House Calls

Top Ten Counterfeits, Pt. 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL100019

00:01 Hello friends. Grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's Word together
00:05 on this editon of House Calls.
00:22 Welcome back and we are excited that you have tuned in.
00:25 I know you've been looking forward to this program
00:27 because we are excited about God's Word.
00:31 Aren't you, John? Amen!
00:33 And we have invited you to be in our living room.
00:35 Hopefully that we are in your heart, in your life.
00:37 And if you're at work, just take a break right now
00:40 and watch this program because this is a topic
00:42 you don't want to miss. We are finalizing today
00:44 our fourth part on the Top Ten Counterfeits.
00:48 And John did an excellent job in putting this together.
00:51 I think this was some sermon material that you put together
00:54 or a series you did? A series I did before
00:56 a few years ago. Yeah, great topic!
00:58 You know, it's moving fast.
01:00 We've been covering a number of topics on each of the programs
01:03 and today we're going to cover our last three.
01:06 We're not going to tell you what they are right yet,
01:09 but you sit back and hit the record button
01:11 because I know that when the program is done you're going to
01:13 say: "I should have taped it. "
01:14 So this is your chance to do that.
01:16 And, um, thank you for your prayers and all that you do
01:19 to keep 3ABN going and growing.
01:21 And we believe the reason why we have been called to do this
01:24 is because people need to be ready
01:25 for the coming of our Lord.
01:27 And that's why House Calls is so vitally important
01:29 to us and I hope it is also to you.
01:31 But before we do anything and go into our questions
01:34 John would you have prayer for us? Let's have prayer.
01:36 Dear Father in heaven, what a blessing it is
01:38 to come before Your throne here now and seek Your face
01:42 and ask for a blessing from You, Lord:
01:45 the impartation of the Holy Spirit to each and every heart
01:48 that is with us here today.
01:50 We just pray that You would give us not only words
01:53 of truth but, Lord, the ability to understand
01:56 because we want to know You better... we want to know
01:58 Jesus better. We are getting also ever so close
02:01 to His soon return. And so we pray that
02:03 that will be our experience here today.
02:05 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
02:07 You know, I have some questions here, John.
02:09 And you've given me the option today of
02:12 going and being the first one to bring these together.
02:16 And the question that was given to me here
02:19 actually... You know what? It's actually titled to you.
02:24 But since you and I share the first name - there you go -
02:28 we're going to read this together.
02:29 "Can you please tell me exactly
02:32 what exactly is the heart of man?
02:35 I'm always told it is the mind yet many places
02:39 in scripture heart and mind are used together.
02:42 For example: 'Love the Lord with all your heart,
02:45 with all your soul, with all your mind. '
02:46 If heart is only the mind
02:50 then He would be saying 'with all your mind,
02:53 with all your soul, and with all your mind. '
02:55 I don't believe this is the case. "
02:58 Um-hmm. "There is language in Matthew that Jesus talks about
03:02 all who came before Him were only thieves and robbers.
03:06 And there is no difference in the two terms
03:09 other than He must be wanting to emphasize
03:12 the perverse nature of those who had been chosen. "
03:16 OK, John, let's begin to talk about this topic here:
03:19 heart and mind. What do you think?
03:21 Heart and mind. Same thing? Different thing?
03:23 You know, I think they are absolutely connected
03:25 but they're different parts... they're different things.
03:28 When you think about that... And there are some passages
03:30 in scripture, some of those have been mentioned.
03:32 And right now the ones that are often...
03:35 often the popular ones are the ones in Matthew and then also
03:38 in the book of Luke where Jesus says truly:
03:40 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
03:42 with all your soul, and with all your mind. "
03:46 Now let's go ahead and put that together.
03:47 Now the mind is obviously the base where our thoughts are
03:50 gathered. Let's think of the mind as the hard drive:
03:55 the storage space of our thoughts.
03:57 But the heart... let's think of the heart as the battery
04:02 in the computer. Now you know if the battery stops working
04:06 the hard drive is going to quit. Um-hmm.
04:09 If the hard drive goes bad it doesn't matter
04:12 what the battery does because the information flow ceases.
04:16 But they work together in harmony.
04:19 But let me more specifically break that down
04:21 in a different context.
04:23 Let's think of the mind as the hard drive and the heart
04:26 as the memory module.
04:28 Because what happens is what's in the hard drive
04:31 gets conveyed to the screen
04:35 through the memory module. I'm getting technical here.
04:39 That's some of my background.
04:40 So if you have a lot of memory that means the information
04:44 moves from the hard drive, it gets to the screen
04:46 through the processor a lot quicker.
04:49 So here's my point: the heart and the mind
04:53 work together in the same way that the hard drive,
04:56 the processor, and the memory work together.
04:58 If any one of those go out then the thought is not complete
05:01 or it will never get to the hard drive.
05:02 And the hard drive it'll never get to the screen.
05:05 In this sense, what comes out of my mouth
05:08 the Bible says: "As a man thinks in his heart
05:12 so is he. " Then it says: "Out of the abundance of the heart
05:15 the mouth speaks. " Um-hmm.
05:17 So we could say in the same terminology
05:19 "What you see on the screen went from the hard drive
05:24 to the processor through the memory
05:28 right to the video card right to the screen. "
05:31 All right? All of these avenues working together.
05:34 So in the very same way a person has to sometimes
05:38 keep his mouth shut so that you won't know what's in his mind.
05:42 And when he gets angry and it goes from his mind to his heart
05:46 it often comes out. Right.
05:47 And people said: "I want to give you a piece of my mind. "
05:51 And then somebody else would say: "You know why
05:52 you said that? Because it was in your heart. "
05:54 So when we talk about this, when the Bible says "the heart
05:58 is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.
06:02 Who can know it? " It's talking about
06:04 the things that have become passionate to a person.
06:07 So nowadays we don't see signs where it says "I mind you, "
06:11 we see things "I heart you"
06:13 meaning the place, the seat of affections.
06:15 So these things are very interchangeable.
06:17 But here's another part:
06:20 when the Bible says in Genesis "the thoughts and intents of
06:23 the heart were only evil continually"
06:26 it had gone beyond just some- thing that they were thinking
06:29 but it became a passion, and the heart is usually
06:32 the seat of passion. I'm really excited about that.
06:35 Not too many months ago... Well, we go to Wal-Mart a lot.
06:38 If you live in the Midwest, Wal-Mart is like Nordstroms,
06:42 you know.
06:45 That's terrible, isn't it? That's true.
06:47 Anyway, I don't want to slam Nordstrom or I don't want to
06:49 slam Wal-Mart. But kind of like Wal-Mart is the one-stop
06:53 shopping. And for some people it can also be the place
06:56 where you get your blood pressure checked. Yeah.
06:58 And you know when you're not feeling well, somebody's in the
07:00 aisle, but somebody sits down sometimes at the blood pressure
07:03 checking machine. Put that... press down on the red button
07:05 and it just goes ahead. And you say, you know, 120/71...
07:10 whatever over whatever.
07:11 And you are amazed that if you were upset when you came
07:15 into the store it shows up on that blood pressure machine.
07:20 And then sometimes I would say to my wife
07:24 or she would say to me or I have heard people say:
07:26 "Now walk around a little bit. Just calm yourself
07:28 and then come back and take it again. "
07:30 Because what indelibly what goes into your mind
07:33 would sometimes make your heart race.
07:35 Your mind doesn't race but your heart races.
07:38 Shows that they are connected together.
07:39 So what Jesus meant when He said: "Love the Lord your God
07:43 with all your mind,
07:45 heart, and soul" He says: "Give Me the entire you
07:50 and that's what I'm looking for. " Yeah.
07:53 You know, and I think the other way that I have shared
07:55 the difference is that when you hear some disturbing news
07:59 or when you get nervous or something emotional takes place
08:03 you don't feel it here.
08:07 Right. No one says: "Oh my head. "
08:09 They always go: "Oh I am just tormented with just... pain. "
08:13 Or if it's a good thing you feel so happy inside.
08:15 You don't say: "I'm so happy up here. "
08:17 "I'm happy in here, " you know?
08:19 And so the heart is the seat of the, you said, "passions. "
08:24 I typically say, you know, the emotions, the motivation
08:28 that we have. The things that move us with emotion.
08:33 And it's hard... You know, sometimes the English...
08:35 there is no English word for certain words - that's right -
08:38 and so it's just tough to find a word for it.
08:41 But clearly, your mind does the thinking
08:44 but your heart feels. And what you feel often is what
08:48 you're motivated by, what moves you,
08:49 what you're passionate about.
08:51 And so I would say that's what He's talking about:
08:54 "with all your heart, your mind, your soul. "
08:56 It's not only thinking it intellectually.
08:59 It's you're moved and impassioned by it too.
09:02 And here's some scriptures that you could use
09:04 that will give you the foundation to just kind of
09:06 understand this in a broader sense than just what
09:08 Matthew and Luke say about loving the Lord with all your
09:10 mind and heart. Job 38 verse 36.
09:13 And I'm reading from the New King James version.
09:15 The question is: "Who has put wisdom in the mind?
09:18 Or who has given understanding to the heart? "
09:22 So when you understand things... Hmmm.
09:25 You ever see people "OK, I get it. "
09:28 They don't say: "OK, I get it. "
09:30 No. "I get it, I get it. "
09:31 "Well I understand, I understand. "
09:33 You have people: "I understand. "
09:35 Now they're not just talking about the...
09:36 But they tend to put their hand toward the heart.
09:39 They don't say: "I understand. "
09:40 They don't hit their leg: "I understand. "
09:42 They go toward the heart: "I understand. "
09:44 What they're meaning is "I get it now! " Here's another one:
09:47 Psalm 26 and verse 2: "Examine me, O Lord,
09:51 and prove me. Try my mind and my heart. "
09:55 David is saying this is vitally important.
09:58 "Try my mind and my heart;
09:59 don't leave any one of those out because these are the
10:01 places of storage. " And then lastly
10:04 Psalm 73 verse 21.
10:06 "Thus my heart was grieved and I was vexed in my mind. "
10:11 Meaning I was troubled in my mind. My heart was
10:13 going through pain. My heart ached.
10:16 You've heard that phrase heartache? You don't call it...
10:17 you don't call it a headache over a grieving situation.
10:23 But oftentimes when you do have a headache
10:25 your heart is going to respond to it. Yeah.
10:27 So the Bible makes it very clear that the place of
10:31 our passions can also be referred to as the mind,
10:35 the heart, and the soul.
10:37 When you get to the bottom of the issue you say:
10:39 "Now we've gotten to the heart of the issue. " Yeah.
10:42 You don't say "we've gotten to the mind of the issue. "
10:44 One more thing too here.
10:46 They both have to work together: heart and mind - right -
10:48 to have a full, well-rounded, spiritual relationship...
10:52 a good relationship with God.
10:54 And I think there are some out there that only have a spiritual
10:59 experience with their mind.
11:02 And there are some out there that only have the spiritual
11:05 experience with their heart.
11:07 In other words, with the mind they intellectually know
11:10 all the truths of God's Word.
11:12 They can repeat it; they've got good memorization of scripture.
11:15 But when you try to appeal to them on a heart level
11:19 they just want to talk logic and the facts
11:22 and the things that God's Word is, and there's not a lot of
11:24 emotion. There's one gal that was asked by one of our elders
11:29 up there. He said... he mentioned to her...
11:32 he said: "do you think Jesus ever smiled? "
11:36 And she said: "Oh, no. I mean He had a nice look
11:41 on His face but no, He wouldn't have smiled. "
11:44 And he said: "Well I'm not sure the God that I imagine
11:47 is the same one that you're imagining. "
11:48 So she came from a very, just intellectual-only perspective
11:52 I think. 'Cause that's the thing he was trying to get at
11:54 was "what's your emotion with regard to God?
11:56 What's His emotion for you? "
11:57 Then there's the other side with just the heart.
12:00 There's no mind thinking, and that's what we're often talking
12:02 about here with our Top Ten Counterfeits
12:04 is that people often can be so caught up in their emotions
12:07 with God, their relationship with God and their love for Him.
12:11 And you can have that passionate love for Him.
12:12 It's an emotion-based one - right - for what He's done
12:15 for you, but then if you don't use the intellect
12:18 to go into God's Word to study and to temper those emotions -
12:23 not to tame them but temper them with truth -
12:28 then you're imbalanced as well.
12:29 We have to be careful to use mind and heart
12:33 when it comes to our experience with the Lord.
12:36 I found some other scriptures. And one of the things that's
12:39 so nice about studying God's Word, John, is that was
12:41 one that we put together is people often say now
12:44 "Now OK I hear what you're saying but tell me what
12:47 your heart is. " Um-hmm. And you even have songs:
12:49 I Left My Heart In San Francisco.
12:52 So the heart has a whole lot... Huh? I did that.
12:54 You did? Left my heart in San Francisco.
12:58 I know, you are a west coast die hard.
13:01 Well you know what? Rochelle, when she actually
13:03 sees a picture of San Francisco and the valley
13:06 she cries. It's beautiful out west.
13:08 She cries because she misses what was her home.
13:13 And I do too... I get emotional about it.
13:15 But I actually don't cry because it's just not me.
13:17 But I am emotionally moved whenever I see pictures of home.
13:21 John, yeah, that's true.
13:23 You had a beautiful home in the west coast.
13:25 I have often said to people that have never been to the west
13:28 "If you want to see perfect weather, go where it's like
13:30 85 degrees, 92 degrees, 100 degrees
13:32 and there's no humidity and you can actually sit outside
13:35 and not be eaten... eaten by bugs...
13:40 You could actually sit outside at night
13:42 and not become the subject of a dive-bombing session
13:45 by mosquitoes - um-hmm - 'cause for some reason
13:47 it's so minimal in California.
13:50 It obviously depends on where you live.
13:52 If you're by the water then the chances are much higher
13:55 but for the most part it's just the perfect weather.
13:58 It's just a wonderful place.
13:59 If they only got rid of the earthquakes I think it would be
14:01 just like the ultimate. That's why people often say
14:03 San Diego: "I left my heart in San Diego. "
14:06 It's like the best of all three worlds together.
14:09 Little bit of tropics and all and very, very nice.
14:11 But look at a few that you could just add to the list
14:15 I just gave you. Jesus gave the heart a different place
14:19 than He gave the mind. And notice what He talked about.
14:21 These things that are very deviant,
14:26 very destructive in nature sometimes are more deep-seated
14:31 than just the thought in the mind.
14:33 Matthew 15 verse 19: "For out of the heart
14:35 proceed evils thoughts, murders,
14:39 adulteries, fornications,
14:41 thefts, false witness, blasphemies. "
14:46 So the Lord is going beyond just a concept.
14:50 The conception is sometimes
14:53 "As a man thinks in his mind or in his heart so is he. "
14:56 And that is the heart that has not been transformed
14:59 by the renewing of the mind.
15:00 OK. Say that again.
15:03 That's what happens with a heart that has not been transformed
15:07 by the renewing of the mind - um-hmm - which we find in
15:10 Romans 12 verses 1 and 2.
15:13 That's right. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind. "
15:16 And lastly Hebrews 4 verse 12.
15:19 And the reason why we strongly suggest that you read the Word:
15:22 there are a lot of people that live philosophically.
15:25 You know some people wake up in the morning and they
15:26 go to the horoscope, they go to the website,
15:29 they can find out what the tea leaves say.
15:31 They want to go to their local guy and get their palms read.
15:34 That's not going to give you the bearing that you need
15:38 for the day because they can't tell you what's in your
15:40 thoughts, they can't tell you what's in your heart...
15:43 only God can.
15:44 When you read the Word of God you begin to hear the voice
15:47 of God talking to the very ones He made and created
15:50 and gives us a more solid foundation.
15:53 Last text: Hebrews 4:12.
15:55 "For the Word of God is living and powerful
15:59 and sharper than any two-edged sword
16:03 piercing even to the division" - get this now -
16:06 of soul and spirit" - meaning the life force
16:10 and the intellect - "and of joint and marrow"
16:14 Getting way down inside.
16:16 "and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents
16:20 of the heart. " So you clearly see...
16:22 If you really want to find out what's going on in somebody's
16:24 life, read the Word of God.
16:26 One of the books I really like, John, and this is something
16:29 that if you want to get wisdom and be wiser than the people
16:31 that are around you that are intellectual sometimes
16:33 make the book of Proverbs the central focus of your life.
16:37 Dr. Ben Carson... He told the story
16:41 and I didn't get it directly from him but I heard the story
16:43 conveyed. He said a book that he read
16:47 almost every day as he was growing up was the book of
16:49 Proverbs. And it's a book that gives you wisdom
16:53 to the intellect and allows you to guard your heart.
16:56 Very powerful book. So yes,
16:58 the heart and mind are interchangeably connected
17:01 an invariably inseparable.
17:04 Good. Good.
17:06 Let's just do one more question. Sounds good to me.
17:08 We spent a lot of time on that one.
17:10 This question is from Juan, and it's tied in to some of our
17:12 topic. OK. He says: "When I was a young child
17:16 my parents told me that prior to the Lord's second coming
17:20 there will be a false Christ who will reveal
17:23 and exalt himself.
17:27 Will he be in the heavens? And if so
17:32 will he be touching or actually touching the ground?
17:35 Um, my parents say that the true Christ
17:40 won't be touching the ground. Please help. "
17:42 OK. Very small font there. It was hard for me to read.
17:44 I had to get close. Uh, good question.
17:47 Here's what we know, and we're going to... You know,
17:50 we talked a little bit about the second coming
17:53 here in our last program as one of the things
17:55 counterfeited by Satan. So this is the same kind of
17:57 reference that Juan is making here to that occasion.
18:00 Um-hmm. That incidence in the future - um -
18:03 that when... when the false Christ comes it is true
18:06 he will be on this earth for a while.
18:09 In fact, the reference made in Matthew 24
18:12 talks about some of the things that he will be doing
18:15 and the places that he will be.
18:16 For instance it says in verse 26:
18:21 "If therefore they say to you 'he is in the desert'
18:23 do not go out; 'look, he is in the inner rooms'
18:25 do not believe it. " Basically this false Christ is where
18:28 the people are. He comes to meet the people
18:30 to try and talk with them and to deceive.
18:32 So that's what the false Christ will do.
18:34 But it says in I Thessalonians chapter 4 that when Jesus
18:38 comes He will come with the voice of an archangel,
18:41 with the trump of God. With this trumpet, you know...
18:43 this blast - that's right - loud voice.
18:46 And that those who are asleep in Jesus will be raised up
18:51 and those who are alive and remain until that time
18:54 will meet the Lord where? In the air. IN THE AIR.
18:58 And so Jesus will not touch the ground when He returns
19:02 the second time. In fact, there's no need to
19:04 because He's not heading to this earth He's heading
19:07 back to heaven with His saints.
19:09 That's right. In fact, His promise in John chapter 14 was
19:11 "I will come again and receive you to Myself
19:15 that where I am you may be also. "
19:17 Um-hmm. So you know this whole idea of the millennium
19:21 you know being this peace on earth where Jesus will come down
19:23 and rule over the earth... He's not coming a second time
19:26 to stay here; He's coming a second time to take us there.
19:30 Great! That's right. Then after the millennium
19:32 He will bring us all down here with the New Jerusalem
19:34 as it says in Revelation 21 and 22.
19:37 It will set down on this earth and He will re-create the earth,
19:41 put an end to all traces of sin,
19:43 and live with us in the New Jerusalem and in this earth
19:47 forever. And you know what's so nice about that topic, John,
19:50 is when we look forward to that re-creation
19:52 I can only imagine... there's a song now that has that title...
19:57 I could only imagine how beautiful the earth must have
20:00 been when it was fresh from the Creator's hand.
20:03 Um-hmm. It's kind of like... I don't know if you've seen this
20:06 before but sometimes you'll get something that's made out of
20:09 Styrofoam or you go and buy Styrofoam.
20:12 I've done that before.
20:13 And people that are into making those plants...
20:16 I'm sure Rochelle is creative like that...
20:18 You know, you get those Styro- foam; you can make arrangements.
20:21 Um-hmm. And people that are skilled like that
20:23 they can make something that costs $300.
20:25 And really it's just the skillful artistry of putting
20:28 things together, and Styrofoam is the thing that holds it
20:31 all together. Well when you buy that wonderful block
20:33 of Styrofoam it looks so perfect. And then you...
20:37 If you write on it or you draw on it, it's irreversible.
20:42 You can't erase the magic marker off of Styrofoam
20:46 without messing it up.
20:47 You can't un... you can't unmake a hole on Styrofoam.
20:52 It's just not possible.
20:53 You can't repair it when it breaks. It just...
20:57 you can't restore it to it's original condition
21:00 in anything you do... only God can do that.
21:02 And the beauty of looking forward to the New Earth
21:04 is one day being restored as God intended it to be
21:08 from the very beginning. And I want to add this thought:
21:10 this is not the question but I addressed this thought before.
21:14 And John, this probably is a pretty good segue into
21:18 the final ones we have for today
21:19 is there are not going to be animals in heaven.
21:22 A lot of times we've heard people preach that
21:25 maybe your pet is going to go to heaven.
21:27 Maybe your cat is going to be in heaven.
21:29 But animals are going to be in the New Earth, not in heaven.
21:32 And when it talks about "in My holy mountain
21:36 the lamb will be with the lion"
21:38 it talks about the New Earth... in the New Earth.
21:41 Because the question very few people ask themselves is:
21:44 how are animals going to get to heaven?
21:47 Are there animals in heaven now?
21:48 Not a single scripture that even gives us that hint.
21:51 Well it doesn't say that there won't be...
21:54 it just doesn't say that there will be.
21:57 Well here's the real question, when you could deduce from that
22:00 very... when you could deduce from that
22:02 I believe... Let me give you the reason why this comes up
22:05 all the time. I've had pets that I've lost...
22:08 I mean that have died.
22:10 Rags and Snuggles and Comanche: all these animals
22:13 I've had through the years.
22:14 And little kids have asked the question, and I understood
22:16 the context: "Will my animal be in heaven? "
22:18 In the New Earth, great possibility but not in heaven.
22:22 Right. Because you know the question we don't ask ourselves
22:25 is: are they going in the resurrection?
22:27 Are they taken up with us when we go to heaven?
22:30 The Bible says the Lord is coming back with us.
22:32 He's not taking dogs and cats any more than He's taking
22:35 horses and cows.
22:36 But in the New Earth as He re-populates the New Earth
22:39 we will have... and I don't think it's beyond God...
22:42 to give us our pets in the New Earth
22:45 that brought great joy to us. Oh yeah... Totally speculating.
22:48 In that context I understand. I just... I have a hard time
22:50 believing that there aren't already in heaven
22:52 birds in the air and the trees and those things that are
22:54 going on. That's just my opinion 'cause the Bible's kind of
22:57 silent on - right - exactly what is in heaven except
23:00 what it does describe.
23:01 So you're kind of giving us a hint that... Anyway...
23:05 Since there's no scripture for or against it.
23:07 Right. Yeah, we'll leave it at that. But our pets
23:09 and so forth in heaven? Not a possibility.
23:12 I totally agree with that. All right.
23:13 Uh, why don't you segue on this? I think we're done with our
23:16 questions. Well I think we're done for today for the questions
23:18 but you know friends, I know that you have questions.
23:20 We may have even just given you one right there
23:22 by talking about animals in heaven.
23:24 If you want any clarification on that, we could probably do
23:26 our homework and come up with something that may satisfy
23:28 your thoughts. BUT, if you have any questions
23:31 on your own and you want to send them to us,
23:33 send those to: housecalls@3abn. org
23:38 And either John or John will answer that question.
23:41 Hopefully one of us will be John
23:42 and we'll be appreciative of whatever you send.
23:45 But our question today, John, now gives way to our last
23:49 three of the Ten Counterfeits. That's right. I'm excited about
23:51 these last three. And I've been trying to recap them in each
23:54 program, and so we'll do that again here briefly.
23:56 These are the Top Ten Counterfeits Satan is using
23:59 in these last days to deceive -
24:01 OK - to counteract the work of God as He is pulling people
24:04 together for His return.
24:06 And number one was attacking the Word of God.
24:11 And he does that in many ways. We talked about that.
24:13 Number two: hiding behind kind of a mask, a different
24:18 character, is Satan himself
24:21 to confuse people with regard to the Great Controversy
24:24 and what that really is all about.
24:26 Um, you know... whether he's not even real
24:29 or in reality he's this ugly beast where, you know,
24:32 he's actually far... he can do anything really he wants
24:35 to be as far as transforming himself into an angel of light
24:38 even if he wants to do that. Will do that at some point
24:41 in the future. Number three: spiritualism
24:45 and how he communicates with those here on earth.
24:49 And understanding of what happens when you die
24:53 and confusing that.
24:54 Number four is the character of God...
24:57 running a smear campaign on God's character
25:00 using immortality of the soul and eternal torment
25:03 in hell forever and ever - um-hmm - and how God keeps
25:06 people and tortures them - those who have not accepted Him -
25:09 that is a device of the enemy.
25:11 Number five: the covenants.
25:13 Our last program we began a study on the covenants.
25:17 The dispensation theory, law and grace,
25:19 the dual covenant: separate ones for the Jews and the church.
25:22 We see that the Bible talks about an everlasting covenant
25:25 that is for mankind itself...
25:27 himself... that, you know, through different individuals
25:31 down through time He renewed that covenant or gave a
25:34 specific covenant to, but it was part of that everlasting
25:37 covenant that He has.
25:38 Um, and then that... how that is confusing
25:41 some prophecy, understanding of prophecy and
25:43 what's happening in these last days with regard to Israel
25:46 as the nation of Israel and many who believe that
25:49 they are still part of God's covenant,
25:52 specific covenant, when that's not necessarily the case.
25:57 And so then we went to... from prophecy
26:01 and seeing some of the issues there to a look at the -
26:04 number seven - the return of Christ and the secret rapture
26:07 theory... how that all plays into it.
26:09 How all the people are expecting the rapture
26:12 prior to the antichrist
26:14 and how a lot of people aren't going to see
26:19 Satan when he appears as Christ as being antichrist
26:21 because the rapture hasn't happened yet. So they're safe...
26:24 this has got to be Jesus... which is not even real
26:27 in the first place. So all these things kind of fit together.
26:30 We see how these counterfeits kind of come together
26:32 and how they work. We're going to talk about the last 3 here.
26:35 OK. And they're not so much end-time stuff as
26:39 they are - although they fit into it -
26:41 as they are general just doctrines of the Bible that
26:45 I think are essential to our salvation.
26:47 All right. Very important for us to understand
26:49 why Satan is doing what he's doing in these last days.
26:52 Number eight... number eight: salvation theology.
26:56 OK. And there's so many aspects of this
26:59 that we could cover, and we're not going to get into this
27:00 with an intense picture at all. But... but many people are
27:04 confused about how one is saved.
27:09 Not only that, what is part of that salvation experience.
27:13 Um-hmm. And in addition to that
27:15 this teaching of once saved always saved
27:18 and how that has confused many into thinking that they're
27:21 just... they're perfectly safe and fine as they are.
27:24 Once they profess Christ's name
27:26 everything's OK. It doesn't really matter what you do.
27:29 And then we'll get into the last two deceptions
27:32 which is that transitions into the law of God
27:34 and the importance of the law of God in our experience
27:37 and the counterfeit of Satan which is antinomianism
27:40 which is anti-law in the experience of salvation.
27:45 And then the last one being the attack on God's creation
27:48 and the Sabbath day - which is at the heart of creation.
27:51 And that will be the last one. But anyway...
27:54 Salvation theology, John. There's so much on this.
27:57 I've heard this preached so often that it's
28:02 it provides an imbalance, I believe,
28:05 of faith... in the whole experience of faith and works.
28:08 If you read the book of James you'll find that
28:11 faith is evident in our works.
28:14 Faith doesn't save you, but part of the salvation experience
28:17 excuse me, faith... works aren't going to save you
28:21 but part of our salvation experience is the works
28:24 that we do which is the evidence of a change
28:27 that God has wrought in us.
28:28 OK. Is making in us. That is the balanced view of
28:31 the salvation experience of all who come to Jesus
28:34 and take Him as their Lord and their Savior.
28:37 Some people say "Well... " And these are the accurate
28:40 statements... Some people accurately say
28:43 that faith is part of receiving Jesus as
28:48 your Savior. And then, um,
28:52 making... works are part of making Jesus your Lord.
28:57 And I find that that is very good because there's
28:59 clearly in the Bible two aspects: Jesus as our Savior,
29:03 Jesus as our Lord... the Lord of our life.
29:05 And so anyway there's a confusion.
29:07 I hear it over and over again people will say:
29:09 "Just believe. Just believe in Jesus
29:13 and you will be saved. "
29:15 And that statement is actually in the Bible.
29:17 But we probably need to put a little context to it, John.
29:20 I'm hoping maybe you're pulling up a statement or two
29:22 on that. Um-hmm. But there is a statement
29:25 clearly in the Bible that Paul uses saying:
29:28 "Only believe in Jesus Christ and you are saved. "
29:32 Let's bring some context to that.
29:34 Well the passage that we often...
29:37 And thank you for that introduction, John.
29:39 I really appreciate that.
29:40 The passage we often bring to the table when it comes to
29:44 salvation and we kind of just drop it there.
29:47 It's kind of like taking one piece of a car and saying:
29:50 "Hey, I've brought you your car. "
29:52 Or sometimes it's like taking a picture of a car
29:54 and say "I hope you enjoy driving this vehicle"
29:56 when in fact you have no substance to it.
29:58 The issue of salvation is very substantive.
30:02 In other words, it's broader than just a theology
30:04 that talks about what God can do for you right now.
30:07 And I have broken that down in three particular parts.
30:10 The first text I would like to bring to your attention is
30:12 Ephesians 2 verse 8.
30:13 You've heard this one before.
30:15 I'll read it from various translations.
30:18 "For by grace are you saved through faith. "
30:21 That's the King James.
30:23 "For by grace you have been saved through faith... "
30:26 That's the New King James.
30:27 "and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God... "
30:31 And verse 9 says: "not of works
30:33 lest any man should boast. "
30:34 But here's the point: that's the present.
30:36 That's the justification. "For by grace are you saved
30:40 through faith. " So if you ask somebody: "Are you saved? "
30:43 the answer is "Yes! "
30:45 But that's the present... that's justification.
30:48 And that salvation is the salvation from the penalty
30:53 of sin. Remember that. The first experience of salvation
30:56 is from the penalty of sin.
30:58 Death no longer reigns over your head.
31:01 But then if God only saves you today
31:03 and gave you life today, what about tomorrow?
31:06 Here's the other one.
31:08 Acts chapter 2 verse 21: "And it shall come to pass
31:12 that whoever calls on the name of the Lord
31:16 shall be saved. "
31:18 That's the day by day one. I call on Jesus tomorrow.
31:21 I call on Jesus the day after that.
31:23 I call on Jesus... He's going to save me
31:25 every time I call on His name.
31:26 And we need that day-by-day salvation.
31:28 Salvation from what?
31:30 We live this salvation experience in a mortal body.
31:33 Um-hmm. And Paul says in Romans 8
31:35 and Romans 9 and Romans 6
31:37 he talks about the sin struggle in the mortal body.
31:41 "Don't let sin reign in your mortal body. "
31:44 "You who have been freed from sin...
31:46 you who have been dead is free from sin.
31:49 Sin no longer reigns in your life. "
31:51 And so that second phase of salvation is salvation
31:54 from the power of sin.
31:56 That happens every day. When you call on Jesus
31:59 regardless of how long you have walked with Him...
32:01 whether one day or 55 years...
32:03 He can save you from the power of sin.
32:06 That's also known as justification.
32:08 There's a last portion of it: that is the ultimate salvation.
32:12 So here we are again. Are you saved? Yes.
32:16 Are you being saved? Yes.
32:19 Will you be saved? Yes. Um-hmm.
32:22 The last phase of salvation is Isaiah 25 verse 9.
32:25 "It will be said in that day: 'Behold, this is our God.
32:29 We have waited for Him and He WILL save us.
32:32 This is the Lord. We have waited for Him.
32:35 We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation. ' "
32:39 We are in His salvation but He is going to save us.
32:42 Why are we rejoicing? Because the final phase
32:45 is when we are made immortal.
32:47 When we are saved from the presence of sin
32:50 and that's called glorification.
32:52 That is yet to occur.
32:53 So here's my point: I have been saved,
32:55 I am being saved,
32:57 and until Jesus changes me from mortal to immortal
33:00 I need that saving relationship every day.
33:03 And finally He'll save me from the presence of sin.
33:06 Penalty, power, and presence.
33:09 But some people, John, I think where you're headed
33:10 with this is some people just say: "Once saved always saved.
33:13 I accepted Jesus May 2, 1946,
33:16 or May 5, 1975, and I'm done. "
33:20 And there's some verses that they use, they quote - yeah -
33:22 in that. In fact Paul in Romans chapter 10 verse 9
33:25 says "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
33:28 and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead
33:31 you will be saved. "
33:33 OK. And then that becomes the... the end of
33:38 end all of all ends. So that is it.
33:41 You know, just believe and you're going to be saved.
33:43 And that's what people go around saying. In fact,
33:45 the signs are like "I got milk" signs: "I got saved. "
33:48 And so you hear that over and over again.
33:50 When I hear that "got saved, " that's a great thing.
33:54 But it makes me cringe a little bit because I know the theology
33:56 behind that is very much a "just believe and it doesn't matter
34:01 what goes along with your faith as long as you believe. "
34:04 And texts like this are quoted. But listen to also what Paul
34:07 says in the book of Romans.
34:09 OK. Chapter 3 verse 31.
34:12 "Do we then make void the law through faith? "
34:16 In other words, where does the law come into this whole thing?
34:19 Because he's already said the law can't save you.
34:22 You can't by your own works be redeemed, become saved.
34:25 So do we make void? Do we just get rid of it?
34:28 And then what is his answer, John?
34:30 "Certainly not! "
34:33 "Absolutely not. " He says: "Do we make void the law
34:35 through faith? Certainly not!
34:39 On the contrary, we establish the law. "
34:43 Um-hmm. We establish the law where?
34:45 Well first of all we establish it in our hearts.
34:47 Part of the new covenant experience in Hebrews chapter 8
34:51 is that the law is written on the heart of the believer
34:55 in that new covenant... the covenant of Christ
34:58 who is the minister of the heavenly sanctuary
35:00 and our High Priest has given us.
35:05 So that is the law being put within our heart.
35:08 But we also establish the law in this respect, and here's...
35:10 here's something that I still haven't heard anybody
35:13 that's had an answer for really that's had this issue
35:16 with the "once saved always saved" or "just believe. "
35:19 If the law could have been changed to accommodate sin,
35:25 in other words, if somehow, um,
35:28 the law was unimportant
35:32 or at least - I shouldn't say unimportant
35:33 'cause no one admits that -
35:35 but if the law could somehow have been changed,
35:37 if it wasn't so much a part of the foundation of God's throne
35:39 for our salvation, then why would Jesus have to die?
35:44 That's a good premise.
35:45 Jesus died because He came to make the law
35:49 honorable or show that the law was honorable -
35:53 Isaiah 42:21 -
35:54 and elevate the law to its proper standing
35:57 which is a law or a foundation of God's throne that cannot
36:01 be altered. That's right. So Jesus paid that price.
36:04 Paid that penalty for our sin as you said: the "P" word -
36:08 PENALTY - for each of us who have transgressed God's law.
36:11 But then can we as a Christian all of a sudden say...?
36:15 And this is the statement Paul is making.
36:16 Once we believe in Jesus can we say:
36:18 "Well then the law is not important? "
36:19 No you can't.
36:21 No we can't! We follow the example of Christ
36:23 in upholding the law by living according to that law
36:26 within our hearts and in our lives.
36:27 That's right. And that's what works... how works
36:29 comes into play. I always say:
36:32 "Which side of the equation of salvation are you talking about
36:35 works? " Because the salvation
36:38 of proclaiming Christ as your Savior is an event -
36:42 it's a justification event - where when you do that
36:44 Jesus justifies you as if you had never sinned.
36:47 He puts His righteousness... His robe on you...
36:50 and His price that He paid for you on the cross
36:53 is imputed to you.
36:54 At that moment - that's a single event -
36:58 which side of that moment are you talking about works?
37:01 Hmmm. Because if you put works before that
37:04 it's legalism because you're trying to work your way
37:07 into God's grace. That's good. But if you put works on the
37:09 other side which is a result of the change that's taking place
37:14 in you, then it's not legalism... it becomes love.
37:18 It becomes the evidences of the salvation experience
37:22 that you've had. Um-hmm.
37:24 So that's why James can say: "Faith without works is dead. "
37:28 Because that experience you had in proclaiming Jesus as
37:31 your Savior, did not change you.
37:33 You weren't serious about it nor did it really occur
37:37 but instead it resulted in no works.
37:40 Yeah, as a matter of fact, when you suggested James
37:43 James puts the law, salvation, and works
37:46 in the very same passage. James does a job
37:49 to many of the modern theologians that have a problem
37:52 with Paul. You know a lot of people say: "Well Paul
37:55 said this, Paul said that. " They try to get rid of their...
37:57 their works and salvation equation
38:00 by saying: "You're saved apart from works, "
38:04 and that is in fact the truth.
38:05 You're not saved by your works but believing you are saved
38:08 by the works that Jesus accomplished in our behalf.
38:11 That's right. But then after you're saved do you do nothing?
38:14 Well Ephesians 2 verse 10 says: "For we are His workmanship
38:18 created in Christ Jesus for good works
38:21 which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in. "
38:25 And that is on the heels of "By grace you have been saved
38:27 through faith. " It's not... not of works.
38:30 Not of works; it's a gift!
38:32 Verse 9 says: "Not of works lest any man should boast. "
38:35 Verse 10 says: "But you are saved for works. "
38:37 We're not saved by works we're saved FOR works.
38:40 And so the equation here when you put the law together
38:43 James 2 verse 12 says:
38:45 "So speak and so do as those...
38:48 So speak and so do as those who will be judged by
38:52 the law of liberty.
38:54 Whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point
38:57 is guilty of all. " Verse 10:
38:58 But then now he goes down to verse 14 and he says...
39:01 James chapter 2 verse 14:
39:03 "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says
39:06 he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? "
39:09 And then he goes down to verse... "thus" -
39:13 he talks about, he uses the equation - "a brother or
39:16 sister is naked and destitute of daily food
39:18 and one of you says to them 'depart in peace.
39:20 Be warmed and filled' but you do not give them the things
39:23 which they are needed for the body, what does it profit?
39:28 Thus also faith by itself if it does not have works
39:31 is dead. " And you pointed out something earlier.
39:33 "Only believe. " Verse 19. Do you have James?
39:36 I'll go ahead and read that. But look at James here
39:39 verse 19 of chapter 2: "You believe
39:42 that there is one God? You do well.
39:44 Even the demons believe and tremble. "
39:46 So clearly verse 24 puts the whole issue together.
39:50 Um-hmm. "You see then that a man is justified by works
39:54 and not by faith alone. "
39:56 It almost seems completely contrary to the entire idea
39:59 of salvation. A man is justified by works.
40:02 Here is my point: you hire a guy that's a mechanic
40:06 and he says: "I could do whatever. "
40:08 Then the guy that employed him says: "OK, prove it to me. "
40:13 He's justified not by saying "I could do anything"
40:16 but he brings a perfectly- restored engine.
40:18 I have a guy that does my lawn for me
40:22 and I have a lawnmower that didn't work for years.
40:26 I have a new Zero-Turn now and I said: "You know,
40:29 this thing... I can't get it to work.
40:30 It just... it doesn't even start up. "
40:32 And you know what? He got it to work!
40:34 And I said to him: "OK, you said you could fix it?
40:37 Fix it. " And he brought it by the house yesterday
40:40 and he said: "Hey, I got it fixed. " And he pulled it...
40:42 And it looked so great. Because most of us in the
40:44 Midwest we cut grass without a catch basket
40:47 and there's grass everywhere.
40:49 And the small mower which has a catch basket
40:52 I said: "OK, I'll use that close to the house
40:54 so that there won't be grass everywhere flying all over
40:57 the garage. " And you know what? The point of the matter is
41:00 he said he could do it but his works justified his claim.
41:03 Yeah. And so our works justify our claim of Christianity.
41:06 It doesn't save us to make us Christians
41:08 but it shows to the world that we have a connection
41:11 with Christ. Yeah, absolutely.
41:13 And this "once saved" theology that has come about by -
41:15 ooh - this with its overemphasis on - glad you went there -
41:19 justification here... there are two parts: the parts you're
41:20 talking about with the saved from the penalty,
41:23 saved from the power of sin, saved from the presence of sin
41:26 are really other ways of explaining justification,
41:28 sanctification, and glorification.
41:30 That's right. Justification: being justified
41:34 in a moment of time when you accept Jesus as your Savior.
41:37 You're sanctified or you're being sanctified
41:39 every single day you walk with Him
41:42 as... with Jesus as your Savior. Maintenance... that's right.
41:45 And then glorification obviously comes later.
41:48 But what we find in the world today is an overemphasis
41:51 on justification or in some cases it's a justification
41:54 only doctrine.
41:56 And Satan wants it this way because if he can
41:59 get us to lose sight of the sanctifying element of our
42:01 salvation experience - the walk with Christ, the doing
42:04 the works of Christ - the need for Jesus...
42:06 the need for Jesus every day in our life to keep us
42:08 from this "old man" flesh that wants to rise up again
42:11 then we're not going to make it.
42:13 And he knows that, so he's trying to eliminate
42:15 one important element of our salvation experience
42:19 to keep us in that.
42:20 And this "once saved, always saved. " I always say -
42:22 and this is my term - sure -
42:25 this is... I call the doctrine of insecurity.
42:29 Ah. People say: "One saved, always saved.
42:32 How is it a doctrine of insecurity? "
42:34 Here, let me explain myself.
42:35 Ask someone. So, if there's someone that asks Jesus
42:42 to be their Savior and they end up in prison
42:44 for murder later on down the road - OK -
42:47 and you go talk to them and they're like
42:48 "Whew, that God thing. I tried that once. Didn't work for me. "
42:52 Let me ask you: are they still saved?
42:56 And the answer always is: "No. "
42:59 Why? "Well because they weren't saved in the first place. "
43:03 OK now, here's the problem with that.
43:05 Then how do you know that the faith you proclaimed
43:10 the first time worked?
43:12 Good point.
43:13 You're going to have a bunch of people running around
43:16 wondering: "Now when I declared my faith in Jesus
43:18 did that take? Did that work? "
43:21 Because this man that's in prison now
43:24 as part of our story, he thought when he took Jesus as his
43:27 Savior - at least with the knowledge that he had -
43:30 he thought that that worked.
43:32 He thought that Jesus became or at least
43:35 became his substitute on the cross
43:39 and paid the penalty for his sins.
43:41 You know what? The Bible says that Jesus meets us
43:44 where we are. When we come to Him
43:46 and take Him as our Savior and put our faith and trust
43:49 in Him we are saved.
43:51 But from that moment on we continue to be saved
43:55 as long as we remain in Him and He in us.
43:58 That's a part of the salvation experience.
44:00 Not a one time thing but also a sanctifying thing.
44:03 But "once saved, always saved" says that if you do it right
44:06 the first time then you've got it for the rest of the time.
44:09 Um-hmm. And one of the texts they misquote as well is
44:12 "Who is able to separate... who can separate us
44:16 from God? " The love of God. They don't even say love.
44:19 "Who can separate us from God? " Oh, I got you.
44:22 But the correct reading of the verse is "Who can separate us
44:26 from the love of God? " There will be many wicked
44:29 who die in the fires of hell whom God loves.
44:33 Very, very powerful. And who have been separated
44:36 from Him because of their neglect of their salvation
44:39 experience or have walked away from Him.
44:41 God still loves them but they have fallen away
44:45 because they have not followed through on their
44:49 experience with Christ.
44:51 And you know the beautiful... It's in His power, by the way,
44:54 you can't just believe by conjuring up enough strength
44:56 to continue to keep your faith.
44:58 Even God supplies the faith that you need.
45:01 So don't misread me on that.
45:02 Yes. Ezekiel 18 and Ezekiel 33 brings out a wonderful parallel.
45:07 It's a very, very long story. We're not going to go into
45:08 it today. But it says "the wickedness of the wicked man
45:11 shall not be remembered in the day that he turns
45:13 to righteousness. " But it also says
45:16 "the righteousness of the righteous man will not
45:19 be remembered in the day that he turns to iniquity. "
45:22 That's right. All the good that he has done will be forgotten
45:26 and he will die for the sin he has committed.
45:28 And that word iniquity is not just a stumbling word.
45:31 It is the day that he decides to go back and plunge into sin
45:34 disconnecting himself from God
45:36 all that he had done prior to that will not be remembered.
45:39 And you know something? I don't want to dog any
45:42 political figures, but some political figures are remembered
45:44 for the transgressions that they have been involved in
45:47 and not for the good they have done for the country.
45:49 You know, you can go through the names of people and say:
45:51 "Oh, he'll forever be remembered because of what he did. "
45:55 Or "she'll forever be remembered because of what she did. "
45:57 And people tend to forget all the good you've done
45:59 once you are linked or connected to evil works.
46:03 Here are some scriptures that you can put together that
46:06 salvation is not a one-time, wham I'm sealed in,
46:11 great, God's got me. I'm not going to no matter what I do
46:14 fall away. You've got to walk day by day with Christ.
46:17 And here's the reason for that walk.
46:19 II Peter 2 verse 21.
46:22 Are you there, John, at that passage?
46:24 Read it, and I'll read the next one in Hebrews 6.
46:26 II Peter 2 verse 21:
46:28 I'll start with verse 20. "For if after they have escaped
46:31 the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the
46:33 Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they are again entangled in them
46:36 and overcome, the latter end is worse for them
46:39 than the beginning. " Boy!
46:41 "For it would have been better for them not to have known
46:43 the way of righteousness than having known it
46:46 to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. "
46:48 Wow! So he wouldn't counsel someone on something that
46:53 wasn't possible. Evidently it is possible to walk away
46:56 from God's grace.
46:58 You know, John, even Jesus made that point when He talked
47:01 about the house that was clean and swept and empty.
47:07 And then the problem with it was it wasn't filled.
47:11 As a matter of fact, let me read that passage here.
47:13 And it talks about how there are those lives
47:15 that sometimes are cleaned up whose lives are swept up
47:20 but whose lives are not filled up.
47:22 That's the most important thing here: John 12 verse 43.
47:25 "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man
47:28 he goes through dry places seeking rest and finds none. "
47:33 Then He says: "I will return to My house
47:36 from which I came. And when he comes, he finds it empty" -
47:40 that's what the Lord does -
47:42 "he finds it swept" - that's what the Lord does -
47:45 "and put in order. And then he goes and takes with him
47:48 seven other spirits more wicked than himself
47:51 and they enter and dwell there. " Get this:
47:54 "And the last state of that man is worse...
47:57 worse than the first. "
48:00 That's because the man did not begin to
48:04 put in his heart - the one that had been swept and put
48:07 in order - the things of God.
48:09 The sanctifying part of the experience of salvation.
48:13 He was swept, cleaned up. He was put together
48:17 but he was empty. He wasn't filled of God.
48:20 We've got to be cleaned up and filled up.
48:23 If our lives are not day by day filled up,
48:25 day by day filled up with the Holy Spirit,
48:27 we are just a sitting duck. And the demons will come
48:31 and with greater force than before.
48:32 "And the last will be worse than the first. "
48:36 I think Hebrews 6... you had mentioned that.
48:38 Hebrews 6:4-6. Yeah, go ahead.
48:41 "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened
48:43 and have tasted the heavenly gift and have become partakers
48:46 of the Holy Spirit and have tasted the good Word of God
48:49 and the powers of the age to come,
48:51 if they fall away to renew them again to repentance,
48:54 since they crucified again for themselves the Son of God
48:57 and put Him to open shame. "
48:59 So talking about - you know - those who walk away -
49:02 right - from that. You know I mentioned
49:04 Hebrews here. We talked about Hebrews.
49:06 Yes. Well one of the things that Satan's doing
49:09 in the salvation theology here is trying to obscure
49:12 the ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary, too.
49:14 It's a very little known teaching:
49:15 the heavenly sanctuary.
49:18 Most of Christendom doesn't even know anything about that.
49:22 And clearly if you want to find out more about the
49:26 salvation experience of anyone
49:28 who put their trust and faith in Jesus not only on
49:30 the cross in the outer court but puts faith in Jesus
49:34 as their High Priest day to day
49:36 in the sanctuary, read the book of Hebrews.
49:40 Oh, very good. Because it is full of things.
49:43 Now I was going to quote a text but I'm not going to do that.
49:46 I'll give the text only:
49:47 Hebrews 10 verses 26 and 27.
49:51 Read that and you'll have a chance to tie some more texts
49:54 together on this point. Hey, but there's somebody
49:56 watching that may not have a Bible.
49:57 Go ahead and hit 'em with it. It'll take about 30 seconds.
50:00 It's a powerful text. Well I just closed it up.
50:03 Life is in the sanctuary but life is more specifically
50:06 in the Lord of the sanctuary. All right, here we go.
50:08 "For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge
50:12 of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins
50:16 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment
50:19 and the fiery indignation which will devour the adversary. "
50:22 So you know, essentially what it's saying there
50:25 is "if you continue with life as usual,
50:28 practicing sin and not giving any
50:32 way to the Holy Spirit's work in your life to change you
50:35 and to work out the salvation process in you,
50:38 then all you have to wait for is the fearful expectation
50:41 of judgment. There's no longer a sacrifice because it's in vain.
50:44 You know what's amazing about that, John?
50:46 Even Jesus had that experience.
50:47 The Bible talks about some disciples that walked with Him
50:50 and when they saw the price of discipleship the Bible says
50:53 that many of them walked with Him no more. Yeah.
50:56 And then Peter said: "To whom shall we go? "
50:59 And then Jesus said to them: "Are you also
51:01 going to leave Me? "
51:02 And he said: "I can't. Who are we going to go to?
51:06 You have the words of life. " That's right.
51:08 So there are people that walk with Jesus then walk away.
51:10 It's not an unusual thing. So there is no such thing as
51:13 "once saved always saved. "
51:15 It's a day-by-day walk with Christ. Yeah.
51:16 And so Satan is definitely using... has a counterfeit
51:19 salvation - that's right - and those are the various aspects
51:22 of it. Now number 10: we're finally here.
51:24 Number ten is "counterfeit creation" which is evolution.
51:31 Oh man, that's a huge one. Creation is under attack.
51:34 We know that; we see it very, very clearly
51:36 with evolution and how it's propagated out there in our
51:39 schools and our universities.
51:41 Um, that is clear. Also the connection it has -
51:45 creation has - to the Sabbath.
51:48 And now the Sabbath has also been obscured.
51:50 The only commandment that says "remember" people have
51:53 forgotten. Why? Because we're so evolutionarily
51:56 conditioned? conditioned to think today
51:59 that the Sabbath has just been removed from society.
52:03 And even the church endorses that.
52:04 It's endorsed Sunday as an alternative day of worship
52:09 that they say now is the Lord's day.
52:11 No, it hasn't changed nor has creation become evolution.
52:14 But that's Satan's tactic and we know that this is happening
52:18 today. You know we often quote those very famous passages like
52:22 Exodus where it talks about the fourth commandment.
52:25 You know, He's the One that made the heaven and the earth,
52:27 the sea and all that in them is.
52:28 But there are other passages in the Bible equally as powerful
52:31 that we oftentimes miss. For example: Nehemiah.
52:34 How many read Nehemiah 9:6 where it says:
52:36 "You alone are the Lord. You have made heaven...
52:39 the heaven of heavens with all their host,
52:43 the earth and everything on it,
52:45 the seas and all that is in them,
52:47 and You preserve them all.
52:49 The host of heaven worships You. "
52:51 That's a powerful passage. How many times do
52:53 we go to Nehemiah for a creation verse?
52:56 Yeah. And then another one in Psalms.
52:58 Psalm 115 verse 15.
53:00 "May you be blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth. "
53:06 Wow! These guys declare the beauty of it.
53:08 And today this whole idea about evolution...
53:10 You know, get this John, it's ridiculous.
53:12 You brought this point up and you did this in your series.
53:14 How could some guy by the name of Charles Darwin
53:18 come along thousands of years after creation,
53:22 challenge God, and we fall for this philosophical mumbo jumbo?
53:25 Um-hmm. It doesn't even make sense.
53:27 It doesn't even add up. He's not even a 1 and 1 = 2
53:30 kind of a theory. And he came in at the exact time
53:34 of the Great Awakening. Um-hmm.
53:37 The Great Awakening of the gospel to reach the world
53:41 in the form of missions and other things
53:43 as it's continuing to go to all the world until Jesus comes.
53:46 So Satan knew he had to set up this counterfeit.
53:49 And he used Darwin to do it, and we have bought it
53:51 hook, line, and sinker. You know what?
53:54 You read scripture... I am reading specifically from
53:57 Revelation chapter 4 verse 11...
53:59 you find a prescription for why we worship God.
54:03 What is the reason why we worship God and God only?
54:08 There's no other way, other person, or other being that
54:10 we can worship, and it says here in verse 11:
54:12 "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor
54:15 and power... " Why?
54:17 "for You created all things" - that's right -
54:20 "and by Your will they exist and were created. "
54:23 Revelation 4 verse 11.
54:24 Revelation 4 verse 11. So He's worthy to receive
54:27 worship. And only worship of Him alone
54:30 because He's the Creator.
54:32 And when you say, when you compromise on this issue
54:34 even within Christianity today when you compromise
54:37 for the sake of science, you are... you are almost committing
54:42 um, I don't even know... have a word for it, but
54:46 it's blasphemy. Jesus can't accept your worship.
54:50 He can't accept your worship because you're not
54:51 acknowledge him as the Creator.
54:53 That's right! Powerful.
54:56 He knows what he's doing when he's putting evolution
54:58 into the minds of people. You know the very last text
55:02 in the Bible that talks about the Creatorship of God
55:04 is the first of the three angels' messages?
55:07 The very last. God - from beginning Genesis all the way
55:11 to Revelation - the Creator is present.
55:13 Revelation: the greatest message of the hour in which we live.
55:17 That's why Three Angels Network exists: to counteract
55:21 the counterfeit with the three angels' message.
55:23 "Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment
55:27 is come. And worship Him who made heaven
55:30 and earth and the sea and the springs of water. "
55:34 A clear reference to the fourth commandment.
55:36 Clear reference to the fourth commandment
55:37 from beginning to end. Only God has that authority.
55:40 Only He is worthy of worship.
55:42 And these messages are clearly the last messages
55:46 given to the world for bringing them into that everlasting
55:50 covenant that we talked about for all mankind to accept,
55:53 find that Jesus is the Savior. So the command goes:
55:56 "Fear God and give glory to Him. "
55:57 Not those who proclaim evolution.
55:59 Not those who have all these alternative, counterfeit
56:03 things set up for drawing your mind away from the Creator.
56:07 But "worship God who created. "
56:09 And what did He do after creation?
56:11 He established a memorial of that creation
56:13 and He set up the Sabbath day whereby people could remember
56:17 who their Creator is. Oh, powerful!
56:20 What did Satan do? He stepped in and created
56:21 a counterfeit Sabbath to go along with the counterfeit
56:24 creation... which is evolution.
56:26 You know, there are three remembers in the Bible.
56:28 We're going to be very fast on this.
56:29 "Remember the Creator in the days of your youth. "
56:30 Young people need to remember Christ.
56:32 "Remember Lot's wife. " That means if you're on your way
56:35 out don't look back.
56:36 And the third one: "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. "
56:38 Now get this: if it's important for young people to remember
56:41 the Creator; if it's important for Christians to not look back
56:44 who are following Christ;
56:46 how much more is it important in this day of counterfeits
56:49 for us to remember our Creator
56:51 by honoring the true Bible Sabbath? That's right.
56:53 Powerful thing. And people will say:
56:55 "Well it's a works-based thing when you honor the holy
56:58 Sabbath day. " It is the exact opposite!
57:00 "Thou shalt not do ANY works. "
57:04 And you know, after creation God said...
57:06 He declared it was done. On the cross Jesus said
57:08 "It is finished! "
57:09 At the end when all is said and done
57:11 it'll be... He'll say "It is done" again.
57:13 It's in Christ's finished work and that reason that
57:17 we worship on the Sabbath day.
57:19 It's trusting in Him. It's a faith issue!
57:21 That's right. And friends, you know what?
57:22 Like the guy that created something that said it was so
57:24 magnificent, he said "accept no substitutes.
57:27 Accept none because the best product is Jesus Christ. "
57:31 Give your life to Him today, friends. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17