House Calls

How Do We Know What's Real?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Stanton & C. A. Murray


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL110007

00:01 Hello, friends.
00:03 Grab your Bible and a friend and sit back
00:04 as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:22 Welcome to House Calls,
00:24 it's good to have you here with us today.
00:25 We're so glad to be in the studio
00:27 and in your living room as we explore God's word.
00:30 Opening up and allow Him to lead us during this hour.
00:33 With me in the studio is Pastor C. A. Murray.
00:36 Pastor, great to have you with us again.
00:38 Good to be with you, don't often get to share
00:40 these chairs with you.
00:41 But I always enjoy it when we have a time to do.
00:43 Yeah, we got a topic here we're gonna cover today
00:46 and some other things and questions
00:49 which we really appreciate come from you.
00:52 From email either or snail mail,
00:55 we're still accepting snail mail,
00:56 so if you wanna give a handwritten letter out,
00:58 to write to us your question please do so.
01:00 If you're sending email, you can send it to us on
01:03 That's
01:09 We'll get your email question and hopefully cover that
01:12 and one of the programs coming up here.
01:15 So, we look forward to you sending and participating
01:18 in the program's going forward.
01:20 C.A., you know, we always want to start with prayer,
01:22 so why don't I just ask you to go ahead
01:24 and lead us in a word of prayer.
01:25 Be glad to do so, shall we pray.
01:27 Father God, we do praise you and thank you for this
01:29 another opportunity to talk about the things of God.
01:33 To talk about the work that you have give to us,
01:35 to talk about how we can better serve you,
01:37 how we can learn your will for your lives.
01:39 And then do that will so that we may be truly your children
01:45 and have the blessings of your power
01:47 and your spirit in our lives.
01:48 Bless this particular program, Lord,
01:50 as we lift up the name of Jesus
01:52 and discuss some of these subjects
01:54 that pertain to Christian living and we thank you
01:57 for your presence and power, in Jesus name, amen.
02:00 Amen, amen. Well we've questions,
02:05 now I know several good ones that have come in.
02:07 And C.A., I think you've got a couple of them
02:09 I've got a couple lets go ahead
02:11 and dive right in and see what our viewers,
02:13 our listeners are asking today.
02:16 Already I've got a question, we always see the Holy Spirit
02:21 as a force, we never read the Holy Spirit
02:25 as having a body or making decisions or ruling,
02:28 or doing all the things Jesus and God do
02:34 in their sovereignty.
02:36 We read that the Holy Spirit executes the demands
02:39 that is put it by God, thus how can we say
02:43 the Holy Spirit is really a person and not a force,
02:47 sounds like a force to me.
02:50 And we've had this question from time to time.
02:53 And when we think about that the book that comes
02:58 to my mind first of all is John.
03:00 And a couple of things I want to run
03:03 to in the book of John, First John 16:13.
03:07 Sixteen, yeah we'll start at verse 13,
03:11 John's gospel Chapter 16 verse 13,
03:14 lets look at the language that is used.
03:16 Because this person's assertion is that
03:18 the Holy Spirit is a force and when I think of a force,
03:20 John, I'm thinking of an impersonal thing that doesn't
03:26 have personality, doesn't have will, doesn't have volition,
03:29 but more a force like wind.
03:31 Sort of an inanimate kind of a thing
03:33 that just pushes us along.
03:34 But lets look at Christ's words here in John 16:13,
03:36 however when, here is the word.
03:38 He, the Spirit of truth has come,
03:41 He will guide you into all truth;
03:43 for He will not speak of on His own authority,
03:47 but whatever He hears He will speak;
03:50 and He will tell you things to come.
03:52 Verse 14, John 16:14, He will glorify Me,
03:56 for He will tell you what is Mine and declare it to you.
03:59 So, we see here first of all, that the spirit is always
04:04 referred to as He. Not it, but He
04:10 and then secondly we see that His office,
04:13 his job here is to declare and to glory Christ.
04:17 So, the God head is working together.
04:19 It is the spirit's job to give unction,
04:23 to give impression, to give validity,
04:25 to give certainty to the words of Christ,
04:27 to recall the things of Christ,
04:29 to impress the things of Christ on the mind and heart.
04:32 So he is working with Christ in the salvation
04:35 of men and women.
04:37 Now there's something else I just noticed in this question,
04:41 the person is having a little trouble
04:43 with the spirit being God, the whole Trinitarian idea
04:48 has been banded around as you well know, since forever.
04:52 So, lets go to John 14 and verse 16,
04:56 again if you have a red letter Bible,
04:58 your Bible is a wash in red through here because
05:01 these are words of Christ, 14:16,
05:07 And I will pray the Father,
05:09 and He will send you another Helper,
05:11 that He may abide with you forever.
05:14 And of course being a student of it,
05:15 you know that the other helper is an allos helper
05:19 as opposed to a hetoros helper.
05:20 Allos being another of the same kind.
05:24 So Christ is saying I'm not gonna be here,
05:26 I'm not gonna be able to comfort you,
05:27 but I'm not gonna leave you orphans,
05:28 he says a little bit later.
05:30 I'm going to send you someone of the same kind as me,
05:33 who is going to able to be with you and give you
05:35 the kind of comfort and support that I've give you.
05:37 So, Christ is certainly alluding to the fact that this
05:41 new comforter is the same as he.
05:44 Same in propose, same in office,
05:47 certainly same in goal and function as he.
05:50 So we see this throughout the Bible,
05:52 in the beginning was the word, the word's with God
05:54 and the word was God. So this theme run throughout
05:58 the book of John that there are three equal persons,
06:02 they function together.
06:05 John 10:30, I and My Father are one,
06:07 here again we get this idea of the spirit of God
06:12 fulfilling a role after the departure of Jesus
06:15 to affirm those things that Jesus
06:17 has said and brought to us.
06:18 Yeah, if you look at Chapter four, same gospel.
06:24 You will notice here and see verses 23 and 24
06:29 speaking of God and spirit, the issue here.
06:32 And it's the same kind of language.
06:34 But the hour is coming, and now is when the true
06:36 worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth;
06:40 for this Father is seeking such to worship Him.
06:42 Yes. God is what? Spirit.
06:45 So are we to say just because God is spoken
06:47 of his being a spirit that Jesus isn't a person
06:51 or God the Father isn't a person,
06:53 but they're all just spirits or forces.
06:55 See so, just arguing that because the Holy Spirit
07:00 isn't identified as having a separate identity or name,
07:05 doesn't mean that it isn't a person of the Godhead,
07:08 doesn't work. Yes.
07:09 Because the whole Godhead is spirit.
07:12 Yes, yes, very true.
07:13 I think some of these things, you know,
07:14 they are some aspects of this idea
07:19 of three co-equal persons, three in one, one in three,
07:22 that the human mind really cannot
07:24 totally wrap its mind around.
07:26 I suspect that will be one of the studies that
07:28 we will sort of entertain throughout eternity.
07:30 How does that function, how does that actually work.
07:34 Some of these things we accept by faith,
07:36 that there is a spirit that knows all
07:38 and his job is not to speak of himself,
07:41 not to edify himself, not to glory himself.
07:44 His work is to glorify Jesus, to speak about Jesus.
07:49 Which says a lot about those religions
07:51 and then those who try to make the spirit the end,
07:55 I got to give the spirit.
07:56 Well the Spirit's job really is to make you
07:58 a more effective witness, to make you walk
08:00 and do the things of the Lord.
08:01 To bring to your mind those things that Christ spoke
08:05 about when he was here, and then to enable you to do
08:08 those things so that you can be an successful Christian.
08:10 You know, there is an also a back door argument here,
08:13 there is a counter argument, if you look at
08:14 Revelation Chapter 16 and this just comes to mind.
08:17 I'll throw this out here, you know, whenever you think
08:20 about what God does, his purposes in this universe,
08:24 his purposes with this world are creation
08:26 and everything he does with his truth and aspects of it.
08:30 When he moves in a certain way,
08:32 the devil always seems to try to counterfeit.
08:35 Yes. What he does.
08:36 So where there is a move by God,
08:38 there is a counterfeit to Satan's action.
08:41 And we find here in Revelation 16
08:45 in regard to spiritual warfare,
08:47 in verse 13 it says, I saw three unclean spirits
08:51 like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
08:54 out of the mouth of the beast,
08:55 and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
08:58 For they are spirits of demons,
09:01 now notice here, all three are spirits of what?
09:04 Demons. Demons,
09:06 their spiritual warfare, it's a spiritualism approach
09:09 that Satan is using, but he has two cohorts with him.
09:14 He is mimicking the trinity,
09:16 he is developing a false trinity. Yes.
09:18 So in fact he by his counterfeit
09:21 can also give credence to the fact that God
09:23 himself is three in one and God is spirit in all three,
09:28 just as He uses these three together to work spiritualism.
09:33 See so, in a way even Satan is kind of affirming here
09:37 by his counterfeit that he is attacking three not two.
09:39 Yeah, the sincerest form of flattery is imitation.
09:44 And so he is imitating God and that's a very point, John,
09:48 and sort of a modern day manifestation of an age,
09:52 old problem. An age old warfare
09:54 that we see played out in these last days,
09:56 really, really good.
09:57 So we're talking about an entity that has volition,
10:01 that is real, that thinks, that moves,
10:04 that is God and not just a force,
10:07 we don't want to reduce the Holy Spirit
10:09 to just a force like a wind pushing your hand,
10:12 pushing you in your back, it leads from within,
10:15 it comes in, inhabits, possesses and controls
10:18 and constrains you from within, yeah.
10:20 Very good. I have a question here,
10:23 it's coming from Mezilla and she is asking, lets see here.
10:30 Dear pastors, greetings in Jesus name.
10:33 For some time now, this issue has been bothering me.
10:36 In our church there is a very genuine,
10:40 and generous and well liked member,
10:43 who saw a statue of a lion and a lamb in its arms.
10:47 And she brought it into the church and put in the foyer.
10:50 And sometimes there is a seminar
10:52 and it's brought back of into sanctuary,
10:54 to kind to show the lion and the lamb.
10:56 Of course that picture we find in the scriptures as well.
11:00 Most of the members don't see anything wrong with this,
11:02 but I just want to see is there a problem with this,
11:05 with regard to images that shouldn't be worshiped.
11:09 And so anyway, that's the essence of the question.
11:12 First of all, I like to read
11:14 Exodus chapter 20 verses 3 through 6,
11:17 because that is the command per say,
11:20 the second commandment that talks about
11:24 not making graven images.
11:27 It says here in verse 4,
11:30 You shall not make for yourself a carved image,
11:33 and I'm reading from the New King James Version.
11:35 Any likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
11:39 or that is in the earth beneath,
11:40 or that is in the water under the earth;
11:43 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.
11:45 For I, the Lord your God am a jealous God,
11:48 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
11:51 to the third and fourth generations of those
11:53 who hate Me, but showing mercy
11:55 to thousands to those who love Me
11:57 and keep My commandments.
11:59 So you have here within the second commandment,
12:03 this command by God says, don't make any graven image,
12:07 don't bow down to it.
12:09 Because I'm a jealous God,
12:10 I don't want you worshiping other Gods,
12:12 I'm the only God that should be worshiped.
12:13 Yes. Okay, now there are two aspects to this,
12:16 it's not just the creating of the graven image
12:19 or the creating of the image, it's the bowing down to it.
12:22 God isn't as concerned I think...
12:25 or may be the point of the concern is that,
12:28 that we not worship these images. Yes.
12:30 Not that they're not be a likeness or something
12:32 that looks like Jesus.
12:35 We see in studios and pictures, Christ,
12:38 you know, holding out his hands
12:39 or touching a life or something there,
12:41 and we don't consider that a graven image
12:45 or something that shouldn't, that is apposed
12:47 to the second commandment, because people
12:48 aren't bowing down to worship it.
12:50 And I think probably one of the examples of this,
12:52 it's always good to provide an example from scripture.
12:54 But one example is, the serpent that God asked Moses
12:58 to put in the wilderness, to put upon a stake,
13:02 that when anyone looked at it, they would live.
13:04 They were being bitten by serpents,
13:05 they were dying in droves.
13:07 Any he said, if you look upon the serpent
13:09 on this stake, yeah, then you will live.
13:13 And we find that God himself instructed to make
13:16 this bronze serpent.
13:18 So the image wasn't a problem for God, yeah,
13:21 the question was what were the people
13:23 doing with that image.
13:25 Now turn with me to Second Kings 18 verse 4,
13:30 this is kind of interesting, Second Kings 18 verse 4,
13:37 years later after the bronze serpent
13:41 experience in the wilderness.
13:44 We find this statement here and it's during Hezekiah,
13:47 King Hezekiah's days, it says in verse 4 of Second Kings 18,
13:51 that He removed the high places
13:53 and broke the sacred pillars, cut down the wooden image
13:57 and broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made;
14:01 for until those days the children of Israel
14:03 burned incense to it and called it Nehushtan.
14:07 So what they had begun to do with the serpent
14:09 was instead of looking and living because of what God
14:13 was going to do for them, of course,
14:15 they point it to Jesus on the cross right,
14:17 instead of understanding that, they started to worship it
14:20 as a some special power that it had.
14:22 Right, some sort of talisman.
14:24 And so he had to then take it and break it down,
14:27 because it became a image that was worshiped.
14:29 And I think this is kind of the central key here too,
14:31 is that, you know, what are we doing
14:33 with an image that comes in.
14:35 Which is a danger, John,
14:36 of always that we have with iconography.
14:40 You know, the idea that something
14:42 that is a representation of heaven becomes
14:44 the symbol of heaven, and you begin to pray to that,
14:47 as opposed to letting that be a representation
14:49 of something you cannot see.
14:50 And that's always a danger you have,
14:52 when you have images and I think you make a good point,
14:56 it's not the image per say, it's what it's being used for.
15:01 And you have this throughout the Bible.
15:03 You have something that is prohibited,
15:06 but you got to look at why, why is it being brought here,
15:09 because of our predilection, our nature that wants to turn
15:14 something that should be just a symbol
15:16 into the actual thing itself.
15:17 And we have that throughout the, the word of God.
15:19 Yeah, and there is everything that we trust
15:22 that we hold on to, it is should be as Christians,
15:27 should be ascribed to God.
15:28 God directly working in us, through us.
15:31 And whenever we ascribe to an image
15:33 as having some power that's supposed to come from God,
15:36 yes, yes. Then there becomes
15:38 a problem and it becomes a God in and of itself.
15:41 And this is the essence of idol worship, yes.
15:44 And that is making something or allowing something
15:47 to have the adoration or have our love
15:51 and consideration that rises to the level of being
15:54 either with God or even above God.
15:57 And in that respect to, you know,
15:58 just talking about images, and I know this isn't exactly
16:02 what this writer is saying.
16:03 But when we get so caught up in our houses,
16:06 in our cars and other things like that.
16:08 Those can become idols, because our affections,
16:11 yes for those things become higher
16:14 than our affection for God, and it draws our heart away,
16:17 yes. And so, that of course,
16:20 I mention that because that's where
16:21 secularism has gone today.
16:22 That's what our society is like today,
16:24 at least in America, yes.
16:26 But that's not the intent I believe to have the command,
16:31 the second command governing issues such as this,
16:34 you know, a lion and the lamb.
16:35 Now I would really be concerned if they were writing
16:37 and saying, people were coming and touching it,
16:40 or scribing some kind of power to it.
16:42 Then I'd say, problem, but I don't know that
16:46 and I don't think that's probably
16:48 what is being said here.
16:49 So I don't really have a problem
16:50 with what you are sharing here with me
16:53 with this never coming in.
16:54 Also remember, we've got to be very careful
16:56 about not judging someone's intentions.
16:59 Yes, you know, their motives.
17:00 So talk with him, let him know that
17:02 maybe this could be a concern to some.
17:03 But, you know, if there is still a real desire
17:06 to have that and you don't see any problem with that,
17:08 I really don't have anything to say really against it, so.
17:12 All right, you have another question there for us?
17:15 How can you tell, this is from Kathryn,
17:18 how can you tell when something or someone is God
17:21 sent or just seems right.
17:27 And they want us to email back.
17:30 A couple of things that pop up in my mind.
17:35 First of all, I think, John,
17:38 we ought to pray about everything.
17:40 When, we have a course of action in our mind.
17:45 For of all we need to ask God, Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10
17:49 comes to mind, that says, we are created,
17:52 we're his workmanship created for good works.
17:55 I think one of things we ought to look at,
17:57 but if it's a course of action,
18:00 is the goal selfish?
18:04 Does it make me a better person?
18:06 Will it make me a better tool in the hand of God?
18:09 Can I dedicate it to the Lord,
18:12 can I pray about this activity,
18:14 if Christ were with me could I engage in this activity.
18:19 Romans, oh goodness 14:23 that which is not a faith is sin.
18:25 So all of our actions ought to be faith based,
18:29 prayer based. Even you know who you date?
18:34 Who you marry? What kind of car you buy?
18:37 What you do with your money? What you do with leisure time?
18:40 Where do you go for entertainment?
18:41 That kinds of things you involve yourself
18:43 in for entertainment.
18:45 Those ought to be filtered through the lens,
18:48 using mixed metaphors here.
18:51 Filter through the lens of the Holy Spirit.
18:54 Ask God, can you bless this, can you bless this activity?
18:59 Will it make me a better person,
19:01 will engaging in this activity take me away from God.
19:04 You could do some good things to excess.
19:07 You can spend too much time on your computer now.
19:09 We got a computer sitting here.
19:11 This is not a bad thing, right.
19:12 But, if you spent all day on this thing doing video games
19:15 and listening to music or downloading things,
19:17 it could become a determent to your spiritual growth.
19:20 So what other things you need to ask
19:22 is will this make me a better Christian?
19:24 Will this make me a sharper tool in the hand of God,
19:26 will this fulfill the statement
19:29 of God in Ephesians that I'm a workman for God,
19:33 but I'm also the workmanship of God.
19:36 And my life ought to give glory to God
19:39 and if you can answer those questions in the affirmative,
19:41 then you can get a pretty good idea
19:43 that this thing is from the Lord,
19:44 but if anything takes you away from God,
19:46 pulls you from God, makes you secretive,
19:49 if you don't feel Christ can be with you
19:51 then you really ought to take a look it,
19:53 because it's probably something
19:54 that you ought not involve yourself in.
19:56 Yeah, and I think probably an association with prayer,
20:00 you probably add to that Bible study.
20:02 Oh yes, very much so. Because anything you feel
20:04 impressed by from the Lord should be gauged at least
20:08 or wade in light of scripture.
20:10 You know, is what I feel I'm in being impressed with,
20:13 does it harmonize with God's word.
20:15 You know, would God, does God's word support
20:18 what I'm receiving, 'cause I, you know... Pastor,
20:21 you and I've been, you've been pastoring
20:24 a lot longer than I have, but I'm sure
20:25 you've heard numerous times as you engage in
20:27 Bible study with people.
20:29 And, for the first time they're hearing
20:31 some new things, some who resist might
20:34 give you the answer.
20:37 Well I just don't feel it, I don't feel like God
20:41 is convicting me of that at this point.
20:44 And of course you're reading scripture,
20:45 you're going through the text, you're showing them
20:47 what God's word says and yet the feeling just isn't there,
20:50 I don't feel that burning that this is the truth.
20:53 And so sometimes in many respects,
20:57 it's not just what are we being impressed with,
20:59 but sometimes are we resisting what God's impressing us with.
21:03 And so sometimes when we go to scripture all the time,
21:06 I would ask, we go to scripture
21:07 and find out and what I, am I hearing something
21:11 from God that I'm resisting initially,
21:14 that I think didn't belong to Him,
21:16 does it belong Him.
21:17 Then also, there is this always
21:19 should be a communication between us and the Lord
21:22 with the word open.
21:24 And I think too many Christians today are listening
21:27 to their pastors or teachers or,
21:30 you know, school instructors or whenever it be,
21:33 and they're just kind of going with it.
21:34 Yeah. Because it fits their lifestyle, it feels okay,
21:38 but feeling got to be careful with feeling.
21:40 Feeling doesn't mean it's necessarily right or wrong,
21:42 feelings are neutral in many respects.
21:44 It's what does the word say, with regard to truth.
21:47 Yeah, once you filter it through the word,
21:51 you can be, if you're honest with yourself,
21:53 take it to the word of God and if the word of God
21:56 crosses your path of it.
21:58 If it cuts across where you want to go
22:00 then you've got follow the word, you know.
22:03 Quickly a text that we use very often,
22:05 in Romans chapter 12, verse 1 and 2.
22:07 I beseech you therefore brethren,
22:08 by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies
22:09 a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God,
22:12 which is your reasonable service.
22:14 And do not be conformed to this world,
22:16 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
22:18 and that you may do that which is the perfect will of God.
22:21 One of the things you have to ask yourself
22:23 is does this activity, does what I'm proposing to do,
22:29 will it transform me, will it bring me closer to God
22:32 or does it conform me to the word.
22:36 You follow what I'm going through. Yeah.
22:38 Does it make me a better Christian,
22:39 a better servant, a better person to serve the Lord,
22:43 or does it sort of push me back
22:45 into the mold of the world.
22:46 And you've got to really be honest with yourself,
22:48 be very, very honest with yourself
22:51 and if the word cuts across what you want to do,
22:54 then you've got to stick with the word,
22:55 because your safety is in following the word of God.
22:58 That's right, I've said a couple times,
23:01 on judgment day, yes, you stand before Christ.
23:05 You know, and this isn't all theologically correct,
23:07 I'm giving you kind of a parable here,
23:08 but on judgment day we're gonna stand before Christ
23:10 and if we're on the wrong side,
23:13 we're among the devils, will the answer,
23:17 well my pastor said, yes, or well I thought,
23:21 but it didn't feel.
23:22 I mean, will that suffice or let's say suppose you
23:26 are on the wrong side, what better argument
23:28 would there be, but I read your word
23:32 and I followed it the best I could.
23:34 Now we know that one side is chosen,
23:36 obviously there's no switching at sides,
23:37 but I want to be able to give the answer,
23:38 regardless that I read your word,
23:41 and I followed what it said, even though I maybe wrong
23:44 in some aspects. I'm committed,
23:46 I'm a follower of Christ, I'm a follower of your word
23:48 and that is the answer we are in our lives need
23:51 to be giving everything we believe.
23:52 Yeah, yeah, I read it, I saw it in the word
23:55 and I try to line myself up with the word as it says,
23:58 well my grandmother did that, and my grandfather did that,
24:01 I figured it was okay, right, I never checked the word.
24:03 But if you check the word,
24:04 then at least, you know, you're on safe ground.
24:06 I've, recently two persons said,
24:10 oh, you know, I see these trues,
24:13 but you know what, I've been a Lutheran
24:16 or Pentecostal or Presbyterian or,
24:18 you know, Baptist, whatever you may.
24:20 All my life, my family's always been that,
24:22 I will always be that, yeah, and I'm thinking, you know,
24:26 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist pastor,
24:28 but I will not say that I've always been a
24:31 Seventh-day Adventist so then I will be
24:33 a Seventh-day Adventist. I cant say that,
24:35 even in my own faith, I've got say I'm gonna follow
24:37 the word. God's word led me to
24:39 affirm my faith in the Seventh-day Adventist church,
24:42 that God is leading this church and its truth.
24:45 But, I still must follow the word,
24:47 I can't just because of the name,
24:49 because of what I was raised, follow this or that.
24:52 You know, this specific faith or doctrine,
24:55 I've got to follow the word.
24:56 So, I just wanted to throw that out there,
24:57 because so many times today we're finding out there and,
25:00 you maybe seeing this among your friends
25:02 or those that you study with or when you open the word.
25:05 That there is this affinity to what they already know,
25:08 what they're already comfortable with.
25:10 Where we need to be elevating the word
25:12 and following word of God and that's our own safeguard
25:15 for these last days, I believe it's very, very important.
25:17 You know, John, if I can to put something in
25:18 because I was talking with someone just yesterday,
25:20 she is a mother, her grown son
25:23 is now not following the Lord, he is out of the church.
25:26 He evidently committed an act many years ago
25:30 and she handled it, her response was unchristian.
25:33 She may have just blown it out of proportion,
25:36 it was a particular affront to her and she handled it badly.
25:39 He chose that as reason and rational to leave the church.
25:43 And now many years later
25:45 she has apologized to him profusely,
25:47 she said, I'm really, really sorry and he is saying,
25:50 well, I can't get over, I can't get by it.
25:53 It's just tough for you and she is trying to say,
25:56 no it's tough for you, because you've left Jesus
25:58 and you've let this one act turn you against the Lord.
26:04 And I was saying to her yesterday,
26:05 see come judgment day, using that same scenario,
26:08 he cannot say well back 30 years ago,
26:11 my mom did this, and so I turned my back on you Jesus,
26:14 because of something she did.
26:16 You know, so we got to follow the Lord for our self
26:19 and we can't let and we can't put anyone
26:21 in the place of God.
26:23 I shouldn't turn my back on Jesus,
26:25 because John Stanton said something mean to me.
26:29 You know, that's not gonna fly when Christ comes.
26:32 Well, John says, I'm mean to you,
26:34 so I give up on you Christ, because of John Stanton, yeah.
26:36 Or I give up on you Christ because
26:37 my mom did something 40 years ago.
26:39 We've got to check our lives everyday by the word
26:44 and make sure that we're traveling in the right path.
26:46 Yeah. Yeah and so many people are hurt today in the church,
26:48 we recognize that, we know maybe
26:50 some of you have been hurt by members of the church,
26:52 but know that God doesn't want you to turn your back
26:55 on Him because of what someone else does.
26:56 Precisely. He wants you to maintain that,
26:58 you know, to turn to Him,
27:00 come back to his church, find your church family
27:04 who will love and support you in the right way,
27:05 even though maybe someone else has hurt you.
27:08 That's God's will for your life.
27:10 Just a quick question here,
27:11 I think it's gonna be fairly quick.
27:14 In the Bible Solomon is a wise man,
27:16 but in this age my wisdom is greater than his own,
27:19 do you think that's possible?
27:22 Now I know what they're saying,
27:23 is that, you know, in essence, for Solomon's day,
27:29 wisdom, you know, had a context of time.
27:32 You know, I mean, they didn't have jets that they flew,
27:34 you know, they didn't have all the things we have today
27:37 in the information, in the industrial, in this age, yeah.
27:42 And I think in many respects what this person is talking
27:46 about is knowledge. Thank you, yeah.
27:48 Not wisdom. Precisely, yeah.
27:50 So, you know, when you look,
27:52 in fact if you look at scripture,
27:54 there is a verse in Daniel 12 verse 4
27:58 that talks about knowledge will increase in the last days
28:03 and so it shouldn't surprise us as we talk about this being
28:06 the last days that knowledge is increasing today.
28:09 Knowledge about just about everything.
28:11 The things we see, the things we have today,
28:13 the inventions we possess that make our lives
28:15 more comfortable that's the result C.A,
28:18 of knowledge increasing.
28:20 But it doesn't mean that we are wiser.
28:23 In fact knowledge can be an exact opposite of wisdom,
28:26 you could actually put them at polar opposites
28:28 in some respect. Because today,
28:31 science is moving away from God.
28:34 And the Bible says that wisdom comes from God.
28:38 So if you put, if you had a triangle
28:39 and you started off that was reverse,
28:41 the triangle was upside down and you were at the bottom
28:44 and the knowledge on one side and wisdom at the other side.
28:47 You can say that in many respects when you go up,
28:49 these are getting further apart.
28:50 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
28:52 And, you know, was it James 1:5,
28:56 If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,
28:59 who gives liberally to anybody who asks.
29:00 And so from God comes wisdom, but if we exclude God
29:07 from that equation, we don't become wiser,
29:09 we become more foolish. Precisely.
29:11 But we can be knowledgeable, yes,
29:13 because of the blessings we have of this day.
29:16 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
29:19 And the fool that said in his heart,
29:21 there is no God.
29:22 And if you just oppose the two,
29:25 we have more knowledge, but you have more people
29:27 who don't believe in God than ever today,
29:29 so how wise are we?
29:32 The evidences of the Lord are all around
29:35 and yet there are those who choose to the negate
29:38 those evidences and say, God does not exist.
29:41 So, we have more knowledge than ever before,
29:43 but I don't know if we're wiser than we've ever been.
29:45 No, the word wisdom comes up in Daniel 12, yeah.
29:49 You know, that knowledge shall increase,
29:51 we find that in verse 4 of Daniel 12,
29:55 but look at verse 10, verse 10 says,
29:58 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined,
30:02 but the wicked shall do wickedly;
30:05 and none of the wicked shall do what?
30:07 Understand, Understand,
30:08 yeah, but the wise shall understand.
30:10 Shall understand, yeah.
30:12 So, the wicked who claim knowledge and inspiration
30:15 and incredible things through science that they come to know
30:19 still aren't wise because they don't put their trust in God
30:23 who is the source of wisdom.
30:25 So, anyway I would say that it is very possible
30:29 that you have more knowledge in certain aspects
30:31 then Solomon. But Solomon got his wisdom
30:33 from God and if you ask of God for wisdom
30:36 then you will receive some of what
30:37 Solomon also received, so.
30:39 You can have this mass John of knowledge,
30:42 but I think of wisdom asv
30:43 the correct application of knowledge. Application.
30:46 You have this a mass of facts, but when and where to apply
30:51 a particular fact to a particular case,
30:53 that's true wisdom.
30:54 And they are a lot of very wise people
30:56 who never went to college, don't have Ph.D.
30:58 They are very, very, very wise
31:01 and we see that even in our day.
31:02 Amen, well that's our questions for today
31:05 and we appreciate you sending those in.
31:07 Again if you like to email questions,
31:08 you can email them to
31:12 that's
31:16 And we thank you for sending those in once again.
31:19 Our topic today, is just a one program topic
31:24 and we're gonna move through these things fairly quickly.
31:26 But the study today is the Biblical test of a prophet.
31:31 You know, C.A., as we look around this world
31:34 and we've been seeing over, you know, many decades
31:36 and of course Jesus predicted this,
31:38 Matthew 24, that many false prophets or false Christs,
31:42 he also uses here, will arise to deceive many.
31:46 Many who claim to be inspired by God,
31:49 or calm to be prophets in their own right
31:51 are leading people away.
31:54 And the question then goes well with all these people
31:57 who are professing to have knowledge and wisdom,
31:59 we just talked about that.
32:00 How do we know if they truly are called by God
32:03 to be his spokesperson, yes, you know, how are they,
32:07 are they a true prophet or prophetess
32:10 or are they a false prophet or prophetess.
32:12 And so, I believe the Bible does give us a specific tests
32:18 or at least a test of what a true prophet is.
32:22 And I've just noted 12 of them here
32:25 and we're gonna try and move through this
32:27 and just see if we can pick out a few things
32:28 to give to our listeners, our viewers,
32:32 how to confirm whether or not someone who professes
32:35 to be a prophet is truly of God.
32:37 Number one, a true prophet does not lie.
32:42 What he or she predicts is always fulfilled,
32:44 unless the prophecy is conditional.
32:48 And there are many conditional prophecies here.
32:50 So we have to make sure that we put that caveat in there.
32:53 But what is predicted unless it's conditional
32:57 will come to pass. And if the condition has been met,
33:01 then it will come to pass, if it hasn't been met then
33:03 it won't come to pass.
33:05 So let's take a look at a few texts here,
33:06 do you have one there for me, the first one.
33:08 Jeremiah 28:9, a great text
33:11 as for the prophet who prophesies peace,
33:14 when the word of the prophet come to pass,
33:17 the prophet will be known as
33:18 one who the Lord has truly sent.
33:21 Very plain, if he says it's gonna happen,
33:25 it's got to happen.
33:26 And it's got to happen in the way that he says
33:28 is going to happen because he is speaking for God.
33:31 And if he is speaking for God, who knows all and sees all,
33:34 and understands all, then he knows what's going to happen
33:37 and it should happen precisely that way.
33:39 Conversely if it does not happen,
33:42 then well we got a problem.
33:44 We got a problem. Yeah, we got an issue here.
33:46 And especially, and we're talking about
33:48 one that is not conditional, yes,
33:50 evidently this is not a conditional prophecy here,
33:52 the Lord said, it is going to be this,
33:54 the prophet says it and it happens. Precisely.
33:56 But, when there is a condition,
33:58 then it's a little different scenario.
34:00 Because sometimes God will say,
34:01 if you do not repent, I will do this.
34:05 And if his people repent it doesn't happen,
34:08 but just because the prophet prophesied of that,
34:10 we can think of a most famous prophet of this,
34:12 which is Jonah in Nineveh, he said that this city
34:15 would be destroyed, right.
34:16 But, it didn't happen, did that make him a false prophet?
34:18 No, there was a condition attached to that prophecy,
34:21 that this one here is not conditional
34:24 and it's not speaking about additional prophecies...
34:27 If clauses that it got to happen and John,
34:29 as you will know, 100 percent accuracy,
34:32 there's no batting average when you live with a prophet.
34:35 It's got to be accurate all the time,
34:37 100 percent of the time, not 50 not 75,
34:40 not he or she is batting about 390,
34:42 no, gotta be 100 percent of time.
34:44 Talking about that for a minute,
34:45 I mean, don't we see that as a test today
34:47 as to someone's wisdom.
34:49 I mean, you see on, you see like in the History Channel,
34:52 I watch that once in a while,
34:53 it's enjoyable channel with some of the programs.
34:55 But some will come on there saying, you know,
34:59 success rates on prophecies from these individuals.
35:02 Well, one that appears most successful is...
35:04 and they're batting around 30, 40, 50 percent.
35:07 You wondering what makes that so good.
35:09 The biblical standard is 100 percent.
35:11 One hundred percent, yeah,
35:12 yeah if a guy is batting 50 percent,
35:16 he is wrong half the time. You can forget about that guy.
35:22 He is wrong half the time,
35:24 you don't wanna base your life,
35:26 your future, your hopes, your eternity on a guy
35:28 who is only batting 50 percent.
35:30 You might as well walk up to black or red
35:32 and throw down your life savings on it.
35:33 Precisely, yeah. I mean, it doesn't work that way.
35:35 It just, it makes no sense.
35:37 So we're talking about a person
35:38 who is speaking for God,
35:39 and have got to be right 100 percent all the time.
35:42 And that's very, very important.
35:44 Yeah, it really is, look at the next verse here
35:46 from Deuteronomy 18 verse 21 and 22.
35:50 And if you say in your heart, 'How shall we know the word
35:53 which the Lord has not spoken?"
35:56 When the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord,
35:58 if the thing does not happen or come to pass,
36:01 that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken,
36:05 the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
36:07 you shall not be afraid of him.
36:09 Yes, yes, that's the other side of the coin.
36:11 Yes. So, if he is hurling out in activities
36:14 and you're gonna wither away and it doesn't happen,
36:16 well it didn't come from God. Yeah, that's right.
36:18 That's his own, he is, maybe got a little upset,
36:20 had a bad day. So he is spotting off
36:22 some stuff, but it didn't come from the Lord.
36:24 That's right, that's right. Another one there.
36:28 First Samuel 9:6, And he said to him,
36:31 "Look now, there is in this city a man of God,
36:35 "and he is an honorable man,
36:38 "all that he says surely comes to pass.
36:41 "So let us go there, perhaps he can show us
36:43 the way that we should go."
36:46 All right so all that he says surely comes to pass.
36:50 But it's not half of what he says comes to pass,
36:52 lets go try them out,
36:53 it's everything he says comes to pass.
36:56 These, these, these, we're begging the point here
37:00 of 100 percent accuracy.
37:02 And it's an important point to sort of lay on a little bit.
37:05 Because there are many people who gives predictions today
37:08 and they've got a batting average
37:10 and once you begin to talk about averages,
37:11 you're not talking about God.
37:13 So, if you're listening to someone,
37:15 if you're gonna put your, you know,
37:17 someone made a prediction sometime ago
37:19 and there was a fellow in New York,
37:20 who's sort of banked his whole fortune on that.
37:25 And lost all of his money, and he said well,
37:27 what do I do now. You know,
37:29 I sort of gave all my money away to this cause
37:32 because I believed this person.
37:34 And now I don't have anything,
37:36 and what he said didn't come true,
37:37 what do I do now?
37:38 And no one had answer for him because you went with a person
37:42 who had a track record, it missed sometimes on,
37:45 sometimes off, this time he was way off
37:48 and you banked on that and now you have nothing.
37:50 So, 100 percent accuracy if it's coming from the Lord.
37:53 That's right, now the other thing to remember in this,
37:56 I don't want to blabber that point too much.
37:58 But, we're not talking about the life
38:00 of the individual necessary, God works
38:02 through frail human beings, he does.
38:05 So, it doesn't mean 100 percent perfection
38:08 in the life of the prophet.
38:09 Because sometimes people look at the prophet and they say,
38:11 well, you know, he made a mistake here and there.
38:14 Not in the predictions, but I'm talking about,
38:15 he made a mistake in his life, you know,
38:17 or something he didn't choose to do,
38:19 it wasn't exactly right.
38:20 It doesn't mean that a prophet goes
38:23 throughout his or her day, hearing from God,
38:26 turn the doorknob, yeah.
38:28 Now walk through this hallway. Yeah.
38:30 Now go step over to here and talk to...
38:31 That's not, that's not what a prophet does.
38:35 So we can't say, well because their life
38:37 isn't an 100 percent perfect that they're not of God,
38:40 and if you think of someone like Jonah,
38:42 who was literally running away from God
38:44 right, and God still used him
38:46 and brought him back to speak for him.
38:48 Then we know that the requirement isn't
38:51 the 100 percent sinless life of the prophet,
38:53 but the 100 percent accuracy of the message.
38:55 Of the message, very true, very true, and a good point.
38:58 All right, look at number two here,
38:59 the second test, a true prophets speaks
39:02 in behalf of God,
39:06 and it shall be that whoever will not hear my words,
39:10 which he speaks in my name, I will require it of Him.
39:14 So, notice here, those who do not hear,
39:17 God says my words. Yes.
39:20 So when the prophets speaks,
39:21 he is speaking the words of God.
39:24 Yeah, and we're gonna touch on this in a little bit
39:26 I think, but he is not coming out of his own bag,
39:29 dare I say. He is speaking for God,
39:32 so then his words carry the import,
39:34 the weight of divinity, because he is but
39:36 the mouthpiece for a message that comes from God.
39:39 Right, and the next text,
39:41 why don't you go ahead and read that one, Amos.
39:42 Amos chapter 3 verse 7, remember this text from school
39:44 Surely the Lord God does nothing,
39:47 unless He reveals His secret to His servants, the prophets.
39:50 Of course then nothing means those kinds of things
39:52 that affect mankind's eternal well being.
39:56 If God's going to do something big
39:58 for to with through planet earth,
40:00 he is gonna warn you about it.
40:01 God's not trying to sneak anything in on us, right.
40:04 He is gonna warn us about it and give us,
40:05 dare we say in modern language the heads up, yeah.
40:08 So that we know what is coming,
40:11 so that we can be prepared.
40:12 You know, Jesus himself said,
40:14 I tell you these things that you may know be forehand.
40:17 Precisely, yeah, yeah.
40:18 So, he wants us to know in advance,
40:19 he does that through prophets.
40:22 We find here also in Revelation 10:7
40:24 an illusion to, or working out of that.
40:27 It says, but in the days of the sounding
40:28 of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound,
40:30 the mystery of God would be finished,
40:32 as He declared to His servants, the prophets.
40:35 So he reveals his secrets to the prophets
40:37 and in the last days and the context of the message
40:39 going to the world, he is going to send that
40:43 through his prophets who prophesy again
40:46 the mystery of God,
40:47 in fact so much so that it will finish it.
40:50 Yes, yes. And so we will see that happen
40:52 even in these last days as God uses his servants
40:56 the prophets. All right, number three,
40:59 a true prophet's words will be in harmony
41:02 with those spoken by prophets before him or her.
41:05 Oh yes, yes, Isaiah 8:20,
41:07 To the law and to the testimony!
41:09 If they speak not according to his word,
41:11 to this word, is because there is no light in them.
41:14 John, we've got two words law and to the testimony
41:16 walk us through what that is if you will.
41:18 Well, the law often referred to in
41:21 the Bible points back to the writings of Moses. Precisely.
41:23 Okay, the five first books of the Bible.
41:25 The testimony points to the prophets,
41:28 both major and minor prophets so.
41:30 This is comprising scripture, yes,
41:34 so when it says to the law and to the testimony
41:35 it's saying others what they have written before,
41:38 if they don't speak according to that,
41:39 that they're not in harmony with that,
41:41 yeah they're not a true prophet.
41:42 Thy comes along and he is pooh-poohing or
41:44 discounting the word of God, then he is to be rejected.
41:48 Yeah. Because, one of the test says
41:50 he is got to agree with the manner of scripture.
41:52 Right. The law and the testimony.
41:54 That's right, this is an important point,
41:56 because a lot of people think that,
41:57 and they will come to you and say,
41:58 you know, I have further light.
42:01 I mean, dare we say that there's a whole book written,
42:04 that is elevated to the standard of scripture
42:06 that claims to have light beyond scripture,
42:09 that doesn't harmonize with scripture. Scripture right.
42:11 We've got be very careful when someone comes to us and says,
42:14 here I've something that gives you additional light,
42:16 that goes beyond God's word
42:18 and yet that what they are giving you
42:20 doesn't even harmonize with it.
42:21 And God is not schizophrenic, you know,
42:23 why would he bring after so many years of this word
42:28 and the power of this word, then someone comes along
42:30 and says I've got a whole new word,
42:32 just forget about this, this is a whole new deal,
42:33 and it's from God. That would make God
42:35 a little psychotic and, you know,
42:37 it doesn't really add up.
42:38 They've got to line up with the word of God
42:41 that has carried us through for so many.
42:42 And even to say, well that old word that was given,
42:45 well man corrupted it so much that
42:48 I had to given a new word, yeah.
42:49 It's almost like God is incapable of supporting,
42:52 sustaining, and caring for his word.
42:56 I trust that the Lord, the Lord has gotten this Bible
42:59 all the way through time.
43:02 To me in exactly how he intended to get
43:04 to me when it got me, yeah.
43:06 In other words, I can read it with confidence with trust,
43:08 that it hasn't been tainted or so corrupted and destroyed
43:12 by mankind that it can't save me.
43:15 I've got to be able to say I read,
43:17 I understand and I follow not to think,
43:21 oh I don't know, I can't trust it, really.
43:25 There is this always underlying current
43:27 of some of these movements, that you cant trust
43:29 the word as it's written.
43:31 You got to listen to this new word.
43:33 Yeah it's interesting and God providing such empirical proof
43:36 that back in 1947 when they found the dead sea scrolls
43:38 and they found kin going through them that they were
43:41 I think the accuracy is like 98 point something, something,
43:43 something, you know, we care up to decimals of accurate
43:46 to the word as we have it today.
43:49 So God has preserved his word down through all this scribes
43:52 and all the copying and all the changes and even appointing
43:56 and adding in the verses and chapters,
43:58 he is preserved his word, that is God's legacy to us
44:03 to give us a pure word that we can trust
44:04 and we can relay on.
44:06 The point you make is so important because,
44:09 people really harp on that issue,
44:10 you know, how did we know that the word of God is true,
44:12 Dead Sea scrolls established that,
44:14 and the other interesting thing about the two percent
44:16 of whatever it is that is not exactly perfect, yeah.
44:19 Is non substantive. Precisely, yeah.
44:22 It doesn't even matter, the part that isn't accurate.
44:25 Yeah. So it's not like oh that's the big part,
44:27 it's missing a big section it's not true at all,
44:30 it's minor differences in transcribing from one maybe
44:36 to the next down through time,
44:37 these differences are not substantive.
44:39 They don't have anything to do with you,
44:40 your salvation what you need to be saved.
44:42 Yeah, yeah someone said well John is a good guy,
44:46 and someone wrote John is a great guy.
44:48 Well, it's still the same thing.
44:50 Well, he slipped out of his house
44:51 the other day and he fell.
44:54 I saw him go straight down, well he's a clumsy guy.
44:58 So doctrinally, theologically it's pure,
45:01 its as God wants us to have it.
45:03 And very important, I wanna encourage you here,
45:05 because so many want to say that
45:07 this word isn't exactly as God intended it,
45:09 but it is in every aspect. Okay, number four,
45:14 A true prophet will not give his or her own interpretation.
45:19 And our scripture there is Second Peter 1:20,
45:21 knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture
45:24 is of any private interpretation, right.
45:27 In other words, the interpretation of a scripture
45:29 cannot be given privately by opinion.
45:32 Well I think, or boy looks like it's
45:34 going to or, you know, we see that a lot today.
45:37 I'm really concerned pastor that today we have people out
45:42 there that are just kind of watching the newspaper,
45:44 to see how maybe some of the prophets
45:47 of the Bible might fit into what's happening, yeah.
45:50 And we've done this now for the last hundred years,
45:53 the Bible does say that prophecies opened up again,
45:57 it will open up in the last days it was sealed it
45:59 is now become unsealed. So it's understandable
46:02 so there is a heightened awareness or desire for people
46:04 to understand prophecy.
46:05 But, with it also comes a lot of private interpretation.
46:08 Yes, yes, yes. You know,
46:09 will this I think is this and people develop
46:12 entire ministries to teach their brand
46:16 of interpretation of prophecy, but the Bible is clear,
46:20 it's not a private interpretation.
46:21 No, no, the Bible it's own best expositor
46:25 and when we have a question with the word,
46:28 the best place to go to get understanding
46:31 is back to that same word.
46:33 And to dig into the word until the answer comes.
46:36 As opposed to developing some sort of fan thought
46:39 interpretation that seems to titillate the senses,
46:41 but it's not biblically based.
46:42 Yeah, yeah, very important to remember.
46:44 I guess also I'll add to that what it means is
46:46 if there is symbol in prophecy,
46:49 a specific thing mentioned there,
46:50 the Bible will explain what that symbol means.
46:53 So, it doesn't become any longer
46:55 or private interpretation it becomes
46:56 an interpretation by the Bible itself.
46:59 The Bible defines and explains the symbols within prophecy,
47:02 very true. If you know that
47:03 you're on safe ground. All right number five,
47:06 A true prophet speaks only under the prompting
47:08 of the Holy Spirit according to the will of God.
47:12 By the very next verse in Second Peter,
47:14 you wanna read that one?
47:15 For prophecy never came by the will of man,
47:18 but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by
47:21 the Holy Spirit. So, they're not speaking
47:23 of themselves or for themselves, John,
47:26 they're speaking under the impress of the Spirit of God.
47:30 Okay, good 2 chronicles 20:14 and 15,
47:33 then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel,
47:36 the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah,
47:38 the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah,
47:41 I should go on all those.
47:42 But he said "Listen, all you of Judah
47:45 and you inhabitants of Jerusalem,
47:47 and you, King Jehoshaphat!
47:49 Thus says the Lord to you, 'Do not be afraid nor be
47:51 dismayed because of this great multitude,
47:53 for the battle is not yours, but God's.
47:57 So, anything prophesied,
47:59 anything that's going to happen,
48:00 God steps in and he speaks through the prophet
48:02 but he is the one that makes it happen,
48:04 it's his will that drives it.
48:06 All right, number six, a true path can point out
48:10 the sins of God's people.
48:13 He calls them back to obedience,
48:15 now that doesn't mean we're in the...the pew next to us.
48:19 And people that are saying, oh so and so is not right,
48:21 if they are prophet, that's not we were
48:23 talking about here. But sometimes prophets
48:25 are sent to God's people to help get them back
48:28 on the right track. You know, Isaiah 58
48:32 when Cry aloud, spare not,
48:33 Lift up your voice like a trumpet,
48:34 Tell My people their transgression,
48:36 And the house of Jacob, their sins.
48:37 When we think of prophet and this comes back
48:40 again and again we think so much of prophesying
48:43 the future, prophesying the future
48:44 but a lot of the work of a prophet was messages
48:47 given by God to his people for their current living,
48:53 for that particular time.
48:54 So there was a lot of forth telling
48:57 as in addition to foretelling.
49:00 Sort of straightening out problems
49:02 or dealing with issues or giving God's word
49:05 or God's answer or God's direction
49:06 for their lives at that time.
49:09 Yeah, really important to remember.
49:10 Because God doesn't want to see anybody get so off track
49:14 that, you know, it becomes difficult or challenging
49:17 to get them back and we can guide them along
49:20 early on to understand the error of their way,
49:23 where they're heading, the Lord often can use
49:25 a prophet to do that, yes.
49:26 And the Bible clearly tells us that from Isaiah 58:1,
49:30 Daniel 9:10 says, We have not obeyed
49:33 the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His laws,
49:35 which He set before us by His servants, the prophets.
49:39 So, a lot of what the prophets speak are to help guide us
49:43 and to keep us on the narrow path, from straying.
49:46 And so that's also an aspect of keeping us on that
49:50 straight path and keeping away from sin
49:53 that the devil is always looking to ensnare us with.
49:55 Very true. Number seven,
49:57 a true prophet edifies the church.
50:01 First Corinthians 14:3 and 4, But he who prophesies speaks
50:05 edification and exhortation and comfort to men.
50:08 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself,
50:12 but he who prophesies edifies the church.
50:15 Which is one of the reasons Paul elevated prophecy
50:19 to a very high level. And all of his lists of gifts
50:25 given by the spirit to the church,
50:27 prophecy appears in all four of those list,
50:30 and not only that but his desire is that
50:32 they would all prophesied.
50:33 And because he desired that because it would keep
50:36 the church on track, it would keep it focused
50:39 and headed the right direction,
50:40 and that is truly the message or the reason for the prophet.
50:46 Number eight, a true prophet provides
50:48 evidence of spiritual conversion
50:49 in their life and works.
50:52 You will know them by their fruits it says in
50:54 Matthew 7 verse 16 I won't read the rest of that,
50:57 but the fruit of the light, it bears witness that
51:01 they're a follower of Jesus, they obey him now
51:03 they may not be perfect in every way,
51:05 but the trend of there life is upward and following.
51:09 That's a great statement, the trend of their life,
51:12 because they're not superhuman they are human
51:14 and sometimes humans make mistake.
51:17 Maybe they got a little upset
51:18 when they should have been calm,
51:19 or you know, those kinds of things like that.
51:21 It doesn't mean that they're not speaking for the Lord,
51:25 it means that sometimes they're human,
51:27 humanity comes through.
51:29 Ellen White, the great prophetic voice of
51:31 Seventh-day Adventist church said many times,
51:33 don't pattern your life after me.
51:37 Keep your eyes focused on God, right.
51:39 And I'm doing the same thing,
51:41 I'm keeping my eyes focused on God.
51:43 So as you focus on God, and not me,
51:45 your eyes are in the correct place.
51:46 Yes, as soon as we start looking at what
51:47 the prophet does, yes, we get in trouble,
51:50 because she is or he is not the standard, right.
51:53 All right. Number nine,
51:54 a true prophet hears from God in visions and dreams.
51:57 Numbers 12:6, Then He said,
52:00 "Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you,
52:02 "I the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision,
52:05 I speak to him in a dream."
52:08 So in supernatural ways, God speaks to his prophets.
52:11 Numbers 10, a true prophet will manifest
52:15 physical evidence that is supernatural,
52:17 Numbers 24:4, The utterance of him
52:20 who hears the words of God,
52:22 who sees the vision of the Almighty,
52:24 who falls down with eyes wide open.
52:27 And so we talk about that for just a minute,
52:29 because we often know think that there is a
52:31 supernatural element to prophecy
52:34 or to a prophet receiving a vision or dream from God.
52:36 Yes, who falls down with eyes wide open,
52:40 there are some supernatural things going on
52:44 while a prophet is in vision.
52:46 Of course, we've had this in modern times,
52:50 modern times also, but God sustains them during
52:54 these times when they are in direct contact with him,
52:58 receiving messages from Lord to be given to His people.
53:00 Yeah, and the times that we often see this
53:02 in some of the charismatic movements of day.
53:05 It's not really supernatural, we're seeing a little bit of
53:09 stuff going on that's appears to be,
53:11 but when we're talking about supernatural,
53:13 we're talking about God who provides,
53:15 he almost becomes the life preserver of that individual
53:18 while they are in vision, yes.
53:19 In other words, you can't, breathing stops,
53:22 you know, other things it is fails to function,
53:24 but God is sustaining that individual supernaturally.
53:27 And that's what its speaking of here.
53:29 And John, I think we need to mention
53:30 when we're trying to access if a person
53:33 is a prophetic voice of God,
53:36 we need put all of these things into the pot. Right.
53:39 Not every one or two, because they may pass
53:42 one or two tests, but you need to,
53:44 it's the stew dare I say of all of these things,
53:48 when cook together, then we can say that
53:51 this person has a prophetic message from the Lord.
53:54 And that's why we actually say this is an a biblical tests,
53:58 they're a biblical test. All of them together.
54:01 Precisely. Comprised this.
54:02 Lets give you a couple others ones,
54:04 we're getting close to the end of the program here.
54:06 Number 11, a true prophet recognizes the incarnation
54:09 of Jesus Christ and the nature of his mission.
54:11 We find that in First John 4 verses one through three.
54:16 Beloved do not believe every spirit,
54:18 but test the spirits, whether they are of God.
54:20 Because many false prophet have gone out into the world,
54:22 but this you know of Spirit of God,
54:25 Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ
54:27 has come in the flesh is of God,
54:29 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ
54:32 has come in the flesh is not of God.
54:34 And this is a spirit of the Anti-Christ,
54:36 which we've heard from, heard was coming,
54:38 and it's already in the world.
54:39 They are many false prophet out there,
54:40 there are those who claim to know things.
54:42 Yes, they don't profess Christ at all.
54:44 Yeah, yeah that a key, that's a big red letter,
54:48 red flag, red check say, red underline,
54:51 however you want to do it, but they've got
54:53 to profess Christ. They've got to believe
54:56 in Christ, they've got to follow Christ.
54:58 Amen, yeah and then the last one here,
55:00 number 12, a true prophet warns
55:02 the world of God's judgment.
55:03 And that's one of the reasons why
55:06 the Seventh-day Adventist church
55:07 in fact today calls or refers to itself sometimes
55:09 as a prophetic movement.
55:11 In that we are proclaiming the Three Angels Messages
55:15 as depicted in Revelation chapter 14.
55:17 And that message is a message that begins with judgment.
55:21 Judgment is coming, not only is it here,
55:23 but it's also coming.
55:24 We're living in the last days where we are in
55:27 what's known as a pre-advent judgment,
55:28 where Christ is investigating and inspecting the lives
55:33 of those who profess to follow him,
55:35 and of times when judgments are beginning
55:39 to fall on the earth. Culminating or climaxing
55:42 with a very last day judgment,
55:45 a time of trouble that brings end to the world.
55:48 This harkens back to Amos chapter 3 verse 7,
55:51 surely the Lord will do nothing,
55:53 but then reveal it to a service,
55:54 the prophets, well God is about to end this world.
55:57 He is about to judge this world.
55:58 He is about to change this dispensation.
56:01 This age is about to come to its end followed by a new age.
56:05 That's a big thing. Do you think,
56:06 God would not want to warn his people to get them ready
56:09 for that time. Of course he would,
56:11 and of course that message with
56:12 come through a prophetic voice.
56:14 You know, it really is a key,
56:15 because if you look at the way Revelation is structured.
56:18 You kind of get to a climatic point at chapter 12,
56:21 you know, this controversy between good and evil.
56:23 Yes, and then from there you can a springboard
56:26 into the response to that controversy,
56:28 which is Satan's attempt to destroy the church on earth.
56:31 Yes. That is God beloved,
56:33 but then God's people rising to the level to meet
56:36 that in fourteen with the 144,000 described
56:39 as being without no fault, they're without any guile,
56:43 they're pure, their message is pure
56:45 and then they have the Three Angels messages
56:46 that go to the world.
56:47 Precisely, yeah.
56:48 So, yeah, an amazing part of Revelation
56:53 to take a look at when you talk about the prophets.
56:56 And as you look and study.
56:58 In fact when you hear ever of someone that
57:00 claims to be a prophet the best place to go,
57:01 as we've always said, is to the word, to the word.
57:04 And we hope that today we shared with you a test,
57:08 not test, but a test of what it means
57:12 to be a true prophet of God.
57:15 And that those things in number,
57:17 1 to 12 that will give you, will help you to understand
57:20 as you apply them to any individual
57:21 that claims to be one, whether or not they truly
57:24 are of God or not.
57:25 I pray that God will speak to your life,
57:27 each and everyday and I hope he has through this program
57:29 and those in the future.
57:30 May God bless you and keep you.


Revised 2014-12-17