House Calls

Power Of Grace, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Stanton & Kevin Hart


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL110014

00:01 Hello, friends. Grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:21 Welcome back to House Calls.
00:23 We're at your door. We're knocking asking you
00:26 to come into your living room once again
00:28 share God's word with you.
00:29 Thank you for inviting us in
00:31 and we appreciate every single week.
00:34 When you turn to House Calls
00:36 and you join us in this program,
00:37 especially as you're sending your questions
00:39 and participate as well.
00:40 My name is Pastor John Stanton
00:42 and with me in the studio is Kevin Hart.
00:44 And Kevin it's a thrilled
00:45 to be able to be with you here once again.
00:47 I appreciate that. Thank you.
00:48 Yeah! And again we're thrilled that you also
00:51 are part of this program by sending in your questions.
00:55 Before we get to that and our topic today
00:57 we wanna start off with the word of prayer though.
00:59 So Kevin, would you lead us to the throne of grace. Sure.
01:02 Father we thank you once again for the opportunity
01:04 to dig into Your word and to see
01:06 what You would have us know Lord.
01:08 To see how Your word is that living agent in our lives
01:11 to cause us and to allow us,
01:13 to empower us to walk a holy life Lord
01:16 and to live beyond the inclinations
01:18 of our natural heart to walk us as a new man
01:21 and a new woman in Christ.
01:22 We just pray your blessing out pour on this program.
01:24 May all be blessed and they come to know
01:26 Jesus a little better.
01:27 For do we ask all these things
01:28 in His precious name, amen. Amen.
01:31 And that is truly our desire to know Jesus better.
01:34 And that's why we come here from week to week
01:37 to study the word with you and we pray that
01:39 that will be our experience here today.
01:42 We're gonna dive into our questions at this time.
01:44 Before we do, I just want to give you the couple,
01:47 there are couple methods that you can use
01:48 to send those questions in.
01:49 Number one is to send them by regular mail to 3ABN
01:52 and just mark on there care of C/o House Calls
01:57 and it will get right over to us.
01:59 And we'll make sure that we read those questions
02:01 and do our best to put them in a future program.
02:04 Also you can send them an email to
02:09 that's
02:12 and we'll do the same with those.
02:14 We appreciate that every time we receive a new question
02:17 from our friends out there.
02:20 So thank you again for joining us.
02:22 We've had prayer. It's time now Kevin to dive
02:24 into the word and to open up our first question.
02:27 Do you have one to start us off with?
02:28 I do. Question is in Acts Chapter 19,
02:32 "The seven sons of Sceva attempt to rebuke Satan
02:35 without authority. They were beaten and left naked."
02:38 This also occurred to another individual
02:40 in the Old Testament.
02:41 We discuss this and this really not an example
02:43 in the Old Testament where one rebukes the devil
02:47 or earthly people. But, there is a one in the New Testament
02:51 of certain instance I can think of.
02:53 But at the end of the question says,
02:54 I can't find the passage, okay, please clarify.
02:57 And also how do we modern individuals stand a chance.
03:00 The demon fear Jesus and the Apostles but not us.
03:05 I like to turn real quickly on that story
03:07 in Acts Chapter 19, the seven sons of Sceva.
03:11 It says now God worked, verse 11.
03:13 Now God works unusual miracles
03:15 by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs
03:17 or aprons were brought from his body to the sick,
03:20 and the diseases left them and the evil spirits
03:22 went out of them. Then some of the itinerant Jewish
03:26 exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name
03:28 of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits,
03:31 saying, "We exorcise you by the Jesus
03:35 whom Paul preaches." Also there were seven sons
03:37 of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so.
03:41 And the evil spirit answered and said,
03:43 "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?"
03:47 These word, these word Jews who were trying to benefit,
03:54 trying to use what Paul was doing.
03:56 The miracles that were taking place
03:58 to their own glory and so they thought that
04:01 they could go around cast out demons
04:03 by the Jesus who Paul knew, right,
04:05 and that's the key, right, exactly, you know,
04:07 and get themselves maybe a good reputation.
04:10 Above we find is the evil spirit basically says,
04:12 I know Paul, I knew Jesus but I have no idea who you are.
04:15 And the answer really is in the second part of verse 13
04:20 where they say, we exorcise you by the Jesus
04:23 whom Paul knows. The problem was,
04:26 it wasn't the Jesus who they knew.
04:28 They didn't know Jesus and that's why the demons
04:31 could have cared less what they were commanding
04:33 at that point. So that's why the demons
04:36 didn't respond. To answer the question
04:39 of that caller. Yes, demons do not fear us.
04:44 They do fear Christ, His authority.
04:47 They do fear other celestial beings who come down
04:51 in great power at times. But they do not fear us
04:54 because we're number one, we're not immortal,
04:56 we're not...we don't posses the power that Christ posses.
05:00 We're human but if we know Jesus as Paul knew Jesus,
05:06 we too can have the power that Paul had.
05:10 But an example of this problem
05:13 I guess that was asked will be in Matthew Chapter 17.
05:16 And we find there a story where the disciples
05:20 faced a dilemma and a boy was brought to them
05:25 and they could not cast out this demon.
05:28 Let's see here, we'll pick it up in Matthew Chapter 17
05:33 and verse...okay let's see, we'll just pick it up in 18.
05:37 The disciples couldn't cast out the demon.
05:39 They tell, come and tell Jesus about it,
05:41 the child is brought to him.
05:42 In verse 18, Jesus rebuked the demon,
05:44 and it came out of him, the child was cured
05:46 from that very hour. Then the disciples came to Jesus
05:48 privately and said why couldn't we not cast it out?
05:52 So Jesus said because of your unbelief.
05:54 For surely I say to you,
05:55 if you have faith as a mustard seed,
05:56 you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here'
05:59 and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.
06:01 However here is the key verse. "However,
06:03 this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
06:10 It did not mean that the disciples didn't know Jesus,
06:13 they did know Jesus. But sometimes
06:16 and faith plays such an important role here
06:19 and it's good because the Bible say every man
06:20 has been given a measure of faith.
06:22 You know, it's not that there some people
06:23 that don't have faith.
06:24 God has given everybody a measure of faith.
06:26 Right, right. But sometimes it takes little more
06:28 than just the word. It takes a little more
06:30 than our daily routine of spending time with the Lord
06:33 in the morning praying.
06:34 Sometimes it takes little more than that,
06:35 it takes prayer and fasting.
06:37 So sometimes we need to give a little more so to speak,
06:40 you know, we got to plea, we got to beg,
06:42 we got to put bend every, all of our spiritual energies
06:45 and surrender and make sure that number one
06:47 is nothing in our own life we're clinging to.
06:49 So that the Lord can work through us
06:52 and that we're true in a state of surrender.
06:54 So yes, the demons don't fear us,
06:57 but they do fear the authority of Christ, right.
06:59 And if we know Jesus as Paul did,
07:02 then we too can have that same authority.
07:04 Yeah. You know, and Paul had been having
07:06 an experience of growth, a growth period with Christ.
07:10 He'd become very personal and becoming his all basically
07:14 in everything that he did.
07:16 Paul was a very... a man that could boast
07:19 about anything if he wanted to.
07:20 But he become very humble, right,
07:22 and I think with great humility
07:24 there comes a lot of dependence upon Christ
07:27 and His will. Christ in his strength,
07:29 Christ in his authority which Paul did.
07:32 And so none of these things that Paul did that is,
07:36 I mean, amazing story in that Book of Acts it says
07:38 that even things that were brought,
07:40 that were from Paul provided an avenue
07:42 of healing for them. So this power,
07:46 this authority from Christ that was given to Paul
07:48 was also passed on by Paul.
07:51 But Paul know where he was boasting
07:53 which allowed Christ authority to move freely.
07:56 And the disciples here in this story
07:58 were still learning. They were still growing
08:00 and I think God allowed them to experience a defeat,
08:04 sure, sure, to show them the importance
08:06 of depending upon Him for that authority
08:08 and that power.
08:10 And which we need to learn everyday.
08:12 You know, I've said a couple of times
08:13 when people talk about well, you know,
08:15 I just say in Jesus name and the devil will leave.
08:18 And it's like this thought, this preconceived how I'll go
08:21 about eliminating the power of the enemy
08:23 if I ever come across him.
08:25 But I think the biggest thing that we can remember
08:27 upfront is that if we're depending upon Jesus,
08:31 that we allow Him to do the rebuking, exactly.
08:35 The Lord rebuke you not I rebuke you,
08:38 that is very important for us to remember
08:40 because we've nothing to offer
08:42 that would fight the enemy.
08:43 We're totally weak and totally depended upon Christ.
08:46 And He gave us, Jesus gave us
08:47 the ultimate example that when the temptations
08:49 in the wilderness, you know, thus it is written.
08:52 You know, it is written and so,
08:54 so we find that the authority rest in God's word
08:57 and the words that Christ gave us. Yeah.
08:58 And Paul is very careful to make sure that
09:01 no one put their faith in him, right, you know,
09:03 if a handkerchief from his pocket healed someone
09:08 and they came and said oh,
09:09 and they came to worship him.
09:10 Paul wouldn't accept that. No, no.
09:12 You know, it'll be very tempting for some
09:13 individuals which is why we saw
09:14 the seven sons of Sceva, that's what they want.
09:16 Hey we can wield this power. Yeah, this great.
09:18 We're running out this thing., you know.
09:20 But, yeah good point and good question for sending
09:22 that in because I think we can all learn a lot.
09:24 It's a good reminder of our dependence upon Christ.
09:28 I've a question here one fairly quick one
09:31 and then one that's a little longer.
09:35 It comes from Darlene. Thank you Darlene for sending
09:38 this in. I was listening to our local Christian
09:41 radio program and the host made a comment
09:43 that the last supper was on a Wednesday, is this correct?
09:47 You know, I just wanna share here briefly
09:49 we've had this question before.
09:50 Many try to move back, I guess I would say
09:55 the Garden of Gethsemane experience the upper room
09:59 experience to Wednesday, the last supper as well
10:04 in the upper room to Wednesday because
10:06 they are trying to fit in the three days
10:08 and three nights of Jonah.
10:10 And they don't understand necessarily
10:12 that the Bible beliefs in one thing
10:14 first inclusive reckoning rule,
10:16 which is very important.
10:18 So if you're talking about any specific day
10:20 you've to include that day, even though it's a part,
10:23 even though it's an hour too you include that day
10:25 in the count. And that's how the Hebrew mindset
10:27 always worked, always worked.
10:28 And so when you're thinking, you know,
10:30 when Jesus made the statement that, you know,
10:33 I will raise this temple up and referring to Himself
10:36 in three days. We're talking about
10:39 His crucifixion happened on Friday which was very clear
10:41 from scriptures. Read Luke, I believe its transition
10:46 from 23 to 24, it talks about how on the preparation day
10:50 is when He passed away on the cross.
10:53 They buried Him on that day, He rested in the grave
10:56 on the Sabbath and then on Sunday morning
10:59 when the first, sun was first starting to come up
11:01 of course He rose from the grave, right,
11:04 from the tomb. So you've three days there
11:07 in the mindset of the Hebrew using inclusive reckoning,
11:10 there were three days, Friday, Saturday,
11:13 Sunday resurrection day. And so there was no problem
11:16 with that. In our mindset, you know,
11:19 in our culture today, we try to fit every piece
11:21 or every hour of every day and so preachers
11:24 or teachers will sometimes try to move that back
11:27 and say well, you know, it didn't happened on Thursday
11:28 it happened on Wednesday, right.
11:30 And there is a problem there. We answered I think
11:32 a question recently about Jonah,
11:34 as Jonah was in the belly of a whale three days
11:36 and three nights. Well we find in answer
11:40 to that question, you know,
11:41 well where is your third night.
11:44 Not only it's inclusive reckoning we find that Christ
11:47 experience in the Garden of Gethsemane
11:48 began the separation from His Father.
11:50 He talked about I'm sorrowful even unto death.
11:53 I mean He was pouring out sweat and drops of blood
11:56 on to the ground because of the agony
11:58 He was in even at that point.
12:00 He was drinking from the cup of God's wrath,
12:03 of His Father's wrath tasting it.
12:05 And so in that respect His agony,
12:07 His experience even betrayed into the hands of sinners
12:11 and the sin he drink that night on Thursday night
12:14 began to process that He experienced on the cross.
12:16 So there is again three days and three night
12:19 that you got...Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night,
12:24 you've got Friday, Saturday, of course Sunday morning.
12:29 So you don't have to force fit this thing.
12:32 You know, the Bible is very clear and especially
12:34 with regard to Luke Chapter 22, 23 actually 23, 24.
12:38 Look at that you'll find the days
12:40 are spelled out very clearly there is to what happened.
12:42 And you run, and you run into problems
12:43 when you really try to, you know,
12:45 put scripture round here and there to try to fit,
12:48 you know, what our logical minds what we're used to.
12:50 You in the process depicting other scripture.
12:51 Yeah, exactly, the Preparation Day says it all.
12:53 Preparation is always Friday.
12:54 That's right. And the night before it was Garden
12:56 of Gethsemane and the belly of the earth, you know,
12:58 that was, yeah, so the experiences going through.
13:01 Anyway thank you very much for that question.
13:03 Now our question I think may take a little longer
13:05 but hopefully not so much. Is a question that comes
13:10 from Nikrisha. Thank you very much Nikisha.
13:13 Nikisha, or Nikrisha, I don't know exactly
13:15 how that's pronounced but forgive me
13:16 if I said it wrong. My husband and I are confused
13:22 about which day is the true Bible seventh day Sabbath.
13:27 The Hebrew lunar calendar seems to be the calendar
13:30 the Israelites followed after their Exodus from Egypt.
13:35 Based upon the dates given in Exodus 12, 18 and 22
13:38 when they killed the Passover Lamb on the 14th day
13:41 of the month. Then I suggest the children of Israel
13:43 traveled all night of the 14th and then finally crossed
13:46 the Red Sea as morning approached
13:48 which would have been the 15th the Sabbath day.
13:51 Exodus 14, 24 to 27 in numbers 33:3.
13:55 And she goes on to talk about some other dates
13:57 that connect in with the lunar calendar, you know,
14:00 that the calendar of the Jews, the Israelites
14:03 back then and the Jews even during Christ day.
14:06 Here's one of the things that we really need to remember.
14:10 The Jews did base their calendar
14:12 upon the lunar cycle, 360 day.
14:15 It's a 360 days cycle 30 days for each month times 12.
14:21 However the Sabbath was not based upon that calendar.
14:25 They said that the weekly, the seventh-day Sabbath,
14:28 the Fourth Commandment Sabbath was not based
14:31 upon the lunar calendar, is based upon the week.
14:35 That is the only reason why we have a week today
14:37 is because God created the world in six days
14:40 and on the seventh day He rested from all that
14:43 He had done. Now there are ceremonial Sabbaths
14:46 that coincide with the lunar calendar,
14:49 but not the weekly Sabbath.
14:51 Weekly Sabbath is based always upon the week,
14:54 so don't get confused by what should be tied
14:58 to lunar calendar issues and what should be tied
15:01 to the weekly cycle. The seventh-day Sabbath
15:04 is always been tied to the weekly Sabbath.
15:05 The Jews had been keeping it for centuries now,
15:08 but even prior to that Israelites, prior to that,
15:13 you have the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
15:19 and goes way back to creation we know this.
15:22 So we shouldn't, don't get confused,
15:24 there is this theory out there now that
15:26 the seventh-day Sabbath is also tied to the lunar
15:29 kind of the lunisolar calendar system so to speak,
15:34 and there are some papers spread out on this.
15:36 You know, what to me nonsense. Absolutely!
15:40 It is so biblically it lacks or biblical theology
15:45 that lacks for good hermeneutics,
15:47 for good acts of Jesus which is the pulling out
15:50 of the scripture what the scripture says.
15:51 There is so much added in there to make it fit,
15:54 it just doesn't work.
15:56 No it doesn't. And even when the calendar changes
15:58 throughout the centuries, the Julian calendar,
16:01 the Gregorian calendar, a calendar, none of those,
16:03 both those calendars never affected the weekly cycle.
16:07 It never shifted what day, because some people say
16:10 well how do we know? You know,
16:11 because the calendar is changed.
16:13 So maybe Tuesday really was the original
16:15 seventh-day Sabbath. But no, it's never changed.
16:19 And even the Romans recognized
16:21 the Jewish festivals and recognized
16:24 when those festivals occurred, right.
16:25 So we don't need to worry ourselves that
16:30 we're not keeping the original seventh-day Sabbath.
16:32 It's never changed, the Jews were extremely careful.
16:35 You know, one thing we know from Jewish history
16:37 is that when it came to numbers, when it came to,
16:40 you know, cycles they were very on top of that, yes.
16:43 That never changed.
16:44 They didn't miss a day, they didn't miss... No.
16:46 You know, there is a simple principle here
16:49 as well that we need to think about.
16:51 God makes clear the things that are required of man
16:56 for his salvation. Number one, by grace
17:00 we've been saved through faith.
17:01 He requires that we give up our life,
17:04 repent of our sins, and put our life
17:06 in Christ in His hands and by His works
17:09 we're saved not our own. Secondly, He requires
17:11 that we as a, as we walk with Christ that we keep
17:15 His commandments, that we follow in His ways,
17:17 that we obey Him, His own obedience there,
17:19 that's the requirement. And so God requires
17:22 that we remain in Christ through our corporation
17:26 with Him as He grows us, as He changes,
17:28 as He makes us the new. And part of that is the
17:32 Ten Commandments. But if the Ten Commandments
17:33 that are required. God will not make it a rocket science
17:38 to figure out what day is required
17:40 in the Fourth Commandment.
17:41 And He simply says the seventh day is the Sabbath
17:44 of the Lord thy God. Then He ties it to creation.
17:47 So you see without a doubt there that creation which is,
17:50 it happens in a week, in six days of that week
17:53 and the seventh day tied to that is the bases
17:56 for which the Fourth Commandment
17:57 is put into operation and put into effect.
18:01 And that's where we go to find out which day
18:03 is the seventh day. And that cycle as you said
18:05 has never changed because the calendar has changed.
18:07 When it changed to the, is it the Julian calendar
18:10 when we changed to. I think it went from October 4, 5
18:15 or something to 15 but the day did not change.
18:18 It still went from say Thursday to Friday
18:21 or whatever day I can't remember it was,
18:23 but the weekly cycle did not change whatsoever.
18:27 But people want to throw this stuff out there, you know,
18:29 it's like the thing we talked about recently
18:30 with making majors out of minors
18:33 with regard to the dailying.
18:35 And I think, and I think honestly with some people
18:36 it's an attempt to excuse it.
18:39 So you don't have to observe it.
18:41 You know, I mean come from all kinds of different mottos
18:43 May not be their attempt, but or their intent,
18:46 but it ends up being what happens
18:47 and we've to be very careful with that.
18:49 So I encourage you, you gonna find every wind
18:53 of doctrine out there, but make sure you're keeping
18:56 the word and make sure also that you're in harmony
18:58 with others who are keeping in the word.
19:00 The multitude of counselors is very important here.
19:03 And if we listen to one person
19:05 or even if there is another person that gets together
19:07 to champion that. We need to make sure
19:08 that we're staying in harmony with the direction
19:11 that God has set forth in His word and through His Church.
19:15 And that comes, the safety there comes
19:17 in the multitude of counselors.
19:18 And we encourage you to make sure that
19:20 you stay in harmony with that, because
19:22 that's where the safety is. Stay in the boat,
19:25 stay in the boat. As, as one writer said,
19:26 stay in the boat don't depart from the ship now,
19:28 it's too late stay with the brethren
19:30 and stay with above. All right, thank you
19:32 again for all your questions.
19:34 We'll wrapped up there, so it gives us a little more time
19:36 a few minutes more to cover our the last part
19:38 of our topic today. But I want to end here
19:41 by saying that you can send your questions
19:43 into, its
19:51 and we'll make sure we take those questions in
19:54 and do our best to provide biblical answers
19:56 for each and everyone of them. Thank you very much.
20:00 Our topic we got in, just really to dive
20:02 into the heavy part, the meaty part last,
20:05 in our last program. And today we're gonna get
20:07 into the subject of the power of grace,
20:11 more in looking at the aspect of what that power means
20:14 to the life of the Christian. When we give our life
20:17 to Christ we're saved by His grace through faith.
20:21 Then as Christ continues to pour out that grace upon us
20:23 to give us power and strength for living the Christian life
20:26 what does that mean to us individually.
20:28 You know, how should we pray for grace?
20:30 How should we look to God to provide for our needs?
20:33 We, ourselves cannot supply it.
20:34 We don't have the power and strength to supply it.
20:37 That's what we're gonna cover today.
20:39 I wouldn't mind throwing out a verse.
20:41 Yeah, let's start off with the verse.
20:42 Just bringing from that. And it's the beginning
20:45 of Romans Chapter 6, "What shall we say then?
20:47 Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?"
20:51 You know, Paul previous talked about where sin
20:52 was grace was much more, you know,
20:55 but then he builds that up and then he finally says
20:57 because he realizes that some people are gonna say,
20:59 oh okay, well let's keep sin into the God's grace
21:01 will abound, you know. Right.
21:02 So then he starts Chapter 6 here saying,
21:05 "No, does not continue sin, that grace may abound.
21:09 Certainly not. How shall you who died to sin
21:12 and here's the thing, you know,
21:13 when you come to Christ, we die with Christ,
21:17 so to speak through baptism.
21:18 "How shall you who died to sin live any longer?
21:22 Do you not know that so many of us
21:23 as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized
21:25 into his death? Therefore we are buried with him
21:28 through baptism unto death that just as Christ
21:30 was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father,
21:33 even so we also should walk the same
21:36 as we were before." No, it's not what the verse said, no.
21:39 Even so we should walk in newness of life.
21:42 Okay. So... You know, praise the Lord
21:45 for that because you are actually connecting
21:46 in Ephesians 2:10. Because God prepared the works
21:51 before Him that we should walk, walked in them, right.
21:54 And here you're quoting again from Paul saying
21:58 that we should walk in the newness of life.
22:00 Paul in Romans 8 talks about walking in the spirit.
22:04 Walking in the spirit.
22:05 So the walk with Christ is so dependent upon His grace,
22:10 His strength, His power, not ourselves.
22:13 You know, the program we did before Obedience
22:15 versus Legalism, that was the distinguishing factor
22:17 between the both, the two.
22:19 Obedience is when you depend upon Christ for His strength
22:22 and you walk in His grace, you walk in His strength
22:26 and under His power. Legalism is when you trust
22:29 in your own will power and strength and try to walk
22:32 and hold your life in harmony with His
22:33 without His power, that's legalism.
22:36 And grace actually is a global word,
22:38 this isn't just isolated to Bible. Actually even in some,
22:42 there have been some who interpreted the word grace
22:45 in Hindu religion as being something that
22:48 you merit based on your works. And that's not we are
22:51 talking about here, no. This isn't something
22:53 that you work for and then God says oh good job,
22:56 I'm gonna give you grace now.
22:57 No, it's the grace that empowers you to work,
23:00 to do the good work. Absolutely.
23:02 So... Works are impossible for us to do
23:05 without the grace of God. Exactly.
23:07 And so that's really Ephesians 2:8 through 10,
23:09 right there and that's what you're talking about here.
23:11 For someone to say and this goes back to the Jew verse
23:15 that we read in our first, in our first program
23:18 which was that some have crept in unnoticed
23:21 who turn the grace of God
23:22 into a license for immorality.
23:23 Paul is also debunking that notion.
23:25 He is saying, she just go ahead and sinning,
23:27 so grace can abound. Of course not!
23:30 Grace is to deliver you from the power of sin.
23:33 That's a very important point.
23:35 Amen, praise God. Now let's look at,
23:37 kind of to recap from where we went from last,
23:41 the last program to where we're today.
23:44 We define the difference between grace and mercy.
23:47 Grace receiving a power or something from God
23:50 that we don't deserve, that's His unmerited favor,
23:54 that's His blessing bestowed upon us.
23:56 Mercy is not receiving judgment,
23:58 not receiving from God, something we actually
24:00 do deserve. So now as we shift them into grace
24:03 and we look at the true meaning of grace
24:05 and its power and strength. We read a verse
24:09 from 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient
24:11 for you: for my strength is made perfect
24:14 in your weakness." And then now a new verse
24:18 I'll share here with you from Ephesians Chapter 3 verse 7,
24:22 "Where Paul says that he became a minister
24:25 according to the gift of the grace of God
24:28 given to me by the effective working of His power."
24:33 Now I love that, because in here Paul is saying
24:37 that he became a minister by the grace of God
24:41 for the effective working of his power, right.
24:45 There is no power in our life. There is no power
24:48 in my life as a pastor. I can have no strength
24:51 unless God bestow His grace upon me every single day
24:56 throughout the day. That is the power
24:58 I get from God that enables me to live
25:01 the Christ like life. And Kevin,
25:05 I wanna share something, I wanna confess
25:07 and maybe you can probably identify with me here.
25:11 There are days I wake up and I get going
25:14 and I hit the day running, haven't spent time
25:17 with the Lord like I should, haven't prayed
25:20 and asked for His grace and I haven't asked for His power
25:23 to fill me through the indwelling spirit.
25:26 And I'm going through that day and all of a sudden
25:28 I'm a little irritated, little angry, little upset.
25:32 I lash back at somebody, I'm little harsh my wife says
25:35 well almost that kind was hurtful.
25:37 And I convicted right there, you know what,
25:39 I haven't spent this day,
25:41 haven't started this day with Jesus.
25:44 And it's not that I've lived the day unsaved,
25:51 God in His mercy doesn't throw me out.
25:55 But He doesn't forsake you.
25:56 You don't throw a family member out because
25:57 they make a mistake, but He is patiently there waiting,
26:00 you know, looking for me to ask for the grace,
26:03 the power to live that day which I haven't done.
26:06 I'm powerless! And it's daily choice.
26:08 It has to be a daily choice. I've got to get back
26:11 on my knees and sometimes it's too late.
26:13 Oh, not too late, it's too late in the day
26:16 to where it really matters a lot for that day.
26:18 And then you find yourself saying,
26:19 Lord please give me grace, forgive me.
26:22 Give me grace and mercy because it's not going well
26:26 and I thought... I look forward to that, absolutely.
26:28 I confess that that happens to me sometimes
26:30 and I need to remind myself each day
26:32 when I wake up. Lord, I pray for the baptism
26:36 of the Holy Spirit. I die daily to my sin as Paul said.
26:41 I seek your grace through the outpouring
26:44 of your Holy Spirit in my life, bring that pour out
26:46 that grace upon me, so that I might live this day
26:49 with You at the center of my life
26:52 and with Your power as my strength to overcome
26:55 the temptation when it comes,
26:56 because I know it's gonna come. Sure.
26:58 And it's when we don't do that,
26:59 when we don't spend time in the word
27:01 and with Christ that we overcome.
27:05 It seemed to be acting more upon impulse than
27:07 reason and power, you know. Yeah.
27:09 It's almost like you're saying somebody says
27:11 some that blind sight us and, you know,
27:13 you lash back and then you're like oh where
27:16 that come from. Yeah, I didn't spend that time
27:19 with the Lord this morning. And that's what it goes back
27:22 to relationship which really goes back to,
27:24 you know, the whole work of salvation, you know,
27:27 it's an invitation to a life transforming relationship
27:31 with Christ. And if it's a relationship
27:32 we got to spend time with Him.
27:34 And if we don't spend... well, we know
27:35 what happens if we don't spend time with our wives.
27:37 We know with any relationship,
27:38 you don't spend time with the person,
27:39 it dismantles, it crumbles. Yeah.
27:43 So yes, absolutely, got to spend time.
27:44 So think about this, so if the devil knows that
27:48 wouldn't he send people into the church to teach
27:52 that grace is simply the saving part
27:54 and that let's add this doctrine.
27:57 One saved always saved to it,
27:59 so that when people think that it's just kind of
28:03 a favor of God as He gives you the gift of grace,
28:05 that's all it needed to start you off with,
28:07 then you are good, right, and you are good always.
28:10 Isn't it just like him to kind of throw those doctrines in
28:13 to diminish our need everyday to depend upon
28:16 the power and strength of God?
28:17 And it's appealing, it's appealing
28:20 because we're carnal at heart
28:23 and it's not our inclination to do what is right.
28:25 You don't want to die to ourselves?
28:27 Oh! No, we don't, you know, because that takes work...
28:29 Ellen Sister White said the greatest battle ever fought
28:31 was the battle against self.
28:32 And I know that from experience,
28:34 you know that from experience.
28:35 And wouldn't it, isn't it appearing just to think well
28:39 it doesn't matter what kind of person I'm.
28:40 You know, I mean I don't like myself
28:42 but at least the Lord's grace just covers me
28:44 and I'm safe, you know.
28:45 So I, so I know this we're all fighting
28:47 a loosing battle anyway.
28:48 I'm just gonna throw in the towel and,
28:49 you know, when Jesus comes then I'll be translated.
28:51 Right. You know, that's not the way it is.
28:53 Not the way it works. No.
28:54 So it's got an appeal to it,
28:56 but very deceptive appeal to it.
28:58 And it makes God look good, you know,
29:00 kind of oh, yeah, sure His grace covers you.
29:02 He is so taller. Yeah.
29:03 He is so taller, He is so loving,
29:04 you know, but that's not.
29:06 It sounds good, but the end is really...
29:08 its corrupting ourselves really.
29:10 You know, I feel almost prompt you right now
29:12 to just kind of make an appeal
29:13 because I know some out there might be experiencing
29:16 that defeat everyday.
29:17 You know, the enemy has beat me up
29:20 everyday with this one sin.
29:22 You know, whether it be a lifestyle issue
29:24 or whether it be, you know, immoral issue or something,
29:29 you know, that I know God doesn't want this in my life,
29:31 but I've been beat up with it everyday
29:32 and I'm just at the point of giving up.
29:34 Why hasn't God delivered me, I prayed for it?
29:36 You know, I just want to encourage you
29:38 in the morning there are few steps to go through
29:41 in the process of re-establishing
29:44 that connection with God
29:46 and we talked about some of them already.
29:47 We talked about dying to self
29:50 and in the first part of dying to self
29:52 is not stepping out and going throughout the day
29:54 without spending time with Christ.
29:55 Dying to self is, I'm gonna set myself down
29:58 and I'm gonna spend time in the word
29:59 with my God, my Savior.
30:02 Setting your life, your will, your way aside
30:05 and allowing Him to come in
30:06 and ask for the Holy Spirit
30:07 to fill you with strength with power.
30:10 Ask for the grace of God to renew its part,
30:14 or its peace, its element within that salvation
30:18 experience that God promised you from the beginning.
30:21 Don't see it as a one time event.
30:23 Allow the grace to have that full impact
30:26 in your life again, in fact, each and every day.
30:28 And ask Christ to fill you with His spirit
30:31 which brings Christ into your life
30:33 and put Him at the helm of you ship.
30:36 Put Him in the driver seat of your car
30:41 and ask Him to do the driving that day.
30:43 Because as you do that and you're walking daily
30:46 with Christ in the spirit,
30:47 that's when the temptations come.
30:49 He gives you the power at the moment to overcome it.
30:52 You don't receive power
30:54 at the moment the temptation comes.
30:56 You receive power at the beginning of the day
30:58 that carries you through the temptations.
31:00 So your battery being charged.
31:02 You know, it's got to be charged,
31:04 if it's not charged and you go to get those
31:05 jumper cables to maybe jump to another battery,
31:08 it's not gonna work. Right.
31:09 How long will a quick dollar of gas
31:12 in your gas tank take you? Exactly.
31:14 It'll take you an hour, but, you know,
31:16 the tempter keeps coming, you need a full tank
31:18 at the beginning of the day.
31:19 And here's another for those who are discouraged
31:21 like you're addressing. Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 7,
31:25 but to each one of us grace was given
31:28 according to the measure of Christ's gift.
31:32 To each one of us.
31:33 And His grace has been given to everybody.
31:35 Grace has been given to you
31:37 according to the measure of Christ's gift.
31:39 And what was the measure of Christ gift?
31:41 Infinite! Infinite, you know.
31:44 But it's a gift, you know, like you said
31:46 think of it as a gift every morning,
31:48 you got to think it. That's right.
31:49 And you got to reach out and take it,
31:51 you know, and spend time with the Lord
31:52 and thank Him for it. Yeah.
31:54 Hart, you know, maybe we've been fearful,
31:58 we haven't understood grace in this way
31:59 and we haven't prayed pour out
32:00 Your grace upon me today.
32:02 You know, this is why the new meaning,
32:04 new meaning, it's an old meaning but it needs
32:06 to comeback to the forefront again, the power of grace,
32:08 this is where it comes into play.
32:09 Lord, I need your grace today,
32:11 pour out your grace and harmony throughout day
32:13 with whatever I need.
32:14 Also like you said, I think in one other,
32:16 I think in the last program maybe before...
32:18 that we sometimes focus so much on the mercy
32:19 and we forget about the empowering aspect of grace.
32:22 You know, wake up in the morning Bible says,
32:24 His mercies are new every morning.
32:25 Thank you for your mercy.
32:26 But more than your mercy Lord, I want power,
32:28 I need your grace. I need your grace.
32:30 because I know you're merciful.
32:32 And I wouldn't be here today if you weren't merciful,
32:34 but I want power to overcome,
32:36 you know, the things in my life.
32:37 I want power to live the Christian life.
32:39 I want power to be a benevolent person
32:43 to someone or to have a kind word...
32:45 Giving heart. giving heart, absolutely.
32:47 You know, just to recap from those
32:49 who may have missed the last program.
32:51 Grace, we defined as receiving something
32:54 that we don't deserve. Mercy as not receiving
32:58 something that we do deserve. Right.
33:00 So mercy is God giving it to us,
33:03 giving something to us, power, strength,
33:05 a blessing, whatever it is.
33:07 We don't deserve it, but He still gives it to us.
33:09 Mercy is He doesn't judge us, He doesn't condemn,
33:12 He gives us opportunity to walk with Him
33:15 and to be created a new. Right.
33:17 And so that is the mercy of God.
33:19 And so that's the difference we talked about last time,
33:22 I'm not sure we recap that.
33:23 But let me read a verse here,
33:24 Kevin, as we could as go forward from Romans 1
33:27 and I think you almost got there in your,
33:29 or maybe little passage actually in Romans 1
33:31 where you quoted from. Romans 1 verse 5 says,
33:34 Through Him we received grace
33:37 and apostleship for what, for obedience to the faith.
33:41 So grace is given to us
33:44 so that we might obey our faith.
33:47 The faith that we've began in our relationship
33:50 in our walk with Christ. Right, exactly.
33:52 So grace is there to give us power
33:54 and strength to obey. All right, now let me share
33:58 something here to kind of take this
34:00 to kind of a next step. I've a friend of mine
34:02 and he is doing a lot of studying and experimenting.
34:08 He works for a company, I won't name the company
34:10 to kind of put him on the spot,
34:11 but he works for a company that does
34:12 a lot of research in the area of soy.
34:15 And as you know Adventist have been big on soy
34:18 for a long time, you know.
34:20 And, so there are definitely some health benefits
34:22 in eating a healthy lifestyle that include soy.
34:26 Too much soy is not good, but a level of soy provides
34:29 protein that we need for our life.
34:30 So anyway he is doing the, his company is doing
34:33 research on this, and they've blow down
34:38 to what they believe they found
34:40 which is the mechanism of action, so to speak.
34:43 The thing that provides the active agent
34:46 for the health benefits we receive in soy
34:50 and that active agent is called lunasin.
34:54 And you may heard, hear of this in the future coming
34:56 from this company. Anyway it's called lunasin,
34:59 so they are trying to extract or create beans
35:03 and even flower from the soybeans
35:05 that have high levels of lunasin
35:07 that provide more of a benefit,
35:10 that provides also the active agent for health. Right.
35:13 And so in doing this, you know,
35:15 as I was thinking about this.
35:17 I thought, you know, they considered this text
35:21 Ephesians 2 verses 8 and 9 there and 10 included.
35:25 For by grace we've been saved through faith.
35:29 And I thought wait a minute.
35:30 Faith is really so to speak the mechanism of action.
35:34 The activating agent for grace. Right.
35:37 so when we engage our faith which is active.
35:40 We put our faith in trusting God praying for His grace
35:44 that activates God in moving His heart
35:47 toward us to give us, bestow upon us His grace.
35:51 So several times I know that Jesus said
35:54 your faith has healed you, you faith has made you well.
35:58 Or when they couldn't cast out the demon,
36:00 you didn't have enough faith.
36:03 Faith was this activating agent that often
36:05 we don't want to exercise.
36:07 We're trying to do ourselves, but we need
36:09 to exercise the faith that God has given.
36:11 Now, I like the way you put it,
36:13 everyone is given a measure of it.
36:14 You've got faith, right, you need to exercise it.
36:17 And as you exercise it, that mechanism of action
36:21 that moves the hand of God, your faith will grow.
36:25 That's why I lik Hebrews 11:6, it says,
36:28 "But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
36:31 for he who come to God must believe
36:33 that He exists. But not just that
36:35 but that He is a rewarder of those
36:38 who diligently seek Him.
36:39 If you are diligently seeking God,
36:41 then you're certainly number one,
36:42 you obviously have to believe He exists.
36:44 But when you're actively exercising in those
36:47 faith muscles we want to use that term,
36:49 God will reward that and that's the beauty of faith,
36:52 you know, and obviously Jesus said
36:54 if anyone has faith as a mustard seed
36:55 and in fact, it was relevant to the story of the disciples
36:58 that couldn't cast out the demon out of that boy.
37:01 When you think of a mustard seed,
37:03 some will say the size of mustard seed,
37:06 but I think Jesus says as a mustard seed.
37:08 Look at the conditions in which a mustard seed grows
37:11 or any seed for that matter, right.
37:13 Dark, dirty, damp, cold, it's uncomfortable, yes.
37:16 But, yet those are the very conditions in which
37:18 life springs out, you know,
37:20 where that seed will flourish.
37:22 And so if in those conditions we can flourish in Christ,
37:26 that's what is faith, yeah, you know.
37:28 You know, you really opened
37:31 just a whole huge thing for me.
37:33 When you quoted that verse because
37:35 without faith it's impossible to please Him,
37:37 but those who do exercise faith, He rewards.
37:41 You know, we talked, we already defined grace
37:43 as being the favor of God bestowed upon us,
37:47 that includes reward.
37:50 So whether it be a blessing that comes,
37:52 whether it be strength, that's a blessing.
37:54 But those are also a reward of faith.
37:58 Right, Exactly.
37:59 So faith comes first to activate to move
38:01 the hand of God that blesses, that rewards us.
38:05 And that reward is often times grace
38:08 in our life, you know.
38:10 Yeah, praise the Lord. You know, and that's
38:13 what a great way to think about our experience
38:15 of salvation today on this earth.
38:17 We're experiencing the rewards of heaven early.
38:22 We don't have to wait for the rewards
38:23 of the kingdom to come, but we can be rewarded
38:27 or experience those rewards even today
38:29 as we live and walk in Christ.
38:31 And that's what makes the Christian walk so enjoyable.
38:33 You know, we don't have to walk with our heads down,
38:35 moping and groping in this world.
38:36 We're not left unto ourselves.
38:38 You know, we serve a God who loves us,
38:40 who cares for us, who said He will never leave us
38:42 nor forsake us, and He has provided grace for us.
38:45 So every time a circumstance arise,
38:47 a challenge put it that way,
38:48 in our life we're not left alone.
38:50 God will provide grace and it's a joy knowing that,
38:54 you know. It's a joy knowing that when,
38:57 you know, the sum total of your income
39:02 does not equal the sum total of your out going bills.
39:07 That's right, that's right.
39:08 That God still has grace.
39:09 You know, He hasn't left us or forsaken us.
39:12 That's nice though we can ask for that
39:13 and we can certainly believe that He will give it to us.
39:15 Yeah, you know, I think day by day
39:17 as we experience the grace of God in our lives,
39:20 He is doing something in us. He is getting us ready.
39:22 I know that one in the recent program,
39:25 I think part one of this we had a question about
39:30 what's the importance of knowing
39:32 that Christ is in the most holy verses holy,
39:36 His transition from one of the next
39:38 and how that the most Holy is involving
39:40 the cleansing of sin, the putting away of sin,
39:43 the purifying of sin.
39:45 Well, the Bible in the New Testament
39:47 not only in the Book of Hebrews it supports that,
39:50 it tested that as we grow in Christ,
39:52 as we walk in Christ and He bestows
39:55 that grace upon us. He is doing it for a reason,
39:57 He is doing it to cleanse us, to purify us.
40:00 And so I'm gonna read Titus Chapter 2 verses 11 to 14
40:05 and let's see how this text might jump
40:08 out of this more than maybe it had before
40:10 understanding grace in this way.
40:12 You know, it's been power and strength from God,
40:14 in a way that purifies and cleanses us
40:17 in preparation for Christ return.
40:19 Titus Chapter 2 verse 11,
40:22 "For the grace of God that brings salvation
40:25 has appeared to all men.
40:28 Teaching us, notice grace teaches us,
40:33 it teaches us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts
40:37 we should live soberly, righteously, and Godly,
40:40 in this present age looking for the blessed hope,
40:43 and glorious appearing of our great God
40:46 and our Savior Jesus Christ;
40:47 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us
40:50 from every lawless deed, and purify for Himself
40:54 His own special people, zealous for good works."
40:58 You see the consequences then of grace.
41:00 Grace is appeared to all men, a clear statement God is there,
41:03 prepared His grace is poured out upon men.
41:06 We can't partake of that grace.
41:08 In the end of it the verse says
41:09 His own special people I think, yeah.
41:13 His people should be a reflection of Himself.
41:16 Just like usually a son is a reflection of the father
41:19 in most cases, you know.
41:21 If we're Christs', if we call God our father
41:26 and Christ our Lord, shouldn't there be some resemblance,
41:30 you know, what I mean. Absolutely.
41:31 I mean it's undeniable,
41:32 it's all throughout the New Testament.
41:34 His people have always been chosen throughout time
41:36 to exemplify His character and to do His works.
41:40 That's why His works are prepared before hand.
41:42 We keeps coming back to that Ephesians 2:10.
41:44 So this, you see this progression of the grace of God
41:47 appearing to all men teaching us
41:50 to deny ungodliness and worldly lust.
41:53 In other words, it's not, now I've been saved I can,
41:56 I'm not accountable to God for keeping His law
41:59 and doing things that he should.
42:00 No, this verse is quiet the opposite.
42:02 I've received the grace of God,
42:04 He pours out that grace on me,
42:05 so that I might resist and not allow myself
42:09 to be corrupted again to fall back into the old way of life.
42:12 To live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age.
42:16 And I'll tell you there has never been an age
42:18 as there is today where God's grace is so needed in that,
42:24 it is exemplified.
42:26 It is revealed in our works, in who we are,
42:28 in our character we show who God is.
42:31 We show who God is through our relationship with Him
42:34 and especially in our relationship with each other.
42:37 You know, Jesus said by this all men will know that
42:40 you're my disciples, if you have love for one another.
42:44 There should certainly be a,
42:45 obviously a vertical relationship, right,
42:48 indicate and an expression of that relationship
42:51 should be seen in our life and actions.
42:53 But there is also a horizontal relationship
42:55 between us and our fellow men.
42:57 That should also reflect that ultimate relationship
43:01 we have with Christ.
43:02 So how does grace,
43:04 if we are recipients of grace is there a way that we can,
43:07 you know, give grace to others
43:09 I guess if you want to put there some.
43:11 Yeah, absolute. You know, one of the things
43:12 that I think about, you know, you commented love.
43:14 You know, elsewhere in scripture
43:16 I'm not remembering exactly what verse it is,
43:18 but it talks about that the love of God
43:19 is poured into our hearts.
43:21 We need, we can't love,
43:25 you cannot conjure up a godly love
43:27 unconditional love for your fellow man.
43:29 No, because we're selfish by nature.
43:31 Yeah, probably the closest thing to I would say
43:33 if you wanted to conjure it up would be
43:34 when a parent has love for his child.
43:37 But that even can vain over time
43:39 because if a child becomes disobedient, disrespectful,
43:42 you can kind of loose that experience at times.
43:46 But there is always that attachment.
43:47 But God wants to pour that love into our heart
43:50 for all mankind and He does that by His grace.
43:53 So even grace is tied to our change,
43:57 the change, the love change that happens within us.
44:01 When you say Lord pour out your love into me,
44:03 because I don't have that love that you have.
44:05 You're saying by your grace give me your love.
44:10 You know, make me more loving because I don't have it.
44:13 And people like that, you know.
44:15 Nobody would deny the fact that people are attracted
44:19 to other people who are very loving and kind, yes.
44:22 And we don't see lot of that this day and age.
44:24 We see, we live in a world where people are,
44:27 I guess I use the term blood thirsty, you know.
44:31 Recently there was a huge trial
44:33 that got national attention with a young lady.
44:35 She was acquitted from the charges
44:38 she was made and people were angry.
44:40 You know, they were just upset, there was riots,
44:43 there was picketing injustice.
44:44 First thing for justice, but if that were their own child
44:48 they wouldn't want justice, would they.
44:50 You know, so we need to see grace and mercy.
44:54 Which is why we entrust in Lord and say vengeance is mine ...,
44:57 exactly, I will repay says the Lord.
45:00 You know, here's another text along the lines of grace,
45:02 purifying us and creating good works.
45:06 Second Corinthians 9 verse 8
45:09 says, "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you."
45:15 Notice that, not just a single event
45:17 but all grace abound toward you
45:20 that you always having all sufficiency in all things
45:26 may have an abundance for every good work.
45:29 So the grace will abound towards us from God
45:32 that we've sufficiency and in abundance
45:35 to create or to generate good works in us.
45:38 So that's the case.
45:39 If His grace creates good works through in us,
45:42 who is doing the good works?
45:44 God of course is doing the good work.
45:45 So when someone says to you, Kevin,
45:48 well, you and the Sabbath thing,
45:51 that's just legalism, you know,
45:54 having to rest on the Sabbath,
45:56 saying that's how the day not working,
45:58 you know, that's just legalism.
46:01 Your response then could be, no it's God's grace,
46:04 being poured out upon me generating the desire
46:08 within my heart to love Him,
46:10 to please Him and to obey Him.
46:12 Sure. And these are one of the works
46:14 that's I do to obey Him.
46:15 It's as I chose not to murder,
46:19 I chose not to steal, I chose not to lie.
46:22 Those are commandments.
46:23 I chose not to break the seventh day Sabbath.
46:26 Which is why David said,
46:27 "Great peace have they which love thy law."
46:30 Who doesn't want peace. that's right.
46:31 You know, it's a beautiful thing.
46:33 Amen. But people see it as,
46:35 you're right people see it as legalism. Right.
46:37 amidst of rules, you know,
46:38 but no, this is an enjoyment.
46:40 This is the grace of God living through them
46:42 that generates these good works
46:43 and when you call them legalism
46:45 what do you doing in fact. Right.
46:46 You're calling God working through somebody a legalist.
46:50 I mean, you're taking God not this person in that.
46:53 We have to be careful of that as well
46:55 because we don't know the motives of the heart.
46:58 All right, you know, there is something
47:00 that also I wanted to kind of conclude our topic
47:04 with today that is closely tied to grace.
47:08 That is so necessary and important
47:09 for us to understand. And that is the difference
47:12 between the two things that the spirit brings to us.
47:16 The two things given to the Church
47:18 that directly come as a result of the spirit's working.
47:22 Because anything the spirit does
47:24 is because of God's grace.
47:25 Because the spirit coming to us to do something for us
47:29 that we don't deserve is God's grace.
47:32 It is that simple to understand.
47:35 The Spirit of God brings two things.
47:37 Number one He brings fruit.
47:40 The fruit of the spirit are found there
47:42 in Galatians 5:22 and 23 and you see that fruit
47:45 involves in inward change. Inward change of our life
47:48 the way we think, the way we act,
47:50 those are the things that the spirit
47:53 then does within us by God's grace.
47:56 But there is something else.
47:57 There are gifts of the spirit.
48:00 And those gifts are given for the identification
48:02 of the Church, for the moving of the Church
48:04 forward in its work of ministry
48:06 and that is also by God's grace
48:09 and by the work of the Holy Spirit.
48:12 So in many respects, in these two things
48:14 no matter which one they are,
48:16 the Holy Spirit is the vehicle
48:18 by which God's grace is bestowed.
48:22 So we pray that God would pull out His grace upon us,
48:24 but what we really praying is that
48:25 the Holy Spirit would work.
48:27 True. Work through us.
48:29 Work through us. So He is...
48:31 in fact, the first thing, I mentioned fruit first
48:33 because that's the most important.
48:34 He changes us from within so He works in us first
48:38 and then He imparts gifts to us as He changes us
48:43 so that He might work through us.
48:45 Exactly. These two things
48:49 should not be confused or merged together.
48:51 And here's where I want kind of admonish
48:53 the church out there. If someone is saying
48:57 and I've had this happened before as a pastor,
48:58 well, you know pastor, I witness because
49:02 I just am Christ like. And God changes me
49:07 from within and people see that and they say,
49:08 you know, you're a different person.
49:10 And I say praise the Lord.
49:11 You know, first step encourage them.
49:14 God does change us that is the witness.
49:17 But God has also given us a voice,
49:20 He has given us hands and feet,
49:22 He has given us things that we can use,
49:26 our bodies that we can be used by Him to bestow
49:29 blessing upon others. Right.
49:31 And that is in the form of gifts.
49:34 So He changes us, gives us fruit
49:37 and He bestows gifts upon the Church,
49:39 upon us as individuals. We all have at least one
49:42 that God will ask us to use for Him
49:44 for the work of ministry, for the reaching of the world
49:48 with everlasting Gospel.
49:49 And that is not just preaching with our mouth,
49:53 there is a gift of preaching, there is a gift of pastoring.
49:55 There is a gift of teaching.
49:56 But it also involves the gift of hospitality,
49:59 the gift of helping others, the gift of giving,
50:02 the gift of encouraging words.
50:04 All these gifts are part of God's grace manifested to us
50:08 through the work of that Holy Spirit.
50:10 And you may be going to that verse right
50:12 because it's almost kind of what you're saying
50:14 Romans 12 verses 6-10 says,
50:18 "having then gifts differing according to the grace
50:22 that is given to us, let us use them, right.
50:25 And into the prophecy, let us prophecy proportion
50:28 to our faith, ministry let us minister."
50:30 We have seen there is stuff more then this
50:31 and, of course, you find that in verse 8.
50:33 "He who exhorts, in his exhortation;
50:34 he who gives, with liberality;
50:37 he who leads, with diligence;
50:38 he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness."
50:40 And then verse 9,
50:41 "let love be without hypocrisy.
50:42 Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good."
50:44 Then I go to verse 10, sorry,
50:46 "be kindly affectionate to one to another."
50:49 this is all in the same context of the gift,
50:50 the gift of grace, affectionate to one another
50:53 with brotherly love and honor giving preference
50:57 to one another. You know...
51:00 Which verse, tell me which verse you are at?
51:01 Oh, I'm sorry verse 10. Romans 12 verse 10.
51:04 Okay. I just wrapped it up.
51:05 "Be kindly affectionate to one to another."
51:08 Grace empowers us like you said should create
51:11 a change with in us. And then you've got
51:13 the grace that has given to us different gifts
51:16 but we're to use those gifts like you're talking
51:19 about for the up building of the body of Christ
51:21 which is the Church. Amen.
51:23 More simply put a relationship
51:24 with one another, you know.
51:27 The verse you had is not actually in the thing here.
51:29 It was not okay. I'm gonna add it
51:31 so that's a really good one. Yeah, sure.
51:32 But thinking about grace, you know, having the gifts.
51:34 Talking about having the gifts given to people
51:36 according to the grace given to you.
51:39 Well, clearly the connection of grace
51:41 there to gifts and everything we do as ministers
51:43 for Christ is part of the experience
51:46 we have in our walk with Him.
51:49 Again back to that, walks He prepared be,
51:51 works He prepared be for Him
51:52 that we should walk in them.
51:54 Exactly. So it's not by grace that we've been saved,
51:56 past tense saved once and for all but save in, you know.
52:03 Amen. You know, these things are so,
52:07 they all tied together, don't they? They do.
52:08 I mean grace and works and food and gifts and faith,
52:14 the activating agent for all of these things
52:17 and then knowing that this grace is beyond
52:19 just the free gift of salvation given to us.
52:21 Once you receive this and you start to read
52:23 the scriptures especially New Testament
52:25 where it talks a lot about grace,
52:26 it expands your knowledge of God
52:29 and His love for you and His plan
52:31 and His will for your life in calling you to ministry.
52:35 Sure. And this activity I speak of,
52:36 you ought to do words study on grace
52:38 you would find the concordance tons of uses of the word
52:42 Grace in the New Testament. I mean it's everywhere
52:44 Amen. And it's a beautiful thing.
52:46 It is such a critical component of our salvation
52:50 experience, you know, because it affects
52:53 everything about who we are.
52:55 I shared a sermon along these lines.
52:58 I spoke about, mentioned that recently,
53:00 it's "The Gift That Keeps On Giving"
53:01 which is great title.
53:03 "The Gift That Keeps On Giving."
53:04 Right, sure.
53:05 I preached this message and it was,
53:06 you know, before fairly large audience
53:09 and several came up to me afterwards
53:11 and these are Adventist Christians
53:13 who know their scriptures
53:15 and they said never heard it before.
53:18 Never saw it in my life, how did I miss that.
53:22 I got to go back and study Grace again.
53:24 And this wasn't just one or two.
53:25 I mean, five, six, seven, ten times I heard this.
53:28 Even from pastors. I'm gonna go back and learn.
53:32 That gives me some kind of go looking
53:34 and talk about Grace for.
53:35 We sometimes think that we need to find ways
53:37 to talk about the grace of God,
53:39 and I think we get dumbfounded
53:41 for how to expand that
53:43 because we have reduced grace to being this
53:46 one time salvation event or a merited favor.
53:49 When there is so much more in there about grace
53:52 and I hope and pray that our listeners
53:55 and our viewers today are being impacted
53:56 by that because it impacted my life.
53:58 It changed my life once I saw this in the Word of God,
54:02 it just means so much more to me now
54:04 God's grace than when I've heard it before.
54:07 Yeah, beautiful and really is.
54:09 You know, one thing I like to end on just maybe really quick
54:11 because we talked about it a couple of times
54:14 before this thing about, once saved always saved.
54:17 You know, the grace of God saved me,
54:19 and it's one of the times that,
54:20 one of the things I struggled with this term God saved.
54:24 You know, God saved, it's almost like got milk, right.
54:27 You know, it becomes trivial.
54:29 Well people throw that around there a lot
54:31 and to me I say I've been saved or I've got saved,
54:36 I got saved, but I'm being saved everyday by God's grace.
54:41 It's an ongoing salvation experience.
54:44 I've always been little bit worry about that, that seemed...
54:45 Yeah. I would say I met Christ at this time,
54:49 or I was saved. Yeah, yeah.
54:52 But I bring this out because this doctrine is out there.
54:55 You know, "once saved always saved."
54:56 I refer to it is the doctrine of insecurity.
55:00 And I refer it to insecurity using insecurity
55:03 because it usually raises an eyebrow
55:04 because people believe that this doctrine helps
55:07 to give them security.
55:09 And the question is always asked and I ask this of some,
55:14 so you're saying that a person is being saved
55:16 and goes back to the old lifestyle of murdering
55:18 and drinking and smoking and all the stuff, so they're saved.
55:21 Well no, and the answer always is,
55:25 they were never really saved in the first one.
55:27 You know, they didn't really get the gift of salvation.
55:30 My question right there is then how do you know yourself?
55:34 Did you say the right words?
55:35 Did you had the right experience?
55:38 And if you start to get into those things
55:39 or you thinking in your mind maybe I'm,
55:41 you know, maybe I'm not saved.
55:43 You see, I know I'm saved biblically
55:46 because I'm walking in the newness of life with Christ.
55:49 Exactly. If I fall away from Christ
55:51 and I get into the life of sin again
55:53 I know I need to repent and comeback to Christ
55:55 and He will save me.
55:56 But I'm not constantly thinking
55:58 am I in or out right now.
55:59 Did I receive the saving grace of God
56:02 when I asked to be saved or did I not?
56:04 Right. And now you'll understand
56:05 why it is the doctrine of insecurity... of insecurity,
56:07 true nothing secure about that at all.
56:08 Right, did I do it right, you know, and there is people
56:10 running around thinking well my life doesn't show
56:12 that I've been saved but,
56:13 you know, they tell me I got saved.
56:15 Right, how do you know?
56:16 What's the marker, you know.
56:18 And it's this moving target and it is so,
56:21 it breeds insecurity.
56:23 And so I just want to encourage our friends out there that,
56:27 that doctrine not only it is not a biblical doctrine
56:30 but it does exactly the opposite of what they say it will do.
56:33 It breeds insecurity...
56:35 Which really breads further rebellion if you think about it.
56:38 Because if you're not secure about
56:39 how the Lord feels about you,
56:41 if you're not secure in your salvation experience
56:42 with Him it is discouraging.
56:45 And the more you get discouraged the more you give up.
56:47 The more you give up, the more you get into,
56:49 you know, you really been in deeper ways.
56:51 So... And where is worthless rags,
56:53 I mean our lives are as worthless rags
56:55 but we're not worthless to Christ.
56:59 He paid the ultimate price for us.
57:01 And friends He paid the ultimate price for you
57:04 and He offers you the gift of His grace through faith,
57:09 salvation from your sins and then offers,
57:12 makes that offer continuingly through His grace,
57:15 through His Holy Spirit imported to you to give you power
57:18 and strength to live the life that Christ is giving you
57:22 from this day forward to walk in the newness of life
57:25 and harmony with His way and His precepts.
57:28 We want to encourage you in that walk today asking you
57:31 for the grace of Christ in your life.
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17