House Calls

Lesson In Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang, John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL100011

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this addition of "House Calls."
00:22 Welcome to another edition of House Calls,
00:25 exciting program we have in store for you today.
00:26 We are so glad that you decided to join us.
00:28 My name is, Pastor John Stanton,
00:30 and with me in the studio is, Pastor C.A. Murray.
00:33 Pastor Murray, great to have you here again.
00:34 Good to be here, I don't get to do this quite enough
00:36 as I would like to, but it's always get to share
00:39 the living room dare I say with you.
00:42 There we go and its always a blessing to have you here,
00:44 I will say that, because it really I mean it,
00:46 it's been a joy any time you have had a chance
00:49 to do this program here with me so.
00:51 Fine, thank you. Yeah.
00:53 We have a program that is just a single program on,
00:57 well, we've titled it "Lessons in Faith."
01:00 And I think that you will learn something from this,
01:03 I certainly did as I dived into the story in God's word.
01:08 Before I was doing it, as I was creating a sermon actually.
01:12 And it just, it jumped out at me so much in my own life,
01:15 you know, those are sermons that God's puts together
01:17 for you that really mean more to the preacher
01:19 than it does to those been preached to.
01:21 This is one of those and so I just thought
01:23 I would pull this together
01:24 and kind of share some things with you all.
01:26 But thank you for joining with us today.
01:28 Here we want to make sure that we start off
01:30 by going to the Lord in prayer.
01:32 So would you lead us?
01:33 I'll be glad to do so.
01:34 Gracious Father, again we come to you
01:36 with thankful hearts with grateful hearts,
01:39 so much to be thankful for including the top of the list
01:44 is the death of Your Son, in Him we live, move,
01:48 have our being and we thankful,
01:49 we're thankful for an opportunity to join hands
01:53 with you at the greatest work ever given
01:55 to the frail hand of men and women
01:56 and that is sharing the love of Christ with the dying world.
02:00 And so today, we ask that Your spirit
02:02 would again surround us and fill us
02:04 as we seek only to lift up Jesus
02:07 and let Him be seen of men and women.
02:09 Securing the knowledge that Christ is coming soon
02:12 and that we must be prepared for that grand
02:14 and awful day and we thank you in Jesus name, amen.
02:18 Amen, and as we depend upon on this program.
02:23 We depend upon our listeners
02:25 and our viewers to sending questions.
02:27 We're gonna cover some of those questions today.
02:29 They are good ones as usual
02:30 and we just want to invite you to continue to send those
02:33 in either by regular mail to 3ABN at House Calls
02:38 or care of House Calls or you can send it to
02:42 House Calls directly by email,
02:44 it's
02:49 send your emails, your questions in by e-mail.
02:52 We will make sure, we do our best to get to those
02:55 as we're doing here today, a couple,
02:57 a few questions that are very good.
03:00 We try to group them into subjects
03:02 that I think more people are asking.
03:05 There are some ones out there that are really lengthy
03:08 and then it will cover a lot of topic
03:09 or topic that we can really go into
03:13 and cover on the program specially when a lot people
03:16 really gonna asking that question,
03:17 but we have some that we have repeated questions on,
03:20 we like to get to those.
03:23 Pastor Murray, you want to go ahead and start this off.
03:24 Okay, I've got a question from Linda,
03:31 and it says, hello, the subject of no marriages or birth
03:37 will be in the time of the thousand years with Christ.
03:41 I'm wondering if there will be marriages or births
03:44 in the new earth.
03:45 Thank you so very much for answering and God bless.
03:48 Well, let's go pastor to Matthew 22 verse 30.
03:56 There are many, many statements about,
03:58 about have any knowledge the Bible does say,
04:01 Eye has not seen, ear nor heard,
04:03 neither has entered into the heart of man,
04:05 what God has, the things that God has prepared.
04:07 So God hasn't given us verse by verse by verse by verse--
04:12 an outline of what's going to happen.
04:13 But we have some very broad brush strokes.
04:15 What are the things we know and we have to trust them
04:17 that is going to be better than what we have here.
04:20 Whatever you, whatever we got,
04:21 it's going to be far superior to that,
04:24 they are not going to get old and slow down.
04:27 But as pertains marriage and these kinds of things
04:32 verse 30 of Chapter 22 Book of Matthew
04:35 "For in the resurrection they neither marry
04:38 nor are given in marriage,
04:40 but I like the angels of God in heaven."
04:44 So it, let us know that this marrying
04:49 and divorce and those kind of things
04:53 not going to happen anymore, praise the Lord.
04:57 And we're gonna be like the angels as it were,
04:59 you know, there is going to be a higher order
05:01 of it says, if I had to say.
05:05 Trust in God, that whatever is best will be there.
05:12 You know, we can get so hung up on the things
05:15 that we know and see here on planet earth.
05:18 But what are very best pales in comparison
05:21 to what's gonna be there in heaven,
05:23 plus the Bible says no good thing will God,
05:25 will God withhold from them that fear Him.
05:28 And if that is true about this earth,
05:30 then it's certainly must be true about heaven.
05:33 We're gonna get heaven's very, very best
05:35 and be able to enjoy that throughout all eternity, yeah.
05:39 You know, and it's not like
05:41 there will not be marriage per say,
05:45 because this question often comes from someone
05:48 who really has a desire to have a family.
05:51 And maybe with a husband
05:54 or with a wife be able to have children,
05:56 and raise those children. Yeah.
05:59 Obviously if there was never ending birth of children
06:02 and generation after generation,
06:04 then you get to a point we're living forever
06:05 that this earth can hold everybody anymore,
06:07 but so that's a common sense answer.
06:11 But I think that as far as marriage is concerned,
06:13 obviously the marriages we have now will continue to exist,
06:17 because God is a God of oneness
06:20 and He is--the marriage relationship is blessed by Him
06:23 and that's--he won't just eradicate that.
06:25 So, you know, that's one answer I would have,
06:29 obviously Jesus is our husbandman as well.
06:32 So for each person they actually
06:33 are married to their Savior.
06:35 And let me tell you if, I mean, you may be living
06:38 on this earth for eternity,
06:40 but this isn't the only place you're gonna be,
06:42 you're gonna be spending a lot of time doing a lot of things
06:44 to serve the Lord and in ministering to others
06:47 and it is going to be a blessing I think.
06:50 Sometimes we can really get confined
06:52 into thinking about one aspect
06:53 and missing that potentially in the kingdom to come,
06:57 but whatever God has, I like the way you've said it,
06:59 is going to more than make up for anything
07:02 that we have now in here.
07:04 Yeah, this term marrying, given marriage is usually
07:08 used as I'm running it through my mind pejoratively
07:12 as sort of a worldly pursuit of marrying,
07:15 breaking down marriage, marry somebody else break it down,
07:18 I say, break it on divorce,
07:20 you know, it sort of running in and out of relationships.
07:23 We know that will not exist in heaven this running,
07:26 you know, I get tired, I'd go to somebody else
07:28 is running in our relationships will not exist.
07:31 So in that context, it will not exist,
07:32 there will be stable relationships,
07:35 eternal relationships in heaven,
07:37 but this jumping back and forth and that kind of thing
07:38 and I'm tired or I've seen somebody else better over here
07:42 kind of thing that will not be in heaven.
07:45 Yeah, and praise the Lord. Praise the Lord indeed.
07:49 Here is the question from Ivona.
07:52 And she says here, she has been watching some videos
07:57 and things and in House Calls from,
08:02 it looks like YouTube actually there is some stuff
08:04 that we put up there on YouTube.
08:06 And she says, here on one of the programs,
08:08 a point was made about the second coming of Jesus.
08:10 I don't fully understand it,
08:12 but I'd be glad if you can enlarge on that point.
08:14 As the Bible said, the second coming of Jesus,
08:16 at that time there will be two groups,
08:19 those who belong to God
08:20 and those who don't belong to God.
08:23 And she says, the truth is in the Bible
08:26 it seems--it says that there are some
08:29 who pretend to know Jesus,
08:31 but Jesus rejects them when He returns.
08:34 And so is it possible really for people
08:36 to pretend to know Jesus and use His name
08:38 and do all these things and does God listen to them
08:41 when they're doing those things,
08:42 anyway there's just a general questions
08:44 here about the second coming of what the Lord will find
08:47 when he returns to the earth.
08:49 Of course there is all that text that we've read
08:51 several times that when the Lord comes again,
08:53 will He really find, or will He find faith on the earth.
08:56 Yes. That's really what He is looking for,
08:58 those who believe in Him.
09:00 But there are other aspects of faith
09:01 that are so important for us to realize
09:04 and that is, you know, faith as far as
09:07 relationship is concerned, knowing the Lord
09:10 and that word knowing in the Bible is very intimate word,
09:14 it's a oneness, it's a coming together to really know
09:17 and to have a relationship with
09:19 and, you know, I've always said that if,
09:21 you know, I married Rochelle,
09:23 and we exchanged vows and we were pronounced married
09:28 and we went away from that wedding
09:30 and I said hey, we'll see you tomorrow
09:32 and I jumped in my car and went to my house
09:34 and she went to hers and I called her the next day
09:36 and said hey, you want to get together?
09:38 It just wouldn't quite work. No.
09:39 And I don't think she would accept it nor would I.
09:42 But, you know, marriage as well as
09:47 us being married to God to Jesus, our Savior,
09:51 has everything to do with a deep intimate relationship.
09:56 And so when Jesus pronounces
09:59 and this is found in Matthew Chapter 7.
10:01 When Jesus pronounces upon those
10:03 who are doing all these things in Jesus name,
10:08 He pronounces a judgment on them he says this,
10:11 let me just read it here
10:13 "Many will say to Me in that day"
10:15 from verse 22 of Matthew 7 "Lord, Lord,
10:18 have we not prophesied in Your name,
10:19 cast out demons in Your name,
10:21 and done many wonders in Your name?'
10:23 And then I will declare to them, Jesus says
10:25 'I never knew you, depart from Me,
10:28 you who practice lawlessness!"
10:30 So they are many in the world today
10:33 that are taking God's name. Yes.
10:36 Upon their lips, upon their mind,
10:38 upon everything they do,
10:40 but they don't really know Jesus.
10:43 And that is a problem. Yes.
10:45 Because the works that they are doing,
10:48 they and others are seeing the results,
10:52 so things are happening.
10:54 But it's not Jesus, who is doing them.
10:56 Yes, yes, yeah. And this is one of the huge
11:00 issues that Jesus had with the people
11:02 during His first advent. He says,
11:04 you people seek a sign, you want me to do miracles,
11:07 you want me to prove that I'm God through these things
11:09 that I do and that's not what I'm about.
11:13 And Jesus again when He comes back the second time,
11:15 you know, who is going to be doing the miracles?
11:18 Although Jesus will be doing some miracles.
11:20 But the one who does them for show
11:22 is going to be the enemy Satan himself
11:25 claiming to be Christ himself. True.
11:27 And so that's why, it is so important to know God
11:31 as far as the relationship and just let Him take care of.
11:35 The experience we have in salvation
11:37 and saving us on that day that He comes to take us home.
11:42 Very, very powerful and very, very important and
11:45 very, very necessary. There is so much counterfeit
11:48 so much around today that can sort of lead us off track.
11:52 We need to make sure that we're focus and centered.
11:54 Yeah, you know, there are some just some scriptures here
11:56 with regard to the second coming.
11:58 Why we call it the second coming in John 14:1-3,
12:02 He promised his disciples "I will come again."
12:04 Again, yes. That means another time,
12:06 a second time, because that was His first.
12:09 Hebrews 9:28 talks about Him coming a second time, okay.
12:15 First Thessalonians 4:15 to 17 is description
12:18 of that event of Christ coming that second time.
12:22 Also several references in the Bible
12:24 talking about the day of the Lord
12:27 or the day of Christ all referring to the second coming
12:32 and so there is definitely not only scriptural support,
12:36 but there is-its clear,
12:38 clearly in the Bible it support that Jesus
12:42 literally will come in a visible way.
12:44 In a audible way and to the point where the world
12:49 all of us at one time will see Him
12:51 coming in the clouds of glory.
12:53 Amen, amen. Yeah, He is coming in very public,
12:56 left very public, coming back very, very public.
12:58 Now slipping in one night under the shadow of darkness.
13:01 That's right. Well, In fact when He comes
13:03 there will be no darkness, it will all be light.
13:05 I sense some concern here I think, you know, am I,
13:10 if I'm serving God in the way that I don't really know Him
13:13 and all of sudden I'm surprise when He gets here
13:16 that I don't know. I don't believe
13:19 there is going to be a real surprise.
13:21 I think the evidence here in Matthew 7
13:24 even when they talk about, you know,
13:26 we've done all these things in your name,
13:28 how could you not take us home with you.
13:30 I don't really think they're surprised,
13:32 I think they're just trying to talk Him into it.
13:34 And so there is something about our relationship with Jesus
13:40 that when we are in that relationship we know it,
13:43 and that the evidence is, there is a spiritual inside
13:48 that we all have when we are not
13:50 in a right relationship with Christ. True.
13:52 So that He lets us know that
13:53 we need to open our hearts more to Him.
13:56 So I don't think anybody is gonna be surprised.
13:58 Ooh, what you mean, I didn't know You.
14:00 I think He lets us know those things ahead of time.
14:03 Yeah, and I think all of the ways
14:06 that the Holy Spirit pleads with us and tracks us down
14:09 and gives us opportunities.
14:12 I think people know when they're rejecting
14:14 and you may not know every individual case,
14:17 but if there is this consistent turning way from Lord,
14:19 you know, the bent of your life, you know,
14:22 so then if you are not among the redeemed,
14:26 well, I don't think its gonna be a total 180 degree surprise.
14:30 I agree with you that there is going to be,
14:32 because God provides for us so many opportunities
14:34 to get right with Him.
14:36 He introduces Himself to us in so many ways
14:38 and introduction can be a river car crash where your car
14:42 was mangled and you got up and walked away.
14:44 You know, those kinds of things,
14:46 and I think when we look back over our lives.
14:50 The things we're going to see is the multiplicity of ways,
14:54 that God try to insert Himself into our life
14:58 flows our experience and for those who are not,
15:01 who are not finally saved, how we've rejected those
15:04 and we shall remember, He said,
15:05 no I'm doing this, I don't want to do that.
15:07 Right, right. So I guess the end
15:09 to whole conclusion of the, the moral of that story
15:12 is to make sure that you are
15:13 in that relationship with Christ.
15:14 You are letting Him lead in. Yes.
15:16 And you are being, you are following
15:17 what He reveals to you through the spirit in the word of God.
15:22 Thank you for that question.
15:24 I have a question, and it's a rather lengthy one,
15:29 the answer won't be, won't be quite as long.
15:33 She says let me first say, I love this program,
15:35 I watch it whenever possible.
15:38 Though right now, I have very heavy burden
15:40 that I can't seem to get lifted.
15:43 I have been married for three years to the most loving
15:45 caring, wonderful husband and father
15:49 that anyone will pray for.
15:51 The position is that I've never been
15:54 physically attracted nor do I love him.
15:57 I've experienced those feelings in the past
16:00 and in past relationships where actually I find myself
16:02 attracted to someone that I work with right now.
16:07 This is in fact the second time during my three year marriage
16:10 that I have, I've had those feelings for other men.
16:13 I'm talking about butterflies in my stomach,
16:16 heart racings, skipping upbeat,
16:18 when I hear this man's voice or see his face.
16:21 It drives me crazy that I can't feel
16:23 those things for my own husband.
16:25 In fact every little thing he does irritates me
16:29 and I'm constantly shouting at him
16:31 or criticizing him and I hate that.
16:35 My husband knows how I feel
16:37 and we both have shared quite a few tears over this.
16:40 I just don't know what to do?
16:42 Why do I find myself attracted to other men
16:46 and not my spouse? I have prayed about this
16:48 for number of years even sort prayer
16:51 from 3ABN prayer warriors, so far nothing has happened.
16:55 We have a four-month-old son
16:56 which complicates matters further.
16:59 I wish I could just disappear.
17:01 I've already had an affair two years ago
17:05 and have fantasized about being with other men also.
17:10 I honestly feel, I'm at my wits end?
17:14 And there is some other things don't know where to turn,
17:18 she says maybe Christians and I supposed to feel passion
17:21 and desire for the spouses.
17:22 I'm just so depressed about this in the back of mind,
17:26 I'm hoping my husband will take the courage and leave,
17:29 so I don't feel so guilty.
17:31 So, we've got pretty complicated kind of deal here.
17:35 A number of things, obviously Satan is at work
17:40 and I need to tell our writer,
17:45 our viewer what I said this
17:48 once to our friend who was in the same situation.
17:52 And I told them, in fact they were actually getting ready
17:55 to consummate an affair.
17:57 They had made a date to meet at certain hotel.
18:00 And I told her, there is no corner of heaven
18:03 that co-signs what you're doing?
18:06 Once you have given your vows to your spouse
18:10 in the presence of God,
18:13 that's what you've signed on for,
18:16 I use that terminology.
18:18 The fact that Satan plans thoughts in your mind
18:22 and that you entertain those thoughts is not licensed
18:26 for following through on those thoughts.
18:29 Yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah, you know,
18:31 where I'm going, I'm in Second Corinthians 10
18:34 and I'm gonna pick it up at verse 4,
18:37 because we are dealing with some super natural
18:41 kinds of things that are going on here too.
18:42 You know, devil is playing games with our mind.
18:46 So we're in verse 4, Second Corinthians 10
18:50 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
18:53 but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
18:57 casting down arguments and every high things
19:00 that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
19:02 bringing every thought into captivity
19:05 to the obedience of Christ."
19:11 What I think she is dealing with John is
19:14 an attack of the enemy that is,
19:19 I'm gonna use the term playing games with her mind.
19:22 But again, because Satan plans a thought,
19:25 it doesn't mean we have to entertain that thought.
19:30 We have to replace it with another thought.
19:35 I found that fighting against the devil is not the way to go.
19:43 Surrender to Christ is how you fight.
19:46 You let Christ to fight.
19:48 What our dear viewer needs to do is surrender
19:54 her life for thought, life her imagination to Jesus.
19:59 Rather than trying to not think about other guys.
20:04 Focus on a loving relationship with Christ.
20:07 See the one thing if she said, my husband beats me,
20:10 my husband is mean to me, my husband is a, is a rat.
20:15 She says, "I've been married to the most loving,
20:18 caring, wonderful husband and father
20:21 that any woman could pray for." So, she has a got a good man.
20:27 Trust God and even ask God for love for her husband,
20:31 because these, these other things are demonic insertions
20:36 into her life that are gonna destroy not only this marriage,
20:41 but any hope that she would have for a future marriage
20:44 if she doesn't deal with this.
20:46 And that's what I was going to say,
20:47 even this guy that she is looking at down the road,
20:52 if she gets rid of her first husband. Yeah.
20:54 And goes with this new guy, they're going to be,
20:57 there's going to be a time where the haaa,
20:59 the heartbeat and the palpitations
21:02 and all the things that go with,
21:04 you know, an intense feeling goes away.
21:08 And she is now going to--she would then
21:10 face the same issue she is facing today.
21:13 Pricisely. And if--if you're always chasing an emotion,
21:18 if you're always chasing a feeling,
21:19 if you're always chasing for that experience,
21:22 you know of intimacy in a whether
21:25 even with the sexual perspective too,
21:28 it is going to in marriage you're going to face with
21:33 what is normal everyday life. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:37 And learning that before you ruin the one
21:39 you're in is really key.
21:41 And I think the text you read is really good.
21:44 This is a stronghold. It is, yeah.
21:47 The devil has a stronghold right now.
21:49 He knows this area is strong. We all have them.
21:52 I mean, you know we're talking about this one specifically,
21:55 but all of us had those areas in our life
21:58 that the devil knows we struggle with the most.
22:00 And he works it and he works it and he works it
22:03 and he is working it with her for all he has got,
22:07 and she is continuing to go and succumb to that.
22:11 Yes. And there is God,
22:12 the only way that she can break that
22:14 stronghold is to cry out to God.
22:17 Give these thoughts to Him and say, "Lord,
22:19 I know You can break down the stronghold,
22:21 I can't do it, I'm not going
22:22 where I need to go in these thoughts.
22:24 I'm giving it to You, please take these things away,
22:27 and cleanse me from them." And the Lord will do it.
22:30 Yeah, see the stronghold is developing an appetite
22:33 for what you don't have.
22:35 And when, I think your point is very important
22:38 when you get the next one,
22:40 you're still gonna want somebody else,
22:41 because that's a stronghold,
22:42 its dissatisfaction where you're.
22:45 Before you get married,
22:47 your goal is to get what you want. Right.
22:49 You see something, you get what you want.
22:51 Once you get married your goal is to want what you got.
22:55 You know, and that it's important
22:59 that you make that shift. Yeah.
23:01 Because you, you've got what you want,
23:04 now you got a want what you got.
23:06 And you said, he is a good man.
23:08 If he, if he is indeed a good man then concentrate
23:12 on being a good wife and disabuse yourself
23:15 of those other fantasies.
23:16 Don't allow your mind to ruminate over
23:19 even when a thought comes in, take it captive,
23:21 get rid of it, and don't, don't spend time there
23:25 because a thought presupposes an action. That's right.
23:29 An action becomes a habit, a habit becomes a lifestyle.
23:33 So, you're moving into an area that you certainly
23:37 don't want to go in because there is no,
23:38 there is no end to it. Cut if off now while you can,
23:41 stay with the man who God has given you
23:44 and who you've said is a good man,
23:46 and bring your thoughts into captivity
23:48 and don't follow through on any of those thoughts.
23:51 James, Chapter 1, Verse 14, each one is tempted
23:55 when he's drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
23:59 Then when desire is conceive and I would say,
24:02 it's already conceived here, it gives birth to sin.
24:06 Now, here is where you don't want to go
24:07 and sin when it is full grown brings forth death.
24:11 At some point in your life you've got to make the decision
24:13 that you want Jesus more than you want these other men.
24:17 You want Jesus more than you want the sin
24:20 and that has to be a deterrent.
24:23 Because if, if having Jesus and having eternal life
24:26 is not a deterrent for what you've here,
24:28 that's temporary, I don't know what is.
24:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You'll always be dissatisfied,
24:33 if you can't find satisfaction in Christ.
24:35 Precisely, and the canvass upon which
24:38 this is being played is bigger than just your home
24:41 or just your husband and your wife.
24:43 There is alienation of relationship with Jesus Christ.
24:47 You know, you can't be in Christ and have these things.
24:50 So now since the spirit is not in charge of life,
24:53 Satan is, and he will take you anywhere
24:55 he wants and take you, you've no buttress,
24:58 no bulwark, no defense against him,
25:00 because you surrender that relationship with Christ
25:03 for the one of something which is illicit,
25:06 which you should not have.
25:08 So, you're really putting yourself on very,
25:10 very shaky ground and playing with your eternal salvation.
25:14 It's more than just this husband,
25:15 or even this child, or even your life,
25:18 we're talking about your,
25:19 your future not only in this life,
25:22 but in the world to come with Jesus Christ.
25:24 You don't want to jeopardize those things over an illusion
25:27 that Satan is putting before your eyes.
25:29 That's right, that's right.
25:30 Good points, good points, good counsel.
25:32 Alright, the last question real quick here,
25:34 it is a short one. Do you know,
25:37 that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible?"
25:40 Is this manifested in Job or any other books?
25:44 You know, there are couple of words in the Bible,
25:46 in the book of Job's specifically
25:49 that some have scribed to dinosaurs.
25:52 One is Leviathan. Leviathan sure.
25:54 The other one is Behemoth. Those two some had us,
25:58 you know believed at least that they may be
26:01 talking about dinosaurs there.
26:03 Leviathan seemed to be more serpent like,
26:05 because it talks about, you know,
26:06 he's even the ability to go into water and other things.
26:09 Behemoth, it is a bigger description,
26:11 a longer description of Behemoth,
26:12 that really seems to be, to me least what I would
26:15 typically think of as a dinosaur.
26:18 And so if you would like any further description of that
26:20 how the Bible speaks of dinosaurs,
26:22 I believe it's probably very accurate.
26:25 Look up, how it describes Behemoth
26:26 in Job Chapter 40 verses 15 to 24.
26:29 I'll just mention the text
26:30 and they can go take a look at it there.
26:32 But it looks to be that, that is probably
26:35 where it most closely resembles dinosaur,
26:39 of course, the word dinosaur did not exist back then so,
26:42 it's a modern term that we use to describe those animals so.
26:45 Thank you very much for your questions.
26:46 We appreciate how you send those in
26:49 faithfully from week to week.
26:50 We want you to encourage you to continue
26:52 to send those into House Calls at
26:55 that's Thank you and continuing send,
27:00 continue sending in those good questions,
27:01 we appreciate that. Amen.
27:03 The topic today, "A lesson in Faith."
27:08 It is one story that has varying perspectives, aspects,
27:14 emotion, all kinds of things gonna wrapped up in it.
27:18 And it is found in Luke Chapter 8,
27:22 if you turn with us there, if you've your Bibles
27:24 and I hope you've your Bibles.
27:26 If you're sitting in front of House Calls
27:28 without your Bible can be very challenging,
27:30 because that's what we do a lot of searching
27:32 through is our Bibles. So if you go to Luke Chapter 8,
27:36 we're gonna see a story of a man named Jairus.
27:40 J-A-I-R-U-S, and all we know really
27:44 about him is that he is a leader of
27:48 one of the authority figures in the synagogue.
27:53 And here we have, it describes him very little except as such
27:59 but it does describe his situation,
28:02 which is very dire here and we're going to pick up
28:05 the story in Luke 8 starting with Verse 41.
28:09 And it says "There a man,
28:12 and behold there came a man named Jairus,
28:16 and he was a ruler of synagogue and he fell down
28:19 at Jesus feet and begged him to come to his house.
28:23 For he had only one daughter about 12 years of age
28:28 and she was dying,
28:30 but as he went the multitudes thronged him.
28:34 "Now, as we talk, as we look at this story
28:38 and the different things that happened along this road
28:40 to his daughter being healed by Christ.
28:44 You know, I want to do it in a certain way, pastor.
28:47 I want to think, I want to read ourselves into the story.
28:51 Okay. I want you to put yourself in the story,
28:54 put yourself in Jairus' shoes, because you're gonna see
28:57 some things here that I think can apply to your own life
29:00 at least I found that in applying to my life
29:02 and my walk, my personal walk of faith with Jesus,
29:05 and I learned so much from that.
29:07 And so the first thing is I ask you to do that,
29:10 the first thing I want you to do is imagine.
29:13 you're a leader, you're looked up to,
29:16 people look at you as may be someone the stable,
29:20 not only in the family, but in the synagogue,
29:22 and here now you're anxious.
29:25 You're at wits end, your daughter is dying,
29:27 you don't know what to do, but you've heard of Jesus.
29:30 Yes. And how many of us find ourselves in those situations
29:35 where you know what life to us has been fairly common,
29:37 fairly simple, but all of a sudden something happens.
29:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know,
29:44 I always look at how the Bible introduces the character
29:47 and it brings him on as a ruler.
29:50 So, this is someone who is accustomed
29:52 to having people defer to him a little bit.
29:57 When I need something, I get it done.
29:59 I'm accustomed to having people around me
30:02 who facilitate my needs.
30:04 Now, I'm in need and it's not something
30:09 I can snap my finger and get done.
30:12 Also the doctors have dealt with this already
30:14 or he has just gone to doctor and gotten it fixed,
30:16 so this is beyond something that,
30:18 that perhaps even the physicians can deal with,
30:20 so I'm constrained now to go to the one person
30:24 who can help me and, of course, that is Jesus.
30:28 But, I can even get single treatment from Him,
30:32 because there is all kinds of people around.
30:34 And my ruler ship status doesn't help me here,
30:36 because those people and-- so I've got to sort of get
30:39 in line with everybody else. Yeah.
30:41 And wait my turn, so he is frustrated,
30:43 you know, there's anxiety and stress here
30:46 because he has got a burden,
30:47 he is used to getting it done quickly
30:49 and now he has got a wait on getting his burden done,
30:51 but that's the way Jesus is,
30:52 you know sometimes He make you wait.
30:54 And he has got to be kicking himself a little bit too,
30:56 because he could have come to Jesus before.
30:58 He is waited, He has put that off
31:00 and how often I put these things off in my own life.
31:02 You know, in trying to solve the problem,
31:04 you figure all the way to do it.
31:05 All of a sudden the thought comes. Yeah.
31:07 Why I haven't, why I haven't gone to Jesus yet?
31:09 Yeah. Why I haven't prayed to Him?
31:12 And I'm even as a pastor, I can get so caught up quickly
31:15 in the situation that I forget to go to Jesus first.
31:19 And so here this man, you know he sees,
31:21 He is thronged, he sees this multitude around Jesus' knees,
31:24 he has got to be kicking himself,
31:25 because I could have found Him yesterday
31:27 or maybe a day before, a little earlier if He can really help,
31:30 He could have helped even easier,
31:31 more easier at least little easier
31:33 than without all the multitudes and he is coming up
31:36 trying to get Jesus' attention and what happens.
31:41 Finally is this multitude is thronged, is around him.
31:44 But verse 43 says,
31:47 "That a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years,
31:51 who had spent all her livelihood on physicians
31:53 and could not be healed by any,
31:55 came from behind and touched the border of His garment.
32:00 And immediately her flow of blood stopped.
32:03 And Jesus said, "Who touched Me?"
32:06 When all denied it, Peter and those who are with him said,
32:09 "Master, the multitudes throng and press You,
32:11 and You say, 'Who touched Me?
32:13 But Jesus said, "Somebody touched Me,
32:15 for I perceived power going out from Me.
32:18 Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden,
32:21 she came trembling and falling down before Him,
32:23 she declared to Him in the presence of all the people
32:26 the reason she had touched Him
32:27 and how she was healed immediately.
32:29 And He said to her, "Daughter, be of good cheer
32:32 your faith has made you well. Go in peace."
32:36 Now, I'm not inserting myself in the woman shoes,
32:39 because we're talking about Jairus here.
32:43 But this has to be a little, a little anxious.
32:46 He has got still be a little more anxious now
32:48 because He is stopping to take time with this woman.
32:52 Now culturally, the woman gets the last of everything, right.
32:57 Very true. Not only are the multitudes thronging Him
32:59 and there are people who want things from him,
33:01 there is this woman, come on she has been bleeding
33:03 for how many years my daughter is dying
33:05 and He is stopping to help her.
33:06 Yeah, yeah, His miracle is interrupted,
33:08 because the Bible does say, Christ turned to go with him.
33:12 Yes. As they're going so he gets little,
33:15 hey, He is coming, He is coming,
33:16 all of sudden the brakes are put on
33:18 and here comes this woman out of nowhere
33:20 and Christ stops to not only heal,
33:23 but turn it into a kind of a testimony meeting.
33:25 You know this is, this soften the road,
33:28 meanwhile, while we're concentrating
33:30 and praising God for this woman being healed.
33:31 This guys has got a daughter that's back home
33:34 very, very ill and Christ is asking questions
33:37 and getting stuff from His disciples,
33:39 and who touched Me and Master everybody is around You,
33:42 what do you mean, who touched You.
33:43 There is this long run off conversation and Jairus is back,
33:46 I can see him just sort of you know tapping his foot,
33:49 like okay, remember me, do, go along with a kid,
33:52 I got this child here.
33:54 We need to get on down the road, but Christ stops him
33:57 and Jairus' is king of put on hold for just a moment
33:59 while Christ takes up care of something else.
34:01 And then the neat thing here is, Jairus is put on hold,
34:04 but I think Jesus has a reason for it.
34:06 I do too, yes.
34:08 There's a reason why Jairus has to sit here
34:10 and wait and watch because it seems to be
34:12 that all the things that the woman needed Jairus needs.
34:16 True. Everything that the woman needed about her life
34:20 that had been going on for years, 12 years.
34:25 His daughter needs in an instant. Yeah.
34:27 And he is now seeing what the power is that comes
34:31 from this Jesus that he is trying to get to his home.
34:34 And what's interesting, John, we don't see
34:36 any great faith statement from Jairus.
34:39 I think he knows, he is in the presence
34:40 of someone who can help,
34:42 but there is no great statement of faith.
34:44 We don't have any great statement.
34:46 We know, we are dealing with a ruler
34:48 and someone who is used to getting things done,
34:51 but there is no great surrender statement
34:53 or statement of faith.
34:55 But Jairus now has to stand and witness what true faith is,
34:58 because this woman was all faith.
35:00 Right. You know, see if I can touch,
35:02 I'll be healed, and of course, Christ commends that great faith
35:05 so Jairus is forced to watch
35:07 what a real grasp or touch of faith he is in.
35:11 I'm sure that Jairus, who started with Jesus
35:14 and the Jairus post this woman, is a different guy,
35:17 because he is seeing something
35:18 very, very powerful with his own eyes.
35:20 And that is, that is so key
35:22 because as I think about my own life even,
35:25 how many times does having to wait.
35:28 Instead of destroy my faith, build my faith.
35:31 You know, initially we would think having to wait
35:34 would just tear us down. Yeah.
35:36 But it's not that way with God.
35:38 When we wait, our faith we tend to dig in
35:42 and that's why when Revelation talks about
35:44 the faith of Jesus, it's Him giving us,
35:48 inserting His faith in the place of our weakness,
35:51 as we wait and building us to the point
35:53 where we can receive something by faith,
35:56 where before we didn't have a faith to receive it.
35:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
35:59 I think the fact that he witnessed this
36:02 in for tune it faith in and there are some indications,
36:05 a folk kind of knew this woman situation,
36:09 as she is slipping through the crowd
36:10 and then Christ stops them to see,
36:12 sort of part, that sea of people sort of part.
36:16 Jairus has an opportunity to really reflect on faith
36:21 and the answer to faith and the response of faith,
36:24 all in the context that hey, if this is anybody else,
36:28 I had this done hours ago. Right.
36:30 But now I've got to wait here
36:31 and just put my trust in Jesus that when He gets around to it,
36:36 first my daughter will still be alive
36:38 and that she will be healed,
36:40 and that things are going to be all right.
36:41 So his faith, what little faith he may have
36:43 is really being tested now,
36:45 because he dos not get an immediate response.
36:47 Right. Yeah.
36:49 Now, someone else is looking on here too,
36:51 and that's the enemy. Yes.
36:53 And he sees that Jairus is needing that faith
36:58 and Jesus is beginning to give it to him.
37:01 And so right when that happens
37:03 and Jairus is seeing the possibilities here
37:05 and his faith is being strengthen, even though
37:07 he is having to wait, he is little anxious still.
37:09 We see something happen here
37:12 and we get back to the story of Jairus in Verse 49,
37:15 "While He was still speaking" that's Jesus. Yes.
37:18 "someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house,
37:21 saying to him, "Your daughter is dead.
37:24 Do not trouble the Teacher." Yeah.
37:28 So, right when you need that faith the most
37:31 and we're holding on, but is going little longer
37:34 than its supposed to, the enemy steps
37:35 and then says Jesus isn't gonna respond.
37:38 Don't bother Him, it's going to work.
37:40 Think of the rains, the constellation of emotions,
37:44 the fact that this woman is touches
37:46 and is immediately healed and Christ makes,
37:48 let's say a big deal about this.
37:51 His faith must have said, ha, ha, He can do this,
37:54 He can do this, this is gonna happen.
37:55 And just as you say, just as things
37:57 are beginning to percolate in his system,
37:59 someone comes with the bad news,
38:01 don't bother Him, well, she is dead.
38:03 From the mountain top right down
38:06 to the depths of the valley.
38:07 Yeah, yeah, Christ had let us stay
38:09 there too long, praise God.
38:12 In fact, Jesus comes to the rescue,
38:14 because He knows what the enemy is trying to do
38:16 through this bad report. Verse 50, when Jesus heard it.
38:20 Now as Jesus is paying attention to Jairus,
38:22 He is knowing what his experience is
38:26 and He is hearing this report given to Jairus,
38:28 it's not given to Jesus, but he overhears it and he says,
38:32 "Do not be afraid Jairus, only belief
38:36 and she will be made well. Yeah.
38:38 So He is focused on this woman,
38:40 but he hadn't forgot about Jairus.
38:42 You know, Jairus may be thinking what this is,
38:44 God totally focused on this little lady,
38:47 I had got a situation here, and that's say something that
38:49 that there is enough Jesus in heaven
38:52 to deal with John Stanton and C.A. Murray.
38:55 You know, and everybody else that comes on to Him.
38:58 With our now problem. Yes, precisely.
39:00 He can fully give you His attention
39:03 and fully give me His attention,
39:05 that's the kind of God we serve.
39:06 Wow, wow. And it goes on,
39:08 I mean, this story just continues,
39:10 there is so much depth to it.
39:12 Jesus continues on now to walk with Jairus,
39:14 even though I'm sure Jairus is little bit discouraged.
39:16 She is already dead. He knows that now.
39:19 And it says that "When he came into the house,
39:23 this is Jesus, He permitted no one to go in except
39:26 Peter, James, and John and the father
39:29 and the mother of the girl.
39:31 Now all the people wept and mourned for her,
39:34 but he said do not weep, she is not dead, but sleeping,
39:38 and they ridiculed him knowing that she was dead.
39:43 But He put them all outside, took her by the hand
39:46 and called saying, "Little girl arise."
39:49 Now before we get to that actual resurrection,
39:52 we're seeing some insight here into Jairus' home.
39:55 And I think, He made the statement before
39:58 that He didn't make a big statement of faith.
40:01 This isn't a man that has a lot of faith in Jesus.
40:05 And his house is showing it, because they're mourning,
40:09 it's over, write the books, close them up,
40:13 she is dead, nothing is going to bring her back.
40:16 They are wailing, there seems to be
40:17 no faith in God of any type.
40:20 And it's probably that just the experience of their home.
40:23 And there is no record of him saying, wait Jesus is here.
40:27 You know, He is sort of just goes
40:28 along with everything that's going on.
40:30 So you're dealing with the person
40:32 who if He has any faith is very, very small
40:35 and yet He is a ruler in a synagogue.
40:37 This is someone that, that people look up to,
40:40 someone who is incharge of the service,
40:42 but we get some insight
40:44 into what's going on in his own heart,
40:45 the emptiness in his own life.
40:47 And this of course is a test now
40:50 that will either make him or break him, right.
40:53 As far as his own faith is concerned.
40:55 We had a question earlier.
40:57 You remember about those who did things in his name
41:00 but Jesus says, I depart from me, I never knew you.
41:04 I think this experience with Jesus,
41:05 he is getting to know Jesus.
41:08 And his family does not know Jesus.
41:12 Nor did he know him before he got to Jesus.
41:15 And so what we're seeing here as he is getting to know Jesus
41:17 and the response of the family is very indicative
41:23 of maybe those who proclaim God's name in the last days.
41:28 But don't really have an experience,
41:31 or deep knowledge,
41:32 or intimate relationship with God, yeah, yeah, yeah.
41:34 And their faith is nothing for them.
41:36 I mean these folks are Jews, they're Jewish.
41:40 They know about God they've been taught by God,
41:41 they've been taught in a synagogues, in the schools.
41:44 They know that what God is capable of,
41:47 they read those stories, yet there is no practice of it.
41:49 Precisely and I think its interesting Jesus has
41:52 and could have healed
41:53 in the presence of all that negativity.
41:55 He chose not to, you know, He put them all outside.
41:59 I don't want to be surrounded by all of this unbelief.
42:03 He chose not to, in this particular instance.
42:05 There were times when He healed
42:06 in the presence of unbelievers.
42:08 Folk who weren't quite convinced?
42:10 But He chose not to in this particular time.
42:11 He took a small group Peter, James John,
42:14 who all have issues themselves, that's right.
42:17 And mother and father went in
42:19 and close the door, yeah, just that group.
42:21 and it doesn't say much about mother.
42:24 But mom needs this experience too.
42:26 I think so, yes.
42:28 And it doesn't surprise us,
42:29 because husband and wife are one.
42:30 And Jesus wants that experience for both of them.
42:34 But He comes into the room, it says here
42:36 and He says to the little girl "Arise."
42:39 And in verse 55 it says, "With spirit return
42:42 and she arose immediately."
42:44 There was no hesitation.
42:46 And He commanded that she be given something to eat
42:49 and her parents were astonished,
42:51 still they're still not in a faith to get them to say--
42:55 Oh, I knew that would happen.
42:58 They were still shocked this is amazing they think.
43:03 And He, but He charged them
43:04 to tell no one what had happened.
43:07 But this, before we get to that,
43:09 the astonishment part here shouldn't,
43:12 it should surprise us that they were astonished,
43:14 because what had Jairus just experienced with the woman.
43:17 Right, yeah, yeah, he just.
43:19 I mean, He didn't reach out to the woman,
43:20 the woman reached out to Him and she was healed.
43:24 And you would think that he will be saying,
43:26 wow, okay, yeah, I expected something like that.
43:30 It shows how sometimes you can be so steeped in tradition
43:33 and so steeped in your own history,
43:36 that the evidences of the love of Christ
43:39 don't quite compute right at the second you know.
43:42 And I'm sure down the road, I'd certainly pray
43:45 because we don't get a long term view of this story
43:48 that seeing that child grow up
43:50 and fellowshipping with her and watching her.
43:53 Every time she laughed or giggle,
43:55 you have to be taken back to the Christ raise,
43:58 because even though the parents are told,
44:01 don't tell anybody, do you think
44:02 the story leaked out, I believe so.
44:04 Because you had a large who may,
44:07 who knew she was dead,
44:08 but same people who ridiculed Him,
44:09 when He says you're sleeping, they knew.
44:11 And I'm sure they were the first one to publish
44:13 this story that this young girl
44:16 that was dead was raised by Jesus Christ.
44:19 The other part of the astonishment
44:20 also could be tied to the fact
44:23 that he is the ruler of the synagogue
44:24 and he knew what were people saying about Jesus.
44:27 See so he, he has heard the stories of this false teacher
44:32 as far as they're concerned
44:33 and he doesn't think it's possible,
44:36 but he was so desperate that he went to Him any way.
44:39 Yeah desperation, I suppose send you a long way
44:43 when you need something
44:44 you can't get it at any place else,
44:45 you go to the one person who can give it to you.
44:48 And so, you know, he is astonished
44:49 at just you know what happened
44:51 and I'm sure was capable of bearing testimony.
44:54 But Jesus says, don't tell anyone
44:58 and I grapple with that one.
45:00 Yeah, so do I, yeah, yeah.
45:02 Why not tell everyone, Yeah.
45:05 And it stuck me that it's possible
45:08 and in not, you know in this case it would be
45:10 different than every situation it's little different.
45:12 But it's possible that this family
45:14 was not ready to witness for Christ yet.
45:16 It could very well be.
45:17 And just similar to even the disciples,
45:20 they had to go and wait in the upper room
45:23 for the Holy Spirit to descend upon them,
45:25 to give them that ability to witness before they witnessed,
45:28 that something similar was happening here,
45:30 that Jesus was saying, you know what,
45:32 right now you might do more harm than you will good.
45:37 Keep this to yourself and He knew that over time
45:40 of course that their strength would be all they need
45:42 have that right witness but Sometimes I do think
45:46 that we run ahead of God, in our witness, yeah.
45:49 And you know I can think to in my past I was very,
45:55 when I was young, very dogmatic about my faith.
45:59 I mean, I knew I was right, you're wrong.
46:02 There is no offensive, that's about it,
46:03 let me tell you about what I know
46:05 and if you don't accept it, so what.
46:08 And that kind of dogmatism really turn people off.
46:11 Oh, yes, very much so, I see that now.
46:14 Fortunately, it didn't last very long.
46:15 In the way it humbled me.
46:17 But you know here it is this ruler of the synagogue
46:20 and He could have entered into a lot of debates
46:22 and disputes with the other rulers who were there,
46:24 who were denouncing Christ.
46:26 The time for him to witness just wasn't there.
46:31 And Jesus was saying wait.
46:34 Yeah, we have this sort of parenthetical
46:38 insertion He appears
46:40 He is a ruler of the ethnic synagogue,
46:42 Christ does a marvelou work in his life.
46:45 But we don't get any statement
46:47 of overwhelming transforming faith.
46:50 We don't see he and his whole household believe.
46:53 We don't see where he became one of most
46:56 vocal advocates for the kingdom of Christ.
46:58 We don't, we just have
46:59 this wonderful little miracle story
47:03 of the fellow who is the leader,
47:05 who Christ does an extraordinary kindness for.
47:10 And he is shocked and astonished,
47:13 but there is no response listed
47:16 of a great move of faith
47:18 in response to this healing, its not there.
47:20 The woman caught in adulatory,
47:23 much more dramatic experience,
47:26 that's where you got this two stories sort of
47:28 right up against each other.
47:30 One a dramatic faith experience one a resurrection
47:36 an incredible act of mercy by Jesus Christ.
47:41 But there is no great response,
47:43 just we're astonished
47:45 and we sort of press on with their lives.
47:47 Its interesting how those two stories
47:49 are kind of just goes one with the other.
47:50 Yeah and its God ordained.
47:53 He designed that these would go together,
47:55 because one helped the other, yes.
47:58 And sometimes we need help.
47:59 Why do we have testimony time?
48:01 Why do, why is it good that the people of God say so?
48:05 When God does good for them,
48:06 it's because it helps others along in their walk of faith
48:10 to see that Jesus does work this way.
48:12 Amen. not only for others,
48:14 but he can work that way for me.
48:16 And as we start to think about this,
48:19 you know, we're gonna be closing this program out.
48:20 What are some of the things that we can
48:22 learn from this story about our own life?
48:24 And each one of you who are
48:26 watching or listening to this program,
48:28 I'm sure have your own experiences of faith
48:32 and I think one of the first things I took
48:34 from this story is that Jesus has me on a road.
48:40 I'm on a program and He knows where I am at,
48:44 He has given me a measure of faith,
48:45 but that faith I'm sure it started out is very weak.
48:50 And over time He has worked, He has been patient.
48:53 He has been very kind and He has given to me things
48:55 I do not deserve as this man did not deserve, yeah.
48:59 To have this incredible miracle, right.
49:02 But Jesus in His mercy, in His love, His great love
49:08 knew that by showing this love to Jairus and his wife
49:14 and the daughter that He would gain a soul.
49:19 you know, John started me too,
49:21 John, is that Christ responds to our need, not our goodness.
49:27 The only thing that really commends us
49:29 to Him is our great need.
49:33 There is nothing to say that Jairus was a great follower,
49:38 or great believer, or even a great practitioner.
49:41 He is just a ruler, He is in charge, but we don't know
49:44 how that played out in his everyday life.
49:46 So he doesn't have a pedigree to commend him to Christ.
49:50 All he has got is this need.
49:52 He has got a daughter
49:53 who is sick at the point of death.
49:56 Nobody can help her and that's the deck he has,
49:59 that's what he has been dealt with.
50:01 And so he brings that to Jesus
50:02 and that's enough to get Jesus say,
50:04 I'm coming to your house right now.
50:06 You know, so when I go to Jesus,
50:07 I don't have to be flowery, I don't have to be important.
50:11 None of that impresses Christ, all I got is this need.
50:14 And that's what He wants and a little tiny bit of faith,
50:18 just a little bit of faith.
50:20 And I take that to Him and He honors that faith.
50:24 And He says I'll go to your house
50:26 and I'll take care of the situation.
50:28 And I think time and time again we see that is,
50:30 that is Jesus at work, yeah, yeah.
50:32 Because my faith isn't always strong,
50:38 sometimes it's very strong, but it's strong
50:40 because of what Jesus has done
50:42 in that program of strengthening my faith.
50:45 Yeah. Until that day
50:46 that He finishes it finally.
50:48 But here I think what He wanted the way He,
50:51 the reason He was able to work is because of faith first.
50:55 But first of all like you said need,
50:58 Jairus came to Him.
51:01 And how many times does the devil use this tactic of,
51:07 you are not good enough to go to Jesus.
51:09 Oh yes, yeah.
51:11 You better clean yourself up first, yeah.
51:14 You know, you better, you better get good.
51:17 You know you get rid of the smoking
51:19 and the drinking and you get rid of this
51:21 and that in your life
51:22 and then maybe Jesus will listen to you.
51:23 A trick of the enemy.
51:25 And I'm sure that Jairus had some of that thought,
51:28 that if I go to Jesus,
51:29 here I'm a ruler of the synagogue.
51:31 All my friends can't stand Him.
51:33 What is He going to think of me? yeah.
51:34 He might tell me get lost.
51:37 And that is I'm sure it dealt with some of the enemy
51:40 or the enemy I'm sure He does.
51:42 He uses in some of our lives or situations
51:44 that he will try very hard
51:47 to get you not to go to Jesus with your need.
51:51 And so what I learned from this story
51:52 and what maybe I'm hoping you will learn
51:54 from this story is that you need to go to Jesus
51:56 with that need regardless of what the enemy is telling you.
51:59 Regardless of how you think,
52:01 how you feel, Jesus will work
52:03 because you go to Him with your need
52:05 Amen, amen, and I'm so glad that the Bible says that,
52:09 "He that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out."
52:12 You know with just a little hope, a little flicker.
52:16 He is not going to cast out when you get there,
52:17 you'll find open arms waiting for you.
52:19 And that's encouraging,
52:20 because all of us have different needs
52:23 and all of us have different places where we are.
52:25 But we know, if we can get to Jesus,
52:27 if we can turn to Jesus,
52:28 we're gonna find a welcome voice
52:31 and help for our problem.
52:33 You know, as a preacher you try
52:35 and decide or you think more
52:39 about what's going on around the story.
52:41 You know, we talked about Jairus.
52:42 Little about Jesus,
52:44 You know what He is doing in this whole thing,
52:45 we talked a little bit about the woman.
52:47 Of course, she was a woman of faith.
52:50 And that had brought her to that point
52:52 where she could be healed by the touch of His garment.
52:54 But there are others involved here,
52:56 I mean there is a multitude, there's the disciples.
53:01 What are the disciples learning from all this?
53:03 Yeah, yeah, you know and in those three,
53:06 in particular who were such strong personalities you know.
53:11 Yeah the strong as described as the strongest personality.
53:14 Yes yeah the bunch.
53:15 Though they have particular three,
53:16 and he takes them in with Him.
53:19 There're so many levels
53:20 you got the people at Jairus household.
53:22 You got the person that came with a message real
53:24 and they don't bother teacher.
53:25 Who called them teacher by the way.
53:26 Not savior, not healer just
53:28 don't bother a teacher daughter is dead.
53:31 So there're many levels of people
53:32 who're being impacted by the gospel
53:34 and the power of Jesus Christ in this story.
53:36 Yeah and then the incredible thing here is
53:41 I think I don't know exactly
53:42 how many times I never counted.
53:44 But where they were four times or three or four times
53:47 that he resurrected someone back to life.
53:50 We know there's Lazarus, where's this girl.
53:54 There was the son of the woman
53:55 that was in that procession.
53:59 Of course, Jesus Himself
54:00 but I'm thinking of who Jesus resurrected.
54:02 So this did not happen often, no.
54:05 Which lends to why you know he was astonished.
54:09 Imagine what the people who're veiling will think it about.
54:12 Now here it is his daughter.
54:14 Oh she is dead and the daughter
54:15 comes running out to play up to she is, yeah.
54:19 I mean you got to be kidding me.
54:21 And they knew she was dead have been,
54:23 they were certain because the ridicule factor,
54:26 we know that they knew that she was dead.
54:29 And now she up playing around
54:31 and all of the that give her something to eat, you know.
54:34 You know what there's a lesson here life resumes.
54:36 Yes, yes, life then goes on.
54:39 It's not like the lord teaches us in life's experiences.
54:43 He doesn't set us over on this platform
54:45 and gives us some book knowledge
54:46 and then test us and all those things
54:48 and then says okay well done you are ready.
54:49 Yeah, but we in life He teaches us
54:52 in life's lessons and we go back to life.
54:55 Yeah, and it just, it happens.
54:57 and Christ prepares you through His blesses
54:59 and miracles for service in this life.
55:02 He doesn't say lets build three Tabernacles here.
55:04 Let's erect a statue to this miracle.
55:06 Give him some need and lets press on.
55:07 You know, very, very mundane
55:11 sort of circumstances that follow in the way.
55:13 Yet a great miracle was done,
55:15 and I'm sure and I pray not knowing
55:18 the Osborne in that Jairus and his wife and his family
55:21 and his household were never the same after that.
55:23 Even though we get no further enlightment
55:26 after their life after that,
55:28 when Christ comes in and He does a miracle,
55:30 that magnitude things have to change.
55:33 Yeah, now later on we know that,
55:35 and I mention Lazarus was raised from the dead.
55:38 That was another public resurrection, very public.
55:41 In fact, I've-- of all the miracles
55:45 that was probably the one that sealed Jesus death.
55:50 At least in the minds of-- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
55:52 the leaders and Jairus being one of the leaders
55:56 of the synagogue, I'm sure
55:58 when that story surface that came to Him
56:00 whether he was there or not.
56:02 I mention that maybe he wasn't there.
56:04 But when his friend said, you know what Jesus did now.
56:07 You are right after four days Jairus is thinking,
56:11 well, he waited to get to my daughter.
56:14 After four days Jesus calls Lazarus to come forth
56:19 and he lives again, yeah.
56:22 And Jairus is thinking there, oh he did with my daughter.
56:25 So the faith I think you've mention that
56:28 they were never the same,
56:29 but their faith probably strengthened.
56:31 As they continued to hear the stories about Jesus
56:34 which is one of the reasons why on House Calls,
56:36 we spent time studying the word of God.
56:40 From week to week and hope to impart some of that faith.
56:44 Nor we will implant the seed, because it already there,
56:47 I guess not plant the seed is probably
56:49 even the word water that seed a little bit
56:51 But to strengthen you in your walk
56:53 with Christ to know that not only does He love you,
56:56 He cares for you, He has got a plan
56:59 for your life to build and strengthen that faith,
57:01 but there is some incredible things
57:02 that you can't even comprehend
57:04 that He has in store for your life.
57:06 That verse about, eye has seen,
57:07 no ear has heard, no one has even
57:09 entered in the heart what God has prepared for us.
57:12 That there is no context it indicates
57:14 that they are talking about heaven.
57:16 That is talking about what He has planned for your life.
57:18 Yes, yes, yes, for your life
57:20 God has a plan you cannot even comprehend
57:23 and it is definitely in growing
57:25 and sustaining your faith.
57:26 So my prayer is that this story
57:27 has encouraged you in your faith today
57:30 and with your walk with Jesus would be
57:31 all that much stronger, because of that faith
57:34 and His love for you, See you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17