House Calls

3 Angels' Messages

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Stanton & C. A. Murray


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL100010

00:01 Hello friends grab your Bible in the front and
00:03 sit back as we explore God's
00:05 word together on this edition of House Calls.
00:23 Well, welcome everyone to another program on
00:25 House Calls. We are so glad that you decided to
00:27 join us today. My name is Pastor John Stanton
00:29 with me in the studio today is pastor C.A Murray.
00:33 It's great to have you here sir.
00:34 Always good to be with you. Yeah. What a blessing it is?
00:36 And you know we have got an exciting, another
00:38 exciting program for you and we just does
00:40 pray that you will be blessed, but before any
00:43 of us are blessed we want to make sure that
00:45 we go to the Lord in prayer so pastor Murray
00:48 maybe could you lead us to the throne of grace.
00:49 Glad to do so. Alright.
00:50 greatest father again we thank you for this
00:53 opportunity to talk about those things
00:55 which pertain to guideline us spiritual life here as we
00:59 prepare for higher citizenship in the world
01:01 to come in. So we ask that you would be the
01:03 sentence of conference of all that we do that we may
01:06 be given the strength to lift up the name of Jesus
01:09 so that those who're watching here and listen
01:12 may know and understand your will for our lives
01:15 and we thank you in Jesus name. Amen!
01:17 Amen! You know I like that prayer because
01:20 what we try to do on this program every time
01:22 is lift the name of Jesus up and his word.
01:25 And to do that we depend upon the Holy Spirit.
01:28 And so that's why every, every program
01:31 from program to program we depend upon prayer
01:34 to get it started and we also depend your question.
01:37 You are very diligent to sending those questions
01:40 and so we appreciate that. We want to make sure you
01:42 know how does send those questions and you
01:44 can send them by regular mail to 3ABN and care
01:46 of House Calls or you can send them in by Email to
01:50 we will make sure that
01:56 we pull those up and answer them as best we can.
01:59 So thank you for sending those in we
02:01 have got some great questions today.
02:03 And always some challenging one some
02:06 of them I have to say you know pastor.
02:10 Wow, now I haven't thought about that one
02:11 for a while. Its one of those things where if someone
02:14 hit you with and you don't have your Bible you
02:16 might have to say well I have to get back to you
02:17 on that one. But, we thank you
02:20 so much for sending those questions in and
02:23 we'll take a look here at our first one today.
02:25 You want to take the Reign's hearing.
02:27 Already we got a question it says dear Johns.
02:34 So I guess that's John Stanton and Lumigan
02:39 but I'll take this in. What evidence is there
02:43 that he that is God made other planets or
02:46 other Universes or the worlds in the Bible?
02:50 Do you think that God would mention men
02:53 from other planets or universe in the Bible?
02:55 So basically he wants to know, he wants an idea
02:58 that we are not here by ourselves that the other
03:01 planets other world. Just a couple of text that
03:04 would sort of jump start our search in the book
03:09 of Job we have indication Job 1 verses 2 and 2 verses
03:17 1 that there is this Gathering of individuals from
03:24 several different worlds. And of course Saints
03:27 came representing planet earth and
03:29 of course God directed Saint's attention to Job,
03:32 but in Hebrews chapter 1, verse 2 we actually get
03:35 something a little stronger and I'm hearing to that
03:38 even as I speak Hebrews chapter 1 and Verse 2,
03:43 you know they say you should never start out
03:45 with brand revival and this is brand revival.
03:49 You know what if people have been getting Bible
03:50 to relately to sold. Yeah, yeah this is great one
03:54 and, but it's got a lot of extra material.
03:56 So before you even get to the chapter there is
04:00 all this research material. So you get to the chapter
04:04 and you are there and there is so much research.
04:06 But, I'm in Hebrews chapter 1, and verse 2,
04:09 here we go, yeah here we go. Well I'll start with
04:15 verse 1 coz it gives little look content.
04:16 God who at various times and in various ways
04:18 spoke times past to the fathers by the Prophets
04:21 has in these last days spoken to us by his son
04:24 of course talking about Jesus whom he have
04:27 appointed air of all things and through
04:29 whom he has made the worlds W-O-R-L-D-S.
04:35 Several texts like this collations comes in
04:38 mind, there are others later in the Bible
04:41 that let us know that they are worlds that
04:43 there is this world and of course this world is
04:45 the object of Heavens energies now. But, there
04:48 are other worlds. We have not contacted
04:51 them and I frankly don't think that we will
04:55 contact them this side of redemption.
04:57 Simply because sin seems to be quarantined here
05:01 when the Bible talks about war and heaven
05:02 in Revelation chapter 12, Satan was cast out to
05:05 this earth so the focus, the locus of the sin
05:09 problem is here. And I don't think God is going
05:12 to allow that problem doesn't say it for say but
05:16 to spread beyond the quarantine of planet earth.
05:18 You know he is dealing with it here. But there are
05:20 other worlds and we not even we get indication
05:25 that are other worlds and other inhabited worlds,
05:28 but for now for this point sin is here.
05:33 God has been pleased to keep it here and to deal
05:35 with here and we'll eradicate it here and
05:38 then I think we will be sort of free to make
05:40 contact with other world, other individuals.
05:43 There are lot of things that sin has hidden.
05:45 From our eyes we cannot see our angels unless
05:48 God choose us to break the veil between the
05:51 spirit world and our world or we got some --
05:54 with lord interposes to step in but there are
05:59 indeed other world. But, I don't think we'll be contact
06:01 in any time soon because we need to keep
06:03 the infection here. And keep it from spreading.
06:06 You know what I think this a very good it helps to
06:08 provide little more meaning to why there was tree.
06:11 because if you think about it, I mean the lord put a
06:13 tree in the mist of the garden.
06:14 Cleary it was a test. Yes.
06:16 I mean, I can imagine that tree being around forever.
06:19 I mean it was there for a purpose, for a reason and
06:22 Adam and Eve were needing to pass that test of
06:25 loyalty to God, they failed. Yeah.
06:27 And then we find that Satan was limited to this
06:30 earth. He was cast down to the earth.
06:31 Right. Lot of people say why do come here.
06:34 He came here because this is where the sin
06:35 problem was. And this is where the whole
06:38 thing began and where he is restricted too as well.
06:40 So you know I think it brings more meaning to
06:44 I think something Adventists use the term we use over
06:47 and over again the great controversy.
06:48 Yes. This battle between
06:50 good and evil and held this world is the battle
06:55 field of that fight. And so yes the other
06:59 thing to there is another unique kind of an
07:01 interesting parable. That's not so much of
07:04 parable it's actually a story an analogy that
07:06 Jesus uses and it's talking about how the
07:09 shepherd leaves the 99 sheep and goes to find that
07:12 one. And many you know we say well it's nice
07:14 that he would leave 99 saved people.
07:18 His sheep who already following him and going
07:20 to find the one that was lost, but there seems to
07:22 would be implied in that story something a
07:24 little more than just 99 saved people to going
07:28 to find the one. There seems to be
07:31 implied there that there is a bigger the salvation
07:35 process involves Christ death on the cross and
07:37 he came to this earth as the one that was lost.
07:40 Yes, yes we knew that kind of little more cosmic view.
07:44 That you have got all of these unfallen worlds.
07:49 And then you have got this one rebellious out
07:51 of harmony law spinning through space and then
07:54 there is this concentrated effort on that
07:56 one particular world. That's a good way
07:58 to look at it. Yeah. Little bit of broader context.
08:00 Yeah. Thank you very much and thank you for
08:02 the question on that. That's a great question.
08:06 That it gets answer from time to time.
08:07 So we thought you know what ask enough what
08:10 make sure we answer. You now one thing I would
08:12 just add it, you know sometimes it's a little
08:15 Ego test for the think that when God made man
08:17 he just stopped there. You know we tend to
08:20 think well we're the only ones and when we look
08:22 at the vastness of the universe and we are begins
08:24 on stand with Hubble telescope that we are
08:27 talking about a really, really, big universe.
08:29 You know bigger than the human mind can
08:31 even deal with. And to think that in all
08:34 of the millions and literally billions of planets
08:38 and stars that God sort of created planet earth
08:43 25 thousand miles across and just stop
08:45 there and never made any other because he will know
08:48 he made a raise of people that we call angels
08:50 messengers that number in the millions,
08:53 10 thousand times, 10 thousand perhaps billions.
08:57 And when you think of the creative energies of
09:00 God of love surely there are other worlds
09:03 and other created beings and other inhabitants
09:06 and one of the joys I think of redemption and
09:09 salvation will be the spencer of time we get in our
09:11 brother and sisters on other planets. Yeah.
09:14 Amen. That's an exciting thing to know
09:17 about the future what; what's in store for us.
09:19 You know you mentioned Job chapter 1 in that we
09:23 didn't go to that verse, but this question
09:25 touches on that. Because this question
09:28 that I have it comes from looks like they
09:32 didn't sign your name. But, anyway it, its
09:36 pertains to what we're talking about there.
09:38 In that it says if, if in Genesis and Job the
09:44 sons of God are men who fear God and love
09:48 and follow his commandments where is your proof that
09:51 this title was given to man as airs before Jesus
09:55 fulfilled the prophecy which is given to man who
09:58 love Jesus and follow him and keep his commandments.
10:01 Call the sense of God in the New Testament.
10:03 So how would you what proof do you have that
10:06 determine the Old Testament especially what he is
10:09 saying or she is saying applies to man or men and not
10:14 angels or angelic beings. Well there are several things.
10:18 The first thing I would say though is, you know in
10:20 every court of law a lawyer will tell you one of the
10:22 first things you do is not let someone force
10:25 you to prove something. When the burden of
10:27 proof is on them. So the burden of proof
10:31 is not on me to share where that argument or
10:36 that validity is found in God's word.
10:38 The burden of proof is more upon those who
10:42 say it's not that it pertains to angels to find in fact
10:46 where they get that from. And there are several
10:50 reasons I say that, number one a couple of
10:53 scriptures Job 1 which we just mentioned,
10:56 another one is Genesis chapter 6 these two will
11:00 touch on here for just a minute, but these seem
11:03 to be describing and they even mention it
11:06 specifically in Genesis at least describing men
11:11 the sons of God being mankind not angelic beings at all.
11:15 You know I went right to Genesis 6. You know
11:18 when you look at Genesis 6:1 and it came to pass,
11:21 when men began to multiplying the face of the earth,
11:24 and daughters who born to them, so we're
11:25 talking about men conceptually we're dealing
11:28 with human being that the sons of God saw the
11:31 daughters of men that they were beautiful;
11:33 and they took wives for themselves of all who
11:36 they chose. There is no justification to
11:38 insert angels there. No. Your context is men.
11:42 So to go to angels is a total leap of faith that
11:45 not justified by the text. Right. We are talking about
11:50 men multiplying on the earth. Sons of God are
11:53 particular class of men who follow the lord.
11:57 Who have dedicated themselves to the lord?
11:59 To insert angels there, there is no reason
12:01 rational makes no sense it's just it comes out
12:05 of really, out of clear blue sky.
12:07 Yeah. Because it's just not
12:08 there and it's not justified by the text and I think
12:10 your point is important Job. Because a person makes
12:13 an assertion doesn't mean it's a just assertion.
12:16 So the burden of proof is not on you because
12:18 it's not Biblical. It doesn't follow
12:20 a Biblical logic. Yeah. Yeah.
12:22 You know the other thing to that as well I like the
12:24 faith fact that you brought up context here.
12:26 Because if we go back a little bit, you have
12:29 Cain killing Abel. And then you have Cain and his
12:33 descendants mentioned. And then you have Seth
12:36 the one that we placed Abel who was son of
12:39 God and his descendants. So you have a cleared
12:42 distinction between those who were godly and
12:45 those were ungodly. Precisely. Then you
12:47 get to chapter 6 and the writer which we know
12:50 is Moses. Then take those two lineages and talks
12:54 about them in fuller context in a great
12:56 controversy context and it says there were daughters
12:59 of men who already on godly and they were the
13:01 sons of God who followed God, the lineage of Seth.
13:05 And there you have them matching
13:07 up against each other. And I think what throws
13:10 people off in that passage is where it talks about
13:14 giants. Yeah. I said well how could they
13:16 have produce giants if they weren't something
13:20 more then men. We were not giants,
13:23 you know we forget that Moses here is writing
13:27 this of thousands of years before.
13:29 And men were much bigger. Back then, then they
13:32 were in Moses days so to him as he is writing
13:35 this he is saying there were giants roaming on
13:38 the earth in those days. He was stating a fact.
13:40 Yeah, yeah bigger, greater intellect, lived quite a
13:44 bit longer 10 times the length of Moses.
13:47 You know so I think when they are dealing
13:51 with the Bible one of the things that keeps your
13:53 feet on the ground is always asking the question what
13:58 is the context for this statement.
14:00 Because you can just pull a statement out off
14:03 the middle of no where and really get lost.
14:06 If you don't have your barrens as far as context is
14:08 concerned you always have to ask your self context,
14:11 context, context, context, and once you establish it,
14:14 stay with it until the Bible says it's time to change.
14:16 That's right. Yeah. Rather than just
14:18 sort of changing on your own.
14:19 And once you establish that context as we talked
14:21 about here with Genesis 6 then you can move to Job 1.
14:26 And when it talks about the sons of God came to
14:28 present themselves you get a full understanding
14:32 of why Jesus or why God said in there to
14:36 Satan's appearance what are you doing here.
14:40 Here's why not only is it because Satan is
14:43 claiming to be the ruler of the earth.
14:46 Because here the sons of God if they are
14:48 created beings, leaders of the respective worlds
14:53 Satan is stepping in to say I'm the leader of the earth.
14:55 I mean we understand that point, but he is also
14:58 saying what you doing here because he
15:00 says you are not human. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
15:04 See there is two meanings here you are not human
15:07 you are an angel who says you have any authority
15:09 on the earth as well. Because I put Adam in
15:12 authority and I have already promised to
15:14 save and redeem Adam and restore him back again
15:17 to his rightful place. Yeah.
15:19 And so anyway in that context clearly there is more
15:24 meaning now in Job 1 understanding that the
15:27 sons of God pertain to. Yeah, human being.
15:30 Actual human being or created being with the
15:32 ability to procreate. Here's another hurdle
15:34 you have. Give me a burden, give me the
15:36 proof in the Bible where angels where ever discussed
15:39 or even eluded to with being given the
15:42 ability to procreate. Its not there.
15:45 Its not there. No. They are to serve God
15:48 and in fact there is a reference in the
15:50 New Testimony about in the new earth we will
15:53 be as angels reference more to not procreating
15:57 continuing to procreate so there is actually
15:59 evidence there that angels do not have.
16:01 Yeah. Ability to procreate.
16:02 Yeah, yeah. So to read into what did they
16:04 do we are going far beyond any legal means or
16:07 word that provides that. Plus plus there is no
16:10 Biblical evidence that even if they could
16:12 procreate angel to angel that there is any
16:15 sort of cross breeding. It puts me angels and
16:18 humans is just, there is just no Biblical evidence
16:21 for that there is no race of people that came out of
16:24 that, there is no you just have no foundation for
16:28 that kind of logic it's just not in the Bible.
16:32 Just a side note its not; I mean its just my opinion.
16:37 If the battle between good and evil that takes place
16:42 beyond us is a battle that is serious as we
16:44 know what it is if the angels could procreate which
16:47 mean they'll be male and female what would Satan
16:50 be doing to try and increase his army?
16:53 Yeah he will be procreating like crazy expanding
16:55 his army no evidence of that either so anyway
16:59 No not outside of Hollywood There you go you got to go
17:02 some place is they don't really know any better to
17:07 to find that going to abel this You have any other
17:08 question. there? Yeah this one is come from Irene there
17:15 is number of names here, but its asking for an
17:19 explanation of 1 Samuel chapter 2, verse 25.
17:21 1 Samuel 2:25 and I have found that and part of
17:30 this is prophets against Eli's household
17:33 you know Eli high priest father of Hophni and Phineas
17:37 and trouble they were getting to in the temple
17:41 verse 25 If one man sins against another, God would
17:45 judge him, but if a man sins against God, who
17:49 will intercede for him? Nevertheless they did
17:52 not hear the voice of their father because Lord
17:54 decide to kill them. Now you've got a problem
17:57 you've got two men who are priests who are
18:00 really doing evil in the temple their dad is
18:04 high priest and is aware of his sons on toward activity.
18:10 But, for whatever reason is doing nothing to correct.
18:13 You know they are really doing some evil
18:15 stuff in the presence of God and of course we found
18:18 that later on God has to take measure to sort
18:21 cut that off but God in his speaking about
18:26 the incidents says basically if I sin against you the
18:30 Lord can judge or even a third gordly party can
18:33 come and sort of into see but when a man sins
18:37 against a God what human being can step into that.
18:41 one my blood can't even save me suddenly can't save you.
18:48 You know it has to be the blood of Christ so
18:50 when a man sins against the Lord then I can't
18:54 really plea his case because almost sinful person
18:56 jsut like you. God has to do with that.
19:00 Yeah. What man can do that cannot
19:02 and of course when you got these two boys were
19:04 sinning for God sinning against God in the face
19:07 of God in the temple God has going todo with that
19:09 because they are sinning against God and we cant step
19:14 into middle of it that's something you know
19:16 sometimes you say something well I can't stand between
19:17 you and the Lord I cant help you in that there are
19:20 certain things we can get ourselves into hasn't
19:22 straight now because another person psychologist,
19:24 psychiatrist whatever can't do it has to be God
19:28 You know it shows our inability to even save
19:30 ourselves if my own blood could save me then
19:32 I commit suicide and save myself but my blood
19:35 cannot save me the sinless blood of Christ
19:37 plead in my behalf to save me.
19:40 Very good your context is so key there
19:43 Yes. To understand because all we know is a
19:44 merciful God yet he adjust God and is a point
19:48 where mercy is resisted long enough to where
19:52 God has to do something as to interviewing
19:54 or sin would letting it run its course
19:56 Yeah. would overcome even
19:58 the plans of God. He is got to step there
20:01 Yeah. And of course god have to had
20:02 end of these thing because you know that the day when
20:04 hawk was taken both sons killed in battle
20:07 and he lacks this news in false backward of his
20:10 toward and dies and so that the Lord had to come in
20:13 and of course that the Phineas half niece
20:16 son wife borrow up a son who they called Ekobit
20:19 gloriously partied so in that one day the lord
20:22 sort of dealt with a whole issue
20:24 he left the one as long as he chose to it and
20:26 then he stopped it which is counsel for us
20:30 today sometimes you think you get to worrying
20:32 with staff and then the lord says okay today
20:34 is the last day for that I am going to put
20:36 an end to that today and of course on that day iqobat
20:39 died mother died on child birth
20:43 boy born prematurely half infinious is died
20:46 heart of Conan taken when Phil died.
20:48 so when the Lord moves he moves in a powerful way
20:52 he only tolerate sin so long and of course even
20:54 in these last days he was tolerate but so long
20:56 and then he says enough.
20:57 You know you hear so many times if you are
21:01 talking to someone who is just kind of learning
21:05 the bible and learning about the lord
21:06 and they've got a lot of questions and things
21:09 I hear the question that often comes back
21:11 Now. You know I read the bible and I like
21:13 the Jesus of the New Testament
21:16 but I really had a problem with the God
21:17 of the Old Testament and you know the responsibility
21:20 here that when we say the lord is dealing
21:22 with things back then it was Jesus
21:24 Yes, yes. That was Jesus and so
21:27 Jesus is simply manifesting both parts
21:29 of his character which is a merciful god
21:32 he is also adjust god he will not let sin go
21:35 beyond its point of you know no return.
21:38 Yeah, yeah. And the bible says you know
21:40 because sin is not dealt with sifley
21:44 people becoming bolder in their sins
21:45 Yeah. you know one thing about
21:49 judgment if you keep threatening, threatening
21:50 threatening they will bring it down
21:52 then you tend to get little relaxed
21:53 you know I am going to give you a spanking
21:55 I am going to give a spanking
21:56 and then after that you know before and then of course
21:59 everybody is surprised what I told you was common
22:01 It's right. It was on the way.
22:05 you just did it here and of course that's
22:08 going to happen for the world that god offer
22:10 just started 7000 years of sin
22:14 it cannot go on further Christ said we hold
22:16 on I am coming quickly and
22:17 we know that coming is very soon
22:20 Yeah. And people are saying
22:21 there is no god. Let's this happen
22:24 That things going on. Yeah, yeah.
22:27 one last question here from Michael
22:30 and this is actually a question that is asked
22:32 by several others it says I was told
22:37 it doesn't matter what we eat anymore
22:40 is it clean or unclean this has to do with the white
22:43 sheet vision with Paul
22:47 It doesn't matter whether we eat clean or unclean
22:49 fruits Romans 14:14; I
22:55 I am confused I don't want to go against God's plan
22:57 for my life good. Alright question and a question
23:01 is being asked several times in many do read
23:04 Romans chapter 14 and they read into
23:07 the couple of things that are not there
23:09 he first thing we commonly hear reading to that is
23:11 the Sabbath. Don't judge someone about
23:13 the day they observe and of course Sabbath
23:15 is not even mentioned there and it does not
23:17 have anything to do with Sabbath but people
23:18 read that into it the other thing
23:20 they read into that is the fact that all food
23:24 is now clean and that is something also that
23:28 that it doesn't say so I don't know
23:32 if we spend a lot of time here on each
23:34 specific passage you've got yourself turned
23:37 as in Romans 14 you have there.
23:38 Umh. Yeah, so we can touch
23:40 on that but just overall as far as a general
23:44 overview one thing I want to mention here is
23:47 that there is no place in the bible where
23:49 god ever calls initially specially certain unclean
23:57 foods, food we could say we use this term
24:01 unclean foods but it's kind of maximore.
24:05 its normal its not unclean food its just unclean.
24:09 This is not a food. This is not a food.
24:11 Right. And we find that even before the Jews
24:14 were the Jews and before israel was Israel
24:17 how know was told by god to take into the art clean
24:20 animals. Animals that were clean that
24:24 they could eat. He does wan't clean food
24:27 they can take in. it was clean animal
24:29 they would take in. The swine and all loved
24:32 the other things that were two by two
24:34 were unclean animals. Yes.
24:37 not labeled as food so when you get to the
24:40 new testimony her and people say well
24:43 that was the Jewish system no it was before
24:45 the Jewish system. No it was before the Jewish system
24:48 its with dealing Noah. But now you can even post Israel
24:51 is more spiritual is where the church. It's not like
24:54 God always said and says, Oh lets go back to the
24:56 old and call those foods now clean again because
24:59 what Christ did they are still not food.
25:02 Right. its an unclean animals.
25:04 So when Peter gets this vision
25:08 and it's a sheep being let down with the bunch of
25:10 unclean animals in it and the Lord says
25:12 go ahead and take and eat.
25:14 Peter's reply is what I've never let anything
25:16 like that cross my mouth.
25:18 I haven't taste any of that stuff.
25:21 Well, Jesus knows that because Jesus has been
25:22 with them and talking not to eat those kinds of food,
25:25 and even probably didn't have to teach him that
25:27 he knew that from the beginning.
25:28 Yeah. so, we read into that
25:31 and if we go little further in the context
25:33 there in Chapter 10, of that we look further
25:36 that actually says that Peter says, it was the Lord
25:39 taught me that I should treat no man.
25:41 Correct. Unclean.
25:43 Correct. So, the whole vision was
25:44 about how Paul was treating the gentiles
25:48 which I mean not Paul. Peter was treating
25:50 the gentiles which Paul rebuked him for.
25:52 There was a time where Paul was in a room.
25:54 and Peter was there and he was only associating
25:57 with Jews. He wouldn't mingle with the gentiles
25:59 and Paul here speaking to the gentiles
26:01 and looking around seeing that there was only
26:03 one look back at Peter and said hey that's not right
26:06 Yeah. In fact Peter got up from one group or
26:08 one of that with another group.
26:09 and Paul was stood him to his face.
26:12 Peter had a number of issues he was a sort of Jews
26:19 And it took Peter a little while to except
26:22 the call to take the gospel to a wider community.
26:25 You see this sort of resistance you know
26:27 and it pops up here, here again
26:31 and in this Acts chapter 10
26:33 God is actually preparing Peter's mind to except
26:37 a wider ministry. Peter would a kind of
26:40 what so whatever he confined himself to a certain
26:45 group of people now he is moving into
26:47 a wider ministry and God is showing him
26:51 and again we talk about context and keep on read
26:53 You know if you stop reading at that verse
26:56 you can't get stuff but if you keep on reading
26:59 Peter explains what God is doing to him,
27:02 that he is saying no man is unclean.
27:06 I should call no man unclean.
27:08 so take the same gospel message to the wider world
27:10 that you have been sort of complaining
27:12 to the Jewish community.
27:13 So, this is as really nothing to do a fool.
27:16 Right. This is evangelism
27:18 to the world field as opposed to justice
27:20 to Jewish community. Yeah.
27:21 You know, and they are also in Scripture
27:23 you know here is the evidence.
27:24 We keep talking about the evidence finding
27:26 the scripture what do you pre suppose.
27:31 There is no evidence that I can find
27:33 that man is a innately unclean,
27:38 we're sinful but god know whether
27:40 I can find label someone unclean
27:42 which would be saying they are unredeemable.
27:45 Yeah. or unforgivable or whatever it is.
27:47 Yeah. But for those things that he called unclean,
27:51 animals for say those he innately described
27:54 as being unclean in other words they never will be
27:57 or can be clean and we miss that point sometimes
28:01 We want to just Olovson and say well now
28:03 god calls everything clean. Yeah.
28:06 No, if it is not possible. Yeah.
28:08 But with mankind there are periods of time
28:10 that someone would touch a dead body
28:12 or they do things that they will be called
28:14 or would be unclean but that was more
28:16 spiritual application not innately unclean
28:19 as a human being. so we need to be very careful
28:23 how we take these things and run with them
28:25 very quickly and I know many teach that
28:27 you know it doesn't matter what you eat.
28:29 The bible doesn't see anything.
28:30 Yeah, yeah. And then why would Christ do that
28:32 Christ came to clean up your heart
28:35 and mind and to clean up mankind
28:39 not really to change the status of animals.
28:41 If an animal is unclean and really science is finding
28:46 that those animals that God called unclean
28:48 the assessment really aren't good for you anyway.
28:50 One of the reasons why doctors are doing so well
28:52 is because we are eating our way to our grace
28:56 with our knife and fork. You know we are digging
28:57 our grace with knief and fork.
28:59 Everything out there is not meant to put him up
29:02 when I was in undergrad at a friend that at,
29:07 we had come over from Arican
29:09 before he was converted they dried
29:11 white caterpillars that doesn't impress me.
29:14 you know then when I got to seminar
29:15 with the friends from Thailand who ate
29:18 was a capybara quit on Monday you know it hard given
29:20 as stuff. But that never intended before, you know
29:23 and they said, It's pretty hard you guys
29:25 had chicken but we had quit on monday.
29:28 You know, it's hard to given up coatimundi
29:30 but I was never intended to put in the mouth.
29:32 You know, I wasn't it wasn't.
29:34 so just because you can put it on the plate,
29:36 doesn't mean you should eat it.
29:39 It was clean thousand years ago, is clean today
29:42 and you eat it at the peril of your health
29:44 That's right. Yeah.
29:45 You know I am speaking specifically of the Verse
29:46 because that I know he mentioned Roman 14 -
29:51 specifically what he is talking about
29:52 as far as clean and unclean is those things
29:56 that were sacrificed are offered to idols.
29:59 They became ritually unclean and so many heard there was
30:03 struggle in the church and its not just
30:04 Romans 14 there were several places we find that there was
30:07 this battle between individuals in the church.
30:10 Some had problems with eating foods that were
30:13 offered to idols, some say that you know what,
30:14 what's idol it doesn't matter. Yeah. As long as
30:16 the food is clean as far as food wise. Right
30:20 That its fine and it should be eaten and its god
30:23 gave for food. So that passage is not dealing with
30:27 clean food as we are describing. Right.
30:29 Things that should be eaten. And you can see John how
30:31 that kind of ideological battle would come.
30:33 Some saying well that food is offered to Tamose and
30:37 other person saying well Tamose doesn't
30:39 really exist. You know its just because
30:41 it's nothing. He sat there before a statue
30:45 and they sold it the next day for half price.
30:46 I am buying it, you know that doesn't even exist.
30:49 You have given too much credit to the idol although
30:52 they say well no it was offered to an idol so it is
30:53 somehow theologically or ideologically defiled.
30:57 So, that kind of better and that's what it's dealing with,
31:00 not with the idea that the food per se is clean
31:03 or unclean but offered to idols clean food.
31:05 Yah, very good, very good. Well, thank you so much
31:10 for your questions. They were very very challenging
31:12 today and we appreciate those. If you have any other
31:15 questions feel free to mail them in or send them by email
31:18 to We look forward to hearing
31:24 from you. Thank you so much. Here we got a topic that
31:27 I don't think we covered here a while, we are going to try
31:29 to do it in one program. So we're not going to get
31:31 really deep in this topic but it's a subject of the three
31:35 angels messages. You know sometimes we take it for
31:38 granted pastor Murray that people watching 3abn when
31:42 we say these words, three angels messages they know
31:44 what we are talking about and that's not always the case.
31:48 There are three angels in revelation chapter 14 that
31:53 proclaiming message from heaven to the world and
31:58 you know one would read that sometimes and say well that's
32:02 an interesting message but in the context of prophecy in
32:05 the context of where that message comes it seems to be
32:08 a message for the world that needs to be heated in
32:10 the last days. Something that we should pay attention
32:14 to and something that we should wake up and listen to,
32:16 coz if we don't it could be at our parole in fact I would
32:19 suggest it would be at our parole.
32:21 Oh very much so. And so one of the reasons
32:23 why the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has
32:24 recognized those three angels' messages and then
32:27 the other angel of Revelation 18 as pertaining to the time
32:32 in which we live is because angels are messengers,
32:37 that's what angel means, you know it's a messenger.
32:40 Yes. And if this message has been proclaimed to all
32:42 the world there is a parole out there with the words of
32:45 Christ in his prophecy of the end time that the gospel
32:49 will be preached to all the world and then the end
32:52 will come. So the same context of Matthew 24 there
32:57 of Jesus words we find again in Revelation 14
32:59 and onward. And so may be what we had to do here is
33:03 just kind of read through each one and talk a little bit
33:07 about what that angel is saying. That is so important
33:12 for these last days. And let me profess by saying
33:17 something else to before you read those.
33:19 We are 2000 years down the line from Christ death
33:27 resurrection and ascension to heaven. Yes.
33:30 People have been wondering for 2000 years when Jesus
33:34 will come again and the only evidence we have that seems
33:40 to be given to us by gods word of his soon appearance
33:44 is not a time. There are time prophecies but there is
33:47 not a specific time that tells us when he is coming.
33:49 But the evidence that we're given is prophecies or signs
33:53 of the times that the generation that sees Christ
33:58 appearing will be living in. and it seems to be that
34:01 revelation 14 is giving us three messages that are
34:06 connected to these signs that those that generation
34:10 that hears or sees those things happening should be
34:12 listening specifically to that message. And so if you
34:17 turn your Bibles with us to Revelation chapter 14 we will
34:21 pick things up in Verse 6 with the first angel's message.
34:27 This is a message then now given by the angels to the
34:30 entire world and not given by angels literally but
34:34 given through messengers that god is using through his
34:37 church or in his church to the world depicted as angels.
34:41 Yes. Okay. You want to go ahead and read the first one
34:44 or read the second one. Go ahead and start.
34:46 Then I saw another angel flying in the midheaven
34:49 having ever lasting gospel to preach to those who dwell
34:53 on the earth to every nation, Kindred or tribe my Bible
34:57 says tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear god
35:00 give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come
35:04 and worship him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea
35:08 and the springs of waters. You know John you have got
35:11 a number of clues that sort of give you the context for
35:14 looking at this whole thing right after that. One the
35:18 message is being carried by an angel, so it lets us know
35:21 of the exalted nature of the message. Not just some guy
35:25 running with a sheet of paper this is the message
35:28 that has been trusted to angels and so it is one a
35:32 message of important. This is something we had
35:35 sort of red flat because it's important and
35:38 it's flying in the midst of heaven. So these give us the
35:44 idea or the notion that something very very
35:46 important is coming. It's moving with speed and with
35:50 an exalted nature and is something that you need to
35:53 sort of stop of everything
35:54 sort of hold the presses as it where
35:56 and pay attention to what's coming because this is going
35:59 to affect your salvation and how you're going to be
36:03 prepared for something that's coming on the road,
36:05 that this is sort of the announcement if I can use
36:10 that terminology. So, and of course it's the ever
36:16 lasting gospel. Now, we say the three angels message it
36:20 is really one message with sort of three segments with
36:23 sort of compartmentalized. Right. And you can
36:27 look at these three but they are not separate each one
36:29 builds on is part of what goes on before.
36:33 So we have got the ever lasting gospel which was the
36:36 good news of Christ but this is saying given that
36:41 good news or some stuff that appertains to that.
36:44 That we see it is very very outside of this message.
36:47 So to preach those who are on the earth, to every nation
36:51 try tongue and people so this is not a colloquial
36:54 message by any stretch of the imagination.
36:56 This is a world wide message that is to effect every
36:59 single person living on planet.
37:01 It's almost a book in to the great commission.
37:02 Yes, yes, very much. Jesus, the last words Jesus
37:07 gave to his disciples was the admonition, the command
37:12 almost to go and preach, baptize, teach, make
37:18 disciples of and it seems like this, that was the
37:22 beginning of the process now this we find is the last
37:26 finishing work of that process.
37:28 I love that, I do, I do. And also the fact that an
37:32 angel is carrying, it doesn't mean there is no
37:33 longer in the hands of man we are dealing with a book
37:35 that is fugitive in his language. So that the fact
37:40 that the angel has just is more a commentary on the
37:43 exalted nature of the message not that god is going
37:46 to take it out of the hands of the men and women who are
37:49 called to live out and to preach and teach that gospel
37:52 and put in the hands of angels. Yeah.
37:54 And so as we look at what message, what is the message
37:58 on the first angel that is going to every nation,
38:01 tribe tongue and people, we know it's the gospel but
38:03 the gospel to contain some key elements. Yes.
38:07 That this seems to focus on that has been last sight of
38:12 overtime so while the church may been doing good job of
38:18 teaching certain aspects of doctrine, the Christian faith
38:22 they have not been doing a good job in some of these
38:26 areas and so it's something that the angels are bringing
38:30 to the world to say these are key elements, these are
38:32 important truths that you are not seeing that need do
38:37 really be expounded on in the last days before Christ return.
38:40 Those which were cleared but in the ages have
38:44 become somewhat obscured. You sort of diverted your
38:47 focus so. He is saying with a loud voice megaphone
38:49 in the Greek from which we get megaphone loud
38:51 voice fear god, respect him, glorify him, not be afraid
38:56 of him but respect him with almost a difference,
39:02 differ to god. Get yourself in relation with god.
39:05 Glorify, honor him, give glory to him for the hour of
39:08 his judgment has come. So God is looking at cases,
39:12 God is preparing to come back and when he
39:14 comes back we find in Revelation quite a bit later
39:18 he is, his reward is with him so that it hird was a
39:22 pre-advent judgment, the fact that when Christ
39:25 comes I am giving out the goodies when I come, so
39:27 I am going to determine who gets the
39:28 goodies before I come.
39:30 So hour of judgment is come in it now, its going on now,
39:35 so get yourself in right relationship with him now
39:38 because he is looking at your case now and worship him.
39:42 And that's really, you know that part is well really
39:45 I mean its well supported by the rest of scripture and
39:49 we have couple of incidences in the Parables of Christ of
39:53 the inspection of guests prior to the return
39:56 from the wedding and so there is an inspection
39:59 going on there, there is a judgment of this one who
40:02 doesn't have on a wedding garment.
40:03 And, so there is this that going on,
40:05 I'm reading, I'm paraphrasing
40:07 from Mathew chapter 22. Yes. There is the divergent.
40:11 Some wise, five wise, five foolish in Mathew 25
40:14 and how those who were ready went in with him
40:17 to the wedding an aspect of attending this great event
40:21 in heaven that's going on where Christ is
40:23 receiving his kingdom. We attend by faith,
40:26 and when he comes back he is rewarding,
40:28 he already mentioned that he is rewarding
40:29 those who have been faithful to him.
40:31 And so the scriptures are very, very in harmony,
40:37 they are much in harmony with this pre-advent judgment
40:41 that it has come it's already happening
40:43 and when he comes we find the executive
40:46 phase of it. He meets out the sentence,
40:47 but we find that the judgment part
40:49 the inspection part has already occurred.
40:51 Yeah, yeah. Christ says
40:52 very plainly in Revelation
40:54 20:12, I'm coming and my reward is with me,
40:58 when I come the reward is coming with me.
41:00 So the determination as to who receives
41:03 has already been made. Just before that we find
41:07 let him who is righteous, be righteous still
41:09 let him who is unjust be unjust still
41:11 so that determination has been made
41:13 when Christ comes he is not coming
41:15 to make a decision. He is coming to execute
41:17 a decision that's already been made.
41:20 That's right. That's right. Yeah.
41:21 You are going to go ahead and go on there,
41:22 I think he mentioned worship. And worship him
41:25 who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.
41:28 It's time to disabuse ourselves of worship
41:31 of anything or any other thing then
41:34 the one true God who made everything you see,
41:36 everything you are, everything you hope
41:38 to be that comes from God. So realign yourself.
41:41 Reorder yourself to worship him and him alone
41:44 don't let anything discourage you,
41:45 distract you, dissuade you,
41:46 from worship of the true and living God.
41:50 You know, we live in the time especially within America,
41:53 but I think in the developed world
41:54 we live in a time where people for the most
41:57 part are prosperous. And they have lost
41:59 the sense of meeting God in their life.
42:02 Yes. And I think, to a great degree
42:04 prosperity can be, I didn't say yes,
42:07 but it can be a tool of the enemy.
42:09 Yes, yeah, yeah. Or we can get ourselves
42:11 so focused on what we have or what we're pursuing
42:13 or what we want. Very true. That we're missing
42:16 what spiritually the thing that we need.
42:18 Yeah, yeah. Is Jesus in our lives
42:20 and so this is the reminder to comeback to worship
42:22 your creator the one who made you.
42:24 Worship him because, he is the one
42:27 that's gonna save you. Yeah, having stuff
42:29 can be a very distracting thing.
42:31 You know many times we go on a mission trips
42:33 you're called to go different areas of the world
42:36 and to see people who don't have
42:37 all of the things that we have in the states.
42:41 And yet they seem so happy and so contain.
42:43 And may be that's the secret to try to disabuse ourselves
42:50 or some of the stuff. You know, because
42:53 stuff takes work, and then when you get stuff
42:57 you spend sometime protecting your stuff
42:59 and then sometimes you want more stuff
43:01 and then you got to get new stuff, and then
43:03 of course our world where you have this
43:05 planned up the lessons every couple years,
43:07 your stuff is obsolete. So you gotta
43:09 upgrade you stuff, you know, and you can get
43:12 very focused man on your stuff and of course,
43:17 I don't know the text, just now John perhaps
43:19 you know what it says that a man's worth does not,
43:22 is not summed up by the things that he has.
43:26 You know, so you're not are more value to God
43:30 because you have more stuff then me.
43:31 You know God doesn't rate your stuff,
43:34 he wants you, he wants your heart.
43:36 That's the only thing that you have that he,
43:38 he is interested in having, not your stuff.
43:40 And he is not impressed with your stuff.
43:41 And of course you can't take your stuff with you,
43:44 when you go. That's right. So we can get so caught up
43:47 with the stuff that we lose our focus, you know.
43:50 And that's one of the things that this message is saying.
43:54 It's time to, to concentrate on God
43:57 and put God in right place in your life.
43:59 Put him on the throne and keep him there,
44:01 because that's where it belongs not your stuff.
44:03 Now Peter talks about and I think its Second Peter
44:07 1:12 talks about present truth. Yes.
44:09 He uses that term present truth.
44:11 There seems to be in certain eras,
44:14 where there is a present truth. Yes, Yes.
44:16 I think what he is meaning when he talks about that
44:19 or he mentions that he uses that language.
44:22 He is talking about there is something that
44:24 is so pertinent for that day. That if not he did,
44:27 if not understood you could be deceived
44:30 and come on we can't be so deceived either to think
44:34 that the Devil doesn't change his tactics.
44:36 Oh! Yes. You know he does change his tactics
44:39 and so he has as well changed his tactics
44:43 in the last days in certain areas
44:45 and there is some present truth
44:47 in this message. And I mentioned that
44:49 Because there is the Language here of worshiping him
44:54 who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.
44:56 Has a tie to the creatorship, the creator God. Yes, yes.
45:02 And the fourth commandment the language is very, very
45:04 similar to the fourth commandment itself,
45:06 so it seems to be part of this message
45:08 is getting people to look back to their creator
45:12 and the day established to memorialize him.
45:15 Because we talk about some memorial creation,
45:19 but really it's a memorial of our creator.
45:20 Yes, very much so. Yeah, yeah, I think sometimes
45:22 we don't intentionally but we leave our creator
45:26 when we talk about this, the memorial creation
45:28 but its really a memorial of God
45:30 and who he is as a creator to us and so this here seems
45:34 to be saying this is your God he created you and
45:37 he also created a day to memorialize his work.
45:40 Yeah. Yeah. And this has been last
45:43 side for many years. The Seventh-Day
45:44 being Sabbath. I like that. I do. I do.
45:45 It tells you what to do but it tells you
45:48 why you should do it because he is your creator,
45:50 and it reorients your heart and mind off of yourself
45:54 you know we live in I-world.
45:56 I-pod, I-phone, I-pad you know just I
46:01 everything is I. and this is saying
46:03 I is not it, it's him it's all about
46:06 God your creator, right. Yeah, well then he goes on
46:09 here we go right to the second angels.
46:11 It says another angel followed in verse 8
46:13 saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city
46:17 because she has made all nations drink of the wine
46:20 of the wrath of her fornication.
46:22 Babylon appears interesting here how the term Babylon
46:29 is used because obviously we can go back
46:31 and we think of and this is intentional
46:33 we've got to go back to little Babylon
46:36 to see what was going on there to understand
46:39 what Babylon is being referred
46:40 to here and this is I'm talking about the
46:43 literal city of Babylon that does not exist
46:45 Anymore, but spiritually what is Babylon
46:48 and why has it fallen, I think to understand
46:53 this more fully too you have got to read Revelation 18.
46:56 Yes. Yeah. Which adds to the fact
46:59 of Babylon has fallen, it adds to that come out
47:02 of her mild people. Yes. So Gods people
47:06 here a great majority of Gods people
47:09 are in Babylon as Israel was once in Babylon.
47:13 Correct. And now we're being called
47:15 to come out before the new Jerusalem is established
47:18 with Gods kingdom. Yeah, when you want
47:20 to get a very simple handle on what Babylon is
47:23 it is a place where Gods people are.
47:28 There are people who love the Lord who God claims
47:30 as his own in Babylon as we speak,
47:34 so we're talking about a religious entity as apposed
47:39 to second entry. Right. When if God puts
47:41 claims on them then we're talking about
47:43 a spiritual entity, so is Babylon a city,
47:45 is Babylon a town or Babylon a country,
47:47 no, no, it's a church we're talking about claims
47:51 to be spiritual. It claims to be right
47:52 it is a religious belief system or group
47:56 of systems that God has for some reason
47:59 rejected he is saying get out of that
48:01 you are in that now, get out of that
48:03 and come directly to me because evidently
48:05 what you are doing is standing between you and me
48:08 or they are some amount of error there,
48:11 there is something going on in Babylon
48:16 in that belief sector in that belief system
48:17 that I don't want, I want you to come out of that
48:19 and then base your worship on what has already gone.
48:22 Give glory to me, give honor to me,
48:25 love me, fear me, respect me, evidently those things
48:29 are not going on where you are.
48:31 That's right. Come out of that
48:33 and realign yourself with me.
48:34 That's very good. And if you look at
48:36 Revelation 17, where the women the Great Harlot
48:39 is called Babylon the Great. Yes.
48:42 It's on her forehead it's on her,
48:45 its her return name. The women represents
48:48 the church always, yes. A women is a church.
48:50 Well, this women is a Harlot, so it's got
48:52 to be Apostate Church or system that appears
48:56 to be Godly, but really isn't. It's Doctrines, yeah.
49:00 And you know clearly here when it talks about nations
49:04 drinking of the wine of the wrath
49:06 of her fornication what they are drinking
49:08 of is her doctrine, her Teachings, Her doctrines,
49:09 correct, those things that are not true
49:13 or pertaining to God which is why this whole
49:15 message is being proclaimed in the first place.
49:17 Precisely, yeah, and this is shocking to men
49:20 and maybe before that because God
49:22 is making number of statements here.
49:23 One of the things he is saying is that
49:24 there are religious systems that look pretty good
49:27 from the outside that pretend or purport
49:30 to be the real deal but they are not, right.
49:33 So what you need to do is look at where you are,
49:36 what you're doing, your worship style,
49:39 your doctrinal package look at that stuff
49:42 and make sure that it is aligned with the will
49:46 of God that it is aligned with the Bible
49:47 because evidently there are chalets in there.
49:50 Yeah. Everybody saying Lord, Lord,
49:52 is not the real deal, right. So you better make sure
49:57 it is time to make sure give him the fact
49:58 that judgment has started and Christ is coming
50:02 that this is going to end one day
50:04 and when I come and what is going to be with me
50:07 you see this everyone builds on it
50:09 you know it builds on what goes prior.
50:10 Give it all of that you ought to make
50:12 very, very sure that what you're doing
50:16 spiritually that the worship package
50:18 that you have taken onto yourself is Godly
50:21 and Biblical and if its not get out of it.
50:23 That's right. Yeah, leave it alone.
50:25 That's right, you know, there is a text
50:27 that I discovered a couple of years ago
50:28 that was very helpful for me in this.
50:30 Michael 2:11, I'll just read here we don't have
50:33 to spend lot of time with it, but Michael
50:35 2:11 says If a man should walk
50:36 in a false spirit, yes and speak a lie saying
50:40 I will prophesy to you of wine and drink
50:43 even he would be the Prattler of his people.
50:46 So when this is describing Babylon as making nations
50:50 drink of the wine of the wrath of fornication
50:52 really is talking about she as a system
50:55 are speaking lies, hypocrisy, false things,
50:59 to try and get people to deceive people into
51:01 believing something that is not true.
51:03 And we find that other angel in Revelation 18
51:07 is describing that at one point
51:09 she falls, the whole system is collapsing
51:12 and there isn't any time to waive her in staying
51:15 in her any longer. Yeah, you know,
51:17 we live in a John where there is so much
51:20 multiculturalism and then so much pluralism
51:22 and to an extent those things are good,
51:24 but when Christ says I am the way the truth
51:29 and the life no one comes to the father
51:31 brought by me that is a very bigoted statement.
51:35 Christ is saying if you want to get to God
51:39 you've got to come through me. It doesn't allow
51:43 for any other means mechanism to get to God,
51:47 but now either that statement is true
51:49 or it is false. Right. If that is a true statement
51:54 than we better come to Jesus and lean on him
51:57 like our lives depend on him because indeed they do.
52:00 You come to the father through me so it makes,
52:05 it puts us on alert to make sure that
52:09 what we believe, what we are teaching,
52:11 what we're preaching, what we are living,
52:13 has to line up with the word of God
52:16 it has to and if you see any variance then you've got
52:20 to share that system because it is not
52:25 taking the true God it is taking you
52:28 on a parallel of course or even away from God
52:30 and that's what this particular call
52:33 of the angel is saying you've got
52:35 to watch out for. And pertaining to worship
52:37 John 4:23 and 24 you know this verse
52:40 as well, well, but the hour is coming,
52:43 and now is when the true worshippers
52:44 were worship the Father in spirit and truth. Both.
52:48 That he desires such kind of spirit
52:50 those who worship him must be worshipping him
52:52 in spirit and in truth. So, there is this definition
52:57 of what it means to worship God
52:58 and that is in his spirit and according to his truth.
53:02 Yes, yes, not that dictates of our own heart.
53:04 So then you get to we don't have a lot of time
53:07 here, but get to the third angel's message
53:10 and it seems pretty solemn, sobering none the least.
53:16 It says Verse 9. Third angel followed
53:20 them saying with the loud voice if anyone worships
53:22 the beast and his image that is the subject of worship
53:24 again and receives his mark on his forehead
53:27 around his hand, he himself shall also
53:29 drink of the wine of the wrath of God
53:31 which is poured out in full strength
53:33 into his cup of indignation, he shall be tormented
53:35 with fire and brimstone in the presence
53:37 of the holy angels and the presence of the lamb
53:39 and the smoke of the torment essence for ever and ever
53:42 and they have no rest day or night who worship the beast
53:44 and his image and whoever receives
53:46 the mark of his name. Here is the patience
53:49 of the saints this is a key part as well
53:51 to the third angel's message.
53:53 Here are those who keep the commandments of God
53:56 and the faith of Jesus. A clear distinction
53:58 it seems like pastor, between worshiping the beast
54:02 and those who keep the commandments of God
54:05 and the faith of Jesus. Yeah, there you know
54:10 to study this and to sort of get the full meaning
54:14 You've got a sort of bite of kind of big chunk
54:18 and chew it little all together and the keys
54:21 that comes at the end, there is a difference between
54:24 those who are given the commandments
54:26 and the faith or in the faith of Jesus
54:29 and those who are not and that does seem to be
54:32 the dividing line. And so the call
54:35 is to make sure that we are command in
54:39 keeping and that we are doing so in the faith of Jesus,
54:42 through the faith of Jesus by the power of Jesus,
54:45 those are the self check that's the mirror
54:49 just you sought to hold up to yourself, am I keeping
54:51 and I keeping it in the faith of Jesus
54:52 and once you have assume, assured yourself of that
54:55 well, then you on the right course.
54:56 And there is no legalism here either?
54:58 No. That's why, I think the writer
55:01 and the word of God is very clear to show that the
55:04 keeping of commandments of God is done in the faith
55:06 and power of Jesus and done with the power of Christ,
55:10 the faith of Christ working through us as well,
55:13 see this is Christ doing these things through the power of
55:16 the Holy Spirit through our lives to change us to, mold
55:19 us to put his law and write in our heart, so that it would
55:21 naturally flows from us in our experience of salvation
55:26 is a living in harmony with God's commandments.
55:29 It's not an effort, if I do this I am okay,
55:32 it's the change that has occurred in one.
55:35 The Lord is telling us to do any number of things
55:37 as we prepare ourselves for the end of the history
55:40 of this world, but they are done in the light of as a
55:43 consequence of a working relationship
55:46 with Jesus Christ. It is, it is, through the power
55:49 of Christ when I said, I make this examination,
55:51 because if I don't really have a function
55:54 related to Christ, I am not even see these things,
55:55 I may not even be aware of this things
55:58 Right. But But, I am looking at you
56:01 Jesus, I'm praying to you Jesus, am I doing the right
56:05 Thing, am I following the right way, am I walking
56:09 in a faith group, that is aligned with the word of God
56:13 Umm! Umm! And Lord if I am not
56:14 show me what's wrong and then assist me as I try to
56:18 get in a right group. Yeah.
56:20 But this is calling for radical maneuvering.
56:23 Umm! if your in the wrong
56:25 church, get out and find the right one. So its
56:30 calling for bible study, it's calling for consecration, it's
56:33 calling for surrender, it's calling prayer and it's
56:35 calling for making a move, if a move is necessary.
56:40 And even Jesus himself said, that there are many sheep.
56:43 I have that are not of form, but he goes on to say.
56:46 Yeah. Them also I will call.
56:48 Yes. Yes. and bring them in,
56:50 so there is ecumenical if can even use the word,
56:53 although we don't agree with ecumenism like it's going
56:56 on right now. Yeah.
56:58 Among all churches, but there is a gathering,
57:00 it's probably the most appropriate word of God's
57:02 people to each other and to him, who with stand at
57:06 the end following the message here, that is
57:10 given in three angels. Yes.
57:12 To make sure that they are observing and worshiping
57:15 God in the way, that he asks.
57:17 Umm! What a powerful thing
57:19 to do it in the way that the God ask.
57:20 Yeah. Yeah.
57:22 Well, our prayer it's been a world win a rapid ride,
57:25 but we pray that you have been blessed with the further at
57:28 least deeper understanding of God's word according to
57:30 those three angels God bless you.
57:32 We will see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17