House Calls

Dressing Up For God, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL100013

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend and sit back
00:03 as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:22 Friends, welcome to the most exciting program
00:24 anywhere on the planet at this present moment.
00:28 That's why we're here, we believe that
00:30 and we are convicted and we thank you for tuning in
00:32 because I think that you believe the same thing
00:35 and you know what, I'm not by myself.
00:38 I have my good friend John Stanton.
00:40 Hey, it's good to be here and we say it's the best program
00:43 not because we're bias in anyway.
00:45 No, we're not bias, we are completely unbias.
00:48 But honestly we are saying that because this is a program
00:50 where we talk about the word of God.
00:51 And it makes a difference, it really does make a difference
00:54 when we talk about God's word we are in a book that never,
00:57 never will lose its popularity, it is still no matter
01:02 what comes out next month
01:03 on the New York Times bestseller list,
01:05 it's still the best-selling book in the world.
01:08 It's actually a volume of 66 books and so,
01:12 if you want to be blessed, you stay tuned to the program,
01:14 hit record and we're gonna continue today on our topic
01:19 of "Dressing up for God" and we also have
01:22 some good questions and comments.
01:23 But, first things first.
01:25 Let's have prayer, John. Let's do that.
01:26 Dear Father in heaven, so such a blessing
01:29 here to come before Your throne here
01:31 and seeking your blessing and especially as we start
01:34 our program where we talk about Your word.
01:37 And so Lord, we just thank you for what you're about to give
01:39 because we know that when two or three are gathered,
01:42 you're always here and we just pray that
01:44 as You are here in our midst.
01:46 You give us clear understanding
01:47 and direction, instruction in the word.
01:49 In Jesus name, amen. Thank you, John.
01:53 You know, your questions and comments
01:55 makes this program available every time you tune in,
01:59 anytime you call us, anytime you write us,
02:01 we download them and try to do our best
02:03 to answer them based on God's word
02:04 and today we do have questions.
02:06 And so John, I'm gonna let you go ahead
02:08 and dive into it today and tell us
02:09 what is our first questions going to be.
02:13 Good question here coming from,
02:16 boy, it doesn't actually say on this one.
02:18 But it's along the lines of the topic.
02:19 So that I thought I would share this question here today.
02:22 Greetings from the Lord, brethren,
02:24 indeed we have a mammoth task to tell the world
02:26 of the coming redeemer and the Lord Jesus Christ.
02:30 I have the following questions.
02:32 What is the work that Christ is doing in the heavenly sanctuary?
02:37 Good question, and then he also gives this other question
02:41 which we will answer it later today.
02:42 Is there any difference between American and African Adventism?
02:46 The reason I'm asking is because I've seen
02:48 some of things like Christmas and its connection
02:51 with paganism being observed in America,
02:54 not where I am in Africa,
02:55 also putting on of jewelry other things like that.
02:58 I wouldn't equate Christmas to jewelry,
03:01 but at the same time, I understand his point,
03:04 there seems to be a breaking down
03:06 of the standards within America.
03:10 But anyway, let's answer this first question, all right.
03:12 What is Jesus doing in the heavenly sanctuary
03:15 in the sanctuary, the heavenly sanctuary?
03:18 Turn with us to Hebrews Chapter 9,
03:23 and I'm gonna read starting with verse,
03:26 let's see here, 22, 9:22.
03:33 Okay, Hebrews 9 verse 22. Go forward.
03:36 "And according to the law almost
03:38 all things are purified with blood,
03:41 and without the shedding of blood there is no remission."
03:44 Remission of what? Sin, sin.
03:46 Verse 23, "Therefore it was necessary
03:49 that the copies of the things in the heavens
03:52 should be purified with these, but the heavenly things
03:55 themselves with better sacrifices than these."
03:58 And the "these" he's talking about
03:59 the blood of bulls and goats and animals
04:01 that were part of the, the Earthly sanctuary service.
04:05 "For Christ," verse 24, "has not entered the Holy Places
04:09 made with hands, which are copies of the true,
04:12 but into heaven itself, now to appear
04:15 in the presence of God for us."
04:17 And if you want to know what he's talking about into heaven
04:19 itself that's more specific in verse 11 of that same Chapter,
04:23 saying "Christ has become the high priest of good things
04:26 to come with a greater and more perfect tabernacle,
04:29 not made with hands, that is not of this creation,
04:32 "speaking of the tabernacle in heaven, the heavenly sanctuary.
04:36 And then it says here in verse 25,
04:38 "Not that He should offer Himself often,
04:41 as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place
04:43 every year with blood of another."
04:46 He then would have had to suffer often
04:48 since the foundation of the world,
04:50 but now once-- how many times?
04:53 Once. Once.
04:54 "At the end of the ages, He has appeared
04:56 to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
05:00 And as it is appointed for men to die once,
05:03 but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered
05:05 once to bear the sins of many,
05:08 to those who eagerly wait for Him,
05:09 He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation."
05:14 That's right. Okay, now to sum that up
05:15 in other words, Jesus came the first time to offer himself
05:18 as a sacrifice for us, that's right.
05:21 The next time He appears, He's gonna come for salvation,
05:24 for the redemption of all on this Earth that are waiting
05:27 for Him to take us to heaven to live with Him forever.
05:29 That's right, now the first time He came,
05:33 it says clearly here that he offered himself,
05:36 shed his own blood in place of the blood
05:39 of bulls and goats and lambs and the other things
05:41 that were offered in the old sanctuary service,
05:45 in the Earthly sanctuary and if we recognize,
05:48 if we look, read Exodus,
05:50 if we read Leviticus, we see that,
05:52 that blood was offered every year on a cycle.
05:57 Each time someone presented a sacrifice,
06:00 brought a sacrifice to the sanctuary,
06:03 they entered into the courtyard
06:04 where they were met by a priest,
06:06 where the lamb, for instance,
06:09 was--the throat was slit after they by laying their
06:12 hands on the head of that animal or that lamb
06:16 transferred in symbol, in type II that animal
06:21 their sins that have recently occurred.
06:25 And then the blood that was spilled from that animal
06:28 as it died, the blood was then taken into the sanctuary,
06:32 the Holy Place and sprinkled before the veil,
06:35 on the altar there as well.
06:37 Also that animal was sacrificed by burning it on the altar,
06:42 the brazen altar out in the courtyard.
06:44 Now several things are happening there
06:46 that are in type that Jesus fulfilled.
06:49 He on the cross sacrificed himself and shed his blood,
06:54 which is the altar of burnt offering, that brazen altar,
06:58 the bronze altar that was in the courtyard.
07:00 But now what this is saying here is that as Christ
07:03 ascended into heaven, He went to appear
07:07 in the Holy Place to take his blood,
07:10 not the blood of bulls and goats but his own blood
07:13 to offer that for us, for our sins and he did it just once.
07:18 That's right, so what this is saying here
07:19 is that the services of the old that happened once a year
07:22 on a cycle was a picture of what happens
07:26 on a grand full one time cycle in this Earth's history.
07:32 So really that Earthly sanctuary service is a picture
07:36 of the plan of salvation that God had instituted with Jesus
07:41 for the redemption of mankind.
07:43 So when Jesus gave his life on the cross,
07:45 He was not finished with the atonement, no.
07:49 He only began the atonement process by offering his,
07:52 his body and shedding his blood
07:56 and then He entered into heaven itself,
07:58 to then continue the process of atonement to ministering,
08:02 to interceding in our behalf.
08:04 So that when we sin down here, that sin has been transferred
08:09 to is transferred to Jesus, and then by his shedding blood
08:13 to the sanctuary in heaven.
08:15 Where then needs to be cleansed finally
08:18 at the end of time from sin.
08:20 Now that cleansing process is the connection
08:23 to the Most Holy Place, that's right.
08:25 Which we see, within scripture, within prophecy,
08:29 that period of time that He ministered
08:31 in the Most Holy Place began in 1844.
08:34 So now He's not in the Holy Place,
08:37 which is where He began, He has transitioned
08:39 to the Most Holy Place as described in 18--
08:43 that we're saying happened in 1844,
08:45 to begin or continue his intercession,
08:48 but also to engage in the process of judgment.
08:53 So that the record books or those who profess Christ name,
08:58 those records are seen as to whether or not
08:59 they truly are following Christ,
09:02 and have committed themselves to Christ.
09:04 So atonement can be completed. That's right.
09:07 So atonement just doesn't involve the shedding of blood,
09:10 it involves the application of blood,
09:12 the intercessory aspect of Jesus and His work for us
09:17 and also the completion of that atonement
09:19 which is the acknowledgment when all of a sudden done
09:24 when he's finished, the that those
09:27 who are filthy remain filthy.
09:28 That those who are, who are righteous remain righteous
09:31 as described in Revelation Chapter 22 verse 15, is it?
09:36 Eleven. Eleven, okay good.
09:38 You're much better at the numbers than I am.
09:41 Anyways, so that's, that's really a brief synopsis
09:44 of what Jesus is doing in the heavenly sanctuary,
09:47 and you probably have some things to add to that.
09:48 But it's about as quick as I can do it
09:50 and succinctly as I can come up with.
09:52 And something else on that note,
09:54 He made a promise and that was very well put together,
09:57 He made a promise to the disciples in John Chapter 14,
09:59 He says "In my Father's house are many mansions,
10:02 if it were not so, I would have told you.
10:04 I go to prepare a place for you."
10:06 And the preparation of that place for us
10:09 is something broader than just building mansions,
10:11 a lot of times people think that He's building mansions,
10:13 while the preparation is in fact the atonement work,
10:17 this work of atonement He ever lives.
10:20 Hebrews 7:25, "He ever lives to make intercession for us."
10:24 So this place that He's preparing for us
10:27 is broader than just a mansion being built,
10:29 but in fact He's looking at our lives,
10:32 He's making sure that each of us who professes
10:35 to be his children as the Bible says in First Peter 4:17,
10:39 "The time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God,
10:42 if it begins with us first," and so that's where it starts,
10:46 now what's the purpose of that?
10:48 You know, we look at the work of Jesus,
10:50 His sacrifice that was made on the cross was ratified,
10:58 and He came forth from the grave victoriously,
11:01 now qualifies him as our High Priest forever, He ever lives.
11:07 And I think in one of the programs we mentioned this,
11:10 Jesus is not a priest after the Levitical priesthood,
11:15 but He is a priest after the Melchizedek priest,
11:18 as a matter of fact that's here in
11:20 Hebrews Chapter 7 and verse 21,
11:23 "You are a priest forever according
11:25 to the order of Melchizedek."
11:28 So He's alive and ministering for us today
11:32 and when the Bible says, "If we confess our sins,
11:35 he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins
11:38 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
11:40 That's the work that He's involved in now,
11:42 the mediatorial work, yeah.
11:44 You know, John I think the,
11:46 his work in the Most Holy Place that we described
11:49 his work of investigative judgment is the term
11:52 that Adventist use, but it's a work of judgment
11:54 to determine whether or not those who profess
11:56 Christ's name or followers of Christ.
11:59 That process is really described by Jesus himself in a parable.
12:04 And I'm gonna read this from Matthew Chapter 22.
12:06 Okay, Matthew 22. Let's go there.
12:08 And it says here that, "This king had a son
12:13 who was going to be part of a wedding,"
12:19 and many were sent out to offer or to invite those
12:25 to the wedding, in fact, the first two calls were not
12:27 to those who are being invited for the first time
12:30 it actually describes those who have already been invited
12:32 really the house of Israel is really descriptive of.
12:35 To call them back into that relationship,
12:39 that full relationship with him, so that they can be in faith
12:42 or by faith present at this wedding.
12:45 And then it gets to the third call,
12:47 which is okay, they weren't willing they,
12:48 they ended up killing my servants sent to them.
12:51 I'm going to now invite everyone bad and good,
12:54 all of all people to come in and be part of this wedding
12:57 and I picked that up here in verse 10.
13:00 "So those servants went out into the highways,
13:02 and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good,
13:05 and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
13:08 So as the gospel invitation goes out
13:11 and as people respond to that, if they respond yes, I, this is,
13:16 this is something that I would want to be part of,
13:19 and they accept Jesus as their Savior,
13:21 they then enter into this wedding hall as guests by faith.
13:26 But then you'll notice something happens after that, verse 11.
13:30 "But when the king came in to see the guests,
13:32 he saw a man there who did not have on what?"
13:35 A wedding garment, "So he said to him, friend,
13:38 how did you come in here without a wedding garment
13:42 and he was speechless.
13:45 Then the king said to his servants,
13:46 Bind him hand and foot, take him away
13:48 and cast him into outer darkness,
13:49 there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
13:51 For many are called, and few are chosen."
13:53 Now if you read Matthew Chapter 25,
13:55 there is also description of a wedding.
13:58 It says there that only those who are ready
14:01 go into the wedding.
14:03 So you have to by faith come into the wedding.
14:05 That's right, in other words when they were asking,
14:08 I keep saying another words, because I want to be
14:10 more descriptive but when he was asking,
14:13 how did you getting here without a wedding garment,
14:15 and he was speechless, he wasn't thinking
14:17 how did I get in here without one,
14:18 he had come in with one and he was speechless
14:21 because he no longer had one, right.
14:24 This really, this parable helps to--help us to see
14:27 that once saved always saved
14:28 is not a Bible doctrine, it's not a truth.
14:32 Because you must, you must be ready,
14:36 you must by faith accept Jesus as your savior to come
14:38 into the wedding, but while you are there
14:42 and this inspection is going on
14:43 there are some who will not have that wedding garment on,
14:46 they will lose it and there are others
14:48 who will keep that wedding garment on,
14:51 that the Book of Revelation says that we should are you there?
14:55 Behold, Revelation 16:15, "Behold, I come as a thief.
14:59 Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garment,
15:02 lest he walk naked, and they see his shame."
15:05 Okay. Blessed is he who keeps his garments.
15:08 So you can come in by faith,
15:10 but the keeping is the part that we were talking
15:13 in our last program, the following of God's truth.
15:17 The faith and works together,
15:18 the part that is evidence of your salvation in Jesus
15:22 is what keeps you in the wedding feast,
15:24 it's what keeps you saved.
15:26 And so what we're saying, when Jesus is doing this
15:30 inspection, this investigating of the guests there,
15:32 He's interceding for those who are by faith
15:36 keeping their faith in him
15:38 and following and walking with him.
15:40 Well, those who lose their garment
15:42 who aren't following Him are judged to be found unworthy.
15:49 They're put out of the, out of the wedding hall.
15:53 They're not followers of God anymore
15:55 and they determine that.
15:56 They only await the second judgment
15:59 which is after the second death
16:00 which is eternal condemnation.
16:03 So Jesus is going through that process right now,
16:06 which is why we know, John, that we are
16:07 very, very close to the return of Christ
16:10 because when He's finished, there's no more intercessory
16:12 work to do, He's coming back to take his saints home.
16:15 You covered a number of things here that, I mean,
16:19 I was going in all these different directions here
16:21 in the sense that a door kept opening up
16:23 to each of the point you made.
16:25 One of the ones that I want to point out is that
16:27 when you talked about the mediatorial work,
16:31 the garment is so vitally important.
16:33 If you look at that, if you look at that theme
16:36 in the Garden of Eden, what did Adam and Eve lose?
16:38 They lost the garment.
16:40 If you look at the entire sin issue,
16:45 it's about the sin stained garment.
16:49 What happened when Jesus is on the cross?
16:52 They gambled over his robe, his garment,
16:56 you find that when Jesus was born,
16:58 He was wrapped in swaddling clothes,
17:00 He was wrapped in a garment.
17:02 All these, the garment theme is all through the Bible,
17:04 and then the church is the bride of Christ
17:07 and her garment is described in Revelation Chapter 12,
17:10 The New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ,
17:14 matter of fact, in Revelation 12,
17:16 it shows the picture of the church
17:17 and the glorious woman, but in Revelation Chapter 20
17:20 and 21, you see the bride of Christ, her adornment.
17:24 But then you also see the righteousness of Jesus
17:27 in Revelation Chapter 16 verse 15,
17:29 blessed to see who keeps his garment.
17:32 And so the entire whole issue of salvation
17:34 is not our garment, because our garment is as filthy rags.
17:41 So we cannot in our own selves ever qualify
17:45 for being fit enough and righteous enough to be saved.
17:49 All our righteousness is as filthy rags.
17:53 Now I've got to say this too,
17:55 because of the topic we're talking about today.
17:57 You know, dressing up for Jesus, you know,
17:59 dressing the way that we should,
18:01 adornment and the other things that are associated with that.
18:04 Look at this, James 5 Chapter 5 verse 1.
18:08 James 5:1, "Come now, you rich,
18:12 weep and howl for your miseries
18:14 that are coming upon you."
18:15 Speaking of the last days. I see where you're going.
18:17 "Your riches are corrupted,
18:19 and your garments are moth-eaten.
18:22 Your gold and silver are corroded,
18:25 and their corrosion will be a witness against you,
18:27 and will eat your flesh like fire.
18:29 You have heaped up treasure in the last days."
18:33 Interesting here, the connection of the last day
18:36 lives of those who are living who call themselves
18:41 Christians, again this letter is to the church.
18:44 So he's writing to the church and he's saying
18:46 you're letting all these riches, these treasures,
18:48 all these other things eat away at your garment.
18:52 There the world is coming in,
18:53 is creeping in and it's putting holes in it,
18:56 to the point where you'll find in the end,
18:58 you have no garment as this man who was caught
19:01 in the wedding guests without one.
19:03 You know, and I always reference that
19:05 it speaks of a garment, a garment being moth-eaten.
19:08 You know, if you think about it when you have,
19:11 you know, we understand how much how much it costs,
19:13 John, to buy a nice wool suit.
19:17 $700 at least. In New York $99.
19:20 Well, but still 99 bucks. Right.
19:22 Okay, it costs money to do that.
19:24 There's nothing more irritating
19:26 than opening up a suit that you've had in the place that,
19:30 you know, in your closet,
19:31 you haven't worn in maybe several months
19:34 and seeing a hole right there in the front of it.
19:37 Yeah, I don't know, I don't know why moths like suits.
19:39 They just they love to put these little holes
19:42 and they wear the material and they get this hole in it.
19:45 But it is so similar to sometimes our walk of faith.
19:49 It's when we're not paying attention.
19:50 You know what I'm saying,
19:51 that the moth eats the garment.
19:53 Sometimes we don't pay attention
19:54 to the responsibility of being a Christian
19:58 that causes us to realize one day, you know what?
20:00 I'm losing my faith and a good,
20:04 I think a very well, very appropriate analogy here
20:07 being moth-eaten, the garment being moth-eaten,
20:10 to sometimes our life.
20:11 Right and so we have to keep,
20:12 we have to get away from our moth-eaten garments
20:15 to the whole armor of God.
20:18 When you put on armor, moths are not going
20:20 to eat through armor. No.
20:22 But when it's your own garment
20:24 and it's not covered with the armor of God,
20:28 then moths will eat it away.
20:29 And, you know, John, that, that
20:31 very picture, I hadn't talked about,
20:32 that's a great sermon title moth-eaten.
20:35 Because you know sometimes we just,
20:37 we just get this garment and we just kind of
20:39 handle it like it's just no garment of great value,
20:43 but the moth has begun to eat away
20:44 and when you go back and you look at the picture
20:47 of the man that was in the wedding feast
20:49 without a garment, you could almost say well,
20:52 it came to the point where was it moth-eaten,
20:55 the things of life ate it away and he no longer was
20:57 able to keep that garment.
20:58 It was no longer there.
21:00 And so we begin to look at that and say okay,
21:03 we have to keep ourselves focused on Christ
21:05 because only as we focus on his righteousness,
21:08 are we gonna have any kind of foundation to
21:10 keep us through the days that are ahead of us.
21:13 And so it's a powerful topic what is the Lord doing?
21:15 He's preserving our garments. What are we doing?
21:18 We're looking to the one who alone is our righteousness.
21:20 That's right, amen. Wow!
21:22 I have a quick question here from a gentleman,
21:24 I have a question on the topic to eat or not to eat.
21:29 If our body is mortal and God is going to change it anyway.
21:34 Why bother about it now?
21:38 Let me give it my car anyway.
21:39 Let's just go and beat it up. Why me?
21:42 Why worry about the car?
21:44 Well, you made a point there
21:46 and we've been talking about this.
21:48 You see the accountability that we have
21:51 is what we do with this body here now
21:54 is not well, let's go ahead and abuse it,
21:56 it's not gonna matter anyway.
21:58 Let's stop for a moment and not apply that to our bodies.
22:01 Let's apply that to our houses.
22:05 Well, I'm not gonna live on the Earth forever,
22:07 I am not gonna be on this Earth indefinitely.
22:09 So let me just go ahead and just destroy my house,
22:11 let me trash it, let me just-- if it starts fall--
22:13 I won't clean it, I won't fix it, nothing.
22:15 Not gonna clean it, not gonna fix it,
22:16 it doesn't matter what I put in it.
22:18 I could have goats in the living room,
22:20 I have cows in there, I could have a 100 cats,
22:23 dogs, you name it, I'm gonna let the whole world come in.
22:26 'Cause this is not really gonna be my abiding place forever.
22:28 I mean, why deal with it now.
22:30 If the window breaks, doesn't really matter,
22:31 my car broke down, doesn't really matter
22:33 I'm gonna get a new one anyway.
22:35 I am losing it and I am going to.
22:36 I'm going to heaven, I'm not going to take it with me.
22:38 That principle doesn't measure up
22:41 when it comes to Earthly things,
22:44 how could we even assume that that principle applies
22:49 when it comes to things that God made.
22:51 Now we're talking about houses, cars, wood,
22:53 stone, brick, paint, those are the things that we made.
22:57 God values everything that He made.
23:00 And by the way, here is the text.
23:02 Second Corinthians 5 and verse 10.
23:04 This is the broad text.
23:05 Well, I'll share another one with you in a moment.
23:08 But Second Corinthians 5:10 says,
23:09 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
23:13 that each one may receive the things
23:16 done in the body, according to
23:18 what he has done, whether good or bad."
23:21 And in First Corinthians 10:31, it says,
23:23 "whether therefore you eat, or drink,
23:25 or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
23:28 First Corinthians 6 verse 18 and 19,
23:32 verse 19 and 20.
23:34 Do you not know that your body is the temple of God,
23:37 and the Spirit of God dwells in you,
23:39 if anyone defiles his temple him will
23:41 God destroy for the temple of God is Holy
23:43 which temple you are.
23:44 Yes, as your body is not your own.
23:46 Your body is not your own,
23:47 you are bought with a price.
23:48 First Corinthians 3 verse 16 and 17,
23:51 "we are bought with a price,
23:52 therefore glorify God in your body
23:55 and in your spirit, which are God's."
23:57 God is not just looking for spiritual worship,
24:00 He's looking for physical spiritual worship.
24:03 This is the temple, so we serve him best
24:06 with what we do with his temple.
24:08 There is another analogy of a car.
24:11 You know there's some cars that run on premium fuel only.
24:16 And if you put 87 octane fuel or low-grade fuel,
24:20 you know, I actually found that when I was going to Montana,
24:23 they have 85 octane, didn't know that.
24:26 That's low. Yeah, really low.
24:28 Anyway but just hear me.
24:30 But octane fuel whether 85, 87,
24:33 if you put that in the in the car,
24:35 it's not gonna run right.
24:37 It'll run, it'll run, but it won't run very well.
24:41 And similarly in our own lives,
24:44 in our Christian lives, in the way we're in tune
24:46 with God every day, and I believe that our daily
24:48 walk should be in the spirit as Paul describes in Romans 8.
24:52 Not so that we don't fulfill the lust of the flesh.
24:56 So we need to feed our mind or feed our body
24:59 which would feed our mind with things
25:01 that are going to make it run at a premium level,
25:04 because if we don't it'll default to its base level.
25:10 Its flesh level, and we know
25:12 the flesh is going to draw us to sin.
25:16 Where as the mind, if it's right,
25:17 it's gonna draw us to God.
25:20 And so when it comes to feeding our body
25:23 with what we eat and, you know,
25:25 what we drink and all the other things.
25:27 We got to remember this there is a spiritual need
25:30 that our body has to operate at a premium level,
25:34 so that God can speak with us through His word
25:38 through songs through whatever we partake in.
25:41 Our body's got to be in tune with that,
25:42 and when we don't treat it right,
25:43 we are sluggish, we cannot do those things
25:47 that God would ask us to do.
25:50 How many stories have you heard, John, miracles.
25:53 People felt so impressed to give a certain amount
25:56 to somebody at a certain time.
26:00 And how can we assume
26:02 that we would be in tune to hear that voice.
26:04 Hear God's voice tell us to do things like that,
26:07 if we're sluggish and tired and just barely hanging on.
26:11 If we don't have a connection with God
26:12 that's lively and vibrant.
26:14 No, you can't really. Yeah.
26:15 God can't get through to that.
26:17 So there are so many levels we can come
26:19 at this at I know that we can't believe it this question
26:21 but it just doesn't make sense
26:23 that we can just treat our bodies in whatever way we want
26:25 and expect that we're gonna get the same result.
26:27 No, if your body is mortal and God is going
26:31 to change it anyway, why bother about it anyhow.
26:34 I tell you, you don't want your house to fall apart.
26:36 You don't want your body to fall apart.
26:37 I can guarantee you that when if ever
26:41 you're laying on a hospital bed and your life is ebbing away,
26:45 I don't think you'll feel that way.
26:46 No, I would say it's because our life
26:48 is mortal that we need to treat it so much better
26:52 to be in tune with God's will.
26:53 That's right, well friends,
26:55 thank you for your comments and your questions.
26:57 We're gonna transition to our program,
26:59 but if you have any comments and questions
27:01 that you like to send to us,
27:02 you can send them to,
27:07 that's
27:11 And that's where we have access to the questions
27:13 you sent to us and we do appreciate everything
27:16 you do to continue to carry this network.
27:19 Going forward via prayers and also all your support,
27:22 whether you're volunteering or whether
27:24 you're sending your finances to keep the work of God
27:26 going forward, we do appreciate it
27:28 very much, thank you.
27:31 We're continuing in our topic today "Dressing up for God."
27:34 And, John, I want you to -- you had a text,
27:38 I think it was First John 2:15, we're gonna dive into
27:40 that program today by using this text.
27:43 You have your Bibles, go with us to
27:45 First John 2 verse 15, and if you're remember
27:48 on our last program, we laid the foundation
27:51 with talking about the Midianite and the Chaldean,
27:56 we talked about Abraham and his servant
27:59 going looking for a wife for Isaac.
28:01 We talked about Rebekah, who accepted
28:04 these gifts the dowry, we talked about
28:07 the wealth that Abraham had
28:09 and how he gave her jewels of gold.
28:12 And how when God called Jacob and Rachel,
28:15 God was about to revolutionize
28:18 man's approach to these things
28:21 and what they actually meant to him.
28:23 But there is a principle underlying all of this.
28:26 And, John, I'd like you to read that for us as
28:27 we're going into the program.
28:28 Yeah, it's from First John 2:15.
28:31 And in fact it extends through 17.
28:34 "Do not love the world, or the things in the world.
28:38 If anyone loves the world,
28:39 the love of the Father is not in him.
28:42 For all that is in the world,
28:43 the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,
28:46 the pride of life, is not of the Father,
28:48 but is of the world.
28:50 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it,
28:53 but he who does the will of God abides forever."
28:57 And then it gets into a subject about the last days.
29:00 So this is the real, this is the last day
29:02 application here that I think is intended by John.
29:07 And so I think it very well said,
29:09 when our focus is accumulating the things
29:12 of the world, whatever they may be,
29:14 and we're talking about dressing
29:15 and adornment and things here.
29:17 But it includes those, when we're looking for attention.
29:21 Or when we're looking to accumulate things
29:24 of the world that are for not only our attention
29:28 but the attention of others, it really is not God's way.
29:32 And so God's way is a simple, pure, Holy life,
29:38 undefiled and one that, that is wholly dedicated
29:43 on what He would and how this be.
29:46 And so that's where we're gonna get in here today
29:47 and as we're -- 'cause I think we are leaving off
29:49 in the way in that respect,
29:51 in the last program where we talked about
29:53 how Rebekah was now being married to Isaac.
30:00 And a big dowry was paid for Rebekah
30:03 in the world's terms and we're talking about prior to Israel,
30:07 the calling out of Israel, through Jacob who is now,
30:11 who is Rebekah's son to be.
30:14 But here we are talking about them giving a dowry
30:17 and Laban accumulating goods,
30:19 I think there was an indication probably there
30:21 in that story of Laban's desire for wealth.
30:25 Oh, yeah, exactly, we talked about that.
30:28 And so you know, we're talking about
30:29 desire for wealth and goods and other things
30:31 usually what comes along with that is
30:32 accumulation of jewelry and precious metals, jewels things.
30:37 So anyway, so now we have her marrying Isaac
30:41 and as Isaac and Rebekah have children.
30:45 They have Jacob and Esau,
30:46 we're going to get into that aspect of story
30:48 and you're gonna see clearly two different paths.
30:51 Esau, taking the path of the world
30:55 and Jacob being called out to become one of God's
30:59 or the Father of God's children, really, Israel.
31:02 And we're also gonna see some of the things
31:04 that he talks to them that they should leave behind,
31:08 in their calling, being called by God to serve him.
31:10 Good foundation, I appreciate that very much.
31:13 Because you know in every society,
31:14 there are two classes, those who are following God's will
31:17 those who are not following God's will.
31:19 Those who are being molded by God,
31:21 those who are being molded by Satan.
31:23 We're just gonna make it black and white,
31:24 those who are following the road to eternal life
31:26 and those who are following a road away from eternal life.
31:29 It's called the Broadway path.
31:31 The path that's broad, that leads to destruction
31:34 and the Bible says, many there be that go there in.
31:36 But the way to eternal life is a path so narrow,
31:39 that is a path not of restriction,
31:42 but a path of narrowing down.
31:47 My wife and I had a chance to go to
31:49 one of the most beautiful islands of Virgin Gorda,
31:52 it's a British Virgin Island, beautiful, guess why?
31:55 The honeymoon, that's right.
31:56 And you guys did that catam, was not catam, but a sail boat.
32:00 It's a sail boat. Yeah, big sail boat.
32:02 We spent the whole week on that.
32:03 Yeah, we sailed it ourselves. That's amazing.
32:05 I mean, that's more than I would do, I mean believe me.
32:09 But in the Virgin Islands, beautiful,
32:11 very, very beautiful place,
32:12 but on the island of Virgin Gorda,
32:17 at the beach there are monumental stones,
32:21 sorry, boulders.
32:22 A stone is something probably you can pick up and roll,
32:24 you couldn't roll these.
32:26 These are rocks that will not roll,
32:28 but as you go through the walkway down to the beach,
32:32 you walk through these cave like caverns.
32:35 And in some places that,
32:37 if you don't narrow down what you have on your back,
32:39 you're not going through.
32:40 Matter of fact there are some place
32:42 where the backpack wouldn't fit.
32:44 So what you have do, you have to take it off
32:46 and scooted through first and then you go out,
32:48 go after it, almost walking sideways.
32:51 One of the very same way, God is calling his people
32:54 to take the things of the world off,
32:56 and if they have to scoot sideways
32:58 and get on that narrow path to eternal life.
33:01 We can't take the world with us and that's why John
33:03 began in the story with First John 2 verse 15.
33:07 But let's go back to Genesis Chapter 35 now
33:10 because I'm gonna lay the foundation very quickly.
33:14 Rachel, Jacob marries Rachel.
33:23 And Jacob marry-- And this is right after.
33:27 This is right after being deceived
33:28 in marrying Leah, first, right, right.
33:30 By the deception of Laban,
33:32 Laban comes back into the story.
33:33 So but now we get, he has both of them now.
33:37 He has both of them now, but they have their own home.
33:39 Jacob marries Rachel,
33:40 and Lord now calls Jacob to dedicate his family.
33:44 You remember the story very well.
33:45 I did a sermon called "Lentils"
33:47 about the battle between Jacob and Esau.
33:52 How Esau despised his birthright
33:54 and Jacob stole, stole the blessing later on.
33:57 And this so angered Esau that he ran after his brother Jacob
34:01 and Jacob hid at Bethel called, "the house of God."
34:05 And there God wrestled, there he wrestled with God.
34:09 He prevailed and the Lord blessed him,
34:11 and he changed his name from Jacob to Israel.
34:16 Which means, when you say the sons of Israel,
34:18 you definitely mean,
34:19 the son of Israel, who was formerly Jacob.
34:23 But now God is about to bless this family
34:25 before they have any children,
34:28 before any of their sons come into the world,
34:30 He is gonna bless them
34:31 and cause their, their family to multiply
34:36 and to bring forth children to the glory of God.
34:40 But notice what he says,
34:41 they must do in preparation for this dedication.
34:44 And this is called the devotion at Bethel.
34:46 Genesis Chapter 35 verse 1 to 4, read that for us, John.
34:50 "Then God said to Jacob, arise go up to Bethel,
34:53 and dwell there, and make an altar there to God,
34:56 who appeared to you
34:57 when you fled from the face of Esau your brother.
34:59 And Jacob said to his household,
35:01 and to all who were with him,
35:03 put away your foreign gods that are among you,
35:06 purify yourselves and change your garments.
35:10 Then let us arise and go up to Bethel,
35:12 and I will make an altar there to God,
35:14 who answered me in the day of my distress,
35:16 and has been with me in the way which I had gone.
35:21 So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods
35:23 which were in their hands
35:25 and the earrings which were in their ears.
35:27 Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree at Shechem."
35:32 All right, okay. Notice where it says,
35:33 "And all their earrings which were in their ears."
35:36 Did you have that in your translation there?
35:38 Yes, and no, it says and the earrings.
35:41 And so you see what happened is, in this particular story,
35:47 as they were dedicating themselves to Christ,
35:48 they did something as they dedicated themselves
35:51 to the call of God in their lives.
35:53 They did three things, notice they're outlined in verse 2,
35:56 "Put away the foreign gods, purify yourselves,
36:03 change your garments."
36:04 Now, if you remember the story well,
36:07 where did they get these foreign gods from?
36:09 Laban, exactly, Laban sold foreign gods,
36:13 when Rachel left the house, she took them with her,
36:17 she stole them thinking that
36:18 this is this is the way to preserve her inheritance.
36:22 But the Lord said, no, foreign gods are not
36:24 a part of your inheritance.
36:26 These articles of gold and silver
36:28 these precious stones, these jewels,
36:29 these earrings are not a part of your inheritance.
36:31 Your inheritance is to be a peculiar person,
36:34 is to reflect the glory of God.
36:36 And so this is the first injunction
36:38 you find in the Bible, where the Lord said to them
36:40 "Put away these foreign gods, change your garments,"
36:42 and notice what they understood that to mean
36:44 and this is the same call that God places in our lives.
36:47 When he says, put away the foreign gods,
36:49 change your garments, they understood that to mean
36:52 and so they removed their earrings,
36:55 they change their garments.
36:57 And by the way John, this is amazing what they did.
37:00 It says in verse 4 again,
37:02 "So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods
37:04 which were in their hands
37:05 and all the earrings which were in their ears,
37:07 and Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree
37:10 which was by Shechem."
37:12 The terebinth tree is the oak tree.
37:14 He buried them, so that when they got home,
37:16 it wouldn't be a temptation any longer, right.
37:19 You know, in this injunction,
37:21 this request by Jacob to his family was not a --
37:28 it wasn't some temporary thing, no.
37:30 This is a full on dedication that from this day forward
37:34 we serve the God, we serve God and God alone,
37:38 the God of creation, and so this here,
37:40 when they're talking about putting away gods
37:43 and then they take out their earrings and so forth.
37:45 This is something that is a commitment.
37:48 It's an expression of commitment to their God,
37:52 that they will serve him
37:53 and follow him for the rest of their life.
37:55 You know, if you say that this is just temporary,
37:56 which you are in fact saying is that
37:58 not only if they put earrings back on.
38:00 But then they started to worship the gods again they had.
38:02 And that's not right,
38:04 that's not a right application here,
38:06 putting away idols
38:09 and taking out your earrings and other things
38:11 are part of the total package of commitment.
38:13 Good, I mean, I'm glad that, that's a very good application
38:16 because if we say that from this point
38:18 they decided to go ahead and put their jewelry back on,
38:21 then we can also suffice to say
38:23 they decided to put back on the clothing
38:25 that they used to wear.
38:26 And then they also brought the foreign gods
38:28 back in their house, but they didn't.
38:30 So this is an entire cleaning package.
38:32 Entire cleansing process, get it all out
38:35 because I'm about to do something revolutionary
38:37 in your life and that's what the Lord was doing for them,
38:40 He was changing their lives in a very real and definite way.
38:44 And by the way, when I talked about foreign gods,
38:46 I just, I need to give some foundation here.
38:50 I need to slow it down because I'm thinking
38:51 like a New Yorker right now.
38:52 I need to give some foundation here.
38:56 The foreign gods that existed among the Babylonians,
39:00 among the Egyptians, among the Canaanites, the Chaldeans,
39:07 the foreign gods existed for one very important reason.
39:10 They believed that when a person died,
39:13 that their spirit or their soul
39:15 would continue roaming the Earth.
39:18 And as a result, the chances were great
39:21 that they would be possessed by these souls
39:24 roaming the Earth, and so what they did was,
39:26 these gods that they had what means whereby
39:29 they would protect themselves, John,
39:32 they would put the gods of, if they serve the sun,
39:36 it would be gold, the moon and the stars, silver,
39:39 the planets various precious metals.
39:41 And they would fashion those things into a particular God,
39:45 and they would hang it by their ear
39:46 to block the opening of the ear,
39:48 by the nose to block the opening of the nose,
39:50 by the mouth of the lip or the tongue
39:52 to block or guard the opening of the mouth.
39:55 So that these spirits--
39:58 The eyebrow and earring?
39:59 To block the opening of the eye,
40:01 because they believe all these places
40:03 were where the spirits can come in.
40:06 And that's why when the Bible gave the Second Commandment,
40:09 "Thou shall have no other gods before me."
40:13 That's what it included, it didn't just include gods
40:16 that are made outside of temples of false gods.
40:19 It said simply, God did not want any foreign gods
40:23 hanging on the temple that belonged to God.
40:28 That was the real injunction for the Second Commandment,
40:30 that's where it really grew.
40:31 And so when you look at Deuteronomy 32 verse 16,
40:34 and notice what the Lord says here
40:36 and I'll read that very quickly.
40:38 Deuteronomy 32:16 the Bible says,
40:41 "They provoked him to jealousy with foreign gods,
40:44 with abominations they provoked him to anger.
40:48 They sacrificed demons not to God,
40:51 to gods they did not know,
40:53 to new gods, new arrivals that your fathers did not know."
40:58 Notice what he's talking about.
41:00 All these gods were part of their worship and God says,
41:03 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
41:05 So when they remove their foreign gods as Jacob said,
41:08 "It was not just the things in their hands,
41:10 but the earrings also in their ears
41:12 and the clothing that they wore,"
41:13 that was synonymous with false worship.
41:16 Yeah, I agree.
41:19 But this is a pattern, John, now.
41:22 This is a pattern of what God did with each,
41:26 you know, each time he called his children,
41:29 he called Israel into a full experience,
41:31 a fuller experience at times with him.
41:34 He seemed to go about this cleansing process,
41:38 because it's repeated with the children of Israel
41:40 after their captivity in Egypt, that is right.
41:45 And so I think we're going there next to Exodus.
41:48 Yes, and let's lay some foundation here,
41:50 as they were in Egypt for 400 years,
41:52 if we count the time that,
41:55 that Joseph was sold into slavery
41:57 and became one of the governors in the house of Potiphar,
42:03 you would add about 30 more years to that.
42:05 So he was in Egypt, the whole sojourn
42:07 of the Israelites were 430 years.
42:11 But then the Bible begins "The Book of Exodus" by saying,
42:14 "There arose a Pharaoh, who did not know Joseph."
42:17 And as a result they were made slaves
42:19 and they were slaves for 400 years in the land of Egypt.
42:24 Well, God did two things,
42:25 when he was setting them free
42:26 as they prayed to be set free, he did two things.
42:30 He provided all the remuneration and the money they needed.
42:35 And secondly, He provided all the articles that He would need
42:38 to build and furnish the sanctuary,
42:41 that temple that they traveled with
42:43 as they walked from Egypt to Canaan.
42:46 And so the story picks up in Genesis Chapter,
42:49 sorry in Exodus Chapter 3, where the Lord tells them
42:51 how to get these things,
42:54 how to get all the money that you really are worth,
42:57 how to get all the pay that you never received,
42:59 and how to get all the articles
43:00 that you need to build the temple.
43:02 So begin with verse 22 for us there, John.
43:05 Well, actually verse 21. Verse 21, Exodus 3.
43:09 "And I will give this people favor
43:12 in the sight of the Egyptians, and it shall be when you go,
43:16 in other words when you're delivered from captivity,
43:18 "That you shall not go empty-handed.
43:21 But every woman shall ask of her neighbor,
43:23 namely of her who dwells near her house,
43:26 articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing,
43:30 and you shall put them on your sons and on your daughters.
43:33 So you shall plunder the Egyptians."
43:35 The word plunder there means simply to wipe them out.
43:40 It was amazing about that, John.
43:41 When they left Egypt, they left Egypt broke.
43:47 Now I want to say this,
43:48 and I'm gonna go to Exodus Chapter 11,
43:50 because it was not just, it was not just the,
43:54 the women that we're told to do this.
43:56 But God also told the men to do this.
43:59 God said to the men now,
44:02 and I want you to get this picture,
44:03 can you imagine, can you imagine,
44:05 let's just pick a neighborhood, pick any neighborhood.
44:09 Pick our community in L.A, and the Lord says okay,
44:12 I want you guys to go from Florida to go to L.A,
44:16 and I want all the ladies
44:17 to knock on the doors of all the women in L.A
44:19 that have expensive jewelry and expensive clothing
44:21 and say this to them.
44:23 Could I have all your jewelry, give me all your clothing.
44:28 And every woman in Beverly Hills
44:31 a day after this occurs comes to the realization
44:34 that they have been plundered that they are broke,
44:37 that they have no clothing, no expensive jewelry,
44:41 none of these articles that they spent elaborate money on.
44:45 And then the next day,
44:46 the men come to do the very same thing
44:47 and take all the expensive articles of clothing
44:49 from the men of Beverly Hills.
44:51 And by the time all these people
44:53 on the way back to Florida, they realize that,
44:55 we're all broke, Beverly Hills is broke,
44:58 because God took all of our wealth
44:59 and gave it to somebody else.
45:01 That's what was happening here in the land of Egypt.
45:04 And look at Chapter 11 verse 2, read that for us--
45:06 And someone say,
45:07 out of the hand that over so easily, but they feared,
45:11 I mean there was a outright fear
45:13 of the Israelites at this time.
45:15 Because God made his--
45:17 Yes, God had delivered them in such a miraculous way
45:20 that they felt, hey, if we don't honor their request,
45:23 something even worse is gonna happen to us.
45:25 So they just wanted to get rid of them,
45:27 it wasn't or at times we read this is just Pharaoh,
45:30 you know, hardening his heart,
45:31 but the people went through a drastic change as well,
45:36 because of their experience
45:37 with the plagues and other things.
45:38 They wanted these people just to be out
45:40 and this request was met.
45:43 And by the way just before God began to deal with Pharaoh
45:46 in his situation, God said,
45:48 let's start with the people of Egypt,
45:49 let's begin with those who have all these articles.
45:52 And Chapter 11 and verse 2, notice there again,
45:54 God repeated the same thing. Read that for us, John.
45:58 Speak now in the hearing of the people,
46:00 and let every man asked from his neighbor
46:01 and every woman from her neighbor,
46:03 articles of silver, and articles and gold.
46:06 And so it says in verse 3, "And the Lord gave the people
46:10 favorin the sight of the Egyptians.
46:11 Moreover, the man Moses was great in the land of Egypt,
46:14 in the sight of Pharaoh's servants,
46:16 and in the sight of the peoples."
46:18 And so you see clearly God moved in a strong way
46:22 and in Chapter 12, the end result in verse 35.
46:26 It says that "They did according
46:28 to the word of Moses,
46:30 they asked the Egyptians, articles of silver,
46:32 and articles, articles of gold."
46:34 And the Lord, verse 36 had given
46:35 "the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians,
46:37 so that they granted them what they requested.
46:40 Thus they plundered the Egyptians,
46:44 man Egypt was broke, huge, big time."
46:47 But something happened, while they were in the land of--
46:54 while they were in the wilderness,
46:57 something happened, something changed,
47:02 they took on--
47:05 while they had already been influenced by the Egyptians
47:08 living in Egypt for as long as they did.
47:10 But as they were surrounded by these articles of gold,
47:13 these precious stones, these pearls,
47:15 these you name the articles,
47:18 they had a desire that was born in the land of Egypt
47:23 and we find this struggle taking place
47:25 when Moses went up
47:26 and by the way, John, I'm going down the point F.
47:29 You notice, you see where I am?
47:33 Yeah. Israel in the wilderness.
47:35 This, when Israel was in the wilderness
47:37 now beginning their journey to the Land of Canaan,
47:40 Moses was called to go to the mountain
47:43 to receive the Ten Commandments
47:44 and while he was there, he was there for 40 days
47:49 and 40 is the number of a generation.
47:51 He was there for a long time, and the people wondered
47:54 whether or not Moses would come back.
47:56 So the story is picked up here now
47:57 in Exodus Chapter 32 verse 1 to 8.
48:01 Exodus Chapter 32, and turn your Bibles with us there.
48:04 Exodus Chapter 32 verse 1 to 8. Okay.
48:09 "Now when the people saw that Moses delayed
48:11 coming down from the mountain,
48:12 the people gathered together to Aaron, said to him,
48:15 come make us gods, that which that shall go before us,
48:18 for as for this Moses,
48:20 the man who brought us out of the land of Egypt,
48:22 we do not know what has become of him.
48:25 And Aaron said to them, break off the golden earrings,
48:27 which are in the ears of your wives, your sons,
48:30 and of your daughters, and bring them to me.
48:33 So all the people broke off the golden earrings
48:35 which were in their ears, and brought them to Aaron.
48:38 And Aaron received the gold from their hand,
48:40 and he fashioned it with an engraving tool
48:42 and made a molten calf.
48:45 Then they said, this is our God, O Israel,
48:48 that brought you out of the land of Egypt.
48:51 So when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it,
48:54 and Aaron made a proclamation,
48:55 and said, tomorrow is a feast to the Lord."
48:58 Interesting, isn't that amazing,
49:00 with these false gods. It was with false gods.
49:02 "Then they rose early on the next day,
49:05 offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings,
49:08 and the people sat down
49:09 to eat and drink, and rose up to play."
49:11 They went from solemn to party, in one in two days.
49:16 The building of this God of gold,
49:19 and then--can you-- a feast to the Lord,
49:24 through this God of gold.
49:26 And this story actually extends from Chapter 32.
49:31 all the way to Chapter 35.
49:33 So now Moses is in the mountain
49:35 receiving the Commandments from God,
49:37 and the Lord appraises Moses
49:40 of what's happening in the valley.
49:42 Look down to verse, we're down to verse 21 to 24,
49:45 and since you read that, I'll go ahead
49:46 and read these verses here. Verse 21 to 24.
49:50 And okay, and here we are.
49:56 "And Moses said to Aaron, What did this people do to you
50:01 that you have brought so great a sin upon them?
50:04 So Aaron said, do not let the anger of my Lord
50:07 become hot, you know the people,
50:11 that they are set or set on evil."
50:13 I mean this is amazing,
50:15 And what he said was just really crazy.
50:18 "So they said to me,
50:19 make us gods that shall go before us
50:21 as for this Moses, the man who
50:23 brought us out of the land of Egypt,
50:24 we do not know what has become of him."
50:27 Read verse 24 John, I mean just after pause
50:29 and think about what he said here.
50:31 "And I said to them, Whoever has any gold,
50:33 let them break it off.
50:35 So they gave it to me, and I cast it into the fire,
50:38 and this calf came out."
50:40 Isn't that ridiculous or what? Yeah.
50:43 I don't know where it came from Moses,
50:45 I mean come on he is talking to his brother.
50:48 He knows the skills of his brother, Aaron. He's lying.
50:51 He says, I mean, really. Give me a break.
50:55 "So now when Moses saw that the people
50:57 were unrestrained for Aaron had not restrained them
51:02 to their shame among their enemies.
51:05 Then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp,
51:08 and said, whoever is on the Lord's side,
51:11 let him come to me.
51:12 And all the sons of Levi gathered together,
51:15 gathered themselves together to him."
51:18 And so now, what happens
51:20 is that the Lord gives them an injunction,
51:22 let's go through the story quickly,
51:23 we're gonna cover this one here."
51:25 And it came to pass on the next day," verse 30,
51:28 that the "Moses said to the people,
51:30 'You have sinned a great sin.
51:31 So now I will go up to the Lord,
51:34 perhaps I can make an atonement for your sin.'
51:36 Then Moses returned to the Lord, and said,
51:39 these people have sinned a great sin,
51:41 and they have made themselves a god of gold."
51:44 And the Lord, Moses says, either forgive them
51:48 or blot my name out of the book,
51:49 And the Lord said not to do that,
51:51 but notice what the Lord tells them to do.
51:53 Let's start with the verse,
51:55 Oh, let's start with verse 3 of Chapter 33.
52:03 Can you read that? Yes.
52:04 "Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey,
52:07 for I will not go up in your midst,
52:09 lest I consume you on the way
52:11 for you are a stiff-necked people."
52:13 Okay, and verse 4.
52:15 "And when the people heard this bad news, they mourned,
52:18 and no one put on his ornaments."
52:21 And verse 5.
52:23 "For the Lord had said to Moses,
52:25 "Say to the children of Israel you are a stiff-necked people,
52:29 I could come up into your midst
52:30 in one moment and consume you.
52:33 Now therefore, take off your ornaments,
52:35 that I may know what to do with you."
52:37 Okay, now you're gonna get this here.
52:39 The word ornaments, if you look at the sidebar there
52:41 is the word jewelry.
52:43 So to take off your jewelry,
52:44 that I may know what to do with you.
52:46 Now you have to follow this very carefully
52:47 because what it happened was the Bible says
52:50 As we read verse 25 of Chapter 32,
52:53 that Aaron caused the people
52:55 To be ashamed in the presence of their enemies.
52:59 They had lost their identity,
53:00 there was no use of the Israelites
53:02 once they looked like they were not Israelites,
53:04 they look more like Egyptians.
53:06 And so when he says here,
53:08 that I may know what to do with you,
53:09 what kind of response
53:11 did the Lord get from the Israelites.
53:13 I'll read verse 6,
53:15 "so the children of Israel stripped themselves
53:18 of their ornaments by mount Horeb."
53:20 Notice they didn't just take off a few things,
53:24 they stripped themselves of all the articles of gold
53:28 that they had.
53:29 Now let's go to the end of the story, Chapter 35.
53:31 It's a long story, but we're jumping through that
53:35 and you can read this in its entirety.
53:37 But what did they do Chapter 35 and verse 22,
53:41 read that for us, John.
53:45 "They came, both men and women,
53:47 as many as had a willing heart,
53:49 and brought earrings and nose rings,
53:51 rings and necklaces, all jewelry of gold, that is,
53:55 every man who made an offering of gold to the Lord." Okay.
53:58 Notice that, notice the articles
54:00 they brought, Earrings nose rings.
54:03 Are they prevalent today?
54:04 Rings and you'll find in another translation says,
54:07 signet rings, and necklaces, all jewelry of gold,
54:11 that is everyone who made an offering of gold to the Lord.
54:14 And when you follow the story further on,
54:16 there were those who made other offerings
54:18 and by the way John, I want to add this here.
54:21 Their articles of jewelry,
54:22 was not just made of gold and silver.
54:24 It was made of wood and stone
54:26 and emeralds and diamonds, other articles.
54:30 But those who brought an offering of gold to the Lord,
54:34 why bring this offering of gold?
54:36 Because there was one of the elements needed
54:38 for the building of the furniture
54:39 in the sanctuary, the Golden Altar,
54:42 the Ark of the Covenant, the Laver,
54:46 the Table of Shewbread,
54:47 all these articles were needed for the building
54:49 and so to get back to God's business.
54:52 They gave all these articles of gold and silver,
54:54 all these precious stones, they gave them away.
54:56 Because God did not want the Israelites
54:59 to be dressed like the Egyptians, and he says,
55:04 "the difference would be If your heart is willing,
55:07 you'll remove these articles of gold and silver,
55:09 and that's exactly what they did."
55:11 Yeah and I think you have a key there is that
55:14 He wants his people to be different.
55:17 Right. Than the world.
55:20 And today when I would suggest that the world is probably
55:23 at its peak with its offerings to us,
55:27 to entice us to be most like it,
55:29 is a time that we have to be very careful
55:31 of what we are making into our own gods.
55:35 Because you know, while we're talking about earrings
55:38 and nose rings and piercings and all the other stuff,
55:42 you know, you can fit a lot of other things
55:43 into this as well. That's right.
55:46 And we can get so caught up
55:47 with consuming the world's goods
55:50 and, you know, we end up,
55:54 you know, all the money can not only go to that
55:56 but it can take away from finishing God's work.
55:59 Now not just financially though here
56:01 because it wasn't just a financial reason.
56:03 No, it wasn't financial--
56:04 It was for the Lord's work here. That's right.
56:07 But the other reason was, and we already said it was
56:09 because he wanted them to look different,
56:11 to be different as a people.
56:14 And I find that very interesting in respect to,
56:17 you know, 'cause some would say well, you know,
56:19 these things these earrings that I wear,
56:21 or some of the stuff that I put on, I adorn myself with.
56:24 It's not expensive stuff,
56:25 I just buy costume kind of jewelry,
56:27 so it's not a big deal, right.
56:29 What I would say, well, you've solved half the problem,
56:33 because you're not taking away from the Lord's work
56:35 necessarily, but are you appearing or are you like
56:39 the Lord wants you to appear
56:41 as one of His finishing the work.
56:43 Now I want to give this text just before we end.
56:45 Numbers 31:50, "Therefore we have brought an offering
56:49 for the Lord, what every man
56:51 found of ornaments of gold, armlets,
56:55 bracelets, signet rings, earrings, necklaces,
56:59 to make atonement for ourselves before the Lord."
57:02 They brought all those ornaments,
57:04 and those ornaments existed
57:07 in the life and the way of the Egyptians,
57:11 but all of those who had used them
57:12 and misused them for the wrong reason.
57:15 God reclaimed those articles, One,
57:18 that they may reflect his glory.
57:19 Two, that they may build a temple to the glory of God.
57:23 And you know, we have just touched the tip of the iceberg
57:25 we haven't gone to Isaiah or anything else.
57:27 But God is gonna make a House Call begin today
57:30 by desiring to reflect the Glory of God.
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17