that do not sleep in Jesus,
41:43 did not rise, they did not experience a resurrection,
41:48 they remained dead.
41:49 That's right.
41:50 That's why verse 6 is so vitally important.
41:52 It makes the connection between those two verses.
41:53 Continue.
41:54 "Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection.
41:59 Over such the second death has no power,
42:02 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ
42:04 and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
42:09 So there you see again, the "reigning with"
42:11 is not Him reigning with us on earth
42:14 in this millennial kingdom on earth,
42:16 but us reigning with Him.
42:18 Reiterating and I think we can't say it enough,
42:21 He says, "I go to prepare a place for you
42:24 and I will come again and receive you unto Myself
42:26 that where I am, there you may be also,"
42:30 not where you are, there I may be also.
42:33 And, you know, where the root of that misconception is?
42:36 Where-- which direction this is coming from
42:40 as far as some believe in Christ comes down here
42:42 to reign for the thousand years
42:43 or those believing that the resurrection occurs
42:47 for the saints to go with Him?
42:48 1 Thessalonians 4, it's read backward.
42:51 Very good.
42:52 It's read backward.
42:53 Take a look at that here real quick
42:55 before we continue on with Revelation 20.
42:57 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4.
42:59 Okay.
43:01 You know, John, I went back to my old Bible.
43:03 I have two new Bibles that are newer than this one
43:06 but I went back to my old Bible that has all the markings in it
43:09 because it says tried and true that.
43:10 You know what, this Bible that I have
43:12 and I think that this is what you're saying about yours,
43:14 it opens to where you want to go.
43:16 It just kind of-- it works in my hand.
43:19 I don't know what to say.
43:21 It's tested. It's great.
43:22 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 and take a look,
43:25 look at this, starting with Verse 13 this time,
43:28 "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren,
43:30 concerning those who have fallen asleep
43:32 lest you sorrow as others who have no hope."
43:35 So Paul here is going to talk about
43:36 what happens to those who are sleeping in Christ.
43:40 That's the whole discussion
43:42 of what is to come in the next few verses.
43:44 Then in verse 14 it says,
43:45 "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
43:49 even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus."
43:54 Now most of the time, evangelicals today
43:56 and I believe honest, well-meaning Bible Christians
44:00 teach that Jesus is bringing from heaven the saints
44:05 that have already fallen asleep, that have ascended to heaven,
44:08 bring with Him from heaven down those with Him
44:12 so he can reign for a thousand years on earth with them.
44:15 Right, but If you look at the context--
44:17 The context is, as Jesus died and rose again,
44:22 that they will do.
44:23 When Jesus died, where did He go?
44:25 He went to heaven. To heaven.
44:26 That's right.
44:27 So when we are raised, where do we go?
44:30 To heaven.
44:31 So Jesus is bringing those who are being resurrected,
44:37 who sleep in Jesus with Him to heaven to be with Him.
44:42 And that's the comparison.
44:43 As a fulfillment of John 14: 1- 3.
44:45 And that's the comparison.
44:46 I mean, I love that because, it says,
44:48 "If we believe that Jesus died and rose again."
44:50 Stop.
44:51 Do we believe that Jesus died and rose again?
44:52 Yes, we do.
44:53 And when He rose, what did He do?
44:54 He went to heaven.
44:56 Even so. That's right.
44:58 Because you remember that the resurrection--
45:00 Even the same way.
45:01 The same way, God will bring with Him,
45:04 God will bring with Jesus those who sleep in Him,
45:07 those who sleep in Jesus.
45:09 Not God, not Jesus bringing with Him when He comes back,
45:12 but in the same way that God raised up Christ from the dead,
45:16 He's going to raise up those who are sleeping in Jesus
45:18 and they're going to come back with Him,
45:20 not come back to the earth.
45:21 So the big issue here is
45:23 the misconception of what Jesusis coming back for.
45:26 You see, the incorrect view
45:28 which is He is bringing the saints
45:29 from heaven already down to earth,
45:32 the reason Jesus is coming back is to establish
45:34 an earthly millennial reign of a thousand years.
45:37 But that's not why He is coming back.
45:39 John 14:1-3 says He is coming back
45:41 to take His people back to heaven
45:44 to the place that He is preparing for them.
45:47 So He is coming back
45:48 to take them to heaven for a thousand years.
45:50 See, the exact opposite of
45:51 what is being taught is really going to occur.
45:55 And so many are living, you know, or thinking, Bible,
45:58 you know, believing or thinking these teachers
46:02 are teaching from the Bible,
46:03 they're thinking that this
46:04 thousand years is about to start.
46:06 You know some to the point, John,
46:07 where the explanation
46:09 for Christ's return becomes symbolic.
46:12 They believe He already has returned
46:15 and that the thousand years have already begun.
46:17 And they say, well, aren't we improving
46:19 in healthcare, in our technology?
46:22 Isn't the world becoming
46:24 a little bit better of a place than it used to?
46:25 I mean, look at the Dark Ages,
46:27 look at the horrible things they went through.
46:28 Aren't we improving as a society?
46:30 I would suggest to you, no, we're not.
46:33 In fact, not even suggest to you, I'd prove it to you.
46:35 Just look at our world today, we're not getting better.
46:38 We're getting worse.
46:39 And that's why so many people
46:40 are involved in the political processes of earth.
46:43 They're trying to get it ready for the coming of Jesus.
46:46 Yes.
46:47 That's just a misconception.
46:48 That's so distorted.
46:50 Jesus is not coming down and saying,
46:51 "Great, you guys finally got this earth together
46:55 and here I am.
46:56 Glad you got all those issues of abortion and not abortion
46:59 and death penalty and not death penalty.
47:02 Glad you got all those things sorted out
47:03 so that I can come and reign on earth.
47:04 Thank you for getting it together."
47:06 That's not the case.
47:08 And let me give a verse. Go ahead.
47:09 I'm gonna do the same thing, but go for it.
47:11 Probably the same one you're going to give, 2 Peter 3:10.
47:13 Okay, go for it. That's not the one.
47:15 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night,
47:18 in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise
47:23 and the elements will melt with fervent heat,
47:27 both the earth and the works
47:29 that are in it will be burned up."
47:31 When Jesus comes again,
47:33 He is not coming to a place that people have prepared for Him
47:36 to rule for a thousand years.
47:37 He is coming to burn the earth up.
47:39 Just to consume all the sin
47:42 that has polluted it for the millennia that is behind us.
47:47 He's not coming to reform the earth.
47:51 As a matter of fact, nothing about the earth
47:52 is in a position of reformation.
47:53 That's why He says about Babylon in Revelation 18,
47:56 "Come out of her, my people,
47:58 lest you receive of her sins and of her plagues."
48:00 Here's another text, Psalm 50:3
48:03 "Our God shall come and shall not keep silence.
48:07 A fire shall devour before Him,
48:10 and it shall be very tempestuous around Him.
48:14 He shall call to the heavens from above and to the earth,
48:17 that He may judge His people,"
48:19 and this is what he is going to say,
48:20 "Gather My saints together unto Me,
48:22 those that have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice."
48:27 And so clearly He's gathering--
48:28 He's coming to gather His saints together.
48:30 He's not coming to bring them down who's already there.
48:33 And when you read the rest of 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4,
48:36 which I would beg for you to do right now,
48:39 we'll see clearly that the meeting takes place in the air.
48:43 The righteous are--
48:45 Taking us out of the earth.
48:47 Exactly. We're being caught up.
48:48 We're not being caught down.
48:50 Notice the Bible makes it very clear,
48:52 verse 15 of 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4,
48:56 "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord,
48:59 that we who are alive and remain
49:01 until the coming of the Lord will by no means
49:04 precede those who are asleep."
49:06 And the word there in the column is dead for the word asleep.
49:10 "For the Lord Himself will descend
49:12 from heaven with a shout,
49:13 with the voice of an archangel,
49:15 with the trumpet of God
49:16 and the dead in Christ will rise first."
49:19 That's the resurrection.
49:21 "Then we who are alive and remain
49:23 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds
49:25 to meet the Lord in the air
49:27 and thus shall always be with the Lord."
49:29 In other words, the dead are being raised out of the graves,
49:32 the righteous are being caught up together
49:34 with them in the clouds,
49:36 being caught up, not being brought down,
49:38 being caught up together with them
49:41 in the clouds to meet, get that, to meet.
49:46 They haven't met the Lord yet.
49:48 They're going to meet Him in the clouds.
49:49 They're not up there having dinner with Him,
49:51 they're not there running back and forth
49:52 playing pianos and looking down on us,
49:54 they're going to meet Him in the clouds when He comes.
49:56 That point cannot be overemphasized
49:58 because this is the verse,
50:00 these are the verses that are often used
50:01 for the secret rapture and there's nothing secret about it.
50:04 That's right.
50:05 And in case you're thinking that it's a different time
50:08 that the Lord comes,
50:09 if you read on, we don't have to read all these,
50:11 but if you read on through Chapter 5,
50:13 "This coming is also as a thief" as described by Peter
50:17 and we read in 2 Peter Chapter 3. That's right.
50:20 But notice here, it says
50:22 "sudden destruction comes upon them."
50:23 It's the same event. Right.
50:25 It's an event of destruction for the wicked.
50:28 All right, so you can't place this
50:30 unless the wicked are destroyed twice which is not--
50:36 Right, not in the second coming of Christ.
50:37 Not in the second coming of Christ.
50:38 That's the third coming Christ.
50:39 So let's go to that maybe, that's where we're heading next,
50:43 because we are talking about hell
50:45 and the common misconceptions.
50:47 We're trying to clarify those from Scripture
50:49 here in our study today.
50:51 Look at verse 7 of Revelation 20 as we continue on
50:53 with what happens here after the thousand years.
50:57 "When the thousand years have expired,
50:59 Satan will be released from his prison,"
51:02 which remember, he was bound,
51:03 in verses 1 to 3, to the bottomless pit,
51:05 which we know is the earth without form and void,
51:08 destroyed at Christ's return,
51:11 His second coming and it says in verse 8,
51:14 "And will go out to deceive the nations
51:16 which are in the four corners of the earth,
51:18 Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle,
51:21 whose number is as the sand of the sea."
51:24 So if Satan is going out to tempt,
51:26 there had to have been another resurrection.
51:29 Very clear. Okay.
51:30 A second resurrection that is not of the saints,
51:33 but is of the wicked,
51:34 because they're the ones being deceived again now by Satan.
51:38 He didn't have anyone to tempt for a thousand years.
51:41 Now we has them to tempt again.
51:43 And before you go to the next passage,
51:45 I want to hit this in because this fits right here.
51:47 Go back to verse 5 and look at the introduction in verse 5.
51:50 It says, "But the rest of the dead
51:54 did not live again
51:56 until the thousand years were finished."
51:58 So we know by that verse,
52:00 after the thousand years they are resurrected.
52:03 And that's why, go ahead and look at verse--
52:06 look at verse 9,
52:09 this group that Satan starts to gather together,
52:12 how do they come alive. Look at verse 9, read verse 9.
52:18 "They went up on the breadth of the earth
52:20 and surrounded the camp of the saints
52:22 and the beloved city."
52:24 Okay, so they went up on the breadth of the earth
52:27 which means they were not on the breadth of the earth
52:30 and what that means clearly,
52:31 the same language that's used in the--
52:35 talking about the baptism of Jesus,
52:41 coming up out of the water, in the same way,
52:44 went up on the breadth of the earth.
52:47 He is talking about a coming up. Coming up out of what?
52:51 Out of their graves.
52:52 Well, let's go ahead and see that.
52:56 Could I do this? Yeah, you can finish it up.
52:58 Go to John Chapter 5. Go to John Chapter 5.
53:01 This is where they're coming up out of their graves
53:03 and the Bible makes it very, very clear
53:07 that this second resurrection is about to take place,
53:11 the second resurrection.
53:12 John Chapter 5, John, and read verse 28 and verse 29.
53:16 You see once again the two groups.
53:19 "Do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which
53:21 all who are in the grave will hear His voice."
53:24 Okay, how many who are in the grave?
53:26 All. All, okay.
53:27 So the both, righteous and wicked are there.
53:29 That's why Paul uses the word,
53:31 "we cannot go before those who are asleep," dead.
53:33 That's what it is. Continue.
53:35 "And come forth those who have done good
53:38 to the resurrection of life
53:40 and those who have done evil
53:42 to the resurrection of condemnation."
53:43 Okay, what are they both doing there coming forth?
53:46 So when they come forth,
53:47 this group talked about in Revelation,
53:49 when they come forth, they come to forth
53:51 onto the breadth of the earth.
53:53 And that's what the resurrection is all about.
53:54 And this verse is not saying that there's one resurrection,
53:58 some will be raised to be condemned,
53:59 some will be raised to go to heaven. Exactly.
54:02 It actually speaks of the resurrection of life
54:05 and the resurrection of condemnation as a noun.
54:08 It's an event. These are separate events.
54:11 One is the event of the resurrection of life,
54:14 one is the event of the resurrection of condemnation.
54:16 There are two different events here.
54:18 That's right. It's separated by a thousand years.
54:20 That's why Revelation says,
54:21 the rest of the dead do not live again.
54:24 As a matter of fact, Daniel Chapter 12
54:27 and it talks about here in Daniel 12:2 it says,
54:32 "And many of those who sleep
54:34 in the dust of the earth shall awake,
54:38 some to everlasting life
54:41 and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
54:48 Two groups, life and some to shame
54:53 and everlasting contempt.
54:55 So you clearly see two groups,
54:57 two separate events. Go on. Very good.
55:00 Well, I'm just going to go back to Revelation 20.
55:02 Okay, let's do that.
55:03 Finish this section up before program's up today.
55:06 So when they went up on the breadth of the earth,
55:10 as they were convinced by Satan to do that.
55:13 Satan called the troops together, gathered them,
55:14 they said, "Let's go get that city, let's attack them."
55:17 And now that he has troops to do it with
55:19 and that the city has now descended,"
55:21 that's another point, John,
55:22 what has happened to the city that's now on the earth.
55:27 It says that "At that point,"
55:29 look at this, "fire came down from God
55:32 out of heaven and devoured them.
55:36 The devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire
55:39 and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are
55:43 and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."
55:46 And it says, it repeats that again down below
55:50 where it says that in verse 14,
55:54 "Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.
55:57 This is the second death.
56:00 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life
56:02 was cast into the lake of fire."
56:05 So hell, which is an abbreviated version or word for hellfire.
56:12 Hell is not a place.
56:14 Hell is the burning fire
56:16 which seems to be an event at the end of time.
56:20 Rather than seems to be an event,
56:21 will be an event and fire came down from God out of heaven.
56:25 Where did it come to?
56:26 Fire came down from God of out of heaven in the location
56:30 where the wicked will be, that's on the earth.
56:33 And that's why when you look at this conflagration,
56:35 it's described as "and the smoke of their torment,"
56:38 Revelation 14, "descended up forever and ever."
56:41 And you'll discover clearly that they are going to burn,
56:44 this massive conflagration
56:45 is going to burn until they are consumed.
56:49 We're going to talk about that in another program
56:50 because people will say, "Ha, there you go,
56:53 they are going to burn endlessly
56:55 without any rest and they'll never stop burning."
56:58 Well, here's the telltale thing
56:59 and I know we have just a few seconds,
57:01 Chapter 21:1 actually goes with Chapter 20.
57:04 That's right.
57:05 So it tells you right there what the reason for that fire is.
57:08 Take a look at it.
57:09 We'll maybe hit on that on next time.
57:11 Well, you know, friends, that's the whole point.
57:13 Here at 'House Calls' we do believe
57:16 in standing firmly on the word of God
57:17 and we encourage you to continue to do that.
57:19 Study God's word, understand it for yourself,
57:21 because Jesus truly is coming soon.
57:25 And so as you look forward
57:26 for that great event and glorious day,
57:27 the best way to do it is give your life to Jesus Christ today.
57:30 God bless you and have a great day in Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17